AMUSEMENTS. M .jProyrMsorB P. Shan illtl'l riEICH OPUA MCm TWO AS originally brought to thj country Grand Opera Houu, w Tork. " iS5 afasnSora to meet tbe prleee 01 admission. mJ5Z t-- ae u ury 5GS5i57."iL-- 5 hjiSbjoat.makchu. sinrdatf Matlne. March 2Sd, rturday oU M,jctl b oaTnursday, Mai eh a. U.J, WANTS ouag mtB of go a ia wilUng to apply fc-k- A-" DmHASMOII MOBTUM, mie &i Mud street Me pha a iXlHANUa risiftQg u aunt young hors; P""" a. J ., Appeal cmae mblfi . ruin iiiny one wailing to euip.oy a nrtnthi fandTSo w-- ony . Uach nnvate IB a or Boat sab- - a Looi;. S wno dealr. to build .p r ool, wtll address A.. APlBi mii -- .. Mempbarenn. HliK GIKL A coo, waaner rsawa lroner, at si awo good barkamilh, to g. BLACKrMitH-- A u tne ooontry. I - aweBB So. i meat JB P"y W M DABDld. ouot. Apply to w- M ufmn street Labor Akal aad Employment office o. a sin i kaWYKB: for ri-- f S.-r- , Jon (ionni Cnion K- -2 -d- MAauBebbo o1B. itiiaTION Br a On". class Macninist aau Steamboat Angine-- r. Acdreos . cnmii'vii um8 on C and F. K. S Newport Land.ng. Whia river CT.Jtl Zlrf (nlun-- c freight OS bJuee EoW ioV)ls returned, (station men u---, ikarrts.sl Jefferson st , Men. "F ' g i mm a Mc'MTe. Contractor y- - .. w tt KmTtitnff bosses and l(X) lane number s statin mei, on th Fo uin Ral.road. near uran m.... u. hit, khm. Artiniaa tuani o Wm LMtrdJa, Jeffaraon t- -. Memphu Furniture, Feainert and SBXX)K1HASI ol alikindi tought at IMS -- oonc street - - -- . . ,.ii.tvi rant a rood r walllag houae H and capable o toeom od!S ainall iamnj. For .uco . no len t wul be f roaipuj r"". m,n.h he a earefu App.y or aa area Mempnli Appeal. OLD MjO&H, o: eil kind bought at Beeond etreet. ViBM HAJiDS To hire four orflTeguiKi f le lrui hand v jvii rront atr'ce. oCITTliE-Beoond-ha- nd houtehol I "2t.4. duum turnilure or a tit da. a-- . i ml:eL- - oil a I . miiui - lac&uan aulta me. It must be ..n ij one' aonare ol Uel cars. Addreu PABK, Aptei otnoe. il OR RENT, uLfcS a new houaa wlth alx R ow. r'TlRnHHtH aiiL'-- K Jomp:e:e. with Bti- - r ro. mi. o. gej Deaaea aired. For tvrm? app.yto Wattt A LKa, nTtk Madison street. K mefcertof her ocA resldenoe of K rooms, s ab.e, olsiern. well and outbouac ei mi . aiiutted on the eornar ol xu- - ana Mm svrests, Chelsea. Apply i fccgkiig on. Ati y at-l-w n strcs; WELUMy-HODS- AMU wBOCM- D- Uardenera, euraerymen and dairy mer I . k A UVUIIU'DOOM MOJO H.' I acres o ground, situated on the old Halelgb rnmA iui outslce or the cuy limila. Ine prop sd rauroad to BAlelgh wtll pa s By ot ... ii m nnnndi. To Maruaner. dajry- - i or nursery man Use place poaeetsm ia ADD1T an JA1UB T. LE ATH, . H Onion street "vpFlCaV-Th- e moat desirable efflce In th t mit-- , ior T ocraLled oy Hernando 1c- - auance Company ; also, two offices In tnr MBBIOC. PVU CKOCUKTT. a Union street. I'lUC UFPKB 8TUR1SS OF MY UCUbK,) Madtaon atrtei, auiaciv iw "kT toardlBg-honse- . a A. HtiLLUNBILKU. Our isige rt oni, tiuitnnle tm cotton ROOM CvOimlplos business or yob print as offies. Ihis room a lu the rearof th tTnl'- - deoartment of the Appearand u tne ceo;erof th 3 busmeaa porUou ot 'he city . . ikwki-h- ih Ti Miureruom on the cor O ntr or Main and Monroe streets, undei ska raafintlT Hotel, from February 1st. Ap- - j, Ms" wop Ureal FOR SALE. r wMi LiK NCK A deslrafe residence, ay- - K nai in- - esii7u ieet. loi fr't iC nuK oaah. L:aioe In one ard wn ara abiiIt ol ni. iuUes or at Jo. 'At 5 OAWOH AI BOAiil'lNe KOD8 FOK jfs ba.LX. Tbs advartl-- wlU'Si o make a ji. Lit ui batinets ana wuimu ueruoi-n- Viimm and Llcenre 01 a saloon anc oat bcaudiBg-hoB- doing psymf bul n..n r nnehts Varna, for case. Ad craaa. wltn rea. name, at tnu ernes, or three AS3, wKOMW VI a 1 OiM-I- STOVE and FOKMTUKK o ) aaje. at lal Beaie street maiu . pbimi w v t nlisbie .'or msrke' J . z cress waste: yary lew. Address tax Main si. eat M.iad black BerSshire fig' Jr b -- d l'um the besi tmporteo stock. e-- ieo'ed ciDr V . l n ips. eoiior 01 riija boatnern P armor. Priee. $50 perps. in gej Main street. OTAM HA W M ILL One steam sawmul C j boras power, in good iunning order wtll' t mi er on two hundred acres of iand nice miles from Mempn- -, dtreotly on and MsmpLls satlroad. lcqulre o' JO n - L. BAWItftti.lF'0nt t .ap-alai- ti-J.- Ci A two Story residence ol R Vance stree- t- vsry cheap. Appiy atU-i- s xnha JO Ws have IDS mules now on hand. Ml Usjio arrive 10 night: our receipts are wetk. All stock reru a-- males per se trsniesrl aa reprenld. hl gi and Ut aacond street. COW- - Twenty heed of aoell MILCH much eows ur sa.e. Call at ire Appaai offioe. f ofler tor sals a vacant lot 7ft by lax LOT-- 1 SMI aid BheJby street, mat south o Captain C B cnu-.- j a resioe-o- e. tuisiaue-aatoat- y tne mast assirabls reeldenecproperty in tna city. b. P. UtAD. tJAWMlULFOBBALEOBLE AB- B- Forpar O uonlan spp.y at ins ofhoe of th Msm-pk- a lry lxca boss pear 'e!6 c W jiMrt he aV horse power Portable Kn C. sine, built by the employes or toe Mem pha asd Charleston Kaiiiuad Oonpany. wmeb took tbe premium at the aw Fair TL. engine was built trom selected ti a o- uul the woik and sola a superior. Wot pauttt lara apply to aU M Bl KfcK, M. M. M. A C. B. B Co resdenea, SM RjaHiDBMLADeelraole on pram less noli' OTh-- On Walnut atreel, on time. Apply 1 a at at Union al. GKOBGA DiXON F4)R RfcT OR SALE. a . 1I1L IM L it tn l re on f sos, Mali- - n a.. a net ex.lai.Usd. cr .e r fjr el- years, at low lenL Desirable lu a on Court t exteno ajjljU anbt DiV.D v PLEaiuH. oluBE BOUda. Uiea. Bargain tor Oaah Sit vaiuat a suue bouse, ho. Us Fr..-- . BtiaaM. is now ooe.-- i tor or renu Appi ta I. iB B UOo, Mu.aSi srontstrft. A desirabie rsaid ; nee. In Kjut-lDANv-- bur ugh lepslr, g cis ruoms. ood water and piciy oi shade, a tew ale, a um ii minus of Poplar street railroad. UlifwS MD bqaru BOA BSD Fumianad and uniur KtOM tied rooms, sultauie for lam tiles and tin e entleanna, at u Madaon street. Also, day anatdnis Haw modated. mb Two eiagant front rooms, with ROOM rd, at n Mda on rent. mat . .in kiitH a ii w good boarders San be iJ asnnnoil ed at 73 Mcrr e strait l- e- fU HLE U rSUMAaSf i caai; u. isu.,u.i. RSL., ano iso go wi tbaronas : Bl! nSZL-- i b liditig, rtf)' any amonnt of aTdTSdr'. ftV-kr- Wytk-a- . Far - c Boty lias. I K c, - Li AS r ' . a-- a v - " - Ha-- 1 kr ciiy pr peril. with a acr. r S1..1.H, U and Bnil-- Of BMttl STiiui rvslti a Rat' roe J - PPjF ti - j - . BT A aa Ski k mil af 1T. It batwsaa Ovnrtos hoiei and , street. Th aadar Will bkj MtwBdnVatf 7 lsarta ' at AsshW THS APPEAL IN THE CITY. Hteeee at whtt Use 70117 Appeal The Datxt ApraAi. can be had every morn ing at the following-name- d places in the city : At AFFBI. WOBUDg-IWOil- lj iiumiimi At the news stsnfl of Jos Locke, No. MM Main street. At the newsstand of W. J. ManaforU, corner of Second and Monroe streets. at the news staud of J. C, jcyncn, no. an Main street. At the news-stan- d In the Peabody notei. At the news itliml in the Commercial hots At the news-stan- d In the Worshani houaa. At the news-stan- d In the Overton Hotel. At the news stand In the aouUiern hotel. At the news-stan- d of Kmmo- r- A (ton. No. It JefSeooL street. At the news-stan- d of Wm. Sploksrnagle, cor- ner of Fourth and Poplar streets. At the news-stan- a on t touts wnarrooat. At tee news-stan- d at Lanier A lrt age's. Beoond street, near MadMon, At tne nrwn ntann 01 nooouy, on nesue street, near Main. At the news-stan- d at tne nauroac aspots. At the news-stan- d on the Memphis and Lit tle Bock wharf boat. At Booth Memphu news-aepo- t, o. au Bestle U set, near Second. At JaaOor win's, Main street, near Mad - l At Paul Wraht's. 1 At X. B. Johnston's news-sutn- d, sM Main trtst. At W alkers News-stand- , No. MB Beaie tact, opposite Beale street market. LOCAL PARAGRAPH The theater was very weU attended at matinee hoar yesterday. Bunches ot black crape were affixed to the door of tne different courtrooms yesterday. Haydn's grand mass will be song at St. Peter's church this mornng at half past ten o'clock. It a said the longest pole knocked down the "Simmons:" bat nobody be- lieves it was a Beehn-pol-e. A runaway on Monroe street yester day resulted in the demolition of s beau- tiful boggy. No damage to human flesh. A new block: a to be erected on the northwest corner of Oayoso and Main streets during the summer that a coming. The commissioners of Panola county, Mississippi, advertise for proposals to erect a jail. Contractors should read their notice. The supreme Court for the middle datriot of the State, at Nashville, ad jo urns on the th Inst., to meet at Jack- son on the first day of April, We aoknowledge the receipt of invi- tations for the "(irand Purim Masquerade Ball," which will take pace in the Club hall on the evening of Monday, the 25th instant. The man who was reported dead five miles from the city on the Pigeon-roos- t road turns out to have been drunk only. He rose from ha mossy bed yesterday morning ana wsuked off The want of interest by our cotton men in the proposed Buyers Exchange which a a unnecessary institution in Nfempha. will insure its defeat. That i will not succeed may now be regarded ss s fixed fact. At the recent meeting of the stock holders of the Memphis and Selma rail- road General N. B. Forrest, R A. Pinson, Henry C. Jcnes, and Jacob Thompson wan elected directors, thus giving aheiaj oeunty tour oat of seven air actors. The friends of Barney Hughes. Rail road Redord and the Theatrical Bulleim are urgufcg the publishers of those papers to put in bids for the city printing The impudence of similar publications a an encouraging precedent in this respect. -- The attention of merchants a called to the notice of Captain J. Harvey Mathes, or on privileges in Shelby county. The decision of the supreme court of the State leaves no other course open but to "walk up to the captain's otnoe and settle. The elivator company want to raise tanks to supply the city with water tor sprinkling and other purposes, on the s.uff between Union end Beale streets There are tanks already up for that pur pose amply sufficient to supply ail the siuti of the citisens until the .water works go into operation. We have a letter dacusslng hydro phobia; another from Neal Dow, Jr . an -- xcellent letter from Qrmantown wtcb, since the Democratic convention yesterday acted most wisely, it a needless jo pubtan. These two erst ana tnree or four other pomm onltloas will appear hereafter. Constable Frank Brennan had the pleases of arresting an attache of the "grand army of Mempha' yesterday ice headquarters are on sneioy street, where some curious ''carryings on" may be observed from time to time. The charge against the atta the In question a tealing a pistol. Governor Brown has pardoned Wil liam Bo retard, who was foutd guilty '.he last term of the Shelby criminal court os an indictment for forging a note on Mr. B B. Barnes, of Mempha, snd sen 'enced to three year's impraonmem in the penitentiary. The conditions of the pardon are that Boregard should pay the usts or the trial. A man evidently under the influence of fourth-proo- f whisky took a plunge into the Mississippi last nigut to oool off Policeman Fitzzlbbons had a hard time fishing him out. He evinced no inclina- - icn to arrive on terra flrma again. He took the dive eft the whai trtoat and swam round like a duck for fifteen minutes. W.ien taken to the atationhouse he per saient.y relujed to give ha name. Those wretched controverslaiats who have hitherto declared that an oyster Is bird, and others who have variously held bat it Is allied to the tomato family, or a de.i.lc.1 wi.h cheese, or who have traced a resemblance to the monkey-wrenc- h, or persis'ed Uat the oyster had much in mmon with the stoat, it is hoped will be silenced bv a late decision of a Maine court, ihat the animsl a fish. Tha de smashes, also, the absurd declare ion of A ass Irs that the oyster it" ma rine acephalous mollusc of toe Israelii branchiate order." But the decision of nil the oonr.s Down East cannot set aside .he verdiot long ago given by the people tl Memphis, that the Madame Vincent saloon, 18 Ulon street, a one of the best n the sou t Peter canaie will prove his to any who may eau While a rsate for a watch was going n or about to commence last night in a Jefferson street saloon, a gentleman pres ent fiened on to the "ticker," ssylrg It was ha properly and had been myste- riously LiAsieg alnoe Msrdi Gras. "It's my watch, snd I'll never give it up!" de cared the gen-lema- "Yes you will, son," sarcaatioeily observed the financial manager or the borelcmoal lottery, a sar donic smile playing over ha ugly mug the while, as though he was prepared to put the Claimant away in toe at saor. gestae. But th young gt ntleman knew he was r'gbt snd held on to the oroide, thocKh he agreed to compromise on a oaaa or about a nair aozso eiasicx, in which he was toasted by th party pres ent for ha good humor. That watch g s the auction store morn- ug. it not only loses time, out issoasry PERSONAL. Coofbb th portrait-paint- er of Lonia- - llle. a in the city. He remains till the first of April Colonel Sam B. Jokes and wife. Mem pha. were among the arrlvaa at tbe Lou Uvlile hotel on Thursday. Mx, L. H. SabasKsi;, of Cincinnati, a lending and industrious layman of the Presbyterian church of tbat city, and an old and prominent merchant, a a guest at the Peabody hotel. K Mackvilijc, Cincinnati: A C. Mo-Ew- New Yoik; Wyalt Jones, Padu-oa- Kentuoky ; J Battelie, New York; T B. Moody, Little Book and Dr F O. McG.vock, of Arkansas, are stopping at the Peabody. Mbssks General Forrest, president ot the boarri; General J. Patten Anderson, Gsonra Backer, Colonels Pugh. Fowlkes, Fressnius, Murdock, sad Honorable Jacob Thompson, of the Memphis and Ho! ma railroad axe in Columbus, Missis- sippi. It im with star sobbow that we learn of th ill c luii of our old friend, Mr. L. B Riohai da, city register, in the serious illness of a loved son and daughter We hope bl tear, as expressed to us In a not, of a fatal termination of ha daugh- ter Hiuens, may be without foundation Dk DiexaoJt will speak in Sard a on Monday evening, tbe 18th Instant; Tues- day evenlnj, the 19th, at Grenada; at Water Valley on the evening of tbe 90th; on th Slat at Oxford ; at Holly Springs on ths xj (Friday evening). Ha subleot will be the importance of tbe esUbilsh-ixan- t of an Voirsrsity at Mempha. Wa were muh pleased with a vait from Samuel Fasselman, Seq , of Illinoa. Mr. Faaseiman is making a tour through the South for the benent of ha health and also to observe the status of a flairs. He n pressed himself as much pleased with ha reception. He is a vary talented gen- tleman and h's profound learning and cental manners will commend him to our beat oitasna, JciKJa Gkobab W. Emoby, supervisor ot interusl revenue for Tennessee, Mia-slpp- l and Alabama, left the city yesterday for Jackson. Missaslpoi He has nude Tennssser his borne snd invesa bare ha wealth He h introduced many re- forms la th admlna.raUon of the reve- nue service and a rapidiy f urging it of incompetent and unworthy plaosmen. Opaat now sad then seuifs a trustw. t by gnatl-ma- n as an ofBc-hol- Into the South and It becomes us to not the fact, a R. WiWaU, Fayett county, Ten-naant- Charles S. Nowdeli and famliy, Otsvaiacd, wkio; Jattvss W. Arkaa- - THE SU3STDA.Y MORNING APPEAL-MAR- CH lO, 1873 eat; G.W, Thompson, at asm T Emperor, and Jules Havre, Franoe, are stopping at the OommeroUl hotel, rmrlnr the past week this old. reltahle honee has been do- ing a floe boeizteaa. It may be called the Merchants' hive," for when anything at all la doing In the hotel line, the Commer- cial a "alive" with bnineae men from every adjoining State. Large numbers of tbem have been "putting-up- " there lately. AMUS-MEN- TS. OpntA Boosts The New Mempha will be closed tha weak, bat next will be opened to the grandest sensation, after Thomas, that we have had her in years. The unrivalled troupe to which the great artiste, Aimee, lends her name, will De here. and commence an engagement of a week, during which we are to have three of Offenbach's operas, "La Psricbole," " La Grande Duchess," and " Barbe Bleue;" also, Laoocque's "Flenr de The." We have never had in the United States a company to compare with tha. Inimita- ble anywhere, It a beyond criticism here. We therefore expect to see crowded houses every night. Looking 10 tha, the management have put the prices of ad- mission to all parts of the houae at rates that are, indeed, very reasonable, eape daily when It is remembered thst this company numbers seventy persons, in eluding s full orchestra, and it a there fore very expensive. SPIRITUAL PHOTOGRAPHS. lew the Trie ts i se SwIsiUs ef tne There are spiritual photographists who pretend to represent from the spirit-worl- d accurate likenesses 01 the lovea ana tost The processes of their art have recently been investigated in the courts, it wai found that a gross fraud had been prac used upon affeotionat stupidity. We have here artats whose pictures have a beauty that a mritueV. but no delusions are re sorted to in perfecting their marvellous productions ot taste and skill. In most photographs the picture represents the subject as straight, stiff and lifeless aa a lamp-pos- t, and there a a vacant stare as if the "spiritual photographist" had been revenged and the dead man's picture had been taken to represent the living. No saddening defects of tha character mark likenesses made by Bingham s. craver. True to the original aa moat photographs are, those made by Bingham A Craver have the superadded excellence that tney are life-lfk- e snd full of life. In bold reliei the likenesses stand f trth, and vitality itself a seen and felt and gives supreme excellence to the picture. Mr. Cooper, the famous portrait painter, specimens ot whose skill adorn the wails of many a parlor of the oldest citizens of Mempha, has ha studio at tha gallery. The highest excellences of both arts of the painter trainee in the schools of Europe snd America, and of the pbotograpiat may be here studied and produced. The pho- tographist gives ths perfect copy of out- lines from nature, the painter makes per- fect thoae nameless lights and shadows which flit over one's face and give it ani- mation and expression. The exhibition of countless pictures and portraits Bingham fc Graver's at the corner of Main and Jefferson, renders the place moat at tractive. HosiBBT. A fall line of hosiery for ladles, misses and children at a. Los-e- n stein S Bros, this week. Masks Dollar Store. PATK5T CHTJBKS, at WHKBLEB. PICKENS ACQ'S. Go to E D art's for the young gent's ressstik hats. AN ILLEGAL PROCEEDING ALL ROUND. On Tuesday. Mr. It, K. Cameron, of Mississippi, was arretted while at the Mississippi depot, ready t start to his home on the train. The charge against. aim was stealing sixteen dollars from s room-mat- e while stopping in one ot our hotels. He was carried before Justice pellman, who put htm under a bond of S20C0 for ha appearance yesterday. Mr Cameron feels very ladignant at such treatment. He claims tbat he gave fifty dollars to 'Squire Black to defend him and to get him out of the trouble. When the case waa called yesterday morning, Mr. Cameron promptly appeared. So did ha accuser, and the case went on, but no Attorney Blsck waa present, sio proof was msde, and the justice felt bound to release the prisoner. Mr. Cameron im mediately swore out a warrant against Black, abargtng him with obtaining money under tsiae pretences. The war rant was put in the hands of Barney Cox 10 execute. MERCHANTS visiting Mempha shoaid not tall to ex amine the large stock of DRY GOODS of MENKEN BROS., who have a i argentine 01 tottonades. Plaids, Osnaburgs. etc., purchased before the advance, and will offer, special inducements to cash and short-tim- e buyers. ' Hati you notioed what an elastic step our mend Weaver naa or later" Yes. and I am puzzled to account for it. Be patronises Tmos B. Coffmt A Co., and buys their Exoeaior Gaiters." What a their number 7" " 36 Main street, corner ot Union." Now a the time to hsve your leaky roofs repaired, as the rainy season a on you. Those wishing tbe same done aheap will no well to can on Jun.pt w KERNS. 8SM Main street, between Over ton and Concord streets. Masks! Maoks I -- Dollar Store. NEW SPRIKG GOODS. Ladlea' Ties, a most beatlful aaaortment; Groe Grain Eowa in ail the new shades. Groa de thine Bows ; Lace Collars, in new designs; Trimmings or every description; FLOUNCING8; TUCKING95 BAND TRIMMINGS; RWFFLING8, We are now in the receipt of some of tbe very newest and nandscmest style to D9 round in the eastern markets. T. W. JOHNSTON A CO. Opposite Peabody hotel. The 11 neat haa in the city at Leidy 4 Co. 'a Gas Fittifq, 816 Second street. REQUEST. On account of the heavy pressure of bus iness, we are often unable to deliver goods promptly as desired (having at present only two delivery wagons i and in order to avoid the in convenience we know our customers often experience on account of it, we would ieel much obliged if they would try and give us their or ders the bat bkfjbm the goods are need ed at latest, very early in tbe morning. ULl VEK, JTiNItfiJS (X UU. ron account of cur an sartor facilities for handlina and delivering soods. our cus tom era can leave ihelr orders Wttts IT ML'IrM TMK1BCUNVKMXNCE. Ws deliver 'o families in the city free of ensrge. If we flod our de lverlng oapacity a not sum lent to ACCOMODATE our custoQcra we will get more wagons. Don t be afrala of working us to death. C0NA WAY 4 LINSDAY, Srootra, mlO Whitb Goods ! Waits Goons al B. Lowenatein A Brotber'a new white goods tha week. Haia, Braids, Cubxs Dollar Store, Patent Reversible Children Carriages, at WHEELBK, rlLaUMi dt CO'B, Gentlemen's wbab cleaned without scrubbing or scouring, and made like new, at the Memphla Steam Dyeing Bstabiah- ment, 01 Madaon street. " and " " Beoadwat Spring baa at Leidy A Co 'a. PbUMiaa, 81 Seoond street. LOCAL ITEMS ao to Leddln 'a Business CoUsge. -- Attend Robertson. Business College, i rmatrona 'a PbotoerrsDblo UaUery, So. XU Main sireeL Three fnoJtiass gun pictures tot Bftr centa. W A Btsinniis M. D.. hOmeODAthlst. Beeidenee, Peabody hotel. OfBce, 17Jsj Monroe. VETERINARY SUBBE0N. Jos. Buabmann, offlos 66 Union street, Graduated Veterinary Surgeon fifteen years' Go to Jo Locke's tor the latent publi cation. Tn H'slifiiaal ahrt best 8team Dyeing and Cleanlns bouse In lb city is at IMC sleeond street. Hun t A Hanson 't old stand. ns-.Tsv- . a sawaaa, Rbmotal. TheMempbaSteam Dyeing Esbiahmen t has removed to U Madison street. Go to Leidy A Co. for 1st! style dress hata ClABS AID Tobacco Labri ' I tie of On.!, Job Looks, ZBSH Main street, has e largest BaaorUatofVissiMiiai Pif4orals aad d4- - THE BRUSHINfl-U- P SEASON. Timely Hist to These Asaat to Build. The season of "spring cleaning" '.hat horror of the male members of the com munityis at hand, and for the next six weeks every well regulated family will consider it th thing to be at to have their carpets up, to have in scruDbers, wnitewashers painters, ki- - ho miners snd decorators In, and to make things generally as disagreeable aa possi- ble for the time, that the eummar may be passed over comfortably. These who have passed through tha ordeal (and who has not T) are painfully conscious of the men- tal and physical wear-am- i tear of hunting up and engaging the right kind of ' tal- ent" to pat the work through in a rapid and complete manner, and we are glad to be able to point to at leaat one establish- ment in the city which, in its line of busi- ness, has never yet failed to give the most complete sstafSction in every respect, and as we name Marcus Jousts, No, 296 J Szcohb 8TRIWT, half the citizens of Mempha will at once declare we are correct in the assertion that in the way of paper-hangin- g and like ornamen- tation, no bouse at home or abroad can surpass if equal the one spoken of. A LOOK THB0COH TH H0CSB by tha reporter proved that if the "bill- posters" Lu the shape of decorators, sent her by trumpery Arms from other cities, expect to compete In price and quality of work with Mr. Jones they will have to inaugurate a better and cheaper style of business than yet shown by these adventurers. Mr. Jones haa samplea of every atyle and design for parlors, bedrooms, dlningrooms, halls and public buildings, rangirg in price from 125 to 500 for a room. Imitations of woods, walnut, maple, oak, etc.; ot marble, granite, and other brilliant stone; also, walnut so natural that one readily thinks he a contemplating the gtnuine article, and which a so manufactured as to permit the housemaid to go over the walls with a anoaaie and soapsuds without in the least defacing the psper. One style shown of blue velvet and fresco, panneiea in gut seems too elaborate for the hands of any but an artist to arrange, but that it is put up, and artistically, too, a ahown on the second floor ot Mr. Jones's thoroughly complete estabUshment. rx winnow shades ass fixtures, ss in wall-pap-er and decorations, tha house a without a peer in the South west. In fact, from the cellar up, tne Dlaca a Decked with the best goods known to their line of trade. And another inducement patrons have a that they are waited upon ana tDeir oraers tnsten ana superintended by Mr. Gcs. Johbs, a ersntleman of excellent judgment and marvelinns taste in beautifying- - the dwel ling-plac- of earth. Call at 'J6S4 Second street, and see for yourselves. PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE. The Teal tine Syateaa er Ufa Insnr laves awnt Policy. The public haa been overrun wKh ays-tern- ot life insurance as various as hu manlty and as promising as the wonderful lamp of Aladdin. And generally these systems have been sustained in their promised usefulness by the practice ot leading companies, for, to the honor and credit of the lite insurance fraternity be it said, they have sever yet shocked the world with any defalcations or failures such as emanating from other financial Institutions have made the paople dis trustful. Life insurance, generally, in good and reliably hands, haa been so managed as to induce among all classes cumpiete confidence, and a rapid growth of the system. What is premised is gen erally carried out. If profits or dividends in oaah or scrip, they come with uner ring certainty and on time. The newest the latest and perhaps th6 best of the sys tems of life Insurance now offered for public acceptance a that known as the tontine, presented by the New York Life Insurance company, which in 1871 issued nearly 9000 policies, aggregating 126.000. 000, Increasing its assets nearly $3 000 000 and after paying all devisable surplus had 1 1,500,000 to datribute among Its policy holders. Tha tontine system a briefly discussed ss follows: Those selecting tha form of Insurance are placed in claaaea, the tontine periods of a hioh ter minals in ten. fifteen or twenty years ; the election of the period to be made at the time of making the application for the policy. The annual surplus arising in each of theae classes Is accumulated lor the benefit of the class, but no division Is made until the expiration of the selected period and then only to such policies aa are aotu-all- in force; thoae terminat ng prior thereto receiving no dividend. To the rep. resentatives of those who die daring the period.the original amount insured will be paid. Thoae who discontinue their policies receive neither paid-u- p policies nor sur render values; bat profits from tha source, as well ss from the dividends of those who die during the period, will be placed to the credit of the class to which they belonged Applicable to all forms of life aDd endowment Insurance, it is highly commended by the most distinguished actuaries in the country. As will be seen by the advertisement in another column, the benefits offered by the New York Life are more varied than those of any other company, and more advantageous. The cash assets of this company are now $20,000,000, and its standing in. Memphis will be understood when we state tne raot that in three years they have registered 2000 policies, and are daily increasing the immense l'st. Mr. L. A, Splcer, the man ager in Memphis, is, a gentleman of large experience in life insurance, worthy the position he occupies, and the connaenoe of the New York Life Insurance com pany. Smokers' Abticlks Leubrie's Isle of Cuba. Clothes Wrinoebs, at WHBELKK, PICKISS A CO'B. SPRING STYLES OF BOOTS AD SHOES The customers of Mr. John Vosgeli and the term includes nearly the whole popu- lation of Mempha will thank ua for the Information that the Bsgle Shoe Store a In receipt of one of the largest and best stocks of goods in the line of footwear ever brought to Memphis. Madame Fashion has inspired the Crispins to turn out some very tasterui ano eiaoorate De- signs In house snd walking-shoe- s for the ladles, while the gentlemen are equally well provided for in neat and anostantiai 'understandings " But tne children nave more reason than ever to rHioe that they are growing up while Mr. Viell is in the shoe business, for he nas certainly ne- glected nothing that can add to the ap pearance of a girl's or boy's standing in the world. The facilltiea of the "Eagle" for manufacturing boots and ahoes a un surpassed, and the cutter employed Dy Mr. v os 2eil never maue a mis-- ut in ms life. The attention of ladiea and dealers a reaneotfuliv called to the new glove 11'. ting Bummer corset, which Is strong aad of sunerior aualitv to the aummer osrseti of last year. The genuine Weily, L'Oisesu. Nursing, Dupont, Foy, Scarlet, Misses' French corset snd our own long hand made aie complete from slae 13 to 86. I also offer a large stock of German corsets, which I shall not sell aa French, though they are well finished. All lengths ot doaDle corset clasps and Bias steeis. Breast protectors of rubber, whalebone, and silver wire. Shoulder braces, linen corset laces, and the best bustles. South ern Hoopskirt manufactory, 103). Main, near Washington street LULUS LAJNGM. Patbomize Leubrie's Isle of Cuba. Cbcqubt Seis, at WHEELER, PICKENS a CO'S, ' Who are Thos B. Coffet A Co., who everybody a reoommendlng me to buy the Exoeaior Gaiter from T" ' Tbev are Mempha boys, ' native here and lo the manor born.' " ' Good ; I am always lnolined to patron ise talent. Ton oannot patronise a better arm,' " What la their number T" ' (SO Main street, corner of Vnion." MURRAY & RIDOHLY, MERCHANT TAILORS, Wo. U Madaoa street, would respectfully inform their patrona and tbe puoiio generally was tney nave received a stock of goods far surpassing anything yet offered to LOVERS OA- - DISH in the good city of Mempha and sur- rounding oountry. Most of our goods are imported by ua direct to tha port, we say it without egotism, tbat we are the first to pay duties on import guuue in mis oity. We thereby set rid of the importer's prob and will gladly divide the benefit with all customers on their future orders. Our stock com prise everything gentlemen can deaire for dress or business suits. Onr reputation for good clothes, supuro na and punctuality a beyond question. Do not take oar word for it, but call and try. " Latest Sttlus dress hats at Leidy AOo.'e. Ooooaibb dresses the hair beautifully. Steam-Pit- t , 315 Seoond street. J a . n. UnMHtBT swn fGrviwnwT Til i u you will get by haying your grates set with Lemon's improvement. Call at 296 rjAoond strstet. Seed Swebt Potato is. Harbert's oel- - abrated varieties, at Conaway dt Lind- - atj's, 86a Main street. Dvaa Wxiab, S16 Ancea , A GOOD THING. Ths Invs. tars' AM The plan upon which the Inventors'Atd association a organised and a to be con- ducted is plain and simple. The members do not lnour any pecuniary liability be- yond tha amount of stock subscribed by each. Tha freedom from liability, to- gether with th prospect of immense pronts upon the Investment, it the busi ness of the association a managed with any degree of discretion and prudence, wul render its stock more valuable than that of any institution in the country. Therefore, none will hesitate to give it prompt and liberal encouragement and support. It promotes and encourages in ventive genius and makes Southern people the owners of Southern inventions, which have heretofore been absorbed by Northern capitalists and speculators. WHO IS SCARED? A Sew Way as Secure Corm.pt inppurt. Insinuations ot fraud or of aome aort of villainous practices are suggested by the Ledger, affecting somebody. The effect designed to be produced can only be dis- covered in the conduct of that council- man who, it a hoped by the Ledger, may thus be deterred from voting against ths acceptance ot the Ledger's Did for the public printing. We shall see who is afraid of the promised exposures by the Ledger. If aldermen and oouncilmen are scared, they will surely support the Ledg- er. Those intimidated will thus show their hands, aud the thieves may thus be spotted, because they will fear this expo- sure. Beware of voting against the Ledg- er. If you do, you will be proven a vil-lai- n. If you don't, you are a gentleman. Seriousiy, if the Ledger do not aeek to frighten fools, and if it have information involving the personal or official worth of city otneiais or others, the Deo tile will think it most unworthy of all journals if it ao not now make a clean oreast of it and tell all it knows. ELM WOOD CEMETERY. Lot owners and all others visiting the cemetery must exhibit their tickets at the gate or they will not, in any eatt, be ad- mitted. Those who hsve not procured tickets can do so by appiying at the office In the city. No. 36 Union street. Persons wishing to purchase lots must first call st the office and procure tickets of admis- sion. The grounds of Elmwood are holy ana sacred, ana tne managers are deter mined to enforce tbe rules rigidly. JOSEPH LENOW, Piesident. PRESERVE YOUR BOOKS, Magazines and Periodicaa of every de scription, bv having them handsomely oounu. rKi'Jiii L.U w. BOYLE fe CHAPMAN. 279 X Main street, Bookbinders, S.ationers ana Printers. NEW 800DS AT VERY LOW FIGURES. We Open Horning an entire new line of dress goods, In which we oner hbat araihs. BLACK SILKS lower than ever before. JAPANESE POPLINS in beautiful designs. THE NEW DOLLY VARDEN PRINTS in endless variety Beautiful Peboalks and calicoes, new trimmings, embroider ies, laces, etc. All of which at extremsly low prices, call at HERZOG Jk BRO 'S. Five Hcsdbbd Dcbss Rbooms. at WHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S. Masks! Masks! -- Dollar Store, HAVE YOUR MUSI I BOUND In elegant stylo bv BOYLE A CHAPMAN, Bookbinders and Stationers, ;27H Main street. Ban Cisahs Lubrie's Isla of Cuba. Spbiso Styles, just received at Dary'a Hat Store, 847 Main. TE Boots which Thcs. B. Ooflay A Co. sell you will suit you in style, quality and price, cry tnem rneir store a as Main street, corner of Union. B. L0WEN3TEIN & BROS. WTLL Of kt OW M3HDAT, MABK 11TH, FIV1 THOUSAND assT istuH MAK3-ILL- KS SPKMADS, White and Colored, Eat 10 4 Marseilles Spreads, 11 4 Marseilles Spreads, 12 4 Marseilles Spreads, It 4 Marseille Spreads, Which will be sold below the market price Choice Hava has at Leubrie's Isle of Cuba. 8FINirr W HEELS ! at WHEELBK, PICKMJffS A CO'S. 00 YOU FEAR MENINGITIS 1 The ravages of cerebro spinal menlngl ta among this population ahouid prompt every man to take auch precautions aa win lnaure an escape from tha Calorafty malady Charley LeClerc. atTNo. 339 Main street, first door below Union, has a pre ventive that denes tbe best efforts of the oero. spin , and ail who desire an exemp tion from an attack should consult him at once. The "medicine" a decidedly pleasant to take, and no bad results fol low an "over-doso.- " la any skntlkman in the city wants a nice suit of clothes made op in the latest styie ana to fit htm purteotiy, ne haa bet ter go to John Hunter's merchant tailor ing house, 41 Monroe street, where era be found a beautiful selection of ilothe, which Hunter will makeup to fit and at prioea astonishingly low. TO ALL. Partlea wahlng anything in the uphol- - atering line, via: Carpets made and laid. curtains hung, furniture upholstered and varnanod, bedding renovated, furniture packed, etc.; also, those wahlng cheap furniture and bedding of any kind oan do no oettor than by calling on WM. K. THIXTON, Nob. 44 and 46 Court street, next to Southern express. Ha o harass are moderate and he guarantee satafac- - tion in work and goods. Commission merchants oan have their orders tilled at the lowest figures, and wilL-fin- d goods just aa represented, orders from abroad ailed at lust as low a figure as if the par ties purcnaueu in person, But Youb Cioabs at Leubrie's Isle of Cuba. Dorr's Clithes Washebb, at WHEELS rt, PICKENS A CO'S. Notwithstanding the many different skirts With attached bustles, ail of which have been recommended as well fitting, etc., ladiea hve oome to tbe final con- clusion that, in order to have a shapely tournure, it a necessary to have the panier separate from the skirt, My new elastic bustle oan be worn on any skirt, but will fit more easily on the Nlisson street skirt. This skirt I w uld respect. fully recommend tbe ladies who already wear tbe deml and full-trai- n drop, as it a osloulated lo give the dress an elegant a w, without expanding it. I shall, tha week, commence to make H tlason skirt for misses, and all lengths will be ready shortly. The soiree trail, for bridal and reception dresses, a always ready. Southern Hoopskirt Manufactory, 18834 Main street, near Washington street. Br ebfeabin to our column of new advertisemen ts, under the head of "Busi- ness Change," it will be seen that Colonel C. H Dindridge haa sold out bis interest in tbe firm of Dandridge, Mitchell A Co., to W. F Watklna, Esq , late of Bateevlile, Mississippi. We, in common with the friends of Colonel Dsndridge (and they are legion,) regret his retirement from active eommeroiai pursuits, for aa a thorough, high toned gentleman and aa aocom- - and successful merohant he ranks Elisbed ha absence will be felt in com mercial circle. Hla mautle haa, however, fallen upon a most worthy suoeessoriu the person of W. P. Wat kins, Esq., who brina to the new firm energy, tact, talent and many years of suooes ful experience. Of tbe other members of the Arm it a al- most superfluous to speak, for everybody knows John Mitchell his came la as fa miliar aa a nousenoia wora sna uoionei A Sims, who represents an interest in the firm, is known and respected by all in T Memphis and in ins country ior Hundreds a. of miles. We most cordially commend the firm of Watkins, Mitchell A Co. to the public. a Kxabmjsb the grate In tha offtoe, r a or) th saving of fnal. tJ. Vtvb Axs-0tU- ar Store, CHURCH SERVICES TO-DA- Y. first Jfstkwellet Chare. Hsi iliwa bv the nastor at eleven in tha morning and hall-pa- st seven In the even- ing. Central Me Lbed let Kntaesn! Cnnrek. Services at eleven o'clock In the morn ing and at quarter-pas- t seven in the even- ing, by the pastor. First Cfenren. Services at eleven o'clock in the morn ing and half-pa- st seven o'clock in the evening. Sunday-scho- ol at half-pa- nine o'siock. Llndea atrset Christian Chnreh. Preaching by Rev. Luvid Walk at half- - Sast ten o'clock in the morning and at seven o'elcck in the evening. First Presbyterian Chnreh. Services at eleven o'clock In the morn ing and at a quarter-pas- t seven o'clock in the evening by the pastor. Flaws Baptist Chnreh. Services by the Rev. T. J. Drsne at eleven o'clock in the morning and at half-pa- st seven o'clock in the evening. Sunday school at nine o'clock. aseona freeby terlnn Chnreh. Services at eieven o'siock in the morn ing by the Rev. H M. Richardson, and in the evening at half-pa- seven by the pas- tor. B wf denborKlAI. The Rev. Edwin Payson Walton will lecture in the United States courtroom on the Second Advent at seven o'clock. There will be readings at three o'clock in the afternoon at the same place. at. Peter's Cnareh. Haydn's grand mass will be sung at half-pa- st ten tha morning. Masks! Mask! -- Dollar Store. NOVELTIES. NECK SCAREJ, BOWS AND RIBBONS, in qualities and ahades not to be found elsewhere, TO SB OPENED TO M0BK0W, AT B. LOWEN8TEIN A BROS. New Goods Dollar Store. NINETY BUIL0IN6 LOTS Judge Archibald Wright's homestead; Wednesday morning, March 13th Public sale ; on premises; see ad vertisment DONOHO A BULKLEY. Ninety Lots; Ninety Lots; Ninety Lots; Ninety Lots; .Ninety Lota: Ninety Lots; Public Sale; Public Sale; Public Sale; Wednesday ; March 13th ; Ten a.m.; Wednesday; March 13th; Ten a.m. On premises; On premises; On premises; See advartaement of DONOHO A BULKLEY. Judge Archibald Wright's beautiful homestead, cut into ninety building lots, and will be sold by Donoho A Bulkley, at public sale, Wednesday morning, 13th instant, on the premises. Now is the time to secure a home of exoellent loca tion, unquestionable title and on fair terms I D sgrama at our offl-e- . DONOHO A BULKLEY, 39 Madison street. Donoho A Bulkley ; public sale ; Wenee-da- y, 13th instant ; ninety building; lota ; South Mempha; come and buy a home; tell your friends and neighbors to do like wise ; few other such chance will be of- fered as the Wright property ; this a "all right" and everbody knows the fact. DONOHO A BULKLEY, Real B itate agents. Lucky Individual who shall ha"e W nght to write out ha right, investing Wright's right to a clear right to a right good lot in the Wright place, sale e n Wednesday, March 13th. Then attenti, w Ithout fall. DONOHO A BULKLEY. 39 Madison street. Letts rim's Isle of Cuba Cigar Store. Tu Bkoadwat iLk Hat. st S DAKY'S, 847 Main. Ufpkb Blvb Lick Watjb, as an al terative and aperient, baa benefited, and will continue to benent hundreds or thou sands when rival waters have had their brief day and been forgotten. Its merits have been proved by the experienoe of a century. For aaie at tne nrue stores. aiAMi liSLD at umaniDi, Wholesale Agents. Office of Memphis Gatobo Gas CostPAXT, I WitDSi-- s Block, Ho. 448 Main street. METERS FURNISHED Asa set, free of charge, to Gas Consumers. FkiEirDsi and patrons are respectfully invited to leave their orders at tne Mem pha Steam Dyeing Bstabiahment, 61 Madison street. All kinds of cleaning and coloring, of every material, a done to perrection. and on shortest notice. ' SFkiss) Styles. lust rsaslved, at Leidy A Co. 'a. Go TO B D akt's t ir the latest styles ol Children's haa. 347 JUsm. I HAVE! PITTSBURG COAL. GEO. MHLLERSH. 8 ata advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary, headed Book tor the Million Marriage Guide in anoiner column, it snouiu o reau try au. Have you aeen Lubrie's Isle of Cuba f Connubial Fblictty. Nothing tends more to connubial Happiness man oneeriul aud healthy Infants and children. Mrs. Whit- - comb's syrup a the great children's soothing remeuy. Economy, Take your spring clothing to ths Steam Dyeing and Cleaning House (Hunt A uusun I oia stanu), jh oeeonu street. hajDibub at waa n Finis hot lunch at the "Bay Hon" ev ery day, trom ten to one o'clock. 6U0D8AH d tiiLL.LAND WHO EH AT, K Boots, Shoes, Hats, ALSO- - Ladi 88' & Misses' Trimmed Hats 322 asd 324 MAIN ST , r Our Spring Stock, which is large and attractive, Is now con plea, and we invite MEBt.'B AfTd ONLY tn examine our goods and prioea oerare During etsewnere mil utsjustsauiidiitiAait. JOSEPH SPECHT 37 MADISON STREET. MANUFACTURES OF CANDIES, CAKES AND ALL KINDS OF FINE CONFECTIONERY WABBAIlin PTJKK, For Sale Wholesale and Retail. FarUats anjtpHed abwrt unit uB NOTICE TO DENTISTS. IT AVI NO purchased the MKMPHMi DBS. M TAL OlFOIOi J B. Wesson A Co. 1 will oomlnue the business at Wo. U8 Main arTr street i am now replenishing from tne lead, 1 mg manufacturers of Burope and this coun try, hoping to meet ine demand, oi tn p. 1. also give notice to the public that I will Draatloa dentistry and surcerv in all la branches, with advantages not sur os passes! in tne proiesaion. J. At, niWlli, AS. D. rkST18TBT- .- As above nolle. 1 hava disposed ot my dental i names to Dr, J. B. Powel, who wtll continue tn same at my wU known sand. 1 will now give my un- divided attention to the practice ot Dent- istry. Offloe aa neietoiore. No. 818 Main street. fa?. J.B. WAPSOM , D. D. a TO THE PUBUC. vua WOULD respectfully inform my friends ana tne puuua in aenerru uiui am nns prepared to assist thm in the recovery of stoi-- n or airajrsu iwjcs, ur any utner proper- ty that they may have lost, ha ingqulad Deputy onenu ot ouainy county and given required bond. 1 am now ready and will- ing to arait th public In the future, as it a well known that I have done tt In tee post. MATT SBJSLBjr, ak? Dapukf Shariffol ShMcyObunsF. STEAMBOATS FOR NEW ORLEANS. Bsgular Sew Or sans Packs' For Viol Satohea and Mew Or sans SICK LOSG WORTH- - Kates, master This elegant and swift steamer win leave ss above BTHI-- ! OAT, llth lust., at 10 p m. For freight or pan ge apply on board. Clnc'nnatt, Mfmjbls and New Orleans Packet Compati y For New Orleans and tne Bend The elegant passenger steamer jsnn Kilaour tela master Hrk Ir flarir Leaves HCNDiVT, tthh lnst at 4 i.m. RLLXOTTA MILLKB, Agents. mhfl J.ff.i-iri- r and m.imt, strtta. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOCIb. Memphis and St. Lnnls Packet Company For Hickman. Colnmhua, Cairo a"d at. Lona - - asT a Str. CITY OF VICK8BCBQ, mfOmBHi A. J. Caiter master Will leava as attov Talia UA.Y. Mmon loth, at 10 o'clock Am. mbil Ft. EM. CAT. VERT. Bnp'C FOR VICKSBTJRG. aenphls and t. Annie racket For Helena, Greeuvllls and Vinksbarr. anrri Steamer MARBLE CITY; aaslaBV Townsend msstsr ill leave as aoove THjS DAT. Marsh Iflth. at 10 o'clock a.m. m 10 FLH1M. CALVERT, 8nD't. FOR EVANS VILLE. For Cairo. Evansvllle and Way Landings The elegratt paeeenger steamer Ma it.aaiiit -- " it John B. Hail roaster , tie. Throonalerk Leaves TH in DAS, '0th lnet,, at 10 a.m. ELLIOTT A Ml l.t.imi AgenU. mhiO Promt-nao- e sc. foul ofX-cerso- FOR CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Memphis and New 01 leans fackst Company For Evansviile. Loula- - vuieand cinclnnaui The elegant steamer ANDES - am matter Croxai!.. aiark AaVBVSB lHit u r, lutn lnsc ati p.m. ELLIOTT A I LER, Ana. mhlO Jefferson iuid Promenade streets. "ox- - Cinciniiati. For Cairo. Ljulsvliie and llnatnnatt Th e egant oaase ger et dTPiarsel -- master Alexander cterk Wl liiavs au DAY. Martin llth, at S p.m. ror ir !nt or passage appiy to K w.iuuiouanib, . . 11 nganv lhlO : ni sTreer FOK ARKa.NK.4 RIVER. Mesnnhl sad A banana Blver Packet 1 otttpnny aj. a. nu.u use. For P no H.ntt snd LitUe Hork Pat Cleburne kteme Pri trbartl. Muter this elegant steamer will leave a MO-iD- llth lnst, art 5 p.m. JbMbMMMI w. 11. iti.a9L'A 1, Agent, Office 011 Company's Wharf boat, mh9 f"Ot Cone st.raeC FOR WHITE RIVER. Mesnvhae snd AhJte ttiw rsakrt Co tj. h. Moll nsMt assarrs Ktpr. For Helena, DeVali's muff, Searcy, Augusta and Jackson pore The Klerant Passeneor Steamers LEGAL TE5DER W. J. Ash.'ord, master Leavxs Memphis every 1 u miia i , at o'clock p.m. B. P. WALT John J. Edsou, master Leaves Mempha every BAiuaiiAi, at o'clock o.m. The aoove line o' elegant steamers cor ana at DeVali's Biutt with tne railroad for Lu..e Book and Jacksonport. ELLIOTT A MILLER, Agents, mWT - foot ni lafrsfn FiiiAJi'b POUST AN Li BEN-f- c. friar, ferrr, iiBiana saa Sea 8aM StaiM MaH Ptulut, Phil, AfN. James Lee,. .master. Leaves Mempha Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at p.m., connecting at Haleua with the steamer dHODA lor Manama ana DGtnUon FVAngsUle tver. ty FOR A RKA-NbA- tf RIVER. EmFTIh ArD AHKAHBAi KIVS.S Packet Co., D 8. Kali Lino The el gaut pas;iuger bo t?f this line leave Mena-phi- s for ail points on Arksnsas river Sfnav dnya ana Friiinjs at 4 p an. KO' freight, paassae, or uue.- - inormation, apply to ay. n ui, i , Aajauk rate or. Oonapa-nv'- a i rmI i f'nnrt si i aas mni Ifsjit ri.L.iS3i A A.NU FJfcUA-H'- S fOLM'l ftr. iSSL S K Salsa Ma Til a rsiaaia. Srst-o- nannngrr ! laSS. W, GfleeKaitaaaai GBU. MALOfK master. Will run regularly, as above, leaving Han pna every TUESDAY, thu hhda i anti BX fjliCAY, punctsu lO at 6 pan. For freight or passage, apply on board. Feiat. aulas. Wfertt The Suited Hats Mail Packet A. J. WH AtAHS B. CBJSBK Will leave Mem puis MOMDATti and FHJ- - da is, punctually at o p.m. For iraignt or paassga. appir on ooartt FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. cueatu, Mnrlnaunn and lit. rrauaeis stiver Pnnhrtf ItrsmnT ST. H. riowman.......... muster Will leave Mempha Tubsdayb and TnU3 bats, at a o'clock p.. For freight or pansse apply nn boards no? AUCTION SALES. A. E. FRANKLAI.D AUC1I0N AND Commss.Gi. Marchant, AND UNDERWRITER'S AGENT, 195 Ano (97 MAIN ST., w ebt lo o: TRADE SALES DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES, BATS, N0TIUNS, HOSIERY, CUT- LERY AND FANCY GtODS, Mon? a s mNdostcsys and Ffl-av- s. GROCERIES AND FURNITURE TSJTE-.OA- Y8 AMD THLMSDATN. r Ontdoor Hale attended to wit a nromnt- - u-r- n anc uinpatcu. saa- - Ample room for storsge. sssr- - Always in store a large ma mt Private) Mnlo. ssar city and country Mtrchana will bene fit themselves ov ::u stock and at. lenain.. sates. A. t . FiiAlt s LAUD. AnotT. DONOHO at BULKLEY WILL INUAQUBATfi THE IS SPRING PUBLIC SALES -- OF- fT the Introduction of ihn following well known and manly desirahia Prune t lea. and In t, e order girau bel tw, oi wbleh other notice la tbe way of Posters, Diagiaais, etc. wii' oe given in one time, : Judge Arebttinld Wright's aToaaesteast, assBnaas y weu.ua, i.artue anu ttavie.traet.. Soutn Memohls, ow the fbi ISXS, UiOHSST tlUDIB, WlTHOOT BKSUBVB. Wedeetday, March 13th, at 10 o'olook BIsr: "ST LOTS, The Itnvld Ptrk "Old Bnsnestmd.' ner.tofors .dre'ttsed ana on a oouni o ssverltv of waaihsr- - tvanHi Prk, Davie s,nd Walker v unes soat Msrapni"; on PBUtaEs, Hjohxbt smusa, snaouT HaBurs, Wednesday, March kOth, at 10 a'cloek ata. one rgfd-e- o and Ten Lets. Kemainnrrof nreapnt limit- - nf . iin be ra. tikiatawz,. ivrnutsrirM " . ud Caarivscon K.i o :1, font mUm irorn A J ... oiitum A l OUH OF- - w siaui- - on street, Wednesday, March 27tb, at 10 o'olook a at. j These PIJrLifl Hsi.BSaiii Ka -s- i- ued in future, at regular intet val. a may from time to Urn anronnii Thnu.. "'" w avail inemseives of our services aad ma manner of selling srelr Meal Eat ate, would do Weii to call promptly snd arrange w- - RiMKMShB. that we will neither ail siwium uor un,it any outer man ops. FATA ASD LB01TIHATI BIPDIKGB, or Other IB- - ful aaannaaiTixa m oar Pubdc sales. ssw Any of tnese Lota may be purchased at uf private aaie until the date of thetr nubile any the "w.iunw aa on.at.Ki, ajaMltBttra, steal aV.ln.e trssia, and as) MadlsM alrert. ts. F.8 Should waih' prevent aaiea. as an. nounc-- d above, inev win u en take plane ajLAO. - ' iiiiAnun u.i u uaailflfl. iess 11, A a -- 8NAB5JBG8, BBOWN SHBATtMO ASD . caiauu, .uwuaiu wciBtll, mauutBa- - red of the best cot ton, at PrattwvDia. a.iZ and kulahed to Use trade at Mew York prices im titcBsnaiaa. uauantt aTam a.-i- .. a wr n.nau u-- TT ""-- ' w w , anamnaiaarnBaB, SPRING IMPORTATIONS! Menken ARE TO AN LIRE OF in in ALSO, SCITBD FOB BABL7 SPBIS9 WEAK. I ! is vabibtft Hale af Irish sMl Brothers PREPARED EXHIBIT ELEGANT STRIPED SILKS 6R0S GRAIN SILKS, light shades; BLACK SILKS, real Lyons manufacture; JAPANESE SILKS, Now French Prints, Percales and Chintzss. PARASOLS! PARASOLS VIENNA PARASOLS Linen centimes; Barntsley Linen Sheetings just received; Which for cheapness and eleganoe of tnah cannot be nrptmud. MENKEN BROTHERS. 261 4 . IF YOU WANT A COOKING STOVE BE SURE AND THE BEST BUCK'S BRILLIANT COOKING. STOVES! ACTUAL TRIAL WITH THJt AFTKB Stoves of the oountry hava been PBOVKH to be, without a doubt th Bast Coexists Stove Ever Hide ! And wherever used, ins an sat bread la al- ways insured. BUCK'S BRILLIANT IS SOABAJiTBD TO OHM LESS FUEL AND LAST LONGER than any other stove now sold. The pi awarded ths BUCK'S BB1LLIANT st thegraat fairs of 8L Louis. Mew Orleans and MemoDia. after ect- - tal Held contest with other leading stoves is an undisputed guarantee of their unap- proachable worth. Every Steve Fully ttaaranteed! SOLD BY General Agents and Dealers In all kinds oi Cooking and Heating Stoves, Hat and Iron Mantels, Grates, Tinware, Tin plate and Tin- ner's Stock, and also agents for the celebrated ' BUCK'S GUARANTEE," THJT, Beat Gvsl Cwkii Stevt It Uss He. 306 MAIN STREET, dZl dw Opposite Peahodv Hotel FRANKLIN s BOOK BINDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Aha JOB PRINTING HOUSE 8. C. TOCF, pRorsraToit, No. 15 Wet Court Street, Meapkl, Ten. a it BAT BBODCTION IN PBICBB. f all and examine specimens, dtl daw JUST RECEIVED. 50 dozen Ven Dar, 50 .ezen Vera Anders; 24 sbis. Swset Cidsr, rebelled; 50 bbls. Old Beurben Rye. Fin cha's Golden Wedding Rye, ROSEN BACH e CO. 200 FHAfcT STREET. GRIDER fc Ajrrrr AcrtiRiBs of xbw CELEBRATED ALABAMA XXllrwC-ELj- aj AHO IB CssMit, Plaster, Hair, Fire Brkk and Clay, THst, Hay, Cora, Q.ts, Brsa, sts Me 41 SOUTH COURT STREET -nn - . a f tmALfc SCHOOL. m ItHf undersigned of Die oitv nT'.T: wh;. uusuitj wiu, on tne First lTh1" s??" ?att' at Pise known Moaby Mansion, on i"- -s str, open a sonoui for young Indies, both for day and boarding pupils, in which will be tacghi branches ueaireu, Includins tbe lan guaaea. The location a ellarlhla an., ,. with ample room and gronnda. They re. speotfully solicit tbe patranag and support parents, roung ladiea ol il aaaa anil nt decree of n nnt moat careful aitenuon in all matter, departments guaranteed. ASJUS. JjSWNT O. POOTB. laSl afiMH MA RT V. KM WHOM. MTOE THJE undersigned having taken out of adminls' rauon on the aerate ol John Morton, deceased, Hereby notifies all persons having claims raja Inrr said estaa tn M present tn same tor settlement la ttnte by aw, or tney will be forever barred, all parsons indebted to said sffe tu awt- - and ue r 'uu.uiw.ussa. HAJiJAa onlXl", Ammitraartx. y JiAMraa, JRktxiry ia Atta, wsdaal stripes and s&lfd colors. HBW of jtew dbsissh. Leek st ser Ladies' Ui 263 MAIN T , C0 C01HT a.JQMOVs DRS. G H. HUR0 N0 J. Hsve remove-- their esitnt aed silt ins Oxide 3na Bnai ean rr-- f, tn as Main at et. next door to Junes n Co.'s Drag a to re, opposite North Court. atMl CAS! CAS! CAS! AS- T- Aa gas a cheaper than aaahtsBat, T wish to Inform the pnbllo tbat i tave reduced th price of Pipe and Gas Fixture, and Gss Cook- ing Stoves, so that all can us It tor coring and beating purposes at a ccinpar t. ve small outlay, and dlspen-- e with explosive coal-OI- Small dwelling-house- s fitted ap with Pipe and Fixtures from l to any desired amount. I have also on hand besides tbe - rgst stock of Gas Glxturea ever brought to tha city. Iron and Lead Pipe, flatt- - tuos, Wsshstsnds, and all kinds of Brass j 'ound in a first-cla- Plumbing and Gas F ttlng ts labilahment. CnM snd riiisin. and price. Estimates .'urnlsced :oi fit- ting up houses for Gis aid Water In lb moat approved style. WILLIAM HIT. Finnsser nn 3na ata st, eflareau Bias k. THE PLANTATION CO -- PRESS To thb People op the South: To give yoa a short and aenten-tiao- fl atatemeat of the points of supe- riority and advantages of the "PLAN- TATION COMPRES3" over thehaif. presses, I'll say : 1st It compresses the bate s the gin at once, thos obviating all citv re pressing, redrawing, etc., amoonUflg to near four million dollars per an- num on oar cotton crop, besides pre- venting so much unnecessary samp- ling, wasting and gouging, wnich will make up aa much more, amounting both together to about seven miliioa dollars. 3d Being all iron except the box-pla- nk, whieh is the beat of wood, and can be easily replaced, it will laat two generations, saving again over a mil- lion a year thus: 57,000 gins in th South, every gin has a halfpreaa worth or coat at least &g0, which lasts about ten years, necessitating a new press every ten years, or one tenth of a press every year, making another miliion and a half, thus aggregating over eight million dollars to the cot- ton planters every year by this simple invention. 3d The cotton-bo- x opens and cic ses automatically without doors or hi nges, saving the time of the hand-- , who have nothing to do but put in the cot- ton right at the lint-roo- m and take out the bale mule doing ai the bal ance in tnree and a ball minutes, making the bale oompletely com- pressed. As lor the metallic covering, which 3s dependent on this PLANTATION CO MPRESS, I wiU say nothing more now than that it will dispense wits, bagging and ties and obviate fire in. surance, working probably a greater revolution in the commercial world even than this PLANTATION COM- PRESS, both together aggregating a saving of $28,000,000 every year on. the cotton crop. S. a REM BERT, Patentee, care of 168 Front street, Memphis, Veuu. P. a State and county riy atB fof sale on reasonable terms. N-J- is the time to commence busine. Apply to Royster A Treaevant Memphis Tenneaawe. PURE OLD BOURBON CXa9 J. A. SILLEH CHIUN-C8C- a Hf W ? aavrttaBUar attanuon o; th wl.W,lii'. xnA lo o" largo stock of moatly of tbe oeleorated au Past twen ears ot J. a. Miller Ohlekisa Cock Bom nun and aye Wnaky, made in Para, nouibon county. ., and warranted to die trade for its , ty and unitoimity in quality, and tu im- prove by age taster man any ulnar wniaxy. mad In tha a a est cooperage. We nave u. ferent ages, tbe new, one, two, 'hree, tour and Bv years of age. at prioea varying as a aa. et. WABB OF OODHTERHf TSSi- -i ssus vu ua. u u uj me uarrei and ' la burnt brand of th distUieiv oa the other head, mad tn and in from Para, Sour jb county, Ky. Wnoaarl deal era, graeers and drujadaB are invited to examine uor sttxtk. Fur saa loa only by I SB,BiJJJBi ak CSX, 8oa Agents, oomer Walnutand TBc aarw o:- - COBB, DCLHOMDE a CO., 9nm Waiaat aa. TUrt 84a, ST. LOUIS, MJS COBB, DOLHONOE & co.r MW 9HLMl&,U 6m'! PravSaitat, UJBkXC AH Mm tH4k faailailiiailn I F a ..... WbiBkO BawMflesa. Aao, r ouf wSurn 'iSSSSi 'JatiKiiiUuenta astern and muarn soiicia feqr liar

The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-03-10 [p ].At Paul Wraht's.1 At X. B. Johnston's news-sutn- d, sM Main trtst. At W alkers News-stand-, No. MB Beaie tact, opposite Beale

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    M .jProyrMsorBP. Shan

    illtl'lriEICH OPUA MCm TWOAS originally brought to thj country

    Grand Opera Houu, w Tork.

    " iS5 afasnSora to meet tbe

    prleee 01 admission.mJ5Z t--ae

    u ury 5GS5i57."iL-- 5hjiSbjoat.makchu.

    sinrdatf Matlne. March 2Sd,

    rturday oU M,jctl

    b oaTnursday, Mai eh a. U.J,

    WANTSouag mtB of go a

    ia wilUng to applyfc-k-A-" DmHASMOII MOBTUM,

    mie &i Mud street Me pha

    a iXlHANUa risiftQgu aunt young hors; P"""

    a. J ., Appeal cmaemblfi. ruin iiiny one wailing to euip.oy a

    nrtnthi fandTSo w-- ony. UachnnvateIB a


    sab- -a

    Looi;. S wno dealr. to build .pr ool, wtll address A.. APlBi mii --..Mempbarenn.HliK GIKL A coo, waaner rsawalroner, at si awo

    good barkamilh, to g.BLACKrMitH-- A u tne ooontry. I- aweBB So. i meat JB P"yW M DABDld.ouot. Apply to w- M ufmn street

    Labor Akal aad Employment officeo. a sin i kaWYKB: for ri-- f


    Jon (ionni CnionK--2 -d-MAauBebbo o1B.

    itiiaTION Br a On". class Macninist aauSteamboat Angine-- r. Acdreos

    . cnmii'vii um8 on C and F. K.S Newport Land.ng. Whia riverCT.Jtl Zlrf (nlun-- c freight OS bJueeEoW ioV)ls returned, (station men

    u---, ikarrts.sl Jefferson st , Men."F ' g i mm a Mc'MTe. Contractory- -.. w tt KmTtitnff bosses andl(X) lane number s statin mei, on thFo uin Ral.road. near uranm.... u. hit, khm. Artiniaa tuani

    o Wm LMtrdJa, Jeffaraon t--. Memphu

    Furniture, Feainert andSBXX)K1HASI ol alikindi tought atIMS -- oonc street - - - -. . ,.ii.tvi rant a rood r walllag houaeH and capable o toeom

    od!S ainall iamnj. For .uco . nolen t wul be f roaipuj r"".m,n.h he a earefu App.y or aaarea Mempnli Appeal.

    OLD MjO&H, o: eil kindbought at Beeond etreet.

    ViBM HAJiDS To hire four orflTeguiKifle lrui hand v jvii rront atr'ce.oCITTliE-Beoond-ha- nd houteholI "2t.4. duum turnilure or atitda. a-- . i ml:eL- - oilaI . miiui - lac&uan aulta me. It must be..n ij one' aonare ol Uel cars. AddreuPABK, Aptei otnoe. il

    OR RENT,

    uLfcS a new houaa wlth alx R ow.

    r'TlRnHHtH aiiL'-- K Jomp:e:e. with Bti- -r ro. mi. o. gej Deaaea aired. For tvrm?app.yto Wattt A LKa,nTtk Madison street. K mefcertof her ocA

    resldenoe ofK rooms, s ab.e, olsiern. well and outbouacei mi . aiiutted on the eornar ol xu- -ana Mm svrests, Chelsea. Apply ifccgkiig on. Ati y at-l-w n strcs;

    WELUMy-HODS- AMU wBOCM- D-Uardenera, euraerymen and dairy mer

    I . k A UVUIIU'DOOM MOJO H.' Iacres o ground, situated on the old HalelgbrnmA iui outslce or the cuy limila. Ineprop sd rauroad to BAlelgh wtll pa s By ot... ii m nnnndi. To Maruaner. dajry- -

    i or nursery man Use place poaeetsm iaADD1T an

    JA1UB T. LE ATH,. H Onion street

    "vpFlCaV-Th- e moat desirable efflce In tht mit-- , ior T ocraLled oy Hernando 1c- -auance Company ; also, two offices In tnr

    MBBIOC. PVU CKOCUKTT.a Union street.

    I'lUC UFPKB 8TUR1SS OF MY UCUbK,)Madtaon atrtei, auiaciv iw "kT

    toardlBg-honse- . a A. HtiLLUNBILKU.Our isige rt oni, tiuitnnle tm cottonROOM CvOimlplos business or yob print

    as offies. Ihis room a lu the rearof thtTnl'- - deoartment of the Appearand utne ceo;erof th 3 busmeaa porUou ot 'he city. . ikwki-h- ih Ti Miureruom on the corO ntr or Main and Monroe streets, undeiska raafintlT Hotel, from February 1st. Ap- -

    j, Ms" wop UrealFOR SALE.

    r wMi LiK NCK A deslrafe residence, ay- -K nai in- - esii7u ieet. loifr't iC nuK oaah. L:aioe In one ardwn ara abiiIt ol ni. iuUes or at Jo. 'At

    5OAWOH AI BOAiil'lNe KOD8 FOKjfs ba.LX. Tbs advartl-- wlU'Si o make aji. Lit ui batinets ana wuimu ueruoi-n-Viimm and Llcenre 01 a saloon ancoat bcaudiBg-hoB- doing psymf buln..n r nnehts Varna, for case. Adcraaa. wltn rea. name, at tnu ernes, or threeAS3, wKOMW

    VI a 1 OiM-I- STOVE and FOKMTUKK o) aaje. at lal Beaie street maiu

    . pbimi w v t nlisbie .'or msrke'J . z cress waste: yary lew. Address taxMain si. eat

    M.iad black BerSshire fig'Jr b -- d l'um the besi tmporteo stock. e- -ieo'ed ciDr V . l n ips. eoiior 01 riijaboatnern Parmor. Priee. $50 perps. in

    gej Main street.

    OTAM HA W M ILL One steam sawmulC j boras power, in good iunning orderwtll' t mi er on two hundred acres of iandnice miles from Mempn- -, dtreotly onand MsmpLls satlroad. lcqulre o'JO n - L. BAWItftti.lF'0nt t .ap-alai-

    ti-J.- Ci A two Story residence olR Vance stree- t- vsry cheap. Appiy atU-i- sxnhaJO Ws have IDS mules now on hand.MlUsjio arrive 10 night: our receipts arewetk. All stockreru a-- males per

    se trsniesrl aa reprenld.hl gi and Ut aacond street.

    COW- - Twenty heed of aoellMILCH much eows ur sa.e. Call at ireAppaai offioe. f

    ofler tor sals a vacant lot 7ft by laxLOT-- 1 SMI aid BheJby street, mat south oCaptain C B cnu-.- j a resioe-o- e. tuisiaue-aatoat- y

    tne mast assirabls reeldenecpropertyin tna city. b. P. UtAD.

    tJAWMlULFOBBALEOBLE AB-B- ForparO uonlan spp.y at ins ofhoe of th Msm-pk- alry lxca boss pear 'e!6c W jiMrt he aV horse power Portable KnC. sine, built by the employes or toe Mempha asd Charleston Kaiiiuad Oonpany.wmeb took tbe premium at the aw FairTL. engine was built trom selected ti a o-

    uul the woik and sola a superior.Wot pauttt lara apply to

    aU M Bl KfcK, M. M. M. A C. B. B Co

    resdenea, SMRjaHiDBMLADeelraole on pram less noli'OTh-- On Walnut atreel, on time. Apply

    1 a at at Union al. GKOBGA DiXON

    F4)R RfcT OR SALE.a . 1I1L IM L it tn l re on f sos, Mali- -n a.. a net ex.lai.Usd. cr .e r fjr el-

    years, at low lenL Desirable lu a on Courtt exteno ajjljU

    anbt DiV.D v PLEaiuH.oluBE BOUda. Uiea. Bargain tor OaahSit vaiuat a suue bouse, ho. Us Fr..-- .BtiaaM. is now ooe.-- i tor or renu Appita I. iB B UOo, Mu.aSi srontstrft.

    A desirabie rsaid ;nee. InKjut-lDANv--bur ugh lepslr, g cis ruoms.ood water and piciy oi shade, a tew ale, aum ii minus of Poplar street railroad.

    UlifwS MD bqaruBOA BSD Fumianad and uniurKtOMtied rooms, sultauie for lam tiles and

    tin e entleanna, at u Madaon street.Also, day anatdnis Haw modated. mbTwo eiagant front rooms, withROOMrd, at n Mdaon rent. mat. .in kiitH a ii w good boarders San beiJ asnnnoil ed at 73 Mcrr e strait l-e-

    fU HLE U rSUMAaSfi caai; u. isu.,u.i.RSL., ano iso go wi tbaronas :

    Bl! nSZL-- i b liditig, rtf)'any amonnt of aTdTSdr'.

    ftV-kr- Wytk-a- . Far - c Boty lias.I K c, - Li AS r ' . a-- a v - " -Ha-- 1kr ciiy pr peril. with a acr.r S1..1.H, U and Bnil--Of BMttl

    STiiui rvslti a Rat' roe J - PPjF ti

    - j -. BT A aa Ski k mil af 1T.It batwsaa Ovnrtos hoiei and, street. Th aadar Will bkjMtwBdnVatf 7 lsarta ' at AsshW


    Hteeee at whtt Use 70117 Appeal

    The Datxt ApraAi. can be had every morning at the following-name- d places in the city :

    At AFFBI. WOBUDg-IWOil- lj iiumiimiAt the news stsnfl of Jos Locke, No. MMMain street.

    At the newsstand of W. J. ManaforU, cornerof Second and Monroe streets.

    at the news staud of J. C, jcyncn, no. anMain street.

    At the news-stan- d In the Peabody notei.At the news itliml in the Commercial hotsAt the news-stan- d In the Worshani houaa.At the news-stan- d In the Overton Hotel.At the news stand In the aouUiern hotel.At the news-stan- d of Kmmo-r- A (ton. No. It

    JefSeooL street.At the news-stan- d of Wm. Sploksrnagle, cor-

    ner of Fourth and Poplar streets.At the news-stan- a on t touts wnarrooat.At tee news-stan- d at Lanier A lrtage's.

    Beoond street, near MadMon,At tne nrwn ntann 01 nooouy, on nesue

    street, near Main.At the news-stan- d at tne nauroac aspots.At the news-stan- d on the Memphis and Lit

    tle Bock wharf boat.At Booth Memphu news-aepo- t, o. au Bestle

    U set, near Second.At JaaOor win's, Main street, near Mad -

    lAt Paul Wraht's. 1At X. B. Johnston's news-sutn- d, sM Main

    trtst.At W alkers News-stand- , No. MB Beaietact, opposite Beale street market.


    The theater was very weU attended atmatinee hoar yesterday.

    Bunches ot black crape were affixedto the door of tne different courtroomsyesterday.

    Haydn's grand mass will be song atSt. Peter's church this mornng at halfpast ten o'clock.

    It a said the longest pole knockeddown the "Simmons:" bat nobody be-lieves it was a Beehn-pol-e.

    A runaway on Monroe street yesterday resulted in the demolition of s beau-tiful boggy. No damage to human flesh.

    A new block: a to be erected on thenorthwest corner of Oayoso and Mainstreets during the summer that a coming.

    The commissioners of Panola county,Mississippi, advertise for proposals toerect a jail. Contractors should readtheir notice.

    The supreme Court for the middledatriot of the State, at Nashville, adjo urns on the th Inst., to meet at Jack-son on the first day of April,

    We aoknowledge the receipt of invi-tations for the "(irand Purim MasqueradeBall," which will take pace in the Clubhall on the evening of Monday, the 25thinstant.

    The man who was reported dead fivemiles from the city on the Pigeon-roos- troad turns out to have been drunk only.He rose from ha mossy bed yesterdaymorning ana wsuked off

    The want of interest by our cottonmen in the proposed Buyers Exchangewhich a a unnecessary institution inNfempha. will insure its defeat. That iwill not succeed may now be regarded sss fixed fact.

    At the recent meeting of the stockholders of the Memphis and Selma rail-road General N. B. Forrest, R A. Pinson,Henry C. Jcnes, and Jacob Thompsonwan elected directors, thus giving aheiajoeunty tour oat of seven air actors.

    The friends of Barney Hughes. Railroad Redord and the Theatrical Bulleimare urgufcg the publishers of those papersto put in bids for the city printing Theimpudence of similar publications a anencouraging precedent in this respect.

    -- The attention of merchants a calledto the notice of Captain J. Harvey Mathes,

    or on privileges in Shelbycounty. The decision of the supremecourt of the State leaves no other courseopen but to "walk up to the captain'sotnoe and settle.

    The elivator company want to raisetanks to supply the city with water torsprinkling and other purposes, on thes.uff between Union end Beale streetsThere are tanks already up for that purpose amply sufficient to supply ail thesiuti of the citisens until the .waterworks go into operation.

    We have a letter dacusslng hydrophobia; another from Neal Dow, Jr . an-- xcellent letter from Qrmantownwtcb, since the Democratic conventionyesterday acted most wisely, it a needlessjo pubtan. These two erst ana tnree orfour other pomm onltloas will appearhereafter.

    Constable Frank Brennan had thepleases of arresting an attache of the"grand army of Mempha' yesterdayice headquarters are on sneioy street,where some curious ''carryings on" maybe observed from time to time. Thecharge against the atta the In question atealing a pistol.

    Governor Brown has pardoned William Bo retard, who was foutd guilty'.he last term of the Shelby criminal courtos an indictment for forging a note onMr. B B. Barnes, of Mempha, snd sen'enced to three year's impraonmem inthe penitentiary. The conditions of thepardon are that Boregard should pay theusts or the trial.

    A man evidently under the influenceof fourth-proo- f whisky took a plunge intothe Mississippi last nigut to oool offPoliceman Fitzzlbbons had a hard timefishing him out. He evinced no inclina--icn to arrive on terra flrma again. He

    took the dive eft the whai trtoat and swamround like a duck for fifteen minutes.W.ien taken to the atationhouse he persaient.y relujed to give ha name.

    Those wretched controverslaiats whohave hitherto declared that an oyster Isbird, and others who have variously heldbat it Is allied to the tomato family, or ade.i.lc.1 wi.h cheese, or who have traced

    a resemblance to the monkey-wrenc- h, orpersis'ed Uat the oyster had much in

    mmon with the stoat, it is hoped willbe silenced bv a late decision of a Mainecourt, ihat the animsl a fish. Tha de

    smashes, also, the absurd declareion of A ass Irs that the oyster it" marine acephalous mollusc of toe Israelii

    branchiate order." But the decision ofnil the oonr.s Down East cannot set aside.he verdiot long ago given by the peopletl Memphis, that the Madame Vincentsaloon, 18 Ulon street, a one of the bestn the sou t Peter canaie will provehis to any who may eau

    While a rsate for a watch was goingn or about to commence last night in a

    Jefferson street saloon, a gentleman present fiened on to the "ticker," ssylrg Itwas ha properly and had been myste-riously LiAsieg alnoe Msrdi Gras. "It'smy watch, snd I'll never give it up!" decared the gen-lema- "Yes you will,son," sarcaatioeily observed the financialmanager or the borelcmoal lottery, a sardonic smile playing over ha ugly mugthe while, as though he was prepared toput the Claimant away in toe at saor.gestae. But th young gt ntleman knewhe was r'gbt snd held on to the oroide,thocKh he agreed to compromise on aoaaa or about a nair aozso eiasicx, inwhich he was toasted by th party present for ha good humor. That watchg s the auction store morn-ug. it not only loses time, out issoasry


    Coofbb th portrait-paint-er of Lonia- -llle. a in the city. He remains till the

    first of AprilColonel Sam B. Jokes and wife. Mem

    pha. were among the arrlvaa at tbe LouUvlile hotel on Thursday.

    Mx, L. H. SabasKsi;, of Cincinnati, alending and industrious layman of thePresbyterian church of tbat city, and anold and prominent merchant, a a guest atthe Peabody hotel.

    K Mackvilijc, Cincinnati: A C. Mo-Ew-New Yoik; Wyalt Jones, Padu-oa-

    Kentuoky ; J Battelie, New York;T B. Moody, Little Book and Dr F O.McG.vock, of Arkansas, are stopping atthe Peabody.

    Mbssks General Forrest, president otthe boarri; General J. Patten Anderson,Gsonra Backer, Colonels Pugh. Fowlkes,Fressnius, Murdock, sad HonorableJacob Thompson, of the Memphis andHo! ma railroad axe in Columbus, Missis-sippi.

    It im with star sobbow that we learnof th ill c luii of our old friend, Mr. L.B Riohai da, city register, in the seriousillness of a loved son and daughter Wehope bl tear, as expressed to us In anot, of a fatal termination of ha daugh-ter Hiuens, may be without foundation

    Dk DiexaoJt will speak in Sard a onMonday evening, tbe 18th Instant; Tues-day evenlnj, the 19th, at Grenada; atWater Valley on the evening of tbe 90th;on th Slat at Oxford ; at Holly Springson ths xj (Friday evening). Ha subleotwill be the importance of tbe esUbilsh-ixan- t

    of an Voirsrsity at Mempha.Wa were muh pleased with a vait from

    Samuel Fasselman, Seq , of Illinoa. Mr.Faaseiman is making a tour through theSouth for the benent of ha health andalso to observe the status of a flairs. Hen pressed himself as much pleased withha reception. He is a vary talented gen-tleman and h's profound learning andcental manners will commend him to ourbeat oitasna,

    JciKJa Gkobab W. Emoby, supervisorot interusl revenue for Tennessee, Mia-slpp- l

    and Alabama, left the city yesterdayfor Jackson. Missaslpoi He has nudeTennssser his borne snd invesa bare hawealth He h introduced many re-forms la th admlna.raUon of the reve-nue service and a rapidiy f urging it ofincompetent and unworthy plaosmen.Opaat now sad then seuifs a trustw. t bygnatl-ma- n as an ofBc-hol- Into theSouth and It becomes us to not the fact,

    a R. WiWaU, Fayett county, Ten-naant-Charles S. Nowdeli and famliy,

    Otsvaiacd, wkio; Jattvss W. Arkaa- -

    THE SU3STDA.Y MORNING APPEAL-MAR- CH lO, 1873eat; G.W, Thompson, at asm T Emperor,and Jules Havre, Franoe, are stopping atthe OommeroUl hotel, rmrlnr the pastweek this old. reltahle honee has been do-ing a floe boeizteaa. It may be called the

    Merchants' hive," for when anything atall la doing In the hotel line, the Commer-cial a "alive" with bnineae men fromevery adjoining State. Large numbers oftbem have been "putting-up- " therelately.


    OpntA Boosts The New Memphawill be closed tha weak, bat nextwill be opened to the grandest sensation,after Thomas, that we have had her inyears. The unrivalled troupe to which thegreat artiste, Aimee, lends her name, willDe here. and commence an engagement of aweek, during which we are to have threeof Offenbach's operas, "La Psricbole,"" La Grande Duchess," and " BarbeBleue;" also, Laoocque's "Flenr de The."We have never had in the United States acompany to compare with tha. Inimita-ble anywhere, It a beyond criticism here.We therefore expect to see crowdedhouses every night. Looking 10 tha, themanagement have put the prices of ad-mission to all parts of the houae at ratesthat are, indeed, very reasonable, eapedaily when It is remembered thst thiscompany numbers seventy persons, ineluding s full orchestra, and it a therefore very expensive.


    lew the Trie ts i se SwIsiUs ef tne

    There are spiritual photographists whopretend to represent from the spirit-worl- daccurate likenesses 01 the lovea ana tostThe processes of their art have recentlybeen investigated in the courts, it waifound that a gross fraud had been pracused upon affeotionat stupidity. We havehere artats whose pictures have a beautythat a mritueV. but no delusions are resorted to in perfecting their marvellousproductions ot taste and skill. In mostphotographs the picture represents thesubject as straight, stiff and lifeless aa alamp-pos- t, and there a a vacant stare as ifthe "spiritual photographist" had beenrevenged and the dead man's picture hadbeen taken to represent the living. Nosaddening defects of tha character marklikenesses made by Bingham s. craver.True to the original aa moat photographsare, those made by Bingham A Craverhave the superadded excellence that tneyare life-lfk- e snd full of life. In bold relieithe likenesses stand f trth, and vitalityitself a seen and felt and gives supremeexcellence to the picture. Mr. Cooper,the famous portrait painter, specimens otwhose skill adorn the wails of many aparlor of the oldest citizens of Mempha,has ha studio at tha gallery. The highestexcellences of both arts of the paintertrainee in the schools of Europe sndAmerica, and of the pbotograpiat maybe here studied and produced. The pho-tographist gives ths perfect copy of out-lines from nature, the painter makes per-fect thoae nameless lights and shadowswhich flit over one's face and give it ani-mation and expression. The exhibitionof countless pictures and portraitsBingham fc Graver's at the corner of Mainand Jefferson, renders the place moat attractive.

    HosiBBT. A fall line of hosiery forladles, misses and children at a. Los-e-nstein S Bros, this week.

    Masks Dollar Store.


    Go to E Dart's for the young gent'sressstik hats.


    On Tuesday. Mr. It, K. Cameron, ofMississippi, was arretted while at theMississippi depot, ready t start to hishome on the train. The charge against.aim was stealing sixteen dollars from sroom-mat- e while stopping in one ot ourhotels. He was carried before Justicepellman, who put htm under a bond of

    S20C0 for ha appearance yesterday. MrCameron feels very ladignant at suchtreatment. He claims tbat he gave fiftydollars to 'Squire Black to defend himand to get him out of the trouble. Whenthe case waa called yesterday morning,Mr. Cameron promptly appeared. So didha accuser, and the case went on, but noAttorney Blsck waa present, sio proofwas msde, and the justice felt bound torelease the prisoner. Mr. Cameron immediately swore out a warrant againstBlack, abargtng him with obtainingmoney under tsiae pretences. The warrant was put in the hands of Barney Cox10 execute.


    visiting Mempha shoaid not tall to examine the large stock of DRY GOODS ofMENKEN BROS., who have a iargentine01 tottonades. Plaids, Osnaburgs. etc.,purchased before the advance, and willoffer, special inducements to cash andshort-tim- e buyers.

    ' Hati you notioed what an elastic stepour mend Weaver naa or later"

    Yes. and I am puzzled to account forit. Be patronises Tmos B. Coffmt A Co.,and buys their Exoeaior Gaiters."

    What a their number 7"" 36 Main street, corner ot Union."

    Now a the time to hsve your leakyroofs repaired, as the rainy season a onyou. Those wishing tbe same done aheapwill no well to can on Jun.pt wKERNS. 8SM Main street, between Overton and Concord streets.

    Masks! Maoks I -- Dollar Store.


    Ladlea' Ties, a most beatlful aaaortment;Groe Grain Eowa in ail the new shades.Groa de thine Bows ;Lace Collars, in new designs;Trimmings or every description;


    We are now in the receipt of some oftbe very newest and nandscmest style toD9 round in the eastern markets.

    T. W. JOHNSTON A CO.Opposite Peabody hotel.

    The 11 neat haa in the city at Leidy4 Co. 'a

    Gas Fittifq, 816 Second street.


    On account of the heavy pressure of business, we are often unable to delivergoods promptly as desired (having atpresent only two delivery wagons i and inorder to avoid the in convenience weknow our customers often experience onaccount of it, we would ieel much obligedif they would try and give us their orders the bat bkfjbm the goods are needed at latest, very early in tbe morning.

    ULl VEK, JTiNItfiJS (X UU.

    ron account of cur an sartor facilitiesfor handlina and delivering soods. our custom era can leave ihelr orders Wttts ITML'IrM TMK1BCUNVKMXNCE. Ws deliver'o families in the city free of ensrge. If weflod our de lverlng oapacity a not sum lentto ACCOMODATE our custoQcra we will getmore wagons. Don t be afrala of workingus to death.

    C0NA WAY 4 LINSDAY, Srootra,mlO

    Whitb Goods ! Waits Goonsal B. Lowenatein A Brotber'a new whitegoods tha week.

    Haia, Braids, Cubxs Dollar Store,

    Patent Reversible Children Carriages,at WHEELBK, rlLaUMi dt CO'B,

    Gentlemen's wbab cleaned withoutscrubbing or scouring, and made like new,at the Memphla Steam Dyeing Bstabiah-ment, 01 Madaon street.

    " and " "Beoadwat Springbaa at Leidy A Co 'a.

    PbUMiaa, 81 Seoond street.


    ao to Leddln 'a Business CoUsge.-- Attend Robertson. Business College,

    i rmatrona 'a PbotoerrsDblo UaUery, So. XUMain sireeL Three fnoJtiass gun pictures totBftr centa.

    W A Btsinniis M. D.. hOmeODAthlst.Beeidenee, Peabody hotel. OfBce, 17Jsj Monroe.


    Jos. Buabmann, offlos 66 Union street,Graduated Veterinary Surgeon fifteenyears'

    Go to Jo Locke's tor the latent publication.

    Tn H'slifiiaal ahrt best 8team Dyeing andCleanlns bouse In lb city is at IMC sleeondstreet. Hun t A Hanson 't old stand.

    ns-.Tsv- . a sawaaa,Rbmotal. TheMempbaSteam Dyeing

    Esbiahmen t has removed to U Madisonstreet.

    Go to Leidy A Co. for 1st! style dresshata

    ClABS AID Tobacco Labri ' Itie ofOn.!,

    Job Looks, ZBSH Main street, has e largestBaaorUatofVissiMiiai Pif4orals aad d4- -


    Timely Hist toThese Asaat to Build.

    The season of "spring cleaning" '.hathorror of the male members of the communityis at hand, and for the next sixweeks every well regulated family willconsider it th thing to be at

    to have their carpets up, to havein scruDbers, wnitewashers painters, ki- -ho miners snd decorators In, and to makethings generally as disagreeable aa possi-ble for the time, that the eummar may bepassed over comfortably. These who havepassed through tha ordeal (and who hasnot T) are painfully conscious of the men-tal and physical wear-am- i tear of huntingup and engaging the right kind of ' tal-ent" to pat the work through in a rapidand complete manner, and we are glad tobe able to point to at leaat one establish-ment in the city which, in its line of busi-ness, has never yet failed to give the mostcomplete sstafSction in every respect,and as we name Marcus Jousts, No, 296 JSzcohb 8TRIWT, half the citizens ofMempha will at once declare we arecorrect in the assertion that in theway of paper-hangin- g and like ornamen-tation, no bouse at home or abroad cansurpass if equal the one spoken of.

    A LOOK THB0COH TH H0CSBby tha reporter proved that if the "bill-posters" Lu the shape of decorators, senther by trumpery Arms from other cities,expect to compete In price andquality of work with Mr. Jonesthey will have to inaugurate a better andcheaper style of business than yet shownby these adventurers. Mr. Jones haasamplea of every atyle and design forparlors, bedrooms, dlningrooms, halls andpublic buildings, rangirg in price from125 to 500 for a room. Imitations of woods,walnut, maple, oak, etc.; ot marble,granite, and other brilliant stone; also,walnut so natural that one readily thinkshe a contemplating the gtnuine article,and which a so manufactured as to permitthe housemaid to go over the walls with aanoaaie and soapsuds without in the leastdefacing the psper. One style shown ofblue velvet and fresco, panneiea in gutseems too elaborate for the hands of anybut an artist to arrange, but that it is putup, and artistically, too, a ahown on thesecond floor ot Mr. Jones's thoroughlycomplete estabUshment.

    rx winnow shades ass fixtures,ss in wall-pap-er and decorations, thahouse a without a peer in the Southwest. In fact, from the cellar up,tne Dlaca a Decked with the best goodsknown to their line of trade. And anotherinducement patrons have a that they arewaited upon ana tDeir oraers tnsten anasuperintended by Mr. Gcs. Johbs, aersntleman of excellent judgment andmarvelinns taste in beautifying- - the dwelling-plac- of earth. Call at 'J6S4 Secondstreet, and see for yourselves.


    The Teal tine Syateaa er Ufa Insnrlaves awnt Policy.

    The public haa been overrun wKh ays-tern-ot life insurance as various as hu

    manlty and as promising as the wonderfullamp of Aladdin. And generally thesesystems have been sustained in theirpromised usefulness by the practice otleading companies, for, to the honor andcredit of the lite insurance fraternity beit said, they have sever yet shocked theworld with any defalcations or failuressuch as emanating from other financialInstitutions have made the paople distrustful. Life insurance, generally, ingood and reliably hands, haa been somanaged as to induce among all classescumpiete confidence, and a rapid growthof the system. What is premised is generally carried out. If profits or dividendsin oaah or scrip, they come with unerring certainty and on time. The newestthe latest and perhaps th6 best of the systems of life Insurance now offered forpublic acceptance a that known as thetontine, presented by the New York LifeInsurance company, which in 1871 issuednearly 9000 policies, aggregating 126.000.000, Increasing its assets nearly $3 000 000and after paying all devisable surplus had1 1,500,000 to datribute among Its policyholders. Tha tontine system a brieflydiscussed ss follows: Those selectingtha form of Insurance are placed inclaaaea, the tontine periods of a hioh terminals in ten. fifteen or twenty years ; theelection of the period to be made at thetime of making the application for thepolicy. The annual surplus arising ineach of theae classes Is accumulated lor thebenefit of the class, but no division Is madeuntil the expiration of the selected periodand then only to such policies aa are aotu-all-

    in force; thoae terminat ng priorthereto receiving no dividend. To the rep.resentatives of those who die daring theperiod.the original amount insured will bepaid. Thoae who discontinue their policiesreceive neither paid-u- p policies nor surrender values; bat profits from thasource, as well ss from the dividends ofthose who die during the period, will beplaced to the credit of the class to whichthey belonged Applicable to all forms oflife aDd endowment Insurance, it is highlycommended by the most distinguishedactuaries in the country. As will be seenby the advertisement in another column,the benefits offered by the New York Lifeare more varied than those of any othercompany, and more advantageous. Thecash assets of this company are now$20,000,000, and its standing in. Memphiswill be understood when we state tne raotthat in three years they have registered2000 policies, and are daily increasing theimmense l'st. Mr. L. A, Splcer, the manager in Memphis, is, a gentleman of largeexperience in life insurance, worthy theposition he occupies, and the connaenoeof the New York Life Insurance company.

    Smokers' Abticlks Leubrie's Isle ofCuba.

    Clothes Wrinoebs, atWHBELKK, PICKISS A CO'B.


    The customers of Mr. John Vosgeli andthe term includes nearly the whole popu-lation of Mempha will thank ua for theInformation that the Bsgle Shoe Store aIn receipt of one of the largest and beststocks of goods in the line of footwearever brought to Memphis. MadameFashion has inspired the Crispins to turnout some very tasterui ano eiaoorate De-signs In house snd walking-shoe- s for theladles, while the gentlemen are equallywell provided for in neat and anostantiai'understandings " But tne children nave

    more reason than ever to rHioe that theyare growing up while Mr. Viell is in theshoe business, for he nas certainly ne-glected nothing that can add to the appearance of a girl's or boy's standing inthe world. The facilltiea of the "Eagle"for manufacturing boots and ahoes a unsurpassed, and the cutter employed DyMr. v os2eil never maue a mis--ut in mslife.

    The attention of ladiea and dealers areaneotfuliv called to the new glove 11'.ting Bummer corset, which Is strong aadof sunerior aualitv to the aummer osrsetiof last year. The genuine Weily,L'Oisesu. Nursing, Dupont, Foy, Scarlet,Misses' French corset snd our own longhand made aie complete from slae 13 to86. I also offer a large stock of Germancorsets, which I shall not sell aa French,though they are well finished. All lengthsot doaDle corset clasps and Bias steeis.Breast protectors of rubber, whalebone,and silver wire. Shoulder braces, linencorset laces, and the best bustles. Southern Hoopskirt manufactory, 103). Main,near Washington street


    Patbomize Leubrie's Isle of Cuba.

    Cbcqubt Seis, atWHEELER, PICKENS a CO'S,

    ' Who are Thos B. Coffet A Co., whoeverybody a reoommendlng me to buythe Exoeaior Gaiter from T"

    ' Tbev are Mempha boys, ' native hereand lo the manor born.' "

    ' Good ; I am always lnolined to patronise talent.

    Ton oannot patronise a better arm,'" What la their number T"' (SO Main street, corner of Vnion."


    MERCHANT TAILORS,Wo. U Madaoa street,

    would respectfully inform their patronaand tbe puoiio generally was tney navereceived a stock of goods far surpassinganything yet offered to

    LOVERS OA-- DISHin the good city of Mempha and sur-rounding oountry. Most of our goods areimported by ua direct to tha port, we sayit without egotism, tbat we are the first topay duties on import guuue in mis oity.We thereby set rid of the importer's proband will gladly divide the benefit with allcustomers on their future orders. Ourstock com prise everything gentlemencan deaire for dress or business suits. Onrreputation for good clothes, supuro naand punctuality a beyond question. Donot take oar word for it, but call and try.

    " Latest Sttlus dress hats at LeidyAOo.'e.

    Ooooaibb dresses the hair beautifully.

    Steam-Pit- t , 315 Seoond street.Ja . n. UnMHtBT swn fGrviwnwT Til i u

    you will get by haying your grates setwith Lemon's improvement. Call at 296rjAoond strstet.

    Seed Swebt Potato is. Harbert's oel- -abrated varieties, at Conaway dt Lind--atj's, 86a Main street.

    Dvaa Wxiab, S16 Ancea ,


    Ths Invs. tars' AM

    The plan upon which the Inventors'Atdassociation a organised and a to be con-ducted is plain and simple. The membersdo not lnour any pecuniary liability be-yond tha amount of stock subscribed byeach. Tha freedom from liability, to-gether with th prospect of immensepronts upon the Investment, it the business of the association a managed withany degree of discretion and prudence,wul render its stock more valuable thanthat of any institution in the country.Therefore, none will hesitate to give itprompt and liberal encouragement andsupport. It promotes and encourages inventive genius and makes Southernpeople the owners of Southern inventions,which have heretofore been absorbed byNorthern capitalists and speculators.


    A Sew Way as Secure Corm.pt inppurt.

    Insinuations ot fraud or of aome aort ofvillainous practices are suggested by theLedger, affecting somebody. The effectdesigned to be produced can only be dis-covered in the conduct of that council-man who, it a hoped by the Ledger, maythus be deterred from voting against thsacceptance ot the Ledger's Did for thepublic printing. We shall see who isafraid of the promised exposures by theLedger. If aldermen and oouncilmen arescared, they will surely support the Ledg-er. Those intimidated will thus showtheir hands, aud the thieves may thus bespotted, because they will fear this expo-sure. Beware of voting against the Ledg-er. If you do, you will be proven a vil-lai- n.

    If you don't, you are a gentleman.Seriousiy, if the Ledger do not aeek to

    frighten fools, and if it have informationinvolving the personal or official worth ofcity otneiais or others, the Deo tile willthink it most unworthy of all journals ifit ao not now make a clean oreast of itand tell all it knows.


    Lot owners and all others visiting thecemetery must exhibit their tickets at thegate or they will not, in any eatt, be ad-mitted. Those who hsve not procuredtickets can do so by appiying at the officeIn the city. No. 36 Union street. Personswishing to purchase lots must first call stthe office and procure tickets of admis-sion. The grounds of Elmwood are holyana sacred, ana tne managers are determined to enforce tbe rules rigidly.

    JOSEPH LENOW, Piesident.


    Magazines and Periodicaa of every description, bv having them handsomelyoounu. rKi'Jiii L.U w.

    BOYLE fe CHAPMAN.279 X Main street, Bookbinders, S.ationers

    ana Printers.

    NEW 800DS AT VERY LOW FIGURES.We Open Horning

    an entire new line of dress goods, In whichwe oner hbat araihs.

    BLACK SILKSlower than ever before.

    JAPANESE POPLINSin beautiful designs.

    THE NEW DOLLY VARDEN PRINTSin endless variety Beautiful Peboalksand calicoes, new trimmings, embroideries, laces, etc. All of which at extremslylow prices, call at


    Five Hcsdbbd Dcbss Rbooms. atWHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S.

    Masks! Masks! -- Dollar Store,


    In elegant stylo bvBOYLE A CHAPMAN,

    Bookbinders and Stationers,;27H Main street.

    Ban Cisahs Lubrie's Isla of Cuba.Spbiso Styles, just received at

    Dary'a Hat Store, 847 Main.

    TE Boots which Thcs. B. Ooflay A Co.sell you will suit you in style, quality andprice, cry tnem rneir store a as Mainstreet, corner of Union.


    WTLL Of kt OW M3HDAT, MABK 11TH,


    assT istuHMAK3-ILL-


    White and Colored,


    10 4 Marseilles Spreads,

    11 4 Marseilles Spreads,

    12 4 Marseilles Spreads,

    It 4 Marseille Spreads,Which will be sold below the market price

    Choice Hava has at Leubrie's Isle ofCuba.



    The ravages of cerebro spinal menlnglta among this population ahouid promptevery man to take auch precautions aawin lnaure an escape from tha Caloraftymalady Charley LeClerc. atTNo. 339 Mainstreet, first door below Union, has a preventive that denes tbe best efforts of theoero. spin , and ail who desire an exemption from an attack should consult himat once. The "medicine" a decidedlypleasant to take, and no bad results follow an "over-doso.- "

    la any skntlkman in the city wants anice suit of clothes made op in the lateststyie ana to fit htm purteotiy, ne haa better go to John Hunter's merchant tailoring house, 41 Monroe street, where era befound a beautiful selection of ilothe, whichHunter will makeup to fit and at prioeaastonishingly low.

    TO ALL.

    Partlea wahlng anything in the uphol--atering line, via: Carpets made and laid.curtains hung, furniture upholstered andvarnanod, bedding renovated, furniturepacked, etc.; also, those wahlng cheapfurniture and bedding of any kind oan dono oettor than by calling on

    WM. K. THIXTON,Nob. 44 and 46 Court street,

    next to Southern express. Ha o harassare moderate and he guarantee satafac- -tion in work and goods. Commissionmerchants oan have their orders tilled atthe lowest figures, and wilL-fin-d goodsjust aa represented, orders from abroadailed at lust as low a figure as if the parties purcnaueu in person,

    But Youb Cioabs at Leubrie's Isle ofCuba.

    Dorr's Clithes Washebb, atWHEELS rt, PICKENS A CO'S.

    Notwithstanding the many differentskirts With attached bustles, ail of whichhave been recommended as well fitting,etc., ladiea hve oome to tbe final con-clusion that, in order to have a shapelytournure, it a necessary to have thepanier separate from the skirt, My newelastic bustle oan be worn on any skirt,but will fit more easily on the Nlissonstreet skirt. This skirt I w uld respect.fully recommend tbe ladies who alreadywear tbe deml and full-trai- n drop, as it aosloulated lo give the dress an eleganta w, without expanding it. I shall, thaweek, commence to make H tlason skirtfor misses, and all lengths will be readyshortly. The soiree trail, for bridal andreception dresses, a always ready.Southern Hoopskirt Manufactory, 18834Main street, near Washington street.

    Br ebfeabin to our column of newadvertisemen ts, under the head of "Busi-ness Change," it will be seen that ColonelC. H Dindridge haa sold out bis interestin tbe firm of Dandridge, Mitchell A Co.,to W. F Watklna, Esq , late of Bateevlile,Mississippi. We, in common with thefriends of Colonel Dsndridge (and they arelegion,) regret his retirement from activeeommeroiai pursuits, for aa a thorough,high toned gentleman and aa aocom- -

    and successful merohant he ranksElisbed ha absence will be felt in commercial circle. Hla mautle haa, however,fallen upon a most worthy suoeessoriu theperson of W. P. Wat kins, Esq., whobrina to the new firm energy, tact, talentand many years of suooes ful experience.Of tbe other members of the Arm it a al-most superfluous to speak, for everybodyknows John Mitchell his came la as familiar aa a nousenoia wora sna uoionei

    A Sims, who represents an interest inthe firm, is known and respected by all in TMemphis and in ins country ior Hundreds a.of miles. We most cordially commendthe firm of Watkins, Mitchell A Co. to thepublic. a

    Kxabmjsb the grate In tha offtoe, r a or) thsaving of fnal. tJ.

    Vtvb Axs-0tU- ar Store,


    first Jfstkwellet Chare.Hsi iliwa bv the nastor at eleven in tha

    morning and hall-pa- st seven In the even-ing.Central MeLbed let Kntaesn! Cnnrek.

    Services at eleven o'clock In the morning and at quarter-pas- t seven in the even-ing, by the pastor.

    First Cfenren.Services at eleven o'clock in the morn

    ing and half-pa- st seven o'clock in theevening. Sunday-scho- ol at half-pa- nineo'siock.

    Llndea atrset Christian Chnreh.Preaching by Rev. Luvid Walk at half- -

    Sast ten o'clock in the morning and atseven o'elcck in the evening.

    First Presbyterian Chnreh.Services at eleven o'clock In the morn

    ing and at a quarter-pas- t seven o'clockin the evening by the pastor.

    Flaws Baptist Chnreh.Services by the Rev. T. J. Drsne at

    eleven o'clock in the morning and at half-pa- stseven o'clock in the evening. Sunday

    school at nine o'clock.aseona freeby terlnn Chnreh.

    Services at eieven o'siock in the morning by the Rev. H M. Richardson, and inthe evening at half-pa- seven by the pas-tor.

    Bwf denborKlAI.The Rev. Edwin Payson Walton will

    lecture in the United States courtroomon the Second Advent at seven o'clock.There will be readings at three o'clock inthe afternoon at the same place.

    at. Peter's Cnareh.Haydn's grand mass will be sung at

    half-pa- st ten tha morning.Masks! Mask! --Dollar Store.





    in qualities and ahades not to be foundelsewhere,



    New Goods Dollar Store.


    Judge Archibald Wright's homestead;Wednesday morning, March 13th

    Public sale ; on premises; see ad vertismentDONOHO A BULKLEY.

    Ninety Lots; Ninety Lots; Ninety Lots;Ninety Lots; .Ninety Lota: Ninety Lots;Public Sale; Public Sale; Public Sale;Wednesday ; March 13th ; Ten a.m.;Wednesday; March 13th; Ten a.m.On premises; On premises; On premises;

    See advartaement ofDONOHO A BULKLEY.

    Judge Archibald Wright's beautifulhomestead, cut into ninety building lots,and will be sold by Donoho A Bulkley, atpublic sale, Wednesday morning, 13thinstant, on the premises. Now is thetime to secure a home of exoellent location, unquestionable title and on fairterms I D sgrama at our offl-e- .

    DONOHO A BULKLEY,39 Madison street.

    Donoho A Bulkley ; public sale ; Wenee-da- y,13th instant ; ninety building; lota ;

    South Mempha; come and buy a home;tell your friends and neighbors to do likewise ; few other such chance will be of-fered as the Wright property ; this a "allright" and everbody knows the fact.

    DONOHO A BULKLEY,Real B itate agents.

    Lucky Individual who shall ha"eW nght to write out ha right, investingWright's right to a clear right to a rightgood lot in the Wright place, sale e nWednesday, March 13th. Then attenti,w Ithout fall.

    DONOHO A BULKLEY.39 Madison street.

    Lettsrim's Isle of Cuba Cigar Store.

    Tu Bkoadwat iLk Hat. stS DAKY'S, 847 Main.

    Ufpkb Blvb Lick Watjb, as an alterative and aperient, baa benefited, andwill continue to benent hundreds or thousands when rival waters have had theirbrief day and been forgotten. Its meritshave been proved by the experienoe of acentury. For aaie at tne nrue stores.

    aiAMi liSLD at umaniDi,Wholesale Agents.

    Office of Memphis Gatobo Gas CostPAXT, IWitDSi--s Block, Ho. 448 Main street.

    METERS FURNISHEDAsa set, free of charge, to Gas Consumers.

    FkiEirDsi and patrons are respectfullyinvited to leave their orders at tne Mempha Steam Dyeing Bstabiahment, 61Madison street. All kinds of cleaningand coloring, of every material, a done toperrection. and on shortest notice.

    ' SFkiss) Styles. lust rsaslved, atLeidy A Co. 'a.

    Go TO B Dakt's t ir the latest styles olChildren's haa. 347 JUsm.




    8 ata advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary,headed Book tor the Million Marriage Guide

    in anoiner column, it snouiu o reau tryau.

    Have you aeen Lubrie's Isle of Cuba f

    Connubial Fblictty. Nothing tends moreto connubial Happiness man oneeriul audhealthy Infants and children. Mrs. Whit- -comb's syrup a the great children's soothingremeuy.

    Economy, Take your spring clothing to thsSteam Dyeing and Cleaning House (Hunt Auusun I oia stanu), jh oeeonu street.

    hajDibub at waa n

    Finis hot lunch at the "Bay Hon" every day, trom ten to one o'clock.

    6U0D8AH d tiiLL.LANDWHO EH AT, K

    Boots, Shoes, Hats,ALSO- -

    Ladi 88' & Misses' Trimmed Hats

    322 asd 324 MAIN ST ,

    r Our Spring Stock, which is large andattractive, Is now con plea, and we inviteMEBt.'B AfTd ONLY tn examine our goodsand prioea oerare During etsewnere

    mil utsjustsauiidiitiAait.





    For Sale Wholesale and Retail.FarUats anjtpHed abwrt unit uB


    ITAVINO purchased the MKMPHMi DBS.M TAL OlFOIOi J B. Wesson A Co. 1will oomlnue the business at Wo. U8 Main arTrstreet i am now replenishing from tne lead, 1mg manufacturers of Burope and this country, hoping to meet ine demand, oi tn p.

    1. also give notice to the publicthat I will Draatloa dentistry and surcerv inall la branches, with advantages not sur ospasses! in tne proiesaion.

    J. At, niWlli, AS. D.rkST18TBT- .- As above nolle. 1 hava

    disposed ot my dental i names to Dr, J. B.Powel, who wtll continue tn same at mywU known sand. 1 will now give my un-divided attention to the practice ot Dent-istry. Offloe aa neietoiore. No. 818 Mainstreet.

    fa?. J.B. WAPSOM , D. D. a

    TO THE PUBUC.vua

    WOULD respectfully inform my friendsana tne puuua in aenerru uiui am nnsprepared to assist thm in the recovery of

    stoi-- n or airajrsu iwjcs, ur any utner proper-ty that they may have lost, ha ingqulad

    Deputy onenu ot ouainy county and givenrequired bond. 1 am now ready and will-

    ing to arait th public In the future, as it awell known that I have done tt In tee post.

    MATT SBJSLBjr,ak? Dapukf Shariffol ShMcyObunsF.


    FOR NEW ORLEANS.Bsgular Sew Or sans Packs' For Viol

    Satohea and Mew Or sansSICK LOSG WORTH- - Kates, master

    This elegant and swift steamerwin leave ss aboveBTHI-- ! OAT, llth lust., at 10 p m.For freight or pan ge apply on board.Clnc'nnatt, Mfmjbls and New Orleans

    Packet Compati y For New Orleans and tneBend The elegant passenger steamerjsnn Kilaour

    tela master Hrk Ir flarirLeaves HCNDiVT, tthh lnst at 4 i.m.RLLXOTTA MILLKB, Agents.mhfl J.ff.i-iri- r and m.imt, strtta.FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOCIb.

    Memphis and St. Lnnls Packet CompanyFor Hickman. Colnmhua, Cairo a"d at. Lona- - asT a Str. CITY OF VICK8BCBQ,mfOmBHi A. J. Caiter masterWill leava as attov Talia UA.Y. Mmon loth,at 10 o'clock Am.

    mbil Ft. EM. CAT. VERT. Bnp'C


    aenphls and t. Annie racketFor Helena, Greeuvllls and Vinksbarr.anrri Steamer MARBLE CITY;aaslaBV Townsend msstsrill leave as aoove THjS DAT. Marsh Iflth.

    at 10 o'clock a.m.m 10 FLH1M. CALVERT, 8nD't.

    FOR EVANS VILLE.For Cairo. Evansvllle and Way Landings

    The elegratt paeeenger steamerMa it.aaiiit -- " it

    John B. Hail roaster , tie. ThroonalerkLeaves TH in DAS, '0th lnet,, at 10 a.m.ELLIOTT A Ml l.t.imi AgenU.mhiO Promt-nao- e sc. foul ofX-cerso-


    Cincinnati, Memphis and New 01 leansfackst Company For Evansviile. Loula- -vuieand cinclnnaui The elegant steamer

    ANDES -am matter Croxai!.. aiark

    AaVBVSB lHit u r, lutn lnsc ati p.m.ELLIOTT A I LER, Ana.mhlO Jefferson iuid Promenade streets."ox- - Cinciniiati.For Cairo. Ljulsvliie and llnatnnatt The egant oaase ger et

    dTPiarsel -- master Alexander cterkWl liiavs au DAY. Martin llth, at S p.m.ror ir !nt or passage appiy toK w.iuuiouanib, . . 11 nganv

    lhlO : ni sTreer


    Mesnnhl sad A banana Blver Packet1 otttpnny aj. a. nu.u use.For P no H.ntt snd LitUe Hork

    Pat Cleburne kteme Pri trbartl. Muterthis elegant steamer will leave a

    MO-iD- llth lnst, art 5 p.m. JbMbMMMIw. 11. iti.a9L'A 1, Agent,

    Office 011 Company's Wharf boat,mh9 f"Ot Cone st.raeC

    FOR WHITE RIVER.Mesnvhae snd AhJte ttiw rsakrt Cotj. h. Moll nsMt assarrs Ktpr.For Helena, DeVali's muff, Searcy, Augusta

    and Jackson poreThe Klerant Passeneor Steamers

    LEGAL TE5DER W. J. Ash.'ord, masterLeavxs Memphis every 1 u miia i , at

    o'clock p.m.B. P. WALT John J. Edsou, master

    Leaves Mempha every BAiuaiiAi, ato'clock o.m.

    The aoove line o' elegant steamers cor anaat DeVali's Biutt with tne railroad for Lu..eBook and Jacksonport.

    ELLIOTT A MILLER, Agents,mWT - foot ni lafrsfn

    FiiiAJi'b POUST AN Li BEN-f- c.

    friar, ferrr, iiBiana saa Sea 8aMStaiM MaH Ptulut,

    Phil, AfN.James Lee,. .master.

    Leaves Mempha Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays, at p.m., connecting at Haleua withthe steamer dHODA lor Manama anaDGtnUon FVAngsUle tver. ty

    FOR ARKA-NbA- tf RIVER.EmFTIh ArD AHKAHBAi KIVS.SPacket Co., D 8. Kali Lino The el

    gaut pas;iuger bo t?f this line leave Mena-phi- sfor ail points on Arksnsas river Sfnav

    dnya ana Friiinjs at 4 p an. KO' freight,paassae, or uue.- - inormation, apply to ay.n ui, i , Aajauk rate or. Oonapa-nv'- a

    i rmI i f'nnrt si i aas mni

    Ifsjit ri.L.iS3i A A.NU FJfcUA-H'- S fOLM'l

    ftr. iSSL S K Salsa MaTil a rsiaaia. Srst-o- nannngrr !

    laSS. W, GfleeKaitaaaaiGBU. MALOfK master.

    Will run regularly, as above, leaving Hanpna every TUESDAY, thu hhda i anti BXfjliCAY, punctsu lO at 6 pan.For freight or passage, apply on board.

    Feiat. aulas. Wfertt

    The Suited Hats Mail PacketA. J. WH

    AtAHS B. CBJSBKWill leave Mem puis MOMDATti and FHJ- -da is, punctually at o p.m.

    For iraignt or paassga. appir on ooartt

    FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.cueatu, Mnrlnaunn and lit. rrauaeis stiver

    Pnnhrtf ItrsmnTST.

    H. riowman.......... musterWill leave Mempha Tubsdayb and TnU3

    bats, at a o'clock p..For freight or pansse apply nn boards no?




    Commss.Gi. Marchant,AND


    w ebt lo o:TRADE SALES




    Mon? a s mNdostcsys and Ffl-av- s.GROCERIES AND FURNITURE

    TSJTE-.OA- Y8 AMD THLMSDATN.r Ontdoor Hale attended to wit a nromnt- -

    u-r- n anc uinpatcu.saa-- Ample room for storsge.sssr-- Always in store a large mamt Private) Mnlo.ssar city and country Mtrchana will bene

    fit themselves ov ::u stock and at.lenain.. sates. A. t . FiiAlt s LAUD. AnotT.DONOHO at BULKLEY



    fT the Introduction of ihn following wellknown and manly desirahia Prune t lea.and In t, e order girau bel tw, oi wbleh othernotice la tbe way of Posters, Diagiaais, etc.wii' oe given in one time, :

    Judge Arebttinld Wright's aToaaesteast,assBnaas y weu.ua, i.artue anuttavie.traet.. Soutn Memohls, ow the fbiISXS, UiOHSST tlUDIB, WlTHOOT BKSUBVB.

    Wedeetday, March 13th, at 10 o'olook

    BIsr: "ST LOTS,The Itnvld Ptrk "Old Bnsnestmd.'ner.tofors .dre'ttsed ana on aoouni o ssverltv of waaihsr- - tvanHiPrk, Davie s,nd Walker v unessoat Msrapni"; on PBUtaEs, Hjohxbtsmusa, snaouT HaBurs,Wednesday, March kOth, at 10 a'cloek ata.

    one rgfd-e- o and Ten Lets.Kemainnrrof nreapnt limit- - nf . iin be ra.tikiatawz,. ivrnutsrirM " .ud Caarivscon K.i o :1, font mUm irorn

    A J... oiitum A l OUH OF- -w siaui- - on street,Wednesday, March 27tb, at 10 o'olook a at. j

    These PIJrLifl Hsi.BSaiii Ka -s- i-ued in future, at regular intet val. a mayfrom time to Urn anronnii Thnu.."'" w avail inemseives of our servicesaad ma manner of selling srelr Meal Eat ate,would do Weii to call promptly snd arrange

    w- - RiMKMShB. that we will neither ailsiwium uor un,it any outer man ops.FATA ASD LB01TIHATI BIPDIKGB, or Other IB- - fulaaannaaiTixa m oar Pubdc sales.

    ssw Any of tnese Lota may be purchased at ufprivate aaie until the date of thetr nubile anythe"w.iunw aa on.at.Ki,ajaMltBttra, steal aV.ln.e trssia, andas) MadlsM alrert. ts.F.8 Should waih' prevent aaiea. as an.nounc-- d above, inev win u en take plane

    ajLAO. - ' iiiiAnun u.i u uaailflfl.iess 11, A a

    -- 8NAB5JBG8, BBOWN SHBATtMO ASD. caiauu, .uwuaiu wciBtll, mauutBa- -red of the best cot ton, at PrattwvDia. a.iZ andkulahed to Use trade at Mew York prices imtitcBsnaiaa. uauantt aTam a.-i- ..a wr n.nau u--TT ""-- 'w w , anamnaiaarnBaB,






    I !is vabibtft

    Hale af Irish sMl


    STRIPED SILKS6R0S GRAIN SILKS, light shades;

    BLACK SILKS, real Lyons manufacture;


    Now French Prints, Percales and Chintzss.


    Linen centimes;Barntsley Linen Sheetings just received;

    Which for cheapness and eleganoe of tnah cannot be nrptmud.







    ACTUAL TRIAL WITH THJtAFTKB Stoves of the oountry hava beenPBOVKH to be, without a doubt th

    Bast Coexists Stove Ever Hide !

    And wherever used, ins ansat bread la al-ways insured.




    than any other stove now sold.The pi awarded ths

    BUCK'S BB1LLIANT st thegraat fairs of 8LLouis. Mew Orleans and MemoDia. after ect- -tal Held contest with other leading stoves isan undisputed guarantee of their unap-proachable worth.

    Every Steve Fully ttaaranteed!SOLD BY

    General Agents and Dealers In all kinds oiCooking and Heating Stoves, Hat and IronMantels, Grates, Tinware, Tinplate and Tin-ner's Stock, and also agents for the celebrated


    Beat Gvsl Cwkii Stevt It Uss

    He. 306 MAIN STREET,dZl dw Opposite Peahodv Hotel





    JOB PRINTING HOUSE8. C. TOCF, pRorsraToit,

    No. 15 Wet Court Street, Meapkl, Ten.

    aitBAT BBODCTION IN PBICBB.f all and examine specimens, dtl daw


    50 dozen Ven Dar,50 .ezen Vera Anders;24 sbis. Swset Cidsr, rebelled;50 bbls. Old Beurben Rye.Fin cha's Golden Wedding Rye,


    GRIDER fcAjrrrr AcrtiRiBs of xbw



    AHO IB

    CssMit, Plaster, Hair,

    Fire Brkk and Clay, THst,

    Hay, Cora, Q.ts, Brsa, stsMe 41 SOUTH COURT STREET

    -nn - . af tmALfc SCHOOL. mItHf undersignedof Die oitv nT'.T:wh;. uusuitj wiu, on tne FirstlTh1" s??" ?att' at Pise knownMoaby Mansion, on i"- -s str,open a sonoui for young Indies, both for dayand boarding pupils, in which will be tacghibranches ueaireu, Includins tbe languaaea. The location a ellarlhla an., ,.

    with ample room and gronnda. They re.speotfully solicit tbe patranag and supportparents, roung ladiea ol il aaaa anil ntdecree of n nntmoat careful aitenuon in all matter,departments guaranteed.


    MTOETHJE undersigned having taken outof adminls' rauon on the aerate olJohn Morton, deceased, Hereby notifies allpersons having claims raja Inrr said estaa tn Mpresent tn same tor settlement la ttnteby aw, or tney will be forever barred,

    all parsons indebted to said sffe tu awt- - andue r 'uu.uiw.ussa.HAJiJAa onlXl", Ammitraartx. yJiAMraa, JRktxiry ia Atta, wsdaal

    stripes and s&lfd colors.HBW

    of jtew dbsissh.

    Leek st ser Ladies' Ui

    263 MAIN T , C0 C01HTa.JQMOVs

    DRS. G H. HUR0 N0 J.

    Hsve remove-- their esitnt aed silt insOxide 3na Bnai ean rr-- f, tn asMain at et. next door to Junes n Co.'s Dragato re, opposite North Court. atMlCAS! CAS! CAS!

    AS-T- Aa gas a cheaper than aaahtsBat, T wishto Inform the pnbllo tbat i tave reduced thprice of Pipe and Gas Fixture, and Gss Cook-ing Stoves, so that all can us It tor coringand beating purposes at a ccinpar t. ve smalloutlay, and dlspen-- e with explosive coal-OI-Small dwelling-house- s fitted ap with Pipeand Fixtures from l to any desired amount.I have also on hand besides tbe - rgst stockof Gas Glxturea ever brought to tha city.Iron and Lead Pipe, flatt- - tuos, Wsshstsnds,and all kinds of Brass j 'oundin a first-cla- Plumbing and Gas F ttlng tslabilahment. CnM snd riiisin.

    and price. Estimates .'urnlsced :oi fit-ting up houses for Gis aid Water In lbmoat approved style.

    WILLIAM HIT.Finnsser nn 3na

    ata st, eflareau Bias k.


    To thb People op the South:To give yoa a short and aenten-tiao- fl

    atatemeat of the points of supe-riority and advantages of the "PLAN-TATION COMPRES3" over thehaif.presses, I'll say :

    1st It compresses the bate s thegin at once, thos obviating all citv repressing, redrawing, etc., amoonUflgto near four million dollars per an-num on oar cotton crop, besides pre-venting so much unnecessary samp-ling, wasting and gouging, wnich willmake up aa much more, amountingboth together to about seven miliioadollars.

    3d Being all iron except the box-pla- nk,whieh is the beat of wood, and

    can be easily replaced, it will laat twogenerations, saving again over a mil-lion a year thus: 57,000 gins in thSouth, every gin has a halfpreaaworth or coat at least &g0, which lastsabout ten years, necessitating a newpress every ten years, or one tenth ofa press every year, making anothermiliion and a half, thus aggregatingover eight million dollars to the cot-ton planters every year by this simpleinvention.

    3d The cotton-bo- x opens and cic sesautomatically without doors or hi nges,saving the time of the hand-- , whohave nothing to do but put in the cot-ton right at the lint-roo-m and takeout the bale mule doing ai the balance in tnree and a ball minutes,making the bale oompletely com-pressed.

    As lor the metallic covering, which3s dependent on this PLANTATIONCO MPRESS, I wiU say nothing morenow than that it will dispense wits,bagging and ties and obviate fire in.surance, working probably a greaterrevolution in the commercial worldeven than this PLANTATION COM-PRESS, both together aggregating asaving of $28,000,000 every year on.the cotton crop.

    S. a REM BERT, Patentee,care of 168 Front street,

    Memphis, Veuu.P. a State and county riy atB fof

    sale on reasonable terms. N-J- is thetime to commence busine. Applyto Royster A Treaevant MemphisTenneaawe.



    J. A. SILLEH CHIUN-C8C- a HfW ? aavrttaBUar attanuon o; thwl.W,lii'. xnA lo o" largo stock ofmoatly of tbe oeleorated auPast twen ears ot J.a. Miller Ohlekisa Cock Bom nun and ayeWnaky, made in Para, nouibon county.

    ., and warranted to die trade for its , tyand unitoimity in quality, and tu im-prove by age taster man any ulnar wniaxy.mad In tha a a est cooperage. We nave u.ferent ages, tbe new, one, two, 'hree, tourand Bv years of age. at prioea varying as aaa. et.WABB OF OODHTERHf TSSi- -issus vu ua. u u uj me uarrei and ' laburnt brand of th distUieiv oa the otherhead, mad tn and in from Para, Sour jbcounty, Ky.

    Wnoaarl dealera, graeers and drujadaBare invited to examine uor sttxtk. Fur saaloa only byI SB,BiJJJBi ak CSX,8oa Agents, oomer Walnutand TBcaarw o:- -

    COBB, DCLHOMDE a CO.,9nm Waiaat aa. TUrt 84a,


    COBB, DOLHONOE & co.rMW 9HLMl&,U


    PravSaitat,UJBkXC AH Mm tH4k faailailiiailn I F a .....


    Aao, r ouf wSurn 'iSSSSi'JatiKiiiUuentaastern and muarn soiicia feqrliar