1 The Monthly Newsletter of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Epistle October 2017 Dear Friends, In the culture of multi-tasking, we often feel pressure to make use of the time we spend waiting by checking our smartphones or otherwise checking in with our busy lives. In those down times, I invite you to find a more active and creative way to wait. St. Paul’s is in a time of waiting – a time of interim and transition between our farewell to Father John Carlisto and our welcoming of a new Rector. On one hand, we don’t need to think of things to do while we are waiting. The life of St. Paul’s continues – worship, music, Christian formation, fellowship, stewardship, Episcopal Church Wo- men and outreach. Strong and deeply committed lay leaders articulate the significance of St. Paul’s mission and the parishioners and community clearly value St. Paul’s min- istry. There is plenty to do. On the other hand, this transition time will also be a time of vision and hope – a time when we can engage our imagination as we wait. The work of the Search Committee for a new Rector will soon begin. They will ask for our full participation. We will col- lect the profoundly meaningful experiences of our life together at St. Paul’s and dream together about where God will lead this community in the years ahead. We will look for an authentic sense of the gifts of this parish, and imagine who God is calling us to be as we move into the future. We will make space to invite a new Rector to join us in offer- ing Christ’s love to the world. This is a time not of urgent activity, but of patience and attentiveness. It is a time to engage not only the mind, but most importantly the spirit. It is a time of conversation with one another and with God, a time of listening and dis- cernment. We will hold the life of this congregation prayerfully in the presence of God. This will be a creative time – a time of openness to the new creation God brings. While we’re waiting, let’s enjoy this time together as the community of St. Paul’s. I wish to thank you for welcoming me into this community. I have enjoyed my first month with you. As time moves forward, I look forward to getting to know you. I look forward to journeying with you for the next year. Faithfully, Michael+ The Rev. A. Michael Singer Interim Rector – St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Beaufort, NC

The Epistle of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Monthly ...stpaulsbeaufort.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/October-2017-Epistle-pdf.pdfOct 09, 2017  · Rob MacArthur and Walter Phillips,

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The Monthly Newsletter of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Epistle

October 2017

Dear Friends,

In the culture of multi-tasking, we often feel pressure to make use of the time we spend waiting by checking our smartphones or otherwise checking in with our busy lives. In those down times, I invite you to find a more active and creative way to wait.

St. Paul’s is in a time of waiting – a time of interim and transition between our farewell to Father John Carlisto and our welcoming of a new Rector. On one hand, we don’t need to think of things to do while we are waiting. The life of St. Paul’s continues – worship, music, Christian formation, fellowship, stewardship, Episcopal Church Wo-men and outreach. Strong and deeply committed lay leaders articulate the significance of St. Paul’s mission and the parishioners and community clearly value St. Paul’s min-istry. There is plenty to do.

On the other hand, this transition time will also be a time of vision and hope – a time when we can engage our imagination as we wait. The work of the Search Committee for a new Rector will soon begin. They will ask for our full participation. We will col-lect the profoundly meaningful experiences of our life together at St. Paul’s and dream together about where God will lead this community in the years ahead. We will look for an authentic sense of the gifts of this parish, and imagine who God is calling us to be as we move into the future. We will make space to invite a new Rector to join us in offer-ing Christ’s love to the world. This is a time not of urgent activity, but of patience and attentiveness. It is a time to engage not only the mind, but most importantly the spirit. It is a time of conversation with one another and with God, a time of listening and dis-cernment. We will hold the life of this congregation prayerfully in the presence of God. This will be a creative time – a time of openness to the new creation God brings. While we’re waiting, let’s enjoy this time together as the community of St. Paul’s.

I wish to thank you for welcoming me into this community. I have enjoyed my first month with you. As time moves forward, I look forward to getting to know you. I look forward to journeying with you for the next year.



The Rev. A. Michael Singer Interim Rector – St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Beaufort, NC

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Five Loaves Mission serves a hot dinner each Monday evening to anyone needing a meal and fellowship. The mission operates out of Beaufort’s First Baptist Church on Monday nights. It is an ecumenical outreach between St. Paul’s Episcopal Church members and First Baptist Church members. This mission operates solely through the donations of space, food and volunteers from both

churches. We can use volunteers from 5-7:30pm and servers from 6-6:45pm. Contact Information: Nancy Ustach [email protected], 252-728-6811.

There are outreach envelopes in the back of the church for your convenience. Make checks payable to St. Paul's Church and write “outreach” on the memo line of your check. You may mail your donation to the church office or drop it in the offering plate during the service.


We have an Interim Rector and are now moving into our next step in the search for our new rector for St. Paul’s. The Vestry will be calling a Search Committee in October. The Search Committee is charged with developing a portfolio document that tells the best story of our congregation’s life and ministry for use in marketing the rector’s position, assisting the Vestry in ensuring a high quality web presence and receiving confidential information to mutually discern a quality person who may be elected as our next Rector for presentation to the Vestry. Basic computer skills are essential as most all correspondence is handled by email and email attachments in this current day. This will be time-consuming though there will be times that are busier than others. Estimated time frames would be to begin work in November and initial work completed by early February. There would be a lull for about six weeks and then names would be received in March/early April which will be a busy time from that point forward. The Search Committee will include nine members – one-third will be Vestry members. The Vestry is looking to have a balanced Search Committee that is representative of our church community. Our parish is full of many dedicated and talented members who would repre-sent St. Paul’s well on this committee. However, we will all not be able to serve due to the size. Please take time for prayerful discernment. If you are interested in submitting your name to be considered, please let Mary Duane Hale, Sr. Warden, know by Monday, October 9th at 5 pm. You can email to [email protected] or call or text 723-3601. Please continue to keep St. Paul’s and your Vestry in your prayers as we all work together during this transition time.

OCTOBER OUTREACH Five Loaves Mission

Let us pray for all merchant mariners and service men and women: Case Wilson, Charles David Wilson, Zachary Hailer, Ryan Salter,

David Brown, Lauren Martindale, and Cameron Robertson.

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Vestry Highlights St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

September 20, 2017

Canon Matt Stockard met with the Vestry on selecting a Search Committee and their duties. The Vestry will accept names and appoint committee at the next meeting.

Minutes were approved and the financial report was approved as presented. The Rev. Michael Singer’s letter of agreement and 2017 housing resolution was approved.

Senior Warden, Mary Duane Hale, reported the following: Dick Barber has resigned from the Vestry to concentrate on his health and recovery. The Vestry elected Glenn Dunn to fill Dick’s remaining term that expires January 2019. Budget requests are due at October meeting. Budget Committee is Mary Duane Hale, Sandy Brock, Charles Phillips, George Dill, Michael Singer and Tammy Nash. The Vestry Nomination Committee is composed of the four outgoing Vestry mem-bers- Sandy Brock, Mary Duane Hale, Walter Phillips, Deborah VanDyken. A slate will be pre-sented at the October Vestry meeting. Lee Phillips chairs the Rev. John Carlisto Food Pantry. He is getting ready to start the food pantry back up.

Junior Warden, Sandy Brock reported the following: The Beaufort Historic Preservation Commission approved the replacement of the sanctuary doors. Tom Bulla is working on them. Piedmont Service Group has agreed to pay for the damages from the upstairs unit in the church and credit us for the quarterly fees. Training is planned for staff members and Jr. Warden on how the computerized system works. Sandy is continuing to review and renegotiate the contract with Pullman Landscap-ing. He and Mary Duane met with them in August.

Stewardship Time Line was reviewed. Rob MacArthur and Walter Phillips, Stewardship Chairs, reminded us that Stewardship Drive will begin Sunday, October 22 and Commitment Sunday is November 12.

Staff announcements: Carol Smith, Parish Secretary, will be out approximately two weeks beginning September 28. Helen O’Neal is scheduling volunteers to cover the office.

Father Michael will be attending continuing education in Philadelphia October 16-19.

The next Vestry meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.

Vestry Members

Term Ends 2017 Term Ends 2018 Term Ends 2019 Sandy Brock Glenn Dunn Anna deButts

Deborah Van Dyken Rob MacArthur Norma Gardner Mary Duane Hale Vicki Morris Jack Gilstrap Walter Phillips Lynda Phillips Gail Williams

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Parish Family

If you don’t see your name listed under your birthday month, the church office doesn’t have your birth date. Please call the church

office with the date. Episcopal records require your complete birth date, but it can be kept confidential at your request.

1 Elsa Ehlers Janet Murphree Jillian Murphy Kathryn Nelson Helen O’Neal Ellie Rose

3 Sam Williams

5 Alexander Rice

6 Pati Elmore Julia Hamilton Shirley Oppenheim

7 Zach Gilstrap Alyx Goodwin Taylor Hollingshead Peter Ustach

8 Alan Wyatt

9 Suzette Deaton Charlotte Henry Rachel Henry

10 Jami Boyette Anna deButts Penn Flournoy Allan Harding Marianna Hollinshed Pam Phillips Scott Sherrill

11 Jennifer Zilinyi

13 Sarah Jo Safrit Pat Stephenson Jason Williams

14 Brenda Chadwick Ginny Costlow Nellie Householder Charles Phillips

15 Barbara Bryan

18 Joy Butler Joyce Jarvis Frank Sherman

19 Elizabeth Key

24 Pat Pitts Carole Sadler Melissa Tryon Ralph Willis

25 Sandy Brock III Ken Eiler Connie Killebrew Emma Lasky Sonya Stanley

27 Gail Quante Joe Smith

28 Diane Mantho

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Parish Family

Please keep these sick and suffering in your prayers: St. Paul’s Family

Shirley Babcock, Martha da Silva, Nancy Moore, Michael Noe, Josephine Prytherch, Eula Parkin, Kay Salter, Kathryn Nelson, Rachel Chaplain, Mary Lou Hill, Tina Banks, Bill Grif-fith, Les Sadler, Jean Ferguson, Dick Barber, John A. C. Cartner, Elaine Hatsell Glover, Brad Piner, Bitsy Dudley, and Larry Becker.

Friends of St. Paul’s

Al Sheppard, Therese Page (sister, Madeleine Schaw), Josh Gillikin, David and Katie Cun-diff (friends, Steve Boone), Justin Bryan (Lewis Bryan’s grandson), Beau Steichen (family, Jimmy Pake), Jean Griffin (mother, Sherri Smith), Jean Temple (mother, Kim Porter), Ann & Karen Beam (sister-in-law & niece, Pati Elmore), Anita Earp (mother, Sybil King), James Brooks (brother, Nancy Ustach), Dan Phillips (brother-in-law, Mamré Wilson), Trey Rid-dick, Mike and Mary Adelaide Riddick (grandson, daughter and son-in-law, Doug & Nancy Bell), Greg Yohe (son-in-law, Barbara Bryan), Steve & Suzie (friends, Judy Mercer), Butler Daniel (brother, Louis Daniel), Walter Buckley (brother-in-law, Lewis Bryan), Paul McNeil (friend, Trish Sheppard), Nolyn (niece, Chris & Amanda Schoden), Tom Duty, Mark Odom, Austin Odom (friends, Bill Bailey), Suzanne Ambrose (friend, Michelle Laughridge & daughter Beth), Jeanette Morris (daughter of Joe Morris, friend of Dick Brown), Bert Prytherch (son of Herb and Jo Prytherch), Courtney Hauman (daughter, Stephen Hauman), Lynn Earl Huddleston (cousin, Laura Snyder), Sandy Eads (friend, Elaine Glover), Bill Mattox (cousin, Jimmy Pake), Rhonda Townsend (friend, Tammy Nash), Eric Brown (son of Dick & Roberta Brown), Jo Piver, Mac Willis, Jeremy Cecil (step-dad of Ashley Harris & Glory Ridge volunteer), Bill Campbell (father, Trish Sheppard), David Wildman (cousin, Joe Pake & Regina Pake Rose), Pem Jenkins (friend, Sam Williams), Jinny Ling (sister, Glenn Dunn), Donnie Alphin (brother-in-law, Helen O’Neal), Dorothy Brown (sister, Jean-ette Holland), and Faye Nelson.

Thank you for keeping this current by informing us of people who no longer need to be on the list.

Eternal rest grant them, Lord Our sympathy to…

Bedford and Sarah Smith on the death of his mother, Winnie Smith.

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October Altar Flowers

*October 1-Jerri Brooks *October 8-Jack & Norma Gardner *October 15-Bruce & Pam Cayton, Ginny Poindexter *October 22-David & Lynn Mosier *October 29-Mamré Wilson, Patty White

St. Paul’s Gatherings & Other News


Jacob Lasky, son of Michelle and Neil Lasky, was married to Monica Hendricks in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, September

23. Their family asks to please keep them in your prayers for a successful marriage.

TRINITY DEANERY EVENT Lawson Park, 1309 Country Club Road, New Bern NC 28560

Saturday, October 28th from 11 AM-4:30 PM Plan for a fun filled day with your family where worship, games, great food, and music can be enjoyed by everyone. Families and individuals are asked to bring non-perishable items to the

park as this is part of the mission for the day. These items will be shared with the bases at Goldsboro, Havelock, and Jacksonville. (DID YOU KNOW THAT FAMILIES OF OUR

ARMED FORCES AT TIMES NEED HELP?? Sometimes we don’t think of the most obvious needs!!) Sign up sheets are in the Parish Hall

"Full Circle" – November 17-19

Fall Conference for Middle Schoolers (current 6th - 8th graders) at Trinity Center. Cost is $130 for Youth or Adult - Parish Registration Deadline is November 7th. They are look-ing for a few High Schoolers to serve alongside the Youth Council on Team. Applications are due October 10th. We all come "Full Circle" in our lives, in our relationship with God, and with others. Full Circle is Fall Conference for Middle Schoolers' theme. The story of Joseph and his brothers shows us what happens when we compare ourselves to others, become jealous and hold grudges. Just as the story of Joseph and his brothers unfolds, so do our lives, coming full circle through forgiveness and back wholeness. As always Fall Conference will be full of fellowship, music, worship and a chance to live in community for the weekend at Trinity Cen-ter. Invite your friends and come. Young people in need of financial assistance should contact Frank Sherman or Father Michael.


Margaret and Sandy Brock on the birth of their grandson, Striker Dean Brock, born

on Saturday, September 23, 2017.

We wish to thank St. Paul’s Church Members for your support during a very difficult time. The cards, flowers, calls, visits to the hospital and donations to Broad Street Clinic in Claudette’s name are appreciated. Mother Mary did a beautiful service and the reception afterward gave us time to meet you and to visit with each other. Thank you for the food and your expressions of sympathy. The Family of Claudette Fonseca

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WE WILL NEED ITEMS TO SELL: For our popular Silent Auction: fine gifts, crafts, and “events” (for example, a dinner party or

luncheon at your home, or a boat excursion)

Household items in good condition

Anything for the Gourmet Kitchen – including cookbooks

Antiques, collectables, art, and home décor

Toys and games

Sports equipment

Christmas decorations, jewelry, and handicrafts

Plan to bring your items to the parish hall the week before the bazaar (Preferably by Wednesday, November 8th for set up and pricing purposes)

WE WILL NEED HOMEMADE FOOD Frozen foods for the Frozen Food room (quiche, soup, casseroles)

Baked goods for the Bake Sale (fudge, cakes, cookies, gluten free items, identify items with nuts)

Pickles, jams, and party foods for the Country Store

…AND FOR THE LUNCHEON WE WILL NEED…. Many donations of ingredients

Prepared dishes brought in the day before the bazaar (recipes provided)

Luncheon items should be brought in according to the instructions. Sign-up sheets for the Luncheon are next to the kitchen in the parish hall.

Bring frozen foods on Wednesday or Thursday before the bazaar (or by arrangement with Brenda Chadwick or Norma Gardner). Labels will be available in the parish hall in October.

Bring baked goods the week of the bazaar or no later than 9:30 Saturday morning. Containers and labels will be available in the parish hall in October.

WE WILL NEED VOLUNTEERS We will need helpers for sorting and pricing during the week before

Helpers for the luncheon -- sign-up sheets are in the parish hall

We will need helpers to clean-up and put furniture back in classrooms

For any questions, call Sylvia Wheatly at 252-422-5756 ([email protected]) or Lynne Eastman at 252-241-7857 ([email protected]).

ECW Harvest Bazaar News –Saturday, November 11, 2017 from 10:00 to 2:00

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More News and Notes

Prayer Shawl Group

Members (women and men) and friends of St. Paul’s are invited to knit and crochet Prayer Shawls to give to those who are sick, hospitalized, and terminally ill. Woven into the stitches of the shawls are prayers for healing and comfort. We will meet on the first Monday of each month at 2:00pm in the Ladies’ Sunday School Class in the new building. We would love to have you join us. If you do not yet know how to knit or crochet and would like to learn how, please join us. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact Paula King 252-728-3691 or Sarah Smith at 910-330-3663 or [email protected].

Blessing of the Animals

Join us for the Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, Octo-ber 1 at 5:30pm. All pets are welcome and we encourage you to invite your friends to bring their pets. Episcopalians celebrate the Blessing of the Animals on a Sunday close to the Feast of St. Francis, which falls on Oct. 4. St. Francis of Assisi was well known for his love of animals. Stories tell of him preaching to flocks of birds, dissuading mosquitoes from biting him and even convincing a wolf to stop stalking humans and livestock in Gub-bio, Italy, where he once lived. At the Blessing of the Animals, people remember and emulate Francis’ example of love for ani-mals and appreciation of God’s creations.

St. Paul’s Church is the home of the St. Clare Chapter of the Order of Daughters of the King. The Daughters of the King is a religious order of women who undertake a Rule of Life incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.

At St. Paul’s the Daughters have a number of ministries, to name a few: The Comfort Basket for grieving families- Pat Gallo and now, Michelle Lasky. The Angel Bags found in the back of the church for children to learn from –Pat Gallo and now, Len Gilstrap. The Communion Bread for

every service- Len Gilstrap. Biblical Study Classes- Nancy Stephenson. Praying for Others and parish supper- Deborah Van Dyken. Delivering Flowers after the services on the 1st and 2nd Sundays. A Quiet Day (the 2nd to be held on October 21 with the leadership of Mother Mary Ogus).

New classes are scheduled to begin soon for interested women who are communicants of the

Episcopal Church. This is an order which emphasizes prayer, service and evangelism; no fund

raising is permitted. Any women who are interested in learning more or attending the classes

should contact Diane Mantho, Nancy Stephenson, Len Gilstrap, Michelle Lasky, Pat Gallo,

Deborah Van Dyken, Sherri Smith, Saundra Heet, or Diane Meelheim.

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We are enjoying breaking in our new youth room with Sunday School and Crosswinds. We are trying a new schedule this fall. I am hoping to connect with our high school friends on Monday nights at Young Life Club. We will not meet every Sunday night. My prayer is that families will be more committed to Sunday mornings. I am praying that youth will be present at both Sunday School and church. I need a few people who are willing to pray for me and the youth. If you are feeling called to pray for our youth please let me know - [email protected]. Glory Ridge June 24 - 30 - ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - God provided just the right number of adults last year for Glory Ridge. However, I would like to have a few more adults this year. This is a great week to be in the mountains of North Carolina on this powerful trip. D.C. Pilgrimage - President's Day Weekend February 16-19. We are going with Christ Church (New Bern) and St. Mary's (Kinston). Space is limited. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis as I receive hard copies of forms and deposits. We will begin taking deposits soon. This is an amazing trip to The Church of the Epiphany Mission Center, the National Cathedral, and an exploration of monuments and museums. Students will miss a half day of school on Monday February 19. Here are some upcoming dates: *I am still tweaking the schedule - stay tuned for details via email, Facebook and Instagram.

Sunday October 1 - 5:30pm Blessing of the Animals Monday October 2 - 7:29pm Young Life Club for High School Students Monday October 9 - 7:29pm Young Life Club for High School Students Sunday October 15 - 5:00pm Crosswinds - Ultimate Frisbee & Dinner Monday October 16 - 7:29pm Young Life Club for High School Students Sunday October 29 - Operation Christmas Child Service Project Monday October 30 - 7:29pm Young Life Club for High School Students

DC Pilgrimage • February 16-19

Happening 71 • Grades 9 - 12 March 2 - 4, 2018

New Beginnings 53 • Grades 6-8 April 13 -15, 2018

Glory Ridge • Mission Trip June 24 - 30

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Blessing of the Animals 5:30pm

2 Prayer Shawl 2pm

3 4 5 6 7

8 DOK Meeting in God’s Pod 11:45am

9 Five Loaves-First Baptist 6pm




Gathering 1pm


13 14

15 Crosswinds 5pm

16 Five Loaves-First Baptist 6pm

17 18 Vestry 7pm



Epistle Deadline


DOK Quiet Day


Stewardship Drive begins

23 Five Loaves-First Baptist 6pm



Julian Gathering



27 28 Trinity Deanery Gathering 11-4pm New Bern



Five Loaves-First Baptist 6pm


Sunday Schedule

8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite 1 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Wednesday Schedule

12 noon Eucharist 7:00pm Choir

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Sunday Servants for October 2017

Altar Guild – Helen O’Neal, Imogene Clawson, Dale Wooten

Acolytes Other Servants

Oct 1

8:00 10:45

Mitchell Brooks C-Sam MacArthur T-Satchel Lasky T-Lily Sherman C-Ellie Rose

EM: Allan & Barbara Harding Greeter/Bread: Jack & Camie Sweeney Ushers: Dick deButts, David Clawson, Sandy Brock, Phil Morris Coffee: Jimmy Pake

EM: Pat Schaaf, Deborah Van Dyken Lectors: Frieda Menzer, Elaine Barber Greeter/Bread: Shelvey Lloyd Ushers: David DuBuisson, Bill Snyder, Sam Barnes Children’s Chapel: Nancy Bell Coffee: Norma Gardner

Oct 8



Len Gilstrap

C-Ana Page T-Peyton Gillikin T-Lily Sherman C-Toly Ehlers

EM: Jack & Len Gilstrap Greeter/Bread: Gail Williams Ushers: Jeanette Holland, Dick deButts, Helen O’Neal Coffee:

EM: Walter Phillips, Frieda Menzer Lectors: Nancy Bell, John Cartner Greeter/Bread: Lee & Lynda Phillips Ushers: Birkett Howarth, Bill Blair, Deborah Van Dyken, Eddie Wheatly, Jr. Children’s Chapel: Jane Gordon Coffee: Julie Wheatly Young

Oct 15

8:00 10:45

Gabbie Lee C-Louis Daniel T-Blake Deaton T-Satchel Lasky C-Mac Bell

EM: Charles Phillips, Marianna Hollinshed Greeter/Bread: George & Dale Wooten Ushers: Lynwood Daughtry, Jeff Vinton, Tom Higgins, Patricia Sheppard Coffee: Margaret Brock, Jeanette Holland

EM: Allison DuBuisson, Pat Schaaf Lectors: Bill Blair, Deborah Van Dyken Greeter/Bread: Walter & Pam Phillips Ushers: Roberta Brown, Saundra Heet, Chris Schoden, Bill Mosier Children’s Chapel: Julie Wheatly Young Coffee:

Oct 22

8:00 10:45

Sarah Jo Safrit C-Ashley Porter T-Chris Samojedny T-Andy Huang C-Mac Bell

EM: Sarah Jo Safrit, Charles Phillips Greeter/Bread: Sandy & Margaret Brock Ushers: Sam Williams, Joe Pake, Joe Smith Coffee: Anna deButts, Eva Higgins

EM: Jack & Len Gilstrap Lectors: Lewis Bryan, Barbara Bryan Greeter/Bread: Doug & Nancy Bell Ushers: Jack Gardner, Lee Phillips, Bill Snyder, Frank Sherman Children’s Chapel: Katie Sherman Coffee: Rich & Teresa Chadwick

Oct 29

8:00 10:45

Vicki Morris C-Sam MacArthur T-Satchel Lasky T-Lily Sherman C-Ellie Rose

EM; Marianna Hollinshed, Jeanette Holland Greeter/Bread: Dick & Anna deButts Ushers: Dick deButts, David Clawson, Tom Higgins, Phil Morris Coffee:

EM: Deborah Van Dyken, Michelle Lasky Lectors: Rich Chadwick, William Moore Davis Greeter/Bread: Lewis & Barbara Bryan Ushers: Charles Hale, Joe Ustach, Rob MacArthur, Frieda Menzer Children's Chapel: Nancy Stephenson Coffee: Sarah Jo Safrit

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The Epistle October 2017 Edition

The Epistle is available on our website at www.stpaulsbeaufort.com

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 215 Ann Street

Beaufort, NC 28516-2103 (252) 728-3324

The Rev. Michael Singer, Interim Rector - cell (252)268-1981 The Rev. Mary Ogus, Priest Associate

Tammy Nash, Financial Secretary Carol Smith, Parish Secretary

Rick Smith, Organist/Choirmaster Stephen Hauman, Sexton

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

Paid Beaufort, NC 28516 Permit Number 15

E-mail addresses for the church : Father Michael - [email protected]

Mother Mary - [email protected] Rick Smith - [email protected]

Tammy Nash, Financial Secretary: [email protected] Carol Smith, Parish Secretary

Church office - [email protected]

The Epistle is the monthly parish newsletter for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Beaufort, NC.

The deadline for submission is the 20th of each month. For address changes or other information, please contact the church office.

Office: (252) 728-3324 Fax: (252) 728-1904 Email: [email protected]

*October 1, 5:30pm - Blessing of the Animals *October 2. 2:00pm - Prayer Shawl

*October 8, 11:45am - DOK Meeting *October 15, 5:00pm - Crosswinds - Ultimate Frisbee & Dinner

*October 18, 7:00pm - Vestry Meets *October 21 - DOK Quiet Day

*October 28 - Trinity Deanery Gathering