The End of the Beginning Has Just Begun

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  • 8/13/2019 The End of the Beginning Has Just Begun



    It all started out as a simple trip into the dim and misty rainforests of South America. The

    original smooth sailing of the plane was revolted as it now rocked against the powerful winds.

    For now, it still carried the group of friends across the dew filled canopies of the emergent trees.

    Yes, that was just about a day ago. It wasnt until the sound of the crackling bursts of gunfire that

    drew John Ambers to his highest senses of worry. That was of course after the malfunction of the

    planes engines. It was an old World War II style piston engine plane that had lots of rusted

    metal parts and creaking gears. The group of seven friends, including John never really worried

    too much about the issues outside of their minds. The whole ordeal was supposed to be filled

    with happiness and joy. They were going to a beautiful land filled with the damp, earthly smell

    of an ancient world, a world where the few of them were able to escape the corrupted problems

    each of them faced back in the real world. Yes, that was what it originally was intended to be.

    But then the storm came, however, it didnt come as the earlier had come. This one expelled its

    waters and winds in a gale force power. The old, broken piston plane couldnt hold itself against

    the might of the watery shells mixed with the stinging particles dirt. Zephyrs became gale andgale became typhoon. Slowly, the plane was forced out of the air, and along with it, the group

    was forced from the safety of the skies down upon the toxic jungle below. It was then that all of

    them, including John Ambers, realized that birds, bugs, and the slow buzzing beats of beetles

    were not the only creatures blistering through the suffocating air down in the misty, gray forests.

    One: Path-finding

    So that was about it. The old bugger of a plane crashed straight into a clearing below.

    Thankfully, it didnt infuse itself right into an ancient tree and rip itself into a thousand pieces.

    It did however, rip itself into devastation, so bad in fact that the pilot was knocked unconscious,

    and was bleeding out of his nostrils. On the brighter side of the debacle, none of the sevenfriends were seriously hurt. Minus a few scratches and scrapes here and there, all of them

    actually survived. Well, survived the initial crash that is. Unfortunately, now they are stranded in

    the middle of a huge rainstorm, the winds knocking down upon them and leaking through the

    cracked metal of the plane. The air suddenly became chilly, both with worry and an actual drop

    in temperature. Meager rationing of food was a top priority for the group. They quickly found all

    the supplies within a metal case strapped to the back of the plane itself. Firstly, the plane wasnt

    too large, so it obviously didnt carry enough supplies to last the seven of them for more than

    two weeks at most. The secondary issue was finding help. Ironically, well, not necessarily

    ironically, the main radio within the plane was demolished with the initial collision. It was so

    badly torn apart that fixing it was almost impossible. Thirdly, their cellphones somehow or

    another were not working properly. Signals were extremely weak and none of the seven friends

    could find a secure connection to call out for help. Maybe it was just the storm. Maybe, if they

    wait out the storm, the clear skies may allow them to find help.

    Now for another issue, that problem was that the pilot is unconscious. His name was

    Joseph Campbell, an American bush plane pilot in his sixties. The man flew planes carrying

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    supplies across the Alaskan wilderness from one outpost to another a few decades ago. Just last

    year however, the man decided that it was almost time to retire and stop flying across the cold,

    barren wastelands that is of wild Alaska. He decided for a change to his career in switching over

    to the warm tropics, where he privately flew tourists, usually American ones, from Rio all the

    way into a resort called the Meurotia deep within the Amazonian jungle. The resort itself was

    one started off about five years ago, where land cleared from logging was changed from being a

    factory to a resort for the rich to enjoy the simple beauty of nature. Unfortunately, the only way

    in was by plane, no routes or waterways lead up to the resort itself, which is sheltered by the tall

    trees surrounding the oasis in the middle of nowhere.

    Well, Campbell now was being tended by two of the seven friends, one of them being

    John Ambers. John was trained in first aid years ago when he was still a freshman in high school,

    now it was the May of his senior year and the ideas are still within him. Of course, that was the

    case with all of his friends. It was the end of their high school career. Next year, the all of them

    would be heading off the college. John decided to pull together the money necessary to take a

    group trip over to one of the best resorts in the world. For John, money wasnt the issue, forJohn, it was gaining the respect of his very friends. It was his first time leading the entire

    expedition with his friends to an unknown land. Events do change unfortunately, and now the

    group is grounded, still far from their destination.

    John was a teenager of eighteen, he was fairly tall, about six feet, and has chestnut

    colored, matted hair that sprang like weeds from his rounded head. He was somewhat skinny in

    all honesty. Not too broad shouldered and definitely not what most girls think of as exceptionally

    handsome. Fortunately, he wasnt too unattractive. The boy was smart, had a high GPA and IQ,

    and participated in his high schools chapter of National Honor Society. He was also extremely

    fond of mechanical engineering and nuclear chemistry. In fact, it was what John wanted to major

    in once he was in college. Speaking of which, John managed to drag himself a scholarship atDartmouth University, just one more aspect to keep him ahead of his friends. He tended to be

    quiet, secular, and not the most sociable person in a flash, but he has suffered in his past cycles.

    John Ambers lost his sister, Jenny Ambers, five years ago in a car accident. He never was the

    same as before. The two of them always shared stories and she had always supported him

    wherever he was. Then that dreadful day came and her death took a piece of out of him. It was a

    cycle that could not be completed, a puzzle that cannot be fixed. John Ambers seemed to lose

    hope ever since that day. She was only four years older than he was, Jenny would have graduated

    from college when he was to enter next year. He missed her, and he thought her death meant the

    end of his family. But his family bounced back from depression and he has started to regain

    some of that hope, until the plane crashed.

    John pulled the pilot out of the wet cockpit, which is dripping with water that seeped

    through the cracks on the spiderwebbed windshield. He carefully laid the pilot down on the

    ground and checked his pulse. It was fine, the man was just unconscious, and he was still alive,

    for now. Next, John and another one of his friends, a teen by the name of Joshua Rogers, opened

    an emergency blanket and stretched the silvery sheet over the pilot. Joshua was well built

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    compared to John; he was tall, a whole four inches taller than John. Joshua was also captain of

    the football team at their high school, the Jagdpanthers, which stood for hunting panther in

    German. The eighteen year old also had extremely broad shoulders and a calming smile, but he

    wasnt exactly the nicest of all people. Behind that wavy blond hair, Joshua had a tendency to

    disregard those around him and care only for himself. Ironically, he was the one who was

    helping John take care of the injured pilot.

    Near them, stood another boy, a younger one, the boy was named Henri Simon. Henri

    was the youngest out of them, but just by a few months of course. He was the brightest out of the

    bunch. Henri had black hair, stood a little less than six feet tall, wears glasses, and had lips that

    always curved to a smile when he understood a question on a quiz. Out of the whole of the

    group, Simon was the brain. The boy had an appetite for knowledge ever since he was young and

    discovered his fathers medical journals. Once he learned to read at the age of two, Simon would

    sit under the big hickory tree in his back yard and flip through the world encyclopedias that his

    father had bought for him. Without a doubt, Simon was destined to become a scientist, following

    the path of his own father. At the moment, Simon was poking his head out and checking thestorm itself, which still raged with aggressive might. Of course, even the smartest person out of

    them couldnt perceive what was to happen next.

    Even more bothersome than both Joshua and Henri are the antagonistic antics and

    sayings of Gregory Bond, Gregory comes from an incredibly rich family of stock traders. Both

    his parents earned all their money in the safety of their homes, far away from the dark world

    outside. He was short, just barely a little over five and a half feet tall and had hair that was

    always tinted brown and slicked to one side of his face. The boy always made stark and rude

    comments. He was annoying and always over himself due to his last name, Bond. John never

    liked that name, he disliked it with all his heart, yet somehow or another, Gregory ended up as a

    somewhat close friend. John guessed it was probably a good idea to drag him along to keepeveryone perky with his remarks. Ultimately though, Gregory ended up as nothing more than just

    someone to keep situations cool and balanced between good and bad.

    John unraveled the scratchy gauze from the first aid kit and bandaged the old pilots

    forehead, which had a small bleed from a light gash from what was assumed to be from a broken

    piece of glass. Nothing was too unusual, everyone was being extremely calm.

    During the wrapping, John lightly glanced over at Claire. Claire was sitting down and

    looking at a map, trying to figure out their location.

    Claire Wolfe, she had always been a trustworthy friend to John ever since grade school.

    Throughout all these years, John has always given her the uttermost respect both via his actions

    and by his voice.

    He had a crush on her, a crush that lasted from as long as he could remember. It was

    doubtful whether John thought she knew of this crush for, he next exposed it. Whenever he

    would go watch a movie with her, it was as friends. Whenever he asked her to a school dance,

    it was always out of respect. Or so he thought anyway. Nothing was set in stone for him.

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    She was extremely pretty and had long, flowing blonde hair that is flecked with streaks of

    tinted brown. John had always wondered whether it was dyed or not. He had never asked her

    about her personal habits. It surprised him actually, how little he knew of his friend. She was

    always among the popular group of people at their high school, she was playful, smart, and has

    great potential as a leader. Yet she never really bragged or took her position in the hierarchy of

    the high school social chain too seriously. Sure she would flirt with those around her, but it was

    all for the sake of fun, at least thats what John felt like.

    Claire unzipped her jacket, took it off, and wiped away the respiration that had collected

    on her forehead. She blinked; the emerald green eyes glistened in the hazy spray of moisture

    from the outside. He kept staring. And she noticed.

    It was just a quick glance, but John was sure she knew he was watching her. Odd, but

    John didnt suddenly stop and change his gaze to something else. He just kept staring, and every

    few seconds from the corner of her eyes, she gazed back at him, just for a split second.

    Without a doubt, the group was in trouble. Surprisingly though, the majority of them

    were quite calm, there was some screaming when the plane was falling from the sky, but it allstopped as the vehicle crashed landed into the jungle. Well, most of them were calm, the boys

    and Claire were all fairly calm, everyone seemed to be understandable, all except for Lucy

    Edison and Marie Lopez.