The M. A. C. RECORD. MIC HI GAN AGR IC ULTU RA L CO LLE GE. \ 'nr .. )1[('11H.3 . \S. I. FARM MANAGEMENT WORK IN MICHIGAN . Dr . Eben M um for d Chosen Head of New Depa rtm en t. Ur. :'.lll lllf"rd . "f I .UIIlllard C ullcg<.: . 111., bn'u ..:hu"..:1l : IS bead of rill.! ,kpurt. 1I1C I 1\ of farm n);lllagcH1l' llt I,) the colkg'l', a ll d dq);(I"II1lCIII ut :1;':- al \\ ': I"hll1;..(1OII. and ,\ III h,I\'c of rhi,.. i" 'purtanl 'l urk in :\li chig'; II! . l Ie \\ill hale an l,f· li cc ill Ihe. Ag'ri l'll itllT:iI huilding. ,1Il1l will L.., ranked a,; :1 r<: ':'; \I\<lr col· Iq;l' pro fe:;,,!)r . T his work in far m 1I1;ln;\g'cm..,nl "ill Ill" ," arricd on in ,-u() ])L 'ratiolJ wi r h cit \" boa rLls of COlllmcrCl', nlU11 1 \ bOHnl s of s upcf\,i "vr" and uthe r ",lI1izaliolls whi eh :IYl' abl ... to I,,:ar of t he till:l1Id .. 1 hll r de ll. ,lIld which ,Ire il\l.., re 5Ie« ill a;.:rilll ll\1I" :11 dC\'..,]0plll..,nl. ThrCl' or fn llr IllI'11 11:11 C alre:HlY he.., 11 Sekclnl. :lIul :l l"l ' dV ; IIg- work';l1 diffcr c llI pa r I:'; of tlw stHte. Dr . Z'\[uillfo rd lIill one m onth ;n \V ,lshin;.:toll. in tollch with this wo rk, I [.., will (hell takc up hi s hl';tdqllart crs [llthc co:l'".!!c and co rnpktl' ! he ur;,:alliz". li on uf ti l<.: II ork in ,\1 ;..:: hi;'::.11 ,IS as pu ssihle . If is "':-'jl""::h'd I hat ..,i:.: hl or len men wi II he il1,,1I\1 kd in thi " II ,w k hi tbelh:ar fulur.., . T lw cull e"c is " I"eall\' illlerc"kd in thi" k,l!I;;'e of IIl.rl.. , >lnd \\ill aid in ..,\·c ry \1 :'y. !Jr . .\I utlliu rd 11:1" brou;.:lit up on :1 farm. ,HId ,II Ih c pr"",..,111 tim.., n il 11::> alld upl'r"t c" a farlll in .\lichi).(:lIl. l[ e j", h''''''I','r, OIiC "f Ih.., hest lralned mel! ill rllral el'OIl - Ollli e"; in Ihe C<,l Ulllr\,. I[ e hi s Ph. D. f or Ilork dU lll' ill ..,,'UII' ului e,;. alld for thc kw ,..,ar;; h: ts [,,'ell l1l;1kinX a thurou).!'h uf th e social alld eeu ll umie eU lldiliul 1::> uf t h.., rllral dislric!";. ! Ie \\,a" c;dled 10 tIll" posit iull ill '\[i rhig ,1Il fr om thc chair uf eCIH1omi..::s ill [,0111' bard Colleg ('. The follege COil· ;.:r:IUII: I1t:S it Sl· jf II[JOIl hcill;; ahle to fin\I,1 lIlan wil h s11d1 h i;.! h l[ 11:l1ifi. for thi" impurta rlt p osit ion. MINNESOTA ALUMNI . On Satu nlay , lune the :\1. A. C. people of the 'Twill Cities lilt:! :It the .\lil11 11·SOI" Agri eu lhmll Colkg-e for a pi enk , :\1 iss Hem is, uf t he domestic sc i<:l1ce dcpil rtrn cllt, plarHll'd Ih" fecd, ,md il IVa s a :,lIC' I: es s. Th ose presenl wer,,: :\Irs. C. F, llc rTillann and two "h il tln ' n; 1\lr. ,Old .\Irs. "'lcElrv), and three ch ildren ; Prof . ilnd .\1 rs. II, I t. Smith; :\Ir. and .\lrs. I..::in se \,; l\lr. and "'I rs. hohler : :\Ir . a;1l1 Mrs. \\'. T. Lanxl ey ; :\I ;ss Be ss il' Bemis [lIlt! :\1. J. Dorsey. T he college ca r ry a ll took the party fora Il ri\-c n bo ut the i:t r 1ll , "Ir. Dor · sey ac ting :1 s j:!'lIid e. Pr of. S mith gave all exhibit io n of hi s r idin),:' ho r ses, ;lIId, t;tken in a ll, it was 11 pleasa nt day spellt . '<>9 . D. L ll oyd is w ith the Berna rd Glockle r C o. , of P". TAKING MEAS URE MENTS THE MI CHIGAN S TAT E FORESTER . 1'1,,· SII III III..,r ,',III1P edilillil (, f t hl' F M·,·J/,.r , L·ditL,t! hI' the ,' Ill",:; uf Iqq . i" for lle pllqms.., of Ihe ,.tlllklll,,· vicwpoint o f dlC <:uur"L' (I f stlu h, forlll;;; of r ..,c r"" li ol1, l'1,'., ,111(1 abo'lO furlll :t r.:!o"e r r eb - tit'tl "hip hc! lle..,11 the 1I1I .'mh<: rs of the ria,." and th e IIn.tcrg-radu:tles :111,1 al ul11l1i. TIll' 1·;,,· .... (,·,. is:o lIe:ot I'l,,,klcl uf ':(lUle.: I [1")":"'" illl'iudiJl;,! J I l'l'rcl· lellt hal f 1')111'", . ') 11(' of II hi,h I" :;hu \I '11 al1\)\e .• \ Ili"l" r\ uf tIll' "U!ll1l11' r I,'rm is \\'ith :til "f tlt l' Il ur k uml..,r t;lkl'lI the 1\ ull i'ple fl'awr.., "f the beok is the ('a11lp di:lry. ur L v;! Buuk . E:Kh "'\"lIt1> lIere reconled ],\' the SIll· dcn l fo r th'll - ,Loy'" ell· tr \', ;'l11 lll1 c i" larg-cll the of th ('''L' L' ll1ries. . TI,,: I\' (. rk ":lI' ri l' '[ lHl I1IlIl'h tl1l' samc ,,:< IlI:t t of 19 1t. T he s ub jc ct,.. Wl'n' :t': full oll ,, : F ic1t 1 (.:il· "un . \\" en,[t . T ypl'1>- I>rof , S:tnford. - Pr of. P cttit nnd [Jr. F o r e 5 1 Bakt'r. :\-iel1 sl1r,l1ion - Pro f. Thi s \ ca r t ill" "<Im p was 0 11 the (o f t he H()\' lle (.'i1\· 1.11111' [," 'r Co ., in Cu .. th e II s ual e ilm p eqlliptlle lll being 1I\ 'lI il· a1,k . [11 ,Hldili"n to the imlidllu,,1 lents, th ere \\,a,. Olll' use!1 for l!C I ''Tal aS 5l'1Ilhll-, o nc a s: 1 rc ,Hli ng- rO OII1 , and o ne <l S':1 I cct ure r oo ln. The hnys k"'pt lo:,::gcr's hOll r ,,_ lIml ate lit thl' saine t:lhk I\ilh the I\· orkmen. The r ecreation consis ted of rill c practi c .. ,. ha se hall a!lll SWi T111l1i llg. lind in the e\-c11i ng a huge bo nfire wa s 111 :111.." ,lrOUlHI whi ch th e gro up g:tthe r ed to n: c ulItlt the days' c\-c rtls. T he bov s :Ire 10 he co ngratnillt l·d UpOIi I hls -,,'ar's pullli c at ion. 't t. '\1\'TolI Cog-sdill, cng-illcc r, fo r sometime with a lumbe r compa n)' in so uth(;Tl1 B razil , has returned to thc Sta tes, on a cco unt of 1\ 1 r s. Cogs. di ll's poor health. He is no w located at Grce llc:lstlc, Ind., w he re hc is lea c hing m,u1Ulll t ra itting in the publ ic schools. THE BOY S OF 186 1. c,pt. l; eo r l-:"e \\ ' .I! ai:!h,(lf '\[an· k:oto .. \[ ;1111"::.01<1, Il llo " lltl' r,',1 I ll .. , lir"t at .\1. . \, C. ill IS,;:). \I Itl his brothc r. lle nr\ . :\. I[ ,iig-h ( iSH" the fuiJmlill,:! 'kt ler aholl t tile nill" s tu t!"t1h (, f .\1. A . C. who enli"h'd ill t h c L'nilcd Slates \ ·v) urltc..,r . \rm y ill "\ II).,:lIst. ISGI: •• .. :-\ill l.' (If the n,lk·;.! e joilll'd ;1 T!n .1 5t .I ca rs <I).!"v Illis month. ··T lwy ertlis!!:d in ;) cmnp: m)' of which h"i n;.!" i/.cd under aut hority fronl GL "II , J!lhn C. Fr,'lI10111 C:O]l1. E. B. [l uw1;llld .. \ H:Htic C r eL·k . ··T he e_'l:odu" o f n i rw IOtlll" IlIell from the lillie balld ;, f 11ll' 1I :tHcndi r l).!' ;\1 .. \. l' a ),:'rcat eOllHllutiun, :lIId hroke up t he " r[l ,[u:tl; n" ,b"s th:tt Vl·ar. Bu l -" . Ih.., al:liUIi \\(15 rL ·;..:a rdo.: 11 palriotie and o.:llIi r d) prop" r, al1ll II.., <If the lI ine. tilled with ell l l1u"i;("lll :lIId patriotic- £<.:T\'or. [IS "II ",'n ' thUI, 11 0 dOlll,t that" l' \, l're \ OUII" he r oes. . .... "\\ .., tho\l;..:'h1. 1IItJrt'oler, t hai II.., had :111 opporttlnit,l o f et1leriu;,! tho.: :lrlll\ of the l ' ni on IIIHlcr f:worahl e :l uspkes. :Ind in a l'apiI,';ty in whi ch we could [lIl t illtu pr:1(,liL';d li se some of the klti)\\'icllg'l' whidl we h atl J,!':tllll'd a t .\/ .• \, C. .. Cap!. I l owb nd 11' :1:; a per:;o na l friend of VCIl . Fr emo nt. a!1(1 in soml' r es p ec ls I[ lIi lo.: sim ilar 10 hill! ill ch:,r ac tc r, hci!l).!' :'Ill c nt ilusiast1L- ide' llis !. filii o f d5iOIl<ln- :Ind a \', Ul Cl'd ide:1s, not :t!1 of \,' hleh \\er.., I 'e ry practic;ol. [t hud h eCl1 ,' OJ]' ceil'ed Ih:lI a eu m p:ll1y of ci\' il et1g"in e ('rs 10 be 115 ( '( 1 fo r pu r po.<; o: s a11,1 for out :1nd s \I]1l"rvi si llg" th.., co nstrucl ion of r oads, h ri dges, fortlfieatiolls, Ct l- " w ould h" a Ibcful adjun cl 10 Fre · mon t's artn)'. T he latter oh t:tilled gener "l autllority from tllc \rar D epartmcnt to rec ruit Sill'll a co m- pany, :ttlll t his <llllhoritl' wa s dele· gated to C:tpl. I I0 I',lilnd , who sought 10 SC l' ure yO IlII ).!' nlen from anri t( ·ch nk al schoul s to fill hi s mnk s. "l ie wa s; \ highl), Cllu c:lt..,d 111:111 , :l goo,1 talkc r, a enlhllsi:lst, and fa r :,l1c1ll1 of his tin les in his prof es s ion-thut of civil cnginecr- IIlg. "Supplies of m;lny kiml s, so me (ContI n ued on paae f .) AL U MNI ·S7· C. \\'. /{ e,['":lIt i" Ihc jJtJ[luhl r ,·"1 11 11), dr:till <If ( ;r'l , iOl Co" II ith 11I>llt c al Ilhal ' :I . 'on. L. I.. :tnt. i" ttv\\ \\ ilil Stcllrn T rtl,'k ell ,. ,\1 ieh , f"rllll'rl\ uf the .\ 'IIl:riulI1 at :-':tgin:tw. [I. I.. BTlII Jg.:r i" Sup!. (If Ihe COII"t rll,·tiUIi I JL ·pI. of Ihe C (, ,. o f I .'ll ' t,nc, Ind. .\ ';1111, Ch:trk-s [) nl i,l, hor n 1,1 :\[r. :t11l1 .\Ir" . Fr:lI1k G. Cu rpl ' n' kr, of CalKary , Allwrta. Can., on ;-;"p1. 6. ;\ 1 r. L'arpclIter g ra dualcd in and ;\ [ rs. Cnrpenter (Chloe (;oo,lri l' h ), a forme r Lansing" wa;:. ,lIse.> \1 i1l1 the s al' w c1 :t :;s. '0, 1' Cecil P hillips and \\'if" (lldti e H. \\"riJ,!' ht ) ure t-njoyitll( li fc al I..:: lamMh I J1di:1I1 1\ :':"'I IC\, ( )r, ' ·'un. TI ll'v :Ire on ad:tilll "o nH: five fron; 11 slat ion, :ll1d :rrc li. IX to I'e eXI;ert '<If). .\Ii.la l \k :'::UHI"I·, u f Dl 'l iI',. [ .;1 1..., fur se\'l' r :tl \ 'e" rs Il'adw r ill the Sd1001s, will "pe n !1 tile o.:oming yea r in :;t ud y. ·o<}. J.. \ ' , Hc1knap is now \\ith Ihe KaJl l' a ", Ci t) T e rt1)in :.1 1< ). Co., of KaliS,,:; C il e '\[ 0. Il is re:;idc!l{'e E . .: Ilh In. E, E, Kurt / is iliStrUUlellt 01: 11 1 \\; th Ihe C"tllttH>tt\I'l ': l lth l' I)\\,,' r Co .. ,)f l;r. lll d R;l pi(ls. 'I !. I. . 1<, B indil1;..:' has aC'T]ltcd .1 pu" ition wilh Prof. [,e ttit, uf tire dc parttnl ' l1t, Unilc fs il) of 1111· Ilnis . Th l' head in th:11 de· par l m"nt i ... E. \ ', tll AI " tinc, 'OJ. Georgl ' F. Ibl (' '''OIl, wh ll has I wen w ith the SO!V;l\, I'rot'es:; Co. ,I\trinc. Ihe pasl SII,n";e r, has gOl lC \0 Can;l di:,11 where he will bl' en gagell in l'n g' !I1l'cnn g wo rk for the Tr:lll scolllinl 'nl :t[ n y. Cu. \V e q U Il t \! the foliowitlJ! frolll a letkr written by D. F. Fishe r, of thc Bureau of P I: Ilt1 [ llIlustr)', :lt \V;1 sll ing:101i : ·'.\I y work in D elaware is nearl v l'lImpklcd. 1 go h:tek in :1 w('ek or 50, :IIHi gc! the r es u lts on m y Y o rk l111peri:lls as soon as pi c kin g hej:!'ins. Thc y h:](j a fine cr op of :tIl kiud s o f Iree fruit s there this Summer. The dry \\'c:lth cr early in the se:lson ruin ed the s trawherr y cro p, how· evcr. As the time for opcning draw s tlc .. r, it see ms ;13 ' thoug h I ought 10 be ba ck with th e hu nch :Igain, ami it is' with a pa ng of reo gr et t h: lt I re a lize it is a 1l I hope the e nr ollment t hi s yea r wi ll brcnk tnc record , and that it may_ be the hest y ear e\ ' cr for 1\'1. A. C."

The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D14-54-19121001sm.pdfThe M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN AGRICULT URAL COLLEGE. \'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ti. )1[('11H.3.\S

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D14-54-19121001sm.pdfThe M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN AGRICULT URAL COLLEGE. \'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ti. )1[('11H.3.\S


\'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ ti. )1[('11H.3 .\S. Tl: E:-:r ~.\Y. OITUJ ~EI\ I. l!Jl~.


Dr. Eben Mum ford Chosen Head of New Depa rtmen t .

Ur. Eb~11 :'.lll lllf"rd. "f I.UIIlllard C ullcg<.: . Gak"b\lr~ . 111., ha~ bn'u ..:hu"..:1l :IS bead of rill.! I I~'" ,kpurt. 1I1C I1\ of farm n);lllagcH1l' llt I,) the colkg'l', a lld th~' dq);(I"II1lCIII ut :1;':­r il'lIllu r~' al \\':I"hll1;..(1OII. and ,\ III h,I\'c cha r~c of rhi,.. i" 'purtanl 'l urk in :\lichig';II! . l Ie \\ill hale an l, f · li cc ill Ihe. Ag'ril'll itllT:iI huilding. ,1Il1l will L.., ranked a,; :1 r<:':'; \I\<lr col· Iq;l' pro fe:;,,!)r .

T his work in far m 1I1;ln;\g'cm..,nl

"ill Ill" ,"arricd on in ,-u()])L' ratiolJ wir h c it \" boa rLls o f COlllmcrCl ' , nlU11 1 \

bOHnls of s upcf\,i"vr" and uthe r '1~_ ",lI1izaliolls whieh :IYl' abl ... to I,,:ar ~art of the till:l1Id .. 1 hll rdell. ,lIld which ,Ire il\l.., re5Ie« ill a;.:rilll ll\1I" :11 dC\'..,]0plll..,nl. ThrCl' o r fn llr IllI'11 11:11 C alre:HlY he.., 11 Sekclnl. :lIul :l l"l' dV;IIg- work';l1 diffcrc llI pa r I:'; o f tlw stHte. Dr. Z'\[uillfo rd lIill ~pe l1d

one month ;n \V ,lshin;.:toll. g;~tli ng in tollch with this wo rk, I [.., will (hell takc up his hl';tdqllart c rs [llthc co:l'".!!c and co rnpktl' !he ur;,:alliz". lion uf ti l<.: II ork in ,\1 ;..:: hi;'::.11 ,IS r ~l' i dly as p ussihle. If is "':-'jl""::h'd I hat ..,i:.: hl o r len men wi II he il1,,1I\1 kd in thi" II ,w k hi tbelh:ar fulur.., . T lw culle"c is " I"eall\' illlerc"kd in thi" k,l!I;;'e of ~xtl'nsion IIl.rl.. , >lnd \\ill aid in ..,\·c ry pos~ lhlc \1 :'y .

!Jr . .\I utlliu rd 11:1" b rou;.:lit up on :1 farm. ,HId ,II Ihc pr"",..,111 tim.., n il 11::> alld upl'r"t c" a farlll in Wl'~tl'rll

.\lichi).(:lIl. l[ e j", h''''''I','r, OIiC "f Ih.., hest lralned mel! ill rllral el'OIl ­Olllie"; in Ihe C<,l Ulllr\,. I[ e r el'l~ile,1

his Ph. D. for Ilork dU lll' ill ..,,'UII' ului e,;. alld fo r thc p;t~1 kw ,..,ar;; h: ts [,,'ell l1l;1kinX a thurou).!'h ~\ud) uf th e social alld eeullumie eU lldiliul1::> uf th.., rllral dislric!";. ! Ie \\,a" c;dled 10 tIll" posit iull ill '\[irhig ,1Il from thc chair u f eCIH1omi..::s ill [,0111' bard Colleg('. The follege COil·

;.:r:IUII: I1t:S it Sl·jf II[JOIl hcill;; ahle to fin \I,1 lIlan wil h s11d1 h i;.! h l[ 11:l1ifi. catiol1~ fo r thi" impurta rlt posit ion.


On Satu nlay , lune ~ <) , the :\1. A. C. people of the'Twill Cities lilt:! :It the .\lil1111·SOI" Agrieu lhmll Colkg-e fo r a pienk , :\1 iss Be~.~i" Hem is, uf the domestic sci<:l1ce dcpil r trncllt, plarHll'd Ih" fecd, ,md il IVas a :,lIC'

I:ess. Those presenl wer,,: :\Irs. C. F, llc rTillann and two "h il tln'n; 1\lr. ,Old .\Irs. "'lcElrv), and three ch ildren ; Prof. ilnd .\1 rs. I I , It. Smith; :\Ir. and .\lrs . I..::in se \,; l\lr. and "'I rs . hohler : :\Ir. a;1l1 Mrs. \\'. T . Lanxl ey ; :\I ;ss Bess il' Bemis [lIlt! :\1. J. Dorsey .

T he college ca r ry a ll took the party fora Il ri\-c nbout the i:t r1ll , "Ir. Dor · sey acting :1s j:!'lIide . P rof. S mith gave all exhibit ion of hi s r idin),:' horses, ;lIId, t;tken in a ll, it was 11 pleasan t day spellt .

'<>9. D. L lloy d is w ith the Bernard

Glockler C o., of P i tts~, P".



1'1,,· SII III III..,r ,',III1P edilillil (, f thl' FM·,·J/,.r , L·ditL,t! hI' the ,' Ill",:; u f Iqq . i" i~" lIed for t·lle pllqms.., o f ~i l' il1~ Ihe ,.tlllklll,,· vicwpoint o f dlC <:uur"L' (I f stluh, forlll;;; of r..,c r""liol1, l'1,'., ,111(1 abo'lO furlll :t r.:!o"e r reb ­t it'tl"hip hc! lle..,11 the 1I1I.'mh<: rs o f the ria,." and the IIn.tc rg-radu:tles :111,1 a lul11l1i.

TIll' 1·;,,· .... (,·,. is:o lIe:ot I'l,,,klcl uf ':(lUle.: I [1")":"'" illl'iudiJl;,! J I l'l'rcl· lellt hal f 1')111'",. ')11(' of II hi,h I" :;hu \I'11 al1\)\e .• \ Ili"l" r\ uf t Ill' "U!ll1l11' r I,'rm is ~il' CII , 1Og:~the r \\'ith :til (l ul li ll~' "f tlt l' Il ur k uml..,r t;lkl'lI tlllrin~ the p" ~ 1 ~U!l\ tIler . 1\ ull i'ple fl'awr.., "f the beok is the ('a11lp di:lry. ur L v;! Buuk . E:Kh d:t~"$ "'\"lIt1> lIere reconled ],\' the SIll· dcn l rc~potl"ij,k fo r th'll- ,Loy'" ell· tr \', ;'l11 lll1c 1'~'rr"I,"- i" larg-cll the \'(; l1Ipil ~ltinll of th ('''L' L' ll1ries. .

TI,,: I\' (. rk ":lI' ri l' '[ lHl \\'a~ I1IlIl'h tl1l' samc ,,:< IlI:t t of 19 1t. T he sub jcct,.. Wl'n' :t': fulloll ,, :

F ic1t 1 ~\ll'I hols -!II ~lnl ltlJl- (.:il· "un .

:-;11r1''''~ ing-~I ·r"f. \\" en,[t. F{)rC~l T ypl'1>- I>rof , S:tnford. Et1tu!llolog:~ - Prof. P cttit nnd

[Jr. ~h:tfcr, F o r e 5 1

Bakt'r. :\-iel1 sl1r,l1ion - Pro f.

This \ ca r t ill" "<Im p w as 0 11 the h"ldill:':~ (o f the H()\' lle (.'i1\· 1.11111'

[,"'r Co., in Ch:lrl~I'uix Cu .. the II s ual e ilm p eqlliptllelll being 1I\'lI il· a1,k . [11 ,Hldili"n to the imlidllu,,1 lents, there \\,a,. Olll' use!1 for l!CI1· ''Tal aS5l'1Ilhll-, onc as:1 rc ,Hli ng- rO OII1 , and one <lS':1 Iccture rooln. The hnys k"'pt lo:,::gcr's hOll r,,_ lIml ate lit

thl' saine t:lhk I\ilh the I\·orkmen. The recreation consisted of rill c practic .. ,. hase hall a!lll SWi T111l1i llg. lind in the e\-c11i ng a huge bonfire was 111 :111.." ,lrOUlHI which th e g roup g:tthe r ed to n:culItlt the days' c\-crtls. T he bovs :Ire 10 he congratnillt l·d UpOIi Ihls -,,'ar's pulllicat ion.

' t t .

'\1\'TolI Cog-sdill, cng-illcc r , fo r sometime with a lumbe r compan)' in so uth(;Tl1 Brazil , has returned to thc States , on account of 1\1 rs. Cogs. d ill's poor health. He is no w located at Grcellc:lstlc, Ind., w he re hc is leaching m,u1Ulll t ra itting in the publ ic schools.


c,pt. l; eo rl-:"e \\' .I! ai:!h,(lf '\[an· k:oto .. \[ ;1111"::.01<1, Il llo " lltl' r,',1 I ll .. , lir"t da~~ at .\1. . \, C. ill IS,;:). \I ritl' ~ Itl his brothc r. llenr\ .:\. I[ ,iig-h ( iSH" the fuiJmlill,:! 'kt ler aholl t tile nill" s tu t!"t1h (, f .\1. A . C. who enli"h'd ill thc L'nilcd Slates \ ·v) urltc..,r . \rmy ill "\ II).,:lIst. ISGI:

•• • .. • :-\ill l.' ~hl\lelll~ (If the n,lk·;.! e joilll'd Ih~· ;1 T!n.1 5t .I ca rs <I).!"v Illis month.

··T lwy e rtlis!!:d in ;) cmnp:m)' o f ':JI~in("'r~ which W:I~ h"in;.!" or~a tl · i/.cd under aut hority fronl GL"II , J!lhn C. Fr,'lI10111 b~ C:O]l1. E. B. [l uw1;llld .. \ H:Htic C reL·k .

··T he e_'l:odu" of n irw IOtlll" IlIell from the lillie balld ;, f "t~,[I' r l1" 11ll' 1I :tHcndi rl).!' ;\1 .. \. l' rH II ~l',1 a ),:'rcat eOllHllutiun, :lIId hroke up the " r[l ,[u:tl ;n" ,b"s th:tt Vl·ar. Bu l -" . Ih.., al:liUIi \\(15 rL·;..:a rdo.:11 a~ palriotie and o.:llIi rd) prop" r, al1ll II.., <If the lI ine. tilled with ell l l1u"i;("lll :lIId patriotic- £<.:T\'or. [IS "II ",'n' thUI, 110 dOlll,t f~'h that" l' \, l're \ OUII" heroes. . ....

"\\ .., t ho\l;..:'h1. 1IItJrt'oler, thai II.., had :111 opporttlnit,l o f et1leriu;,! tho.: :lrlll\ of the l ' nion IIIHlcr 111 0~ t

f:worahl e :l uspkes. :Ind in a l'apiI,';ty in which we could [lIl t illtu pr:1(,liL';d li se some of the k lti)\\'icllg'l' whidl we hatl J,!':tllll'd a t .\/ .• \, C.

.. Cap!. I lowb nd 11' :1:; a per:;ona l friend of VCIl . Fre mo nt. a!1(1 in soml' r es p ecl s I[ lIi lo.: sim ilar 10 hill! ill ch:,ractcr , hci!l).!' :'Ill cnt ilusiast1L­ide'llis !. filii o f d5iOIl<ln- :Ind ad· \',UlCl'd ide:1s, not :t!1 o f \,'hleh \\er.., I'e ry practic;ol. [ t hud h eCl1 ,'OJ]' ceil'ed Ih:lI a eum p:ll1y o f ci\' il et1g"ine('rs 10 be 115('( 1 fo r si~ n al

pu r po.<; o:s a11,1 for 1a~ in~ o ut :1nd s \I]1l"rvi si llg" th.., cons t r ucl ion of roads, h ridges, fo rtlfi eati o lls, Ctl-" w ould h" a Ibcful adjun cl 10 Fre · mon t's artn)'. T he latter oht:tilled g ener"l autllority from tllc \rar Departmcnt to rec ruit Sill'll a co m ­pany, :ttlll this <llllhoritl' was dele· gated to C:tpl. I I0 I',lilnd , who sought 10 SCl'ure yOIlII ).!' nlen from col1e~es anri t(·ch n k a l schouls to fill his mnk s.

" l ie was;\ highl), Clluc:lt..,d 111:111 , :l goo,1 talkc r , a ~ reat enlhllsi:lst, and fa r :,l1c1ll1 o f his tinles in his pro fess ion-thut of civil cnginecr­IIlg.

"Supplies of m;lny kimls, some (ContIn ued on paae f .)


C. \\'. /{ e,['":lIt i" Ihc jJtJ[luhl r ,·"1 1111), dr:till C"mtl1is~i,,"er <If ( ;r'l , iOl Co" II ith 11I>lltc al Ilhal' :I.


L. I.. \ l'l'k~ :tnt. Lall,;ill~. i" ttv\\ \\ ilil Stcllrn T rtl,'k ell,. ,\1 ieh ,

'J ~ .

f"rllll'rl\ uf the .\ 'IIl:riulI1 at :-':tgin:tw.

[I. I.. BTlIIJg.:r i" Sup!. (If Ihe COII"t rll,·tiUIi I JL·pI. of Ihe l{ ull1c1~ C (,,. o f I.'ll ' t,nc, Ind.

.\ ';1111, Ch:trk-s [)nl i,l, \\':l~ horn 1,1 :\[r. :t11l1 .\Ir" . Fr:lI1k G. Curpl' n' kr, of CalKary , Allwrta. Can., on ;-;"p1. 6. ;\1 r . L'arpclIter g radualcd in ' o~ , and ;\ [ rs. Cnrpenter (Chloe (;oo,lri l' h ), a forme r Lansing" g:~ r l, wa;:. ,lIse.> \1 i1l1 the sal'w c1 :t:;s.


Cecil P hillips and \\'if" (lldtie H. \\"riJ,!' ht ) ure t-njoyitll( li fc al I..:: lamMh I J1di:1I1 1\:':"'I IC\, ( )r,' ·'un. TIll'v :Ire on ad:tilll "o nH: five n~iles fron; 11 r:ti!\\,:t~· slat ion, :ll1d :rrc ~l"1-li. IX to I'e eXI;ert f:tnl1e r ~ :'


.\Ii.la l\k :'::UHI"I·, u f Dl' l iI',. [ .;11...,

fur se\'l' r :tl \'e" rs s~'il'nl'e Il'adw r ill the ~i1c" p~' h 1i ,. Sd1001s, will "pen !1 tile o.:oming yea r in :ld v' <I1 ~.., ,1 :;t ud y .

·o<}. J.. \ ' , Hc1knap is now \\ith Ihe

KaJl l'a", Ci t) T e rt1)in :.1 1< ). Co., of KaliS,,:; C il e '\[ 0. Il is re:;idc!l{'e is~}O E . .: Ilh ~I.

In. E, E, Kurt / is iliStrUUlellt 01:11 1

\\; th Ihe C"tllttH>tt\I'l':llth l' I)\\,,' r Co .. ,)f l;r.lll d R;l pi(ls.

'I !.

I. . 1<, Bindil1;..:' has aC'T]ltcd .1

pu"it ion wilh Prof. [,e ttit, uf tire ~oil!i d cparttnl' l1t, Unilc fs il) o f 1111· Ilnis . Th l' head ~' hetn i "t in th:11 de· parlm"nt i ... E. \ ',tll AI" tinc, 'OJ.

Georgl' F. Ibl (' '''OIl, whll has Iwen w ith the SO!V;l\, I'rot'es:; Co. ,I\trinc. Ihe pasl SII,n";e r , has gOllC \0 Ih~ Can;ldi:,11 :'\or t h\\e~l, where he will bl' engagell in l'ng' !I1l'cnng w ork fo r the Tr:lll scolllinl'nl :t[ ny. Cu.

\V e q UIl t \! the foliowitlJ! frolll a letkr written by D. F. F isher, of thc Bureau of P I:Ilt1 [llIlustr)' , :lt \V;1sll ing:101i :

·'.\I y work in Delaware is nearl v l'lImpklcd. 1 go h:tek in :1 w('ek o r 50, :IIHi gc! the res ults on m y Y ork l111peri:lls as soon as pic kin g hej:!'ins. Thcy h:](j a fine c rop of :tIl kiuds o f Iree fruit s there this Summer. The dry \\'c:lthc r early in the se:lson ruined the s trawherry crop, how· evcr. A s the time fo r opcning draws tlc .. r, it see ms ;13 ' thoug h I ought 10 be back with the hu nch :Igain, ami it is ' with a pang of reo g ret th:lt I rea lize it is a1l o\'~r. I hope the enrollment this year will brcnk tnc record , and that it may _ be the hest y ear e\' cr fo r 1\'1. A . C."

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D14-54-19121001sm.pdfThe M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN AGRICULT URAL COLLEGE. \'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ti. )1[('11H.3.\S

The M. A . C. RECORD ~U."'."U> ~n.~ TunoU DUII II.O .. .. E COLL~o:.E

VUlt U "Oil " """G." u an ... II 'CULTU"" .. COLLEGE

B . A . FAUNCE . l,h ... G' '' ''' 1E 0'TOII


Eutered III eeoond-elass nmB mlt lte . ,,~ t.n .... n a. :\I!eb.

Addrea .. UlubllcrlptiOnsand ad'-e rtl$lniJ matte. to tbe M. A O. R"':OIlO, 1I:&8t I.a n­lI1ug . Mleh. AddNlllll .. 1I contribution" to lbe M"u!l.lJlnll J:l:dLtor.

RemIt by P. O. Money Order, Draft or Regl8tered I..etter. Do not send 8t&mp8.

BUJllncls Oillee ,,-ltb Law.enee ~ Van Sureo Prtntlnlf 00 .. ~ I(l-~It Gr'IIld A"e. NQ., Lan.lolI:. Micb.


A T the close of the first week the enroll men t of new stu­

dents wns somewhat. greater than that of last year. As IIsual, a large number of students from other sta les h:lvt entered, and not a few ha\'c presented credits from other colleges and uni versities. Almost evcry denominational school and normul in the state is represcllted. A noti c:t:able feature is the number of studen ts entering from the L' pper Peninsul:i.

The followillg SUmlll:lry is pra!> tically correct up to O c t. I. T hc eurollmcl1t will, of course, be in­creased somewhat, both hy IICW

studcnts aud £roln the fa c t Ihat the sellior foresters h:'lVe not yet re· turned. Those design:tled as agri. cultural speci;lls arc :II01oSt exclu· sively those who 11;lve submitted credils from other institutions.

Graduate-Home Econom ics___ 3 Agriculture and Forestry __ ___ 3 \rtlteriuary _______ -----------

Special-llome Eoonomics_ _ 5 Agriuutture !\nd For~try _ 84 Engiueering Veterinary


-- 4~

Prepo.rlltory-Home EllunOllliCl< __ ... 16 Agtioulwreand ~'orestry. _ . .. 03 Eogin~ring 40 Vl:lle r ioary ___ . __ . __ .... _ 9

Five Year .t'reshmau-Bome EconomiC!; ... _ 16 -Agricul tu re and Forestr y_ . __ . 33


Englutlering . .. __ ... _____ ._ " -- 75 Freshll1an~

Home Economk", . _. _____ .. ___ 92

Agrieu.1ture ami FortlilLry _. _ _163 Engineering __ . _. __ . _. ___ . _ ... 114 Veterinary . __ _ . ___ . ___ .. ___ •. 5

-- Si4 Sophomore~

B orne Ecouollli(,'S ________ . . __ 63

Agricultllre /lod Forestry . . _. 115 Engineering .... ___ .•. _. ___ ._ 109

Veterinary . __ . _ _ 6 -- 2~3

Junior'&-Home Eoonomic;; __ __ __ ._._ .. 51

74 Agrioultl1re Ilnd Forestry __ . E ngineering . __ .. __ Veterinary •• __ . .. _. ___ _ • 2

Selliors--Bome Economics_ .... _ .. __ ___ as Agriculture and For6Stry_ .... 81 E ngineerlng _. __ .... ~ ____ . __ . 48 V eter inary .. __ • ____ ._._._. ___ I

Home Eoonomics. _ ._ ....... _ ... 281 Agriculture and Forestry _ ..... _SM Engineering __ •. ________ .. ___ ._ All Veterinary .. _______ ._ .. _ ..... _ 18




The M . A. C. RECORD.


I()onll nued tron. pJll!;C !.)

unneard of before, were purchased. \Vc were to be a Sigilli 1 corps o r company, and we practice.] ami d r illed a g-rCllt deal with Ihal cud in view, \\·c learned lc!egT;lphing :Hld signall ing hy m eallS of Hags (wig-wagging" and I remcmber we' made two large IIlo\'able towers, which could be put lip or tak(;u down ill a few mOIllt:nts, from the top of which we w ere 10 take ob­sen-alion of the Hrmy or enemy and give our signals. \\ e also p repared a method for flashing sigu:>1s hy dec­tricity by means of charcoal points_

"Materials for these and o th er de\·iccs were purchasc(l, and we wellt t.o the front to join l'- n: mont's army in 1 1 issouri in the fall of 1861.

"\Vllen the large bill s for tb(sc supplies, Dlany of them lor things unh eard of before, reached the \ V ar Department, an inspector WIIS sellt Ollt to look us up. 1 presume it was wondered what we were and what we were going to do. T he report of this ins pector I11l1s t have been IIllf:lvoruble. G cn. Freill ont was meanwhile gelling into some disfa\'or in \Vashingtoll, :111d was SOOIl aher remo\'ed from command of the Department of ~I issouri, and the end of it, so far :IS we were concerned, was that ollr tomp:ln.\· of eng-inecrs was gi\-ell the choice of heing t ransferred to a ~I issou ri caval ry regimcnt o r heill;":- mustered out of sen ' ice.

. f After some discUSf;ivlI, we chose the bller, Ihe main reaSoli being: that we did 1I0t Cilre part icularly to S('n'c as reenLi!s for :I ;\1 is"ou ri regi­ment.

"The lIiLle stu<lcnts of ~1. A. C. were as follows: Albe rt F, All11n, lIenry D. Benh:ll11, L:lrned \ ' . Heebe, O scar Clute, Gilbert A. Dickey, Charles E. Il 0llister, AI· bert N, I~rentiss, Thollll1s 1 big-h, ami Gl'org-e W. 113igb . Xeulyall of them belonged to the class of 18(.1.

<, \\'h e ll a lillie later, I cnlisled in the ~-Ilh :\Jichig:H1 Infantry, [ foun d there Gilbert A. Dickey, who W:IS reJ;!i mellt:11 oolllmissary serge;!llt under Quarterrnaslcr Di",l)\· \'. Bell. Dickey dischargcd "'tlie re· sponsihle :lIId tr}'in~ duties of this position to the ),:' r e<lt satis faction of both ofHcers andlllcn. As ti rs t ser­geant of Co. D, I C:lllle in daily COIl ­tact \\ith him . 11 e was o lle of the !irst to /::Ii ll promotion as :1 COlllmi~­siolled oflicer, :1Ilt! bec:LrlIe seeoml lieutenant of Co. G. Ill' W;IS killed :tt Gell,rshurg on the ti rSl {b}', July 1, 1863, being the first officer o f Ollr re~itllent shot thHt day. 1Iis re­muins lie buried in the l\lichigan section o f the Nlltiona! Cemetery lit Gettysbu rg.

" H enry D, Bcnham \'e ry SOOIl reenlisted. but I h:tve forgotten in wbat regiment, and died in the ser · \-ice, J th ink in 1864'

"L. V. Beebe again entered the sen' ice, and perfor med very valu­abl e services du ring the lauer years of the war at \Vashiugton, D. C., in connection with the "Ll. S. Sani­tary Com lllission .

"Ollr hrother, Thomas H aigh, returned to M. A. C., and spent some lime there. H e left the insti­tution with Dr. George Thu rber , who was professor o f botany in 11)63, ami went to New );-ork to study medicine, where he s ubse· q uently g raduated from the ColleJ;!e of I~hysicians and Surgeons, He agaill entered the service as assist·

!lilt surgeon , U. S. A" and was lit· tached 10 tbe army of Ihe P otomac. H e was in charge o f hospitals :tt Whi te ll ollse Landing and City Point, \ ':1.

"I visiled him at the 1:lIter pl:l ce , and found him in cha rge of over a hundred wounded men, and his work w:ts very laborious und re· sponsible. I h:tvc sometimes thought th;lt the \-en' one rous du­lies laid upon him 'here, lind his g reat faithfulness in performing same, m:ly have contributed to Ihe under mining of h is health, and to his untimely taking off before he really reached his primt:.

"Both Proft:ssors Prelltiss :md Clute did most valun!>!e work in the advance lllcnt of agricult ural and science educ:ttioll in this country .

"Chas E. Hollister I did not keep much trac k of. 1 IIn(lerstlllld he lived a uscfullifc.

" But of these nine soldier boys, students of old 1\1. A . c., all arc now dead except Allen and myself.

"1 would like to tell you so me­thing of our soldier life wh ilc wc were in frcmOllt's army in ,861. ilut it was a long' timc ago. A s I rt:mcm her il, we had :t roBicking' . h:lppy outing, with light dulies :Inti good horses to ridc over the l)Cauli · ful rolling prairies of western l\lissou ri. "

lh:O ltGE W. ll A1GH , (w ith '6 1).


T he machine shop Illis reeeilcd:t \·;lluable addition ill thc sh ape of :1 larg:e hori~.ontal bo ring', milling, Hnd drillill).:' 111:lchine. worth $ 1,670. A num ber of spel-ial tools arc 11011' beillX' mnde in t.be shops for this machin(" after \\ hich the machine will find great use ill the 1I1<lkiug' o f jigs, horing of cy liude rs, machining of hlrge Illachi uc parts. etc., which require accurate IlHlchi nin;,!. The "Lucas Precision" mach ine, it:; it is known. is , 'c ry accu rulcly made ; 011

it is possible to mach inc wor k to \\ithin 1-1 000 of an illeh to tr\1th.

Th e lncrea .. e of machillery in the machille s hop during the I)ast fl'll ' ycars has necessitaled the purchase of another electric motor, whicll is :t duplicale of two others now in­stalled. making' possible thc tClllpO' ran- subslitlltion of one for another in the casc of a hre~kdowll.

The tool room has been movcd to the eenle r of lh e shop, followin g the best practicc in work s m;lIwge­lIIent; two windows for supplies h:t\'c heen pro\' ide{! i1lste:1d of one, and it is intended 10 have :I student act as ,. tool man "(luring Ihc pcr iod, h is dUly being 10 assis t thc regular attelld:lllt , l\[r. Bo ice, in issui ll~ and recei\·ing the tools, also to regrind and plLt into proper condition Ihe tool s in currcnt li se, and llcqu:lim himself with the va rious special tools stored ill the 1001 "00111. A diffe ren t studcnt w ill be assigned for this work each pC'riod.

The capacity of the stock roo m was \·e ry much inc reased by the const ruction of a number of shelves,

A number of wood lathes of :1 new desig n werc co mpleted during thc su mmer, illld ha\'e hec n set up in the pllttcrn shop 10 rcplace those th :t! have been worll out.

The cupola room of the foulldry, which was burned last year, has been put into first class condition. Dangerous wooden portions of the structure have been replaced by brick o r ceulent, and the Aoors ba\'e been cemcntc(1.



Now tlUll c\-ery student IS a memhe r of the Athletic A ssociation, and becausc of the Blald..'ct Tax rc­ccntly voted, the re should be illl UII·

\LSU:tlty large c rowd to witness the first football gllme next Saturday. at 2 :30 p. m.

Prof. 1\lacklin has heen busy 0 11

plans for student admissions during Ihe summcr, the result of which is a neat little coupon book good for ad mi ssion to 30 athletic evenls, cO\'eriug the entire y ellr. These will be takell up at the closc of thc winte r :uld s prillg tcrms, ami gil'en out at thc beginning of the term s fol1owillg. The coupon book is g il·en out under thc followi nO' con. ditions: '"

J. T he hook cntitles the holtler to one admission to e vcn' athletic e\-elll held under the ma'nag em enl of t.he Athletic AssociatiOIl within the season st:tled , a1l([ thc cou pons :Irc 1101 goo(l iJ dctachcd .

'2. T he owner of tht: lickct is ell· tilled to one reserve!l scat at e\-cry conl est where .s pecial rcsernllions are provided for,

3. Il olliers of tic ket s. must he willing to identify themst:h'es at :lIIy time when re([ ucstcd 10 do so, :l11d persons will he <':llle<1 upon to accoullt for the fraudulent u:)~ of these COli pOll hooks.

~ . Books, which ha\-c been 10:;1 or mislaid. will I]ot be repl:lCe{l, lIQr

will r<"fu nd he made. 5, Sigllatures HlUSt be in ink . 6. Erasures or :Iltcrations render

ticket \·oid.

These, in substance, :I re the COli·

ditiolls under which the toupo,n books arc issued.

l\[a!c students l11ay sel'lIrc !l'ese books by making a pplic:l lion to the oflice of the :I\hlctic di.reclor after 9 o'clock all \V etlncsday of this wcek, ami IIpOl1 preSt-nt,ltio ll o f their c1 assific:lt io n hlank s howing th;lt thcy arc clltitl~d to s'lInc.

All arr:Lngelllcnt will be made whercby the women students llIar sccu rc <'A U pOll oooks at the \\. OI11CIl 'S

building Thursd:L}' morning. \\'hile cons iderahle new material

has shown lip. m:lI1)' of tIl(' r 'llIdi. dates have h~.d little or 110 experi­ence, alit] it will t"ke eonsiderabl~ time to J,.:et them in shape. Every man is workillg consistently, ho\\'. e\'er, ami all a re de termined to lip. hold l\f. A. C.'s reput:ltiun.

T he ncw men who art: heing: l.rie{1 o ut are i\.1 iller "t h alf and cnd j De Pr:tto and Cobh as half b;lcks: Chaddock in the line: Adams :It center, and C:llkins at g'IHlrd. The old men arc playing Iheir us ual gooll gamc.

Even'ollc should be on hand Sat· urday a-lid help th e boys in Ihis, Ihe fi rs t COli test of the seaSOIl , There is 110 ·reason wh), c\' c r y student should 1I0t he tbere, The lICx t g-ame will be w ith Michigan :II Ann Arbor .

Mr. Jay Smith has been secu red to take Mr. Neal's position as assis t . ant instruc tor in machine shop. Mr, Smith secured his practical work in the Lansing shops com­ing to M. A, C. from the Omega Separator Co,

Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D14-54-19121001sm.pdfThe M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN AGRICULT URAL COLLEGE. \'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ti. )1[('11H.3.\S


I , , )

, .


Ii -

The M. A. C. RECORD.

ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. "ASSURED STYLES" INDEED ! A \'jgit to our Women's Dell~rflllent .\'ill h~11' ytJu [0 8ul\'e the pl' rl,\el<

OUR FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE FOR ing'luestion- What to '-'uy thl~ fall t .\ Suit. o r Dre~iI, (I T COAt-

DESICNINC · ENCRAVINC· PRINTINC - BINDINC The Mark of Quality anU of fashion plus

CLASS PUBLICATIONS AND COLLECE ANNUALS Skill stamps each of our Garments the better kinU. -\\ 'c f;llrry l'\l'r\ thill" . " in the lil1(: 0' \\'omeu's tempting lIew Fall Suit~, Silk and Woul Ur~6, Colltij,

Invitations, Etc. Skirti! or WtlilltS. E:l«:h dILy "IJds many fresh brigl'l thioJ,;lI to ou r l'f.llee. Announcements, Programs, lio ll. Early buyers alwILY!' riud th~ Le;t k...'<lKlrtmeu(.o<

\\' c spcd:.li.f.c on individual orden for Our styl~ belU the desiralll\: I!I\h\,i<lufLlity el'ery Illdy wfLnt~

Fille Stalion<' r ,\ cmhosscu or prinleJ

The Mills Dry Goods CO. LANSING. - MICHIGAN In thi !> City ours is the Siore that sell s WOOL TEX

Do You Want El'[R,Y KIND Of

Pair :;hC:lrS FURNITURE <:..A LLO \V us the pleasure of s hov. i ng you Knife

the fi n e st collection of L adies' and Gentle- S:lfctl' lbwr_ FOR. YOUR. ROOM ;;IU"Up. A lIlO :-trop.

r-!) men's F urnishings ever brought [0 L ansing, ~:n·r·I(;>lIdy ""d ~:""~ .. I .. "'I~N rrom

We specialize on furnishings fo, College 1I011.·s ami :-:Irop" Cots Folding Beds trade . . . -\lways find ,he latest Sweaters. :;;1 w" on

1l:lmnterS Matresses Mackinaws, R ai n Coats, Caps, H ats, Shirrs Il atchetS

:lnd :--J eckwear at Chiscb Serc,,' Drin' rs

Book Cases Desks

MIFFLIN'S ,,, fact, :mything yOll /leed in h;l ruwan: \011 will tind _ and

• at I}rices 10 ~u it -:11 ALL COODS OEUVER,ED fR,EE

Norton'S Hardwar6 M.J.« B.M. BUGK


liom. 10 I'rof. allli :\Irs. Chas.· :\"ewman. 1111 ~l'P1- .! 1. :1 d:\I1;.:I1I.·r, Don" E"Iher.

.\ lim' from \11'. ;lIul .\1 1' ... .1 ....... Hid II ell «il e" 1 heir re"id.·n,·e :11111 r.·~ ... il:> .! I I:; Vir", .\ \ c .. \\' .. Cllrti~ (bk ." :-;a.:r:wH~r1!O. C"lif.

!\ reception was hl'ld ill til., pHI' · lilTS of the I\;.jpll"::; Chll rch \\·l'll· nes,]<1\ Clenin.';.:' fur lilt,; nell rc .. i· dell\!> ' tlf l~a~1 l.all ~in)!, alltl 011

Thurstla~ ell.:llil1:{ f!lr nell SIlItl<.:1I1S,

The K:U1~:t~ ,,1:tle colleg-e paper stall'" th,lt :'II . It. Bowerman, of Ih,· da~s o f 'Ot), h:o~ heel I clet,;ted tll:t posilion :\" assiSlant in 111echanirat d raw ing in thaI ill"lil\llioll f<..>r tit .. · COlllH1:{ I·t,;ar.

:'111'''' Ilarn . \lIdre"",olf ilh!ll11. .'\". Y., wilh ' her hahy lbu;.:ht.' r, K.atherine EILr.;lheth. is \'bilin:.:- at the hOlllC of her 1'11.1'1.'1115, Prof. alld r. l rs. II. K. \ ·ell!ll' r. Dr .. \ nt\rl'\\''' ;lrril"(:S this week for ;1 kl\" da.1 s 11.1 1\1. .\ . C.

\\'onl come" 10 us of the death, last week, of :\11'. Leonard II. :'Ihlr· till, a studl' lI t :I I :'II. . \. C. in '90i­'<>9', amI :l 1Il1'mhcr of the lu:.:-h :ull Co. Orch:tnl Co. tlu ring thnt ti me. Mr. l\Iartin WIIS a mcm ber the I\ delphic lite rary soc-iet." ,HId this sociel\' was rcprescnletl :tI Ihe fUlle r;loll :;ulIllay last. lie was n popular llIan in colle,l.!'c, anti was rapidl \' com ing to the front in hi" homl' ~county ill the fruit business. A complicat ion o f troubles Ill·cess i. t;tted :1n operntion, :md in his w ellk· CoIlctl conditio n h(' was ulla ble to nil)' from the effects of same.


:'I lr. Cleland Gilchrist uf I'o. a . 1111111115, I II., "':Ii Ihc ~\le~t v f hi .. ~h' 1<.:: 1'. l)e:m (jikhri,,1. in \::lrh :-;l'P' It;nll~r. .

:'II r". (ierlru~le I'ders \. all ll ul"lle, :\li"" Flo C"~l· . ;lIld :\ I i"" Car()lin.­EII~\\"rth \\CrC l"OJ1q.(,e li~itur~ on :-:.'I't. !.! .

II t' r m:lIl Bm\ ertind. <l forllll' r :'II. A. C. ~tlldelll alltl prumin :nr PrllNlflll. h:.~ rl.' c\: /1I1.1 rl.·l"e ilt:t\ hi ... ;IPPOilllnl.·1t1 a., ;I""j"t:ll1l pa., ma~tcr in the na l.\'

Duriu..: \11\.' pOI "I ~U"lIller Prof. Pul~tln h a" hel."u making (I "erks (If le,,;t., for the XOI<) i::ng-ine L'<..> .. l,f I.all~ing: , amI hOI" heel! acting- as ;td · \ isor~' eng-il1l'er f, l r Ihl·l!).

The 1'. :\1. 1<. \. Co. hi1\'\: been relllo,:lIldiug' Ihe C'cdnr 1<.i\·er hrid,!.:'l· duri'l),!'" thc SUl lll1ler, :11111 h'll\: Ihl' Ilor k 11011' ncarl.1 com plcted. '1'110 nCII sh·d s]I. IIl!> hale hecli )l1l1 in, nl'\\, piles dr;"I.·n, ;llld IWI\' l ics :11111 tloor 11liJ. II is thl'rcfore pnu.ti. calli new, allil will prol' L' lllll l. h lllore l'Ilieil')lt, ant.! nlso sllft'. The :,!rade has (Ibo heen raisetl nhOli1 threc feet.

Prof. "UII..:C tle>!igncd a Slcnm e ll g'l1W for alllo·truck liSe for ~Iessrs . Trnsk and Larra hee, of \\'iliia lllSlon. The clI,!!' in e and CH I'

;Ire noll' hein~ bu ilt in Det roit. l Ie also collected tlata amI prt:pared a p:11llphlel 011 matte rs concerning ci\'ic improl·e men t. This pllmphlet will soon be issued hy the Civ ic 1m . p rovemcnt Co mmiucc of the M en's Class in Applied Chrislianit y o f which be is ch,lirman.

T h.· fr\:~hllwlI c1:l"" !lIel rlt lu"m :'Iloml:1\' , and 'Ire duh org-:lIliled. The big ru~h \1 ill LIke pl:1"e lIe't ~.ttuftl;t\ ' . Illtl'n Ihc Ihl1;(I .. ~t\ln'~" II ill hl' illll1l·tl off.

\)1'. ~;lI11Uc1 I'. Drth. 1\I!h Iii.' da ... " of ' I) .!. ha., rCLe1111~ hl'l' 11 .1[1 ' poinl.·11 :1<'1;11;':- pr{,ft-~~ur "f JI"liti l'" ill Corndl ll1il'er!-ill' fo r the tir,,! ~eme~te r of 1 () 1 .! - I " . -

FJo~ d Bdl. ·u;. II ilh hi .. II ik ;(1111 ],:111\ 41'lu"hll'r. n.JIl't1 Ul1 .'.,Ik"." friei"l" '~lril1,1.:' e;lril- :-i.·p't·m l:'r. lie is still \,ith lh~" U;OWl1 Il oi .. lio;.:­:\lachl1le ry e, •. , uf Clcl'cl'll1d, ('hio,

1J~'all J.~ 11l,UI, IdlilL' "lILlltlili;.! Ihe X:lliol\;'] , \ s!><..>ciatiOIl o f \ · ~' Ier i .

nariall" at IlItl i:m:.polis. nll'l Dr.~. :-: . .\Ia.lo. '~s. nUll profc,,;;oruf :tl1i · 111;11 hl1"h:lI1dry at Bla~ kshllr:.:-, \ ':1.

E. E. SOllrs, Ilith 1,). II ill 1101

r.:tllrll Itl coll('):e Ihis hll,:t'i h.' ha .. en' ry assu ral ll'e of beconlil';.!' Ihe ~'{lU II1\' Sl1n' l' \"nr of \\ 'cxford Co. nt

the comil1;.!'· fnll c1n:tion, 1I'1\il1;':-11011 OUI i1l Ihe primaries.

Dr. Heal h:I:- pn'sel1ted 1(0 Ihe the lihr:1r}" a cop." o f R ohert I). \\'t'cks' lr:tI1~I,ttion of Ihe XCII Testamcnl from the Greek , puh. lished in 1~9i by fuu k ,I;: WlIgncl1s Co., of ~ ell' Y ork and Loudon. Pro f. \ \'eeks, ..... ho died il) Febru· ary, I ~, was pro fessor of EIl,!!'lish lileralUre, f:l rm economy , and secrc· Irlry of the college from Il:lSi to ,S6.! . Thc work was prescllted to D r. Be:d by the author 's SOli, and in tum givcn 10 the library by the doctor.


:-;. L . . \nk,·r i" : .... "i ... l:lnl "I1,!!'inccr lIi th Ill.· I)elroi, ,\ :'Ila. ki" :I\\· [{I .. II ith he:ultl"llrtl'r" :11 Ea"t "1'3\\ ;.~.

I·:. 1(. BCI11it.:r I~ IC:l Chill~ !1WIIlIal trainin;: :.11,1 ph\.,h .. ,,' :'Ilollrhe:u l. :'II ilHl.

0. :'II. lll-ullt:lt 1~ with tilt· L'(j:l~1 Dept. tlf lIn· \\ ·.·"tillJ.,::hothl.· Cl •. , !l1

ehj{":'~lJ, 1\ itlt r.·~i.lcl1{'e:l1 1 "' 1 L I :-;,,]1<.' .\ I e.

II. II. l'uplill i~ ~up.· l"\ t~" r III 1ll1111U:tI t r:lilllll:': III Iht: [luhl; l ~dlOOb ;11.1 ane~\ i11", \ \ ' j ...

E. (i. Culler ill ~"il! Il'~' tl':uhl' r 1/1 jhe pulo1i.: ".']'0,01., of :\\:1ni"li'jlle.

I ... \ . :\liller j" tilth.· 'l\'il'1'~ of Ih, l' :~. En).!'il1e~·r~ ,It ~:tlllt ~tc. :\I,lri.'.

(i. :\1. D 'Dell is llraflin).!' fin tli.., R.·o .\Julor ClIr C e •. , of L:1I1"ing.

. \!fred "Itlll'>! I~ :lssistalll !>ll[lCr ;ntelldenlof lht,; .Irll'k~\'HI (j:I ~ Co., j:1ck:'toon, :'Ili"h.

./ " t-' • .JtHl.IS is dr: lfBm ;o 1l f<..>r the Oakl .. nd :'IIot(lr C,lr Co .. of P Ollli:IC, II ilh rl!~ideIlCe :11 Orchard Lake.

F. Ii. ":lIle is checker for tht: Oaklanu :\ IOlC>r C:lr Co. of Pontirlc.

Ie B. Ddv;n i ... wi lh S able EI(.'~·lric Cu., al ~Iich.

the All l<1o:ksoll,

C. II. D ickill:'toOll is with C:l r . pcntcr .X 1\I1IICrSOll, engineers IIm l contr:1Clors, o f G r:lnd R api.ls, ~Iich,

R. A . Goodell is with . \ . A. Carpenter So: Co., of Chiclt~o, with rt:sidcnce at 11 5 S. Deilroo rn S t.

S . I.. 113 11 is supc rint~ndin,l.!' the construct ion o f water wor ks plant Itl StOt:kbritlgc, Mich.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D14-54-19121001sm.pdfThe M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN AGRICULT URAL COLLEGE. \'nr .. 1 ~. ~:.\";T L.\X-:l~ti. )1[('11H.3.\S

The M. A. C. RECORD .


It completely cOYe rs the field of local news, politics, and the world of sports.

BeCllUSC its telegraph ami correspondence servi!.:c cilable it to gin: its rc:_ders the latest gCllcral news of the day in ad . \ ";IIlCC of any othe r newspaper coming into Lunsing .

Have THE STATE JOURNAL delivered to your home by carrier


The fi rst meeting of tho.; Il o rt. Club will be held in the horticul­tura] IlilioraloTY " " cdllcsd ay evell ­ill~ at 6 :30. The senior :;ludcnts will g i~'c short accounts of their SUnl Tller experiences. P ractically al! of the sen io rs spellt the summer ill sOllie hOrlil'uitural work, and the IllCcti ll g is sure to he a vcry inh:r­csling: one. SC\"('ral guests an: ex­pected. :-\. II. lI end rickson is the presidellt. .~Il s tullelH s inlerestetl in allY phase of horticulture art· in­riled 10 :1Ilelld all of these mectill g"S.

Leo B. Scolt wa" married Sep. tember ,oth to ~Iiss Hattie B:lXtt'r, of Auburn, Iml. Their home ,,-ill be III COrOllll, Califoruia, where 11 r. Scott is doiug plant b reeding nnJ plan t selectioll work for the de­p:lrtrnent of agricultnre.

'°5· Clarence A. R eed is tht· author

of :1 \'c ry co mplete hul\etiu o n .< The Pe.:an," issued lluring the summer by the D epartment o f Agriculture. 1 his is by far the 11m;;! complete tre:Hisc 011 Ihis now impon:mt crop thaI h;\s Ocen publishell. "'r. R eed has :.:-iven his enure lime for several years 10 Ihe sludy of this c rop, :lI1d

is now recog-ni :r.ed as a specialist in that fiell!'

'aS. . f. ~1. Barden, South lIa \,ell . h ad

:1 hu mper c rop o f pe:lches this yea r. By 1Il:t!ly it \\':15 considered one of the Hncst crops in th at p3rt of th!! s tat e, :lI1d attraClcd the attcntion of frui t g-rowers for many miles. )\Ir. \ -. C. Pickford, of ,he junior d;LSS, spent the SULllLnr-r Oil Air. B:ln\cn's furln.

'12 .

(]('Q. C. :-;hcfHdd spen t S undn)" on th!! campus. l ie is employed by the De/ror"! .I\ ·l'~(,s, 7'(";lulIlI', uml h is special work is 011 the il1ustnLted sectioll.


C. E. Smith is ag:;un wilh the \\It's tern ~l ichig:LtI DC"c!opmcnt Bure!tu, and his dU ly is to collcci fruit for the forth ..:omillg Apple und Land Show to be held in Grund R:Lpids the middl", of No,·emiJer.

Nie.ls Esbjerl!, leader of the H or­ticuhurlll Experiment Station, of Denma r k, "\""isited the horticul tural department Saturday morning.

·95· Charlt:s I L A h·ord writes from

Portialld, T ex., whe re he is super. intendent of farms for the " T aft Ranch." The co mpany hns !tboul 100,000 aercsof land, and numerous industrial and commercial ente r· p r ises. T hili season about 9,000 acres were cu!til'ated, and this w ill be inc reas!!d next year \"0 '-1,000. Mr. Alvord was formerly professor of agricultu re !lnd superintendent of the h r m at the Tex as A. and M.. college, havi ng resigned his Ix>sit io ll in S eptember, 1911.


Fort T e rr)", :\ew Y ork , September 2, 19'::!'

\( J Deilr E ditor; I w rite again at tbis time to reo

lI ew my subscription to the R EC-0110. in onlt: r that 1 may keep in louch with the old college, ,lilt! he,Lr at times from the :tlumni who w rite. back to 1\<1. A . C . T he summer, since commCllccmcnt, has passed V!! ry rapidly wilh me here. 1 ar­ri n!d i ll lime to :Itlelll\ the Y:t!e· I i:lr\"aru bO:lt rIlCCS, aud sinn' then there has Oce ll scarcely time 10

lea'·!! the Island. During the tirst three weeks of July the looth Com· pany ( 1\1 inc , Coast . .-\ rtillery Corps, with whieb I am assig:ned, worked with the mi lle planter , prac· t i ci n~ p1:mtin){ the la rgcsl m ine s ill I ~o ket o f water, and with a til lal cu rrcnt that is oilly exceeded a t one p1:LC!! along the Allnmic coast, :md that at Ilell G:lle. It WII S slow work, and at li mes exciting , lIS in the instance where, ill attempting to lower :t junction box from a yawl boa t , the tide was so s trong that Ihe boat capsized and nill e men were throw n into Ihe water. :LIlll we lost all onr cable splicing equipment. Another time. i1 was n!!cessary to drop the cnd of a cable: o,·c r·hO:lrd in order to prevent the:- boat f ro m being swamped in a chopp)' sea that came I1p sutldel1lyagainst the tide, During July, :mil the fi rsl two weeks in Aug-ust . the gun and motor co mpanies from Fort llnmi l· 1011 and Fort T Ollc!], Ilellr Nt:" York City. and frolll Fort .Adams, near )Jcw po rt, R. I., we re here fo r targct practice.

During the past 1\\0 weeks Ihe six compa nies at this post h:lI"e been ill cam p, and we have Ilea rly finished our t:Lrget pntc tice. luth e next two weeks, tell mine cOll1p:tnies from New Y ork li a rhor and Newport, :Uld six mille compani es from this district will h:t\·e p ractice :11 firing 3·inch guns at nig-bt. }\ fter that we will have infantry o:xercis-es and s m:11I arms target practice, all of w hich will keep us busy at least uutil :'\o'·cmber.

Thc re an' vcry few ]-,/. A. C. people in this part icular seeliou of the coumry. 1 think the nearest is l\lr. lloyd. at \Vorccster, \lass. 1 hope to be able to return fo r the triennial alumu i reullion ncst sum· Iller.

\\lith continucd best wis hes for friends 3t M. A. C., I. rem:!i]! ,

)"ollrs "cry truly , P. R . LYON, '09.

'9 t. .:\bri:tll \Veetl Neff wri tes as fol·

lows from North Creek, Ohio; ,,[ always enjo)" the vis its of the R EC· OIlO, and read it the very fi rs t thing, especially the alumll i news. Last June Uncle !:iam appointed me post· m istress of this tOW II, and I enjoy the work in connection with the office. I wish for 1-..1. A . C. and Ihe R ECOfiD the best of all years ."

~VERY reader of the M. A. C. Record is cordially invited to

~ visit our store, use our rest room, telephone. and ~ur mail I. or:der department by wrjtjn~ fo r samples or orderin~ mer·

chandise; money refunded whenever you are not pleased.

New Silks and Dress Goods Much Under Price. $1.25 ~torm Ser ge. 54 alld 56

inebes wide: hea.')" qual· ity. Spe<·ial, the yard .. $1.00

SUiO, $1.75 and 82.00 q uali ­ties o f Dre .. , Good'S anJ SU llings, 1i.J in l) hes wide. Sample pieces, yard. $1.25

81.25 Pri nces;; Mes.sa line. full yard wide.: all colors. Special the yard .......... . .... ..... 98C

$1.2ii r ich, hea'·y. plain Satiu Faille. S sam ple half pieces; new fall colors. 111Dears. Sl)ecial. the yard 75C

J. W. KNAPP CO. Cloaks, Suits, Furs. Ladies' and Gents ' Furnishings, Dry Goods, House

Furnishings, and an immense sc and IOC store.

lAwrence & VanBuren Printing Company

210. 212 Orand Ave. North

Lilley College Uniforms

A,'" lhe ""k now· \",1;, .. (1 ~ln"dfl"d for 111;III" r)" ~"hooJ~.

find ar(' worn lit hI! ~ he It'fI<1lnli!' COIII'II-"'~

e"~rY"· I"'re. TIl"y nr ... ",or" nu n<cU.'t In "ppe,,,'n,,,,e ""d ",,,.,. l><:1 I .. ,. ...... vlc .. Ihno nnY<)lher nu. ke of CUU"1I;1l oulfo,.",.

Wrll <.' for enl·aIOl<. Addr"""

The M. C. Lilley &. 00. c. r,...& ••. O~"'


Enara ver. Prin t e r s Statio ner.


Tbe natlle8 In 11018 Directory. 118 ... ·elL IL'l those o f .. lL our Otber Mh'erU>w-rs . .. roo n l retl .. bte parties. We bope tbllt tbe fa"ollY and students " ' \11 take pa.ln8 to patronize \bQMt whO pa.tronlze u s.


CO I, I. "~G~ BARB~; ft SHOP. In Bath H ouse. Andy 18 slLlI ,,'I th :\\. A. O. A hund)" p .. ,.lor. >lnd 1I;00d work done.

N ";W HARIH<:R SHOP. In Oha~ Sn1ld-10",. on<ler B>luer' UrulI; ""d OI"Q(·ery

Store. If YOO wi sh" ~IYII~h h"lrcnI1C1"e U4 II ("1111. E. ~:. fWynoJd8. Prop.


A M.-";"UJ RY. llftWaah. A\'e. l'. Book ~. • Ftne Stationery. )o;nl<m"ed Osmng

Ollrd ~. F ou "t ... ln Pe ns, Plclnres. Fmll1e9. FIne Framing • Spj':cl" Jty. Up· to-dll te 81,. IH. Out Glasa-cut In l ..anslllll" .


BLUDEA U .to: ~IEB~HT. BookbInders, !\.(looont· book ",aker8. ""per rulJn lL".

lIbrary and fine an blndlnlL"S. fl te boxes., map mounUnll'l.lIlbums. pocket books. etc. OUI"e",' phone No.t80. In Olt,. NI\ tlonal BlInk RuJldlna . GI'O. G . Stode.o fwd R e nt,.­fl. Slehert .


ELGtN .M I FP"LtN. tAdle, and Gentle. men'. Furnt~b lnIir O<:>odI . See~.


H H. 1_-'R N""":1).-Chln". m"ss &. Lampe.

· 100 WlUhhllrt;O~"~A:'::"::'CS~' ~~~~~ DENT IST S.

N H. ~JOORK D. D.S. Otllce~II--I13 HoI. · lJ~IO)r BulJ<llnlr. t.. .. "*lnlr. ~l1cb. JleLl

phon" lIIlO-J; Olth.pns AolomllU~ 3\M}I

D E. PA IUI~I.ln<;. nenll~t. 1I 7~ WMh· • Inll;loll Ave. S .. 1..3"6Ing. '\l! chlll;lIll.

Autoll1aUc phone. otnee :wl:t; residence. U"e.

J J.;. S1'OFFEH. 1). D. S. O lne,,$':I-5QIIY . Na\!onal Rank Bldg. Aotomatl" phone

rodt : BeU phone 6t. Forn,er ~I. A. O. 8lUden t.


ROUS~:R'S OA Pl'rAL n UUG 8TORJr.. Up to <1M... UOrner 'tore. OPP<>"I~e HOIilBler Block.

C0J.I,~;(;E l ) HU(; A~D (;ROU ~lFt\· CO. Exprhs otlke. AlCe""y SI"r laundry.


J W. I;::oIA 1'1' (.'0. IIty (;ood~ " "d ~·nt· . nlshlngs. ~--' WR~hl"l!"t('" A.·e So.

M n.LS IHn" ooons (10. [lry (;ood~ "oIU.OoaI S. WIIISlo. Arl Net'dle Work. ~;l". 11"'--110 \\'a~hhLlrtl)" A,·e. SOUIII.


CA P I TOl. ~~L~':OTRIO ~KGINJ;;~:R/NG 00. ~ ~"l,1I !Lue of ~Iectrtcat Soppl1es.

Illc/udtnll; stud .. "u· sl,ndes and l-ot<l_~. ear. bon. tRntRh"" ami mR'Ldn relt<ll nll; \fU"~. Ill" 1':. ~I! elll l!"" " A,·e.


M J . .t B.:-'1. R UO K. Furn\Lur(' . Oorner • W .uhIUIl"t.oll A,·~ . .. nd lonlll Stree~.

See ad.


N OHT OK·S HARJ)WAHl:. Gene~a l HI\rdwll re. "In ..... re. Grllnlt e"·,o.re OU~.

lery. 8lO,·0)8. etc. III WllI<hluIl"tO" A'·e. S. Hl'"e IU\'


'1 RS. O. T. CAS ~;. .\IR"ufll{'tu .. h' l< 1\ l':hllUlpoo lnlf .11. H"'r<lre~~ln lI P"r!o,..: S ... ltches ">I'd(' of en! hair or ~"Ornblng .. .. 1110 colored find reno,'IIUod to lOOk n$ "'ood &11 ne.... T he ~·fUIl,·o'.'OLerl"an IiYI<le"tc Tolh·~ Heq\lI~Ji"'~ A S~O:CI.A '.T\· . Amo'UULI" phoueMI . ~ \\'''~hlll lllO'' A I'e. S. =- .


G \:1. 1 N ~~:I.I, R HUS. .• :\llchIIl;Rn 's 1.eIU]Jng )lu$lc Hou~e:' HI",b Grllde 1'111"011

and Pillyer Plnnos. F.1\~y Tcrms. i'hU10~ 10 /-C.>IlI ~ y,."r·.. HeHlnl OllL on l'u.rchll~~. ~;""rY l hlnlT In the t-t .. llhn or ~luSIC. L A"-~r!<(; ~T01U<; ~)~ N. WlIShlng \ on An-'. -


D R.OSOAR H . .MRUE~G7"C"-.--<'o>""C-,.-"~" -.h. A'·e.II!1<1 Grund HI'·er A,. .... ~.:''''L Lao_

SlUg. Hour~. j 10 11 ::)\ n. Ill .; "! to 4 ,uld .. to 8 Po Ill . Sundays. I~ 10 I and 6 to d p. Ill. {'Ill. zeus phone JlJ.U: 8i"11 r.:!:j.

DR. H. w. T.ASUQN. !,;ast 1 .... IlSlnlT. lII lch. Onlce hours: • to 8 ::JJ a. Ill .. It;:J] 10 ~

lind (\:~l lo 8 p. Ill. Sundllya. 10 10 U:llt) " m j to 8 P. m. Oll1zens· p hone 1rt28. . • .

E\"~.· ~:lo.R. ~Oi-<~; AS!) THHVAT I)T J . S.I)we". II" W. Allell" .. n St •. La'; ~ lng:

Ol tl~en8 phone 4;"l1.


LAWR~;NOE .to: VAK BURE~ I'RI~T. 11"13 OO.-~IO-~ltHrnnd A.·elm" SOtth. ~In" Prlntlnll. Hoth l'hone~.

A L{,EN PRINTING 00. OoTnerOaOltol ,, !·ellu~ und. Io nia street. "rlntlng.

Otl1ee~oPl>tJu. ~.nll"rnn-d (" ... td •. Prollrll lll ~ :'daeey Goods. Be!! nbone lOP.!. Aoto mllt1e pbone 011).)6. Reeneenhl'r OOt ne'" loeatlon.

ROBE RT S~T1TH P'I'G. OO.-Cor. W88h. Ington A .·e. aud 100lt" St.


TH ~~ :\1. O. LtLI-,~Y .t;"~o~oC. -Oo;;;:'C":"C>oC"C". Ohlo.~lIIanuf""n'rN·3 of :-'·TJlLtary and So<"lety Good~.
