Durham Social' Notes Of I MRS. SYMINER DA YE Telephone 477-337© TO ATTEND COLLEGE IN FALL Samuel Ward son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ward of 506 Glebe St., Orange New Jersey was among four,local student who will attend senior college next fall with the aid of scholarship granted under a program of the college En- trance Exam Board. Award winners were selected on the basis of academic performance and financial need. Under the program, they will receive partial support for full-time study toward a baccalaureate degree in senior college starting next fall - Mrs. Ward is the daughter of Mrs. Hannah Car- rington 317 Todd St. *** Sympathy to; Uie late Mrs. Hattie Nunn family; the late Mrs. Luzena Bailey family, Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. & Mrs. William Allison, The late Mrs. Hattie Allison family. "Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and migh- ty things which thou knowest not" - Jeremiah 33:3 *** VACATIONING Mr. and Mrs. Bert St. John and Little daughter Ajiri is vacationing with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Hugo St. John in New York City. Mr. Bert St. John is a community organizer *** EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS HOST TO MRS. PARKER The Extension Ho me makers Clob of the Russell Communi- ty met at the home of Mrs. Margaret J. Parker on Feb. 28, 1972 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. De- votion was led by the president Mrs. Burma Dunnegan by sing- ing a hymn followed by the Lord's prayer. Miss Gregory gave a very interesting program on food additives; She gave many reasons for using addi- tives; The 3 main ones were; (1) To improve nutrituve value of foods (2) To enhance the flavor of food (3) To maintain appearante, patatabllity am! wholesomeness to food. After the business meeting, a deli- cious repast was sewed to the following Mesdames Berma Dunnegan, Clyde Harris, Pearl Holman, Carrie Parker, Jean Williams, Pauline Parker, Clara Riley, Francis Harris, Nannie Harris, Margaret J. Parker, Luna Justice, Syminer Daye, Virginia Kenion, Misses Berna- dette Gregory, Vivian Parker, Doris Dunnigan. Members were wery glad to have Mrs. Syminer Daye and Mrs. Virginia Kenion visiting our club. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Luna Justice. Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Irving 912 Jerome Rd. gave an after tournament party Saturday night March 4, 1972 at their home. Lots of friends enjoyed the gala affair. SICK & SHUT IN: Mr. Love Allen, Kent St. Veteran Hosp.; J. H. Solice Linwood Ave., Duke Hosp.; Mrs. Mary Glenn-, Mr. Clarence Tilley, Mrs. S. P. Perry, Lin- coln Hosp., Dr. Johnson, Authur Stanley, Veteran Hosp. Mrs. Magnolia Chalman, Mrs. Geneva Evans, Mrs. Mollie Riley, Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Roslin Glenn Little, Rouge- mont; Renis Mitchell, Mrs. Viola Harris, Mr. Oscar Tapp, Mr. Meredith Mangum, Daniel Morgan, Ed Long, Mrs. Mandy Bass, Mrs. Faye Bullock, Mrs. Eva Talor, Mrs. Irene Long, Mrs. Lona Parker, Nathaniel Brewington, Mrs. Annie Fau- oett, Mrs. Mary B. Bynum, Mr. Joseph Wade, Mr. (Bill) William Carrington, Mrs. Dora Smith Theodore Little, A. C. Cozart, Mrs. Mattie Lyde, Mrs. Ola Cozart, Mr. Witherspoon Dave Morehead, Mrs. Sue Bettie Parker, Harvey Tilley, Mrs. Annie (Dep) Mack, Mrs. Shirley T. Bryant, Washington, D. C. Booker Devaughn Sr. Mrs. Kizzie Lawson, Mrs. Lula Bell Ford, Mrs. Wilhemenia Crossat, Mrs. Alma Weaver, Wilbert Harrison, Mrs. Deliah Hollo way, Lester Moore, Mrs. Viola Smith, Mrs. Leara Parker, Mrs. Nellie Allen, Mr. Thelton Cates, Mrs. Grace Mack. If abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. St. John 15:7. *** RED MOUNTAIN CHURCH IN REGULAR MEETING SUN. The Red Mountain Baptist Church Rouge mont held its regular meeting Sunday, March 5, 1972 at 11 o'clock. Speaker was the pastor Rev. N. Harvey. Rev. Harvey delivered a won- derful message taken from St. Mark 4:40 subject "Fearful Christian Rev. Harvey Chal- lenged use your hands to work, hearts to love and knees for praying, then the program will move on. Let's work together in unity. Music rendered by Junior choir organist Miss Tha- lia Eaton of Creedmoor. Morning prayer by Rev. Sam- uel Evans. The Senior men ushered. *** JUNIOR DAUGHTERS OF DORCAS MEETS The Junior Daughters of Dorcas had a meeting March 3, 1972 at the home of Mrs. Lela O'Neal 804 Grant with the president Mrs. Dorcas Over- by presiding. The meeting was opened by singing club song "Daughter of Dorcas" Lord's Prayer was in unison and fol- lowed with bible verses. Next song "Blessed Assurance" The president Mrs. Overby made a report on the meeting in High Point from the Central District. Project on selling of dish towels by different members was a great success. Secretary Mrs. Louise Moore gave a re- port on progress of the club. Mrs. Overby also asked the dif- ferent member* to go to the High Rise and give aid to the senior citizens in what ever way they would find them in need of. Those enjoyed the delicious repast by the hostess were Mesdames Sarah Smith, Mamie Dunn, Nevater Wall, Louise Moore, Nancy Harris, Esther Davis, Lela O'Neal, Dor- cas Overby. Next meeting will Harris " on "XjprifY,' 1972 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Overby thanked the hostess for a love- ly evening. NEW JERSEY VISITORS Mrs. Jennie B. Evans & son spend a few days with her parents Rev. & Mrs. William Butler, Kent St. Mrs. Butler resides in New Jersey. Mrs. Ella Richardson of Winston- Salem is also spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law Rev. & Mrs. William Butler. WOMEN-INACTION MEETING The regular meeting of the Women-In-Action will be held Monday March 13 at 8:00 p.m. at the Y.W.C.A. Chapel Hill St. The Program chairman, Mrs. Bessie McLaurin, has planned a most interesting and enriching program. Visitors are welcome. All members are urged to be prwpnt Congratulations are in order to Miss Clarissie Lipscomb, a senior at Hillside High School. She has been granted £ scho- larship to study with Paris- American Academy of dance in Paris, France. Clarissie will leave North Carolina, July 1, 1972 and will return August 12, 1972. Before leaving she will attend the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston Salem. While in Paris she will be studying with Mr. Roye Richarde. Other tnan dancing she will do a great deal of touring. Presently she studies three to four hours daily under the direction of Miss Pinkney, in- structor of Physical Education at North Caroling Central Uni- versity. While in Paris she will practice no less than eight hours daily. She will be study- ing modern techniques and bal- let. Cburiisie stated that much time will be spent on exercising creative abilities and to learn how to carry yourself as a dancer. Clarissie was granted this AUDREY L. KEE scholarship on audition and ap- plication basis. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lipscomb. At Hillside she is co-head majo- rette, a member of the Concert Band, Afro-American Society, Girls Athletic Association, Chronicle Staff, Student Coun- cil and Human Relations Com- mittee. Again I say, "Congra- tulations." Hillside is full of many great talents, one such as Mr. Frenchee Wiggins also a senior. After winning the male vocal section of a local talent hunt, he competed in Winston Salem this past weekend and won district first place. He will now enter state competition. Frenchees' accompanist is Miss Paula Harrell. This is it for this week and remember, "To Thine Owreelf Be True." SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1972 THE CAROLINA TIMES?i PREGNANCY PLANNING |FF|| AND HEALTH Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee Dear Mrs. Riggsbee: I am in my forties and think I am going through the change. I have hot flashes and sometimes I am very moody. In fact, ray husband and kids say I am a lot crabbier than I used to be. But I suppose that's just part of the change and they will have to put up with it. What I am really writing about is the way my monthly periods are getting longer in- stead of shorter. I used to flow for about five days each time, but now the flow lasts ten days or two weeks sometimes. Do you think this is why I feel tired and weak most of the time? Also, I feel like my heart is pounding at times. life, or menopause, and this us- ually can be taken care of quite easily by a prescription your dortor can give you. Nowadays, women do not have to put up with these symptoms as they used to. The excessive bleeding you are having, however, is not nor- mal and is probably the cause for the weakness you feel and the pounding of your heart. The doctor will want to find out the cause for the heavy flow and correct it. Often this is caused by one or more fi- broid tumors, which are quite common and are very seldom cancerous, although a Pap smear test to rule out the possi- bility of cancer should be done. Even a fibroid tumor as small as a marble could cause the trouble, depending on its position in the uterus. So, please be sure to see a doctor at once. There is no need for you to suffer as you are now when help is available. And think how pleased your family will be to have you healthy and happy again! *** Dear Gloria: I always wanted to have two children, but I had four before I learned the truth about birth control. I used to go to the drug store and buy tablets and douche powders that were advertised for "fe- minine hygiene." After each baby I would try something new, but; none of those pro- ducts worked. A while back, a friend told me about reading in your column that the things I had been using for birth control were not any good for that purpose, but were just deodo- rants or disinfectants. I think the kind of advertis- ing done for some of these pro- ducts is misleading. I hope other young wives will read this and not make my mis- take--and maybe they won't have to learn the hard way like I did! Mrs. G.T. Dear Mrs. G. T.: Thank you for your letter reminding me to caution my readers once again about these "feminine hygiene." Do not depend on any of them for effective contraception. Douch- ing, with or without powders, soap, lemon juice, vinegar or whatever, is not a good method of birth control, as you have found out. Emorywoods Garden Club Heels Wi Mrs. Lizzie M. Crews The Emorywoods Garden j Club met at the home of Mrs. Lizzie M. Crews Satruday, February 26, at 5 p.m. Mrs. Doris Reddrick, president, pre- sided. The garden gate was opened by Mrs. Gwendolyn Haskins who led the club in singing "I Come to the Garden Alone," followed by the | Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Katie Leathers present- Williams Family Circle Holds Monthly Meet Ed Mrs. R. P. Randolph, our guest speaker, who gave a very interesting and informative talk on caring for birds, trees, shrubbery, and flowers. She made special mention of our state bird, the cardinal, and our state flower, the dogwood. A question and answer period folk)wed. Mrs. -Elnora Smith, president of the Garden Clubs of Durham Council, accom- panied Mrs. Randolph. She read a beautiful poem entitled "Climb Until Your Dreams Come True," and dedicated it to the members of Emorywood Garden Club. Mrs. Vermelle Johnston re- ported on the Mini-flower show planned by our club for Mother's Day, May 14, in the Student Union Building on the campus of North Carolina Cen- tral University. The flower show to be held by the Gar- den Council in May was also discussed. Please tell me if this is nor- mal for a woman going through the change of life. Mrs. B. P. Dear Mrs. B. P.: The regular monthly meet- ing of the Williams Family Circle was held at the Time Square Night Club, Thursday, March 2, with Mrs. Lucy Mit- chell serving as hostess. The Meaning of Easter was the theme of the devotional services led by Mrs. Josephine Plummer, Mrs. Mitchell's daughter. Members present were: Mesdames Florence Aldridge, Doris Armstrong, Herman Green, Gwendolyn Haskins, Vermelle Johnston, Katie Leathers, Evelyn Lowtt, Doris Reddrick, and Alexin® Whit- ted. I am so glad you wrote to me about this because I can tell you right now that it is not normal for you to feel the way you do, nor it Is normal for you to flow as long as two weeks. I want you to make an appointment either at the health department or with your doctor as soon as possible and tell him all that you have told me. The meeting was presided over by Ellis L. Allen, presi- dent of the Circle who compli- mented Artis Plummer, co- owner of the club and a mem* ber of the Williams family for bringing to Durham such a beautiful and well equipped facility for night entertain- ment. Ym'll lovt Th« duty »ho« with fully contoured comfort \\»»y 9&scee Q/ti/jinShoei Downtown Durh Miss Cloyce M. Lassiter, special project coordinator, gave a progress report on the trip planned by The Family Circle when Mr. and Mrs. Charles Massenburg, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and Charles Atlas Datis Will htist the Juty meeting of the Williams Family in Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. B. V. Allen made an appeal to all present to join the march against Sickle Cell Di- sease by taking advantage of the free test given by the Black Health Alliance of Durham. There were twenty-eight members and three guests pre- sent at the meeting. The April meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew Mitchell on Ridgeway Avenue. "Hot flashes" and moodi- ness such as you describe are common complaints of women going through the change of er of Mr. and Mrs. Venore Alston. Gina Jones celebrated her fourth birthday. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jones. *\u2666* ANNUAL YOUTH DAY TO BE OBSERVED The youth will be in action all day. Superintendent of Sun day School, Michael Fike; Secretary, Miss Mayne Webb; Asst., Patricia Best; Teachers; Miss Trudie Watson, Ella Wat- son, Terri Cornigans, Patsy Merritt, Audrey Langley, Clark Richardson, and Cherry Richardson. wanted pregnancy after their family is complete). If you would like more in- formation about the opera- tions for tying a woman's tubes (called tubal ligation) or tying a man's tubes (a vasectomy), write me for a free booklet. Address letters for booklets or for answers to any questions to: Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee, 214 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 The following youth will serve: Miss Terri Cornigans, presiding; Terry Livingston, Cherry Richardson, Gary Mit- chell', Clark Richardson, Eu- gene Jacob, Audrey Langley, Trudie Watson, Ella Watson, Mayne Webb and Trudie Best. The Durham County Junior Missionary Union will also meet at 3:00. All juniors and supervisors are asked to attend. I would like to suggest, Mrs. T., that if you and your hus- band are sure that you do not want any more children, you consider a permanent method of birth control, such as having your tubes tied or your hus- band having a vasectomy, which is the very simple opera- tion to tie a man's tubes. Hie vasectomy can be done in a doctor's office, is painless and only takes about 15 minutes. It does not affect the man's sex life in any way (although some couples say that their sex life improves because they do not have to worry about an un- ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT HOME Washington's Birthday was the occasion for Mrs. Rebecca Haskins to entertain a few of her friends with a luncheon at her home on Fairview Street. A most delicious repast was served to all. Guests participating in this lovely affair were Mrs. Belvin Mitchell, Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs. Anna P. Hogan and Mrs. Verna Brown. DILLARD'S BAR-DO Fayetteville Rd. Phone 544-1105 Mrs. Mitchell thanked the hostess for the gracious hospi- tality enjoyed by all. For Sale VA Home READY FOR OCCUPANCY No Discrimination - Anyone Can Buy 1114 HOLLOWAY STREET?6 rooms, Frame and Asbestos, Price $7,500, cash down payment S2OO balance payable in 180 monthly installments of $67.68 each including principal payments. plus interest at an annual percentage rate of 7V4%. SEE ANY LICENSED BROKER OR CALL ; VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Winston-Salem, N. C. 723-9211 Ext. 226 i Wr _ -'a| i \u25a0* . - BUBBLING NEW PERSONALITY Margaret Avery appears opposite Raymond St. Jacques in "Cool Breeze." The excit- ing new film opening soon is about a group of "brothers" executing a three million dollar diamond Jobbery. Thalmus Rasulala, Jim Watkins, Lincoln Kilpatrick and Judy Pace also star. Miss Avery was mest recently seen on the CBS- TV movie, "Something Evil." JML Rambling Mro^Vlrglnla j LYON PARK GARDEN CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. MARY HARDY The Lyon Park Garden Club met recently with Mrs. Mary Hardy. Devotionals was led by Mrs. Mae Webb. The meeting was presided over by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Annie Bell Green. The following members were present: Mesdames Mae Willie Webb, Elnora Smith, Annie Belle Green, Victoria Joyner, Mattie Cantry, Willie Sneed, Mable Free land, Helen McClain, Alice H. Williams, Mary Hardy and Miss Aiine Mebane. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Virginia Haskins. A delicious wpast was served. Mrs. Willie Sneed thanked the hostess for an enjoyable evening. Mrs. Einora Smith also dis- cussed the Flower Show. She is the President of the Council. *** MISS HOLLINGER YOUTH DAY SPEAKER Miss Wonda Jean Hollinger will speak for the Youth De- partment of First Calvary Bap- test Church, March 12, at 11:00 o'clock service for the Annual Youth Day. Rev. A. L. Thompson is the minister. Miss Hollinger is a rising senior at Shaw University ma- joring in Elementary Educa- tion, President of the Lott Cary Youth Department, For- eigh Missionary U.S.A., Inc. She is now preparing herself to teach in the Lott Cary Mis- sionary in Liberia, West Africa. Mrs. Alice H. Williams is the supervisor and Miss Mayne Webb is president and Miss Trudil Watson serves as secre- tary. LES FLEURS GARDEN CLUB HEARS CONSULTANT The Les Fleurs Garden Club held its last monthly meeting at the beautiful home of Mrs. W. H. McLaughlin on Cecil Street. The meeting opened with the club song "Thank God for a Garden," followed by a poem "Little Seed of Love" for human relation week and then prayer. Plans were made for the forth coming flower show with the committee offering sugges- tions for entries. The club had as a consul- tant, Carl D. Hodges, Durham County farm agent. Hodges gave very pertinent informa- tion the care of shrubbery after the cold wave. The sud- den change in weather damag- ed many shrubs. He advised extra fertilizing of shrubs and soil testing. Hodges discussed steps in developing beautiful lawns, the kinds of seeds to plant and the types of fertilizer to use. A question and answer period followed a most informative and interesting lecture on Aze- lean and other shrubs. Members present were Mrs. James Mason, Mrs. John Ma- son, Mrs. H. C. Davis, Mrs. J P. Thorpe, Mrs. E. N. Toole. Mrs. Clyde Lloyd, Mrs. C. L. Cox, Mrs. S. L. Dudley, Mrs. John O. Smith, Mrs. F. D. Wray, Mrs. Palmer L. Perkins, Sr., and the hostess Mrs. Wil- liam H. McLaughlin. SENIOR DAUGHTERS OF DORCAS MEET AT YWCA THURSDAY The Senior Daughters of Dorcas met at the Harriet Tub man YWCA Thursday evening, March 2, with Mrs. W. J. Ken- ned, Jr. as hostess. Following the devotion a collection for the penny a pound weight ral- ly proved to be profitable as well as amusing. Plans were made for a spring tour of the Research Triangle area. Mrs. Julia Harris was com- plimented for her service dur- ing her reign as president of the Senior Citizens organiza- tion. The meeting was largely attended and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Gazelle P. Lipscomb is the president of the club. *#* FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Mrs. Gladys Parker of 617 Dunbar St. celebrated her birthday on February 29. The occasion brought many cards and gifts from friends. Mrs. Parker is a member of the Faitfiful Redeemed Bible Class of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. *** SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY College view nursery pupils sang Happy Birthday to two of their fellow pupils. Tara Alston celebrated her second birthday, February 23. She is the daught- Today's Scene By AUDREY KEE 5A

Durham Social' Notes Of Inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1972-03-11/ed-1/... · 1972-03-11 · Durham Social' Notes Of I MRS. SYMINER DAYE Telephone 477-337© TO ATTEND COLLEGE

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Page 1: Durham Social' Notes Of Inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1972-03-11/ed-1/... · 1972-03-11 · Durham Social' Notes Of I MRS. SYMINER DAYE Telephone 477-337© TO ATTEND COLLEGE

Durham Social'Notes Of I

MRS. SYMINER DAYE Telephone 477-337©


Samuel Ward son of Mr.andMrs. George Ward of 506Glebe St., Orange New Jerseywas among four,local studentwho will attend senior collegenext fall with the aid of

scholarship granted under aprogram of the college En-trance Exam Board. Awardwinners were selected on thebasis of academic performanceand financial need. Under theprogram, they will receivepartial support for full-timestudy toward a baccalaureatedegree in senior college startingnext fall - Mrs. Ward is thedaughter of Mrs. Hannah Car-rington 317 Todd St.


Sympathy to; Uie late Mrs.Hattie Nunn family; the lateMrs. Luzena Bailey family,Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. & Mrs.William Allison, The late Mrs.Hattie Allison family. "Callunto me and I will answer theeand shew thee great and migh-ty things which thou knowest

not" - Jeremiah 33:3***

VACATIONINGMr. and Mrs. Bert St. John

and Little daughter Ajiri isvacationing with his parents

Mr. & Mrs. Hugo St. John in

New York City. Mr. Bert St.John is a community organizer



The Extension Ho me makersClob of the Russell Communi-ty met at the home of Mrs.Margaret J. Parker on Feb. 28,1972 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. De-votion was led by the presidentMrs. Burma Dunnegan by sing-ing a hymn followed by theLord's prayer. Miss Gregorygave a very interesting programon food additives; She gavemany reasons for using addi-tives; The 3 main ones were;(1) To improve nutrituve valueof foods (2) To enhance the

flavor of food (3) To maintainappearante, patatabllity am!wholesomeness to food. Afterthe business meeting, a deli-cious repast was sewed to thefollowing Mesdames BermaDunnegan, Clyde Harris, PearlHolman, Carrie Parker, JeanWilliams, Pauline Parker, ClaraRiley, Francis Harris, NannieHarris, Margaret J. Parker,Luna Justice, Syminer Daye,Virginia Kenion, Misses Berna-dette Gregory, Vivian Parker,Doris Dunnigan. Members werewery glad to have Mrs. SyminerDaye and Mrs. Virginia Kenionvisiting our club. Next meetingwill be held at the home of

Mrs. Luna Justice.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Irving912 Jerome Rd. gave an aftertournament party Saturdaynight March 4, 1972 at their

home. Lots of friends enjoyedthe gala affair.

SICK & SHUT IN:Mr. Love Allen, Kent St.

Veteran Hosp.; J. H. Solice

Linwood Ave., Duke Hosp.;Mrs. Mary Glenn-, Mr. ClarenceTilley, Mrs. S. P. Perry, Lin-coln Hosp., Dr. Johnson,Authur Stanley, Veteran Hosp.Mrs. Magnolia Chalman, Mrs.Geneva Evans, Mrs. MollieRiley, Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs.

Roslin Glenn Little, Rouge-mont; Renis Mitchell, Mrs.

Viola Harris, Mr. Oscar Tapp,Mr. Meredith Mangum, DanielMorgan, Ed Long, Mrs. MandyBass, Mrs. Faye Bullock, Mrs.Eva Talor, Mrs. Irene Long,Mrs. Lona Parker, NathanielBrewington, Mrs. Annie Fau-

oett, Mrs. Mary B. Bynum,

Mr. Joseph Wade, Mr. (Bill)William Carrington, Mrs. DoraSmith Theodore Little, A. C.Cozart, Mrs. Mattie Lyde, Mrs.

Ola Cozart, Mr. Witherspoon

Dave Morehead, Mrs. SueBettie Parker, Harvey Tilley,Mrs. Annie (Dep) Mack, Mrs.

Shirley T. Bryant, Washington,D. C. Booker Devaughn Sr.Mrs. Kizzie Lawson, Mrs. Lula

Bell Ford, Mrs. WilhemeniaCrossat, Mrs. Alma Weaver,Wilbert Harrison, Mrs. DeliahHollo way, Lester Moore, Mrs.

Viola Smith, Mrs. Leara Parker,Mrs. Nellie Allen, Mr. Thelton

Cates, Mrs. Grace Mack.If y« abide in me, and my

words abide in you, ye shallask what ye will, and it shall be

done unto you. St. John 15:7.***


The Red Mountain BaptistChurch Rouge mont held its

regular meeting Sunday, March5, 1972 at 11 o'clock. Speakerwas the pastor Rev. N. Harvey.Rev. Harvey delivered a won-derful message taken from St.Mark 4:40 subject "FearfulChristian Rev. Harvey Chal-lenged use your hands to work,hearts to love and knees forpraying, then the program will

move on. Let's work togetherin unity. Music rendered byJunior choir organist Miss Tha-lia Eaton of Creedmoor.Morning prayer by Rev. Sam-uel Evans. The Senior menushered.



The Junior Daughters ofDorcas had a meeting March3, 1972 at the home of Mrs.Lela O'Neal 804 Grant withthe president Mrs. Dorcas Over-by presiding. The meeting wasopened by singing club song"Daughter of Dorcas" Lord'sPrayer was in unison and fol-lowed with bible verses. Nextsong "Blessed Assurance" Thepresident Mrs. Overby made areport on the meeting in HighPoint from the Central District.Project on selling of dish

towels by different memberswas a great success. SecretaryMrs. Louise Moore gave a re-port on progress of the club.Mrs. Overby also asked the dif-ferent member* to go to theHigh Rise and give aid to thesenior citizens in what everway they would find them inneed of.

Those enjoyed the deliciousrepast by the hostess wereMesdames Sarah Smith,Mamie Dunn, Nevater Wall,Louise Moore, Nancy Harris,Esther Davis, Lela O'Neal, Dor-cas Overby. Next meeting will


on "XjprifY,'1972 at8 o'clock. Mrs. Overbythanked the hostess for a love-

ly evening.

NEW JERSEY VISITORSMrs. Jennie B. Evans & son

spend a few days with herparents Rev. & Mrs. WilliamButler, Kent St. Mrs. Butlerresides in New Jersey. Mrs.Ella Richardson of Winston-Salem is also spending a fewweeks with her daughter andson-in-law Rev. & Mrs. WilliamButler.


The regular meeting of the

Women-In-Action will be held

Monday March 13 at 8:00 p.m.at the Y.W.C.A. Chapel HillSt.

The Program chairman, Mrs.Bessie McLaurin, has planned amost interesting and enrichingprogram. Visitors are welcome.

All members are urged tobe prwpnt

Congratulations are in orderto Miss Clarissie Lipscomb, asenior at Hillside High School.She has been granted £ scho-larship to study with Paris-American Academy of dancein Paris, France. Clarissie willleave North Carolina, July 1,1972 and will return August12, 1972. Before leaving shewill attend the North CarolinaSchool of the Arts in WinstonSalem.

While in Paris she will bestudying with Mr. RoyeRicharde. Other tnan dancingshe will do a great deal of

touring.Presently she studies three

to four hours daily under the

direction of Miss Pinkney, in-structor of Physical Educationat North Caroling Central Uni-versity. While in Paris she willpractice no less than eighthours daily. She will be study-ing modern techniques and bal-let. Cburiisie stated that muchtime will be spent on exercisingcreative abilities and to learnhow to carry yourself as adancer.

Clarissie was granted this


scholarship on audition and ap-plication basis.

She is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. George Lipscomb. At

Hillside she is co-head majo-rette, a member of the ConcertBand, Afro-American Society,Girls Athletic Association,Chronicle Staff, Student Coun-cil and Human Relations Com-mittee. Again I say, "Congra-tulations."

Hillside is full of many greattalents, one such as Mr.Frenchee Wiggins also a senior.After winning the male vocalsection of a local talent hunt,he competed in WinstonSalem this past weekend andwon district first place. He willnow enter state competition.Frenchees' accompanist is Miss

Paula Harrell.This is it for this week and

remember, "To Thine OwreelfBe True."




Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee

Dear Mrs. Riggsbee:I am in my forties and

think I am going through thechange. I have hot flashes and

sometimes I am very moody.In fact, ray husband and kidssay I am a lot crabbier than Iused to be. But I supposethat's just part of the changeand they will have to put up

with it.

What I am really writingabout is the way my monthlyperiods are getting longer in-stead of shorter. I used to flow

for about five days each time,but now the flow lasts ten daysor two weeks sometimes. Doyou think this is why I feeltired and weak most of thetime? Also, Ifeel like my heart

is pounding at times.

life, or menopause, and this us-ually can be taken care of

quite easily by a prescriptionyour dortor can give you.Nowadays, women do not have

to put up with these symptomsas they used to.

The excessive bleeding youare having, however, is not nor-mal and is probably the causefor the weakness you feel andthe pounding of your heart.The doctor will want to findout the cause for the heavyflow and correct it. Often thisis caused by one or more fi-broid tumors, which are quitecommon and are very seldomcancerous, although a Papsmear test to rule out the possi-bility of cancer should bedone. Even a fibroid tumor assmall as a marble could causethe trouble, depending on itsposition in the uterus.

So, please be sure to see adoctor at once. There is noneed for you to suffer as youare now when help is available.And think how pleased your

family will be to have youhealthy and happy again!


Dear Gloria:I always wanted to have

two children, but I had fourbefore I learned the truth

about birth control. I used togo to the drug store and buytablets and douche powdersthat were advertised for "fe-minine hygiene." After eachbaby I would try somethingnew, but; none of those pro-ducts worked.

A while back, a friend toldme about reading in yourcolumn that the things I hadbeen using for birth controlwere not any good for thatpurpose, but were just deodo-rants or disinfectants.

I think the kind of advertis-ing done for some of these pro-ducts is misleading. I hopeother young wives will readthis and not make my mis-

take--and maybe they won'thave to learn the hard way

like I did!Mrs. G.T.

Dear Mrs. G. T.:

Thank you for your letterreminding me to caution myreaders once again about these

"feminine hygiene." Do notdepend on any of them foreffective contraception. Douch-ing, with or without powders,soap, lemon juice, vinegar orwhatever, is not a good methodof birth control, as you havefound out.

Emorywoods Garden Club HeelsWi Mrs. Lizzie M. CrewsThe Emorywoods Garden j

Club met at the home of Mrs.Lizzie M. Crews Satruday,February 26, at 5 p.m. Mrs.Doris Reddrick, president, pre-

sided. The garden gate was

opened by Mrs. GwendolynHaskins who led the club insinging "I Come to the Garden

Alone," followed by the |Lord's Prayer in unison.

Mrs. Katie Leathers present-

Williams FamilyCircle HoldsMonthly Meet

Ed Mrs. R. P. Randolph, our

guest speaker, who gave a very

interesting and informative talk

on caring for birds, trees,shrubbery, and flowers. She

made special mention of ourstate bird, the cardinal, and

our state flower, the dogwood.A question and answer periodfolk)wed. Mrs. -Elnora Smith,president of the Garden Clubsof Durham Council, accom-panied Mrs. Randolph. Sheread a beautiful poem entitled

"Climb Until Your DreamsCome True," and dedicated it

to the members of EmorywoodGarden Club.

Mrs. Vermelle Johnston re-

ported on the Mini-flower

show planned by our club forMother's Day, May 14, in theStudent Union Building on the

campus of North Carolina Cen-tral University. The flowershow to be held by the Gar-

den Council in May was alsodiscussed.

Please tell me if this is nor-mal for a woman goingthrough the change of life.

Mrs. B. P.Dear Mrs. B. P.:

The regular monthly meet-

ing of the Williams FamilyCircle was held at the TimeSquare Night Club, Thursday,March 2, with Mrs. Lucy Mit-chell serving as hostess.

The Meaning of Easter wasthe theme of the devotionalservices led by Mrs. JosephinePlummer, Mrs. Mitchell'sdaughter.

Members present were:Mesdames Florence Aldridge,Doris Armstrong, HermanGreen, Gwendolyn Haskins,Vermelle Johnston, KatieLeathers, Evelyn Lowtt, DorisReddrick, and Alexin® Whit-ted.

I am so glad you wrote tome about this because I cantell you right now that it is notnormal for you to feel the wayyou do, nor it Is normal foryou to flow as long as twoweeks. I want you to make anappointment either at thehealth department or withyour doctor as soon as possibleand tell him all that you havetold me.

The meeting was presidedover by Ellis L. Allen, presi-dent of the Circle who compli-mented Artis Plummer, co-owner of the club and a mem*

ber of the Williams family forbringing to Durham such abeautiful and well equippedfacility for night entertain-ment.

Ym'll lovt

Th«duty »ho«

with fullycontouredcomfort



Downtown Durh

Miss Cloyce M. Lassiter,special project coordinator,gave a progress report on thetrip planned by The FamilyCircle when Mr. and Mrs.Charles Massenburg, Mr. andMrs. William Davis and CharlesAtlas Datis Will htist the Jutymeeting of the Williams Familyin Baltimore, Maryland.

Mrs. B. V. Allen made anappeal to all present to join the

march against Sickle Cell Di-sease by taking advantage ofthe free test given by the BlackHealth Alliance of Durham.

There were twenty-eightmembers and three guests pre-sent at the meeting.

The April meeting will be

held with Mr. and Mrs. Mat-thew Mitchell on RidgewayAvenue.

"Hot flashes" and moodi-ness such as you describe arecommon complaints of womengoing through the change of

er of Mr. and Mrs. VenoreAlston. Gina Jones celebratedher fourth birthday. Daughterof Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jones.



The youth will be in actionall day. Superintendent of Sunday School, Michael Fike;Secretary, Miss Mayne Webb;Asst., Patricia Best; Teachers;Miss Trudie Watson, Ella Wat-son, Terri Cornigans, PatsyMerritt, Audrey Langley, Clark

Richardson, and CherryRichardson. wanted pregnancy after their

family is complete).

If you would like more in-

formation about the opera-

tions for tying a woman's tubes(called tubal ligation) or tyinga man's tubes (a vasectomy),write me for a free booklet.

Address letters for booklets orfor answers to any questionsto: Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee, 214Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill,N.C. 27514

The following youth will

serve: Miss Terri Cornigans,presiding; Terry Livingston,Cherry Richardson, Gary Mit-

chell', Clark Richardson, Eu-gene Jacob, Audrey Langley,

Trudie Watson, Ella Watson,Mayne Webb and Trudie Best.

The Durham County JuniorMissionary Union will also

meet at 3:00. All juniors andsupervisors are asked to attend.

I would like to suggest, Mrs.T., that if you and your hus-band are sure that you do notwant any more children, youconsider a permanent methodof birth control, such as havingyour tubes tied or your hus-band having a vasectomy,which is the very simple opera-

tion to tie a man's tubes. Hievasectomy can be done in adoctor's office, is painless andonly takes about 15 minutes.It does not affect the man'ssex life in any way (althoughsome couples say that their sexlife improves because they donot have to worry about an un-


HOMEWashington's Birthday was

the occasion for Mrs. RebeccaHaskins to entertain a few ofher friends with a luncheon ather home on Fairview Street.

A most delicious repast wasserved to all.

Guests participating in thislovely affair were Mrs. BelvinMitchell, Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs.

Anna P. Hogan and Mrs. VernaBrown.


Fayetteville Rd. Phone 544-1105

Mrs. Mitchell thanked the

hostess for the gracious hospi-tality enjoyed by all.


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BUBBLING NEW PERSONALITY Margaret Avery appearsopposite Raymond St. Jacques in "Cool Breeze." The excit-ing new film opening soon is about a group of "brothers"executing a three million dollar diamond Jobbery. ThalmusRasulala, Jim Watkins, Lincoln Kilpatrick and Judy Pacealso star. Miss Avery was mest recently seen on the CBS-TV movie, "Something Evil."

JML Rambling



The Lyon Park Garden Clubmet recently with Mrs. MaryHardy. Devotionals was led byMrs. Mae Webb. The meetingwas presided over by the Presi-dent, Mrs. Annie Bell Green.

The following memberswere present: Mesdames MaeWillie Webb, Elnora Smith,Annie Belle Green, VictoriaJoyner, Mattie Cantry, WillieSneed, Mable Free land, HelenMcClain, Alice H. Williams,Mary Hardy and Miss AiineMebane. The next meeting willbe held at the home of Mrs.Virginia Haskins. A deliciouswpast was served. Mrs. WillieSneed thanked the hostess foran enjoyable evening.

Mrs. Einora Smith also dis-cussed the Flower Show. She isthe President of the Council.



Miss Wonda Jean Hollingerwill speak for the Youth De-partment of First Calvary Bap-test Church, March 12, at11:00 o'clock service for theAnnual Youth Day. Rev. A. L.Thompson is the minister.

Miss Hollinger is a risingsenior at Shaw University ma-joring in Elementary Educa-tion, President of the LottCary Youth Department, For-eigh Missionary U.S.A., Inc.She is now preparing herself toteach in the Lott Cary Mis-sionary in Liberia, West Africa.

Mrs. Alice H. Williams is thesupervisor and Miss MayneWebb is president and Miss

Trudil Watson serves as secre-tary.


The Les Fleurs Garden Clubheld its last monthly meetingat the beautiful home of Mrs.W. H. McLaughlin on CecilStreet. The meeting openedwith the club song "ThankGod for a Garden," followedby a poem "Little Seed ofLove" for human relationweek and then prayer.

Plans were made for the

forth coming flower show withthe committee offering sugges-

tions for entries.

The club had as a consul-tant, Carl D. Hodges, DurhamCounty farm agent. Hodgesgave very pertinent informa-tion the care of shrubberyafter the cold wave. The sud-den change in weather damag-ed many shrubs. He advisedextra fertilizing of shrubs and

soil testing.Hodges discussed steps in

developing beautiful lawns, the

kinds of seeds to plant andthe types of fertilizer to use. Aquestion and answer periodfollowed a most informativeand interesting lecture on Aze-lean and other shrubs.

Members present were Mrs.James Mason, Mrs. John Ma-son, Mrs. H. C. Davis, Mrs. JP. Thorpe, Mrs. E. N. Toole.Mrs. Clyde Lloyd, Mrs. C. L.Cox, Mrs. S. L. Dudley, Mrs.John O. Smith, Mrs. F. D.Wray, Mrs. Palmer L. Perkins,Sr., and the hostess Mrs. Wil-liam H. McLaughlin.


The Senior Daughters ofDorcas met at the Harriet Tub

man YWCA Thursday evening,March 2, with Mrs. W. J. Ken-ned, Jr. as hostess. Followingthe devotion a collection forthe penny a pound weight ral-ly proved to be profitable aswell as amusing. Plans were

made for a spring tour of the

Research Triangle area.Mrs. Julia Harris was com-

plimented for her service dur-ing her reign as president ofthe Senior Citizens organiza-tion. The meeting was largelyattended and was enjoyed byall. Mrs. Gazelle P. Lipscombis the president of the club.


FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYSMrs. Gladys Parker of 617

Dunbar St. celebrated herbirthday on February 29. Theoccasion brought many cardsand gifts from friends. Mrs.

Parker is a member of the

Faitfiful Redeemed Bible Classof Mt. Vernon Baptist Church.


SING HAPPY BIRTHDAYCollege view nursery pupils

sang Happy Birthday to two oftheir fellow pupils. Tara Alstoncelebrated her second birthday,February 23. She is the daught-

Today's SceneBy AUDREY KEE
