: V"■ T= 4 # 5^ ajB # SjK ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Idaho Republican fair. The premium* this year are, in the most eases, three times ns I a rtfe as the first year's premiums, and twice a large as those of a year ago, and com- part very favorably .with the premiums of the state fair at Boise. To assume that a fair would be thing without a racing program is simply idiotic. that Pocatello would have come with a special train and the crowd that turned out ou July 35th to anything but a good racing program? Cut out the ing from the association meeting and the gate receipts would only pay the gatekeepers salary. Besides this, the racing feature is bringing better horses into the country. The fellow who knocks the racing feature of the fair should be made to drive over these dusty roads the rest of his natural life with a mile an hour team. As to the article being heavily padded, if we had not had some padding to goffersome sugges- tions and warnings for considera- tion, we should have held peace. Bestowing better premi- ums on the apple and pumpkin,or directing more attention to then! through the press is precise- ly what this locality needs to make the fait* and many other things prosper. Up to the present time, within a short time of the fair, representative farmers are express- ing indifference about bringing products to the fair, because, as they say, no product of the soil, no matter how staple a crop it is, has been given a premium suffic- iently valuable to waken an inter- est among competitors. The man- agement of the fair has a very dif- ficult task to perform in this matter because there is such a great diversity of products to be considered, and this makes it all the more necessary that the press use its influence to direct attention to our resources and thus aid the work. The press has some duties to perform in awakening interest in the fair, and it is shirking its duty if it remains silent. Thk Republican did not suggest omit- ing the race program as the Dem- ocrat intimated that it did, but suggested that care be exercised to secure the co-operation of those who are engaged in agricultural pursuits;and this suggestion was intended for press representatives as well as for officers of the fair. Had the suggestion been taken kindly by our contemporary, and "acted upon in the spirit of fairness with the good of the community in view, had he not arraigned us unfairly and added ridicule to mis- leading statements, we could liaye refrained from asking what the paper around the corner has done to arouse interest in the planting of better seeds and ciops, the up- building of public institutions and the cultivation of the spirit of progress. Democratic Nominees Withdraw Karl Bayne of Ada county, who was nominated for attorney gen- eral on the same ticket withdrew, giving as his reason that he had not yet attained the age required for qualifying for that office. W. li. IStnfHebeam, nominee for state auditor, on learning of the action of the convention, ten- dered his declination, saying that his business affairs were such that lie could not consider the matter of accepting the place on the ticket. The Bingham Count;, Democrat £ H i\ohhiim of Pocatello, of August 19th contains an edi. VV]K)wa8 0I11i„ted for congress bv tonal under the headingA Hap the Democratic W)UVe„tion at at the Fair, winch reads as foj- LewiBt0Uj lms withdrawn from the *<u's' ticket, giving as his reason his in- v The lust issue of Tin: Idaho Rkimii- , . , , . ability to carry out the plans i.ican in an editorial so heavily padded - J 1 us to almost distfuise its real intent, mapped out for the campaign. attempts to fliseouratfe liorse raeiiitf in He Opposed tile lesol lltioil which connection with the Southeastern ,, , ,* , . , .i ... , Senator Dubois put through the Idaho 1'air association s annual meet- 1 intfs. and to devote the purses to the convention, and yielding to the pumpkin, the apple and other products will of a feeble majtfHty lie COII- of the soil. We will not take issue i tc>fl ^ a cttHdidate till lie with our contemporary ns to the win-! ' limn of giving better premiums to the W!IS made acquainted villi the products of the soil, but we insist that plan of the campaign, when lie had our bib and tucker friend familiar- ck,cidot| that 1)C could not CollSCien- izecl himself *vith tin1 third annual premium list, of the association he tlmlslY CiUTY 0nt- would have been spared a column and . . . TT*!. , , . .. . , Apples picked fresh from the a half ot labor in an attempt to dis- 11 1 paw the efforts of several enthusias- orchard and delivered to any part tic and enterprisintf citizens who have town. ClIAs. JOHNSON, phone been dointf their'best to- (five a (food # HVKIl TREGO. Editok. co * S BLACKFOOT LUMBER * (LIMITED) PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING any- FY-BLISHKD BV THE IRA HO PUBLISHING CO., Ltd. BLACKFOOT, 1VAMO. # # Does anyone suppose # # Wholefale and Retail dealers in Lumber and Building Material K.rtd PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. # I # # rac- | ll Blackfoot, the county scat cf Bingham county, is situated on theOregon Short Line railroad. 3d miles north of Pocatello. 1.1s miles north of Ogden and ldti miles from Salt Lake City. It is at the junction of the Saimon River branch, a road penetrating central Idaho. The altitude is +510 feet, the popula- tion Is 2000 (white Americans) and the princi- pal industry Is agriculture. It has electric lights, telephones, sis through passenger trains a day. a chamber of commerce, a graded school of twelve rooms, four churches, two banks, four printing houses, three of which publish newspapers, two burlier shops, two hardware stores, three blacksmith simps, four real estate firms, two lumber companies, one sugar factory, fhe State asylum for in- sane, the fair grounds, one flouring mill. United States land office, one opera house, 3 livery barns, two tailor shops, three drug stores, one. electric station, shippersstock yards, three meat markets, three millinery stores, one shoe shop, one photographer, one abstract company, five sign painters, four implement houses, one furniture store, eleven merchandise stores, three restaur- ants. two hotels, 1 lodging house, four den- tists, four doctors, eight lawyers, two jew- elers. one architect, two paper hangers, onf lodge of Modern Woodmen, one I. O, O. F. lodge, one masonic lodge, one Rebecca lodge, one Eastern Star, ' Blackfoot Is situated In a great expanse of agricultural lands which are only partly /ettled and cultivated; many great canals being constructed for irrigation, tap- ping the Snake River, which runs at thj edge of the to^n, aod a vast amount 0f fruit is being raised, Altogether It Is a tip- top place to live, aud is not a bad place to be Jjurlfd, in addition to -all these things, Blackfoot has the advantage of being In Idaho. The population of Idaho in list) was only was only 101.7<3, a gam of ill per cent, in the last decade. The, total area, .15.228.1(10 acres, 341 acres for each person in the state. Of this area, there are 000,000 acres in lakes, 7,1X10,000 acres of forests. 8.400.000 acres of mountains. 1.1,000,000 acres of agricultural land, mostly open to settlement, and 2.1,000.(100 acres of grazing land. TheSouthern boundry of Idaho would reach from St.Louis to Omaha; the Western boundry. from St.Louis to Minneap- olis. Idaho fruits hold the first medal of the world -see awards of Irrigation Congress, September, 1903. The great fruit section is in the south and west. The great mineral sec- tion. central and western Idaho. Greatest copper, gold, silver, lead and tungsten region in central Idaho. Greatest educational cen- ters are the graded common schools. # # , # f-4 •i V # I I! oils, * We have sash, doors, glass, moulding, paper, lath, plaster, cement, paints, screen doors, nails, hair and lime, and white pine, Seasoned and surface lumber. We have the goods in stock and can deliver just what you want at once. If you building a granary or a palce we have the goods. Estimates made at the very lowest prices. Get our prices before placing your order. W il l # If # - # Oregon fir dimension stuff # # # # # # # * our •id- are # * (?Prx> # # # # A. D. QUANTFXLL, Mgr. WHEN YOUR COAL RUNS OUT THINK OF US •WE HAVE SOFT; HARD and BLACKSMITH COAL # # # # # re # # * # THE COTTAGE HOTEL , ...NEW AND NICE... THE GOOSE THAT Additional Local. LAYS THE GOLDEN Toes out' Have your shoes fixed at Kinneys on Bridge street. Mrs. John Mellick was called to Rexburg last week by the death of her step-father. Clias. Chubbuck, one of the genial conductors on the Pocatel- lo and Butte run, lias been out with his family on Antelope creek, which forms the boundary of Cus- ter and Blaine counties and abounds with trout. EGG. o o o Shady Lawns and Verandas, Large Cool Rooms Just South of the Depot. We Mean, Isnt the one to Kill, wfjen you find a Good Butcher, Stay With Him. Youll never find \ T. S. MORRISON, Proprietor Blackfoot, Idaho. A BETTER ONE IN REPUBLICAN TICKET For President. TH EODORE ROOSEVE1 ,T, of New York. For Vice President. CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. THIS TOWN :: :: returned The Cherry party Island Park Wednesday, Than the Hopkins Meat Company do say it our- from having been out seventeen days. Market, even if we Miss Dot Cherry is a crack shot selves. Nor can anyone beat usj and bagged over twenty chickens, onJPnces. A Pointer: We know; and her sister Grace astonished j how to select our meats from the the trout by landing them high i ch0icest All had a delightful THE BIG STORE t For Presidential Electors. F. .1. Haoknbartii. Fremont County. H. VV. Kektkk. Rintfham County. E. W. Oi.ivek, Idaho County. For Congressman. 1 UR TON L. FRENCH. I atali County. For Supreme Judge, 1. N. SULLIVAN. Blaine County. For Governor, FRANK R. GOODING. Lincoln County. For Lieutenant Governor. R. L. STEVENS. Washington County. For Secretary of State, WI LL II. GIBSON. Fremont County. For Attorney General. .1. .1. GCIIEEN. Bannock County. For .ludge. Sixth Judicial District. JAMES M. STEVENS. Bingham County. For Treasurer. H. N.COFFIN. Ada County. For Auditor. ROBERT H. BRAG AW: Kootenai County. For Superintendent of Schools. MAY L. SCOTT, Rintfham County. For Mine Inspector. ROBERT E. BELL, s Custer County. €J Now as the summer days begin to roll off you begin to think of what you need to make your home more comfortable for the winter. Why not go to Brown & Eldredge and take a look at their line of Furniture which is the most com- plete line ever shown in Southern Idaho. We have just a few Odd Bedsteads and Dressers will close out at a very low price and as Bedroom on the hoof, and how to ! cut it up and prepare it for your ; table. Wouldnt you like to ' have and dry. time. * '■fl us serve you all the time. Premium List is Out Thk Republican acknowledges Hopkins Meat Co. which we other things in proportion. Such Suites, Fancy Dressers, Iron Beds, Chiffoniers, Buffetts, Couches, Dining Tables, Combination Book Cases, Kitchen Tables, Parlor and Li- brary Tables. Our line of Springs and Mat- tresses the best ever shown in this country, ranging from $4 to $25. Here is where we save you money. Also our Rockers, the im- mense line you have to select from. Now is the time to buy, ranging from $1.75 to $20. Now remember these prices do not last very long, so get in the push and buy early. Yours trulv, receipt of a copy of the premium | list this week, of the third annual exhibit of the Southeastern Idaho Association to be held at Telephone No. 30. 3 Fair * Blackfoot, October 10th to 14th The officers are W. E. inclusive. Barnhart, president; F. P. Robert, vice-president; W. II. Stufflebeam, secretary: G. II. Holbrook, treas- urer; directors, ,rssry ■i ALL KINDS OF NURSERY GOODS F. E. Dekay, F. P. Robert, D. H. Biethati, W.E. Barnhart, W. S. Rogers, John G. Brown, R. O. G. Showell, G. IT. Holbrook, John G. Brown, Wayne Darlington; executive committee, W. S. Rogers, R, O. G. Showed, G. 11. Holbrook; W. B. Eldredge, superintendent of privileges; Mrs. W. E. Barnhart, superintendent of exhibition had. The premium list is a 5x7 pam- phlet of 50 pages, neatly printed, containing some good advertise mentB, and bearing the imprint, of the office of die Bingham, Count;, Democrat. Sg n When in Blackfoot call and see us Our goods are the best and prices are Right. . We Guarantee Satis- faction. Mail orders Receive our Prompt and Careful Attention, j l Brown Sr Eldredge. % 1! 1 lUhite Lily (Dashers | 'J Half Mile S. W. of Blackfoot Idaho 1 I £ A Rap For the Fair And Others with White Cedar Tubs Will Stand the Dry Weather. | JZ? if * If Faultless Ballbearing Wringers % 5 and a lot of other kinds. 4 <g> Glass Washboards, Brass Washboards, En> ameled Washboards, Iron Tubs, Fruit Jars dll sizes .... i COLD ASICE U i £ £ A L Keul Estate Transfer* for the Week. * I .1. .1. Thomas lo 0. M. Thomas. $1. in Bail- road Add. lo Idaho Falls. Of* » .100. 1.1 acres. 81.9011. led 9. O. ('a(lister to M. L. Holt W. M. Hyde lo Annie Wilson blk. 33. Idaho Falls. Jos. S. Smith. S 1.010. 100 THATS THE WAY TO HAVE IT, SO JUST RING US UP, TELEPHONE No 39 OUR ICE IS PURE AND CLEAR AND WE DELIVER IN A SHORT TIME ::: ::: .1. A. I>111111 iiitf te £ £ United States lo Frank Hubert, desert lands. 240 acres. .1. t'. Whitle to .1 no. McPherson. 81.400 Inis I and 2. blk. 3, Riverside. I / £ If £ Mnrrliitfo Licenses, M. T. Word house to N. Iustrutch. E. Ilofhine lo Pearl M. Worden. £ I i G. F. II AN SB ROUGH ! BOYLE BROS. & WEST ! % Attorney and Counselor at Law James Glenn I % Bridge Street Hardware Store f Will practice In all State and Federal tonris THE ICE MAN 82. Blackfoot, Idaho

The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho), 1904-08-26, [p ] · 2017-12-12 · Buffetts, Couches, Dining Tables, Combination Book Cases, Kitchen Tables, Parlor and Li brary Tables. Our

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Page 1: The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho), 1904-08-26, [p ] · 2017-12-12 · Buffetts, Couches, Dining Tables, Combination Book Cases, Kitchen Tables, Parlor and Li brary Tables. Our

: V "■

T= 4# 5^ ajB # SjK ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^The Idaho Republican fair. The premium* this year are, in the most eases, three times ns I a rtf e as the first year's premiums, and twice a large as those of a year ago, and com­part very favorably .with the premiums of the state fair at Boise.

To assume that a fair would be thing without a racing program is simply idiotic.that Pocatello would have come with a special train and the crowd that turned out ou July 35th to anything but a good racing program? Cut out the ing from the association meeting and the gate receipts would only pay the gatekeepers salary. Besides this, the racing feature is bringing better horses into the country. The fellow who knocks the racing feature of the fair should be made to drive over these dusty roads the rest of his natural life with a mile an hour team.

As to the article being heavily

padded, if we had not had some

padding to goffer—some sugges­

tions and warnings for considera­

tion, we should have held

peace. Bestowing better premi­

ums on the “apple and pumpkin,”

or directing more attention to

then! through the press is precise­

ly what this locality needs to make

the fait* and many other things

prosper. Up to the present time,

within a short time of the fair,

representative farmers are express­

ing indifference about bringing

products to the fair, because, as

they say, no product of the soil,

no matter how staple a crop it is,

has been given a premium suffic­

iently valuable to waken an inter­

est among competitors. The man­

agement of the fair has a very dif­

ficult task to perform in this

matter because there is such a

great diversity of products to be

considered, and this makes it all

the more necessary that the press

use its influence to direct attention

to our resources and thus aid the

work. The press has some duties

to perform in awakening interest

in the fair, and it is shirking its

duty if it remains silent. Thk

Republican did not suggest omit-

ing the race program as the Dem­

ocrat intimated that it did, but

suggested “that care be exercised

to secure the co-operation of those

who are engaged in agricultural

pursuits;” and this suggestion was

intended for press representatives

as well as for officers of the fair.

Had the suggestion been taken

kindly by our contemporary, and

"acted upon in the spirit of fairness

with the good of the community

in view, had he not arraigned us

unfairly and added ridicule to mis­

leading statements, we could liaye

refrained from asking what the

paper around the corner has done

to arouse interest in the planting

of better seeds and ciops, the up­

building of public institutions and

the cultivation of the spirit of


Democratic Nominees Withdraw

Karl Bayne of Ada county, who

was nominated for attorney gen­

eral on the same ticket withdrew,

giving as his reason that he had

not yet attained the age required

for qualifying for that office.

W. li. IStnfHebeam, nominee

for state auditor, on learning of

the action of the convention, ten­

dered his declination, saying that

his business affairs were such that

lie could not consider the matter

of accepting the place on the

ticket.The Bingham Count;, Democrat £ H i\ohhiim of Pocatello,

of August 19th contains an edi. VV]K) wa8 „0I11i„ted for congress bv

tonal under the heading “A Hap the Democratic W)UVe„tion at

at the Fair, winch reads as foj- LewiBt0Uj lms withdrawn from the

*<u's' ticket, giving as his reason his in-

v The lust issue of Tin: Idaho Rkimii- , . , ,. ability to carry out the plans

i.ican in an editorial so heavily padded - J 1us to almost distfuise its real intent, mapped out for the campaign.

attempts to fliseouratfe liorse raeiiitf in He Opposed tile l’esol lltioil whichconnection with the Southeastern ,, , ,* , . , .i... , Senator Dubois put through theIdaho 1'air association s annual meet- 1intfs. and to devote the purses to the convention, and yielding to the

pumpkin, the apple and other products will of a feeble majtfHty lie COII- of the soil. We will not take issue i tc>fl ^ a cttHdidate till lie with our contemporary ns to the win-!

' limn of giving better premiums to the W!IS made acquainted villi the

products of the soil, but we insist that plan of the campaign, when lie had our bib and tucker friend familiar- ck,cidot| that 1)C could not CollSCien- izecl himself *vith tin1 third annualpremium list, of the association he tlmlslY CiUTY “ 0nt-

would have been spared a column and . . . TT”*!. , ,. .. . , Apples picked fresh from thea half ot labor in an attempt to dis- 11 1

paw the efforts of several enthusias- orchard and delivered to any part tic and enterprisintf citizens who have town. ClIAs. JOHNSON, phone

been dointf their'best to- (five a (food

#HVKIl TREGO. Editok.





##Does anyone suppose## Wholefale and Retail dealers in

Lumber and Building MaterialK.rtd PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. #I #

#rac-| ’ ll Blackfoot, the county scat cf Bingham county, is situated on theOregon Short Line railroad. 3d miles north of Pocatello. 1.1s miles north of Ogden and ldti miles from Salt Lake City. It is at the junction of the Saimon River branch, a road penetrating central Idaho. The altitude is +510 feet, the popula­tion Is 2000 (white Americans) and the princi­pal industry Is agriculture. It has electric lights, telephones, sis through passenger trains a day. a chamber of commerce, a graded school of twelve rooms, four churches, two banks, four printing houses, three of which publish newspapers, two burlier shops, two hardware stores, three blacksmith simps, four real estate firms, two lumber companies, one sugar factory, fhe State asylum for in­sane, the fair grounds, one flouring mill. United States land office, one opera house, 3 livery barns, two tailor shops, three drug stores, one. electric station, shippers’ stock yards, three meat markets, three millinery stores, one shoe shop, one photographer, one abstract company, five sign painters, four implement houses, one furniture store, eleven merchandise stores, three restaur­ants. two hotels, 1 lodging house, four den­tists, four doctors, eight lawyers, two jew­elers. one architect, two paper hangers, onf lodge of Modern Woodmen, one I. O, O. F. lodge, one masonic lodge, one Rebecca lodge, one Eastern Star,' Blackfoot Is situated In a great expanse of agricultural lands which are only partly /ettled and cultivated; many great canals

being constructed for irrigation, tap­ping the Snake River, which runs at thj edge of the to^n, aod a vast amount 0f fruit is being raised, Altogether It Is a tip­top place to live, aud is not a bad place to be Jjurlfd, in addition to -all these things, Blackfoot has the advantage of being In Idaho.

The population of Idaho in list) was only was only 101.7<3, a gam of ill per cent, in the last decade. The, total area, .15.228.1(10 acres, 341 acres for each person in the state. Of this area, there are 000,000 acres in lakes, 7,1X10,000 acres of forests. 8.400.000 acres of mountains. 1.1,000,000 acres of agricultural land, mostly open to settlement, and 2.1,000.(100 acres of grazing land. TheSouthern boundry of Idaho would reach from St.Louis to Omaha; the Western boundry. from St.Louis to Minneap­olis. Idaho fruits hold the first medal of the world -see awards of Irrigation Congress, September, 1903. The great fruit section is in the south and west. The great mineral sec­tion. central and western Idaho. Greatest copper, gold, silver, lead and tungsten region in central Idaho. Greatest educational cen­ters are the graded common schools.

## ,# f-4•i V

#I I!oils, *We have sash, doors, glass, moulding, paper, lath, plaster, cement,

paints, screen doors, nails, hair and lime,

and white pine, Seasoned and surface lumber. We have the

goods in stock and can deliver just what you want at once. If you

building a granary or a palce we have the goods. Estimates made

at the very lowest prices. Get our prices before placing your order.

W il l


#- # Oregon fir dimension stuff#### ###*our

•id-are#*(?Prx>#### A. D. QUANTFXLL, Mgr.



## ###re ##*#


THE GOOSE THATAdditional Local.

LAYS THE GOLDENToes out' Have your shoes fixed at Kinney’s on Bridge street.

Mrs. John Mellick was called to

Rexburg last week by the death

of her step-father.

Clias. Chubbuck, one of the

genial conductors on the Pocatel­

lo and Butte run, lias been out

with his family on Antelope creek,

which forms the boundary of Cus­

ter and Blaine counties and

abounds with trout.

EGG. o o oShady Lawns and Verandas, Large Cool Rooms

Just South of the Depot.We Mean,Isn’t the one to Kill,

wfjen you find a Good Butcher, Stay With Him. You’ll never find \

T. S. MORRISON, Proprietor

Blackfoot, Idaho.



For Vice President. CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS,

of Indiana.

THIS TOWN :: ::returnedThe “Cherry party

Island Park Wednesday, Than the Hopkins Meat Company do say it our-

fromhaving been out seventeen days. Market, even if we Miss Dot Cherry is a crack shot selves. Nor can anyone beat usj

and bagged over twenty chickens, onJPnces. A Pointer: We know; and her sister Grace astonished j how to select our meats from the the trout by landing them high i ch0icest

All had a delightful


For Presidential Electors.F. .1. Haoknbartii. Fremont County. H. VV. Kektkk. Rintfham County.E. W. Oi.ivek, Idaho County.

For Congressman.1 UR TON L. FRENCH.

I a tali County.For Supreme Judge,

1. N. SULLIVAN.Blaine County.

For Governor,FRANK R. GOODING.

Lincoln County.

For Lieutenant Governor.R. L. STEVENS.

Washington County.

For Secretary of State,WI LL II. GIBSON.Fremont County.

For Attorney General..1. .1. GCIIEEN.Bannock County.

For .ludge. Sixth Judicial District. JAMES M. STEVENS.

Bingham County.

For Treasurer.H. N.COFFIN.

Ada County.

For Auditor.ROBERT H. BRAG AW:

Kootenai County.

For Superintendent of Schools. MAY L. SCOTT,

Rintfham County.

For Mine Inspector. ROBERT E. BELL,

s Custer County.

€J Now as the summer days begin to roll off you begin to think of what you need to make your home more comfortable for the winter. Why not go to Brown & Eldredge and take a look at their line of Furniture which is the most com­plete line ever shown in Southern Idaho. We have just a few Odd Bedsteads and Dressers

will close out at a very low price and as Bedroom

on the hoof, and how to

! cut it up and prepare it for your ; table. Wouldn’t you like to

' have

and dry.

time. * '■fl

us serve you all the time.Premium List is Out

Thk Republican acknowledgesHopkins Meat Co. which we

other things in proportion. Such Suites, Fancy Dressers, Iron Beds, Chiffoniers, Buffetts, Couches, Dining Tables, Combination Book Cases, Kitchen Tables, Parlor and Li­brary Tables. Our line of Springs and Mat­tresses the best ever shown in this country, ranging from $4 to $25. Here is where we save you money. Also our Rockers, the im­mense line you have to select from. Now is the time to buy, ranging from $1.75 to $20. Now remember these prices do not last very long, so get in the push and buy early.

Yours trulv,

receipt of a copy of the premium |

list this week, of the third annual

exhibit of the Southeastern Idaho

Association to be held at Telephone No. 30.3Fair *

Blackfoot, October 10th to 14th

The officers are W. E.inclusive.Barnhart, president; F. P. Robert,

vice-president; W. II. Stufflebeam,

secretary: G. II. Holbrook, treas­

urer; directors,

,rssry ■iALL KINDS OF


P. Robert, D. H. Biethati, W.E.

Barnhart, W. S. Rogers, John G.

Brown, R. O. G. Showell, G. IT.

Holbrook, John G. Brown, Wayne

Darlington; executive committee,

W. S. Rogers, R, O. G. Showed,

G. 11. Holbrook; W. B. Eldredge,

superintendent of privileges; Mrs.

W. E. Barnhart, superintendent

of exhibition had.

The premium list is a 5x7 pam­

phlet of 50 pages, neatly printed,

containing some good advertise

mentB, and bearing the imprint, of

the office of die Bingham, Count;,


Sg nWhen in Blackfoot call and see us

Our goods are the best and prices

are Right. . We Guarantee Satis­

faction. Mail orders Receive our

Prompt and Careful Attention, j


Brown Sr Eldredge.

%1! 1 lUhite Lily (Dashers |


Half Mile S. W. of Blackfoot Idaho 1I £A Rap For the Fair And Others with White Cedar Tubs

Will Stand the Dry Weather. |

JZ?if *

If Faultless Ballbearing Wringers %5 and a lot of other kinds.

4<g> Glass Washboards, Brass Washboards, En>

ameled Washboards, Iron Tubs,Fruit Jars dll sizes ....


Ui ££

ALKeul Estate Transfer* for the Week. *I.1. .1. Thomas lo 0. M. Thomas. $1. in Bail-

road Add. lo Idaho Falls.Of*

».100. 1.1 acres.81.9011. led 9.

O. ('a(lister to M. L. Holt W. M. Hyde lo Annie Wilson

blk. 33. Idaho Falls.Jos. S. Smith. S 1.010. 100 THAT’S THE WAY





SHORT TIME ::: :::

.1. A. I>111111 iiitf te ££United States lo Frank Hubert, desert

lands. 240 acres..1. t'. Whitle to .1 no. McPherson. 81.400 Inis I

and 2. blk. 3, Riverside.I/


If £Mnrrliitfo Licenses,M. T. Word house to N. I’ustrutch. E. Ilofhine lo Pearl M. Worden.



BOYLE BROS. & WEST! %Attorney and Counselor at Law

James Glenn I %Bridge Street Hardware Store ™ fWill practice In all State and Federal t’onris

THE ICE MAN82. Blackfoot, Idaho