The minute the debt ceiling was raised . . . . And I mean, AS SOON as the debt ceiling was raised, the national debt jumped by $339 billion. And that angers me, because it proves beyond all doubt that the money is not being spent on the country, it is being stolen outright and being put in someone's bank account. QUESTION: AND A GOOD ONE: How can the debt jump by $334 billion during the same year the Federal government received record high tax revenue? There is only one answer, one we know all too well - the current power structure has no goal other than to rob the American people, at the same time they create a debt that can never be paid. After this, I am confident - They want to create a situation where the American people owe communist nations everything, including their lives, as slaves, forever. Once they crash this country good and hard, it absolutely will belong to the communists, and there is no way out of it. What a way to lose a war! There is a war being fought against the American people on many fronts, it is out in the open and if anything could prove it, $339 billion in debt overnight as soon as they could, right smack dab in the middle of the highest tax revenue year in history proves it like nothing else could. Do you know how much $339 billion is? It is a LOT more than the total economic output of many first world nations, and I am not talking taxes, I mean the entire life of many first world nations. It is a LOT of cash. How does that get thrown on the American people in addition to a far worse scenario - the overall debt, overnight? How does this happen? Only in war folks, ONLY IN WAR. If anything could signal this country is finished, what happened when the debt ceiling was raised says it loud and clear. An enemy walks the halls of government, as sure as any takeover achieved by bombing.

The Minute the Debt Ceiling Was Raised . .

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The minute the debt ceiling was raised . . . .And I mean, AS SOON as the debt ceiling was raised, the national debt jumped by $339 billion. And that angers me, because it proves beyond all doubt that the money is not being spent on the country, it is being stolen outright and being put in someone's bank account.

QUESTION: AND A GOOD ONE: How can the debt jump by $334 billion during the same year the Federal government received record high tax revenue? There is only one answer, one we know all too well - the current power structure has no goal other than to rob the American people, at the same time they create a debt that can never be paid. After this, I am confident - They want to create a situation where the American people owe communist nations everything, including their lives, as slaves, forever. Once they crash this country good and hard, it absolutely will belong to the communists, and there is no way out of it. What a way to lose a war!

There is a war being fought against the American people on many fronts, it is out in the open and if anything could prove it, $339 billion in debt overnight as soon as they could, right smack dab in the middle of the highest tax revenue year in history proves it like nothing else could. Do you know how much $339 billion is? It is a LOT more than the total economic output of many first world nations, and I am not talking taxes, I mean the entire life of many first world nations. It is a LOT of cash. How does that get thrown on the American people in addition to a far worse scenario - the overall debt, overnight? How does this happen? Only in war folks, ONLY IN WAR.

If anything could signal this country is finished, what happened when the debt ceiling was raised says it loud and clear. An enemy walks the halls of government, as sure as any takeover achieved by bombing.

Facebook losing popularity

Facebook is moaning about how people are not updating their pages enough with personal private info for the government to steal. Gee, hopefully Facebook was a fad and people really did not wise up, because cattle stampedes to the next new thing seem to have a lot more impact than common sense!

Anyway, new posts to Faceplant are down by almost half, in just one year! a great sign for many. This washington times article is paywalled but there is still enough good news visible to make anyone smile.

Verizon started censoring mailsAny mail that has a link is automatically rejected as spam.


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This is going viral in forums and blogs, and evidently is completely true.

Verizon has begun censoring emails SENT by customers; ANY email containing ANY hyperlink, is auto-rejected as "SPAM" even if it is related to your business dealings or research!

It began on or about October 27, 2015 when a customer of Verizon FiOS tried to send an email reply to someone as part of an ongoing conversation. In the e-mail was a link to a story on the Internet that the Verizon FiOS customer had previously been discussing with his client. Strangely, the e-mail was rejected seconds later, when the customer received an email saying:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: I took the liberty of

Sent: 11/2/2015 8:40 AM

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

'Ronald G. Russo' on 11/2/2015 8:40 AM

554 5.7.1 The message you attempted to send was determined to be spam. Please visit http://www.verizon.net/spamfaq for more information.

Clicking on the link within the rejection notice took the Verizon FiOS customer to a web page wherein Verizon described how to try to get this changed. After following the procedure outlined, and waiting about an hour as instructed, the Verizon FiOS customer tried once again to send the exact same email. It too, was rejected automatically.

Over the course of the next week, this type of auto-rejection took place more frequently, in emails between the Verizon FiOS customer and his mother, his attorney, his business clients. This prompted the Verizon FiOS customer to engage in a CHAT with FiOS customer Service.

In chat #11031512909 which took place on November 3, 2015, Verizon's customer service tech named "Jaweed" explained that the new SPAM system treated any email containing a hyperlink as "SPAM." When the Verizon FiOS customer made clear he did not pay Verizon to interfere with his communications, or pay Verizon to annoy him, Jaweed escalated the CHAT to a supervisor named "Kirin."

My comment: They can kill the web with this, and prevent any meme from going viral with ease. Just take linking out of e-mails and they can easily body slam the web. Just wait for spam filters to do this also, it already has been happening with this web site for years but for Verizon to do this as a carrier is an entirely new step. Heads up!

Nov 3 2015

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A few mails

Anonymous wrote:

Impressive explanation as usual, this time of the Russian airliner event. The only deductions of yours that I can't accept are the defeatist ones that spell doom for humanity by the Cabal. You can't really square that with your own views of just how crazy these terrorists are in their actions; meaning that they are their own worst enemy, and this is just another example of it.

Who but an imbecile would do this, if only for the inevitable blow-back (literally) from Russia. It is like they consider themselves to be gods and beyond reach of mere mortals. It will be their undoing since they (the Rothschild Zio-Con Cabal) just started a military war between themselves and Russia (who knows their Bolshevik M.O.). With the CIA ISIS Army now trashed in Syria, remaining American Forces under General Dunford will not defend them (Ash Carter be damned). Other treacheries that you fear from them will vanish with their military defeat and war crime trials. My response: I agree that doing this was as rock stupid as it gets, and it took a lot of arrogance. Though I have concluded it was a missile, do you know what I really hope for? For Russia to be able to trace the explosive used, find out it was a bomb on board made with explosives only Israel makes, and for Israeli security to be in charge at the airport the plane took off from. That would be priceless, far better than a missile strike. Hoping . . . . .

Here is an interesting little tidbit:

Anonymous wrote:

TRAVEL CONTROL BY BANKS:In Russia, many citizens are denied boarding airplanes to travel overseas. When a Russian citizen buys a ticket, somehow the Russian Banks know about it. (All Russian banks including central bank are Jewish owned.) If the passenger owes money to a bank (loans/mortgage) the passenger will be denied ticket or if ticket was issued will be denied boarding. The banks do not want passengers to skip the country without paying off their loans. This is Government approved process. By the way all Russian airlines companies (Aeroflot and small operators) are Jew owned.

Another nice little tidbit:

Anonymous wrote:

In the olden days, every country used to print their own passports. They all looked different. Then US required all countries to make their passports using American/Israeli equipment, if they want their citizens to be allowed into US/Europe. Now passports of every country in the world look identical except for the wordings and color. These passport equipments have backdoors and code to transmit information on all passports printed on it, to a website in Israel. They have to be regularly serviced by manufacturer. All the

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passport info may be retained inside for retrieval by service personnel. Now it is easy for Mossad to make fake passports of any person for clandestine operations like the murder in Dubai.

My response: The most counterfeit least legitimate highly questionable passport in the world is the U.S. passport, more people travel fake U.S. than any other brand.

And on that note, Americans are now so broke that anyone carrying a U.S. passport should be heavily scrutinized, after all, how many Americans can actually afford to travel now?

Russian jets banned?

Anonymous wrote:

Airplanes and Airlines

Russia used to fly Russian made TU planes. But now all Russian companies have ditched TU planes and use Boeing or Airbus. I asked the question to a charter company CEO. I was told that if they did not use an aircraft from an approved manufacturer, that airplane and the airplanes from that company will be deemed unsafe and will not be allowed to enter Europen/US airspace.The FAA approved aircrafts are Boeing and Airbus. When Russia built their Sukhoi Superjet, they used American engines and controls. The Chinese airplanes are fitted with American engines as well. Still they are not approved for European / US airspace.

So, everybody in the world has to use Boeing/Airbus. Boeing and Airbus aircraft need to be regularly serviced by their personnel in their own shops. These facilities are invariably Israeli owned. There are no facilities in Russia to service Boeing or Airbus. CIA/Mossad can fit any of these aircraft with whatever they want, including remote controls and spying equipment, during scheduled maintenance. So, if you see an Airbus or Boeing disappear or go straight down, don't be surprised.

My response: The Sukhoi superjet is actually superior in it's segment to Boeing and Airbus. The crash was totally inexplicable, and I managed to trace it down to a remote control crash that happened via a PC terminal in the Philippines. Maybe I will dig up that report, it was all verified.

Anyway, a great way to crush Russia in the commuter air sector is by just arbitrarily banning their planes, I guess that would be a tactic. But that won't stop Sukhoi from kicking the F-35 in the behind on the battlefield, where reality actually plays out and that particular rattle trap dies against Russia.

BINGO: An Israeli security firm DID handle security where this plane took off, and most likely they planted the bomb if it was a bomb:

Anonymous wrote:

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Airplane disaster.

I traveled through Russia two months back. In Moscow SVO, the check-in counter personnel asked a man if the passport of every passenger is OK for check in. he scanned the passport into his notebook computer and physically checked verified it and then gave OK. I asked who is this person. Answer: He is the airlines security. I asked about his badge. I was told that he works for a Russian security company. I said his accent is not Russian. He works for a Russian company that is a branch of a European company. I said he does not look or talks like a European. He is an Israeli who works for a Russian Security company which is a branch of a European company with headquarters in Israel. I said, yes, that makes sense because Israelis provide best security. They agreed and told me that the passenger document scans, body searches, luggage searches, food security, airplane cleaning, garbage collection, and airplane and airport security are all handled by Israeli company. In Moscow Vnukovo and in St. Petersburg and in Kazan and in Novosibirsk, Israelis provided all security. I asked an airline executive why is that a big country like Russia can't provide its own security? He explained that, if Russian airlines and airports do not use one of the approved security firms, the airplanes from Russia will be deemed unsafe and will not be allowed to travel to Europe/US. All the security companies in the list approved by FAA are Israeli owned.

Then I noticed all airports all around the world, including Asia, Middle East (even Dubai and Mecca where Israeli citizens are not allowed to enter the country), Egypt, and China use local Security companies, which are branches of European/American companies with headquarters in Israel. (Iran and North Korea are exceptions. But they don't fly outside.) US is forcing them to use Israeli companies or be banned from Europe and US. Israeli companies decide who gets on an airplane and what bags/items are loaded onto the plane, anywhere in this world. If any bombs explode on any airplane anywhere, you know who placed it there.

Recently a truther British reporter was murdered in Istanbul airport. She was detained by security screening personnel until her plane left without her. Then she was found hanging in the bathroom. The security cameras malfunctioned at that moment so nobody knows how that happened. Istanbul airport security is 100% run by Israeli companies.

My response: That fits. Like a glove. Anonymous wrote:

Before anybody thought about it, in the very beginning you said the refugee problem was deliberately created to destabilize Europe. you said, the poor Syrians cannot afford to travel to and through Europe. you said somebody is financing it. now, pm of hungary is saying this whole thing was orchestrated and financed by Soros. Another kudos to you.

You said right away the plane was brought down by Israeli missile. That is what the head of airlines is saying. But Russia will quietly blame it on mechanical failure. US wants to bring Russia o fight on multiple fronts and lose focus on Syria. That is why they did it. Israel is something Russia cannot win. It is their (communist) baby. Plus Israel/US could

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crush Russia into powder if they go against Israel. That is what the U.S. is hoping for. If you noticed, us/Israel/europe did not express shock or sorrow or condolence or condemnation on this issue. nobody can touch Israel. soon there will be new elections and Putin is retiring and he does not want to start a new front which he can't win and his successors can't handle. His successor is expected to be Jew Medvedev.

Drudge sludgeUpdate: I got an angry mail saying I crapped all over god with the "knuckle dragger" portion of this, I guess if you mention God you are an outcast, and if you even hint at any evolutionary process you are a heretic. So be it. Now on to business:

Drudge report either does occasional charity for writers to boost their careers, OR is too stupid to separate total chaff, OR accepts payoffs for posting certain items.

I have seen too many reports on Drudge that totally irk me over the past few months, the latest two being: "STUDY: Men evolved to walk upright so they could punch with their fists" and "STUDY: Your cat does not love you, it really wants to eat you". And when you click through, it looks like banter from a badly in need of spanking 8th grader, lacking all substance, no study, head spinning tripe that is enough to make me wonder is Drudge accepting payoffs to post such bunk?

I will debunk the "men learned to walk upright" garbage first: Mankind has amazingly coordinated hands with opposable thumbs. This makes the hand useful for detailed work. You can't do detailed work while walking like a dog. And obviously, if a really big brain was in that monkey head, the natural desire would be to stand up a lot, so that big brain could make use of the super dexterous hands. Eventually bodies would change, and perfect upright stance would be the norm.

Obviously the "men learned to walk upright so they could punch" story is a tie in to violence, saying all men are violent. And look, they all stand up straight to prove it! But there is one way to easily, beyond all doubt prove that particular writer wrong, and that would be to plop that writer down into a community of silver back gorillas out in the jungle somewhere and let her learn all about how you don't have to be standing upright to be violent.

Obviously there was no study done, it is a scam but now cute little feminist has something great for her portfolio, I GOT PUBLISHED ON DRUDGE!!!! and the fools who hire, who don't know anything about whatever job they are hiring for, will look at a cute smile, a good attitude, and a fat portfolio, too stupid to even comprehend what is in it, and feminist girly will hire in somewhere up the ladder from intelligent joe, who actually makes the company function. In the subsequent years, Joe will see no pay raises all the while the highly credentialed loser, totally clueless with no reference or value whatsoever, keeps on smiling and floating higher and higher in a sea of similarly papered idiots.

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And yes, your cat does not love you, it really wants to eat you

ANOTHER rock stupid "study" that obviously never happened. Both the knuckle dragger and cat "studies" looked like they were dreamed up by dimwits in a half hour. And obviously whoever wrote the cat study was either phishing for public opinion on the topic, public opinion that would be extracted by AI to find out just how stupid people are and if they really will take such garbage seriously.

I have personal experience with cats. One time, when I had to go away for a month, the cat laid in front of my dresser and meowed miserably the entire time I was gone, I was missed that much. Another cat (one I have now) will jump up on the bed, purring with huge emotion in a giant love fest, kneading it's paws and blowing teary eyed snot balls with the purring (that particular cat is so loving it's eyes water with affection during cuddle time) and you end up getting sprayed.

Both things make it obvious that no, the cat is not just there to eat, and that there is a strong emotional connection. The fact either of those two reports (and there have been many similar in the past) posted on Drudge makes me wonder if Drudge even vets his stuff before putting it up. If I am ever hiring in the future and someone comes to me saying "I got published on DRUDGE!!!" I will say, Gee, let me take a look at that, read it with thought, and apply appropriate opinion, Drudge not considered. After some of what I have seen go up there, it certainly would be no automatic boost.

Limited time, quick headlines:

Nasa nailed a bona fide UFO, and cut the feed as soon as they figured out what was on camera

Al Quaida promising  another 911  (to scare people after Israel shot that plane down)

All the experts agree the plane did not crash naturally now and was blown out of the sky, and satellites even picked up the heat flash from the blast

My comment: Interesting it is that a satellite was looking in just the right spot when that happened! Interesting indeed!

Video of shoot down definitely authenticI finally got a high bandwidth connection and looked at all the pictures and video. It appears to me that the shoot down video is authentic. First of all, the shakiness of different versions, the camera focus, all of it confirms it as authentic. If it was faked, it simply would not have come out the way it did. All factors that would be present photographically are

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there. It was filmed with medium quality super zoom cameras, and more than one, from more than one vantage point. Also, in confirmation of claims, the engines really were blasted off both wings. Some jet engines can drop off the plane in the event of catastrophic failure (as a design feature) to help prevent passenger injury from flying parts. Both engines do not appear to be anywhere near the main wreckage, and appear to have fallen by themselves far from the wings. This proves a massive explosion, which sheared them off the plane, because only that or full blown engine explosions will provide enough of a shock to cause this to happen.

RUSSIA IS NOT STUPID, AND KNOWS THIS. If I know it, they know it and they are keeping their mouths shut until they can put enough of the plane back together to find out exactly where the explosion happened. When they have their answer, it will include the make, model, and serial number of the missile or bomb, who provided it, who was likely to have had it, the whole 9 yards, and at that time appropriate action will be taken. This type of analysis takes a while, so it might even be months before we get the final answer. I am not going to be as careful as the Russians, because my hit rate is high enough anyway, I do not need the details to say the obvious. Here it is in a nut shell:

The aircraft has certainly been brought down by an explosion. No if's or buts. With almost 100 percent certainty, it was a missile that did this. And it was an intelligent missile that can analyze a plane and know where to hit it perfectly to assure destruction, it was not a simple heat seeker going after a hot spot. And only scant few nations have such missiles, and in that area, only Israel had them in stock ready to go as part of their national defense, and if it was not Israel firing this from Israeli soil, it was Israeli/American provided. Obviously Egypt has a decent version of this type of missile as well, but it can be flatly stated they certainly did not do this.

The type of missile that did this could never have been hidden from Egyptian forces in the area unless it was done with American style expertise, NO WAY would any rag tag band of jihadists do it. NO WAY would any rag-tag band of jihadists know it was a Russian plane and NO WAY would they have ever filmed it, this was done by the pros and the story line is a complete ruse. It was stated early on that there was no way ISIS did it and that there would not be a missile because the missile video did not get released to the public via any venue ISIS uses. That is another smoking gun, no rag tag band of jihadists did this, no rag tag band of jihadists got accurate info on what the plane was, yet there it is, plain as day on video getting nailed, it is definitely real, and that leaves TWO OPTIONS: America and Israel. No way out of it.

And I need to stress a point here - it is freakishly difficult to film something like this happening live, no matter how good the camera is. The fact any video of this got made at all shows a degree of professionalism beyond the average joe. The cameras had their limits, but the people handling them were quite good, despite obvious camera shake. It is not a walk in the park to keep a half degree of sky in a camera lens, that takes really good hands which I seriously doubt any hack could ever pull off. It appears to me that professional photographers did this either with cheap tripods or very good supported handheld with mediocre equipment to make it all seem low key. Even high end

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professional gear properly mounted is hard to hold steady with such a shot, the fact it at least stayed in frame the whole time from multiple vantage points is another smoking gun.

Ok, now they are coming around.First they said it was mechanical. Then they said that for some mysterious reason, the plane broke up in the air. Now they are saying it was a bomb in the cargo bay. I'd call that possible, but not the most probable. I still say missile, but if they at least say bomb that will be enough.

Why would I say missile and not bomb? Because of where the fuel went, the damage characteristics, airport security, and the problems with getting a bomb aboard in addition to the fact that there is video of this plane exploding in the air. Whoever did this knew exactly where the plane would explode to get video of it, and that requires either a very high degree of sophistication, or complete control of the situation via line of sight and a missile launch. The fact that Israel and America are ISIS, and have missiles that can do this finish my initial conclusion.

I would not be surprised if it was a bomb, but still see a missile as more probable.If it was a bomb, it will be possible to figure out. And if it was a bomb, the first question should be: Did an Israeli "security firm" provide the "security" (NOT) for the airport?Israelis have a history of providing "security" that is really just cover for clandestine ops. If it was a bomb, this should be the first thing asked. The fact ISIS took credit for this says it all anyway, yeah, we at least have a bomb now, someone took credit, and who is ISIS?

It will be easy to know if it was a bomb or missile. This is easy to determine. If it was a missile, there will be penetration markings where the bent metal turns inward on the plane. If these markings exist, it will prove a missile. And if Russia does the investigation, this will not be hidden. They found these markings on the wreckage from TWA-800 but the whitewash was so extremely well done that they did not become huge public knowledge (though the alternative media did catch this).

Why would this all come around in the MSM to the way I said it had to be right from the start, this time? Because Russia is not stupid, is not controlled, and the MSM just can't get away with lying about it this time. I am sure that if this plane was shot down over America it would have been a pilot suicide, or "whirl winds" off of another plane's wing tips that caused it and Russia would not have been allowed any closer to the crash than the Canadian border.

We now have bodies and wreckage spread out over an area that is 8 kilometers long and 4 kilometers wide, just like what happens on the ground when someone throws confetti. If it was a bomb in the cargo hold, it had to have used advanced explosives, you would never do that with a pressure cooker.

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Beheading 2 big lies

When anything big happens, such as the U.S./Israeli/whoever shootdown of a Russian airliner, troll teams test the water in think tanks trying to dream up whatever lie works. The two big lies are mechanical failure, and "tail strike damage" resulting in the tail falling off and causing the crash. Let's slay those quickly here . . . . . .

1. How can the tail falling off rupture all forward mounted fuel tanks, spray fuel all over the cabin and cause the plane to fall to the ground in a flaming mess, with pieces scattered everywhere? The reality in the wreckage proves a missile strike, if the tail fell off there would be two big pieces on the ground showing almost all of an airplane in the two, not two big pieces with a bunch of little pieces that have been burned to smithereens scattered across a 5 KM radius.

And the other big lie being told was : 2. The plane was a hunk-o-junk the pilot complained about all the time, and he even radioed in a malfunction (during some gray period near the end that is never defined). And I'll tell you why it was never defined: Because the plane went from cruising speed to terminal falling velocity in a fraction of a minute, and if the pilot did get word out of a malfunction, he did so while experiencing no less than 2 g's of deceleration as the fragments of the plane caught the wind and the wires ripped out of the radio. There was no time to assess what happened, and since missile strikes are not on everyone's mind when they go for a ride, he figured something happened with the plane.

Well, the plane was NOT a hunk - o - junk. France made it. It was inspected regularly and still within its service life. The fact the pilots were not happy with it because it was hard to start is irrelevant, if a car won't start easily it does not mean that the back doors are going to fall off on the highway all by themselves.

And "the tail blew out" lie really irks me, because: It is based upon a single incident where a different airplane did not get a proper inspection after it struck it's tail on the ground during landing, and a big piece blew out of it in flight. This happened ONE TIME in all of aviation history, and now we are supposed to believe that a Russian airline with no history of tail strikes suffered the exact same fate "just because" while it was flying near very hostile territory? Figure the odds, the white wash crew just chaps me.

All of the so-called anomalies, such as seam failures and GEE, look at how this ripped out here" are EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN A MISSILE STRIKE WHEN THE WIND CATCHES ON A RIPPED OPEN CABIN, pointing at damage caused by wind shredding the plane after a blast ripped it open and then saying Oh, that's what caused it all is FRAUD pure and simple. The key piece of info that proves a missile strike is the flaming wreckage, having the tail fall off won't rip the fuel tanks open, spray fuel all over the cabin and then magically light it all on fire somehow. But they won't mention that. They just gotta bury this, and it might work for the couch potatoes but Russia is not stupid.

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UPDATE: Unconfirmed: There are rumors that Russia is going to go nuclear in Syria over the plane shoot down, however, I sort of doubt this rumor because it would cause too much of a damage to benefit ratio.

UPDATE: CONFIRMED: Russia announced (after this plane shoot down) that absolutely no foreign troops would be allowed in Syria without Assad's consent. This announcement means that Russia will now take direct action against American troops. THAT CINCHES IT, RUSSIA KNOWS * WELL WHO SHOT THAT PLANE DOWN and even if the political whitewash machine won't hang that fact out on the clothesline, Russia's subsequent action says it all. MAIN REPORT FOLLOWS, THIS ONE IS A DOOZIE:

SUSPICIOUS: Russian passenger jet goes down with 224 aboard over the Sinai close to Israeli border


Here is why: The plane, which "suddenly fell like a rock" was cruising at 30,000 feet right before it did, AND BODIES WERE FOUND OVER A FIVE KILOMETER RADIUS. Folks, there is only ONE WAY this can happen, and that is if an intelligent missile sought the plane's center of mass, exploded, and threw bodies in all directions from far far up. That is the only way they could possibly be spread out over a five kilometer radius. A bomb in the cargo bay would have to get a lucky shot to do that, and be absolutely HUGE. Not probable. NO MATTER THE WHITE WASH, CASE CLOSED.

Now Egypt's "ISIS" is claiming responsibility. This means Israel or the U.S. did it. Since this happened within missile strike range of Israel, well, what do you think? This plane had only Russians aboard, which virtually assures it was only important people aboard because normal flights have people from more than one country on them. Who would know that before blowing this plane up? Certainly not ISIS, if ISIS was the rag tag band claimed, they would be clueless about what they were shooting at. How would they bag the perfect Russian aircraft, and where did such a missile come from?

Forget the "engine problem" whitewash, it is unrelated and I looked into this, the crew only had problems starting the engines, once running they were fine and did not have a history of blowing people out of the airplane over a 5 KM radius . . . . . . which would be

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impossible anyway, an engine is not even able to get shrapnel into the passenger cabin, they are tested for that and France built the aircraft.

Update: Israel has stated they had intelligence assets on the ground where the plane went down. This is likely to ruin any investigation and could actually be the cause of the crash to begin with.

A Russian Airbus A321 went off radar while over the sinai peninsula 23 minutes after takeoff with 217 Russian passengers and 7 Russian crew. RT has reported the plane had tourists aboard, but in addition to this the plane had only Russians aboard, which strongly indicates this was a very important aircraft flown out of Egypt for a purpose with important people aboard. Most likely they were either important to Russia's government and/or Russian defense or business, this is the only probable way both the passengers and crew were entirely Russian. If the plane was not flown for a specific official purpose, the passengers would have most likely been of mixed origin.

RT has reported that the crew complained of engine problems before takeoff, and that they requested to land in Cairo, HOWEVER, the crash characteristics match a missile strike and not engine problems for the following reason - obvious complete structural failure of the airframe caused the plane to drop like a rock IN FLAMES after it hit cruising altitude at 30,000 feet. A plane cannot just fall out of the sky from 30,000 feet like this one did unless the wings are missing, if this was an engine failure it would have taken this aircraft a half hour to crash from that altitude, with full dialog from the pilots all the way down.

Instead, radar tracked this plane falling like a rock, with no communication from the pilots while it did so, until it vanished from radar at 5,000 feet and fell in the mountains. There are survivors this time, so there will be stories told if any of them make it. This plane crashed in Egypt, which means the Israelis will be hindered in killing survivors to prevent testimony if they did shoot this plane down.

UPDATE: Early rescue teams heard voices in the main wreckage, but are now reporting no survivors. THAT is suspicious. . . . . For now, Russia is playing it cool saying the plane went down due to an engine failure, but this simply does not wash, if it hit 30,000 feet it could have landed in Israel, Egypt, Jordan and possibly other places before it ran out of altitude, or at worst even in the ocean to improve it's chances if it still had it's wings. This one is suspicious to say the least and I would not doubt Israel did this one to settle a Syria grudge and will remain suspicious no matter what the "official story" ends up being. If the black boxes have bad news aboard, this could easily be the spark that does world war 3. If Israel did shoot this plane down, it will be a wrestling match between Israel and Russia for these black boxes, even if via Israeli infiltrators in Egypt's investigation if Egypt does the investigation. The best possible course is for Russia to get there ASAP and handle this one because no one can be trusted to do this type of investigation anymore. If Israel shot this plane down, it would end up being be another "suicide pilot" story if Russia does not handle this correctly.

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Not only Chrome?

JIM YOUR SITE IS BEING BLOCKED OVER TOR TOO. I am having a hell of a time accessing your site via tor; keeps telling me that EVERY IP ADDRESS I TRY IS BLACKLISTED ON SERVER!! HEADS UP!


Thanks for opening this window again! Was wondering how to get in touch with you and thank you greatly for the information you provide. Many are looking for the truth, but even the once truthful net, sites like Joe Vialls come to mind, are now gone. There are only a few that provide the expose of the controller in-breds on the web.

Yours is probably THE site for dis-info busting. Joe Vialls was another one that I miss dearly. So I just wanted to say, thank you in the name of truth for doing what you do to make the world a better place. Tom in Toronto, Canada!

My respónse: Temporary victory today, new method, they will adapt, running like a chicken. Real tough gig keeping this thing up now. thanks for writing!


How about a review of all the browsers, not just chrome, but all of them. Also search engines.

My response: Search engines are a loss. We really do need to figure out which browsers are still legit. Firefox appears to be randomly legit at least.


From BBC news The wicked queen in the tale of Snow White is famous for her rhetorical question: "Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

My response: Yes, the new universally seen "it always was magic mirror on the wall" is stone cold proof something was messed with, either the time line or the entire web.


Don't know what happened -- your site suddenly disappeared from the tab, so I don't think this got sent, this is a re-try - was cut/pasting a few items I'd sent to your email addresses:

1. Re Ukraine - So the war in Ukraine is really about Monsanto hegemony there!


2. Re Jay Nygard - Knew you would appreciate this article - also beat U Vermont and West Point ...!!!:


3. Re Oregon - From our local newspaper AP release:

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"Before the Roseburg shooting a posting on the message-board site 4chan included a photo of a crudely drawn frog used regularly in Internet memes with a gun and warned other users not to go to school Thursday in the Northwest. The messages that followed spoke of mass shootings, with some egging on and even offering tips to the original poster. It was unclear if the messages were tied to the shooting because of the largely anonymous nature of the site."


Imagine you've seen this -- total false flag proven now:


4. Re Looney Toons - I'd found an article about the unincorporated area and bad part of town north or LA and south of Glendale CA we used to call "Toonerville" - "The Pacific Electric Trolley was referred to by locals as the "Toonerville Trolley," after the cartoon trolley featured in the Toonerville Folks comic strip."


My response: There is no question the prisons have high quality people trapped as slaves, and not real criminals. As for the shooting, the alt media said it all and was far more accurate than the MSM, guaranteed


Re Berenstein Bears and Timeline Shenanigans

I was "obsessed" with proving Berenstein one night and found many items, some on the Way Back Machine some via DuckDuckGo - began with a long video speaking of timeline changes, one of those Kerry Cassidy Camelot interviews:

Again, don't know if you'll get this. Don't know if you've seen this interview of Kameran Felly by Kerry Cassidy. A real trip. Kameran is of generations of Kurds of position who have advised royalty, country leaders, etc about world affairs. To me, he talks in kind of a convoluted way so it's difficult to catch everything he says and I'm on a second try, as I can't sleep once again. He speaks of the March 2015 Taylor Swift video Bad Blood by which the Illuminati messages to the Asians that all contracts/bets are off and there is no longer any Illuminati, that they are henceforth forever split. The Russians never were a part of it and, when the Asians partnered with the Russians for a new BRICS monetary system, the Vatican P2 lodge were so angered they broke off with the Asians. The Zionists and Bush cabal were part of the Illuminati but have also been in fighting. AND very importantly, the Zionists had long ago infiltrated the P2 so controlled the banks the BRICS used, thus it didn't work and the Zionist controlled banks are the ones destroying China to destroy Russia and kill off the Bush cabal. The 3 world war goals were as follows: WWI to get rid of I forget what, WWII to get rid of institutions, and WWII we are now in to get rid of religions. Enter what I think he is referring to as being NESARA which apparently had a timeline deadline of August 15 (or 18th?) to bring in their $200,000 or whatever to every living individual on the planet, but did not succeed. This Aug 15 date was actually a timeline by which some of us were transferred out of this timeline and into another. Like I said, I am having a bit of trouble following him (Kerry seems to understand though), and we know the Berenstein/Berenstain Bears and all occurred probably a year ago or so or more, so an Aug 15 deadline wouldn't fit with a timeline switch on Aug 15. I guess out of curiosity I'm going to have to give

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myself undivided attention to listen to it again to make sure of what he is saying, but it is very intriguing. It is a 2-1/2 hr video, very long.


Here's a great article on Berensteins:


So it changed in 2012, 3 years ago! Author says parallel universe, too. Some other where yesterday, I heard that 2012-2016 is a 4 year time transition window. Sure gets interesting.

Changed my StartPage search phrase and got this:


with other articles.


I'm dogged by Berenstein. Another article/blog by the same author says in part:

Very shortly after I published my blog post, I received a comment signed by Mike Berenstain. I will reproduce the comment below:

I normally don't comment on blogs about our family name but yours was so unusual and imaginative that I thought it only appropriate to add my thoughts. "Berenstain" according to our family lore was an attempt by an unknown imigration officer sometime in the late 1800s to reproduce phonetically a highly accented version of the tradtional Jewish name "Bernstein" as pronounced by my Father's grandparents when they came to America from the Ukraine. In that linguistic region, the name tended to come out sounding something like, "Ber'nsheytn". Since that's how the name was originally documented, it has always been spelled that way by our family and it has always been misread and mispronounced by nearly everyone. It has always been "The BerenstAin Bears". Your parallel reality theory is very resourceful but, unfortunately, by applying Occam's razor, we arrive at the explanation that most people have just misread the name.Mike Berenstain (Son of Stan and Jan) The comment was technically anonymous, but was signed. I don't know that it was really Mike Berenstain, but I also have no reason to doubt it and good reasons to believe it.

At the time the post was published, my blog was very small and private. I received, at most, five hits a day, most of them from malware sites. Most of my traffic was a handful of friends. Mike's comment is actually the first comment ever made on this blog - before that, my friends would just message me on facebook if they had anything to say about a post. So there's no way that it's just someone who stumbled on the post and wanted to play a joke.

The comment was also made just three hours after the post went up. What seems likely is that Mike Berenstain has a Google Alert set up to notify him when websites mention his family's books.

Okay, so one of the comments linked this cartoon intro song:

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Comments following argued equally for each pronunciation. I personally can distinctly hear it sung BOTH ways a different points: BerenstEEn and BerenSTAIN....

This is very goofy!

Still at it -- Another commenter waaaaaaay down suggested going to Exaled-UK and searching for it -- second item:


The first item also said Berenstein, but in one second the page went white then came up with Berenstain!!!!! FISHY!

AHA --- Finally a 1982 post listed on Exaled-UK:


If your children enjoy the popular illustrated books about this family of bears by Stan and Jan Berenstein, they are sure to enjoy these videos as well.

Above said in a review of book "Berenstein Bears: Learn About Strangers.

And, finally,

This just came in via BIN today:


As of S7 (sept 7, 2015), a resonant sub-collective will merge all potential timelines into one agreed upon reality for the great purpose at hand. The immediate task at hand is to fully love you and to know that you are already aligned fully with 5D new earth. As a great master once said, �Only believe.�

I should probably use my time for more important things, but this one really got to me, like the two Maylasian airplane crashes! Truly weird times!!!

My comment: If it was not really berenstein, mister stain would have never instantly found that obscure blog post. The rapid nature of that particular response indicates to me that there really is something amiss, and it is important enough to plug holes immediately.

 October 30 2015

I forgot to mention - America put boots on the ground in Syria due to Russia cutting off support for CIA agents fronting as ISIS. There is a strong possibility there is an evacuation of American agents underway RIGHT NOW.

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There is another really interesting development -

China now has a ship killing cruise missile, and possibly a cruise missile that can carry a nuclear payload. It has a range of 290 miles and flies 600 miles an hour a few feet off the ground up until it gets 20 miles away from the target. After it gets within 20 miles the YJ-18 accelerates to mach 3 and does evasive maneuvers at up to 10 g's to avoid getting hit as it approaches the target. This is a confirmed missile system that is in excess of anything in America's arsenal, and possibly Russia's as well. On the heels of it actually becoming a success, the Pentagon issued statements such as : They could not even track us well enough to use the previous version with a range of 18 miles, how can they use one with a range of 290 miles, and DARPA stepped up to the plate offering a similar missile to the Navy, (which will probably work as well as that new F-35 fighter jet)

Anyway, China will probably crank these out like $300 motorcycles and if they only last 20 minutes that will be long enough.

Russia has called B.S. on global warming, and has in fact been doing it for well over a decade

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes global warming is a "fraud" - a plot to keep Russia from using its vast oil and natural gas reserves.

Putin believes "there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries, including Russia," Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and Putin critic, told The New York Times.

"That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the Russian mass media and society in general," Belkovsky said.

Putin has been casting doubt on man-made global warming since the early 2000s, according to the Times. In 2003, Putin told an international climate conference warming would allow Russians to "spend less on fur coats," adding that "agricultural specialists say our grain production will increase, and thank God for that."

Putin's comments likely came after his staff "did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate," according to Andrey Illarionov, Putin's former senior economic adviser, who's now a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

"We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited," Illarionov said. "It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to 'fight' global warming was rather unfounded."

Read more here

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The FINAL NAIL in the "bash Mexico" trollageDid you know Mexico has a total combined income (for all people) that makes it #15 in the world? I sat and thought of how to prove it against the troll, which has hit the inbox more than once now. Here it is:

The Mexican population has more combined expendable income than the populations of these well off nations: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Taiwan, Denmark, Israel, and many more. I am short on time right now, but to cut to the chase,here it is, all laid out plainly in 4 different rankings from the World Bank, the IMF, the United Nations, and the CIA world factbook. If trolls want to bash Mexico by insisting it is some sort of poor hell hole, they are going to have a tough time with me as an opponent.HINT: Mexico is such an economic powerhouse that poor little old Mexico has an economic output (and public wealth) that is 70 percent of Russia's total. Bet you did not know that! QUESTION: How can America's total be so high when obviously America does not actually produce that much? Because of the stock market, which creates a lot of fake value, having the world's reserve currency, and other factors. Absent these things, my guess is that America would actually come in at around 8 trillion. Still very high, but not THAT high.

Here's a good one -First They Jailed The Bankers, Now Every Icelander To Get Paid In Bank Sale

Remember back in 2008 when Iceland was hit by the financial crisis, and shortly thereafter jailed the bankers for causing it? Get this: Rather than do a bailout, they just finished jailing the 76th banker, "for intentionally causing financial mayhem", Liquidated the bank, took it under state ownership and will be paying out (from the bank liquidation) $236 US dollars to every person in Iceland!

Contrast that with the U.S., where when the bankers did the same thing every American ended up with an effective "payback" to the bankers of right around $40,000 US dollars each. If anything could prove the greatest thieves in history run the U.S., it is the banker bailout. Iceland obviously has a chance! No wonder why they are totally out of debt now, and back on the way up.

Original report Here

Here is another good one:

Kremlin: US May have Delusion of winning war with Russia

A senior Russian government official says some in the U.S. may have a delusion of winning a war with Russia with new conventional weapons without resorting to nuclear arms.

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Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy prime minister in charge of military industries, said in remarks carried Friday by Russian news agencies that "for the first time ever, the American strategists have developed an illusion ... that they may defeat a nuclear power in a non-nuclear war." He added that "it's nonsense, and it will never happen."

Rogozin, who spoke after the Security Council's meeting chaired by President Vladimir Putin, was commenting on prospective U.S. weapons under the so-called Prompt Global Strike program, which would be capable of striking targets anywhere in the world in as little as an hour with deadly precision.

Rogozin gained popularity after sending NATO's headquarters a New Year postcard with Santa standing next to a nuke. NATO failed to see the humor in the postcard.

My comment:

As I have said repeatedly here, nuclear weapons trump aircraft carriers any day, all Russia would have to do to entirely wipe out America's ability to do conventional war abroad would be to nuke a few aircraft carriers and their accompanying fleets. This would be easily accomplished with five megaton warheads set off about a half mile under the water in the middle of each carrier group (right under each aircraft carrier).

What happens next if that is done? ALL the water is blown out from under the aircraft carrier. It would not matter if the aircraft carrier suffered no damage from the initial blast, because it would be sitting on top of a huge hole in the water, fall a few thousand feet into the hole, and then the ocean would wash back in on top, leaving it a half mile or more under the water. The rest of the group would have to deal with a wave that would make the "Poseidon adventure" look like a pebble toss in a kiddie pool.

About the European Parliament voting to protect Snowden from the U.S.:

I call BUNK. Any vote to protect him would be meaningless. And I would not trust any such arrangement. A good example of why I would never trust this is the "Islamic invasion" of Europe, which is happening with the full will of the same people who own the NSA. It is all tied together at the top, and Russia has a vested interest in Snowden. That will protect him. That boy had better stay put.

The Chinese government ended the one child policy. This means the end of forced abortions. Good. But too late, their image with me is already shot, communism at it's finest!

My second post about Mexico got the troll very upset, so how about a little more?

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UPDATE: To the left here is a GDP per capita chart for Mexico, 2013. This shows the dead average income for Mexicans in U.S. dollars per year. This confirms my statements about Mexico, calling the 71 peso a day minimum wage something that does not apply in reality (and is just an ignored number) to be completely true. In

the U.S., this amount on America's chart is five times as high. But this chart at least proves beyond all doubt the troll was lying with the claims Mexicans make less than $5 a day, you would never see that, and I mean, simply NEVER because no one could ever live on that. If things got that bad, whoever had to work for that would make that much washing windows in traffic in less than an hour, which is allowed in Mexico.

And I received a lengthy E-mail telling me all about how "great" I am (sarcasm) and how poor Mexicans are, and much name calling. So I think I know what I am going to do. The best way to shut that troll up is to post this second angry message, and then record it being read aloud. Then go for a ride on the bus, and record the TV on the bus, showing employment ads scrolling on the screen proving everything I said about pay in Mexico starting at $7,000 pesos a month is accurate, and have the audio of the letter being read dubbed in with proof that troll is FULL OF IT on the TV screen I am recording on the bus. That ought to really shut someone up.

And why would I need to do that anyway? People can read charts, and that chart to the left here clearly shows AVERAGE MEXICAN INCOME, DEAD AVERAGE is 160,000 pesos a year. The low end might only bring in 70,000 at close to the bottom, and there are plenty of people making 250,000 plus. The dollar an hour bean counter is a fiction. It is just not as bad in Mexico as people are led to believe.

Pay in Mexico is EXACTLY, and I mean, with PRECISION, 20 percent, on average, of the pay in America. So you will have the bottom class making about $5,000 USD a year, a middle class that makes about $10,000 and an executive class that makes about $50,000. And from those amounts, Mexicans can easily live better than 5x paid Americans who are

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getting shafted on rent and reamed for taxes. Money works a lot better in Mexico. That really is the way it is and I can prove it.

When I say something here, I don't just spew B.S. I can completely back up my claims about Mexico with ease, all it takes is an old $54 pocket cam shooting video of a tv on the bus showing job offers to prove it. I guess the troll did not like my pictures of the Santa Fe district? Gotta keep people's heads in a bag?

Two mails from "Mexico" - one from a real Mexican, and one from a troll pretending to be Mexican.

Real Mexican Lupe wrote:

Lupe in Southern Mexico -

Thanks for writing (again) about the economic tyrany in the US. The politics which affects each person most directly is economics, and people can fight the system best through economics, by doing their best to starve the parsites. If basic living costs are 1/10th in Mexico as they are in the US, this simply means that there is 90% going to parsites as compared to Mexico.

However we know, Mexico is not perfect, but rather a "lesser of the evils", and if one guestimates that there is probably 50% or more in the Mexican economy going to parsites, then that might mean that 95%+ in the US economy goes into the parsite coffers. In any case, most average modern people are guilty for this by first buying all sorts of goods and services which unnecessary luxeries, or are fear based expenses, like most of modern medicine, or by choosing to live in a parasitic nation, when they could enjoy more free time or more of their useless luxeries by living in a less expensive and safer and saner country, such as in latin america.

The CIA does not want you to know these things so they have everyone brainwashed with the idea that all the basic facts are reversed concering countries like Mexico. The Mexican government does not mind that brainwashing, because, frankly, Mexico as a whole is better off without immegration from the US causing inflation, and false US ideaology polluting a system which is really better off without the US.

My response: BINGO! We have a real one!~

Why would I post this? Because I want to contrast the type of crap people spew about Mexico with cold hard reality.

The following is from a brainless troll quoting and even linking "facts" that have no root in the "on the ground in Mexico" reality whatsoever. Troll wrote:

I just read your article about average mexican income, and I just gotta say....it really irritates me!!!

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I do not know in which part of Mexico you're living at the time, but assuming for the prices you gave of rent you're somewhere in south central. I really recomend you to do a real research about minimum wages, state taxes, also rent because of what I read, you don't have an idea of what you're talking about, or you're just trying to mock people.

First of all there's no hourly rate in Mexico it's: Salario minimo diario (daily minimum salary) which on April 2015 was raised to 70.10 pesos. Source: http://www.conasami.gob.mx/boletin_nvos_sal_abril_2015.html

Today the currency exchange pesos- dolares it's: 16.63 Source: http://www.banxico.org.mx/dyn/portal-mercado-cambiario/index.html

A low income Mexican earns $45-50 dollars a week, talking about a mon-frid/8hrs a day job. (Working at a factory, coffee shop or supermarket)

An average income mexican salary is around $75-80 dollars a week.

Rent probably you can find it at $115 dollars a month, but NOT in a private neighborhood. Because if you do real and extensive research, you will find that private residences have HOA fees, which include trash service, parks and green areas maintenance, also private security at the entrance gates, I suggest you give a call to URBI, PROMOCASA or RUBA those are a few of the biggest real state companies in México, the only thing I found real in your article was renting a dump for $50 or less.

Few more things.... THERE ARE STATE TAXES, ALSO FEDERAL .... according to you it's very easy to get a car right? but did you think about gas prices, which in Mexico the refinery is monopolized because you only have PEMEX and right now the prices by litro are between 13 and 15 pesos, so a below average mexican CAN have a car, but CAN'T hardly pay for gas.... so it's not that easy as you make it seem in your article.

P.S. Please next time you'll talk about salary wages do more research.


My response: All the research I need is to live in Mexico, which you clearly do not, as claimed.

True, minimum Mexican wage is $71 pesos a day (less than $5 USD,) but your chances of finding that actually being done anywhere are ZERO, You can't make it in Mexico on $71 pesos a day, and EVERYONE KNOWS IT, no one makes that, PERIOD.

Reality: Some of the lowest paid people in Mexico are security guards, they are paid monthly, and all the job advertisements start at 7,000 pesos a month. That is only about $450 USD, but that is EXACTLY what I stated most Mexicans make, on the low end. And at that rate, they'd have to make 3x as much to hit the bottom tax bracket, below which you pay ZERO.

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I don't know where you are coming from with your claims about rent. YOU ARE A BOLD FACED LIAR

FACT: My house is two bedroom two bath with large living room, decent kitchen, full security, garbage pickup, paved roads, totally private home with private driveway, covered patio out back, two floors, totally modern with electric and hot water, great appearance, good neighborhood complete with parks and the rent is $121 in central Mexico, in a half way decent area of a city of 1.5 million. On the other side of the hill, a few kilometers away, over by the dump, you can rent a new house for about $65 a month, and it will have garbage pickup, parks, paved roads and security also. If you dropped the house I am renting down in the middle of an average American city and rented it in a similar area, rent would be right around $2,400 USD and even at that, you would not get a house this good because it is all solid brick and concrete. When my father in law had to come to this city after brain surgery, the family rented him a similar home on the other side of town for $135 a month. Another family member rented a giant home in a crappy area for the same price. My place is not a fluke. And I am talking PERFECT CONDITION, not one flaw in this house. So you are clearly not from Mexico, you sat down to a computer and trolled something up with bullshit spewed by the CIA.

Yeah, you quoted a rental agency, renting to Americans like you, who don't know this, and can therefore be bilked for thousands in rent in Mexico too!

I am finished ranting, let's just cut to the chase.

People were surprised by my Iran pics, how about some pictures of Mexico? Mexico, Santa Fe.   and how about smack dab down town Mexico city,  Paseo De La reforma?

BBC rates Mexico City to be one of the top 10 destinations in the world. Other publications say it rivals the greatest cities in Europe.And I did not cherry pick Google searches, do your own google search of Polanco, Mexico City. How do you explain that with $71 peso pedro?

BOTTOM LINE: Yeah, there are crappy places in Mexico, but what about Detroit? How do you explain that place in America? How about the average American ghetto? And Mexico city is internationally rated to be 3x as safe as America's capitol. MEXICO'S CAPITOL IS 3X AS SAFE AS AMERICA'S CAPITOL. How do you explain that?

Just walk down any Mexican street and look at the job listings that are posted on telephone poles or in front of stores or even on the televisions on the public buses, which advertise jobs. They are all $6,000 pesos a month and up, $6,000 seems to be some sort of minimum baseline, rarely do you see anything less than that. Dear troll, you really need to get off the couch and learn a few things about the world, rather than have a reality in the CIA spoon feed brain melting trash off the MSM web.

Ha ha ha, the Mexican news just had the Mexican president riding a golf cart around a formula 1 race track and then talking to the race car drivers. YEP, MEXICO HAS  FORMULA 1 RACING.   How can less than $5 a day explain that?

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Wanting the whole thing to end -Anonymous wrote:

I just want this whole thing to end now. I cant take it anymore. My dad acts confused why I wont sign up for an entry level job that an hour away, when I can barely live off of my job that is 10 minutes away. He is working full time in his 70's to simply pay rent and put food on the table. He's making $120,000+ a year but is hardly saving up anything. He's not living extravagently either. But still he thinks like a goy and thinks that things are going to turn around eventually, and you just have to keep slaving away.

My response: BINGO! You nailed it. Here is what is going on: Via zoning laws, building permits and environmental controls, (all of which are Jewish creations) the Jews have forced the cost of living in America to be so high that all but the very top live as slaves. This is done when Jews buy up all properties and let them sit vacant if they can't get their price for them. They can do this partially because they get paid so much in "reparations" which is basically free money that they can just toss it in the trash by buying a property and letting it sit. People crack jokes about Mexicans making $3 an hour, but the truth is that Mexicans live better on $3 an hour than an American can live on $12 for one reason - Mexicans are not getting screwed over just for a place to live, and not getting body slammed by a low earnings income tax.

Here is how it works: 40 percent of all jobs in America pay less than $24,000 a year ($12 an hour). More than half of all jobs in America pay less than $30,000 a year ($15 an hour). Ok, so let's say you live in New York. Or for that matter, any other major city, (where practically everyone lives.) Your rent alone, if you want your own place and do not want to room up with people, will practically always be over $1500 per month. In super poor zones, you still might get rent for under $1000. Let's go in the middle of the bottom, $1,250 per month for rent of a very low class place. This comes out to $15,000 per year for a place to live. If you make $12 an hour, after paying rent you now have only $9,000 to live for the rest of the year.

NO YOU DO NOT, WISHFUL THINKING!!! HA HA HA, it goes downhill quick, you see, because there is Federal income tax. And on $24,000 the marginal rate is 15 percent. That is $3600 bucks in taxes folks! Ok, so now your $9,000 to live off instantly shrinks down to $5,400 bucks. And if you make $30,000 a year (which over half of all Americans do, after taxes and average cheap rent, you live off of only 11,400 bucks.

But even that is dreaming, because there is social security tax, which is exactly another 7.64 percent deducted from your total. This drops the $24,000 a year wage earner down to 3,567 a year to live off of. The $30,000 wage earner now has $9108 to live off of.

HA HA HA you thought you got off easy, but forgot to factor in state tax!

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This varies from state to state, with an average of 5 percent. SO, subtract another 5 percent from the $24,000 wage earner for another $1,200 out the door (now has to live on 2,367 a year) and another 5 percent from the $30,000 wage earner drops that poor chap down to 7,608 per year to live off.

I am not going to take this down to all permutations, like Obama care tax and other things, which will in practically all living situations in the U.S. suck the $24,000 wage earner to sub zero levels and even put the average/above average $30,000 wage earner on the rocks, by now you should see what I am getting at. Enter the Mexican in Mexico -

Practically all make more than $3 an hour, but I am going to use this as a base line reference. At $3 an hour and no tax, and an 8 hour day, the below average Mexican will take home $125 a week. A very nice home can be rented in Mexico (and I mean private home) for only $115 a month now. So by the time the Mexican gets out of the first week of work, rent is paid for a very nice place, and if the Mexican wants to live in a dump, rents are as low as $50.

Ok, so $115 for rent, and $365 a month to live on. This easily pays for food, which is cheaper and better than in America (if bought properly) and I'll cut to the chase - Because of the way the economic and tax systems are running, a dirt poor Mexican with a below average wage will have as much or more expendable income making $3 an hour as an American who makes $12 an hour because the Mexican is not getting blood sucked and raped at every turn. And the real truth now is that most Mexicans are making around $5 an hour, and on that you can easily have a half way decent car if you handle your money well. And if you don't believe it, just look at traffic in Mexico city.

When the Jews are allowed to buy up properties and let them sit vacant, at the same time they are allowed to use the zoning laws and permit processes to prevent new properties from being built, at the same time they are allowed to steal so much via the tax systems, at the same time they have law after law after law describing precisely how things have to be built and what they must be made of (which jacks construction costs through the stratosphere) what you end up with is a slave system where virtually everything most people make has to be paid out to a Jew (who bought up all the properties, often with reparation money) just for a non Jew to have a place to sleep.

America is screwed so badly there will be no going back, the good old days really were good, and in the good old days, NO ONE was intimidated from saying things as they were, especially with regard to the Jews.

Mexicans really do have it better. Point proven: How can I myself make it when my typical donation request is only $550, and a large portion of even that goes into running this web site? Think about that. Mexicans can easily live better on $5 an

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hour than an American can on $20, and there is one reason for that: Mexicans have not been made slaves . . . . . . yet.

And as a side note - one might say, "If it is so much better, why do they want to come up here?" Answer: Because when they come up, they work for cash, live with 20 other Mexicans (which deletes the extreme rent costs) and when anything goes wrong, American welfare picks up the tab. The playing field is not level, and Mexicans simply do not see that.

New term: I am from the "e" universeHey Jim: Regarding your post from a reader stating "I am from the "e" universe, it was "Berenstein Bears" growing up. My mom found the books from my childhood a couple months ago and they now say "Berenstain". Thank you for pointing out the Mandela Effect to me!" I have to agree with this writer. I dug out my very old copy of the book Interview with A Vampire from years ago. Well it has physically changed since we flipped into this parallel universe or timeline - because it now says Interview with The Vampire! I too remember it as Berenstein Bears, Looney Toons etc. They are calling it The Mandela Effect online. People have made videos about it. Thanks for pointing this out to us early on. I just wish we knew what the Hell happened!

My comment: There are now several universe/timelines that have been merged, and in one case I can point to 3 directly. The "e" universe, which I am originally from, had laws of physics that locked the speed of electricity to the speed of light. An intermediate universe had the speed of electricity (the traveling of the effect, not the actual flow speed of the electrons) as instant. And the current universe has electricity at around 4x the speed of light.

I do not know if it is because our lives/universe is running in a sims game and the game's controller is dragging people from one universe to another as needed, or if someone out at Los Alamos is tweaking past history and somehow messing with the ether to change it all to get a desired outcome now, but I do know one thing: We are not all from the same place but we are here now. And it will be important to understand this because if people do not, it will be too easy to call people crazy or delusional when in fact there is a larger thing, above it all, unfolding. I just hope the good guys are in charge . . . . .

Eating crowSure enough, because I have said I have never eaten crow, several people sent me examples of when I was in fact forced to eat crow. Ok, let's get to it.

Speed of electricity

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You said you never "ate crow" for being wrong before (regarding Hillary, yesterday). Well, here's something you were wrong about: electricity still travels at light speed in this universe. You said it used to, and is now instantaneous. I can find nothing to back up your assertion.

That said, I am from the "e" universe, it was "Berenstein Bears" growing up. My mom found the books from my childhood a couple months ago and they now say "Berenstain". Thank you for pointing out the Mandela Effect to me!

Where did you see mention of the speed of electricity? I'm not just saying "you're wrong", I'm saying "I can't find what you said -- please provide a pointer?"

My response: A while ago, when discussing parallel universes, I said it has been proven electricity can travel faster than the speed of light, in fact, instantaneously. In my "original universe" this was not the case. But a few years ago I got into an argument with an electrical student who claimed electricity traveled faster than the speed of light. He pulled out his textbook and sure enough, (at least in his universe) electricity was an "effect" which showed itself instantaneously. It was in the textbook, with lab settings and an explanation to prove it. Anyway, I am not eating crow with that one, See this,   which shows electricity traveling 4x as fast as light (slower than that textbook stated but still enough to stay off feathers in my teeth) and there are other examples as well, his textbook had a different example and test scenario.

Eating crow with Putin and the Apollo missions?

"And I have not eaten crow for being wrong before": ref J.S. of October 27 2015 - Hillary. Jim, you are correct on most things - Fukushima, weather manipulation, Holohoax, to name 3. But not all - e.g. do you still believe Putin 2015 to be an impostor or a 'double'- or not? You are correct, though - 'eating crow' is the proper idiom rather than 'eating humble pie'.

My comment: This reader then went on to tell me I am still wrong about the Apollo missions. Well, Putin, in my opinion, is still not the real Putin. The photos do not match before/after. Putin at least has body doubles. Show me a photo, and I will show another that does not match. Putin is, in my opinion, a fiction now, just like Obama is a fiction, if anyone things Obama is running the nation, they need to seriously reconsider. Obama many not have body doubles, but he sure is not running the show. I think the real Putin is either in hiding or dead, and that fakes actually represent him. This happens so much in politics that my thinking this is the case is not eating crow, and requires no humble pie as well.

Won't bend on the Apollo landings, the hoaxers are entitled to their beliefs. So be it.

Eating a little crow with vaccines?

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Jim, when you say vaccines "worked" in the past, is this what you meant: that they created an anti-body response (not an integral part of the immune system)? It was PROVEN in the 50s that an anti-body response means you were exposed to something and the body tried to fight it off. It does not mean your T-cells and other immune cells are now "trained" to fight off future similar invaders. THAT is the big LIE. In the very few, non-scientific experiments done on vaccine efficacy, the tested vaccines had approximately 40% effectiveness (as measured by anti-body response) and this lasted roughly 4 to 5 years. After this time period of 4-5 years, there is no known "efficacy" for any vaccine... and that is IF you believe the LIE that anti-body response EQUALS immunity. Vaccines have NEVER worked and there has NEVER been a real, double blind, peer reviewed study done. Not one. Please correct your understanding on this. -Nick Veritas (find me on YouTube if you like)

My response: Not really sent as me "eating crow" but let me offer a clarification: If you are going to address a troll, you have to state vaccines did work in the past (and they did, to one degree or another) and then slam the troll by saying "the formulations have been changed, and it cannot be said they work anymore, in fact it appears they have been weaponized to do damage rather than help".

Clearly, obviously, vaccines are no longer helpful. When combating a troll, you have to give the contrast between now and then, to avoid being pegged as an anti science nutter, which is their primary approach, and then go from there.

Ene news, nuclear fire crow-b-q, (not hardly)

Jim you might want to double check your info on the nuclear fires - http://enenews.com/epa-data-shows-radiation-spike-major-city-after-explosions-nuclear-waste-facility-ap-drums-buried-waste-blasted-sites-fence-large-crater-reported-emergency-official-govt-brought-resources-ive-ne

My response: Ene news is a scam site set up by Arnie Gundersen three days after reactor 3 was blown to smithereens. It was set up to milk the Fukushima disaster, and send people who do not know better down a cattle trail of disinfo, and then lock them in a stable at the end of it. I cannot blame people for not understanding nuclear topics, I can only warn them that if it is on ENE news, it is a lie, point blank, pure and simple. ENE news claims to quote legitimate sources, but nothing ever pans out. Here is a parody I did of ENE news, read it carefully because I have nailed every phony attribute in this comedy page, THEY can eat crow:

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An interesting no crow throw in:

Jim , This one proves from 1945 - 1965 they added hep-c to vaccines . It is a TV spot from the CDC . The video explains if you were born from 45 - 65 you have a chance of having it , They go on to say they know not why . What else could it be . I was born in 1963 in East Orange NJ and have hep-c . So that hospital at that time was a test hospital . The youtube video name is CDC TV commercial, 'Hepatitis C Did You Know' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Kc5TG8ymo . Thanks Brother . Ray.... Oh And I have two friends born around the same time that died from hep-c , And know of 5 or 6 more that have it .

My response: It is so obvious that vaccines are used for clandestine operations so much that it is a fools game to accept them. The only reason why I say that when addressing trolls you have to say "at one time vaccines were legitimate" is to defuse the troll's statements that you are crazy, scientifically illiterate, or some other sort of nutter for saying no. The destruction of the children via the needle is such a huge and important warfare operation for the NWO that they are using any and all tactics to keep it under wraps until the operation is complete. One key method is to call anyone who says no to vaccines scientifically illiterate or crazy. Same old same old, the old tricks work. You must play the troll on the troll's terms, and then slip in the knife. And in my opinion, a pro vaccine troll really does deserve severe real world punishment, I am certain a majority of them are well aware of the fact that vaccines really are for destruction now.

Saudi bust crow: (partially accepted) because I missed a few details due to only reading a CNN report

Hi Jim (hope you get this)I follow your site but have to say that I do not agree with everything. In any case your site is one of the best around. re: the sick insane perverted saud house and drug bust ....... "Captagon" pills the http://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/ had discovered the pills many many moons ago Syria Terrorists Use Psychostimulant Drugs - DEC 03 2013 https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/syria-terrorists-use-psychostimulant-drugs/ A large quantity of Captagon tablets are displayed at a police station in Beirut on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. (Source: The Daily Star)

My response: Evidently the prince had these pills loaded on a private plane, he did not have them flown via "Pan Am". . . . .

Here is a totally unrelated one liner:

Jim search engines that I use to try and find your up to date page keep looping to Oct 8, it is a total conspiracy by the censors.

My response: Business as usual. Yep, they hate me. I wonder why.

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I hope I eat crow with Keshe, in fact, I hope for a giant family bar-b-q crow fest but it has not made it onto the calendar yet:


Jim - Interesting Time magazine cover this month. Have you followed MT Keshe? He's supposedly releasing free energy devices now. There seem to be a lot of questions about his work and whether he is legit. I hope he is.

My response: I actually gave the latest Keshe release a pretty good read. Supposedly the magic works via a proprietary powder on various surfaces, however, he named it with an acronym for a power factor correction device so things are not looking good. And what about that mystery substance? He has to give the full chemistry for it to be legit. Until then, I'll only be watching the crows but will have a BB gun ready and happily start eating if that fine day ever arrives. A Keshe miracle would be a good one.

October 28 2015

Saudi prince nailed smuggling 2 tons of amphetamines destined for "ISIS"I confirmed this was true from CNN and other msm outlets (shrug, not a reliable source) but for this type of thing, they will air such stories because they have to. ANYWAY, the amphetamine was in the form of "Captagon" pills (which I have never heard of before) and evidently this is the military form of amphetamine that is used to keep soldiers alert in battle.

This bust, which happened at the Beirut airport proves that the Sauds are helping ISIS in any way possible. This "prince" traveled heavy, stuffing the pills in "24 bags and 8 suitcases". That may sound like enough luggage to do away with 2 tons, but consider this - a ton is 2,000 pounds, which means that the prince would have needed a total of 40 suitcases to get them down to 100 pounds each! He did not have that many. How heavy does a Saudi prince travel, anyway? Maybe at least 10 percent of what Michelle Obama will tote along on a family outing . . . . . . geez.

Anyway, CNN threw in the towel and reported the truth for once, yep, the Sauds really do support ISIS, even with drugs and perhaps now that ISIS will be napping more sans amphetamines, Russia will do an even better job.

And where did that Saudi prince get two tons of "Captagon" amphetamines to begin with? I did a little checking, and low and behold, it looks like Turkey is the most likely manufacturing source. So now we most likely have a love triangle, involving Turkey, Saudia Arabia, and ISIS. Cute! That fits.

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And that reminds me of a point of salience I forgot to post yesterday

A Russian alternative media outlet posted a really long blurb about Russia and electronic warfare yesterday, and that Russia successfully disrupted American communications with ISIS so badly that now America has to do a ground mission because they can't talk to ISIS via radio anymore. And that is something to think about, it is significant, and it is also a little ominous, because America's military is 100 percent radio/computer based and if Russia can kill just that one leg of the U.S. military, the smart bombs will be totally blind, GPS won't work, and communications will be completely down.

Low and behold, only hours after this was posted, it is confirmed that the U.S. will indeed be doing "direct action on the ground" as a continuation of America's "advise and assist mission", where previously, America was doing all "advising" via electronic communications and "assisting" via air drops and air strikes. Now with Russia declaring a no fly zone, and Russia cutting off electronic communications, a ground mission to do the same thing is America's only option.

This stands then, in my opinion, as proof that Russia really can enforce a no fly zone against the United States, and that Russia can badly, if not completely, disrupt the electronic communications of the U.S. military.

This is totally key in warfare, and it proves that if America really does go to war with Russia, it might well be an even battle, if not more than even. In addition to the electronics and air, Russia has massive numbers of tanks and artillery, as well as a nuclear stockpile that could just glass it all if things turned for the worse. Messing with Russia is not a good idea, why would America need to?

If getting rid of ISIS really is why America is in Syria, I suggest backing off and not poking the bear which is doing that job anyway. In this case the only sensible option is not to play.

Nuclear fires

I know about the "nuclear fires" burning in two places in the U.S. and consider it to be nothing but nuclear scare bunk click bait. That is why I have not wasted time on this topic. No nuclear material has actually burned, and having fires in proximity to nuclear materials is not a problem, that's like being afraid the water heater, which has fire inside, will somehow burn the toast.

Buried nuclear materials having a grass fire burn above them = ZERO. Buried nuclear materials having an underground fire 1000 feet away from them = ZERO. Nuff said.

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Mainstream medicine accidentally handed us hard core backhanded proof that vaccines cause autismI did not know this up until yesterday, but mainstream medicine handed us hardcore proof that vaccines cause autism, in a way that can never be put away. Up until the year 2000, Asian countries had their own vaccine manufacturing, and provided their own for themselves. But after this, they mostly began purchasing vaccines from American and European firms, and when they did, autism rates exploded by hundreds of times over. I am talking increases of over 20,000 percent.

And one would be a fool to believe it is not intentional, the people who make the shots are not stupid. Who is at the hub of the new world order, which needs a stupid and complacent populace? American and European Jewry. And I am not going into how British royalty is part of it all, and most likely Jewish as well because that is irrelevant in this case.

POINT PROVEN: After Asian nations started accepting Western vaccines, their autism rates went up to 1 in 35 children. That would be an apocalypse, and obviously, those not destroyed down to full blown autism after vaccination are mostly destroyed anyway. "Still functioning" does not mean you got away unscathed.

The biggest war against the world's people is happening via the needle. Vaccine trolls will point to cold hard facts - that in the past vaccines were usually beneficial, while ignoring the other now obvious cold hard fact - that evil people got control of the supply and are using childhood vaccines as a tool of world domination. That is all there is to it, and any time you post to a forum or blog that has vaccine trolls running amok, calling people who are against vaccines "scientific illiterates", make sure you tell the troll they are right - that in the past vaccines worked, and then back slam saying that now they have been weaponized, and the autism stats are proof.

Say things like "you can put anything in a needle and call it anything you want, and the autism stats clearly prove that what is in that shot is NOT a vaccine at all". That will get them scrambling.

"Dear troll, I am not going to allow a "vaccine" to "jew" my child's intelligence down".

Dear troll: Can you prove what is in that shot? Scammers are everywhere, have you ever heard of corruption, or are you that stupid?

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Dear troll: Science has indeed proven that vaccines work. But what if the children are now being vaccinated against their own intelligence? Ever think of that possibility?

Dear troll: GET ALL YOUR SHOTS, that way you won't have to worry about me skipping mine, you will by default be protected from my ignorance if the shots really work!

We have to win this vaccine war and get the people responsible shut down and called to account. If we do not, we are finished as a species.

October 27 2015

HillaryDrudge headline: "China's growing military built from stolen weapon designs"

My comment: I said within 3 days of the FBI getting Hillary's mail box that they proved she was in the business of selling America's most sensitive secrets, and received her payoffs through the Clinton foundation. This is not myth, it was known from practically day one, and has subsequently been beat about the bush at random and watered down to nothing since.

Hillary WILL be the next President. It won't be anyone else. And I have not eaten crow for being wrong before, and probably will not be wrong this time either. The reason why Hillary will be President is rooted deeply in a symptom - and that symptom is the complete inability of the FBI to touch her, even though she has been nailed completely for selling America down the river in the worst possible way. The powers that be want Hillary in. She is as corrupt as it gets, and is probably tied to British royalty, and is definitely a top queen of the one world order luciferian chess board. She is not going anywhere but the white house, it would be impossible to jail her even if she was filmed murdering a baby at a satanic ritual, which ALL of the inner circle elite do with frequency.

The scriptures all say it will be like this in the last days, where is the surprise? I sure am not surprised. When people stop demanding honesty in politics, the worst of the worst filth rise to the top, and that is where we are now. You could not comb the deepest psych ward, the filthiest prison, or the halls of history for anyone worse than Hillary and the rest of the elite power structure that is in place now. You might find their rightful peers in abundance though.

Want proof of the previous statement? Well, look at the totally "elite" supported and endorsed abortion industry, that has now been  shown for what it truly is.  Look at the autism rates and the dumbing down of society via tainted vaccines, which are thus far going unchecked and appear to be approaching mandate. BY WHO? The Philippines got the same vaccines Americans get in the year 2000, and by 2008

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autism rates went up 160 TIMES. Not 160 percent, 160 times is 16,000 percent. The link is obvious.

So the big question is, who would do that to the children of a society all the while people who have been knowingly hurt are powerless to stop it? A baby killing Molech worshiping luciferian at the top of the power structure would be a great place to start looking for answers, and if I said what I believe Hillary really has done during rituals and private events, even the readers of this web site might think I am nuts. No one can comprehend the level of evil the current power structure will rise to just to stuff it's ego and get what it wants delivered by the devil.

Hillary WILL be President. If Trump has a chance too close to election day, he will be murdered by El Chapo post haste. They want Hillary, and Hillary it will be even if they have to murder their way to that goal. With millions dead around the world already at the hands of the satanists, what difference would Trump make on their conscience? After that, Diebold will complete the magic. With a little Diebold math, Hillary will be President even if only 3 lonely bot flies vote for her. Hillary's remarkable survival in the midst of so much proven evil ensures this will be seen to, with certainty.

The Mexican news finally aired footage of damage from "Hurricane" PatriciaThey made it perfectly clear that they got video from the worst hit areas. I was taking pictures of the TV and the camera batteries died so I only got a few photos. Here is what it was like:

The first photo to the left here, which was a "worst case scenario" in the "peak damage zone" shown right at the beginning of the broadcast proves that the worst of the worst of the worst shoddy

structures survived this "hurricane". Mexico is built out of brick. I don't know how

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they came up with a photo of something like that, I have never seen anything that poor in Mexico. I guess this is what they mean when they said it hit a "remote village". And it strips the lies bare - THAT shack could not possibly survive even a real category 1.

In subsequent scenes (after the batteries died) there were thatch roof beach huts many people have seen (the type where palm fronds make the roof) and they stand on tall poles and are totally open underneath. They showed one in the primary damage zone, right on the beach, and the roof was missing approximately 2 square feet of fronds but it was still standing straight, and beside it was a really crappy 2x4 framed beach hut with tarps for the roof. The tarps were torn somewhat, but were mostly still in place.

This second photo to the left here shows more obviously weak structures that got through the hurricane just fine, in the worst damage zone. Note how all the palm trees in the background

are still there, right in the middle of the worst damage zone, where even a direct hit from a category 2 would have ripped them clean out. Yet these were presented as an example of "how bad it was".

They showed a shoreline resort that suffered a collapsed seawall, and had significant damage to wooden vendor shelters by the seawall. All were standing. That was the worst damage they showed. The only roofs that failed were thatch roofs or tin roofs or other extremely shoddy patchwork concoctions. Almost all trees were still standing, right in the middle of the worst damage zone.

A gas station roof (the type that is over the pumps) was blown over. A large shipping vessel was pushed against the rocks, stranded.

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This third photo here was the last thing the camera got when the batteries died. And these were sequential photos, I only got 3 photos before the batteries died, I did not cherry pick stupidity here. Look at

that fine construction. DISASTER: The tin/palm frond/whatever roof blew off this first class construction. If this type of thing is all they have to show, this was a scam cane and that is all there is to it. Where are the shredded shopping malls? Where are the cars smashed to tin foil? where are the countless destroyed brick and concrete structures? If this hurricane could not even finish the job of ripping out Hondo's beer shack, it proves "climate change" fraud of the highest order.

VERDICT: The peak winds were no greater than 70 mph. Too many totally shoddy structures suffered too little damage for anything more. This was not a category 5 hurricane. It has been confirmed there were zero deaths. The damage was consistent with a sub hurricane tropical storm. They are trying to classify it as a category 7, all the while the only significant damage was to wooden thatch roof stick built shacks which had only the palm fronds blown out of the driftwood stick roofs, with food and glasses still on the tables inside, and a few brick structures that were damaged from trees falling on them. Trees start to go over in even 60 mph winds. Patricia is a serious weather fraud.


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FOR ANYTHING (in other words, if they blew the whistle) THEY WOULD BE PROSECUTED AND JAILED. This was flatly illegal action by the federal government, but it did happen, and NOW WE KNOW WHY.

"Hurricane" Patricia will now no doubt be used as a dreadful political weapon to take away rights and body slam a huge carbon tax on the world.

October 26 2015


Category 5 Hurricane out of the news, because it DID NOT HAPPEN. There was not even a category 1 hurricane in Mexico ANYWHERE, and the lack of news proves it. Hurricanes cannot just hit an "unpopulated section of coastline" anywhere on earth, they are so huge that no matter what, there is notable damage from even a category 1 every time, no matter where it makes landfall. Scammers want you to believe Mexico is just a bunch of bush wackers totally out of touch with no roads to them and no way to get in to inspect damage. FOR THE RECORD: Mexico has a coastal highway and TOTAL ACCESS to all possible landfall zones for this hurricane. Lack of photos proves it did not happen.

Why would they fake a hurricane? Because even though this hurricane is certifiably fake, it will hit the record books as real so records kept by the U.S. will say there was a "category 6" to accomplish a political agenda. These fake records will now be used to push the climate change scam and they WILL affect policy that will have a major impact on the way the world handles energy.

They can't get their carbon tax and climate tyranny in place legitimately, and this hurricane proves that if they have to lie to get it, they will.

FOR THE RECORD: The pictures that were posted everywhere for this hurricane that showed it swallowing half of Mexico were FAKE. The Mexican TV showed a true time lapse of the real hurricane, which at it's peak had a tiny weak eye and clouds which barely extended inland a short distance. It then totally dissipated 100 miles out over the ocean and the so-called "hurricane" was nothing but a cloud bank when it hit shore. The mega cane pictures we all saw, pictures which even got published in a few Mexican papers were a hoax someone drafted on a computer. The real hurricane never looked like that, EVER.

If anything could give people ammo to question the legitimacy of American information gatekeepers such as the USGS and NOAA, this fake hurricane is it, anyone can drive down to that region of Mexico and call foul. Any category 5 hurricane of even a small size would have smashed both Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta in one whack, hurricanes are not thunder heads or tiny little weather systems that can selectively target a small village and die when they hit a lonely mountain in the middle of nowhere with no consequence anywhere else. The

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stupidity of the scammers fronting this hurricane lie is beyond the casual and well into the realm of insult.

FOR THE RECORD, FINAL WORD: THIS HURRICANE HIT NEAR MANZANILLO, WHICH IS AN ABSOLUTELY GIANT PORT, THE ENTIRE PACIFIC INTAKE / OUTPUT FOR MEXICO. THIS PORT IS WELL CONNECTED, WITH ROADS GOING NORTH SOUTH AND EAST, TO CONNECT THIS PORT WITH THE REST OF MEXICO VIA TRUCKING. THERE WAS NO "REMOTE REGION" FOR THIS HURRICANE TO BASH INTO AND VANISH. God, the "remote stretch of shoreline village victim" lies are pathetic, a major road goes right up the coast with uber rich mansions and resorts dotting a huge portion of the coast between Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta!

"Russia" targeting undersea internet cables? . . . ??Don't bet on it. Here is what I think is far more probable:

There is war on the horizon. And any time there is a war, information control is key. The truth can kill a war in seconds flat. It is far more probable that America is fronting a line about Russia cutting cables, so that if America decides to pocket itself off from the rest of the world to control information and keep Americans in the war game, a few routers can be switched off and then called a "cable break" blamed on Russia. This would villainize Russia and keep Americans desirably in the dark in one whack, a win win for the war mongers.

I would not buy ANY line about "cables being cut", you know, at least China is honest and will state when they censor, why can't America be at least that?

Trump is looking good

I think Trump is at least partially a closet truther. The final nail in the ignorance coffin happened yesterday, when Trump announced that destroying Iraq and Libya was a disaster, and that the world would be better off with Qaddafi and Saddam in power. How true. Trump still thinks they were tyrants, (hint, they were not) but the fact he got at least as much right as he did proves he is not stupid, in fact, anyone who knows vaccines cause autism, that Monsanto and GMO are evil, and then goes 5 steps farther and actually knows about the middle east and what a disaster was caused there would really be worth a second look.

Trump is clearly not right about everything but at least he is right about something, and when, since Ron Paul, has that ever happened? And to that end, when it comes to really getting it right, Trump makes Ron Paul look like a boy scout on a snipe hunt. When did Ron Paul EVER mention vaccine damage?

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Take a look at this - Trump has already pressured FORD into moving a major manufacturing facility back into the United States http://prntly.com/blog/2015/10/25/trump-successfully-pressures-ford-to-move-mexican-plant-to-ohio/

October 25 2015

A few quick comments

First of all, as I expected, the story of the hurricane devolved into a hit on a single village with 40 inhabitants out in the middle of nowhere, and that is why there was no noticeable damage. The hurricane miraculously hit an area that had only 40 people living in it (on a fully populated coastline) and exploded into a million tiny pieces when it hit a mountain. Surprisingly as well, there was no flooding anywhere, and they explained that away because the "hurricane maintained a speed of 20 miles an hour".

Evidently the Mexican authorities believe the B.S. and are thanking God for how kind mother nature was to them, for having a category 5 hurricane not even match the damage of an average tropical depression. Sort of like that 9.0 earthquake in Japan that did practically zero damage outside the tsunami zone, another "natural phenomenon" that took a LOT of explaining . . . . .

Low and behold, after the stories were told about where this thing went, I was in the damage path, and NOTHING HAPPENED AT ALL, there was not a whisper of wind and only a quarter of an inch of rain fell total. Anyway, there is nothing to see and by the way, there is a major road that follows the coastline and passes right through the hurricane landfall zone and not a single car was thrown, bus washed away, NADA. I have taken that road several times. It is the only way up the West coast. Business as usual today at the many taco stands that dot the route . . . .

Trump Monsanto -

Trump cracked a good joke that said it all in a sentence: There was one state where an opponent was beating him, and that state was Iowa. So Trump cracked a joke that went sort of like this: "I find it interesting that the only state I am trailing in has Monsanto GMO planted everywhere, and it must have affected people's brains" . . . . Yeah, El Chapo was allowed to walk right out the front door of the prison for a reason, if Trump has any shot at all of winning even Monsanto will probably blow him away in the name of El Chapo. Trump has given a really good stab to more than one monster.

And here is a cute one - Israeli pilot "captured" by ISIS!

Yep, good ol'zion knows how to spin a ball of yarn so tangled a kitten could not accomplish it, spinning loop after loop after loop into a giant yarn ball, and this is a

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prime example, you see - After getting busted for having high ranking military officials on the ground instructing ISIS, after getting busted for providing medical care to wounded "ISIS" soldiers, and after getting called on their bluff by Russia, the ONLY thing to do to prove you are not ISIS is to have ISIS "capture and torture one of your pilots". YEP. Good one. After all, if ISIS was yours, that could not happen, could it?

Final answer at the end of the day: There WAS NO HURRICANEThis was a lie from start to finish. It made landfall nowhere. It dissipated into a tropical depression 100 miles out at sea after barely becoming a tropical storm. This fake cane was just a load of bunk to support the climate scam. Only a little rain in Guadalajara, only a little rain in Guanajuato, only rain even in Puerto Vallarta, which the eye passed over. Many witnesses are wondering WTF happened to this storm, which never existed. It is OFF THE TV. It is NOT ON DRUDGE, and out of the news TOTALLY. It is not even in news flashes.

OFFICIAL TALLY: Zero deaths, zero property damage. The entire coast is populated from start to finish. There is no way for any real hurricane to have a tally of ZERO.

Even if, as the prevailing damage control lie goes: "the hurricane was extremely compact and had only category 1 winds 15 miles away from the eye wall," we have the leading edge, at 30 miles wide, full cat 5, and the sides for another 30, for a cat 5 to category 1 total distance 60 miles. WHERE IS THE DEVASTATION? There is not one downed house, not one washed out road, not one flipped over car when cars should have been missiles and the ENTIRE coast is populated. Who is pushing this crap about a record hurricane? ANSWER:

Climate scammers who want a "world record hurricane" on the books for the climate change/carbon tax agenda, that is who. This is not even in the Mexican news flashes anymore, it just evaporated like a ghost into nowhere. But it is now on the books as the big BAAAAD climate change cane, just wait and see! You will see the geriatric climate change lie get up and dance with this "cane!".

I IS OFFICIAL: HURRICANE PATRICIA NEVER EXISTED AND IS A U.S. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED GLOBAL WARMING HOAX"Eye wall" which only exists in computer models went directly over Puerto Vallarta, yet there were no significant winds and there was no damage or deaths, only heavy rain!

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This hoax hurricane arrived two days after the U.S. federal government threatened all people at NOAA and other weather agencies that if they went against the "official word" they would be jailed for breaking a gag order


I am calling it as it is: The so-called cat 5 world record hurricane was a tropical storm that turned into a tropical depression 100 miles off the Mexican coast, and it caused zero damage on arrival. Though the Mexican news is still calling it a cat 5, there is a surprised tone to it all, because there was no damage anywhere and no deaths. This was a fake hurricane that will hit the books as real, to provide fodder for the climate change scam.

UPDATE: All the pictures are computer generated models. The Mexican press aired footage of the real deal, and it totally dissipated 50 - 100 miles off the coast with no distinguishable eye, and hit the coast as only clouds. The "hurricane" supposedly made landfall closest to Puerto Vallarta, between the cities of Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta. It supposedly took a track that should have destroyed both cities and totally obliterated the Mexican coast between those two cities. The American scam press is saying that it hit a "remote area of Mexico's coastline" to explain no damage. What they are not saying is that it is only 100 miles from Manzanillo to Puerto Vallarta. No damage in either city means there was no hurricane AT ALL. And there are several significant towns between Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo. There is no such thing as a "remote stretch of Mexican coastline", it is 100 percent populated the entire way.

No deaths and no property damage ANYWHERE are being reported. All the Mexican press is saying is that there is "no news" and the hurricane is officially gone. The rain has already stopped in Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo. This "category 5" was at best a tropical depression.

I sort of figured something was amiss last night when not a single whisper of wind happened, even though I was supposed to be in the damage path. From the reports, I figured the winds would be 100 mph here. NOT A WHISPER OF WIND HAPPENED AT ALL. It was a calm night.

Here is the news from Puerto Vallarta:

"The Sokols, a family of five from suburban Detroit, were supposed to fly out of Puerto Vallarta on Friday but ended up for hours in a shelter at a university after their flight was canceled. By night they were back where they began: at their hotel, and no worse for wear. "It's amazing it went from the worst in history to just some heavy rain," Susanna Sokol said.

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My response: No, it is not surprising, with a gag order on U.S. climate scientists threatening prison if they speak up and say something other than the official word, a huge carbon tax, and a global warming/climate scam to uphold (which a world record hurricane that is off the charts would support), I don't find it surprising AT ALL that all it ended up being was tropical rain.



And low and behold, two days before this hurricane, the U.S. federal government placed a gag order on NOAA weather officials and others in the U.S., saying they would face jail time if they spoke up against the "official" word given by the government. Why would they do that? Because they needed a huge storm on the records to support the climate change lie and they did not want people calling their bluff, THAT'S WHY.

Ok, a little math here:

How far across is a hurricane? Good estimate - 200 - 300 miles. How far across is the eye? 30 - 50 miles. This means that even if the hurricane scored a perfect shot between Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta, neither of those cities could have been less than 25-35 miles away from the eye wall. No damage in either of these cities, from a 220 plus mph windy eye wall, which should have had at least 150 mph winds extending 30 miles out on both sides means NOAA AND THE U.S. WEATHER REPORTING AGENCIES FAKED THIS HURRICANE.

One strange hurricaneI am holding off on calling it a hoax until I get more info, but this is what happened where I am: NOTHING.

Ok, there was a quarter inch of rain last night. But the biggest thing I noticed this morning was blasting music that was way too loud coming from somewhere. There was a super mild rain. There was never any wind AT ALL. Nothing happened, and I am only 150 miles from where this thing made landfall, and it was supposed to be headed (sort of) in my direction. If this thing was even a normal category 1, there should have been at least 30 - 40 mph winds, possibly 100 mph winds and there

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was NOTHING. So I am going to say what people should see in the news, or this thing is FAKE.

Let's use as a reference the hurricane that hit the Yucatan a while back. It had 155 mph winds (not 220, like last night's hurricane was supposed to have) and it stripped every tree completely out of the ground and razed every building for miles and miles. There were lots of photos of perfect devastation. So if, from this hurricane there are not photos of mountains completely stripped bare of all vegetation, no photos of the coastal road completely missing, no photos of erased cities, BLEAK MONOCHROME PHOTOS WHERE EVERYTHING IS ONE COLOR - MUD COLOR - for miles and miles of nothing but mud color razed flat waste, this hurricane was a hoax and that is all there is to it.

I think we are going to get bright tropical colored photos of half ripped palm trees, IF THAT. This last hurricane should have excavated ground like a mining crew if it was real, once it gets past a certain point (and 220 mph winds with gusts up to 300 are well past that point) the earth itself cannot hold up and even the ground is scoured away and there is nothing but mud colored waste because of the dirt ripped out of the ground. If we do not see this, they hoaxed it. And why would they hoax it? To get their "world record storm" for the global warming scam, that is why. Come on now, THE FREAKING LIGHTS ARE ON AND THERE IS A HUGE PARTY SOMEWHERE, not a whisper of wind, NOTHING AT ALL going on here, and even though I was not in the direct path, I was at least in the strong weather path and nothing at all is simply not possible.

DID YOU KNOW: Two days before this hurricane, a gag order was placed on NOAA and other government weather reporting agencies, stating that anyone in those agencies who spoke up against the "official" line would be criminally prosecuted. And why would that be?

So far I am only going off of what happened where I am, but it was so starkly against what was stated to be happening that I am very suspicious.

October 23 2015

Not much going on today other than a huge hurricane. Curious how fast this one developed . . . . has me wondering. And oh, I forgot - In order to shut up climate scientists and prevent them from exposing fraud, a gag order has been placed on NOAA and other agencies to stop people from talking and blowing the lid off the global warming hoax. Sort of a banana republic type thing, but what do you expect when Hillary WILL BE PRESIDENT, even if she only gets 3 votes? People have to be silly in this day and age to believe in the Diebold vote count.

Cynthia wrote:

Jim The worst hurricane in recorded history headed for Pacific Coast of Mexico. They say it is beyond anything they have ever seen, they say it could wipe Puerto

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Vallarta off the map. Even the nasa folk are shocked at the size of this thing, from space it is absolutely immense. They say ot is beyond Cat 5 with 220MPH winds.Is there any real possibility they can actually "brew" these things and make them worse, like BP earthwatch says? Hope you are nowhere near that area of the nation. Your recent analysis of everything from the Hajj massacre to the Syrian debacle has been excellent. Amazing. ---cynthia

My response: I am not out of this hurricane's path. I should be on the outer edge of the damage path, at best. There have already been heavy rains and strange looking sky. No wind yet, but something feels eerie and it felt that way for me before I knew about this hurricane, which basically hit the news yesterday afternoon and turned into a monster overnight. This morning was super weird, with three levels of different types of clouds (no fog) with the lowest level only about 100 feet off the ground with a super clear cutoff underneath them, they were crisp and not hazy. I never saw anything like that before, and they were tall clouds, going up about 3000 feet, then a break, another layer about 8,000 feet up, then a break and another layer that was a solid sheet I could not see past about 15,000 feet up. There were probably 4 layers, ending with cirrus clouds but I could not see past the third layer. I never saw a sky like that before.

And the question: Could this be weather mod? Well, yes, it could be . . . . . I would not be surprised at all. And I think to front the global warming scam and carbon tax, they absolutely will start doing things like this so people actually believe things are going haywire as they "predicted". They are not past doing this for a psy op.

WTF, OVER!!??!!Google creepy factor, get a load of this!

Texas wrote:

Jim, I know you`re hip to this game but I just have to talk about this , a lot of people still do not believe this. A friend of mine was in needing a new phone , I told her just get something basic, no smartphone .... Well , low & behold , she gets to the store & they offer her this great deal on a new Android (google) ... Oooook , this morning , we went to get coffee , I`m telling her she needs to get a firearm for her home / defense , and a good easy access safe . We`re talking , about 1 minute later , her new Droid makes a notification sound (Gmail) .. WTF is the email about ???? "Great prices on biometric firearms safes" on Ebay ! I know this is nothing new to you,but I just had to throw it out there . Keep up the great work


My response: Plausible cover for everything getting recorded and stored permanently for use against you? Oh, we were only doing targeted ads based on conversation . . . . . . . stomach churn.

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Strongest hurricane in world history headed my way!No wind yet but the second wave of rain has hit. This is currently being charted to go about 100 miles west of me to the north. Nothing happening except rain.

The first arm appears to have passed over. No wind yet, but considerable rain. The arms of a hurricane extend out hundreds of miles away from the eye. I am more than 100 miles inland, and despite this hurricane now having sustained winds of 200 mph and gusts of 250 mph, (which would make it a category 6) I am not expecting serious trouble with wind where I am, at 7,000 feet elevation. That will knock a hurricane out easily. We might get 100 mph winds here. I expect massive flooding in my area, but not where the house is. The power will probably go out for a LONG time, but I have a solar panel and can update the web site with it if needed.

I did not know how serious this hurricane was when I got up this morning, but when I went outside something is obviously amiss with strange clouds and a really scary feeling in the air. The rain was a classic hurricane rain (very small drops falling in huge amounts). I know a hurricane rain from experience with several, they are unique and clearly show that something is on the way . . . . .

October 22 2015

Tons of doom predictions all over the place again, and the only one that WILL NOT FAIL is Hillary WILL be President, she has been chosen, nothing, no matter how high and criminal will stop that.

America blew away Syria's oil fields

As part of a ruse to "deprive "ISIS" of funding", America destroyed Syria's oil fields, before, before . . . . . . EHEM, BEFORE RUSSIA COULD FINISH OFF ISIS. Russia had ISIS on the run, and was about to reclaim the oil fields. Now the Russians can enjoy reclaiming a bunch of flaming waste. This is the type of HORSE S*** America is famous for, if I was Putin I'd sink an aircraft carrier for that one. I seriously would. After all, what could America do in response? cause the loss of Washington DC too?

This one really got me mad, YEP, just as Russia was flushing out ISIS, America flamed the oil fields. COOL! That in my opinion equates to direct aggression against Russia, let alone a war crime. There was absolutely no excuse for it.

Totally sideswiped grandma with brand new Autism baby grandchild:

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This was posted to a popular forum:

All, I just spent the last 2.5 days in utter worry about my 1 month old grandson after he received a Hep B vaccine at his pediatrician's office.

It all started after the initial shot. 2 hours after he received it, he had a very large temperature spike. His mother, my daughter, became concerned when she couldn't get it down. She is a nurse. Knowing she can't use Tylenol as he's too young for over the counter meds, within several hours she was at Children's Hospital with him. They gave him a special dose of Tylenol and sent them home. Of course the fever came down but by the middle of the night it was back up and she was giving him cooling baths to keep it down.

The next morning she goes to the pediatricians office for follow up after the hospital visit and the doctor immediately sends her back to children's hospital insisting he be admitted.

6 hours in the emergency room, his fever is worse than ever. The Tylenol is barely working and he's extremely agitated. Unable to console him as his little body was obviously hurting and in pain due to the fever.

Finally getting a room the doctors order a battery of testing and spinal tap to make sure he doesn't have a virus or meningitis. All tests come back negative. He's on two different types of antibiotics to head off anything they can't find with the tests.

CDC shows up and confirms that it's due to his hep shot he received. Now he's part of their statistics of children who have adverse reactions to this shot. Our worst fear was brain damage due to the fever. Thank goodness it never got above 103.

Now in the future with any other vaccines he receives, they will now have to give him antibiotics and tylenol for a few days before to prevent other reactions.

My daughter is a nurse and we all know that vaccines are necessary but now I'm petrified for them both that this may happen again.


They give vaccines to one month old babies and newborns for two reasons:

1. All cases of autism will be considered natural and not tracked down to the shot, which destroyed the baby before anyone would be able to figure out any changes happened. The baby will simply always be daffy.

2. IF they give the shots at a later time, (such as after two years old,) it will be obvious that something happened because ALL babies will, after a shot at that age, show damage even if it is not obvious autism. Every baby gets destroyed by the vaccines to one degree or another, it is part of the globalist plan to create slave

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societies where no one has the wit or will to challenge authority. The ones who take the hit the worst show it as autism.

The vaccine damage this particular baby has is INTENTIONAL. And this is very likely now to be an autistic baby. Question: How did autism go from one in 10,000 babies to 1 in 50? Read above, you have your answer.


Can EMP fry the U.S.?Mike wrote:

In the event of WWIII, most assume it would go nuclear with devastating consequences. However, since the objective is a one world government nuking the planet doesn't seem to be a desirable option. I have heard that there are EMP type weapons of great power which if detonated at an altitude of about 20 miles above the USA would completely fry the electrical power grid - i.e. no electricity for the entire country. In addition, they would completely fry the electronics of cars, cell phones, you name it. Therefore, with no operating vehicles, fixing the power grid would be almost impossible. Nothing could get done anywhere. People would soon starve, but their deaths would not really contaminate the planet like nuclear weapons. If the elite had a place and provisions to weather the storm, they could come out later and rebuild their new world. This could be done not only to the US, but also to Russia, China or anywhere else they wanted a drastic population reduction.

The question: is this scenario even feasible, or just internet nonsense? What do you think?

My response: EMP will not do anything of significance to modern electronics. I have been over this many times before. The only thing EMP might do to America is trip the power grid out, with a few repairs needed in a few areas, and a long re-start time. Computer networks that use long runs of copper wire (not fiber optic, which is the norm now) I mean old systems that still use cat 5, phone systems that still use copper wire, will likely see damage and go down if the attack is strong enough.

a broad region EMP can't fry a laptop or any other small electronic device, let alone the circuits in a car for several very good reasons. In order:

1. The cross section is too small for any long range EMP to interact with. If an EMP is going to travel for long distances, it has to be a low frequency. And low frequencies do not like to couple with small objects. High frequency EMP bursts cannot travel through the air very far, because air has water vapor which soaks up high frequencies. The maximum damaging range ever achieved with a high frequency EMP is a radius of 2 miles in perfectly clear dry weather. This is with a

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top of the line coil type EMP weapon with explosive detonator. In some instances, even this top of the line type of EMP weapon has a range limited to a few hundred yards, (when it is raining) because water affects them so much.

If you ever wondered why high frequency "ray" type weapons have such a limited range, never working in a way that will destroy anything at distances over a mile, water vapor in the air is the biggest reason why. Since it takes a high frequency to drive energy into the circuits of a cell phone, Ipad, or even a car because all the wires are short in length, there will be no legitimate EMP type destruction of these types of items over broad regions simply because it is not technically possible to accomplish.

Low frequency EMP of the type that can toast the power grid is technically possible to accomplish but very unlikely to ever be successful because the system is too well protected by circuit breakers, and if anything does blow it will most likely be easily replaced transformers. The spare transformers that are sitting around most electrical yards won't get blown by any low frequency EMP because their coils sit inside steel cabinets, which are perfect faraday cages. The only way a surge of power can hit a transformer from an EMP is if the surge gets induced into the electrical lines feeding into and from the transformer. And even at that, the weakest transformer will blow first, and once it provides a path to ground none of the other transformers on the line are likely to blow. So the way I see a well implemented EMP attack on America playing out will be this:

Power goes out everywhere, because circuit breakers trip. Several large generators explode at power stations, but it is only a percentage, (less than 10 percent, probably more like 2 or 3 percent. Practically everyone in the country will see the sky light up from an exploding transformer somewhere, but it will only be one of hundreds in the area. Lights will be out for quite a while, but after a few days they will be mostly back on.

But there is a real EMP "threat" for all cars, Iphones, tablets, computers, etc and this "threat" will be the cell phone system, which can fake an EMP blackout of everything by commanding suicide circuits in many devices to activate and destroy the device, and by telling the ECU's in the cars to fake the car being dead. There will be no legitimate EMP destruction of these devices, but with all the hoaxing and technical illiteracy going on with the EMP scare crowd, everyone will believe EMP wiped the country out because the primary reason will be ignored - remote deactivation and destruction of electronics via command, issued by the cell phone system.

Remember my earlier reports about the Jews destroying libraries?

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Western civilization is being wiped out, and a key component of the effort to destroy Western civilization is the destruction of libraries. Practically all local libraries have had all technical information and decent books destroyed, but now they are taking it a step farther, and destroying the last stand - the few remaining research libraries used almost exclusively by students and engineers.

The following appeared in The Canadian National Observer

Libraries destroyed

At first, the closing of the library at the Lethbridge Agricultural Centre looked methodical. Staff were informed of the closure in July. Then in early August they were told they could help themselves to items from the collection.

And then it all went south from there: in mid-August summer students began filling an extra-large dumpster with journals and reports. Reportedly, one scientist jumped into the dumpster to rescue a set of journals. Distressed staff began to select more and more books from the collection in order to rescue them.

The dumped books turned into news, bringing more embarrassment upon the federal government. The Conservatives have attracted international negative attention for closing down research stations, and muzzling scientists.

Harper has shut down 16 research libraries during his time in government. While the closures have attracted some media attention and news stories, there have been few detailed reports.

Now an anonymous source familiar with the Lethbridge closure has stepped forward and provided National Observer with an inside perspective on exactly what happens when the government shuts down a science library.

National Observer very rarely uses anonymous sources, but fear of reprisal appears to have silenced federal researchers and employees, in this and many other stories.

Even with an unprecedented inside look at how the Lethbridge library closure was handled, more questions than answers remain. What has happened to the collection? What was kept and what was discarded? What, if anything, is being digitized and how will scientists access those documents?

By way of example, the library held a number of historical journals and diaries, some dating back to the early 1900s. It's believed these documents are still on site, but no one appears to know for certain.

Consolidating the collection

In July, library staff received an email informing them of a "collection consolidation."

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The email told staff that since July 2012 the department has concentrated on the provision of core services and electronic information resources at the desktop through the Knowledge Services Library (the former Canadian Agriculture Library).

According to the email, the government is consolidating all physical collections, with several more in process. The consolidation procedures were supposed to include evaluation of all unique and relevant materials with subsequent relocation to the library headquarters in Ottawa; any items no longer considered relevant or as duplicates would be offered to staff to be kept as "office copies."

As well, in collaboration with local management in Lethbridge, the library would investigate offering selected remaining materials to outside organizations; and local management would continue to manage any remaining materials.

The email concludes: "It should be noted that services are not disappearing, but that we will provide services in a different fashion."

The consolidation notice email came as a shock to staff.

"Though this collection consolidation has happened to other research centres over the last couple of years, we weren't aware it was going to happen to Lethbridge," the source said.

"In fact, when it happened to Swift Current, they were told it wouldn’t matter, because they would have access to Lethbridge resources."

The Lethbridge library was part of a networked association of Agriculture Canada libraries. Linked through a central database, the libraries could order books from each other. Locally, Lethbridge provided service to Agriculture Canada staff, Alberta provincial staff and the public. College and university students used the facility as did local historians.

While the library was able to maintain its holdings, over the last several years it lost space. More recently, building renovations pushed the library down to the basement of the building, while the library itself was taken over as office space. The basement library took up about 1350 square feet.

Rescuing books

On August 10, library staff received an email advising them that they could select "office copies" from the collection, including from any items on the shelves, atlases on the atlas stand and maps in the map cabinet. Included as well were a French language collection on the second floor of the building, and a number of other atlases and dictionaries.

At the time of the email, many staff were away on summer vacation or out in the field doing research.

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The disposal of the collection took place over a couple of weeks in August. A couple of summer students boxed up journals. The boxes sat outside the basement library on pallets for a few days. But then, over the next week-and-a-half, the students began filling an extra-large dumpster with journals and old reports.

When the news story about the trashing of the library's holdings broke, the dumpster was immediately emptied.

At first, staff didn’t realize what was going on. It wasn't until a couple of days after the first lot had been dumped that word got out.

"People were disgusted and disheartened," the source said. "At that point, people began going and rescuing more and more books. This is maybe what Agriculture Canada means when they say 'materials of value were saved.'"

The rescued books are now in various individuals' offices, with no accessible record of where they are. The source said in this state the books are essentially of no use to anyone but the person who rescued them. The rescue is, at best, a temporary measure, given that the books cannot be taken off-site. When a researcher is done with them or leaves the centre, the books must be disposed of in the way that was intended, according to the source.

One more rung on the ladder of cuts

The closure discouraged research centre scientists and staff. It wasn't just the fact that valuable documents and journals were trashed, but that they weren't even offered to other institutions or the public.

Read more at the National Observer

Hmmmm . . . . . might as well . . .





Help with cancer

Jim, I need your help. Friend is diagnosed w/ multiple myeloma. Of course he has the obligatory lung cancer to go with it -morphed from a "fungal infection". I would swear I read here of your opinion on Mexican treatment centers for cancer. Can't locate the piece. I have given our friend links (to the best of my ability to search them out), and would like to know if what I've been reading is true; to wit, if the

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testimonials of those who have been cured @ Mexican treatment centers are true. I suspect even that many diagnoses of "cancer" aren't cancer at all, and are used to chemo-rad milk the insurance of those fortunate to have good coverage. Trust your take on this (as on most all things u share), and hope u can find time to shoot me a "yea or nay" note on cure success rates in Mexico:

Regardless, THANK YOU for this site. Don't know where I'd turn were it not for you. -DB

My response: Cesium chloride is the best cancer cure. In order, on the periodic chart - Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, rubidium chloride, cesium chloride. These all have similar chemical characteristics. So even eating lots of ordinary salt would, by logic, reduce cancer risk. Cesium chloride is the champion, with the main problem being that if people take too much it will kill the cancer too fast and overwhelm the body with dead junk, which can cause toxic shock. THAT is how good a cure it is. And I hate Komen and stupid ribbons. Anyway,

There are lots of cancer treatment centers close to the border. Call ahead and see if they know about cesium chloride. If they say they use it, you found a real place, even if they also use other things. If they talk it down or "have something better" it is probably just an outcropping of mainstream Glaxo/Eli Lilly/ whatever mainstream medicine, that is in the business of profiting off misery, AVOID. Anyone legitimate will know about and use cesium chloride. That is the litmus test.

The page has been cut here because when it gets too long it crashes Ipads. Click here to continue