Mercury-391017-1.jpg · The Glenville Mercury Oflicial Weekly Student PublicatioD of State Teacbera AND &DUND YOUr To Wat.eb Thil Paper !or A Braa4 New Puhlr-A Natio11-Wide Collesiate Poll. WukJr Vol,_ II, No. 4 GlcmTille, West Virciaia. T ueaday, October 1 7, 1939 COSMIC DUST By Mn: Ward FOUR SENIORS ENTER SUPREME COURT RACE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J Two Penon. Will Be Elected by .Studeat Bocly : Firat Election Not Valid MODE.IUI VERSION: OLD IRONY They are. two yOUft&' men who meet et the soda fountain . They attended togethe r, .a nd 1\ftd eaeh other •alu-.ble. u the days 10 on. In the put 'they Mve been a little aerioO!I: tbey m&J M•e tried ponduiaa- iD· pondedlbles. They have t.boqbt of the why uuf wherefore of the W&fli of the world. Today &bey P'"t: they talk ol European ehaos - not the invinci- ble RaJriDI', (;omel or 'l'beJ talk briefly, eame1tly. Tbey wonder. But t.hey ann't so s ure. (Certainty of opinion is -r e- eened for those who ru.c.h condu- ,sions .sa ns thought.) .Being t.hus un- encumbered they thin:k as they talk. Should the specter of war u.wme reality, they will be as-ked to kill, to destroy. This isn't too pleuant; tbey' ve beard the doctrine tbat mod- en:a war.. are always dutructive. It b a Jbrt i&n pmlble wherein &ll wiU toaoe. Thi s tbeTve come to believe. It • II looks tulile, silly. But the maue.s don 't think. T.his ts unfortunate. A few men think, they >belie\•e, t.hut we have wars and rumors thereof . For hatreds yet ex- Ist a.mong men. They part, wondering ten years beMC! . A ti nge. of irony bor- ders the thought that they then may mingle with the soil o! foreign fie.ld.s. E nn so. the world will spi n on. P erh.apa, they've. agreed, wars a.re iD- .witable-yet! lden aren't fuUy sus- eeptibl e to u,. thine cal led dviliza... tioa. Four aeniors wiJI ficht It oat for trwo !pOSitions on the SIIJ)reme CAW"t thi s. the initial yeu of the orp.n iza· tion. This announcement dome fol- lo1ring a meet.in&' of the nominating oomm. lttee the. palt. 'tuesday. Those nominated were Woodruw Harwell , Clark Hudman, Jr., On. lbe. Pol· inc and .S..tban IHauman. !.MiA Hau. man a nd Mr. ilb»Well were elHkd the past spring, /bot +beeaul!e tM elec- tion -was invaljd it was necessary to conduct a.natheT one thia year. The Court will con&lat. of one male s todent and one :female stu- dent elected !by the atudeont •body, the Preside.n't of the Collep, and two faculty membe rs appointed by the Pl-esident of the College.. The Supreme Court will "have power to hear, invest igate, and set- tle finally any question involvilll" stu- dents or campus organizations, the settlement o! which is condusivo to the getaenl welfare of the Coll ege." On the nomilwting committee "Margueri te Moss.' ohaiMnan, Maxi ne< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc- Millen. Council Will Send Delegates To State Meet Delq-atu !rom tbe Student Coun- cil will attend the West V1rc-inia Ped- e.nti6n coavention a' Shephercbtow:n tbe latter pert of er the fint of No•ember, Rlt. rold Noroski, pruideat. PRES E. G. ROHRBOUGH CROWNS ANOTHER QUEEN One of the most colorful soleonnitics of anv in Glenvi lle was the i"Or- onation on the l..:!wn !n front of Verona Mapel H all. Saturday, Oct. 7. There under .a warm Oc- tober su n and amid pomp and pageantry, Je an McGee, Co llege senior, was crowned by Pres. E. G. RoMbough . ,'3tand1Dg in the lmmed ia:.e background are Princesses Susan Summers, senior; Gwendolyn Beall, ju nior ; Madelyn Conrad , Miss Rose Hanna , sophomore dass princess, is direetJy behind Pr Rohrbough . Also in the pictura may be seen Harold Norosk.i, stua ent president: Teresa Butch- er, secretary; and Carl Keiste r, vice-presi- dent . The boy on the extreme left is Wil- liam Hughe3, freshman claes president. The coronation was s ponsored by the Stu- dent Council. At the right and lower left m!ly be seen the queen and her four prin- Ce6Ses as they a ppeared iD U1e parade. Pic- tures by Frank M. Reali. It's .'Duck' When You Go In And MEROJRY WILL COUNCIL SPONSORS STUDENT FORUM ON Committee: Named to Draw Up Rul• to Gonrn Prac- tice D--=- '' lfow dances art- to tM conducted and wh o mBJ' attend"..,.,.. topics d*"u.aed in the first for- um o! the yur, Wedn-.lay. Daa- cea are to · be held Weclnt!S&J •• Thur$d.ay of eub lbe dL. of the .acial cormnJttee. R.hold N"oro,.kl, prHident of U.. Student Council, and Ca:rl Ke:i.ster, ... hai.nna:n of the .social eommltt.ee, led t.h e discussion. Kebte.r .Wd thAt at the 1\nt practice Wee tbe.re ha4 been <:onsiderable aroaad the victrola; also t ha t had beeo uncomplimentary renurk.!l mact e by those seated In the bleech- those who ean drmt:t' :are not to tear:h soni M ne el1l', tbeT 11.bould not be there. Il ia a practie• danee." uid Keistn. Sull'ftl!tions as to how the d&lk"ef mi.lfht be mJdt to bttt urre tbt.ir rourpose were m11de by ar.I'C'Uertte Moa!l, senior: Geraldine McClain, Marpret Ward, and Robert Butcher. Juniors; f"mnt e!.S Myer11. and Edclle Chapman. Mtnbomore.!l; F'r.tnk Ham- mer and William f reshmft . Jt was auggent:d th.t.t all e-xper- ienee,l dancen refrain from daneiac and that they teae.h tile basic steps to the ones lurninr. That tbt'rt would be hard fteHo.p if the dances were open only t.o C.l· lege studf'nts was t he opinion of Ko- mer (Tiny) After furthu a nd d ile.uMion, It 'f'SI d.- dded that the duce. opea c. anyone wishin& to attend, prorid .. U.t those lmowin1 bow to .... tucb tlaose 11riabinc to !earn, Keilter appointed a C!OIIIIafHH, But some thinc ca.n tbe done ebout 1., they believe. Wbe.t d tatur'be them b when. For '\is kD<nt'n tha.t the Jl'l .. fth of fP"'OCfeU Us alow. Some- timee, Indeed, it may •eem tha.t the •onmnt ia backward, or aon-uis- ... The Coua. cil a* aneouncea tlu.t e.spenses !or it.s pert in t.boioth ao- ngal Rome-eoq wiU be taken ff'0111 the .stu.cLeat activity tee &I 9'0\ed tbe Out This Big 'Door,' Or Is It Window? ,-ear. C. D. Wilfa.t' S.ya UJ Ha.e' • LONG•s A.NMOUNCE. BIRTH PUBUSH NATJONAL ... COUNTitY E.DITOit ,rbe Oouncll ilncnr ur\pill.l d&tea Ne.w Seen t;W BAJIY DAUCHTE.Jt by = orplriutioa'• ...eMty P"'- Like It,. Mil POLLS liDI'ft', Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e, :;: ..._ "'W:IIIIII•'I trllsl.-elJ in a lfett Virpnia t). It .... s nen the conclu•ioa of a weD-worded tribute to a man recent- ly decea.aed, who had crown from the nob io hia borne countJ ud subae- qaently achieHd a certain del'f'H of s uece. in bther t«tioM 4f the .tate. Simple artd. succinct it read: "'Be nenr compromlMd. s priJ::I,ciple or ibetraJed a friend.." ·I bew the lBU, bat the riitor'a wordl l.rt their ' lmpn.ioa. A.moq editoN in nwU towns' the country are to be foa!Wl 10me of the Anest of the world'a They ap&l'kle not. ftor are they outwardly clamorous, for they know the JTime of printers' t nk and the !eel of hot lead 1.1 part their work. Yet, amonr men are those •bo take ad•.mtace of tbeir rare op. portunitJ · to know m&ny men cen- .enlly and a !ew men well and think to conclusions ideas born of daily boman procea&es .as seen ia the duir- illbly •"'- motton of the Amuien ,IJJOUT BUDCET.S !Budgeting hit time by a s tudent 'Widely recommended. Jt is known that in many C&$C5 such practice is quit.e uae!uJ. Budgets have grown to 1lne atmost univera. l application. T ime budgets are U! ed r eligiously kldeed by some of t he best students I ha ve had the pleasur e o r lcnowing. On the other hand, budgets a.rt evurned by student.s eq!UIIY t depends upon one's disposition, bey aay; budgets are tor those who ave a need for them. And herein hey include financial .budget., as well those tor time. Louise Pr eyn. of E\·enwood anci gradu..t.e of the College, is attain· recognition with her latest novel, ' Lamin'." She has abo h11d numer· ua poems publis J. ed. J ack Fnncis.. yo uthful .and a:ble reaident o! the fre shmln daa.s last ear, Is h\a intcm5hi p with 1 Pituburgh corporation. He \aa ny qualities that wi ll help to er I te a place himself in whatever e may choose to do. Even with hi s nosi in\imate friends he shows si gns >f thinking ror him!elf. 11nd he is uite able to s tand on hi! own !ee.t. e pouesse.s mea! ures of "BJrine. unk and spirit." a ttr ibutes known be quite duirable in :a competl. · e world. Dr. Harper's Book Is Listed in New State Publication Under the section head6d "ILecent Pllblieationa ollaterut to Wert Vir- lin&.n.s" of the tba 6.rst W.ue o! the W.est Virwiaia Bist.ork&J Qu.:&rt.rly, oow otf the pre:._ is listed " The Ad- ministration of tile <:i.tlian ConMvatiOD by Dr. Cbarlea P. Harper. 'The quarte rly, by the State Depa.rtment of Al'chive.s &nd History, also llBts " Hope of Amer- ica,'' by John C. Shaw, fonne r prin- cipal o! Glenville Stat.e Norm&l School, and ' 1 La· r-ain'," by Louhe P!"rryu. a cndaat-e of the Collere who t.eaehes in Randolph County A copy of the Quarterly w&a re- ceived here by Deln R. L. White', By Albert Wooft.tt "In the litteen years of experien<:e ' tMt l have had, I "h&ve nrHr aua anytbiq- like it." dedarH C. D. Wil- fong, coach of B.igh School, In n.fenin1 to the Sc-hool's unique dreuing room entnnce. The entrance, ia a smaU OPftli nc in the side of tlw bolldiq, with the JTound, witb steps ludin« to the bwement floor on the IMide. The op. enilll" is 37 lncbes wide and 32 io- Mr . .and Wa4e Long of Mid- way, announce the birth of a aine and on.,.half poud Vonda Jean, S.turd&y, Oct. '7. Mr. Loq, SiN. '36 is a t.eaeber in LeW Coun- ty. Can You Make Heads or Tails Of This Party? ches birb. To u se it,. oae must per- ftow would 7ou like to 19 t.o & form an act that is apparently ma.. freshman postoll\ce party! Perllap. tered tbrougb praetlee. A bump on this Is the an upper cla.u report- the be&d ia not uncommon for tM in- er wou ld !H it: experienced user. C arl , tbe Frien.Uy, 'fJent over to It ia estimated that tbis tin,. Alum Bridge to Nettie. She bad "door" been u!led more than Triplett. but that wa• Olea. They 144,000 times in t.be Jut te n years. went around Big Bend to bunt Odes- Among tho!le who have used it are aa. Here from Elkhorn they c:.ould over Toll Gate Koont athlet ic teams. Gilbe.rt Rboades., Jr., The}' found Odessa taking eare of Warren lAmb, and Robert Bauman, ill Zona on Snow B ill. Carl "W'ISD't members of the • Pioneer I friendly, and he to pa.ss on Holy RoUera to squad thU season, used it duri ng and Exchange Lette r Gap for Cow. Sponaor Thanksgiving their high school days. en. You figure it out. Dance on Nov. 18 _____________ _:_ ___________ _ The G Club a.nd the Holy "Roller Court bsve nuhed into action earli er this year than u.sual. 'l'he Holy Roll- er Court ia al"ady malcing plans to hold a Tbank.!.giving Dance in the gymn a.si u.m, November 18. As yet, defi ni te arrangements have not been County Teachers Elect Delegates To S. E. A. Mee t to the Stale Associa tion meeting in Wheelilt@ tmt.de. Thirteen new members havr juat complet c1 their initiation into the Holy · Roller Court, making the n1em- tM!rship o! the organi:tation twe ntJ· nine. Those setect.ed as delegl tes ue u I Ohnimgohowa IDitiate 7 Pledges Wednesday Soven members we:e init.iat.ed ill- to the Ohnimgohow Clu'b at 3 mee t- ing held in rRoom 204 last Wednes- day. Those initiated we. re: Jame.!l Satterfi eld, Robert Stalnaker, Ape! Wrigh t, Helen Heater, Edna Crum- mett, Threda and Max Werd. Pan or the initiatio n wu the imitating of some well !mown p er. so n on the esmpus. s.u-,, WUI Be NatioD-WMie And Will ReDFeeeat Var-. iety ol Stud_.. Viewa The national collewiate polls of the Student Opinio1'1 Survey• of Americ.a will !be plibli•.,ed thi s yea.r in the it -was a.ssu. r6d here today when arr.ngt:mtnts 11rere completed for interTiewinr 011. the Col- Jere campus. T be IM'Hnry is on e of the many leadlnc eoUece and unive-raity n.,.._ cooperatiftl' with the Surve"' wbich have headquarten at tbe Unl. venltr of Texas. · Statr intervi e"Wen ..,...jU !ballots at r egular inter- vats he re and .at ot hu schools from cout to coast. Completed results will be maile-d to Auatin, Texas, for nati onal ' tebalations. Summaries of what the Ameriean collegian is think- ing and falki ng about will then be sent to members !or publica tion. "The Surveys oft'e r to t he college press what Dr. George Gallup offers to the U. S. preu-4 'fourth dimen- sion' in journalism,'' editors of the pol ls remark. " This is the only !uch colleg-e poll that uses rpenonal inter. view-s to pther opinioos, not trust- ing to lucli: with haphazardly distrib- uted or printed-in-the-pi"Jier ballots. Thas Vo'"By a ma thematical cron-sec· tion e.st.ablishe-d jus t- like the Call. up and !Fortune polls, and opinions of the mill ion and a hair coll ege stu- dents are meas ured uocu. r ste ly." Interviews here Will be ..x>n duct- ed oby a .Mercury- staff mem- ber, who wiU be. in strueted to elQ)la ln that the poll does not seek to influ- enee ,pUblic opinion and that preMU r e croups or student movements will have. no -p:art in the suney_ The membeu of the C Club :are fo!iows : Earl R, B oggs, prineip.al o! now preparing for their a nnu al min- High Sc.hool: Roland Butch- n rel to be presented November 14 er, principal, and Grs-ce in the College :a.uditorium. instructor, Sand F' ork High S<:hool; A proportional of collep Loise. Gulent:z:, Clajr Morrison :a.nd students i• the basi! for the surve)'S. Madeline Moore were taken .into the determine-d from tigurt>s of the U. S. club and will be ini tiated at the Office of Education. FIFTY PERSONS ATTEND SQUARE DANCE SATURDAY Mary Leone West, Troy High School; Edmund Powell, principal of Cedar- ville Junior High Sc.hool; Ra.:z:el Fisher, Norm•ntown High Sc.hool : Approxim.:ately fift:y persons :at.- and the following teaehers in Gilmu tended a squa-re da nee in the gym- County graded schools: Virgin ia Yin. nasium Saturday night from 8 until son, Tanner; Meredith Sisk, New- 11 o'clock. Music was furni shed by berne; Alton Peters, Gilmer; William Blakely Boggs. Guy Wya nt ond AI- Boggs, Orton: and Mary Helen St:al- bert Woofte.r. !C-haperons were Mr. naker, Rosedale. and Mrs. Earl R. Bogp. ---o--- tR-utgeM! Unh•er&ity has a new course in t he of public relief. St . Mary's Unh•ersit y owns a hilS !or :at.hletic trips tb:a.t hokls 53 passengen. HOUSE FRI DAY NIGHT Appr oximately 100 students wl!'re present !or an open party .F'r;. day night in the lounge o! Louis Bennett Hall. Chaperon! •-e.re Mr. E. R. G1-vse an.d Mr. C. W. Po.tt., meeting tomorro\\' night. All tbe ne..- , membe rs :u-e t"eQuired to wear pla- HELE N CLUB WILL SPONSOR ques bearing the name " Obnimgo- WJENE.R ROAST TONJc..HT how" !or one week. --- UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY •Members o! the Helen Club will enjoy :a. wie ner roast at the The chaperon " ;11 hl' M"' w Wilferma W'h!te, M.tss Loraine Beard, aophomore in the College, daughter of Mr . .and Mrs. H. L.:t.ban W"hite :,s eonv:a.leAC• lf rs. _Monroe Beard of Arbovale, and at the Weston Med i<:.al Center a o! Verol\a Mapel JU.ll. wu 'following an oper.ltion s he under- operated on for acute appendicitis, went the week Mondsy u-ening, Oct. 6, in the City MillS Alma A.Muckle, College Ji- H_ospit.:al at Elk.ins. Miss Bnrd 'a con- b rs.ri :an 2 patient in the Union clitio n , t.o :a report fr om Prote " 1 Bo.!pital in Clark:sburJ", the of the hospital, is where-__: being treated for an ia- very fected -- ----.,__.,. FRIDAY 13TiniiE" THREE TES THREE That iii-"Pilted eoiDbla.aUon, "f'ri,.. day tlte thfreteenth, i• llcht!J ,.. who noted the bizarre and the u - c:anny in the h.appeninp of the der. Though most student. knew It aot until the next morn inr. the day dosed with a s rnu blg deleat of 25-0 for the Pioneers in the attack aaaiDM West Lilberty's HilltopPen.. The day began with the llnrt fro.t or the season, but the doudl- weather that ensued served to eoa- pensa te therefor. Ralph Cox !broke • 'bulter diah hi the dininc room at Kanawha HaJt. A young woman in pbysieal .t<:i· ence class philosophica lly mentioned the moon's r evelations. An inJJt.rueto r left two st.ateme.nt. unfinishe-d; st ude nt, are stil l woll-- de.ring. A commuting freahma n found that his lost cap was the cen ter of a prat"- t inl joke. Teddy, a rabbit dog, form· erly owned by Cl-a r en<:e Underwood but now in the ca re of Cl.s.}'borne (' 'Red") Wil !o,..g, was struck aDd by tru ek at A llludent had three daue.. ...._..;t b :a tut in each! Other st udent& complai ned of tuu. Earle Spencer couldn 't go home. Miu Kathleen Rohe:rt.HJn"_. volun- teer s pucb das.s wouldn't voluntHr. Carl Kej,!;t•r • ore a jerse}· wilb s bole! 13. f Be re t urned fr om We:at Liberty s:ame with an injured .. ) But the weather q s most excell- ent , and the .Mer c.ur}' copy came in on 10 a n unpre<:edent.ed deg-rn. FIRESTONE CONTRIBUTIONS Eacb o! the following pe.raons hu re('ently contributed one dollar t.. t.he George Pir e.tone Memorial Pund, announces J Wilbur Beall, tr easur. er : !tlrs, J. Erne.st Arbuekle, J. Ernem Arbuckle, Linn B. Blc.kma.a. Everett WJtheN, Runter Wbitinc, all o! Glenville, !lnd AJ!yn V. Deem. Parktolllburc.

·The Glenville Mercury · Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc ... Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,

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Page 1: ·The Glenville Mercury · Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc ... Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,


·The Glenville Mercury Oflicial Weekly Student PublicatioD of Gle~~Yille State Teacbera CoDe~re


To Wat.eb Thil Paper !or A Braa4 New Puhlr-A Natio11-Wide

Collesiate Poll. WukJr

Vol,_ II, No. 4 GlcmTille, West Virciaia. T ueaday, October 1 7, 1939 ------------------p-~-- --Tbn.----C..----


DUST By Mn: Ward


COURT RACE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J Two Penon. Will Be Elected

by .Studeat Bocly : Firat Election Not Valid


They are. two yOUft&' men who meet et the soda fountain . They attended eoUe~ together, .a nd 1\ftd eaeh other •alu-.ble. u the days 10 on. In the put 'they Mve been a little aerioO!I: tbey m&J M•e tried ponduiaa- iD· pondedlbles. They have t.boqbt of the why uuf wherefore of the W&fli

of the world. Today &bey P'"t: they talk ol

European ehaos - not the invinci­ble RaJriDI', (;omel or Kell~r.

'l'beJ talk briefly, eame1tly. Tbey wonder. But t.hey ann't so sure. (Certainty of opinion is muc~ -re­eened for those who ru.c.h condu­,sions .sa ns thought.) .Being t.hus un­encumbered they thin:k as they talk.

Should the specter of war u.wme reality, they will be as-ked to kill, to destroy. This isn't too pleuant; tbey've beard the doctrine tbat mod­en:a war.. are always dutructive. It b a Jbrti&n pmlble wherein &ll wiU toaoe. This tbeTve come to believe. It • II looks tulile, silly.

But the maue.s d on 't think. T.his ts unfortunate. A few men think, they >belie\•e, t.hut we have wars and rumors thereof. For hatreds yet ex­Ist a.mong men.

They part, wondering ~out ten years beMC!. A tinge. of irony bor ­ders the thought that they then may m ingle with the soil o! foreign fie.ld.s.

Enn so. the world will spin on. P erh.apa, they've. agreed, wars a.re iD­.witable-yet! lden aren't fuUy sus­eeptible to u,. thine called dviliza... tioa.

Four aeniors wiJI ficht It oat for trwo !pOSitions on the SIIJ)reme CAW"t this. the initial yeu of the orp.n iza· tion. This announcement dome fol­lo1ring a meet.in&' of the nominating oomm.lttee the. palt. 'tuesday. Those nominated were Woodruw Harwell , Clark Hudman, Jr., On. lbe. Pol· inc and .S..tban IHauman. !.MiA Hau. man a nd Mr. ilb»Well were elHkd the past spring, /bot +beeaul!e tM elec­tion -was invaljd it was necessary to conduct a.natheT one thia year.

The .S~eme Court will con&lat. of one male stodent and one :female stu­dent elected !by the atudeont •body, the Preside.n't of the Collep, and two f aculty members appointed by the Pl-esident of the College..

The Supreme Court will "have power to hear, investigate, and set­tle finally any question involvilll" stu­dents or campus organizations, the settlement o! which is condusivo to the getaenl welfare of the College."

On the nomilwting committee w~re "Margueri te Moss.' ohaiMnan, Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc­Millen.

Council Will Send Delegates

To State Meet Delq-atu !rom tbe Student Coun­

cil will attend the West V1rc-inia Ped­e.nti6n coavention a' Shephercbtow:n tbe latter pert of ~er er the fint of No•ember, an~ ouacu Rlt. rold Noroski, pruideat.

PRES E. G. ROHRBOUGH CROWNS ANOTHER QUEEN One of the most colorful soleonnitics of anv r~cer.t Home~ominR" in Glenvi lle was the i"Or­

onation on the l..:!wn !n front of Verona Mapel H all. Saturday, Oct. 7. Th ere under .a warm Oc­tober sun and amid pomp and pageantry, Mis ~ J ean McGee, College senior, was crowned by Pres. E. G. RoMbough. ,'3tand1Dg in the lmmed ia:.e background are Princesses Susan Summers, senior ; Gwendolyn Beall, junior ; Madelyn Conrad, fr~hman. Miss Rose Hanna, sophomore dass princess, is standin~r direetJy behind Pr ~s . Rohrbough.

Also in the pictura may be seen Harold Norosk.i, stua ent president: Teresa Butch­er, secretary; and Carl Keister, vice-presi­dent. The boy on the extreme left is Wil ­liam Hughe3, freshman claes president. The coronation was sponsored by the Stu­dent Council. At the right and lower left m!ly be seen the queen and her four prin­Ce6Ses as they a ppeared iD U1e parade. Pic­tures by Frank M. Reali.

It's. 'Duck' When You Go In And MEROJRY WILL


ON WFJ)N~DAY Committee: Named to Draw Up

Rul• to Gonrn Prac-tice D--=-

' ' lfow p~et.lce dances art- to tM conducted and who mBJ' attend"..,.,.. topics d*"u.aed in the first o~ for­um o! the yur, Wedn-.lay. Daa­cea are to ·be held Weclnt!S&J •• Thur$d.ay of eub w-e~ ~~~tder lbe dL. re~ioa of the .acial cormnJttee.

R.hold N"oro,.kl, prHident of U.. Student Council, and Ca:rl Ke:i.ster, ... hai.nna:n of the .socia l eommltt.ee, led t.h e discussion. Kebte.r .Wd thAt at the 1\nt practice Wee tbe.re ha4 been <:onsiderable e-t~nfatdon aroaad the victrola; also t hat t.her~ had beeo uncomplimentary renurk.!l macte by those perao~ seated In the bleech-

·~rr those who ean drmt:t' :are not ~oin~ to tear:h soniM ne el1l', tbeT 11.bould not be ther e. Il ia a practie• danee." uid Keistn.

Sull'ftl!tions as to how the d&lk"ef mi.lfht be mJd t to bttt urre tbt.ir rourpose were m11de by ar.I'C'Uertte Moa!l, senio r : Geraldine McClain, et~cl Marpret Ward, and Robert Butcher. Juniors; f"mnt e!.S Myer11. and Edclle Chapman. Mtnbomore.!l; F'r.tnk Ham­mer and William Hu~thes , f reshmft .

Jt was auggent:d th.t.t all e-xper­ienee,l dancen refrain from daneiac to~he.r; and that they teae.h tile basic steps to the ones lurninr.

That tbt'rt would be hard fteHo.p if the dances were open only t.o C.l· lege studf'nts was t he opinion of Ko­mer (Tiny) Moor~. After furthu comm~nt:s a nd d ile.uMion, It 'f'SI d.­dded that the duce. ~e.re opea c. anyone wishin& to attend, prorid .. U.t those lmowin1 bow to .... tucb tlaose 11riabinc to !earn,

Keilter appointed a C!OIIIIafHH,

But some thinc ca.n tbe done ebout 1., they believe. Wbe.t d tatur'be them b when . For '\is kD<nt'n tha.t the Jl'l .. fth of fP"'OCfeU Us alow. Some­timee, Indeed, it may •eem tha.t the •onmnt ia backward, or aon-uis­... ~

The Coua.cil a* aneouncea tlu.t e.spenses !or it.s pert in t.b• o ioth ao­ngal Rome-eoq wiU be taken ff'0111 the .stu.cLeat activity tee &I 9'0\ed tbe

Out This Big 'Door,' Or Is It Window? ~st ,-ear. C. D. Wilfa.t' S.ya UJ Ha.e' • LONG•s A.NMOUNCE. BIRTH

PUBUSH NATJONAL ::~r~~!o':: ... •::;aac~~ COUNTitY E.DITOit ,rbe Oouncll ilncnr ur\pill.l d&tea Ne.w Seen .Aa~ t;W BAJIY DAUCHTE.Jt

by S:':n'::c~ = !p;::r:tri!'~ ·!:~11 orplriutioa'• ...eMty P"'- Like It,.

Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,

:;: .:-tla;!~~ ..._ "'W:IIIIII•'I trllsl.-elJ in a lfett Virpnia ~ek­t). It .... s nen the conclu•ioa of a weD-worded tribute to a man recent­ly decea.aed, who had crown from the nob io hia borne countJ ud subae­qaently achieHd a certain del'f'H of s uece. in bther t«tioM 4f the .tate. Simple artd. succinct it read: "'Be nenr compromlMd. s priJ::I,ciple or ibetraJed a friend.." ~

·I bew the lBU, bat the riitor'a wordl l.rt their ' I).,..-:~ lmpn.ioa.

A.moq editoN in nwU towns' tkro~u.t the country are to be foa!Wl 10me of the Anest of the world'a jo~l~. They ap&l'kle not. ftor are they outwardly clamorous, for they know the JTime of printers' t nk and the !eel of hot lead 1.1 part ~:Jf their day~ work.

Yet, amonr th~ men are those •bo take ad•.mtace of tbeir rare op. portunitJ ·to know m&ny men cen­.enlly and a !ew men well and think to conclusions ideas born of daily boman procea&es .as seen ia the duir­illbly •"'- motton of the Amuien ~ltowa.

,IJJOUT BUDCET.S !Budgeting hit time by a student i~

'Widely recommended. Jt is known that in many C&$C5 such practice is quit.e uae!uJ. Budgets have grown to 1lne atmost univera. l application.

T ime budgets are U! ed religiously kldeed by some of t he best students I ha ve had t he pleasur e o r lcnowing. On the other hand, budgets a.rt evurned by student.s eq!UIIY e ffic~nt. t depends upon one's disposition, bey aay; budgets are tor those who ave a need for them. And herein hey incl ude financial .budget., as well

those tor time.

Louise Preyn. of E\·enwood anci gradu..t.e of the College, is attain·

recognition with her latest novel, ' Lamin'." She has abo h11d numer· ua poems publisJ.ed.

J ack Fnncis.. yo uthful .and a:ble reaident o! the fre shmln daa.s last ear , Is lbeginnin~r h\a intcm5hip with

1 Pituburgh corporation. He \aa ny qualities that will help to ere·

I te a place f~r himself in whatever e may choose to do. Even with his

nosi in\imate friends he shows signs >f thinking ror him!elf. 11nd he is uite able to stand on hi! ow n !ee.t. e pouesse.s mea!ures of "BJrine. un k and spirit." a ttribu tes known

be quite duirable in :a competl. · e world.

Dr. Harper's Book Is Listed in New

State Publication Under the section head6d "ILecent

Pllblieationa ollaterut to Wert Vir­lin&.n.s" of the tba 6.rst W.ue o! the W.est Virwiaia Bist.ork&J Qu.:&rt.rly, oow otf the pre:._ is listed "The Ad­ministration of tile <:i.tlian ConMr · vatiOD <:oJ~PS," by Dr. Cbarlea P. Harper.

'The quarterly, p~tlabed by the State Depa.rtment of Al'chive.s &nd History, also llBts " Hope of Amer­ica,' ' by John C. Shaw, fonne r prin­cipal o! Glenville Stat.e Norm&l School, and ' 1La·r-ain'," by Louhe P!"rryu. a cndaat-e of the Collere who t.eaehes in Randolph County •

A copy of the Quarterly w&a re­ceived here by Deln R. L. White',

By Albert Wooft.tt

"In the litteen years of experien<:e ' tMt l have had, I "h&ve nrHr aua a nytbiq- like it." dedarH C. D. Wil­fong, coach of G~n,.;JtJ B.igh School, In n.fenin1 to the Sc-hool's unique dreuing room entnnce.

The entrance, ia a smaU OPftlinc in the side of tlw bolldiq, ~el with the JTound, witb steps ludin« to the bwement floor on the IMide. The op. en illl" is 37 lncbes wide and 32 io­

Mr . .and .Ht:~. Wa4e Long of Mid­way, announce the birth of a aine and on.,.half poud da~bter, Vonda Jean, S.turd&y, Oct. '7. Mr. Loq, SiN. '36 is a t.eaeber in LeW Coun­ty.

Can You Make Heads or Tails

Of This Party? ches birb. To use it,. oae must per- ftow would 7ou like to 19 t.o &

fo rm an act that is apparently ma.. freshma n postoll\ce party! Perllap. tered tbrougb praetlee. A bump on this Is the "~W>y an upper cla.u report­the be&d ia not uncommon for tM in- er wou ld !H it: experienced user. C arl, tbe Frien.Uy, 'fJent over to

It ia estimated that tbis tin,. Alum Bridge to ~e Nettie. She bad "door" ·~ been u!led more than Triplett. but that wa• Olea. They 144,000 times in t.be Jut ten years. went around Big Bend to bunt Odes­Among tho!le who have used it are aa. Here f rom Elkhorn they c:.ould

~:~~~~ ~:!,:;rr::m~=e~/.~o~:! ;~:n~oMn, over Toll Gate ~n Koont

athletic teams. Gilbe.rt Rboades., Jr., The}' found Odessa taking ea re of Warren lAmb, and Robert Bauman, ill Zona on Snow B ill. Carl "W'ISD't members of the •Pioneer footba~ I friendly, and he w~ted to pa.ss on

Holy RoUera to squad thU season, used it during and Exchange Lette r Gap for Cow. Sponaor Thanksgiving their high school days. en. You figure it out.

Dance on Nov. 18 _____________ _:_ ___________ _

The G Club a.nd the Holy "Roller Court bsve nuhed into action earlier this year than u.sual. 'l'he Holy Roll­er Court ia al"ady malcing plans to hold a Tbank.!.giving Dance in the gymn a.siu.m, Novembe r 18. As yet, defi ni te arrangements have not been

County Teachers Elect Delegates To S. E. A. Meet

DcJega~s to the Stale Educ.:~.tion Associa t ion meeting in Wheelilt@ tmt.de.

Thirteen new members havr juat ~~~e:e l~~tyat T~~beee~~g A:!o:~~ completc1 their initiatio n into the

Holy ·Roller Court, making the n1em- ~.~. ;~~1~~:~· o:!:r!~: :::~·~.11: tM!rship o! the organi:tation twentJ· nine. Those setect.ed as delegl tes ue u

I Ohnimgohowa IDitiate 7 Pledges Wednesday

Soven members we:e init.iat.ed ill­

to the Oh nimgohow Clu'b at 3 meet­

ing held in rRoom 204 last Wednes-

day. Those initiated we.re: Jame.!l Satterfield, Robert Stalnaker, Ape!

Wrigh t, Helen Heater, Edna Crum­mett, Threda Crumm~tt and Max

Werd. Pan or the initiation wu the

imitating of some well !mown per. son on the esmpus.

s.u-,, WUI Be NatioD-WMie And Will ReDFeeeat Var-.

iety ol Stud_.. Viewa

The national collewiate polls of the Student Opinio1'1 Survey• of Americ.a will !be plibli•.,ed this yea.r in the lll~ury, it -was a.ssu.r6d here today when arr.ngt:mtnts 11rere completed for ~Ia!" interTiewinr 011. the Col­Jere campus.

T be IM'Hnry is on e of the many leadlnc eoUece and unive-raity n.,.._ Pa~Pt!ts cooperatiftl' with the Surve"' wbich have headquarten at tbe Unl. venltr o f Texas. ·Statr intervie"Wen ..,...jU l"f~Qie.ive !ballots at r egular inter­vats her e and .at othu schools from cou t to coast. Completed results will be maile-d to Auatin, Texas, for national ' tebalations. Summaries of what the Ameriean collegian is think­ing and fa lking about will then be sent to members !or publica tion.

"The Surveys oft'er to t he college press what Dr. George Gallup offers to the U. S . p reu-4 'fourth dimen­sion' in journalism,'' editors of the pol ls remark. " This is the only ! uch colleg-e poll that uses rpenonal inter. view-s to pther opin ioos, not trust­ing to lucli: with haphazardly di st rib­uted or printed-in-the-pi"Jier ballots. Thas Vo'"By a ma thematical cron-sec· tion i~ e.st.ablishe-d jus t- like the Call. up a nd !Fortune polls, and opinions of the mill ion and a hair coll ege stu­dents are measured uocu.r ste ly."

Interviews here Will be ..x>n duct­ed ~gula rly oby a .Mercury- staff mem­ber, who wiU be. instrueted to elQ)la ln that the poll does not seek to influ­enee ,pUblic opinion and that preMU r e croups or student movements will have. no -p:art in the suney_ The membeu of the C Club :are fo!iows : Earl R, B oggs, prineip.al o!

now preparing for their a nnu al min- Glenvill~ High Sc.hool: Roland Butch­n rel to •be presented November 14 er , principal, and Grs-ce Summe~. in the College :a.uditorium. instructor, Sand F'ork High S<:hool;

A proportional A"ft\PI~ of collep Loise. Gulent:z:, Clajr Morrison :a.nd students i• the basi! for the surve)'S.

Madeline Moore were taken .into the determine-d from tigurt>s of the U. S. club and will be initiated at the Office of Education.


Mary Leone West, Troy High School; Edmund Powell, principal of Cedar­ville Junior High Sc.hool; Ra.:z:el Fisher, Norm•ntown High Sc.hool :

Approxim.:ately fift:y persons :at.- and the following teaehers in Gilmu tended a squa-re danee in the gym- County graded schools: Virgin ia Yin. nasium Saturday night from 8 until son , Tanner; Meredith Sisk, New-11 o'clock. Music was furni shed by berne; Alton Peters, Gilm er; William Blakely Boggs. Guy Wya nt ond AI- Boggs, Orton: and Mary Helen St:al­bert Woofte.r. !C-haperons were Mr. naker, Rosedale. a nd Mrs. Earl R. Bogp. ---o---

tR-utgeM! Unh•er&ity has a new course in t he organi~tion of public relief.

St. Mary's Unh•ersit y CT~xu) owns a hilS !or :at.hletic trips tb:a.t hokls 53 passengen.


Appr oximately 100 students wl!'re present !or an open hou.~e party .F'r;. day night in the lounge o! Lou is Bennett Hall. Chaperon! •-e.re Mr. E. R. G1-vse an.d Mr. C. W. Po.tt.,

meeting tomorro\\' night. All tbe ne..- , members :u-e t"eQuired to wear pla- HELE N CLUB WILL SPONSOR ques bearing the name " Obnimgo- WJENE.R ROAST TONJc..HT how" !or one week. ---

UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY •Members o! the Helen Club will

enjoy :a. wie ner roast ton i~~:ht at the Bee~hes.. The chaperon " ;11 hl' M"'w Wilfer ma W'h!te,

M.tss Loraine Beard, aophomore in the College, daughter of Mr . .and Mrs. H. L.:t.ban W"hite :,s eonv:a.leAC• lf rs. _Monroe Beard of Arbovale, and in.~r at the Wes ton Med i<:.al Center a res1d~n t o! Verol\a Mapel JU.ll. wu 'following an oper.ltion she under­operated on for acute appendicitis, went the ~ week Mondsy u-en ing, Oct. 6, in the City MillS Alma A.Muckle, College Ji­H_ospit.:al at Elk.ins. Miss Bnrd 'a con- b rs.ri :an ~ 2 patient in the Union clition , ~"t''rding t.o :a report from Prote "1 Bo.!pital in Clark:sburJ", the supe.~ntendent of the hospital, is where-__: being treated for an ia-very ~tisfa.ctory. fected--

----.,__.,. FRIDAY 13TiniiE" THREE TES THREE CL.~~-.J

That iii-"Pilted eoiDbla.aUon, "f'ri,.. day tlte thfreteenth, i• llcht!J ,..

!:~d::~~:n:~ ;;~n·t=retb:e~!.Y::::; who noted the bizarre a nd the u ­c:anny in the h.appeninp of the der.

Though most student. knew It aot until the next morn inr. the day dosed with a s rnu blg deleat of 25-0 for the Pioneers in the attack aaaiDM West Lilberty's HilltopPen..

The day began wit h the llnrt fro.t or the season, but the doudl­weather that ensued served to eoa­pensa te therefor.

Ralph Cox !broke • 'bulter diah hi the din inc room at Kanawha HaJt.

A young woman in pbysieal .t<:i· ence class philosophica lly mentioned the moon 's revelations.

An inJJt.rueto r left two st.ateme.nt. unfinishe-d; stude nt, are stil l woll-­de.ring.

A commuting freahma n found that his lost cap was the cen ter of a prat"­t inl joke.

T ed dy, a .vou~ rabbit dog, form· erly owned by Cl-a r en<:e Underwood but now in the ca re of Cl.s.}'borne (' ' Red") Wil !o,..g, was struck aDd crip~ed by • tru ek at No~b\'i~..-.

A llludent had three daue......_..;tb :a tut in each!

Other student& complained of tuu. Earle Spencer couldn 't go home. Miu Kathleen Rohe:rt.HJn"_. volun-

teer spucb das.s wouldn't voluntHr. Carl Kej,!;t•r • ore a jerse}· wilb s

bole! 13. fBe ret urned from We:at Liberty s:ame with an injured )~g .. )

But the weather q s most excell­ent, and the .Merc.ur}' copy came in on tim ~ 10 a n unpre<:edent.ed deg-rn.


Eacb o! the followi ng pe.raons hu re('ently contributed one dollar t.. t.he George Pi re.tone Memorial Pund, announces J Wilbur Beall, t reasur. er : !tlrs, J . Erne.st Arbuekle, J . Ernem Arbuckle, Linn B. Blc.kma.a. Everett WJtheN, Runter Wbitinc, all o! Glenville, !lnd AJ!yn V. Deem. Parktolllburc.

Page 2: ·The Glenville Mercury · Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc ... Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,


n. ..... beeaiLiaC' ~ tan.. u4 ...,- an afl'al4 \llu .o,.._.

~====~~~~====---------------! ~f~~~~q~ m-.-...-..; 5nat..,.;., ~ Mt .uti ~ Qtldator ~ Cilolrpo~........,_ • taeb ~ rodl W fifWI of a_..

=-~~-=-~ :;,-_ ~r~ =~ ':,;~ '-- .,U.L B old 'Ckt. ..,_. • .,. ~.

llr. c. .. " .,_ ,.. .• ... .rrid ==.,--=,..,-- TM& SIAn ------------ Mro, lt: c:bd'n'd aiPLl:J to foa~ - aJI'TOa lt.oa W'f\Pt .M.U ~ , J-. Bna.!t. U.• ..,.,. '&01'1'0&! Earl )(~ J.ad....... ....,.,. ............ Ud.u .. WT IU\-

aac&AJiiiC:M ll.u-j..,. Jla.nka ,...._1 II'UWit ""f•ldH IIIP ... • • . L4'ft0. 1U .• "Aed& · -...t,. ll•n 1-- Wtn co.-H ...,s. J.

All ~ ,.. ..... ~.!. ·~·a..wr;"' t...., ......... boy • • • A.-kl:.. cu.u -WJ CcMI•\1'• hfi"MDC.tn-. to LIM

.....,. lhny, ll.a;nM ~r, c..r..ha lk.Jap.,...-r. JWnua' nowv S,U.., ..,....,.

......... r, C.Mf'. L.M. CIIJr O.kJIK&, Mar-ton. Jb.r. ,.ait.e ...._.... Qn; J.dt'a d.-e. ',i':-'.-.~.!~ • .f:t.. • -="i..~~~ part~an for W, aaull.'• t..w Sc.hool s... ~ \lflkbq afley, llu7 8~ hlm. ,.... . . • . no Gala,._,. ruictuce '- ,....

;:..":T.:· a'::: .,~,W:.~~~Ddcr, =ct=: :a potC':u-:ot. : ... ~ .,--,-.,..-::----: UlnoaJAU ----------- Coa&J• cnrhS u BoD:Iu CT'fD.7l ...,._..........,_t..P'noiC..:n"l'tt,Jaae Jidll'Uu,....,. . ....,.. fo,. ,....,. Kar\1...-iU. ~ c-.:::--.. ~~ ~~·.-w:=. ·"'put,.,... name • ... ·-

-...4 Woodford abo a.llp blto U.. ~ OWo ...tlq \o mew oW a~t..

~lOCOed ColeeidP Pn!u = ...... ~::.:-:::.':"to:.~ Olk....,. ttl "•'• a..oaa. .lal"9ie ••• • 0.•·

GJieeiale [liiSel •1 a.,... Umil• 1oJo Coli ... " '"' ~~==-~=----------------------1 to K.uawha Hail aow • • • , lh17 --.n .uw.. ... .. ""'" .. m""""" n ....... ~>aUK.o .... b, ..- Survey Sbows Vocational Training Is Not -----:::--:T:-<~o..:-~;:_:0:..: .. :..:":..:1:..:0:..':..:' ---------1 ::: .~~~~~:; :: . Main Purpose of High School Journalism

T~, ~ 17, 1.. llu ~~~ la , .. nia or Ia It \he Woad iad witlt wbom aM ~. • . By l..a.Jin-tl« R. CampbcU proride ll!'ilcbliaed journ&liatk ili-

Badgrt Your Timt ::-: ~~-::-=:~:::-~~ In The P llblikhus' Allsilbry ~~~~=~ qualitiu of pu~onaHty For a Balanced Education Moor•'• fo~e .. pnl'lb t.a be a se ... peper mf.n no lonp r nee-d an d character dair&ble in rood d~

Too ft"&"J' peor,le have the idea t hat fd­...,llon •• ..,., ao ol7 from boob. They plr ._.l•o dllll' ntly to thdr Alldi.. and ..... no U!Dt wbat-enr on reere.atJon,

lltadr hu itA place. u hu recroatioD. Jleltlter tJ,ould be ntllecled nor a&uifteed fw "-' Nko <If the othtr. Ample Ume should h alloCad ... oa<.h.

"''la7b<- I'm CruJ, But Berw"a Row I'd ... A Collop;• an lnterestinl' article by Do. Herold In ••Colle•• Yearo." full:r .,.. ...... IIIIo polal.. In hla plan, he will not teach -• '1unltaa."' Mitt he hu taurht J~~Kb ~ eou,_ u how to uold batlttuh ...... adllon <ort'Oet poaturt. orderlbl­_. - lA> lum to dance, he will IBolnoet - Ia """"lea. Enl')' otud- 10- ban

..... foar l'ood ltalbbl-. ot)r.lo MbW- DO

rw... falvero~V." NJa llr. Buoid. lila tlmo ao that ho will

wen menul actlri-a .,., ..


• .,_ OaaMcll ._., .... Clloru. ....,. "-' .u-tloa of Ua:r Se11ro Jarofl.

E ..., DIIODio wtut aa evea.iq of de­... Ia .-.11- tltlnl appeuaacollen , 'Oft. t . ll wu tile pu\eol mualcala Ja-..- .......

,.. - · lllo c-cu relp auprtma ID their .,_ of •aolc. 'nlelr ,__ won tile - I liMe ... ......., ud eouW Pf'lbablr mako a ..,...e.dl opua IOp.r&Do Hf'ID lllte a mere - ·'no..._ we•loolow tltatat t1ma J ... • Utt.le ue..,, Not oaly ••re the tan­- aad ..._ ""P"ft\el7 auperh. but l.be ...._ w""' tJoo alld..,U:r rioh and mel· .... A &~c.::b. -uld bue eompetltloo

--:::t.: .. b their ...,.. wore ....,. 1D 1Mb­......_ to.,vt. 0:111 could dta.rlT undermand lito -.lq of them. lolualcal ell'ocl.. brourht ..._ b7 mor~O.. and re.an or pnctiu, and lito aid of uplanaloi'J' prolfl"'ma made l.bla

.......-.u~~on -~~~·.. Of ···-· <redll •- alto be ~vrn to the dlrect.or, Straf Jar·

... • ho d.l~t.ed t.he chO"''lU- w-Ith e.aac"'e. - pufKlloo. n. prvrn• ... whole ..... a.de.ptt, Q:~

........ t. D.d f thJ.Dk l'.VUJ'Oilt' W&t WdJ p) t:ue_d wt11o U.. ~rfonunce.-ctart WC>Ift.

~At 's All 8ft the Jitnl'y Pia ers. Nov. 8

prab~ • • • • ""'"'"' Wn.bt'a frowo on hlcb ..ebool Joumallam iaent for a dMnoency. C.tbn, nat­brown er-. ao fill', ban faUed to courau aod atuden' 15)U'blicatlonL aate, interpret, a nd pruent &~lf­lud tJll' banchoma Obapman of Thue joumali1tk • cti\"it.lt'J are pre- !cant lnfonna'tlon objedlveiJ • Wldu . Don't i\n up. of"WW edlt.or pand no' to t,..in boy. and r irU to Communi"lle •Im ply, t"learly, and • • , , QIII'Ulon-Why dou l...&er· !M-c-ome jou~lt.U, but to proYide t:!tl'ectlvi!IJ with othe.n In written ford, loul blrh •chool fem, make' other opportuaitiu fo T duln.ble E!n~litb, and to write crutively i11 ftni~ lriPf hom• at noon~ All- .,-o~ nd dtnlopment. Thi• it- the 10 hr u indiYklual tapaeltiel .,e~ _..,........,.o meet Jlm on ••r badt venlkt of t.he Nat.Son.al Surnr of miL l.um journ•ll•w technique• , • •• Jarria of Calhou.a m.aku a.n. ~~~ School .lourulil.m eom.,aNd neuuuy for pt.tblieation or a tehool ..,.W eWf't INa .. ....,....... rft't':Dtl)' at .Nortll..utem Unin"'lf· n ew.~per, mep.rlne, yearbook, or -Gen'tU • IAoa Culo . • . • fti• TIMr. !. no IPlac.a In hiP tc.hoola handbook. Ia ... NftiaU.. aad ant.U T'llu- for TOea'lional t.nlnlnr In jou"'all""', J c.umali ll tk nr.tivitiu with tbue .,. ,.., ~r. ~nliftl' to teacher'• aad priuc.lpalt,• objec:tlvH a!tould be ~anced In


Tbr Excbangl'S ., llarJerie Blr'dd


Ho ••• h.ed lilb fuliap hut at U~lJ ef North Dakota'• Ca.tn7 o.,n.t.. .JI'<'tloe tr.eld lut •u\t. -n..-.w • •e~ of 31 aa4 aft.e:r ttt.fr pnt.ldn' waa dtotea, ...., naalatar mn~bu of Ott: or• ........ .... el•ted 'fie ....... -~ So U.t tiM Yka-p,...Wntl ... w '-" .. daUu, U.e ,....W..t ... .... IMCftta'7 ud t:N~Mtnr ..._ J~, C.ap o.pr..iea la ,.__. itt _..,... rm.tat tral.n ea­~ - to JOG •fct.t ..., t.lteTre ................... .... ., ............. . -AModat.a4 c.lkc"at. ... ....


...... ,Inale Slate eon._.. lt ua.. •Wni.ftr ....ut.I.Wriq a ·~• tr&J~t­.._ « IU'M for tn.clt driYUL-I..ol .... .A.IIcl'-1.. CoUeda.JL,

F'r'l•ll•ea aN bewt~ .u '"Jiat.l" at Z.orr aA4 Hen.., CoUce. Eaorr. Va. Tl»cr ••r. hooorl'l on " Rat Dar" "~aU, aad lrled to wau outlandb.ll coA'IIm" .n day.

Morrit R&rf'tJ CoRe.. h.u a d.a7 "' u:ld• wll.m aH airb t~~•h Ue.ir 0 111'11 da tu. •nd par the bills. ll b ll.:ao<ra a.t "Sa!Ke Haft11u Dar~· a.al UN ''UI Abn.,._" ll.a•e to be...._,._

lhlrla.r U... aeat.ll of A~t llle L"oiYenfiJ of T'oledo rudYcd 711 boo u doat;bOillo

'"t.tl• wi\Jtout lllurl:\er It Ilk• e.akt­~., frutlll$ " - T"ee F N-S. ll tl'nlr

U ow MUIJ' &f 7'011 knew IA&1 (k­

~ cot..-, u ...., cmetru o.,r

Rftlpe ...... tlle ·~ JM.f•

.-e f9'J'11U an ep.n.a · T • a aD&~ I '!11oM re at r •NUUftl he a.dd.l a ...._. of a.r. •taoG aDd e l.a.ru .-u ~tr er pn:j .cttt• • .u aiu.k-1"1 • •D ~ .-owa._-"'...-.do.

"llNrinundflntl of public: ln•tructlon every biJrh ~ehool, • ecordlq w Lhe a.nd hnda of ar.hoob of joum.iliiMII, nai!onal ta.rnJ, fo r &dalnn.nts u Ioden in edueaUoa -.Del 'bo11 and well u adults will be eaeourac-4 \0

Jirb.. Au-.riar quutioDAalru r..a. rnd new.,papen more ultieally ret iq thb qoeulon, oni.J af)oot o ... - with • l'ftater appl"ft'.b\ioa. At. 0.• fl_.th of ehe IU ''acher~ in 48 .ta\u Jlame t ime a reallttic nLhe.r thu a ~lod to Jut.lfr •oc.lloasl tnin· rot~:~tntic ,.1-lltoaeh to jourult•tle YO­

I ... 'ftelr eo~ of •tlld.J, tut.- catioru ril di.Kou,..e bora and fir!. boob, a.nd c.la»room mate-riA!• ••, wt.o ftftt tbe clamor lllut .. &\~....,.. U...t ""'J'" f.- t .. cbu• attrm}tt t.o •ol"k hno}nd in new.pe.pu work.

Higlxr Education Not Spartd During Times of Conflict, Says Collegiate Press

W iU. lateraaU .. al dn•l....,.... dtlhite.l)' ttt.• No. l n ... lo....._ of ' he Na.Lioo. U. 6 . eon..- a.Dd ul­•en.itiet ere dally fediq ... ••da of th• CQ"nt Eal'ope•n war hi fti.UIJ .. ,.., it a. poiated out bJ the AMo­d•tH Colle«iet• ~.

IIKid.~.~ttl thoucb u:nr.la\Aid, ,..,eat that lt\Per *Ciueelloo n oot .,.,... dari.Dc thou or coaflh:t. A qukk ..._. Yic- of U.ue ioriM.nU at.o-a \Mt: fl) ll.O.T.C. c:ourau ar. more~ 1llar 'ha.a ... .,, ud coUqa t~ oat l.h• Nallcm nport l~KTU.MCJ I'll•

rollmeo\& ln miHlary .ad .. ,.., train· lrtepro~

(2) Co~ that deal Yit.h ot.her pe-opiH a.od oUter nadObt ud ..-itla politic-al lldu(e .,.. t njoJinl" .,.. in· e.re-AKd popllla.rity. (3) Antl-war 1'1'0U9A hue bte~t ata.rt..td on ta&D}'

catn))l»U and lectur es oo world .lt.­u.atlon.t aT«~ •~II t.ttcnd.cl. Onlr t.he r ••: ~u ehe- liei"'CUry carried u OJKft !elU:r ift whl ~b a tt-udi!Ot bn-e OTC"ed ._, ...... rm.lv t.ddl'fta oo the nbjtet of lnt.-mnf•naJ atl'aln.

1-4 J TM f tderal ronnunut bu bu-I'NH.d tM d~lan ptlot u.s.ifli.Qc procnm to lnt"had e 250 U. S. c-oller· '"' •r~cl •n~i:.l~ tf'nn.l of them 111 V.' rn. VUTtnla. (6) Proof \hat lra­tt:.rubocal JII"''ppp--nda Ia be.lor di­nrt«d at co~ ....-aa a t~"U.nt !:11'0'-.diCU~ front 8crrhn l.tult WN Milt '"lit fnqd. Ia G~ to f rinda in ~f'bD..r1\a ,.rtb "'-wriaJ P"Mti:Jlp

Soml' Party QUI:aT

1\"lu! rnaa. i1 tJKor. ••r .. , J oa stntdl &h. .- of deJ f Wla.doe Mrt iD !tow rou lt. Ute IRto the ,..,. of lt. ~e.ith ThomS! In the Houtebold


C. J. T . C. Jlh1e NPt on l"'f.'f'b ho,.: Al"ft'i.loand 111 on lirle plo,..; CMttu •n i l au~tht..r~ll trinde of

noiH ; PJ•J: then • tudy : tllen plaJ .ome ...... RutMnl' heTe •nd tht.n, To clean thtir ~....,. of lmowleQol'. Studeni"' •n,.,.lle'T'I'; Spell Glen\'ille State Teaehe.n


11~1 nloable ••niua to GltD· yflle State Tuchu-s Collere were performed br State Tl'Ooper C. W . O,e darin( t.he p .. t •is )'Uta: ud ror tilde, we know, he will no' be r4r1otun . We rtJT't tha.\ ht •u t.n.naf•ned lo Crafton the peal •t~.e.k, .but in bia ne- Yentor• we 'lnlb him we.U. To lUI •utttaor he.n. we ~'ll'Und • lnccn- but wiab­a.-Tla Ecth.ora.


I - L9 A a! bent Co11ea-L .. SsJd 01• Am·

n. Ua"""-r"'MJ ar V~ t:.u • b«:nt ~l paJoU • "'1'1l._ broa.da.u ·~t Bad ct..U n1 :.e. 1;o .-.J. or 'f'alo~ ~ A.c:.IM:rr.. r1 for no ~ Lh '-aau.• ef • ru\bc:r ,._,....... • 1-hn- rn.tOD \han bota.ut- it pn

"* 11toc!at.L ,..·-.in.u o! d: .. t..n-.n •r ~ ----:--------- 4a W'dla •lrkb ...,."r"J' Am~ will

Quick Quips .. ,........ •=• "'* - -·

Sa• rtadVIt. a-nd a bu driTt.r • ._re t.ta.IIJ' inJGl't'd c.he pa.~t T'hnw!ar • hu .. bcu f'll.rOG~ to 8~ C~\ Ht~h S-booJ, Jn ll.t.Do-we.ll CowatJ'. ca,.,.,.lnl!f miR"• t..b.aD MY.-nty ltDdutl nrmbled O't''ltt a tl·fi»>t c.IIIJ'. 1"''rroe t • a.Ve bnb. eod the ldt •Mel came o1f cauter lM -.. to ...,..... ,~ t •,..... aa4 o•uU.. c:H. T" .... Pk&Ht»

~ ..... ..... y..,. r.,._.•a~

t;qf"") ,..,...., alcttt ... u__,lrTW.ll~ ... -

~rln Thol!lpeooll. ~ lJa: tM C.llrct .md • ~w of 8Jc CNri.: ~ Sc.Met. kD- ....,...,.I of lM .Uuo:..aj-cuoed.

1' , .~ ...-.nu, .t Cldc:aco a.. • ._ 1*'1 • ~ o-'1.-" ..,_ yrapaa ...,..._ n U7 e ""__..-rit ~ wttlMrat ... r


B:r s.a-u. ._.. BaD •·LOY• Alfalr," at.u'ri.q Qarlee ·~ ... .,_

Dwmt, it ~nr aoon \o U.. ~ .creu. Kutae Bolll,....r, au-lor, ..,,.. slt.o .......... i& pd • ~ tel i\ veey mucb aad lho\~Cht tlM 1aaak waa ~ roocl. Betty Jcu ICelm., f'ruhiUD, laaida ._ ..._ .._ lft&l"\"t'louL Oha.rlu .8oJ'ft' ud INn• .Dnae .._ ..... ata.nain• aDd .sm.an. e:lot:bu.

Earl McDonAld. jraaior, Uilit .. tWa " oaa of Otart.t Born't hot rolu. BNrtou 1._ lnae Daaao. ... lt lJ taid, p.rofte•n u... anan, .-llMd that ........ JecU hlch-J)(t~d ~~

"Good41)'t, llr. CltU.." • eoalq \o ~ m ..... or two. Whe.n lln. F. D. Jt.ocaaeonk ..., Butu ,.. fllr • fe.w ..--...a 111&'0 tlle aid., " I e-ould ao' Nl'ra1ll trom ukinc him if lle Ud •n " Good..Jt)e, Mr • Cbipe," fw in a&n)' ~ lie rtaiDdod toe of Ute eb.antllaa- l:q:l..._ ~llool mutv.''

Do you boow , , , \Mt Satu_,..W and J..._. ,... rewular mo•ie fua lut w .. k •• , that Betw Da• hl'.re not ao lema aco in "J'uar•a." Ma U.reat..ed to mab a bUilt of wiftaina th• A~aderoy Award fw U. be!t actl,.. of the Jear .. • tbt ~ ... " • .,.. two ps.. n..:h D&tl\fld Ma.r, Brown, who would ...... ._........, • fur ~oat. l••t week if .she b.ad Jbeeo pf'aeot at a '-1 thutu, but o~itllu Mary .... t.bve , •• ao bo~ ...,... uch titinki~ abe wu the lu.ckr Jlarr,

Will He yoa at the mo~lu at 'I or I .

We Play For 0uf'Sl'lves But Others Look On

It wu oD• of tho.e ~~J No1'9atber """" tUt c-o.. In Oc.Loibu . The tJty wu overu.t, and a di;UI ........ to puetnu. the jacket t wu weariar. All I walbd Jl&lll Ad•inia.tr&Uon <Hc .•fl, U.e .ua1 .. of ~··• "Moonll1ht Sonata" dJi.ftl'd frOM W udltoriua. .U I listened, a reeHna of t \ltJIIty I f•lt ... med \o ._,

I pau~ed and look" In to &ale window. TheN H •t -. fruhman lbol' at th• piMio, p1Q-I111 tor bhuNf, Tbt auditorium ....,. e.mpt)', aave for lM boJ, 11M pi.. &no and the sonr. Be pl&)'ed, \lnaware that hla »117• I~ tu.d .wrnd a two.fold pUrpOM : S.lt .. u.tac.Uae and an lnaplr.H.ion 1o anothl'l'.

Don'' you l ltPJIOH thi"N a.n tim .. In •II oar 1"'­~hn we .. play tor oune~-. •• u.nawart of tlle fact H•at eomeone It on th• oa&alde loold~S« 1a 7 Wii7 Hl play coutnaetivelr aad take a cohartc:• .n .btlq fit ..... to aomeone1_.......,..erit• Mo-.

Great Sorrow Makes For C~cks' Character

Jbve roa thoqM wQ and Ju& Mw ...-t &H .. Coua~k Ruadaa 11•1• Choru la7 lla'" J'O'a .._.... about tb• ori&'la ol the I"'U:P· \he oo.dJU.. IMt brouJ"ht tl!em toeelll•r, •hY DIIJ' *""' ....._, ... JOU auppoMd ther waN jut ~ or M a..t ta1ntl'd.._..t

The historr of \M Cbon:a ...tb U.• ...., ..._ Ia one of the ptet.ut In &U ..,.ld,

11M CoMKD., u .. ,. lnu. of ~ ftN ~ ;«("~ eo • bvth l'ati!:...!..U luiJr, aflet' tM ~t wv thy b«aaae Ra-. nf...........,...ft4 u41 ..-IF clothed-111bo cat~Mnd alftltll &1M ... In ..... priaoa yard and..., aup of tMiP ...... ~

lhdt of the f'.ftdit for liMit..-.... &a ..... ...., ronftt: tor, &,.... ~' a fonur .., 41Ncttr . .. ~laact tile '-•t7 of U..ll' .uu.-.~ ....... bqu Judllll' t-. ..... G.r.,..... ll.lb la \h ,._ c•nap.

Evh now,~- U...-. JM.e;Jul. ,.....,_ of Nadou IMa-.1 &M. Haueo .............. - .. about the for.IID laDU ....._ .t t.ltell- lteloYM ......

It hae ........ &kt ~----- ......... H'llle .... , IOI'I'ft', a.na, .... .0. c-.t.--Upe.rinrM that.. 'neJ' al• of ••\ &bJ Jew aM a. .. 110 .,,._tlleb- .... ...,,..u&.. ... ~ .............. - ..... .... They Will Come Again­Soon, We Hopt'

To appe:ar on the L7en:m eou. for • ..W .._, at lll• Coli..-.. woa1d tnclic:at.e 11t0n tlla• jut • ~ f01' 110mcthbla'. It W0101W t1Mnr u..t Ute f ......... • thorotllfllb •fored' and 'ppnda\ed ., C'Wa .,....... a.acu wue not noorh.

Sorb wu the cue of tlle Doe Coalck Oheru ..._ appured here Ole pUt --•'- To U.. mna of .,..&c. notbin1, J em lUtt, could I'UI]Iele UM-111 . To Uwa.e ~ mLosh el a.ppredatlon wu not ao ~""~'*'- Mrt.alolr ....,. thlnt: wu felt t.hat •mt. maN thalli akl111 d...,. TIM dt'­namk lltUe penon of Suwe. Jaroff wu et~ooP t4 lieU .uentlon throa.eboat OM f'I"CCCN& JU. •,.rb -.. dudinc ud lhe ..,..._, r-Hptn aad .-tn.Uoa ..,_ blm by tl\e Clulru and br U.... aodint• 1.8 .o~ rar._l1 IK'•n . To b/m .boWd. ro .......... m • bl• war.

Pl-o'm aU •P'JM!•no~~ apptaue, the •MOrO• ... the tM:.at attmtion from the a•dlcot'l, tbe c-dla wiD be eonUne back aptn - 1100a, •• !lope. - Ap• Wrfc:&L

Quotable Quotl'S I BJ AM:oclat.ed Collt,P.&e ~ )

·'Collt-rt: tne. to educate all dd• of oer ,..... allllu, the mit~d. body, eplrl' &JWI a todaf - .... 11 a dutr &.o the toan:aalty. ~ •boaW .. ,_, r un of 1 tiff', aDd whn .. etudat " ......... COJ}q-1", 'Wap of at:nfne hu COG:nl:r7 w0J .,.. .. ~llr•• IJigafc, -"medld.o•• boul,.. aDd polhlaL" ..... IIIUd Coflep'a Dun V ii'C'fDia C. C~ -:o.l•t'• a.-de,...Ua.att• to JJ""PUf ......,._ f« ~ nee t.. tM ...uoa~

" Don't be 0'\'l't..aWed bJ ou UU... ..,. ...... .. .. tMrltF O'VQ' 7"· 'ftla ........... - ... .. boob ttl" Ia ov ...._TeO u ..._ ,_ ... _..., roa¢1l eatMho anod .... b......._ All ., • .. daua."Dr. -!l.Lp4.~ ......... .............. ....,. __ _..._ .. •l9 .. ..... ..... lAdW lor ............. • ....... --'&.-

Page 3: ·The Glenville Mercury · Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc ... Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,





26 to 0 ot ~troll•, P&., ia

the fi"t ··- of 1M IS37 .... oD. n..-e i• nule ..... ,;.. a. ,.oar uri.,_ -.inti •• to tt.. •traaaU. af We.t U.,.rt1 •ca.-..ali- co..,...r· ed to tiM: du·- fou ••t ~i-•· J,. to Fri.._,. ....... ,. tM Plo.-n. We.t Li .. rt,., -clo•btMIJ',i i • tbe ......_t J tM f-r ..... f•cetl

!Now why wert the lOcals slaugb­t ered so badly? Well , that is t he ceneral query of most f ans. The.r e is not a poufbility of pointing the linger in one di rect ion and l1bel that as the n!&50n for t.he Pioneen' u~ bibition of ragged foot2).a.U. Had t'bere been bu t one or two fl a'9o"S in the Glen,•ille mac-h ine, they, of eoun;e, eould have b~n r emedied be-­fore the lads from tlle panha ndle got away to such a start. Stine's &5-ya!'d dub on the tint pby f ollowing the k k.kotr indic-ated that the .Pioneer de--t ense •&a not up lo par . In an etrort to fin d the trou ble, Co~aptains Mc· Millen and .Maxwell c-alled time out. but on the second pby aJter the t.esms resumed action Stine took a Iaten! f rom hit matt. W. Willson • ad u ·oeaN the goal line. By some c.hante Glen\•ille took to t he otr~n se

and f ound an entir e We.s t Liberty f orwanl W'llll sirting into tlle P ioneer badd!ield bt-fore t.he ball carril!:_nl cot a- play undn W1l )' . An d as the game ~· older Glen,'ille. began to ahow other "'"eakne.uu in bloelcing aDd t.acldinc and tha t's t.be story in a mild .....

a-..ka c.w-. e~e •• uw ••• ,..,. .......... .._, trl¥t. .... ••lh - ..... ........ Pie.-n' '-· ....... --· • .-w ...... ... •w .. ...,.a.- c-.u ... •• ~ aNf-..lt.loattM·--· .......... Ia • •'- •f .-...e te tl.o .lfl&.. _.,_.....,.. ... ....,.._ '- .......... ~ .... --.. ...... ......_ .. htl e-.. ... ..._ ...

Ga me P 1 a y e d On Ma.gnolia Hieh School Fjeld at New

Martinaville, Friday

Coacb J oe 8~11 of W est Lib­erty State Tu~hers !Colle~ lined up t he scoring com.binaiton of W. Willison and Stine Friday n,ight at New Martinsville to lead the Ri ll­toppers to a 25 to 0 victo ry over the Glenville P ioneers.

.Stine, a former Magnolia High School ace, on t he fi rst play follow· ing the kickoff canied the oval 55 yards to put t be ball o n Gl em.;lle'~ 21. A few plays la ter W . Willson \ateraled to Stine, who t.reked around his right end and crossed t he goal lin& f or the score. Stine failed to carry the ball ovu ! or the extra point.

Pio•-n n.--t- t.o Score Glenville tllen opened what. looked

to be a real ~oring t hreat when J ames Mc..\f illen ~overed a fumbled W e11t Liberty ball on the. Hilltop­pu s' 17 ; later two incomplete passe• by Mc Millen gave the ball to t he Ba.rtell team, whose backs pushed t he ball to the G~nvilM. 1 S~p.rd stripe as the qual"tler ende d.

W . Willison 's 10-yar<J pa.sa to Stine ne t.t.ed the Hillt.oppers a nother tall )·. Beehtold's attempt.e<l p lace­ment fo r the extn. point was blocked.

Midway in tile tlrird · stanu R. Wilson Wrted 18 yard5 around his Jd\ end t o make the score 18 t.o 0 for West Liberty. Becbtold con­-verted the point by placement. A1tu pushing the ball to Glenvill e's 13 be­fo re the quarter ended, W. Willia~m opened t.he final period when •be, t ook a lateral f rom his run nia,r :mat.e , Stine, and !Cam.pered , around ·h is right end, cros.s.ing the coal line standing up.

K•i•l.., Str.•c - O.f-ae With t he exception ol the ..econd

qu&!Ur !purt by the Pioneen, the Glenville machine fa iled to pene­trate very deep iat.o w.- t...ibeJV territory ..,-bkh was wtli proLectoed by a team ~ve.racinc better tha.n 180 pounds. Hu vy kard-charai~ IW-L line rMn Siked tbroul'h Gl enville's rorw&rd wal~ \o *IU&Sh pract icaU:r e' 'a)' play !)efore Pioneer backl roukl ~ stan..d.

Round-Robin Tournament

Underway Is Here

MUST GO 50 MILES TO EARN I LETTER POINT De.apite ~ 26-(1 trouae inc his

matl!:l. rec.ei1'+-d, Carl Ke i!toer 5p&rit· Jed 'tbrou.gho.Ut the eont.t.Jt with hb fme ~e ~11tar. •Ia t~ . fi.m game of 1-he ,Jirb',. SevM_...~of · ~ - .. s~inc

Addinc ~lor to the tilt between r ound-robin tournament W ednMdar Club took adftD.\a:ii! of pod weath­ba.lv-es - • the Mqnolla H ish afternoon at 3 o'e.lod:, Haucht'l er Saturday monr.iD:I', and a cro ...

First do"'ns .••. . .. In what looks like a Yd.s. gained scrimrr.age 11 B

'free -for -.311 ' here ma)" he Ycb. lo&t ac: rimmage •. 27

seen highl igh.ts of the ~::: :~~~:~: · · • · 1 ~

n inth annual Home-<:om- Yds. ga1ned paninc .• n ing parade- an d the Gl en- Furr.bles • , • .. , , . . . . . 3 ' ' ille • Bethan y food>all Fumbles J'C!CO\" ered . . . 2 g-ame. Top left. Her bert -""'·erajte dist. kicks • . . 43

226 s • s •• •

1 39 47 30 Bro.ok'!l, t he 1939~' 40 Pio- ~!~~~~~ :l \'C· dist.,::: ~

neer : center, tbe Gilmer \--_;. ______ _

County &nd wit.h Cs t b- r erin e Withers swi r~ging

t he baton; right, float.s

as they moved up Coll ege

S t reet .

I.n t he center is seen

the long line o f colorful

!loots u they passed down Main Street. Cen­

ter, r ight, is an ac tion

shot of t he foobbaU game ;

A u g u s t Kafer going

across the goal line for

Glenville'$ second touch ­

down. Officia l Fred P .

W elhl ia wearinr the "prison" shirt.

At lov.•er left ia seen a freshman un it; girls a re

c:u·rying silk umberllaa.

Crowds ja mm e d both

sides of the !.b-eet t.o

watc-h the par-ade go by.

Freshma n boys a dd e-d

color a plenty when they

c:une o~ with their pa­

jama show. Tbey are seen

her e, lower r ight, a.s they

neared t he Main a nd Lew­

is Street intersection. An

Atlantic Greyhound bu.s, left, had to wait several minutes u.n t il tbe parade moved on.

AJI picW.ru in the ""Chinese pua:le lay-out" exe6J)t the o.ne ol Brooka were taken by Clark Hardm an, Jr., the Mer­cury's stafF pbotocrapber.

The Lyric Theatre T.-.lay A Wedauday

"NEVER SAY DIE" ~ .. ,. ..............

c,u::I'-A-nJK NIT£

Pictured above is Mike DurbiD. Concord's pivot ace, who -~ 186 pounds. This hu'ky lad will {ace Coach A. F. .Ro·}lri)oq'b'!' Pioneers Saturday at Atheaa. Durb in ; one of t.M Lion defea.aift stand.out.l, backs up the line fo1 t:he C&llafhan team.

~ ................... ... -- ~ .... -.1.:. c.w- ........... "'T ....... ~- i• ....

~hool .b&Dd, which maneunred tee.m ddea-ted Staln.aker'a tum. eoQD.b'y hike of ,..e aM on~ about 1M ,..ki iD Mlt'I!:J"al rpec:tac:olar . Wedndday eveni111 at 8 o'clock miles was t.be Mault. Tho-. ,hilt lnc 'J'hunda,. ft .f,d_da,. fo r:matiooa. Cunningham\~ team won 01'U • • re llaey Fa bey, Hn\or: Gl&tiJ& _.EX-CHAMP"

s.....a.y • Mi>May "ON BORROWED nilE"

--- I..i..nnp&: BaQCht, 3141. R.y11old&, jusior; ROM Bana.a., Widl V'tcter Jld.AP- SW C-*'c: ............ ..

<Bec:eiTM m &M. mail thil 1f.Mlc: . c.a-.at. ..._ . . "!.~ ~~~·:=. St.alnake.T'l team over,. over Polinc &Ophomore; Viokt lht.ies. MIU7 ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -· A t.n.H ccrmea from l• don Naeb- Pahzmbo · · · · • L"E Tbursda:r afternoon at 3 o'c-loek iD Moran , Loraiu Skeen, and Katie Dtall, fermer tMIIIIber of the ll.-c-Dl'7 llau · · · ·- • . LT' · · · .• · . Ree•• the 1.ut came of the &nt week. Vineyard, freslnan . .-d, no

8.., Is t"DDplo:red. in Chi~ lt&rc.hMI . ·. .. LG .. , . .• • . . Keith The round-robin tournament will Marjorie Ra.rden. hikiDc Je.a.Oer,

cqrv wit'b the City News hre.&\1. B e Lamb .. . . - · . . C . · . . . . . . l..ettrlc.k I coatinue Gllt.il the wtek -after Thanb- ~ ac:c.ompaDit-cl Ooe ciN on tbe 6nt -.,. : .. See iiJ the )(~ary, u ~u ., Fidler • • · · • • • KG · · • · Iurb r ivinl' with ·eaeh team pia~ twic-e of a &eries of planned bikes. Each the other l eadtr~r aewspaper- pubH- Doteon · · · · · • • RT .. · . .. Mellott a week. FollowiDC the Th&rt.UciYina 0\ol!:mbv- of U. dub muat bike fif't:r eatioat of tilt I!Q, tllat cbe GJ". Ka.xwtll · · · · • BE · · Md.athlan holiMY3o tbe two teaiNI tbat han mi le& before Decernber 1, to be eli­'rill• Pion-rs an not t.rina ao "Hll Keister • · · · · · QB · • · . . • Iannone won the mort p m es will play in a g1'ble lor a Jetter point in W. A. A.

em tiM ,rliiron. I haven't heard the ~-~~: . ·. ' ·. ·. ~: :::: :~ . W~t:: ::I 0~~:~e :~::uw:n::: ~:~ The lnte1'COtle&'iate Peace .uaoci ... Pallillta of the Home-cominc (llu- Hammer .... PB 9r' i\aon ner. tion wu orpnized at Earlham Col~ c-ary lrtJie on apellirrJ) came al- Subs: Glenville--Conley, Rhoadu. lege in l-90G. thoqh I han bad my ear l'lued to Smith , ThomP&On , Stalnaker, Gr-u The Collece or the City of New ~ Trinity Collece hu a bUrtory daaa. U.e l'adio a ll a fte mooD ll'l hapea t hat dier. Caputo, MontroM, Munin York bas the lat'l'eat R.O.T.C. volun. condut tt'd by a bliad instructor.

:o:-:.~e~a-::1~~ le&n~ of a 'fictoi'J' Short, Nutter. t.ary unit in the natiolLo -; -----------Wnt Liberty-Vistsu, We siger­ PICfURELAND

THEATRE A Hae ,...., F,.... Plae.~Yt.. tit•

W fto .. ~u- Ste- H•rric.k'• ..... JU~r !tote .atldetic to•••• laf.._, .. tl.at Ncw R.i .. , . will be

Ml"'"ri•a tl.cir H-e-ccmi•C' .... ~ • ..._. Piaaech arrift! a t-IM•'il t · ... ...,. I• meet the Goldea S..n. Ple..Jt.. &dd. thcl •lnce it I• Homt­c:•-"• c there Jae es tcccla a conliaJ i.a'f"itot ion for tne lo ,...ma.in there Oat •icht c.acl eo j oJ' t~ eyeni••' • f•ti'f"iti ... Thank J'OU Mr, Plc.•h.. .

bf:'r, Postlethwait, Copeland, Jamu Evans. eba.tham , Pa.scnniak , Lidy.

Offi cials : Referee: Camme llett1 ; itmpir e, Gallagher-; headlinuman. Smith .

How They Scored · Over the Week-end \\\' est Libnty, Marsholl , W~s1

Vi:-ginia, Morris Harv«:y, Fainnonl a nd Potomac State notched ''ict.or ie~ in -their tally cnr~, a nd t wo games ru ul ted in t ies in the s t.n te <.'OII~e pr ogram last week.



Expert Workm.&Dahip

Courteoua Service

A Whole Week of Excellent Pictures

WED., . THURS., OCT. IS.I9 "Love Affair"

Two great atars, Irene Du.nne .a nd Charles Boyer, are eo­stan-eel in this truly delight-

~'!rr.!:~':.:ingl.t ~ ~:8uti~~





Judson Beall Glenville, W. Va.

A bu ndle of publicity !rom Bu ­t.er MeNecr of Conc:ord revea l' that the Mountai n Lions bave pnctk ally the &~me li neup whic-h trounced the P ionee-rs on the local fi eld 7 to 0 on Jut year 's H•m e-coming J""OgNm. There is a bumpy road abead f or t he Rohrbough team . However , a n open date on N o,•ember 11 will afford t he locals .a m uch needed rKl.


SHOE SHOP Sl l<m a nd Bethsn y met T hu rsday

u nder the lights a t Sistersvill e, t he ga.me ending in a t ie , 13 to 13. D. & E. held a st rong St. Bona\•enture

tea m scoreless to compl~te t he tie r~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ games of the week. 1 i

A fa,•or ed Gl~nrvil\e t eam f ell be fore We.st. Liberty 25 to 0 a t. New Ma~in sville, Friday. Ma rshall jour neyed to Mia., i, 0 ., :t..nd returned with a 21 to 0 verdict. West V ir­gin ia's jaunt to Cincinna ti was well rewar ded wlth a 1 to 0 \·ictory M-orris Ha r vey unleashed f'u ll power to down a stu~bom W es.Jcyan , 28 to 14. Fairmont rebound~ into the winn ing column lby defeating and outfighting t he c ame -c.,J ifom ia., Pa . Teache13 1 to 6. Pot-omac Stste dis­pen~ with Shepherd 13 to 0, anc 'Emory and Henry out.cl&aH.d Con cord, 10 to 'I' .

popular song, uwijs.hing " aung by Miaa Dunne and ' a group of channing childre n.

A movie you can' t afford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to misa. ---

FRI., SAT., OCT. 20.21


Sixty-Eight Girls Have Joined W. A. A. Slzty-elcht Kirls have joit1ed the

W.A.A., uys Mary Betty Kidd, sec­ntaTJ.

Play boun are ~inr held each Khaol dar e~pt Frida y in the pm­-.hnn from 4 to 6 o'etock.

A Jbritinc Tharaday neninc a t I ;10 o'clodl: -.cJ. a ew l!IGDber tn.a atYW • blc .titer to ID.truet and help .... so Mtter aadnwt.aad u.. dal).




Have Your

Cleaning & Pressing

Do.ne at

rn .. .,-.11-q~a-.. -,-.u.-,,-t;-, ,.,..,.; T H 0 M P S 0 N • S ti.. ,. . ........ ... ...., • • Ba"' Dry Cleaning Shop c.u..... 1;_ ________ ...:....!1

"Naughty But Nice" With that new charmer, Ann Sheridan, the glamor gal ; and

your favorite CJ"'ODer, Dick Powell .

SUN., MON., OC;r. 22-23 The picture you have been

waiting for: "Bachelor Mother"

TUES., OCT. 24 "Where the Buffalo

Roam" With Ginger Ragen and

David Niven A W eatem atarrinc

Te:.: Rickard


Your c onve nie nce . . . your inte r eata , • . yov sood

will . . . a re the tbinga w e , a• a banking inatitut.ioa of

the bil'he• t rank . .. con.tutly strive for.


Glenville Banking~ Trust Company Glen.Uie, West Vir .gin ia


Page 4: ·The Glenville Mercury · Maxine< •Bolli!ijrer :and June-. Mc ... Mil ~l'll'J POLLS liDI'ft', ~obert Bukber •ad z-. \,ULLrdJIII. E . Crummett, to draw ap a Ha 4 f n1e,


SOCiflL {VfNTS ri th, WffK Woman's Club Wins District Prize for Best

Community Project-Children's Library

~~=co:- Club Notes catiaa to M-ac

TWo Lltlb'Urtont, two wi•u of lac-­altJ mftll'kn, aad •••nl CoUtee aJ.._. and fona..- a.tadents wen ..._ UOM pH'IODJ who ~present-­ed Glal.tlle ud Tanne:r commu ni­U. at. W.t.ter Spriop. Saturday, •MD t.be We.t Vit'lun.a Federation ef 'Womtn'a Club• of the Central Di&o­tric:l h•ld thelz al.xlh annul cora•en·

"""· " local or lU. dt.leptu (ram lli:J:. tea c-1• attended Lbe convutlon, ~add,..._. by natloaal ud stale t.dentlon ollctn. lbwned to re­porllt of chab atU.tties. ell,joyed a

and a tea aDd eled.ed of­for UM comlaa JHr. Priftripal ~r ... Prot. Thomu .E.

o1 wntth';':;~ur.;;:tr~

CURRENT EV£NT5 CLUB Three arlides Jrom current map.

:&inll'S centerlnc around the ro~ip policy or the United &ates will be revie•ed this eveniDC by meldbfts of the CurTent Even ts Club at 'l o'· clock in the Collerf lou •. Each re­vie• will be rollowea by an Informal discuui(tn. P1~a will be initiated.

ROTARY CLUB Thre,e members of the Glenrille

Rotary Cl_., att.endeil an int.er-city meetinc at Suttoe, Wedeesday. They were: Geol'lftl L. Strader, LinD B. Hidcman and Raymond E. Freed. Clubs reprotUnted •rre llucltllannon, Clay. Glenville, Richwood, Wutoa arad Sutton.

Prinelpal 1puker w.u Jadce Fred L. Fox. pruident of the We1t Vir· cinia Supreml Court of Appeal1.

CHEMISTRY CLUB T entative plana were mada by the

Cbernirtry Club the put TuesdaY for a party Friday, Oct. 20. The l ollo•­ing committee wu appointed to ar­r:an(te decorationt, re.f~merats ancl entertainment: Ralph Cox, chairman: San. Ma.lcolm, Kathryn Engte and TereSA Butcher.

Normantown Vo­Ag Teacher Explains

Work Program The work program fol' tbe forty.

t.wo stude-nts enrolled in Yot'&t.ional Dgrlculture at Normaatown B.igh School wu explained T hundaJ at a Rotar)• Cl ub luncheon here.

Canterbury Club Geta 2 New Member• T•·o student., Jean MeGH a ad

Rwu;eU FankhoUMr, 'lftf"'! elected to mm:aberahip ia the C.nt.erbul'J' Chab Wednesday. Two stories. "The Mia· later or the Three Cburches,.' ' told by CeN'Idine MeCiain, and "Enrland to Amnica," ret..ted by Ruth _,n,ia.bet Hull, wen written by West Virainia authors. 01in Mycn told .. Tranl­ogue" !by arne Lard.ner.

Ola!IO"'I"ftb atories will be t.old at the nut meeUq .by Paul Beat. Su.., an Summers and Agnes Wrichl

He Too Likes to See Hie Name In

Print-Story Book By Marion Means

" I like to play with girls; when the: •boys c:omr along, I just walk ofl'."

So aald a little Jirl in lbe first pade or tile College Tninins School the ot.lier cUy in response to a ques­tionnaire I had. bun passing aloft«.

I talked to a little iboy, too. J•st to see whether )'OUngst·e" these days were like those of my first,..p"ade ~~boo l days.

One little !boy with blue eyes, tousled blond hair and a tooth mill­ing aaJd he liked to read-that is it the atory in lhe reader had his name in il Be knew his nurnbea but "couldn't get 'em to cqme in t.be right pl:~ce yet." Re liked to play co""'boy games.. wood t.ac and running games. "A nd I'm going to pt, a cowboy suit, too," hr said.

The little girl, i'b rown curls in or­der and very lady-like , said she did not like that kind of games. She wu studious. "Why I can write and print my name. Don't you want me to write my name for you!" she aak­ed. So !I he }>roceeded to take my pen· cil, gripping it tlchlly, and WJ'Ote her raame in true fi~t.-ande style.

Tbta e&me the end of Hcess and we parted--frien4L

Pictureaque Tijuana, Meaic:o

Famous City Is Like a Page From. a Picture Book, Writes Miss Vivian

(T he following artic.le, a de~ the. price. .scri.pdon of Tijuana, Mex.ic:o, is "Senorita ! &raorita! Sticken for the third in a series of travelope your ear l Buy a Mexicen .tticbrl sketche.s written for the lle.rcury Buy one for :rou.r wit.case, Senor­by vh;an Price. Tbe quaint Mu- ita r · ican eity i.a loeated ira Lowe~ C.l· " What is • sui tcase?" i(omia, just Ad"OU the Califomi~· The bluk eyes show perples:il)'. Mexico !border. M.iss Price visited One dirty foot seratchea its mate. Si.. there in August.- The Editon.l lence. Comes the flash or the teeth

TIJUANA. MEXICO and \he smile. T ijuana is more like a pap from a ''Suileate? J forret. Senorita! '

picture book or a .staee settiae than Eat. H•• T..U.. • present day city. Ott either aide the Bot tamales uten Wider a b~am-de.aert stretches toward the rar diB- inl" aky I .Sow aood they are, even if t&JICl'!$. tt ia a town or dirt, color, ofte'a conacience k"ps prlckin& birD lauchte.r and .song. llbout th• none.too-elen rbrown fiq·

Color! It is i.n the widMrimmed, en that macle them! betaueled eombreru aDd ninttow DoDken, hone~, u........one beside colored belt& of the men; in the the other alone the 1trut. Soft Dill•

::h~;~~e=n:f w~l~ ~~:"ft!~·~ :::: ~!t&;::~n~~;:e~7: '!;;;: j.,:;;;.;.;;...;.;;.:;;;.;.;;;.;; ____ ,.; bro~ racea wruthe themsel•e• in lean noveltie. stanfb buide- an im­smiles. posinc edifice that aell$ the finest im·

All the town is a market plac~ ported woolens. ~ Frenc h. per­Everyone h•s aomethiq to sell. rumes and wines. Cameras click as Black-eyed urchins c&H-"Sbine l touriata take pictures of the longe.at Five ccnta! Senor, shine! Sh1ne fnr bar in the world . Soft nruaical tonea a nicll:el!" • of Spanish !blend with the harsh voi·

The 'Shiae' &.y ces of the hnrriats. A cuatomc.r come~, along. TM shine The day bas been long. The trav·


-•t-bo~· drops in tbe dual at his feet , -' eler is bot, t ired and dirty. But he feW deft aLro.kes and the shine U look$ back rather wistfully &8 Ti­fin iabed. Brown shoes often. look pink Juana, tbe meeting pbce of )'('St.er:.. after their "nickel shine," but to aee I da)' and today, grow.s l'lm&ller in t he

lhe ragged little rogue amile is worth rose rio• of a sunset distulc:oe. ~========~

Personals P hi Beta Kappa. bas started a drive t.o r&Jse a &cholarship fund of $300.000 for ;'th.ec de-fense of fr'ee·

Stude.nb in the men's dormitory dom of spee.:-11 and the hum'J.Ilit!H."

Stop Ia At

Miller A Stalaaker'a 0. llaia 5 thel who went home the past week-end ,,.ill make apples red.

::r~i~:~ ~=;;s~!~~o~r:!~ ----------- ~========== Orlando; J ohn .Casto, Cnligsvllle; J oe "--,=~-~::-=-==-, ereas)., Calvin; John Strickling. Eliz- IPOOL . CANB~~IARDS

~;::.;~:in~~~~!:i~i~=:.~: SOFT DRINKS

~:~~'::e~0:u,!';~~·; t!~!~~:~ Me's Place Orlando; •Paul COihainr., Kiawr; R.o-1~;=:========?. land Holt, Jr., Clarbburg; Hellbey ! :


Y011C..'t FW ._ T'laaa AI

The speaker. Rut.sell Stiv&bl, In­structor at Normantown, waa the ht~heon cueat of Dr. I . C. Sbft't'e and ••• aceompanied by J ohn Wil­lard Shreve, priodpal of the Nor­manlowa aebooJ. A.Jiothu guect ""' Ceorae Derta, Wlleeliq.

Y. W. C. A. to Sponaor Despite iu ""'"" 'low stood..,, .Toloacco, 811......., Smith, J... rute•. . ~~~ G=E~ ~~I

Party on October 27 :: :~v::'!' B~ ~:::::::.=: Pool THE LOG CAIIIIf RESTAURAJIIT ......F ..... ~

- GleaviJle'• New Cle&Diq aad Preuiaa' Shop




Glen¥111eCINnlnc ........... Co.

PHONE 4121 ......._aw......._r ......

THOMPSON'S Rexall store ..........







Fol1owin1 SU.ers talk, Dr. C. L. Underwood, eheiJ'!III,D, &ftllouced a procnm te.hedllle to nul antil .0.. eudber 27 •• follows : October 19, R.. 1!. J'rettd: OdaiMr II, Dr. II. F . Wl\hara; N'onmbu ! , Lbm B. Rkk­lb&Jl; NOYe~r 9, &. C. Robi'Jboqb :

Pourweu members and three. than any otbu team. • .

N~ HI, opee; Nootember 23, tile an. J . C. JIDaer; NoniDber 30.

-: -· '· 0.. - ·­ke1'; Deee~Dber IC, open: Deeelnber the &av. IJopd Arehvt: Decem­H. John E. Allbaelde.

Untwenity .t New~ at:a. deAlt m&J ..,, rent reprodoctiom of

pirtu:ru to deeor&t.e their rooaa.


Jackets a~d


Glenville Micltand Company


attnded a meetiq of tbe Y. Thnd&J en~~iq.

uaoeladon'a nadona~ t hame the Gl•m," wat nne

croup ud ILhoda Aa.n Bell, praideot, rud. tlle ftr1t ebapter of Ule Book of R.utiL

Plana t or a .,.IV 1.0 obe spoa.aored by t.be dab Odober H , ••re cllt.­cuued, aad conaaiUees n.amed by Mila Bell. Pie~ will ..... the aatiobal Y.

w .c.A. iaaipa for a week. OetcllteT 23 to 2'1 illdlllin, .. u initiatioob.


.f'OR MEN H.rinc .......... DiacaU~w--


Hub Clotbin• Co.

Qaant,. -·-

Coca·Cola The Pauae That Refreshes


Spencer, Weat Virginia


,-1--ITI·l·L , ~.---If 1.-,d:· .. . . ~ . - ~ -.... - -


Ch~~!~rf.!~!~S of the ·-rid's best dgcfttte tobaccos brings out the best features of each

All the fine American and Turkish tobaccos in Chesterfield's famous blend are known for eome particular smoking quality .••

and the way Chesterfield com­bines these fine tobaccos iswbyyou get a milder, better-tasting smoke with a more pleasing aroma.

That is why, when yo11 try thnn w. believe you'll say ...

14~· PBRC WBSTMORB.---.. _,_, ,_ ... ....,. .......... ,...,., _..w_,_ •I ,.J.r, 11-. --IHr a. ,.,_,.., ,.. ._,, ,_," •I .II,,_.

H'" ,.. IU IIi• .u6 1-.,..U ANN SHERIDAN

-'-6~, ...... ,,.