The effects of flooding Aim: To know about some of the effects of flooding

The effects of flooding

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The effects of flooding. Aim: To know about some of the effects of flooding. Watch the movie. The movie is ‘Flooding in Sheffield 2007’. Effects of flooding. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The effects of flooding

The effects of flooding

Aim: To know about some of the effects of flooding

Page 2: The effects of flooding

Watch the movie

The movie is ‘Flooding in Sheffield 2007’.

Effects of flooding

Page 3: The effects of flooding

Floods can cause much damage and seriously affect people’s lives. There are usually different causes of floods but some places are more at risk from flooding than others.

Page 4: The effects of flooding

Read the newspaper article ‘Flood havoc in Southern England’.

Imagine you are a reporter for the Evening Courier and have been asked to write a flood disaster report for the weekend paper. Make notes for your report using the following headings.

When did it happen?Which places were worst affected?What were the main effects of the flood?How were car owners and rail travellers affected?What help was available to victims?What problems will there be once the flood waters

go down?

Page 5: The effects of flooding

Flood disaster reports

Read through the reports and decide which is the good one, the average one and the poor one. Give reasons for your decision.

Page 6: The effects of flooding


• Write your own report about Flooding.

• Use your notes from today’s lesson to help you write your own report.

Page 7: The effects of flooding


• Who do you think the news report was aimed at?

• What made the report good / bad in your opinion?