The Holy Trinity- communion of love S T F RANCIS DE S ALES C HURCH 729 HIGH ROAD, TOTTENHAM N17 8AG TELEPHONE: 020 8808 3554 E-mail: [email protected] website: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/tottenham/ “Be who you are be that well” Parish Priest: Fr David Lucuy Claros. Parish Administrator: Mrs. Elisabete Veselovska. Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs Marcelle Jemide

The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

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Page 1: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

The Holy Trinity- communion of love



TELEPHONE: 020 8808 3554

E-mail: [email protected]

website: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/tottenham/

“Be who you are be that well”

Parish Priest: Fr David Lucuy Claros.

Parish Administrator: Mrs. Elisabete Veselovska.

Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs Marcelle Jemide

Page 2: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery

of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. (CCC 234).

There are so many treaties and hundreds of written books about the doctrine of

the Holy Trinity. Several fathers of the Church have tried to explain the reality of the na-

ture of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, however it was impossible to ex-

plain it in human terms. The Holy Trinity it’s a mystery which we cannot understand or

explain intellectually, we cannot fully know how this union of the Trinity works, but what

we know is that Jesus Christ has come to revealed and confirm what it was written in the

Old Testament that the Lord is, ‘a God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger

rich in kindness and faithfulness.’ (Ex 34:6) Todays Gospel confirms this love of God

our Father who sent his God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that

everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. For God sent

his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world

might be saved. (Jn 3:16). The love of God has been manifested to us in a clear manner

by Jesus Christ, by his words and deeds and this revelation has been completed by his

Ascension to the Father, from where the Son and the Father sent the Holy Spirit, the

third person of the Holy Trinity, to stay with us. (Emmanuel = God with us). This why we

celebrate the Most Holy Trinity day after Pentecost, because the revelation of God and

his plan of salvation of humanity has been accomplished in Jesus Christ his only Son,

who have died and risen from dead and ascended into heaven. The promised Holy Spirit

has been sent to us to be our Advocate and Consoler. We have not been left orphans!

Jesus Christ has come to make us children of God. This means that Jesus have made us

partakers of the divine life that God has. Jesus has united us to the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of love. God himself is love as St John says (1Jn 4:8,16)

and Jesus Christ have inserted in the eternal communion of love of the Trinity. One of

my favourite images of this reality is expressed in the icon of the Trinity by Andrei Ru-

blev based on Genesis 18:2 and it describes how Yahweh visited Abraham under the ap-

pearance of three men, an event that the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates as the

“Trinitarian Experience of Abraham.” The angel on the left represents God the Father, the

middle one is the Son and the right angel the Holy Spirit. They are looking at each other;

The Father looks at the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Son is looking at the Father and the

Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son. They form a circle which represents the eternal


Readings: Exodus 34:4-6,8-9; Psalm: Daniel 3: 52-56; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; John


Page 3: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

love of the Trinity that is the inexhaustible loving relationship of the Three Persons. This

is a relationship is well represented in the circular shape of the rings the bride and the

groom exchange at marriage. God is a relationship of love! This is in sharp contrast to

our world’s “I and I” individualistic mentality. God invites us to enter into the Trinitarian

kind of relationship “God-I-and them (neighbour).”

Now look at the table, there is an empty space in the middle. That is the place for

you and me. The Holy Trinity invites us to take part in his divine life, his eternal love and

to be in communion with God and with one another. That table is the Eucharistic table,

to which we are all invited to sit down and share in God’s life as we are part of the divine

family of God by virtue of our baptism. We are created in love to be a community of

loving persons, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in Love. From the day

of our Baptism, we have belonged to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How privileged

we are to grow up in such a beautiful Family! Hence, let us turn to the Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit in prayer every day. We belong to the Family of the Triune God. The love,

unity, and joy in the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit should be the

supreme model of our relationships within our Christian families. Our families become

truly Christian when we live in a relationship of love with God and neighbour.

Let us pray to the Holy Trinity,

‘O my God, Trinity whom I adore, help me forget myself entirely so to establish myself in

you, unmovable and peaceful as if my soul were already in eternity. May nothing be able

to trouble my peace or make me leave you, O my unchanging God, but may each mi-

nute bring me more deeply into your mystery! Grant my soul peace. Make it your

heaven, your beloved dwelling and the place of your rest. May I never abandon you

there, but may I be there, whole and entire, completely vigilant in my faith, entirely

adoring, and wholly given over to your creative action.’

Prayer of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

Yours sincerely

Here at St Francis de Sales, our community is willing to support you in any way we can. Please

do not hesitate to contact us on the Parish phone number 020 88083554 or our email address

[email protected]

Please let us know if you would like us to contact you through your email address or phone.

Page 4: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 7th June

10:00 am James Shine RIP

Delcie Langaigne Thanksgiving

Steeves & Shaheen Louise Thanksgiving

Feria MONDAY 8th June 9:30am Ashton Nedd RIP Ed Spring RIP _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Feria TUESDAY 9th June 9:30am Michael Davis Thanksgiving _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Feria WEDNESDAY 10th June 9:30am Garry Slattery INT _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

St Barnabas, Apostle THURSDAY 11th June 9:30am Lena McDonagh RIP _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

St Boniface, Bishop and Martyr FRIDAY 12th June 6:00pm Rita Uzoma RIP


St Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor SATURDAY 13th June 10:00am John & Kathleen Aylward RIP Nuala Ward RIP People of the Parish ________________________________________________________________________ THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST

SUNDAY 14th June 10:00am Stephen Odili RIP Francisca Nwosu RIP

Andrew Salami RIP

James Shine RIP

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner

peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”

Saint Francis de Sales

Page 5: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

Sunday at St Francis De Sales Church

Our live streaming Mass channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1kTxQ8IE31XI1_HTh779IQ/videos

Pope’s June Prayers Intentions

We pray that those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by

the Heart of Jesus.

REQUEST FOR MASS INTENTIONS AT THIS TIME At this difficult time the Diocese of

Westminster allows us to offer Mass for more than one intention. If you would like to re-

quest a Mass intention, please contact the parish office by email or leave a message on par-

ish phone with your number.



Although there is no definite date given for the re-opening of the church for private prayer, the

parish team and myself are working on the planning of the social distance safety measures we

need to put in place, to welcome you back into the church safely. For this, we will need an army

of volunteers to oversee the entrance and end exit. Also, we will need a lot of people who

would be willing to sanitise the church before and after use on the day. We will require 2

hours of your time. All proper personal equipment will be made available for you at the church.

Once we are given the date for the re-opening of the church, we will initially open it two days a

week: Tuesday 11:30am-12:30pm and Saturday 5:00pm to 6:00pm. We will need at least 4-5

volunteers for each day. Please do let us know if you can help as soon as possible so that we

can start planning the rota and be able to offer training for the re-opening of the church. Please

visit our website to sign up as volunteer as steward or if you like to be part of the cleaning team.

EMERGENCY FOOD COLLECTION APPEAL. Thank everyone who brought food for the Food

Stall throughout this time of lockdown. Your contributions have made a great difference to

many more families who are in need at this difficult time. We would like to continue to appeal

to your generosity to provide the following items: Pasta, rice, flour, long life milk, tins of

tuna, tomato sauce, chickpeas, lentils, corn, fruit, oil, nappies and any dried produc.t we

are most grateful for your generous contributions. If you are unable to bring it to the parish in

person because you are shielding yourself, please contact Fr David on the parish office phone

or send an email to the parish so that we can arrange a volunteer to pick it up from your home.

Food distribution works on first to arrive first served basis. However, if you are alone at home

or unable to collect, phone the parish office and we will arrange a way to reach you. Thank you

very much for your help.

Page 6: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery


Donations: We have received £2,168 in Standing Orders in May, Thank you for your


What do we do with our donations? Check our website on https://par-

ish.rcdow.org.uk/tottenham/donate/. We recommend using the easiest way by do-

nating through our newest Virgin Account. If you experience any problem accessing

the bank account please contact the parish office, preferably via email.

Donations to Poor Families fund. We have received up to date £990 in cash dona-

tions apart from donations in kind. Thank you so much for your generosity.

A REQUEST OF FAMILY PHOTOS last chance! I would like to ask you to send me a

photo of your family via email to the parish office, to put them on the benches of the

church, to light up a candle and pray for you and with you. I am intending to record

this in the Church and broadcasted before Corpus Christi. Thank you very much. Fr


Sacramental Preparation Catechetical programs now have been transferred to

online programmes.

For First Holy Communion and RCIC:



For Confirmation:



For RCIA: https://www.sycamore.fm/videos/

If you experience any problem accessing this links,

contact Fr David on the parish phone. Thanks

Live streaming Mass Times

Sunday Mass 10.00am

Weekday Masses Monday - Thursday: 9.30am

Friday: 6.00pm Saturday: 10.00am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacra-

ment Monday & Wednesday 6pm Friday after 6pm Mass

Rosary Tuesday & Thursday after 9:30 am Mass. Saturday after 10:00am

Page 7: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery


Next Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. In preparation for this

Solemnity we would like to have a day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Al-

tar via zoom next Saturday 13 June, starting with Mass at 10am and end with Benedic-

tion at 7pm. The link for this event is this: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6562045109

A propose rota might be this one. If you would like to take part in this, please con-

tact Fr David or your group responsible or send an email to the Parish Office.

10.00am –11.00am Holy Mass, Exposition of Blessed Sacra-ment

Fr David

11.00 – 11.30am Rosary & Intercessory prayer Legion of Mary

11.30am –12.00pm Sacred Heart Prayers, Hymns and litany Faith Sharing groups and clean-ing team

12.00 – 12.30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, Intercession, Hymns and Litany

Knights of St. Columba

12.30 – 1.00pm Rosary & Intercessory prayer Christian Mothers Association

1.00pm – 1.30pm Sacred Heart Prayers, Hymns and litany FHC catechists

1.30 – 2.00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, Intercession, Hymns and Litany

Hospitality team and Baptism catechists

2.00 – 2.30pm Rosary & Intercessory prayer Nigerian Association

2.30 – 3.00pm Sacred Heart Prayers, Hymns and litany Readers

3.00 – 3.30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, Intercession, Hymns and Litany

Eucharistic Ministers

3.30 – 4.00pm Rosary & Intercessory prayer Parish Choirs

4.00 – 4.30pm Sacred Heart Prayers, Hymns and litany Confirmation and RCIC Catechists

4.30 – 5.00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, Intercession, Hymns and Litany

Pre-Communion catechists and sacristans

5.00 – 5.30pm Rosary, and Intercessory prayers Awake London team

5.30 – 6.30pm Rosary, Pray for London and Litany Awake London team

6.30pm Benediction Fr David

Page 8: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery


Funeral services will take place at the graveside or at a crematorium, subject to the

conditions laid down by the cemetery or crematorium authorities. Arrangements will

be made for a Mass to be celebrated in memoriam when we are allowed to gather.


ONES Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Christopher Ajayi, Alan Daniel, Sister Sylvia McCarthy, Ryan Daly, Confort

Oparah, Charles Roberts, Krisnamah Durasamy, Gerard Eze Durueke, Rita Belmar

and Margaret Tetenta.

Let us also pray for our priests who died recently: Fr Bryan Jones, Fr Austin Garvey,

Fr Fred Miles, Fr John O’Halloran, Fr John Helm, Fr John Coghlan, Fr John Sea-

brook and Fr Antony Conlon.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon them May

they rest in peace and rise in Glory. Amen


Haringey Council propose to increase the cost of parking in the borough which will have an

impact on our families. All permits will be more expensive and the number of visitor permits

that can be purchased will be limited. Please see the attached link for more details. Any com-

ments must be made to Haringey Council by 24 June 2020.




The freedom pass website has announced that from 15 June freedom passes will not be valid

until after 9am on Monday to Friday. If you are a holder of this type of pass, please be aware

of this update and perhaps, consult with the authorities.

Page 9: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery



The food stall still on until the lock down ends. Thank you very much for your continued

support and your generous donations of food. We would like to appeal for additional items

such as, baby nappies, toiletries, cat food, cereals and cooking oil. Thank you very much in-



Page 10: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery

There has been a lot of progress on the refurbishment of the sacristy toilet. Tomas is doing a

great job! He has done the walls and is about to lay the lino on the levelled floor next week.

The water pipes and electricity connections are ready and soon will start to fix the fittings.


The builders are advancing fast! There is a lot drilling and cutting! They are building the

north wall on the Brereton Road. They are cleaning the old bricks and reusing it partially on

certain parts of the new wall. Hopefully, it will be finished by the end of June. Thank you very

much indeed for your contributions towards this project.


We have been working on the development of a new parish website that it may be more

mobile friendly use, better visuals and to be more interactive. Damiana is a parishioner of

ours, who offered herself to oversee this project together with our parish team. We would

like you to help us in our survey. For this we would like you to subscribe to our website and

allow us to send you the questions of our survey.

Page 11: The Holy Trinity- communion of love · 2020. 6. 7. · Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, that is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery


Please keep praying for all at this difficult time and continue following Mass and

prayers on our youtube channel


Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus,

I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things

and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul.

Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally,

come spiritually into my soul

so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever.


St. Francis Xavier’s favourite prayer was: “Most Holy Trinity, Who live in me, I

praise You, I worship You, I adore You, and I love You.”


On Sunday 14th June, the Sunday Worship Programme, which airs at 8.10am on BBC

Radio 4, will broadcast Mass celebrated by the Cardinal in Westminster Cathedral.

Please share this welcome news with parishioners, and family and friends who do not

have access to the internet and are thus unable to watch livestreamed Masses.

Please read the homily of cardinal Vincent Nichols regarding the re-opening of

churches, give on Pentecost Sunday read here.
