Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P. V RALPH WOOtfWAFD, :TGDAY Bessie LoVe in "The Great Adventure" Ml-» JLnv* i i n n fl ..r ,)*• t>-«t ,..V#MI «.f «ll i'h'Xo 1'Uy Ciieer and <u«xlilh«. ic ull who sue bar; Ruth Roland Hands Up "The Fatal Jewels" HEVUHT l'ATIIK NKWS WEDNESDAY^ Bessie Barriscale "Satan's Faivn" Ofjitiat War News Pathe Travelogue BIG HOLIDAY SHOW In my Second Million Dollar Picture . \ See h~6w OliiirHo gota oveii with tlio "Cootie**" Shifting Sands "The Price of Folly* 3 jpjftitirinif Ruth Roland «&-• Natural Colored: in "The Vezere Vatiey, France Hearst Pathc News Matinee 3.15 Adults Children 17c lie 7 Night 8.15 All Seats 17c STIRRING TALE OF NAVY LIFE (Continued Prom PSQ* OsaV-- him squads of German aoldlers would visit a small vlllago or town and drivo o(f. every man who could bo found for military service." They did not evon take the formality of con- scription. This action was also taken many times against women wanted for war work. . -—• - \ That the lives of the men on tho Boaufort hung by a slender thread of chanco was Indicated byanother In- cident He said that an Allied mine had broken loose from Its moorings on ono occasion and was carried, by tho Udo along the entire side of tho veodol without explosion, the contact points not striking with sufficient force to oxplodo the mine A Norwegian ship Was close to the Beaufort and before It could be warned of tho proximity of tho mine It struck the Norwegian boat and exploded killing six of tho men. Uu QDlnS-&grQiind.o_Tiwa JbiK_tficK-dQrr_ ing a submarine attack was another stirring ~scona~dspictod—by~~Ensignr Pun chard, who showed how the boat Wati Onally floated andtaken to port Jwlthout. being sunk orcapturod by tho submarine. Infrom three to five minutes ho said the Beaufort hadre- celvod responses T6 Its calls for help from - pairoi—boata—and—warships—for many miles along the French coast. Ho was In London during a German air raid and told .of.the thrills experi- enced watching the aortal attack and tho play of* the great searchlights on tho bombingL.aIr.3hipa7-ahd_thp-EnglIflh flying corps rising to attack and drive off tho invaders/ A number of humorous incidents w ®T_° __ do ?_ cr ! P*& byjEns|gn j^uncharj giving variety and"eplce to the talk. He was warmly complimented by the MISS M, jUMCMR. HEADS S, P, C. fl. (Continued From Pag* One) . Excellent reports were presented by Sccrbtiiry" MlsafSaraT MeilcTC~Treaa r t uror. Mrs. Charles Allotb and Police' Agant MJusMay H. Macann. "The treasurer's report indicated a balance of $32 53 after tho bills approved dur- tho meeting were paid. TTIG ro* "I in- port of Miss Macann, police * agent, showed much, activity slnco thq previ- ous meeting. -Homes were found for two cats and ton dogs, two dogs and one cat executed by police, four cases Investigated, seven complaints to which no attention was paid, warn' Ings Issued lev eight, letters of -warn- ing twelve, first aid to horses, two. Two dogs were reported killed by vehicles. Miss l^acann -stated that twenty-seven requests had been re- ceived to locate dogs lost during the explosions at the ahell-loading plant at Morgan. Intho agent's fund abal- ance of $5.25 was reported. .'V • Twentynlno members were present at'tne'mffoUng^^Fonownig" Tfie^Tbua^ abundance of delicious refreshments and a delightful-period of sociability was enjoyed. The home was prettily - decorated for the occasion in -the national "colors;" ~~ ~~ ™~~j That even the dumb animals have Como - to rocogni zo-that" kindnesa^aod protection emanate—Xrom the Jhead— .quartors of the society wfltS* indicated1. by the fact that during the meeting' a'Stray kitten climbed up at the win- j dow. plaintively mewing. Its cry.-*ms .Quickly hoeded___ and ._aftec=_being_ •wartnGd and' fed the Iittlo feline was tSken to a cozy home. HIGH SCHOOL N^H" eTOry- =".ompletftd t SffllitS^-SW^enrlce will ASOCIO- Preal- flold HIKII School toom, Tto_outcotni ot the contest will docldo the county championship tltlo-And should provo Mr Mills proBiaod. Bralnerd, Lindsay | _ _ ,„ . , , . to/\»M elected bukAbaU manaBor.| Tho Ex*lBU Bamo will be playedBt Tho arrnngvmant ot Uvo boaltotball Rlveniido PorU. Saturday oftornooh. schedule will bo commoncod as j>oon| Many well-known former high school AS *deflnlte~plana aro mado relattva to gridiron - warriors-oxiioct to take iholr the dates whlcU tho Y. M. C. A. court, placa's in the ox-hlgU lino up arid j could be used* _1D an Interview with show - tho undofoatod undorgratiuuies Mr. BurU V.."M. C. A. secretary last 'a..lo,w. points rolatlvo to football The week. Captain HUch.j> was told that llno-up for this game is still unknown HOLMP IS FRUSTRATED "this Question will hnvo to bo left to but sovoral who will certainly be there tho now physical director In order are: Elmer Drown, 'IS. John Moss- man, '18. Harold Border). "17, Carltoh JorioCi'iS, John Nolaon. *17, 'Frod Baaer, tiS.' and , GoorEo Cowlc; ',13. President, Elliott, returned to school *hat the games will not Interfere with tbo gym claE3 schedule. J^tst~yoar~ii~comi3iitt8o was appoint* «d-lo have charge of placing of pic- tures of the High School athletic 1 yesterday after being cjonflnod to his teams on the wall ot tho second floor, home for two weeks-with ah attack of Tbln work has not as yet been com-1 grip. pleted and as tho, committee consisted j Joseph: North, of Battin High School of members oflostyear's class, Presin'spent-Hthe week-ond wIlhT^Frodericlr dOnU Mills appointed u commlttoo Dunham. *20; •> . ~ : ^, including Jack Edgar, '20, - Walter . .—__^ Ritchie. '19, and Bralnerd Undsoy, 10. to attend to this matter. (Continued From Page On«) In ths offorts to traco-the miscreant. It Is bollevod that the mlscreant'know tho money was to bo forwarded at that time. ; '.•"•'- 'hns lnrroli hns Tiniyui!iminBpI6ycanT tho local statloii about fnur wooks and ho Is Uolng comhiokidod today Ullon his coolness and grit. Had tho blow landed that was aimou at his head his skull would probably havo booa frac- tured. , . 1 ./ SPLENDID SOCIAL SUCCESS ' Sock Sociable Oeilnhta Lai-pe Gather- FOR AFTER CARE OF_ INFLUENZA VICTIMS A community committee for the af- ter care of »nfiuenxa Victims Was Friday afternoon 1 chorus practTce was held In tho auditorium under tha direction ot Mr. Thomas.----T-ho tlm'j. was spent in the rahesryng "o"r«hfl j «°"ned Frldaji-night. under the dlroc- Tmrlous sonss to bo sung at the tloh of l^eot B. Myers of tho Atlantic Thanksgiving exercises next Wodnes- Division of the American Rod Cross, day afternoon. Last year Cils^hOrus a t a ttoetlnB held at tha residence of procUce was held ovtrySTlday after-1 Suporlnton( , OIll ot a6hooln w . u noon andMr.,Thomas U tn creat | Uitia no Elmnvonuo . Mr , Myonl hopes ot arranging It to that thUgatn an i ntartM, t , n ^ n ^ B n i h n n t a Laipe Gathe Ingot First Presbyterian .'Church Another highly successful social af- fair was hold at the First Presbyterian •church on Friday evening Under the auspices ot Miss Mildred Ludlow's class ot..(tho. Bible school. It was in the haturo" ot a. sock sociable. An An exceptionally fine program was provided, including the following numbers: Piano solo, Miss Gladys Williams; solo, Ocorgo W. Mingus*. roadiag, Miss Elale Connors; violin solo, William Vaules; Vocal solo. "Last Might." Miss Elizabeth Roop: dlinf. Minn Hnlnn Hop*. Berry,~nS, «Ma visitor ai affllcted by turned home from a stay with reia- - ttw-iin .?!ftalftm,Mfrgff. _those Who,had been in every lo- to the committee and outlined a plan -of-work.— -^— ————- A representative from tha Jewel cry firm of Frank Holt & Co- Newark, "met with the Ring Committee of the Senior class Friday afternoon. Many additional samples were shown but la ,„„„„ noceMary » ft8r<ara wlll _ the ono selected previously had theprovIdoil by tho community Committee A thorough survey will be made ot casos in Rahway and Clark Township, which is tho district covered by tho Rahway Red Cross-Chapter. Where It preference '-The order: tor tho rings will besent Intho flrst of the wook about i acting as scent for the American Red and will probably be finished the end of December. i Mra The .Sophomores are practicing' Cross. Members of tho committee in- clude Mr. and Mrs. William F. Little. Arthur R. Wendell. Mrs. M. F. ^ Qu , MlMAnnIo.'suotwoll. ' schooJ afternoon for th. Thanksgiving t l m l offlcer . „„..„„ p , , ^ act . am-The affair istmderthe ^l- .Tn-g-vTsmSgnu^VrHosith omcor>^d of Miss Roop and Mis. Goetx. M: WUUaIM . w . H . expected to bo a v blg success. I Muriel Pratt of tho Horace Mann . School. Now York City. Was tho "ot Kmhrynjonesj-*«)rovi!r~tho week end. j dent of Board of Health. Mrs. A. D. Broorloy was appointed chairman of the committee. : . \ LETTER OF APPRECIATION _ Thrift Day. Friday, tho members, ot Mr. John A. Sullivan. tho Thrift Club subscribed J71.S5. LChlef, .Fire Department. Piil M i h Principal Myers was ln charge of Runway. N. J. hfr Tariff Ptnmp?. f>*ring to Thft nb-; r-Slrt—fr-^ariah-Uj .tako this up ssnee of Samuel Love, treasurer of portunlty to thank you and tho mem- the organization. " | ters 6f your staff tor your prompt and "Pie" Mantlow. of the United States offlclont work in extinguishing tho fire transport. Georse Washington, is in my home oarly last Friday morning, spending a flveday furlough with his Both Mrs. Cowan and myself reallie parents in 1MB city." The next" trip that considorablo uamage was averted Vantlow takes abroad should bo very byyour timely arrival and we wiBhto interesting as It Is reported that assure you of our sincere apprecia Ereel.dent Wilson intends to make his tion. voyage on tho Gcorgo Washington: I Yours very truly.. A record crowd ls^ expected to __ FRANK P COWAN, ~ travel-.te> PTslriSeld~Thurs3ay morning 28 Essex StreoL ' and witness the struggle between the Rahway High School eleven and Plain- HEAD THE RECORD. nhd Lyr Squie reading. Miss Katherlne Mllnes; solo. "La;Marseillaise." in French, by Miss Roop All nf tho-nunabers—were—par- tlcularly well rendered and the sing- ing-of-the-French-natlonal-airih-tho nativo tongue by Miss Roop captured tho uudlenco by storm. Following tho program refresh- ments were served and a period of de- lightful sociability enjoyed. The af- fair netted over $17. There was a largo attendance. tho members of Miss Ludlow's class, who arranged and carried out the event are: Miss Mildred Ludlqw. teacher: tho Misses Marjorlo Holllngs, Katherino Mtlnos^ Holon Squlflr. Ella Miller". MarlorT"Woodruff," Louise Lao- denborgor, Qraco Hoffman, Hllde- gardo HalUday, Madeline and Mildred! Wakofield. Virginia-.Vaules and Jo- JQPhlne Waltoasplel. • audlence on the- excellent way which ho detailed his experiences. Bn- sign Punchard was scheduled to speak bofore the Brotherhood of the First Baiitist church Sunday morning, but owlns ~tb~a~deroy" Eave~n?Is~adtIrQS3 "In" ulado of tho regular Sunday morning sermon of Pastor Merrill. —.'JBixoollsnt—music -Was— provldod-by tho choir Under tho direction of A. B. Wilson, the feature of which was tho singing of "'To Doum in G," Juan Ai- zamora, Tho solo parts were ad- mirably rendered byMr. Wilson, Mrs. Iluymoiid Potter, the Misses Ruth iRamseyand-Qrace Cornish and a duet! D&rt by Mrs. Potter and Miss Cornish.' Address to Brotherhood. In' tho absonco of the scheduled speaker William Roxby. nddresseoV4ho monibers of the Brotherhood of'Ah- drow and Philip. Ho devoted his at- tohtloh to army Ufa and from It drew rrtany helpful lessons for every day- .Ufa." Ho laid stress Upon the value of discipline and tho spirit-that it form3 in a man's Ufa. Ho oxproaVcd himself as. In favor of * compulsory military; tralnlne for the building up of 0. strong nianhood.-physically and men- tally, but not^ for .military purposes;: iftj-sttitr-thirtr-a—strons~bDdyTnnl"ItBBrr .mind Is necessary for success, in life and that tho training given the young man produced these. , . . Tho yaluo of comradeship and tho lessons .of unselfishness^ learned^ _in_ military life* logothor with the de- velopment of a spirit pArotherlinoss that would bo of great Importance in times of peace w.ero also mentioned •- _" •^VSTEM OF REWARDS Cross arid Crown Method Adopted by First-Presbyterian Bible School—- •At a buBy session of- the. Sunday School Assembly of the FJrst Presby- terian Church hold on Saturday oven- Ing it Was decided to establish the -Cross-and- Crown~ayatem~of-awards-: for faithful -and regular- attendance. This plan will be j>ut into operation ^Jaii._JL VaHous_ Jjlna _ and _bars.__aro^ Used to denote tho length of time that perfect-attendance has boon main- tallied. ~ :- •; 7~~- ;~ T "| There was a discussion of plans for tho obaorvanco of Christmas by the. Bible school. Tho ontoVt'ainmont for tiio boneflt of tho young people will bo held on Thursday evening, Doc. 2G. It Was voted that thoro sjiould. bo no; exchungo of gifts between pupils arid^ "teachora. " Announcement was mnde ' that the Rev. L. Y. Graham, pa3tor, will deliver an.illustrated lecture ap- propriate to the Christmas season on Sunday ov«nihg. Doc. 22. •'?'. I Three..-dolQgates, including Miss Mary Baumgartner, Miss Flora. Gravea und H, J. Prltchard. wre.namKTto" represent the-First church at -tho Union .County. Sunday .School' confor- ohco to be liold this evening at tho T)r,inlty Methodist church, . ;.- •a—roport- tary servico. Ho emphasized the fnct that those at home~Bhould.be worthy of the boys when they returned homo by making the homes .and home town cleaner and better. . ._CRAKEOBr> OOi_FCR3-Wm There was a hotly contested golf match Sunday afternoon at tho Colonia Country. Club, where Donahue and Qownrs. of-Ciuufurd, doleated FrankT and EdwOrd Cooper, of this city, two up and one to go. It Is expected that another match wlU bo arrangedbe- tween these golfers. ~" COLORED GIANTS TO PLAY Tho Rahway Colored Giants will meet Princeton at Prln'coton, Nov. 2S. j Tho Giants expect"to boat them this; year though they lost to them last' year by score ot U-G. Harold HopsW' mailoa'loucliaown for "the-Giantsi In conjunction with two forwards which W&B ^Railway's only scoro. "] Thanks tverylsody g i X J ^ t S (his(year,Jor the Peace with Victory! And you will have further cause for giving 'Mh*nks'' if you heed this "ad" and buy heie on Wednesday as we give 111 per Gent. off oirsttpurcWses shade 3ay, to all our- pa- Economy Day. B ENGEtMAN Dry Goods, Millinery, Soits, Coats, Etc. St. Gcoge W. Mingus, chaiinan of the recent "Village Fair," tho event netted Superintendent I. W. Story presided over " the meeting,' Others present wore:^" "Assistant SupdrrntdifdShT Honry M. Woodruff, Secretary George j Wr Mingus, 'Rev. Ij7~Yr~Graham". pas~ tori Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Coles.'B, J; Prltchard. the Misses .•Emily'.Shot- well,-Lena Sallng, Flora Graves, Abblo Hlllman,- Florence Merrlti, Mary 1 Baumgartnor, Edlih Story, Ada Wood ruff.'^ Harriet Urmston, Maude Mun- drane, Mrs. Charles Bostwlck. Mrs. B. S. Reeves and Mrs. Lee Flero. .._.-. . WILL MANAGE DRUG STORE . Hoyrard Penuieton, the well known druggist, has been appointed manager ot the djug_business formorlyicon- ducted by tire late T. J. Doranatl36 Main street. Mr. Pendloton is fully qualified for.the work. He Is a "regls- many friends In this city wili H be pleased to learn of his return to bus- iness again In—Rahway. and—ait wlsh him every possible success This -drug-store-ia-one-of-the^oldest-in-this part of the estate, having been started In 1856, and has been continuously doing business ever since on the same spot. . • • •• ';.. •• ' ' •• ;• It was established by the late Albert Brown, who was succeeded by his son' George Fox Brown, and upon his death the business was bought by thai late, T. J. Doran. It has been knoWn- for years as the "Old Reliable Drug Store." and every effort will be made by the present management to' main- tain this desirable reputation. , ST. PAUL'S CHURCH NOTES On Thanksgiving Day there will bo one service, at 9.16 a. m. promptly. sureTyTuTmember of this~cSurch~wfu : bo Qbcont, for any c&m •4s. hearts are sofull ot gratitude tn Al- mighty God for peace and victory.. Saturday uolnE the Fesa of St. An- drew, apoaTle ana martyr, the holy communion will be celebrated at 10 j a. m. ., '' s ' The annual parish meeting, tor the' election of a waraen and three vestry-1 men. will be held at the Sunday school'• on Doc: S at 8 p. m. sharp. .1 The Red Cross Unit of St. Paul's Church meets tcday at 130 p. m. and T.SO p. m. at Red Crass Headquarters. . The Advent Call win begin Sunday, Dec 1. anrl rontlniin until nin tn<- ly woman Ot the church will aure- Mdin St. GaodMasicr-rGoad Pictures—Forall the'People. Prices atwjys thi aami— Iftit. 6c? Eve'g. llc-17c TO NIGHT ONLY—2 shows—Belle Bennett in 4 *TheLonejv Woman;' Charl eChaplin in "His Rackless Fling; 1 ' and si comedy with a laugh in every foot of film, u The Politicians Bream." Tb. time nr i of Rnbirny may hnve wen flno nirtnro nr<«1nrl1mi»i nt W«IIB ' ' • ' • md wmnly " " thvr hut tlie eqaitl of the I»I11 o nr<«1n ftttriii'tl»M« li«liijr fflinwn nt tlip 1*yr\p on >inln nrrcct tiilw w*ek lutve n»ver-I*fure lw»n off«r«i) to tlipuftv-jxncrR iinywhere. Ileiid p»r«ftilljr the entire **A«I." mul »««> whiit we httve'ln «tnre for yaii. Reiir In niltMl thnt Tbunkxuiritiu Vtay AMn tli«ntre will lie open from 2 until u p. m.. rumilnjr ronllmMiiiHly owitiu to tlia ifMiirrh nr the prntrnim. It lielns tlie flrst time thnt twelve reelM li:tre liepn pliown yon for lie prii-e of one n«lmli<nlon. Come enrly for rbnli-e fientx nml l* ir 1" mln«i finr prl<^«.ftre nlwnyn tbe Mime. Our i-liulr* are sot wortli apj uitira OD tititaruuya of uollduya than at au^r otber time. Wednesday Night— 7 and 9 o'clock A Vltacrnph nine Kih- Irhe Home Trail Mirm Hhtpmtiu I* one of ttie bewt portrnyem of XVe«tern women now before the ciiniarH. Thin Ij the typo of picture tb.it will niipeul to women. R*e Minn uJftS'w^!,?^^^ big V Corrudy -Wuunddo Hearts." Universal News Weekly , Treat , Continuous Performan-e—Commencing at 2 3C; second show, 5 30; third shnwfl3d Triple Feature Bill, 12 Reels 12 :—, HI ti'ritO^PH hMiSTjFX-O-V *IH" PK A 'I Ut<V:- — "TlTe^I^use.^1 Mirth" ''FRANKLYN''FARNUM ,, Tiitrt fl-pnrt "fenturo 1H olio of ttia licit. tilintopTny« of 1 to kind vet nrndnftMl on«1_j\;«i w i n it V<n>_ tu MCO tiiul wiijoy It iiMirfi:i i iliiit roiiHt-iii tlo not <l«jficrHie It tp , "Paying His Debis." with Pov Sifwart Air onr pirtronri Itnow Mr. Rt«»w«rt nn.l his work In Western 1 * -mi«I tliln plc- ti^ro,lu up to tUoHtmitluvd eMtubUnUeil Uy him. Aifiilu. In iithlltlou it twy-reul - fhariifi Ch?piin in "fl Hotel Mix l^p." - Comedy,..-Everybody knows ChnrHc. Kuff Serf. ' i 1W0 PE'FOR«TANCES : ]>•<•< r«* l*r« H*-nif i l i A I»>i I p. • i K(ar '~. VIOL A DANA *rrhoAr111 t^e- Teineinl»orofl' fqr bor ^omlerful i\orlt In nnnAKniTS AITCAD" ot — tUia.tbeutm auuiu time A^U In u aptr» In! nttnutluu cntitlml --p "fLOWEROF 1HE UUST" METKO OO.MBUY u.\«o A_=L- T Sa'urday Mathpo 3. Evan^g 7*9. Mat 6c. Eve. l i e . 17c ^5 ^ ^ orm^ Talmadge in"Her Onfy Way." »««'Jor for lov »««'J—or for lovo wlt^ u old «tor» nltb u branfl new tnlatl !•• »<l<l!|t<M>— M. •>, | i « - r , H . 1 H |_| n »«I,1H|. FA1TY ARBUCKlEand MABLE OR - In ' Fatly and Mable Adrift." ^. ^?'"^"° tb " """• tb ««'™ ln IWbt^T to book up caarlle CDapMn In bin ncneat relcines nnit If joo win wiltcb onr orta cloBely from time to tlzae we wUl tell TOO what ,ou can expect tosee when Glia r I i plciurn ^Shoulder Arms- to «|IIH ili« tis. ji»Hrii« i impit. it. I.I. ,, oonrt I»yr»<-—•'SttOI Ut r(> . I. 5|> n <i »v U«.tCI.«rll V lueu how tu kill The still Alnrm:" n In efll»bo»naon wia helm? Too .id 5 |rrei.te»t of the itaine plrti raovoment tor women. J B&vocatc ._^ VOL. VIII. SERIAL NO--95U. RAHWAY. UNION COUNTY, N- J , FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 191 a. EIOHT PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 ASS'NJEETING Conference of Union Coonty "Workers is Held at Tiinity HLE. Church OFFICERS CHOSEN, RE- PORTS, OTHER MATIERS »• aa one-ol-Uje : chief features of the conference hold Tuesday .evening under the auspices of^the-Onion County SundajrSchool Association at. Trinlty-r Methodist church, local "arrangements for which : " r1 ^ w~ere~gmao thruu^U President -Ji—S4- ward Tompkina, of the Rahway Sun day. School Union. Tho officers elected are as follows: - President. J. W. A. Smith, Eliia- - beth; - vice-presidents. - Eav-_.W._Kln- -m^-: aolning, Surnm^< and Rev. H. K. Eng- land, Roselle; secretary jand, treasurer. James B. Chuxch. Plalnfleld;. member of SUte committee. C. A. Beemer, Westfleld; alternate. X W. A. Smith. Elizabeth; member of state nominal- ,lng committee, George B. Hall. Plain ' Afield; County Superintendents—Chll dreh's Division, 12 to 18, A. B\ Ken- v nelly. Plainfleld; Senior, 18to 24. O..H. Kobinson. Westfleld: Adult Division. R. M, Moore. Elizabeth; Home De- partment. Mrs. Frances Bach. Plaln- flei; Teachers' Training. 1 Miss Mabel Wilson. Plalnfleld; Missionary Instruc- - : tionv MlssrHarriet-Mattlson.-Plain. field; Temperance Instruction, Rev. J. J. Skaggs. Plalnfleld; Evangelistic, Rev. P. O. Merrill, Rchway; member- Bhip-at-Iarge. William P. Groves, Elizabeth; James P. Johnston, West- Held; Richard P. Greaves, Dunellen, and Rev. W. J. Swaffieid. Plalnfleld ' Thenominating committee consiste . of R. M. Moore. W. F. Groves am Mlaa .Sue-VBlniitinn _ -— Reports presented showed that then are thirty-six Sunday schools on.thi county honor roll, of which numbe: seven havo the full ten-point school " Among these are the Second Presby : terian, Rahway; St. John's Episcopal -and St. James' Methodist. Elizabeth; First Baptist, Seventh Day Baptia' ~~w"m^VrFiraVV"^eityteris5','"'"e91 Tpf Plalnfleld. .j The other twenty-nine B I R C H E S UNITE IN THANKSGIVING SERVICES A Most Impreppiye Service Held in the First jq Presbyterian ChurchForceful Sermon ~~~By Rev* B. S. Crowcroft_ In full accord with the sentiment of the times. Indicative ?f a victorious peace, the triumph ot rir.ht and Justice •DA-ihs-pro»flrvtttlon ct liberty and democracy, the union Thanksgiving service ot thoJedenHlon -of-Charcha^ held at the First Presbyterian church was one of the most Impressive- ser- vices of 1Ukind ever held in this city. The capacity of the church was xed by the great audience and etcery feature ot. the service was particularly jBtttag^^jp the^jingsuaL_coadJHQns_that mark this Thanksglvmg. The church and altar were beautifully and artisti- cally decorated with the national color-S and with flowers. One ot the meritorious features of the service w_aa _ihe organ recital pre- ceding " the~service by' Mrs. Almeth White, which elicited 'many favorable .comments,JVaTlous.;p.atriptlc alrs/war played, American andof the Allies, concluding with the "Star Spangled Banner," followed by "Onward Chrls- tion Soldiers." to_whlch the. vested choir under the leadership of W. marched to their places. The invocation was offered by J^W^-Rydar.-paator-of-Trtalty-SIetho- dlst.church and president of the Fed- eration of Churches. Mayor David H. Trsmbley reaa_President_WUson:» proclamation and made fitting re marks concerning Bie slgntflcancB "of this Thanksgiving. The responsive WEDDINGS MARK THE HOLIDAY liss Etbd Hazley Bride of Martin H<Sry of Jersey City at Pretty Home Wedding MORTON WELCH NUPTIALS Tnere was a pretty wedding cere- mony at 5. o'clock yesterday afternoon at'~the homo of Mr* and Mrs. Jobn Hazley. of 2S New BmnswicS whBr» Uieli daughter. M; ley. became the bride V M Martin .fred Wright, pastor of the' Second Baptist church. An excellent anthem was rendered by the choir with the solo part splendidly sung by Mrs. Mil- ton GaskiU. Prayer was offered by Rev. P. 0. Merrill, pastor of the Wrst BaDtlstjchurch. ' Tho sermon was delivered by Rov B. 3. Crowcrott. pastor of -the First Methodist church. Rev. CTT THANKSGIVING AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Patriotic Military Features Mark Observance of the Day in High School—Programs at Grammar Schools -Those Taking Part Patriotic military features Inter- man, Poster Cramor and Harold mingled with the Thanksgiving sonti- Moler; Pilerim women, the Misses ment made the obseryanco ot the Marjorio Co&so, Elizabeth Lukena. Anno,-Conrad and Alma_l4edka^_ln- rmnn, Adnlph flnan MISCELLANEOOS HATTERS REPORTS; Etc. ithe boat programs! wald. Robert Carson, Prank Waiters, Too! tho Mlaaos Sophia Hanson,—Marie program at tho high school auditorium Riazak; Pilgrim child. Miss ^ Anna wua. particularly effectivol Instead off | Iaonbertf. having the- customary address by an TThe MnlraT~Hgur<rtn~HilB~BtrJlrJng i U M l C l b l 4 i b l p devoted to tableaus demonstratlne! represented by Miss Marjorlo Hol- (Continued oh PUPILS BUYERS PASSENGER HAS SKULL BROKEN Public Schools Make Remark- able Showing in Paichase ol Thrift Stamps SUPERINTENDENT'SAND OTHER REPORTS That the Rahway public schools are making a remarkable showing in the purchase of Thrift stamps was a mat- ter that received attention In the monthly report of Superintendent of Schools W.-BV Little presented at the meeting of the Board ot Educationon Tueaday_ evening. week, tie Schbois h saved by this method/ about $13,000 At the end of the h^3" contriDuiredT pr various schools as follows:' . Clubs M'bs .... 7 206 ,.;. 5 .-116 .... 9 -173 ~~ 8 157 .!.. 1 294 Lincoln ' . -y Franklin ... Columbian . Washington 'High Total J2S86.06 113G.09 -^366.82 4466.97 30 j ervof~tBe~dnvo"tor the,"was~obtaTned^fr6m' BcEoBIsoir-the-honor-roll-havo seven Thisamount Isaportlonod among the or more points. The Trinity Metho- dist and First Baptist schools, of this city 1 , nave 9i4 points each, while the First Presbyterian has 7%points. .General Secretary Isaac B. Burgess of the Now" Jersey Sunday "School As- sociation, in behalf of tho State or- ganization preaented the countv union a flag in honor of the fact that.they ber for the total membersbip of the county. The flag was received in be- holf of the county union by President J, W. 3L Smith and Secretary James B. Church, each of whom made fitting remarks. The president and secretary also made timely remarks regarding the work aid condition of the county "union. •/ ' ,. • • ' ' • ; • There Was a brief and stirring ad- drp" hy irmrmral Secretary Burgess relative to "How the Sunday school ^an be made attractive to the soldier boys' when they return." Three points PrD'Adarrio ofW. Street Fatally Injured in A- ~lightinj from Trolley Car Jr.. of 27 Vroom street. Jer- sey City. The ceremony was per- formed ln the presence of immediate friends by tho Rev. J. W. Ryder, pastor of Trinity Methodist church. The bridesmaid was Mlsa Kathortne Thoden, of Bayonno, while the best man was Petor"HealeyT o brother of tho bridegroom. To the strains of tho wedding march 1 by Mark IIow- HOW TBE ACCIDENT HAPPENED NOT KN3WN Injuries received in aligbtlnE from a trolley carat tha corner' 1 of Grand .and Fomoto streets caused the death of Pa3quale D'Adarrio aged 65, of 255 West Grand street, at j|be Rabway Hospital yesterday afternoon. The ac- cident occured about 5.35 o'clock TUBS axd. of Linden, the bridal partyas- sumed their places. The bride was given in marriage by Jier father^ At the close of the ceremony another march was played by Mr. Howard. The bride was attractively attired in_gray_georgette. dalntUy trimmed, and^ carried a bouquet of -white chrys- anthemums. Thebridesmaid wore a pretty gOwn of blue georgette and also carried a beautiful bouquet of chrysanihemumsT - .'Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was enjoyed and reception held, after which Mr. and Mrs, Healey loft for a short wedding trip. They wlll make their home In Jersey City. Tho homo was artistically decorated for tha function inthe national colors and with a profusion ot flowers. Among, those present were: Mr. and: Mrs. Martin Healey. _Sr.._J;he_ Misses.Miriam and Anna Healey, Peter Healey.. Mrs. J. Crossett, Miss Char- historical scenes ot colonial days. Tho tableaus were divided into twoacts, with.numerous scenes. ..The- first part was devoted to illustrating tho Pil- grims' ThanV-«*lving. » nile the second act dealt with"the pr^jont day celebra- tion, The stage setting and costumes added~conslderably to the attractive- ness and effect of the tableaus. lu the first scene the landing of the lings, with a sultablo background of .the national colors. Tho 'socond *Bc£ffB showod the same characters and rep- roaonted the Pilgrims' harvoit- Tbo third scono 'omphaalzod tho friendli- neaa betweon tho whites and Indians, who wero grouped, about an ingenious- ly arranged camp fire. In the second act descriptive of the present day Thanksgiving UnclO Sam, PHgr'uur~was luiiieauuUid.—Tha-castrrepresented by Wildor Included:. Pilgrim men. Joseph Hoff- iConttnued on F>tfO a LETTERS FROM BOYS-OVERSEAS Corporal Cowios WonridedrSer- ^Icant Stewart Gassed, Several Others Reported Safe NEWS OF RAHWAY BOYS ANXIOUSLY AWAITED In a letter dated Nov. 0. Just re- lieaxey. aara. •>. ^rwowiik, »«» ^ lotto Croasett, Mrs. John NImon. of colved_by_jars. Annio Cowlns. of Jersey City; MlssKathertne Thoden, Union street, from her-sont-CtfrpornI Bayonne; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hazley. p o witt M. Cowlna. of ComBany-iA. Woeo.uahic"~ Park; Miss Blizabeth 3 i llo infantry, information is given d Di Goodall, the Mlsece'Elysla and Doris wounded and is In Hazley. Now York Clty;--Mark.How^ BMeHosplta j>i 0r .ci.c31is letter.re-, d M J W ARGANDMITES - AR^ACTIVE Plans Made for Christmas Cele- bration, Election of Officers and Other Events WILLENTERTAIN SOLDIERS AT IL OP CHUT Further plans for the Christmas en tortalnmfint for .the tholr families were 'members mode Tuesda: y ard. Linden; Rev and Mrs. J. W. day afternoon. Just how it happened^ _Rydor, Miss Lillian Christopher. Mr. I wor( j s; Is not known. Whether theT victim! ana Mrs.^ John" Hazloy, tno^MIasesr ^g^r matter in the folowlng Jumpod from the car before it stopped. Elizabeth whether be *was .accitlentally crowdecf off and lost his hold before he In- tended to alight cannot be definitely ascertained. , ' D'AdarHo was picked up In an nn- _consclQU9:Condltion^andiwas. .taken .to Hazel Belli bt this city. Morton—Welch. Frances, Lucy and By the lime t reached^ the front I was used to the racket and when wo went over the top I "had~absbluiely no -fear,of artillery or jnachlno guns. When X heard a shell coming near I An attractive home" wedding took Blmp)y dropped to the ground almost place on Wednesday evening at 7 ,fuiuauiacaliy and wh en tho sheU bad 'ltattbe resldenceof M r a n d ^ ^ ^ resldenceof Mr. Hildebrandfs, where ho was attended ( Mrs. William J. Robinson, of 24 Ful- fwnoIe n,ind Beemed to bo on seeing ton street, whore her daughter. Mlsa ^ fl patUng a fln|8h tohim. by Dr. O. L. Orton and rushed to the hospital. He remained unconscious - 946 J12889.17 j until his death, therefore no statement ~tBe~dnvo"tor the"~btTd^f6m'"^^hlnir~HIs"sTcull sTcull United War Work Campaign our schools again made a splendid show- ing. They have pledged amongthe various schools as follows! —. Received $ 97.90 47.77 63.10 Lincoln Franklin Pledged _..* 270.75 ....... 178.49 Columbian . Washington High ..... . 172.90 173.89 1466.75 was badly fractured. The victim. had been a resident of this city for about seven .months, and had been employed by Contractor W. H. Wefdon during that time. He leaves a widow, one daughter and one sister .in Italy. His son. Carmen, is serving with U. S. troops in Franco, while one 60.961 daughter, Mrs. Adelina Golleul lives 92.83 n , May Welch, became the brido of Charles Jessup Morton, ot 163 Law- It this mannor that I went for- fln(U]y gQl flfty y a r d B ovenlng- at tho mooiini; of Rahwa Council, No. 884. Royal Arcanum. This event will take place on Frida ovenlngv~pec._20. Tho commlttoo charge" consists of Maurice Chaille chairman; John Boao. A.-D. Mans- Hold and Frederick Scbell. COMMISSIONERS AGAiHlSACREE ify Attorneyship and Oliver Co.'s Proposition Antago- nized by Forcer Claiming that Commissioner Ara&~ trong Is not legally the city attormij- Commissioner Fnrber at the meeting f tho Beard ot Commissioners this mornlng approving, 'io bond of Assessor Jooa \V. Har; I. simply because Mr. Armstrong JL approved It despite ttu» uu;t that the latter is Commisslonar of Revenue and Fin unco. A. sharp diapato about the stilus of ti» city attomeyabip ensued. Commls- aioner- Furber said that Mr. Ana- strong could not act as city attnmey- accordlng wto~ law* and that his resist nation from the position had already given.' 'To this mug replied thAt been accepted andthat he Is still d* facto attorney. He put tho Question directly to Mr. Fnrber as to whether these tacts andcircumstances did not make himdo facto attorney and Ma. Furber would not make a direct r»* ply, evadlng'by further reference to> the law that^ho could not be attomer* Upon motion of Mayor Trembley th* bond of Mr» Horriman waa'&pprpveoV' Mr.' Furber voting against It. •There was further, discussion of thtt proposition tor a city yard. The mat*- tor of the leasing or purchase of tha S. R. Farrlngton place inGrand street bad beonMaid on the table from previ- ous mcetlnif. Mayor Trembtay asksd that tho deBnito action onthe project bo delayed another.week as he wanted tlroo. to investigate fully the tlon of-thttdty-stablca An invitation was received and or Armstrong sold that 'JO jai/an- , other . propoaltioa from tne ; oAfsy ^ Company, which would permit t-_ use of tbo aiding and coal pockeL £ft said that this would cwrraU the banoV Jlnj; of coal and atone *t very llttl» expenso saving the oxnenso . of un- loading In tho ordinary way. Tn» rental of this privilege would be 913 per month. Mr. Armstrong said that tbo coinpdny. .aadj agreed to' put thm~ proposition In wflOng." ... the Arcanum lodges to be held wltb| Fircsldo Council. Westneld. Tuesday evening. Doc. 17.; Tbe original plan tosend Christmas Sifts to the soldier boys was aban- doned and in place of this plan it was" decided to give tho boys a reception when tney return home. An interest: ing letter was received from Attorney one. of tho least of the troubles and that tbe city hones could not be pat ln the coal pockets "The use of on* peckot if that is all we could get* proposition carries yard privileges. One - pocket cirald only ba used (or atono or cool.' You cannot dump on* / ~ formed by the Rev. P. G. Merrill, pas- tor of the First Baptist church. Tne matron of honor was Mrs.. Rich- ard F. Horton, of Union street, a sister O! Samuel R. Morton, of tbo 153 Depot. Brigade! Camp Dix. a brother of tne _^ bridegroom, was best man. "-- % -"'~' oTieveral'm ahead of the rest of the line we stopped behind a thin screen' of bushes to wait for them and take a i other. It has no comparison Horton. oi umon «™«j. » |ook around. It was Just beginning f the bride, while Corporal ^ ^ 1IghL cmaauaiint officer who was mo to do a UtUe „,„, rt , •">»>£*»! 8cout work {or blm _ , j ^ }Mt speaker: First, that the schools get In tminh with the boys where they are If- they have not already done so; , frrt"w what they are doing and J2262.78 JS52.6S The majority of thev pledges of the pupils will be paid by money which they earn,—HejulM Uos Uiu talua—ot their contributions; it 'not only -teaches-.tte_pnj)U_JhV«P.Mt_of sacri- fice, but the idea"-df Industry--mnd become familiar with what they, have accomplished; third, make religion as simple as we know how." Around these three points General Secretary Burgess built up a forceful address replete with valuable suggestions for more efficient work in. the Sunday , schools. : He showed that the soldier boya had . been living true religion in their orosity. hnmllity and self aacriflce In ; tho - great causes for which they 'struggled. To approach men ^bf ttiis typo with the mere technical question of "Are you,saved?" would be a seri- ous mistake, the s: __nrged_tliat they a! religion Is. so BtrmiRtU aud Tlrill thought and "ushown that needsTholr onnnrtonltlO. service and Referring to other patriotic work done by Ihe pupils Mr. Little said: "During the past year they nave ren- dered much valuable service By way of various 'contributions, and it 1B a (ContlfUMd en Pas* 7> ENJOYABLE -f^RAW RIDE Following a delightful straw ride through the surrounding country a merry party of young fplks bad 'a pleasant social time- at the home of Miss Olive MeVIcar, of 9 West Hazel wood avenue, Wednesday evening. A pleasing program of social diversions j was earrled-out. Among those prea -entrare- _The J«sse» Agnes Stowart, Irene Hollingshead. Vadelina- Qaso needs the. best manhood and-wOman hood of the country to solve the -problems ana mnkfi tha sacrifices that are to bo demanded of America in the reconstruction of the world. He snowed tnat Europe and western. Asia have been thrown open as never be- . _fore andthat the.opportunity andjre- sponBlblllty Is America's to helpthe ontibro world. in New'York. Mr. D'Adarrio boarded nt"th'n homB-otJE'eorl,apBenl.:.ot_ii2S4_ried a_bonqnet of whlte^ctar«antti^ West Grand street. charmingly gowned In brideg, £ 8cout work {or blm _ , j ^ }Mt u^^ was handsomely dressed IndarkvWue pacfc ^j WMlooking over a broadcloth prettily trimmed and-car-, ^ ^ WEDDING RECEPTION In calbratiuu uf theli utmut ^ ding Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, of 224 Main street, were guests of honor at a reception held~ai"the" home of the predomlnftDhgcoTOMj Mr. andMrs. Alexander Davis, 28 ^ n p o n M(lM )n the tide and made me mums. Th>rnatron bT - H o n o f - W ^ ^ ^ ^ A l8wmlnuten ialer ono French serge trimmed with black fnr ~*. ylulc ehi "• "•- ' voanaB uairled- The home was beautifully, with flowers, pink and white ^ i hours later re I was Rahway Council. He participated In, some of the severe straggle* In Ar- gonno forest and says bo (till pos- sesses the watch presented him by the council, which has rendered him valuable service.. PEACEMAKER BEATEN After separating an Italian and a colored boy, about 6 or 1 years old. who were fighting Wednesday, Mrs. of; JSsst'Qrami by tbe Italian seo why It should bo allowed to inter- fero. Mayor Trcmbloy'a reqnoat that It bs> laid over another week was adopted. Miscellaneous Matters No* action was taken in regard to tho purchase of a snow plow to fast used ln the city streets. Mr. Farter stated that the engineer had- reported e Baker plow coating 1200 ha* of. but la'beta* Commerce street, Wednesday evening. A fine program of music, dancing and a splendid collation made the evening delightful for all. The home and dfnihg~table~ were "handsomely'" decor- ated in the national colors. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vatter and son. Leonard, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hallday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Voorhles. Mr. and Mrs. John Remor, Mr. and Mrs. William Metbourn, Mr. and Mrs. William Philllpp. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allander. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strnber, Mr and Mrs. William White. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melboqrn, Mr. John Melbonrn. Mrs. Mae M«y Voorhi>a;.Harry_Ja: After the ceremony reception which a few ; lay whi then with assistance walked to the_rear." A letter received today by Miss and <|Uo<lt Wilson is well alone in yean while, dinner, was. served Mr. and Mrs. Morton left for a short | wedding trip and win reside In Bah- of WestjQrand contains detaU. of tha , pJeM Batt aiion. His way upon their return.^ They were ^^ u ^ thow% the recipients of a goodly number of --•*!*&-• valable gifts. ' Mr. Morton Is at the New ance made by the American. forces is a well-known meraber Eagles and born In Greenpotnt, V. L U a nativo of High Bridge. Both have been residents of this city for] .** ..^ j— ^*—* «# «v<A«,jia aon many years and have ahost of friends •wno extend congrmXnlatlons and best ^ i v e d yerterdsy b, Mr. wishes.'.. ; . A i n z the' guests ware: Mr. and lira;-Riehard P. Horton, Mr_ond-Jdrm. Clara. IftH. Regina „„..-..=.-_„.^_^WlHlani^btasrm. Wullam^obinson, berg. Miss, Bertha Melboornj.Elmer Jr, Mrs..A,,J. PlaplmSk. Mr. and Mrs. terace, show that their sons. Lester "and "Reginald," were" Tibth safe^ "and well on Nov. 4. Lester is ia the 16th Division and Reginald lir the 78th. Mr. and Mra. BamnM conceivable for-using ln city streets. Mrs. Zullo to 30. The Zullo boy ran' Acomnnmlcatlon was recerwd tros> into the hon« and iold hi. mother Stantort OU Company annoanctn* plans to resume sale of road oil ana that Mrs. Wilson had held him while. 3k. nnlvthjc same by preasnTw fined Mrs. Zullo $50 for disorderly con- mimioae ' dqct- He commended Mrs. WUaon for flopping the boys OghUog and sarero-- ly reprimanded Mrs. Zollo for her wholly unwarranted attack. SALE FOR WORTHY. OBJECTS Rebecca Cornell Chapter. 0. A. R-. will bold a sale of nsefnl and fancy articles, on Tuesday. Dec »i at 130 a resolution providing for a duplicate. , p. m. at th« raaldence of Regent Mra.t irarraiit for the payment pf fSSSO P. W. Langstroth. Il« West MUtoo Chief of Police Ramsey, the origins* avenue. Proceeds win distributed warrant having beea lost or. mlataW of streets. Commissioner Fnrber reported twa> breaks In the water mttlna.: Ttuv were in Hamilton street and in SU George avenue near Central avenast- Thsre was another, break tha first at tho week In Jaaues avenue naiac Hazelwood avennc^ - • Commlsxioncr Armatronc ^reaentast tor hospital and war needs. [ by the chief. Payment haa Union suwet^have a letter dated NOT. few I stopped os the original warrant. . Seojamln Pachman of the TJ. 8. other reaotoUoa by " "—*- Grube. Sadie Barteli Jennie Brown.} JMrs_Mj^riTO_Morrls, four soldler_boys.|. Rahway Council Davis, Mr. and Mrs Alexander provide the 1 Sfroni son. James LaBar. telling wltb . Mrs. ABBS, twest^s** Including Edward Brennan, of New, entertainment-for the soldier boys at ( Orleans, Jack Olson, ""Wisconsin, I Colonia at the Knights -of Columbus Eugene Taylor, also Robert Connolly, j recreation hut on Monday evening. Joseph Klernan, Leslie Eadie and Bob-1 Dec 2. ' ' Two applications were received and four candidates were initiated. -The election of officers win be held at the next meeting. Dec S0i__w.. ,_ - . ... ; Jwmw , J. ert SEophens. •I . POLICE CASES | James Catfrw. 48* « 1 2 Wan street.: Newark and Michael Kane 42. Bay- President Wilson and His Wat Cabinet—Special Group Photograph, .'.Beady to-Erame-JWlth Next Sunday's AN^^fcaTgBst-Tdrculatlon 4n-^» w ^ vv.~«> .—. - - America-1.02M09 Last Sunday.—j Judge Dey In police court today. Caff arrested yesterday to Main 1 . My Three Years of German Slavery ,. »u=»,. by Offlcer William Klnneally I A. French Countess' Experiences Inlfor being -druaiv was arraigned before "With German Office™, Next Sandals AMERICAN—Largest Circulation ln -&n»rrea--1.038.16»-fcasi Sunday—Ad*. ay Miss Mildred Jones, of Mew Brnnswlck. and Mr. and Mrs. John Cosine, New York CHy. I tack of : lifina- Una.—Tala 106 Hamilton i t r w l leaves tor the'-Mrs. Oeorc V. MllUr. I Bryan* t*r- l Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Reeves, of 48 West Harelwood, avmne, spent the holloay among Brooklyn friends. American Millionaire OT German hostUltles cease£ Corporal Elsworth O. TerrHI. son of Mrs. EUiabeth TerrtlL 66 tJnion He was well and uninjured at that ttme. He tells of a Hun sniper who narrowly missed htmas be emerged street. who received twenty-six j from his dugout one day. The last wosnds on AUK. 21, IS nowat .'the' letter from Percy Miller was dated hospital eatabtuhed at the~'former | Oct. 30. He waa~aS right at that Oreenhnt stars buildin*. NewYork time. Mrs. Theodore Landeaberscr, ot O e t City, and expects to come to the Spy? Which Wins the Girl? Read Colonia Hospital within a week. It George Glbb's Masterpiece ln 8un-| wttl be aix months before he has the " ta of one of hlsjlmbs. Several letters- arrlvwd yesterday AMEBICAN—L«rgort Clrcnla-ll tion In America—1.028,108 Last Sun-1 Seminary avenue, received a tetter today from ber brother. Attorney AdolpbTTCTIbfich. dittd Nov. 12, tatltns; udajfor fostrtit employes. City Clerk Lamber sauttmncml uas. at the next maetlns; the < newal ot Ueeuea. A mottos was offered, by Majar - Tnsmbley (or the- holdmg ot Ilka. a i s » ing next week on FrMay mandas. stfc. Porbor stated that bad two coot ~ (Cvattaawl Pan* (hat he Is well and baa been rwo-t Circulation IITAn Marshal VOCB Souvenir! etsht-pase Oravaxw SecrJaa) o* derfolly tntmrasUBf; Pboto«nphs Next SondarTi AMERICAW^-Lark**- =ni ^_ .frow JUentejL Miner,_son of Mr. androoted to sergeant. - \

The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P

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Page 1: The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P

Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5.



Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8


The EmpireTelephone 350-P. V RALPH WOOtfWAFD,

:TGDAYBessie LoVe


"The Great Adventure"M l - » JLnv* i i n n f l . . r • ,)*• t>-«t , . . V # M I «.f « l l i ' h ' X o 1 ' U y

C i i e e r a n d < u « x l i l h « . i c u l l w h o s u e b a r ;

Ruth Roland

Hands Up"The Fatal Jewels"



Bessie Barriscale

"Satan's Faivn"

Ofjitiat War News

Pathe Travelogue


In my Second Million Dollar Picture

• . \

See h~6w OliiirHo gota oveii with tlio "Cootie**"

Shifting Sands"The Price of Folly*3


Ruth Roland«&-•

Natural Colored: in"The Vezere Vatiey, France

Hearst Pathc News




7 Night8.15

All Seats 17c


(Continued Prom PSQ* OsaV--him squads of German aoldlers wouldvisit a small vlllago or town anddrivo o(f. every man who could bofound for military service." They didnot evon take the formality of con-scription. This action was also takenmany times against women wantedfor war work. . -—• - \

That the lives of the men on thoBoaufort hung by a slender thread ofchanco was Indicated by another In-cident He said that an Allied minehad broken loose from Its moorings onono occasion and was carried, by thoUdo along the entire side of tho veodolwithout explosion, the contact pointsnot striking with sufficient force tooxplodo the mine A Norwegian shipWas close to the Beaufort and beforeIt could be warned of tho proximityof tho mine It struck the Norwegianboat and exploded killing six of thomen.

Uu QDlnS-&grQiind.o_Tiwa JbiK_tficK-dQrr_ing a submarine attack was anotherstirring ~scona~dspictod—by~~EnsignrPun chard, who showed how the boatWati Onally floated and taken to port

Jwlthout. being sunk orcapturod by thosubmarine. In from three to fiveminutes ho said the Beaufort hadre-celvod responses T6 Its calls for helpfrom - pairoi—boata—and—warships—formany miles along the French coast.

Ho was In London during a Germanair raid and told .of.the thrills experi-enced watching the aortal attack andtho play of* the great searchlights ontho bombingL.aIr.3hipa7-ahd_thp-EnglIflhflying corps rising to attack and driveoff tho invaders/

A number of humorous incidentsw®T_° __do?_cr!P*& byjEns|gn j^uncharjgiving variety and" eplce to the talk.He was warmly complimented by the


(Continued From Pag* One). Excellent reports were presented bySccrbtiiry" MlsafSaraT MeilcTC~Treaarturor. Mrs. Charles Allotb and Police'Agant MJusMay H. Macann. "Thetreasurer's report indicated a balanceof $32 53 after tho bills approved dur-

tho meeting were paid. TTIG ro*


in-port of Miss Macann, police * agent,showed much, activity slnco thq previ-ous meeting. -Homes were found fortwo cats and ton dogs, two dogs andone cat executed by police, four casesInvestigated, seven complaints towhich no attention was paid, warn'Ings Issued lev eight, letters of -warn-ing twelve, first aid to horses, two.Two dogs were reported killed byvehicles. Miss l^acann -stated thattwenty-seven requests had been re-ceived to locate dogs lost during theexplosions at the ahell-loading plantat Morgan. In tho agent's fund a bal-ance of $5.25 was reported. .'V •

Twentynlno members were presentat'tne'mffoUng^^Fonownig" Tfie Tbua

abundance o f delicious refreshmentsand a delightful-period of sociabilitywas enjoyed. The home was prettily -decorated for the occasion in - t h enational "colors;" ~~ ~~ ™ ~ ~ j

That even the dumb animals haveComo - to rocogni zo-that" kindnesa^aodprotection emanate—Xrom the Jhead—.quartors of the society wfltS* indicated1.by the fact that during the meeting'a'Stray kitten climbed up at the win- jdow. plaintively mewing. Its cry.-*ms.Quickly hoeded___ and ._aftec=_being_•wartnGd and' fed the Iittlo feline wastSken to a cozy home.

HIGH SCHOOL N^H" eTOry-=".ompletftd t

SffllitS^-SW^enrlce will ASOCIO-Preal-

flold HIKII School toom, Tto_outcotniot the contest will docldo the countychampionship tltlo-And should provo

Mr Mills proBiaod. Bralnerd, Lindsay | _ _ ,„ . , , .to/\»M elected bukAbaU manaBor.| Tho Ex*lBU Bamo will be played Bt

Tho arrnngvmant ot Uvo boaltotball Rlveniido PorU. Saturday oftornooh.schedule will bo commoncod as j>oon| Many well-known former high schoolAS *deflnlte~plana aro mado relattva to gridiron - warriors-oxiioct to take iholrthe dates whlcU tho Y. M. C. A. court, placa's in the ox-hlgU lino up arid jcould be used* _1D an Interview with show - tho undofoatod undorgratiuuiesMr. BurU V.."M. C. A. secretary last 'a..lo,w. points rolatlvo to football Theweek. Captain HUch.j> was told that llno-up for this game is still unknown


"this Question will hnvo to bo left to but sovoral who will certainly be theretho now physical director In order are: Elmer Drown, 'IS. John Moss-

man, '18. Harold Border). "17, CarltohJorioCi'iS, John Nolaon. *17, 'FrodBaaer, tiS.' and , GoorEo Cowlc; ',13.

President, Elliott, returned to school

*hat the games will not Interfere withtbo gym claE3 schedule.

J^tst~yoar~ii~comi3iitt8o was appoint*«d-lo have charge of placing of pic-tures of the High School athletic 1 yesterday after being cjonflnod to histeams on the wall ot tho second floor, home for two weeks-with ah attack ofTbln work has not as yet been com-1 grip.pleted and as tho, committee consisted j Joseph: North, of Battin High School

— of members oflostyear's class, Presin'spent-Hthe week-ond wIlhT^FrodericlrdOnU Mills appointed u commlttoo • Dunham. *20; •> . ~ : ,

including Jack Edgar, '20, - Walter . .—__^Ritchie. '19, and Bralnerd Undsoy, 10.to attend to this matter.

(Continued From Page On«)In ths offorts to traco-the miscreant.It Is bollevod that the mlscreant'knowtho money was to bo forwarded atthat time. ; ' . •"•'-

'hnslnrroli hns Tiniyui!iminBpI6ycanTtho local statloii about fnur wooks andho Is Uolng comhiokidod today Ullon hiscoolness and grit. Had tho blowlanded that was aimou at his head hisskull would probably havo booa frac-tured. , . 1 ./


Sock Sociable Oeilnhta Lai-pe Gather-


A community committee for the af-ter care of »nfiuenxa Victims Was

Friday afternoon1 chorus practTcewas held In tho auditorium under thadirection ot Mr. Thomas.----T-ho tlm'j.was spent in the rahesryng "o"r«hfl j «°"ned Frldaji-night. under the dlroc-Tmrlous sonss to bo sung at the tloh of l eot B. Myers of tho AtlanticThanksgiving exercises next Wodnes- Division of the American Rod Cross,day afternoon. Last year Cils^hOrus a t a ttoetlnB h e l d a t t h a residence ofprocUce was held ovtrySTlday after-1 S u p o r l n t o n ( , O I l l ot a6hooln w . u

noon and Mr.,Thomas U tn creat | Uitia n o E l m n v o n u o . M r , M y o n l

hopes ot arranging It to that thU g a t n a n i n t a r t M , t , n ^ n ^ B n i h n

nta Laipe GatheIngot First Presbyterian .'ChurchAnother highly successful social af-

fair was hold at the First Presbyterian•church on Friday evening Under theauspices ot Miss Mildred Ludlow'sclass ot..(tho. Bible school. It was inthe haturo" ot a. sock sociable. AnAn exceptionally fine program wasprovided, including the followingnumbers: Piano solo, Miss GladysWilliams; solo, Ocorgo W. Mingus*.roadiag, Miss Elale Connors; violinsolo, William Vaules; Vocal solo."Last Might." Miss Elizabeth Roop:dlinf. Minn Hnlnn

Hop*. Berry,~nS, « M a visitor ai a f f l l c t e d b y

turned home from a stay with reia-- ttw-iin .?! ftalftm, Mfrgff.

_those Who,had beenin every lo-

to the committee and outlined a plan-of-work.— -^— ————-

A representative from tha Jewel cryfirm of Frank Holt & Co- Newark,

"met with the Ring Committee of theSenior class Friday afternoon. Manyadditional samples were shown but l a ,„„„„ n o c e M a r y » f t 8 r < a r a w l l l _the ono selected previously had the p r o v I d o i l by tho community Committee

A thorough survey will be made otcasos in Rahway and Clark Township,which is tho district covered by thoRahway Red Cross-Chapter. Where It

preference '-The order: tor tho ringswill be sent In tho flrst of the wook

about i

acting as scent for the American Red

and will probably be finishedthe end of December. i M r a

The .Sophomores are practicing'

Cross. Members of tho committee in-clude Mr. and Mrs. William F. Little.

Arthur R. Wendell. Mrs. M. F.^ Q u , M l M AnnIo.'suotwoll. ' schooJ

afternoon for th. Thanksgiving t l m l o f f l c e r . „ „ . . „ „ p , , ^ a c t .a m - T h e affair istmderthe ^l- .Tn-g-vTsmSgnu^VrHosith omcor>^d

of Miss Roop and Mis. Goetx. M : W U U a I M . w . H .expected to bo avblg success. I

Muriel Pratt of tho Horace Mann. School. Now York City. Was tho

"ot Kmhrynjonesj-*«)rovi!r~thoweek end.

j dent of Board of Health. Mrs. A. D.Broorloy was appointed chairman ofthe committee. : . \

LETTER OF APPRECIATION_ Thrift Day. Friday, tho members, ot Mr. John A. Sullivan.

tho Thrift Club subscribed J71.S5. LChlef, .Fire Department.P i i l M i hPrincipal Myers was ln charge of Runway. N. J.

hfr Tariff Ptnmp?. f>*ring to Thft nb-; r-Slrt—fr- ariah-Uj .tako this upssnee of Samuel Love, treasurer of portunlty to thank you and tho mem-the organization. " | ters 6f your staff tor your prompt and

"Pie" Mantlow. of the United States offlclont work in extinguishing tho firetransport. Georse Washington, is in my home oarly last Friday morning,spending a flveday furlough with his Both Mrs. Cowan and myself reallieparents in 1MB city." The next" trip that considorablo uamage was avertedVantlow takes abroad should bo very by your timely arrival and we wiBh tointeresting as It Is reported that assure you of our sincere appreciaEreel.dent Wilson intends to make his tion.voyage on tho Gcorgo Washington: I Yours very truly..

A record crowd ls^ expected to __ FRANK P COWAN,~ travel-.te> PTslriSeld~Thurs3ay morning 28 Essex StreoL '

and witness the struggle between theRahway High School eleven and Plain- HEAD THE RECORD.

n h d Lyr Squiereading. Miss Katherlne Mllnes; solo."La;Marseillaise." in French, by MissRoop All nf tho-nunabers—were—par-tlcularly well rendered and the sing-ing-of-the-French-natlonal-airih-thonativo tongue by Miss Roop capturedtho uudlenco by storm.

Following tho program refresh-ments were served and a period of de-lightful sociability enjoyed. The af-fair netted over $17. There was alargo attendance.

tho members of Miss Ludlow'sclass, who arranged and carried outthe event are: Miss Mildred Ludlqw.teacher: tho Misses Marjorlo Holllngs,Katherino Mtlnos^ Holon Squlflr. EllaMiller". MarlorT"Woodruff," Louise Lao-denborgor, Qraco Hoffman, Hllde-gardo HalUday, Madeline and Mildred!Wakofield. Virginia-.Vaules and Jo-

JQPhlne Waltoasplel. •

audlence on the- excellent waywhich ho detailed his experiences. Bn-sign Punchard was scheduled to speakbofore the Brotherhood of the FirstBaiitist church Sunday morning, butowlns ~tb~a~deroy" Eave~n?Is~adtIrQS3 "In"ulado of tho regular Sunday morningsermon of Pastor Merrill.—.'JBixoollsnt—music -Was— provldod-bytho choir Under tho direction of A. B.Wilson, the feature of which was thosinging of "'To Doum in G," Juan Ai-zamora, Tho solo parts were ad-mirably rendered by Mr. Wilson, Mrs.Iluymoiid Potter, the Misses RuthiRamseyand-Qrace Cornish and a duet!D&rt by Mrs. Potter and Miss Cornish.'

Address to Brotherhood.In' tho absonco of the scheduled

speaker William Roxby. nddresseoV4homonibers of the Brotherhood of'Ah-drow and Philip. Ho devoted his at-tohtloh to army Ufa and from It drewrrtany helpful lessons for every day-.Ufa." Ho laid stress Upon the value ofdiscipline and tho spirit-that it form3in a man's Ufa. Ho oxproaVcd himselfas. In favor of * compulsory military;tralnlne for the building up of 0.strong nianhood.-physically and men-tally, but not for .military purposes;:iftj-sttitr-thirtr-a—strons~bDdyTnnl"ItBBrr.mind Is necessary for success, in lifeand that tho training given the youngman produced these. , . .

Tho yaluo of comradeship and tholessons .of unselfishness^ learned^ _in_military life* logothor with the de-velopment of a spirit pArotherlinossthat would bo of great Importance intimes of peace w.ero also mentioned


Cross arid Crown Method Adopted byFirst-Presbyterian Bible School—-

•At a buBy session of- the. SundaySchool Assembly of the FJrst Presby-terian Church hold on Saturday oven-Ing it Was decided to establish the

-Cross-and- Crown~ayatem~of-awards-:for faithful -and regular- attendance.This plan will be j>ut into operation

^Jaii._JL VaHous_ Jjlna _ and _bars.__aro^Used to denote tho length of time thatperfect-attendance has boon main-tallied. ~ :- •; 7~~- ;~T"|

There was a discussion of plans fortho obaorvanco of Christmas by the.Bible school. Tho ontoVt'ainmont fortiio boneflt of tho young people will boheld on Thursday evening, Doc. 2G.It Was voted that thoro sjiould. bo no;exchungo of gifts between pupils arid^"teachora. " Announcement was mnde 'that the Rev. L. Y. Graham, pa3tor,will deliver an.illustrated lecture ap-propriate to the Christmas season onSunday ov«nihg. Doc. 22. •'?'. I

Three..-dolQgates, including MissMary Baumgartner, Miss Flora. Graveaund H, J. Prltchard. wre.namKTto"represent the-First church at -thoUnion .County. Sunday .School' confor-ohco to be liold this evening at thoT)r,inlty Methodist church, • . ;.-


tary servico. Ho emphasized the fnctthat those at home~Bhould.be worthyof the boys when they returned homoby making the homes .and home towncleaner and better. .

._CRAKEOBr> OOi_FCR3-WmThere was a hotly contested golf

match Sunday afternoon at tho ColoniaCountry. Club, where Donahue andQownrs. of-Ciuufurd, doleated FrankTand EdwOrd Cooper, of this city, twoup and one to go. It Is expected thatanother match wlU bo arranged be-tween these golfers.

~" COLORED GIANTS TO PLAYTho Rahway Colored Giants will

meet Princeton at Prln'coton, Nov. 2S. jTho Giants expect"to boat them this;year though they lost to them last'year by score ot U-G. Harold HopsW'mailoa'loucliaown for "the-Giantsi Inconjunction with two forwards whichW&B ^Railway's only scoro. "]


tverylsodyg i X J ^ t S (his(year,Jorthe Peace with Victory!

And you will havefurther cause for giving'Mh*nks'' if you heed this"ad" and buy heie on

Wednesdayas we give

111 per Gent.off oirsttpurcWses shade

3ay, to all our- pa-

Economy Day.

B ENGEtMANDry Goods, Millinery,

Soits, Coats, Etc.S t .

Gcoge W. Mingus, chaiinan of therecent "Village Fair," tho event netted

Superintendent I. W. Story presidedover " the meeting,' Others presentwore:^" "Assistant SupdrrntdifdShTHonry M. Woodruff, Secretary George jWr Mingus, 'Rev. Ij7~Yr~Graham". pas~tori Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Coles.'B,J; Prltchard. the Misses .•Emily'.Shot-well,-Lena Sallng, Flora Graves, AbbloHlllman,- Florence Merrlti, Mary1

Baumgartnor, Edlih Story, Ada Woodruff.' Harriet Urmston, Maude Mun-drane, Mrs. Charles Bostwlck. Mrs. B.S. Reeves and Mrs. Lee Flero. .._.-.

. WILL MANAGE DRUG STORE. Hoyrard Penuieton, the well known

druggist, has been appointed managerot the djug_business formorlyicon-ducted by tire late T. J. Doranatl36Main street. Mr. Pendloton is fullyqualified for.the work. He Is a "regls-

many friends In this city wiliH bepleased to learn of his return to bus-iness again In—Rahway. and—aitwlsh him every possible success This

-drug-store-ia-one-of-the^oldest-in-thispart of the estate, having been startedIn 1856, and has been continuouslydoing business ever since on the sames p o t . . • • •• ';.. •• ' ' •• ;•

It was established by the late AlbertBrown, who was succeeded by his son'George Fox Brown, and upon hisdeath the business was bought by thailate, T. J. Doran. It has been knoWn-for years as the "Old Reliable DrugStore." and every effort will be madeby the present management to' main-tain this desirable reputation.

, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH NOTES •On Thanksgiving Day there will bo

one service, at 9.16 a. m. promptly.sureTyTuTmember of this~cSurch~wfu:

bo Qbcont, for any c&m •4s.hearts are so full ot gratitude tn Al-mighty God for peace and victory..

Saturday uolnE the Fesa of St. An-drew, apoaTle ana martyr, the holycommunion will be celebrated at 10 ja. m. • ., ' ' s ' •

The annual parish meeting, tor the'election of a waraen and three vestry-1men. will be held at the Sunday school'•on Doc: S at 8 p. m. sharp. . 1

The Red Cross Unit of St. Paul'sChurch meets tcday at 130 p. m. andT.SO p. m. at Red Crass Headquarters.. The Advent Call win begin Sunday,

Dec 1. anrl rontlniin until nin tn<-

l ywoman Ot the church will aure-

Mdin St.

GaodMasicr-rGoad Pictures—Forall the'People.Prices atwjys thi aami— Iftit. 6c? Eve'g. llc-17c

TO NIGHT ONLY—2 shows—Belle Bennett in4*TheLonejv Woman;' Charl eChaplin in "HisRackless Fling;1' and si comedy with a laugh inevery foot of film, uThe Politicians Bream."

T b .time nr i

of Rnbirny may hnve wen flno nirtnro nr<«1nrl1mi»i nt W«IIB' ' • ' • md w m n l y " "thvr hut tlie eqaitl of the I»I11

o nr<«1nftttriii'tl»M«

li«liijr fflinwn nt tlip 1*yr\p on >inln nrrcct tiilw w*ek lutve n»ver-I*fure lw»noff«r«i) to tlipuftv-jxncrR iinywhere. Ileiid p»r«ftilljr the entire **A«I." mul »««>whiit we httve'ln «tnre for yaii. Reiir In niltMl thnt Tbunkxuiritiu Vtay AMntli«ntre will lie open from 2 until u p. m.. rumilnjr ronllmMiiiHly owitiu to tliaifMiirrh nr the prntrnim. It lielns tlie flrst time thnt twelve reelM li:tre liepnpliown yon for lie prii-e of one n«lmli<nlon. Come enrly for rbnli-e fientx nmll * i r 1" mln«i finr prl<^«.ftre nlwnyn tbe Mime. Our i-liulr* are so t wortli a p juitira OD tititaruuya of uollduya than at au r otber time.

Wednesday Night—7 and 9 o'clock

A Vltacrnph nine Kih-

Irhe HomeTrail

Mirm Hhtpmtiu I* one of ttie bewt portrnyem of XVe«tern women now beforethe ciiniarH. Thin Ij the typo of picture tb.it will niipeul to women. R*e Minn

uJftS'w^!,?^^^big V Corrudy -Wuunddo Hearts." Universal News Weekly

, Treat, Continuous Performan-e—Commencing at 2 3C; second

show, 5 30; third shnw fl 3dTriple Feature Bill, 12 Reels 12:—, HI ti'ritO^PH hMiSTjFX-O-V *IH" PK A 'I Ut<V:- —

"TlTe^I^use.^1 Mirth"' 'FRANKLYN' 'FARNUM ,,

Tiitrt fl-pnrt "fenturo 1H ol io of ttia l i c i t . tilintopTny« of 1 to k i n d v e t nrndnftMlon«1_j\;«i win it V<n>_ tu MCO tiiul wiijoy It iiMirfi:ii iliiit roiiHt-iii tlo n o t <l«jficrHie It tp

, "Paying His Debis." with Pov SifwartAir onr pirtronri Itnow Mr. Rt«»w«rt nn.l his work In Western1* -mi«I tliln plc-

ti^ro,lu up to tUo Htmitluvd eMtubUnUeil Uy him. Aifiilu. In iithlltlou it twy-reul -

fhariifi Ch?piin in "fl Hotel Mix l^p."- Comedy,..-Everybody knows ChnrHc. Kuff Serf. ' i

1W0 PE'FOR«TANCES: ]>•<•< r«* l*r« H*-nif i l i A I»>i I p. • i K ( a r

'~. VIOL A DANA*rrhoAr111 t e- Teineinl»orofl' fqr bor ^omlerful i\orlt In nnnAKniTS AITCAD" ot

— tUia.tbeutm auuiu time A^U In u aptr» In! nttnutluu cntitlml --p


A_=L- T

Sa'urday Mathpo 3. Evan^g 7*9. Mat 6c. Eve. l i e . 17c

^5j£ ^ ^orm^ Talmadge in "Her Onfy Way."

» « « ' J o r for lov»««'J—or for lovo wlt^u old «tor» nltb u branfl new tnlatl!•• »<l<l!|t<M>— M. •>, | i « - r ,H . 1

H | _ | n »«I,1H|. „FA1TY ARBUCKlEand MABLE OR- In ' Fatly and Mable Adrift."

^ . ^?'"^"° t b" """• tb««'™ l n IWbt^T to book upcaarlle CDapMn In bin ncneat relcines nnit If joowin wiltcb onr orta cloBely from time to tlzae we wUltell TOO what ,ou can expect to see when

Glia r I iplciurn

^Shoulder Arms-to «|IIH ili« t i s .

ji»Hrii« i impi t . it. I . I . , , o o n r t

I»yr»<-—•'SttOI Ut r(> . I. 5|> n<i»v U«.tCI.«rll V lueu how tu kill

The still Alnrm:"n In efll»bo»naon wia

helm?Too. id 5

|rrei.te»t of

the itaine


raovoment tor women.




SUNDAY SCHOOL1 ASS'NJEETINGConference of Union Coonty"Workers is Held at Tiinity

HLE. Church


» •aa one-ol-Uje

: chief features of the conference hold

Tuesday .evening under the auspices

of^the-Onion County SundajrSchool

Association at. Trinlty-r Methodistchurch, local "arrangements for which

: "r1^ w~ere~gmao thruu^U President -Ji—S4-ward Tompkina, of the Rahway Sunday. School Union. Tho officers electedare as follows: -

President. J. W. A. Smith, Eliia-- beth; - vice-presidents. - Eav-_.W._Kln-

-m^-:aolning, Surnm^ < and Rev. H. K. Eng-land, Roselle; secretary jand, treasurer.James B. Chuxch. Plalnfleld;. memberof SUte committee. C. A. Beemer,Westfleld; alternate. X W. A. Smith.Elizabeth; member of state nominal-

,lng committee, George B. Hall. Plain' Afield; County Superintendents—Chll

dreh's Division, 12 to 18, A. B\ Ken-v nelly. Plainfleld; Senior, 18to 24. O..H.

Kobinson. Westfleld: Adult Division.R. M, Moore. Elizabeth; Home De-partment. Mrs. Frances Bach. Plaln-flei; Teachers' Training.1 Miss MabelWilson. Plalnfleld; Missionary Instruc-

- : tionv MlssrHarriet-Mattlson.-Plain.field; Temperance Instruction, Rev. J.J. Skaggs. Plalnfleld; Evangelistic,Rev. P. O. Merrill, Rchway; member-Bhip-at-Iarge. William P. Groves,Elizabeth; James P. Johnston, West-Held; Richard P. Greaves, Dunellen,and Rev. W. J. Swaffieid. Plalnfleld

' The nominating committee consiste. of R. M. Moore. W. F. Groves amMlaa .Sue-VBlniitinn _ -—

Reports presented showed that thenare thirty-six Sunday schools on.thicounty honor roll, of which numbe:

• seven havo the full ten-point school" Among these are the Second Presby

: terian, Rahway; St. John's Episcopal- a n d St. James' Methodist. Elizabeth;

First Baptist, Seventh Day Baptia'~~w"m^VrFiraVV"^eityteris5','"'"e91 Tpf

Plalnfleld. .j The other twenty-nine


A Most Impreppiye Service Held in the First jqPresbyterian Church—Forceful Sermon

~~~By Rev* B. S. Crowcroft_

In full accord with the sentimentof the times. Indicative ?f a victoriouspeace, the triumph ot rir.ht and Justice•DA-ihs-pro»flrvtttlon ct liberty and

democracy, the union Thanksgivingservice ot tho JedenHlon -of-Charcha^held at the First Presbyterian churchwas one of the most Impressive- ser-vices of 1U kind ever held in thiscity. The capacity of the church was

xed by the great audience and etceryfeature ot. the service was particularlyjBtttag jp the^jingsuaL_coadJHQns_thatmark this Thanksglvmg. The churchand altar were beautifully and artisti-cally decorated with the nationalcolor-S and with flowers.

One ot the meritorious features ofthe service w_aa _ihe organ recital pre-ceding " the~service by' Mrs. AlmethWhite, which elicited 'many favorable.comments,JVaTlous.;p.atriptlc alrs/warplayed, American and of the Allies,concluding with the "Star Spangled

Banner," followed by "Onward Chrls-tion Soldiers." to_whlch the. vestedchoir under the leadership of W.

marched to their places.The invocation was offered by

J^W^-Rydar.-paator-of-Trtalty-SIetho-dlst.church and president of the Fed-eration of Churches. Mayor DavidH. Trsmbley reaa_President_WUson:»proclamation and made fitting remarks concerning Bie slgntflcancB "ofthis Thanksgiving. The responsive


liss Etbd Hazley Bride ofMartin H<Sry of Jersey City

at Pretty Home Wedding


Tnere was a pretty wedding cere-mony at 5. o'clock yesterday afternoonat'~the homo of Mr* and Mrs. JobnHazley. of 2S New BmnswicSwhBr» Uieli daughter. M;ley. became the bride V MMartin

.fred Wright, pastor of the' SecondBaptist church. An excellent anthemwas rendered by the choir with thesolo part splendidly sung by Mrs. Mil-ton GaskiU. Prayer was offered byRev. P. 0. Merrill, pastor of the WrstBaDtlstjchurch. '

• Tho sermon was delivered by RovB. 3. Crowcrott. pastor of -the FirstMethodist church. Rev. CTT


Patriotic Military Features Mark Observanceof the Day in High School—Programs at

Grammar Schools -Those Taking Part

Patriotic military features Inter- man, Poster Cramor and Haroldmingled with the Thanksgiving sonti- Moler; Pilerim women, the Missesment made the obseryanco ot the Marjorio Co&so, Elizabeth Lukena.

Anno,-Conrad and Alma_l4edka^_ln-rmnn, Adnlph flnan


i the boat programs! wald. Robert Carson, Prank Waiters,Too! tho Mlaaos Sophia Hanson,—Marie

program at tho high school auditorium Riazak; Pilgrim child. Miss ^ Annawua. particularly effectivol Instead off | Iaonbertf.having the- customary address by an TThe MnlraT~Hgur<rtn~HilB~BtrJlrJng

i U M l C l b l 4 i b lpdevoted to tableaus demonstratlne! represented by Miss Marjorlo Hol-

(Continued oh


Public Schools Make Remark-able Showing in Paichase

ol Thrift Stamps


That the Rahway public schools aremaking a remarkable showing in thepurchase of Thrift stamps was a mat-ter that received attention In themonthly report of Superintendent ofSchools W.-BV Little presented at themeeting of the Board ot Education onTueaday_ evening.week, t ie Schbois hsaved by this method/ about $13,000

At the end of theh^3" contriDuiredT pr

various schools as follows:'. Clubs M'bs

. . . . 7 206, . ; . 5 .-116. . . . 9 - 1 7 3~~ 8 157.!.. 1 294

Lincoln ' . -yFranklin . . .Columbian .Washington'High




30 jervof~tBe~dnvo"tor the,"was~obtaTned^fr6m'

BcEoBIsoir-the-honor-roll-havo seven Thisamount Isaportlonod among theor more points. The Trinity Metho-dist and First Baptist schools, of thiscity1, nave 9i4 points each, while theFirst Presbyterian has 7% points.

.General Secretary Isaac B. Burgessof the Now" Jersey Sunday "School As-sociation, in behalf of tho State or-ganization preaented the countv uniona flag in honor of the fact that.they

ber for the total membersbip of thecounty. The flag was received in be-holf of the county union by PresidentJ, W. 3L Smith and Secretary JamesB. Church, each of whom made fittingremarks. The president and secretaryalso made timely remarks regardingthe work aid condition of the county

" u n i o n . •/ ' , . • • • ' ' • ; •

There Was a brief and stirring ad-drp" hy irmrmral Secretary Burgess

• relative to "How the Sunday school^an be made attractive to the soldierboys' when they return." Three points

PrD'Adarrio of W.Street Fatally Injured in A-~lightinj from Trolley Car

Jr.. of 27 Vroom street. Jer-sey City. The ceremony was per-formed ln the presence of immediatefriends by tho Rev. J. W. Ryder,pastor of Trinity Methodist church.The bridesmaid was Mlsa KathortneThoden, of Bayonno, while the bestman was Petor"HealeyT o brother oftho bridegroom.

To the strains of tho wedding march1 by Mark IIow-


Injuries received in aligbtlnE froma trolley car at tha corner'1 of Grand.and Fomoto streets caused the deathof Pa3quale D'Adarrio aged 65, of 255West Grand street, at j|be RabwayHospital yesterday afternoon. The ac-cident occured about 5.35 o'clock TUBS

axd. of Linden, the bridal party as-sumed their places. The bride wasgiven in marriage by Jier father^ Atthe close of the ceremony anothermarch was played by Mr. Howard.

The bride was attractively attiredin_gray_georgette. dalntUy trimmed,and^ carried a bouquet of -white chrys-anthemums. The bridesmaid wore apretty gOwn of blue georgette andalso carried a beautiful bouquet ofchrysanihemumsT- .'Following the ceremony a weddingdinner was enjoyed and reception

held, after which Mr. and Mrs, Healeyloft for a short wedding trip. Theywlll make their home In Jersey City.Tho homo was artistically decoratedfor tha function in the national colorsand with a profusion ot flowers.

Among, those present were: Mr.and: Mrs. Martin Healey. _Sr.._J;he_Misses.Miriam and Anna Healey, PeterHealey.. Mrs. J. Crossett, Miss Char-

historical scenes ot colonial days. Thotableaus were divided into two acts,with.numerous scenes. ..The- first partwas devoted to illustrating tho Pil-grims' ThanV-«*lving. » nile the secondact dealt with"the pr^jont day celebra-tion, The stage setting and costumesadded~conslderably to the attractive-ness and effect of the tableaus.

lu the first scene the landing of the

lings, with a sultablo background of.the national colors. Tho 'socond *Bc£ffBshowod the same characters and rep-roaonted the Pilgrims' harvoit- Tbothird scono 'omphaalzod tho friendli-neaa betweon tho whites and Indians,who wero grouped, about an ingenious-ly arranged camp fire.

In the second act descriptive of thepresent day Thanksgiving UnclO Sam,

PHgr'uur~was luiiieauuUid.—Tha-castrrepresented by WildorIncluded:. Pilgrim men. Joseph Hoff- iConttnued on F>tfOa


Corporal Cowios WonridedrSer-Icant Stewart Gassed, Several

Others Reported Safe


In a letter dated Nov. 0. Just re-lieaxey. aara. •>. rwowiik, » « » ^lotto Croasett, Mrs. John NImon. of colved_by_jars. Annio Cowlns. ofJersey City; MlssKathertne Thoden, Union street, from her-sont-CtfrpornIBayonne; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hazley. powitt M. Cowlna. of ComBany-iA.Woeo.uahic"~ Park; Miss Blizabeth 3 i l l o infantry, information is given

d DiGoodall, the Mlsece'Elysla and Doris wounded and is InHazley. Now York Clty;--Mark.How^BMeHospl taj>i0r .ci.c31is letter.re-,

d M J W


Plans Made for Christmas Cele-bration, Election of Officers

and Other Events


Further plans for the Christmas entortalnmfint for .the

tholr families were

'membersmode Tuesda:

yard. Linden; Rev and Mrs. J. W.

day afternoon. Just how i t happened^ _Rydor, Miss Lillian Christopher. Mr. I w o r ( j s ;

Is not known. Whether theT victim! ana Mrs. John" Hazloy, tno^MIasesr g^r

matter in the folowlng

Jumpod from the car before it stopped. Elizabethwhether be *was .accitlentally crowdecfoff and lost his hold before he In-tended to alight cannot be definitelyascertained. , '

D'AdarHo was picked up In an nn-_consclQU9:Condltion^andiwas. .taken .to

Hazel Belli bt this city.


Frances, Lucy andBy the lime t reached^ the front

I was used to the racket and whenwo went over the top I "had~absbluielyno -fear,of artillery or jnachlno guns.When X heard a shell coming near I

An attractive home" wedding took B l m p ) y d r o p p e d t o the ground almostplace on Wednesday evening at 7 ,fuiuauiacaliy and w h e n tho sheU bad

' l t a t t b e res ldenceof M r a n d ^ ^ ^resldenceof Mr.Hildebrandfs, where ho was attended ( Mrs. William J. Robinson, of 24 Ful- f w n o I e n,ind Beemed to bo on seeing

ton street, whore her daughter. Mlsa ^ fl p a t U n g a fln|8h to him.by Dr. O. L. Orton and rushed to thehospital. He remained unconscious

- 946 J12889.17 j until his death, therefore no statement~ t B e ~ d n v o " t o r t h e " ~ b t T d ^ f 6 m ' " ^ ^ h l n i r ~ H I s " s T c u l lsTcull

United War Work Campaign ourschools again made a splendid show-ing. They have pledged among thevarious schools as follows! —.

Received$ 97.90



Pledged_. .* 270.75

. . . . . . . 178.49Columbian .WashingtonHigh . . . . .

. 172.90173.89


was badly fractured.The victim. had been a resident of

this city for about seven .months, andhad been employed by Contractor W.H. Wefdon during that time. He leavesa widow, one daughter and one sister.in Italy. His son. Carmen, is servingwith U. S. troops in Franco, while one

60.961 daughter, Mrs. Adelina Golleul lives92.83

n ,May Welch, became the brido ofCharles Jessup Morton, ot 163 Law-

Itthis mannor that I went for-

fln(U]y gQl flfty y a r d B

ovenlng- at tho mooiini; of RahwaCouncil, No. 884. Royal Arcanum.

This event will take place on Fridaovenlngv~pec._20. Tho commlttoocharge" consists of Maurice Chaillechairman; John Boao. A.-D. Mans-Hold and Frederick Scbell.

COMMISSIONERSAGAiHlSACREEify Attorneyship and OliverCo.'s Proposition Antago-

nized by Forcer

Claiming that Commissioner Ara&~trong Is not legally the city attormij-

Commissioner Fnrber at the meetingf tho Beard ot Commissioners this

mornlngapproving, ' io bond of Assessor Jooa\V. Har; I. simply because Mr.Armstrong JL approved It despite ttu»uu;t that the latter is Commisslonarof Revenue and Fin unco. A.sharp diapato about the stilus of t i»city attomeyabip ensued. Commls-aioner- Furber said that Mr. Ana-strong could not act as city attnmey-accordlng wto~ law* and that his resistnation from the position had already

given.' 'To thismug replied thAt

been accepted and that he Is still d*facto attorney. He put tho Questiondirectly to Mr. Fnrber as to whetherthese tacts and circumstances did notmake him do facto attorney and Ma.Furber would not make a direct r»*ply, evadlng'by further reference to>the law that^ho could not be attomer*Upon motion of Mayor Trembley th*bond of Mr» Horriman waa'&pprpveoV'Mr.' Furber voting against It.

•There was further, discussion of thttproposition tor a city yard. The mat*-tor of the leasing or purchase of thaS. R. Farrlngton place in Grand streetbad beonMaid on the table from previ-ous mcetlnif. Mayor Trembtay asksdthat tho deBnito action on the projectbo delayed another.week as he wantedtlroo. to investigate fully thetlon of-thttdty-stablca

An invitation was received and

or Armstrong sold that 'JO j a i / a n - ,other . propoaltioa from tne ; oAfsy ^Company, which would permit t-_use of tbo aiding and coal pockeL £ftsaid that this would cwrraU the banoVJlnj; of coal and atone *t very llttl»expenso saving the oxnenso . of un-loading In tho ordinary way. Tn»rental of this privilege would be 913per month. Mr. Armstrong said thattbo coinpdny. .aadj agreed to' put thm~proposition In wflOng." . . .

the Arcanum lodges to be held wltb|Fircsldo Council. Westneld. Tuesdayevening. Doc. 17.;

Tbe original plan to send ChristmasSifts to the soldier boys was aban-doned and in place of this plan it was"decided to give tho boys a receptionwhen tney return home. An interest:ing letter was received from Attorney

one. of tho least of the troubles andthat tbe city hones could not be patln the coal pockets "The use of on*peckot if that is all we could get*

proposition carries yard privileges.One - pocket cirald only ba used (oratono or cool.' You cannot dump on* / ~

formed by the Rev. P. G. Merrill, pas-tor of the First Baptist church.

Tne matron of honor was Mrs.. Rich-ard F. Horton, of Union street, asister O!Samuel R. Morton, of tbo 153 Depot.Brigade! Camp Dix. a brother of tne _^bridegroom, was best man. " - - %-"'~'

oTieveral'mahead of the rest of the line westopped behind a thin screen' ofbushes to wait for them and take a

i other. It has no comparison

Horton. oi umon «™«j. » | o o k around. It was Just beginningf the bride, while Corporal ^ ^ 1 I g h L

cmaauaiint officer who wasm o to do a UtUe

„,„, rt,•">»>£*»! 8 c o u t w o r k {or blm_ , j ^ }Mt

speaker: First, that the schools get Intminh with the boys where they areIf- they have not already done so;

, frrt"w what they are doing and

J2262.78 JS52.6SThe majority of thev pledges of the

pupils will be paid by money whichthey earn,—HejulM Uos Uiu talua—ottheir contributions; it 'not only

-teaches-.tte_pnj)U_JhV«P.Mt_of sacri-fice, but the idea"-df Industry--mnd

become familiar with what they, haveaccomplished; third, make religion assimple as we know how." Aroundthese three points General SecretaryBurgess built up a forceful addressreplete with valuable suggestions for

• more efficient work in. the Sunday, schools.: He showed that the soldier boya had. been living true religion in their

orosity. hnmllity and self aacriflce In; tho - great causes for which they'struggled. To approach men bf ttiis

typo with the mere technical questionof "Are you,saved?" would be a seri-ous mistake, the s:

__nrged_tliat they a!religion Is. soBtrmiRtU aud Tlrill

thought and"ushown that


onnnrtonltlO. service and

Referring to other patriotic workdone by Ihe pupils Mr. Little said:"During the past year they nave ren-dered much valuable service By wayof various 'contributions, and it 1B a

(ContlfUMd en Pas* 7>

ENJOYABLE -f^RAW RIDEFollowing a delightful straw ride

through the surrounding country amerry party of young fplks bad 'apleasant social time- at the home ofMiss Olive MeVIcar, of 9 West Hazelwood avenue, Wednesday evening. Apleasing program of social diversions jwas earrled-out. Among those prea-entrare- _The J«sse» Agnes Stowart,Irene Hollingshead. Vadelina- Qaso

needs the. best manhood and-wOmanhood of the country to solve the

-problems ana mnkfi tha sacrifices thatare to bo demanded of America in thereconstruction of the world. Hesnowed tnat Europe and western. Asiahave been thrown open as never be-

. _fore and that the.opportunity andjre-sponBlblllty Is America's to help theontibro world.

in New'York. Mr. D'Adarrio boardednt"th'n homB-otJE'eorl,apBenl.:.ot_ii2S4_ried a_bonqnet of whlte^ctar«antti^West Grand street.

charmingly gowned In

b r i d e g , £ 8 c o u t w o r k {or blm_ , j ^ }Mt u^^was handsomely dressed In darkvWue p a c f c ^ j W M looking over abroadcloth prettily trimmed and-car-, ^ ^

WEDDING RECEPTIONIn calbratiuu uf theli utmut ^

ding Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, of224 Main street, were guests of honorat a reception held~ai"the" home of the predomlnftDhgcoTOMjMr. and Mrs. Alexander Davis, 28

^ n p o n

M ( l M )n the tide and made memums. Th> rnatron bT -Honof-W ^ ^ ^ A l 8 w mlnuten ialer o n o

French serge trimmed with black fnr ~* .ylulc ehi "• "•- ' voanaB

uairled-The home was beautifully,with flowers, pink and white



hours laterre I was

Rahway Council. He participated In,some of the severe straggle* In Ar-gonno forest and says bo (till pos-sesses the watch presented him bythe council, which has rendered himvaluable service..

PEACEMAKER BEATENAfter separating an Italian and a

colored boy, about 6 or 1 years old.who were fighting Wednesday, Mrs.

of; JSsst'Qramiby tbe Italian

seo why It should bo allowed to inter-fero.

Mayor Trcmbloy'a reqnoat that It bs>laid over another week was adopted.

Miscellaneous MattersNo* action was taken in regard to

tho purchase of a snow plow to fastused ln the city streets. Mr. Farterstated that the engineer had- reported

e Baker plow coating 1200 ha*

of. but la'beta*

Commerce street, Wednesday evening.A fine program of music, dancing anda splendid collation made the eveningdelightful for all. The home anddfnihg~table~ were "handsomely'" decor-ated in the national colors. Thosepresent were: Mr. and Mrs. G. A.Vatter and son. Leonard, of Chicago;Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hallday, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Voorhles. Mr. and Mrs. John Remor,Mr. and Mrs. William Metbourn, Mr.and Mrs. William Philllpp. Mr. andMrs. Lawrence Allander. Mr. and Mrs.Edward Strnber, Mr and Mrs. WilliamWhite. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woods,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melboqrn, Mr.

John Melbonrn. Mrs. MaeM«y Voorhi>a;.Harry_Ja:

After the ceremonyreception

which a few; lay whi

then with assistance walkedto the_rear."

A letter received today by Miss

and<|Uo<ltWilson is well alone in yean while,

dinner, was. servedMr. and Mrs. Morton left for a short |wedding trip and win reside In Bah-

of WestjQrandcontains detaU. of tha

, p J e M Battaiion. Hisway upon their return.^ They were • ^^ u ^ thow%

the recipients of a goodly number of --•*!*&-•valable gifts. '

Mr. Morton Isat the New

ance made by the American. forces

is a well-known meraberEagles andborn In Greenpotnt, V. LU a nativo of High Bridge. Bothhave been residents of this city for] .**

. . ^ j — ^*—* «# «v<A«,jia • a o nmany years and have a host of friends•wno extend congrmXnlatlons and best

^ i v e d yerterdsy b , Mr.

wishes.'.. ; .A i n z the' guests ware: Mr. and

lira;-Riehard P. Horton, Mr_ond-Jdrm.

Clara. IftH. Regina

„„. . - . .=. -_„.^_^WlHlani^btasrm. Wullam^obinson,berg. Miss, Bertha Melboornj.Elmer Jr, Mrs..A,,J. PlaplmSk. Mr. and Mrs.

terace, show that their sons. Lester"and "Reginald," were" Tibth safe "andwell on Nov. 4. Lester is ia the 16thDivision and Reginald lir the 78th.

Mr. and Mra. BamnM

conceivable for-using ln city streets.Mrs. Zullo to 30. The Zullo boy ran' A comnnmlcatlon was recerwd tros>into the hon« and iold hi . mother Stantort OU Company annoanctn*

plans to resume sale of road oil anathat Mrs. Wilson had held him while.3k. nnlvthjc same by preasnTw

fined Mrs. Zullo $50 for disorderly con- mimioae'dqct- He commended Mrs. WUaon forflopping the boys OghUog and sarero--ly reprimanded Mrs. Zollo for herwholly unwarranted attack.

SALE FOR WORTHY. OBJECTSRebecca Cornell Chapter. 0 . A. R-.

will bold a sale of nsefnl and fancyarticles, on Tuesday. Dec »i at 130 a resolution providing for a duplicate. ,p. m. at th« raaldence of Regent Mra.t irarraiit for the payment pf fSSSO t »P. W. Langstroth. Il« West MUtoo Chief of Police Ramsey, the origins*avenue. Proceeds win h« distributed warrant having beea lost or. mlataW

of streets.Commissioner Fnrber reported twa>

breaks In the water mttlna.: Ttuvwere in Hamilton street and in SUGeorge avenue near Central avenast-Thsre was another, break tha first attho week In Jaaues avenue naiacHazelwood avennc^ - •

Commlsxioncr Armatronc ^reaentast

tor hospital and war needs. [ by the chief. Payment haa

Union suwet^have a letter dated NOT. f e w

I stopped os the original warrant. .Seojamln Pachman of the TJ. 8. other reaotoUoa by " "—*-

Grube. Sadie Barteli Jennie Brown.}JMrs_Mj riTO_Morrls, four soldler_boys.|. Rahway Council

Davis, Mr. and Mrs Alexander

provide the1

Sfroni son. James LaBar. tellingw l t b . Mrs. ABBS, twest^s**

Including Edward Brennan, of New, entertainment-for the soldier boys at(

Orleans, Jack Olson, ""Wisconsin, I Colonia at the Knights -of ColumbusEugene Taylor, also Robert Connolly, j recreation hut on Monday evening.Joseph Klernan, Leslie Eadie and Bob-1 Dec 2.

' ' Two applications were received andfour candidates were initiated. -Theelection of officers win be held at thenext meeting. Dec S0i__w.. ,_

-. ... ;

J w m w ,

J.ert SEophens.

•I . POLICE CASES |James Catfrw. 48* « 1 2 Wan street.:

Newark and Michael Kane 42. Bay-President Wilson and His WatCabinet—Special Group Photograph,

.'.Beady to-Erame-JWlth Next Sunday'sAN^^fcaTgBst-Tdrculatlon 4n- »w vv.~«> .—. - -

America-1.02M09 Last Sunday.—j Judge Dey In police court today. Caff

arrested yesterday to Main1. My Three Years of German Slavery, . »u=»,. by Offlcer William Klnneally I — A. French Countess' ExperiencesInlfor being -druaiv was arraigned before "With German Office™, Next Sandals

AMERICAN—Largest Circulation ln-&n»rrea--1.038.16»-fcasi Sunday—Ad*.

ay Miss Mildred Jones, of MewBrnnswlck. and Mr. and Mrs. JohnCosine, New York CHy.

I tack of :lifina- Una.—Tala

106 Hamilton i t r w l

leaves tor the'-Mrs. Oeorc V. MllUr. I Bryan* t*r-l

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Reeves, of 48West Harelwood, avmne, spent theholloay among Brooklyn friends.

American Millionaire OT German

hostUltles cease£Corporal Elsworth O. TerrHI. • son

of Mrs. EUiabeth TerrtlL 66 tJnion

He was well and uninjured at thatttme. He tells of a Hun sniper whonarrowly missed htm as be emerged

street. who received twenty-six j from his dugout one day. The lastwosnds on AUK. 21, IS now at .'the' letter from Percy Miller was datedhospital eatabtuhed at the~'former | Oct. 30. He waa~aS right at thatOreenhnt stars buildin*. New York time.

Mrs. Theodore Landeaberscr, otO e tCity, and expects to come to theSpy? Which Wins the Girl? Read Colonia Hospital within a week. It

George Glbb's Masterpiece ln 8un-| wttl be aix months before he has the" ta of one of hlsjlmbs.

Several letters- arrlvwd yesterdayAMEBICAN—L«rgort Clrcnla-ll

tion In America—1.028,108 Last Sun-1

Seminary avenue, received a tettertoday from ber brother. AttorneyAdolpbTTCTIbfich. dittd Nov. 12, tatltns;

udajfor f o s t r t i temployes.

City Clerk Lamber sauttmncml uas .at the next maetlns; the <

newal ot Ueeuea.A mottos was offered, by Majar -

Tnsmbley (or the- holdmg ot Ilka. a i s »ing next week on FrMay mandas. stfc.Porbor stated that h« bad two c o o t

~ (Cvattaawl o» Pan*

(hat he Is well and baa been rwo-t Circulation IITAn

Marshal VOCB Souvenir!etsht-pase Oravaxw SecrJaa) o*derfolly tntmrasUBf; Pboto«nphsNext SondarTi AMERICAW^-Lark**-

=ni _ .frow JUentejL Miner,_son of Mr. and rooted to sergeant.

- \

Page 2: The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P


mmmmmmmm Kan way Kecoro, 1 tiesaay Afternoon. November S |« | | j f

Wecord, Frldav Afte'fwn p, November 29.


WAY TO PARISjBsjqr Denlg.Paints.Thrjlling.PJo-*~lr. Jure 4»f the Battle of

July 18,

FRIENDS ARE KILLEDBattalion of 800 Men Cut to Pieces In

.Two Days' Fighting, but Held Foe, In Chock—Describes Paralyzing

Horror* of tho Battlefield.

Washington.—Details of tho par-ticipation of tho TJnliod Stares mn-*bMa In the counter-attack against thoGorman forces on tho Marno on July18 nro given In a Iottor written shortlyafterward by Mai. Robert L. tonic of(ha Dnitod States marine* to hU wife.I t o l h a i t 2131 Porter street, Phil-adelphia, and which has boon forward-*«d to Washington for tho historic 01c*of tho

' 4.00O, como up nnu «•*« iMiaiuuuA. ; e(J iO1 tUo niirtA uuiimp UIOJO Co| "At 3 -10 tho ntxt morning Sltz woko look ua over, his enr wn<* driven by1 mo up nnd wild wo wuro to attack. Tho_ 0 sailor, who got out to talk to a fewf-rojrlnaent wn« aana under way, and wp" of tho marine, when ono of tho lot-pickod our Way under covor of a gfl»- ier yollod out: *Uay, tettovni 1 AnyonoJnfetttcd Vnlioy to n town, whoro -wo vrant to soo a fool llvo nob—right tl.fojjot our final instructions, und loft our wnyJ Thu cob lield o re«u1nr recop-piicks. I Wished Suinacr good luck, and tion, A carrlor pI«oofl p«rcho<J on aWo parted. - j tree with a mcHsnua, We decided to

"Wfl formed tiii in a aunkon road on shoot him- It wua then qulto dnrk, sotwo aided of a Valley ttiut was porpen- tho shot missed., I then heard tlie fol-dicuLur ,tq~tho~«iicniy*» frqnt, Hughes lowing remarks aa I tried to sleep:xlffUt.Hol£BinbJe£t.-aiUeyiuppoct.:Wo 'llell;~be only, turned. Around;'..'Sendnow began to ect u <ow wounded; ono np a flnro•;- 'Cali for a barrage/ etc.man, with nBhon-fuce. camo charging , Tho licit day further to the rear still*to tho rear with shdU uhack. «Ha ahook^ a Ford was towed -by with its frontall over, foamed tit tho mouth, could wheels oh a truck,hot npenk* t put him under a tent* and J "Wo nro now buck In a town forho acted as it ho had a fit- I some rest und to lick otir wounds. AA

"I nonrd tlotitcnnnt Ovorton call to * r o d o down «"> Ou'tldi.uu^*u*»« «»*•«ono of his friend* to send a certain companies 230 atrontf used to inarch,pin to hltfmotfcor it ho should got hit. » ° * * o 0 BGO ° ° w * n w i t h n k l d ^^^

• At 8:30 wo jumped off with a Unaof tanks In tha lead. For two kllofltho four lined of marine** Worn—adstraight ad a. o"io, and their" advanceover tho open plalil In tho bright sun-'light tntsr a picture 1 shall never for-1

Tha fire cot hotter and hotter,,



Red Cross Establishes Schooi to VrafnMen 1or Overusza

. -_• Duty.


lieutenant in conimniid; ono companycoiBulflnder Is uot yet twenty-one-

Firtt Robbed, Then Burled."After tho lnafcuttdck I cashed In

tho gold you save tue and sent It homoalong with tny back pay* t have noidea of being 'humped off* with moneyoil Coy person, lU it you1 fall into tho

and tho dust of battle sot enemy's handi* you nro first robbed,thick. Ovorton was hie by a bis1 p.oc« 1 then buried perhaps, but the first Uof shell and! felL Afterward X heard sure.

"Baston, tho lieutenant that Went toQuahtico With father nnd myself, andof Whom father took some picture*.Was Wounded In both iegd In the Bold

men foil, bullehf amitf, ahella

Afterward X heardho was hit in tho heart so hu death

without pain.. He was buriedand the pin found*

"A man iw«r mo was cot ln^two.Others when hit would stand* it seemed.

of modern war, the Hotter citedInsianco - ot Ocrman iry&chory In

airplane^ pulutod with tho lil-colom Ib tlieljc- unfidr inothodd of

icrlai wnrfuru. ^— _ _ .ostnbtinhoa tho fact

.7 " I . >

the Gorman drive on S»aHS at iBolioaUwood onrly id Juno Wero_honoro?li bybeing brought forward from thiri Woodto Viorsy and ^Tfgny, nedr Soiiujoua, forparticipation with a crack French di-vision In tho trtjttt countor-attucktihlch started the disintegration of ihoGorman front !n thx* west. Named thatbocamo familiar through thIng In BellenU Wood ar*i mentionedMajor ponic's Keillor us being promtWent iA tho billed counterattack—•

CoL Benton W9 Sibloy, Uoiit CotJohn A. Uughos, Cdpt Pero Wilnier*and othera who took ti promlnoht partIn tho fighting' when tho Hun was

_ blocked tin his drlvo on I'urld, T!ioletter follows!

**Th© day before wo left for this bigtrash wo bad a most Intorontlng fightO©tn oen a> uoet of (Jlormtin pianos unda Trench observation balloon risbtover onr hoadfl. Wo BaW flvo planedcircle over our town* then put on, whutwo thought afterward, a uham fightOno of them, after many fancy bhints,Headed richt for tho balloon. Thoywere all painted with our colors except•aa, Tnis ono Went bear the balloon,Ono kept: right onv Tho other fo•hot too- balloon Up with Incembullets. Tho observers Juiutheir parachutes just aa the ouivi* In a mass of flames.

*n»one i t day wo took odrAt various placed tothat were to take us

timer that oach Kun in the bar-from^rijtht" to^lof trthen

a rnbblt ran ahead, und I Watched hlra,if hti Would got hit Good

took tity wltid off thti c»r-ff | Lookod for Hufehes way over

to th&Hghtr told Wllmnr. thrtt JT-hnda hundred dollura* iind bo xiira to ffot1L - Vou think of iiif kinds of things, {

"About CO Qcrmnnd Jumped tip out |

do Bolloau., It Was some time beforah a"Wng~ovncTnrfrori~nn d~gns~ga ngrenfl

pof n trottch nttd tried to uufrender, buttheir much!no JJUIIH openod up, wo rtrodbuck, tfioy rnn, utul otir left compimylifter them, *r«iit mmln n Ktip thrt hudto bo illlcd, ao Slbley adviinced ono of

uct In* Hti nearly lo«t his legs, I amtold, butr is~comlng~iratr Ov lt""B[untwus wounded In th*r last attack, sothis wounds flit'd Hi) nnd went back

till hfyhiid to bo iient out Qof-_•j£ was hit In tho hand—all near

lilru ;W^KJ^ kl]I 7J7=iSnJbo£—W_n*_—JiJt_twice but is ubout njrrticu Tliat ac-counts for nil dho ofllcors In thu com-pitny fchut Hfiroueht over. In the lirst

Cbicaco^—Following nn urgent callr*i J a r* J M n n t from Prance for K«d Croas driven* nndBIrdS Are Prepared fOr Battle mechanics, the American Red Crona

I created the automotive txud mechanicalbureau and estubllKhcd (t»- jrent-rulheadquarters In Chicago^ They alaoselected Chicoco ns tho pcrnianerit lo-cation for their1 training camp and bar-racks, known a« Caxnp Scott C04tJ Cot-tage Grove ft venae This camp is un-der the dircrtloo of MaJ. H. P. Hard-ing, a Well-known automotive engineerof Chicago.

In order to send mtn tor overseasduty ad soon us poaalbte,, and at thosame time make them? thoroughly con*1

potent in their work, a rigid coursa oftraining, lasting ubout tt*ut Weekd* idSflved-

At the barracks there' isf • completeworkshop and the men nx& retjalrud to

Just the Same a sJhe Men-S


Many Time* Carry Messages ThatMean Uf« and D«atii—Spend

but Short Time in the F>©nifp Lino Trenches.

With tho American Army In Fraiice*—t*lffeons most bo schooled and pro-*pared for buttle ju«( tlie'sanie as men*Of tho tbounolids of pigeons Hyingover^tho battio lined, carrying iucs-suses and playing thc-jtr part In tholight against Germany* all have beencarefully trained- Havinff natural'homing*' Instinct* owin£ to their

breeding, tbo birds practically train n m j j D Othemselves* bat they work under su- 'pervisioo of soldiers assisned to tbe"piiroon corps" because of thelir knowl'edfio of the birds.

.tako.machinefi apart nnd-refiulld themCompetent Instructors nro atwnytf atblind to explain the function* of nilpartit, Demonstrations of' all' posxlbte

I accidents and breakdowns' arc sirenniethods •



Sixty dollars a montb and' mainte-nance Is paid Wbllo overneM-ari(i halfpay and maintenance whiie ixi J

. ^ _ . ... open for men ua^ciosely for several days. The blrd^ I d c t G|Ebteen yeart of ago and over* for-are civen Uttle food- Then they ore | ty.s\^t ot fot. th6«o in class 6. 4, S, 2.released. Not being Well fed, and Applicant must havtf odo year's toipert-tliorefore not "very strong, they Will fly [ jip^-iir drlvltij>',on!y^ar^ow^^ufidred^"urtla~~froni the I ' .

tn«lr return they nro giv* R£EP HEMS FORen Tnor© food^ Next day .they are lib-1 j • '

flclit 10^ of th« IricH In that outllt wereMlltiHt&t wounded. The second fighthiuufc'faavo about cleaned out the oldcrowd*

,' *"Vo picture tl fljrht, tnlX up a-lot athis to do tho jnb; then u uholl lit la | hunery» dirty, tired, niicj bloody mod

machine irUh ctt>w of oura and cle-tin- I with diiht, holne, nnd amoko. -Forgetthis clean tiwordtf, prnnclnu' hornes, abd<od It oat coniplutnly.

Last 17 Out of 20 Officers, flitpplnir Itnes. At tilghVa feii«'fllledwoods, falling trees and bright, blljid-


. - , , l n » HitMhas—you can't see your neigh-just died out. X found a hole or old hor—that 1ST war. In tho rear It Is aUtrench, and when 1 wad flat on ta*-j-confuslon. Tho General told me 'Hurryhack I got HOMO protection. Hoi- ] t r t KUCh B plrtCo, all goea Well, we are

ndvimciiiK i* Hit) uttitt, ml'oH1 nway, aUclcuti—ono wns wlittvihg, another eni>Injs hot cdkt>»- wu Iiud b'ftt had' a* hotblto for two days. AB K ntached my

pliiCfl, wounded -men*ICUUM! inou, horueu blowu to bits—thocontrast I

Wo advanced ten ktlometerd^ withnnd gutiH, m\d tho Iiells rung

in" Now York for tho victory; ~whtfa

comb "wait next tiie: Wllmer some waytitt* Wo thob trlot* to get reports. TwocAiiipanled we Uever could get Intoticb with-. J&foyd came In and re-

ho_Wad holding some trenchednear a m.'ll with six men. Catea.with his trousers blown off, said hehad 10 men of various companies;nhothe'i* officer on the. right reported

eould Boe-Bome 40 men.

waitI n

TKB : know. Woss passed mo at tho-. .^nl of Ida company—we made a dote

for a party on our next leave. Ho waslooking fine and was as nappy na couldtkQ. Thou Hunt. Keyacr, and a hpnp of^others went by. I havo tbo battalionand Holcomb the regiment. Our turnto- embark did not coma till near mid-Jttlght j - • . - • • • . - • • •

Bio Shell* Falllno Fast."Wo at last got under way after a

icw big ftffii t>J\|p* hnd hit near hy. Wll*«nt<r and X lod In a touring car. WeWent at a ^ood clip and nearly gotditched In a couple of new shell holes.Shells werti falling fast by now, andas tho tenth truck went under thobridge a big one landed near by with a

iancl wounded thes t vo drivcrsi"two roarlnes, and wounded five

more. We did not know it at thotime end did not notice anything wrongtill we came to a crossroad, when wofound—we • had -only—11—cara~&U—told.-We found tho,rest of the convoy aftern hunt, but even then Were tooi totdof the loss, and did not and it outtmtil the next dny,

**We were finally, after 12 hours*ride, dumped In a big fleld and utter« few hours' rest started' our march.It xvns hot ns hades and \vo had badnothing to cot Blnce^tho day before.We.at last entered a forest; troopsseemed to converge on It from allpoints. We marched"somo six mlleaIn the forest; n finer oho "^havonovor*^een—deof would scumpcr ahead a adwe could have eaten ono raw. At ton

thnt night.-without food. We

That, with the headquarters*all wo could find out about the

ttallon of nearly 800. Of the 20ny officers who went In, three

camo out, and one, Catoa, was attffhtlywounded.

"From then on to about 8 p*. m. Itfewas a chancow and mighty uncomfort-able. It woB-hot as a furnace, no wa-ter, and they had oar ranso to a T-'Three men lyinff In a shallow trenchnear me were blown to bits.

Wo hod a taschtne gun officer withoa and At sir a runner came up andreported that Sumnor wna killed. Hecommanded the machine gun companywith us. He was hit early In thetight by a bullet, I honr. I can set nodetails. At the atari:.he remarked:*Thls looks easy-^thoy do not seemto have much urt' HughoB' head-quarters were all shot up, Turner 1 oat

l o g . ' „ . , . _ , " '.."•• „.„..

VWell, we-justi'lay there all througho bo^arteroapn. It was_ croot—a

by and youwould'bounce in your hole.

"As twilight canin Wo nont our Wa-ter partlos for tKo relief oi. -th<*

ixiundod- Then wo wondored If i\»*would got follovod. At nine o*c)ocU

fcfand Bay in (t tho'AlKOrlnnM would takeover at midnlcht. Wd then bopriJi to•collect our wounded. Sohici hud bomevacuated durlhjj the duy, hlit nt that

lay down |Tn a pourlhK valn^to; sloop.Troops of all kinds passed up tn the

shadowy stream, over a half

told us that they had never seen such

•V -


T h e next dny, tho 18th of July, wojmarched ahcud through u Jam oftroops, trucks, etc., and came at lastto a ration dump whoru Wo fell to andnte our hcadd off for the first time Innearly two days. When We left therethe men-had bread etuck on their bay-onets, I lugged a bam All tyeroloaded down* Here X passed one of,Wass* lieutenants with his hnhdwounded. He was pleased as Punchand told us the drive Was on—the firstwe know of It I then passed a foWm£n of Bunt's company, bringing prig'-oners to tbe rear. They hud a coloneland his staff. Tlicy~wer«~wclITtlresW-•ed. clean and. polinhcdL but tnlcitty

_ "VVf tinnlly wtopjMNf nt tKr. t,,r r-hflof the forest hcarn dressing staiion.where Holcorob nculd took, cotnmuiid^

_ •• This station hod boon ti big. One st U**l."* farmhouse, but NViis now JQ .cowplotw

ruin-—wounded und dead lay ull about.~ jToc~Murniy caiiio by * with hia ht'iiiT

ii)I dono up ; his helmet hud teaved htm.*ThP lines* hud corn; od ahead* BO WOWire quite mitv. llud a fine aero hut-tlo right \>\vr us*. The Btunta thattli0^0 pinned did cannot bo describedby me,

^ ^ Field Covered With Dead.*rarel to . "Late- In tho afternoon wo nrt-*nd witnesB ^ f l n r * l d " a 5» l a -C^ u r «>ute lny over nnRiihtar IT* u '^cn C ^ covered with dead. Wo lay

w a y nistx S C i n on a bill si do for the nlfiht.*»ear,"?&ptuped Ocrmnn * CUAS, and • tin- j

I watchedjtho cayalry^anme'

us* A man who. hud been bilndodwanted ma to hold hlM hund* Another^\voundo(J In tho uncle xvnnted hlg h< ndpattcnl, nnd so It \voht{ ono roan cotUp on hla hnnda und knoctf, X ttukodhim \vhat he Wanted, ttis saldr.'Luokat tho fuil moon,* then foil dead. Xhnd hlni burled Und itll th'o totit Icould find. All tho tttnu bullotd unn\iund wo pruy«d thut'j tihollluif wouldnot statfc While wo had our woundod bn

——- Algerians Bodly 'JShotUp.M

"T?ho Alfcorlims cama ujn nt tnldnlchtand wd pUslKKl out. They wt nt over nt

nnil fftt- »lt uhhf mthe t«ilef undot Oofmun rturtja und tholight frout" a. burning towii,

"Tjiut ulcht. thivJ3ctman«j*hetlcd^us*

Wo faioved it bit further biick to tho^^w^ond?i^z:undrruft<irr3bm'i'tfffew GormutiK, »otno of whom HhowtHtslfind of haying btcu Wounded before.wo settled down for n short stay.

und X went to nn old dressing stationto hnlvuco sohie cover, -We collect-ed a lot of bloody shelter halves and

I punch aa that hit d been tied to polssto toiiko stretchorii, and Were aboutto co when We stopped to look at ahow grave. A rudo cross made of twoslats from a box had written on: it'

u 'tester <L Was^ Captain U. S. Ma-Hnua, July IS,


:^—Wus.4 and Sumnor killed,

lies-ton and* Uunt Woundod, thtt latterOH the 18th, n clonh Wound* 1 hear,i W r v — W * j - t ben-


1 — '•"." • i• Youngstown. O.—Aithouch tho J.

hlood ot ovetnoim cs>urt;e *throu^h their Vollis, tluv AmoH* DIciuiiNin of i-J\vul>l WtMsitiVnd of TGcrniun dcBcctit nli<) Sain Mllo- $Vitcli, uaAuKtrtun. ts bctntf clt- *

"; *rf UM-\vortJ»y «f b«1njr <lnui)ut- ^«*d by tholr f< llow countrymen, fTlu'«^ mi'n have ench h(»ui:ht a Z$1,000 Liberty lnnn i>nn<l durlnn T

-ih«j. tlrlv«. Uoth am cmployotl 4by a local stool company.-—------^|

i » ; * «

KM* nnd wblto-xhlriedmen. no doubt. Ucniik our hoaltix. l amany is lobutor puluc«.M\


iirutvd affuln. Thl» ilnus th«y willMOiuewliut tarthcr Uian oo tho first day,und attain thulr mtlons will b« In-creased. _:„ -_ ;" ...__.. _

By thff third dny tbe picooo reallyaoes to work schooling Jtafctf. Tbobird's Instinct la to become fnmlUaifwith tho country about Itrf homo cote.Xh6Jktt3t. will tokoto the. wlujron b«-Uiii reieused. and &iwln In aki ever-widening circle about tho cote. All thetime, im It I1U-3. >;nch bird In jtiidvingthe terrain, lundmurk^ by which It canliad its way houuti. Tim next sr<-p la tocarry thu pisvons up toward th& Ilnstot training.

• ^Timo In Trtihchesr ShortLife in the front Hn» laii't any CoB-

ler for a pigeoa than for a tnan. Con- IsuquonHy a bird's "trick" In the trench- Ies on n Stable sectoi? la only 48 hours. !At the end o£ that time, ii not sent ,back \witi» a1 message* the pigeon is ;released to Ay.back horae for a> dryroost and a sood

"Whan iiot onTduty,in a dugout and lire reasonably Balefrom shellflre. But for protection af-forded them they would bo exposed toinstant death from sos*

Carried forward with «ach basket ofpigeons la u big Square contnlner re-sembling a plvce of tarpaulin. Tiiat'sthe plgeoa'a "seas mask.*' Made ofBtroDK, heavy,. Water-proof material,thu "gas1 mtiskM fits over' the entirebnnkct of- plguona. It-JA-Uned-on 4heInside with choinlcally-treated materialthat neufraliKes^ tho effect of icasi-~lncase of a c»s alarm, the- soldier look'I«S after the piupons picks up the bas-kot, opens up the big container, put&the basUet of plKeons Inside and' closes

Flocks In city Back Yard* Can Bo-- Supported Principally on'Wasio- ' From Kitchen.

(Prepared* by tha United Stated Deport-ment o{ Asriculture.)

Tho beat opportunity for cheap egeSfor dty families during the war liesJUi keeping enough htin^ In the backyard where they can be supportedprincipally on kitchen waatefl to Bup-ply the family table. The keeping of

BmaU Ftoete of Good Hens Will SupplyEntinnh Eqfl» for Average Family.

hens In back yards Is an economicopportunity for city families and atth» some time an essential part of thecampaign for Increasing poultry pro~dQctioa. -. .

•Xhsr smanest and least favorably slt-nated back yard, aays the department.

cook, Vvho la a inembor of th»»Q. it . A. A. O. In I''rdwce, ay ahowu bytlila British ulllcliil photouniph tuUcnon tho western front In Vrnnco, findstliat a curavnu uin!a.'a an excellent lill-let. She imsj Hindu nn lnipfovlSL'iltlower-pot out of a tin enn and 1« mak-

hbeen nsslencd to very homelike.

Ths f ruth of it."W'fclir'NctlUvUlii'you know thnt we

Imd till come for ThunkKmvlnfcV usl:<'<!Onclo 'John, as hu chuekod his itttlu

"X expecteii yrfw," she said, sweetly,-iajother—Silld—thu t—th«s—whole—fHlnlly

yCore, but that TlmiiltsKlvldg oulyennuis* on<s» u veiir."

Selected "Breeding Powia,A few brooding fowls selected for

their superior vigor add stronger vi-tality will often return a greater profitthan n much larger number of fowlsyhich aro lackioc in theso essentials.

Normal E00> Favored.Normal eccs are almost certain to

produce chickens ^hlch will lay nor-mal eggs, while tlie*>roverso Is cauaUytrue. : '- - ^


Test* of German Soldier* Said to HaveShown Special Qualification*

f W t e

Amsterdam.—Marble pollshlnc IsM W W l iccuuatiuntorWgF

blind solill«>rrf In Germany. A first testniude nt Kiel Khitwi-d thnt the Tkecnsense of touch di'V.'lopiHl by tho blindworkers enabled them to delect atonce tho BllKhtcst unovennesa or. Ihrperfection on n hinrhlo plated Now thebig Rhenish ninrhlo; \vrtrks at DUKKI'1-dorf-Itnth employs Kevoml bllnil pol-iKhers. who have become "experts ntiht'lr triide. und receive skilled Work-men's pay. ' fit-rmiin employers In ttiomnrltlo business havo doclded to glvoblind soldiers •prctorcnco~in labor^sj>-

t " < j ^

offers opportunitr to keep at leastenough hens to supply eggs for thehousehold. The number of hens neededfor that purpose is twice the numberof persona* to he supplied. Hence*,the smallest flock to be' considered

It, the folds at the top bclntf So ar- «°o**1|ts <« lonr hens, When hens ared t h t It Jte*'t o n l y t o *n™lsl> esga for the tablersneed thnt It can be tadde airtluht.

Danger Pram Hawks.- —jIn addition to gns and' shell tire the

pigeons h«ye-thelr-enemles of -the airto combat in carrying ont their mis-ulrtn*!pcclnl _Mnny of tho birds have been killed

kept only to furnish eggs for tbo tableno mnle bird lajieeded,

'A..- coop for a iiock of four hensshould have a floor area of ubout 20

For larser flocks the space oi-

wsa*s5^=«M«a?space is used In common,i d h h£•,„"*,„"; sstT^s: ~ ' - r "J»"i-».«-U»unlly will ovoid flying over a wood

uhi'iuvcv iWHSIblo, but often -whenforced to take ouch u course is com-pelled to--ny—C ot_its- -Itie-as-B-huwtc-jsmidi nly MWoops'irom the wood. i r-mrtniiin ( - n n n , . i . l u . _—_

if tn» t>ie«m lives through shell are, SHIPPING EG6S IN GAR LOTS

coop.except what her companions actually occupy. S-or the ordinary flock of10 to 15 hens, the space allowed shouldbe about four cquaro f«ot per hen.

ens, Lscnpes huwlcs and arrives negrIta rMf Hufoly, still nhother danger may

iifnsuu to ho "trapped." In manycastw the toessages by the birds meanlife or elenth. Conste<iueT)tly thcro.can bo no delay In getting them from

Average . Losses of Prom 3 to 9 PerCehtCan-Be ;Oreatly~Ri:duced

•- — - by Proper PacldngT"

(Prepared by the «nlt«il States B«part-Went of Acrlculture}

amount of damage sustained IntiIho plBftona Httlo messaee box onc« It marketing eggs to car-load ™ l p T O I H 3

arrive, at the eote. The ple«m men. whlch, according to various reHabl"therefons,.ke<!B a shotgun close by, and authorities, averages from 8 to 9 perT T » e r * ' ^ e M ' ° lS, ? d 0 W n ""y -Sint' h a 3 boCt t Educed to less than 1plirooh that doss not al!Eht at its coto percent in tests conducted by the TJnlt>promptly. | fed: States department of agriculture.MrtT13!! H r ? yf i f T ' " ™ , ' C°T6i:lilg tt M r l o a ot »ow than twipnrt In all fIKhting In which Amerl- years and in which the eggs w&re ohit)-

-cana^have -partlc!pnted.-from-the-^irS^ ^ e d o n a n -aVera-«fo-n:aSTSI1«™«-


WeeSriy Payment* !? Scs!rsiYour Old Piano Taken in E

Bench, (.ibernl Suoply „-,of Musle—Delivery to WITHOUTHome and Tuning.and / • n i o c cService for a Year, all LHAKbX

WISSNER903 Bmad St.. Newark

Opp. City Hall. Open Saturday Nights

Hrlaay Aitcrnooo. Noveroher 29 »«>»»

MAIL. TBU COCTOX :mti*m Mnrf nr Ibfl <t#tnlui of Jam

special r-iuy«r Piaoa att»r ivttjaoatany obllanUoD cm taj part.Xntnm . . . . . . .A-hleemm „ ^CTty .: . B . B .

UPRIGHTS. tZTt, up—Pianos for-Rent. Full Line TALKING

MACHINES and Records.

• . ! ! . : . .

STOUTENBURGH- & C o .797-805 Broad St. Newark-Makers of Goad Clothes for .61^ears

fleadqnarteTS Since 1MB for Men's and Boys' ClothingFirst- Glass U l r c l i n t o at Mike r- to-Wearer Prices

HNESixty -Years oi Successful Storekeepmg

; f Stare Hours

9 A .



3-L to 5 P.


working honra for de-

stores ifl Ncurark.

T h e Delpheon185 Smith St.

Perth Am boy, NT, J.

A Shcp one likea

Flarer PianosFIiano)rraptaa

Placer Rolls. Book Hn*iC

blieet Hnslc~ ' ' Art Yottcry

Art Lamps;- Movelties)-A-r3ot of- go


Men's Suits22, . 35, s50

(J, SUPERIOR VALUES--Oiit-of-the-ordinary styles • materialsof worth; tailoring to the strict Stourenburgh standard ; morefor the money because the saving effected by direct/maker-to-wearer'dgaUng is put iuto ihe1 merchandise.

"SATlSFXCTORT^~SECEGriON"---A:mple- stocks; numerous-yarietiea ; Wide ran<«e of, sizes and proportions; plenty of room

Gross Keys Inn~This- Hotel will be openedt t h i t

3sttn rdayNovember 3O

and will be conducted on the AmericanantUEniapean plans. •

Rooms with of without Bath

A special feature will be the Grill, wheremeals will be served at all hours,

day or Evening;


y ;and the most obliging service.

S 25 , $ 30; S 35 , S 45, ' S 55, $ 60 «Pt» s100Exceptionally large varietieZ Knee length, semi-iilster and

^ h r e e - q u a r t e r l e n g t h ^ M e d J u m a n d h e a y g ^ ^without-weight goo Is from the "other side"-ehoice Cheviotsand Twee 11 from Dublin, Bradford, Glasgow and o'her Euro-pean centers of" cloth productionr-.Reliable Worsteds, andGassimeres from American mills. Many stylish fflil--fashionedslip-ons, .supsrbly tailored and silk-lined and trimmed.

JRnoX-Bais. J* & **' Slhoet Manhattan SMrta


THE improvements going on here at- Hahne's for the past,year put us in

splendid shape to hejtp you do yourChristmas shopping, J"

—^The store is brighter and better._ *—<itnrk< ITP h\ove.r irnA hetter assorted.

—Our sales force works to grbatsr efficiency.—We have just finished installing an additional battery of cash registers

to give "thirty-second" service to ouir patrons as well agto-relteve-the-pressure in tfie tubs rooms. 3S~l~eVery6He~knows~tlie iiltausiuBrof"shoppingr in a large roomy store W-th plenty of natural daylight andplenty of good, fresh air. .. ' ~



raids In Lorrnlbo through the battle oil following good, commercially'Cantlgny, the flghtlng through tho bcable methods ot packing,Mji-no reKlon and on to .the St. Mihiel and hauling, egra can h» trm^ y T OHcToolly a.66o birds werobrought to Vrnnod from the UnitedStntog. Mora_have._come. over fromtlnio to time, arid pigeons from Frenchcotes havo re-enforccd Unlclo Saln's* h V


• T do hot believe that drastic*t force need be ut>I>lied to tniiln-+ tulu ecitbooilc dlsrrihutlon and• :3unu use of sutiplles by' the• gri'at hlttjorlty of American l>eo-•> nle, and 1 have leartied a deep• ant] ab'dlng faith ID the Intelll-• Konce of the average American

-.•—bUshie&s niun,-whose:ald-we an-;;^ tlclpate and depend on to rvmc• dy the evils developed by the

'.—Herbert Hoover, August

In car-load lots with a total damage,hvludlng^checks," "dents" and./ieafe-ers," of less than-2 per cent :

In order to reduce egg losses tb thominimum they should be packed In; nag

"»tanaara—cases—symmetrically—madewith 6, or preferably «, S-penny cement-coated nails at each corner of tjhe sidesOlid bottom and at the center-partition.._ases made of cottonwood naVAr oa the

•vhole, the greatest number of advan-tages. Medium Oilers (three pounds,three ounces) or heavier should beused. It Is absolutely necessary, also,that the filler be perfectly new. Evena short-houl shipment into the packinghouse should disqualify the filler forfurther use. Suitable cushions of ex-celsior, with a flat, ahonld be placedon the top and bottom of the case.Corrugated board on the top of the caseaffords practically the same protection••«• the excelsior cushion, providedtttakes up the slack.

The load otgggs must be g aolld unit-r fitti ith l

Soldiers.Get Reading Habit.The growth ot the rending habit

t t m "

Junior Mechanics One o* the MostProoress»ye_Oroanixatlons

The winter- activities .of Garwood.Council, No. 309. Jr. O. V. A. U., wlUbegin with the attendance of the coun-cil at church next Sunday evening.when Rev. X X, Sellars wilt preachJapatriotic sermon.. This coulfcil was

~orgapiiid~.~(iC"September;"1312.T"with""thirty-five" charter members- The

•m»Tnh.-r..ti<p la now eighty' and the

"BOLSHEVISM IN AMERICA" posed, ajnd altogether dafcgeroud.Tcl3 gathering cheered for Bol3he>

Strong EdIfo>iaI~Aga1nsfMEn3CB-Pt*-Krfsui;—tiis-worst7einrea3ion-of-Ja»?-lished In Christian Science Monitor leaaness and brutality the modernToo wide ftablicl'ty .cannot be given, world has known. Says/ an accotro

to the proceedings of a mass gather-1 ° J- e m e e ^ j t ' e r ^ ^ ^ ing ot people calling themselves j W M ! a m B r 0 3 S Ll'oyd. recent SocialistSocialists in Chicago last San Jay, for cana;Idite tor United States Senator,suchDublicity, willlso :far:^tpward_re- to_tlie_ woman representative of themoving

The-Bigge&ty-Best-esL Santa .ClamIn AU the World Nods a Welcome

-He siands thirty feet high in the center aisle and hd bows! and waves his'hand to all who corne. Come and bring the kiddies.

. INTERESTING MEETING iThe SOBS and Daughter* of JUiett-

met at t ie residence of Miss SiorenceGibson. Hazelwood avenue. The meet-ing was opened by singing "Star

Spangled Banner." After ihe businesswai transacted. Mr- William Jtaliewho was vlsltine the club, iron* mlll-tarj training camp at Howard Uni-

rslty.-Washlngton^B. C, told storiesof camp life.

Berwin MqCasUli told of HamptonUniversity, Hampton, Va-, which hehad been attendlng-

.Mlss Elizabeth Jacitson. guardian ofthe society, commended the . youngmen. litefreshments were senred bythe hostess. Daiicing and games madethe time.pass quickly, the Sons andDaughters wtll meet at__ths residence

i ^

IN MEMORIAM *- "To tli6 ever cherished and aonro*-

iul but sweet memory ol- jidi J. Seclt,Wife of Marry E. Cocke oi RichmondHill, Long Island, U< Y., whose b«auU-ful earth-ly" career ended oh Nfitfein-*her* 27. mill daughter o( the late iPrbf.J. T. and Mrs. Keck/ ot Haseiwoodavenue, Hahway, Isf. J.

We greet yoiif <i«ar" and preciousinemory each t>aa lti£ day- Tho hofcle&jid worthy life Spent with tiif on earthcreates an encircling fragrance to our1

diatresaed soals. The sunshinecniahed out eternally. Clood anildespair relgnst-

AH '"Hail" and farewell.JtAR&Y E- COOKE, Huahand*MAtTDE tAVLlXX, GaUghtftr,STANLEY VICTOR.

ette street, this evening.

ll go iajf^tpward_lre1 to_the womanHng,douht with re. | broken SlUerJa,

T e load otgggs must be g aolld unitIn the car. fitting, without play. Thisis the most Important factor In avold-

^nsT4mnmgeTn'briinsIC~The amount atdamage in properly loaded cars buffedwith straw, is slightly less than in tho

Bqy less - Serve lessEatonjy 3 meals d"Waste nothing\hm- guests willdieer-fuljy share simple late

B e Proud to b e


1 buffed wltU wuud.—In pl&c-~.ing tho buffing, care should.be taken,not to permit It to. prevent circulationof air. -which Is essential to good re-frigeration. When^ the straw buffing isPlaced at tbe bunkers nia extends fromtho top of the load to the floor of theiar, it Is found that at least 60 percent of the refrigeration is lost.

Self bracing of the load by meansof suitable strips placed below thecases proved much more satisfactorythan braces nailed to the car. Nailedbraces seldom nrrtve tn place and fre-quently cause much damage. ~ '

an interesting contradiction to tbe gen-erally accepted theory that among aIjronp of indlviddals.the leveling proe-esa-ts;a leveling downward.

Tho men In tbe crimps who are rend'ers stimulate by their example the In-terest of those who are not. **Hav*you rend this storyyr asks Private Xof Private T- "Nawr~ replies Private'

'Well, y'oughta rend tbUone. It's a better*n any inovie. showy'ever saw. It's a bearr Thos doe«Private Y get an Incentive to taste theJoys of literature. There Is a ten-dency toward a leveling npward.

The valuable service of the librariesIs farther developed by lectures, uni-versity extension courses, nnd the gen-eral education: plan. Men not only wiDfceop pace with their former civilian'activities, but many of them toll!emerge from the army and navy bet-

Tter "equipped "for" the~battte~of~llfe^~Raymond K. »bsdick In Scrlbnert.Magazine; . .

campaign Just beginning is expectedto~increase the membership to 100.The council ha»_oyer ?5pp In the localBnllding and Laon Association- Theyhave uniformed'and equipped twenty-five men in the uniformed- rank andhave distributed at cost -among theresidents of Garwood and vicinity overthree hundred American Qaga.

~—Twenty~members~of~thB-cotmcU-areof have been" in-theservico_o£ thecountry during the present: war. Ofthis number sixteen enlisted vqlnntar-Ily while four were taken by selectiveeervice. Two of the enlisted menwere later discharged for physical dis-ability leaving eighteen men now tothe service. Nine of the eighteen areoverseas and have been "in severalbattles two of them betas wounded.The council at the- outbreak of the


^d.to-thequality. . .ot^citizsnsljIpiPratoe .^or the Rnssianwhich in these days sails tmder this None hoi words of apiwhich in these daysname. It is next to impcssilble . to

United States bluejacket aboardone of Uncle Sam's submarines on thelookout for the infernal Boche raider.



' Americans without murmuring cuttheir sugar allowance . from - fourpounds -a - month to -three and then-oslong as need be to two pounds for loy-

y pThe turkey Is an American bird.

Iiucullns and the Epicureans did not.l»»IHn wm faimilln »l»

wild state after Columbus', first voy-age. About a hundred years after ix*3discovery of America broiled youngturkeys became great delicacies onthe Frenchman's table. r- L ' ^~~ .

Our /obd Gospell

Musically Obedient.^ Antonio .iras overawed- by nls sm>ronndings when the •first-dnrftsenihim to the cantonments And ae COQ.tinned to Uve In awe, parOctilarty ofan" onTceWanrlng thie early (lays ofhis trolalnc- While standing guardone nlgm, he was in snch a flutterwhen the corporal of the snnrd ap-proactted, that he made his challengeIn a low voice which tbe non-comconid not bear.

TotiTl • have to spealc up, my man,*iaid the corporal, "or yonTl get intotronble. IT1 take yonr word for ftthat yon challenged me, but whenthe officer of the day «V»TW«H« around,you'll have to sins It ont or yoa*H getn trip to the guardhouse. Remember,sing it ont and sing It ont loud."

Antonio vowed that he wocld mainno mistake tbat wonld got hlip In theguardhouse, and when the officer ofthe day appeared a half hbnr later. Inwan grw-txl witft— :

The council at ththe"war~appotated a SoldterB* Wel&reCommitee, whose duty it has been tokeep the boys supplied with readingTffltw....* nBllcaclesJ This work hasbeen carried on and i t e corincil is pay-ing the dnes of the enlisted men whilethe war lasts.

The first social affair of the seasonl

Bocla»lsm, and it is no longer •worthwhile.

Since the outbreak of the war,, es-beclally; Since the eptrance of theUnited States into the conflict, social-ism In the Bepnblle hasT permitted it-self to be all but mcnopoUxed by anelement of the population entirely outnt nympathy and generally at enmity,'with American IdeaJa. It-has longbeen a matter of common knowledge,of course, that socialism lent Itselfto every base use which- militaristicGermany desired to pot it to; that,masking as "Internationalism," It at'tempted to sow division and seditionamong the working classes of theallied nations; tb^t It cloked Imperialconspiracy, and tliaf Its" leaders wereamong the most unscrupulous tools oftha-Beriin undeisroand_Bervice.

Cowed Inta aparent Inactivity to theUnited States, the Middle Western

America's part in tbejredaooaworld War.ulsevist states

FOOTBALL. PANS INTERESTED :It is expected that a goodly delega-

tion of Hahway's football fans will gt>to Newark tomorrow afternoon to wit-ness, .the J>lg football game betweenthe Camp l>ix eleven and tho CampUpton team. .The game will commence.lit 2.30 o'clock: and will be played oia~the City Physical Training Field in



Figure it out yourself!Our •ctothincf nmst makt

Many time you want it.rricart our clrtfhes are


will be held Sunday, Dec- 1. at theTfesId'eace~or"rMr«-. J. G;' "Smith;-• 93

Bryant street, at 4 o'clock. The

Value! Variety!The hest o{ evcrythinf

"trlen ami-hoy* w<>ar. ^

brought applause that at times rockedtha building."

5-urtherroore, the American flag wasmentioned only once, the public is in-formed and then in apologetic termsin comparison with the red banner ofth© Internationals- There were sneersan'd slurs. It was said, for the Ameri-can soldiers In the war, but no men-aon~bf~"lheir~herofsin:—Tne- Sodalists-

~wh6 "actually-herped the-governmentin war worK were described as having

(>atnr. that Fifth and Sixth Prophetical Woaderawill be of interest to Rahwayans will will be" read and discussed. All wo-be the fact that -Lieutenant AVllmbt men interested In tne stady of Bible

;_SamueIhis fellow labor unionists were madesubjects of gibes from the platform.

Victor Berger. altogether too leni-ently dealt with from the beginning ofthe war, upon being introduced to theaudience, actually boasted of the factthat he had been made the subject

pro-Germans, who^ ch

for -convenience

tmvB ^ chosen to - .-Socialists, during the "last few months

-have-made-It-a-"octatUnndly to pro-claim their loyalty to the TTnited

_States-and_lta-Jnstitnttojns,-,,. In ..someDec 13. when the Soldiers1 Welfare

-Committee will hold a lunch.- borsocial and dance. The proceeds willgo towards paying the men's dues andfamishing delicacies Wthose who canbe reached.. • . - ' . : . • . -

On Sunday. Dec 1. the council willcarry their service nag to church andall members of the order residing inthis vicinity are cordially invited tomeet at Jefferson School at 7.15 and

with them-The officers of the council are

Councilor HZ M. Terp. Vice-CouncilorL Simon, Recording Secretary E.Frowery, Financial Secretary- W. .M.

W J H k o t fTra-ta-la, who coma deieT^—Every-

body'a llasazine.

-Brownc TrBBsnrpr.JConductor Albert GUI.

yWarden G

instances they have i^rofessed to be-highly Indignant that their 100-percent ^Aniericanlsm should be Im-pugned. Arrested and Indicted, assome of them have been for earlier of-fenses against the espionage law. theyhave employed lawyers who have setforth In brief and argument the un

and Injustice tha

of four indictments and sixty conntsThis sttaement was"received " iith

prophecy are Invited.MISS G.T. TJNDERHILL. Secretary.

Albright, of this city, a former mem-ber of\the Kahway High team that.captured the state championship in1014 wii t>Iay~on-the Camp X>ix- team.There will be several well known col- lxufx m^o^uu, B,^v|^ » .« , —— —lege players in the line-np of/he two joy life, use Burdock Blood Birlan,teams. With bands, a large gathering "»> — " - "- • -"• •«»''- **<•* « - s-

To feel strong^have good snp«i:toand digestion, sleep soundly and »n*

Uf e Burdock Blood Btitvrssystem tonic

mx iztii at..\,

Broad wayW


o( mlUlary men and~6aj£i'~«ninrantn^features the game~should' provetractive to local fans.

tumultuous applause, and then he .pro-ceeded to misrepresent, the law andIts officers, declaring that he was not


The distinguished actor, Guy BatesPost, In his great dual creation ofChilcote and Loder in T h e Maaquer-ader,** will bs the' attraction at th.*Broad Street ieatre, Newark for theweek begiusing Monday night- Dgc. 2.When Mr. Post played his engagementat the Broad last spring an effortwas made to have his manager. Rich;

todlcteTfor crime.' but for being a *rd Wfrltan Tally gSocialist, a statement braienly untrue , f engagement Immediately. Owlnr t o

"They say.'" heSocialist Party. is German.-will


socialism to the world.'afraid of—BolshevUm."

"They arehe added.

meaning by "they.t- undoubtedly, toinclude the United States: —AltSocialists: are pro-Bolshevist today,"ha went on: "they are not afraid ofGermany, but are afraid of Bolshe-

in Enrope- • They are afraid 2,-

for an Australian tour this was Im-peasibla and many~plnygrwr»-»cre,g'iifc


and Injustice tha •™™ "• w w "™'~~ — „ , "the devotion of their! 000.000 ^soldier boys win be affected

appointed In not being able to securetickets. Mr. Post In Australia, scoredthe greatest artistic and nnanMa*. too-«e« «ver made oy an-Am«rtcaa-tctor—1

"The Masoiuerader- tells the story jof two men who look exactly alike. IThey meet in a Iflash of

clients to the Stars and Stripes.No sooner U Germany brought to

ber knras. with a consequent relax-ation of vigilance on Oie part of theAmerican people, than these Socialistscall a mass meeting^ to_be held Inthe Chicago Coliseum, for tbe osten-

Granltlzki. Bnside Sentinel John' "^er Outside Sentinel RTBargen

stces D. Tulloch. H- Plena. P.\er. Chaplain B- Watt.

slbla purpose~or"celel>raung the ovethrow of tbe" German Kaiser. SonCOOP or 30W, r* "*»" »i«vinf rathered.

----uTTEUARV 8OCIETV MEETSAt the meeting of the Washington

Irving Literary Society of the eighthgrade held Monday afternoon a com-mittee consisting of Helen Dalton.Gilbert Brundage and,George Hopkinswas apolnted to obtain samples ofclass pins. The literary program Jn-clnded a recitation and reading by GQ-bert Brnndage nnd a - reading byElltabeth DiDlo - ..

however, the

with i fThere will be Increasing curiosity

from this time on to see how the2.000,000

Used by those who appreciateand want The Best in CerealFoods-


London fog and thematch reveals the resem

Chilcote Is a urog addict andlongs to get away from his great re-sposslbilitlea In order to

Looer Is ambitionssomething for his country.change places andBerger was thinking of will view bl»Is bunded a'breath stopping drama.Bg

conduct and the conduct of his as-John Hanter Booth adapted the playfrom the popular norel of Katherlne

Thnryton. and he has retainedthan that the socialism that snowed to the play all the elementsits head and its teeth In Chicago last. If not dealt wttH earlitr.

Wheatenavillechanged with so little loss oi timethat it is amazing. For the splendidcompany tn suport of Mr. Post he Issending Alice John. Lionel Betmore,

Handyslde. ..Bnbj ~ "Reginald Carrisgton. Milano--T0denaad others.

Bolshevism cannot dwell together.

New JerseyRahway

Itch? Itch! ltd>—Scratcb' fbnlcitl<W»n-r,f The more von scratch, tneworn the itch. Try Dean's Ointment.

discontent. anoVrevmany had scattered in Ruasla-

Tne so-called Socialist mass meet-ing in'Cnlcago, m short, culckly de-veloped into a Bolshevist rally. Ac-cording ,to the newspaper report, ofthe number present fully 75 per centIndicated Russian or German descent.In other words, an overwhelming ma-jority of those in attendance werefrom the revohjUonary Class of ffiej30pslatJ6n~7oI Cn~ica~£O snd *lvh*lty."mostly alien, largely questionably dia

tsrmedlate state of ol-tnrhy eren a*otsbt Into day throt—U twtUgnt>—CoK-rMse.

Dvsriensia is America's curse.icjtbre. dlgeatlca. normal wtigitt. .. _health and purify tne blaod. use Bur-dock "BlbcaTHRefST-Baia-aXTarTjstores. Price. IL25. t—^-


Page 3: The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P

VS-SSIL.. -fcSg^.-iin'HaEJii a^iiffir. .m

Kanway tteuora, Vuemaay -memon. November 5

— 4 ~ w-ahway Record. FirftJ*y Afternoon. November 20. 10*8;

• * . . I

*he Rah way RecordNew Jersey Advocate

BKIUAI. NO. WO.• t the UaUwnjr, N. J. PoUaOe*

"Si™" "'' "* *"

Published Tuesdays add Fridays

Railway Publishing CorporationJCl Irving Street. Rahway, New J«raay





AjtTuoa a,

atetMortptlon Rat* »2J» par y«ar. pay-able In advanoa. aingl* copy I eta.



if(Continued Prom t'ags Orio)

rjstr:—HUStor_ol_ .lha .JtHrst '.' Hrosbyiorian

- -'- churchr- pronounced the bohodictioand nl*o~-axpras9<HJt~appft»eiaUdri-~atthonkd to those who had do kind!loaned flags* for tha .doooratlons anito Miss tona SaMiig forlhd boauttfucollecticn or flowers. Met 'also anBooncod that tho customary dlspodiUouof tho. offering would be.*eln£_Klvoa to the Union-Aid Soclot:tor tho hulplns of the noody in th

"j€**J'^ ~"o©v<Ji*ii] i tppropr i •

sane during tho uorvlco.Roy. Mr. Crowcroft in hid sermon

laid stress upon one of the most vitalpoints In Individual and national Ufashowing that in the time of victoryand prosperity wo must not lose sightof Ood and the doopor things of life,that wo must roallio that It is HisSoodnoss. oiid mGfcy that have givenva these things and that wo can codtlnuo to bo recipients of his grace andbounty only ao long oa wo recognizeGod's hand (a our affairsandJa. thoseof the nation. These points wore indolibly Impressed oil tho mlnns of Mr.Crowcrort'u hearers by striking Il-lustrations and word pictures. Thoaormon as a whole Was able and ef-fective. His theme was VX Thanks-giving Question" and his text wasPMIm'116:12. "tFJ»at an'all I render

tho Lord for'an'his benefits to-Tbo main thoughts of his

are covered ln~the following:"Bible questions ore usually stirring

and searching In their character. Thisthnt Vind as wo roaligo

once to the cup of salvation haB to dowith the peace offering of tho Jewishrollglon, Tho thought is Uilit of foilowahlp with Qod, and was Intondodto Uoop him mindful of Ood In thotlmo of prosperity and sustain him intho tlmo of advoralty.

"Wo sha)l bo savod from tlioso daysof prosporlty in tho moasuro that woput omphasls upon tba lnnar and dooporthings of tho spirit. Tho rosolutionto appropriate tbo hlghost things ofilfo and glvo Ood hia right placo willmoan that tho spirit of thanksgivingwill raroain with us and our standardof valuoa.wlll bo rightly adjusted."


George M. Cha«« Representing LocalY. M, C. A. at Conference

_Oooreu M. Chaso, the gunial boya^socrotary of tho local Y. M. 0. A., ad*

aaod-lfc-larKo gathering at Rosolloon Wednesday afiiir.non and thon wontto his homo at Poughkoopsic, N. Y.,to apond tho holiday, Mr. Chaso is

w attending a throo-day Older Boys'Conference, undor tho auspices of thoatato asoclation at Orange. The thomoof tho gathoring is "Loyalty and Ser-vico to tho Home, Schooi, Church andCountry." Tho program which Mr.Chaso Will enjoy InciudoS many vital

d important, features as follows:B*rlday. aftornonj I ov. PO, 2.30

o'clock; Statu boys' councirmootlng?

She^p Production Must Be Increased toMeet Meat Requirements of Nation. • - . - . • i/-j|L — .. ; . j ...

By A. C EIGELOW. Praiiml oi Paliddplu. Wool «nd TeHus AModalioa

C.30, aasombly at asoclation buildingor march to< tho armory whore aloOvor BUppor, will 'bd sorvod" by^tho

Women's1 Auxiliary of tho Orangoa;

Tho number of aheap in our fanning sections haa declined nearlycmo-iliird ainco 1300, arid tho declin<rfoT~the entire country haa been over

'12 per coni. Our initial sheep .-population today is approximately32,000,000 heod,.~whilo according-to good authority7bur grazing areashould easily maintain 150,000,000. _ • •-.,

•fho development of agriculture over tho •western plains reduced theformer great cattlo industry. Our great staple meat food, beef, haa beenadvancing in price for years, bat with utter lack of foresight We havefailed to promote tho production of mutton and lamb, which is tho mostwholesome meat product, which is produced at less cost, and is thereforea desirable substitute for tho more costly beef. Our lackrof attention tosheep has., not-only'affected our meat supply bufc i t has rendered uscloiwndeht on foreign countries foi the major portion of our wool supplies,with which to provide our people' with woolen clothing.

Tho War has brought to us the now experience of meatless days, andio many of our people with slender purses' it will-bring ivpolless clothing.Our lack of wool supplies has been a cause of great embarrassment toour government in supplying our military requirements. These suddenacute conditions have been brought uboafc by the pressure of war.


•a/hen -we note Its effect Upon tho one•who aake it. In the carofu! examin-ation ot this Question and its answer

.may. flna a splendld-objoct loasonfor our guidance in tho giving ' of•tbaika to Almighty God in this time

national and international Vojoic-

Quit the Psalmist rovfows or takes

(Continued Proni Page Ona)~ -.John D...D.uffy;-SDloctlon -on_thO--ono-ot-tlio-lsadihB-chafactori. " Tho

_bo1la,_EcdlLCUoaa,_DfJJsrprt_Yprj£j_l)a^ -KarJuoteUus-svcro-tha Misses—Mar.trlotlc Bones, Jod by chitrloa W.Cranksbaw, tlr.; _wolcomo, Lbonurd X).Baldwin, prosidont of tlio Y. M. C. A.of tho Orangon; toai>otitiG> Lynn Men-drlcUaon, Gloucontor county, proaliloiltof tho conference; addroijH, Harry CWhlta, Bound Brook, who recently ro-turnod Ircni ovorsoaa aarvicd; addrosn

tcarotta Lova, Dorin Siatdr, Catherine' Grace Cook; "Thanksgiving',*'Oruonor and Holon Craia; S'armors,Arnold Priotz, Bertram Berry, Ben-Jiimln Yuckman, KoKor Hona, Words

Mary Cuatia, LaVera Cooper "Thanka-Kiving'/'"Isabella,"Barciayr^JennlorTMc'"Ollliway) "The^prigin of Thanksgiving Day," 3-A class; eongs,"Thanksgiving," '•Thanksgiving atOiiuiupaV-"TbaiilLSitlvluB Hymn.""Ajnorioa."' "Star Spangled Banner,"flag' salute; recitation^, -'Praise! God"Dorothy-- Qrolnor,- Cfeorgo—Kottndr;

-^Thanks givingJDlnnar^UCaty. JLcdorle,Alice"ForFdrrairi, Minerva iiobinson;

Thanksgiving," Stella Coppola; road-Ing, "First Thankagiving." Dorothy

Itlcev liyinan IBlumen-uoii woro uung to tho tuno of "The thai i President Wilson's Thanksglv-nuttlo Cry of Freedom." The dlfforont ing Day proclamation.

Turkey," class;'recitation, T h a Ear-'vest," aeoTgn Blorwirtb; song, "A |Bustle In the Kitchen," ElizabethOroon, Dorothy Baddy. Rath Madison,recitation, "Our Blessings,'* Clara

^WWtsfc song," Thanksgiving," class:story. _"Tno First Thanksgiving^Marlon' Lamb; (One. "Battle Hymn ofRopublic,' class; recitation, "Tb«:Pumpkins," Katie Malek; song;,'"Hod,Wbito and Bloo," class; inarch, "ManyFlags," class; recitation; "November,"Nottie Kenter; duet, "Giving Thanks'Gladys Barton. Dorothy- Hnddy; -song,"Keep the Homoflros Burning," class;victrola selections; flag salute, song,"Star Spangled Bannor," class.

Grades S, S and 7.National. Thanksgiving ^Hymn,

grades; The President's Proclamation.Andrew Strakelo; "A Child's Thanksgiving," Mary Garofolo; ' Thanksgiv-InC" Virginia Solt; "To Italy," HelenLawson;. '"When Uncle 9am Passestho Hat," Jambs Calv|r>; "A BeantlfnlWorld," Doris Chase;" "Tho FirstThanksgiving- of the Pilgrims." popllaof Qrado 6; songs of the Allies, in-cluding Belgian national. anthem, ItalIan national hymn, "qod Save the'King," fThe Marseillaise," grades;salute to tho flag; "Star SpangledBanner." '?-


Song, "Praise the Lord." grades;rodtation. "November In the Garden"Marion Graves; recitation, "Peace,"Mai lam 31 muiiutiuu, "Thu FirmThanksgiving Day1." - Marie Tibkeo;"reading.- .''Giving Thanks," Boralco

Miller; recitation,- '-The Day,"- JfeanetteCarlborg;. songi-i'Story of -a -Seed,"grades; recitation. "Thanksgiving,"

Uyer; recitation "When Orand-ma Bastes " the Turkey," Marguerite

pucker; recitation, "My.. Country.

U.S. LYRICfiood Music—fiood Picturesr-for All the People.

Frlccs Ai«ra;> the Same I Ic.aad 17c

TO-NIGHTOSLV-icohipleteihows-inrtroprt-xenta Viola Daua inaj-part iea lnre •«Tli« Flowero f ' h c Oa»tf" ii, addition a "Wait andje iT" Com.

—cay and a single r c « l 3le<ro 4 J l '"ri Tbicsomesccreiarj . ' '

The Season's Oraroaiic Event

Norma Talmadgetbe noted aelect star In 5-part production de laxe

"Her OnlyTWay"To nor P.lroos— Bemt- io mind lbli\» Ui«» Talm*ds*-> Imtut

. »od <rnui i mccm; ,00 , no donbt. ranumUi her In tb« "L«»of Couipeni.iloo." "Panlne*," "Tbe Safety Corl»lo," "Th« Pop-Py* " •od naro*roas dtbars. bat tbi. ! • conceded by critic* avery^where u b*r be»c wa(k. la addition

. Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckleand Mabel Normand in a comedy witL a langh or more

in every foot of dim, entitled

"Fatty and Mabel Adrift/"Ifyoa can't laaeb at thi* plctnre yoo b«d better Me » doctor.

. - . ' Hara core fof tba b]o<Mv

Mitlnea, childf en 6 . adults 1 lis^Evenlng11 caud 17cMONDAY EVESING-a CempIelcSbowl.

Record. Friday Afternoon. November 29. IOIB;


Brief (teas of Local InterestFor Qua* PerasaL

(Continued frtcra Pags 4)

Mrs. Samnol McNlcils and twoRobert and MabeJ. of Phila-ba-re been spendlzis sereTal

days vlth Mrs. McNIcSOe'* parents,tov'aisa Mrs. Jobn C. Scrimshaw, ofK6 Uosroe street. Mr. McNicils was* Ilsttat thera over the bolldxr.- Two candidates were initiated andone application tor memberaMp- .wasreelered-Tne3<iay evening at the meet-ins ot Rahway Aerie, No. 1^63 Fra-ternal Order of Eagles. Flans arecomplete, tor ha.vlag presented at theKnlsnts of Colnmbns recreation hat atColonla a one entertainment by WestBndson Aerie, who prevtonsly enter-tained with such good results.

- District Depaty Thomas JMonltottand staff, of this city. Installed thenewly elected officers of WestflaldCouncil. Knishts of Colambns, Tua-


Rev. Benson 8- C n a e n f t . Pastsr i10 a. nL, Bible school, with, classes ,

for an agesv . . . . i11 a. m_. Chorch service. i .1 D- m.. E p w o ^ I ^ p x a aertrtee; .Grandma'*.- Theodore X^ndenhergcr;

topic "Tho Carl3«an's 0ae off ffi*'"*nie Letter T." Donald Martia; aon«^

Money;** teader^Mra- 13C C- Coulter. . ~Ur. Dock and Mr. TarJtcy;** *"T£taiiia»/1A5 p. m^ CJxard* service, with giving Day Is Conjing," Stanley Jones; :

selections by t? «' Junior. <rhcir. ~ .. _ . „ ,•-»« ••••Tuesday evening, Dec 2» bazaar and / *__'•

entertainmrat. -The Grecian Bend." sons. "TaiaJcsgr^ns at G r a n t s ; {

under aasoices. of EBwcrta I^agae. ; "Eeine. Ttaniial." Frani lAlile- 'A.Wednesday. Bee -S. meattas of Red Bli Secret." Gladys ScheU: "In Six-;

Cross Unit morning and afternoon; j t ^ Hnsdred: Twenty." Worrell Pra-j7.4S p. EL. -taJA. week prayer service- I i&n - a^iaje Gas. . '

Junior" choir1 rehearsal Friday af- [ Qrad«« t *nd 2. ' Iternoon. Dec S. a! 130 o'clock al -Greeting." Fraalt Bash; -Thanis'l


horn* of Mrs-John Hoosman. Slrvtas


4& a- XQL. Brotherhood moetingzgood. apeaUfi£«. CDod mnaJc; «fl men

this evening iroder the azisplees of St.Uark's Dramatic CIno in toe

crops woro roprosbntod as follows:Rt. Rov. Wllnou . R.- Stuarly, D. D., Cora, Mlaa Holoii Mlntol; Potato, Missr Songbiotop—fioaajutor-Bf dtocoso oT~NSw~faTiTIy«~Tago; Tomato, Eow:IHIStUttTi;i. Has. saluJcT~clajij(T*1'1<" Onion, Arthur" Schnertr; Carrot, Wil- Story oi Tlianltaglvlng;,

Saturday moi-nlnu, mornliK.' watch Ham Hand; Pumpkin, Miss Edna John-! rocitatlon, "The UltlIn own room; fl o'clock, «ong sorvico yon. I Story," Dorothy Madden, Marie Chai:at North Orange Baptist church, !od In tho uocond acono victory, justice'let, Alma Fritz; Anna McOlUivr.

and poaco wore represented. Miss Heien Pastorius, Anna Dudash, Mardevotional, "Loyalty,'.' llov. A. G. Sin- 'clair, D.church,

D., of FirstBloomfleld;


Boys for Superlative Tasks," Dr. C. Xiarvor, Intornatlonal aecrotary of

boya' work, and B. If. Bryant lator-national secretary physical work;"Loyalty and Sorvico," "In the Home,"Mra. A. L. Kenually, Plalnfloldj "Inthe School," Albert B. Msrodlth, State

uporvlsor of secondary education;In the Church," Hov. Ralph B. Urmy,lit Centenary M. H. church, Nowark.

Saturday afternoon, song and de-•oilohal soryjee lod J>y Dr. RobertIrewstoi- Beattid, Munn Avenue Pros*lyterlan church, Blast Orango; bual-oas sosaion—Roport on Vlctdry Boysmil Viotory Girls Division of UnitedVar Work Campaign, presentation of:Up for- efficiency, subscription to

Fourth Grade'Star Spanglod Banned," clasi

reading,, _"Tea"s" ~Evolyn Dawson jAlma Frits;


Marjorla Holllnga appoarod as Justice,' uarot Van Vliet; song, "Grandfather

aoto of the delivoraneoa wrought out."At tho head of tho Psalm wo road:

""The Psalmist studloth to bd thank-tal."' The wholo Paalm abowa"'thattho wrltor souglit to stir hiniaoif bVthlnkine pt the blessings bo had re-ceived and that had also coma to iliaziaOon. ' . '

while thero has boon untold sujforlngsnd sorrow and whllo thdro in Bftdnooala many_bomos_tQday_bocauso ot-Uioaowho will novor return yot tblij is thoSiost wondorrul victory that tho Worldhas o»er been called upon to colobi-atoand tho good results to civilization arofceyond our powers to describe.

"Wo think of tho lifting of tho yokoof tyranny from those lands whichbavo been oppressed for centurios, ofttto welding together in common pur-pose and spirit of those nations whichhave fought for tho right, of .tho honorthffit Tinw rnmc to.our own taation be

Tiiill BtrUKKla^voatorilnv i:i tn li. ThHubway toam outchiaucd thoir oppon-onta In all dopartmonta of i&o e:auv6,Tho-UnoiUp:- B. Whllo, loft und; H.Hopaou, right ond; H. Stokoa, contor;C; Taylor, loft guard; H. Van Dyko,loft tacklo: s. Smith, right guard; R.Randolph, right tackle' f. Taylor,fullback; C. Syora, loft halfback; It.Robinson, right halfback; H, Stokea,quartorbaclt. S. Mooro, coach.

cause,of the splendid loyalty andkorobsm of all who havo ropreaontedSgTTBcIuainE thV>resldont tho Hm-bassadors. the aoldlera and saiiorn nt,t K ?i l dw < ) l r?i e r? l n


- Industries and thepeople. tThere are

Cmny other reasons which come to ourmind* as we think of the raanlfoldmercies and blessings that havo cometo us and to tho world m this recenttriumph of right

•~The second thought is t ie Psalm-tet's acknowledgement of God.

"The word Jehovah lie used four-teen times1 In "thii ; Psalm. Manywriters and speakers are remindingn»" of the evidence of God's providenceIn tho outcome of this world conflict

-Another Important lesson Is theway the Psalmist relates hid th&hks-dv inc to-conducl-and-eervlee;—

— '"J will walk before Uio~tOTa~TB

ieronco; addreaa, "What Is Loyalty,"Ubort H. Roberts, international secre-tary Of rural Work; 3.36 rooroatioha]aorlod; Saturday ovaning, f.fS,-victoryrally. .' . . . '. '- •

Sunday morning, dologates attdndihurch and Sunday school; Sunday.ftornoon, 3 o'clock, E,ong service ledy~Moward" j", Go5T~gacrml Holoctiona

on bolls, Emil CIOBS; addroaa, "Sorvicolhat WinB," Albert IS. Roborta. Sunday

-Slater and Mllltcont Wair;—France.'-; Ciiaudim'a." lacltatlouEtta Roflenblum and Dorothy Hegele; Hazel Beli; recitation, "The ThanksBelgium, Ida Nadol and Dorothy of a Boy," Elwood Robinson; song,Schneider; Italy, Jennie Brown and "Thanksgiving Is Here;" recitation,

orna" Bunp, -.--.-___.-• j " T a e pirat-Thanksgiving,"-rDorothThe program was opened with tho . McEwen;~ recitation, "November Fun"

reading oiLPresldeut-Wilson's proda--Victor-Williams;_song,i;Mr..Gobblerstaatiott by Sanjuol Love, of the Senior Tune r". recitation, "Thanksgiving,1

olasa. The high school orchestra pro- Margaret Qruener; recitation. ''A Dasexcellent

ovonlng—Farowoll sorvico lodChurioa T. Kllborne, chairmanStato Boys' Work Committee.


GIANTS SCORE VICTORYTho Railway Colored Giants

trounced tho Princetons In S. hard foot-

caaoa at Long branch on that day andprobably-would bo unable to attend;Tho Mayor thon wlthdrow his motionand tho noit meeting was loft subjectto tho call of the chair., Bacteriologist Baldwin reported fortho Wook o&aing Nov. 20, "a good per-centage of bacterial ~ reduction.* Iliamonthly roport. contained tho follow-lnE:

"Tho avoraeo -porcontase of ™bac-iorlal reduction was.9S.3. Tho porconago ofbacterlal reduction is thesamo as for iast month and tho otherdata aro almost identical. They ' allIndicate tho Wator to bo of safo bac-

-tertoiogical-qualityr-—My own labora-monthT

whllo Victory waa ropres_entod by Lo-roy Sorter and Peace by Miss Ida.

rt'. Thoro wora wounded sol-and sailors attended by Rodnurses ad .follows' Soldiers

Farm," class; song;, "Old Black Joe,1

classy rocitatlon,.'"After Thanksgi'ing," WllliamLaMortp, E"redericlc_Bamore, Waller Edgar, Peter Schalestok,Norman Rosa, Luther Burns; song,

and sailors, Clifford Indium, Thaddeus "Father We Thank Thee," classDura, Addlson Mundy, Royal Alden,' roadln^,"The Landing of the Pll-Robert Watson, Walter Crane; Red grlms," Lillian ChariesnrorUi; song.Cross Nurses the Misses Mabel Love,I "Thanksgiving Song," class; roclta-

Agnes Rowley and Helen Oon, "The Prim Littlo Maid." AnnaMailer,Baker.

In .the final scone all of tha char-actersv-were assembled with UncleSam In a conspicuous place with asoldier, Clifford Ludjum, and' a sailor,Walter Crane, on elthor side.-Girls

Bone. "Liberty Bell," classsong, "My Country Tis of Thee.class; Thanksgiving Day Proclams.'tion of President Wilson,

Fifth Grade, >Sons. "Praiae tho Lord." recitation,

attired to represent the Allies entered_*4<31vO — Eraiao," Marguorltfl—GIroudtho scono and sang the. various air*, recitation, "Thanksgiving," VeronlTho Allies wore represented by the Bader; recitation, "November." Murielfollowing: England, tho Missea Doris Plumhoff; aoug, "ThanksgivinK al

song,vrdod excellent music throughouC TAparf," Dorothy Eckort;ThanksKlvihg songs were sung and "Thanksgiving;" recitation, "A Boy'"Star Spangled Bannor" concluded the Thanks," Victor Williams; recitation,program. Tho affairs was arranged "The Way to do It," Helen Barclay:by Miss Anna M. Qoetz, assisted by recitation, "Thanksgiving," Ellen DIek-someuf-tha. other teacn~ers7.'.~.'..' ."•". /-Trr|"ora0n rjonBr.l"That3;rarst -ThanksglV--

In tho four elementary . schools ing Day;" flag salute; "Flag Song;.fitting programs of a patriotic nature "Thanksgiving Day Proclamation 0:Woro currlod out under, tho direction Governor Edge.ot tho various teachnra m foilnwa:


SonK, "Amorlca;" rocitatlon,True Thanksgiving," Robert Clarkuong; "AH Things Bright and Beauti-

Sixth and seventh GeadesJ C ' y

grades; rocltatloii, "Three Flags," Irv-I Ing Van Polt; piano solo, "Polka Mlg

'The non,'*Xrma Ganbng; recitation, "Johnand the. Pumpkin." Nicola Capoiapiano solo, Anna Williams; rocltatloi

ful." Helen Rayhon, Eleanor Fanelle, "First Thanksgiving," Vivian. Vauder-hovon; recitation, "A Country ThankS'Elvlng," Edward Nolan; song, "WePlough the Fold,""solo', part, RuthPlatt and chorus by grado 6-A; recitation, 'Thanksg|vingT-I918," Earl

Ethol Soloman. >David Blauvolt, WllHam ESngolhart; recitation, "HappyThoughts," Jonlne Shannon; exercise,"Thahk You la the Farmyard," Frod-

-Orlck Flake, Isabel ChaHeaworth,-Mat'thow Roas, Anna Bilhawitch, Ray- Suitor;" piano solo, Gladys Stacy; reel-mond Stokos, Hazel Mallor. Mildred tatiow, •"whoa Father fcarves th.Glntrida; sphg, "All for Baby," Ruth Duck," Edward Bailey, Roy Tlce, Fredahd-Robeit IlulliiiKshiiml. JoBnmn~-BagEe,. Victor ChallW;' recitation,frlda. Charlotte Hllbert, Albert Ccaw-~ "Thankjglvlng_ln_the Country." Lind:

"ley, AmoUaTDuja: recitation "rhnr.!/,.- ^ri»PinBlvlng, Day," Benjamin Jackson; red-' Gradesatlon. ''Give—ThnnkB," Peajj—Blacky—givlgg—proclamation:

: ^nTli:, ^National qiymu.'G ajid 75 reading of Thanks

FRANKLIN SCHOOLGrades IB, 1-A 3 and 4.

National Hymn; recitation "Thanks-giving," Avis Chase; recitation, "A

y o p ! i s n o w monthTland of the Jiving.'" If our thanks-j havo UBually given . a better result

• - - -


Is to bo of practical value it

peril In being satisfled with the morefeeling of graltltude. That emotionahourerbo the driving power In tho«irrying out of some high purposo inkeeping with this fooling of gratltudo.

—We note further that this thanks-was Joyful and almost hllarl

ous. There is throughout, tho note ofJoy aiid praiBo.

"And ^specially significant is tho.resolve concerning, tho deeper things*>t life. The symbolism in the refer-

than tha samples axamlnod at theTho oxcollQpt results ob-

tained durlnc tho comparatively goodWoathor may not bo HO favorahlo dnr-lug O»o rainy season."

.The ofllclaht rrcsont at tho ineetlngworo: Mayor David H. TrombloV,Cornmlssionora David Armstrong andJames B. Furbor, City Clork CharlesH. Lambert, City Troasyrer A. F. Kir-Htoln. Assessor W. li. Wright, WaterEnglnoer David Gago, Chiof of PoliceDavid TL Ramsey and Hoalth OOlcorFred M. Williams

song, "Can A Little Child Like Me."school; song, "Bobby Red Breast,"Grace Kettnor, Mary Wlesman; :r«ci-taUon, _ 'A Spng of Praise," MargaretFuhr; exercise, "Our First Thanks- _ „ . , .„„„„.„„, ^giving Day." Frederick Runyon, Thanksgiving Ride," Eleanor HetfleldMuriel Tlce. Cora Reed. Elinor Evans/' Helen Martin; recitation, "Tom'sRobert HaVlland. Elliaboth Beckhuson Thanksgiving," Kenneth Ador- songEleanor Heeso; song, '•Mother's "Thanksgiving at Grandpa's;"'reclta-Knives and Forks." Eleanor Fanelle. tlon. "What Baby Said," Evelyn Con-Ethol Soloman, song. On This Happy ley; recltationv "ThanksgivinK Din-Feast Day," 1-A"Littlo Rod Hen,

^ g g Dingrade: exoroiao. nor." Herbert Johnson, Edith. McClure

Kathoryn Thomp- Anna Durmer, Eleanor Higginson;son, Stephen Losko. Dominick Romeo, song, "When Mr.

recitation, "A His Tuno," gradeWilliamChoice."




Springer; recitation, "Thanksgiving Day," Arthur Chase-"Oh; Dear.'; Amelia Dura; song; song, "The Story of a .Snad.1

8 and 4; recitation, "Littlo. . . . — — —v. David Lane;

Kottner; song, "Tho Frightened Pqmp- "ThanhRKlytng;" dnnt.

7tlon. "What Does Blrdlo Say." Graco ' Thanksgiving.K t t ; "Th F


kin." Clifford Christopher. Herman Mthsl Bedman. Avis Chaso- recltaUonBlumonthal, Elwood Miller. Oraco - "How Thankaglvtng Cam'o

_Kettnor, Jonnla-Shnnnnn- M.r r . » tto Bo."

"The Star Spanglod Banner,' school. Maidens." Ruth ' Sharer, KathrynGrade 3 A and 3 B. • > Smith. Evolyn Bodmaa. Barbara Dim-

mer. Mildred Poulks. Honrletta Ham-

LllllanRuth Harley.

song.' ••ThanksglvlriE

Rocltutlons. "The Turkey Gobbler,"John Glogalla: Donald Runyon; "What til; exorcise, "Pilgrim Maids 'Wo aro Thankful For." Helen Pfeffor; Hamlll, Joiilno CramerVOur First Thanksgiving Day." Vir-ginia Fuhr, John Hllbdrt, M-rlonSuitor, Arthur Foster, Sorena Robin-son, Robert Gaaaaway, Morris Wise-iman. Annlo Frasei1. Margusrlto Goorge

Holon Droego;Day," "America:" flag saluto;Spangled Banner."

Second GradeSons. "America," class; sons,


William GubaS; song. .National Hymn:rades; recitation, "Thankful Tune,"

Mary Overton; rodtation, 'Littlo Gob-bler's Letter," Martha'Pruden; redtatlop,. "Good Morning, Thanksgiving"

recitation, "Originof Thanksgiving," Clara Donglas;song, "Landing of the Pilgrims,"grades; recitation, "A. ThanksgivingSong," Robert Lindsay; recitation,"Thanksgiving Day," Margaret Rob-erts; recitation, "Thanksgiving ofSorvico," Anita Harris; recitation,"Our Flag," Anna Vail; Bag salute,.grades ;. .8onjK:_^S tar-Spangled-::Ban>:

ner,-' grade's, 'Third Grade

Song,-."America;" "Holland," JohnVail; "November," Mary Antelora;"A Thought." Courtlandt Berry; so;"November Skies" "A Child's Thanks-giving Thought," Grace Dlcomo"Thanksgiving Fun," Clifford Deitisong, "A Pumpkin;" ThanksgivinDinner." Ira Jansen; "A Thanksgi'ing," Victor Carmody; "Hurrah forThanksgiving," Herman Shotlandersong, 'Bustle In tha Kitchen*" "Al

(Continued on Page Five)

i not coofa«eihl. pictors wicb » rocoUr proeram release It l»a.p«oUI r . i ^ e by Slaeolrd »b«i 1. orlb »<M.inB. '• Io .ddltion

• BDO(b«r episfMl^ot -. - - " ~'

"A FIGHT FORrMILLIONS" A(so Pathe News Weekly.

— TBE9DAVEVFIHNC=Jandp o'clock^

William Desmond__CEA8L1ECHAPUM COMEDY-

Ghristmasgifts andgood will

_ Yon _kuow the yaliieo£ a gift isn't iu wlmfc Hoosts but iu the good will

Just now, wfcen the

woriil needs it more than

anything else it is a good

idea, to f>nt extra einpta*

ia on the "Good Will."

For reasons of economy

all gifts this year should

be useful gifts;-find-out

what your friends andl

-really—neesomething he will have to

buy. anyway,, sooner or

fater ; give Something litet h a t . ' - - • , • • • . - • •"•:-

- There are plontyijjoj

Buoh gifts; you'll find lots

of them here in our store

^—gifts tuitable for men.

Buy Christmas things

early; its a government

request. .

Sehwed's' 208-210 Broad Street

Elizabeth :

in "An Honest Man"OTHERS

Watch our ad on Tuesday nextfor the date of


In falasecood kniilioo dollar rel«a*a,

"Shoulder Arms"flrP Ctoarlie • "XVaMop" (lie• N t t Hani See lilm tally his•-» • • • • •victim* ; See him pre-pare to-jo '*<*TCT ttoe Top." feeUm"Get» tbe Kaiser.

Special Matinee for Children at 6cOn this Wonderfal.Attraction Onl;

j The Lincoln ^School Psxent-Teach-7 ex AssoditJcn will meet Moniiiy af-

ternoon at 3^0 o'docai. ***^^*^ dues'are payable* , .

Miss Haiel Morse, of 2S Centralavenne.' spent the holiday with. Mrand Mrs. Clalr Miller, Jersey City."

Mrs. EUia PeaL Mr.,and Mra. HarryPeal. Miss Margaret Peal and GavinChambers. o£ Ne^rarlc were • enter-tained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs- J- P.Mead nod famflyV at West Haselwoodavenne. -

Health Omcef and Mrs. Fred i tWilliams, oi -iJ> Seminary avenne. en-tertained their son. Harokf, aad wife.of Newark, over the holiday.

Mr- and Mrs- Joseph Mailer andMiss M- Snckfuli, of Elizabeth- wereguests yesterday of >zf- and Mrs- John

Wednesday. Dec- 4. t.4& J . B . Ool-Itoe-stody- of" the .lessonr-for Dec^ 8rteachers Invited- £ p. nx. Devotionalmeetiag; topic. "Jesus^tne Corning

!&"• Please bring Tabernacleboots. ... _ . . . _ • . . . ' . _ i . : .'

msetisg leader. Mrs- Edith. McCafflrfn- John RoIUnson; kitty, Doris Bordes;p- m . evening woraaioi aerraorT dog:

Howard Brunt: piggy wee. Leon Saot- jlander;" Tnarixaglvmz—'Klrfe."—Junior--;Morris; "Tb» First ThinVigt-riagDay," James Smith. Paul Hnlicfc.Victor" Jones, Thomas-Roberts. WQ:|Uam.fflower. Henry Weit i Charlotte!Roberts, Sxxivatore Cocaaza. Durfley tfT'tl. Arnold Woodward; aonz "First I

Lying Day;" "Thank Thee."!DorothyVjJa-cfciey; "After Thankaziy-tog.rf

ham;'-Amerjeer;"' flag salute-

Grade 1-8-*A. Thankagivins Hymn;"

rrtet Kl£ae; recitaiion^ **What No-vember Bring3." HaaatBonmaa; song,"Thirl thick and Mr1- Taxkey;'" recita-tlociv "A Thanksgiving Party.,*" BobertCroweH; recitation. "Th^nirq giving

— -Crosby

PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH•'•JL ChuroJt with a »f«««aj« and Wetcnme far ^U."

— 7:30 P.M. Sunday School a t 3 P. M.Series of Addresses on "Five Great No»«li"Saaiajs at 7:30 P. H.

I>*cimher '1ml—S'evenxnn's "Dr. JTeyJcell and Hr. JBydts"

December 29ih—Dickens ''David Cum

MARKETCor. Main St and Elizabeth Ave.

T E L. E P H O N E 18 M

If you want to save money for the next holidai-bay-yoar meat at'the Rahwjy Ma-itel, Main anc

InA celebration of his twenty-firstbirthday1 aainversary John Dwyer. of42 Essex street, pleasantry entertain'ed a. company o£ friends Wednesday

The Cedllan Clnb win meet Mondayevening with Miss «y »Hi«.»n O'Connor.Walter street.

William H. Smith, of Brielle. andMrs. Bertha. Stasis , of New York,were guests over Thanksgiving at thahome at Police Sergeant and Mra.John A- Smith, SO Union street.

The snm of $2S> contribtlted by Che-Ancient order* of Hibernians shouldhave been included in the list ot con-trihntions ntxbllshed Tuesday in con-nection wtth the United 'War WorkCampaign. .

Thomas Vanderhoven, Main street.1» serloasiy OL

Mr- and Mrs. C. C. Uttell and fam-Oy. Ot Bridgeport. Conn., were vfaltorsover the holiday at the home of net"

parents, Mr- Mrs- H- Blore,

There are few hunters without theuse o{ a dog who have had better, onecess this seasori_than George Way, 15Bast Milton, avenue, who bagged sevenrabbits and onesjjnirrelL1 ~ —

" Hngh.-S&aano.-of-tr—S.- Artillery^lsvisting his parents, Mr. and Mrs- Hash

abeth aveotte. and yon'll know yon g«-tynnr

Rib RoastCfaiick RoastPlate BeefLiver:'*.' ? ' > > ••' '-J^"Porterhouse SteajrRump Beef ^ mLeg of LambRitter's Ketchu p.Armour's Evapora

r Lettuce

Shannon. 30 K<jSP~t street-^Mr. and Mrs- A- )TJ- Perry. Central

avenne. entertained Major- CliffordPerry; Washington."V, Shepard and Mrs- Clarke L. Perry,of Oswego, K. Y,-over Thanksgiving,

Ernest Van Schotcfc: arrived homlast night from Officers' TrainingCamp Waco, Texas. He has receivean honorable discharge.

Mri J. A- Gntteridge. mother cMrs. X W-Eyder. ot Trinity parsonagiis spending the holiday aiid wee6.with her daughter.

A pleasing and well attendeThanksgiving' service was held In theAvenel chapel last evening- The ad-

^ven.by HeT. J..W . Byder.of Trinity chorch-

AE interesting meeting of the liber-ty T-Hararr-Society of Grade &-B at

lb24c lb16c lb15c lb33c lb30c lb35c Ib

the high school bonding was heldMonday afternoon when the followingprograia was .carried ootz_ Redtntion-Onr Hired Girl.-: Misa Alice Sls&y

Joles Girtanner: debate^ -Re-roaaing; Jsolved, that Football Is Better thanBaseball;" affirmative. John Lofberryand John Hirmm; negatlre. Mis-t Mary

ft* TT\ Coznsusfilona_ in-. Bible school; leases pit

•Joseph Sold toy His Brothara."/ —1X.4& su in-. Janlor Brotherhood:

--C-JR. cbnaecratlon;

gt'gfTig'.'* ^nTTI^Tn OppfinTietm^r; aong,! « iThanksgiving a£ Graouipa.'*;" "Hi3Caaaa for Thanka*"* William Peterson; !"Tte Tnrita7*s Opinion ,** VirsJnla-i-Boatwicit; song. "Tha Pnraplda;" |**What t Am TTiaaklai S*or.*" Oiartea 1

. C.

JOne of t i e

Services, every lieM In t i l s city, waaGGTi&zcx&d at St- Paul's cfcurcii onThorsisay morains. Tile church had

aa nsaay Eocb*s aa any ether I \^^vfliii n. bat d«sptte this, be Ls - 'enable ta g&t Into military acrv- ^ *

and even the draft board ha3 * \turned him dawn time &ti*r Jtime, he.saj3.ia.a letter to AtSr-JniaiaiL General HaiTmaJX and h*X«3t3 the matter ax> to tha gea-eral as to what t» do- . -.

He la sdnsfle. haa, no de^t&d-

Is wttlinj; and an^l^os to s e t toPrance, bnt Cn^le Sara sajrs


* \ Tbe general told htm he did jrfcnow what the yovsnx f1"- 1^ ^ •

^ \ could do to jet Into th* array oa- ^ \- > less be C&XL stretch. hlm.-ielf two - '1 \ tnefcea. - ' " '

4 »•» 5 IHMHiHilKMHut

FOE HASSTT A CHMCEsong. "We Thani the

Pather;" "Tbei Magic Vine." Erti nn.Burden;

Beat rsay,™1 Eleanor IPrance;•^Te Tbanic Tliee,*" Gecrxa Ac ten;gong, "Ifc, I>acic and Mr. Turkey;"Thaalt Yea. to.- the - B>rmyaxd.*"_ Tte .

BrttiiJi Acs Tells Story <A the Won.derful Plueic at rraacis


Wltb the Aroerican Army Northwestof Verdnn^—^A British ace. whose

inJ apeccade—tha chcir wajby tha cross bearer. Harold Buckley.i

in hi3 aiUor*s OiL'um and tha worsenof _,the_ ciscirfpnowerf _by. _th* fla^^bearer. Herbert Jeffries, tn, hia aol-fdier's mxiTom. then cojne the male;choriatftr*. wh<y-ln tarawere fthy'tha Hed Crcaa Cnit of St.

then came St- .Paal'a Church Cadets.;wearing their tinilernia. then the Vea-;try. Altar Chapter^- Xnduatxial, Chaj- jler, Charch Worlcera, Social Chapter^ |GIrl'a _SociaI Hour Cna^ter, Woman's 'Aujtlliary and the Sanday SchooL • t

The ViTsanat played the national airs \pi the Aiiie*. The choir* rendered a i janthem *"O Let fea Give Thanka,*" T i e ;Ractxxt Jireachad--£ronr Paalra H7S 1 |and' shoved "the"1 cisaa for our* sra^efol!Th;in'irig ii"*'Hg anii wby >ht - "Was a Vtv •tory TbanJcagl-Ttinf In every

THANKSGIVING PARTY—There was., a. deUgSitfal Thankagiv-

ing party held al the hone ot MissJessie &oeheitti, daughter o£ Mr. andMrs. J. V/TIoeaeitli; of West ;qrand_faireet. Thuraday evenisg. Games.

owing to hia achievements and • Ms| and ain«ln^ wera enjoyed,.


10 a. irw Bible school. " .11 a. nlv Church service with ser-

mon by pastor. .7_ p- nl-, Christian £ndeavor coeeting--7-4S p- m-. Chorea service, sermon

by"the pastor; subject "Doe^ it Pay> be GoodfWednesday evening TAS o'clock; m ,

reek prayer" service led by the pastor-Jnnior choir meeting Tuesday af-

ternoon- Dee^ 3, 4 o'cloclc al_home ofMrs- Seymonr' Wmiams. 100 Seminary

ace vr&3 ordered to make a- nisht^with. a. B'rencn-peajsant-

aa a paasecaerj" be said, "The peasantcarried a. parachute and i basicet o£carrier pigeons.

"Her aak«d the ace to point out tne.place where he wanted, the peasant tojom;v Th** STlator1 then asiced thepeasant if he- had e er" leaped from- an-

• airpliine with- a paracnut^ before. Tlw&c& WEL3 astoni-ih*t(J to learri that 1C xw£-s

..the frenchman's firsts trip In the air.

feorh«ittt ^nd __Jfi33 Hel«n BUnyirthJtiainty ratreah nren ta • were, served.\A.inong~- "tiicaa1--- prcsaat ' 'otrerer"" '"• To* Iillasea Kabel I,nrfT-ow, Eelea^xnd Ger-truae B'fcrwlJth.-. Ethai and A an a Cas-tor, Dorothy. iHel n . and-^o«nnich and <>tiieri.


10 a~ m., Sunday scfaooi and pastor's

11,45 a- m. Bible school, _ ..with.claaaea for all^la«ea, r

7 p. a ; Cirlstlaa Endeavor meet*ta^ ' - • • • '• ' j

,4& pv m— EvftnTTis worsen*, wtiligermon, T n o K" g Tift of God," .bypastor.

Wonun'B Home and Foreign Mis-siooary. Society.. meeting _ Monday; j»f-texnoon 3^0 at home of Mrs^ T- J-Baker, !>€ Bryant street.

All-day meeting of Red Cross unitTuesday, .

Board of Trustees trill meet Tuaedx? evening at bomaof W-

eated-point in Eb« lundacape an<l £a

tee itftod cp- Waving to the it viator"

"•ji.a reTToirt Vive la France V Tnen

T h a t waar& hit o-f1 French, pluck foiyou-"



committee, hav^ postponed the ma-

! "~" y " " • y

1 Persioca havfnir lArrt-ri 'T' for sa!kindly hold them until that tL

Mlaa Charlotre iDra^ser; ased 24,daashter bC A«lataine aiul the tail*Huso Draaser, of. tilac ityt dlc<f atVlnelarid, on. Wednesday- Intermenttook; olac© weaterciay at





WHILE THEY LASTFricassee . _ ^3|^^c


Fancy Maryland


aocg. *-The* Pumpkin;** recitation^ "ASeason for Thanfra.^ Alene '• Panlaon;recitation^ • CTbat Kakea ThanksstT'Inc" Vlorenc© Ociifitree;Ttia TrV?g^trt K* at Grandpa's1;tion T m Thankful."* Johnsong: "The S<inirret;*" rS^olrrel** Thanlragtvlng,'*' ClintonStephens; recitation. T o m m y Bob,'WQIiam Pearson;. recitation Thanlcs-

1ngA'" WlUlam Bedman; solo, "Mr.SquirreX," Harrietr Orcrtonr doat;^ThanksgivlaiJ In thet Bamyard,1"

TRINITY ;W,Rev. J- Win- Ryder. Paatsr

t> &- m_ Sunday schol and paator'sBible 'ria<r« tot men.

H a- Bt, Public -worship, holy com-

m a n ton. ~ • . •7 p, ICL. Epworth League

&, Public worship; sermon

t>y tbe choir,S p- m.. Official Board will

meet a t t h e^ 7.4S Mid-week: prayer

and prai3e meeting talfc, by the-pastor.

Crass rK at.the ciiateh-

ST- PAUL'S CHURCHRev. H. A. L- Sad Her. Rector

First Sttnday ia Advent.7.30 a. m-. Holy com m onion and the

corporate communion for thetrial chapter- '__

lO Of a- m-» Second celebration atthe holy commonion and, address bythe rector- The messengers of theAdvent Call win be rnmTnfqsfonM byIhe rector at this service.

p- «u The Sunday schol will hold

song; "Ainerlca;" aalote U> fla<; i*StarSpangled Banner.**


Story of "^Irst Thanksgiving Party'"aongs. -Can- a tittle Cbild Tbank.1

hanksgiTrta«-Heigh 3Ho,w **BIs FatTurkey,"/ -pumpkin RanT Away/"Bustle l»-Kltcnen," "Over theJEUver'toarch, flag salute* "America-**

Second GracSe-

aer." class; 'TTather- "We Thank. Thee1""ai Grandpa's,"

era to Hit the Furnace DoorWhen Ship Roll*.

. I t t m wWle. I wiu b«ln2 Initiated:Into the technique ot atotlna by sno*-

under the boilers


thatbrougnt the

nn t set' the

Crepe, M«t Chlffco andUxteri*** Aid Women ta

Transf crmatioaa.

a coanjswingingsbi_> rolUnjE1 even tnor* drunltenly than. \before, writes Lewis B. Freeman tit jPopular MfCIIIIIIT'"! 'Mftgn'rirt*. Aftcy itaMnx io hit the -dart ts$at3~ and

•• Tw>lio*t30Tit**—two—or- fhr^* -times ajc—Z•tnxsereri to tue.rotX-_andL.oiw». «!«i^mt irlna: the furnace door: itself* oneof Gte stol^rs. f^Mng compaaaton. re*Ueved me of the: scoop sad pet tbetrouble riant with a half-dogen qnic^'ly tossed shovelfuls. I was franklyjjiail to work tfver to- where I couldtake a "half-nelson*" round- a bar bythe starboard banker!,

A heavy slamrban^in^ 'fr*>Hi * >* op^-pcaitet end of the- boiler rood--Indicatjcdithat things were not sninjc quite so--smoothly there, and edging cantloaslyslang, 1 watf presently able to »etsome hint of the cause from the wordsof a Totubly cursing stoker Who- Limped

— — ~ —- " " "afcJO*as took charge."* Hubbinjf a braised

Rabbits 98c pair

ROTH-CO.X4CherrrSt. Tel 4O3

Never was If so easy for the ordinarywoman not cifted with very much toiJpIlaery skill- to freaLhen up a hat that Isbeginning to show wear as at- the pres-ent moment, «ars a fashion writer InNew York Heralds Thia new fashion_«f_.4raplnjr feats with jceorgette crepe.c-et* chiffon, ecc. cuLkes It possible for!

shin andr l bolefully from a•I "Tnaak3siTtng- T ^ Prank Ap-! blackened eye which, appeacw! to have

1 *•-——• bumped against s boiTjaW *""• *^-

to achieve good results In. adjusting fttrimmins Cbat wUI completely reforbisba hat that hfi* served for port of the jsummer. G«orsette crepe' drapedaround the crown- and over the top Willbe all thnt ta necessary very often, ora. more- ptctnresuru'* hat may have anet ruche placed directly -on tbe brim jnnffr encircling th** crown- I

A stmnll to<jna shape may De__Teryeasily cnveroti entirely with- some oneof these- diaphanous materials, whicn"can be held la dose to tne crd wn witna wreatis of tiny flowers or a band ofribbon- A j^ip: a straight organdie rib"boa or on* of seorzette or net may be

. draped around the crown and. made Ina bow at the aidW

The plaited neta* ffeorzettes and or-

;-Lester* Miller; "Our Thanks- had lencournscd them to experiment shabby. Tb^'plaitlnscrena,giving E^citation.w. Oiive Houseman;"The Recipe.** c&3£t "ThankagiTinEDinner/" Dorothy . Price, Jennie' pnsn

With- wheels on tii** side of the-skip,with- the Idesr of making It easier to-

about over" the coa! cluttered

teiay stand cparound th« ciwvn. and lie flat on thebrtm,. The aidjustnaent of ttcae trim-mings tatcca very' Uttle time and will

**Song of Praised claas; -Questions,"Catherine Bauer, Elizabeth Make;

"The TnaaK Tou Day,* George HllHard; **Kovember," Alonzo Dobro- j

the sen* It nad'**taken chrTjr " andso effectually thcx one swlfr.

i rush to starboard, tollowe " by a "goog-Iy" pmsreas bircfc ic port, pat

T:one's . summer, mininery hoUl buc untii'one reaily wants a fall faat. . •

T h e Frightened Pumpkin.*".; barred Itsman who, either by chance or Intents

class; "Th&jakasivtiig; Song.*" by daaa.Third Grade

Recitations, "Uncle • SamL** Con-stance COwaa;- "A Chtld'a- Thank ay**Margaret Lerclor; "Thanksgiving Day"Walter Fischer; ^Thanksgiving."'

-Roger Albi3ser; "Give Thanks,"Everett Taylor; "The Happiest Hoar"Dorothy Haliey; "The Soldier's

flxat ofon ^PiTe Great Norels;" tonight tha"snE^e^~win"te~Ste-ensDfi^JekyU * P 4 Mr. Hyde." A general (n-Yltatlon is yrt^n^**^ ot all to came.

The" great nation-wide xnorcmentfor the women of the chnrch,, known

The Advent Call win rnmtfTmft

»no and Mlas Martha Hopkins; de-;cij'-B In favor of aBxmUre: taises.jf- < Grossman. Miss JUenmu Glnfxida* £ * JUss Mary Dnne; story. -Tasnks-gL' is in a n American Bed CrossEoipltal." Miss Winifred Mnlebaher.

asfi n^ rww i to S. Tho holy crtmnnrntHnwilt be administered every moraine

. this, weear and Intercessors wfll re-

Bald win" Apples*

;2bottles£5c- -£& Milk rtimifprfj 14 j -

". '- i lOchead16 quart basket $1.25

and Elizabeth Avenue

ELXS MEMORIACThe annual memorial service ot tho

~KASWW—Elks—wffl—li_ : tlxe Empire ^befttro. TbBiddrem will be diWttxtZ by SenatorWin- N. Ktawoo. of PWnflfM. wMlathe musical program win fnrtnrtx solos

man. Miss Hargaretta Haasoait; dost.Miss Haosznas and lira. Rnhtrnimi;Tloltn teiecSSons, Jack Edsax. and-TUB Vacant Cnalr." Esme °T Ett**Quartet. cncsHtt-nc of 3Iessts Keete.Creen. Weber and Asxman. Tliepianists wtH be Mrs. Joaenlx McGeeand His. Waldo Berry. AdmissionIs by card.

Joansby many


Rcsnlets aro recommendedwho sax lBejrep«atB"Bcsnyr

l d i t h t b d ftby many who sax lBejrep«atBBcsnyrwithout ertplnE and withont bad after

tf aae»t aQdnis« t«as

£alr to the csorcb tor prayers all daylong, -dnrbse Uils week.

Tha -™«—' mwifiTig of St- Paul'sPariah wfQ be held Honday nlsht atS p. m_: sharp- Swery man and 'wo-man m tha parish, should sn<*nr1 andTote.

The llrst of St. Paul'sMe. w<IT K«

8 p. m , at tne pariah rooms.Confirmation «**»««»«. for. Juniors.

Friday at S P. m. in. the Vestry roam.

EBS!3EZER A. BU t CMO1ICMX Fntnela VsiidoHecst. S>«=ter

XI a. "* i Public worship with ser>


mor« or less hora de

th«* one-tn-three. la-gdlne. frota tbe part to the starboardbunkers' lolloped the jTigsemaizt^ dash-ing the protesting" anatomies of the,stalcers to left and right as It went.Spitting: blood and oaths Indiscrim-inately, ose man dtmy to It all theway. however, and he also tt waswho—-taking" odvantajc* art the tG£—*


VoluntaryControlliir Houwor conspradilated a

WaahJlnjtnn £a.iZi#ring on the suc-cess of the voluntary rationing sys-tem. " • ' ; .. •

**Tu«* observance ot voluntary ration^In^ ha-s b»*ea universal.." he said. •**!heard tiia other day of a tiny orcnln.GO a plcnte tn the. country wbo-ran^to his1 mother with tears Inr his-eyt:*.

** "What's the matter?" tin: mother

"Give Praise." Hfcx Slndernay; songs."There's a Big 5^u Turkey," ""Novem-beT"."1 'Sotdfer Boy** and" "Thankagt.tngIs Here. Heigh Ho.* .

" Grades' 4. 5. 6 and 7.Song. Tfra'w*^Tgf"*Ttg Is Here. H^fgh

Ho!" readtafc President fc wnson'sProclamation.

Bay." r.fqt rtw. Fisher; riwrlfatTnTt,. ~£.\Tfcanksglvlns; "T." Kanaetb Van Pelt;song, **Thfl ?r!Tgf-*T1g *t Grandpa's;"reading. "A Pnrtian Hanx" Sadie Rob-Jtesew; Tecitatfow. "ThaiJugivingJOTS," Gertrude Erdle; recitation. "AtGrandzna-'sv*" Ata* Fagams;;

XkHonaT H t m a : recitation. "Tommy^aj

I was at. tbe railroad'station Is X OQciirtw ' ii^yftfn • h rtuHa-- the1

train nmr. sajs tt_eotTespoiutwn. andsst" fhe~sfretcher» were geofly BtteSeot • I Idly pleftefS QJ> st ttttmjf lltttebum*, of primroses and wood anem-ones wnJeo bad fallen at my feet.

A pair* ot tiaicxT eyefl sU bCX} dln>rmed with pnln. noticed- Tney-t* mine.«i->«« tf yoo dartt mind—mast !un*faUea as* of my blanket—azmst no as*• t present, s s you see-"

I ' made tne posy quits soft tbia)MwMi near* eoonslfc to h£s fitcfi tor. the)fresb smeS of tne~moss' which stJHetnnc atoot the stalks to reach Mm.I wtatt that whoervr had Bathered aadtied m> aB these Dttle peates In soraa

oodland spot, and sent them£sdi - - - -

™Tbe trrchfri beM out a *wollftts

Today ts a i

QREENSP^N'S122 Main Street Teh 536-IlfcJiw.y

FOR THE WEEK-ENDA3 u/a do not handle cold storage stock, we

must clean up our' tftocfc of Poultry, and to do moolfer them at tha following low price*—Movequickly if you want a bargain !

Maryland TurkieysWatertown GeeseBoston DucksJersey Chickens PoundFa f / tin » of Jersey Pork and Sausage, Spring Lamband high grade Prime Beef, at very low prices.



FreslTPig's Feet orPigs Heads A r -

- 2 lbs for Z3b

Fresh Beef Liver v

Pork Kidneys- orTrenton ICrv

Scrapple. H> IDb

Fresh FishOysters

- PiIlsbiiry'»"Best Flotirin UoUu

Per Bag - CI C!Saturday OP1Y__QI. 01

Fancy Apple*Small

. Basket 30c- t(6-quart Basket

Large FapcyBaldwin CI

Apples O' .

Fancy Florida

frig1 It over oa Its aide, where It wasasked to bring at least one toy.m.. Evening prayer and me


WANTED—pwrrrtTh**? room and boardtor elderly lady. ASdrtas Ea i EL I»car©

FOR SAIXr-Three ba«»corn for

j <Vor ^ ^ WoxmdedS eonld lurs* baaselse. T h a a k s s t i l s s Menn.~ MIMred [ staraEnt by Jny side-fliat nlibt-

-1%-i.lr.fM.f -

• X3 nofRnij

7 p- m , AKen C. E. Leasoe! topic, "ADfor Christ—Our Pleasures;"

* 8 p. tat. Public worsSip wlib, sennoa.S l umwninw Tr frrwtwy and eTCB

fifth grads pnpiji; nxtmuon. "ATbanlEsslTlns Acrostic"' Frances Lach-man.: w^ fc "^>rer tha Btrer;'1' Tecttat-tlon^ **rh^nV*y<y<-.*-" Freida KreJa-bers: r—ff»"w""L "In VitnSKe'n Field."At**, Fa*«oi2 reeltmtliBi. "Ttta >Se«Wa^ch on the Bhine." Famtie G TTn;song. "America.;"'recitation, "Victory"Helen Francesky; recitation. "In

Flanders Field." Irrine Enjelmaii;recJtation. "^TnanksstTis^r,." Nathan

•in*. ' • •A hearty -mateam to all

! £3aea


Ctereland, O-—Fran* X. Ho-ipn, a former d*rfc ta the eoortof appeois her^ was attenfUustt b a c m s h « * when .-the- fit-:

stroctor os&ed the class to ce->fine lunacy and Idiocy anil *£«ean eisiaple of a> Tnnntlf and an

the crowns answer.

kaiser - tir'T"1**." wn'«

ofC. Kscorrt

. Xt

DRESSMAKINGDresssaklns and secerat tn»Un. at

rettsonable prices. Sirs.. CTiarfg!>«?•¥ IS Oliver St, Eoawiy. K- J.

n-nwr and white Mtteain the) ntilthV^*"^* of Wfcittter andGrand streets. EewanJ it ntonted

FOa SAUV—Twenty AsrQ pallets andtwetre last year"* rfttr>«m« fniratrBcorner' St. Caonre aad HanUrood

TO • t*ET—-34111 ffallori street. I t

FOB R-EVT—Seres m m house, barn.fruit; one and oa* halfroas—Soisital:' Dor«r maafcmiles'

Address Boa « R. D. No. J. Batnwy

The Last and Best StockOF THE


SATURDAY and MONDAY.1 5 8 Main Street

Page 4: The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P

Kmnway Kwcora, lucnaay Atttrno'in.

m* Afternoon, November 2V l « i a


Honor Roll of .'-Those VJhoVolunteered and WereDrafted for War Duty

Charlas Croair*,wall. _nginssr Con*.

About 694 Haliway bnrt are already

in Uncle Saizi'a s«»rvlc© in various

s," eighty par cent, of iiioffl en*

before mti draft call wag leaiied

White ft number of Iham have beeu iu

•sr»lpo for eavsral years. If any

falatlves or friends of boys iu tu«

Country's service notice any omlaalona

In (he appended Hat The HdcoH

VOUld appreciate bolus ootlDed of

••m*. The tial of Iluhway boys' en-

lUted and taken by the selective draft

thus Car U aa tollowa:

J. Aarous, Army.ttijliald O Aoa»uY:*rni7 . —Bocond Lfeulonant Wiimol~Albft«ttt7

Army. : —Onrnnrnl It, Idart Albright Army,Bthelbert Albriabt, Ordnanoa l)«t<.

i d s

Corporal DoU'Ht M. Cowlna. A m / .Uobinaou IE. Dale. NavyFVed Dala. Merchant Marina.Prank Danl-nf*, Alrniy. . " -Ed*oond J. David. Army.

J'aler Uavid. Ainbulauce Coma.Cnlsf I'eity "offloair 'Mobart Durli.""Corporal John EL Daly. Balloon

Squadron. _ .

lahn J. Daly, Navy.Ituaaoii Oily, Navy,wiiiiam Duly, rim.Curiioral Harold II. Daly, Marlnoa.Mntlliuw It. Diily, Army,Joseph UolilMKiJ. Armyilbert l luii ir»{. Nl.»yjnhii DvniiUrioif1, Navy. .I-hlilp DbubUyW, AHIIIory.(iui«spp« Dmi«hi, Army.William Dlokiilan, Arriiy.CJword A. l>IM«r«.. Army,Dailies IC, Dllnmra, Army.Cbaries OT. [)itmara, Army.llai'lli D. Dolinid. Arm)1,Clifford IJ. DmiKheriy, das Warfare,Harold DI(^l«nr»oliL.>rtny.I lurry I)ul.In. Mndlcul Corps.Wllllauj Outubach, Cav«l«ry.J, Al(r«i buHlial

Job*,Fred W Hughs*. Army.

Walter 1011. MammaOmrlfs L, lhii. Army.Tooy jail, Army

J r

W i l l * C. Joel-..on. Natal Haa> * /Corpura' il»ruert~ n. JalTrtM.™—av~

. uiiina Oun CompanyHobsrt C. Jawell. Arlallon Corpe.Second Lieut. Woodruff JohnjOO,

Ordnanus Dent.Uaviii V Jiriiiianu, M«ill.«l Corps,Pirtti Uautananl John II. Johosoa,

Ordnance D«piCotil* ,yobriann,. Army.0, p*anf6ri Jnhnsoii, Army.Atattinder JoUobow.Wi, Army.Oorlluii Jonou, MtudonU' Training


Corporal Joaoph Karlolgr, Army.William Ksaae. Army.Unroooul lCUward L, Kssrnsy, AVI*.

tlon Corpa..Charloo ID. Kaailnr,. Army.Clmr'uo Keller. Army. 'Corpiirai Joseph it. Kellyi

|— —dux"*.

Qudrtnriultolor1 Ciorpa.~W«7ra¥T. Diihii. Navy.

CapUlu AbjCorps.

Charles IS, Allen, Field ArtllUry. ~Nteola Airani-, Army.CauUlnAUui.-r. E. Alnaworth, Armytcimer Ariuslrohtfi kioaiiital Unit,Bargoant Arthur Arautronf. Avla-

tluo Corps,Harry Armatronl, Nsvy,Ottn M, A>iaeiuiati, Army,Llauienant James Angola, Aylstlon

Corps, iKrneat T. Andrews. Army.Serneant Charles T. Archer, Army.Loula W. AUgo, Naval lloasrva.Osirre O. AUse. Naval lloaorvo.Corporal Uolitord Ayara. Aviation

Corns, -

a'Ueorro Hall. ArmyCoriml-al Kdtuuiul llarlloit, Marluon.Ik* F~flaniSttrJr7T£fmyf=====J==='Authony U. UarlhinuU, Army.Jusepti Vi Dam, Artny.Alfred Dauor. Army.Adoi|>u Uaumanu, maohinlat'a tnals,

Prat claaa. Naval ttaaarva.BsisTeaut A, kenueth llauiuaun, En-

(lueer Corps.August Q. llaoer. Army,Uawrrenue Buti«>dlct, Artuy.Paolo Dl UeneiloUo, Army,Wlliitm M U«unott, Army.Nftthott Uonjamln. Army.rr«uk U«rit<>U, NSVJIAtrrjnao Utacardl, Army. ,WUilani L. Uodldo. J^, JTtrtd

i i u s « i s < n i a t y :<wP«ter Uogu*. Clark Township. Army

Dniulutck llotUn, Arui>Arthur IJ. Uoullon, Army.ffllmur 0 Uracher, Ambul»r.oo CorpaR»>>«r( Li. Urarher. Amhulamm Corntt « i t » Offleer 3o»»ph H. Brady, NavyJatnei R U H O U ttrsdy. Army,

i Cort)oral WlUlam Ufauuoy. Army., -Auilrow Broberi. Am^ulanoo Corps

Alfred C, Brooks. HonpluJ Unit •

Charles Draoks, Army.Rtmutl Ursnnoy, Army.Major A. EUlcott Drown, Army.Ernoit li. IVnwn, Jr., NaTy.tjeoll^Bt Brown. At«oy.Jerry - Atfreo^Brown.—li«»rLouie U u.own. Army.Stm«r Brovn. Artillery.Kurtall Brown. Army.

, J. B1 .WWWII. Fimt \.U\\ir, M. O. jtjV*«d bn inC Army. —•'llarxild 8. tluoktey. Naval ftanm.Chaster t- Duckloy, Air Sarvlco.John Franklin Bun. Amy,Thomas F. Burton, Army.

Corporal Thomas r. OaMU. BaxmadQallooi. Squadron.

1. J. CahlU. Army,ft«»v o.aldlcott. Army.WtlUam CampbalU Army.ABtoulo Caoestrano, Army.N<cola Carata, Army.Arthur OarUoa. Naval BMtrw.

I.lout. J. tlluiinl.ard Ourand, InfantryOdrporal ICclwin Durani Bi*H»i"|

-fiorp«,Abraham Dural, Army.

C- ICIli(,H, Cavalry.Hnliiirt W. ICIllolt. Y. M. 0, A, Work.lJoutuiicilll Curl d. laliasou, Arlatlon

C'orpa.li-rmil. l-lnunlimrt. ArtniuuMialh HtiiiiUy Ulaeuau, Quartoi

,Alfted i(. Mrdlo.»,«bii A, h. lOrr.ai, Army,•tllnii K. «i]rii»l. <Jun«dlajl PoraaUT

Ulvl.lnn.Al\i<*n W. lilfiial, Artny,Frai;oia H ICrmt, Army.U L I'Klorly. Nuvy Commlaaary


p kenna. Army,ilqrtoiuit Leo Koiinn, Klold Artillery,i'iioliin Uavlit Hi, Knniiody, Navy,

—Mltllntoi-J.-ICauuoOJV-J.J-ul*.Warron Koa.iof, Avlailon Dl«nai

Oorpa,Ijiwronoo Kottnor, Navy,A If rod J K.iltnor, Navy.J<lllH Kisaedbef, Navy,joaoi.b T. Klot.'b, Army.ttelReant LbUl* Kleor, AvUUou

Curpa.Hnill Kleof. lliniririMra' Corp.,Charloa II. Kl»or, tCngineer Corpa.IVrl.y klHcS, Army.Oliver Kiitiih, Army,Wlillahj Klnlioy. Army.MIUo Kltoh. Army.H«ri.«rt l',-W, Klein. Navy.floyil^KnlEh'. Armv.Cli.lrlo. Klio.ili. Amliuiuimo Corp*Cimflo Kr.onlu, Navy,KmnU iC-alm, Avluiloii Corps,Flofnounl Ii;,iwnv.l KraUi, Army.Toiiy kro<<«

Jaoies W. Mlfllel, He«*» AfU»«ry,Cdiawain Edgar mines. Navy.Clinton Mof.'ett, Army.Kulima Uoor«, JuartafmasU«'

. in.pl.Pttrlck li'-jfan. Army.V*rn**i L. Mlirrla, vA:n3yJohn Morse, Coast Artillery. ^_ _irirst Ueutenont Ellsworth Morss.

Army.flsniueriti1 Morton, Array. :HrtV.*>"<id Mi,r(«,l i . Mafil.w*. •

Caplalh Thomas Mowbray, Array.Jamas V, U.y.ulobahay. Army.William alulier, QuarurmiuUr

Corp* '

Corporal John 3. Mulvuy. Army,llonry S. itulv^y, Army,icle.orth L. Mundy, Naval Ressrre

VirioK Corps.Cbarlo* P. Murin«er

• • , * • ! -

daorce Naglo, N'l- '.didward Ns!ss£. MBTJ.ICIIIII Nouaoluiier, Aviatioa Corp*.Uoa» M, Nichols. Army.jo* Nofauto, Army,

Vlnconto Stefanls, Army.Paul aielso, Army.,Qlanchard 11 ritcll. Army.Thomas Stephens, A/ia>Itlchard J. Btephena. Army.

" Jauies tl. Stevena. Army.Bargnant Oaorie Stewart. Artsy.Edward C. Stewart. Army.Captain Kalpb a. Stlllnifld. Kaipltal

James J, O'DooneiL ArBny,Bn«ine

Corpa, .Arthur O. O»or»trtel( Army.

- Roger & Si.inman.Arta)r.- -"William W. Bioli, Army.John 11. Stoll. Canadian Army.Judge BlraUtor.-Army;Crahk atronewskl. Aviation Corps.Ciller Patty Oltlcer Thomas H. Eulll

van. Navy, " ._Borgoant Cornelius V. Bulllvan.

Army.Corporal Philip Sullivan. Army.Waiter Sullivan, Army.Corporal Austin J. S'llly. lotantry

Blgnal Corps.O&car L. Swauson, Army,

Sergeant Blmer "E, Tabler, Medical. Corps,

Elmer Taylor. Infsairr.Clifford N. Taylor, Army,William Taylor, Army,

KefiileArthur Thomai, Army.Ituaaull TUoiaun, Artay

«l<r*i»rd FaV.'Xnvy.Wluier Voltarj, Ndva! noaorra.datiiuat V«r«tor, Clark Township.

Aviation Corps.J. T. irllmuiiii". Afniy,lUrry t^llsalhinibiia, Navy.WIlMalil J. Kluliawan. Army,l>iiiil ford, teniiueer Corpa.CUnrldu j . Kurd, Army..Humtinl Ifo.ii. Cavalry,Hv>rni'<< M. l>r»iBo. M irin««William Vm«or, Engineer Corps-John ITraaer. Army.

SorEoant Milliard It dago, ' . i a v',_;- buinhca Corpa, -lirat LtsuiaLknl Uaonta BL Oa

. • w a » , _ i_ . ' . • ' 'Bnalin Uamr- II. Oartnwsjle.

William Oaaton. Army.Oonrge Qay, Navallteaerva, ~Herbert II, Oehrlng, Army.Mn»i Ui4is--o«ttii>iiu, Army. . _ _ _ .I'lmilo Ulttmiochlpnl. Army,Berul. Camilla A. Qlroud, IntarpratsrAlfred Otroud, Army,

latakll_inot) DapL Army.J, KMluund OlmidanhlnB, N»vy.Cerebral EJwarti O. Qodtray, Avisv

lloo Corps.~Batuua\ "nordoir.~AV(atlo_ Corns;-

Ooorea O. Graves. Marinas.WilUom A. Qroinor, Ambulanc*

Carps.—tolug-^rltechko—Kngtneor Corps,

tedwonl " ariiboT CittMrr"Township,Arniy,

-suphou Quy, Army,

Jatmia Lattwr <rtny.Loalor K, Laeoy, Heavy Artillery,William J. Lake, Army.Sergeant William Lanjton. AviaUon


Corporal John Lunijton, ModloalCor|id. ,

John Lane, Army.Harry LanMing, Cavalry.QcibrRfl Liuihingi Ohotulool "Warfare.Andrew .J. LaaUo, Army, .»Louts I—ilaro. Army.Juttli T. i.nury. IChgineer Corpa,

itiinuei'_ Pachman. AvlaUon Corpa.llarl.r folao. Ar»iyMartin Palamar. Army.Charles A. Parker, Field Blenal


Chorioa W Parka. Winslnoer'a corpsBooond Lieut, C W. 8. Paraoua.

Signal ^Corps. —Flrat IJ«ut, H. Sherwood Paraona.

Ordhsncv DeptlCdwaril I'siliusor, Clark Township.

Arhiy.Urlmu I'olllnoeir, Cavalrydeorge Plnfleld. Jr,, Naval RIC.lward (j. I'oboda, Army,Wllilnni Poilar.l. Oavairy.Moruoant Tlioniaa J. Pollard. Army,lonnlnn Hector 1'unchoril, Navy.

Hiooan Tarrlll. Nu.i~LiSnriTa"roiniirTeffIlirWa'

Private ,Jqhn V. Burl, Infantry,tol_lng In action since 8apt«_-

' b«r Ifl, 1918. iJohn D." Miller, Infantry, of Clark

Townsh|p7~_iUsfng in action,since October 14.1018. . * ;

tjergoant Charloa C, Wolfel. Infantrymiming In action since Soptem-bar 34, 1913, Found later a

— iiricuuDr ol Oormanaat Mctj, i


Reports at Qrand Lodga ConventionOhow Order to ba flourishing

At tha Grand Lodge convention ofOdd Followu" hold at Trenton Grand"Mauler John II. Stmtton of Ml Royalreported -a not gain In membershipduring the liret si* months of' ~thoyear, lfa also reported one new sub-ordinals lodge and one Iloboktth lodgeinstltutnii this your. Ills recommen-dations include tile election of mem-bars of tha joint committee on careof orphans having In charge i thoItldirely Orphanage in Newark. At thel>r-«enc time they are appointed by thegrand' master.

The report of the management oftho homo showed that they have beentthlo~to-Todacrr<hG-tn«iltgttg« Indebted_aHB_on.Jhn_n2PirtjrLhaying paid offy ,nnn Innt year. There are twenty-

John Thomas, Army,— -Corporal W.ra.~ Tlotelbnum, Infantry,

Oeorco Timbarlako, A/nay.Corl Von Todeuwarth, Army. 'Walter Turner, Army,

Corporal Adolpb Ulbrlch.trr-xjorlok Uhl, Army,



Abraham Vaniinrwenda. Navy.Leonard Vamierwende,John Vondarwendo. NaHoward Vanatts, Army.

Bereeani IBrneBt Van Schoick,sjuartu^ master's bept,

Charles Van Pelt, Cavalry,AlfVxd Q, Vlolo. Armytrrodorlcli Voorhioo, Aviation Corpa.


one children now being cared for.rlie report of the hoard of dlre'atbfa

of the homo at Trenton showed thatof

pliving they will need an addition ofbtil five.cents pe-r-capita td the preai-eut per. capita of fifty etints far thesujiport of tills prirclJcal work.of theorKanixatloh, There are slxtyoightold folks now bolng cured 'or ot tho

Kmll Lociir-iuk Morlinlilc. Q. M, C,Wiltinni I"1. Lolohtilttm,- Clark Town-

ship. Army,Jooonli Loichumm, Obtk Townshlo-

. Avmy.Aioiiimlor Lloilborg, Army.Wilitnul UoUl., NaVal lioaerve.J. Ous Lolitodil. Ariny,James p. Lints. Army.

-ICIIiw-irtli Leonard. "Medical Corni.1

Corporal Carl Laviriaou, Army.—-tSor-roant—Jam«)«-B—LUokhurati-Am-

bulahoo Coipa r*taiioinn Clifford W, Ludlow. Navy.Sorgoanl Ciaranoa V, Ludlow. Avla-

Uo'l St|rn->! Corps.

Carpaniar. ArUUary.

Pblltp Catalano. ArmyHnhnani I*

K theater Ha.lt« Army,naicinaid W. Mall. Army.Harry Hall. Jr- Clark - TnwiuUn.

. A r m y . ' - •• " ' « - » • v

Corporal Prancla T, Hally. AvUtlon.Blinal Corns.

Sartteant Eaward J. Hally. Avtatloa• Signal Corpa.

Hurry HunnHon, Army.John"il. Halnoa, "Army.

_Raiidoltih E. l.UKona, Army.l'aUt Lukmia. NaVjr.-1-aymiiator Uobori Luuton, iJOnorKa LUts, Drttish Army.

Jnraeil ItacnceVi tdtiainearJohn Uamlulnh. Army.FrnuU H. Ua>i(l»U>li Nnvy,Ittihtfl W, Haiiiloliih, llonvytillery. -:Idltner Uandolph, Army,Wallace L. nodtnnn, Army.ltusnoil It. need, Nuval R U I » T « .A. Nelson Hooves. Navy,tJorceaai John Ileltomeyar. Jr-

Tank Corps.Charles A. llupkie. Knclnssr Corpa.Bamiiel C, Uinhar<Ja->n,v'Arniy.

|—Christopher HSohardaon. Army.Poroy B. hikort Army.Kunnoth llltchla. Army, 'William t . Ultchlo. Jr^

Ouu Ualthlion,Lieut, Halsll f. nittar. ArtlllaryHoward t . Hitter. BpeciaJ stuitary


Charioi ~ H. 'talttorr Army, -.—' ~-~~l*ercy Uohtiiiion, Aviation .dorp*.Serseant William J. KobinaoD, Ma-

: chine diiu Company^—ClaVohoo-llnblnson^Army,-—

Sergeant .ttYed IQ.. tloodig«r. Anny.bavtd tloll. Naval Itoaarva. ..tlogimontal supply Sdrsoaht lloland

Jloasoll. Artillery.Wilbur Ho»«ol\. Ambulann* Corps."BBrgottiit ~Fuy" ttoBsoit,~Army,——John J, llowah. Army, " .Qoorgo llowloy, Modical Corpa.Bercoant ledgnr ttowioy; Army.

Bsii-eant Oernard. Wacner, Army.I'ruliU Wall or, Avialloo Corps.Clement L. Walker, Army.Bereeant Charles Walker, Aviation. "Bignal Corps,

CIIUTI.IB Wall. ArtilleryThomhsV, Walsh Army.Boruonnt Thomas Wnlah. British

Aidmuhitioh (Jotuicn. •

Qereennt Thomas Waltehspial,Army.

Fred Word," Army, ' --Arnold-Ward. Aviation Corns.

Waller Watson, AviaUon Corpa.lQdward Woiiof, Army,UrlU Woiior, Navy,Oeorso.Wobor, Navy.

William Wottor. Navy,Ado)ph Wiese. Army.Corporal Otto IS. Wiomor. Army,Corporal StBnloy_Jl. W i l i

Corps.iMBO O.:Williams..Army.Anourln R. Williams, Army."CruixliKin Wllhuriilm Navy,i^od Wltheridao, Army. (-Evan T. Williams, Modical Corps,Philip Williams. Army.Corporal Jooreo C Wl'.kon, Avia-

tion Cirpa.

Mexandar llanay Navy,


Howard J. Charlc*. Naval & • • • » • .l\oy ChapmiL&, Army.Antonio Charamonta, Army.tVsepnd Uautanont Dadlay Cham.

Army.Bamhardt Clauaa, Marina*.AUred J. CUrk. Army.1

«Wrr "">t rmnk H. Clark. AvlaUenCorpa.' • ' _ - • • . .

Corpora] Henry M. Clark. Army.Ranry W. Cluary, Army.

Lieutenant Allen D. Clok*.Field Artillery.

Cotley. Englnoor Corsw.William Colas, Army.Oorporal Michael .Collins. Artay.Curtord Comar. Naval

John Compton, Army.Paola Conceno. Army.

Raymond Onutr, Army.

col Corps. .John Edward Conuolly. Morlnu.K»annth Ccmo*«r. Marinas.Areaccelo Conta. Army.Patar B. Cooper. Army.WlUlam J- Cook. Army.WJUlam R. Cook. Army.Second nontenant Brace Cook. In. Btroctor.

CUttord Corey. Army.Richard Corson. Motor Division.r

Jr. Students'

Ooortco HTTHfaray, Army.John H, Harden. Army.Howard~Ha_eidTAr_y.William U. Hauswlnh. Navy.LJoutono—t Roy K. Hawthorn*, 81c-

- oal Corpe-Henry Hoaly. A nation Corns.Jamo* Haaly. Army.John T, Hoaly. Army.

t Hatau Army. •_ , Holmatadtar. _ng_»or

Corps.Corpora.) Albert tlendrickson. sMH-

- tary Pollca, Army.Frod.Hccrcn, Quartermaster Corpa.Horcon Hoartm. Modica)> Corpa.Banjualn Herman. Commissary

' D e n . ' ••• • •. ' 7

WlUlam Herman. Army.—Mat H_T__.-Armj.

Second Lioutonalit Evtjr«tt 8. Mao-

Whinnoy. Air Borrlca,

Bruce MaoWhlnnoy, Ambulauoj

Corps, . .

- Andrew Mdncuao, Army.

Rdwsrd Manu, Army. 'Tony Manolll. Army. ,Qoorgo Mantlow. Navy. .Leonard I". Mantlow, U. of Va, Hoa-

pital Unit.Ruaasll D. MonUow. ArUllary.

Frod M - W h . Students".: •-.-• C a r p s . -



Mareh, Infantry,Sorceant Salt. J. Msrson, Aviation

Ituivjno'ltuckholi; Cavalry.William Ruddy. Army.Nicholas Russo, Engineer Corna.

Timothy F.achrobosky, Army,Sergeant Alfred Baladln. Army.Augalo BalkJIi'o, ArmyCoporio Balvatore. Army.Murray Bandar*,.Army.Luciano Sapiens*. Army. -Irrank Baaff. Nav«l Reserve.Bnrgoant Harold H. Bosff. Army.William D. Bcatf, Army,


Michael Hurmos. Army.Corporal Daniel. J. Heyborn. Avta-

_. -tion-Corpa--Sort«ant EUmer & HlaTtns,

Or\tnsnc« PopL

Oenrsn H Co vie."Tralnlruj Corps.

JTarbert KolUnca. Cmvairy.WIlHarn H. HolllnBS, Naval Rasarra.Oeonro Holllncs. Jr» Naval Raaarra.Corooral Harry J. Hoafu Infantry.Thomas O. Horton, Army.Harold Housman. Field ArUUary.Chester C Howard. Army. ','WlUlam Howard. Army.Waltor U Hultbore. Army.Charlea F. Homlaion. Army.CUftord Humlaton. Clark Tosmshlp,

Sereeant Walter K. C. Hoxhea.Army.

Bert Marsh, ICngtnoor Corps.. Borgeant Joseph MartalU. Army.Everstt B. Martin, coxswain. Naval

Rosorre, 'Daniel M, Martin. Army.Rsv Martin. Merchant Marina.Frank Maatandrea, Army.James Mayo. Ambulance CorpsA. J. McCoy. Quartormaatar^a t>apt,Jahn J MeOruddnn. ArmyFlavol McOea. Army.Edward MclBtyra. Army.Buxano F. McMahon. Army. .

Bdward McMahon. Amt»u4apca Oarns

. Abton Bchelke. Mualaian in Navy.Prod Sohoitlin, MarlnoB. :•WiiUanT^oSmTat, Army ; '

_Alhort Bchotu Army.Frank Schuotl. NayyT" r

Fradurlok W. Sohubart.MUttla.

Daniel Bchxreitior. Army.—O. WlUlam Sehweitier. Naval a*-

. sarva. . • ' . • ' . . ' 'Louia Schwoltsor. Army.Albert 8 Bohwotser, N a n .Captain F, W. BalU M. O. B. O.Joaoph Sen«r«hla, IArmy,__jHugh Shannon, Army. 'Mercer. Skidmare. Artll!ary.Sarsaant Ooorga Blmmenroth. Avia-

tion Corps.

Sergoast Henry 'L. Hlmnnm. Quar-termaster's DepL

' Clifford B. Simmon. Navy,)?:. •• ."i

PriinU O. Wilson. Alrmy.Borgount Charloa C. Woefol, Army.Walter Woodruff, Navy.ftalpL A. Woodward, Ooaal Artillery

Aouordin^ to the grand secretary's'rapnrt fi,'r 1017, the net gain in mombarship wos n o and the number ofmambcirB on Jahuary.lt 1018. wae 30,60(1, Knoi County leading with 3.80S.

It com (3 Oil par member for runnin^ expnriBOfTlaflt: year (tnoiudtn^'peicapita fnx, support of l{omo fo^thaAi;ti(l, Homo for Orplmna and wnrfundi) whilo it cost »6<4^ per mem-ber for rolief of members'. ' ~ "

A« *Ui the I'econt oonslun of theBoverolgn Qrand Lodge the grand reprtisontatlvcis reported that thoaojareign bod y oetjisjdojnd,000 fromihoir raNarva for war Work, undnailed for Voluntary contribution!from, the lodged and membership geh'araliy to augment tills amount. It authoriBm) lodges to contribute fromihoir contingent funda to war worittlvlllim rocognitod .by tho govern

hiont.'' • _ _ . : . ' ' ' • • ' .

Tho grand Hira,~-iii-hls roportj pa!Hpocial trlbuto to tha Work balnKdone by the cirand. Lodgo ofMavJorsoy hi uonjunotiau with einter fraitirntti or^anieutiuns In looking afto:Nlcit Hoidiare1 ttnd_HalJpr». ini tha_jldii-pltals in this state. It was- orderothat ail ritualu other than ini tinIQngiish lunguago bo nurrondorad b:or. botara Juno 30, lull), and that uflnrDecember 31, 1010, all work in ouiodgoii ;bo- oonductod e-olUaivoIy 1:tho tiJngllnh ianguaBo., til How, Joriio:IhWo ur(Loightoon Joil^u^_Working iCormtiii, six In jtalluh and bno YDart!«h; which wtif 'bo dirootly af

foctoii by Ibis: Idgialtttton.''"" "Thd utiocidY .committoa on' Mmtm; i

tho norvlo^'ropbrtod^ihaOBBrathn1,100 momburs of tho ordor aro rosintortid in the aorvico from tho iodgoiof 'thla utatii. tho duon of thono mo:bbril bbing paid to tho.ibdgoa from tJilJQ<jlui. grand ..lodges iund.. and_alBo_ali_bohailts that thbso brothers mayooliie entitled to whila in the sorvioruuurdloHtf of tha tact that they ar<in the army or navy. Nearly 1,10

Berseant Joase F. Wialjht. Avia-tion Corps',

Raymond T. Wralght, Naval Ra-. sarva. . . • • .

J, Earl Wralght, Marines.Clwood WrUht. En«ina«rs" Corps,J, Wilbur Wriuht, Navy,John J. Wright. Navy,

' • " • V . -

Henry Toons. Army,

. ' • • • - . z

George J. Zlrwas. Army.


M. Joseph McMahon. Army.Harry McChosnay. Marines.

T._ Armj, .Patrick J. Moe, Army.Charlea Sdward Melkle. Clark

~ TownsBlp. Navy;—Harry Molnsar, NavalSecond Lieutenant. Barsen, S-,Mar-

rlil Field Artillery?"^Sergeant Qeorje 8. Mayor. Tnfaitry.Hnnry Meyara. Navy.Walter Middleton. Army.Chrlstophor Mlddleton. Army.H- Lester Miller. Army.l*arcy W. Miller. Arttllar*Hanry J- Miller. Engineer Corpa.Merryn J. MUlor. Ordnanoa Corps.Abraham MlUor. Army.Fredorlck L. MlnteL T. M. 0 . A.

Infantry." Bugaho Q. Smoathora. ATmy.

Rollo Smith. Navy,Rlohard SmlUi, NaVy.

CorpoTal^Johir"JnMulv»y;~ Infantry,"killed in action in France

— — J n l y - 1 8 7 — — '••' ", ~

Prlvato Mariano D'Angelo. HnglnoerCorps, died July 7 In Francofrom bronchial pneumonia.

Goorge K. Ditman, Infantry, killedIn action in Francs, Sept. 16,1018.

Philip O. Lamacchla, Infantry, diedOct. 6.—1618— at Camp—Meade,]Md.. from broncho-pneumonia.

Second Lieut. Henry *W. Cloary in-fantry, died October SO. 1B18. atCamp Dlx of pneumonia.

Prlvato William B. Howard. Com-Pany Ay 3Hth Labor Battalion.died of pneumonia Oct.. 31, lois .

. at U. S. Dabarkatiun Hospital.- — Ellls-jBland,

William O Smith.Sloear Corp*.

H. M. Smith, Army.Julius Smith. Army.September Soloqulno. Army.'OW«D W.'Bpenc«r. Marietta.Francesco. Splna.* Army.Louis Splrlto. Army.t&usQulo Sponulo. Army. ^Fredorick C. Squior,


Now Open to ThoseWhiiso Temparary

War Work IsEnding.

Interesting work and many op-portunities for advancement in


aalnrioB-pntd while learning endfrequent Increases llioffiaftor.At the end of thirty days first in-crouaa applies and. rate of in-crease depends upon tour* otduty to which operators uW As-signed/ .

Wo Kxporience NecessnryOood Health. Eyesight and Hear— Age, 10 to 30 Years._mpioyocs aro Especially W>._

Car( *! For. •AniiljSninont to duty In centralofTltjo near home wherever pos-sible. .„._,Delleiitful Homollks Quarters.

Vacation With l'uy.Anniversary payments' and sick

bartoilts,. - . 'Buperlor environment and pleas-

ant associations,7 to 8 Hour Working Day

Apply New Yolk Telephone Co.12 I P.. Gtsnd^l KHi:b«lh-N.J.Mondays and Wadnssdays from

Tto7 l> ."M, or~T«(iiphorie- Mar*kst' Offlolal-Appiloatlon Ospart-msnt for appointment. .

O . r l . . W.lbou.n B.lpb T. Bi l l . *

l'«rth Amiioy T^l

NleltiouriilRitter3 Smith St., Perth. ' (Two Blociii U*m Pttrrv)

U 2 JUin St., rUbway, N. J.

HIOH &tu h.



VUKk OfllOltHo U KAMI' autli HTUKBT

H ftMHIilUvlliLUW



i.j-ii 'i-.-vloj if Ooairwt

.._, __£

HftRRY LOHMILLER1-J Mul.t MI., Koliway,

Undertaker & Tmbalmertf. iiMti ,nxp^rl«*nen of a*\r yutlru I !*••< i*M«t.to<

n i>.il,ll<i pi,).n|>l.~-«iid

ry •uivlan, n i u l i t o r

<>u« IH-VV.

5 ^ j ^isUod to theso mombors,: thoy bolniBont an fur as Mesopotamia. Tho pa.mont of duos and bononte nnd lsaulnof moduli) applies not only to mombars In tho United States army annavy, but In any nrmy or navy of anyof the Unltod States' allies.

It wau raportad that 91,000 was Bontto Franco to. furinah, two rooms at Y,M, 0, A. hoadquartore at Ooneral Por-Bhlnu'B "headquartors, to bo known asOdd FOIIOWB rooms. .

Dolosato Ooorso £], l^owuin^wll) tollmoro about the .State convention inHis ropBrlTlb HJBBOX County Ludgo, No.27, thin ovonlng.

A laiy liver leads to*1 chronic dy-apopsla and constipation.—weakens

Tjro-wlroto-ayiitjiu. , DOOM'S Rogulets-<30a per box) act mlld>y on the Uvorand howals. At all drug stores. .

, . !_ __ HBAD THB RKCORa

N o T r o u b l eto opuu un iioooiiut in

The Industrial Buildingand Loan AssociationJust ranl«o your flrst

and rooeivo a book

125 Irving Street. Railway, N. J.KvorU Wnlnmiitlny li tr> 7 F* 3f.£>uiit b*»lii*H# il'in *it ill* month

, A to lot: M*




FREDERICK a BATJHRnnannlal rVwratary.-ROBBRT K. MlCLERRecording Baorstary-


Sargoant Edgar W. Rowley. MotorTiuct Comp«_y-.-_c--Oetob_r-6r191S, ot P-QU—OQla.' -t SVjurUxScottish Genera] Hospital. OU—-sow. Scotland. ' '

. • . , ' -.:' ' " IKonnoth ConoK»« " . . . „ • - • » . I

,,.,wr. Marines, died No-•'••• < ITWSr-U'19l8, of -wpttndB re-. - ' colvod In action In Prance.


Privoto. Ooorse J. ZlnffCS..llnXaxi*r£.

Broad Street Theatres :'.. . m e w A K K ' • ••

~~"WeeK"si«rtjiiif mmtoinluu. Monday Niiibl

Richard Walton Tully PresentsG u y Mates Post

In Ilia «rt>wl«at SuoGraa

"The' Ma«querader"»llh a Dlsllniiul>h><i C«at

Dlreol from hn Qrflat.Huoc^H IpA«»lr«ll«—:-•

Bargain Mattn-oa Woil. and Sat.aseintl.no

XMCOllas*O» _ )


missing in action slnco Scptom-borS0,19U.

aiiona lu. Room T-

Insure Owclllntjs nn<lOther k*r»>r»crtjr at

— -ActuolCoU.

DILL/SCough Syrup. ' Combining tho best SngTedlenti.I« *6otbi ng!' ir?me<I.i.l~prope rtlc* iv illact quickly In cas«« of

Coughs, Colds* Grippe* Catarrh

j* aroma and ta«o, T*ke :>jctwlIiiB«£r=ctlom C>« «oma with each bottle.


BUl'a Liver PiUaDllTa Balm o f L i f eDlU*a Worm SyEipDin's Kidney WUr,

xitnwsv Kccora Prldav Aiterno-m. N .v-mher 7O, I « I »


(Continusd Prom Psqa O n ) .. ploaauro to roport that this tail findsno dlmunlHon in tho spirit o( Sacrifice

—"Jisplayod-oytho pupils, -'-—Evanlno Qohool.

ConcornlnK tho evening school oos-slons Supt. Llttlo had tho MIowlnEto say: , - _ _

"Tho ovonlne school openod Wed-nesday. Novombor 0, with about ahundrod In attend—nco. The followingevening tho attondanco was consider-ably leas, beca—JO of falsa rumors otp—ica, tilnce then, ths attondanco hasgradually picked up and tbo InterestIn tho work graatly Increased. Tho•ttattdnflco Is not as high as It waslast year, yet interest in tho work lanot lass keen. It Is hardly fair tocompare this your with last year, orsoy othor year, because conditionssro such as the world has neverknown.

"If there evor was a time whenovory municipal—X—hould ondeavor tohelp^instill into fta people ideas of

: patriotism, solf government, and, - spirit of advancamont In genoral. It Is

now. - When -wo-take Ufto conildet'stlon that nearly ono thousand dollarspf'thn~ mg*nry oTTITtfniflii rm nlrM

23, Elanlor Class daaca. Tha repair ot , and bo it furthertha fence at Riverside Park nnd othorminor recommendations wero mads

iiy thla"«pmmittoo. , .'..

Uocommendatlons by tho Financeand Auditing Commlttco mcludod thoborrowing of J10.C00 from RahwayNational Bank tor tho paymant of cur-rent bills and payrolls,, also allowing

Supt Llttlo for registration nightBhI ac_ool~_a_uas.

school is returned to the city by tho8ta^0,;.itJ.niak.as.tho_ actual expenditurevsry^Bilghr~lBaasar"~nMr~yaiir7"tnoactual per capita coot for tho city WasIn tho neigbborhod of tan'conts parnight. If tliorotoro. this city can take

and tho payment o£ "bill— and payrollsamounting to tll.G8&.10. All ot thoaarocommondations were adopted.

From'Mlss Anne Shotwoll two re-ports woro roceivod. ono as attendanceoitlcor und tho othor dealing with thooperation of tho playground at River-side Park during tho summer months,Concerning tho attoni——tee —Uo reportshowed tho following! WashingtonSchooi—Truants, throe; sick, 46( keptat home, 22; total. 36. ColumbianSchool—Truans, throe; sick. 46: keptat homo, 23; total, 71, FranklinSchool—Truants, none; sick. 33; koptot homo. 13; total 40. Lincoln School

rrimnta. one; sick, 20; kffiBtJ— home16; total, 30- High School Building—•Truants, none; sick, ono; kopt athomo, ono; total, two,

Pertaining, to tha playground —(isftShotwoll reported as follows: 'The

thai this resolution bomodes rotroactlve beginning Sopt. 9,1918."

Schools will close for tbo Christ-mas rocr—s on Dec. 24. - Tho nextmooting of tho Board of _ducatlonwill bo hold on Thursday ovonl—g. pec.19- - . ".~~ - ,-~ . '

Tho o—Iclals presont at tho mootingTuesday evening woro: ./-Prosldont H.H. Jardino. Commlsalonors a . A. Vettand Thomas 11. Olrtannor, SecretoryOuy M. Howard and Saparintondaat otSchools William F. Llttlo.



•jilly_i. 11JF T*JO nfinryAnnrran an average of from_.2fiJOo 260 a j _£T'day, AM a ruio good b'ohavipr_ pre-

Qerman Morals. L - -. A senator, was tatklntr at a tea fnProvidence about the Germans.

"I heard a young lady schoolteachertell a story tha other day." ha said,"which brought tha Germans vividlyto mjr mind.

"Tha yonntf lady Bald she came opentwo of her. pupils ono afternoon In awood. The older pupil was eating antlck of enndy. The yoanger on* wasbowline with rage and trlof on thearound. The young lady Inquired Intothe matter and soon learnod bow thaland lay,

"•Clos/ she said to tho older boy.Indignantly, 'do yoa think It's fair toUke Tommy's stick of candy away"from hjror

•"FalrJ* said Oos, as ba incfcadI away.—1 don't hnvu to be fair. I can

4 » O N , 1M IWVIHO»T«EBT. .. -

Real Kstata an4_axenta.for tlia follow-ing Pir« - A Llabltllje- luuranc*Companies — Continental.' Hartford.Commsreisl Union. Sprlnsflald. Na-tional of Hartford, National OnionPituburg. Automobile Ins Co, Na-tional Liberty, National Barely Co..Aetna Accident aV Liability Co,Travelers, Oceas Aocldant «V Ous>anise Corp. mM-ii

JOHN J. COFPGY. 142 IRVINO sTT.Real Estate, 8uroty Bonds^,Flre. Auto-mobile and Liability Insurant, repre-senting the County, Insurance Com-pany_of auto of Pennsylvania. Royal,Royal Gxchange;-' Liverpool Xumdon

Olobo. New York Underwriters and

FOIl SALE—20 H. P. 2-cyIInder. 2cycle marine motor; 6 S^boro x S1^Inch stroke, equippod with Schoblarcarburoter, bosch hish* ton£joa mag-noto, -rtjvorao gear and. ps-opollor.Just overhauled. Price $125.00 -cashor Uborty bonds. J. Dbaurent, MSWashlnston St.. Woatflold, N. 1. i t

Vallud _id tha chlldrou ktieiaad to OHjoy thair privileges, 'The new- slide.waa_ono-of_: the .chief .attractionf—was usod-ovonings-and-.daya-by a-large crowd. During tho hot weo-tho* boys built a dam across the

ci-m;* **—Wnir»i(nir<"n "ttur

Women SoldUra.

Iy~scoresen who: served 4n tho Northern and

^ariniGa. 81nc«. the war with.Oormany began more than one womanhas been discovered In a soldier's unl*


tp popportunities for advancement, as wellas dovoiop them along othar lines; atten cants a night, it would ntlU remaina good iiivestmani," ' 1

Effedt of Infiuenxa EpidomioitoiiardlnK the Intluonzu opldomlc

and its offoct upon the schools SupLLlttlo niailo tho following -Btatomantt

ono of tbo, most dis-astrous opidomica that has overvisitadthisBtato.nndrfor that matter,this nation, thu schools of Rah way1 reoponod for rogular work, on Monday.Mov, 4, after boinz closod Tor tourwooks by order of tho State BoarHonlthr On'Friday.Oct; 4; there wore253 pupils absent from tho four gram-mar schools, and the following? Mon-day,-Oct^ 7, 6Z8-lpuplla-Were_nl)sontfrom tbo schools. , Tho majority ofthose waro ill, while some wore' kopthomo through fear of contracting thomalady, und others because their helpwas hooded. Owing' to those condi-tions, the president of tho .Board afEducation, with the superintendent qfschools, hold a conforonco with certainmombors'of the Board of Health whoadvised tho closing of tho' schools-Tills course wafl^fbllbwed^nol^dniy'bythis town but by almost ovary othorschool system in the state.

"During the porlod, 668 pupils andnine toachors wero victims of ln-fluonza. Thero wore seven doaths ofpupils and many more deaths In thefamlilos roprosontod in our~ schools.While— tba—onidomio~had-Jpractfcallyrun Jts-oourso,- still theher- of - cases-, not -yot -f uiiy-recovorod,.ou Monday, Hov, 4, as thoro wore

or tho playground, maklntTa largo "iver rea«ons.-nre not In "the militaryijool. This tho children soomor to on-. service honor' very greatly—tho.Bus-joy and having loft the dam hope to' slan woman who entered the army "Inbe ablo ts use tho sama for a okating. the hopo of Innplrlna the men of Ens'pond 1116 comiriirwintor/' - ' . - - -—— sl«/ f-- We bfsi to-M»uro theni that in

i, L . », ••••\.n ,„ ";,.- i case of doKpornte lieed the women ofSchool Nurso Miss tiara-ChapIn ro- [ A m o r ( c i w o u l d n o t t.cjitniB to serve

ported as follows: "All classes ot iho, „,„, j n tho wnr ngnlnst tha Ilun, TheyKranimaf schoolij hava boon inspected have proved tholr valor in past wars,from tlma to time la ordar to detect!signs of communlcahlo dlsoases. Tho

Jfama..inspection, applies, to- the .eightherode ciassos. As a result of thesoiuspoctionS thn lollowlnc cases WorofoUiid;. Pink aye, two;: impetigo, .two;ficariat foVer1, three; grip, throe;mumps, two! -sore;; throat, -throe;- -St.VituS danco, one; chicken pox, one;uccldont, ono; Infected flngor, ono;boil on arm, one; pediculosis, 14^ Ofthose cases twelve woro sont home;others treatod at school and* oightoenhomos were visitod,"

From 1, Edward Tompklnn, chair-man of -the Speakers, and Moot-ingsCommlttoo for tho United War "WorkCampaign, sent tha following letter ofthanks and approolatlon: "May 1 take



JjJ6k KENT—Klvo room~buri«alow; ou

Scott avonuo. n2S-2t

FOR SALE—Ono laundalot body, fltany small car; ono rtovon pasaoncorliiiMMMOo body- %*O- -onrh Qact_liramhall Iload. n29-2t



noar atatioa.

d room with allBroad atroot;


FOR RENT—Largo tro£t room: allconveniences with uso of libraryand tolopaona. Inqulro 44G SLCeorga avonua. 'Phone 30-W, n22tf

FOR. RENT—Four rooms on llazol-Wood avenuo between St, Ooorgeaand Jetforson avonues, iQ-BO par

mouth- Inquiro J, R. BaUmsnn.n22tf


CROSS KEYS INNWANTED—Waitresses lor hotel; also

Apply at uu'ee. Henry


TO LET—Four room house-and barn.tlo.00 per_ month, OooU,_B£amhallIload, - - - - - - P

FOR RENT—Tho/'Koop far-m, on St.doorgo avonuoyabout -i6 licros; with

^^or^wUho-at^bu-fldings,—woa Id-rent^ tonoarby farcaor; iorlg' losso givaa ifnecessary. John J.- Cofiay Agont,142 Irving itroat, n2(J-2t

FOR SlLfFOR SALE—Olivor typewriter Id ex-

ceilont conditionsatroot.

Apply 8 IrvingIt

Plenty of narrwiy Readers t4ave ThlfiExperlehco

You l a i tho kidnoya—overworkthorn—• '

Thoy can't keep up tho contitaalstrain," T h o back may give out—itacbo and pain;

Urinary troubled mo¥ sot in.Don't Watt lonso?—mko Doan'c Kld-

noy_Ellls,- . _ . . _ . !.._' •_Rahway pooplo toll yon how they

act, • >Mrs, _ , Bart i , e A d a m s St., R a h '

way; says: "1 strained myself byheavy lifting and It caused pain acrossmy kidneys. My bock was vory weak Iand 1 could hardly straighten up, I \had frequent dizzy spells and mysight was blurred. My kidneys didn'tact right at nil and for a wholo year


socond girl for lightuttUMiiwurU~f'imiU>"01 lw". uu'naaliing; good wagas. Apply Mrs. Joaoph

_W-Hazolwood- avonuo^ _n20tf-

BOY WANTED—In compoainff room;opportunity to loarn good trade.Quinn & Bodon, PuhllshorS. nlElf


Mail and 'Phone Orders Raceivo Carajul and .„ . • ' Prompt Attention

Victory XmasHearts a-thrill \»/ith gladness arc ex-

pressing joy in gift buying-3_nalblo uifta thoy _ro, too, just a~a out coTcromont tus foQuestA*..ChrUuxia- nhoppiiig Is bo tig navor before! ~

With loss than four tvook- until tho ovenUui day, aaroly NOW is'THE timo to buy—at I'lauta, tho store of comploto ChJ-l-tmaai readiaejsfor Pracdcaij J'otrloiic, Cift-ao«k«r_>-v •

Piooso carry all small p^rcol-v-vTbank yoiit V

Let Jewfelry ExpressYour ''Merry Christmas"

A HANDSOME WATCH that has tha platinum effect, mounted onrthtmtf— Uongraved case • (WOO


IIIOHEST l»nlCES paid fof all kindsof furs. Jack OrossmaD, 17S W. Mil-ton avoriiio/ - It

THB HAHWAY flAVtNOS IN8TITTJ"tldti pays four, per caoL iptarvsi—ti*« l>I«u««i. rate paid by aoy savtojr*bank la the Ststa, Opexi aa aooooo*in foui* boni* Inatltetion, jlyl-4f

this opportunity to express to. you my| rsuftorid"<from"such"troublo""Afterdeep appreciation for your willing andvalaabia-coupafatton In the—UnltecVWar Work-Campaign through thesorvlco to the Spoakora and MeetingsCommittee? As chairman of ' thlpcommittee I would state, that yourpart in generously giving us tho high

time toe symptoms began to leave ma.I kopt on using thorn until 1 was (act-ing fine again. : '

Price 60c, at all dealer*. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy—gatDoan's Kidney Pills—the same thatMrs. Baru had. Foster-Mllburn Co,

sohool auditorium for onr meetings ls'j MfgraV^urraio, N. V.heartily appreciated." ' _

|_Notico-wa*-rocolvad-of-the-mootingof the District Boards of Education at

roturn to school when they roopenodan that date. • t • • .

"It is a matter of rogrot thut woworo compelled to close tho schoolsduring.tho month of Octobor» because,as n; ruld7 this is ono of tho bastmonths of tho your for the pupils,Thoy. sottia down to work and beginto nnd thamsatveS, and, no a rulo. lay

failuraof tho yoar;~nll~thlshns-beonprohibited by tbo onforcod closing oftho schools,-' - -^" > •

"It In a matter ot congratulation ontha othar hand, to witness the spiritof anthuiiiaSm with which thu pupilshavo takon. up thoir .work after- tholong vacation. IDvory effort to makeup for lost time has boon employed.The schools woro .kopt open on Bloc-tlon Day, and by Just a little longeraaslgnmontu and making use ot theextra ralnutas hero and thoro we willhe enabled as wo woro two years agoafter the 'Infaatilo paralyala opidomli

0: Wash- I

to do practically our year's full quotaof Work. . . .

"On thla-date.-Novr HG. therestill a tew cases of influcnia in thaschools-roported as -foilowa-tIS; Franklin, 2; Columbian. 0: Wash-ington, 0; High, •»; Total. 26.

Various Reports.The Educational and Text .Book

Committee reported having receivedthe resignation of Miss Mary B.Sweet, stenography teacher, to tokoeffect Nor. 15. and the appointment ofWilliam H. Smith, of Watortown. N.

~Y'.. at $f.BOO per":yearr"Wa»"rec<Hnmendod to Oil the vacancy. Thisrecommendation wasi adopted. Thiscommlttoo also reporteat having re-ceived two comflAnlcatlons fromteachers asking tor increase in salary,and the committee stated that theycould- H6<LnaJnst4flcaUpjnJpr_«ttflJJLnjn_-der provauing conditions. They warenot granted. A. draft ot rules and

.for tho nchool—nurse-r|

mlsslonor L. Y, Ornham, the rogular

authorized to attond iho mooting,Tho roport of Secretary. Ouy M,

Howard, .showed a total .unoncumber-id bainnco of $00,716.84, _ ~ .

Tho .unal roadlng and passage oftho amondmont to tho "Tulff- governingtho pay of substitute toachors wag

rriod out. Tho amondmont reads asfollows: "Rosolvod, that that part ofArtlolo NO, 76. •rotating to tbo pay qj

read as follows i, -Tba the salary ofundergraduate high school studentsbe fixed at $2J>0 par day, Oraduatoiand oxporloncod' toachors for gradework bo fixed at S3 per day. Graduatesand experienced teachers for high

taking Doan's Kidney Pills, procured' I f l t l ' Ph «nnrtj


8ahway Fire Alarm Stationi 2 -

'Phone 209 for still alarm.W nnrt fThwrry

1Z-—Hazelwood and Leesvllio Avenuea.14—Mala and.Commerce Streets.IC—KoW Brunswick and Lake Aves.22—Hazelwood and Jaque* Avenues.24—Maplo and St. Oeorge Avenues.26—Milton Avenue and Bryant Street31—Campbell and Cherry Street*..12—Orand Street and St, George Avo33—Main Street and Ellzabotb Ave._3ti=Grand,and:.IrvtaB Streets.-— —

the most pleasure-giving Christmas Gift'

of the kind sold «t the Rexall Store. Beauty,quality and Utility are combined at the low costof 40c up. ... - . _ , - „ .

Wonderful Christmas Greeting* ord Foldersto carry your Yuletide Cheer, ic to 25c.

Ituhivuy* ff. */.

43—Orand. Bond and Monro* 8tra«tseth and Jackson Avanoe*.

»l Ave. and Maole Tarraesv.52—Church and Hamilton atrsata.&3-—Orand'and Lennlngton BtrMta.61—St; Georxe Ave., Kaaey Corner.

school :work bo flxod at 94 per day, 6S—N, J. Reformatory.



livered-on Order


which win be taken up by tho commit-»•« also reported. Various

MONEY TO IX>AN on bond andrmortgace Hyer & A n o s t r o n ^ ^tprneva. Kshway Nat. BankRahway, N. f.

•applies were recommended for par-chase. The refund ot $10.32 to MlsaAnderson for absence on occoont of .a,death In the family was recommended.

That tho high acHool andltorlam had.been osed to a. considerable extent bythe public was indicated lb tho reportof the Building and Supply Commit-tee who stated that lc hod been open-ed on Nov. 7 and 14 for meetings Inconnection with the United War WorkCampaign; "Nov. SO, tor tho RedCross; Nov. 21, Parent-Teacher As-sociation ofWaahlimton School; Nor.

v J. Raymontt Lambert;Vj. . UNDERTAKER.;.;;;..:,.

160 Irving Street, - Rahway, N. J.. . '< - '- • BE8IDBKCB DFiTaUUI- •- - -

Seventeen xeara experience. Have New York abd New Jer-Loy Licenses. No f aneral too amall or none too large.

All Clianrea ore Ke»«6ns>ble. Anto or Horse-dravra HearseTel. *tH " "and Kuiieral Par lor Pree.

SUtemeot at Close of Business, Norembef 1 , 1 9 1 8

•'"••'. . R e s o u r c e sLoan» and DiacounU »•*(!? 0fl.'.,<O

BfiD.le. - - «2SUi«)ll«.

U . S , Bon.U. - - 2Ul.i00.0OFund,

0.H. Tr.T

2}U0 ttant Uanka,

Casb wad K*iaerv<i,

"."•" Z.BOO.OO




- f 100.000.00

mud l/ndi-



iQtereat Allowed on Dally Baltnona o SAOO and Upward

Rahway National BankIrviDg St. and Vail Phce

HOME MADE BREADFrom Victory Flour—Free from sabstitotes, is the kind wemake!—It is a "joy fca^^r"—Oare naed, means 'a steadycustomer-—Are yon one?, :

Pies, Pastry and Cakes, Fresh Daily

RAHWAYBAKERYMain Street, Tel. 366

BAUERTelephone 325 125 Irving Street


Pure! Wholesome! Refreshing!All the Standard Flavors!

bracolct, is a thin modal, aquarci or octagon ohape^ en^ruvod ca««, fittedwith Ifj-Iuwci Jovcry- tnovomcriL cajo, guaran toed -fof 25 yoarg, , . , 27.30

A PRETTY STERLING SILVER WATCH, mounted on ribbonbracolotj in. oclacoiv ifjaaro-or oval-iiiiapts-ucana,~1\tlad-with—l&rjoaret-luvur' tnovoment , v.«-**.*-.--.30-00

Plaut-:—-Main Floor

New NeckwearMost fr_clniit!na niyjea and moat approprtatd 2or holiday giving isQuckwboi' at l'iauta.

lUai IPildl LiiCd Coilara , . . . 1_B _ 1_0OScU : , . . , . . , . 3.0B to 19J»

Btiautliui . Cuortfetto Cropo. and Satla SicovelesaOulmptsS . , 4-CO to 1000

Ooorgotto Collyars in round and Pallor ahapos fiOe to 10 00£toc)_ and Jabots, not and iaco tjrimmod ,..,6Oe to _03Satin Coll—o In various styios 6Oc _ 3-00

Piauu—Main Floor

IdcatXJif ts^B ath^RobtSS-airdlWo carry a comploto and boautlfut a-aaortxoant of excloslvo-x»it-

torns and (abricd in bath robua and bouao coats,

Tho robotf como in conventlonai and Indian blanket effects In *voriiablo jgaXaiy of coloring*. Al! aro cat fronk tali bordered blankets*aro well soda and have sirdlca to matcn. tnosl moderately priced.ft-06 ts 13.50.

/ Tho house coats aro mado of Ono Woolens, corduroys, velvets andsilks and aro exceptionally desirable A complete variety Is offered,moderately priced, from 6.05 to 2SXO. - v ~ "

Plaota—Main Floor - "

s. ^^


and womanshould have a -— : -

Checking AccountOar system will interesty o u . ' _• V . ' • ' ' • ' : • ' •

RAHWAY TRLST CO.Open H A. M. to a F- M. I>aily. HuturUajn. ( f toTJ NOOD

Full Assortment of Candy.Loose or in Packages of all

Leading Makes.


The Sure Road to SuqcessOpen an Account in


Corner Main and Monroe Streets.

Persist in saving and you willwin independence.

Assets over $1,000,000.004 per cent, interest paid, compounded

Advertising Means : Selling


Page 5: The Empire · Kianway Kecwrq, Tuesday . November 5. ***«£ I I Kownay Record, Tuesday Afternoon, November?*}. I«I8 Ik The Empire Telephone 350-P

Kecorq, Tuesday Attcriion. November S.-'i ^ — r•*••'' *N*fft


Rawtiay Record.^rlday Afternoon. November 29. 1918


Plainfleld Wins Champion-ship by Defeating Locals

in Warm Contest 27-0

There was no doubt as to whpm thocounty championship In football bo-longod aftor tho jcamo yostorday bo-twoon Railway High and PlolnnoldHigh on tbo lattor's/grounds, whorotho Ploinflbld toajn rollad up a 27 to0 victory. Thp^gamo was won on Itsmarlta, Plalnflold having tho ad-vantago of an olovon largely compqsodc( oxperlancod playora whllo Ratuvoy

whom woro now to football this sea-, of nttack alao produced favorablo TOTho advantage tn weight also suits sovcrol tlino

•on.want to PUInflold. i

Doopltu thaso things In favor of thohomo toam no Rahway oloven ovorput up a gamor fight than . did thotoam yesterday and Plainfleld had torbattlo Its "hardast from tho" start totho finish of thOjgnmo. The scoro Inno way rovoals^ho closenoas of thobattlo. ~* To tho proteges of CoachPatch, howovor, groat credit Is duofor tho machlno-lllto precision withwhich thoy oxocutod, tholr plays andformations. ..Considerable of tho gloryof tho victory bolonsa to tho Syndor

Tho manorwould apparontly start for^tha loft oftbo lino and suddonly shift to thoright, getting several yards boforo thotrick was fathomed by tho Rahwaytoam. ~~ ~"

Through'but tho ontlro first periodit was anlp and~tuclc"battlo7~nolthersldo being ablo to scoro. Ono of thofoaturca of thin period was tho atono-wall dofonso mado by Hahway on herfifteen yard lino, whero thoy hold tha'-j

U t hhomo team for Uulctmhoymailo a brllllai: tacklu of T. Snydorafter4 tho latter had noarly got loosofrom' tbo Rahway toam, stopping him

family, thoro being throo by that] aftor ho had gained twolvo yards.namo in the* homo team's llno-up andthoy all figured in tho winning of thogamo. .

Spood In startng thoir plays,variety of attack and oxcoilont Inter-ference woro the principal featuresin Plainflold's playing that producod

onposjU'with a team tho majority of victory. Quick shifts In tbo dlroction


Telephone* 350-R:



TMatinee, 3.IS __ Evening, S.1S

Children ——:_ Be Children v _<?. _- _ / J «—~~~~: .' -"~w'*"j J o " Mlullm -••— - " - :- lie


TODAYTo accommodate the hundreds unable to Secureseats on Thursday, the management will repeattoday~the Million Dollar Picture.

Chapliniu _: _ _ .


Sem hotv Charlieeven tvith the ••

7 Alfc "" ' ~~/ WII. Other Good Pictures

'.' Whai»eta~'Oor-


The first period ended with tho ball onRailway's Blxjeon yard iinp. Tho firstplay at tho "opening of tho secondperiod wud a forward pass from Cap-tain Snydor to Kinc for tho entire dls*tanco to tho .Rahway goal lino, Kingmaking tho first touchdowii fromwhich Snydor kickod tho goal.

I3y short but conslatont gains thoRahway team worked tho ball stoadiiyiiito Plalnflold's territory In tho ro-malndor of tho socond period. The"chief-gainwas-flftoen-yards-mado by

|T)limphyz:on~a~forward- from—Mockle.Dumphy, Macklo, Lindsay and Horereach made four and five yards

nit -In tho tnMnfwith

vuhco ono or tho pluyoni Was offsldoand tbo toam suffored a pbnalty ofrivu yards at u crucial moment; thatprovontod them from gottlngf. a. flrstdown and Plalnrtold soon got tfao ballaway from Ha dutigoroufl proximity totholr -goal-iino

Plainfleld's Socond touchdown had alargo oloniunt of luck in It. Snydorkicked off to Hltchlo Hoar Rahway'sKoai lino. The latter started to runback and was tacklod on Rahway'sllttobn-yard lino, -dropping tho ballwhan ho foil. A Ptainfiold playor re-covered tho ball and aftor four attacksMllno Was bushed ovor for a touchdown. Shydor kickod tho goal.

This sooinod to stir Railway's light-ing spirit more than ovor, On thohost kick-off Honor raced back nitooijyards boforo~bolng dt>wnot£ CaMlllg craohod through tho PIuinQoId

tho toam. For this excellent showing;made by tho local team fiYcat> creditis duo Coach Walter, who had to buildon entirely new team around a nucleusof only throe or. four.playora with aprevious experience that was of anyvalue. His accomplishment is socondonly to Coach Short's dovolopmont ofu-»tate- ehamplonahlp^ team—in—1D1-4.-Some of bis difficulties wore ovldontyoatorduy whon ho had tp use someof tho playors~in positions la. whlclr

iy had not previously 'played andwltb which thoy woro unfiunlllar.

Tbo llno-up:Plalnfloid High Railway HighM. Snydor ".. Olroud

loft end.McCuskor Wigglnton

loft tacklo.Mob! . . . . . , , . i....... Lutx

loft guard.lCrickaoh . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Chose

contor.Loury Mulchahby.

right guard. -.Johnson Roltomoyor

right tacklo.Kinit Rltchio

right and.T. Snydor, Capt. Lindsay

| . Jquartor_backLHand Horer- loft half back.' .

W. Snydor . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . : Dumphyright ball uucu. ~ TT~"

Milnofull back.

•Score by periods: ,


Plainflold 0 ri'~Xf 6—27Utthway , 0 0 0 0—-,0

Touchdowns—King; Milne,- W. Sny-dor, T. Snydor.' Goals, from touch-downs. T, Snydor, 3. Substitutions—For -RahWay, Yuckman for Giroud,Olroud for Mulchahoy. Mills for. Lind-say, Quina for Lutz; for Plainfleld,Stophons for McCuskor, Ollbort forLoary( Fawcott for Ericksou, Ran-dolph tor Mllno, Bush for Randolph,Huyson for W. Snydor, Donnlck torMohl. Hoforoo—Stlno, of WoBtfiold.Umpire, Phillips, of Plainfleld, HoadXlndsmaii—Uosonson. Plnlnflold. Unoiljmon—McAfofl, Elulafto!dj___ttnQ___LtDuckat, Rahway. '• Timers—Kline,Plainfleld, and Lieutenant_ _Ross\Nichols. Rahway. Time of periods—'•Ton and twolvo -mlnutos alternately.


and Booklets

Ic-fo 15c Each

Gries Bros.Telephone 36-R. Bahway, N. J.


._AH sizes

LCHRISTMAS -S-r* ~~TAGS • ? * - dor.


Per Cent. WU be Given to Every PurchaserDiscount of Christmas Articles

Saturday, November 3Oth, Monday, December 2dDO YOUR SHOPPING NOW


• Silk HosieryOoraetaOorset CoversWhite ApronsQiagham Aprons

. Mualin UnderwearSilk Oamiaolea -

. Silk GlovesLeatherette GlovesKi<i Gloves ':•;;WOOVGIOVOB

Silk WuiataWaists- • ••-


Hn6 for aoVori yariliT" Dumphy aridHoror also made uomo . flno JJfjjwiB.Wlttgiiiton opontid BO mo go o dylrgBE onhis aldo ami also otfoctivoly |K&ppedaovoral Plainflold attacks. Railway Gerise ofwaa advancing steadily when a for^ Tho prtnclpnl scat of tho sonBO ofward pass bounced out of Dumphy'a taste la the mucous, merabrnnco of thoarms Into the hands of T. Snydor; I.-tORffue, in which dissection rovoals aPlainflold Was penalized fifteen yards cutls or.choHon. a papillary structure,for MdW Rahway held « * W - & £ 2 £ ^ ^ ^ - « • « £ • £on hor thlrty-llvo yard lino. Manklo most t>nrts ot the cutaneous surface,puntod on fourth down aftor Rahway o n d receives tho lnsorJona of tho In-had failed to go tho roqulrod distance. trtn«lc tmiwlea of tho tongue. ThoA fair catch was mado by plainflold pnplllury structure differs from thnfc ofon ' thotorty-ftvij-yttrd-Hnis.—JProm-thia—the-skin_lo-not-bolnB-conccaled»under_imark tho two Snydors and Milno car- t"0 epltliollum. but In tirrvjuctlnc fromried tho ball by short daahoa. inter-! ">« surfaCo like tho vim of tho dlccs-Bporsod with forwards, until Bnydor t t v e cnnaT-ilnally went ovor tho goal lino. Ho

SwouteraPinBoudoir CnpaLudius Neckwear ,Box of HuudkorchiefBOhriatmau OardsBookletu .Leatlier B.rtgH__;

. Vulvet Bag« '••-.Ubl


MUBHU WearWool G o v e sOlolh GlovesWoblMittsBweatereBo>a BlonsesDrawerTrenph HatsTum-o'Sli Hoters

. Box of HandkerchiefsUmbrellnsKnit Duderwear

" Desk SetsADRoru Scarf SetaKiiit T"qaeeBoys PaulsBath Ilobrs



MONDAYElsie Ferguson

' ' ''• ..' » t i • ' '

"Rose of the WorhJPdrautounf J*lclograph

Snappy Comedy

again kicked tho goal.In tho fourth period M. Snydor dts-

'* t h t l 3 E l V u a t o t h ot o n R U 0 , t s tt-<jU l t n o w n f o U B h n i . s s . Theepithelium" Is of tho scnly vurloty, naon the skin, but Is much thibho** ontho toiicue ihnn on tho sldn. It Id

tlngulshod himself by^rabbing tho most dense about tho jnlddlo of thoball whon Railway mnW a tumble/I ^PP01" surface of tho tonguorand it IsHand. Mllno and the > o other Syii- ^ r o *h«- 'n, dlBordcrod^ digestion,

• . • \ u , „ ! . . thoro Is the chief accumulation aZ fur.ball Until touch-, w h i c h j o r e n , i t y u s , m n d ^

, ( foi

ders advanced thedown was mado by W. Snydor.goal

Then n i , o v o r . o ( ) u n u n n t formation of cpl-

flnal poriod Rahway Bhowed sotno of of the toniruo are either simple or com-tlio boat flghtlng. spirit of tho game, pound. The former, which closelyWith Bhori forwards and smushos bo-1 r«soinWo those on tho skin, aro Bcat-twoon ond and tacklo the Rahway lor0<l over the whole surfaco of thoboys on two dlttoront occasions got *°hEue «n P"rt« where the others dotho ball within a fow yarda of the n<* f1«'• ° n d they likewise particlr' , . " , V • • . »i „ h a i , i , Pn«» tn the formation -of; toe comp6undPlainflold goal lino. On ono of these papillae*occasions the homo team held toridowns only four yards from their goal

l~Tinq. The aocond~lTme~lae~enaing7of|r~ Your Good Servant.

the. gamo' pfevontod what looked to ber master." -\X dog -turns nround~Tjefbrea Buro touchdown for Uahway. In this ho Uos down, because bis dlstunt nn-porlod Ritchie aqd Yucicmah mado coators found It necessary to tramplesomo splendid kalns on forward •.*>*?> the weeds to make thorasolves a

.. . J ° . _ _ . „„,. resting place. And the energy whichpaasos, while Mills, Dumphy and n M £ £ | n t o ^ . j r a s t , e a * y - m o t , o nMackle made good gains between ond Bln(H) ,„ b o y o n d c aic ata tiOn. Thoreand tackle.-Tbo homo toam bad evl-, b o y s n n d rU t o d n y who are doingdently boon . Instructed to watch I usoless things, things which binderMackle and 'thoso Instructions were t advancement -and success,' because

liibbousToilutSets- : -Manicure SetaKnit UnderwearBrtusli Wool Seta -JFlanuolotte W onrLoni; Flimtietto KimonunB..ith Kol.oa - .'Housa DressesBungnlow AprotiaB-ttoim PeUiooatsDi-utH SkirtsLudioti BloomersSiirPilis

BompersWHBLI SnitsBoys Ohiucliilla CoatsStnryBooks Dolls

TowelsTablecloth Sets;•;—Bath Towel SetsCentre PiecesScarfsEmbroidered Pillow CastsBed Spreads . •Lace Curtains '.

Bed Blankets$3.98 to Sr2.98

Bad Comfortables

MEN. Socks

SweatersBox of HandkerchiefsG*rter Sets —• ,'"Sleeve Garters ~""

_^©u«peodur SetsVatiit QnTiere

%3crsct> B&vocateAtimarbUig Th« Rahway Mna-Henld. Th» *j.n*»« ' rat. Eatabllahad 1840.



Notable Address by SenatorW. N. RnnyoD Heard by

Large Audience


"You can't be ono sort of a man to-Btxed Keck TiesUmbrellasSliiiviug Stands

-Military BrunhcBCard CueesHundkorobiffMKuit UnderwearSuirts

Ni«bt Shirts


Biiby Caps • .Bootits Snques MittsShoit Dret-teu 'Long Die»-Bt HCoiub uiid Binsh Beta

Loggings.._KbitJ3.ii<ler» ear

Bwi'atrr buitsBath Eu bt s

Slibit Coats


day and anotbor tomorrow and liflirtrue Elk- Charity, brotherly lovo andfldellty muHt bo shown by UH at alltimes If In tho end Wo are to nay thatwe havo kept tho faith and havefought a. good flght-' Thcao were thewords of admonition :ol: Senator-Wll-.Uam N. Runyon, of Plainfleld, in hiseulogy at tho anual memorial servicebold by Rahway Lodge, No. 1.07&,Benevolent:., a nd Protective Order ofElks, at the Empire Theatre on Sun-day evenings Referring, chiefly tothe boys who. have been overuoaa heBald: "Let ua not look upon them aatroubles- We have not played a-bjgj.part and have made only small sacri-flees compared to what they havedone for UH and for the world. Thoydeserve the best Could there be a

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATEDIn celobratlon of her birthday anal- j

vorsary Miss Anna Conrad, daughter Iof Mr. and Mrs. tV. H- Conrad, of S8West Hazelwood avenue, pleasantlyontortalncd a godly number ot friendson Saturday evening. .A tine programof' games, vocal - "and " Instrumentalmusic and a splendid collation madetho event enjoyable for all. Tho home.was prettily docoratel wTth flowersand In tho national .colors. Miss.ppn-rad-was tho recipient of a numbor otpretty anniversary; tokens. , Amongthose present were: Miss MargaretNewman of Briello; Harold Cook, Kon-noth Baziey, Wcstnold; Carlton Sold-ier," Roosevelt r~ Colton Torbush,- Aa-drow McFadden. Miss Elizabeth Mo-Fodden. Miss Wllma: Maxflold, IrvingMaxfleld, SIdnoy Smith, jifss7DorothyArtamn. Mrn, rhnr

& $ -


E ubroi'Ierod Pillow CasesBal>y 0»iufortabUBeVilrSprona's

Window Shades, Special, All Colors 69c each

big brothora to those boys- Wo arenot. ltoopIng~me~ianS~Unlecomo big brothers in the veriest senseof the word to those, who have bornethe hardships and sacrifices overthere. . ..

"It behooves uu to take account ofstock- and find Wbero wo stand.. ItIs all well enough to bo a boll fellowwell met, but there7 are bigger thingsthan being social favorites. It Is ourpart to acknowledge to make peacewith Him and do the things He wouldhave done. If we get in contact "withhim our lives will amount to some-thing and our body will .constltute_n,force beyond all concept. "When Godeo poworfuly shows his hand as Hehas just done and compels the forces

Frod Niac, of Cranford; Bertraxn BerryJack Miller, Roger Hone, tho MiaacaCatherine Gruener, Kdna Acken, EdnaJohnson, Vorna Buon, MarIrenes. Rowan and Anna Conrad,Marguerite Pollard, Mrs. J.COok, WU-Ifam__aml J^ho^tpii X-P_nrad_jmd Mr. _and

a. W. HrCouradrall of thl& city. '


Fifty Nine Students Attain theDistinction During tbe

Month of November



Fonr Alarms „_ In EighteenHoors—Fires Were All

Small Affairs

MORE MONEY FOR WAR DRIVE.Additional contributions to tho

United War Work Campaign in thiscity hav« been received through thoIndustriat.DlylBion^ George W. Morck,.chairraanv amounting to $151:60, Thlflj 5& I^ V'.* e

amount cumo from contractor'^ am-:ployoa working on the new factory ofIhjj National pnoumatlc Company inNew Brunswick avenue* The various

There wero flfty-nino students . atfit.-Mary'*-parochial- school-who ftt-talnedthehonor roll during themonth of November according to an-

3t- and! Douncement made Sunday morning byMlssi ?° v - C. j/lCano; In order to achieve

this honor, the pupil must have anaverage of 85 or better in the. studiesThe-oighth grado^ led ~with-twclve ontho lint, whllo tho seventh and fiftheach had ten/ Tho newly organizedcommercial class had nine honorstudents. Tho list of honor pupilsfor .the school U as* follows:^Commercial ClaiJa—Florence Me-

at Helen McCuc,

James Kinneally, Mabel KUnby, GraceDunn, Margaro, Gettinga, , "WilliamDoramlnoy, Hogiuakl Clark,

_Qrado—BUzabeth Zrynny,

concerns 'and their employes reprej

sont»d";iirjtho*contribuUona-~are aa fol-lows;

John—Mr~<3iii~ife~C<r;—g«nt>rttJ~-eoH-tractors; iOo pct.» 557-60; W. H. Chap-man & Sons, mason contractors, 100pet., J4S.50; Dickman Paving Co.*100 pcU $3i.S0; Wm. <3. Cruell Co.,plumbers, 100 pet,, $7,00; BowersBros. & Co-a 100 pet.. ?i>.00l H.Vogel Co., sprinkler, 100 pet.,total, 51S1.5O."- . . •

MISSIONARY MEETINGTho mem born of the Woman's Homo

and Foreign Mlssloj.ary Society1 ofthe Second Presbyterian church warepleasantly!jj_ntortalncd yesterday af-ternoon at the' home of Mrs, ThomasX Baker, 96 Bryant street. There wereinteresting readings on "Mormonism"

of evil to disintegrate we should bow-|,*yw>Irs. Walter B. Crowell and upon

well oarrlod out,With the exception of the probable

they are In the grip of Habit formedlong ago. Plenty of these say, "I haveWith the excepton of t probab .

gamo with Ex-Mlgh tomorrow It was'n'V'oys done It," as a sufficient ondthe lost game for Rahway. Plalnfleld »«a«fa«tory fexpionadon for anything

I has administered the only defeat to'™"1 " " * *

~Th~e~hew shades of ^«^cya~^n«n^7y^?Ennrrenrcccfved this weekixrei Terra Cottar-Getid^anneBlue, Kesfda» Mauye__ d>4_jqt_£rand Khaki, besides other staple shades, at hank - v> J -O O

Dry Goods, Millinery, Suits, Etc, 128 Main St.

NEW MILLINERYA new shipment of Ladies and Children's Winter Hata reveals the strarttstatylea shown this season, Velvet. Satin. Tapestry and Fur Trimm*d combina-tions aro the newesti besides the variety and styles being the highest, cur

'.-.,.."..'.'. i; ..;... Prices on MUlinery are the-Lowest .. • ...... . .•-

Roys Winter Coats, madeof Chinchilla, Wool Mist-tures or Armv Cloths, at

$5,98Boys all wool Reversible_ PlAid Mackinaws, sizes

6 to X5. at

.50Ladies Black Sateen Petti-

coats; deep p l a i t e dfl junce and close fjt top,at


Babies; White. CorduroyCoats, lined and infer-lined, 6 Htonths to 3

"ycurs, at"$3.00

Children's heavy Winter—J&rtt •-' <Jlov«rs- for—Boys-

and Girls, at

39cLadies heavy Jersey flrece

lintd Gloves, 2 clasp, inBlack, Brown or Grey, at


Best grade XJalatea andKiddie Cloth, in a~largerange'of patterns

35c yd"Meri's^eavy Knit Cotton

Mixed Sweaters in Brown

2.50Curtain Scrirosaud Swisses

36-tn'che6 wide in wbittand ecru, "prelty der

_ signs, at ' • . .

^Hnbit Is ono of the most admirable

r But It "dm be themost tyrannical of roasters. Do not letIt get tho better of you."^ ~~

Uako habit your servant; but mate^-yoor-good-servant—

Health Suggestions.Cultivation of on uttltudo ol cheer-

fulness by an aggressive proportionof ootdoor sunlight, fresh air, repose,sleep, work, study, exercise, baths,simple fare and wholesome habitscontributes to a good end.

Tho behavior of .certain .substancesof the living structures In quality and.quantity nt particularly " appropriatemomonts, tho entrance of these Intothe blood stream, their distributionto the eyesr"whlch" becln' to 'Bparlflewith the glow of pleasure, spreadingfrom tho comers of the lips to tholargo muscles of the skeleton, as awhole are all set free by the groupof . unexpected . sensations, which, re-sult In the "big Idea" of the comicside of thif event.

, Hint on Physical Culture.Merely to hear the sound of

clvps ono tha'dnnring-lmrinliMi—in tn-clUiatlan to move the feet' or the hoodsor tho body In time with the rhythmof .tho mnslc. To make your exerciseattractive, therefore, start yonr musicfirst and then as you feel the swing«f-It yoa-will-and;pleasure-in—goingthrough your exercises. Make It apart of your dally schedule. Ton caneither follow the practice of talcingordinary, standard exercises to thenccompnnlment of music or yon. can<lo special- dnnclng-movements.- All(lnndng movements pnrtnkc of thecharacter. of exerolso.1—Curl H. Wil-liams In Physteal Culture.


SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!)To every customer, is one of our standard rutes of business.This means, among other things, quality; service an4 price,and~w&point-i<^ur-many~year& of^^pixbtic. as proof that our patrons are satisfied patrons. There'sa reason—one can be seen in the following :

We Close 6 P. M,s Except Saturday Evening at 10.30

Specials Friday-Saturday, November 29 ,30

Plantation Coffoe, lb - 2 5 c None^Sucfi Mince Meat, pkg. 1 2 cnrnmedary Dates, pkg.

ISc. Favorite Porkand Beane, eta 16cCape CodCranberries, lb

Citronpound 40c

Lemon orOrange Peelj30cNonpareil Paper Shell

Fricassee, Ift

Fresh JerseyHame,lb

Fresh Killed YooojD u c k s , . >

PrimeRib•- Rcast.lb S4cTrenton Pork

Rolf, 15

Quaker Oats 5cMarrowfat

'Beans, Ib 16cGiaodma's Hoop

Powder, pkg

Magic Yeast- -package 4c

Hclmetta canFuntphin 15c

SPECIALS7-5 Stamys'with each can Central Baking Powder30 Stamps with each potxndof Tea20 Stamps with each onepcttnd of Tea -20 Stamps with each ona'pound of Progress Coffee


in humble adoration of what Ho baadone. We caa be big oven.lt we areofJono talent. We may not ait in theBeats ot tho tnighty, butrwo can radiato Hunahlno, happiness, good cheerand good. will. ~Much bafl been givento our charge and much shall be ro-

quired of us-_^Don't hug to yourselvesall these good thingaT <51ye" the bearthat you have. Keep the faith deepIn your heart. Le.t our croed^be bigenough to take in the needs of all menand we don't have to dread thecoming 6£-JlhejihadowB.L_Liet.-_us__bpreal tllks at all times."

Timely reference was made to Gen-eral Foch and his finding time In theatrcsaof the great struggle to jvisitjilittle church-in—France-~loE--a~pexlodof prayer.- How Abraham Lincolnvisited the- home of Henry WardBeecher In Brooklyn and spent'night In prayer during the dark daysof the Civil War was also related toshow how the great men of moderntimes have accomplished great thingsthrough faith in God.

Senator Runyon said that it was es-pecially fitting that the Elks havechosen Sunday, the Lord's Day, and Inthe last month of the year as the timeto pay tribute to their dead as it is"atime suggestive of. the end pt mor

~ talhjr and the mutations ot life. "Butwo Borrow not as those without nope,We—have- loBt—theBe-JirotherB taz^.Awhile. It is the breaking of the fra-

" ternaT~Lcttatn7~tiatr'they.- are-aw<tour home-coming In the far beyond.

.'Persia and Syria" by Mrq, W. A. Ran-Bora. President Mrs. OTIC BnsnHided. "A "pleasant «oclalr time fol-

90; Lorotta Keosfaan, 00; Clare Sauer*90: Aenoa Leddeii. 89; CatherineFranka, 8S; • Florence McCue, 88;Catherine MiHor£87r~JamJohn Ah-imovlc, 86; BirJSG; Margaret Bcdow, 85; KleanorLedden/85.

Seventh Grade—Margaret Schwihdinger, 88; Anna So franka, SS; AnnaNplan, 8"?; "Mario Nolan, 8^; MargaretRuddy, 8C; William Shannon, 86;George Walker," 8(5; Anna Smith, 86;Gertrude Bast. 85; Marguerite Bergen8S.

Sixth Grade—Allan Mamil, 87; Arih.ut Gallagher* S7; Francis Schwindingor, 86; Alice; Ennla, 86; AnnaElBolty 8G;~ Margaret Hellly, 86; Josephine MeCorthy,-85; -Edmund-Mit-chell, 85; Dorothy Hummell, 85.

Fifth Grade—Catherine En tils, 91Eleanor Allen, 91; Ed win O'Connor,88; Grace Gootz, 88; Gertrude Lough-




are wiped away, where their livesare more maJesUc than ere^ .before.Those things we loved In those gonebefore axe the things by which theyshould be remembered. \Ve should

their virtues. Not how much:—-*n«.. but how much'can w<

out us, should-be ou:

of tho world * warshowed that Amerit

s«ncJderBtand better thanJmeaning of sacrifice,

the sacrifices w>a friend amon,

jarth. There waof^conauest ^or con-

of the goldenHad wjb: don

"eHuluua would haynot our Ingenuity,

that have mad

not perish' from tb<

o{ Oxe> have. entered ; thea nat/Jorld through'sacrlflcf

b.eaH8 or t& we may rise tturong]8 0 *s fadivirfffe look about throt

brother the bxipwrather than that.

ENTERTAINMENT AND SALEUnder the augplcos of the Commlt-

iQ of Twenty-one, a splendid enter-dnuiaut ahd—^oed—aa4--novolty-^aale.Ill bo hold at the lecture room of th.0'Irat Presbyterian ..church on Fridayvenlng. Doc. 13. The sale will bo.eld afternoon and evening and theintertainmont -will- be. given. _ln_ the

Schmaeling. 8C; Robert Lcary, 8GAlbert Sullivan, S5; Louis Back, 85.

fourth Grades-Anna Zrynny, : 89>larle Loughlin^ 80 J I>awrence RaclC8; Adolo Schwindinger,. 87; Pranciierlach, 87. . '

"^SrtJip=^WnTBarot Ennie. 87

ibalrman of tbe committee of arran£e-ients. . • . '

-VICTORY-SUPRER-- .'_Arrangemeril's 'are ~Dractlcally~ronr'

ilote for the victory supper to beserved under the auspices of theJailers' Association of Trinity Metho-llst church on Friday evening- It will>e a patriotic fnnctlpn and there'willje addresses by Secretary McKay, ofthe Colonla Y: M. C. A. and by two

the wounded soldiers. Vocal.andLstrumental music and other diver-

ilons will add tothose who attend.

the enjoyment of

V.'.M- C. A- BEING EQUIPPEDTh« Y M. C A. office has been

removed from the Woodruff bnildingLo tbe new building in Irving street,which ~g~to~"bB- u'pBuedat an early date. The dormitories are

sins equipped and other lurnianingsbeing Installed as rapldjy as possible.t is expected that annonnceuluut will

Boon be forthebming for~ the formalopening of the nevr $135,000 structuresome time before the holidays.

FRESHMEN, WINBy. superior all-round playing t£ii

Freshmen football eleven ""of the "Rahway High School trounced Iselln yes-terday afternoon at Riverside Park, 33tu 12. Qulnn and E. Conners madithe' tonchdowns for^ the .Freshmen,

•bile Abe Greenball anrl ^ NormanLutz scored for Iselln.

VICTORY DINNERUnder the auspices of the Boarc

of Trade there win be a .Victory Din.nor nf! ThnrsdssLevening.at the GrosKeys" Inn. There will- be good musi.and speakers.

7^0 sharp.Dinner will be Bervec

MISS GARDNER ENGAGEDMr. and Mrs. Ftiuikliu Onrdner.

Bergen Heights. Jersey City, former]of—this city, announces .th*! engagement of their daughter Itothleerf Hoseto William O. Bastedo. of AsbnryPark. • • * • ' •

Three candidates received the flidegree last evening at The mectinjotCBahwack Tribe, No. ISS; Indepen

rfary DoOley, 86; Mary Monahan, 86a Trann, 8fi. .


hoars to keep.the firemen busy pyorthu week end. Tho first was a still

alarm: at about 10.B0 p. m. Saturday

nifibt for tho niotor engine to respond

tor~a DTaztTI n~tno~~c5l5bloT~ BtiDp Trf

Bruno &, Sons. 137^4 Main street.

Someone had dropped.a_ match, behind

tho counter In a pile of old papers

and a brisk blazu sprung up suddenly.

Clarence P. Lamphoar, who was

acrouH tho tttreut at tho time, pro-

nted a general iilurta f'rtim .being

turned In which would have brought

out the whole <Usrjftment and had a

stilt ularm in its placti. The flames

were Quickly extinguished and there

Tho second call to which DriversMohr and Cooper responded with the


Double Affliction Befalls Mrs.C. E. Ernst Within FewHoars, From Pneumonia


n—forty-tiife«—JH>ur» Uw-

ang;ql of 4o a t^L entered the familycircle of Mrs. Clara B . iSrnat. of 70Bedford s t r e e t and^toolc-away—loved.onva. Her son, Alan Kenwood Ernst,aged 24; w a s the flrut to hcor-Uio flnalsummonH a t 6.30 Saturday evenlu£.Iwhllci at 1.30 yesterday afternoon her

Knoblauch, aged 21* wife of PrivateWflliam "Knoblauch^ followed horbrother to thu Great Uvyoad, , Bothworn victims ol pnoumonta and passedaway at thu Uuhwuy Hospital afteru fuW tiuy

Of the HOU it may bo truly nald thatho gave hitt life for hia countryho .was in military Korvice aq long asbis physical condition would permit.having Borviiu ,v(th tho forestry Corps


i-Mtjfig—ft— general alann_from box 1311,30 py d . at the corner of BastHazel wood and Lceavillo avonaca.There wa» a Berlous blazu In the two-atory frame dwplling occupied byand Mrs, Charles Gordon, colored,and 'live children ranging in age fromthroo months to eighteen years. Mrs,Gordon watt aroused from slumber bytho emok« tind cracking of tho flameaand arousing; bur husband they madeihoir cacapo with tho children throughtho flumeii and dchac mnoko "withd^fllculty.

The alarm j v a n 'turned In by Mrs-Bronnan and Harold HopsonT^Energetlc work by tho firemen Quicklychocked the flame^ although they hadgained considerable headway beforebeing discovered.

The tlremon l

of the Black Watc« UlvlaloH Ot 1Canadian Army, Ho entered thisBervico on July 21. 1917, and returnedto hfa)—^^rmo-h^r^-wlth nn hn n n rPt>1n


Lincoln School' ' Par«nt-Teachcr As-sociation Plan* EventtigomcatB Were mado yeater-

day afternoon at tbo meeting of theParent-Teacher jVauociation of LincolnSchool tor a moving picture ctitorlaia-menl at tho high uchool auditorium onMon day cvonlng, Jan. G. Tho com-mittoo in charge cona l su of Mrs. Wal-ton Solover. Mrs. O. A. Wllkv-moa andMtaa Ada FarreH.

That tho Lincoln School pupils bavomado a remarkable shtrwing in thopurchase at Thrift Stamps Is Indi-cated by tho report that ^2.7-ifi hasboon spout for this purpose- . Tho.pupils havo also contributed $27Gto tb« United War Work Campulgn asVtctory Boys and Victory Glrla^ *•

TSB'~T)tctTiro~~urizo~foT th«r gradehaving tho largottt representation ofparent^ pre»<jnt~was" won" by" tho "flf

Jane Springer. Twonew members woro received.



Arcannmites Give High ClassEntertainment at K of C

Hot Colooia Hospital


' Another highclaas program ihaX

tfUvu tho soldier boys at the Go ye

moint Baa*r HodpltaL No. 3,

groat delight was given last eveniaff


MAKE tHRI8TMA3 CHEERIn un attempt to 'maku Christmas

nutuvwliat -m«ro chccriul-for-alt-ouniibctud Wttli the U- S. Honpltul atColon la who ar*i Uucusuarily awayfrom tholr hbmvu during this pro'omlnently 'homo day/* thu M«rcyCommittoo of Now jorauy is urranginfffor % CbriBtmati evo celebration forall at tho big hospital. Tburo aro atprouent 1.700 of our woudded menthere and tho Mercy Committee foolsthat 1) Is doing very little Indeed inhelping to KIVQ thorn, oa far-as pos

^^ nquarters when flames Were discover-ed- around _.thp window can Ing byJamea Brennan and another alandwas sent In from hot, 13 at 12.40 a. m.Sunday" morning. This blazo wasquickly o—Thc-*1: age—to—the

X»Xovioualy triod to., cntor liio U. S.liurvl^o. but fatlod to poutf tbo physicalexamination and balnfi dotormlnod todo bin Dart in tbej. groat world strugfiloTor liberty and democracy, was suc-ceuiiful in blH efforts to ontur tbo Can*adian Army. "

lie went oV«iriieaa and wua Kosscdand Buffered uboll shock, followed byttyo trouble^ lla was ut BramshottIloupltal. Kngland, for Homo titno andwau afterward ut th«. Utiarwood con-valescent hoapltai. being returnedfrom tb& liittcr placu -ta-Cauada tQ- bo^mustered out of service. That be.hadta leave his post of duty boforo thowar was over and victorious pcacaprevailed was a great disappointmentm Mm t.ltdci did' ho realize that hta

slble, a cheerful Xmag—and it taconfidently looking to tho support-ofall citizenH of S W Jersey who dettlro

Ta~~Bh"ow~rn—thiir—vwy—*isaH—way—aTT3ft~cT~dlg-Ttocpr-|tiuiltudo they-gwuifeel " toward those of our boys whohavo su-.|callontly fousht our Qghtv

Cltizetiii ot' all tho nearby towha arocontributing through* the loco] branchand. It is tslaccrbly uoped that thopeople, of Kahway will feel that this1H a prtvtlego that will njjyer ,co.me iotbuui aKain. ThOao wU0*A»1sh to helpin this splendid causo will ploovti Kendthbir contributions to. Mrs. HIdward 3.Fruomau, ^20 Woat Milton avonuo.Railway on Of beforo acxL Saturday.

under tho auspices of Rahway Council-N'o._lJL4iS._Knigh tjj_pf _Columbu». _ atllio chapel. The program was p r ovided througb tbe kindness at Hals*way Council. No. SS4, Royal ArcanOSt,

.nd the participants ' weru cuarmlncintertninera from tbu t.ycoum HureA**low York, who rendered .uumbexs

X found, high favor With the boya Ittbaki, _ . _Tho -utttortatners were Miss Edo*lmball und Miss Oruco THUon. Thoy

:avc( soprano and contralto solOfluots. entertained with the Hawailam

IT*," . ukuliilo. banjo and ,roaodolll'u

service had already led him to thoverge of tnakinft tho supreme sacrifice.

Previous -to cntt'rrinK .niHitary_:«cr-vice he bad been a uuccesuful travel-ing sal«»man. Hi* . genial manner,exuberance of spirit, kindllnoas of

j hoart and uniform courtesy made him

CREDITABLE WORKTho Ash Brook Branch of the Mercy

Committee ot New.,nd delivered the*

or. the wounded:olonia Hospital:6 surgical cloths.

Jersey_:htt» ;fln*shedfollowing articles

soldiers at tbe37 surgical shirts,S3 triangular ban-

about $500, covered by insurance. Thefurniture of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon waspartly- destroyed: no Insurance. Thobuilding is owned by Miss Sarah B.'

-Martin, of 16G Irving street.For "a grass ana^raB&™firr

George avenue near Jaquestbe motor engine with Drivers

a~l X— hot—water— bag—covers,—Zf]ten all covers, 43 letter bags with•ads, envelopes and pencils, 21 surgi-

cal cases, 28 pillows, 22 pillow cases,.2 screen covers, 30 pairs of surgicalitocklngs, 0 pairs of crochet slippers.n addition-, jars of jelly, . handker-

chiefs, books and papers have been.generously donated. Tbe Ash BrookBranch is Indebted to The RahwayMercy Committee' for furnishing thematerial for the screen covers, sur-gical stockings and crochet slippers,and also for help and interest given.


and Cooper; was called out about S.SO;Sun;dgy;rnftcTnoon; -The flames-wereextinguished before any of the nearbyproperty was damaged.

bNUAUt.The engagement is announced of

Cjoj*poral__8amjoel__R. Morton, of tho153d Depot Brigade, Camp^Jlx, whose]

SOCIAL GATHERINGThere was a very pleasant social

gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Shannon of 30 Eaaex street, onFriday -evening In honor of 'PrivatejESngh Shannon, wbo Is In military «ervice at Baltimore, Md., and was bomeoa a short furlough. The time waswell occupied with a pleasing programof vocal and, instrumental, music,

t dancing and refreshments. Amongho rrndltnnTp TimMff*! Tify ft<>yw wererocal solos by Frank Nelson and -violin

selections by Miss Lottie Plokarski

city, and Miss»f Mr

Claire Guthmuller.<mH M m . G^PTKeugbte

Guthmoller, of 163 Bowers street, Jer-sey City. Corporal Morton was for-merly member "ot the Common Coun-cil for two terms and president of thecouncil when commission form of gov-ernment went Into effect. He is amem_hec "of the Elks. Masons andJunior Mechanics and is one of themost popular young men of the city.

FIREMEN'S BENEFITLocal theatre-goers will be given an

attractive program at the Xyrlctheatre. Main street, on Wednesdayand Thursday. Dec IS and 19; for tbebenefit of Washington Hose Company,No. 1- There wijl be jthree per-formances daHy at SAO, 1 and 9 p. m.Tbe .prosram kiciuuereel picture. "The SUn Alarm," also a

comedT.The committee Incharge consists ot Foreman EdgarLynch, Secretary John M. Tufts,

>f I George Eraok»rJ. J.UQlan. John CODand William Redeman.

- The -marriage between Mrs. AgnesM. Whyte, 1927 Chestnnt street. PblUdelphla and Pierre Clement Caarlemagno. of Parts, will toko place InXjondoir at'-thc-end-of- Jauuary-- -Mrs.

J Whyte '.i the widow ot Brice SydneyLdenUirder ot Bed Men.. Several ap-^Wpyte, lormerly of;'{ U^Uon for membersWp -were; re-. sail for Kttfflana

•»« w l n

-th<ahoT"HugtT~Sniiunim;' "~ ABpresent were: The Misses Lottie and

ocilia Higglns. EUzabeth and MariosWalker. Bonnie _and Xeonle Co-Estelle Rose, Theresa Goollnck. Joule

WILL ENFORCE LAWFire Chief John A- Sullivan

notmces that energetic sup* TiiJl-hetaken to enforce, the ordinance pro-hibiting vehicle* of all kinds an<-trolley cars from obstructing and Interfering with the progrces of fire ap-paratus on the way to fires. Chiel

been paid to fire apparatus lately'noddelays have been caused by the care-lesaness or lndllfefcace ot arttura \)all sorts of vehicles. •

Chief Solllvan urges all ettlxons toexercise common, sense In sendihjt Inalarms, and ,not call out the entire de-

j FORMER HAHWAYAN TO MARR»4l>artmont for a imail fire that c*n bo

r*lnnH wore announC«<l luat eveningat tho mfitstlng of Union Council, No.'i'.X, Junior O. U. A. M-, for a mu mo rialHcrvicu In honor of tlio late Sergeant

general favorite with afi wEomtmo in contact, both in -civil and11 nary life, and his untimely dcitth

[s mourned by a host of frtoods^ Since-eturnlng from miltary service ho hadb-ald. DQglliODs with tho Standard jAjr-1raft Company and with the Bub-

marine Boat Company.There is much that is pathetic In

the ^eath of Mrs. Knoblauch. Sho wasmarried several niouti*nso U> I'rlvaxoWllltam Knoblauch, of the FortyHsec-

Rainbow Division, Just Defore holeft a southern camp for overseas ser-vice. Only a few days before deathshe beard that he was -well and safewith V. S. troops on the march IntoGermany. A montli previous to herdeath she predicted that she wouldnot live to see ber husband again andthose about her little realized that berwords would come true. A few hoursbefore de^tb she gave premature birthto a beautiful baby boy. For weeksshe bad been working for his advent.

Guorgu llowluy, of 2X Kant HuzotwoodaVenuu, to be hold at tho SecondPresbyterian churchpoI'Which^tho dceased was a member; ou Sundayevening; Jan, 10, Sergeant Rowley,who was a. member1 of a- IT. S. Motor-Truxrk—Conipaoyr-dlc4—at—Glas&tScotland, Octv 5, of pneumonia. Theroiiuiorial committee consists ofGeorge W. Mingua, A. H. Schaorcrand M. B. Gundaker/Jr, Lotteru fromtwo. members, in service were ~"rn

Sergeant George Stewart, who' wasgassed some time ago. and GtiorgoGraves, of the Marines, who had one-aaUUt-badly-ttprninrfl -in-service.., ,

ANNUAL PARISH MEETINGAt the annual meeting oC St. Paul's

parish held last evening the following(Beers were elected: Warden forsro-year term, Frank M.' Stillman;estryman for one year to OU va-

cancy, W. dj Clarke; vestrymen fo:three-year term. V. V. Dobbins. L,. A.Parsons, A. P. Thruelsen; delegates loannual convention, Edward S. SavagiFrank M. Stillman and James B. Mer-ihon; alternates, W. C. Clarke, B. C.Mead and A. P. Thruelsen. The Rev.

making all sorts of dainty thlngs~~aTwhich she was particularly skilled,

nn artistic temperament andJove of the beautifoL , She was also*ery-Xon&-a£- muetc_ »nd. wsV ju>_ac-compllshed pianist and a talented

life was so full ot hope and happinessHally. Mas Hornby aad-Saoie^-gnaB-1 Jeero»-doubly sad.'___Mri. Knoblauchnon, of this city; Mrs. George Powell, - . . . . -. ._ .„^_ .of Brooklyn; Richard Early, ThomasFlanagan,. John Mossmao, CliftonSmith. Henry Crosby, Frank Nelson,Joseph Dunn, Hugh and Joseph Shan-

men, bas been organized with_^^ following officers: President, John

was beloved by a boat" of "Mends for|=MulIr«mey;~~^vlceTrreildBnt; DavMher amiable disposition and manysterling qualities.

The brother and sister are survrvedby their mother, who has the deepestsympathy of the entire community Inber great bereavement, and also bytwo brothers, Albert William Ernst,wbo Is in Company B. 110th Infantry,lanf npiim from at Vlchv. France*, whoha* just returned to service after beIng in the hospital with a badly in-jured toot. . The other brother IsFrank A^'Krn«C^Ii

Corpsi Camp Lee. Virginia. Their

father. William P. Ernst, died ioFebruary. 1915. after which the family

readily liandlod by the motor en-gine. All still alarms can be made by'phone 209.

Boys wbo break glass in the alarmboxes will DC punished if fonndculliysays Chief Sullivan, wbo states thata numbor of such glasses nave been

la January. broken-lateij

nw^d to tbi* cfty^~Tnat both of the deceased were

deeply attached to their mothershown by the fact that they were io-separable when away from fastnessand, the last word of each — they

passed to the Great Beyond- . • ' m o t h e r / ' - \ • ., " • .' •• •,." •

There will be a double funeralthc-Kmst home tomorrow evening aflLltfclock. the Rov. 1^ Y. Grahampastor "at"'.'th6f""Ftnt" Pie»by teiU,cburcb, officiating^ Interment will tak

(rontlnued on P*?g Foar7

ing and James B. MerSiion was secre-tory.


ft goodly number ot well-known young

Crowell;" secretary. William Robinson; treasurer, John Zirwes. The clulwill meet regularly on Monday even-log. Plans have been made forsocial to be held at the home ot DaviiCrowell. 89 New Brunswick avenue,on Friday evening. The next meetingof .the club will be held at the home aWllltam Robinson,' 24 Pulton streel

V CIVIC CLUB MEETINGThe regular meeting of the Clvi

tnao-wttl be held UUhe-hlgh-sabool-Utt- -Ute-pkrishauditorium Friday. Dec 8. at 114p;- m. : An interesting program under

jrHrection of the City Nurse Comnuitoehas been arranged asd every woman

' ANNOUNCEMENTTbe regular meeting of the Mothers

Club of the First Baptist church wlW held at the home of Mrs. L. A. Wlmot 'IBHburyr'WrTtamlsJon s t r«Friday afternoon. Dec C Mothplease attend.

The Woman's Home and ForeignMtsHoasry^CtreJe will meet this ging with Mrs. I*. Y Graham. We*fi-r-V str

hoy aro known &* tho "Sanshin*Iris" and fully lived up to their titlflu rfhuy iJavo ono of the most popular /J

that • ha J than far booniGnred; Ttacir aklU-imtl—vttraattllt:

ii« highly pralaowortby.Tho committoo of Arcanumit^j t3*

hargo of tho arrange menu consisted( Maurlcn ChnlUet. Jotiu Boso andbo Woltz. Sticrotary John A. GatOB

o tbo announcements in his usual-rp leufilng way. Th« prca-antatlon o t

grams at tho K, of C. hat^wiU » •umeii at once as it ;*it oxpected -\i tlio Imlirovomtsiits bolng roajtov^

bure will bo completed thU week.ThtTro urn already a goodly number

i sood thluga booked tor t^o,benefit

iany from Perth Amhay for j>vnnlng; Monday. Doc. 0, the Hibern-

ians, o? llahwdy. will provide pro-'esslonal talaut; Thursday, Dec. 1%

rum U S , Haul & Co., Newark; Dee..G minutrel show, by West Hudson

ics;- - under"r auspices - o f Rahwa7leM.. SeveraL. other fine programsbcint; arranged.


Carnplalnant Falls to Establish Pnpond«rance of Evidence

A .knotty automobile accidentwas arguod before Judge Orlando BL~Doy in Police ~CburT~yestcraay"; nxsT""complainant was B. Kenneth Wheeler,>f 73 Passalc avenue. Summit, anAhe defendant was. lierardo Slca. of 2f>SasSmi *sEraSy -Newaftb= "Wtteelrat—cbarged that Slca was ."driving at Apeed greater than was reasonable,

having no regard to the traffic suuduse of. the highway and so as to lnjurs)tbe property of the said Wheeler.1*The accident took place In SL Georss)avenue near the Six Roads bridge oaNov. IK. According to testimonySica's car skidded as It cut In frontof Wheeler's machine and the lattercrashed into Sica's auto,_ and sjso>rammed a polo damaging the Wheelermachine considerably, while Sic*/*was pushed partly Into the ditch.

lers. Charles Prince BnoT"Julian Goodrich, were ridlAg wit&\Wheeler.at the time. The three teat*-fied that Slca was driving at ms-

I reasonable speed. __SleaJbad_two_from Pennsylvania with him at th«Hm<-, Snf th>y AmM Tint lift Ifffflf.wltnesse*. The complaisant was rep-resented by Attorney Kent of Summit^while Lawyer Votta. of Newark, ap-peared for Slca. After hearing Outcase Jadge Dey said he found the de-fendant not guilty as it rested uponvthe complainant, to prove tiy a pre-ponderance of evidence the guilt oftbe defendant and he said this basTnot been done. ~ . . .'•* .


AN ENJOYABLE EVENTera was a very

gathering on Friday evening under theyauspices of St. Mark's Dramatic Cm*

Dished throuxhoul the. eveningHomer's orchestra^ ot PerthDanclnx wii».-mjafiXrMTeral, gplendld Toad nambera oa '1

Cbarln P- Marln«er. or Cssap IMX}"-Mlxa Helen Dnmler. Mt»» Wnu»r«*Saaer and Sl lu Tbstvaa GnsUndt B»-£rre»hment» »ero »orTed. TTie eomss^li- _tee oJ arrsBcsmenU oxasixt^ of MJ^i .

O«orie Scll'tlndlnew. Emn'and' TbMaa^^ilaiiitiMk ? "i~si6S

Thnndsy msUsea »n«

CoapUn m-—SdotfUsT^Ainu*'Brlenr-—Adr. ' ,.