The Envelope Theorem, Euler and Bellman Equations, without Differentiability Ramon Marimon Jan Werner April, 2017 Abstract We extend the envelope theorem, the Euler equation, and the Bellman equation to dy- namic constrained optimization problems where binding constraints can give rise to non- differentiable value functions and multiplicity of Lagrange multipliers. The envelope theo- rem – an extension of Milgrom and Segal’s (2002) theorem – establishes a relation between the Euler and the Bellman equation. We show that solutions and multipliers of the Bellman equation may fail to satisfy the respective Euler equations, in contrast with solutions and multipliers of the infinite-horizon problem. In standard dynamic optimisation problems the failure of Euler equations results in inconsistent multipliers, but not in non-optimal outcomes. However, in problems with forward-looking constraints this failure can result in inconsistent promises and non-optimal outcomes. We also show how the inconsistency problem can be resolved by an envelope selection condition and a minimal extension of the co-state. We extend the theory of recursive contracts of Marcet and Marimon (1998, 2017) to the case where the value function is non-differentiable, resolving a problem pointed out in Messner and Pavoni (2004). * This is a substantially revised version of previous drafts. We thank the participants in seminars and conferences where our work has been presented and, in particular Davide Debortoli and Daisuke Oyama, for their comments. European University Institute, UPF-Barcelona GSE, CEPR and NBER University of Minnesota 1

The Envelope Theorem, Euler and Bellman Equations, without ... · The Bellman equation allows the transformation of an infinite-horizon optimisation problem into a recursive problem,

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The Envelope Theorem, Euler and Bellman Equations,

without Differentiability∗

Ramon Marimon† Jan Werner‡

April, 2017


We extend the envelope theorem, the Euler equation, and the Bellman equation tody-

namic constrained optimization problems where binding constraints can give rise to non-

differentiable value functions and multiplicity of Lagrange multipliers. The envelope theo-

rem – an extension of Milgrom and Segal’s (2002) theorem – establishes arelation between

the Euler and the Bellman equation. We show that solutions and multipliers of the Bellman

equation may fail to satisfy the respective Euler equations, in contrast with solutions and

multipliers of the infinite-horizon problem. In standard dynamic optimisation problems the

failure of Euler equations results ininconsistent multipliers, but not in non-optimal outcomes.

However, in problems withforward-lookingconstraints this failure can result in inconsistent

promises and non-optimal outcomes. We also show how the inconsistency problem can be

resolved by an envelope selection condition and a minimal extension of the co-state. We

extend the theory of recursive contracts of Marcet and Marimon (1998, 2017) to the case

where the value function is non-differentiable, resolving a problem pointed out in Messner

and Pavoni (2004).

∗This is a substantially revised version of previous drafts.We thank the participants in seminars and conferenceswhere our work has been presented and, in particular Davide Debortoli and Daisuke Oyama, for their comments.

†European University Institute, UPF-Barcelona GSE, CEPR and NBER‡University of Minnesota


Keywords: limited enforcement, dynamic programming, Envelope Theorem, Euler equation,

Bellman equation, sub-differential calculus.

JEL Classification: C02, C61, D90, E00.


1 Introduction

The Euler equation and the Bellman equation are the two basic tools used to analyse dynamic

optimisation problems. Euler equations are the first-orderinter-temporalnecessary conditionsfor

optimal solutions and, under standard concavity-convexity assumptions, they are alsosufficient

conditions, provided that a transversality condition holds. Euler equations are usually second-

order difference equations. The Bellman equation allows thetransformation of an infinite-horizon

optimisation problem into a recursive problem, resulting in time-independent policy functions

determining the actions as functions of the states. The envelope theorem provides the bridge

between the Bellman equation and the Euler equations, confirming the necessity of the latter

for the former. The envelope theorem allows us to reduce the second-order difference equation

system of Euler equations to a first-order system, fully determined by the policy function of

the Bellman equation with corresponding initial conditions, provided that the value function is


Differentiability makes the bridge between the Bellman equation and the Euler equation tight.

If the value function is differentiable, the state providesunivocal information about the derivative

and, therefore, the inter-temporal change of values acrossstates (Bellman) is uniquely associated

with the change of marginal values (Euler) via the envelope theorem – as a result, the enve-

lope theorem allows for the passage of properties between the Euler and the Bellman equations.

That is, the necessity and sufficiency properties of the Euler equations on the one hand, and the

properties of Bellman policy functions on the other. However, the value function may not be

differentiable when constraints are binding and, in this case, knowing the state and its value does

not provide univocal information about the derivative. Sub-differential calculus (e.g. Rockafellar

(1970, 1981)) comes into play, but needs to be properly developed in order to characterise the

envelope bridge between the Euler and Bellman equations, without differentiability. This is the

objective of this paper.

Recursive methods have been widely applied in macroeconomics over the last 30 years since

the publication of Stokey et al. (1989), using the standard framework where assumptions, such

as interiority of optimal paths, imply the differentiability of the value function. However, the

differentiability issue cannot be ignored in a wide range ofcurrent applications. Models where

households, firms, or countries, may face binding constraints in equilibrium are, nowadays, more


the norm than the exception. Furthermore, contractual models often haveforward-looking con-

straints(i.e. involving future equilibrium outcomes). It is well known that optimization problems

with forward-looking constraints may have time-inconsistent solutions. That is, re-optimising in

an infinite-horizon problem at datet with initial value given asx∗t – wherex∗

t is the date-t state

of the optimal path from date0 – may lead to a solution which is not part of an optimal solu-

tion from date0. Standard dynamic programming fails, but as Marcet and Marimon (2017) have

shown, thesaddle-point Bellman equationwith an extended co-state can be used to recover re-

cursive structure of the problem. Nevertheless, the differentiability problem caused by binding

constraints remains and, as we show, it is more perverse whenconstraints areforward-looking.

Therefore, we focus our analysis on differentiability problems arising from binding constraints.

Our analysis covers the trilogy already mentioned. First, we study the envelope theorem for

static constrained optimisation problems without assuming differentiability of the value function

or interiority of the solutions. We extend the envelope theorem for directional derivatives of

Milgrom and Segal (2002, Corollary 5)1 by relaxing some of their assumptions, and provide

characterizations of the superdifferential of a concave value function and the subdifferential of

a convex value function. From the envelope theorem, we derive several sufficient conditions

for differentiability of the value function. For example, if there is a unique saddle-point, the

value function is differentiable and the standard form of the envelope theorem holds. A sufficient

condition for differentiability of concave value functionis that the saddle-point multiplier be

unique. For convex value function, a sufficient condition for differentiability is that the solution

be unique. We provide examples of applications of our results to static optimization problems.

This first part is covered in Sections 2 and 3.

Second, we turn tothe Euler equationsof the dynamic optimisation problem. Unless the so-

lution is interior, marginal values of the constraints (i.e. the Lagrange multipliers) are part of the

Euler equations. Applying the envelope theorem of Section 3, we show how the Euler equations

can be derived from the Bellman equation without assuming differentiability of the value func-

tion. If there are multiple multipliers of the Bellman equation, then some sequences of multipliers

may fail to satisfy the Euler equations and not be saddle-point multipliers of the infinite-horizon

1Earlier contributions include Dubeau and Govin (1982), Rockafellar (1984), Bonnisseau and Le Van (1996),

and references listed in Milgrom and Segal (2002). An extension to non-smooth optimisation problems has recently

been provided in Morand, Reffett and Tarafdar (2015).


problem. In particular, restarting the Bellman equation at apoint of non-differentiability of the

value function may result intime-inconsistent multipliers, which do not satisfy the Euler equa-

tions. We introduce an envelope selection condition that guarantees that multipliers generated

from the Bellman equation satisfy the Euler equations. The envelope selection is a consistency

condition on multipliers and does not affect solutions in standard dynamic optimization prob-

lems without forward-looking constraints. The recursive method of solving dynamic program-

ming problems can be extended to provide solutions with consistent multipliers by expanding

the co-state to include a subgradient of the value function.If the value function is differentiable,

this co-state is redundant, since the subgradient is unique. Extending the well-known result of

Benveniste and Scheinkman (1979), we show that the concave value function is differentiable if

the multiplier of the Bellman equation is unique.2 Section 4 contains this analysis for standard

dynamic optimization problems, and an example.

Third, in Section 5, we further develop Marcet and Marimon’s(1998, 2017)saddle-point

methodof solving dynamic optimisation problems with forward-looking constraints. The prob-

lem of inconsistent multipliers in the absence of forward-looking constraints becomes incon-

sistency of solutions and multipliers in the presence of such constraints. We show that the en-

velope selection condition guarantees that solutions and multipliers generated from the saddle-

point Bellman equation satisfy the Euler equations without assuming that the value function is

differentiable. Furthermore, we show that the envelope selection condition is equivalent to the

intertemporal consistency conditionintroduced by Marcet and Marimon, motivated by an ex-

ample of Messner and Pavoni (2004) showing that the saddle-point Bellman equation with a

non-differentiable value function can generate non-optimal outcomes in recursive contracts. Im-

posing the envelope selection condition in this example (see Example 4 in Section 5) results in a

recursive optimal solution satisfying the Euler equations.

Although the Euler equation is part of the standard ‘toolkit’ of dynamic optimization prob-

lems (e.g. Stokey et al. (1989)), we are not aware of any discussion of the consistency problem

presented in this paper. This is possibly due to the fact thatmost of the analyses, and compu-

tations, using Euler equations implicitly assume that the value function is differentiable.3 This

2Rincon-Zapatero and Santos (2009) study differentiability of concave value function in dynamic optimization

problems assuming that a constrained qualification condition holds.3Cole and Kubler (2012) identify the consistency problem of the saddle-point method with forward-looking


paper provides the the necessary ingredients for extendingthe existing computational methods

for solving this broader class of models. Section 6 providesfurther discussion and conclusions.

2 The Envelope Theorem

We consider the following parametric constrained optimization problem:


f(x, y) (1)

subject to

h1(x, y) ≥ 0, . . . , hk(x, y) ≥ 0. (2)

Parameterx lies in the setX ⊂ ℜm. Choice variabley lies inY ⊂ ℜn. Objective functionf is a

real-valued function onY ×X. Each constraint functionhi is a real-valued function onY ×X.4

The value function of the problem (1–2) is denoted byV (x).

The Lagrangian function associated with (1–2) is

L(x, y, λ) = f(x, y) + λh(x, y), (3)

whereλ ∈ ℜk+ is a vector of (positive) multipliers5. It is well known that if(y∗, λ∗) is a saddle-

point ofL, that is, if

L(x, y, λ∗) ≤ L(x, y∗, λ∗) ≤ L(x, y∗, λ), (4)

for everyy ∈ Y andλ ∈ ℜk+, theny∗ is a solution to (1–2). Further, the slackness condition,

λ∗i hi(x, y∗) = 0, holds for everyi and consequently

V (x) = L(x, y∗, λ∗) = SP minλ≥0


L(x, y, λ), (5)

whereSP denotes thesaddle-pointoperator defined by (4) with minimization overλ and max-

imization overy.6 The set of saddle-points ofL at x is a product of two sets and is denoted by

constraints, but offer a way to resolve it within a limited class of models (e.g., partnerships with two agents). There

is no use of the envelope theorem in their approach.4Note that optimization problems with equality constraintscan be represented in form (1–2) by takinghi = −hj

for somei andj.5We use the product notation:λh(x, y) =


i=1λihi(x, y).

6ThisSP notation was introduced in Marcet and Marimon (2017). Themin (max) operator only denotes which

variables are being minimised (maximised) in the saddle-point.


Y ∗(x) × Λ∗(x) whereY ∗(x) ⊂ Y and Λ∗(x) ⊂ ℜk+, see Rockafellar (1970), Lemma 36.2.

If (y∗, λ∗) is a saddle-point ofL, y∗ will be called a saddle-point solution andλ∗ a saddle-

point multiplier. The slackness condition implies that if the ith constraint is not binding, that

is, hi(x, y∗) > 0 for a saddle-point solutiony∗, thenλ∗i = 0 for every saddle-point multiplierλ∗.

We shall impose the following conditions:

A1. Y is convex and compact.

A2. f andhi are continuous functions of(x, y), for everyi.

A3. For everyx ∈ X and everyi, there existsyi ∈ Y such thathi(x, yi) > 0 andhj(x, yi) ≥ 0

for j 6= i.

A4. Y ∗(x) × Λ∗(x) 6= ∅ for everyx ∈ X.

Assumptions A1-2 are standard. Assumption A3 essentially says that none of the inequality

constraintshi(x, y) ≥ 0 alone can be replaced by equality constrainthi(x, y) = 0. It is weaker

than Slater’s condition which requires that there isy ∈ Y such thathi(x, y) > 0 for everyi. If

all functionshi are concave iny, then A3 is equivalent to Slater’s condition. Assumption A4

says that the set of saddle-points ofL is nonempty for everyx. It holds if functionsf andhi are

concave iny and the Slater’s condition holds.

The set of saddle-point solutionsY ∗(x) is a subset of the set of solutions to (1–2). These two

sets are equal if functionsf andhi are concave iny and the Slater’s condition holds. Iff andhi

are differentiable iny, then the Kuhn-Tucker first-order conditions hold for every saddle-point of

L and the set of saddle-point multipliersΛ∗(x) is a subset of the set of Kuhn-Tucker multipliers.

Those two sets of multipliers are equal if functionsf andhi are differentiable and concave iny.

The envelope theorem is best stated in terms of directional derivatives. We first consider one-

dimensional parameter setX – a convex subset of the real line. Directional derivatives are then

the left- and right-hand derivatives. The right- and left-hand derivatives of the value functionV

atx are

V ′(x+) = limt→0+

V (x + t) − V (x)

t, (6)


V ′(x−) = limt→0−

V (x + t) − V (x)

t, (7)


if the limits exist.

We have the following result:

Theorem 1: Suppose thatX ⊂ ℜ, conditions A1-A4 hold, and partial derivatives∂f



continuous functions of(x, y). Then the value functionV is right- and left-hand differen-

tiable at everyx ∈ intX and the directional derivatives are

V ′(x+) = maxy∗∈Y ∗(x)



∂x(x, y∗) + λ∗∂h

∂x(x, y∗)



V ′(x−) = miny∗∈Y ∗(x)



∂x(x, y∗) + λ∗∂h

∂x(x, y∗)

], (9)

where the order of maximum and minimum does not matter.

Theorem 1 is an extension of Corollary 5 in Milgrom and Segal (2002). It is worth pointing

out that differentiability of functionsf andhi with respect to the variabley is not assumed in

Theorem 1.7 This will be important in applications to dynamic programming in Sections 4 and 5.

For a multi-dimensional parameter setX in ℜm, the directional derivative of the value func-

tion V atx ∈ X in the directionx ∈ ℜm such thatx + x ∈ X is defined as

V ′(x; x) = limt→0+

V (x + tx) − V (x)


If partial derivatives ofV exist, then the directional derivativeV ′(x; x) is equal to the scalar

productDV (x)x, whereDV (x) is the vector of partial derivatives, i.e. the gradient vector.

Theorem 1 can be applied to the single-variable value function V (t) ≡ V (x + tx) for which

it holdsV ′(0+) = V ′(x; x). If Dxf(x, y) andDxhi(x, y) are continuous functions of(x, y), then

it follows that the directional derivative ofV is

V ′(x; x) = maxy∗∈Y ∗(x)


[Dxf(x, y∗) + λ∗Dxh(x, y∗)

]x, (10)

and the order of maximum and minimum does not matter.7Dubeau and Govin (1982) and Rockafellar (1984) assume differentiability of functionsf andhi and use Kuhn-

Tucker multipliers instead of saddle-point multipliers. Most of their results provide bounds on directional derivatives

of V.


3 Differentiability and Subdifferentials of the Value Function

3.1 Differentiability

The value functionV on X ⊂ ℜ is differentiable atx if the one-sided derivatives are equal to

each other. Sufficient conditions for differentiability can be obtained from Theorem 1.

Corollary 1: Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, each of the following conditions is sufficient

for differentiability of value functionV atx ∈ intX:

(i) there is a unique saddle-point,

(ii) there is a unique saddle-point solution andhi does not depend onx for everyi.

(iii) there is a saddle-point solution with non-binding constraints, and∂f

∂xdoes not depend


(iv) there is a unique saddle-point multiplier and∂f


∂xdo not depend ony, for every


Condition (i) holds if there is a unique saddle-point solution with non-binding constraints so

that zero is the unique saddle-point multiplier. The condition of ∂f

∂xor ∂hi

∂xnot depending ony

in part (iv) is essentially the additive separability off andhi in x andy. Under the separability

condition, uniqueness of multiplier is necessary and sufficient for differentiability of the value

function. A result related to Corollary 1 (iii) can be found inKim (1993).

A sufficient condition for uniqueness of saddle-point solution to (1–2) is thatf be strictly

concave andhi be concave iny. A sufficient condition for uniqueness of saddle-point multiplier

is the following standard Constrained Qualification condition which implies uniqueness of the

Kuhn-Tucker multiplier:

CQ (1) f andhi are continuously differentiable functions ofy,

(2) vectorsDyhi(x, y∗) for i ∈ I(x, y∗) are linearly independent, where

I(x, y∗) = {i : hi(x, y∗) = 0} is the set of binding constraints.

8It is sufficient that the constraints withhi depending onx are non-binding. Other constraints may bind.


A weaker form of Constrained Qualification which is necessaryand sufficient for uniqueness

of Kuhn-Tucker multiplier can be found in Kyparisis (1985).Note thatCQ holds vacuously for

solutiony∗ with non-binding constraints.

Under condition (i) or (iv) of Corollary 1, the derivative of the value function is

V ′(x) =∂f

∂x(x, y∗) + λ∗∂h

∂x(x, y∗). (11)

Under condition (ii) or (iii), it holds

V ′(x) =∂f

∂x(x, y∗). (12)

For the multi-dimensional parameter setX in ℜm, the value function is differentiable if

V ′(x; x) = −V ′(x;−x) for every x ∈ ℜm. This holds under any of the sufficient conditions

of Corollary 1 withDxf andDxhi substituted for partial derivatives in (iv) and (v). IfV is differ-

entiable, then the gradientDV (x) is well defined, and the multi-dimensional counterpart of (11)


DV (x) = Dxf(x, y∗) + λ∗Dxh(x, y∗). (13)

Results of this section and Section 2 can be extended to minimization problems and saddle-

point problems. We present an extension to saddle-point problems in Appendix A.

3.2 Concave and Convex Value Functions

If the value function is concave or convex, the envelope theorem can be stated using the superdif-

ferential or the subdifferential, respectively, for a multi-dimensional parameter set. We consider

the concave case first.

Sufficient conditions forV to be concave are stated in the following well-known result,the

proof of which is omitted.

Proposition 1. If the objective functionf and all constraint functionshi are concave functions

of (x, y) onY × X, then the value functionV is concave.

The superdifferential∂V (x) of the concave value functionV is the set of all vectorsφ ∈ ℜm

such that

V (x′) + φ(x − x′) ≤ V (x) for everyx′ ∈ X.

We have the following:


Theorem 2: Suppose that conditions A1-A4 hold, derivativesDxf and Dxhi are continuous

functions of(x, y) for everyi, andV is concave. Then

∂V (x) =⋂

y∗∈Y ∗(x)


{Dxf(x, y∗) + λ∗Dxh(x, y∗)} (14)

for everyx ∈ intX.

Sufficient conditions for differentiability of concave value function follow from Theorem 2.

Corollary 2: Under the assumptions of Theorem 2, the following hold forx ∈ intX:

(i) If the saddle-point multiplier is unique, then value function V is differentiable atx

and (13) holds for everyy∗ ∈ Y ∗(x).

(ii) If hi does not depend onx for everyi, then value functionV is differentiable atx and

(13) holds for everyy∗ ∈ Y ∗(x).

In Corollary 2 (i), it is sufficient that the multiplier is unique for the constraints withhi

depending onx. Corollary 2 (i) implies that the value function is differentiable if there is a

solution with non-binding constraints - those that depend on x - for then the unique saddle-point

multiplier is zero. A saddle-point multiplier may be uniqueeven if some constraints are binding.

Examples are given in Section 3.3. Corollary 2 (ii) extends Corollary 3 in Milgrom and Segal

(2002) to parametrized constraints.

We now provide a similar characterization for convex value functions. Sufficient conditions

for V to be convex are stated without proof in the following:

Proposition 2. If the objective functionf(y, ·) is convex inx for everyy ∈ Y and all constraint

functionshi are independent ofx, then the value functionV is convex.

If V is convex, then the subdifferential∂V (x) is the set of all vectorsφ ∈ ℜm such that9

V (x′) + φ(x − x′) ≥ V (x) for every x′ ∈ X.

We have the following:

9We use the same notation for the superdifferential and the subdifferential as is customary in the literature.


Theorem 3: Suppose that conditions A1-A3 hold, derivativesDxf and Dxhi are continuous

functions of(x, y) for everyi, andV is convex10. Then

∂V (x) =⋂


co( ⋃

y∗∈Y ∗(x)

{Dxf(x, y∗) + λ∗Dxh(x, y∗)}), (15)

for everyx ∈ intX, where co( ) denotes the convex hull.

Sufficient conditions for differentiability of convex value function follow from Theorem 3.

Corollary 3: Under the assumptions of Theorem 3, if the saddle-point solution is unique atx ∈

intX, then value functionV is differentiable and (13) holds for everyλ∗ ∈ Λ∗(x).

3.3 Examples

Example 1 (Perturbation of constraints): suppose that the objective functionf in (1) is inde-

pendent of the parameterx and constraint functions are of the formhi(x, y) = hi(y) − xi. This

optimization problem is a perturbation of the non-parametric problem with objective functionf

and constraint functionshi. Rockafellar (1970) provides an extensive discussion of the concave

perturbed problem.

Corollary 1 (iv) implies that if the saddle-point multiplierλ∗ is unique, then the value function

is differentiable andDV (x) = −λ∗ by (13). (See 29.1.3 in Rockafellar (1970) for the concave

perturbed problem.) Iff andhi are concave for everyi, thenV is concave and the superdifferen-

tial of V is ∂V (x) = −Λ∗(x).

Example 2 (A planner’s problem): consider the resource allocation problem in an economy

with k agents. The planner’s problem is




µiui(ci) (16)



ci ≤ x, (17)

ci ≥ 0, ∀i,

10Oyama and Takenawa (2017) provides an example showing that the continuity of the derivativesDxf andDxhi

is a necessary assumption.


whereµ = (µ1, . . . , µk) ∈ ℜk++ is a vector of welfare weights andx ∈ ℜL

+ represents total

resources. Utility functionsui are continuous and increasing. LetV (x, µ) be the value of (16)

as function of weightsµ and total resourcesx. It follows from Corollary 1 (iv) thatV is differ-

entiable inx if the saddle-point multiplier of constraint (17) is unique. If utility functions ui are

differentiable, then the CQ condition holds, implying that the multiplier is unique. The derivative

is DxV = λ∗, whereλ∗ is the multiplier of the constraint (17).V is a convex function ofµ. The

subdifferential∂µV is (by Theorem 3) the convex hull of the set of vectors(u1(c∗1), . . . , uk(c


over all saddle-point solutionsc∗ to (16). V is differentiable inµ if the saddle-point solution is


Consider an example withL = 1, k = 2, and ui(c) = c. Let the welfare weights be

parametrized by a single parameterµ so thatµ1 = µ andµ2 = 1 − µ with 0 < µ < 1. The

value function isV (x, µ) = max{µ, 1−µ}x. It is differentiable with respect toµ at everyµ 6= 12

and everyx. The solutionc∗ is unique for everyµ 6= 12. V is not differentiable with respect toµ

atµ = 12. The left-hand directional derivative atµ = 1

2is −x while the right-hand derivative isx

in accordance with Theorem 1.V is everywhere differentiable with respect tox.

4 Dynamic Optimization and Euler Equations

In this section we extend the standard results of dynamic programming to non-differentiable

value functions. Using the results of Sections 2 and 3, we show how to derive Euler equations

from the Bellman equation without differentiability of the value function. If the value function is

non-differentiable, then there may be sequences of solutions and multipliers generated from the

Bellman equation for which Euler equations do not hold because multipliers are inconsistent. We

develop a recursive method of selecting solutions with consistent multipliers.

We consider the following dynamic constrained maximization problem studied in Stokey et

al. (1989):




βtF (xt, xt+1) (18)

s.t. hi(xt, xt+1) ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., k, t ≥ 0,

for givenx0 ∈ X, where{xt}∞t=1 is a bounded sequence (i.e.,{xt} ∈ ℓn

∞) such thatxt ∈ X ⊂ ℜn


for everyt. FunctionsF andhi are real-valued functions onX × X. We impose the following


D1. X is convex.

D2. There exists{xt} ∈ ℓn∞ such thathi(xt, xt+1) > 0 for everyt ≥ 0 and everyi.

D3. F andhi are bounded, andβ ∈ (0, 1).

D4. F andhi are concave functions of(x, y) onX × X,

D5. F andhi are increasing and differentiable onX.

The saddle-point problem associated with (18) is

SP max{xt}∞t=1





βt[F (xt, xt+1) + λt+1h(xt, xt+1)

], (19)

for given x0 ∈ X, whereλt ∈ ℜk are Lagrange multipliers and{xt} ∈ ℓn∞. It follows from

Dechert (1992) that if a sequence{x∗t} is a solution to (18), then under assumptions D1-D4 there

exists a summable sequence of multipliers{λ∗t} ∈ ℓk

1 such that{x∗t , λ

∗t} is a saddle-point of (19).

Conversely, if{x∗t , λ

∗t} is a saddle-point of (19), then{x∗

t} is a solution to (18).

By a standard variational argument, the first-ordernecessary conditionsfor saddle-point

{x∗t , λ


∞t=1 of (19) are the followingintertemporal Euler equations:

DyF (x∗t , x

∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dyh(x∗t , x

∗t+1) + β

[DxF (x∗

t+1, x∗t+2) + λ∗

t+2Dxh(x∗t+1, x


]= 0 (20)

for everyt ≥ 0. Equations (20) together with complementary slackness conditions and the given

constraints, define a system of second-order difference equations for{x∗t , λ

∗t} with x∗

0 = x0.

Complementary slackness conditions are


t , x∗t+1) = 0, h(x∗

t , x∗t+1) ≥ 0. (21)

The sufficiency of the Euler equation and a transversality condition, see Stokeyet al. (1989),

continue to hold when a constraint is binding.


Proposition 3: Suppose that conditions D1-D5 hold. Let{x∗t , λ

∗t}, with {x∗

t} ∈ ℓn∞, x∗

0 =

x0, λ∗t ≥ 0, and h(x∗

t , x∗t+1) ≥ 0 for everyt, satisfy the Euler equations (20) and the

complementary slackness conditions (21). If the transversality condition


βt[DxF (x∗

t , x∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dxh(x∗t , x


]= 0, (22)

holds, then{x∗t , λ

∗t} is a saddle-point of (19). In particular,{x∗

t} is a solution to (18).

Proof: see Appendix.

Let V (x0) be the value function of (18). The value function satisfies the Bellman equation

V (x) = maxy

{F (x, y) + βV (y)} (23)

s.t. hi(x, y) ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., k

The value functionV is concave and bounded under assumptions D1-4. IfDxF andDxhi are

continuous functions of(x, y) for everyi, then by envelope Theorem 2, the superdifferential of

V is

∂V (x) =⋂

y∗∈Y ∗(x)


{DxF (x, y∗) + λ∗Dxh(x, y∗)} (24)

whereY ∗(x) is the set of saddle-point solutions andΛ∗(x) is the set of saddle-point multipliers

at x. Corollary 2 (i) implies thatV is differentiable if saddle-point multiplierλ∗ is unique. If

there is a solutiony∗ with non-binding constraints, then the unique multiplier is zero andV is

differentiable atx. This is the well-known result of Benveniste and Scheinkman (1979). Note

also that ifV is differentiable aty∗ and the Constraint Qualification condition holds, then the

saddle-point multiplier is unique andV is differentiable atx.

For every solution{x∗t} to (18),x∗

t+1 is a solution to the Bellman equation (23) atx∗t for every

t ≥ 0. The converse holds as well under assumptions D1- D3, see Stokey et al. (1989; Theorem

4.3). The latter result not only shows that it is sufficient tosequentially solve the Bellman equation

(23) to obtain a solution to (18) but also that solutions aretime-consistent. That is, if{x∗t}

∞t=1 is

a solution to (18) atx0 and the Bellman equation is restarted atx∗τ the resulting solution – say,


τt=1, {xt}

∞t=τ+1 – is also a solution to (18) atx0.

It is well-known that if constraints are not binding and the value function is differentiable,

then the first-order conditions of the Bellman equation together with the envelope theorem imply


the Euler equations. Indeed, (24) simplifies then toDV (x) = DxF (x, y∗), the Euler equation

simplifies to

DyF (x∗t , x

∗t+1) + βDxF (x∗

t+1, x∗t+2) = 0,

and the latter obtains from the first-order conditions of (23). In general, it is convenient to intro-

duce thesaddle-point Bellman equationcorresponding to (23):

V (x) = SP minλ≥0


{F (x, y) + λh(x, y) + βV (y)} . (25)

The set of saddle-points of (25) is the product setY ∗(x) × Λ∗(x). The first-order condition for

saddle-point(y∗, λ∗) of (25) states that there exists a subgradient vectorφ∗ ∈ ∂V (y∗) such that

DyF (x, y∗) + λ∗Dyh(x, y∗) + βφ∗ = 0, (26)

see Rockafellar (1981, Ch.5).

If {x∗t , λ

∗t} is a saddle-point of (19), then(x∗

t+1, λ∗t+1) is a saddle-point of thesaddle-point

Bellman equation(25) atx∗t for every t ≥ 0. The converse implication requires a consistency

condition that involves subgradients{φ∗t} obtained from the first-order conditions for{x∗

t , λ∗t}.

Proposition 4: Suppose that conditions D1-D5 hold andDxF and Dxhi are continuous func-

tions for everyi. Let{x∗t , λ


∞t=1, with {x∗

t} ∈ ℓn∞, be a sequence of saddle-points gener-

ated by the saddle-point Bellman equation (25), starting atx∗0 = x0, and let{φ∗

t}∞t=0 be the

corresponding sequence of subgradients satisfying (26), with φ∗t ∈ ∂V (x∗

t ) for all t. If the

following envelope selection condition

φ∗t = DxF (x∗

t , x∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dxh(x∗t , x

∗t+1) (27)

holds for everyt ≥ 0, then{x∗t , λ


∞t=1 is a saddle-point of (19).

Proof: The first-order condition (26) for(x∗t+1, λ

∗t+1) atx∗

t , for t ≥ 1, is

DyF (x∗t , x

∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dyh(x∗t , x

∗t+1) + βφ∗

t+1 = 0. (28)

Eq. (28) together with the envelope selection condition (27) for φ∗t+1 imply that the Euler equation

(20) holds atx∗t . The transversality condition (22) can be written aslimt→∞ βtφ∗

t = 0. Since the


sequence{x∗t} is bounded, subgradients{φ∗

t} are bounded, too (see Rockafellar (1970), Theorem

24.7). This implies (22). The conclusion follows now from Proposition 3.2

Theenvelope selection condition(27) guaranteesconsistencyof multipliers generated by the

saddle-point Bellman equation. It can be dispensed with if the saddle-point multiplier is unique

(which is sufficient for value functionV to be differentiable) but not if there are multiple mul-

tipliers. Inconsistency of multipliers occurs if, given(x∗t , λ

∗t ) andφ∗

t ∈ ∂V (x∗t ) satisfying the

first-order condition (28) atx∗t−1, a multiplierλ∗

t+1 is chosen without satisfying the envelope se-

lection condition (27) when solving (28) atx∗t . Then the Euler equation (20) is not satisfied for

λ∗t andλ∗

t+1, and the sequence{x∗t , λ


∞t=1 need not be a saddle-point of (19). This may happen if

V is not differentiable atx∗t and the saddle-point Bellman equation (25) is restarted atx∗

t without

recalling the selectionφ∗t ∈ ∂V (x∗

t ) previously made.

Proposition 4 does not provide a recursive method of generating consistent solutions from

the saddle-point Bellman equation, but it clearly suggests what that method should be: extend

the statex with a co-stateφ ∈ ∂V (x), and impose the envelope selection condition. To that

end, we define theselective value functionV s(x; φ) of statex andco-stateφ ∈ ∂V (x) as the

value function of the saddle-point Bellman equation (25) with the additional restriction that the

saddle-point satisfies the envelope selection condition. That is,

V s(x; φ) = SP minλ≥0


{F (x, y) + λh(x, y) + βV (y)} (29)

s.t. DxF (x, y) + λDxh(x, y) = φ.

Clearly,V s(x; φ) = V (x) but the solutions to (29) are a subset of those to (25). If(y∗, λ∗) is a

saddle-point of (29), then there isφ∗ ∈ ∂V (y∗) satisfying the first-order condition (26), that is,

φ∗ = −β−1 [DyF (x, y∗) + λ∗Dyh(x, y∗)] , (30)

and the recursive equationV s(x; φ) = F (x, y∗) + λ∗h(x, y∗) + βV s(y∗; φ∗) holds.

Using selective value functionV s we definepolicy functionsϕ : X × ℜn −→ X × ℜn and

ℓ : X × ℜn −→ ℜk+ as time-invariant selections from solution to saddle-point Bellman equation

(29) and the first-order condition (30). That is,ϕ(x, φ) = (y∗, λ∗) where(y∗, λ∗) is a saddle-point

of (29), andℓ(x, φ) = φ∗ whereφ∗ ∈ ∂V (y∗) satisfies (30).

Let{x∗t , λ

∗t , φ


∞t=1 be a sequence generated by policy functions(ϕ, ℓ) – that is,(x∗

t+1, λ∗t+1) =

ϕ(x∗t , φ

∗t ) andφ∗

t+1 = ℓ(x∗t , φ

∗t ) for every t ≥ 0, with initial statex∗

0 = x0 and co-stateφ∗0 ∈


∂V (x0). It follows from Proposition 4 that{x∗t , λ

∗t} is a saddle-point of (19). Sequence{x∗

t , λ∗t , φ


can be found by solving a system ofn + n + k first-order difference equations. Those equations

are (27), (28), and the complementary slackness conditions(21). The initial state and co-state are

x0 and an arbitraryφ0 ∈ ∂V (x0). Since the value functionV is concave, it is almost everywhere

differentiable implying that∂V (x0) = DV (x0) for almost everyx0.

Corollary 4 summarizes our results and reestablishes the link between the Bellman equation

and the Euler equations, as in the differentiable case.

Corollary 4: Suppose that conditions D1-D5 hold. If{x∗t , λ

∗t , φ


∞t=1, with {x∗

t} ∈ ℓn∞, is a

sequence generated by policy functions(ϕ, ℓ), i.e. (x∗t+1, λ

∗t+1) = ϕ(x∗

t , φ∗t ) and φ∗

t+1 =

ℓ(x∗t , φ

∗t ), with x∗

0 = x0 and φ∗0 ∈ ∂V (x0), then{x∗

t , λ∗t}

∞t=1 is a saddle-point of (19)

at x0. Furthermore, if at dateτ + 1 a new sequence{x∗t , λ


∞t=τ+1 is generated using

possibly different policy functions(ϕ, ℓ) starting from initial statex∗τ and co-stateφ∗

τ , then

({x∗t , λ


τt=1, {x

∗t , λ


∞t=τ+1) is a saddle-point of (19) atx0.

Example 3 illustrates the results of this section.

Example 3 (A dynastic problem): consider a dynasty of overlapping generations who live for

two periods. A household is formed by a young and an old member. In each period, the young

decides for the household consumption for the next period. The allocation problem of the dynasty

is to maximise the discounted utility of all future generations as follows:




βt [xt + 2xt+1] (31)

s.t.xt + xt+1 ≤ 4, xt+1 ≤ xt, xt ≥ 0, t ≥ 0,

for given x0 ∈ [0, 4]. Let V (x0) be the value function of (31). It is easy to see that the value

function is

V (x) =

3x(1 − β)−1 if x ≤ 2

8 − x + 3(4 − x)β(1 − β)−1 if x ≥ 2.


The unique solution to (31) forx0 = 2 is the constant sequencex∗t = 2.

The value functionV is concave. It is not differentiable atx = 2 where the super-differential


∂V (2) = [−(3β(1 − β)−1 + 1), 3(1 − β)−1]. (33)


The Euler equations for a saddle-point of (31) are

2 − λ∗1,t − λ∗

2,t + β[1 − λ∗

1,t+1 + λ∗2,t+1

]= 0 (34)

for t ≥ 1, whereλ∗1,t andλ∗

2,t are the multipliers of the first and the second constraints in(31),

respectively. Forx0 = 2 and the solutionx∗t = 2, both constraints are binding. This implies

that the slackness conditions are vacuous, and therefore the saddle-point multipliers are arbitrary

positive solutions to difference equations (34) that satisfy the transversality condition (22).

The saddle-point Bellman equation is

V (x) = SP minλ≥0


{x + 2y + λ1(4 − y − x) + λ2(x − y) + βV (y)} . (35)

The unique (saddle-point) solution to (35) atx = 2 is y∗ = 2. Starting fromx0 = 2, the saddle-

point Bellman equation generates the sequence of solutionsx∗t = 2. The first-order condition at

x∗t is

2 − λ∗1,t+1 − λ∗

2,t+1 + βφ∗t+1 = 0, (36)

for someφ∗t+1 ∈ ∂V (x∗

t+1). Equation (36) is the only restriction on multipliers generated

by the saddle-point Bellman equation starting fromx0 = 2. The envelope theorem implies that

φ∗t+1 = 1 − λ1,t+2 + λ2,t+2 for a date-(t + 2) multiplier λt+2, but that multiplier can be different

from λ∗t+2. Givenφ∗

t+1 ∈ ∂V (2), the first-order condition (36) can be written more explicitly as

2 − β(3β(1 − β)−1 + 1

)≤ λ∗

1,t+1 + λ∗2,t+1 ≤ 2 + 3β(1 − β)−1.

This set is a superset of multipliers satisfying the Euler equation (34).

The envelope selection condition (27) is

φ∗t = 1 − λ∗

1,t+1 + λ∗2,t+1. (37)

Clearly (37), combined with the first-order condition (36) implies the Euler equation (34). Thus

the set of multipliers generated by the saddle-point Bellmanequation and satisfying (37) is the

same as the set of saddle-point multipliers of (31) in accordance with Propositions 3 and 411.

11Note that the envelope selection condition (37) in this example is a one-to-one correspondence betweenφ∗t and

λ∗t+1 and, therefore, the latter can be used as a co-state variable. This is so because functionsF andhi are additively



In sum, the intertemporal Euler equation (20) is anecessaryfirst-order condition for a solution

to (19) - and therefore to (18) - and by Proposition 3 it is alsosufficient. The same is true

for a sequence of saddle-points of the Bellman equation (23) if the saddle-point multiplier is

unique. If there are multiple multipliers, the system of Euler equations is asufficient but not

necessarycondition for a sequence of saddle-points of the Bellman equation. However, for every

sequence of solutions to a Bellman equation there exists a sequence of multipliers such that Euler

equation is satisfied. Such a sequence can be generated recursively using policy functions from

the selective value function and extending the statex∗t with a co-state subgradientφ∗

t ∈ ∂V (x∗t ).

The problem of time-inconsistency of multipliers discussed in this section can result in non-

optimal outcomes in the presence of forward-looking constraints. We address this problem now.

5 Recursive Contracts

In this section we extend the results of Section 4 to the recursive contracts of Marcet and Ma-

rimon (2017). Recursive contracts are dynamic optimizationproblems withforward-looking

constraints. The presence of forward-looking constraintsmakes the standard methods of dy-

namic programming inapplicable. Marcet and Marimon show that recursive contracts can be

solved by transforming optimization problems with forward-looking constraints into saddle-point

problems. Solutions to a saddle-point Bellman equation are solutions to the original contracting

problem provided that anintertemporal consistency conditionis satisfied. The necessity of this

consistency condition was motivated by an example given by Messner and Pavoni (2004), who

showed that non-unique solutions to the saddle-point Bellman equation can fail to be solutions to

the contracting problem. We show that imposing the envelopeselection condition and extending

the co-state generates time-consistent recursive saddle-point solutions. The envelope selection

condition is shown to be equivalent to Marcet and Marimon’sintertemporal consistency condi-

tion12.12Introduced in Marcet and Marimon (2015).


5.1 The partnership problem with limited enforcement

The deterministic partnership problem13 with limited enforcement takes the form

Vµ(y0) = max{ct}∞0






µi u(ci,t) (38)



ci,t ≤m∑


yi,t, (39)



βn u(ci,t+n) ≥ vi(yi,t), (40)

ci,t ≥ 0, for all i, t ≥ 0,

where the sequence{ct} is bounded, i.e.{ct} ∈ ℓm∞. The sequence of incomes{yt} follows a law

of motionyt+1 = g(yt) for someg : ℜm+ → ℜm

+ for given initial income vectory0. We impose

the following conditions:

P1. The functionu : ℜ+ → ℜ+ is increasing, concave, and differentiable and the functions and

vi : ℜ+ → ℜ+, i = 1, ...,m, are increasing, concave and continuous.

P2. Sequence{yt} is bounded,µi > 0 for everyi, andβ ∈ (0, 1).

P3. There exists{ct} ∈ ℓm∞ with ci,t > 0 for everyi andt such that constraints (39) and (40)

hold with strict inequality.

A convenient way of analysing problem (38) is to consider thefollowing constrained saddle-

point problem resulting from adding forward-looking constraints (40) with multipliers to the

objective function (see Marcet and Marimon (2017) for details):

SP max{ct}∞t=0







[µi,t+1 (u(ci,t) − vi(yi,t)) + µi,tvi(yi,t)] (41)



ci,t ≤m∑



µi,t+1 ≥ µi,t

ci,t ≥ 0, for all i, t,

13Marcet and Marimon develop their theory in a more general dynamic stochastic formulation. The approach

presented in this section can be easily extended to their general setup.


whereµ0 = µ, and{ct} ∈ ℓm∞ and{µt} ∈ ℓm

∞. The unconstrained saddle-point problem for the

Lagrangian of (41) is

SP max{ct,λt+1}∞t=0







{µi,t+1 (u(ci,t) − vi(yi,t)) + µi,tvi(yi,t) (42)

− λi,t+1(µi,t+1 − µi,t) + γt+1 (yi,t − ci,t)}.

If {c∗t} ∈ ℓm∞ is a solution to (38), then there exists a bounded sequence14 of weights{µ∗

t} ∈ ℓm∞

and summable sequences of multipliers{λ∗t} ∈ ℓm

1 and{γ∗t } ∈ ℓ1 (see Dechert (1992)) such that

{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } is a saddle-point of (42). Conversely, if{c∗t , λ

∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } is a saddle-point of (42),

then{c∗t} is a solution to (38).

The first-order necessary conditions with respect toµi,t+1 for saddle-point{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } of

(42) are

u(c∗i,t) −(vi(yi,t) + λ∗


)+ β

(vi(yi,t+1) + λ∗


)= 0 (43)

for everyi andt ≥ 0. The respective condition with respect toci,t is µ∗i,t+1u

′(c∗i,t) = γ∗t+1. Equa-

tion (43) is the intertemporal Euler equationfor the partnership problem. The Euler equation

together with first-order conditions forci,t, the constraints, and complementary slackness condi-

tions forγ∗t andλ∗

i,t, are a system of first-order difference equations.

As in Section 4 (see Proposition 3), Euler equations and a transversality condition are suffi-

cient conditions for a solution to (42).

Proposition 5: Let {c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t }, with {c∗t}

∞t=0 ∈ ℓm

∞, {µ∗t}

∞t=0 ∈ ℓm

∞, µ∗0 = µ, λ∗

t ≥ 0 and

γ∗t ≥ 0 for everyt, satisfy the Euler equations (43), the first-order conditions w.r. toci,t,

and the constraints and complementary slackness conditions (21). If the transversality



βt[vi(yi,t) + λ∗i,t+1] = 0 (44)

holds for everyi, then{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } is a saddle-point of (42). In particular,{c∗t} is a

solution to the partnership problem (38).

Proof: see Appendix.

14In derivation of (41) weightsµ∗t obtain as partial sums of a summable sequence, and thereforeare a convergent

and hence bounded sequence.


Constrained saddle-point problem (41) has recursive structure that can be expressed by the

following saddle-point Bellman equation:

W ( y, µ) = SP minµ




[µi(u(ci) − vi(yi)) + µivi(yi) − λi (µi − µi)] + βW (y, µ) (45)



ci ≤m∑


yi (46)

ci ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, for all i,

where y = g(y). It follows from Theorem 3 in Marcet and Marimon (2017) that the value

functionVµ satisfies equation (45), that is,W (y0, µ) = Vµ(y0) for everyµ ∈ ℜm+ . By a solution to

the Bellman equation (45) we always mean a saddle-point(c∗, λ∗, µ∗, γ∗) whereγ∗ is a multiplier

of constraint (46). The set of saddle-points of (45) is a product of two setsM∗(y, µ) andN∗(y, µ)

so that(c∗, λ∗) ∈ M∗(y, µ) and(µ∗, γ∗) ∈ N∗(y, µ) for every saddle-point(c∗, λ∗, µ∗, γ∗).

The value functionW is homogeneous of degree one and convex inµ.15 The envelope theo-

rem for saddle-point problems, see (72) in the Appendix, when applied to the right-hand side of

(45) implies that

∂µW (y, µ) = v(y) + {λ∗| (c∗, λ∗) ∈ M∗(y, µ) for some c∗}. (47)

FunctionW is differentiable with respect toµ at(y, µ) if and only if there is unique multiplierλ∗

that is common to all solutionsc∗. SinceW is convex inµ, it is differentiable almost everywhere.

For every saddle-point(c∗, λ∗, µ∗, γ∗) of the Bellman equation (45) there exists subgradient

vectorφ∗ ∈ ∂µW (y, µ∗) such that the first-order conditions with respect toµi

u(c∗i ) − (vi(yi) + λ∗i ) + βφ∗

i = 0, (48)

hold for everyi.

For every sequence{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } which is a saddle-point of (42),(c∗t , λ

∗t+1, µ

∗t+1, γ

∗t+1) is

a saddle-point of the Bellman equation at(yt, µ∗t ) for everyt. It follows that for every solution

{c∗t} to partnership problem (38), there exist weightsµ∗t+1 such that(c∗t , µ

∗t+1) is a solution to

the Bellman equation for everyt. As in Proposition 4, the converse result holds if the envelope

selection condition is satisfied.15See Marcet and Marimon (2017) for discussion of the homogeneity properties ofW with respect toµ.


Proposition 6: Suppose that conditions P1-P3 hold. Let{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } be a sequence of saddle-

points generated by saddle-point Bellman equation (45) starting at (y0, µ), with {c∗t}∞t=0 ∈

ℓm∞ and{µ∗

t}∞t=0 ∈ ℓm

∞, and let{φ∗t}

∞t=0 be the corresponding sequence of subgradients sat-

isfying (48), withφ∗t ∈ ∂µW (yt, µ

∗t ) for all t. If the following envelope selection condition

φ∗i,t = vi(yi,t) + λ∗

i,t+1 (49)

holds for everyi and everyt ≥ 0, then{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } is a saddle-point of (42)16.

Proof: The first-order conditions for saddle-point(c∗t , λ∗t+1, µ

∗t+1, γ

∗t+1) of Bellman equation (45)

at (yt, µ∗t ) are

u(c∗i,t) −(vi(yi,t) + λ∗


)+ βφ∗

i,t+1 = 0 (50)


′(c∗i,t) = γ∗t+1 for everyi. Eq. (50) together with the envelope selection condition (49)

imply the Euler equation (43). The complementary slacknessconditions follow from respective

conditions for (45). SinceW is convex inµ, and{yt} and{µ∗t} are bounded, the sequence{φ∗

t} is

bounded and hence the transversality conditionlimt→∞ βtφ∗t = 0 holds. The conclusion follows

now from Proposition 5.2

Proposition 6 corresponds to Theorem 4 in Marcet and Marimon(2017) where the envelope

selection condition (49) is replaced by theintertemporal consistency condition

φ∗i,t = u(c∗i,t) + βφ∗

i,t+1. (51)

Because of the first-order condition (50), those two conditions are equivalent. Note that condition

(51) and the transversality conditionlimt→∞ βtφ∗i,t = 0 imply that

φ∗i,t =




Using (49) andλ∗i,t+1 ≥ 0, it follows that



βnu(c∗i,t+n) ≥ vi(yi,t). (52)

16Note that recursive contracts are additively separable inµ∗t andµ∗

t+1 and, therefore,λ∗t+1 can be used as a

co-state variable (see footnote 11).


That is, the intertemporal consistency condition – equivalently, the envelope selection condition

– implies that the participation constraints (40) hold.

As in Section 4 (see Corollary 4), theenvelope selection condition(49) guaranteesconsis-

tencyof multipliers and solutions generated by the saddle-pointBellman equation. It can be

dispensed with if the saddle-point multiplier is unique, which is a necessary and sufficient con-

dition for value functionW to be differentiable inµ. Inconsistency of multipliers may occur if,

given(c∗t−1, λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t ) with the corresponding subgradientφ∗

t ∈ ∂µW (yt, µ∗t ) from the first-order

condition (50) att − 1, multiplier λ∗t+1 is chosen without satisfying envelope selection condition

(49) at t, which is likely to happen if the saddle-point Bellman equation is solved only know-

ing (yt, µ∗t ). Then the Euler equation (43) is not satisfied forλ∗

t andλ∗t+1, and the sequence

{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } need not be a saddle-point of (42). Because the multiplierλ∗

t+1 has to be chosen

together with consumptionc∗t in the setM∗(yt, µ∗t ), inconsistent choice of the multiplier may lead

to consumption that is either suboptimal, or violates the participation constraints.

We define theselective value functionof statey and co-state(µ, φ) for φ ∈ ∂µW (y, µ) in a

similar way as in Section 4, that is:

W s( y, µ; φ) = SP minµ




[µi(u(ci) − vi(yi)) + µivi(yi) − λi (µi − µi)] + βW (y, µ)


s.t. φi = v(yi) + λi, (54)m∑


ci ≤m∑



ci ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, for all i,

wherey = g(y).17 It holds thatW s( y, µ; φ) = W ( y, µ), but the (saddle-point) solutions in (53)

and in (45) can be different. The first-order condition for saddle-point(c∗, λ∗, µ∗, γ∗) of (53) with

respect toµ is

u(c∗i ) − (vi(yi) + λ∗i ) + βφ∗

i = 0, (55)

whereφ∗ ∈ ∂µW (y, µ∗). It holds that

W s( y, µ; φ) =m∑


[µ∗i (u(c∗i ) − vi(yi)) + µivi(yi)] + βW s(y, µ∗; φ∗).

17Note that the multiplierλ is uniquely determined by constraint (54).


The policy functionsϕ : ℜ3m+ → ℜ2m

+ and ℓ : ℜ3m+ → ℜm+1

+ are defined byϕ(y, µ, φ) =

(c∗, µ∗, λ∗, γ∗) such that(c∗, µ∗, λ∗, γ∗) is a saddle-point of (53) andℓ(y, µ, φ) = φ∗ whereφ∗ ∈

∂µW (y, µ∗) satisfies (55).

Policy functions(ϕ, ℓ) can be used to generate sequences of saddle-points{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } and

subgradients{φ∗t} such that(c∗t , λ

∗t+1, µ

∗t+1, γ

∗t+1) = ϕ(yt, µ

∗t , φ

∗t ) andφ∗

t+1 = ℓ(yt, µ∗t , φ

∗t ) for ev-

eryt ≥ 0, with initial statey0 and co-state(µ∗0, φ

∗0) whereµ∗

0 = µ andφ∗0 ∈ ∂µW (y0, µ). It follows

from Proposition 5 that{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t }

∞t=0 is a saddle-point of (42). Sequence{c∗t , λ

∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t , φ


can be found by solving system equations (49) and (50) together with first-order conditions w.r.

ci,t and complementary slackness conditions. All these equations are first-order difference equa-


Corollary 5 which follows summarizes our results for recursive contracts. It generalizes the

main sufficiency result of Marcet and Marimon (2017; Theorem4 and its Corollary) to the case

where solutions may not be unique (the value functionW may not be differentiable).

Corollary 5: Suppose that conditions P1-P3 hold. If{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } and{φ∗

t} are sequences of

saddle-points and subgradients generated by policy functions(ϕ, ℓ) starting fromµ∗0 = µ

and φ∗0 ∈ ∂µW (y0, µ), with {c∗t}

∞t=0 ∈ ℓm

∞ and {µ∗t}

∞t=0 ∈ ℓm

∞, then{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t } is a

saddle-point of (42) atµ. Furthermore, if at dateτ+1 a new sequence{c∗t , λ∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t }


is generated using possibly different policy functions(ϕ, ℓ) starting from initial stateyτ and

co-state(µ∗τ , φ

∗τ ), then({c∗t , λ

∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t }

τt=1, {c

∗t , λ

∗t , µ

∗t , γ

∗t }

∞t=τ+1) is also a saddle-point of

(42) atµ.

Because the objective and the constraint functions are additively separable in the partnership

problem, the envelope selection condition (49) is a one-to-one relation between subgradientφ∗t

and multiplierλ∗t+1 and hence the multiplier can be used as co-state in the recursive method of

Corollary 5. More precisely, the co-state can be(µ∗t , λ

∗t+1) instead of(µ∗

t , φ∗t ).

In sum, when using an infinite-horizon approach, the intertemporal Euler equation (43) along

with other first-order conditions are necessary and sufficient for a solution to the partnership

problem (38). Using a dynamic programming approach, the envelope selection condition is a

necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence of saddle-points of the Bellman equation to be

a solution to the partnership problem. Such sequence can be generated recursively using a policy


function from the selective value function. As in Section 4,we provide an example that illustrates

the results of this section.

Example 4 (Messner and Pavoni (2004)):consider a partnership problem (38) with two agents

and linear utilities:

W (µ) = max{ct}∞0






µici,t (56)

s.t. c1,t + c2,t ≤ y,∞∑


βjc1,t+j ≥ 0,∞∑


βjc2,t+j ≥ b(1 − β)−1, (57)

ci,t ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, for all t ≥ 0,

where0 < b < y, µi > 0 for i = 1, 2, and0 < β < 1. Note that agent1’s participation constraint

is not binding.

The value function is

W (µ) =

(1 − β)−1[µ1(y − b) + µ2b] if µ1 ≥ µ2

(1 − β)−1µ2y if µ1 ≤ µ2.


If µ1 > µ2, the constant sequencec∗1,t = y − b andc∗2,t = b is a solution to (56), but we shall

see that there are many other solutions. The value functionW is convex and differentiable if

µ1 6= µ2, but it is not differentiable ifµ1 = µ2, where the sub-differential is

∂W (µ) = (1 − β)−1co{(y − b, b), (0, y)}. (59)

The saddle-point Bellman equation (45) is

W (µ) = SP minµ




[µici − λi (µi − µi)] − (µ2 − µ2)b(1 − β)−1 + βW (µ)


s.t.c1 + c2 ≤ y,

ci ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2.


A sequence of saddle-points{µ∗t , c

∗t , λ

∗t , γ

∗t } of (60) generated by a policy function can be found

by recursively solving a system of equations consisting of the first-order conditions

µ∗i,t+1 − γ∗

t+1 = 0, (61)

c∗1,t − λ∗1,t+1 + βφ∗

1,t+1 = 0 (62)

c∗2,t − (b(1 − β)−1 + λ∗2,t+1) + βφ∗

2,t+1 = 0, (63)

with φ∗t+1 ∈ ∂W (µ∗

t+1), the complementary slackness conditions forλ∗t+1, and the envelope

selection conditions

φ∗1,t = λ∗

1,t+1 (64)

φ∗2,t = b(1 − β)−1 + λ∗

2,t+1. (65)

Suppose that the initial state isµ∗0 = µ such thatµ1 > µ2. SinceW is differentiable atµ∗

0, the

initial co-state isφ∗0 = DW (µ∗

0), that is,φ∗1,0 = (y − b)(1 − β)−1 andφ∗

2,0 = b(1 − β)−1. From

equations (64 - 65) we obtainλ∗1,1 = (y − b)(1 − β)−1 andλ∗

2,1 = 0, and using complementary

slacknessµ∗1,1 = µ1 andµ∗

2,1 = µ∗1,1. BecauseW is not differentiable atµ∗

1, φ∗1,1 andφ∗

2,1 can

be arbitrary satisfyingφ∗1,1 + φ∗

2,1 = y(1 − β)−1, φ∗1,1 ≥ 0 andφ∗

2,1 ≥ b(1 − β)−1 (see (59))

and consumption planc∗0 can be any selection satisfyingc∗1,0 = (y − b)(1 − β)−1 − βφ∗1,1 and

c∗2,0 = b(1 − β)−1 − βφ∗2,1. Selection ofc∗0 determinesφ∗

1. We have thus derivedφ∗1 = ℓ(µ∗

0, φ∗0),

and(c∗0, µ∗1, λ

∗1) = ϕ(µ∗

0, φ∗0) for a policy function(ϕ, ℓ).18

Next, iteration of equations (61 - 65) with given stateµ∗1 and co-stateφ∗

1 givesµ∗2 = µ∗

1, c∗1,1 =


1,2, c∗2,1 = φ∗2,1−βφ∗

2,2 whereφ∗1,2 +φ∗

2,2 = y(1−β)−1, φ∗1,2 ≥ 0 andφ∗

2,2 ≥ b(1−β)−1.

Again, a selection ofc∗1 determinesφ∗2. With this step, we have derivedφ∗

2 = ℓ(µ∗1, φ

∗1), and

(c∗1, µ∗2, λ

∗2) = ϕ(µ∗

1, φ∗1). All subsequent iterations follow the same pattern withµ∗

t = µ∗1 for

all t > 1, andµ∗t being the point of non-differentiability of value functionW. Time-invariant

policy function selects a stationary solution to the equations fort ≥ 2. Corollary 5 implies that

every sequence generated in this way is an optimal solution to (56). For example, consumption

sequencec∗1,t = y − b andc∗2,t = b is optimal and can be generated by a policy function with

λ∗1,t = (y − b)(1− β)−1, λ∗

2,t = 0, φ∗1,t = (y − b)(1− β)−1 andφ∗

2,t = b(1− β)−1 for t ≥ 1. One

can easily verify that a sequencec∗1,0 = y−b+∆, c∗2,0 = b−∆, c∗1,1 = y−b− 1β∆, c∗2,1 = b+ 1


andc∗1,t = y − b andc∗2,t = b for t ≥ 2 is optimal, too, for any small positive∆.

18To simplify notation, we eliminated multipliersγ∗t (given by (61)) from consideration.


We show next that a sequence of saddle-points of the Bellman equation (60) may not be an

optimal solution to (56) if the envelope selection conditions (64, 65) are not satisfied. Consider

the same sequence of weights{µ∗t} as before and a sequence of consumptions, multipliers, and

subgradients given byc∗1,t = 0, c∗2,t = y for t ≥ 0, λ∗1,t = 0, λ∗

2,t = (y − b)(1 − β)−1 for

t ≥ 1, φ∗1,t = 0 andφ∗

2,t = y(1 − β)−1 for t ≥ 1, andφ∗0 = DW (µ∗

0). Note thatφ∗t ∈ ∂W (µ∗

t )

for all t. This sequence satisfies first-order conditions (61 - 63). However, envelope selection

conditions (64, 65) are violated fort = 1 implying that the Euler equation is violated at date 0.

This consumption sequence is not optimal since there is excessive consumption for agent 2.

Similarly, if βy ≥ b, then the sequence given byc∗1,t = y, c∗2,t = 0 for t ≥ 0, λ∗1,t =

(y − b)(1 − β)−1, λ∗2,t = 0 for t ≥ 1, φ∗

1,t = (βy − b)[β(1 − β)]−1, φ∗2,t = b[β(1 − β)]−1 for

t ≥ 1, andφ∗0 = DW (µ∗

0) satisfies equations (61 - 62) and alsoφ∗t ∈ ∂W (µ∗

t ). Here, envelope

selection conditions (64, 65) are violated at everyt ≥ 1. This consumption sequence does not

satisfy participation constraints (57).

6 Conclusions

This paper makes three contributions to constrained optimisation problems when the value func-

tion may be non-differentiable due to the presence of binding constraints. First, it extends the

envelope theorem by providing a novel characterization of the super- and sub-differentials for

concave and convex value functions. Second, it uncovers a previously unknown form of time-

inconsistency in standard dynamic constrained optimisation problems: restarting the Bellman

equation at a later state, sayx∗t , may result in time-inconsistent Lagrange multipliers forwhich

the Euler equations fail to hold and the continuation saddle-point is not part of a saddle-point of

the optimisation problem fromx0. Nevertheless, the solutions to the Bellman equation remain

time-consistent in the standard dynamic optimization problems. In the presence offorward-

looking constraints, the time-inconsistency of multipliers of the Bellman equation can turn into

time-inconsistent solutions. Our third contribution is a method of restoring time-consistency of

multipliers and/or solutions by imposing anenvelope consistency condition. The method extends

the co-state and introduces aselective value functionto recover the link between the solutions to

the Bellman and Euler equations. The method is superior to theexisting computational techniques


of solving dynamic models with binding constraints that often adopt relatively ad-hoc procedures

to account for non-linearities and possible time-inconsistencies caused by the presence of such



A. Saddle-point problems

We extend results of Sections 2 and 3.1 to saddle-point problems.

Consider the following parametric saddle-point problem

SP maxy∈Y


f(x, y, z) (66)

subject to

hi(x, y) ≥ 0, gi(x, z) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , k (67)

with parameterx ∈ ℜm. Let V (x) denote the value function of the problem (66–67). The La-

grangian function associated with (66–67) is

L(x, y, z, λ, γ) = f(x, y, z) + λh(x, y) + γg(x, z), (68)

whereλ ∈ ℜk+ andγ ∈ ℜk

+ are vectors of multipliers. A saddle-point ofL is vector(y∗, z∗, λ∗, γ∗)

whereL is maximized with respect toy ∈ Y and γ ∈ ℜk+, and minimized with respect to

z ∈ Z andλ ∈ ℜk+. The set of saddle-points ofL is a product of two setsM∗ andN∗ so that

(y∗, γ∗) ∈ M∗ and(z∗, λ∗) ∈ N∗ for every saddle-point(y∗, z∗, λ∗, γ∗). If (y∗, z∗, λ∗, γ∗) is a

saddle-point, then(y∗, z∗) is a solution to (66–67).

For single-dimensional parameterx, the directional derivatives of the value functionV at

x ∈ intX are

V ′(x+) = max(y∗,γ∗)∈M∗



∂x(x, y∗, z∗) + λ∗∂h

∂x(x, y∗) + γ∗ ∂g

∂x(x, z∗)



V ′(x−) = min(y∗,γ∗)∈M∗



∂x(x, y∗, z∗) + λ∗∂h

∂x(x, y∗) + γ∗ ∂g

∂x(x, z∗)


19For example, Guerrieri and Iacovello (2015) consider separate regimes where constraints are binding or not



where the order of maximum and minimum does not matter. Corollary 1 can be easily extended

to this case.

Suppose that multi-dimensional parameterx can be decomposed inx = (x1, x2) so that the

constraints in the saddle-point problem (66–67) can be written as

hi(x1, y) ≥ 0, gi(x

2, z) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , k. (71)

If function f is concave inx1 and convex inx2, while the functionshi are concave inx1andy

and the functionsgi are convex inx2 andz, thenV (x1, x2) is concave inx1 and convex inx2.

The super-sub-differential calculus of Section 3.2 can be extended to this class of saddle-point

problems. For instance, the subdifferential of value function V with respect tox2 is

∂Vx2(x) =⋂




{Dx2f(x, y∗, z∗) + λ∗Dx2h(x, y∗) + γ∗Dx2g(x, z∗)}



B. Proofs

We first prove the following Lemma:

Lemma 1. Under A1-A4, the setsY ∗(x) andΛ∗(x) are compact for everyx ∈ X. Further, the

correspondencesY ∗ andΛ∗ are upper hemi-continuous onX.


Assumptions A1 and A2 imply that the valueV (x) of the optimization problem (1–2) is well

defined. Ifλ∗ is a saddle-point multiplier atx, then, by saddle-point property (4), it holds

f(x, yi) + λ∗h(x, yi) ≤ V (x). (73)

Using A3, it follows from (73) that

λ∗i ≤

V (x) − f(x, yi)

hi(x, yi). (74)

Usingλi(x) to denote the RHS of (74), we conclude that the domainℜk+ of multipliers in saddle-

point problem (4) can be replaced by the compact set×ki=1[0, λi(x)]. This implies that the set of


saddle-point multipliersΛ∗(x) is compact. The set of saddle-point solutionsY ∗(x) is compact,

too. The Maximum Theorem implies that correspondencesY ∗ andΛ∗ are upper hemi-continuous

onX. 2

Proof of Theorem 1:

We shall prove that equations (8) and (9) hold for arbitraryx0 ∈ intX. Let ∆f(t, y) denote

the difference quotient of functionf with respect tox atx0, that is

∆f(t, y) =f(x0 + t, y) − f(x0, y)


for t 6= 0. Fort = 0, we set∆f(0, y) = ∂f

∂x(x0, y). Assumptions of Theorem 1 imply that function

∆f(t, y) is continuous in(t, y) onY × {X − x0}.

Similar notation∆hi(t, y) is used for each functionhi, and∆L(t, y, λ) for the Lagrangian.

Functions∆hi(t, y) are continuous in(t, y). Note that∆L(t, y, λ) = ∆f(t, y)+λ∆h(t, y), where

we use the scalar-product notationλ∆h(t, y) =∑

i λi∆hi(t, y).

Saddle-point property (4) together with (5) imply that

V (x0 + t) ≥ L(x0 + t, y∗0, λ

∗t ) (75)


V (x0) ≤ L(x0, y∗0, λ

∗t ) (76)

for everyλ∗t ∈ Λ∗(x0 + t) andy∗

t ∈ Y ∗(x0 + t). Subtracting (76) from (75) and dividing the result

on both sides byt > 0, we obtain

V (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≥ ∆L(t, y∗

0, λ∗t ) = ∆f(t, y∗

0) + λ∗t ∆h(t, y∗

0). (77)

Since (77) holds for everyy∗0 ∈ Y ∗(x0), we can take the maximum on the right-hand side and

obtainV (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≥ max


0∈Y ∗(x0)

[∆f(t, y∗0) + λ∗

t ∆h(t, y∗0)]. (78)

Consider functionΨ defined as

Ψ(t, λ) = maxy∗

0∈Y ∗(x0)

[∆f(t, y∗0) + λ∆h(t, y∗

0)] (79)

so that the expression on the right-hand side of (78) isΨ(t, λ∗t ). SinceY ∗(x0) is compact by

Lemma 1, it follows from the Maximum Theorem thatΨ is a continuous function of(t, λ).


Further, sinceλ∗t ∈ Λ∗(x0 + t) andΛ∗ is an upper hemi-continuous correspondence by Lemma

1, we obtain

lim inft→0+

Ψ(t, λ∗t ) ≥ min



Ψ(0, λ∗0) = min




0∈Y ∗(x0)


∂x(x0, y

∗0) + λ∗



∂x(x0, y

∗0)] (80)

where we used the scalar-product notationλ∗0



i λ∗i0


∂x. It follows from (80) and (78) that

lim inft→0+

V (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≥ min




0∈Y ∗(x0)


∂x(x0, y

∗0) + λ∗



∂x(x0, y


]. (81)

We also have

V (x0 + t) ≤ L(x0 + t, y∗t , λ

∗0) (82)


V (x0) ≥ L(x0, y∗t , λ

∗0) (83)

which together imply

V (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≤ ∆f(t, y∗

t ) + λ∗0∆h(t, y∗

t ) (84)

for t > 0. Taking the minimum overλ∗0 ∈ Λ∗(x0) on the right-hand side of (84) results in

V (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≤ min



[∆f(t, y∗t ) + λ∗

0∆h(t, y∗t )]. (85)

Consider functionΦ defined as

Φ(t, y) = minλ∗


[∆f(t, y) + λ∗0∆h(t, y)]

so that the expression on the right-hand side of (85) isΦ(t, y∗t ). It follows from the Maximum

Theorem thatΦ is a continuous function of(t, y). Using upper hemi-continuity of correspondence

Y ∗ (see Lemma 1), we obtain

lim supt→0+

Φ(t, y∗t ) ≤ max


0∈Y ∗(x0)

Φ(0, y∗0) = max


0∈Y ∗(x0)




∂x(x0, y

∗0) + λ∗



∂x(x0, y

∗0)]. (86)

It follows now from (86) and (85) that

lim supt→0+

V (x0 + t) − V (x0)

t≤ max


0∈Y ∗(x0)




∂x(x0, y

∗0) + λ∗



∂x(x0, y


]. (87)


It holds (see Lemma 36.1 in Rockafellar (1970)) that


0∈Y ∗(x0)




∂x(x0, y




∂x(x0, y


]≤ min




0∈Y ∗(x0)


∂x(x0, y




∂x(x0, y




It follows from (81), (87) and (88) that the right-hand side derivativeV ′(x0+) exists and is given


V ′(x0+) = maxy∗

0∈Y ∗(x0)




∂x(x0, y

∗0) + λ∗



∂x(x0, y



where the order of maximum and minimum does not matter. This establishes eq. (8) of Theorem

1. The proof of (9) is similar.2

Proof of Theorem 2: By Theorem 23.2 in Rockafellar (1970),φ ∈ ∂V (x0) if and only if

V ′(x0; x)φ ≤ xφ for everyx such thatx0 + x ∈ X. Applying (10), we obtain thatφ ∈ ∂V (x0) if

and only if



[Dxf(x0, y

∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y


]x ≤ φx for every x, (89)

for everyy∗0 ∈ Y ∗(x0), where we used the fact that inequality (89) holds for everyy∗

0 if and only

if it holds for the maximum overy∗0. The left-hand side of (89), as a function ofx, is the negative

of the support function of the set



{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y

∗0)}. (90)

SinceΛ∗(x0) is convex and compact, the set (90) is compact and convex. Theorem 13.1 in

Rockafellar (1970) implies that (89) is equivalent to

φ ∈⋃



{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y


for everyy∗0 ∈ Y ∗(x0). Consequently,φ ∈ ∂V (x0) if and only if

φ ∈⋂


0∈Y ∗(x0)



{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y




Proof of Corollary 2 : If Λ∗(x0) is a singleton set orhi does not depend onx for everyi, then



{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y


is a singleton set for everyy∗0. The intersection of singleton sets in (14) can either be a singleton

set or an empty set. SinceV is concave, the subdifferential∂V (x0) is non-empty, and hence it

must be singleton. This proves thatV is differentiable atx0. 2

Proof of Theorem 3: The proof is similar to that of Theorem 2. Using (10) and Theorem 23.2 in

Rockafellar (1970), we obtain thatφ ∈ ∂V (x0) if and only if


0∈Y ∗(x0)

[Dxf(x0, y

∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y


]x ≥ φx for every x, (91)

for everyλ∗0 ∈ Λ∗(x0). The left-hand side of (91) is the support function of the compact (but not

necessarily convex) set


0∈Y ∗(x0)

{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y


Theorem 13.1 in Rockafellar (1970) implies thatφ ∈ ∂V (x0) if and only if

φ ∈⋂






0∈Y ∗(x0)

{Dxf(x0, y∗0) +



λ∗i0Dxhi(x0, y




Proof of Corollary 3 : The proof is analogous to that of Corollary 2.

Proof of Proposition 3: We prove first that{x∗t} maximizes the Lagrangian in (19) when the

sequence of multipliers is fixed as{λ∗t}. Consider any sequence{xt} ∈ ℓn

∞ such thatxt ∈ X and

x∗0 = x0. Let

DT =T∑


βt{F (x∗

t , x∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1h(x∗t , x

∗t+1) −

[F (xt, xt+1) + λ∗

t+1h(xt, xt+1)]}

. (92)

Using the assumption of concavity ofF andhi, we obtain from (92) that

DT ≥T∑



DxF (x∗t , x

∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dxh(x∗t , x



t − xt)

+[DyF (x∗

t , x∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dyh(x∗t , x


] (x∗

t+1 − xt+1



Rearranging terms we have

DT ≥∑T−1

t=0 βt{[

DyF (x∗t , x

∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1Dyh(x∗t , x


+β[DxF (x∗

t+1, x∗t+2) + λ∗

t+2Dxh(x∗t+1, x


]] (x∗

t+1 − xt+1


+βT[DyF (x∗

T , x∗T+1) + λ∗

T+1Dyh(x∗T , x∗

T+1)] (

x∗T+1 − xT+1


Using Euler equation (20), we obtain

DT ≥ −βT+1[DxF (x∗

T+1, x∗T+2) + λ∗

T+2Dxh(x∗T+1, x


] (x∗

T+1 − xT+1

). (93)

Substituting (92) into (93), we obtain



βt[F (x∗

t , x∗t+1) + λ∗

t+1h(x∗t , x





βt[F (xt, xt+1) + λ∗

t+1h(xt, xt+1)]

≥ −βT+1[DxF (x∗

T+1, x∗T+2) + λ∗

T+2Dxh(x∗T+1, x


] (x∗

T+1 − xT+1


for everyT. Next, we take limits in (94) asT goes to infinity. Since sequences{xt} and{x∗t} are

bounded, the transversality condition (22) implies that the RHS is zero in the limit. Complemen-

tary slackness conditions imply that the first term on the LHSconverges to∑∞

t=0 βtF (x∗t , x


This implies that the second term has a well defined limit and that{x∗t} maximizes the Lagrangian


The proof that{λ∗t} minimizes the Lagrangian in (19) when the sequence of choicevariables is

fixed as{x∗t} is straightforward and omitted.2

Proof of Proposition 5: The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3. We show first that {µ∗t , γ

∗t }

minimizes the Lagrangian in (42) when{c∗t , λ∗t} are fixed. Consider any sequence{µt, γt} such

that{µt} ∈ ℓm∞ andµt ≥ 0, γt ≥ 0 andµ0 = µ. Let DT be the difference between date-T partial

sums of the Lagrangians for{µ∗t , γ

∗t } and{µt, γt}. We have

DT =T∑






(u(c∗i,t) − vi(yi,t)

)+ ∆µi,tvi(yi,t)

−λ∗i,t+1(∆µi,t+1 − ∆µi,t) + (γ∗

t+1 − γt+1)(yi,t − c∗i,t)]}


where∆µt = µ∗t −µt. It follows from the Euler equation (43) and complementary slackness that

DT = βT+1




i,T+1 − µi,T+1][vi(yi,T+1) + λ∗i,T+2] − γt+1(yi,t − c∗i,t)

}. (95)


Sinceγt+1 ≥ 0 andc∗i,t ≤ yi,t, it follows from (95) that

DT ≤ −βT+1



[µ∗i,T+1 − µi,T+1][vi(yi,T+1) + λ∗

i,T+2]. (96)

Sinceµi,T andµ∗i,T are bounded, the transversality condition (44) implies that the limit on the

RHS of (96) is zero. ThereforelimT→∞ DT ≤ 0.

Next we prove that{c∗t , λ∗t} maximizes the Lagrangian in (42) when{µ∗

t , γ∗t } are fixed. Let

DT =T∑






i,t+1(u(c∗i,t) − u(ci,t)) + γ∗t+1(ci,t − c∗i,t)



Using concavity ofu, we have

DT ≥T∑







∗i,t − ci,t) + γ∗

t+1(ci,t − c∗i,t)]}

. (97)

Using the first-order conditionγ∗t+1 = µ∗

i,t+1u′(c∗i,t), it follows from (97) thatDT ≥ 0 and conse-

quentlylimT→∞ DT ≥ 0. 2



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