THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 Mr. Lee Neaves spent the week- end at Roaring River. Mrs. W. J. Boiling. cJf Roaring Gap, spent Monday in Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Poindexter spent Tuesday in Winston-Salem. Dr. M. T. Foster, of Mt. Airy, was a business visitor in Elkin Monday. Mr. Carl Poindexter was a busi- ness visitor in Winston-Salem Fri- day. Mr. M. A. Biggs, of Winston-Sa- lem, was a business visitor in Elkin Tuesday. Mr. W, R. Norman, of Rockford. was a business visitor in Elkin last Thursday. Mrs, Hardin Graham and Miss Carolyn Cawthon spent Friday in Winston-Salem. I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mateer. of Greensboro, spent Thursday and Friday in Elkin. Mrs. Frank Whitaker and Miss G*race Snow spent Wednesday and Thursday in Roanoke, Va. G. T. Gates, of Charlotte, was of Mrs. Jack Wooster at last week. John Reich left Saturday for Guilford College, where he will be enrolled for the fall semester. Mr. J. W. Ratledge, proprietor of the Elkin Laundry, made a business trip to Greensboro last Friday. Ben Kirk man returned to N. C. State College at Raleigh, Sunday, where he will resume his studies. Mr. M. C. Norman, of Kapps Mills, was a pleasant caller at The Tribune office while in town Tues- day. Miss Dixie Byrd, of Wiuston-Sa- lem, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Byrd. Mrs. Lucy Cuudiff returned Thursday from Independence, Va.. where she spent the summer months. Miss Bertelle Lineberry is conva- lescing at her on (Iwyn Ave- nue, following an attack of sore throat. Misses Norma and Ola Church spent the week-end in Charlotte, the guests of their sister. Miss Ruby Church. Gwyn and John Franklin returned to Raleigh Sunday, where they will resume their studies at N. C. State College. Messrs. W. A. Neaves, Alex. Chat- ham and Rev. L. B. Abernethy made a business trip to Charlotte Wednes- day. Attorney J. H. W T hicker §nd Mr. G. H. Stantliff, of North Wilkes- boro, were business visitors in El- kin yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hunt spent the week-end in Greensboro, the guests of Mrs. Hunt's sister, Mrs. R. B. Boren and Mr. Boren. Mr. Tommy Shugart left Monday evening for Rochester, N. Y? where he has accepted a position with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Mrs. James Poindexter returned Monday evening from 'Richmond, Va. ( where she was the guest of rel- atives for the past week. Hev. Father Adler of Mount Airy, spent Tuesday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruohs Pyron, at their home at Klondike Farm. Miss Grace Snow returned Satur- day from Christiansburg, Va., where she spent several days, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Price. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Graham spent several days last week in Winaton- Salem, wher e they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vance. Mesdames H. G. Nichols and Fred Cdlhard and children, spent Tuesday afternoon in North Wilkesboro, at- tending the Wilkea County Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichols, of Morganton, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nich- ols, at their home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ring, of High Point, were guests in the home of Mr. Ring's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ring, on Terrace Avenue, last week. Miss Kate Hendrix, of Jamestown, spent last week here, the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. E. C. Kirk- man, at her home on West Main street. Mr. Carl Ring of Ashevillfe, was the guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ring, at their home on Terrace Avenue, Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Miss Isabelle Heiner. of Martins- ville, Va.. is on an extended visit to her 'sister, Mrs. Ray Feldman and Mr. Fe!d»"*n : at their home on West Main street . Mrs. Fred Neaves returned to her home here Mondny, from the Wilkes Hospital at North Wilkesboro, where she has been a patient for several days. , Jpcal Happeriings Miss Julia Comer returned to her home in Dobaon, the latter part of last week, after a visit of several days to Miss Elizabeth Turner, at her home on Circle Court. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wllmoth of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end here, the guests of Mrs. Wilmoth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Reich, at their home on Vine street. Miss Lura Kirkman, of Charlotte, and John Frank Kirkman, of Ral- eigh, spent the week-end here with their mother, Mrs. R. L. Kirkman, at her home qn Wesf Main street. Mr. J. Paul Gilliam, of States- ville, came over Tuesday to assist in npoving the stock of goods of Ray & Gilliam into their new home. He was accompanied here by Mrs. Gil- liam. Mr. R. M. Bates went to Rich- mond. Va., Tuesday, on a business trip. He was accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Eph Whienhunt, who are enjoying a short pleasure trip in that city. Mr. and Mrs. £. A. Cansler, of Lincolnton and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grimes, of Salisbury, were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Wade, at their home on West Main street. Miss Anna Atkinson, who is a stu- dent at Roanoke, Va.. spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, at their home on West Main street. Miss Carolyn Cawtlion returned to her home in Jackson. Tenn., Sunday, after spending the past several months here, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hardin Graham, at her home on Terrace Avenue. Mrs. Andrew Somers returned to her home here Saturday, from the Twin-City Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem, wher e she under- went a series of treatments. Her condition seems more favorable. Mr. J. P. Ipock, John Ipock, Jr., and Attorney E. C. James, who un- derwent tonsil operations /at the Davis Hospital in Statesville, the latter part of last week are con- valescent at their respective homes. MisseS Mary and Lenora Gwyn, of "Green Hill," Wilkes County, at- tended the meeting of the Jonathan Hunt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at the home of Mrs. H. T. Brown, last Thursday. Rev. Eph Whisenhunt attended and assisted in the funeral of Rev. D., P. Bridges, at the First Baptist church in Statesville Thursday af- ternoon. Rev. Bridges was a re- tired Baptist minister and made his home at Newland. Miss Nettie Ball of Saint Louis, Mo., arrived here Sunday *to spend a two weeks' vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Ball, at her home oil West Main street. Mrs. Ball also has as her guest, her son, Ruben Ball, of Kansas City, Mo. Dr. A. W. Dula, eye specialist, of Lenoir, who had planned to be at Hotel Elkin on Sept. 26, has post- poned his visit until October Ist. The ad. elsewhere in this issue gives several dates of his visits to this and nearby places. Mr J. H.' Tharpe went to States- vllle Thursday, where he was the guest of friends and relatives over the week-end. H was accompanied home Sunday by his brother, Mr. J. E. Tharpe and Mrs. Tharpe, of Stateßville, who were his guwts dur- ing the evening. Presiding Elder W. E. Poovey, of Mount Airy, will preach at the Methodist church Sunday evening, at 7:30. This is the final quarterly conference of the year and the fi- nal yearly report will be rendered. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected, also. Mrs. Franklin Hildbrand and lit- tle son. Franklin 11, left today for Jennings, Louisiana, to join Mr. Hildebrand. They will make their home in Jennings, where Mr. Hilde- hrand recently purchased the Jeff Davis Parish News, a semi-weekly newspaper. Mr. Hidebrand was form- er editor and owner of the Elkin Tribune and both he and Mrs. Hilde- brand have many friends here. Miss Ireu e Brown, WHO is a stu- dent at Appalachian State Teachers College, -Boone, spent the week-end the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown, at their home in Jonesville. She brought as her guests Miss Virginia Hunt, of High Point, Miss Lucile Wicker and Miss Lois Ray, of Raleigh, Miss Thelma Gopfert, of Blshopville, S. C., and Messrs. Gilbert Taylor and Chas. Norton, of Boone. Mrs. Chas. Powera, wtio has been spending some time with her fath- er, Mr. R. E. Goodman, at Fries, Va., arrived here Sunday to join her husband who recently accepted a nosttlon wilh *Choate * Browne Pharmacy. She was accompanied to Blkin by her sister and brother, Mls3 Thelma and Mr. Roosevelt Goodman and Mr. J. E. Alderman and Miss Bibel Fielder, who spent a few hours here. THE KI.KI.V TRIBUNE, FLKIN, NORTH CAROLINA WILKES ASKS EARLIER SEASON FOR HUNTING Petition Officials of State Game Board to Move Up Date On Itabbit Hunting A petition has been signed by a large number of Wilkes citizens urg- ing that the open season for rabbit hunting b e moved ftp, whereby lov- ers of the sport might enter th«* fields as early as November 1. The petition was forwarded to State Gam e Warden C. H. England, who has called a .meeting of the citizens of Wilkes to be held at the court- house in Wllkesboro on October 4th, to discuss the advisability of the change in date. The meeting is ex- pected to be attended by many hunt- ers, and as a result of this petition it is not unlikely that others will be circulated in adjoining counties with the same motive in view?to get earlier action in pursuit of Bro. Bunny. KLKIN-HPARTA W'ALTONIANH MEET AT GRAYSTONK INN The Elkin-Sparta Chapter of the Isaac Walton League held its regu- lar September meeting at the Gray- stone Inn, at Roaring Gap Wednes- day evening. Guy Wallace, presi- dent of the chapter was present and presided over the meeting. A high- ly entertaining program was in charge of Alex Chatham. Buck and wing, clog and square dancing were enjoyed and an additional feature of the evening was a five-piece string band. WANTS Would trade large five-room house in Elkin on large lot, for light truck, lots or small farm, or would sell for §ls down and sls per month; can be bought worth the money. See Oscar Martin, Jonesville, N. C. tfc. If you are planning to build soon, don't forget to see my lots in Ar- lington and get my prices and terms. Lots on National High- way. Oscar Martin, Jonesville, N. C. tfc. Calf?Strayed to my home. Owner can get same by paying for keep, describing, and paying for this advertisement. E. F. Lloyd, Thurmond, N. (J!. 9-11 4tc Wanted?A few coon and o'poMsuni hounds, 3 to 5 years old. Must be thoroughly strained, ftlde hunters, and staL'd to tree rabbit-proof. Must come on trial. Will pay reasonable price for good tree dogs.. P. G. Wall, Pilot Mount- ain, N. C. 2tp Have curs and trucks for talc or will trade for wheat drill or other farm machinery. Will also trade for stock. Jim Greenwood. For Salt*?Forty acres of land, 5- room house and outbuildings, some branch bottom, about 25 acres in cultivation, balance in good timber, three miles and one- half from Elkin, on Traphill road. Terms to responsible party. Call or write Mrs. Flossie Fisher, ltp For Sale?Piano, good as new, at a sacrifice price. Mrs. J. W. Willard, Gwyn Avenue. ff^2sp Hair won't grow on a bald head, but our lawn grass does. See "Jimmie," in our window for proof. J. C. Dobbins Co. Strayed to My Home?Bird Dog. Owner can get same by describ- ing, paying for this ad., and feed- ing charges. Roy Eldridge, at Blue Ridge Lodge. 10-2p Ijawiutpur?a more , concentrated plant food for lawns, potted plants, shrubbery and trees, at no higher price. Lawnspur makes it unfavorable for crab grass. J. C. Dobbins Co. For Rent?7-room Western Bunga- low; all modern conveniences. Dr. Wm. R. WeUborn, Elkin. tfc. MARTIN'S, INC. For Sale or R«*nt?fc-room house in West Elkin, 17 acres land; city water, sewer and lights. Rents for $15.00 per month. Will sell house and part of land on easV terms. FOP Sale? lOO-arre farm, 50 acres in fin e timber, 7 miles from Elk- Jn, on National Highway; 3 school buses pass every morning, one to North Elkln school, one to Elkln High school, and one to Mountain Park Institute. Price $2500, SIOOO cash; other on easy terms. For ..Rent?7-room ..bungalow ..in Jonesvile, on paved street. For Rent?3-room house on Miner- al Spring Hill. Home real values for you in real estate now. Remember the choice lots are being bought in our new town of "Ar- lington" very fast. Get yours while you can get what you want. $5.00 down and $5.00 per month on each lot gives you choice. MARTIN'S, INC. BIGOPENINC I SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Z7TH Shell Gasoline and Oil; Goodyear Tires COLD DRINKS, SMOKES, CANDIES, CHEWING GUM, ETC. FREE! FREE! ONE QUART OF OIL WITH PURCHASE OF 5 GALLONS OR MORE OF GASOLINE ON OPENING DAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH. LIMIT ONE QUART FREE OIL TO EACH CUSTO- MER. COME AND GET YOURS! Arnold's Place OPPOSITE BROWN-GRIER IRON WORKS JONESVILLE, N. C. J. W. ARNOLD .... PROPRIETOR f- 1 Welcome to Elkin Former Friends .I ? ' A « WE GLADLY DONATE THIS SPACE IN EX- TENDING A WELCOME TO ELKIN'S VISITORS ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH. MAY THE OCCASION PROVED TO BE WHAT IT WAS IN- - TENDED?A DAY OF INSPIRATION TO THE FARMER, AND THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA OF PROSPERITY THROUGH DIVERSI- FIED FARMING AND MORE SCIENTIFIC METHODS. , / AGAIN WE WELCOME YOU ***** i ? Elkin National Bank "A Home For Your Dollars** ELKIN, N. C- N ' , ?.

THE KI.KI.V Jpcal BIGOPENINC Inewspapers.digitalnc.org › lccn › sn93065738 › 1930-09-25 › ed-1 › seq-5.pdfwhere he will resume his studies. Mr. M. C. Norman, of Kapps Mills,

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Page 1: THE KI.KI.V Jpcal BIGOPENINC Inewspapers.digitalnc.org › lccn › sn93065738 › 1930-09-25 › ed-1 › seq-5.pdfwhere he will resume his studies. Mr. M. C. Norman, of Kapps Mills,


Mr. Lee Neaves spent the week-end at Roaring River.

Mrs. W. J. Boiling. cJf RoaringGap, spent Monday in Elkin.

Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Poindexterspent Tuesday in Winston-Salem.

Dr. M. T. Foster, of Mt. Airy, wasa business visitor in Elkin Monday.

Mr. Carl Poindexter was a busi-ness visitor in Winston-Salem Fri-day.

Mr. M. A. Biggs, of Winston-Sa-lem, was a business visitor in ElkinTuesday.

Mr. W, R. Norman, of Rockford.was a business visitor in Elkin lastThursday.

Mrs, Hardin Graham and MissCarolyn Cawthon spent Friday inWinston-Salem. I

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mateer. ofGreensboro, spent Thursday andFriday in Elkin.

Mrs. Frank Whitaker and Miss

G*race Snow spent Wednesday andThursday in Roanoke, Va.

G. T. Gates, of Charlotte,

was of Mrs. Jack Wooster

at last week.

John Reich left Saturday forGuilford College, where he will beenrolled for the fall semester.

Mr. J. W. Ratledge, proprietor ofthe Elkin Laundry, made a businesstrip to Greensboro last Friday.

Ben Kirk man returned to N. C.State College at Raleigh, Sunday,where he will resume his studies.

Mr. M. C. Norman, of KappsMills, was a pleasant caller at TheTribune office while in town Tues-day.

Miss Dixie Byrd, of Wiuston-Sa-lem, spent the week-end here withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.Byrd.

Mrs. Lucy Cuudiff returnedThursday from Independence, Va..where she spent the summermonths.

Miss Bertelle Lineberry is conva-lescing at her on (Iwyn Ave-

nue, following an attack of sorethroat.

Misses Norma and Ola Churchspent the week-end in Charlotte,the guests of their sister. Miss RubyChurch.

Gwyn and John Franklin returnedto Raleigh Sunday, where they willresume their studies at N. C. StateCollege.

Messrs. W. A. Neaves, Alex. Chat-ham and Rev. L. B. Abernethy madea business trip to Charlotte Wednes-day.

Attorney J. H. WT hicker §nd Mr.G. H. Stantliff, of North Wilkes-boro, were business visitors in El-kin yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hunt spentthe week-end in Greensboro, theguests of Mrs. Hunt's sister, Mrs. R.B. Boren and Mr. Boren.

Mr. Tommy Shugart left Mondayevening for Rochester, N. Y? wherehe has accepted a position with theR. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Mrs. James Poindexter returnedMonday evening from 'Richmond,Va. ( where she was the guest of rel-atives for the past week.

Hev. Father Adler of Mount Airy,

spent Tuesday here, the guests ofMr. and Mrs. Ruohs Pyron, at their

home at Klondike Farm.

Miss Grace Snow returned Satur-

day from Christiansburg, Va., where

she spent several days, the guest

of her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Price.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Graham spent

several days last week in Winaton-Salem, wher e they were the guests

of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vance.

Mesdames H. G. Nichols and Fred

Cdlhard and children, spent Tuesday

afternoon in North Wilkesboro, at-tending the Wilkea County Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichols, of

Morganton, were the week-endguests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nich-ols, at their home on Church street.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ring, of High

Point, were guests in the home of

Mr. Ring's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J.

W. Ring, on Terrace Avenue, last


Miss Kate Hendrix, of Jamestown,

spent last week here, the guest of

her grandmother, Mrs. E. C. Kirk-

man, at her home on West Main


Mr. Carl Ring of Ashevillfe, wasthe guest of his parents, Dr. andMrs. J. W. Ring, at their home onTerrace Avenue, Tuesday and Wed-nesday.

Miss Isabelle Heiner. of Martins-ville, Va.. is on an extended visit toher 'sister, Mrs. Ray Feldman andMr. Fe!d»"*n : at their home on West

Main street .

Mrs. Fred Neaves returned to her

home here Mondny, from the WilkesHospital at North Wilkesboro,

where she has been a patient for

several days. ,

Jpcal HapperiingsMiss Julia Comer returned to her

home in Dobaon, the latter part oflast week, after a visit of severaldays to Miss Elizabeth Turner, ather home on Circle Court.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wllmoth ofWinston-Salem, spent the week-endhere, the guests of Mrs. Wilmoth'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Reich,

at their home on Vine street.

Miss Lura Kirkman, of Charlotte,

and John Frank Kirkman, of Ral-eigh, spent the week-end here withtheir mother, Mrs. R. L. Kirkman,

at her home qn Wesf Main street.

Mr. J. Paul Gilliam, of States-ville, came over Tuesday to assistin npoving the stock of goods of Ray& Gilliam into their new home. Hewas accompanied here by Mrs. Gil-liam.

Mr. R. M. Bates went to Rich-

mond. Va., Tuesday, on a businesstrip. He was accompanied by Rev.and Mrs. Eph Whienhunt, who areenjoying a short pleasure trip inthat city.

Mr. and Mrs. £. A. Cansler, ofLincolnton and Mr. and Mrs. Percy

Grimes, of Salisbury, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.Wade, at their home on West Mainstreet.

Miss Anna Atkinson, who is a stu-dent at Roanoke, Va.. spent theweek-end here with her parents. Mr.and Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, at theirhome on West Main street.

Miss Carolyn Cawtlion returnedto her home in Jackson. Tenn.,Sunday, after spending the past

several months here, the guest ofher aunt, Mrs. Hardin Graham, ather home on Terrace Avenue.

Mrs. Andrew Somers returned toher home here Saturday, from theTwin-City Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem, wher e she under-went a series of treatments. Hercondition seems more favorable.

Mr. J. P. Ipock, John Ipock, Jr.,and Attorney E. C. James, who un-derwent tonsil operations /at theDavis Hospital in Statesville, thelatter part of last week are con-valescent at their respective homes.

MisseS Mary and Lenora Gwyn,of "Green Hill," Wilkes County, at-tended the meeting of the JonathanHunt Chapter of the Daughters ofthe American Revolution, at thehome of Mrs. H. T. Brown, lastThursday.

Rev. Eph Whisenhunt attendedand assisted in the funeral of Rev.D., P. Bridges, at the First Baptistchurch in Statesville Thursday af-ternoon. Rev. Bridges was a re-tired Baptist minister and made hishome at Newland.

Miss Nettie Ball of Saint Louis,Mo., arrived here Sunday *to spenda two weeks' vacation with hermother, Mrs. J. H. Ball, at her homeoil West Main street. Mrs. Ball alsohas as her guest, her son, RubenBall, of Kansas City, Mo.

Dr. A. W. Dula, eye specialist, ofLenoir, who had planned to be atHotel Elkin on Sept. 26, has post-poned his visit until October Ist.The ad. elsewhere in this issuegives several dates of his visits tothis and nearby places.

Mr J. H.' Tharpe went to States-vllle Thursday, where he was theguest of friends and relatives overthe week-end. H was accompaniedhome Sunday by his brother, Mr. J.E. Tharpe and Mrs. Tharpe, ofStateßville, who were his guwts dur-ing the evening.

Presiding Elder W. E. Poovey, ofMount Airy, will preach at theMethodist church Sunday evening,

at 7:30. This is the final quarterly

conference of the year and the fi-nal yearly report will be rendered.Officers for the ensuing year will beelected, also.

Mrs. Franklin Hildbrand and lit-tle son. Franklin 11, left today forJennings, Louisiana, to join Mr.Hildebrand. They will make theirhome in Jennings, where Mr. Hilde-hrand recently purchased the JeffDavis Parish News, a semi-weeklynewspaper. Mr. Hidebrand was form-er editor and owner of the ElkinTribune and both he and Mrs. Hilde-brand have many friends here.

Miss Ireu e Brown, WHO is a stu-dent at Appalachian State TeachersCollege, -Boone, spent the week-endthe guest of her parents, Mr. andMrs. A. L. Brown, at their home inJonesville. She brought as herguests Miss Virginia Hunt, of HighPoint, Miss Lucile Wicker and MissLois Ray, of Raleigh, Miss ThelmaGopfert, of Blshopville, S. C., andMessrs. Gilbert Taylor and Chas.Norton, of Boone.

Mrs. Chas. Powera, wtio has beenspending some time with her fath-er, Mr. R. E. Goodman, at Fries, Va.,arrived here Sunday to join herhusband who recently accepted anosttlon wilh *Choate * BrownePharmacy. She was accompanied toBlkin by her sister and brother, Mls3Thelma and Mr. Roosevelt Goodmanand Mr. J. E. Alderman and MissBibel Fielder, who spent a few hourshere.



Petition Officials of State GameBoard to Move Up Date On

Itabbit Hunting

A petition has been signed by alarge number of Wilkes citizens urg-ing that the open season for rabbithunting b e moved ftp, whereby lov-

ers of the sport might enter th«*fields as early as November 1. Thepetition was forwarded to StateGam e Warden C. H. England, whohas called a .meeting of the citizensof Wilkes to be held at the court-house in Wllkesboro on October 4th,to discuss the advisability of thechange in date. The meeting is ex-pected to be attended by many hunt-ers, and as a result of this petition

it is not unlikely that others willbe circulated in adjoining countieswith the same motive in view?toget earlier action in pursuit of Bro.Bunny.


The Elkin-Sparta Chapter of theIsaac Walton League held its regu-lar September meeting at the Gray-

stone Inn, at Roaring Gap Wednes-day evening. Guy Wallace, presi-dent of the chapter was present andpresided over the meeting. A high-ly entertaining program was incharge of Alex Chatham. Buck andwing, clog and square dancing wereenjoyed and an additional feature ofthe evening was a five-piece stringband.

WANTSWould trade large five-room house

in Elkin on large lot, for lighttruck, lots or small farm, orwould sell for §ls down and slsper month; can be bought worththe money. See Oscar Martin,Jonesville, N. C. tfc.

If you are planning to build soon,don't forget to see my lots in Ar-lington and get my prices andterms. Lots on National High-way. Oscar Martin, Jonesville,N. C. tfc.

Calf?Strayed to my home. Ownercan get same by paying for keep,describing, and paying for thisadvertisement. E. F. Lloyd,

Thurmond, N. (J!. 9-11 4tc

Wanted?A few coon and o'poMsunihounds, 3 to 5 years old. Must bethoroughly strained, ftlde hunters,and staL'd to tree rabbit-proof.Must come on trial. Will payreasonable price for good treedogs.. P. G. Wall, Pilot Mount-ain, N. C. 2tp

Have curs and trucks for talc orwill trade for wheat drill orother farm machinery. Will alsotrade for stock. Jim Greenwood.

For Salt*?Forty acres of land, 5-room house and outbuildings,some branch bottom, about 25acres in cultivation, balance ingood timber, three miles and one-half from Elkin, on Traphill road.Terms to responsible party. Callor write Mrs. Flossie Fisher, ltp

For Sale?Piano, good as new,at a sacrifice price. Mrs. J. W.Willard, Gwyn Avenue. ff^2sp

Hair won't grow on a bald head,but our lawn grass does. See"Jimmie," in our window forproof. J. C. Dobbins Co.

Strayed to My Home?Bird Dog.Owner can get same by describ-ing, paying for this ad., and feed-ing charges. Roy Eldridge, atBlue Ridge Lodge. 10-2p

Ijawiutpur?a more , concentratedplant food for lawns, pottedplants, shrubbery and trees, at nohigher price. Lawnspur makes itunfavorable for crab grass. J. C.Dobbins Co.

For Rent?7-room Western Bunga-low; all modern conveniences.Dr. Wm. R. WeUborn, Elkin. tfc.

MARTIN'S, INC.For Sale or R«*nt?fc-room house

in West Elkin, 17 acres land; city

water, sewer and lights. Rentsfor $15.00 per month. Will sellhouse and part of land on easVterms.

FOP Sale? lOO-arre farm, 50 acresin fine timber, 7 miles from Elk-Jn, on National Highway; 3 schoolbuses pass every morning, one toNorth Elkln school, one to ElklnHigh school, and one to MountainPark Institute. Price $2500,SIOOO cash; other on easy terms.

For ..Rent?7-room ..bungalow ..inJonesvile, on paved street.

For Rent?3-room house on Miner-al Spring Hill.

Home real values for you in realestate now.

Remember the choice lots are beingbought in our new town of "Ar-lington" very fast. Get yourswhile you can get what you want.$5.00 down and $5.00 per monthon each lot gives you choice.



Shell Gasolineand Oil; Goodyear Tires





f- 1

Welcome to ElkinFormer Friends

.I ? '












i ?

Elkin National Bank"A Home For Your Dollars**



, ?.