1 The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant Due Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at 5:00 P.M. (EST) 1. Current Date (mm/dd/yyyy) * : 2.a. First Name * : 2.b. Middle * : 2.c. Last * : 3. Email Address * : 4. Advisor’s email * : 5. WIN * : 6. Phone * : 7. Degree level * : 8. GPA * : 9. Have you previously won a Research or Travel grant? * 9.a. If Yes, what grant type? * (If you don’t remember, please select I Don’t Remember) 10. Indicate the number of Credit Hours in which you are currently enrolled * : 11. Are you currently holding an assistantship or associateship? * 12. Indicate the following: Select choices from the Drop-Down List. If you do not see your program or department, TYPE in this information in the space provided 12.a. Graduate Program * : 12.b. Department * : 12.c. College * : 13. Project Title (A draft title is acceptable) * : 14. Indicate the type of activity(ies) in which you will engage * : (Please check as many as apply to your conference session) 14.a. Please explain your responsibilities in the above activities and the length of time allocated for your presentation, performance, or exhibit * :

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Page 1: The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant … · The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant ... contact the conference organizers to ... The purpose that the letter


The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant

Due Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at 5:00 P.M. (EST)

1. Current Date (mm/dd/yyyy) * :

2.a. First Name * : 2.b. Middle * : 2.c. Last * :

3. Email Address * :

4. Advisor’s email * :

5. WIN * : 6. Phone * :

7. Degree level * : 8. GPA * :

9. Have you previously won a Research or Travel grant? *

9.a. If Yes, what grant type? * (If you don’t remember, please select I Don’t Remember)

10. Indicate the number of Credit Hours in which you are currently enrolled * :

11. Are you currently holding an assistantship or associateship? *

12. Indicate the following: Select choices from the Drop-Down List. If you do not see your program ordepartment, TYPE in this information in the space provided

12.a. Graduate Program * :

12.b. Department * :

12.c. College * :

13. Project Title (A draft title is acceptable) * :

14. Indicate the type of activity(ies) in which you will engage * :(Please check as many as apply to your conference session)

14.a. Please explain your responsibilities in the above activities and the length of time allocatedfor your presentation, performance, or exhibit * :

Page 2: The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant … · The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant ... contact the conference organizers to ... The purpose that the letter


The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant

Due Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at 5:00 P.M. (EST)

15. Does this project require review for research compliance? (HSIRB; DNA; Hazardous Materials; Animals) * :

15.a. If YES, then indicate the compliance area: Check all that apply * :

15.b. If YES, then the letter of approval from the Office of Research Compliance must beattached with this application: refer to LETTER “C” on the Check List * :

16. Please indicate the grant amount you are seeking up to $700 ONLY ($900 for travel to Alaska, Hawaii) * :$

17. If your research requires International Travel, would you like to apply for the Graduate StudentAssociation (GSA) supplemental grant of $600? * :

18. Please itemize your travel budget. Confirm costs with providers. Give all expenses for eachcategory, even if the total exceeds the maximum grant amount. Allowable Expenses (Thecombination of support received from a Graduate Student Travel Grant and any other source(s) must notexceed the total expense) (For mileage expenses, use the current IRS mileage rate of $0.575/mile)

18.a. Transportation (airfare) * : $ 18.b. Transportation (ground) * : $ 18.c. Parking * : $ 18.d. Meals (maximum 3 days at $45 per day) * : $18.e. Lodging (maximum 2 nights & $400 limit) * : $18.f. Conference registration fee * : $ 18.g. Total Budget * : $

19. Please list any other funding you have received for this travel, including the amount * :

20. Please list any other funding you have sought for this travel, including the amount * :

21. Identify the name, place and dates of the conference/meeting where you will present/perform/exhibit * :

22. Please identify (give URL for) the official conference website * :

23. Will you have a Student Loan during the semester of this application? *

24. Are you currently receiving tuition/ educational expense support from a third party, including foreigngovernments? *

Please refer to the checklist (next page) to ensure your application is complete

25. Signature * 26. Date * :

Please type your name in the space. It is not necessary to sign your name

Page 3: The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant … · The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant ... contact the conference organizers to ... The purpose that the letter


The Graduate College Graduate Student Travel Grant

Due Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at 5:00 P.M. (EST)

PART ONE: (Student Application Process) Includes the application and the LABELED attachments IN THEORDER LISTED that need to be sent from the student’s email as ONE, SINGLE PDF file to this address: [email protected] (DO NOT SCAN THIS APPLICATION)

Graduate Student Travel Grant Application & Checklist (3 Pages) plus A & B (required), C (if applicable) A: Submission Materials

The description should include the following: A1. Copy of the call for papers/performers/exhibitors (if necessary, contact the conference organizers to obtain

this) A2. Copy of materials submitted to the sponsoring organization for selection A3. Letter of invitation from the sponsoring organization to present/perform/exhibit. We must have proof that

your participation in the sponsored event is confirmed at the time of application B: Description of Presentation/Performance/Exhibition (4 PAGES MAXIMUM for both B1 & B2 INCLUDING

REFERENCES) B1. An abstract, program notes, or other concise description of your presentation, performance, or exhibition. * B2. A background statement that places your project in context within your discipline, including a summary of

relevant works by others in the field and bibliographical references if appropriate (please provide references for all works cited).

*Your description should not simply replicate attachment A2. Instead, please target your description to ageneral scholarly audience rather than to a specialist in your field. The research and travel grantsselection committee is composed of faculty representing each of the University’s colleges and graduatestudent representatives. While the committee’s collective wisdom is extensive, it is not comprehensiveregarding each of the disciplines represented in the University. Thus, the committee relies upon theinformation contained in your description in making its funding determinations.

C: IF APPLICABLE: Research Compliance Approval Letter on University Letterhead ONLY. Please note: If the HSIRB protocol has expired, ALSO include a copy of the Final Report. Contact Julia Mays at 7. 8293 for assistance.

Part Two: (Faculty Letter of Support)

D: Letter of Support/Evaluation sent/will be sent by Dr. (in PDF format) Please request that your advisor or another faculty member familiar with your project write a Letter of Support for your project on University letterhead, and send it directly to [email protected] in PDF format by the application deadline. DO NOT send the letter to Dr. Marianne Di Pierro.

The letter must clearly address the following elements: 1) The student's name2) Please ensure the student is currently enrolled3) The purpose that the letter of support/evaluation is for an application for a Graduate Student Travel Grant4) The significance of the project5) The student’s role in the project6) The significance of the conference or event where the project will be presented7) Selectivity level of the conference or event (e.g., the main national conference in our field, highly competitive with

less than half of submissions accepted, etc.)

Labeling Directions: Student: Label the PDF Document and the Email Subject Heading as follows:

GSTG-Application-first-name last-name Example: GSTG-Application-Mary Jones

Faculty: Label the Letter of Support as follows: GSTG-Letter-first-name last-name

Example: GSTG-Letter-Mary Jones