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THE EFFORTS TO INCREASE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITYstaff.uny.ac.id/sites/default/files/1392-Ajeng_Desi_Crisandi_P... · Web viewof xi science 2 studentsof sma negeri 8 yogyakarta in

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Page 1: THE EFFORTS TO INCREASE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITYstaff.uny.ac.id/sites/default/files/1392-Ajeng_Desi_Crisandi_P... · Web viewof xi science 2 studentsof sma negeri 8 yogyakarta in

International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011




ByAjeng Desi Crisandi Pritasari

Endang Listyani, M.SiFitriana Yuli S, M.Si

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University


The aim of this research is to increase the critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 students of SMA 8 Yogyakarta through cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI).

This research is action research class that consists of four phases, include: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Subject of this research are XI Science 2 students. Whereas, the object of this research are all of the process and mathematic learning result with the application of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) to increase critical thinking ability. The instruments of this research are test, questionnaire, and observing sheets. Data analyze technique uses qualitative- descriptive analyze.

This research is conducted into two cycles of four meeting with the application of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI). The result of this action research class is the application of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) that consists of four phases: grouping, planning, investigation, organizing, presenting, evaluating can increase critical thinking ability. In the first cycle, the percentage of give simple explanation ability aspect is 66,24%, qualification average; the percentage of give advance explanation aspect is 97,41%, qualification very high; strategy organizing and tactic aspect reached 96,26%, qualification very high; summarize and evaluate aspect reached 36,50%, qualification very low. Therefore, the percentage of critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 students is 74,10%, qualification average. In the second cycle, the percentage of give simple explanation ability aspect is 94,83%, qualification very high; the percentage of give advance explanation aspect is 97,13%, qualification very high; strategy organizing and tactic aspect reached 96,70%, qualification very high; summarize and evaluate aspect reached 72,55%, qualification average. So, the critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 is increase become 90,30% with qualification very high.Keywords: critical thinking ability, Group Investigation.


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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking


A. Background

Science and technology progression can cause the flow of information become

fast and unlimited. These cases have the impact to several area of life, include in the

education. So, for facing the world change is form the critical thinking in the society. The

priority of education system is brought up the students about how to study and critical


Critical thinking is necessity in effort to solve the problems, make a decision,

and analyze the assumptions. Critical thinking is applied to the students in solve the

problems systematically, innovatively, and design the solution basically. Using the critical

thinking, the student can analyze what they think, synthesis of information, and make a


Critical thinking can be developed through the mathematic education because

mathematics has structure and considerable study. Critical thinking activity of students can

be identified from students ability in solve the problem completely and systematically.

According to the pre-test, which conducted on 15th November 2010 in the XI

Science 2, the results are the percentage of give simple explanation ability aspect is

61,15%, qualification low; the percentage of give advance explanation aspect is 52,87%,

qualification very low; strategy organizing and tactic aspect reached 54,89%, qualification

very low; summarize and evaluate aspect reached 32,76%, qualification very low.

Therefore, the percentage of critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 students is 50,42%,

qualification very low.

Cooperative learning model is one of learning model that applied to increase the

concept ability, intellectual students, and critical thinking ability. One of cooperative

learning model that is expected to increase critical thinking ability is cooperative learning

type Group Investigation (GI). Based on Slavin (2005:18), cooperative learning types

Group Investigation (GI) consists of six phases include: grouping, planning, investigation, 2

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International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011

organizing, presenting, and evaluating. In the phase investigation, the students can increase

the ability of give simple explanations include: analyze and synthesis. In the phase

presenting and evaluating, the students can increase ability of make a conclusion of

problem solution and determine the alternatives of solution in solve the solution.

Regarding to background above, the researcher has purpose to increase critical

thinking ability of XI Science 2 students of SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta in the mathematics

learning through cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI).

B. Problem Formulation

Regarding to background, the problem formulation of this research is “What is

the implementation of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) can increase the

critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 of SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta?”

C. The Aim and The Benefit of Research

The aim of this research is to increase critical thinking ability of students in the

mathematics learning through cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI).

The benefits of this research include:

1. For School: the teacher can increase the knowledge about implementation of

cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) to increase critical thinking ability

of students; the students can increase the critical thinking ability.

2. For Researcher: the researcher can increase the knowledge about increase critical

thinking ability of students in the mathematics learning through cooperative learning

type Group Investigation (GI).



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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking

A. Research Design

The research design in this research is action research class approach through

examine process with several cycles. Every cycle is consisting of several phases, include:

plan, act, observe, and reflect. In this case, the research is conducted examine process with

two cycles.

B. Research Location and Research TimeThis research is conducted in the XI Science 2 SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta on

15th November 2010 up to 29th November 2010 and 17th January 2011 up to 31st January 2011.

C. Subject of Research

The subjects of research are the students of XI Science 2 of SMA Negeri 8

Yogyakarta in the odd semester academic year 2010/2011 and even semester academic year

2011/2012. The object of research include all of learning process when the group of

students are conduct the investigation.

D. Procedure of Research

Cycle 1

a. Plan

The activities that are done in this phase include:

1. Arranging learning design that include determine of genre and topic which is

became group project, group discovery, and learning activities in group or class.

2. Making the research instrument and arranging lesson plan.

3. Socialization to the students about the learning that will be conducted with

implements cooperative learning type GI.

b. Act


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International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011

In this phase, the lesson plan, that is arranged, used to learning process.

Learning process in the class is cooperative learning type GI. The phases of this learning

include: grouping, planning, investigating, organizing, presenting, evaluating.

c. Observe

While the cooperative learning type GI is going on, the researcher and observer

do the observation. The observation is consists of activities include: monitoring and

documentation of all student activities in the class.

d. Reflect

In the end of this cycle, the researcher does the reflection to the learning

implementation based on the result of activities in the act and observe phase. The result is

analyzed as the substance to reflect what the learning that is held appropriate with the plan.

Cycle 2

The result of reflect phase in the cycle 1 is followed-up with implementation of

cycle 2. The phases that are done in this cycle include:

a. Plan: arranging lesson plan and preparing the instrument that is same as cycle 1.

b. Act: learning implementation is appropriate the lesson plan. The learning process

that is implemented in the XI Science 2 is mathematics learning use cooperative

learning type GI.

c. Observe: the observation of researcher, which is helped by observer, are monitoring

and record all of student activities in the learning process.

d. Reflect: in this phase, the researcher compares the result in the cycle 2 with cycle 1.

E. Research Instrument


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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking

There are five instruments in this research include:

1. Learning Observation Sheet.

2. Critical Thinking Ability Assessment Rubric.

3. Response Questionnaire Concerning Implementation of Cooperative Learning.

4. Writing Test.

5. Documentation.

F. Data Analyze Technique

Data analyze technique in this research include qualitative technique and

qualitative technique. Qualitative technique is used to describe the carried out of plan and

the obstacles in the learning activity. Whereas the quantitative technique is used to describe

the effect of learning include critical thinking ability. Critical thinking ability is determined

from the result assessment of problem solving well. The data analyze that is used in this

research include:

1. Data presentation

2. Triangulation

3. Making Conclusion

a. Analyze of observation data

b. Analyze of test result

1) Scoring per indicator of critical thinking ability in the test.


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International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011

the sum of score of problem number 1 in the indicator.

the sum of score of problem number 2 in the indicator.

the sum of score of problem number 3 in the indicator.

the percentage per indicator of critical thinking ability.

2) Scoring per aspect of critical thinking ability in the test

the percentage of critical thinking indicator , with number of indicator per aspect. the percentage of critical thinking ability per aspect.

3) Scoring of critical thinking ability classically

the percentage of critical thinking per aspect , . the percentage of critical thinking ability classically.

The critical thinking qualification is shown by the following table.

Table 1. Score and Qualification of Critical Thinking AbilityScore Qualification

Very High




Very Low

G. Success Indicator


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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking

Success indicator of this research is critical thinking ability of XI Science 2

students SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta in the qualification high or very high (



1. Cycle Test ResultGenerally, critical thinking ability of XI Science 2 students is increase from

first cycle to second cycle through implementation of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI). This case can be shown from the table 2 and diagram 1 below.

Table 2. The Percentage of Critical Thinking Ability of XI Science 2 Pre-Test Test of Cycle 1 Test of Cycle 2

Percentage Qualification Percentage Qualification Percentage Qualification

50,42% Very Low 74,10% Average 90,30% Very High

Picture 1. Diagram of the Percentage of Critical Thinking Ability of XI Science 2

Whereas, the details of critical thinking ability percentage in every indicators based

on test cycle 1 and test cycle 2 can be shown table 3 and diagram 2 below.

Table 2. Critical Thinking Ability Percentage in Every Indicator in the Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Indicators Cycle I Cycle II

Percentage Qualification Percentage Qualification

Analyzing Question 62,36 % Low 89,66 % Very High

Focusing Question 70,11 % Average 100 % Very High


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International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011

Identifying Assumption 97,41 % Very High 97,13 % Very High

Determining solution of problem. 96,26 % Very High 96,84 % Very High

Writing the answer of problem solution.

96,26 % Very High 96,55 % Very High

Determining conclusion of problem solution.

50% Very low 88,79 % High

Determining alternative solution. 22,99 % Very low 56,32 % Low

Picture 2. Critical Thinking Ability Percentage in Every Indicator in the Cycle 1

and Cycle 2

A = Analyzing Question

C= Identifying


E= Writing the answer of

problem solution.

H= Determining



B= Focusing


D= Determining

solution of problem.

F=Determining conclusion of

problem solution.

The details of critical thinking ability in every aspect based on test result cycle I

and test result II is shown in the table 4 and picture 3 below.

Table 4. Critical Thinking Ability in Every AspectAspect Pre-Test Test of Cycle I Test of Cycle II



Percentage Qualification Percentage Qualification

Give Simple Explanation Ability

61,15% Low 66,24% Average 94,83% Very High

Give 52,87 % Very Low 97,41 % Very High 97,13 % Very High


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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical ThinkingAdvance ExplanationStrategy Organizing And Tactic

54,89 % Very Low 96,26 % Very High 96,70% Very High


ze And


32,76 % Very Low 36,50% Very Low 72,55% Average

Mean 50,42% Very Low 74,10% Average 90,30% Very High


Picture 3. Critical Thinking Ability of Students in Every Aspect

2. Questionnaire Result

According to questionnaire result of 29 students that carried out of cooperative

learning type GI reached 73,62% in qualification good. The questionnaire is shown by table

6 below.

Table 5. The Percentage of Questionnaire Result of Cooperative Learning Type GI Aspect.

Aspect Percentage in Cycle I

Percentage in Cycle II

Mean Qualification

Identifying Topic and Arranging in the Research Group.

70,80 % 77,93% 74,37% Good

Planning Investigation in the Group 71,49 % 75,63% 73,56% Good


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Investigating 70,11 % 78,28 % 74,20% GoodPreparing Final Report 69,20 % 77,93 % 73,57% GoodPresenting the Result 68,62 % 71,72 % 70,17% GoodEvaluating 73,19 % 78,51 % 75,85% Good


The cooperative learning, which is conducted in this research, is appropriate

with cooperative learning type GI (Slavin, 2005:218-220). The implementation of

cooperative learning type GI’s phase can increase critical thinking aspects. These phases


1. Grouping

In the cycle I, when the apperception, the students are given about determine circle

equation with several certainty. The students are extending them idea about the solution of

circle equation. Then, the students make group based on same of interest of topic. In the

cycle II, when apperception, the students are given about determine the value of quadratic

equation and arithmetic operation of function. The students make group that same with

cycle I. In this phase, the researcher follows to control when the students make group.

2. PlanningIn the cycle I, the students is formulate the problems about determine the

tangent equation of circle that has center through a point in the circle, determine the

tangent equation of circle that has center through a point in the circle, and

determine the tangent equation of circle with several many kinds slope. The students are

given freedom to discuss and choose the literature when do the worksheet. In the cycle II,

the students is formulate the problems about the result of polynomial operation, determine

the value of polynomial, and determine the result of division and remainder of polynomial

division use Horner’s method. According to Pott (1994), one of specific strategy to increase

critical thinking is determine and formulate the problems. In planning phase, there is


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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking

formulation process of problems from ideas of students. So that, the student can increase

the critical thinking ability especially give simple explanation aspect.

3. Investigation

In this phase, the students collect the information, analyze the data, and make

conclusion about the material that the student investigate. Every member of group gives

their contribution in discussion, clarification, and synthesis of all idea. In the same manner

as Angelo (1995:6), critical thinking is rational application, high thinking activity that

include analyze activity, synthesis, know the problems and solve it, conclude, and evaluate.

In investigation phase, the critical thinking of student can be increased because there is

analyze, synthesis, and conclusion process then the students can increase critical thinking

ability especially give advance explanation aspect, strategy organizing and tactic aspect,

and conclusion.

4. Organizing

In this phase, the group planned what will them report and how to present it.

Whereas, the delegation of groups discuss to organizing presentation plan then the students

can increase cooperation ability. So, the student is drilled to evolve cooperation ability.

Regarding to Ibrahim (2000:3) that the students encourage to cooperate in the do the task

and they must coordinate the effort to finish the task. In the other words, student’s

cooperation can use to reach the aim of learning then the students understand the concept.

This case can support the student to increase the critical thinking ability because regarding

to Ennis (1985:54) conceptual system of student is important to increase critical thinking


5. Presenting

In this phase, the students present the result of discussion. The presentation is

conducted for class. According to Eider and Paul (2000:1) that clarity aspect supports to

increase the critical thinking ability because clarity includes standardization foundation. If

the statements are not clear, the students can not distinguish whether this statement is

accurate or relevant. In the presenting phase, there is phase of clarity evaluation and


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International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics EducationDepartment of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, 21-23 July 2011

presenting appearance evaluation then it can support encourage of critical thinking.

Whereas, the students is also can be exercised to extend the suggestion.

6. Evaluating

In every cycle, the students is given chance to extend the suggestion, question,

and evaluate the group presentation. In this phase, the students give feed back about the

learning topic. Whereas, the teacher and students are collaborate to evaluate of learning.

Regarding to Ennis (based on Costa, 1985:55) that one of critical thinking indicator is

determine alternative of solution and conclude. In additional, regarding to Angelo (1995:6)

that critical thinking activities consist of analyze, synthesis, know the problems and

solving, conclude, and evaluate. In the other word, in the evaluating phase, the students can

solve the problem and determine the alternatives to solve the problems.


A. CONCLUSIONAccording to analyze of research result is concluded that implementation

of cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) can increase critical thinking ability

of XI Science 2 students of SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta. In the first cycle, the percentage of

give simple explanation ability aspect is 66,24%, qualification average; the percentage of

give advance explanation aspect is 97,41%, qualification very high; strategy organizing and

tactic aspect reached 96,26%, qualification very high; summarize and evaluate aspect

reached 36,50%, qualification very low. Therefore, the percentage of critical thinking

ability of XI Science 2 students is 74,10%, qualification average. In the second cycle, the

percentage of give simple explanation ability aspect is 94,83%, qualification very high; the

percentage of give advance explanation aspect is 97,13%, qualification very high; strategy

organizing and tactic aspect reached 96,70%, qualification very high; summarize and

evaluate aspect reached 72,55%, qualification average. So, the critical thinking ability of XI

Science 2 is increase become 90,30% with qualification very high.



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Ajeng Desi, Endang L, Fitriana Yuli S./ Increase Critical Thinking

Regarding to research result, the researcher recommended suggestion to the teacher include:

1. Cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) that has implemented to the XI Science 2 students can increase the critical thinking ability. So that this cooperative learning can used to alternative in mathematics learning.

2. The learning through cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI) needs more monitoring from the teacher when the students study in group.


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Costa, L. Arthur. 1985. Developing Minds. California: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Fisher, Alec. 2007. Critical Thinking. USA: Cambridge University Press.Ibrahim, dkk. 2000. “Pembelajaran Kooperatif.” Makalah Unesa, Surabaya.Norris, S. and Ennis, R. 1989. Evaluating Critical Thinking. Pacific Grove, CA: Critical

Thinking Press and Software.Slameto. 1996. Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: P.T Raja Grafindo Persada.Riduan. 2009. Skala Pengukuran Variabel-Variabel Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.Slavin, R. E. 2005. Cooperative Learning:Theory, research, and practicical guide to

cooperative learning. London: Allymond Bacon.