The London Gazette 20. to 24. 1737

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  • 8/13/2019 The London Gazette 20. to 24. 1737.


    urnb, 7638.

    * 1 7 - f f l C f c

    published b p ^utfjojttp

    F r o m &ueti**aj> September a o . to featUClia*" September 24 . 17 3 7 .London, September 22.

    **\HE Sheriffs of the C ity of Londo nhaving waited on his Ro yal Hig hness the Prince of W ales from theLord Mayor and Co urt of A l'der-men upon the Birth of the Princess, to knowhis Royal Highness's Pleasure when he wouldbe attended with their Compliments uponthat Occafion *his R oyal Highnesswas pleased to acquaint them, that when the Princessof W ales was recovered, h e wo uld let themkn ow when it would be proper. Accordingly this Day being appointed by their Roy alHighnesses the Prince and Princess of W ales,for the Lord Mayor and Cou rt of Alderm ento attend them, they waited upon their Royal Highnesses at C arlton House near Pali-M all, and being introduced by Sir W illiamIrby , Bart . Chamberlain to her Royal Highnesi, Mr. Baron Th om son , th e Record er ofthe City, made their Compliments to HisRoyal Highness in the following Speech.

    May itplease-yourRoyal Highness,* pHE Lord Mayor and Co urt of Alderm en-**- of th e City of Lo nd on , having earlypaid their Duty to their Royal Sovereign, andto her Majesty,* upon t he B irth of th e Princesi 3 if it had been con ven ient, th ey wou ldthen have humb ly begg 'd Leave to congratulate your Royal Highness upon so happy anOccasion.T he y no w , by your Roy al Highness's Permission, presume to express their Joyful Sentiments onsofortunate anEvent: Fortunatenot only as it has given your Royal Highnessthis you r first-born Princess,* but as it yieldsmost probable Hopes of many more Delce n-dents from such illustriousParents,panda mostagreeab le Prospect to all his Majesty's Subjects, of the Con tinuance of those many Blel-fings, which they haveso long enjoyed underthe Influence and Protection of your RoyalHouse.Your Roy-al Highnesi hav ing don e thehighest Honour to the City of Lon don , bymost gracioufly condescending t o become aMember of that Body, and having on manyOccasions given evident Marks of your Roy alHighness's good Will towards them,The Lord Mayor and Co urt of Aldermenbeg Leave to take thisOpportunityof renew-

    ( Pr ice Two Ptnce.

    ing their most grateful A ck no wle dg m ent s ;assuring your- Ro yal Highness of theirhearty Wishes for your Ro yal Highn ess'sWelfare and Prosperity, and that they -*}rede-vot'ed to your Roy al Highness's true Interestand Service, being sincerely attached to theProtestant Succession in ynur llojal High**je(sand your Royal Family.

    T h en to Her Ro yal Highness, as follows.May it pleaseyour Royal Highness,TTHE Lord Mayor and Court of Ald erm en-*-* humbly beg Leave to address themselves to your Royal Highness with theirmost hearty Congratulations upon your safeDelivery, on the Birth of the 1-rincess andthe Reestablisliment of your Health. Your

    Ro yal Issue, M adam , will ever be dear tothese his Majesty's mo st faithful Subjects.They now entertain the pleasing Hopes, thatma ny amiable Qu alities, Graces and Virtues,derived to t he Princess from your Ro ya l Hi gh ness, w ill make her in due Ti m e an Or nament to a T hr on e, and a Blessing to t heW orl d. T b ey presume to add their most ardent Wissies, that your Royal Highness mayprove the glorious Instrument of Providence,by yielding a num erous Prog eny, to be theSupporters of the Protestant Relig ion andBritish Liberty :And that your Royal Highness may alwaysfind in Life, true Joy , lasting -Qomfort andsolid Happiness.T o which kis Royal Highnesi made thismost gracious Answer.My Lord and Gent lemen,J return you my -Thanks and those of the Princess, for the Share you take in thisIncrease of the King s Family ; and assureyou, that whatever Children G od may blessme ivith, I ivill infuse into them Sentim ents

    agreeable to the Laws and Liberties of thatCountry they h ave the Happiness to be bornin. theCity has always shewnsuch Zeal forthe King and His Family, that I think ithighly incumbent upon me toassureyou, thatI will be in all limes an hearty W ell Wisherfor your Trade ani Prosperity.. Th ey all had the Ho nou r to kisi theh*Royal Highnesses Hands. Vitnna,

  • 8/13/2019 The London Gazette 20. to 24. 1737.


    fienna, Sept.14,N .S. THs Courtliasreceived a Courier from Niemeroff, wi th Letters of-the 26*th past , N . S , by which theyare informed, that the Russian Plenip otentiaries had -delivered to the Tu rk s, whatwas called their Ultimatum, on the 44th ;which consists, as is laid, in Demands oftheformal Cession of Asoph and Oczakow, andto hav e, instead of the C rimea, the IilandofTa inan , besides some Distric ts of Lan ds in*the Neighbourhood of the Boristhenes: Thatnone ot the two Parties sliall for the futurefiavigate upon the Black Sea with armedShips ; an-d that if the Ta rtars sliould attem ptto m ake new Incursions for the future uponth e Ruffian Territories, the Czarina may haveit in her Powe r to chastise them as lhe sliallth in k proper, without being taxed to havebroken the Peace between her and the Ottoman Por te. It is allured th at the Dem andsof the Im peria l Plenipotentiaries consist onlyupon uti cessidetisat the T im e of the Signing ; to w hich it is said that the T u rk slhew'd no great Reluctaticy: But as to theDemands of the Muscovites, they foundthemlelves obliged to fend a Courier toConstantinople for new O r d e r s ; for wh ichPurpose the y desired Passports, as we llfrom the Im pe rial , as from th e Russian Pl enipotentiaries, which were granted them.C o u n t Seckendoiff is supposed to be on hisMarch towards Zwornick ih Bosnia, as islikewise PrinceHildburgshausen : C o u n t Ke-ivenhuller remains with about 12000 Men a tPiecova, or in that Neighbourhood, in orderto cover Nifla, and preserve the Communication with the Da nub e ; and Count Wallis,is to be reinforced -with 3 or 4000 Men, and* --jemain in Wallachia and Moldavia, CountK-rni^segg Erp s, wh o was formerly at th eH agu e, set out the 12th Instant for Nancy ,in Tcfcr with Baron Reischack w h o is*o follow him in a few Da ys) to regu latetlie- Limits of Lorrain and Alsace5.C o u n tCotoredo and Baron Palm hav ing declinedtobe charg ed with that Commission.

    * Admwalty-Office, September1 3, 1737. , ,The Governors^ the Charity fm-.the-4lflesof spoonWidows of Com miffion and WarrstVPtiSfffi^vrs of the.Royal Nttvy, intending to distribute fome Relief to theIfislows whoseHuikdid isi^iMsodt tke-&>tb d Au\\ust, 1 7 3 1 , and whose Circupipanots coingwAthe^d^Rules of the Establisliment5 these are toglvj Notice,fhat Copies ofthe said4tukn * lodgcd'-ViUJ. theVom-stmfffienerj if bit tfajestft Havy t XSbatkam, Ports-ineutk und Plymouth, at,Mse *w'nk ib Cletis ef the.Chofjue HtDeplsora iaid,Jfrefh--icii aud '-Nmtyil,f>ffiversat Harwich,. Dfal ai.d^Xlitsaie- ^dtre -tbey,Iti&ybeinformedof aflj?art'm.\art wsich, enfMjeslhtpitn the Benefit ofthe faid Charity, find-receive the firs.per Certificates for. that Purpose-. Butfucb Vtidawt *vJive, at tee great JUDistance from tht Places ntw*-mentioned, may apply by Letter to ThomasCoybett,sq; at tbtf Admmahy Officejvibo willfcrd them aUnecessaryJrfbrmatutt. And tbey&*e defined tfrhting-arfind tkf'irCertificates, erAffidavit*, to tke said Officeies orethe ith Day ef November next.Westminster Fire-Office, S jpt.zz , ity .The- DireSors ef tthn-faidOffiet-de bkrtby,-pw Nttice, That a General Meetingd* e Gtmtiiiu&rs -*iillhi dldisit their Office in St. Martin's Lane, near Cha-r mg-ereft, onThursday tbeiotb aj os Qlhbtr next,

    atThree os the Clock, in the Afternoon, for chusingDi*reclors for the Tear ensuing, and for the Dispatch ofother Business relating to the Society.A General Meeting oj the Proprietors of the Stockand U ndertaking for recovering and preserving the Navigation of the River Dee, in the County Palatine of

    Chester., will be held fit Mrt.. Wallefs, the Corner asGeorge Tard in Lombard-street, on Wednesday the 1i\thDay ofOciobernext, at Eleven oj theClockin the Forenoon, for electing a Chairman and Committee jor theTear ensuing : Ofvihieh al l Personi concernedare hereby desired to take Notice.

    ddvertifements.Tuesdaythei6thDay ot July, in the nth Year ofthe Reignof bis Majesty King George the Second,1737, betweenRichard Patrons,Plaintiff, Coghill Knapp, Delendant.U PON the. hi mb'.e Petition of the Plaint ff this Daypreferred to theR;ght Honourable tbe Mafter of theRolls, for ihe Reasons theie in, and in the Affidavit theretoannexe, contained, It is ordered, that the said DefendancCoghill Knapp do appear to the Plaintiff s Bill on 01 befoie the14thDay of October next.H1S is to give No tice lo the Proprietorsofthe Cargoof lheShipShinrniorcand Jobn, John Ward, Master,that was Stranded inDecember laft on the Coast ol Flanders,that chey apply withinF-JurteenDays from the Datehereof,to Mr.Christopher Thompson, in Leeds, Yorkshire,andotheisconcerned, and malte goodtheirClaims to fucliGoods?arerecoveied, and now lying in the common CranpHouse aLeeds, and pay th-:Charges incident thereon, or they w illbe foithwith Sold for thc Payment of thesame.I | 1 Hereas incheYear 1717,upon inspectingmyAffairs,V V I had not to pay my Creditors more thanSeventeenShillings and Six Pence in the Pound; I then offered to surrenderu)i mySelfandall myEffects to them, beingsenffblethat Def.c'encywas occasioned by my NegligenceandExC-ra-vag tne e, and all my said Creditors did agree Coaccept andtake Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence in the Pound,in fnllDischarge of th-.irDebts* all which I haveaccsrdingly paii,and to some ot tbem tieremaining TwoShillings andSixPence in the Pound :This therefore is to inform suchCr-editotiwhohavenot received the remaining Two Shillings and SixPence in thePound, thac I amready and willing to pay itthem. Th o. Fry, Shopkeeper, in Columpton, Devon.JN pursuanceof anOnler made by the RightHonourablej tbe LoVdHigh Chancellorof Gieat Bntain, for-theCre.ditors otFrancisTunKs. late of Tottenham Hig*b Croft, inthe County -of Middlesex, Butcher and Chapman, againftwhom a Commiflion ofBanknpt lately issued, to chuse newAll gnees. Th is is to give Not ice, that the Commissionersin the laidCcUnmission, intend to meet on tb cio -b -o fG ct o-l**ernext, at Three in the Afternoon, at Cuildhall, London 5when she Creditotsw e -defli-ed to comeprepared to prove-thejrDebts-,and *chufrnew Aflignees.T HE Assignees of theEftate of Isaac Knott, late of theCity of Norwich, Woolcomber, desire those Creditorswho have proved theirDebts underthe Commiflion ol Baiilr-inpC*wardedgainft thesaidKnntC, Co-meet -uponth ejstholOctobernew, at the Maid s Head in the said City osJSTor.wish,in orderto tietermniewhether or notauctionsshall bebrought against those PersonsWhoit is said have received Moosthe liid JCmott sincetheTimeof his Bankruptcy,ereas Commission ol Bankrupt is awarded againstsyjol thrRichard Gibbons, of thePaTifli-of SC.GeorgeBlooms-tatrytin ehe-*County *>fMiddlesex,Carpenterand Chapman,*0dbe being declaied a Bankrupc, is hereby required tofur-render himself to the Commiflioners on tbe17thInstant, oaftc^-th of October-,and on the 5th of November next,at i W e iuthe*Aftc*tDpQm,