The Exact Date of the Prophet

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  • 8/13/2019 The Exact Date of the Prophet


    The exact date of the Prophet's birth(Peace be upon him)

    SynopsisThe Prophets birth was recorded according to the then existing calendar as 12th Rabiul

    Awwal Monday in the Elephant year. The calculated date according to AD is 2 !"!#$1AD.

    This date does not correspond to 12!%!#%&'. The author inspects this and gi(es a )ethod*or calculating the correct date o* the Prophets birth. Those interested )ay try it and +nowthe truth.The exact date of the Prophet's birth,Peace be upon hi)-The exact date of the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) birth has not beendetermined so far and we do not know the correct date of his birth accordingto the Christian calendar. Historians and astronomers who had worked on thissub ect in the past ha!e gi!en !arious dates for the Prophet"#$s birth. %!enthe famous %nc&clopedia ritannica gi!es doubtful dates and puts a uestionmark as to the &ear of his birth. rom this it is clearl& known that the world isnot sure of the date on which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)* who claimed tobe the last of the prophets* was born.

    The commonl& accepted date for the Prophet"#$s birth is +,th -pril /0 -1. 2tis said that the famous astronomer Mahmood Pasha of %g&pt* who li!ed in the03th centur&* calculated this date. Calculations re!eal that this date does nottall& with the date recorded according to the -rabic calendar* which was sameas the Hebrew calendar. The date of the Prophet's birth according to thatcalendar is 0+th of 4abiul -wwal of the %lephant %ra.

    The historic records sa& that the Christians had build a church in order toattract the -rabs* but the 5a"#$aba attracted more attention than the newl&built place of worship and -braha* the 6o!ernor of 7emen* came to Mecca todestro& the 5a"#$aba* the long re!ered place of worship of the -rabs. Hebrought an elephant to facilitate the task. ut his plans were foiled and allended in a disaster. The Hol& 8ur"#$an refers to this e!ent in the chapter0, . 2t is recorded that the Prophet was born after da&s of the e!ent*which occurred on the 0/th of Muharram in the &ear /, -1.

    The examination of the scientific records of the phases of the moon for the&ear /, -1 re!eals that this date is Monda& the th of Ma& /, -1. Themoon was eclipsed on Tuesda& the 9th of Ma& /, ust before the infantMuhammad (pbuh) completed the first da& of his life on the %arth: -ccording to the songs remembered since time immemorial* it is Monda&* the0+th of 4abiul -wwal. -t that time their calendar had a fixed number of da&sfor the twel!e months; Muharram*

  • 8/13/2019 The Exact Date of the Prophet


    calendar in which the dates must tall& with the phases of the Moon.

    The -rabic calendar is better than man& others of its kind* because the erroraccumulated in +,,, &ears in it is onl& one da&. The =ews use this calendare!en toda&.

    2slam does not accept e!en this minute error in recording time. - mistake inrecording historic e!ents can create a lot of confusion to the posterit&. Theerror in calculating the date of the Prophet"#$s birth is onl& due to thisconfusion. 2t had baffled e!en the renowned astronomers and their calculationsha!e gone wrong. People are made to belie!e a falsehood about the Prophet:How can 2slam* which is the perfect code of life for mankind* tolerate such aserious mistakeB ul 8aid* >ul ha * Muharram and 4a ab. The 8ur"#$an explainsthis automatic cease fire arrangement in the !erse 3E?9. -ll wars must ceasein these months* which allows a warring people enough time to think of theafter effects of a war. The Prophet abolished the use of a leap &ear andordered them to use the dates of the natural calendar* which depended strictl&on the ManFils (the phases) of the Moon. He wanted the calendar to be full&natural so that there will not be an& ad ustments and confusion in future. -llother calendars need periodical ad ustments known as intercalation (Gasie)which is forbidden in the 8ur'an.(3E?/)

    The 6regorian calendar* now in !ogue in the world for recording the dates of

    e!ents in histor& is not scientific. 2t accumulates errors in course of time andthe accumulated da&s ha!e to be remo!ed at inter!als. Dhene!er this is done*the method of calculation would change and the calendar must be renamed.The present calendar was known as the =ulian calendar in the beginning. 2n0 @+ -1 the Pope 6regor& 0? reformed it after remo!ing 0, da&s* which hadaccumulated in that calendar b& then. 2t was renamed as the 6regoriancalendar.

    The calculation methods in =ulian and 6regorian periods are different.

  • 8/13/2019 The Exact Date of the Prophet


    whether this date is correct b& simple calculations. The date of theProphet"#$s demise is recorded correctl&* for he was famous when he passedawa&* on Monda& the @th of =une 9?+ -1 corresponding to the 0+th of 4abiul-wwal in the -rabic calendar. The span of the Prophet"#$s life can becalculated under two calendars. The number of da&s in both the calendarsshould be same if the dates are correct. 2t should be remembered that the

    0+th of the -rabic calendar corresponds to the 0Ath of the 2slamic calendar. 1emiseE ,@ ,9 ,9?+ -1 J 0+ ,? ,,00 -H irthE +, ,A , /0 -1 J 0+ ,? ,, ? H K He passed awa& on Monda& in the middle of 4abiul -wwal (full moon) K Hi ra took place in 4abiul -wwal after ? &ears of the %lephant %ra. Gow this has to be con!erted in to da&s to see whether both are e ual. Thenumber of da&s in the Christian and the -rabic &ear is ?9 .+ (?9 .+A++ truefigure to be used for long periods) and ? A.?9/0 da&s respecti!el&.ThereforeE -H 9A x ? A.?9/0 J ++9/3.A3 da&s -1 90 x ?9 .+ L , J ++??3.+ da&s 1ifference J ?A,.+A da&s This difference of ?A,.+A da&s is because the dates in both the calendars arenot correct. Therefore the mistake must be in the calculation of the =ulian datefor the Prophet"#$s birth. Gow we can examine the Prophet"#$s date of birth (, , , /, -1)which we ha!e arri!ed at b& following the ancient historic records. 1emiseE ,@ ,9 ,9?+ -1 J 0+ ,? ,,00 -H irth E , , , /, -1 J 0+ ,? ,, ? H

    ,? ,0 ,,9+ &ears J ,, ,, ,,9A &earsGow let us con!ert this in to da&s so that both could be compared 9+ x ?9 .+ L ?0 L? J ++9/3. ,, da&s -ccording to Christian %ra 9A x ? A.?9/0 J ++9/3.A3A da&s -ccording to Muslim %ra.The absence of disparit& pro!es that both the dates are correct.

    Gow we can cross check this b& using another method of calculation and see ifwe can get the same date. The Prophet"#$s migration (Hi ra) to Madeenah isan important e!ent in the histor&. This is called the Hi ra and Hi ra %ra beganwith this incident. The Prophet was ? &ears old at that time. De can take thedate of Miladunnabi of 0333 for this calculation.1ate of Miladunnabi of 0333 J +/ ,9 0333-1 J 0A ,? 0A+,-H

    Hi ra %ra attained 0A+, lunar &ear on +/ ,9 0333.

  • 8/13/2019 The Exact Date of the Prophet
