The family of Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes you. We hope that you will Worship with us often. IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 3184 Church Street, P.O. Box 739 Manchester, Maryland A Stephen Ministry CongregationOur mission as disciples of Jesus, is to commit ourselves to making Christ known through worship, service, outreach, learning, and loving one another Saturday, September 23, 2017 Sunday, September 24, 2017 16 th Sunday after Pentecost Harvest Home

The family of Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes you.immanuellutheranccmd.org/wp-content/uploads/bulletins/2017.09.24 Bulletin.pdfSep 24, 2017  · Bell Ringer Joe Fleck INDIVIDUAL

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Page 1: The family of Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes you.immanuellutheranccmd.org/wp-content/uploads/bulletins/2017.09.24 Bulletin.pdfSep 24, 2017  · Bell Ringer Joe Fleck INDIVIDUAL

The family of Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes you.

We hope that you will Worship with us often.


3184 Church Street, P.O. Box 739

Manchester, Maryland “A Stephen Ministry Congregation”

Our mission as disciples of Jesus,

is to commit ourselves to making Christ known

through worship, service, outreach, learning, and loving one another

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

16th Sunday after Pentecost

Harvest Home

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Immanuel welcomes you to our worship today. We hope that you will feel the welcoming presence of Christ. We invite you to become a part of what God is doing at Immanuel. For more information about the church and how you can get involved, please speak with the pastor following the service.

Please enter your name and contact information on the red registration pad found in each pew by the center aisle. The Head Usher is here to assist you at any time during the service.

Sunday School classes resume Sept 17 and are offered following the Sunday worship service for children 2 years old through adult. We encourage you to stop by while you are here or contact the church office for information. Registration forms are in the back of the sanctuary and on our website.

BABY SUNDAY SCHOOL Beginning Sept 17, Baby Sunday School will meet every Sunday during worship. Small children will be dismissed following the children's sermon, accompanied by an adult, and return before communion. The class will follow our regular Sunday School curriculum and based on the same readings used in worship.

Worship Assistants

Sun Sept 24 Harvest Home

Head Usher Jamie Rooney

Altar Guild Ellen Linsenbardt Audrey Shaffer

Greeters Chris Miller

Debbie MIller

Lector Connie Dattilio

Offering Ushers

Andy Kiler Barb Skelley Bill Skelley

Ernest Weiss

Communion Stewards

Susan Burnette Norman Downes

Jo Fleck Audrey Shaffer

Acolytes Jayden Bosnick

Willis Kiler

Pray w/ Pastor Christine Crouch

Bell Ringer Joe Fleck


Pastor Charlie will offer individual prayer at the communion rail, with anointing and laying of

hands for healing for those who desire it, 20 minutes before each Sunday service.


Our hope is that you feel welcome at the Lord's Table. We welcome all baptized Christians

who proclaim with us the crucified and risen Christ’s real presence as he gives us his body and

blood as food and drink. Grape juice and gluten free wafers are also available, please let the

Communion assistants know of this dietary preference. The pastor also offers a pastoral

blessing at the Communion Rail for those who do not wish to receive Communion.

Sat Sept 23 Harvest Home

Head Usher Jen Edwards

Greeter BarbDavidson

Lector Judy Bixler

Offering Ushers

Barb Davidson

Ron Davidson

Communion Jen Edwards

*Cell Phone / Electronics Announcement*

Kindly, turn off or silence ALL devices during our services. Thank you.

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God of harvest, gardener supreme, you place us at your center and feed us.

We thank you, Lord.

God of harvest, we praise you for the return of planting and harvest seasons,

the rain from heaven and the sun to warm the soil.

We thank you, Lord.

God of harvest, we thank you for crowning the fields with your blessings

and enabling us once more to gather in the fruits from our labor.

We thank you, Lord.

God of harvest, we present to you now our harvest for those who are

hungry. Allow all those in need of your abundant love and care a seat at

your table. We thank you, Lord.

God of harvest, feed us, prune us and harvest us that our lives might bring

glory to you always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Let us pray. A brief silence is kept before the prayer.

Almighty and eternal God, you show perpetual lovingkindness to us your

servants. Because we cannot rely on our own abilities, grant us your

merciful judgment, and train us to embody the generosity of your Son, Jesus

Christ, our Savior and Lord.


FIRST READING Jonah 3:10--4:11 10When God saw what [the people of Ninevah] did, how they turned from

their evil ways, God changed his mind about the calamity that he had said

he would bring upon them; and he did not do it.

4:1But this was very displeasing to Jonah, and he became angry. 2He

prayed to the LORD and said, “O LORD! Is not this what I said while I was

still in my own country? That is why I fled to Tarshish at the beginning; for

I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and

abounding in steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing. 3And now,

O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to

live.” 4And the LORD said, “Is it right for you to be angry?” 5Then Jonah

went out of the city and sat down east of the city, and made a booth for

himself there. He sat under it in the shade, waiting to see what would

become of the city.

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6The LORD God appointed a bush, and made it come up over Jonah, to

give shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort; so Jonah was

very happy about the bush. 7But when dawn came up the next day, God

appointed a worm that attacked the bush, so that it withered. 8When the sun

rose, God prepared a sultry east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of

Jonah so that he was faint and asked that he might die. He said, “It is better

for me to die than to live.”

9But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the bush?”

And he said, “Yes, angry enough to die.” 10Then the LORD said, “You are

concerned about the bush, for which you did not labor and which you did

not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. 11And should

I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more

than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right

hand from their left, and also many animals?”

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

PSALM Psalm 145:1-8

1I will exalt you, my God and king,

and bless your name forever and ever.

2Every day will I bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.

3Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised!

There is no end to your greatness.

4One generation shall praise your works to another

and shall declare your power.

5I will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty

and all your marvelous works.

6They shall tell of the might of your wondrous acts,

and I will recount your greatness.

7They shall publish the remembrance of your great goodness;

they shall sing joyfully of your righteousness.

8The LORD is gracious and full of compassion,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

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SECOND READING Philippians 1:21-30 21For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. 22If I am to live in the flesh,

that means fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which I prefer. 23I am

hard pressed between the two: my desire is to depart and be with Christ, for

that is far better; 24but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you. 25Since I am convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with

all of you for your progress and joy in faith, 26so that I may share

abundantly in your boasting in Christ Jesus when I come to you again.

27Only, live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that,

whether I come and see you or am absent and hear about you, I will know

that you are standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side with one mind

for the faith of the gospel, 28and are in no way intimidated by your

opponents. For them this is evidence of their destruction, but of your

salvation. And this is God’s doing. 29For he has graciously granted you the

privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well—30since you are having the same struggle that you saw I had and now hear

that I still have.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

GOSPEL Matthew 20:1-16

The holy gospel according to Matthew.

Glory to you, O Lord.

[Jesus said to the disciples:] 1“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner

who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2After

agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his

vineyard. 3When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing

idle in the marketplace; 4and he said to them, ‘You also go into the

vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went. 5When he

went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same. 6And

about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around; and he

said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all day?’ 7They said to him,

‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the

vineyard.’ 8When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his

manager, ‘Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last

and then going to the first.’ 9When those hired about five o’clock came,

each of them received the usual daily wage. 10Now when the first came,

they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the

usual daily wage. 11And when they received it, they grumbled against the

landowner, 12saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made

them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching

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heat.’ 13But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong;

did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? 14Take what belongs to

you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. 15Am I

not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you

envious because I am generous?’ 16So the last will be first, and the first will

be last.”

The gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

Copyright © 2016 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS008649.New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Next Week’s Readings: Sept. 25~Oct 1 Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32; Psalm 25:1-9; Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32

~~ Calendar ~~ Sun Sept 24 Harvest Home Worship Service w Communion 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Confirmation Class 7:00pm

Mon Sept 25 Al-Anon & AA 8:00pm

Tues Sept 26 Bible Study-OTR 11:00am Bible Study – Pastors Home 7:00am Scouts 7:00pm

Wed Sept 27 AA 7:15pm

Thur Sept 28 Chime Choir Practice 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm

Fri Sept 29 Pastor Day Off AA & Al-Anon 8:00pm

Sat Sept 30 Worship Service w Communion 5:00pm AA 6:30pm

Sun Oct 1 Worship Service w Communion 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Confirmation Class 7:00pm

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Altar flowers are sponsored to the Glory of Immanuel Lutheran Church and to those who worship and visit here

Lessons and Prayers are sponsored

in memory of my husband, Dave Hann, for his birthday from Dessie Ann Hann

Center flower arrangement

sponsored for my loving wife, Dawn in honor of our 16th Wedding Anniversary

~ Love, Steve

Thank you for your cards. Your prayers made it possible for me to attend church last Saturday night! ~Janis Hagert The Community Event with Trinity last weekend was wonderful. We were blessed with beautiful weather. We had 50 vendors with crafts and yard sale items. We made over $1,400!

Thank you to everyone that helped! So many people, in so many different ways. Thank you!

TODAY is our Annual Harvest Home Celebration. Please participate, during the service, by helping us ‘Fill Our Baskets’ for NESAP. Donations of canned and boxed food AND monetary donations are greatly welcomed! Last year, Immanuel donated over 120 items to NESAP’s Food Pantry! Help make this another bountiful harvest year for those less fortunate in the Carroll County community. Thank you!

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Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshops are an excellent way to get your questions answered and learn what Stephen Ministry is all about. Each workshop has three sessions:

1. Ministering to those experiencing grief 2. An introduction to Stephen Ministry 3. How to care in a distinctively Christian way

Immanuel will cover the cost of $15 per person or $50 for a group of four or more from your congregation or organization.

Upcoming Workshop is on October 1st from 2 to 6pm at: Mt Zion United Methodist Church 12430 Scaggsville Rd Highland, MD 20777 (Exit at Clarksville on Rt 32, West of Columbia)

Three Ways to Register: 1. Register online (stephenministries.org/workshop)

2. Register by phone (314-428-2600)

3. Register by mail or fax (Forms on SM Bulletin Board in stairwell landing.)


Our 9th Annual Old-Fashioned Hymn Sing will be held in two weeks on October 7th-8th. During both services, many older, but familiar hymns will be sung. The Luther Men will provide the special music at the Sunday Service. Please invite your family and friends to attend a very special Hymn Sing and enjoy hearing and singing those long-loved songs of yesteryear!

COMING OCTOBER 8: MINISTRY FAIR Our two big goals from the congregational survey are to improve

communication within and outside the congregation and to increase involvement by all our members in the church’s ministries.

The Ministry Fair during the coffee hour on Sunday, October 8, will help all our members to learn about the full range of ministries and activities at Immanuel and how they can get involved. Our congregational ministries, including Christian Education and Youth, Worship and Music, Stephen Ministry, Mutual Ministry, Fellowship, Social Ministry, Keeping in Touch (visitation ministry), Faith Health Network (hospital ministry) and more will have displays describing their activities and opportunities for people to serve. You can visit the displays, speak to a representative, and sign up to participate in whatever ways best fit your individual abilities and interests. The Ministry Fair is a great way to accomplish our two big goals. Please mark your calendars and join us in the Social Hall on Sunday, October 8!

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We Need Socks!! Socks are one the most needed items in homeless shelters, but also one of the least donated. We will be holding a Sock Drive the month of October to benefit the less fortunate in our community. A box will be set up in the Narthex October 1st to collect new sock donations. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Yingling: 717-880-5215, [email protected].

BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER GROUPS SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY continues weekly throughout the year in the Martin Luther Room following the worship service, approximately 10:15–11:15am. On coffee hour Sundays, we meet 10:45–11:30am. We are currently studying the gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday. Beginning September 10 through October 29, Pastor Charlie will lead a study of Luther’s 95 Theses, using a new book by world-famous Luther scholar, Dr. Timothy Wengert. (Pastor Charlie will be away Sept 19–22)

MIDWEEK PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY GROUPS Morning Group meets in the Oak Tree Room at 11am on

Tuesday Sept 26. Evening Group meets at the Pastor’s home, 840 Hughes Shop Rd, Westminster MD 21158 at 7pm on Tuesday, Sept 26.


The book of Psalms is the songbook of God’s people. During September we will read selections from the first 60 songs on “God’s Playlist” and reflect together on how God is speaking to us through them. The online Bible Study will continue with daily comments from Pastor Charlie on Facebook. Email him at [email protected] to join this private group, or if you would like to receive copies via email of the comments he posts there each day.

Sept 22 Ps 42 Sept 23 Ps 45 Sept 24 Ps 46

Sept 25 Ps 48 Sept 26 Ps 50 Sept 27 Ps 51

Sept 28 Ps 53 Sept 29 Ps 57 Sept 30 Ps 60

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500 BIBLES TO CHINA Sponsorship CHALLENGE Take up our challenge! During the month of October, Immanuel would like to sponsor 500 Bibles to be delivered to the people in China. This service project is just one way our congregation can help celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. With the help of the American Bible Society, for every $1 we donate, 1 Bible will be made available to someone in China to read in their own language! Help us reach this goal by taking a sponsorship form from the bulletin board at the Educational door entrance. Sponsorships may be offered to

~Glory of God~ or ~In Memory Of~ or ~In Honor Of~. Place your sponsorship forms with payment in the supplied envelopes and leave in the Worship & Music basket on the lamp table in the office. DEADLINE: October 31st.

2017 ALTAR FLOWERS, LESSONS & PRAYERS SPONSORSHIPS Fresh seasonal flowers enhance our weekend worship experience, adding color and beauty to the altar. Sponsorship forms and envelopes are found on the FLOWER SPONSORSHIP CALENDAR bulletin board of the office hallway. Your written information and payment, must be received by 12 noon of the Wednesday prior to your reserved sponsorship date to insure inclusion in the weekly bulletin. Contact Altar Guild with questions.

Co-Sponsor with a family member or a friend to split the cost. Prices: $50 for both Altar Vases or $25 for one vase ONLY

$30 for Center Arrangement $20 for Lessons & Prayers Sponsorship Dates OPEN: Sept 30-Oct 1 Altar Vases ~ Lessons & Prayers

Oct 7-8 Lessons & Prayers

Oct 14-15 Center Arrangement ~ Lessons & Prayers Oct 21-22 Altar Vases ~ Center Arrangement ~ Lessons & Prayers Oct 28-29 Altar Vases ~ Center Arrangement ~ Lessons & Prayers

(500th Reformation)

The Tree of Friends Food Pantry is currently in need of cans of Tuna Fish. Please place donations in the labeled baskets in the narthex. Thank you!

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Last year we packed 38 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Help us beat that number this year!! The Sunday School students will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in early November. We are collecting the following items during the months of September and October. Bars of soap Wash cloths Hair ties Combs Toothbrushes Crayons Activity/coloring books

Packs of Pencils Small toy/stuffed animal (no liquids or war related items)

Place donations in the Operation Christmas Child boxes outside of the sanctuary. We cannot pack food, liquid, toothpaste or any war related items. If you have any questions please contact Matthew or Jamie Rooney at 443-536-3541 or [email protected].

All of the items for the shoeboxes can be found in the dollar section at Carroll Drugs Pharmacy in Manchester. And remember… if you fill your prescriptions at Carroll Drugs in Manchester, they donate a dollar to the charity of your choice.

~Select Immanuel Church and then we can get more items for the boxes!

Please consider becoming a part of the Music Ministry of Immanuel! We currently support four various groups: ~ The Sunday Adult Choir ~ The Chime Choir ~ The Luther Men ~ The Children’s Choir – ‘All God’s Children’

Even if you are not able to commit to regular practices at this time, but could participate occasionally during the year, please contact:

Jerry Hoffman (Organist/Choir) Audrey Moose (Chimes)

Wayne Thomas (Luther Men) Amanda Yingling (Children’s Choir)

NO EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED .. just help ‘make a joyful noise’!

~The Sunday Adult Choir –

special anthem with the Luther Men Choir on

Sunday, Oct 29th- 500th Reformation Service @ 9am ~The Chime Choir –

provide special music for 500th Reformation Service,

Sunday Oct 29 @ 9am

~The Luther Men –

sing on Hymn Sing Sunday, October 8th

(practices: Sun, Oct1 @ 10:30 and Sunday, Oct 8 @ 8:30am) ~The Children’s Choir –

sing during the 500th Reformation Service, Sun, Oct 29 @ 9am

More information on our Music Ministry Bulletin Board in the office hallway.

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The Maryland Faith Health Network is a group of volunteers from the congregation to help you stay healthy after you leave the hospital. It is FREE and confidential.

1. Sign up using the form in the church office or in the back of the sanctuary to receive a Network card to keep in your wallet.

2. If you ever stay overnight in a LifeBridge Health hospital, tell them you are a part of the Maryland Faith Health Network or show them your card.

3. Volunteers from Immanuel will help you and your family as needed.

Sign up now! ~Judy Bixler, Immanuel Faith Health Network Liaison

LOOKING AHEAD … TODAY, September 23-24 Harvest Home Celebration @ 5pm and 9am services

October 7-8 Annual Old-Fashioned Hymn Sing Weekend at 5pm and 9am ~ Sunday Luther Men provide special music Special Missions Weekend Offering

for ‘CLV Residence Assistance’ Sunday Coffee Hour following morning service – Ministry Fair

October 28-29 Immanuel’s 500th Reformation Service @ 9am Westminster Conference Reformation Service

@ 3:30pm (Big Baker Chapel)

November 4-5 All Saints Remembrance Services at 5pm and 9am

November 11-12 Veterans’ Thank You Appreciation Weekend at 5pm and 9am Youth Sunday Altar Guild Planning Meeting, Sunday, Nov 12

(Oak Tree room following service)

November 25-26 Christ the King Services at 5pm and 9 am

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Martin Luther Exhibit The Walter’s Art Museum in Baltimore has an exhibit on display from now through the end of October titled, “Uncertain Times: Martin Luther’s Remedies for the Soul”. The exbibit focuses on the ways in which Martin Luther comforted the distressed souls of his contemporaries by approaching them as a father, a husband and a friend, rather than as a priest or theologian. (DE-MD Synod E-Letter)

Project Linus National is collecting handmade blankets to help the families impacted by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and Hurricane Irma in Florida.

Carroll County is a chapter of the national Project Linus and is 100% non-profit, 100% volunteer. Their purpose is to provide a "handmade hug" in the way of a security blanket to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. The local Carroll County chapter set a goal to send 1,000 blankets to the TX and FL areas. Immanuel’s Workday Group completed 7 quilts while in the Social Hall on Monday. The group is also working on projects at home. You can add to our numbers - if you have any quilts that you would like to donate, then bring to church as soon as possible. Any questions, please contact Audrey Shaffer.

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During the past weeks the U.S. and the Caribbean have been struck by multiple devastating hurricanes, most especially Harvey in Texas and Louisiana and Irma in the Caribbean and Florida. More recently, Hurricane Maria has caused major damage to Dominique and Puerto Rico. As a church, we’re standing by our neighbors who have been affected as they begin the long road to recovery. Lutheran Disaster Response’s affiliates are collaborating with community leaders and government officials to respond. Please give now to support this response.

You can give to hurricane relief through Lutheran Disaster Response (www.ldr.org) or double your gift if you are a Thrivent member (www.thrivent.com/making-a-difference/living-generously/disaster-response).

You can also give by cash or check made out to Immanuel Lutheran Church and placed in an appropriately marked pew envelope.

To give to the hurricane response where funds are needed most, write “Hurricanes” on your envelope. To give directly to relief efforts for Hurricane Irma, write “Irma” on your envelope.

Your gifts will be used entirely (100 percent) for direct response. No matter how much you give financially, please keep all those affected in your prayers. When we learn of opportunities to send mission teams to participate in relief and recovery efforts, we will let you know. The Lutheran Church Men of the Westminster Conference will hold their Fall Dinner Meeting on Mon, Oct 30th at Trinity Lutheran Church (38 West Baltimore St Taneytown 21787). The ladies of the church will serve a family-style dinner at 6:30pm. A free-will offering received for the meal with at least $12.00 expected. Pastor Cris Frigm will lead a short devotion and hymn sing along with their new director of music. Sign up or contact church office. RSVP no later than Sunday morning, Oct 22.

Jamie Rooney is planning a Multi/Vendor shopping event at Immanuel from 6 to 9pm for the Manchester Area Black Friday Event on Nov 24th. There will be a raffle, 10 vendors selling items such as hand painted signs, embroidered towels, Scentsy, Thirty-One, Perfectly Post and more! We will be handing out cookies and cocoa for shoppers. If anyone is interested in volunteering please contact Jamie Rooney at 443-536-3541 or [email protected].

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Please remember in your prayers:

Jeff Dell (parkinsons)

*Walter Ruby *Ardice Holbrook Ann Trent Cary Myers Gail Brown Fred Davies Reid Ronayne Dorinda Smith Ann Miller *Dolly Ruby Jan Rhoten Robert Rhoten Joe Morris *Ginny Sellers Deborah Moose Elissa Snedeker John Leitner *Carl Krauss *Romaine Harper *Paulyne Hartlaub

*Ethel Hunt Leann Eltz Joe Miller *Dick Hebrank Esther Miller Ann Harden John Marshall Doug Brown Thelma Blizzard Cassandra Fleckenstein Steven Gary Pat Bowen Patsy Graf Karen Schaefer Gary Southard Susan Esworthy Paul Moffitt Gaiser Family Gene Yingling Ally Crossley Angela Locke Michelle Richie

Gladys Ricketts Janis Hagert Dot Matthews Donna Marshall Wesley Martin family Jerry Hoffman Mary Alice Steger *Julia Berwager *Carl McCullough Ed Kuhn Jeff Mullins Carolyn Kittelberger Bill Skelley Gary Eppley Kelly McNeal Carter Murphy Maria Barczak Jerry Betzler

*Pastoral Care list

Family of Chappie Craft Family of Vito Tunzi

Our Missionary in South Sudan refugee camps: Rev. Wal Reat

Those serving in the military:

Brett Richardson, Matthew Swain, Jenelle Espinoza, Kyle Pasta, David Mace

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3184 Church Street, PO Box 739 Manchester, MD 21102

“A Stephen Ministry Congregation”

Church Office Phone: 410-374-4463 Church Office Fax: 410-775-5793

Email: [email protected] www.immanuellutheranccmd.org

Rev. Charles Marshall Pastor

Jerry Hoffman Steve Burris Organist Sexton

Rachel Murphy Jeremy Edwards Office Administrator Treasurer

Rev. Wal Reat South Sudan Refugee Camp
