The Garden Diet eBook by Storm and Jinjee Talifero This whole e-book is on this one page, so you can easily print it out or scroll through and read it online. Simply bookmark or add this page to your favorites to return at any time. OVERVIEW OF THIS PUBLICATION Hello, my name is Storm Talifero and I am the founder of the Ekaya Institute. The purpose of this publication is to introduce you to raw living food. I've been a vegetarian for over 35 years. I've been eating a primarily raw vegan diet for over 30 years. The purpose of this publication is also to give you an overview of what the raw food movement is all about. We are very fortunate to be in an age where we now have the internet. This gives you incredible investigative resources at your fingertips. You can go to a search engine like Yahoo and type in MSG and it will tell you everything that you need to know about that food additive. You can do this with all the food additives and pesticides. You can go to Yahoo and you can type in Roundup and find out everything you need to know about that particular pesticide. And then you can decide whether its better to eat organic foods or not. We have compiled a links page from which you can access hundreds of raw foods resources online including hundreds of raw recipes, even beyond our own recipes that we include below. From these links you can learn all about sprouting, growing wheatgrass, creating a kitchen garden, and more. There are links to

The Garden Diet eBook

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The Garden Diet eBook

by Storm and Jinjee Talifero

This whole e-book is on this one page, so you can easily print it out or scroll through and read it online. Simply bookmark or add this page to your favorites to return at any time.


Hello, my name is Storm Talifero and I am the founder of the Ekaya Institute. The purpose of this publication is to introduce you to raw living food. I've been a vegetarian for over 35 years. I've been eating a primarily raw vegan diet for over 30 years.

The purpose of this publication is also to give you an overview of what the raw food movement is all about. We are very fortunate to be in an age where we now have the internet. This gives you incredible investigative resources at your fingertips. You can go to a search engine like Yahoo and type in MSG and it will tell you everything that you need to know about that food additive. You can do this with all the food additives and pesticides. You can go to Yahoo and you can type in Roundup and find out everything you need to know about that particular pesticide. And then you can decide whether its better to eat organic foods or not. We have compiled a links page from which you can access hundreds of raw foods resources online including hundreds of raw recipes, even beyond our own recipes that we include below. From these links you can learn all about sprouting, growing wheatgrass, creating a kitchen garden, and more. There are links to sites where you can buy equipment for sprouting, dehydrating, and juicing. We even have links to stores where you can buy all kinds of raw foods online, such as olives, nuts, nut butters and dried fruits.

We also have a section below devoted to cravings. One of the biggest challenges for people going raw is how to deal with cravings. Cravings aren't negative. Once they become a negative entity in your mind you are always fighting and when you weaken a bit the craving gets the upper hand. So instead of fighting cravings we like to satisfy cravings with healthy raw food alternatives or replacements.

You can take two people and they're both 60 years old. Though they may both be chronologically the same age they didn't age at the same rate. One is still young and vital. One is old and feeble. In this publication we also explore the aging process and why some people are accelerated and why some people maintain a youthfullness that defies time. There are whole groups of people like the Hunzas who live to be 110-120. While other groups like the Eskimos around the turn of the century had life expectancies of around 28 years old. So we explore the aging process and how it relates to what we eat.

The main purpose of the work at Ekaya Institute is to explore natural food. We don't advocate taking any supplements. We don't cook the food. We don't do anything to the food that is un-natural. We don't use pesticides. We don't use food that is genetically altered. We eat the food as it came out of the ground. The only thing we do is blend things together and juice the food. That's about the only form of processing we do. The closer you get to pulling the food out of the ground or picking it off the tree and eating it the better your diet is. That's the underlying theme of this publication.

We include recipes below that give you a basic transition diet and we also include all of our favorite raw recipes. There's no way I can give you all of the recipes that are available to people who eat raw foods. There are literally thousands of recipes. This publication is designed to give you the principles of preparing raw food recipes. If you prepare these recipes you'll see that it is possible to put together totally tasty meals that taste every bit as good and as anything that you are now eating and that are incredibly healthy for you. You can do your own research in gathering your own recipes. Or you can be very creative about using the hundreds of different kinds of raw foods available, creating new recipes every day. So I hope you won't think that the recipes here are the total range of raw food recipes you should eat.

This publication is broken up into three main parts. Here is a quick overview of each part:

PART 1 - WHY to eat raw?

- It is the food nature designed for us to eat, and nature is a very accurate and precise designer!

- Nutrients die at 150 degrees of heat so when you eat cooked food it can't nourish you!

- Try it for one day and you will feel incredible!

- Try it for one year and you will look and feel at least a decade younger!

PART 2 - WHAT to eat raw?

There are 1000's of raw foods, found in your produce section or better yet at farmers markets or directly from farmers. Eat what is local, organic, and in season first! Eat a variety of any whole raw foods (ideas below) and when cravings overtake you, make the recipes found in this publication and then invent your own!

Veggies (and non-sweet fruits): tomatoes, cucumber, avocados, corn, peppers, jicama, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, chard, kale, carrots, beans, peas, celery, beets, sprouts...

Fruits: mangos, papayas, bananas, pears, grapes, apples, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, plums, peaches, apricots, berries, pineapple, coconuts, guavas, grapefruits...

Nuts/Seeds/Sprouts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, soaked nuts, soaked or sprouted seeds, soaked or sprouted wheatberries...

PART 3 - HOW to eat raw?

Although many people do best with a cold-turkey approach to leaving cooked foods behind for a raw vegan lifestyle we recommend transitioning to a raw vegan diet slowly. Otherwise one may experience a rapid cleansing of too many toxins at once which can be reabsorbed back into the body if there are any blockages in the intestines. This can cause flu-like and other symptoms. We recommend a TRANSITION DIET SCHEDULE: one month vegetarian (no meat), one month vegan (no meat or dairy), one month raw with one cooked meal a day (raw food and a meal such as rice and steamed vegetables), one month raw with one cooked meal a week, one month raw using our vegan transition recipes and raw craving replacement recipes, several months to a year raw using our 100% raw craving-replacement recipes, and then 100% raw for life eating mostly whole raw foods and some simple 100% raw whole food recipes.

PART 1 - WHY TO EAT A 100% RAW/LIVING ORGANIC FOOD DIETWelcome to part 1 of Ekaya Institute's raw living food nutrition education program, which covers the WHY of going raw.


When people ask me why I don't eat meat, my answer to them is why do you eat it? You don't need it. If you really stop and think about it, if you do the math, you'll see that meat is one of the worst things that human beings can eat. One of the hardest things that we do to our body is our consumption of meat.

If you look at other meat-eaters, animals that are professional meat eaters, they don't eat muscle tissue. For the most part, if a lion kills a wildebeest, they eat the liver, they eat the kidney, and they eat the organs, because that's where all of the nutrients are, and they leave the muscle for the scavenger. But when people eat meat, they focus on the muscle tissue, the things that no self-respecting full-blooded professional carnivore would even touch. Why not? Because it's tough, it's stringy, and it doesn't have the nutrients in it. Its not rich in the iron, it doesn't have the same quality of protein.


People say, "I don't eat meat no more, but I do like seafood. Like, I just eat fish now, I don't eat red meat any more". Understand something about seafood. We make allowances for seafood that we wouldn't make for land animals. If I invited you over for dinner and I said I was serving buzzard burgers, and I was going to BBQ a few buzzards, a jackal, and a hyena, do you think anyone would show up at my house? Would YOU? You don't want to eat a scavenger. You don't want to eat a land animal that eats other dead animals. It's repulsive to you. But at the same time you will eat a crab, which is a bottom feeder. You will eat a lobster, which is a bottom feeder. You will eat the carrion of the sea, but turn your nose up at the carrion of the land. To me it's all the same.

Seafood decomposes at a much faster rate than beef, chicken, or turkey. Say you take one fish. Take a salmon for instance. Leave it on the table for 3 days. On the 4th day when you open the door to your house you can smell that salmon. It will affect every single room of your house. Just that one plate. You will not be able to take the smell. But at the same time, you'll put it into your body. You don't have a refrigerator in your body. You don't have any way to keep that fish from spoiling in your body. You have a 36-foot long intestinal tract. By the time that fish makes it all the way to the end, IF it makes it all the way to the end, IF you don't have a prolapsed colon, IF it doesn't get caught up in some pockets, where it can stay for weeks, by the time it makes it all the way to the end of your intestines its in the 3rd or 4th stage of decay. This is totally unacceptable.


People say, "Why don't you drink milk?" I say do the math. When you drink the milk of a cow, you have to understand one thing; that milk is precisely formulated for an animal that's going to weigh 2000 lbs. and have a brain half the size of a cantaloupe. Nature is very precise in the way she formulates things. So therefore the calcium ratios, everything that goes to make up the body of a cow, is encoded in that milk. So when you drink that milk, you are drinking something that is far too heavy for your body. Not only that; when a calf nurses at the udder of its mother, it is drinking the milk directly. YOU don't drink the milk directly. The milk goes into a machine. The milk is heated up to the boiling point. The milk stays on the shelf for who-knows-how-long. And then when you finally get that milk it bears very little resemblance to what originated in the body of that cow.

So when people ask why I don't drink milk, I tell them I was weaned when I was six months old. Man is the only animal on the planet that as an adult, drinks milk. Milk is designed for infants to take them from infancy to a certain level of maturity and then the mother weans them and they don't drink any more milk for the rest of their life. Unless it's a house cat that's been domesticated by man and has fallen in with bad ways.

Now, they did some studies. They took a calf and they fed it pasteurized milk; in other words they took the milk from the mother and boiled it and fed it to the calf. Another calf got its milk directly from its mother until it was weaned. Which one of those two calves do you think had major health problems? Not only that, the health problems that the calf that was fed on the pasteurized milk had were a lot the same health problems that humans have. If you have too much calcium in your system the body has to do something with it. What does it do with it? It throws it around the end of a bone. Then that bone becomes malformed and this turns in to arthritis.

This doesn't happen all at once. It accumulates over time. So when you first start out, you can do anything and still feel good. But as you reach age 30 and go into the 40's, everything you've been doing before then begins to build up, accumulates, and you start to have symptoms. But these symptoms are of such a major national epidemic level that nobody realizes that they are symptoms caused by what they are eating or by their bad habits. It's just considered that "oh you're getting old", "oh this is normal in a person your age". It's not normal. We have accelerated our aging process.

Understand aging. Scientists have not been able to find one reason why the human body should die. The human body is a self perpetuating, self-recycling, perfect mechanism that could theoretically live forever. So what happens? You take a baby and the baby is beautiful, the baby is glowing, the baby has a very very clear aura, a baby is like unconditional love. But as the baby grows older the baby's energy changes and by the time the baby reaches the age of 50, he/she no longer looks like it did when he was first born. What happened along the way? That's what we have to ask ourselves. Let's look at it like this. Let's look at it like "accumulation". As you eat different types of foods they accumulate and as you eat the wrong types of foods and you're not able to eliminate them, then they stay in your body.

There are some people who are walking around with prolapsed colons with 75 lbs. of uneliminated feces stored in their body for 10 years. Basically you are sick. If you have feces that you're not eliminating that stay in your body for 10 years then you are sick. It just all depends on what route the disease is going to take. It might form a tumor in which case it becomes cancerous. It might form a heart condition and clog up the arteries around your heart. It might cause your lungs to harden or cause fluid to form around the lungs. There are so many different diseases that spring from this one source. So the thing is not to go to the hospital and have them cut on you and operate on you for that specific disease. The thing is to go to the source. You go to the source of the disease. And the source is in the colon. You clean your diet up and you'll feel better. Guaranteed. 100%. Its just something to think about. Clean your diet up.


People ask my why don't I eat cooked food. Man is the only animal on the face of the planet that cooks its food. All the other animals in Gods Kingdom eat their food raw. We are the most intelligent, Homo Sapiens, the most intelligent form of life on earth, and we're the sickest. We outsmart ourselves. Where is the precedent? If you took some seeds, say some sunflower seeds and you put them in some water and you let them stay in that water for 2 days, and drained them, they would sprout. They would germinate. You take those same seeds and put them in some boiling water for one minute and then try to sprout them and they're not going to sprout. They're not going to germinate. Why? Because they're DEAD. Because they're no longer alive. We eat to nourish our bodies, to give our bodies life. So when we eat dead things we're trying to extract life, we're trying to extract enzymes, we're trying to extract proteins and nutrients from things that are dead. Where is the logic? We need "living food for living people".

It's all about getting closer to the sun. People say, "what do you mean by that?". We eat a plant. That plant was nourished by the sun, so when we eat that plant we're getting the energy that plant has stored up from the sun. But if we eat an animal, most of the time for the most part we eat vegetarian animals because deep in our subconscious its embedded in us that we want to get as close the source of the sun as possible. So therefore we don't eat lions. We don't eat dogs. We don't eat cats. The thought of eating a carnivore is totally repulsive to us. Subconsciously we want to dine on vegetarian animals that just eat plants. Why? Have you ever asked yourself why? Because we're trying to get close to the source. The farther we get from the source, the more repulsive it gets. If I opened a restaurant that just served animals that feed on dead animals, would I be in business very long? Nobody is interested in eating scavengers. It's second nature. So when I say I don't eat any meat, then basically what I'm saying is I've gone closer to the source, I've taken a step in the evolutionary development of man. We have to move. They call it the human race because we're moving, we're not standing still, we're evolving, and when you stop eating meat then you have evolved to another level. And when you stop putting your food in fire, then you have evolved to another level.

Now, nothing is more addictive than cooked food. We are a nation that is addicted. One of the hardest battles that you will ever have in your life is when you say "OK, I'm not going to eat any more cooked food". You will fight a battle. And if you win that battle, you literally get to go back to the garden. You get to go back to the garden. And until you realize our proper place in the order of things, until you come to an awareness of how our bodies are designed, and what is the best possible food that we can take into us, you will be sick. You will have chronic debilitating diseases stalking you all the days of your life. There's no getting away from that.

Cooked food is poison. There's no other way to look at it. You can take the healthiest, most nutritional, most valuable food on the planet and put it in to the fire and it turns into poison. Enzymes are destroyed at 150 degrees of heat. Vitamins are destroyed at 150 degrees of heat. Proteins are destroyed at 150 degrees of heat. Why destroy the food that you're eating? Once again, man is the only animal on the face of the planet that puts his food into the fire. If you were planting a garden, you wouldn't take the seeds and put them into the fire, because you know that if you boiled the seeds before you planted them, nothing would grow. They would die. Your food is alive. You are alive. You're trying to nourish a living body. You nourish a living body with living food. You don't put that food into the fire and turn it into ashes. Because when you put that food into the fire it loses its ability to nourish you. So therefore you have to overeat. You're eating and eating and eating because your body needs nourishment its not getting from the food that you eat and therefore its sending you signals saying, "Hey, I'm still hungry, feed me".

Poison is a funny thing. I don't care whether you're doing drugs, or whether you're doing white sugar, or whether you're doing Colt 45 malt liquor. Once you take a poison into your body that poison starts to push against and react within your body. Your body builds up a tolerance. The tolerance pushes back against the poison to counteract the toxins. And if you remove the poison then the tolerance pushes against you and it gives you the feeling of a craving for the poison. Understand, the creator didn't put a toxic sewer line right through the middle of his most marvelous creations. You did that to yourself! You put a toxic sewer line right through the center of your system. And cooked food is one of the main contributors. One of the MAIN contributors is cooked food. Understand that once you start putting that stuff into your system, your body can not handle it. It can't handle it! And especially if it's processed. Your body is still operating on the cellular memories that it had 20,000 years ago. It can't process MSG. It can't process red dye #2. These things are just 100 years old and we've been here for millions of years. Our bodies have evolved to this state and now all of a sudden we have to deal with all of these new chemicals, we have to deal with all of these pesticides, we have to deal with all of these things it never had to deal with before. And you wonder why the cancer wards are filled with standing room only. Think! THINK! Nowhere else in nature do you see animals with diets as bad as man has, and we're supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet. We're the only animal on the planet that cooks its food, puts its food into the fire, boils it, boils it until it turns into a useless mass of sludge. It turns into slush and sludge just moving through your system.

You eat some broccoli raw and it will sweep your system out like a broom. But by the time you get through boiling it and putting it into your system it leaves a slime coat all the way down. All the way down. And then because you haven't been properly nourished, you're hungry. So you eat some more. And you eat some more. And it just keeps on coming down. Keeps on coming down. Until your body says "wait a minute, wait a minute, I can't deal with this, this is too much" and it just shuts down. It shuts down. All the different systems that you have to move the waste and toxins through your system. They get overloaded and they can't handle it. They quit. They stop. And it turns into aging, premature aging. There's no other word for it. You stop cooking your food and you won't need as much. Restaurants perpetrate this. You go out to dinner. You pay $30 a plate. They have to charge you $30 a plate or they can't stay open. If they serve you the amount of food you SHOULD eat, you're not going to pay $30, because all you're going to get is a little saucer full of food, because that's all you really need, and you're not going to pay $30 for that so they heap your plate up. They give you more than you can possibly eat and be healthy and you're sitting there shoveling it down your throat saying hey I paid for it, I'm going to eat it. Its catch 22. It just goes around and around and around.


People ask, "Why do you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day?". It's all about water. You aren't sick, there's nothing wrong with you, you're just thirsty! I'd say 85%-90% of America is walking around in various stages of dehydration. You have to understand how important water is. Every single part of your body needs water. There's not a part of your body that doesn't need water. You have back pains. You go get an MRI scan and it shows up dark spots in your disk. Its dehydration. The disk is dehydrated. It becomes brittle. It doesn't work. You're in pain. You would never stop to think that you need to drink some water!

Riding down the street the other day, a man came on the radio saying "Obey your thirst". All right, they're finally gonna start telling people to drink water! He was talking about soft drinks. I got mad. There are so many people out there who would do better if they knew better. They have all this technology, the mass-media mind control, and they're not telling people what they need to know to heal themselves. Obey your thirst. Obey your thirst means your body wants some water! It doesn't need soft drinks. There is not one single nutritional thing that soda pop has in it. Yet it is a multi-billion dollar industry. I don't understand. When you don't drink water it is like being in a house where the toilettes haven't been flushed. I know people who don't drink 2 glasses of water a week because when they get thirsty they obey their thirst like the man on the radio says and they go buy some soda. When they get thirsty they drink some coffee. When they get thirsty they drink a beer. There is no other liquid on the planet that will take the place of water. You can drink a whole pot of coffee and still be dehydrated. Your body needs water so that it can properly cleanse. Water will go to every single cell in your body and it will, through a process of osmosis, withdraw the toxins out of that cell and flush them out of your body. Beer will not do it. Wine will not do it. Coffee will not do it. Java and Mocha will not do it. And soda pop will definitely not do it! They're lying to you! Obey your thirst. Get some water.


WEIGHT , MUSCLE AND WORKOUTS This diet is not per se a weight loss diet. Its not designed for you to lose weight and then go back to the way you were eating before. Its a natural diet. There are no vitamins, supplements or special shakes. Its more like a way of life. And when you eat this way, your body will assume its natural shape. The reason so many people are obese is because they are eating food that has basically been processed. It's unnatural food so your body assumes an unnatural shape. And when you eat natural food, your body will assume the size and weight and body fat ratio that it is supposed to have. This is automatic. It is not something you have to strive for. It will just happen. If you are underweight and under muscled then you will build strong healthy muscle. If you are too fat you will literally change your fat to lean ratio automatically. As long as you maintain this diet you will maintain a healthy balanced weight. It is not like you are dieting and going up and down and up and down. It is our hope that you will achieve a healthy balance in the raw food world that really works for you and stay with it, and thereby achieve a consistent weight.

Another one of the main reasons this diet works is that the diet is part of a system of living. In this system you need exercise. If you do this diet and you don't exercise you may still have problems because you may have low muscle mass. And guys want to be big. We're judged by the standards of the NFL. We want to look like a pro line backer or a professional boxer because these are the levels of perfection that we have been taught to try to attain. And women want to look like super models because in the media we're bombarded with images of how we should look. The raw food diet is a lean diet because it doesn't have a lot of fat. So at first you may lose a lot of weight. You may lose your muscle mass. You will lose the muscles that were made from low grade protein, which are bulky muscles. However, they are not as strong and don't have the same elasticity as raw muscle. Its a whole different quality of muscle. And when you first go raw you lose that. It drops away. You go down to nothing. And then you have to eat a high quality of protein that you get from nuts, that you get from raw organic vegetables. And believe it or not, fruit has a lot of protein in it too. You can build muscle mass with fruit juice, if it is alive. Not pasteurized juice but juice that you squeeze yourself, like orange juice. Even on a juice fast, working out you will get bigger. So the trick is to maintain your workout.

I work out with weights. When I went raw I added more weight to the bar and more repetitions to the bar and actually increased the level of my workout, and increased the level of my cardiovascular workout and I got bigger. I was bigger on a raw food diet than I was on a cooked food diet. But I absolutely changed my fat to lean ration. With raw you don't grow as quickly. It is a slower process and the muscle has a different quality to it. The main thing you'll notice is that on a raw diet, The Garden Diet, you can hold these muscles longer. The muscle tone you get you can hold well into your 50s and 60s. You will have a better tone than a lot of the young guys who are bulking up. Their muscles will turn to flab when they hit certain ages. It is like the difference between a lion, which has a life expectancy of 8-10 years and an elephant which is a vegetarian and lives for around 100 years. You've gone to a new level. You've gone from carnivore to vegetarian. And vegetarians are longer lived. It's an endurance diet. The animals that are bigger have more endurance. They can run all day. The muscle animals, animals that eat meat, are powerful but they don't have endurance. Nature has a way of balancing things out. She gives to one speed and grace and to one she gives power. But that power is short lived. In a diet that is based upon resisting the onslaughts of time, then for the long term, this is the superior diet. A meat eater who is doing all kinds of supplements and bulking up will have the greater muscle mass for the short term, but for the long term if you're working out every day, this is a diet that you can carry into your 50s, 60s, and 70s with very little change as long as you can maintain the principles of the diet and the integrity of your workout.


One of the most beneficial things one can do is to learn the art of fasting. Fasting is one of the most healing things that we can do for our body. We spend most of our lives eating, eating, and eating. And most of us overeat the wrong kinds of food. Our body goes through two processes. One is eating. And the other is eliminating. And when you are eating, then the elimination organs don't really get a chance to fully function because you are going through eating, assimilating, and digesting. When you fast you shut down the digestive process. You are not assimilating and digesting food, and this gives your elimination organs a chance to go to work. If you are overeating then what happens is the elimination organs can't keep up with the amount of food you are eating. And so your body takes the food and it stashes it out of the way because it doesn't really have time to eliminate it, which is what I think is one of the main factors in aging. We're eating more food than we can eliminate and it becomes very toxic. And most of the time when we're overeating we're overeating because we're not getting the nourishment that we need from the food that we're eating and so our bodies are sending the message that we're still hungry and so we overeat the wrong kinds of foods, which is double indemnity. Its like double jeopardy because not only are you eating the wrong types of food but you're overeating them and you're not eliminating them, and all this totally accelerates the aging process.

Fasting is an art like anything else and if you do it wrong you can injure your body. But when you learn how to fast then it shuts down the digestive assimilative process and allows your body to clean house. It's like the same theory as chemotherapy. People have cancer so they radiate the body. They bombard the body with radiation. And the theory is that the healthy cells will resist the radiation whereas the cancerous cells are weak and therefore will be destroyed by the radiation because they are don't have the same vitality as the healthy cells. Well, fasting does exactly the same thing. When you fast and you get to a certain point of hunger, then the body starts feeding off or killing off the weaker cells. They're the first ones to go. They are cleaned out. A lot of these cells are the cancer cells that are in our body. The sick cells, the weak cells, are eliminated. You're cleaning house. All the dross. All the processed stuff that you ate that your body can't really assimilate. It all gets cleaned out, thrown out of the body. And therefore you will feel better.

But there's an art to fasting. Because when you start eliminating, then everything goes into your colon. But if it is not cleaned out of your colon., and if it doesn't pass out of you, then it gets reabsorbed back into your body and this can really make you sick. When you really start fasting, what you're feeling is not hunger because it takes at least 3 days before real hunger sets in. What you're experiencing is the toxins in your body being shaken up. This can make you feel sick. It can make you feel kind of nauseous. It can lead to all types of feelings that you associate with hunger. But it is really not hunger at all. The first fast you do should probably be under the supervision of a physician. And at some point there should be colonics being given so that you can really cleanse your colon out so that as the poisons and toxins start to collect from years of wrong eating, these things get flushed out of your body. Then there's an art to coming off of a fast so you don't start bingeing and eating all sorts of wrong foods and put back everything that you have eliminated. You come off of a fast with fruit juices, and then vegetable juices and then salads and then you can start to do the heavier things like the nut-loaves and pates and things like that.

But initially what you have to do is clean the body out. Its like changing the oil in you car. Fasting cleans your blood system, your liver and your kidneys. If you do research, there are herbs that are blood cleansers like Burdock Root and Slippery Elm that facilitate the cleansing process. And once you are really clean, then your body will be more receptive to raw organic food. So the two go hand in hand. So fasting should be an important part of any raw food regimen to give your body a chance to rest and cleanse.


Does our current diet work? That's what this is all about. Have you eaten any junk food in the last 30 days? If you've eaten any junk food in the last 30 days then I'd say that your diet is not working. Why do you think they call it junk food? They're telling you what it is. They call it junk food because its junk. But they market junk food to our kids, and they have been doing this for the last 50-60 years, blatantly and criminally appealing to you through your kids and seducing your kids in to the these fast food places with clowns, indoor playgrounds, free gifts and toys, and commercials on Saturday morning cartoons. And you go in and you buy a whole bunch of food that your body can't even begin to deal with.


The hardest thing about this diet is when you finally make up your mind and you say "I'm gong to eat all raw live organic food, I'm not going to cook my food anymore, I'm not going to eat meat anymore, I'm not going to do dairy products anymore". You have this huge list of what you're not going to eat and this small little list of what you can eat. We hope to add to the list of what you can eat and show you that there are many, many, many recipes and meals that are totally tasty and nutritious delicious that your whole family will love, and that will make it easy for you to change over to a raw living diet. Because no matter what you eat, if you've been eating it for years, that is the food your body is used to eating. And the moment you change that diet your body is going to crave the food its been eating because that is the foot that your body is literally made up of. You're going to go through cravings and withdrawals. Until your body changes over and is used to eating the new food and is then made up of the new food. Then the cravings and withdrawals will disappear and the wolf wont be knocking at the door anymore.

Most people can not get through this period. Especially when we live in a society that is totally oriented around cooked food. There are so many foods out there that are so delicious. The first thing your body does when you quit eating them is your body goes into shock and it realizes "I can't eat that anymore. I can't go to my favorite restaurants anymore". In most stores and restaurants cooked processed food is the main food that they carry. There might be a small organic section in your supermarket or a salad bar in the restaurant but the main dishes, the most delicious dishes that are being presented are all processed food that you've said you're not going to eat anymore. So we've broken these cravings down into basic goups. We have included below in this publication a list of cravings and their replacements.

It can be hard when you first start out going raw, if you have been eating cooked food all your life, because your body is made from cooked food, so you are going to crave cooked food. If you can hold fast to the center until your body is actually made from raw foods, then you will crave raw foods, and that's the point you want to reach. And once you reach that point then we like to say the wolf is no longer knocking on the door.

As mentioned in section 1 above, we have tolerances in our body that have been developed over years from foods that we eat that are highly toxic. Its just like drugs. If you take a drug into your body the drug is poison, but at the same time your body rises up to fight this poison so you develop a tolerance. Then if you remove the poison you still have the tolerance Your body is still pushing against that poison even though the poison isn't there anymore and you feel that. And that tolerance is what you feel when you feel a craving. You want to bring that poison back into your body because your body is pushing against it, its developed a tolerance, and now it requires that poison in order to maintain balance. Food is the same way. So for that period where you have the tolerance for a cooked food even though you're not putting that particular toxin into your body it will push against your body in the form of a craving. But after a while your body sees that it no longer needs that tolerance because the poison is no longer in your body. Then it stops pushing against your body and the craving goes away. So no matter how strong the craving is for some particular food, if you don't eat that food the craving will eventually go away, and will be replaced by healthy cravings. If you need protein, you'll crave a nut burger. If you need certain kinds of vitamins, then you'll crave a salad. Cravings in themselves are not bad. They're basically set up to tell our body what we need at any given moment so that we can supply the body with that particular building block. But on a standard American diet, our cravings have become distorted. We need to get on a natural path so that our cravings will work FOR us instead of against us.


Say you have a craving for french fries or potato chips. This means you have a craving for something oily and salty. So we replace these junk foods with nuts and seaweed. The seaweed that I find the closest to the salt craving is Wakame or Bull Kelp. By mixing these with almonds, you are getting a tasty protein, and the seaweed has all the minerals and trace elements that you require on a daily basis, and you are taking something that was an unhealthy craving and turning it into a rich nourishing treat that is very good for you.

You might have a craving for dessert if your body needs some sugars. Instead of doing harmful sugars, we put together an apple or peach cobbler (included in the recipes below) which is totally nutritious but it satisfies that craving. Say you have a craving for a Snickers bar. By taking almond butter, some sea salt, some dates and raisins, some flax oil and some honey and dried coconut and mixing these up, you can make a candy bar that is every bit as delicious as a candy bar that you would buy out there but the difference is that this is totally nourishing and there's no downside to it.

A lot of the time vegetarians don't get the same oil content as people who are eating junk food. When you switch your diet over you are no longer getting that oil satisfaction. Your brain needs oil. So we use flax oil, hemp oil, and olive oil. These all have good cholesterol. Its very important to have some or preferably all of these oils in your diet as a raw foodist. Anytime you heat any oil it becomes toxic. The longer you heat it the more toxic it becomes. By using these oils that are cold pressed, you are able to satisfy your oil cravings on a superior level. Heated oils are damaged and don't have the ability to nurture your brain.

The other big craving is salt. We try to get our salt from natural sources. You don't want salt that has been heated up or crystallized because then it damages you. It doesn't break down. It doesn't go into solution. It stays in a crystalline form and it stays in your body. Its very hard on your body. Its like eating sandpaper. Its like having fine grains of sand moving through your system. Whereas you want a salt that is going to be totally water soluble. They heat most salt up so that it will pour. Because if you don't heat it up and iodize it, it is harder to get it to come out of the shaker which some people find annoying. The salt we use, Celtic Sea Salt, cakes up, it is hard to get out of the shaker, it's 100% sea salt. It hasn't been treated, washed or bleached. Its an excellent form of salt. It's a greyish salt with brown flakes in it which are minerals. It's a very high quality of salt. Even so, we use it in moderation. Another excellent source of digestible sodium is seaweed.

We mix the oils and salt together for salad dressings, put them in our cobblers, and we use them in our nut shakes, sauces, and nutloafs.

Sometimes you have a craving for milk shakes. Your body is craving calcium. Instead of doing milk, we use raw organic sesame tahini. We mix the tahini with honey and dates, a banana and water, adding a dash of salt and oil for the fat content that you would ordinarily get from cream. You replace the cream with olive oil and flax oil. Throw it all in a blender and you have a replacement for a milkshake. You are totally satisfied. You have satisfied the cravings.

Say you are craving meat. We replace this with nut loaf. Now you are not eating high cholesterol oils and low grade forms of protein. Grind up nuts to a fine meal using a meat grinder. Add flax and Celtic Sea Salt. Grind or chop up two or three different kinds of seaweed to satisfy your salt and mineral cravings. Mix 3 different oils in: flax, olive, and hemp. Chop in raw onions, green onion, and green peppers. Add spices like basil and thyme. You can even warm it up to 100 degrees. Enzymes are destroyed at 150 degrees. So if you warm it up just enough to take the chill off, it will be closer to the taste of the cooked food you are used to eating. The nutloafs are so rich that they totally satisfy the cooked meat craving. It doesn't taste any different than meat. You can season and spice it to taste like various meat dishes. You can create gravies and sauces out of raw organic foods, like tahini sauces and almond butter sauces (See recipes below). The nutloaf is every bit as satisfying as a meat meal.


If you try to go 100% raw all at once, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms as a result of the toxins in your body being eliminated. These symptoms can include dizziness, tiredness, sleeplessness, flu-like symptoms, emotional highs and lows, and diarrhea. In order to prevent these symptoms, you may want to do a very gradual transition to the raw diet. This will prevent your body and mind from going into culture shock. Here is an example of a transition diet schedule. You can speed it up, slow it down, or vary it to suit your unique needs:

1.) One month Vegetarian (no meat)

2.) One month Vegan (no meat or dairy)

3.) One month Raw with a cooked meal a day

4.) One month Raw with a cooked meal a week

5.) One month raw using the replacement recipes as cravings arise, including the semi-raw replacement recipes

6.) Several months or a year raw using the replacement recipes as cravings arise, using only the 100% raw recipes

7.) 100% whole raw foods for life with occasional simple recipes

On three and four above, for the cooked meal, I would stick to rice and steamed vegetables, rice and beans, and tabouli, which is almost raw. Here are some good transition recipes.

Some of the Replacement Recipes below are Semi-Raw or slightly warmed. These are good ones to use during your first few months of being a raw foodist. You may want to keep doing these or slowly eliminate these recipes, replacing them with more raw recipes and/or whole raw foods. Some raw foodists avoid all but the simplest recipes and prefer to eat whole raw foods in their completely natural state. Some believe in eating only once or twice a day, while others graze throughout the day. Once you decide to try the raw food diet, you will probably find inner guidance as to what type of raw diet best suits your body and your lifestyle.


This section is based upon my own diet. It is suitable for a healthy person who is ready to start a 100% raw food diet. Consult the recipe section below for how to prepare these foods.


Breakfast - Orange Juice and Banana Smoothi

Lunch - Salad

Dinner - Sunflower Seed Pat


Breakfast - Sensuous Fruit Salad

Lunch - Salsa and Jicama

Dinner - Nutmilk


Breakfast - Whole Fruits

Lunch - Green Juice

Dinner - Nutloaf


Breakfast - Orange Juice

Lunch - Sprouted Humus

Dinner - Tahini Milk


Breakfast - Young Coconut Milk

Lunch - Sprout Salad

Dinner - Nut Pizza


Breakfast - Grapefruit Juice

Lunch - Green Juice

Dinner - Sunflower Seed Milk


Breakfast - Canteloupe Milk

Lunch - Raw Thai Lemon Coconut Soup

Dinner - Veggie Sushi Rolls

PART 3 - WHAT TO EAT ON A 100% RAW/LIVING ORGANIC FOOD DIETWelcome to part 3 of Ekaya Institute's raw living food nutrition education program, which covers WHAT to eat when you go raw. JUNK FOOD CRAVINGS - RAW REPLACEMENT FOODS CHART:

All the cravings listed below are followed by their raw replacement. These can all be found in the next section on recipes.

Milk - nutmilk

Milkshake - nutmilk smoothie

Ice Cream - nutmilk smoothie with almond butter, chilled (semi-raw)

Meat, Sushi - Nut Sushi

Meat, Meat Loaf - Nut Loaf

Pizza - Nut Pizza

Candy - Nut Candy

Chocoloate - Raw Carob Treat

Candy Bar - Almond Butter Candy

Pastry - Oatmeal Treat

Sushi - Veggie Sushi Rolls

Dessert - Sensuous Fruit Salad

Apple Pie - Raw Apple Pie

Salad Dressings - Raw Salad Dressings

Cheese - Tahini Cheese

Ice Cream, Milk Shakes, Candy - Fruit Smoothies

Puree, Pudding, Jello - Watermelon Juice

Chip Dip - Sprouted Humus

Liverwurst, meat, beans & rice - Seed Pat

Protein Shake - Tahini Milk

Milk - Canteloupe Milk

Ratatoiulle, italian sauce dishes - Raw Ratatouille

Thai Food - Raw Thai Lemon Coconut Soup

Burritos - Sunflower Herb Pat

Drugs and Alcohol - Green Juice


I have divided up the 75 raw recipes below into three sections: Vegan Transition Recipes for use in transition months 3 & 4, Raw-Gourmet Recipes for use in transition month 5 or for a permanent raw-vegan lifestyle, and 100% Simple-Gourmet Whole Raw Food Recipes (Also known as high-raw or Fruitarian) for a very healing or "high raw" diet..

Vegan Transition Recipes

Rice and Beans:Soak black eyed peas overnight. Cook until beans are soft. Add mushrooms, onions, bean sprouts, and brussel sprouts. Mix with long grain brown rice. Top with sliced avocado, honey, raw soy sauce (Nama Shoyu brand recommended), and Celtic sea salt.

Rice and Avocado:A nice simple food that is very clean and easy to prepare. Just make some long grain brown rice and top with sliced avocado and a little sea salt or seaweed. A little honey can add even more flavor if desired.

Manna Bread: (replacement to Bread)Manna bread or Essene bread are brands of unleavened bread. They are basically just heated for a very short time at a low heat so they are still full of life, as you can tell by how rich and filling they are compared to normal bread. There are all kinds of manna bread, made from different combinations of nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, and fruit. A real delicacy with none of the dangers inherent in bread such as wheat, flour, eggs, butter and sugar, which all clog the body.

Manna Bread sandwiches: (replacement to Sandwiches, subs, burgers, etc..)Slice up avocado and tomato on Manna Bread (available at health food stores) with honey for a simple and easy lunch. Add a little Celtic Sea Salt if desired. Raw Tahini or Raw Almond Butter and honey on "Carrot and Raisin" Manna Bread tastes just like carrot cake!

Raw-Gourmet Transition Recipes

The recipes in this section, Transition Recipes, are great for people who are just starting to explore the raw vegan diet, and need to have the comforts of foods that taste like cooked foods, and that give them a similar feeling of fullness. These recipes help convince people that raw food is not about deprivation, and that great tasting food is a big part of the raw way of life! It is a huge step up from the SAD (Standard American Diet) way of eating. When you start a raw diet and include these recipes, the transition will be easy and gentle, and you will slowly naturally phase them out in favor of the high-raw recipes further below, and whole foods (such as just eating an apple or cucumber for a meal). You will also find that you don't need to eat as much to feel nourished, the longer you are raw. Most of these recipes are healthier than the dehydrated and gourmet raw recipes you would eat at a raw food restaurant. We eat from these recipes several times a week. A raw vegan diet of these recipes will keep you in great health. There is only a need to transition to the high-raw recipes further below if you are in need of a healing diet to deal with specific health problems.

In all our recipes use fresh organic raw ingredients.

Storm's Raw Tabouli! (Our special staple "green stuff" recipe):

* one bunch cilantro* one bunch parsley* one bunch green onions* two tomatoes* one avocado* half a cup of raw almonds* cold-pressed olive oil* unrefined sea salt* raw honey* half a lemon

Chop up cilantro, parsley, green onions, avocados and tomatoes in a bowl. Blend almonds to a fine flour in blender and add to bowl. Add the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of honey, and a teaspoon of salt. Change it up each time by adding a different vegetable/herb like corn, broccoli, or fresh basil, or a different spice like Italian or Mexican seasonings. Serves 3.

Storm's Bok Choy Slaw: (replacement to stir fry)Bok Choy, a light green crisp sweet chinese lettuce (actually a cabbage) available in most produce sections is high in Vitamin C and A and calcium.

Chop up and put in a bowl:~ 4 bunches Bok Choy~ 2 tomatos~ 2 avocados~ 1/2 bunch cilantro

Dressing:~ 4 tablespoons raw tahini~ 2 tablespoons raw honey~ 1/8 cup apple cider vinegar~ 4 tablespoons olive oil~ herbs and spices (experiment with what you have available)~ salt to taste with unrefined sea salt

Oatmeal Treat: (replacement to breakfast cereals, pastries, pies, cakes, candy and cookies)-1 cup raw organic steel cut oats-1/4 cup fresh squeezed O.J.Optional toppings (any fresh fruit will also do):-2 tablespoons raisins-2 dates chopped-1/2 banana sliced-1 teaspoon honey-2 tablespoons Shredded Coconut-dash of Celtic sea salt

Let oats soak in O.J. for 10 minutes to 1/2 an hour. Mix and feast on this healthy breakfast or treat that tastes like candy! Serves 2.

Raw Thai Lemon Coconut Soup: (replacement to Thai Food, soup)Juice two large squash. Add the milk of one young coconut. Squeeze three lemons. Chop 5 mushrooms. Slice 2 carrots. Mix and heat on low (optional) until warm. Serves 4.

Nut Milk: (replacement to milk-shake, milk, and ice-cream cravings)Liquefy in blender-1 cup soaked nuts (almonds are our favorite, soaked for 5 hours) or sunflower seeds (soaked for 2 hours)-Blender full of water-2 tablespoons honey-1 banana (optional)-2 dates (optional)-add a dash of olive oil and dash of Celtic Sea Salt for extra taste and nutrition (optional)

Optimum Health option: Sprouted food has far more vitality, enzymes and life energy, for it is alive and growing. Sprouting the nuts you use will give you a super-food that will increase your energy and vitality too. To germinate/sprout nuts: Soak nuts in spring water for a couple of hours to as long as overnight. You'll find some nuts sprout faster than others. The longer you leave them in water, the stronger their life force becomes. You want to change the water daily if you leave them in longer than a day. Serves 3.

Nut Sushi: (replacement to sushi, meat, salty foods)This recipe is oily and salty and gives a feeling of having eaten meat. It provides enough protein for two adults for a day. Very rich and filling.-One Cup of Nuts (Any combination of one or more of these: Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts. Eat cashews in moderation as these are processed and packaged in a way that often involves heating even when they say "raw")-Raw Nori Seaweed (North American harvests please, as some oriental companies catch fish in the Nori nets and grind them in with the Nori. You can also use lettuce leaves, nasturtium leaves, or kale leaves instead of Nori)-1/4 cup Cilantro-1 Avocado-1 Tomato-2 cloves GarlicGrind nuts in food processor with S-Blade. You may also want to add a handful of either pine nuts or sunflower seeds whole. Mix in one avocado, a 1/4 cup cilantro, a tomato, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and wrap in Raw Nori Seaweed which has been torn from the large sheets into 1/8ths Stick a toothpick through the middle to hold in place, or wrap one at a time and eat. Celtic Sea Salt can be added in moderation if desired. Serves 2.

Nut Loaf: (replacement to meat, meat loaf)This is so tasty, meatloaf will pale in comparison! Filling too.

-Two cups Nuts (Any combination of one or more or all of these: Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts)-1 Red pepper-1 Tomato-2 cloves Garlic-1/2 Onion-5 Mushrooms-2 tablespoons Whole Pine Nuts

Grind vegetables and nuts in Food Processor with S-Blade. Spread Tahini Sauce on top (2 tablespoons Raw Tahini, juice of 1/2 a lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey, and 2 cloves garlic). Serves 3.

Nut Pizza: (Pizza replacement)Grind up two cups of soaked almonds (soak for 5 to 24 hours) in Food Processor with S-Blade. Blend in olive oil, herbs and spices. Then spread out on a plate as pizza crust. Make a cheese sauce (see Tahini Cheese recipe in the salad dressings section below). Top with favorite vegetables (Chopped Onions, Garlic, Raw Olives, tomatoes, kpine nuts etc...). Serves 4.

Tahini Milk: (A quick easy protein shake, replacement to milk)Mix one to two tablespoons of tahini with a blender full of water, add dates, honey, and a dash of sea salt and olive oil. Serves 3.

Chocolate Milk: (Replacement to chocolate milk)Mix one to two tablespoons of tahini with a blender full of water, add dates, honey, a dash of sea salt , a dash of olive oil, and a tablespoon of raw carob powder. (You can use raw almond butter instead of tahini if you prefer). Serves 3.

Raw Ratatouille: (ratatouille replacement, Italian food replacement)Chop up 1 Avocado, 2 tomatoes, 1/4 cup of cilantro, 2 cloves garlic, and 1 squash. Dressing: 1 tablespoon tahini, 1 teaspoon honey, Celtic Sea Salt to taste. Mix. (Or instead of this dressing top with Raw Tomato Sauce below). Serves 2.

Okraw Slaw:Chop up two cups of okra. Scrape the corn kernels off of one ear of corn. Dice up one avocado. Mix together in bowl with one teaspoon of honey. Yummy. Serves 2.

Mashed "Potatoes":Blend one and a half cups of cashews in blender on max high speed until completely ground down. Take out and next blend one whole head cauliflower chopped with 1/4 cup olive oil on max speed until creamy. Mix ground cashews and cauliflower together in bowl. Top with Celtic sea salt, and whatever seasonings you like on your mashed potatoes. Serves 4.

Raw Tomato Sauce:Blend up two cups tomatoes, 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/8th cup olive oil, and 1/4 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt. A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon juice is optional. Season with fresh or dried oregano, basil, and rosemary. Serves 2 to 4.

Sunflower Herb Pat: (pat, turkey, tofu, bread replacement)-two cups soaked sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds (soaked for 2 hours to overnight)-half cup fresh basil leaves-any other fresh or dried herbs (sage, savory, thyme, rosemary, tarragon...)-1 clove of garlic (optional)-1 teaspoon grated ginger (optional) (buy ginger root whole and grate)-1 tablespoon of tahini (optional)-juice of 1 lemon-pinch of Celtic Sea Salt-pinch of cayenne-1 tablespoon of vinegar-flax oil and or olive oil (two tablespoons)

Grind down in Food Processor with S-blade. Wrap in lettuce leaves, seaweed or grape leaves with nasturtium flowers, use as a dip for veggies. (very nice with red pepper slices!), or just eat as it is. Serves 2 to 4.

Veggie Sushi Rolls (replacement to sushi, wraps, burritos):-Nori seaweed-1 avocado-2 tomatoes-1/4 cup Wakame seaweed-1 clove garlic-2 green onions-5 Brazil nuts (chopped course)-dash of Celtic Sea Salt-2 tablespoons olive oil

Chop everything up small, mix with a mashed avocado and wrap in Nori or lettuce such as romaine or red leaf. Serves 2.

Fresh Flax Food:Dice up two medium zucchini, cover with flax oil, chop a little dill on top, and enjoy the taste which I find is a lot like fish! I suppose it is the combination of dill which is a fish garnish, and flax oil which has all the same essential omega fatty acids (brain food!) as fish but with the benefit of not being a dead rotting animal. Funny, when you soak flax seeds they get gelatinous (like fish). I think this flax/dill combination would work really well with any of those spongy vegetables like squashes or eggplant. Avocado would be nice in it too. When you buy flax oil try to get it as fresh as possible (under two weeks old if possible), and cold-pressed of course. The date of pressing should be on the bottle. Alternately use olive oil instead of flax oil. Serves 2.

Salad Dressings and Dips (replacements to dressings, sauces, creams, dips, and cheeses)

Storm's Creamy Deli Dip:*1 Avocado, mashed*4 tablespoons Raw Tahini*Juice of 1 Lemon*1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt*1 tablespoon Raw Honey*2 tablespoons Cold-Pressed Olive Oil*1/3 cup water

Mix all above in a bowl. Cut up a jicama into chip-like slices and dip in! Serves 2 to 4.

Vinegar, Honey, Olive Oil Dressing:Two tablespoons vinegar, one teaspoon honey, one tablespoon olive oil. Mix all three in a cup for a delicious light dressing. Experiment with different measurements of each to adjust it to your taste.

Vinegar, Honey, Avocado Dressing:Same as above dressing but mash in an avocado for a thicker dip or dressing. Stir into salad well.

Tahini "Cheese":-Raw organic sesame tahini (buy in a jar in a health food store or you can grind up your own sesame seeds in your food processor).-Juice four lemons or limes and mix in bowl with whole jar of tahini (about two and half cups of tahini).-Chop up a couple cloves of garlic and mix in.-Add Celtic Sea Salt to taste.-Put mixture back into jar and what is left over into a bowl.

Spread it on celery with a sprinkle of cayenne (optional). You can also dip veggies in it or wrap it up in lettuce or pieces of kale leaves.

Tahini Dip:-Use two tablespoons of tahini cheese (above) and add one tablespoon of water. Stir in and use as veggie dip.

Tahini Salad Dressing:-Use two tablespoons of tahini cheese (above). Add two tablespoons of water or adjust water amount to desired thickness of dressing.

Vinegar, Honey, Tahini Dressing:Mix 1 tablespoon of tahini, 2 teaspoons of honey, and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. These three ingredients give you something between a Caesar and a Thousand Island dressing.

Summer Sour Cream and Onion Dip:Blend up a cup of sunflower seeds (that have been soaked in water for 4 hours or longer), add a handful of cilantro, a handful of parsley, a couple of green onions, a couple of pieces of broccoli, an avocado, the juice of a lemon, two pinches of unrefined sea salt, and some organic Italian or Mexican seasonings. (Check the label on the seasonings and make sure all the ingredients are names of herbs that you recognize, and there is no "other spices, other seasonings, natural flavors" or other vague ingredients, as these names are often are used to disguise MSG). Blend up in your blender or food processor. Eat on its own or dip veggies in it. If you just blend it a little it's more like a salad, blend a little more for a pat, or keep on blending for a dip!

Our Favorite Salad (Ends most cravings!):Eat a salad a day for all the vitamins and iron (in the greens), calcium (in the greens and tahini), and protein (in the greens and sunflower seeds) you need. People who eat a cup of greens a day have significantly less chance of getting heart disease, eye failure with age, and a host of other afflictions. Green food actually heals you. If you eat a salad a day you'll find you won't crave other foods as much. The darker the green the more nutritious. Spinach is the very highest in iron and folic acid (essential for spinal development in the unborn fetus).

-bowl full of fresh organic salad mix (or spinach or any lettuces except iceberg which has little nutritional value)-handful of alfalfa sprouts-one avocado, diced-one or two tomatoes-two teaspoons cut Wakami seaweed (optional)-two teaspoons sunflower seeds (optional)-Tahini Dressing (see above)-1/3 of a red onion, chopped (soak chopped red onion in juice from a lemon for a half hour to soften and flavor)

Toss and enjoy in a sunny place! Serves 2 to 4.

Super Nutritious Spicy Sprouts:

~fill a bowl with alfalfa or similar kind of sprouts~mash up one avocado and stir in~squeeze in a half a lemon.~add seasonings such as Jamaican Curry Spice powder and/or Italian Seasonings~add the kernels from an ear of corn

Mix and enjoy! Serves 2-4.

Simple Healing Parsley Pleasure Salad:

~Chop up one bunch of parsley~Chop up one bunch of green onions~Juice a half a lemon~Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt~Add a dash of cold pressed olive oil~Add a pinch of hot pepper powder (optional)~Add a pinch of Jamaican Curry Spice (optional)~Mix in a bowl and enjoy!

Kale Subs or Kale Wraps:A Healthy, fast and easy raw food meal.

When the lemon juice, creamy avocado, and tomato juice start to drip all over its just like a big sloppy burger! Yum! Filling, mineralizing, energizing, and delicious!

*chop up an avocado*chop up a tomato*chop up a handful of cilantro*juice a half a lemon*combine above in a bowl and add a pinch of unrefined sea salt*optional: add some spices such as hot peppers, Italian Seasonings, etc...*serve with 2 big kale leaves

Wrap the mixture in pieces of kale leaves as you go along or add mixture to center of a kale leaf and eat like a sub! Serves 2.

Sprouted Humus:2 cups Garbanzo Beans - soaked overnight1/3 cup waterJuice of two lemons1/4 cup Olive Oil3 cloves Garlic1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea salt

Blend in a KTek blender or food processor with S-blade. Blend down until it is super creamy with no lumps and then add and blend in 1/2 cup of raw tahini. Mix in a tablespoon of cut Wakame (optional)

Use as a dip or cut two Anaheim peppers or bell peppers lengthwise, remove seeds, and stuff the humus in. Top with avocados and/or salsa or mango salsa (below). Serves 4.

Wild Rice:Put two cups of wild black rice in K-Tek blender or food processor for a few seconds to grind rice into small pieces. Soak in spring water for one to two days to soften. After the rice is soft enough to chew then use some of the salad dressings above for a wonderful rice dish. This dish totally satisfies rice cravings. You can also just slice avocado in to a plate of soaked wild rice with olive oil and chopped green onions. Experiment with adding different seasonings and vegetables for different rice dishes. For instance add curry and sliced celery and carrots with some shelled peas for Curried Rice. You can soak the vegetables in water for a few hours first to soften. Serves 4.

Storm's Zucchini Fettuccini with Pesto Sauce:

Pasta:*3 Medium Zucchini, peeled then sliced into thin noodles with a potato peeler. Slice only the outer parts and stop when you come to the seedy part in the center. Put in bowl

Sauce:*3 and a half tablespoons of raw tahini*2 tablespoons olive oil*1/2 cup pine nuts*1/2 cup water*2 tablespoons honey (optional)*1 teaspoon cumin seeds*1/4 cup fresh basil leaves*1/2 lemon juiced*other seasonings and spices (optional)Put in blender and blend until creamy

Top with:*2 cloves garlic finely chopped*1 avocado diced*1 leek finely chopped*cut Wakame (optional)

Mix all together in bowl. Serves 4.

Amazingly, the zucchini in this sauce is indistinguishable from pasta!!! Except of course it feels much better in your tummy! :)

Stormy Salsa:Mix in blender:one bunch cilantrofour tomatoes5 green onionspinch of Cayenne powder3 tablespoons Olive Oil1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea SaltJuice of 1 lemonSlice up jicama in thin slices to dip like potato chips!

Burrito Wrap:Salsa and Avocado in Nori! This is a cool treat when you are traveling. It is nice and filling and tasty yet simple. Mash up an avocado and mix with salsa (above). Wrap mixture in Nori or lettuce leaves. Think burrito! Yum.

Mango Salsa:An amazingly delicious sweet/salty salsa!

Put in blender:2 tomatoes1/4 of a red onion diced fine1 bunch cilantro chopped finejuice of 1 lemon1/3 cup water2 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt

~Blend on 1 for 2 seconds so still chunky.~Add 1 mango (with seed removed) and blend for 1/2 a second so pieces still chunky.~Add spices such as oregano or tarragon (optional)~Add finely chopped hot peppers if desired

Storm's Hot Pepper Marinade:Storm has found a way to heat up our raw food - Hot Peppers! He makes a wonderful hot pepper "marinade" that lights up our tabouli, humus, salads, guacamole, and salsa. It would also be good on any dish that uses salt such as nut loaf, nut pizza, or seed pat.

Chop really fine:3 Jalapeo (say Ha-La-Pi-No) Peppers3 Chile Peppers3 Cloves of Garlic1/4 of a red onionAdd herbs and spices (try Basil, Oregano, fresh ground Cumin, etc..)Add a dash of Celtic sea salt.Add juice of one lemonAdd 1/8 to 1/4 of a cup of olive oil

Let sit for 10 minutes. Use 1/4 to 1 teaspoon mixed in to your recipes. Keeps well for at least two to three days in fridge.

Marinated Vegetables:juice of 2 lemons1/8th cup of olive oil1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt1/8th cup of apple cider vinegar1/2 cup mountain spring water2 slices of red onion2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or pressed

You can marinate mushrooms, cucumbers, broccoli, celery, or almost anything by chopping or slicing it up and soaking it in this marinade for a few hours to overnight. Cucumber and Dill is a delicious one!

Raven's "Top Almonds":My nephew named this recipe "Top Almonds" because he thought it tasted like "Top Ramen" (noodles).

-1 cup almonds-Celtic sea salt-olive oil-Italian seasonings

Put a cup of raw almonds in a blender and pulverize. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, a 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and Italian seasonings to taste! Stir up and enjoy when you have a craving for salt, bread, or such things! You can also use this as a sushi base and wrap with other veggies sliced in short thin strips in a leaf or Nori sheets.

Nuts and Seaweed:Nuts and seaweed make a nice travel snack, and replace that chips/barfood/meat salt and oil craving. Almonds or brazil nuts with wild Atlantic Nori or cashews with cut Wakame are our favorites.

Afternoon Slaw:A cure for the afternoon blahs!

Take three carrots, a beet, an inch chunk of a ginger root, a handful of cilantro, a handful of parsley, a clove of garlic (minus the core), the juice of a half a lemon, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of cold pressed olive oil, and a sprinkling of Italian seasonings (optional) and put it all in your Vitamix or Ktec Blender (or other high-powered blender or a food processor). Hit the buttons. You'll have what looks like a grated carrot-beet-slaw. Eat it plain or wrap it in seaweed or greens/lettuces.

Omigod! While others are having their siesta you'll be zinging through your afternoon!

It'll probably be enough for three days. Its the kind of thing that tastes even better the next day. (You could pack it as a lunch too). Serves 4.

Raw Carob Treat: (chocolate replacement)-2 tablespoons raw almond butter (available at many supermarkets)-1 tablespoon raw carob powder-sweeten with 1 teaspoon honey or 2 dates-1/2 teaspoon flax or olive oil (optional)-dash of Celtic sea salt (optional)

Mix together and enjoy with a spoon, shape into brownies, shape into cookies, or roll into balls! You can also use this to top fruits such as strawberries or apples. You can make the chocolate dark or light by adjusting the amount of carob. You can vary the sweetness and salt to taste. You can vary the flavor by using tahini or different ground nuts (grind up in blender or food processor to desired consistency even to as fine as flour) instead of almond butter. You can create different candies by adding dried shredded coconut, raisins, or raw rolled oats. Serves 4.

Nut Candy: (Candy replacement)Just as satisfying as a candy bar...Grind a cup of nuts. Add a tablespoon honey. Or just add honey and a sprinkle of Celtic Sea Salt to a cup of whole nuts. Try adding cinnamon for a different variation. Chew well! Serves 2.

Almond Butter Candy: (Candy Bar, Chocolate replacement)2 tablespoons Raw almond butter, 1/4 cup raw dried shredded coconut, a teaspoon of flax oil, a handful of raisins or 2 dates, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt mixed together to taste and formed into little balls or bars. Serves 3.

Basic Pie Crust: Blend 1 cup of nuts in food processor or blender and grind down to a fine powder. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt and 1/8th cup of Olive Oil. Serves 4.

Coconut Cream Pie: Crust: Blend 1 cup of nuts in food processor or blender and grind down to a fine powder. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt and 1/8th cup of Olive Oil. Filling: Blend 4 bananas, meat of two young coconuts, 5 dates, 1/8th cup flax oil, a teaspoon of raw honey, dash of cinnamon, dash of nutmeg, and optionally add 1 avocado for a rich custard-like filling. Serves 4.

Apple Pie:Crust: Blend 1 cup of nuts in food processor or blender and grind down to a fine powder. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt and 1/8th cup of Olive Oil.

Filling: Blend 4 apples not peeled but cored, 3 dates, 1 teaspoon flax oil, and a dash of Celtic Sea Salt

Serves 4.

Lemon Cream Pie:It is funny how sometimes when you have very few ingredients around, you can come up with something delicious completely by accident. Once all I had in the house was flax oil, dried shredded coconut, lemon, honey, and a banana. So I mixed these things together for lack of anything else and it turned out just like a lemon tart! I used a tablespoon of honey, three tablespoons of dried shredded coconut, a quarter of a lemon juiced, a tablespoon of flax seed oil, one banana mashed, and one banana cut up in slices. Mixed it all together and ate with a spoon. We fought over it! If you are not into honey, replace with a few Medjool dates. Serves 4.

Coconut Caramel Cream: Put all this in a blender: The meat of one young coconut. The juice of one lemon. Two tablespoons of raw honey. Four pitted dates. Blend it up. Very very caramel-y! Serves 3.

Raven's Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake:

*three tablespoons raw carob powder*1/4 cup dried coconut*dash of salt*capful of oil*two tablespoons honey*1/2 teaspoon water*one date

Put all ingredients except the date in a bowl and mix together with a spoon. Flatten it and cut in pieces. Chop the date in four quarters, top to bottom. Sprinkle more dried coconut on top. Top pieces with a quarter date. Serves 2 to 4.

Zingy Summer Gingerade:Lemonade with ginger in it reminds me of soda pop because ginger's spice is almost fizzy, but this is so much more refreshing!

*blender full of water*juice of one lemon*two tablespoons of honey*a 1" by 1/2" chunk ginger

Juice lemon and pour into blender. Add raw honey or raw Agave (cactus) nectar. Add piece of ginger root. Add a cup of water and blend until honey is mixed in. Fill blender up with water. Stir. Enjoy!

(You can add a couple of mint leaves for extra flavor too.) Serves 4.

Lemonade Frape:Same as Zingy Summer Gingerade above but leave out the ginger.

Pink Lemonade:Same as lemonade above but add 3 to 10 strawberries!

Sensational Sun Tea:Use a fresh herb such as mint, camomile, thyme, rosemary, or ginger. Add stevia leaf to sweeten. Put in a large glass jar or pitcher full of spring water. Leave to sit in a sunny window or outside for a few hours.

Optional: Add two tablespoons of honey to a cup of tea, mix in blender until honey dissolves, then add the cup back into the pitcher or jar for sweetened tea.

100% Simple-Gourmet Whole Raw Food Recipes (Also known as high-raw or Fruitarian)

The recipes below are more simple and eliminate honey, salt, nutbutters, and non-soaked nuts/seeds. Any of the above recipes can also be converted to high-raw by leaving out the honey or replacing with dates, replacing salt with a dash of celery juice or thin slices of celery, and by soaking the nuts/seeds for a few hours to make them "live". Some people do not do well with much oil, while others find it essential. For some, a high-raw diet will not include oil. It can be replaced with lemon juice or water in some recipes.

Simple Olive Oil dressing:Olive oil and lemon, with grated ginger (optional). Experiment with measurements.

3 Simple Avocado dressings:1 mashed avocado with a dash of celery juice1 mashed avocado with juice of 1/2 a lemon1 mashed avocado with juice of 1/2 an orange

Avocado Tomato Treat: (Replaces salty & oily food cravings):Chop up an avocado and a tomato in a bowl, with a little chopped cilantro and optional dressing of juice of a lemon wedge

Raw Soup (Basics of Soups):Soup is a delicate blend of vegetable juices.Basic Stock: Juice of a Meyers lemon, a clove of garlic, a cup of olive oil, and season to taste.Cream Soup Stock: To make a cream soup blend in 1/8th of a cup of tahini with the basic stock.

Celery Soup:-5 stalks of celery-Juice of one lemon-1 bunch of parsley (optional)-1 red bell pepper (optional)-1 or two tomatoes (optional)-1 avocado (optional for a creamier soup)Blend everything up in a K-Tek blenderAdd chopped cilantro, basil, or other fresh herbs. (optional)Add 1 chopped avocado (optional)Add other vegetables such as finely sliced carrots and celery (optional)

Live Soup du Jour:You can take any vegetables and put them in your blender, add fresh squeezed lemon juice and have an instant yummy raw soup du jour! Today I just used what we had in the house; celery, parsley, cilantro, sun-dried tomatoes, and an avocado. You may need to add 1/3 cup of water to make the blender work depending on what vegetables you use.

Sprout Salad:Mix a variety of sprouts such as alfalfa, radish, broccoli, and sunflower sprouts in a big bowl. You can also add some finely chopped tiny pieces of broccoli. Use the tahini dressing from above. Mix well.

Cucumber/Dill Salad:Thinly sliced cucumber and finely chopped dill in an olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

Sensuous Fruit Salad (Better than candy):-1 avocado-2 bananas-1 mangoChop, mix, and enjoy this texture blend from paradise!

Smoothies: (Better than ice-cream and milk-shakes)Blend up any fruit or combination of fruit in your blender alone or with orange juice as a base.

Berry Banana Smoothie:With three cups of orange juice as the base, add 1 cup strawberries (or raspberries or blueberries) and one banana. Serves 3.

Coconut Smoothie:Buy a young coconut. These are available at Asian markets and you can get a case of 9 for about $10. You shave off the white husk from the pointy top of the coconut with a sharp knife so you have a circle of brownish shell exposed. Then with a macheti knife you stab a hole in the top about an inch from the center of the circle (seek the soft spot where the knife will go through easily). Now you can use a strong tablespoon to put in the hole and pry open the "lid" (the young coconut has a natural cap that comes off easily in this way). You can drink the delicious milk plain and then spoon out the meat which is also delicious on its own. Or you can blend up the milk and meat in a blender for a creamy drink. You might like to blend in some honey or dates for extra sweetness.

Durian and Orange Juice Smoothie:Our kids won't eat durian but we can blend it up with orange juice and they will guzzle it! Durian is an exotic fruit from Thailand, like a giant pinecone, with a sulphuric odor, - people love or hate it - or if willing to try it several times it does grow on you! You need to get a good ripe one or it is not worth it! The meat should be creamy, not tough. To open a Durian: A Durian has pods, and in the whole Durian you can see indents between the pods. In the middle of each pod there is a seam to be seen between the spikes of the Durian's shell. With your thumbnails or a knife, open the seam carefully and scoop out the yellow custard! This fruit is available at Asian Markets. It can induce a feeling of being extremely relaxed and happy if enough is eaten on an empty stomach. (Could this be the origin of the song "Mellow Yellow"?). You can eat the Durian as it is or make a smoothie. Take out the large seeds and put 2 pieces of Durian in the blender with a blender full of orange juice. Blend until liquified. It is extremely filling. You can also add the milk of one young coconut for an even more exotic blend. Serves 4.

Watermelon Juice: (Pure, pudding, jello replacement):Just blend watermelon in your blender. It makes a very creamy smoothie!

Cantaloupe Milk: (perfect for milk cravings):Just take half a cantaloupe, slice it up into chunks, put it in a blender, with 4-6 ice cubes and enough water to cover the cantaloupe. Then blend it on high for about a minute. When it's whipped up, it has a sweet, creamy consistency, which is perfect for anybody who craves drinking milk. Serves 1 or 2.


Get Dr. Walker's Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juice Book. It is our bible!(Available at http://www.thegardendiet.com/books). Get a good vegetable juicer such as Green Star. Dr. Walker's book prescribes combinations of vegetables juices to treat almost any ailment. I've used it with great success. Dr. Walker, who lived to be 107 years old and healthy and active in mind and body, talks about enzymes and their importance.

Carrot Juice/ Carrot-Apple Juice:Juice up 2 lbs. of carrots or 2 lbs. of carrots and 4 apples .....yum! Juice up any combination of vegetables (any measurements will work), for instance one bunch of celery, 1/2 a beet, and 3 cucumbers. Add one lemon/lime, a chunk of ginger, a clove or two of garlic, a few apples and/or a few tomatoes for taste! You can juice the whole lemon or lime in a Green Star juicer, rinds and all. Juice beets and spinach in moderation (about 2 ounces of each) to start with as they contain oxalic acids which although very healthy can cause a burning sensation in the stomach until you become used to them.

Green Juice - The Blood Of The Planet (Replacement for coffee, drugs and alcohol) (think V-8! or Garden in a Glass!):This juice will get you buzzed! I think of it as the blood of the planet, because it is like juicing the Earth, its green-ness. It is also the highest form of energy you can intake. The sun gives its light to plants who make chlorophyll. This makes the oxygen we breathe. Plants live on sunlight. So if we eat plants we are eating sunlight once removed. That's like eating energy straight from the source. It is hard to eat tons and tons of greens, but you can juice and take in quite a bit. It is by far the most intoxicating liquid you'll even encounter. When you take vitamins, you're not really sure of the effect they are having on you. But green juice is undeniable. I feel an electrical charge going through my every cell for about 24 hours! It makes a pregnant mothers' baby kick inside just after you drink it. Green Juice increases your cellular health, rejuvenating every atom in your body, cleans out toxins, heals most illnesses, and makes you not want to put anything toxic into your body because you feel so vital and clean. It puts you in touch with your body so you can actually feel. Makes you more aware and appreciative of the sensuous world, brings you alive, increases your mental alertness and improves all bodily functions. I have heard of people from many many sources who have healed cancer, diabetes, arthritis and many other illnesses by doing green juice fasts. Try it. You might get hooked! Use any of the following ingredients:

-one bunch dark leafy greens (lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro)-one cucumber-one bunch celery-1/4 of a beet (just a little at first, as the acid may be difficult for some stomachs)-10 carrots (if it is too hard to get green juice down without this sweetener, blend it into juice. We use pure carrot juice as a chaser sometimes)-1/2 onion and/or 3 cloves garlic for flavor-chunk of ginger for flavor-one lemon/lime for flavor (the green star juicer can juice the lemon/lime with the rinds)

Drink immediately . Don't store. Experiment with measurements. Serves 2 to 4.

Almond Milk:A healing version almond milk that is very benign and can also be used in conjunction with green juice fasting.-Soak a cup of almonds overnight-Peel almonds-Blend almonds in blender with five cups water until liquid and smooth-Strain milk through a cheesecloth

Drink immediately. Serves 2-3.

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