“The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” Matt 9:37 TRACTORS AT CHURCH HARVEST FEST Sunday, November 13 th ! Join us for a special HarvestFest for all ages at Sand Prairie Lutheran! The event kicks off at noon with an OctoberFest-style meal with brats & sauerkraut along with fresh apple cider right from an apple cider press. Please bring a dish to share, and bottles or cans of your favorite brand of rootbeer for our rootbeer tastings. There will be kids’ activities, bonfire, music & more. Bring lawn chairs if you wish as this event will also serve as our New Member Welcome, so bring your best friendly smiles! Members from our church are invited to bring tractors for everyone to enjoy seeing, especially the kids who will also get a preview during Sunday School that morning. Contact Keith Friedrich if you are able to bring a tractor. For details on where and when to park: call (309) 267-1516. Fun and fellowship for every age! The public is also invited! ALL ARE WILLKOMMEN! St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter Sand Prairie – Green Valley, IL November 2016 The ParishScope

The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

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Page 1: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

“The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” Matt 9:37


Join us for a special HarvestFest for all ages at Sand Prairie Lutheran! The event kicks off at noon with an OctoberFest-style meal with brats & sauerkraut along with fresh apple cider right from an apple cider press. Please bring a dish to share, and bottles or cans of your favorite brand of rootbeer for our rootbeer tastings. There will be kids’ activities, bonfire, music & more. Bring lawn chairs if you wish as this event will also serve as our New Member Welcome, so bring your best friendly smiles!

Members from our church are invited to bring tractors for everyone to enjoy seeing, especially the kids who will also get a preview during Sunday School that morning. Contact Keith Friedrich if you are able to bring a tractor. For details on where and when to park: call (309) 267-1516.

Fun and fellowship for every age! The public is also invited! ALL ARE WILLKOMMEN!

St. John’s Lutheran Church


Sand Prairie – Green Valley, IL

November 2016



Page 2: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

ALL SAINTS DAY is November 6th, we will be remembering the following: Marvin Palm, Cassie Allen, Evelyn Smith, Dorothy Urish, Eugene “Gene” Lutz, and Lyle Flexsenhar.

4th ANNUAL EWELE WALK will be held Sunday, November 6th from 11:00 to 3:00 at Good Shepherd. Join us for a lunch buffet, bake sale, and craft vendors. Come by for one stop Christmas shopping and fun!

NEW MEMBER WELCOME will be held on Sunday, November 13th members of our congregation will welcome 14 new members into our congregation: Cherise (Greg) Friedrich, Leigha and Rhett; Ryan and Nikki Dougherty (Matilda, Kindergarten; Dylan, 4 years old); Bernice Hall; Margaret White; Jaime Baxter, Aiden 4th, Brennan 3rd , Dylan 4 yrs. Old, Alicia Clark, James Clark, Camden Randall Norman (son of Josh &

Jennifer Norman), Graham Dustin Friedrich (son of Dustin & Kelley

Friedrich), Daphne June & Audrey Ann Moore (daughters of Katie Owens). They may be greeted after each service. Refreshments will be provided and served by the Evangelism 9:00-9:30am.

STEPHEN & MARY ELISE DUNCAN IN WORSHIP - Stephen & Mary Elise Duncan from Nashville, TN will be leading music in Worship at 8am & 10:45am on Sunday, November 20th at St. John’s (Sand Prairie). There will be a free will offering to support their ministry.

Page 3: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

CID JUNIOR HIGH LOCK-IN held at Five Points in Washington, IL on Nov 11th & 12th. For questions please contact Pastor Kevin Bueltmann.

A PANCAKE & SAUSAGE SUPPER will be served by our local Thrivent group on Nov 30th, the 1st Wednesday in Advent, following the 5:30 service. A free will offering will be taken to help support projects within our church, Cradle roll, purchasing baptismal medallions, and providing assistance for those attending Camp CILCA.

ANGEL TREE Families, indivuiduals, or organizations are encouraged to stop by on Sunday morning during fellowship hour, or after the 2nd service to sign up for one or more names. Two $20 gifts (one toy and one clothing item) are to be purchased for each child. All gifts need to be at the church by November 27th. Please put any monetary donation in the offering plate, or to the church office by November 20th. Please make checks out to St. John’s, but clearly mark it “Angel Tree”. These gifts will be wrapped on December 4th by the JFC, and delivered that week by the JFC and members of the Evangelism committee. If you have any questions call Cherie Reagan, coordinator, (217)502-2702, or Bill Krueger (309) 642-1818

REBEKAH CIRCLE: It’s never too early to mark your calendar for an important and exciting event! Rebekah Circle will hold an “Advent by Candlelight” evening for ladies of the congregation, their female family members, friends and neighbors, on Sunday, November 20th at 6:30pm here at the church. There is no charge for this event. This will be a wonderful evening filled with Word, music, and fellowship to help you prepare your hearts for the Advent season before the holidays get into full swing! Hostesses will be setting beautiful tables all decorated and set for Christmas for your viewing. A variety of desserts will also be served. Be watching for a bulletin insert to register for this new event at Sand Prairie. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis.

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: Just a reminder that medical equipment you may need as you recuperate from an injury or illness, can be borrowed from Len & Diane LaLone (353-3846).

Page 4: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

Family Life A Series of Sermons for Advent and Christmas

Family life. It can be the best of times and—let’s be honest—it can be the worst of times. Consider these family facts: • You don’t need remote control for your TV. If you have children, the chances of controlling anything are already remote. • More ominous than the sound of an approaching riot is the sound of children suddenly quiet. • A survey of marriage counselors has uncovered this bit of data: no marriage can survive white carpeting. Everyone needs Godly wisdom when it comes to family relationships. That’s why, as we begin a new church year, we plan to learn from the families connected with our Lord’s birth. This includes Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, along with Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John. These families faced infertility, frustration, loss, misunderstandings, death, and so much more.

Sermon plans are as follows: Advent 1 – Two Families (Luke 1:5–25) November 30th - 5:30pm

Advent 2 – Our Way (Luke 1:57–66) December 7th – 5:30pm Advent 3 – A List! (Matthew 1:1–17) December 14th – 5:30pm

Advent 4 – Open the Door (Matthew 1:18–20) December 21st – 5:30pm Christmas Eve – Whoever Takes the Son Gets It All (Matthew 1:21–25)

4:30, 7:00 & 11:00pm Christmas Day – 10:00am

You are encouraged to be a part of these worship services. Your family

is worth time and investment in God’s word!

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Flower Chart for November Nov 6th

Altar – Jim & Linda Turney 48th Anniversary Pulpit – Carl &Karen Babb & Family one year Anniversary of Baptism

Nov 13th

Altar – Dave & Cherie Reagan 42nd Anniversary Pulpit – (Available)

Nov 20th Altar – (Available) Pulpit – (Available)

Nov 23rd Thanksgiving Eve Altar – Jim & Sharon Lemon Pulpit – (Available)

Nov 27th Altar – Alan & Kim Hall 40th Anniversary Pulpit – John & Carol Breedlove Anniversary

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, (Christmas Memories) produced by the Lutheran Hour Ministries, and funded by the Evangelism committee, will be available November 16th. The first day of Advent is November 30th.

November WORSHIP 8:00am Worship

Elder: Keith Friedrich Acolytes: Charleigh Lennox & Alivia Meyers Altar Duty – Vergie Friedrich & Linda Turney

10:45am Worship Elder: Troy Thomas Acolytes: Dalynn McFarlin & Noel Larimore

PREACHING SCHEDULE Pastor Chris Nov 2, 13, 16, 20, 23 Pastor Kevin Nov 6, 9, 27, 30

CHOIR & PRAISE TEAM - Now is a GREAT time to join our Choir and/or Praise Team! Please contact one of the current members for more information or Pastor Kevin.

GUILD NEWS DORCAS GUILD: The Dorcas Guild will meet on Thursday, October 27th at 9:00am

LYDIA GUILD: The Lydia Guild will meet at 9:00am on Tuesday, November 29th to assemble and mail the 2016 December ParishScope. EPIPHANY SOCIETY will meet on Thursday, November 3rd at 1:00pm. Program will be given by DCE Bill. Hostesses are Barb Fuelberth & Mary Ann Weindel. Please remember your School Kit Items.

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November Birthdays

Nov 1 Virginia Urish * Nov 2 Ron Friedrich Nov 3 Amanda Hamann, Cindy Davis Nov 4 Lauren Bresnahan, Don Herrmann, Lauren Shissler, Nate Smith Nov 5 Phyllis Lutz * Nov 6 Vergie Friedrich * Nov 7 Taylor Becker, Brian Bong Nov 9 Dick Beebe, Debra Null Nov 10 Andy Reagan, Matthew Knott, Ryan Hoeft Nov 11 Robin Boyer, Andrea Cantrall, Nov 12 Jacob Wattles Nov 13 Taylor Kilgus Nov 14 Kelsey Urish, Angela Wikoff Nov 16 Judy Ripper, Amy Weyhrich Nov 17 Sharon Lemon *, Joshua Graff, Michael Lennox Nov 18 Julie Rich Nov 19 Jim Turney, Amber Knott Nov 21 Gary Shay Nov 22 Eloise Golden *, Andrea Simpson, Steven Brush Nov 23 Billy Moore Nov 25 Charlie Larimore, Norman Tisdale *, Jessica Armstrong

November Anniversaries

Nov 2 John & Bonnie Beck Nov 3 Ed & Jody McFarlin Nov 8 Jim & Linda Turney Nov 9 Jim & Sharon Lemon, Jerry & Phyllis Privett Nov 10 Ryan & Nancy Fairchild Nov 11 Brian & Sara Becker Nov 15 Dave & Cherie Reagan Nov 18 Keith & Christen Friedrich Nov 19 David & Cheryl Friedrich Nov 25 John & Carol Breedlove Nov 27 Alan & Kim Hall Nov 30 Brandon & Holly Flexsenhar

November Birthdays cont.

Nov 26 Sheri Catton, Christie Martis Nov 27 Kristina Peeler Nov 28 Earl Urish *, Matthew Null Nov 30 Davin Fairchild, Amy Brecher, Breeana Shay

“*” represent 75 or older

Page 7: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please

The Lifesaving Station Author, Brent Hunter tells a parable about a crude little lifesaving station on a seacoast where shipwrecks often occurred. The building was just a small hut and a boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves, they went out day or night tirelessly searching for the lost.

Many lives were saved by this little station and people soon gave of their time and money and effort for the support of its work. New boats were bought and new crews were trained. Some of the new members of the lifesaving station were unhappy that the building was so crude and so poorly equipped. They felt that a more comfortable place should be provided as the first refuge of those saved from the sea.

Eventually, the lifesaving station became a popular gathering place for its members, and they redecorated it beautifully and furnished it as a sort of club. Less of the members were now interested in going to sea on lifesaving missions, so they hired lifeboat crews to do this work.

About this time a large ship was wrecked off the coast, and the hired crews brought in boat loads of cold, wet and half-drowned dirty people and the beautiful new club was considerably messed up.

At the next meeting, there was a split in the club membership. Some wanted to stop the club's lifesaving activities, but others insisted that lifesaving was their primary purpose. What should they do?

This parable, of course, applies to every church and every Christian as we consider that Jesus came to “seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 Now that our new addition is finished and dedicated, let us continue to share the good news of Jesus as God gives us power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses here and everywhere. Acts 1:8

In Christ’s Love

Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

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St. John’s Lutheran Church – Sand Prairie 13443 Townline Road - Green Valley, IL 61534-9216

(309)348-3180 – [email protected]


Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

Pastor Chris Sansom

DCE Bill Krueger

School Principal Reva Simpson

8:00 am Traditional Worship

9:30 am Sunday School & Bible Classes

10:45 am Contemporary Worship

5:30 pm Wednesday Worship

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November 2016

Page 9: The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few Matt 9:37 · “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few ... Bring lawn chairs if you wish as ... For questions please