The Legend of the Child of Forest

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  • 8/12/2019 The Legend of the Child of Forest



  • 8/12/2019 The Legend of the Child of Forest



    This short fairy tale is devoted to my dear friend Marcel Zapke, very inspiring and

    awesomely awesome person, who has done so much for me . I am so grateful and I will never

    be able to pay it all back.

    Thank you for all, Marci!!

    In love your Katie

  • 8/12/2019 The Legend of the Child of Forest



    nce upon the time there was a forest. It wasnt just ordinaryforest with

    trees and animals but this forest gave a birth to child. He was a little

    sweet cute boy with nice smile and very pleasant voice. There wasnt

    anything what he could love more than his green home. He knew every part, every tree and

    every animal of this forest. Animals loved him very much. Child of the forest, just like fairies

    called him, was very nice to anyone. He was singing with birds, he was fondling their coats,

    he was treating their hurts.

    However, as he was getting older and older, wiser and wiser, he was missing the sense

    of lifebecause children games like building hobbits villages were no longer joy for him. He

    was searching for something deeper, something which could fulfill his desire of doing

    exciting things. Suddenly he heard as birds were calling him to sing with them. Right know he

    got it. Its the music!he shouted out loud that it sounded trough the whole forest. Even

    most sleepy bear from family of most sleepy bears woke up and replied with a loud scream.

    You can imagine how much he got angry that the little sweet cute boy woke him up.

    However, once the child of the forest started to sing, most sleepy bear fell asleep again.

    The fizz of the leaves added to his singing special atmosphere but there was still

    something missing. As he was walking and singing, singing and walking, all of sudden he

    strummed the web of spider. His very sensitive ears heard the very soft sound which was very

    familiar to him. Each fiber of the web had a different sound, one fiber was lower and other

    was higher. Very soon he found out the sound of the fiber depends on length. He became very

    happy because there was an idea on his mind. The pianohe had dreamed lot of nights about

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    this instrument but he didnt know how it was possible that this weird irregular box could

    make a sound, the same sound like the spider web made.

    So he asked the spider gently: ,,My dear friend, I would like to build an instrument.

    This instrument is called piano. I understand you dont know it but it is all in my head. I

    swear. It will work and thus my music will become perfect. Could you please make me the

    fibers? I need them as stringsSpider looked at him with very weird and distrustful glance,

    nevertheless, the spider knew that child of the forest would never wanted something for no


    So the spider accompanied him to place where four stumps were standing. The child

    took few branches and tied them. The shape of it was exactly as he dreamed of but the spider

    had his doubts again. This is really weird. Are you sure it will work? asked the spider. The

    child just nodded and winked at him with smile. The news about childs plan was spread very

    fast. Fairies and other animals became very curious and thus started to gather around. Two

    squirrels, whose names were Veverka and Eichhrnchen, were silently laughing, thinking

    that Child is crazy, but wise owl Doro warned them to be polite because she was sure that the

    idea of the child would work. She believed in him since his birth and also encouraged him.

    So come on, sweetie, show us what the piano is, said she. The child asked the spider

    to make those strings. He stretched them on the tied branches. Every string was longer than

    the other so it has lower sounds. When it was finished, Child put it on the stumps and he tried

    to pull the strings immediately. Everyone who was standing around, was amused by the

    sound. It was just like someone had just fondled their ears.

    However, the childs piano wasnt finished yet. It still needed the keys and little

    hammers so he started to collect sticks from the ground. He added a little stone to each stick

    andput them on the strings. When he saw, what he had done, he wasnt happy at all. How

    can I hit those keys, when they are actually sticks. It would be very painful.Suddenly he

    noticed that there is something glittering behind his back. He turned around and there was a

    fairy, smiling at him. She spoke with very kind, soft and ringing voice to him.,,Hi child of the

    forest. I am a fairy Mary and there is option if you wonder. I can be so generous that I can

    make the keys, as you want - black and white and very smooth.

    How do you know how they should look like? said the child with shocked facial


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    ,,And why do you think you have dreams during night? It is because of us, fairies.

    When a nice fairy visits you during your sleep, understandably, you will have nice dream but

    when a bad one visits you, for sure a nightmare will come over your mind. said the fairy

    Mary. Child was looking at her like she was kidding, but she wasnt.

    The fairy continued: Well, let me make a spell. He just made a gesture to encourage

    her to begin. She smiled and started to dance around the piano. She was moving like if she

    was flying in the air. Everything around started sparkling, even the teardrops of tree sap, were

    shining like diamonds. The light was so strong that no one hardly saw what was happening

    there. Suddenly the light was gone and the fairy too.

    Child was still dazzled, however, he started to recognize black and white keys. He

    hurried to touch them, to press them. Just like fairy said, smooth, easy to press. And the

    soundChild lost his voice for a while, but because he was well raised, he shouted with full

    breath: Thank you, fairy Mary. I will never forget what you have done for me. Thank you.

    There was still a lot of work left on the piano. Child was thinking and thinking how to

    cover his unfinished piano. Nothing was still coming on his mind and he was getting

    desperate because he was so keen on playing. All of sudden an ant appeared on his hand and

    he was whispering something. The child put the ant closer towards his ear to listen what the

    ant was saying. ,,Child? Can you hear me? I am Ameise III. and I am a brother of the queen

    of the Golden anthill. The queen says that she is very grateful that you saved her and our

    kingdom of hunger, that you gave us your dinner. Do you remember?

    Of course, I remember it. But I am afraid that you cant help me now,said Child

    very sadly.

    Thats not true. We can help you. We are small but very strong. We can carry things

    ten times heavier than we are. The queen wants to pay back your kindness. Let us finish the

    cover of your piano, please, said the ant with wide opened eyes. Child sat down and

    watched carefully what ants were doing. Each ant was carrying a needle and when there was a

    big hill of needles, they started to weave from them a cover for the piano. After a while it was

    done and impatient Child hurried towards the piano. It was finished. Finally.

    Despite he was really tired, he couldnt wait for the moment when he would play it

    first. Once he touched the key and the sound of piano clashed, he knew this would be his

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    passion. He was playing and playing. Animals were still standing around, attentively

    listening. Even fairies and elves were gathering close to him. From very small crowd it grew

    into big concert but Child didn't spot it. He was so into his playing like if the whole world

    stopped exist for him. There was just him and his music. However, you may ask how it is

    possible that Child was already able to play? That's a little mystery or maybe it is not because

    the answer is Child's talent and perfect pitch. Soon it was getting darker and darker..and out of

    the space between branches of tress there was coming a very soft lambency..

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    ar and far away there was a hag observing what was happening. She wasvery keen on gathering things. She didnt matter what kind of things it

    would be. What was important for her that the things were unique. So she

    was stealing from people and magic beings. These poor beings could do absolutely nothing

    about it. It wasn't very easy to find her huge and scary castle. When someone finally found it,

    there was no way back from there. The witch was undefeatable. Her powers overtopped even

    the most powerful fairy.

    If you wonder how she looked like... If I were you, I wouldn't ever like to see her. As

    she was possessive, sadly she didn't possess either a pinch of beauty. Her skin was malformed

    by scars, most visible thing was a wart on her nose with very long hair growing from it. Her

    hair had unspecific color, we would say green but very dirty green. The haircut wasn't exactly

    according to the last trends. Better to say she was wearing haircut like our ancestors, the

    cavemen. They also didn't brush their hair. Her body was consisted of very thin transparent

    skin and bones which peeped out everywhere. She didn't change her clothes for thousands

    years or even more. You could smell it from any place where she came. Actually it was theonly sign she always left at crime scene when she stole something. Anyway we should learn

    that it is not nice to judge people because of their appearance. It's important what they have in

    soul. So the most important thing I must say about hag, she didn't have even a little piece of

    goodness in her.

    Why am I telling you this not very nice stuff? Actually, even for me it is disgusting to

    talk about her. I can still smell her. Once you meet her it's impossible to forget. The reason of

    mentioning her is that Child made something very special. Something which made her so

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    excited and curious. A machine which made such a nice sound that could overcome the hag's

    deafness. She had never heard something like this. The thing she didn't knew was that it didn't

    matter what kind of thing (in this case piano) it was, but the main thing was who was able to

    play it, who is able to make it sound in this awesome way. The person was Child of the forest

    for sure. As I said she didn't knew this fact, so she started contriving the plan how to steal it.

    Meanwhile Child of the forest became very famous in the whole forest. He has to play

    all the time because anyone wasn't able to resist and not to ask him for another melody. Child

    was becoming very tired. They even didn't let him sleep, however, he didn't mind. The music,

    I may say his drug, gave him so much of energy, happiness and feeling of doing something

    very significant in his life.

    It was November. The forest was already covered by snow. Some animals were

    sleeping but some were still awake. However, the sun didn't spend much time on the sky so

    even Child of forest mostly chose to go early to bed and to wake up very lately. The hag

    realized that during this time she has a real chance to gain the piano. She came by broomstick

    and stayed in the forest for some time, to get to know manners of animals and magical being

    in the forest. Beside her powers she didn't wanted to be seen or disturbed. It was her third

    night in the forest when she decided to steal the piano. She crept to Child's cottage very

    silently, chopped piano from stumps, bounded it by special ropes, whispered some charm and

    the piano was gone. She smiled ironically and took off back home.

    Child of the forest woke up in the morning as the sun was rising up. He kept the same

    habits as every morning. So he woke up, greeted the forest and went to the close waterfall.

    Even it was very cold during winter he was able to overcome the horribly cold temperature of

    water. Sun always warmed him up. As he was coming back, he found out that something

    smelled very disgusting there. But then he suddenly saw something which made him

    breathless for a moment. The piano which used to be under the shelter was gone. He was

    standing there, feeling the world stopped turning for him. After some time animals started to

    gather around and Child of the forest remained there without any movement, silently sobbing.

    The teardrops were falling down on his face and the sun reflected its rays with sparks. Every

    animal, every magic being became immediately sad too. They started to worry about Child of

    the forest so through the forest a silent whisper was spread. Everyone understood that Child

    was feeling pain and misery but the question was: how to help him?

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    Wise owl Doro couldn't hold her back, she opened her wings and put Child in her

    embrace.,,My sweet Child, I know it must be awful feeling that the piano is gone. However,

    by standing here, you won't gain anything."

    Child pulled himself out of her embrace and said: "I know, Doro. But what can I do?

    The piano is gone. There is no possibility how to find it and take it back. I have no idea who

    could stole it," sobbed the Child as he gave her a very desperate glance. Wise owl put him

    back to her embrace and whispered: "Can you smell it? I am sure you can. That points to one

    thing. The hag. I know you haven't heard about her yet. It is better to keep children out of bad

    things. Nevertheless, now it is the time for you to face the truth. The hag is very cruel person

    who lives in her castle which cannot be found. She is very possessive. I can say she addicted

    to gaining things which no other person have. That's the reason she stole you the piano."

    "Who could be so mean, so cruel?"Child was shocked by the hag's deed. He never

    heard about things like stealing from someone, hurting someone. What he knew was pure

    goodness and therefore it made him feel very angry and courageous. Without any word he

    again pulled himself from owl's embrace and hurried to his cottage. As he was packing things

    which were necessary for the "journey to save the piano", he realized that he had no clue

    where the hag lived. He didn't let the feeling of being not sure to swallow him, he started to

    pack even faster and suddenly he was standing out of his cottage with rucksack on his back,

    watching the forest around. He was thinking. This is going to be first time out of his home,

    out of his forest, first time among beings who are not familiar to him.

    The wise owl distracted him in the middle of stream of thoughts. She wanted to give

    him few advices. Still child was like her own son. She told him to be careful. As child

    believed that every being is actually good in the core, she explained to him that it is not

    always truth. When child asked about the place where the hag lived, owl wasn't able to tell

    him any clue. She just pointed on his heart and said there was no other way than to listen a

    voice of his heart. In the end she gave him her old golden precious watch as a talisman and

    waved at him with wish of having good journey.

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    ild turned his head for the last time, going out of the forest.

    There was his home and his family standing. It made him

    sad, however, he couldn't imagine his life without piano so

    he made another step towards hag's defeat. The feeling of return and having the piano back

    was stronger that being homesick. Mainly he found this way to be an adventure for him. A

    chance to get new experiences. He was walking and walking, watching all the beauty which

    the goddess Nature had made. He was amused, excited all together with feeling of missing his

    piano.If I knew where to go. If I only knew the direction. How can I find the cruel hag in the

    whole World? I am just little child which is seeking for his treasure. He was all the time

    asking himself. He also waited for something which would show him some clue, a light in the

    darkness. But nothing appeared, he was totally alone in that unknown place. He decided to

    obey owl Doro. Her voice sounded in his ears. ,,You must listen to your heart."Child made

    chose way to places he liked.

    Soon twilight approached to woods. It was getting darker and darker very fast so hebecame to have a fear he might step into some swamp or meet some not very friendly animal.

    He was desperately searching for some cottage or shelter where he could stay for night. As he

    was following last sun rays which were disappearing behind horizon, he heard very weird

    sound. The sound was so loud. He had no idea what it could be. "How could anyone disturb

    forest during its calm sleep?,"said Child. The horrible sound continued. I forgot to say that

    our little hero had really sensitive ears. Sounds you might hear as normal he could hear as

    very loud sounds. He turned around twice. However, in that darkness he barely could see his

    feet so how he could even see someone standing over there or there.

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    "Hahahaaa, hahahahaaa,"a very creepy laughter resonated in child's ears. The blood

    stopped circulating in his veins and he felt like a freezing coldness was creeping on his back.

    He didn't move. He just waited. His whole short life was projected in his head. All of sudden

    a ground beneath his feet shook like someone had just jumped from tree right in front of him.

    Child heard footsteps. Some creature was going around him. "Hahahaaa, hahahahaaa,"

    sounded again."What are you doing here, huh?"said someone with rough voice like a grater.

    Child didn't know what to say, whether to answer.

    In the end with trembling voice he answered : "I am on my way to get back my piano,

    hag stole it."The being was still walking around child.

    "You say hag, huh? Hmm, I am sorry then " said the unknown being. Child was afraid

    but somehow this unknown being awoke a curiosity in him. In his voice there was something

    like he knew the hag."What is 'the piano', huh ?"asked suddenly.

    "Piano? Piano is a box on stumps. Inside there are strings from spider webs with

    different length. Piano has keys connected to little hammers which hit those strings. When you

    hit those keys, it makes sound, a very nice sound,"said the child with dreaming voice as he

    was thinking back to times he had been playing for the last time. "I can play many melodies

    and I would give in my life for getting it back."

    "Would be the piano useful for you when you are dead, huh?," said the unknown being

    with derisive tone. "I don't think so. I must say I am bit excited about this making-nice-

    sounds-box. I also have something bit similar but I call it guitar."

    "Gui..what? " said surprised Child. The fear already wore off. If "the gui..whatever"

    was similar to his piano, this person couldn't be such a bad guy. Mainly he could become a

    bro for his journey. "So this was the horrible sound I heard few moments ago."

    "You'd better not to call it horrible sound and it is guitar. G - U - I - T- A-R."Child

    was sorry he even dared to say to this unknown being that the guitar made a horrible sound.

    Afterwards Child heard him playing and he was totally amused. Right now he so wished he

    could have his piano to join unknown being. (For dwarfs, fairies, animals and another

    creatures who haven't seen or heard guitar yet, let me explain what it was. If you remember

    how piano was constructed, this was a bit similar. There were six strings of same length

    stretched . At one end strings were wounded on six pegs. Guitar could divided to three parts:

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    head, neck and body. Those pegs were placed on the head. Strings continued on narrow neck

    and ended on body which was the biggest part with round shape. So I hope I explained it well

    but now continue reading about our little hero... )

    But still Child hadn't seen his face. As the time was passing, unknown being was

    playing, they were talking, he found out that this person was really good in his core. So

    whatever he looked like or whatever creature he was, he didn't care. During night they made a

    deal. They will go together to hag. They will find the castle and defeat her. If you ask why the

    unknown being would risk his life just because of this little sweet cute boy. Here you go.

    They found a very good friend in each other. Unknown being or maybe even more?

    "I absolutely forgot to ask you. What is your name?"wondered Child.

    "I don't have any name, "replied sadly unknown being.

    "You don't have any name? Well, so I will gave you one. I will call you Bro. Just Bro.

    Because I feel we're like real brothers. We share passion for music and that makes us to be

    relatives. Don't you think so?"

    Bro's voice totally changed. Suddenly it wasn't the rough voice of some unbeatable

    person. It was a voice of someone who became very happy. "I think so!"agreed Bro. It didn't

    take much time and sun woke up and appeared again on horizon. Child started to recognize

    Bro's face. From first sight he saw that his face is not longer of some little boy. It was a face

    of boy who is becoming a man. He was tall, well-built so Child felt more safe with him. Child

    was no longer alone. He had Bro by his side.

    After the sun rose, boys decided they should go on their journey despite they were

    really tired. Yet they were talking whole night. Child found out that Bro knew the hag. He

    was surprised by the amount of things he knew about her. As if he had already met her

    personally. Child didn't want to ask much. There was something weird and painful when Bro

    was talking about the hag. Bro was leading so obviously he knew where they were going.

    Child's hope again grew bigger and he was thinking how lucky he was that from infinite

    darkness Bro came.

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    he sun was very high and strong. Its light made a chest of jewels from the

    forests, which our little friends were now passing. Everything was

    sparkling. Drops in the moss, pure sap as crystals bleeding from bark of

    pines, leaves as little mirrors reflecting sun's rays. And our little heroes were heading to the

    hag's castle, decided with whole heart to get piano back. It was already lunch time, so they

    halted and sat on stumps. Child had still left some bread. He dived it and gave it to Bro. He

    accepted it with smile. Suddenly their lunchtime was disturbed though. From not very big

    distance a twig cracked. They turned their heads to seek what it was but no one was there. So

    they continued in chewing bread. Another twig cracked and boys saw just a shadow of

    someone disappeared.

    "Whoever is there, show us. We won't hurt you, " said Child. However, no one


    "Maybe I shall have a look there," suggested Bro. Child nodded and they both stood

    up to search who made the noise. Child took right side and Bro the left side. It was Bro who

    succeeded in finding who it was. He found some skinny tall boy hidden behind the tree with

    shut eyes, trembling like he was really damn scared of something. Bro stretched his arm to put

    it on boy's shoulder. He wanted to calm him down but in that moment he opened eyes and

    cried out. Child immediately knew that Bro had found the stranger and hurried to him. The

    boy was still trembling.

    "Who are you?" Child asked him. But he didn't answer. "Do you understand me?"

    Child tried again. The boy looked quickly from left to right and back.

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    "I I I I am hhhhungry" he stammered. On child face popped out a smile. He gave him

    the rest of his slice of bread, boy grasped it very quickly and immediately started to eat.

    "It seems our friend didn't eat days, huh?" said Bro with hint of smile on his face. Bro

    let the strange boy finish the bread. While they were watching him they saw he has something

    bounded on his back. I looked like a guitar of Bro's but this one was different. It had different

    shape and less of strings. When boy finished the bread, he no longer trembled so much. He

    looked better, not so pale. So Bro must have immediately ask him.

    "Is that guitar what you have on your back?" said Bro.

    "Guitar? What is guitar?" asked curiously strange boy. Bro didn't hesitate for a second

    he grabbed his guitar and hit the strings. Very loud sound echoed in the whole forest.

    "You see? This is guitar," continued Bro and played some melody. Strange boy's

    scared expression changed into more curios one. He was listening as well as child. As Bro

    was playing all of sudden some very deep tone sounded and it continued in very rhythmic

    way. Bro looked up and saw the strange boy holding his guitar and playing it. When they

    finished the song, child was amused and had to applaud them.

    "Now I know what guitar is. Actually I didn't give it a name. Anyway my name is

    Base." said the strange boy.

    "Inmy forest they call me Child of the forest, but Child should be enough. And this is

    Bro. I just gave him this name. He didn't have any", said Child.

    "Well, I so like your guitar. It is perfect. But you know. I think we should call it Base

    guitar. It is special guitar, bit different than mine," said excited Bro.

    "I don't mind to call it so," smiled Base. All three boys came back to stumps. They sat

    down there and began to chatter. They found out they had a lot of in common. Of course first

    of all was music. What surprised them all was that Bro as well as Base also dreamed about

    their guitars. It must have been the same fairy visiting them, Child thought. Actually he

    blamed fairy Mary of it. Child told Base everything about the hag and his piano. Base

    himself asked them if he could join their journey. Both boys gladly agreed. So now they were

    three if I am counting well.

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    "Are you mad?" suddenly sounded from somewhere behind their backs. Boys turned

    their heads and there was some guy with dark hair and gleaming blue eyes standing, having

    two twigs in hand. The sun behind him made a shadow which gave him monstrous look so

    that boys shivered. "What's going on here?" he said jerkily. "You are sitting on my drums."

    "What?" asked shocked Child, Bro and Base at the same time.

    "These stumps are my drums. You can't be sitting on them. They are made for playing,

    not for sitting. They might get broken and it would get centuries till I made a new ones again."

    said that the blue-eyed with anger in his eyes. Boys instantly jumped on their feet.

    "I have never heard of drums.."said Child but his sentence just wore off in the wind.

    He just watched the blue-eyed as he lightly walked right to his drums. He sat on one of thestumps and began to hit the stumps around with those two twigs. Child having sensitive

    hearing must have covered his ears with hands. It was so loud but as he was watching Bro and

    Base, he was surprised. His friends were smiling and shaking with their heads following the

    rhythm of drums. Then Child moved his sight to blue-eyed. It seemed that the world

    disappeared for him.Another musician, Child thought with hint of smile.

    When it seemed the blue-eyed stopped his playing, Child put down his hands but as he

    observed blue-eyed, he was tapping his feet. Child didn't count till three and blue-eyed again

    hit the drums, this time with bigger strength. "Ahhhhhrrghhh, " Child cried out.

    At once blue - eyed stopped. "What a nice voice do we have here?" said turning his

    head to Child. Child was fighting now with pain in his ears altogether with the fact the strange

    stumps-hitting-guy spoke to him.

    "Nice voice? You almost tore my ears, you..." Child stifled his anger and didn't finish

    his sentence.

    "Me what? I guess you can sing quite well."

    "I used to sing with birds but then I made a piano and ..."Child explained him all.

    How the piano looked like and what happened afterwards. It took some while than Child, Bro

    and Base convinced blue-eyed to go with them. He didn't want to leave behind his drums. In

    the end he agreed because he sensed those boy might be good people for doing music. And so

    they hit the road again.

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    s the time passed our little heroes got closer to each other but also got much

    more closer to hag. Bro knew the way. He already fought the hag but it cost

    him very much. She stole him his first guitar which he took as his baby. He

    made it and he really had strong feelings for his guitar. So he was in the same situation as

    Child but without any friends. That's why he couldn't defeat her. By the time he was even

    younger and how could such a little boy fight against very powerful hag? He was lucky he

    managed to escape. Nevertheless, it didn't stop him. He tried once more but this time he was

    really close to death. He must have given up his effort of getting his guitar back and he made

    new guitar. His days grew brighter knowing he might get his first guitar back with Child's


    The countryside became more ashy and lifeless. Firstly animals started to disappear. A

    walking fawn was the last animal they saw. Everything seemed so sad. Even trees grew

    bowing their trunks as if they were grieving. After few days of journey there, all plants were

    gone and they were wandering just on the dust. Sun was hidden behind clouds. But boys?

    They didn't mind because they were together. Bro and Base were playing their guitars andtime to time Child sang.

    Suddenly the horizon was closer and closer like if they were reaching the end of

    World. Eventually there were only clouds. Bro had to encourage boys to step in the clouds.

    They weren't very keen on going into "nothing". Once they stepped in there, though, the

    clouds parted and boys were facing to huge castle, the hag's castle. Without any pretend they


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    "Weneed a plan" suggested Bro. "We can get back piano and guitar just in case we

    give her something in return. Something she has never seen, she never had, something which

    will show her that piano and guitar are absolutely useless." Child immediately remembered

    the watch which owl Doro gave him. The problem was that the watch wasn't anything special.

    When he put it out of his pocket he found out that it wasn't even working. His idea of giving

    her watch was ...

    "Boys, I got it! What about giving her this watch." Boys looked down to Child's hand

    and gave him glance full of disbelief. It was just watch. "It doesn't work. We can give it to

    her. We can tell her that with this watch the time will stop for her. She won't grow old. "

    "I am not sure if this is going to work but at least we have a pretext to visit her," Bro


    As Bro feared that their plan wouldn't work, actually it didn't. Facing to hag and

    smelling the horrible smell, boys showed her the time-stopping-watch. Once she laughed at

    their faces, showing her teeth which boys didn't rather see. "Do you think I am so stupid and I

    won't let myself deceive by four little cheeky boys? Get out now or I will put you into my

    collection of naughty boys," shouted angrily the hag.

    Boys turned to leave but Child didn't and gave boys very courageous glance. As he

    knew that somewhere here was his piano, something very heroic rose in him. He just stood

    there, burning hag with eyes. Even I was surprised by the amount of hate I could see in his

    eyes right now. Yet nothing happened. This moment lasted so long but suddenly Child move

    with his lips and a very nice tone drew out of his throat. He started to sing. Hag's chin

    lowered. Boys didn't hesitate and joined him. Child was singing about hag, about her sins. She

    couldn't stand it. No one never was honest with her. Bro added his part of grieve she caused to

    him and joined Child singing too. Hag started to moan hearing the truth. Finally. They found

    out her weakness.

    "Stop it. Stop it," she was crying. Boys happily continued. As she was screaming, dark

    lambency came out her throat and she was gone. Her castle went brighter, flowers appeared,

    spider webs flew away and it became a place very worth for a living. Our little heroes

    defeated her. Immediately started searching for a piano and Bro's guitar. They found them

    both in the highest tower covered by loads of dust. The hag couldn't find out how to make

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    those things sound so obviously she would let those precious things rotten in there. They

    carried them both downstairs to main hall and played together hours and hours.

    Child knew that he wouldn't be able to leave his friends now. He knew he couldn't

    leave his piano because it was really heavy to carry back to his forest, to his home. He must

    have accepted that this castle will become his new home and Bro, Base and blue-eyed his new


    Though owl Doro was watching him during whole journey and when they had a break

    she appeared to say to him few words. "My little sweet cute Child. I am so proud of you. You

    defeated her and removed a fear and death from this place. It will be no longer gray, lifeless.

    I wish you luck," and she flew away.

    So this is the end of the legend. And if out little heroes of Dark Lambency didn't die,

    till now they are doing music with all enthusiasm like at the beginning!!