How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 www.lawnmanor.org Email: [email protected] @lawn_manor I LEARN TERM 6 FOCUS: Numeracy 13 th July 2018 A message from the Headteacher: We are fast approaching the end of our academic year and I’m sure you will join me in congratulating the pupils for their hard work and effort over this period. As always, the academic year really does fly past, especially for our pupils in Year 11 who have been taking their GCSE examinations and are looking forward to their results in August. The staff have worked tirelessly with all pupils to enable them to reach their full potential and I thank them for their commitment. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers for their continued support. The relationship between school and parents is a very important one and is key to the success of any school. The first year of Lawn Manor Academy has been phenomenal. We have begun so many new things in our school that will become tradition over time. The ‘Lawn Manor Way’ has become ingrained in our daily life and sets a very positive culture in our school. Our work within Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Trust has gone from strength to strength and we are very proud to be part of that team. Already this year we have had numerous opportunities for staff and students to network and share experiences with a focus on teaching and learning. When we opened our new school last year, I reminded you that standards in education were improving year on year and we have confidence that this will continue this year and into the future. You will find information in this week’s newsletter relating to our Enrichment week next week and also key information for the new term. Please take note of the important dates and the details for the beginning of term. The newsletter next week will be a celebration of enrichment. Sandra Muir Headteacher The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter Enrichment Week 16 th – 20 th July The start time for pupils will be different next week – we will be registering pupils at 9:45am for a 10am start to the activities. If your child is on a trip there may be an earlier start and this information will be given by the trip organiser. If the later start during next week causes an issue for you then we will be operating an extended morning club in the Library for pupils to be supervised, otherwise they will be registered in central areas (not I Learn tutor) at 9.45am. You will be registered in your year group: Year 10 – West Manor Gym Year 9 – East Manor Hall Year 8 – West Manor Hall Year 7 – Drama Studio End of Term We finish for the summer on Friday 20 th July at 12.20pm. Packed lunches will be provided for the children in receipt of free school meals. Exam Results GCSE Examination results will be available to pupils on Thursday 23 rd August at 9am. Please note that we are unable to give results to parents. It must be the pupils who collect the results in person on this day. Results will be distributed from East Manor Hall. Dates for your Diary

The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter - Lawn Manor …...How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter - Lawn Manor …...How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: admin@lawnmanor.org

How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755

www.lawnmanor.org Email: [email protected]


I LEARN TERM 6 FOCUS: Numeracy 13th July 2018

A message from the Headteacher: We are fast approaching the end of our academic year and I’m sure you will join me in congratulating the pupils for their hard work and effort over this period. As always, the academic year really does fly past, especially for our pupils in Year 11 who have been taking their GCSE examinations and are looking forward to their results in August. The staff have worked tirelessly with all pupils to enable them to reach their full potential and I thank them for their commitment. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers for their continued support. The relationship between school and parents is a very important one and is key to the success of any school. The first year of Lawn Manor Academy has been phenomenal. We have begun so many new things in our school that will become tradition over time. The ‘Lawn Manor Way’ has become ingrained in our daily life and sets a very positive culture in our school. Our work within Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Trust has gone from strength to strength and we are very proud to be part of that team. Already this year we have had numerous opportunities for staff and students to network and share experiences with a focus on teaching and learning. When we opened our new school last year, I reminded you that standards in education were improving year on year and we have confidence that this will continue this year and into the future. You will find information in this week’s newsletter relating to our Enrichment week next week and also key information for the new term. Please take note of the important dates and the details for the beginning of term. The newsletter next week will be a celebration of enrichment. Sandra Muir Headteacher










Enrichment Week 16th – 20th July The start time for pupils will be different next week – we will be registering pupils at 9:45am for a 10am start to the activities. If your child is on a trip there may be an earlier start and this information will be given by the trip organiser. If the later start during next week causes an issue for you then we will be operating an extended morning club in the Library for pupils to be supervised, otherwise they will be registered in central areas (not I Learn tutor) at 9.45am. You will be registered in your year group: Year 10 – West Manor Gym Year 9 – East Manor Hall Year 8 – West Manor Hall Year 7 – Drama Studio End of Term We finish for the summer on Friday 20th July at 12.20pm. Packed lunches will be provided for the children in receipt of free school meals. Exam Results GCSE Examination results will be available to pupils on Thursday 23rd August at 9am. Please note that we are unable to give results to parents. It must be the pupils who collect the results in person on this day. Results will be distributed from East Manor Hall.

Dates for your Diary

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Dates for your Diary Arrangements for the beginning of Term 1 2018/19 Year 7 and 11 pupils return to school on Tuesday 4th September. Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils return to school on Wednesday 5th September. All pupils are required to return in full Lawn Manor Academy school uniform and should be fully equipped to make a good start to their learning following the summer holidays. All year groups should arrive promptly at 8.40am with Year 7 reporting to West Manor Hall, Year 11 reporting to East Manor Hall (and all other year groups directly to their I LEARN tutor) Parent Evenings We have had a fantastic year communicating with our parents here at Lawn Manor Academy, with record numbers of parents and carers making appointments at Parents’ Evenings and Progress Review Days to discuss progress with their children’s teachers. We are extremely grateful that parents are taking the time to come and discuss how to work together with their children to improve learning – it makes a huge difference! In 2018/19 Lawn Manor Academy will not be continuing with the Progress Review Days, but we will be continuing with Parents’ Evenings and, in fact, we will be adding an extra evening for Year 8 parents to discuss progress and learning prior to coming in for the guided pathways evening to talk about GCSE options. The Parents’ Evening dates for 2018/19 are as follows: Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening Thursday 18th October 2018 Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 29th November 2018 Year 10 Parents’ Evening Thursday 31st January 2019 Year 8 parents’ Evening Thursday 7th February 2019 Year 8 Guided Pathways GCSE Options Evening Thursday 21st March 2019 Year 9 Parents’ Evening Thursday 16th May 2019 Year 7 Parents’ Evening Thursday 20th June 2019 If you have any questions about Parents’ Evening or would like help accessing the Parents’ Evening software, please contact [email protected] Term dates Tuesday 4th September – Year 7 and 11 return Wednesday 5th September – Years 8,9,10 return Term 1: Tuesday 4th September – Friday 19th October 2018 Term 2: Monday 5th November – Friday 21st December 2018 Term 3: Monday 7th January – Thursday 14th February 2019 Term 4: Monday 25th February – Friday 5th April 2019 Term5: Tuesday 23rd April – Friday 24th May 2019 Term 6: Monday 3rd June – Thursday 25th July 2019 Teacher Training days will take place on the following dates with the school closed to Pupils: Monday 3rd September 2018 Friday 30th November 2018 Friday 15th February 2019

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We say goodbye this term to the following staff and we wish them every success in their new ventures, whether that be new jobs, new schools or promotions: Mrs Caroline Jarvis, Lead Professional Teaching & Learning and Head of Dance Mrs Katherine Bodman, Head of Pleydell House and PE Teacher Miss Natasha Dixon, Dance Teacher Mrs Andrea Knowles, Head of Maths Mrs Rebecca Phillips, Science Teacher Some of our staff will take up new roles within Lawn Manor Academy from September: Mrs Jo Lister, Professional Tutor Mr Guy Henderson, Head of Pleydell House Mr Marek Koza, Head of Maths Miss Laura Conroy, 2nd in Maths (Maternity cover) Mr David Jones, Head of Expressive Arts We welcome the following new staff to the Lawn Manor team in September: Mr Chris Simmons, Head of Student Support Ms Alison Bradley, Maths Teacher Ms Ann-Marie Keep, Head of Dance Miss Alice Backhouse, English Teacher Ms Nicola Archer, English Teacher Ms Natasha Roberts, Maths Teacher Mrs Angela Percival, Maths Teacher (Maternity Cover) Year Leaders 2018/19: Year 7 Mrs Fiona Harper Year 8 Mrs Felicity Roberts Year 9 Miss Charlotte Fox Year 10 Mr David Franklin Year 11 Mrs Ayeasha Rani

Lawn Manor Staff

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Lawn Manor Sports News

Cricket season ends with a runners-up trophy. On Wednesday our Year 8 cricket team played Ridgeway in the Year 8 Swindon Schools Cup Competition. Put into field, Lawn Manor started brightly and restricted their opponents to 61. All bowlers bowled well and at half time it looked like we were favourites. Sadly, we suffered a run out on the first ball of our innings and then two further wickets fell in the first over. Wickets continued to fall regularly and at the end we were bowled out for 42. Varel Lemos tried to hold our innings together, but sadly ran out of batting partners. A great game, in lovely surroundings, with gorgeous sunshine; sadly the wrong result. Hopefully, a more positive result next year. Mr Oliver & Mr Smith

Lawn Manor Prom 2018

Blunsdon House Hotel played host to our Year 11 pupils for Lawn Manor Academy’s first ever Prom and a spectacular evening was had by all. Everyone looked stunning, with the girls modelling some truly amazing dresses and the boys some very unique and outstanding suits, it was clear that everyone had enjoyed the pre-prom activities and the effort did not go unnoticed. Arrival was a spectacular affair with students arriving in everything from a tractor, pink stretch limo, motor bikes and sports cars. The weather was perfect so everyone made the most of the gorgeous grounds and fabulous dance floor on the night. We were treated to an evening of magical entertainment from Andy Fields, Magician Extraordinaire, he stunned adults and students alike with his card and ring tricks. All tricks were followed with gasps of ‘how did he do it!?’ and ‘do another trick’, no one could quite believe their eyes as folded cards disappeared from his hands and reappeared in his shoe or rings disappearing and reappearing on his locked key ring! Among the awards issued throughout the night, as voted for by the year group, was Lawn Manor Academy’s first Prom Queen; Jessica Piszczek and our Prom King Peter Allmark. We wish the entire year group all the best and look forward to catching up with them in August on result day. Mrs Roberts

Year 5 Sports day at Lawn Manor – Friday 13th July

Today Lainesmead, Oaktree and Lawn Primary School joined us for our first ever Year 5 sports day. They all had a very exciting morning. A lot of fun was had by all, thank you very much for coming and also thank you to our Year 10s for helping out.

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Lawn Manor Prom 2018

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Lawn Manor Library News

Wow, we have had another amazing year in the Library. The support from pupils and staff has been great. Year 11 Heaven has been a popular session for revision and preparation for GSCEs and pupils supporting each other. I can’t wait to welcome the new Year 11s. Film Club was fantastic. A rather noisy session and great fun, even though it sometimes takes a while to agree on a movie! Quiz night (my favourite), I have introduced the popular TV show- Family Fortunes format, which is a huge hit with pupils. It certainly makes them think and work as a team. Bingo- the club to choose. – this is a winner- the concentration pupils have on their face is amazing and if anyone makes a sound….. well it’s like being at Gala Bingo!! Chess Club on a Thursday has been a real eye opener for me, as we have so many skilled chess players, plus lots of beginners who are doing so well. Thank you to Mr Maher for helping me, BUT…… no one has beaten him yet… roll on next year, it will happen - fingers crossed!! The themed months have sparked interest and anticipation to see what is coming next, there will be lots of new themes to look forward to next year, plus a few of the really popular ones reappearing. It has been lovely to see so many classes use the Library for lessons, not just English, but all subjects. The Library has lots of resources for lessons, but it is also a change of scenery for pupils and teachers. Finally, I would like to thank all my helpers, Richard Hewitson, John Wetton, Derin Gunal, Andzhelika Atanasova & Beate Eversone. They give up break time, lunchtime and after school to serve on the desk and complete other Library duties. I could not manage without them all!!! Rachel Reynolds Library Officer

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Page 9: The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter - Lawn Manor …...How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: admin@lawnmanor.org


NB - 5 days are available for Professional Training Day closures during term-time

These days are set by the Headteacher and Governors Dates are correct at the time of publication

September ‘18

October ‘18

November ‘18

Monday 3 10 17 24

1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 Tuesday 4 11 18 25

2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27

Wednesday 5 12 19 26

3 10 1

17 24 31 7 14 21 28 Thursday 30 6 13 20 27

4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29

Friday 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30

Saturday 1 8 15 22 29

6 13 20 27

3 10 17 24 Sunday 2 9 16 23 30

7 14 21 28

4 11 18 25

December ‘18

January ‘19

February ‘19

Monday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28

4 11 18 25 Tuesday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29

5 12 19 26

Wednesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30

6 13 20 27 Thursday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31

7 14 21 28

Friday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

1 8 15 22 Saturday 1 8 15 22 29

5 12 19 26

2 9 16 23

Sunday 2 9 16 23 30

6 13 20 27

3 10 17 24

March ‘19

April ‘19

May ‘19

Monday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 Tuesday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 Wednesday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31

Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 Sunday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26

June ‘19

July ‘19

August/September ‘19

Monday 3 10 17 24

1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 Tuesday 4 11 18 25

2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3

Wednesday 5 12 19 26

3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 Thursday 6 13 20 27

4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5

Friday 7 14 21 28

5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 Saturday 1 8 15 22 29

6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 Sunday 2 9 16 23 30

7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8

Bank and Public Holidays 2018/2019

Christmas Day Holiday 25th December 2018

Boxing Day Holiday 26th December 2018

New Years Holiday 1st January 2019

Good Friday 19th April 2019

Easter Monday 22nd

April 2019

May Day Holiday 6th May 2019

Spring Bank Holiday 27th May 2019

Summer Bank Holiday 26th August 2019


Holiday Dates

Professional Training Days – School closed to students

Inset Days – School Closed to Students

Bank Holidays

Years 7 & 11 Start

Whole School Starts