The Light.

The Light. - Zumtobel - Innovative LED lighting solutions

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Page 1: The Light. - Zumtobel - Innovative LED lighting solutions

The Light.

Page 2: The Light. - Zumtobel - Innovative LED lighting solutions

The Vision.

Page 3: The Light. - Zumtobel - Innovative LED lighting solutions

for More THan 60 YearS iT HaS been our aMbiTion To creaTe THe beST LigHT for

peopLe anD our enVironMenT.

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1952 Manufacture begins of complete luminaires. The first successful range is profiLuX, the “thinnest batten luminaire in the world”.

1957 presentation of the first ballast with painted wire winding (“random winding”), which becomes the industry’s standard.

1958 The build­up of the german sales organisation signals the access to foreign markets. Zumtobel Kg exhibits its products at the Hanover trade fair.

1959 The first Zumtobel lighting laboratory is started up. one of the first tasks is the creation of light distribution curves.

1967 Debut of Lite­Trac, the first german track system developed by Staff & Schwarz Leuchtenwerke.

1950 Dr. walter Zumtobel founds “elektrogeräte und Kunstharzpresswerk w. Zumtobel Kg” in Dornbirn.

HiSTorY of THe coMpanY THe SucceSS STorY of THe ZuMTobeL branD STarTeD More THan SiXTY YearS ago wiTH THe founDing of “eLeKTrogeräTe­ unD KunSTHarZpreSSwerK w. ZuMTobeL” in Dornbirn. a paSSion for THe MeDiuM of LigHT anD ouTSTanDing enTrepreneurSHip HaVe enabLeD ZuMTobeL To becoMe a LeaDing gLobaL proViDer of SuSTainabLe anD inTegraL LigHTing SoLuTionS. ToDaY THe LuMinaire ManufacTurer SuppLieS a wiDe range of proDucT LineS for a VarieTY of profeSSionaL inTerior LigHTing appLicaTionS.

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1980 introduction of the world’s first luminaire range with indirect­direct distribution for office use.

1988 Debut of the concept of MeLLow LigHT, a new lighting solution generation for office use.

1991 Launch of the bus­compatible LuXMaTe® lighting management software.

2002The LigHT fieLDS range of luminaires introduces the micro­pyramidal optic for glare­free light at the workplace.

1993 Take­over of the majority of shares in the german lighting company of Staff founded in 1945. at the end of 1994, all staff shares were taken over.

1999 first series production of a lighting solution incorporating LeD technology, and “acTiVe LigHT” for light in variable colours.

2010 The panoS infiniTY LeD downlight range outdates conventional light sources in terms of efficiency, lighting quality and colour rendering.

2012 Tunable white, adaptive white light with dynamically adjustable colour temperature, points the way to the future of user­focused, flexible lighting solutions.

Zumtobel. The Light.

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ZuMTobeL. THe LigHT. for oVer SiXTY YearS, THe ZuMTobeL branD HaS STooD for innoVaTion, unique proDucT anD SerVice quaLiTY anD SopHiSTicaTeD DeSign. iTS KnowLeDge abouT LigHT anD a profounD unDerSTanDing of iTS effecTS on peopLe HaS aT aLL TiMeS been THe beDrocK of THe ZuMTobeL branD. ZuMTobeL bringS LigHTing quaLiTY anD energY efficiencY inTo HarMonY anD DeVeLopS cuSToMiSeD LigHTing SoLuTionS for MeaSurabLe aDDeD VaLue. ZuMTobeL aDDreSSeS cuSToMer requireMenTS anD uSer neeDS in MuLTifariouS areaS of appLicaTion – aLwaYS foLLowing iTS aMbiTion of SuppLYing THe beST LigHT for peopLe anD THe enVironMenT.

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ZuMTobeL group

LigHTing SegMenT coMponenTS SegMenT

ZuMTobeL groupworKforce: 7,162 | annuaL TurnoVer: € 1,244 MiLLion | SaLeS organiSaTionS: 50

ZuMTobeL LigHTing HeaD office: Dornbirn, aT | repreSenTaTionS in More THan 70 counTrieS |

LigHT foruMS: 3 | LigHT cenTreS: 16 | focuS: proJecT buSineSS | TargeT groupS: arcHiTecTS, inVeSTorS, LigHTing DeSignerS, eLecTricaL conSuLTanTS, eLecTricianS, wHoLeSaLerS

Zumtobel. The Light.

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gLobaL pLaYer THe cuSToMer iS aT THe HearT of ZuMTobeL’S inTereST – anD THiS appLieS aLL oVer THe worLD. ZuMTobeL iS repreSenTeD inTernaTionaLLY THrougH a STrong SaLeS anD SerVice neTworK. THe coMpanY HaS iTS own SaLeS organiSaTionS in 23 counTrieS anD worKS THrougH SeLecTeD repreSenTaTiVe officeS in More THan 50 oTHerS. in DiaLogue anD parTnerSHip wiTH iTS cuSToMerS, ZuMTobeL DeMonSTraTeS iTS coMpeTence eVerY DaY, MaKing iT poSSibLe To iMpLeMenT inTegraL LigHTing SoLuTionS on a worLD wiDe baSiS.

SaLeS organiSaTionS auSTriaauSTraLiabeLgiuMboSnia anD HerZegoVinacanaDacHinacroaTiacZecH repubLicDenMarKfrancegerManYHong KongHungarYinDiaiTaLYLuXeMbourgneTHerLanDSnew ZeaLanDnorwaYpoLanDruSSiaSerbiaSingaporeSLoVeniaSLoVaK repubLicSweDenSwiTZerLanDuniTeD arab eMiraTeSuniTeD KingDoMuSa

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HigHLanD, uS

Dornbirn, aTuSingen, DeLeMgo, DeSpennYMoor, uKLanDSKrona, SeLeS anDeLYS, fr

guangZHou, cn

SYDneY, au

aucKLanD, nZ

TianJin, cn

proDucTion faciLiTieS LigHTing branDS ZuMTobeL / THorn

Zumtobel. The Light.

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Your LigHT in a worLD of cHange an age of TecHnoLogicaL, econoMic anD SociaL cHange iS perManenTLY TranSforMing our LiVing anD worKing enVironMenT. ZuMTobeL SeeS THe neeD Here for a new quaLiTY of LigHT: LigHTing SoLuTionS THaT can aDapT inTeLLigenTLY anD inDiViDuaLLY To cHange anD YeT be in HarMonY wiTH THe enVironMenT. baSeD on THiS awareneSS, ZuMTobeL iS uSing STaTe­of­THe­arT TecHnoLogY To SuppLY fuTure­orienTeD LigHTing SoLuTionS focuSeD on uSerS anD THeir neeDS.

“Harpa” reYKJaViK concerT & conference cenTer, reYKJaViK | iSarcHiTecTure: Henning LarSen arcHiTecTS, copenHagen | DKLigHTing DeSign: STuDio oLafur eLiaSSon, berLin | De

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appLieD KnowLeDge eacH area of appLicaTion, inDeeD, eacH proJecT inVoLVeS inDiViDuaL requireMenTS. for THiS reaSon, ZuMTobeL concenTraTeS iTS innoVaTiVe energieS on pracTicaL appLicaTion, for onLY a profounD KnowLeDge of LigHT anD iTS effecTS puTS ZuMTobeL in a poSiTion To creaTe LigHTing SoLuTionS offering MaXiMuM benefiTS To THe cuSToMer. LigHT THuS fuLfiLS a MuLTiTuDe of TaSKS in eVerY conTeXT. in THe office iT SupporTS peopLe aT worK; in arT, iT fuLfiLS conSerVaTion requireMenTS anD SiMuLTaneouSLY SeTS THe STage for an effecTiVe preSenTaTion of arTefacTS. in HeaLTH, iT afforDS a feeLing of weLL­being anD HeLpS paTienTS To recoVer quicKLY.

LigHT for officeS anD coMMunicaTion

LigHT for eDucaTion anD Science

LigHT for preSenTaTion anD reTaiL

LigHT for HoTeL anD weLLneSS

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LigHT for arT anD cuLTure

LigHT for HeaLTH anD care

LigHT for inDuSTrY anD engineering

LigHT for façaDeS anD arcHiTecTure

Zumtobel. The Light.

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paSo iireceSSeD fLoor LuMinaire

apHroDiTeMeDia LuMinaire

opurafree­STanDing LuMinaire

panoS infiniTYLeD DownLigHT

TecTonconTinuouS­row LeD LigHTing SYSTeM

proDucT porTfoLio ZuMTobeL proDucTS SignifY LigHT of perfecT quaLiTY. THeY coMbine aeSTHeTic grace, funcTionaLiTY anD SuSTainabiLiTY. THe porTfoLio coVerS a range froM HigH­quaLiTY SpoTLigHTS anD LigHTing SYSTeMS, inDuSTriaL anD HigH­baY LuMinaireS anD façaDe LigHTing, To eMergencY LigHTing anD LigHTing ManageMenT SYSTeMS. ZuMTobeL DeVeLopS proDucTS for MuLTifariouS appLicaTion areaS, in a HarMoniouS coMbinaTion of LigHTing quaLiTY anD efficiencY baSeD on STaTe­of­THe­arT TecHnoLogY.

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aero iiLeD waVeguiDe LuMinaire

onLiTe coMSigneScape Sign LuMinaire

LuXMaTe LiTeneTLigHTing ManageMenT SYSTeM

conboarDMeDicaL SuppLY SYSTeM

Zumtobel. The Light.

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reSearcH anD DeVeLopMenT THanKS To cLoSe cooperaTion wiTH inTernaTionaL eXperTS anD ScienTific inSTiTuTionS, ZuMTobeL LeaDS THe fieLD in LigHTing reSearcH. bY iMpLeMenTing THe LaTeST reSuLTS in ScienTific reSearcH, baSeD on iTS unique pracTicaL eXperTiSe in appLieD KnowLeDge anD coMpreHenSiVe TecHnoLogicaL Know­How, ZuMTobeL iS conSiSTenTLY preSSing aHeaD wiTH proDucT innoVaTionS. in iTS conSTanT enDeaVour To enSure THe beST LigHT for THe cuSToMer, ZuMTobeL iS quicK off THe MarK in obSerVing anD reSearcHing LocaL anD gLobaL TrenDS for THe DeVeLopMenT of fuTure­orienTeD LigHTing SoLuTionS.

ScienTific neTworKS barTenbacH LicHTLabor bauHauS­uni weiMar DiaL enTpe LYon   epfL LauSanne eTH LauSanne eTH ZuricH fH DeTMoLD fH MiTTeLHeSSenfH roSenHeiM fH VorarLberg fraunHofer ibp STuTTgarTfuDan uniVerSiTY SHangHai green HoSpiTaL Haw HaMburg HawK HiLDeSHeiM HocHScHuLe LiecHTenSTeinHS LuZern HuMan reSearcH weiZ KoMpeTenZZenTruM LicHTKTH STocKHoLM LigHT & LigHTing LaboraTorY genT Lrc TroY nrc oTTawa TongJi uniVerSiTY Tu berLinTu DarMSTaDTTu graZTu iLMenau Tu KarLSruHe ucL LonDon

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iYon LeD SpoTLigHT rangeDeSign: DeLugan MeiSSL inDuSTriaL DeSign

inTeLLigenT THerMaL ManageMenT

HigH TecH LeD MoDuLe

paTenTeD MiXing cHaMber LenS

preciSion refLecTor

Zumtobel. The Light.

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Product design for ZuMTobeL, inTeLLigenT DeSign MeanS equaL fuLfiLMenT of aeSTHeTic anD funcTionaL requireMenTS. 282 if awarDS anD nuMerouS oTHer priZeS are eViDence of THiS enDeaVour. THe ZuMTobeL proDucT DeSign TeaM DeVeLopS iTS proDucTS inDepenDenTLY anD in cLoSe cooperaTion wiTH inTernaTionaLLY renowneD DeSignerS. THe proDucTS eXceL in THeir MaXiMuM efficiencY anD SubTLeTY of aeSTHeTic DeSign. our approacH To DeSign iS baSeD on our profounD KnowLeDge of THe appLicaTion anD uSe of LigHT, wHiLe bearing in MinD THe conTinu­ouS cHangeS TaKing pLace in THe worKing anD LiVing enVironMenT. onLY THen can LigHT unfoLD aLL iTS effecTS anD powerS of eXpreSSion.

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MicroTooLSMoDuLar LeD LigHTing SYSTeM

if DeSign awarD 2012 goLD, DeSign pLuS bY LigHT+buiLDing

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conSuMpTion of energY reSourceS

proDucTion 7 %

raw MaTeriaLS 1 %

TranSporT 1 %

uSe 90 %

recYcLing 1 %

SuSTainabiLiTY ZuMTobeL iS VerY MucH aware of iTS reSponSibiLiTY TowarDS THe enVironMenT. beSiDeS MarKing eXcepTionaLLY SuSTainabLe proDucTS wiTH THe eco+ LabeL, ZuMTobeL iSSueS enVironMenTaL proDucT DecLaraTionS (epD) for aLL iTS proDucTS. THe enVironMenTaL iMpacT of a proDucT THrougHouT iTS enTire Life cYcLe iS THerefore quicKLY anD SiMpLY ViSuaLiSeD for THe cuSToMer. MoreoVer, epD conTribuTe greaTLY To THe enVironMenTaL cerTificaTion of buiLDingS. wiTH THe inTroDucTion of epD, ZuMTobeL HaS aDopTeD a pioneering roLe in SupporTing TranSparencY anD iS eMpHaSiSing iTS STanDarDS in TerMS of SuSTainabLe uSe of reSourceS. zumtobel.com/sustainability

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onLiTe pureSignDeSign bY eooS

Sustainable product design resource­saving production through digital printing and eco­friendly powder coating of the aluminium frame.

100 % recycling Manufactured without heavy metals, the niMH battery can be 100 % recycled and the wiring, too, is completely halogen­free.

Longevity in order to guarantee constant aver­age luminance for the LeD’s entire service life, pureSign features a built­in maintenance func­tion, which starts operation at a dimming level of 70 % and gradually increases it to 100 %.

Dual function The eri spotlight (escape route illumination) is an energy­efficient LeD spot combined with a patented lens. it provides 40 % of emergency lighting and makes additional emergency luminaires redundant.

Luminaire efficiency The highly efficient LeDs of the latest generation guarantee outstanding lumi­naire efficiency including a longer service life and lower maintenance and energy costs.

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neTworKS ZuMTobeL iS parT of an inTernaTionaL neTworK of reSearcH faciLiTieS, arcHiTecTure, DeSign, arT, anD cuLTure. ManY aSpecTS forM a bonD beTween ZuMTobeL, arcHiTecTS, DeSignerS anD arTiSTS in THeir worK: THe faScinaTion wiTH THe MeDiuM of LigHT, THe SearcH for new iDeaS, anD enDeaVourS proMoTing furTHer DeVeLopMenT. aLL oVer THe worLD, peopLe priZe ZuMTobeL aS a STrong parTner capabLe of iMpLeMenTing THeir creaTiVe ViSionS. THeSe cLoSe parTnerSHipS benefiT aLL THoSe inVoLVeD anD HeLp THeM gain VaLuabLe KnowLeDge anD new STiMuLi for THeir worK.

neTworKS3DeLuXe, niK ScHweigera.g LicHTaTeLier brücKner gMbHaTeLierS Jean nouVeL aJnaSYMpToTe arcHiTecTure bauMScHLager eberLebeHniScH arcHiTecTSbiLLingS JacKSon LiMiTeDcH. KeLLer DeSign agcoop HiMMeLb(L)auDaViD cHipperfieLD arcHiTecTS, berLinDeLugan MeiSSL aSSociaTeD arcHiTecTSDoMinique perrauLT arcHiTecTureeooSfoSTer & parTnerSgriMSHaw & parTnerSHaDi TeHerani agHanS HoLLein & parTner ZT gMbHHarTMuT S. engeL DeSign STuDioHenning LarSen arcHiTecTSHerZog & De MeuroningenHoVen arcHiTecTSKaZuYo SeJiMa + rYue niSHiZawa / S a n a aKueHn MaLVeZZi gMbH arcHiTecTS LicHT KunST LicHT agMarTe.MarTe arcHiTeKTen ZT gMbHMaSSiMo ioSa gHiniMaTTHeo THun & parTnerSnpK inDuSTriaL DeSignon inDuSTrieDeSignrenZo piano buiLDing worKSHop (rpbw)SauerbrucH HuTTonScHneiDer + ScHuMacHer arcHiTeKTurgeSeLLScHafT MbHSoTTSaSS aSSociaTiSTuDio & parTnerSSTuDio aMbroZuSSTuDio DanieL LibeSKinDSTuDio oLafur eLiaSSonTaDao anDoTorSTen friTZe & MaTTHiaS burHenneTropp LigHTing DeSignunSTuDiowiLMoTTe & aSSociéS SaZaHa HaDiD arcHiTecTS, LonDon

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”LigHT DoeS noT JuST iLLuMinaTe, iT TeLLS a STorY. LigHT giVeS Meaning, DrawS MeTapHorS anD SeTS THe STage for THe coMeDY of Life. LigHT aLSo TeLLS THe STorY of arcHiTecTure.“


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light as succEss factor wiTH iTS profounD KnowLeDge of LigHT anD iTS effecTS, ZuMTobeL iS creaTing MeaSurabLe aDDeD VaLue: inTeLLigenT LigHTing SoLuTionS proMoTe peopLe’S weLL­being, HeaLTH anD proDucTiViTY, reDuce coSTS, anD MaKe buiLDingS More energY­efficienT anD enVironMenT­frienDLY. furTHerMore, ZuMTobeL HeLpS buSineSS enTerpriSeS acroSS THe worLD To creaTe an iMage for THeMSeLVeS anD coMMunicaTe THeir corporaTe iDenTiTY THrougH LigHT. ZuMTobeL MeeTS THe neeDS of THe cuSToMer wiTH inDiViDuaL, MaDe­To­MeaSure SoLuTionS, acHieVing a HarMoniouS coMbinaTion of Superior LigHTing quaLiTY anD energY efficiencY.


operaTing coSTS






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Langen founDaTion, neuSS | DearcHiTecTure: TaDao anDo | Jp


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LigHTing SecureS energY benefiTS THe new HeaDquarTerS of THe abu DHabi inVeSTMenT counciL iMpreSSiVeLY DeMonSTraTe new SoLuTionS for THe eXTreMe cLiMaTe conDiTionS in abu DHabi. inSpireD bY TraDiTionaL arabian arcHiTecTure, aeDaS arcHiTecTS anD THe arup engineering office HaVe JoinTLY DeVeLopeD an inTeLLigenT facaDe THaT proViDeS THerMaL proTecTion wHiLe aLLowing for opTiMuM uSe of SoLar energY. aLL THe MeaSureS coMbineD HeLp To reDuce THe co² eMiSSionS of THe aL baHar TowerS, buiLT accorDing To THe LeeD STanDarD, bY 40 percenT. in Doing So, THe LigHTing SoLuTion bY ZuMTobeL noT onLY enHanceS THe reSource­SaVing DeSign, buT aLSo SeLec­TiVeLY HigHLigHTS THe arcHiTecTure.

aL baHar TowerS, abu DHabi | uae arcHiTecTS: aeDaS, abu DHabi | uae LigHTing DeSign: arup, abu DHabi | uae

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LigHT creaTeS iDenTiTY THe SHopping cenTre gaLLeria cenTerciTY in cHeonan iS an iMpreSSiVe DeMonSTraTion of How urban Space can be SHapeD uSing LigHT, anD How a façaDe can becoMe THe inTeracTiVe SYMboL of a ciTY. MeaSuring 12,600 Square MeTreS iT iS one of THe LargeST MeDia façaDeS in THe worLD. THe STrucTure iS preSenTeD in an energY­efficienT LigHTing Scenario uSing More THan 22,000 LeD LigHTing poinTS proDucing SofT LigHTing SequenceS anD DYnaMicaLLY cHanging HigH­inTenSiTY coLourS, or iS uSeD for THe Specific coMMunicaTion of MeSSageS anD iMageS. THe SpeciaLLY DeVeLopeD HigH­perforMance LeD SpoTS HaVe been DeSigneD To be pracTicaLLY inViSibLe in THe façaDe.

gaLLeria cenTerciTY, cHeonan | Kr arcHiTecTure: unSTuDio, aMSTerDaM | nL; ganSaM arcHiTecTS & parTnerS, SeouL | KrLigHTing DeSign: a·g LicHT, bonn | De

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LigHT in THe SerVice of arT LigHTing iS an eSSenTiaL eLeMenT in THe unDergrounD eXTenSion of THe STäDeL MuSeuM in franKfurT on THe Main. THe Scenario noT onLY proViDeS for perfecT preSenTaTion of arT; THe new buiLDing iS aLSo an arcHiTecTuraL aTTracTion in iTSeLf wiTH iTS 195 DiSc­SHapeD SKYLigHTS opening up THe VauLTeD ceiLing. in coLLaboraTion wiTH THe arcHiTecTS of ScHneiDer+ScHuMacHer anD THe LigHTing DeSignerS of LicHT KunST LicHT, ZuMTobeL HaS iMpLe­MenTeD an eXTraorDinarY, TaiLor­MaDe LigHTing SoLuTion founDeD on iTS TecHnicaL eXperTiSe anD appLicaTion eXperience in THe areaS of arT anD cuLTure. THe SoLuTion fuLfiLS THe HigHeST DeManDS in TerMS of conSerVaTion, anD LigHT iS SiMuLTaneouSLY an inTegraTiVe coMponenT of THe arcHiTecTure.

new buiLDing STäDeL MuSeuM, franKfurT on THe Main | De arcHiTecTure: ScHneiDer+ScHuMacHer, franKfurT on THe Main | DeLigHTing DeSign: LicHT KunST LicHT ag, bonn, berLin | De

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LigHT enHanceS peopLe’S SenSe of weLL­being THe SaLewa branD SignifieS an acTiVe, SuSTainabLe LifeSTYLe. THe new HeaDquarTerS in boLZano aiMS noT onLY To preSenT THe branD anD iTS VaLueS aS a LiVing eXperience, buT aLSo To creaTe a pLeaSanT aMbience for THe eMpLoYeeS. ZuMTobeL HaS conTribuTeD greaTLY To THiS wiTH an inDiViDuaLLY cuSToMiSeD LigHTing concepT. iT DeVeLopeD a LigHTing SoLuTion wHicH aLLowS eMpLoYeeS a View of THe MounTainS eVen wHen THe Sun SHineS in, anD worKS wiTHouT anY reSorT To bLinDS or SHaDing for officeS anD SHowrooMS. aT THe SaMe TiMe, iT guaranTeeS conSTanT LigHTing conDiTionS in THe inTeriorS regarDLeSS of cHanging brigHTneSS During THe DaY. THe inTegraL energY anD LigHTing concepT won an awarD aS parT of THe accreDiTeD “cLiMaTe HouSe” concepT of SouTH TYroL.

SaLewa HeaDquarTerS, boLZano | iTarcHiTecTure: cino ZuccHi arcHiTeTTi unD parK aSSociaTi, MiLan | iT

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LigHT DeSignS worKSpaceS ZuMTobeL DeVeLopeD an inTegraL LigHTing SoLuTion for THe TecHnoaLpin coMpanY in boLZano To MeeT THe HigHeST STanDarDS of LigHTing quaLiTY anD energY efficiencY in a greaT VarieTY of faciLiTieS anD SpaceS. LigHTing DeSign waS iMproVeD in aLL areaS, wHeTHer in SingLe­perSon officeS, THe conference HaLL, in proDucTion, coMponenTS aSSeMbLY or ouTDoor faciLiTieS. THiS HaD a poSiTiVe effecT noT onLY on coMforT anD SafeTY aT THe worKpLace, buT aLSo on proDucTiViTY anD MoTiVaTion of THe eMpLoYeeS. oVer anD aboVe THiS, iT HaS HeLpeD To cuT energY anD MainTenance coSTS.

TecHnoaLpin ag, boLZano | iT arcHiTecTure: Vwn arcHiTecTS, boLZano | iT

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Your LigHT in a worLD of cHange

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HeaDquarTerZumtobel Lighting gmbH Schweizer Strasse 30postfach 726851 Dornbirn, auSTriaT +43/(0)5572/390­0f +43/(0)5572/22 [email protected]

australia and new ZealandZumtobel Lighting pty Ltd333 pacific Highwaynorth Sydney, nSw 2060T +61/(2)8913 5000f +61/(2)8913 [email protected]

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uSa and canadaZumtobel Lighting inc.17­09 Zink place, unit 7fair Lawn, nJ 074103300 route 9wHighland, nY 12528T +1/(0)845/691 6262f +1/(0)845/691 [email protected]

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