t THE l>OIJIS\T A 3. A E DAILY JOURNAL. VOLUME XXXV. )U15VILLE JOURNAL. nxmtw» um rv*umu.wm rr ^«EimOE, MCNDERSOrt, A OSBOITNE, /OUKKAJ. OFFICE BCJLUniO. r*v« airaM, beiwvw* Th'Hl mmt r^artk BO. O. FSXBiTlCB. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, WJODNESDAY. JANUARY I. 180.'>. Thr Ittaek I'pon F*ri FLhrr. I tLrr got into }>lace »>ulU ihips delh-fivd a ii.c ligM IwtUry within ihe fort, nn l n’<o hrongNt tltst nothing conld witb-t^nd. away Innn tbe iianri-tt llie tlag of tbs fort. m.9 > The HtookKn wcll sn.=tiin«l her prond nim* OAflal Br|»»ri Kt»r Admiral Partrr. j under her prtWnt i-oiumander, Capulir Jarnc-. * ' ASdeu; roid ific Colorado pivc cvUltjucc lb.>t h r or •vraoKnTioi«-» advamoi MM aOwuaM M wtgm. chtrm m K iucimm oar tom | «( •akor.irCi'^. fn P. laniw’s Eiiri Pms j ti|d«Ddid ArlWa *f the tiunhoalx. [<; Ke«iw.d.iid l>)rre< tc4.) Noktu Ati \aTii' S«|i xi>B<ix. , UMTi.nttTAiKii Ki. o.Piiir M ,i vi *n. At ft** or* Nrw Ivi.ft, N, C., Drc. 3A l-v;i. * 8ir : 1 in bopoe I idioiild lutve l>een ah'-e to pr« rent to the nation Fort Fleher and eu.'-- ruundirig works m r Christma* ofliTing, but I am sorry to eay It h.*is not been taken j-et. I attai'kod it t»n the Slthinatant with the Iron- fidc?*. Canonk-tu., Mohopoc, ^lonadnoclL Miii- n^'la. Colorad**, Mokicitn, Toscarom. Wa- Iweh, 8aM;ueb;vnnah. Bro><klTn, i’owhatan, Jo- niata, rtenec^ Shenandoah, Pawtnxet, Tieonde- c<>mn'.ander. Commodore II. K. Thatcher, /iiUy understood tbe dutlcR of hla po-iHor. Tl.b Sc'fiuehanna was most etfectUe in Uer tire, at d was fortunate enoueb to obtain the right posi- tion, though much bothered \>y a ve-sci ne;.r her that hod not fonnd her right plaee. Tbe Mohican went into battle gnllnntlo nnd fired rapidly and with effect, and when the Pow- hatan, Ticonderoga, and Shenandoah got in'o fbelr potiUms thev did good sertice. The Paw tuxet fell handsomely Into line, .and di 1 good sen ice with the ret, and the Vanderbilt to«'k position near tlie Minnesota and threw In n splendid fire. The firing of the monitors whs excellent, and when Ibeir shells struck gre^xt damage was done, and the litMe gunlMxats that ^ iia I fi w ! tc * (•> P? fli? ! U' I 1 i IH I w I •: M * (•> s «e t n » I « « M] I 7t 4 to « w| t M ft W < M t ftu « M OM MM iMsirM fc \ “If **•? »W belt wiMunr »flf C . —a j _ ; * r £ f , c. |Z ; ^ KU.fterLOiM I •tSS i ete.tarLMfc .. « » •• tlo. twOMBurrlal.. ( •* Mo. 4 ar mucroMBor ••• * 4 Ml tM fti«. ft or T'aiaw I *C ft < M tio. or Ift* tftu: I «n ftto.t 'ataka * •# 4Mj ft-r,, tM Mo. 4 KutMa I ftft ^J*. | | 4M AE RM* BT sra«r m»rk, F. B.arM, Ba> oaa, Lov., Kt ft« w'LiM I hawi Mcurad Uw e»pf~ right, and ara warranftad 14 earata fin* and por4ac4 ta •Tory fg^iarS. Sw* by c,ail or axsteca to any part «t tba aouMry aa fccrift of price and rroww eherpet, ParooaajKdarinf wfM pfaaaa Mfta tha Ma» and iMto da> Arad, wiieUK-r bard er toO, dac or eoarae : and U tha pea ^.nald fad to pletac o. prawa do4activo, will hxva Ha* prlrilaoa at aackaaaiaa U. A prenkue of IftoM p<c saotadowodoo acdeia of CM or ov«r, aud twarJr-dra uor nom OD ll:aw ci dl'^. lAbaiwI diMcaut mad. t' t’-« trade. Pn and '^xTuK dreuiar and tfua liA 4 a ^ Add-- .TO C. F. B ARKF^ Ltaalw is U«td xnd Aaioiieaa WatrtiM, MS Mw 3 tti.M.r'TnorS^rtr- Mpl dly LogMofUa. Kr. Office SentucBy State A.g^ency, JeSr.oM M:i<% w< noa door below rourtli Iy»i I*cf. Ift, l‘'S4. H V pr.I FKI V ft MY CiBUl LAK N-' rt d-*4-d (>rt«t.w 1*«4. i to,<r t loli-aTon^ ta F'.inw olut •U-pr arc |j#"rc*c-irj' to K- tajLi-a b.‘ p. tli> w ho wvli ta .nrowciiU dual, t"- cmi.jwni.Ktinn and |.i.:nty fw MraTC. tKjW W tiich it W ..1 l>c cccti that the cr’i-til,(0.h' of urt«T i. II' r. y rT' . 1;.. . T ii.— ach 'lU to i^befeca ti c 4* 1 in?r»;cccra b«T>s.fior t«> t>e aiM.tint.A. Tu'-W <*-? t-lMotAT arc not TfoJi a. V ill rutit H lit* ltoI«b*TTtopay, !"i« anfoly cT^Wnoi- Uiai tlx- elavc l»» b-iu ni.iwered in tl«- 1 iiitiT! r.aii'y eerrioc. title r pif»-r> uniA Ijo jiri'- (oird. Ti riK-t- jifCTi j'’ I. to prO'-cciitc Ih' ir riii>i;Mk I wioiM fit»t<- D ot I li«T 1 ' ,:.k- |.r«Tiai-,d aud apprerod b_» e-*,: Mu-p' y. Lh ' I' IT'-.' »io'i' r lor tlx’ «rrau.*ati^ .i: eolorni U,' .'* 'n 1 i. p'. e>. - hj- t 8.J- ' A -' taut F. ftt. I. J ' lo. Hi ..' A r. aiid A. .A. Nob!*:, of Indtona. Ihup t '..I,;. C,:. '.i With U.' Of lUy aifVUtr r.til »-”t Ulcir P'<sr r T.Miih' .* i'ij-idauii i.roiin'tlyatt' r.l- ^-,1 to. *c 1 l Tt.il a , 'lor. d I i-rtiit- ttUjin th'"- »«!' for tLi t'l.'i V I'rool .I’jd !u. -attf' . liitiM'U bavi. Ia< - iuruL.'! 1 toiUi hiankp. lu'd a ,i. u. X " - Uij api'u’a: W.h. li u WOtpi.' coiuitj-. ITx'. liiii* .A..-ut I'C I ruga, MM-kinaw, M.-inmee, Yaullc, KAasas. ' corered them kept up a fire sufficient to discon- to as snbstanuauy Iosco, t^uaker Citv, Monticdlo. Rhode Ifiani, | « rt the toe ru>'s turn. work. I have the hoi brissaci's Chippewa, 0>ceola. Taeonx, Pi'Uioo- Tl-^ it-bels fired no more after the vessels all > eiy respectfully, y sne, Si.nUago de Cuba. F .rf Jacks- >n,‘ and Van- | ''P« Dcd oti them, except a few shots from the dcrbilt. hating a reserve of small ves-'cla, con- i mot.nd and upper l>attcries, which the los.o . o stsiiiiu of tin* At Lee, llow.iuah, Wilderne*-. and cori^ort6 sixm bUcnceti. To Reir .Admiral Pr CLcrokce, A. D. Vaji -c. Anemone. Eilus, (let- Our men were at work at the gnc« five hours PkK Kading S<inadroD t'xbuip, Aluliama, Kc'-stoue St i'"*. Btuslie*-, ; at;d clad to get a little rest. They came out of .-.nMin.vi. ri Fjiuiia, IJllL'.n, Trl’-tsmShandT, Britannia. Gov. | action with r-M*rr a contemjtt, for rebel bat- North buckiccasRi. and Naikscinond; I trries. .and anxious to renew the baule in tlie Um it.o SvtrKs F Pn-vious to making the attat k a torjfdo on a nioii:ing. . , .. Oke New If.nre scale, writh an amount of powder on board , - (C^ristma«A. all the transports r.-vv..»i. T -Jl'l-OM-dtolM-siiflK-ieui loexpl-)dethe»>owacr arrived, and General Butler sent General mag.-izines of tbe fort, was prepare! with great ' •"‘I the programme ^*1^ caic and pla<^ under the command of Com- for the da> . It was decid^ that we should at- «.- !...i ,,i,pht mander A. C. KLind, who had Associated with I h^e ordl^ed the him on this perilous service Lieutenant 8. W. I “"d a«ti>wlU.-d them, Ifitossible. under our heavy and till i Preston. 2d Aeeislant Engineer A. T. E. Mnllan, j •“«- . , re ad v for another atu of the United States steamer Agawam, an J -\ct- j gnniioats. under command of Cap*. with this m ing Maflcr’s Mule Paul ^vdeu, aud seven men. J’'}**^'*’* tlie troo^ and aj;yl-]*t JJ.npi.mentfl 6o mm-h had l«en said and wrii*.en tGiut the'* «‘tli them I'^ts in landing the soldiers Find- tejrible i ffccU of gunpowder in an cxplosiou that liapi>ened lately in Eugland. that great re- sults w ere eim-ctcd from thi' novel mode of making war. Everything that bigenuitv cauld devise w-as adopted to make the exiicriment a fueet-ss. The vf».sel wa> bionght around from Norfolk Ing the smsller vesNels kept loo far from the heath, which was quite bold, I sent in the BriM)klvn to set them an example, which that tsel di*, relying, as every commander should, on the information I gave him in relation to the scmridings. To this number was added all the small veavls that were covering along tlic with great care and w itlioul accident, in to-a- of I *‘*'*^f* ftcii finally I sent some eight or nine Ike United blates steamer 8 .^saens Lieut.-Com- ve-seL«. that were a< ting under Coraminder ro.apder.T. L. Davis, who dittx-tc! his whole at- ' *»i euoeavoring to find a way acroBs tbe Ublion to tlte matter in hand, and though he ' * huiftlr<>d small boats to land 1 xjtcricnced »«:uie bad weather aud k»st one of the trooj>« with. Besides tho.'^;, the armv w.as LL mddi-rs. lie to<;k her safely into Beaufort, where h<- filled her up with jxiwder, and per- fected all tbe maehinen- for Wowing her np. Gen. Butler h.ad ariived at the rendezvous bSs- f irt- ns, and 1 ha-Uned maUers all that I could, r < ' ihiit no iimK-cesctiry delay uiinht l>e laid to my charge. On.tl-el.'<th iiistar.l. I sailed from Beaufort with ail the .Monitor-. New Irousi.lcs, and small vcr.-als. including the I.ouidr.Da. di-gui-'cd as a blockade-nitmer, for th** reudezrous twenty miles ta-st of New Inlet. X. U., and found all the laiger \cssei- and iran-;ort? a—eiubled there, flic wird blowing light from the N. F,. On the 20th. a hca»» gale .«cl in fnmi 8. W., and not Icing able to make a p»on without ficattering all the vessels, I dcicnuincd to li.lc it out, > ••arking. already provided with about twenty more. At 7 A. M., on the 2.'ith, I ni.ode signal to get under way and form iu line of battle which was quicklv done The order to attack w;is given and tfie Irmsid'^ took po-IMon in her u^util hanUsv.me st^le, the monitors following close after her. All the Tc«rels followed aceordlng to eider, and took position without a shot lieiiig fired at tiiem.wxct]’tlng a few shot-> tired at the four la.st vrssids th-it g< t into line. Tl e firing tliis day was slow, only sufilcient to fimii-e tbe enrmy winlc the .army landed, wbkh l; i.'. wc-.e doing five miles to the ea-'t of lh<- fi< et. I supi'c,-e sbo"t three thousand men ha I Ifiiultd. wl.eu I was notified they were rc-cm- j.-"l Uit-ir l»'<H'< r T.Miil.- '-.I to. w 1 rf.IL 1 Tl»il *. »•«' fin tLi vt>'l V., tolUi hiaukr. I..''il « >1. ^ MT.h. It u «f O;. which I did. without any a-’i i'Vnl of anv kind exm-pf tlir U'-.'i of a liw an hors. t’>e Monitors iind -..11 tieliaviur lieauUfnllv. Only two ve.-.scl? w*nt to rea to avoid tlie gab-, ind fatvil no letter than those at anchor. I could see our soldiers near the forts recon- noitring and harp-«hooimg, an ! was iu liopes an assault w ns deemed pracilc.able. n. Wci'zcl in jerson. wa.- making olisorva- tions tiht.ut six hundred ' ards off, an-1 the troop.s I Li'transiorks iK'ing short of water, put into | >»;p.rc in und around the works. One gillint fi. M. It. n \ s. Ain •.. . l*iw. Ai iiH. Ja*. ftt. Eo^hcr. Ki'L: . A Asi-ut lur MwU-oa rmi.itv, JuUi •• J. 1. » . s-H. .b. »!.'• . A’--, lit U- .s.f iby - C. Matt. A^i!'! <- tWi.'... .A n* s>i Jti4*i W. r. i’v.-.-*. .A.;, r.l furMancn, ASU o, t<->4 ftt'V»Mm.iiHtK>s F. D. ! i.-K' I. r.i i.-fc*!. A-,nt f.» rouDU * » «Tt of ? . 1.. »• r tv I. f;0> , U ' -Ao c’ *3 lUJUrd ro-citr. .1 U. li*- M". S' -I 'ia ' A iit Hu Mirit***.!!- r> ci.,cit,-. lit-fi’n-1. I i '.iti. K' ri'{*ri!t"WU. Aactit s-r lixnjio i. It f till. . - . A ••lit lor frill, uil. u ‘‘ .A-i’iit tiJT Ainmrd 1 W A A .U.:.-- Uj. i>t* . .Aefiit t<w Ain-Tird » . iI n- j mill munii.-a. I K I IV tM U.K- A . lit I •• r.. I K.i l.s J l.itt! ' )l ' -ir f Ai- 'iil Ic kt'..i.k.i ' I f. II Br I*:- Ut- A. '.* f. Hsufork c .’ * . Hri'iT M... A * ->. '* A.'.-.tliii rYi.*i*"»‘d AA'.K - I 1 « " - !..r 11. Aji iit >* S—Sl ^ I Ju» PsVf'ii f’n a* * . 1 t ia I! >ui-ls.i i J t i.Ii.i.'.S. 1 •> ilii-*dau - *.' IV L* V U i A^u lie t i.rirtGn | A !• = » I .liab-' .1 s. n. ; .1 < '•1*. A J- ot f'-r Ti ir* - I D o A ta I . »t I. t U.1 A. Ki J.As IV I i.lNf. - c'.ii..'. *.4 '"i I A It iiir s. SAINT AGNES’ HALL,: l.-i-t.*. HAkTK IMH ARA : FioUrtst&t Episcopal C2iarch ftebool fer Eoimg Eadics. REOPENING .lOIlN SI.M.MS FHrnUi!r(‘\Var(*rootn V.Ai.ss; I-..; J t'Hij 11 AND MiirH JOL±^ SIMXI n ju irt-'-.Pi \i # « Ms.l. - '.s i - 1.1- I I. w j1> I<‘ I li* .4- . * .* UMT; KLftV.ARKUOU.sr* 1 i.l-.l CII4 >i:.ili. wti. ee r III- Ini'Ud* Klui tUr I’ iblic. D :.nfc;t1. N. C., and were not -uilahle for riding tint at am lior such heavy weather. .\f:er the f.juihw ester the wind ehoppe*i oioitni to the w*?-iwanl. and ga\c us a treauti- li.i -lell of wtatlii r. wliiih 1 eouM not afford to lo.‘c. ami, the tmn-{ ort< with the troops uot mal ing ilu ir apjefcran-v. T d- tcrminel to take advantiige ot it, aud altael; Fort Fiihcr aud its outworks. On the 2"d I dirt -ted Commvndt.r Rhird to pn-cecd -and explode the \es-«.-l right iind'.-r the iali“ of Full Fi-licr, Mr R-iir.n'd. of the oflicer, w ho-o name we do not know, went on the parapet and lironght aw.iv the rebel d ig we 1 ad knocked down. A .-oldier went into lUo Works and led out a hors<', killing the ord.?rb- mounted on ’:1m and taking his de-;i.atches from the Uidy. Another soldier fired Ills miisk<rt Into the G-nili-proof among the rel>els, and eight or ter t Jher - w ho had \-cntured near tlie forts were w ounded f y our sliclls. Aa ti e -aiii munition gave out t!ic ve--»l« re- tired from action, am', the ircn-cl ids and Min- r i‘Ola, O h.railo, aud Sas«|m;hat)na wer.i or- C«w-; Siiire', having gone in at night and a.s- ' *’^H-d to o|en niiidly. wlilcb tliev did with siicii eni.rr.f d tliai wc e.-wi'd ploie a vesin 1 „{ sevi.-u it .vemi-ti to tear tin- works to pieeea «eti dralt tight ob the calg<- of theG ucli; Lieut. leaving the innt-clads to | j: 1L Lam^o: . i-omiu .iidiiu *. -ttvehurg. A’ol- ' ‘hioucli the lugU. expel ling the trooi*s j Ttntcc d to go in wuli the \Vilderoc.-s, Acting ! *1“', nwruing, wlien we would .T,a<-t«v Hi nrr Aver', iu c-numand. and tow the ^ received word fruni Gen. Loii;-iiM.a into i-ositioo. Laving a-sisU-..! in the ''tit^d infoTtnmg me that it was impracticable ,:.h in lakiitg care of the Lti.ibiana after she to a.-sftnlt, and J .icrew'llh Inclo-H.' a letter fivm mmI ih. .VantmotidClhc vt--cl ha.in.g her in V*n kT withdraw- o.w . bad bs-t all their anchor.-. . ’'’V' l**;'! '-, ^ in-1^ my aniw.T. At haJI-Tasi ten P. .M. Hu miwder vc-s,jl lombardmuit of the 2-Mh the mon -l-.:Ud In l'..w-arit the Ur and w..- l..vved bv tb" tinng sluwlv for seven hours. W dc-im.- . - til Ll.c ml lu-nr, . of Foil Fi-hcr ? ' ',“l'*c of gitnr on the n|.i>cr '.rire ;1..:; 'o ,n The VVilJerno.* I'u-n i u fn .r.g on the vc.-i^-Ls, hi'ting s un.' of .S t (*1 and the L .ui-una pnK'cedcd im l-r G' o’/' v. rnltimea wit hoitt doing ninehdamagi'. -ti .ri* wl-hia twu !•mdred ' .ir-Ji. from the- | 'h-’ \V.-.l.a h toid Powhat'.n »K?ing wttbm theT mo.UHi.usG .III. uriiuiid-edL will the Ibii. ’Mce. tic f’.jeTt femuej inainU U. clt>aMe t u- :u..r..Itf itl. igl a-.cboud her -e*-ur. Iv , tin m, hut a i.ap;d frr ^oon cU«u-l them ni.. il e-e, ai deo. :iv wi !.l to wot k to in:.ke aU his I Fvf-rMbhrg wvis coolly i.- * systematicnllv done anang< lotKi.s to f.low luv -ap. This he wa- j I|>voulIi' nt theday, and I wtlnc -^jd somu biai i- < nn' icd to ri.i, owinv to a liioekade nii.ner go- tllul praetke. , , ,. , , irg in right ahead ot him. ttic forts inakiug the < - The arinvr-oimrencr-d Ltulingaboiii o clo.-k, I mg in rigui aneoc or aim. inc ions maKiug lac ' ,, 7 , A a V. ^ , V fd<Akaden:nncj -k ial.-. whi.lilhe. aLio did U) ! the Santiago do Cuba, hay- tbe lioulsiana ' tf'J **helled Hag Poird Batterx’ to insure a s.afc T Hft. I»lT;K- e'rfiAIVrAOM:yMALL MTLL BK r«Miiiir4. ‘.nei Uir 4 i> : i..** T*r.«ti«*n. Mi TltVliA- I tiA\, Juiurj > r iCiM. S'lS t.-* c*>ip«iwti.i<i d*T.ire M ! 'all th*- wnTiti. r e: •*• '.r ra.ruiuM to tin* »up<'- 4- iMlitiTT It- t. ti'!> i-v ' uM IUmou. ft ediic-tuunpr^. | ai'uWaW 4t** tSi-cuot. Ill* lA. w uioM h.-a'.tufuL | *1*! tt r riu- of Um; li -U .u UM uiwL-t of oruaMei.tyd Hti.U*. eirht u.U bag arre* in eAt*-iit. n>*w4 bi-auti;'iil | « a atriwVi**. Tb* b.ii'dii'c* arc haMaoina aud can- | .idHSM. toT-iod liii.s.i.U .it l>r ateaio. and eouihtnuic i -I'lhr I. •e.m-T rT*iaMii. lor ttie lu-attU aud CAmfoit *s I .... luiRtl* 1 b«- .iwai 'i.-c b" i.rmt’ral at.d ttuirau.li, ! rdtb* ti.r*ilt'. tiTirt*-.-n in ii..i:.br! -dlwi-if iisltd lur | alM|ftl|i alio rxiT'ev-tiCe. 'Iiw- |.tiU.iT«],ibtcal and Chr.'iii- i Ano'Ktu* » '»'i. - f .d *r. and 1 -.1 .car s ei"^ *-l .»bi>. Muio-eujw, Tel. n-. I i « I . -<1 ,1 Marfui..-. ’i i <- ruiTi- claaa^n acrmrapl.-h- [ . -»»ii ,n >! .-.( Pi-i'^ l‘r*«ii:r. UraVir. i4*r-y, j a .i-i\f e»^Ttiil ati* i.'.:'.:i. 'U.r d:iir*H:u*a ir fim .ind \ -T '.^ II bi .11^ Ui.' r n* U.i- K"*e.Illuiad 10 Xl\-r:J »tJ.< it..' ei'i-irii WV.-K1,;. ' o I” i " IVM.-rfic, 'Oil fnition, CM e w ^ •* V f- .•"j.rl}' IP nd' »iKO. ri* . ; i . r.cd iuAirl..*U-iu .ulun'm * 1.1 UltiJr 111 K'.<l KT. ». *4 •.iJb-.t M'1-4*. Uie Usil. ing shelled Flag Poird B'itter>’ to insure a s.afc I'lcdlne. and thev eommented to re-cm’iark The gullaiil purf -, .ifier o^*olly m:.king all i ' 'ciimE' , eO‘nn|''nvca lo re-cm larK tlnir arrar.giiM.iiL> tor the e.xp! issoii, left llic i '‘Ut o clc-tk. the n eat h -r coming an thn k . ...... . . .* . . I I'rtdl CHClirV AfaTini tc rtnAArlA ttrofn I* n r^n flrn AMai-i, the 'a.--t thing they did lieing to set her on fire under the ('ahiu. Then, taking to their luiH'v-. they niadr their ex'aiie off to the Wilder- iici". Ijii'g ckisc b>. Tl 'Wildomes. then put off -In re with g..od sjiceJ. to avoid anv ill ef- k-iU- that iidgLl h'l; j*en from the exjdo'iou. .At fo-tv-Cve mlrrnes past i.iie of the morniug of ti.i 24th Uie explosioD took plate, and the .-bexk wiu- nothin,; like eo severe as whs expe- «d. It shoi'!'. the ve*?el some, end frwko otic iw two L'ltsise but noiP'ng more. 2.t dfc' light on th'' 21th, 111.' g-d n*id**r wav. and sioovl in. in Jiiic of l>attlc. At ll;.ti .A M . th« sigTifi* wr* til ide lo eng'ii;<' the f irts. .'-.nd raiiiv. Al*r»nt a britade were left on tbe iHtaeh dm ing the night, eove'-ed by the guu- Is afs. As our frooiis landed slxlv-flvc rdel soldii-i^ hoisted the wlilte fiag and delivered 11. emit Ives up, and were taken prisoiu rn bv tlie^ seamen landing the tr'iops, and conveved to the t'anti«'go do Cuba. Two hundred and eightei-n mc>re gave ihcrascli'es u*i to the reconuollriug j arty. all G-irg desirous to quit the war. I don't ! reti-nd to pn’. mv r.pinioii in <ij>piial- Uon to tlu't of tJencial Weit 'i'll, who is a ihoK.nch .soldier and an able eii'^'ini .'r, and » bos*' burinese it is to know m irc of as-aulting liiOi' T do, bt;« I cnti't heir tlcnking th . it wai il.e Trr'V.-'ir’i-;' ’••v’ing. and ti.e M.>in In K'k, Can- | w'l r h while to makr-tiie utieuipl alter eoining '.ui- i.- and M -ii'-; .if f illowing. T»‘e Iron.-i i.-s ! ao far. ^o far. i k 1,'C.' I'O-iiion i:, th. mo>i l.'autlful and ^ea- j Alx-' i 12 c c!o< k. I sent in a lelachiiieiu of i...>i T' c ttf'r t:^ r. got aiT spUir.goiit, atjd opi-ncl J dieibie i tiderp under foinmiiiiJcr ./i.Iiii fluent, ri» lila f..U- f -e i n the f'>;t w'.Mi w i- fi'lng ..I to sf« if I '••.uIJ ( ffe t an i nl'-oi' c thr utgii the her * ’.'h v'l it> L~te.>. wld L did n >l c -:a ii'Jtu > * 1 ;n tu'l Tl><- gicat tiuiulier of wreck- in uii I n In ti - n< rtlit'i 1 fw -v fTiongh we e<'Uwb'J id'Cnt the t ar. Lai ibar.grdthcwholcf.uuia- "A -ipj '-an d r . iw' -ev.-nteen uui.- ; but fmr tioit, and w'iC'c the Original elianml wao. wc i t I 1 :>J t: c-:; ware ii'e-d tbit direc^ijn, Ic/t.i i .a s. allow lur rd;..'r’'-’t 'ilnirid ;diiii.-t a- >o > i a- the I i * Lh-.i1. M' il C'nshing In to - >n:i i nn<l Ip .''-iji s ojs '.<'r ten it:,' t..a'terv. f ai(,Tx>ut n chaiitiel if he could find one. w ith T. - t*ir-n ' o'.k h'-r p'j-Iiion in ordir-to tomai:indei Gne.-l pj drag for t<*r|>e- liHtii'-i tec st >, .>nd her g..ns. a!u r g'.'lting the j *3"‘ ^ and I'C ready to run in b' tlic bii '' s wiitii ru.i/f vero lin.'d with r^i idity. <• bile the M'»- | crdcitd. * *»•»- I.kar f ' .I' r an! •!>• iMgc ve-a^-ls m nke l One l'0 :.t G-lotiging to the I'aeonv was sunk o'l tin : '..I fi.‘. t'j tiicii rt.itions, all tiring t > I •'} a -l.el’, and a mar: Ii:m1 his b-gctu off. /till co.er ti'. ni-s v( s whib- uiH'horiug. BvthetiiiJ 1 ll.c> .-tuck to th< t w>rk until ' rdeied to wiih- tLelasl.'I the large vc«uc'.> am horel sn.l g-il I draw for other dut>. In coucinsioii. allow lua I’ fir lutu-Ii's I n, but one or iwiguus j to d'cw > our attention to the t'ond'ueloff'om- of the I TK-niv -*iru fired. thl> /* w >r rrf<, " j irrnder Rhind and I.lent. ITcsUm. Theven- dtivii g then* :»ii fr, t!u T l*onih-pus>f-. gaged in the most iaTilous adventure that 'vas Tl.e small ^ vnlx^at- Kaii-a*. UnadilK, P -- | peiLaj'- ever tmderttk' n. and. though no mate- tuners. Pr'iilc .-at , VauLii-. and Huron i rial r. suit.- hat c taken place from th'c; effects of frkii.g a J- -''.ion to tlie rf.ifthward and eastward llw- exph'-iou. that wc know of, -till it was not of ttic monitor*, and enf'dairingthe work-. | U eir fault Tl.e FLcnandoalt, Tierindcrogn, M.ickinaw, A~ an lneer«ive to others. I b>:g leave to r .'- Tarr'i'u and Vande hilt took i ffr-etive ji'Piii.ms I "ir.rarpd iheiij fer pn 'motion; al>;i tir.t of a"' riisrk' don thr chart, and a-Jde.! their fire to I Lu-nt. K. II. Igtm6.>ii. wlio pilou-d theni in and thn! slnadx ‘>eg'Jn. | I'rouglit them off. Nooueinth ';'|uadr.>ncon- T1 r-8aurl.'igii de t iibH. Flirt .La 'k-"5n. Oseeol'i, ' eidt red th.at tluir lives would lie oavc'i. and 'we. 8 i--ri Hu sie Llatid Moniicclbi, | Us*l'l KLind nud LUtil. Prei'ton had made an l^nr kcT Otv, ;*nd losr-o dropiie;! itFo position ! arrangcriK'iif to sueritiee theinsclves in e.i»e the ucr'r'fditig lo older. ;4iid the b:»ttle became gen- J vr-.u-rl was hoarded a thing likely to happeu. F UL !• 11 it VU 1'© M sti* I'i ' I’ll-. 1; k; . isctcml 1(1 thU city by f hi' lisst rirLlii' i:. IIi- - iip U'ls bi. wid ciiAoiucP M 0. it ri*a CK«ll..iM. L-f rUick. ^ ^ O-AJFLO. V ' V j sHACTLxr *k;x Aumirtt avd commh- 61uN MKtU iiAiUTt wiil mrL Rit*! Mi .-xImui* idMa a^ aii objcr i‘ro|>'-rt}*au tbr ,>n lu.-*. and la I 4i«m. luviki- laid tv(jvc jrewn’ iuuce. 1 L<v* 4* T«crlTr« liberal {etioiwrre. "(Ml**' ia Um.' iMr*' L*lor h AA'eriuer, emrorr of Ninth tfacasi-'ie Mps-t*. dls dliu* .Vfii YrarV f aap UbrahFS. 'PHI. ' Mn:i>sTA'.n.sCiiKisi'iANO<jftniiJiei IN. 1 in re^oiuM Ml nunw roo. aad carueW Irooi -iirv*saM,<.bai'Utn., Mtu Utdutl'ioi-Ta. win roreiTe. tui- wall* and pl.'icr miAi T -1 rare of pp,n-l tibrarisii*. *li* ' TViot/eenn /-'vnr itvm' iM Forty Ogmt‘ and (iui*- lAmt l.thrgt**- '‘i uts ft"' I'-'-a .nd lin>- TotuoMT each il UirtrK'UiM ft "ur .* ai*d Miian w:il lurn-L:4 ili<-n to ite bp\!ictw«. or t" tbe Cci tntl Oflin, durini; ti:e hotidai*. It *F but . MtiiJI luatter tar ei*rh p-OTchieer ot holioar sftta ttir IrKbu* ..| butiH-. M, tm* a liantUotita a’ J . .,t Mwir 1*. hir irieud* iu ciu*i|‘ or liuep^taU w, ita iiM Baiita fa tL end d: rcr Ml*' boakarUer lo arad it In Um OMiDiiMioa. It n ts i uuMtire pi,«Mre to hnudrodr •>f wine and D.uit.eiT t< uLe duwa tbe chatemt \otnme* Iraai Ue-ir le«>a-i»'iT .ud wnd ttien Uiii* wiiere tbeir toTfd ot uveas. rL..*. tf.< p'eaeure and pndU of peni.,Df theoi Ivv.d nor.e but liir l.iV: our aoldieck diverre tiio bml. IV' ataiMg-rd cow}' -lAa buibirwa. biorraplir. tr.T- eU. r-Arnee. pmoir. tnas-sjunra. standard woHc* of ttotloo: abaWrei. ill *Ik;1->.s wuii'.dliut nst9 tbc fhamliiT >*<ur owr. b.rSl.' r- i>*:.ii'i"d iritti a bri-keo licib, will be M«nitaf'**~. ** ' '' c !>.>»*•>' wortw. Korward lii<* ,wro(4 ta J. f. M .AhliY, ::;ts W. Main trocti or J. 1 .. liAUitti r. lYraatuvr, Citliu-u** Bmk, I*oaLtiUe. IFAAC lU ^=FLL. Srerutary, Bo«k8 ! ihc Lises. v*p Tri.i.r MiCaait. < U*fai Bsttei* ftt." let Ri-rt. I . R. ArUllerr.J 7'a the U. A'. ( AeiWMa UvmiiUMivm (V* ( ''l.VI'U'fttV.N: tag; >nn perMit au uaiiT.-r, who i* a I laraiiaer to yao, to xiv« ymmr bcucrataaoca isrw diivalMai tar ti. U uidVl ot tba imidtorr la paueinR atan* ihtr Liua. I £nd an aloMat total ab mwr o4 midii« nialftiT. I know, for 1 trequentlr make loauirtea tbat nuacidirf* waist bauk. and pspi'm. TIsom e»ii IM trwd and p mw n tram hand In biu^ and tlusi ammr and iiiMTrrt. nar. W'wefit tboumtida. much mo^ I— anf Isofim Uaal D.is.lit be diMrlbaUid ta crattfr thd aloaiat*. Bouka. iiia*ar.ii>w. piriadicata. Uluntraled pa- M(a. and mWer llaneour madin* oT anj- L'ad. ao that it ia not f-M ta w hat ther nm-d. to wliik' .war tbe boaia in the tn-wcMe. w-bdn (k« at work, llseat- ean raatlp be had, old ar new. w-tuolMV thr rift of tbe penarao. or thi' pnr- cbmr at tls* Csm.arirrson. TUe peepta "at tkr froDt" m«d mwirthlrr a* well ai timae at Uw ‘itaae" af opera- TroatiM 1 bavr not otrended, I nm, cmtlemra, verr rmmSSSr, poor vfh KTVt, L. L. LANtHION, Oapinin 1*1 Axtiltarr. F. fi, - XA bUr I war at Fort rickeot ia I'M, aaoM proUetnea aud kdiev at tke North, iinaetod bp ua aaut ,BL an three different aneariona. bonv of book* eon- tribu^ fraoi their cMeetiovm in tbr kima circle aud Otar ArlTvo of puWiMrta. Oar aaldterr are notbersmni. hot idnor th^ can hrhod •o aaaAfti and ttw man«r value of them wn||dmakr itactf felt tnarv. M can hr no harm ta mmtion it-t^aa. L. «*Ktf ^ FROM THIS DAY At R«4lace<! Prices, iKO\ IUILL\4;S,VERL\DiS,BiL- COBiiES, SAFES, Bm VAULTS EBiTES, JAIL WORK, &e. r ABTin TN NEF.D OP THS ABOYK WOKK wiffda watiftaajveaaeaoaahodorrpgrrhiAmalaa- P. W. MBMZ, Isoulm-illr Iron Wntita. nl aAmlmi. Onea at. hat aoomti mM Thicd. i-mb In < i.e hour and fift -en minutes after the tir't -le t wa.> firi-d rot a shot came from j tl-i-loH. Two maga/.iiK-it iiad been blown up ! bv r.nr slicli'. anc the fort -el ou fire in several j platea. and auch a torrent of mi'»'»lleii tvetXj ialling into and btii-ting over it that it was Irni'T ;blc frr anything linman to stand it. Fibiiing ti.:.l tl.e liatleries were silenced coin- I Melt . I tliret ted the ship- lo ki-ep np a mod- iTate fire, in bojics ot Httr.vUng tbe atumti >n of the tnmsf*ort« and bringing them In. At Hinsi't Gi ni-ral Butler came In. in hta tla''bhip, will, a few ir»n>{X)rt« (the rest not Uaviug ar- ritedfroui BtanfoiO. IWrg too iaic to do an> thing more, I sig- nalled Uie fleet to retire for the night for a aa'e am borage, w bidk they did w ithout being nva- IcsKd by the cnetnv. There" were some mistake* m i>le this dav w I k-11 lilt' ve-v-els went in to Lake p:isiiion. Mv plan of battle lieir.g based on a -curate ealeiil-.u tlon. and made fnuu informailon to lie r. lied on. was placed in the haii'b. of eacli O'Siumand- er, and It seemed imiKjftsiblc to go usUwy If It WHS •-trietlv followed. 1 req’jlri-d tlitisc ves-el- that had ii'il foll'iwe l it closely to get under w ny and A<wnme their pmi«r jiosltion.-. which was done promptly ani wltlKiut confusion. Tlie ve->els were place! K-mewlial nearer to tbe wi>rr«, and were, able to throw in UidrslieJL w tilt h were before filling into the w.-aer. < h.e or two leading voecls having made the mist.'ike of nnehr-ring too far off, eanseii tho-c eoiiiiug after Iheui to connuil a like error; but wIku they all got into place and commencetl wo?k in tamest, tbe «howcr rrf’ ahell(lir> pi.T loll ntO was irretdstible. 8o (juieklv were the em ni> 's guns -ilecei-dthat nsit au officer or man was iti.inrid. I rcgrcL howcvir, to have to re- Hirt ta ine K-vere caMiidties by the bnratlng of lOO-i-ounder Parrott eoiinou. < me bnrri on board tbe Ticonderoga, killing six of the en-w. and wonnding seven others. Allot! er lAjr-l on board the Yantic, killing one officer and (wo men. Another un tbe .Jnniaui, killiiM.; two offieera, and wounding and killing t«-n others. Another on the Mackinaw, killing ore t.flleer and wounding CveotherP^mfii). An- oUier on the (^aker City, wounding. I believe, two or three. An-Hher on tlie Susquehanna, killing and wounding acven. I tliink. Tbe bursting of tbe guns (six in all) much dL*> concerted the crews of tbe vessels when ac- eldent liaiqiened. and gave one and all a great distrust or the Parmtt lOO-pounders, and (as sub- sequent eve-ms proved), thev were unfit for ser- vice, aud otkiilated to kill more of our men tlian those of tbe enemy. Some of tbe veasels were struck once or twice. Tte Madiinaw bad her boiler perloratod with a abell, and tefl or twelve persons were badly scalded. Tbe Oftccola was struck with a shell near her DiagaziDe. and was at one time in a sinUng cun- ditir«. but ber efficient commander stopi^ np the leak, while tbe Maekinaw fought out tbe buttle. DotwiihsUnding tlie damage she received. The Tantk' was tbe only vesael that left the line to report damage*. Commander John Guest, at the east dnd of the line, showed hia usual intelligacoe in •elect- ing bis position and direx-tlng hi* fire. Twice bis gum oot down tbe flag-ataff oo the Mound Battery, and he silenced the guns there in a very short time, tbe KeyMone 8iate and t^oaker City co-opemting effectively. LtratenanuCominaodcr J R. Dayia. with both rod^rs disabled, got Ms vetwel (the Baaeacus) into dose action, and assisted materially in •llendng tbe works; and the Santiago de Cuba and Fort Jackaon took auch poeilioM aa they oould get (owlng'^ other veaaels not forming proper Hoes and throwing them ont of place), and fought (heir guns well. The taking of a new i<aaitk>n while nuder fire, by the BrtwUA’B and Coiondo, was a beautilhl aigbt, and when away from tbe panrjet the tlag of ths fort. Tills was (lone while the shells of the nav-v were falling about the heads of the d.aring men who entered the work, and It was evident, rs foon a.> tbe fire of tlie navy ceased L(»eansc of the (iarkntss, that the forr w;ts fully nrtnne 1 again, and opened with grape and canister tih u cur ^ icket line. Finding that nothing but the operations of i regular siege, which did not come within iry instructions, would reduce the fort, »nd in vie'V of the threatening aspect of tbe weather, wind arieii'g from the southeast, rendering it impo*- sihle to make further landing through the snrf^ I caused the troops with their prisoners to re- embark. and tee nothing further that can Le done by the land forces. I shall ihersfore sail for Hainpton Roads aa aoon as the transport fleet ean be got In order. My engineers and officers reiAort Fort FGher to iric as substantially uninjured as a defcnsive work. I have the h(»nor to lie, Verv rcspec-tfullv, vour obedient servant. BENJ. F. BUTLER. Major-General Commanding. To Rear .Admiral PoirrKK. Commanding N. .A. PkK'kading Squadron. HMiRAi. roKTETt’t Br.ri.y. North Ati.astw S*ir.Annnx.) UM'iT.ri Stacks Fr .ao Siiif Mai.vk.i;r, Oky Ntaw Inlkt, Die. ‘26, 18fi4.j GrsurAi.: I beg leave to acknowledge the re- ceijit ot y our letter of this date, the suhstaii<-o of which’was communiiaited to me by treneral Weitzel last night. I liavc ordered the largest ve«sels to prex-eed off Beaufort, and till npwith ammunition, to be ready for another attack iu case it is decided to proceed with this matter by making other ar- nin cements. We Lave not commenced firing rapidly yet, and could keep any rebels inside from showing their heads until an assaulting column wa.s w ithin twenty yards of the works. I wi<h some more of your gallant fellows had tollowcd the officer who took the flag from the i>ara]K:t. and tbe brave fellow who bnmght the horse ont from the fort. I think they would have found it an easier conquest than is sup* po.Hd. I do not, however, pretend to place mv opin- ion in oi'iKwltlon to General Wetzel, whom I know to be an accomplished soldier and engi- not r, and whose opinion has great weight with me. I will look out that the troops are all off iu safety. AVe will have a west wind j.reseiUly, and a smooth beach about three o'clock, when sufficient lioats will lie sent for them. The prisoner, now on hoard the Santi.igo do Cnba AAi’l be delivered to the Provost Marshal .at Foitre'^s Monroe, unless you wish to take iheni c>n board one of tlie transporiK which would l>e iner<n*enieni just now. 1 n main. General, rcsneetfully. Your olietlieut servant. DAVID I) PORTER, Rear Admiral. To Mnjor-Gnieral B. F. BoTi tn, Command- ing, itc., <ke. OFKUIRS AM> VFV ON THK 1-0\A'I>KR VKASFI. lorr-iASA. Commander A. C. Khind coneludes his rc- I oit as follows: The following offi .'crs and men manned the |>owdcr Uiat: Commander A. C. Rhiud. L’euUnaiit S. W. Preston. Ecioiid As-isiant Engineer A. T. E. Mullan. Master's Mate Paul Boy den. Frank I.ue.as, cox.swain. W'm. Garvin, captain forcca.>Ue. ('has. J. Plbl'er, gunner's maU*. John N( il, quarter gunner. liobl. )Ioii* goiuery, eaptaiu afterguard. •fas. Kolierls. seaman. t'Lns. Hawkins, .seaman. Dennis Conlan, seaman. J.ts. 8ulIiA-an, ordinary .-e.anmn. V.’m. Iliuut'gan, sceond-tJajs tireumn. ( has. Hite, eual lieaver. Ti e crew were all volunteers from myo.vu vessel, tl e Agatvani. Tl.e zeal, italicnee, aud endurance <>f officers and men wcreiinsuq'ass‘'d,aad I Iielievono oili- cer could have been In tier supported. To Lieut. Laui-on. Mr. Bradford, and the offm-ers and nien of the W ilaerri's.*, weueiude.bled for the mc:ins ( f (.'taj e; and Iroui the (ir.-t start from Norfolk A 1* L-aU' retciviil even de-iied a-.-l.'tun.'e. The vt stl w:’.': low ed to Wiluiingloii bar b\ the Sus- .';:ttti-. 1 .'t ut. C onmiaiuler J. L. DavL-t. who gave tn r.l a'} lime- a eordi '.l siq port. The Ta-jonv, Lau;. Ui mri'M der Tru\ti,n, -cut u* .a relief < rew ufu . liie g.i'c. Bjih vca-els fiirui-'.iuJ us a lout. I'.T >iM .V. Ai .MAT.AMOr..A-i.— W'e tuke the fol- lowing from the Matamcras Monitor of the Frr.!, tier, of I\*c. ed: C('U.mir( iidjy, Matainora- Is a i.iui. G.jod> H. -e ( ( uiing iu by eargoe*. and they arc going out ju t as fa.-l. luii'orlcrs ojx a with new , large, and wtll-seleued stocks to-day. ami they close v.t» betorc the w<H*k Is out, and sub 1. 1 tbe premitts. The demand is ext;-aordiiiary, and I artics wlio k.a\c btvn j rt dieting glut for uionlLs past areal the t-iul of the prupheU, aud ri fuse to pa.'S an opinion upon the e.ii>.aeity of the market. Tlic waiehotucs at Higdad arc lull, the .'teamkoats arc full, the w'agou train.s rre lull, aud yet new wareLousca are iu dcm.uid evt r'. dav. Building goes on as rapidly as the I, ! iff: makers and tke limber mert bants can fiitnl'-lj the matei ial, and carpenters are ham- nierit'g awi'A at all manner ot shanties night and day. Fe* eign sigrisarool>»ervable in pi Mv.i w 1 1 'te uiuha boused three years ago. ami build - itig h>(s are things not to l*e had liar love or luoi iy. Buyirs have nu extensive range to I t ep the run of if ibev -eek to keep p i.-ted on h!l the bargains that are offered in M d on vra-. t t;ton bx- been dull for the l;i.-t two works at II I'.th rtdu'. ed J'llct--. having fallen from lOe. to | Baltics have L.id tlicir .-auiplcs on table fur j days at ICc all earli, wl'.hoiU lakers; aud i* wa.s i;(usly uiqiubcndtd at one lime that the j 1 rite wcmld recede lo ;sk'. This decline w;is j atl'ibutal'b first to the unf.worablc stale of the fon ign u aiket.-, and>eeondIy, tixJhe .'tcareily of mot ey in thL- market. In otir finundal review, I we Lave givuj the rea.>on lor the tlnam-kd pre.<- snre, and w-c need only add iluit tlicse n asoas h'.Ae alTceft d our cotton market. However, we 1 tidcr.'Tard that tht re is a slight reu'-lion frem iif.ro' d : and under tlmt relaxation cotton r.U- llcd -llglitly . sail s having been made within .-* dry i-r iv o as liigh as This w.as a limited Rud very siqx-rior sample, however, tuid bought ft r the Spanish market. Wr hope the staple will coDtliiue to rally until the must sanguine trader will l>e sa:l.-fled to sell. AVe c|UOle as tke nilir g raSes tiTC^Bfr. Thc'c 1* bnt liltk' dlscrim- liiution Hsed in buying (Ndton here, un!. tlicre- foie, tlierc is a Atry small difference in the price of the inferior and sujie'ior grad* s. The stock in hand is Inci -asing rapidly, as the receipt- i>er L:: V are ah ut .“lOO hales. ^ . Dry-g« ckis have reach^ a pay ing figure. Culi- ros tin selling at 15Vt/'22c , domcsllca at 27(<r,t7c. fiT upblesi'.lHNl and 2.'ifrr;:ic. for bleached: impe- rii- '.s ISe : denims 2.V. ; bed-ticking aud hicko- ry 2.'',(i'.V>c. ; sat nets are abimdaxit, and range In m 60e (oi^2 00 ; kt rs« y b are out of the market; flannels f.oe (><§^1 (Kt. There arc no Btuck.s of Fier.eh prints in the market, and whole patU-rus then are sehing readily at 373*^0. Shoe.s are uot iu very' grent demand, as half the very tine and the very worse lently hoots and shoes are con- siderably inquired after for the retail trade and for the wholesale market; iesi>eetable uegrocs .-K>11 at the most reiuaueratica rates. K xits #02 idi'75 jar pair, and shoes JtOqrJW, Common i-k'l. Ladies’s gaiters f 2Sf<r ji;7, children’s .>hoes $+(,/{ 15. Koi>e and liagging 21(i<2;lc. P.AMixci ConxTKtKFKiTS. The Oswego Com- mercial, of Saturday, save: Witliln the pn-ff week some 2 > 2ft(t iu cyiutiter- tell f.vc-doibr bills (-n the Buffalo City It.mk have Keu passed to ditferent bu-sinev-s men in Ibis city, ai d (lUr policemen have L>eeu on the alert to detect the parties engaged in passing them. Yesterday sfiiwnioon a mautiumed J;i.*. Iton.-e. fM'i/x Morrison, af/nt Rich, was arrested 1 D fi niplfcint of Charles O. Bradshaw, for hav- * ing in hi;* iioss^sion -and Issuing bills of the kind nunticrifd above. He was held for trial . Brudsl'uw . tl e compluinant, was also arrested iiod held for examination on the elnarge of j>as.s- h'g tl e same kind of paper. Another partv MU J ('('ted of beii'g largely engaged in lhl.-< hii.-'i- i.ess, has w Lely left the city. The billssuch of Ihtni as we liHA'c seen «re printed iiixjp a (fiRise, rcddlwh paper, and their “feel*’ and geu- enil appiRraixe would at once excite snspiden uuK'Ug thoe wiio are uccounlcd goi»d jud-ges of money. POPl LAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. I inclose herewith tl,e report of f •mnrn;iM'l.-r «'' «niug at iHf.-'V.'c , liomcsitcs at 2,(.<‘,t,c. Rhind. with the namc.> of the gallunt fell-u- > f«;r upbM;..hc<l and2.Vrr;Hp. forIdcached: itnpe- wL'O volui^ercd for tilts desiicmte ervioe, .\1- 2.»e. ; bed-tn king and blcko- low me :s'^ to iiieiuion the name of Mr. Br.il- ly 2.,(i'.».>c. ; sat nets are abiiiiduiit, and range foul, of the Co:ist Snrvev. who w out i a aud ff< m ^ ktrs«y Bare out of the market; sounded out tiie place wli(*rc the lAiui-iuna was flannels f.oe (Kt. There arc no st-jck.s of to go in. Slid lits Rlwtiys putientiv jierforined Ft eneh ]irlnls in the markeL and wTiole patterns cvcTv duty liC hiii< enU^-d <m tu earn* oat. lo*-u are ttLing readily’ Shoes are uot Vv thunks RI" due to Lleutcnant-Cosnmandcr gvent dianand, as halt the very fine and K. R Brwse, Fleet Ciq.t.ain, I.n- eatTAtug about 'ep are eon- my orders to tiie fleet during the .action, and for siderably inqmrcd after for the retail trade and his general usefulness; to IJeutennnt-Comm.ia- for the wholesale market; iesi»eeUbb‘. negroes der II. A. Adams, for his j'romptm-is in sapph-- m(*t reiuaneralme rates. B jots til- ing the fleet with ammunition; lieutenant Si. J’^r ^^“ijnon W. i'taiideia, signal c.fli< er, wliose whole time ekl. ^dies s gaiteia f ('Lildren s .>hoes was (xx'tipied in making signal*, i>erformed his c+("vH'. Roi>e and lagging 21(<<2,tc. dntv well; and mv aid*. Lieutenant S \A'. Ter- ry lind Llbutcnant 8. W. Preston, afforded me P.assi.xo Conxn-tKFKiTS.—The Oswego Com- TuJuable as: l-tance. mereial, of Saturday, says: i * ri-ceiAcd a li«t of the (..a*u:iltie^, Witljln the fm-ff week some 3f2fih iu coutiter- l«il lK ve jer’- ‘rom the enemv s , . , bills ».n the Buffalo Ciiv It ink Lotus Me Lad kilk^ and wounded a^ui fiirU - ^ ditrennt brnsinev-s men in Lao i treous by the ntr.- ting of the ParrOit ai d our policemen have Iceu on the 4 . t. 1 . . .1 n- alert to detect the parties engaged in po-ssliig I mi.-t nr. rn.lt to pav a tribu e to the offi ers Yeste-^dav ahNrnoon a man Humed J;i.*. ai d crew oi the momtore-riding out bea-.y ,17,« Morrison, ahn. Rich, was arrested n>plftiLt oC Charles O. Bradshaw, for hav- er.mi k.ir.ng of the want <i| wnnfort, win l»# juj, ji, hj;* ]>osi^sion and Issuing bills of the must have n vr n Fcri-uiH.^ T hey have shown nunti.'r.ed above. He was held for trial, ^-giee . 1 fortitude Mid p<;r*evi;ranr'e •-cldom Brudsl-aw. tl e compluinRuf, was also arrested w itnmed^ r '•*>‘1 W examination oi the charge of pa-s-*- hr elr^ work wi.k plcaRure, and the effect of ^ **’3,!,*^ MI r,\ r siisj ('('led of beii'g largclv engag(d in this hiiii- T l.e hdlowing arc t he name* of the Comma..- , biUs-such (*en., and I hope I shall ever ke<q. them under „p ,,e"havc *een-Me printed uixjp a niA eon mano. raiRTse, rcdiliwh paper, and their “feel*’ and geu- C< n'H'ander F- J ^ott- commanding Mon- j j,, ^ w ould at once excite enspiden adiK^k : Con^marder E K. Lalh >im; Mimiu.uid- „ur,,.„jr th<>e w iio are uccountod goi»d jud'ges of IngSaiims; I.lciilennnt < ommauder George E. oiiev Belknap, coimimniliiig ranoniens ; Lieutenant ' Comm.inder L. .A. Putter, (-onim iuding Maho- POl’l L.AR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT “TTicreare aMul one tl.ouFand in* a left on , . shore by the armv who have not been got off “St"" yet. on eeoonnt of the surt on the beach. These i oi iuHthut 44.<«<l 443*6 4&7W SS.4.V4 "will le got off in the morning, and the soldiers D- lawiire Ni56 icTtW 8,n1 .-> iisjt will (lien be sent home. iiibnii' I inclose gc mril order for the attack. « 1-12 I »m, sir. verA- re*!KNtftiUv, Aonr obedient Kiui«i>'. K441 :l«*1 servant, DAVID PORTER. Rear .Admiral. Keunw-kv «l.47s 1.3M 144,h51 I4#vk Gii-ion WiriiiN 8e( retarv of t he N'iA'v Mairc.. .......... (11,803 4-1,311 Ai3,*lt 35 1(17 lion. oii-ioN v»Ki.i i->. occreiary oi me .naav. 40,153 sa,73i* %•»* *!,*« MutaHcliiiMUs.... 130.743 48,746 U«,5M ftJ,(W3 U'-nuR OK OKX. UlTI-KK TO APinRAI, l-ORTKR. U730 HeAIK<I7AHTKR8 DkI’ART.MRNT VfRUIXIA and! Miiwuri. J*'2?2 17,(138 14N4‘.I() North Caroi.ika, Dec. 2.i, Ixfi-I. ( nI w .Aisoo S7.5iii ^:i4 ArtMiKAU UiKiii landing the troops, an! N(w Jem-y tiu,73B b(J,ii34 54534 s»,w(i making a thorough reconnoissance of Fort Fish- er.'KHli General Weltrel and mvoelf are fhllv of [;l?.";,jrf.Vt".i.":::". Die opinion that the plaee could not be carried in unoviAKni. .... x)S,;fi(l 37«.3it; #K(iau 304413 bv acMiult, ae it was left aubetanliallv nninjured ithooc Isiinul l.%(M ,*«740 ls.344 7.7«7 aiadetenBiTework by toe navylire; We foui^ V^VVvlriini;".’.". IvM 4 l237 seventeen guuB protected bv traverse*, two only wircocrin Str-S hxom h«,i 1'J (ftt|o7ft of w Llcb were demounted, bcnnng np the beach -and coverlHg a strip of laud, the onlv praclicv Total. - 5,ls8.a(| l,77^»io l,«ogft» loo4s''(3 bk* route, not more than wide enough for a thousand men in line of battle. ' Uncoh-’* nnjority 407,303 Anf..UDcoln ao»j. 138,578 Having captaj^ Fb^ One of tbe ProTOSt Guard at Citv Point thought it rather odd, a few davs ago, to *ec a One of tbe Proroet Guard at Citv Point thought it rather odd, a few days ago, to nee a private soldier wandering about w iih a field- glxss. Tl e man was arrested, and under hi* lind's ftiid Haygood’a brigades, had been sent fiom tke llncB liefore Richmond on Tuesday list, arriving at Wilmington Friday night. O^erml Weitzel advanced his skirmish line viUiin fiftv yards of tbe fort, while the garrison was ket>t in their bomb-proofs by th* fire of the »Hvy, and so closely that three or four men of 'be V'icket line ventured upon tbe parapet and . through tbe sally port of tbe work, capturing a br-ne, which they binaght off, killing the or- derlv. who was the bdarer of a despatch from the chief of arffilen of Gen. Whiting to bring a ^ay. He was a spy, iuspccting our fortitica- tk ns cf oily w ith his glass, and proposing at a c«n\CT.Ient opportunity to elude onr pickets, throw off his wguise, aud make his way into tl:e Kiel lines. It is said that Madame Veetris, the famous English actress, used to have her white satin bools se wed on fcerfeet every Bqomiug, Ln or- der (hat they sbonld fit perfectly the exquisite sbn) e ol her exquisite foot. Of (tourse thev bad to l»e lipped off every night, and the same pair could never be worn but once. She is said to have made moris conquests witu Uer feet than with bar face, 'oeauiUUl 06 U wa». TELEv<TE-\rHI(^ NEWS. R iimorcd Nf fi*«tiatioiis with Richmond roBCfriiiDK the Blair MoYrmenU Importance Attached to the Tisit. MjsterioBs Silence of the Cabinet. Surrender of the City of Savannah. Some very Interestins; Particulars. Drscription of the Defensive Tforks* 50,0d0 Biishfis of Rice Captured. Confederate Stores Mostly Remove<i. Chief Loss iu Sieife Ciuns and Boats* Rebel Editors Hurry Out of the City. General Hood^s Location not Known. Richmond Examiner’s Cousolation. The New Year at the Nation’s Capital Ru^h at the Presidential Mansion. A Strange Scene at the R hite House. Sherman’s Raiding Party Relnraed* Sf.Trch for the iVonnded .Moseby. The Return of Mr. Blair aud Son. Iheir Reported Mission Denied. Bra^tt aiid the Uilmiiis^tou Aftair. Si rci.A!. T.» THK IAHTSa ILLS JaiORN.AL. Wa>iiinoT()X, Jan, 1. Ci'm-ctuing the BkairvLit to the army, aii l tbeiuincrcd ucgi(tiation< with Riclimou!, only this much is known: lirat. that the elder Blair htiB gone to the *i tny: -Hjcond, that .Montgoim ry Blsir has gone to Fortress Monroe and jicrliaps further: and, third, that some i:uport:.uce is :U- tacheti to tlie visit by the Government, and tbat the profoundcst rctk cucc i> obsen ed by members of the Cabinet on the Avholc subjix-t. Out of this f(»nty batch of actual facts, readers ( an raiftc .•as large ti groAvili of coiiji'cturcs as ir.iysuit Ihcniselvts. Tlic Augii-ta Se ntinel gets the foIloAviug tn- foi (nation from a gentleman who left Savannah jui-t l>cf(>ro H 5urrendcred into the hatids of the crcuiA; The works a round the citv were very f-lrong, and the place iu all pnibabillty wonld liHTC been he’d liad it not been for tbe fall of Fort McAllit-tcr. T’he ui-iial garrison numbered al>out one hundred and tAvcnt_A-firc men. A day or two Kfi-re it fell. howcA'cr, alxiut i\ buedred mofe troops were scut to tlioir aid. The ft'rt was nttacki d ((n the north side by SlKTra.m. Ifit wore known lb d had the f'»rt been ‘as strong on t'ue kind side a-, it was on the water ftid(* it would never be-en eapt'ircl. .\ftcr Sherman h:vd captured the fort he communica- ted with the fleet, and procured a bountiful sup- ply c-f ammunition. Sheriuan also transferred the benvy guns from Fort MeAlll-'tor to a ik>sI- tiou from which he could shell tbe city iu case he. w blu'd. No demand was made for the surrender of the city until Saturday. On tbat d-iy he demanded .(n nncfindli tonal surrender of the citv. (Jcncral Beameganl, in snlistanee. informed him that he krew tbe tartv to the city, and could take it if he was able. Guicr.al Bcaureg:ird left the city on Siindav, The residents of Savannah did not ex- pert tl(8 t tlic city would lie captured. TLty were totally nnprti'sre! for eucli a re- sult. 1 .It very few of them >aceccded in getting away. Tbmisand.s who did were oblige! to ’cave most of their effd ts behind. The b&it order w.is niaintaiiKvl throughout llio entire siege. All the V biskey was bK-ke-! up. F(»nr io'ial eoroi>.ar.ic'* were a.^.signed fo police (Inij and kci't law -l-rcakirs quiet. One or two files (Hcuircd, but little j-nq-cr'A was dHin.-vged. .\il tbe rice ( 11 the plantations in the vleitjitv r.f tl-e city fell into the liands of the Yankees. Sonic Ccllu'.atcd the amount at aO.OOO busheks. Tke U' nfedcrate gOAcrnment .sneeceded in n u ewinsr most of its stores. Tlie ni.ahi loss sr.-tninid by it was the !o«s of the siego guiK al out the place and gunbr aLs. T he. pontoon hiidge acros.s which oiir trr*op> p.iFscd .as I nilt at the fiKitof one of the street.-i o* the city. During the .*iege several .attciupu t" d( St roy onr communication# on the UaroUna side were made, all of whicli proved futile. Bishop .Ablx'tt was in the city on Monday. Our informant does not know whether he left ti e plncc or not. .A laigc portion of the Centr:J Railro.ad eara were sent dow n the S;ivannah aud Gulf railroad lic'ore that lice was Interrupted. both printing offietjs iu the city foil into the Imnds rf tlie Yankees. AVe .are luformed that l.-('lli editors left K-foro the capUiilaliuu. Mr. Siicf d, of the Republican, left early last week with the Goveniment funds of which he was cu.'tcdinn. Mr. Smith, of the News, did not leave uutil Monday night. The Riclimoud l-Txamlucr of Friday sara: “\A’e have ngaiii lost right of the army of the Tenueftiec. It is somewhere iu the vlclii- i'y of Die Tennessee river, and may have crossed that stream ere IhD. Yankee telegrams wt uld persuade us, if they could, that the river is so high that it Ls impossible for Ibrod to get liH trcMi's across. General Beauregard officially n ports that he has not bod any communieatlon fri'tn (ftncrsil Hood since the 23d. But we lc;irn that dt-spatebe* ha\'e reached lliL-i city which materially modify the Yankee accounts of their success before Na.>hville." Tlie Rk'binond Kxiini^r of the 2‘.»th says: f)ur n aders will find in anoDier column the enemy’s boastful account of their occupation of Savannali. If it lx‘ true, he found 33,000 hales of (xtton stored in warehonoes. It Is a painful story. 8aviU 4i8 ali is a town full of Yankee merchants and Jews. The cotton probably N-- lorged lo them, and wc may l>e sure that they left no stone unturned, no apjieal untried, to prcv(nt it from I cing destroyed. “The excuse for not burning it, i>rob:»bly w.as that the ccnllagtatlon would have consumed the tow n. But Savannah had bcttc* be iu ashes than in Yankee i>osse(*slon. Tlie selfish pnqM-i* etors of cotton prolmbly gained nothing, as tke Yankees would not miss its confiscation. “Sbcniian saj. he took eight hundred prison- er-; if he did so, they inustr have been skiiik- eis who wished to be taken, and it is very prol*- able Dial his whole de»l»atch U highly colored, to conceal the great fact that Hardee and his auny have slipped through hi* lingers.’’ Wasiiisoto!., Jan 2. * Tlic day has been given up at the capital to New Yt'ar’* calls. At the Preoident’s the rusk was Immense, and accurate calculation of the number of hands the President has shaken be- ing run up to a figure almost appalling. Among his vhiitors, received just like the rest, w ere home 600 negroes. ' The members of the Cabinet were all over- whelmed, the reftidence of the Poet-mauter- General seeming to be special a centre of attrac- tion, The Chief Justice, owing to the late ^ death of his sister, did not receive, but his boose was besieged all day. Senator Sumner, and Representative Winter Davis, as Chairman of the Foreign RelaUuus Couunlttees, received the members of the Diplomatic corps. Befdde these large numbers of leading politlclana and promipeut citizens in private life, threN open their honsea. Both Montgomery Blair and his father have returned, having gone no further Dain Fortrosa Monroe and tha army. Judge Bialr left the city ' again almost immediately, ajid U. ia denied by hift friends that either him or -bu f*Utef were charged with any mission to the rebel?. It m .y be sulhi-ritatirclT stated conceinlug the sBeip d mi'hion, that there been no consultatioit on the subject; tbat the cabinet Ls wholly ignora.’rt | ct there being au\ such mission; and tb it ! whatever may have liein the object of the virit toward Richmond by the Blair* Dka tlovcra- ment, a* such, was no wa^ rc*.pousiblc for It, or ' cAcn advised of it. AVhat the President himself may bare Inill- vidunlly done or authorized in the premises is ' unknown. I Intelligenct is received of the rUum »f Sber- m.^ n’s raiding party to Savannah. The extent t of its operations lt> not known. The rebel paiiera of S.aturday contain no in- tclligence of it. They sUito that the fleet bus disappeared off Wilmington. \ con-gralnlatory order from General Bragg to the rebel troo: > in regard to the Wllraington affair, is publl-hul ' in the Ric-hnxmd papers of Saturday. , The large scouting parly, sent out by Gener J -Augur to secure thew^ouaded Mo«eby and bring him Into our lines, returned last evening, hav- ing been succcssfal in their object. Aj.u.axy, Jan. 2. Gov. Fenton was inaugurated as Governor of New York to-day. He wa* addre.“-cd by Ec- Govemor Se? mtinr. The Menato and A-^sembiy were organized, and proceeded to business. Cu»« ISNATT, J;m. 3M. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 30. Barom- eter 29. .’»0. River fallen 8 inches; 23 feet tu Inches in chanm k PiTTSBrno. Jan. .1M. River about stationary. The weather h cool and clotiilv. No arrival- during the last twenty- four hours. Departed the Golden Era for Ports- ' month. UiM i-AS.ATi. Jan. .V M. Klixir iiiii'bMi-rd .lui linn; .uri-rtini* extra -r* '35 VVhi-at fiTHi at :«3 C5 fur (.3 3:i for white. Co: n luiel at 4^1(>2. Kyedullat .-(il 4.5. AVhi-key un-o-tU- <!'. held kieher; HtS 3u aekod; .f3 15 oUi red. | I*roA talon. Imoj-anU liolder. liOt wiliiiift to m>U at the ' rh'.iiiK rate, of last w eek. VI... poik lOuiniA be biMiKht krlow )|>I3 V Lhl., nor lard for Irr. tliau ilk: th. llc«» bcoyanf. KerelpU .inn- Saturda.v ’XlKai. .\ lot ot country die..e<L averaaiua I-ni llw. mid at jii. Ila ttviri-cc held : l -sld. Urocerie. tiriu and in lair <i< lllNUd. Si.w- V0K 1-, .Iwu. I. ('< ftoii (iii’i't, )k 1 30. FIrmr 5c b< Her, at if 10 35 111 3(A exira. ijill Vitll 30. AA'htal linn, AVeetern, .>'3 58. Uyv eU'aiiv. Co. n duff and unimaal, at *1 -f(« I U.l- .tl ady at .'*1 in .or W-'«tcrii. Pork deci-tedb' tinner at <it'Ji*43 I'-J.'i for 'IS-I nur^ i(il:iAti .5u lor ue.e, and il4;c- lor priiiw-. tX-ef .tcadv, (hit lu- at. nu- < hitii)L'i d. l.Hrd a .liade tiiaior at Jn'-jOSlc. AV'lii-kcy very Him at *'3 21 r.-r we-torn. S-i- Mirtiilii at 1 '.,(<# 3< I tor MibicoAado. IVtroieum -lU-' t at.d til Uier, at 53 tor n iidc, 73 tor n tiiu-d iu Iwiul, 83 lor . til ('. Slock.- wc.’<. (io'dTJTq. U. .-1. li.Tl ronpon. Uii. .5,-;u (oii|>oiia li- ',. 10.411 ciiiue.-ii. l"tS. Krio N. V. (-<'ii|.iiu« 115. K-wdinz ll->. Fiu « THK From.”T he NtuihAille Pre-is of Motiday, shas ; “Tl.e vexed question is -ettleit, aud Uic inquiry will l-c no longer mrule, ’Hw-i not'd 1 ros#cd Uic Tccnc-Hje ? Wc have it from nniiue-iionablo kiukcb that the rebel General ha., at length succeeded In tran-feriiug his mu- tilated army, and Die |ioor remi^ols of hi* ar- tillery. from the soil of Dil* Stale to th.at of .Ah,- I'-ania. Once more be ha# betweeu him aud liLs .''Will pur-uera the stteunf ho wa* iu #uch oiigct haoto to place in hi- rear le'.# than two uumth# ago. He will hardly .M- ' tempt tbat uoti d maro iivrc iMK'n again, if. iu- detd. iii* -ui'iricr# •••> uut immediately displaeo fri'iii :1 c ( ciiiiiiurid a tAt.iind who h'l. bnmghi - notbiie^ but ter upon bis aruiv c\er sim-o be WHS placc.i i.cau’. F,.\r the sake of the ! Union i aiise wc hope tli rpl>el Gcni’ml il! N' retained, that he may continue to fa ul .l, < with artillery and piisoucas. He uuikc* a , did IJu.arti iiDiv-Ur for General Thomo*.” I Pot I* 1. I’fj'i iMiiNr.—.-J/oR'a'iy, Jiui. 2. .\» * , -t:al. ('Tl Mcrda;-..a Jui-.e nunitx'r of c«ffttm’crs AMTC I It; enttd. Mr T. H. Waters wa« woin In ;v* .sn attcruo' . I’lit. l*ilh u pies-cnted 111., com i id- = Ion, with Nu'd and .eciirity, and w. a.# sworn IiiodMarshid of thi# court. Will Horau and .Abraham Aker-. Averc aj'p"!ntcJ his dei'Ulie.s. The first on the programme thi* morning wa- Pat. Waldi'U, 'gidlty of dninkenncs* ami di-- ordcrly comluet. The court wo* s.ali-ilod with a light mulctary pur.bhmeut. t<> the amount of N'c-xt on the list is Marv Hall. Slu* got drunk, and her conduct was such that Die court n-- ';ulri'd »1'8> to answer. ^ Juiut# Welch, Th(>m;iS Riley, Joe Dicki'a-. t nd Jerry Minnehnn. druiikcnnoss and disor- derly conduct, and Ic.-ultiiig M.av Mmiahan. 1; iu( a1 «#• (oich. John Ja(k*.on. John MtUne. Jas. MfElvixync, and M. Hfwkin*. dntnki nne-s »ud dWordel* (brdu'.t. -liick.-on and Hawkins were dl.- inargvd. Mtblvogue and .M(^,'uc lined -rl't each. Kh'liard Thompson, drwnlo'inicta. an! di.ror- livriy coniluci. The Provi.-t .Maisiiul wU! settle j hi# ca.-e. ,T( 1 ti Yabony, dr'.:nkciino-s and dhi'nli-rlv ((>ud:i(l. DL-charged. Mary Gray, slave of Mr. (irav, -tcaling t2'8*. l'‘’-(.bft!gcd. I GT A groecr in the upper portion of ih«f ritv j on Prfi<ton street, and undoubtedly a novice Vn I the bnalne##, j urehased a lot of game. It '•» , I the DBual rustom of groceTy-keep**ra to displur K me of the finest specimen* of provisions n* r , the d(X>r# and sometime* outride, '.nd onr man in quesUon did the same with hi# stock .Alxrit noon, yesterday, he waastartle*! at their pcaraaee. He is under tbe Iraprcasion th; '- I were * ' preesed ' by some hungry defendw# of ] onr country, (jr'rev*- grocer* bad better (''«•»’ g-> I (X‘<M*k>naIlr. New Year’* day wa- not Een-railv oi-- ! served a sa holiday In Dii# city, either Ir.- our business men or our riotoa* yo'aths. One salu- tary effti i Was particularly noticeable on onr reckless cemmunity—that Lube coa--4 mpD'jo of the article which Ls now taxed two dolLm a J eolkin was very meagre, judging from the ver» few who manlfistcd any .-a mptums of aa over- * do-e. I ncle Sam # wixrd-pile near the Birra-'k# Aa Third and (»ak streeV i* ftw-e (4wir'h'»»g down. It is causing some cnea.'ifn'T#* among tbe neighboring proport.' -bolder*, from a ft j that their feeling will be u#e*J a* ftiel. Mr*. Dr. Robert* and Mrs. Orm*bA- have aln-adv U> a hetaviiy ou ace*ount </f the clo-c |>n.ximity oi the camps. -An inque#t wa* held on She bAidy of GeOrge Ma-cts, at the residence of hi* mother, on Haneock street, near Green, with a Tetjdici; '•Came to his death from canses unkrxiwn. " .\ post-mortem examination wa# aftcrwazd'i a'ule ^ ; and the fket clearly established that te dicvl of congestion of the lungs. tirThe drivi rs of piibik; carriages annouuec in an advertisement in one of our lieruua con- i Uinporaries that Duy have united and resolved hereafter to charge *'• for attending hineral* and reluinlD'g pa##cngera to their home#. l* thi# not cKiitrary to the I.vie city ordiuanc*- reg- ulating their affair.-? At a Chancery sale at a store on Main sttcet, la-t week, a slight altciratiou t«x)k place j l-etw tcn the plaintiff and defendauL Both p.ir- ' lies retired iu giMnl ordi-r by tlic interf.reuce of their friends. IMviac-iTA Ihsi Rv-Auv.Number of pa- . til nt# cated in the mouth of Deceml>er. 12J; vl-ited ut ihcir hou-#.', .'.I : number ol pri-> ri;>- llotii CcmpC'Uudcd, inf. ftT Hi ring the vnowy and elusfcy weather the 1 Louisville City hailrcod Company will u,--;; four lii.T-t.' to each ( ar. I (J- The lit. At Itrui oftheCiu.'uit Cc iri '>egius ! cu Monday n«-xC January lUh. i CTTI.c following L- a rep''rt of in'# CiJtf F.iigin( cr of the Fire IXparUuent of the flrta •nd alarm# for the month of Lhxemlier, l-sdl: Dee. 8 TliC F.!cv(nth Ward sch(xd hou-eand tbe re#id( nee of Mr. Waters. Lo— tritiuig. Dec. t*.Mr. M'A'ready’-. phoc store. I>j*o , sL O; int-und. IV'C. 1.1 The dwelllug (J Mr. Loreh. l.ikj* trilling. 1 Ui'. •.0 T wo dwelling- of C'nther’Te Schmo >l . Loss ijl.-'tiK. IMe. 2(' Priq-crty of I-evi Tyler’- heit*. L/tas j tiiflirg ! ifts Bi-hep Smith. L>#.v tridin'g. j foul iiunil>er of lire*. 7. T(>wl lo*-. AI J in-uraiu, >. el '••2.'». ' , , i lfE GiiF.AT KOM AV* I ffHrti'* No, i5( Uftr. Loiiilcti T* 1* t?r»’,'V ' I be c-xtraoutinao IVninie alfulr ho.- 'now , u- tued upiJii a Lew phatc. Tlit* -'iicIJc of Ih. Ihmu cuiid M lie. Tr.im;y id n:i«.r,cJ lo .>o a mvttiticatioa. and Die farewell letter- <1 niin-i-1; at.d the j uui:g l.idv to have K'cu .•orc"cti-! ' il.c ]>uipt*c ( t throwing the polieooff LA tr.; k. The Doctor La rcporlcsl to be "wanted” oti tuu charge of hav'ng stolen a diamond ring -h >rt- ly ;Utcr hi* acjuitial, he wa# eMiuii c! tbia n.iitler. At the Li-t exaiuin:.tioir, *m iliC lltL ir.:-tant, l>r. lH.*mme U -tuledto li.ive de- cla.cd he had received the ring he Ba! giveu hi- bride a- a preecnl during the Italian wyir. from a m#n wLc-se name and place of ris-'idem e Lc '. i'iild no longer reco’Ject. Li con- tradicDon to this sUtement, the ring h said to hav'o turned out to be tLe [>ropcrty of au atia(.hc to Die Brazilian emba.— y iu Berlin, for- j me.ly -tuUuned iu a oimtlar capacity at I Bc-ine, .'.nd w hile there inder mclioai treat- mcTst ''f Hr IJemuic. 8omc c'n'Irmailou 1 appi ar? to be given to thi.# la-*, rum.'';', by ;l,v- fitcl of the fli’if having* g'ci.c to BArlin during thela#ttew dara with the npp('-((?d t'l'h-ct of e#ta(4i-hing 'IwUidei.tity ,.f the ring. 1 be jiidg* left for Berlin on the 12th, at.d D'c tollowing day 1%-. Heninic .an'l LL> . e iltaHpl'tareii firoiii Deice. Iu addittou i-i llg Aiadnuie Trniiipv. while iu un-i.n, on the of March, oddrcd-ed tie foUjwiug T- ;t *r i to Lu 0:'tigiitei 's gUaIi»i:AD; ' I M. Lv i v.iXi.KR S< ii.xKu . Soice tlm * v, . i r !i : * Ti-'tlvtd from Dr. iKn.nie n Ji-ua'.'ii tii.g woiih oom 2,000 to 2.-»';' fr.-rics. IL' n-; w ant- ff T.t'.nudlameut- ;iud pV al# »o - 1.. I » 5 'ilful m ii't tt I'lat he -’ (m’tl li'» t.. '-..c j Da- riT g. In I'D prevent po.ritlou I think F..-: a h( (.U; I:i'i’itdi'ili!y e *t t.'a 'L, ,'4l>e he ><.'.1 i is iceliaeAl to do '(>: bnt l.er gran<t a..t!.er, tu,.t I eg(. list advises her to retain it. I . ru-i.ler th;-. ! ;('Ur-e r-haiKeful. and »l>#('l’.itelv de-iri'- thit I FI( ra el.ouid lotum D.t^iiig. Biit wo i .in do m-Diing wiihttrc old wonniu. vi'l I Tcui-t there - NUMBER H. C. F. BARNES’ Prim U>t ftf itain*, rwrltre, is ft m 9*arl)zw Silver cm* m m .wwOaJ. witllsoM ftaUwiw. tw log Strrrraw. 77^ 0 w.. >wrlM, wHh Ti.»nii.ii>4.1.iin. iw 1 m #tet;hiA 9tlv«r gw« H 10 AfpTrtoo, Traev, » Co„ rttra kwgUgd. mU iggil Uta iu a M Stgrtiaa dUvgr «m* S-Bi., but with *'-T~ 1 ttntlgnia. Ig JmIIm- tiaa 8iiwr rmt. Thm S.KC, ^;l with CxfggdMi ftghM. .flnirasUr'ajl frwteg to halt muI eo'd, iw 3 og 9U. 9(lvv* ew*. m m thr»wur Ctav* '4 tmr wrbdH 4*rir«d at eft .m m m. Wa. (i«U CaMw 'gmUbs* to ar4rr. fcgt grv. hr Mtt tr *x»rta. « mg rltk m raaalM *i fi.va. Thta« W.tehva aiw im.. aaivana^ ackoowlated to ha tto btot ttagc-ten>M* ia na«. Tb-r ar* tmulti hg Wva llahl* to mt Ml. to toitan aae tonr* MtoiR laagWato thaa athrrw aad ar* aoU aS Wwar rase, thaa thiag to r.ii.li-h ar 9«1« toanaferai-ra -f 1 1 il iritoa Caata 5V *>ta la ea. toblTy axaaiaad aa4 rtwulatod btoto* bgftaa Mitothafuiahaaer, ang warrMtoiL wfth (Urtowag, tar uM r ear. Tha toaaalactairtoW aactlfletoa aMaMaa- Kiw f * S Wastb abera -Jm rrad* rf th* Jawrllsd K1 grr Orxiii*r#.wim -r*:-#- S-— .w.p^ firiw 7^^ ftt Mft&sifftrUi''ftrft^ pkicMa AiltotM f. P. RARNB*. Aarvt tar Aaoertaga Walchea. jss J ^ aarcar to toxth, <m Lowtoviuij, Kt. \a>QU/0 C Mire II ^MrrtnUed IK MRt;ctI'(N.-» ARC i (iX'V.Tft-T*. tn^t %l.l, fttlK \ ( IKtri. AM IftftX UIB- I.Nt; AI.I. taV VI PTtI >* #._** s*5ra*x*T03M[» s Thv •mptema of Catarrh aa they aranwtly rfyagr arv at tWto »»rv . ti-!.t. P rs nj (ir J Oiei hava a cotafc that tkrr hava Wrqwf-at alto rka. and ai* lunr. •>'n«Ntaa to Ifi# ft..jr<’ •‘V ut r.'Wi.eTatiu'V. la tb:a r**v.Uiliug, ttag n 'v* Otov be drr. c. a -T.vIm diaebarve. thin «ad aartiC atterward# breoaaia* Ibtak and adkourv. .A. Ita. dta- eave brreires ebio-.ti-, !h<- di-vH-r«trs ar.- Inc -aaad tg tiuiutilv aud cban.cd 'n ; Ua" are now Mnak BDdb<g«.c, bihI arc h..,i'Kr-i w eiuiahed -(T Pta wgr»- liM s at* i-ff. i;-ivc. cauvin* ^ .-Ard bit-aib: t!(« lutee ta tbitk and uaval; ibc e\ua ar*- n.ak; Uir aanau af ttaa nuell ia Ira a red or di tovaa (d. 4>a«r:uw« frcuneatlz taka# r hK--. .Aim-IKct eoiuniuu t.i-l IntoxrUnt wriaatoig to 'ator-h la that ih.- jieiaon ia obrir-cd to at<-ar hla Itariau ta th# OMnniuK to a Uilvk dljay oincoaB. wbiah Ha* ta'lcn (I'.wn fi <(i the h-ml diinn* the u.ahi. Wlaag this iaft(-s plaee tlic (--rs .i luav I-- avjrc that Ota diwtoto ia ou lU nay to thr bia», aud .bunld tame lima ta aiicstinj It. Tftea'-j.c , /A-k s < I'oecA fynaw .# Hraeia Itmtitr triU Imm! a toWWSAs—f* he »*•(. thrrt ItNaea m g»y. TESTIMONIAL TA#a. * .»e" T 'rts. /. ^ an. ^ f i J. > •*, ind J ., F d A Kuxt<»«T, Or*. A. !**•. n. H ^*»*T r»* Ih-or .sir. Ir I-- -It Mr* .^r noiirt- W iKf laitftg I w A ttjri -ftr tfut { .ta m f* •'!>• l-AtftrHi ter y rml H l»* It 1 ^ v<>u %fMt *'%!» « OT } ftftr Lfiu’ I t'ftito. K Ki I h^d t* ' I W)..v *n p' (T t. fta-i ILr ImHIL' W' to* riiJ- .y -d. «««« -f>n. >• ^ur<>4. t lL.n rf«i4i.aMnaJ *J\r Ui« !•» «a' Wiill «>ft- Whrrlt. tUwiHMirllv .... V Bl. O. B. BXSXSL'TB .-«>'.* PaOeaiar.'Sa. A hira«ia L*i |.*ty<w»t«>r7 at ft T»'f;.niX (: .i ,VT vv ilOl.Kw \|.K BV f('tTN I> »’A^K... W.VI .roiiV'K s J 14.«i>S.»K WlL.'v. Nh PLift'K . . Citarianata. O. IX-4'<y<t. Viab. W--.V ,y baur. lad LcHiievuMA Kv \T KfcT All. RV .1 )i -!i.SS* (.\ i .Tt-rs-jn -'l*'. Ind , 'Ni'IiVURI •• '.irj .KNJ’RAM.Y KING tSi OWEN, Three mcml'Cis <>f the Iffcree foruilv John, m-Diing wiihttrc old wonnio. vi'l I ;ri"-t th.-re - Bht, and ThA'inac: were charkist with a.*-atiUiiig i foie n-k oti to dem:(ud the nng by f. rc" ct rtarsyv Vnrrau wHh ino-nt ta kill ftLu'li *100 I ' our bulhor.ty ta, gt.ordn.n.^ L. t me h(- >uu>.. Barev Murray, with intent to kill. Each oi;^::d to ^^Lt to ati-wer. 1. .rUv. I i-ntreat you on ^ at- tut to ;;ivo .tp Win. Battci'Sou, alUn Mav. -tcaling from .'( ur gu-rdiai>ht*> of Flora.” lienrAUralg. :«» to answer at the next tenn , Ip t'«^r.D(;( tlon with the u.rmVrle-- / I ciruilation awdit the# buMTte-- m»A' lie men- of the C Ircnlt Court. ticne.d th.si (dlier ring-, and article# of v.il-te are Stviral peace wanatiU AAore Ihetr diiiHKs;(l of. »«;<( tu LnAe been ab-ir.ul»*d, <( <y Henry , Dave of E. L. Green, chooUng a bovof j or. twtr/. from ari F.nglL-h fnmllv >t .yiiig at the .. L.a' u I* I Fi’tuir Hot, who lisd sl-^o been uu<!’;r Di*. Hr. Haggard s. tai#charged. i uiedical treatment; are onling •> Henry Uul'enA-, diiordiirW conduct. Disml-scd. aw*// < r «fii/r Mnto, from a lady of distinction at c'li tills at once, and to iu#l-t 'j'.iu it -t'-rnf-. 1.. c-Uv. I (-rlrt;il you on ^ at- iut to give .ip A(,ur gu-rdiai'j*ht 4 > of Flora.” Ii> coriDei tlun with the uumVrle— ver-i'.'i- in ciruilation aNdit this btirirH*-- m»A' lie men- tioned th.si oilier ring-, and article# of v.il-ie are .rt'dtuLnAe been ab-ir.ul»*d, <• <y Boi.ti i; CocfST Tvetday, Juiivary Ix'A. j The lir.#t cate pi cscuted this morning v<hh I’atrick | Khtny diunktuincss and dL-ordcrlv con Li t. Fiiicd i'.t. * Albert Brush, drunkciuic-s. He acknowiedgi i the coin and paid #•'». William .James and Thouins Skevu#, two sol- diers, member# of the 20ih Kentucky regiment re-bbing. vaIDi threat# to shoot Anton Kuu/.. jC'-Uft to answer in the Circuit Court. | jKl tKR.'O.X CoC.NTV CoURrr .V>ttdojf, JoM. 2, lS(g>._Thos. Prather ’t, heir* vs. Titos. Prather’s heirs. Ri'i'ort of division of la;id among the heirs examine and approved. Tlioti. P. Snrilli, app ''luted administrator of Walker Morris; Titos. II. Crawford aud John G. Simrall, sureties. John B. Bland, .appointi'd gu.'Ardiaa of Jofcphiue Gertrude Martiu; Wiliiaui Barkhardt, i surely. Samuel M. Siilrcr, apimhited guardian of Anton and Eliza Ulrkh; William Bolmer, surety. William A. Ronald, Slieriff elect, exeeuteii hi# oflicial bond, with G. W. Ronald, .John C Mar- shall, T. C. Pomeroy, Geo. L. Gailbraith, and Henry Dent, sureties. Rule vs. James Reasor, administrator of Jos. Reed, to ecttlc Ills ac?(nmt3. George M. Wey Icr renewed his license for a tavern on the Preston-street plankroad. On motion of William II. Watt#, county .As- sessor, WUlLim II. Able wa.# sworn a# deputy ' ^On motion of Wm. .A. Ronald, Sheriff. Tho#. Shanks, T. C. Pomeroy, J. C. Marshall, Harry N. GoofC, J. £. Gailbratli, and James Moloua, Jr., sworn aa hi* deputies. Rca’s. Blid Klltermau a ad Andrew H. Milch- tll, of the 3d. E. Church South, had licenee P> solemni/e the rites of mjAtrlmoiiy. Annie V. Pollard selected W. H. Smith a# her guardian, who gave bond, with A. S. Woodroli*, j security. 1 Joseph IL Cusick selcoted James O. Cuslck av ! hi# guardian, who gave bond, with Edward Y:v- j ger. security, , The setDement of J. Wash Davis, administra- tor of George Blanchard, died and continued for exception*. P. H. Antle, credit by the Ux on iKxSSOt Wm. H. Gale by the Ux on #7,70i>, W. George An- iHii'me'.- medical treatment; areonling '> aw>// ( r «((!/, Mi-o/, from a lady of distinction at Berlin, during the I'af-.'Agu of ber trunk# through Bi-n.e. Jr- nmem’HTed that Die lute M. Tnimj-y^^b^^iuiue- - a# a 'gen- era! can'.cr, amt iu t^^^^Rtb# l v#t ver-ion ni 'yfd fo c'-nneit with the r»ppngtJ rr I l<er< . Il may d tb.tt la.#t .M.>ud:AV a d( - patch to wi(d been r(v<*irc! here otleilifg IJr- Htniiuc the oiHcc of tield -argeon in Die .Mexican army, and prr*po!-'.ng t<* him to ' Lc ( re of the f'-iiuder# of a unlvcr-itv In 5|ex- ict(. -4 »rpO(/ to < Mrrni/ to-day tW.At Heinrae ha# been arre-yted in N'ienna and Triwte. and th.-u all the papers of Protcs.#or Hrmmo, hi- father, have bti II ^ei/ld by tbe (K>iice. Tlia ROM.ANTU' I'.AIR E.X Rome KoR AAIEC.IC.A. (Rrogi tin; INri* PrevH-. ) A rep(>rt I* current U> the eifo I that Dr. L'enime and Madcmol-^lle Trumpy have been rccocnlzcd at Havre when einLArkiDg for Ameri- ca. It 1# even said th;vt the Swi.-* Consul de m.vndcd their extradition, which >ra* not grant- ed by Die anthoriiic* ou the ground that the law * is not applicable m their case. i •nir '»re>RX i>i£arr.i*. I i (.Pari- (Nov. 3Sj Aiorre-poggeue* of ibe Londim Nuwa.i The story that Hr. IVmmc and Ml-#» Flora Tnimpy had been recognized at Havre a* they were embarking fur America, and that iheSwl-# Consul there had attempted to obtain their ex- tradition, is |(oDDveIy contradicted by the ( 'ourrigr Ju llagrt. iiiav .Ai'.r Rr.( (a.xizKK i#i r.Aui-. j I PaiU (Nov. 2Pj Cortopi'nJenc* I.*<'ndou Nt-nr-.J The onlv other news touching this mysteriovis cik-e i# gfven by a Journal of small tDk, the (•azef^ de* Etrangers, which aay* that Dr. Demme was seen walking on the Pari* houlu- I vard* on Saturday luoruiug, with a lady on hi* arm- This aunoumemeul will proliably nut command much credit, though there i* nothing ' inert dibJc in tbe fact, if it (acre avrr'-ed on tot- i irablv trustworthy testimouy, of the fugiuve couple being in Pari*. Wherever they m.-*v the gi neral oi>iuk>n is, that the bottom < lake (»f Geneva ia the lost pL-ice in which t<^Bok fur them. A '«KW a.M>IO(i Oft TUK ROW.A.'ta.'ft- Herne Otae. Ij Tefeicraia.] Accorrting to an official report recaived by the Federal Council, Dr. Herame aad Mademot- -elle Flora Trumpy poisoned themseivo* at Ntrvlo, near Genoa. I A-noikst Rwi ua.— We were yester*iy sh(>wn I some curious relics at the office of 8. S. Tavlor, i F>(|., said to be portions of one of tbe vessels I used by some of the early navlgttora cl the .VtifsiseippL Thev were e'humed from the ttauk* of the Mississippi some distance helew Vkksburg. Tbe precise place of their dlscov! ery has until quite receiiDy been oeaMy three qiiarters ofa n^lea back from the river, bat of late the banks have ao washed awoor that the wre« k from which these ponioas was taken ha.v become fully exjH>Md. The wre(Dt was fuend UND iRTAKSaS .At tbr otal -tar-4, 'Scnlbea^; .-ar.-.-r J.«W<*r-**« aad Third 11 \v j.N(, 4 i!i»( gin i»i.v ; I A' fHir >r.!» lu< -e vud ft*. 1 .1 * t- r an. la » g i r 'i.i #>'.# n i:i UA.:- iifr. —v »..( j'vift’ -a* Ua*. A -irtir hurtal to' Ik-- c-- i. ta 'V.*.- mt w i;: K. .>v :'u 'lan-l * ; .r , - >rV ll(r(-t to I. shui-EUa'L ro. s i'l-'ij- rHebr»At#t ,A(r li<a>. 't m ('.j-ket* iu<4 » li. I . '•* U:;i.(-.•-<. i tiatai lv. •t> 'f. ai«l G'.. '.•!>- -luv-** i:aj ; X -4 -.-.xte .#!> . -U k> a* pi(l»i.-. Wi- aUa ke«a ou lionii I'K.ANI'l. lUli' KIX A C-'V.'# koe W. M. K.AVM(-.\U*ti;().'o M ftiriaii uaria uc» CsM-o. .V.«Ok larga aMortiueM to W'-tona Cotona Mruutluei. -AU c (ita atIrsiM M pr*a*f<lr aiirbt or dajr. ia the eit ,' cr eouutrv. h>- on« to tb* Gna- la fev- •uti. Thu tonior p.«rlBer to Ibia h*atM ha# the *tclatov* agonsa for the tote of I. C. SHI'LElt .tr A,U.'S Ctak-'la aad C*M-# ta the ratoerti di- i-nai of K'-aiaefc/. aaa- Btoocioe at tb* mouth to Salt River C<-A..-vetia;i mima three to four eouaUe* where the/ #r* now **14:. aiU i* prrpared lo fttrnitoi Uaderteker* (vUb thorn by mil luf at our adtee, eeraor to Third aad JrMatam totroto* a»‘ KlN(k A OVTX.H. l>raft in Jeffimocvrilla. IN ORUft.lt TU CLtJAR I HR CITY \ND TOWN- 1 *h;p tiom the approachiux Uiaft. all uawo l iable Hav* ^ tM-k 11 aaw - atod. aad aU .sfoeTa freliae iaturetoed m tbta cuk-i|^.ak- wiU call aad *»/ lo W. IL ft'o**, rreawnto, at the IWiik. C*au- withtoil (b-la/. (i. W. KWINrt. « R. s. ULtJtolUj- If. R. Lew s, ' J. J. V< *NW A Y. .1. AL HOW ARJX d,-U *13 Cta«uta*« CaowaitoaO. First Batiooal Bank of ZR>nisTill«. T IIR KftCUULAR AN.Nt.AL JtEftTriN'i OF -niK attohhtddoia tar tbo rlMMcm to Uuvcftw* wtR h* held al thi* Baoh «i TVKiU >.VY, -Jaattary 40, I-aSR 03* at* R. M. CUNN1NUM.LM. Oaita. BonisTille A VaabTilla Railroad Oo., Loeiavru-s. ftaa. tt. i 'WL I lls OOLPON3 DUB taft J.LM'.Uiy NEXT OT the flrto B.irtmo Btoad* to Ihw Cotopag/ wiU be pal* mm prvto-.;itoioo at lhl» toSco tm and a ter Ufo JMh luto ^ dl# WU-lOe HAANKY. fc<y. Office Washington Xnsnranca Oo., Lootoviu^ Itag. m, ivaa, T ub annual jntrnNO or tu* drrocKHOL^ era wiU b* held M Soadav, JIh pra^toUotopcfc A. B- to elect aiae DIrtatov* for ^ 41# wif. mAWBt 9mrr. liALkEK’S L\€HA.\«i Third to, b*t4vo*fo Mato and Marhto, derson, by tbe tax on t2,«'i(Xk E. D. Lawrence, | embedded in tbe soUd earth oves twenty feet bvihe tax on *2,000; Marv Ann Lee, by the beneath the aurfat^ ami Uninedbtelv ben^h oy UJO laa , revtral trees, eonae of which were over fbtir lax on *fl,‘20(L ju diameter, and moat necessarily have T (X,' a fata nndM> tto. m kn. 1*'® tbciY! for at Mast Iwfo ueiituries. The aru- Laiau# t AULA ladies fair, under Iht mxn referi^ lev, consist of a poitiun of the agemsnt of the Misses Barbartmx, is now in ptanking of the aide of a 'dilptbe plank.# be- progress in the amall hall of the Masonic Tem- ug overlapptofl and riveted together after the .1- Tl.- ar* wtuto nti in sfowant atvie manner of ntasaels of the olden time, the mate- pie. The booths are fitted up b* eiegam aiym H^e-oak, amh as ia only to he found an4 th© ball rendered Ter>’ aUraclive, The lair of Southern Spainand a »taTe of la for a* noble purpose, and in attending oor a water-harrei of the same material. The artW oiiinena can pass a pieasant evening. worthy of the Madison Clay, a slave bidonglng » Mr, ^juunona, the coiOnror, whe takes his head William#, was found frozen to death in a com- ^ bimseff off ai tbe sanae Uoae, lain Puri- fleld last Sunday. land. A paper ^aaja that he did not auco^ in = .. the Davenport Brothers’ trick, becaaso tho eu- lNueft»r No. 298—Held January 2, IRno, nt not know how to De the rope, the residence of his There are fifty thoosaniLChlnese In America. V^rflct-^me to bis 'aeeto”t Not (ire am«^?a SJVbont 7H o’clock A. M., at D,e av^ge place, from some catwe unknown to the ’orv. corp*. oa to peaa a ovr*.-. muivu. u* J. C. QUi, Cioroner. amlnaUtoL bbcitvb daily m mxntMB SHELL OISTfXS, Vf2(ISe.X, qi'.UL, CROCSE. WOOD- CtHE, tu. J. GAWBDI a OO., Pv.^1 taftwf*. CANVAS-BACK DUCES, Tbe Fbst g tbe Seuto tA ^ ^ ^ Tkf FM ai4 Fiktst teuwrad-kftkM Duekk d OB tlYYM gatMmM g a mrmmi y- < ne HHue MUMII gOA WMAfc^ ZO m hrfbOrgKtoaeairfHtoato** Y* V, w I


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)U15VILLE JOURNAL.nxmtw» um rv*umu.wm rr


r*v« airaM, beiwvw* Th'Hl mmt r^artk



Thr Ittaek I'pon F*ri FLhrr.I

tLrr got into }>lace »>ulU ihips delh-fivd a ii.c ligM IwtUry within ihe fort, nn l n’<o hrongNttltst nothing conld witb-t^nd. away Innn tbe iianri-tt llie tlag of tbs fort.

m.9 >The HtookKn wcll sn.=tiin«l her prond nim*OAflal Br|»»ri Kt»r Admiral Partrr.

junder her prtWnt i-oiumander, Capulir Jarnc-.

* ' ASdeu; roid ific Colorado pivc cvUltjucc lb.>t h r

or •vraoKnTioi«-» advamoi

MM aOwuaM M wtgm. chtrm m K iucimm oar tom|

«( •akor.irCi'^.

fn P. laniw’s Eiiri Pmsj

ti|d«Ddid ArlWa *f the tiunhoalx.

[<; Ke«iw.d.iid l>)rre< tc4.)

Noktu Ati \aTii' S«|i xi>B<ix.,

UMTi.nttTAiKii Ki. o.Piiir M ,i vi *n.At ft** or* Nrw Ivi.ft, N, C., Drc. 3A l-v;i.


8ir : 1 in bopoe I idioiild lutve l>een ah'-eto pr« rent to the nation Fort Fleher and eu.'--

ruundirig works m r Christma* ofliTing, but Iam sorry to eay It h.*is not been taken j-et.

I attai'kod it t»n the Slthinatant with the Iron-fidc?*. Canonk-tu., Mohopoc, ^lonadnoclL Miii-n^'la. Colorad**, Mokicitn, Toscarom. Wa-Iweh, 8aM;ueb;vnnah. Bro><klTn, i’owhatan, Jo-niata, rtenec^ Shenandoah, Pawtnxet, Tieonde-

c<>mn'.ander. Commodore II. K. Thatcher, /iiUyunderstood tbe dutlcR of hla po-iHor. Tl.bSc'fiuehanna was most etfectUe in Uer tire, at dwas fortunate enoueb to obtain the right posi-tion, though much bothered \>y a ve-sci ne;.r

her that hod not fonnd her right plaee.Tbe Mohican went into battle gnllnntlo nnd

fired rapidly and with effect, and when the Pow-hatan, Ticonderoga, and Shenandoah got in'ofbelr potiUms thev did good sertice. ThePaw tuxet fell handsomely Into line, .and di 1

good sen ice with the ret, and the Vanderbiltto«'k position near tlie Minnesota and threw In

n splendid fire. The firing of the monitors whsexcellent, and when Ibeir shells struck gre^xt

damage was done, and the litMe gunlMxats that

^ iiaI fi w

! tc * (•>

P? fli?



1 i IH I

t« wI •: M

* (•> s «et n » I «• « M] I 7t4 to « w| t Mft W < Mt ftu : « M

OM MM iMsirM fc \ “If **•?»W belt wiMunr »flf C . —a • j _ ;

* r £f ,

c. |Z;


KU.fterLOiMI •tSS i

ete.tarLMfc .. 1» • « » ••tlo. twOMBurrlal.. ( •*Mo. 4 ar mucroMBor ••• • *® * 4 Ml tMfti«. ft or T'aiaw I *C ft < Mtio. • or Ift* tftu: I «n

ftto.t 'ataka * •# 4Mj ft-r,, tMMo. 4 KutMa I ftft ^J*. | | 4MAE RM* BT sra«r m»rk, F. B.arM, Ba>

oaa, Lov., Kt ft« w'LiM I hawi Mcurad Uw e»pf~right, and ara warranftad 14 earata fin* and por4ac4 ta•Tory fg^iarS. Sw* by c,ail or axsteca to any part «t

tba aouMry aa fccrift of price and rroww eherpet,ParooaajKdarinf wfM pfaaaa Mfta tha Ma» and iMto da>Arad, wiieUK-r bard er toO, dac or eoarae : and U thapea ^.nald fad to pletac o. prawa do4activo, will hxva Ha*prlrilaoa at aackaaaiaa U. A prenkue of IftoM p<csaotadowodoo acdeia of CM or ov«r, aud twarJr-drauor nom OD ll:aw ci dl'^. lAbaiwI diMcaut mad. t' t’-«

trade. Pn and '^xTuK dreuiar and tfua liA .« 4a^ Add-- .TO C. F. B ARKF^Ltaalw is U«td xnd Aaioiieaa WatrtiM,

MS Mw 3 tti.M.r'TnorS^rtr-Mpl dly LogMofUa. Kr.

Office SentucBy State A.g^ency,JeSr.oM M:i<% w< noa door below rourtli

Iy»i I*cf. Ift, l‘'S4.

HV pr.I FKI V ft MY CiBUl LAK N-' rt d-*4-d

(>rt«t.w 1*«4. i to,<r t loli-aTon^ ta F'.inw olut•U-pr arc |j#"rc*c-irj' to K- tajLi-a b.‘ p. tli> w ho wvli ta

.nrowciiU dual, t"- cmi.jwni.Ktinn and |.i.:nty fwMraTC. tKjW W tiich it W ..1 l>c cccti that the cr’i-til,(0.h' of

urt«T i. II' r. y rT' . 1;.. . T ii.— a ch 'lU to i^befecati c 4* 1 in?r»;cccra b«T>s.fior t«> t>e aiM.tint.A. Tu'-W<*-? t-lMotAT arc not TfoJi a. V ill rutit H lit* ltoI«b*TTtopay,

!"i« anfoly cT^Wnoi- Uiai tlx- elavc l»» b-iu ni.iwered

in tl«- 1 iiitiT! r.aii'y eerrioc. title r pif»-r> uniA Ijo jiri'-

(oird. Ti riK-t- jifCTi j'’ I. to prO'-cciitc Ih' ir riii>i;Mk

I wioiM fit»t<- D ot I li«T • 1 ' ,:.k- |.r«Tiai-,d aud apprerodb_» e-*,: Mu-p' y. Lh ' I' IT'-.' »io'i' r lor tlx’ «rrau.*ati^.i: eolorni U,' .'* 'n 1 i. p'.

. e>. - hj- t 8.J- ' A -'

taut F. ftt. I. J' lo. Hi ..' A r. aiid A. .A. Nob!*:, of

Indtona. Ihup t '..I,;. C,:. '.i With U.' Of lUy aifVUtr r.til

»-”t Ulcir P'<sr r T.Miih' .* i'ij-idauii i.roiin'tlyatt' r.l-

^-,1 to. *c 1 l Tt.il a , 'lor. d I i-rtiit- ttUjin th'"-


»«!' for tLi t'l.'i -» . V I'rool .I’jd !u. -attf'

. liitiM'U bavi. Ia< - iuruL.'! 1

toiUi hiankp. lu'd a ,i. u. X " - Uij api'u’a:

W.h. li u WOtpi.' coiuitj-. ITx'. liiii* .A..-ut I'C I

ruga, MM-kinaw, M.-inmee, Yaullc, KAasas. ' corered them kept up a fire sufficient to discon- to as snbstanuauyIosco, t^uaker Citv, Monticdlo. Rhode Ifiani,


« rt the toe ru>'s turn. work. I have the hoi

brissaci's Chippewa, 0>ceola. Taeonx, Pi'Uioo- Tl-^ it-bels fired no more after the vessels all > eiy respectfully, ysne, Si.nUago de Cuba. F .rf Jacks- >n,‘ and Van-

|''P« Dcd oti them, except a few shots from the

dcrbilt. hating a reserve of small ves-'cla, con- imot.nd and upper l>attcries, which the los.o

. ostsiiiiu of tin* At Lee, llow.iuah, Wilderne*-. • and cori^ort6 sixm bUcnceti. To Reir .Admiral Pr

CLcrokce, A. D. Vaji -c. Anemone. Eilus, (let- ' Our men were at work at the gnc« five hours PkK Kading S<inadroD

t'xbuip, Aluliama, Kc'-stoue St i'"*. Btuslie*-,;

at;d clad to get a little rest. They came out of .-.nMin.vi. ri

Fjiuiia, IJllL'.n, Trl’-tsmShandT, Britannia. Gov.|

action with r-M*rr a contemjtt, for rebel bat- NorthbuckiccasRi. and Naikscinond; I

trries. .and anxious to renew the baule in tlie Um it.o SvtrKs FPn-vious to making the attat k a torjfdo on a

' nioii:ing.. , .. Oke New

If.nre scale, writh an amount of powder on board,

- (C^ristma«A. all the transportsr.-vv..»i. T

-Jl'l-OM-dtolM-siiflK-ieui loexpl-)dethe»>owacr arrived, and General Butler sent Generalmag.-izines of tbe fort, was prepare! with great '

•"‘I the programme ^*1^caic and pla<^ under the command of Com- -

for the da> . It was decid^ that we should at- «.- !...i ,,i,phtmander A. C. KLind, who had Associated with

I h^e ordl^ed thehim on this perilous service Lieutenant 8. W. I

“"d a«ti>wlU.-d them, Ifitossible. under our heavyand till i

Preston. 2d Aeeislant Engineer A. T. E. Mnllan,j

•“«-. , re adv for another atu

of the United States steamer Agawam, anJ -\ct-j

gnniioats. under command of Cap*.with this m

ing Maflcr’s Mule Paul ^vdeu, aud seven men.; J’'}**^'*’*

tlie troo^ and aj;yl-]*tJJ.npi.mentfl

6o mm-h had l«en said and wrii*.en tGiut the'* «‘tli them I'^ts in landing the soldiers Find- ‘

tejrible i ffccU of gunpowder in an cxplosiouthat liapi>ened lately in Eugland. that great re-

sults w ere eim-ctcd from thi' novel mode ofmaking war. Everything that bigenuitv caulddevise w-as adopted to make the exiicriment afueet-ss.

The vf».sel wa> bionght around from Norfolk

Ing the smsller vesNels kept loo far from theheath, which was quite bold, I sent in theBriM)klvn to set them an example, which thatv« tsel di*, relying, as every commander should,on the information I gave him in relation tothe scmridings. To this number was added all

the small veavls that were covering along tlic

with great care and w itlioul accident, in to-a- of I*‘*'*^f* ftcii finally I sent some eight or nine

Ike United blates steamer 8 .^saens Lieut.-Com- ve-seL«. that were a< ting under Coraminderro.apder.T. L. Davis, who dittx-tc! his whole at-

' *»i euoeavoring to find a way acroBs tbe

Ublion to tlte matter in hand, and though he ' * huiftlr<>d small boats to land

1 xjtcricnced »«:uie bad weather aud k»st one of ' the trooj>« with. Besides tho.'^;, the armv w.as

LL mddi-rs. lie to<;k her safely into Beaufort,where h<- filled her up with jxiwder, and per-fected all tbe maehinen- for Wowing her np.Gen. Butler h.ad ariived at the rendezvous bSs-

f irt- ns, and 1 ha-Uned maUers all that I could,

r <' ihiit no iimK-cesctiry delay uiinht l>e laid to

my charge.On.tl-el.'<th iiistar.l. I sailed from Beaufort

with ail the .Monitor-. New Irousi.lcs, and smallvcr.-als. including the I.ouidr.Da. di-gui-'cd as ablockade-nitmer, for th** reudezrous twentymiles ta-st of New Inlet. X. U., and found all thelaiger \cssei- and iran-;ort? a—eiubled there,

flic wird blowing light from the N. F,. On the20th. a hca»» gale .«cl in fnmi 8. W., and notIcing able to make a p»on without ficattering

all the vessels, I dcicnuincd to li.lc it out, >••arking.

already provided with about twenty more.At 7 A. M., on the 2.'ith, I ni.ode signal to get

under way and form iu line of battle which wasquicklv done The order to attack w;is givenand tfie Irmsid'^ took po-IMon in her u^util

hanUsv.me st^le, the monitors following closeafter her. All the Tc«rels followed aceordlng toeider, and took position without a shot lieiiig

fired at tiiem.wxct]’tlng a few shot-> tired at thefour la.st vrssids th-it g< t into line.

Tl e firing tliis day was slow, only sufilcientto fimii-e tbe enrmy winlc the .army landed,wbkh l; i.'. wc-.e doing five miles to the ea-'t oflh<- fi< et.

I supi'c,-e sbo"t three thousand men ha I

Ifiiultd. wl.eu I was notified they were rc-cm-

j.-"l Uit-ir l»'<H'< r T.Miil.-

'-.I to. w 1 rf.IL 1 Tl»il *.

»•«' fin tLi vt>'l -«

V.,tolUi hiaukr. I..''il « >1. ^

MT.h. It u «f O;.

which I did. without any a-’i i'Vnl of anv kindexm-pf tlir U'-.'i of a liw an hors. t’>e Monitorsiind -..11 tieliaviur lieauUfnllv.

Only two ve.-.scl? w*nt to rea to avoid tlie

gab-, ind fatvil no letter than those at anchor.

I could see our soldiers near the forts recon-noitring and • harp-«hooimg, an ! was iu liopesan assault w ns deemed pracilc.able.

G« n. Wci'zcl in jerson. wa.- making olisorva-tions tiht.ut six hundred ' ards off, an-1 the troop.s

I Li'transiorks iK'ing short of water, put into|

>»;p.rc in und around the works. One gillint

fi. M. It. n \ s. Ain •... l*iw.

Ai iiH.Ja*. ftt. Eo^hcr. Ki'L: . A Asi-ut lur MwU-oa rmi.itv,

JuUi •• J. 1. » . s-H. .b. »!.'• . A’--, lit U- .s.f iby -

C. Matt. A^i!'! <- tWi.'... .A n* s>i

Jti4*i W. r. i’v.-.-*. .A.;, r.l furMancn, ASU o,

t<->4 ftt'V»Mm.iiHtK>sF. D. ! i.-K' I. r.i i.-fc*!. A-,nt f.» rouDU *

» «Tt of ? .1.. • »• r •

tv I. f;0> , U '• -Ao c’ *3 lUJUrd ro-citr.

.1 U. li*- M". S' -I 'ia ' A . iit Hu Mirit***.!!- r> ci.,cit,-.

lit-fi’n-1. I i '.iti. K' ri'{*ri!t"WU. Aactit s-r lixnjio “

i. It f till. . I» . i» - . A ••lit lor frill, uil. u ‘‘

.A-i’iit tiJT Ainmrd 1 IW A A .U.:.-- Uj. i>t* . .Aefiit t<w Ain-Tird » . i I n-j

mill munii.-a. I

K I IV tM U.K- . A . lit I •• r.. I

K.i l.s J l.itt! ' )l ' -ir ‘ f Ai- 'iil Ic kt'..i.k.i



f. II Br I*:- Ut- • A. '.* f. Hsufork c .’ * .

Hri'iT M... A * • ->.'* A.'.-.tliii rYi.*i*"»‘d

AA'.K - — I 1 « " - !..r 11. Aji iit >* S—Sl ^I

Ju» PsVf'ii f’n a* *: . 1 t ia I! >ui-ls.i i

J t i.Ii.i.'.S. 1 •> ilii-*dau -

*.' IV L* V’ U i A^u lie t i.rirtGn “

|A !• = » I

.liab-' .1 s. n. ;.1 < '•1*. A J- ot f'-r Ti ir* - I

D o A ta I .

»t I. t U.1 A. KiJ.As IV I i.lNf.

- c'.ii..'. *.4 '"i !» I A It iiir s.


FioUrtst&t Episcopal C2iarch

ftebool fer Eoimg Eadics.




V.Ai.ss; I-..; J t'Hij 11 AND MiirH

JOL±^ SIMXIn ju irt-'-.Pi \i # .

« Ms.l. - '.s i -1.1- I

I. w j1> I<‘ •

I li* .4- . * .*

UMT; KLftV.ARKUOU.sr*1 i.l-.l CII4 >i:.ili. wti. eer III- Ini'Ud* Klui tUr I’ iblic.

D :.nfc;t1. N. C., and were not -uilahle for riding

tint at am lior such heavy weather..\f:er the f.juihw ester the wind ehoppe*i

oioitni to the w*?-iwanl. and ga\c us a treauti-

li.i -lell of wtatlii r. wliiih 1 eouM not afford to

lo.‘c. ami, the tmn-{ ort< with the troops uotmal ing ilu ir apjefcran-v. T d- tcrminel to takeadvantiige ot it, aud altael; Fort Fiihcr aud its

outworks.On the 2"d I dirt -ted Commvndt.r Rhird to

pn-cecd -and explode the \es-«.-l right iind'.-r theiali“ of Full Fi-licr, Mr R-iir.n'd. of the

oflicer, w ho-o name we do not know, went onthe parapet and lironght aw.iv the rebel d ig we1 ad knocked down. A .-oldier went into lUoWorks and led out a hors<', killing the ord.?rb-mounted on ’:1m and taking his de-;i.atches fromthe Uidy. Another soldier fired Ills miisk<rt Intothe G-nili-proof among the rel>els, and eight orter tJher - w ho had \-cntured near tlie forts werew ounded fy our sliclls.

Aa ti e -aiii munition gave out t!ic ve--»l« re-tired from action, am', the ircn-cl ids and Min-r i‘Ola, O h.railo, aud Sas«|m;hat)na wer.i or-

C«w-; Siiire', having gone in at night and a.s-' *’^H-d to o|en niiidly. wlilcb tliev did with siicii

• eni.rr.f d tliai wc e.-wi'd ploie a vesin 1 „{ sevi.-u it .vemi-ti to tear tin- works to pieeea

«eti dralt tight ob the calg<- of theG ucli; Lieut. leaving the innt-clads to|

j: 1L Lam^o: . i-omiu .iidiiu *. -ttvehurg. A’ol-' ‘hioucli the lugU. expel ling the trooi*s


Ttntcc d to go in wuli the \Vilderoc.-s, Acting !*1“', nwruing, wlien we would

.T,a<-t«v Hi nrr Aver', iu c-numand. and tow the ^ received word fruni Gen.

Loii;-iiM.a into i-ositioo. Laving a-sisU-..! in the ''tit^d infoTtnmg me that it was impracticable

,:.h in lakiitg care of the Lti.ibiana after she to a.-sftnlt, andJ

.icrew'llh Inclo-H.' a letter fivm

mmI ih. .VantmotidClhc vt--cl ha.in.g her in ' V*n kT withdraw-o.w . bad bs-t all their anchor.-. . ’'’V'

l**;'! '-, ^ in-1^ my aniw.T.

At haJI-Tasi ten P. .M. Hu miwder vc-s,jllombardmuit of the 2-Mh the mon

-l-.:Ud In l'..w-arit the Ur and w..- l..vved bv tb".

tinng sluwlv for seven hours.

W dc-im.- .- til Ll.c • ml lu-nr, . of Foil Fi-hcr ? ' ',“l'*c of gitnr on the n|.i>cr

'.rire ;1..:; 'o ,n The VVilJerno.* I'u-n i

u fn .r.g on the vc.-i^-Ls, hi'ting s un.' of

.S t (*1 and the L .ui-una pnK'cedcd im l-r ^G' o’/' v. rnltimea wit hoitt doing ninehdamagi'.

-ti .ri* wl-hia twu !•mdred ' .ir-Ji. from the-|

'h-’ \V.-.l.a h toid Powhat'.n »K?ing wttbm theT

mo.UHi.usG .III. uriiuiid-edL will the Ibii.,

’Mce. tic f’.jeTt femuej inainU U. clt>aMe

t u- :u..r..Itf itl. igl a-.cboud her -e*-ur. Iv ,

tin m, hut a i.ap;d frr ^oon cU«u-l them ni..

il e-e, ai deo. :iv wi !.l to wot k to in:.ke aU his I

Fvf-rMbhrg wvis coolly i.- * systematicnllv done

anang< lotKi.s to f.low luv -ap. This he wa-j

I|>voulIi' nt theday, and I wtlnc -^jd somu biai i-

< nn' icd to ri.i, owinv to a liioekade nii.ner go- tllul praetke., , ,. , ,

irg in right ahead ot him. ttic forts inakiug the < -The arinvr-oimrencr-d Ltulingaboiii o clo.-k,

I mg in rigui aneoc or aim. inc ions maKiug lac ' ,, 7 , A a V. ^ , Vfd<Akaden:nncj -k ial.-. whi.lilhe. aLio did U) !

the Santiago do Cuba, hay-

- tbe lioulsiana ' tf'J **helled Hag Poird Batterx’ to insure a s.afc

THft. I»lT;K- e'rfiAIVrAOM:yMALL MTLL BKr«Miiiir4. ‘.nei Uir 4 i> : i..** T*r.«ti«*n. Mi TltVliA- I

tiA\, Juiurj > r iCiM. S'lS t.-* c*>ip«iwti.i<i d*T.ire M !

'all th*- wnTiti. r e: •*• '.r ra.ruiuM to tin* »up<'- •

4- iMlitiTT It- t. ti'!> i-v ' uM IUmou. ft ediic-tuunpr^.|

ai'uWaW 4t** tSi-cuot. Ill* lA. w uioM h.-a'.tufuL|

*1*! tt r riu- of Um; li -U .u UM uiwL-t of oruaMei.tydHti.U*. eirht u.U • bag arre* in eAt*-iit. n>*w4 bi-auti;'iil


« a atriwVi**. Tb* b.ii'dii'c* arc haMaoina aud can-|

• .idHSM. toT-iod liii.s.i.U .it l>r ateaio. and eouihtnuic i

-I'lhr I. •e.m-T rT*iaMii. lor ttie lu-attU aud CAmfoit *s I

.... luiRtl* 1 b«- .iwai 'i.-c b" i.rmt’ral at.d ttuirau.li, !

rdtb* ti.r*ilt'. tiTirt*-.-n in ii..i:.br! -dlwi-if iisltd lur |

alM|ftl|i alio rxiT'ev-tiCe. 'Iiw- |.tiU.iT«],ibtcal and Chr.'iii- i

Ano'Ktu* » '»'i. - f .d • *r. and 1

-.1 .car s ei"^ *-l .»bi>. Muio-eujw, Tel. n-. I

i « I . -<1 ,1 Marfui..-. ’i i <- ruiTi- claaa^n acrmrapl.-h-[

.-»»ii ,n >! .-.( Pi-i'^ l‘r*«ii:r. UraVir. i4*r-y,



a .i-i\f e»^Ttiil ati* i.'.:'.:i. 'U.r d:iir*H:u*a ir fim .ind

\ -T '.^ II bi .11^ Ui.' r n* U.i- K"*e.Illuiad 10

Xl\-r:J »tJ.< • it..' ei'i-irii WV.-K1,;.' o I” i " IVM.-rfic, 'Oil fnition, CM

e w^ •* V f- .•"j.rl}' IP nd' »iKO.

ri* . ; i . r.cd iuAirl..*U-iu .ulun'm*1.1 UltiJr 111 K'.<l KT. ». *4

•.iJb-.t M'1-4*. Uie Usil.

ing shelled Flag Poird B'itter>’ to insure a s.afc

I'lcdlne. and thev eommented to re-cm’iarkThe gullaiil purf -, .ifier o^*olly m:.king all i

' 'ciimE',

eO‘nn|''nvca lo re-cm larK

tlnir arrar.giiM.iiL> tor the e.xp! issoii, left llic i

'‘Ut ’ o clc-tk. the n eat h -r coming an thn k. ...... . . .* . . I I'rtdl CHClirV AfaTini tc rtnAArlA ttrofn I* n r^n flrn

AMai-i, the 'a.--t thing they did lieing to set heron fire under the ('ahiu.

’ Then, taking to theirluiH'v-. they niadr their ex'aiie off to the Wilder-iici". Ijii'g ckisc b>. Tl 'Wildomes. then putoff -In re with g..od sjiceJ. to avoid anv ill ef-

k-iU- that iidgLl h'l; j*en from the exjdo'iou..At fo-tv-Cve mlrrnes past i.iie of the morniugof ti.i 24th Uie explosioD took plate, and the.-bexk wiu- nothin,; like eo severe as whs expe-«d. It shoi'!'. the ve*?el some, end frwko oticiw two L'ltsise but noiP'ng more.

2.t dfc' light on th'' 21th, 111.' g-d n*id**r

wav. and sioovl in. in Jiiic of l>attlc. At ll;.ti

.A M . th« sigTifi* wr* til ide lo eng'ii;<' the f irts.

.'-.nd raiiiv. Al*r»nt a britade were left on tbeiHtaeh dm ing the night, eove'-ed by the guu-Is afs. As our frooiis landed slxlv-flvc rdelsoldii-i^ hoisted the wlilte fiag and delivered11.emit Ives up, and were taken prisoiu rn bv tlie^

seamen landing the tr'iops, and conveved to thet'anti«'go do Cuba. Two hundred and eightei-n

mc>re gave ihcrascli'es u*i to the reconuollriug

jarty. all G-irg desirous to quit the war.

I don't! reti-nd to pn’. mv r.pinioii in <ij>piial-

Uon to tlu't of tJencial Weit 'i'll, who is aihoK.nch .soldier and an able eii'^'ini .'r, and» bos*' burinese it is to know m irc of as-aultingliiOi' T do, bt;« I cnti't heir tlcnking th . . it wai

il.e Trr'V.-'ir’i-;' ’••v’ing. and ti.e M.>in In K'k, Can- |w'l r h while to makr-tiie utieuipl alter eoining

'.ui- i.- and M -ii'-; .if f illowing. T»‘e Iron.-i i.-s ! ao far.^o far.

i k 1 ,'C.' I'O-iiion i:, th. mo>i l.'autlful and ^ea-j

Alx-' i 12 c c!o< k. I sent in a lelachiiieiu of

i...>i T' c ttf'r t:^ r. got aiT spUir.goiit, atjd opi-nclJ

dieibie i tiderp under foinmiiiiJcr ./i.Iiii fluent,

ri» lila f..U- f -e i n the f'>;t w'.Mi w i- fi'lng ..I to sf« if I '••.uIJ ( ffe t an i nl'-oi' c thr utgii the

her * ’.'h v'l it> L~te.>. wld L did n >l c -:a ii'Jtu > .

* 1 ;n tu'l Tl><- gicat tiuiulier of wreck- in uii I

n In ti - n< rtlit'i 1 fw -v fTiongh we e<'Uwb'J id'Cnt the t ar. Lai ibar.grdthcwholcf.uuia-"A -ipj '-an d r . iw' -ev.-nteen uui.- ; but fmr tioit, and w'iC'c the Original elianml wao. wci t I 1 :>J t: c-:; ware ii'e-d tbit direc^ijn, Ic/t.i i .a s. allow lurrd;..'r’'-’t 'ilnirid ;diiii.-t a- >o > i a- the I • i

* Lh-.i1. M' il C'nshing In to - >n:i i nn<l

Ip .''-iji s ojs '.<'r ten it:,' t..a'terv. i

f ai(,Tx>ut n chaiitiel if he could find one. w ith

T. - t*ir-n ' o'.k h'-r p'j-Iiion in ' ordir-to tomai:indei Gne.-l pj drag for t<*r|>e-

liHtii'-i tec st >, .>nd her g..ns. a!u r g'.'lting thej

*3"‘ ^ and I'C ready to run in b' tlic bii '' s wiitii

ru.i/f vero lin.'d with r^i idity. <• bile the M'»-|

crdcitd. * ‘ *»•»-I.kar f ' .I' r an! •!>• iMgc ve-a^-ls m nke l One l'0 :.t G-lotiging to the I'aeonv was sunko'l tin : '..I fi.‘. t'j tiicii rt.itions, all tiring t > I •'} a -l.el’, and a mar: Ii:m1 his b-gctu off. /till

co.er ti'. ni-s v( s whib- uiH'horiug. BvthetiiiJ 1ll.c> .-tuck to th< t w>rk until ' rdeied to wiih-

tLelasl.'I the large vc«uc'.> am horel sn.l g-il I draw for other dut>. In coucinsioii. allow lua

I’ fir lutu-Ii's I’ n, but one or iwiguus


to d'cw > our attention to the t'ond'ueloff'om-of the I TK-niv -*iru fired. thl>

‘/* w >r rrf<,

"jirrnder Rhind and I.lent. ITcsUm. Theven-

dtivii g then* :»ii fr, t!u T l*onih-pus>f-. ' gaged in the most iaTilous adventure that 'vas

Tl.e small ^ vnlx^at- Kaii-a*. UnadilK, P --|

peiLaj'- ever tmderttk' n. and. though no mate-tuners. Pr'iilc .-at

,VauLii-. and Huron i

rial r. suit.- hat c taken place from th'c; effects offrkii.g a J-

-''.ion to tlie rf.ifthward and eastward illw- exph'-iou. that wc know of, -till it was not

of ttic monitor*, and enf'dairingthe work-.|

U eir fault

Tl.e FLcnandoalt, Tierindcrogn, M.ickinaw, A~ an lneer«ive to others. I b>:g leave to r .'-

Tarr'i'u and Vande hilt took i ffr-etive ji'Piii.ms I "ir.rarpd iheiij fer pn 'motion; al>;i tir.t of

a"' riisrk' don thr chart, and a-Jde.! their fire to I Lu-nt. K. II. Igtm6.>ii. wlio pilou-d theni in andthn! slnadx ‘>eg'Jn.


I'rouglit them off. Nooueinth ';'|uadr.>ncon-

T1 r-8aurl.'igii de t iibH. Flirt .La 'k-"5n. Oseeol'i, ' eidt red th.at tluir lives would lie oavc'i. and'we. 8 i--ri Hu sie Llatid Moniicclbi,


Us*l'l KLind nud LUtil. Prei'ton had made anl^nr kcT Otv, ;*nd losr-o dropiie;! itFo position !

arrangcriK'iif to sueritiee theinsclves in e.i»e theucr'r'fditig lo older. ;4iid the b:»ttle became gen- J vr-.u-rl was hoarded—a thing likely to happeu.

F UL !• 11 i t VU 1'©M sti* I'i ' I’ll-. 1; k; . isctcml 1(1 thU city by f hi' lisst

rirLlii' i:. IIi-


iip U'ls bi. wid ciiAoiucP M0. „ it ri*a CK«ll..iM. L-f rUick.

^ ^ O-AJFLO.V '

Vj sHACTLxr *k;x Aumirtt avd commh-61uN MKtU iiAiUTt wiil mrL Rit*! Mi .-xImui*

idMa a^ aii objcr i‘ro|>'-rt}*au tbr ,>n lu.-*. and la I

#«4i«m. luviki- laid tv(jvc jrewn’ iuuce. 1 L<v* 4*

T«crlTr« liberal {etioiwrre.

"(Ml**' ia Um.' iMr*' u« L*lor h AA'eriuer, emrorr of Ninthtfacasi-'ie Mps-t*. dls dliu*

.Vfii YrarV f aap UbrahFS.'PHI. ' Mn:i>sTA'.n.sCiiKisi'iANO<jftniiJiei IN.

1 in re^oiuM Ml nunw roo. aad carueW Irooi

-iirv*saM,<.bai'Utn., Mtu Utdutl'ioi-Ta. win roreiTe. tui-

wall* and pl.'icr miAi T -1 • rare of pp,n-l tibrarisii*. *li* '

TViot/eenn /-'vnr itvm' iM Forty Ogmt‘ and (iui*-

lAmt l.thrgt**- '‘i uts ft"' I'-'-a .nd lin>- TotuoMT each —il UirtrK'UiM ft "ur .* ai*d Miian w:il lurn-L:4

ili<-n to ite bp\!ictw«. or t" tbe Cci tntl Oflin, durini; ti:e

hotidai*. It *F but . MtiiJI luatter tar ei*rh p-OTchieer ot

holioar sftta ttir IrKbu* ..| butiH-. M, tm* a liantUotita a’ J. .,t Mwir 1*. hir irieud* iu ciu*i|‘ or liuep^taU w, ita

iiM Baiita fa tL end d: rcr Ml*' boakarUer lo arad it In UmOMiDiiMioa. It n ts i uuMtire pi,«Mre to hnudrodr•>f wine and D.uit.eiT t< uLe duwa tbe chatemt \otnme*Iraai Ue-ir le«>a-i»'iT .ud wnd ttien Uiii* wiiere tbeirtoTfd otuveas. rL..*. tf.< p'eaeure and pndU of peni.,Dftheoi .

Ivv.d nor.e but liir l.iV: our aoldieck diverre tiio

bml. IV' ataiMg-rd cow}' -lAa buibirwa. biorraplir. tr.T-

eU. r-Arnee. pmoir. tnas-sjunra. standard woHc* of ttotloo:

abaWrei. ill *Ik;1->.s wuii'.dliut nst9 tbc fhamliiT>*<ur owr. b.rSl.' r- i>*:.ii'i"d iritti a bri-keo licib, will beM«nitaf'**~. ** ' '' c !>.>»*•>' wortw. Korward lii<*

,wro(4 ta J. f. M .AhliY, ::;ts W. Main trocti orJ. 1 .. liAUitti r. lYraatuvr,

Citliu-u** Bmk, I*oaLtiUe.IFAAC lU ^=FLL. Srerutary,

Bo«k8 ! ihc Lises.• v*p Tri.i.r MiCaait. <

U*fai Bsttei* • ftt." let Ri-rt. I . R. ArUllerr.J7'a the U. A'. (AeiWMa UvmiiUMivm (V*

(''l.VI'U'fttV.N: tag; >nn perMit au uaiiT.-r, who i* a


I laraiiaer to yao, to xiv« ymmr bcucrataaoca isrwdiivalMai tar ti. U uidVl ot tba imidtorr

la paueinR atan* ihtr Liua. I £nd an aloMat total abmwr o4 midii« nialftiT. I know, for 1 trequentlr makeloauirtea tbat nuacidirf* waist bauk. and pspi'm. TIsome»ii IM trwd and p mw n tram hand In biu^ and tlusi

ammr and iiiMTrrt. nar. W'wefit tboumtida. much mo^I— anf Isofim Uaal D.is.lit be diMrlbaUid ta crattfr thdaloaiat*. Bouka. iiia*ar.ii>w. piriadicata. Uluntraled pa-M(a. and mWer llaneour madin* oTanj- L'ad. ao that it ia

not f-M ta w hat ther nm-d. to wliik' .war tbe boaia in thetn-wcMe. w-bdn (k« at work, llseat- ean raatlp be had,old ar new. w-tuolMV thr rift of tbe penarao. or thi' pnr-cbmr at tls* Csm.arirrson. TUe peepta "at tkr froDt"

m«d mwirthlrr a* well ai timae at Uw ‘itaae" af opera-

TroatiM 1 bavr not otrended, I nm, cmtlemra, verrrmmSSSr, poor vfh KTVt, L. L. LANtHION,

Oapinin 1*1 Axtiltarr.

F. fi, - XA bUr I war at Fort rickeot ia I'M, aaoMproUetnea aud kdiev at tke North, iinaetod bp ua aaut,BL an three different aneariona. bonv of book* eon-

tribu^ fraoi their cMeetiovm in tbr kima circle audOtar ArlTvo of puWiMrta.Oar aaldterr are notbersmni. hot idnor th^ can hr hod

•o aaaAfti and ttw man«r value of them wn||dmakr itactf

felt tnarv. M can hr no harm ta mmtion it-t^aa. L.«*Ktf

^ FROM THIS DAYAt R«4lace<! Prices,



rABTin TN NEF.D OP THS ABOYK WOKKwiffda watiftaajveaaeaoaahodorrpgrrhiAmalaa-

P. W. MBMZ,Isoulm-illr Iron Wntita.

nl aAmlmi. Onea at. hat aoomti mM Thicd.

i-mb In < i.e hour and fift -en minutes afterthe tir't -le t wa.> firi-d rot a shot came from


tl-i-loH. Two maga/.iiK-it iiad been blown up !

bv r.nr slicli'. anc the fort -el ou fire in severalj

platea. and auch a torrent of mi'»'»lleii tvetXj

ialling into and btii-ting over it that it wasIrni'T — ;blc frr anything linman to stand it.

Fibiiing ti.:.l tl.e liatleries were silenced coin-

IMelt . I tliret ted the ship- lo ki-ep np a mod-

iTate fire, in bojics ot Httr.vUng tbe atumti >n

of the tnmsf*ort« and bringing them In. AtHinsi't Gi ni-ral Butler came In. in hta tla''bhip,

will, a few ir»n>{X)rt« (the rest not Uaviug ar-

ritedfroui BtanfoiO.IWrg too iaic to do an> thing more, I sig-

nalled Uie fleet to retire for the night for a aa'e

am borage, w bidk they did w ithout being nva-

IcsKd by the cnetnv.There" were some mistake* m i>le this dav



k-11 lilt' ve-v-els went in to Lake p:isiiion. Mvplan of battle lieir.g based on a -curate ealeiil-.u

tlon. and made fnuu informailon to lie r. lied

on. was placed in the haii'b. of eacli O'Siumand-er, and It seemed imiKjftsiblc to go usUwy If It

WHS •-trietlv followed.

1 req’jlri-d tlitisc ves-el- that had ii'il foll'iwe l

it closely to get under wny and A<wnme their

pmi«r jiosltion.-. which was done promptly aniwltlKiut confusion. Tlie ve->els were place!K-mewlial nearer to tbe wi>rr«, and were, able

to throw in UidrslieJL w tilt h were before filling

into the w.-aer.

< h.e or two leading voecls having made themist.'ike of nnehr-ring too far off, eanseii tho-ceoiiiiug after Iheui to connuil a like error; butwIku they all got into place and commencetlwo?k in tamest, tbe «howcr rrf’ ahell(lir> pi.T

loll ntO was irretdstible. 8o (juieklv were theem ni> 's guns -ilecei-dthat nsit au officer or manwas iti.inrid. I rcgrcL howcvir, to have to re-

Hirt ta ine K-vere caMiidties by the bnratlng oflOO-i-ounder Parrott eoiinou.

< me bnrri on board tbe Ticonderoga, killing

six of the en-w. and wonnding seven others.

Allot! er lAjr-l on board the Yantic, killing oneofficer and (wo men. Another un tbe .Jnniaui,

killiiM.; two offieera, and wounding and killing

t«-n others. Another on the Mackinaw, killing

ore t.flleer and wounding CveotherP^mfii). An-oUier on the (^aker City, wounding. I believe,

two or three. An-Hher on tlie Susquehanna,killing and wounding acven. I tliink.

Tbe bursting of tbe guns (six in all) much dL*>

concerted the crews of tbe vessels when ac-

eldent liaiqiened. and gave one and all a greatdistrust or the Parmtt lOO-pounders, and (as sub-sequent eve-ms proved), thev were unfit for ser-

vice, aud otkiilated to kill more of our mentlian those of tbe enemy.Some of tbe veasels were struck once or twice.

Tte Madiinaw bad her boiler perloratod with aabell, and tefl or twelve persons were badlyscalded.Tbe Oftccola was struck with a shell near her

DiagaziDe. and was at one time in a sinUng cun-ditir«. but ber efficient commander stopi^ npthe leak, while tbe Maekinaw fought out tbebuttle. DotwiihsUnding tlie damage she received.

The Tantk' was tbe only vesael that left the line

to report damage*.Commander John Guest, at the east dnd of

the line, showed hia usual intelligacoe in •elect-

ing bis position and direx-tlng hi* fire. Twicebis gum oot down tbe flag-ataff oo the MoundBattery, and he silenced the guns there in a veryshort time, tbe KeyMone 8iate and t^oaker Cityco-opemting effectively.

LtratenanuCominaodcrJ R. Dayia. with bothrod^rs disabled, got Ms vetwel (the Baaeacus)

into dose action, and assisted materially in

•llendng tbe works; and the Santiago de Cubaand Fort Jackaon took auch poeilioM aa theyoould get (owlng'^ other veaaels not formingproper Hoes and throwing them ont of place),

and fought (heir guns well. The taking of anew i<aaitk>n while nuder fire, by the BrtwUA’Band Coiondo, was a beautilhl aigbt, and when

away from tbe panrjet the tlag of ths fort.

I Tills was (lone while the shells of the nav-v

were falling about the heads of the d.aring menwho entered the work, and It was evident, rs

foon a.> tbe fire of tlie navy ceased L(»eansc of

the (iarkntss, that the forr w;ts fully nrtnne 1

again, and opened with grape and canister tih ucur ^ icket line.

Finding that nothing but the operations of i

regular siege, which did not come within iry

instructions, would reduce the fort, »nd in vie'V

of the threatening aspect of tbe weather, windarieii'g from the southeast, rendering it impo*-sihle to make further landing through the snrf^

I caused the troops with their prisoners to re-

embark. and tee nothing further that can Ledone by the land forces. I shall ihersfore sail

for Hainpton Roads aa aoon as the transportfleet ean be got In order.

My engineers and officers reiAort Fort FGherto iric as substantially uninjured as a defcnsivework. I have the h(»nor to lie,

Verv rcspec-tfullv, vour obedient servant.‘ BENJ. F. BUTLER.

Major-General Commanding.To Rear .Admiral PoirrKK. Commanding N. .A.

PkK'kading Squadron.

HMiRAi. roKTETt’t Br.ri.y.

North Ati.astw S*ir.Annnx.)UM'iT.ri Stacks Fr .ao Siiif Mai.vk.i;r,

Oky Ntaw Inlkt, Die. ‘26, 18fi4.j

GrsurAi.: I beg leave to acknowledge the re-

ceijit ot y our letter of this date, the suhstaii<-o

of which’was communiiaited to me by treneral

Weitzel last night.I liavc ordered the largest ve«sels to prex-eed

off Beaufort, and till npwith ammunition, to beready for another attack iu case it is decided to

proceed with this matter by making other ar-nin cements.We Lave not commenced firing rapidly yet,

and could keep any rebels inside from showingtheir heads until an assaulting column wa.s

w ithin twenty yards of the works.I wi<h some more of your gallant fellows had

tollowcd the officer who took the flag from thei>ara]K:t. and tbe brave fellow who bnmght thehorse ont from the fort. I think they wouldhave found it an easier conquest than is sup*po.Hd.

I do not, however, pretend to place mv opin-ion in oi'iKwltlon to General Wetzel, whom I

know to be an accomplished soldier and engi-not r, and whose opinion has great weight withme.

I will look out that the troops are all off iu

safety. AVe will have a west wind j.reseiUly,

and a smooth beach about three o'clock, whensufficient lioats will lie sent for them.The prisoner, now on hoard the Santi.igo do

Cnba AAi’l be delivered to the Provost Marshal.at Foitre'^s Monroe, unless you wish to takeiheni c>n board one of tlie transporiK whichwould l>e iner<n*enieni just now.

1 n main. General, rcsneetfully.

Your olietlieut servant.

DAVID I) PORTER,Rear Admiral.

To Mnjor-Gnieral B. F. BoTi tn, Command-ing, itc., <ke.



Commander A. C. Khind coneludes his rc-

Ioit as follows:

The following offi .'crs and men manned the|>owdcr Uiat:

Commander A. C. Rhiud.L’euUnaiit S. W. Preston.Ecioiid As-isiant Engineer A. T. E. Mullan.Master's Mate Paul Boy den.Frank I.ue.as, cox.swain.

W'm. Garvin, captain forcca.>Ue.

('has. J. Plbl'er, gunner's maU*.John N( il, quarter gunner.liobl. )Ioii* goiuery, eaptaiu afterguard.•fas. Kolierls. seaman.t'Lns. Hawkins, .seaman.Dennis Conlan, seaman.J.ts. 8ulIiA-an, ordinary .-e.anmn.

V.’m. Iliuut'gan, sceond-tJajs tireumn.( has. Hite, eual lieaver.

Ti e crew were all volunteers from myo.vuvessel, tl e Agatvani.

Tl.e zeal, italicnee, aud endurance <>f officers

and men wcreiinsuq'ass‘'d,aad I Iielievono oili-

cer could have been In tier supported. To Lieut.

Laui-on. Mr. Bradford, and the offm-ers and nienof the W ilaerri's.*, weueiude.bled for the mc:ins( f (.'taj e; and Iroui the (ir.-t start from NorfolkA 1* L-aU' retciviil even de-iied a-.-l.'tun.'e. Thevt stl w:’.': low ed to Wiluiingloii bar b\ the Sus-.';:ttti-. 1 .'t ut. C onmiaiuler J. L. DavL-t. who gavetn r.l a'} lime- a eordi '.l siq port. The Ta-jonv,Lau;. Ui mri'M der Tru\ti,n, -cut u* .a relief

< rew ufu . liie g.i'c. Bjih vca-els fiirui-'.iuJ usa lout.

I'.T >iM .V. Ai .MAT.AMOr..A-i.— W'e tuke the fol-

lowing from the Matamcras Monitor of the

Frr.!, tier, of I\*c. ed:

C('U.mir( iidjy, Matainora- Is a i.iui. G.jod>H.-e ( ( uiing iu by eargoe*. and they arc goingout ju t as fa.-l. luii'orlcrs ojx a with new


large, and wtll-seleued stocks to-day. ami theyclose v.t» betorc the w<H*k Is out, and sub 1 .


tbepremitts. The demand is ext;-aordiiiary, andIartics wlio k.a\c btvn j rt dieting glut for

uionlLs past areal the t-iul of the prupheU, audri fuse to pa.'S an opinion upon the e.ii>.aeity ofthe market. Tlic waiehotucs at Higdad arclull, the .'teamkoats arc full, the w'agou train.s

rre lull, aud yet new wareLousca are iu dcm.uidevt r'. dav. Building goes on as rapidly as theI, ! iff: makers and tke limber mert bants canfiitnl'-lj the matei ial, and carpenters are ham-nierit'g awi'A at all manner ot shanties nightand day. Fe* eign sigrisarool>»ervable in pi Mv.i

w 1 1'te uiuha boused three years ago. ami build


itig h>(s are things not to l*e had liar love orluoi iy. Buyirs have nu extensive range toI t ep the run of if ibev -eek to keep p i.-ted onh!l the bargains that are offered in M d on vra-.

t t;ton bx- been dull for the l;i.-t two works atII I'.th rtdu'. ed J'llct--. having fallen from lOe. to


Baltics have L.id tlicir .-auiplcs on table furj

days at ICc all earli, wl'.hoiU lakers; aud i* wa.s

; i;(usly uiqiubcndtd at one lime that the

j1rite wcmld recede lo ;sk'. This decline w;is


atl'ibutal'b first to the unf.worablc stale of thefon ign u aiket.-, and>eeondIy, tixJhe .'tcareily ofmot ey in thL- market. In otir finundal review,


we Lave givuj the rea.>on lor the tlnam-kd pre.<-

snre, and w-c need only add iluit tlicse n asoash'.Ae alTceft d our cotton market. However, we1 tidcr.'Tard that tht re is a slight reu'-lion fremiif.ro' d : and under tlmt relaxation cotton r.U-

llcd -llglitly . sail s having been made within .-*

dry i-r iv o as liigh as This w.as a limitedRud very siqx-rior sample, however, tuid boughtft r the Spanish market. Wr hope the staplewill coDtliiue to rally until the must sanguinetrader will l>e sa:l.-fled to sell. AVe c|UOle as tkenilir g raSes tiTC^Bfr. Thc'c 1* bnt liltk' dlscrim-liiution Hsed in buying (Ndton here, un!. tlicre-

foie, tlierc is a Atry small difference in the priceof the inferior and sujie'ior grad* s. The stockin hand is Inci -asing rapidly, as the receipt- i>er

L:: V are ah ut .“lOO hales.^ .

Dry-g« ckis have reach^ a pay ing figure. Culi-

ros tin selling at 15Vt/'22c , domcsllca at 27(<r,t7c.

fiT upblesi'.lHNl and 2.'ifrr;:ic. for bleached: impe-rii- '.s ISe : denims 2.V. ; bed-ticking aud hicko-ry 2.'',(i'.V>c. ; sat nets are abimdaxit, and rangeIn m 60e (oi^2 00 ; kt rs« y b are out of the market;flannels f.oe (><§^1 (Kt. There arc no Btuck.s ofFier.eh prints in the market, and whole patU-rusthen are sehing readily at 373*^0. Shoe.s are uotiu very' grent demand, as half the very tine andthe very worse lently hoots and shoes are con-siderably inquired after for the retail trade andfor the wholesale market; iesi>eetable uegrocs.-K>11 at the most reiuaueratica rates. K xits #02idi'75 jar pair, and shoes JtOqrJW, Commoni-k'l. Ladies’s gaiters f 2Sf<r ji;7, children’s .>hoes

$+(,/{ 15. Koi>e and liagging 21(i<2;lc.


P.AMixci ConxTKtKFKiTS.—The Oswego Com-mercial, of Saturday, save:

Witliln the pn-ff week some 2>2ft(t iu cyiutiter- I

tell f.vc-doibr bills (-n the Buffalo City It.mk

have Keu passed to ditferent bu-sinev-s men in

Ibis city, ai d (lUr policemen have L>eeu on thealert to detect the parties engaged in passingthem. Yesterday sfiiwnioon a mautiumed J;i.*.

Iton.-e. fM'i/x Morrison, af/nt Rich, was arrested1 D fi niplfcint of Charles O. Bradshaw, for hav-

*ing in hi;* iioss^sion -and Issuing bills of thekind nunticrifd above. He was held for trial


Brudsl'uw . tl e compluinant, was also arrestediiod held for examination on the elnarge of j>as.s-

h'g tl e same kind of paper. Another partvMU

J('('ted of beii'g largely engaged in lhl.-< hii.-'i-

i.ess, has w Lely left the city. The bills—suchof Ihtni as we liHA'c seen—«re printed iiixjp a(fiRise, rcddlwh paper, and their “feel*’ and geu-enil appiRraixe would at once excite snspidenuuK'Ug thoe wiio are uccounlcd goi»d jud-ges ofmoney.


I inclose herewith tl,e report of f •mnrn;iM'l.-r«'' «niug at iHf.-'V.'c , liomcsitcs at 2,(.<‘,t,c.

Rhind. with the namc.> of the gallunt fell-u- >f«;r upbM;..hc<l and2.Vrr;Hp. forIdcached: itnpe-

wL'O volui^ercd for tilts desiicmte ervioe, .\1- 2.»e. ; bed-tn king and blcko-

low me :s'^ to iiieiuion the name of Mr. Br.il- ly 2.,(i'.».>c. ; sat nets are abiiiiduiit, and range

foul, of the Co:ist Snrvev. who w out i a aud ff< m^ ktrs«y Bare out of the market;

sounded out tiie place wli(*rc the lAiui-iuna was flannels f.oe (Kt. There arc no st-jck.s of

to go in. Slid lits Rlwtiys putientiv jierforined Ft eneh ]irlnls in the markeL and wTiole patterns

cvcTv duty liC hiii< enU^-d <m tu earn* oat. lo*-u are ttLing readily’ Shoes are uot

Vv thunks RI" due to Lleutcnant-Cosnmandcr gvent dianand, as halt the very fine and

K. R Brwse, Fleet Ciq.t.ain, I.n- eatTAtug about 'ep are eon-

my orders to tiie fleet during the .action, and for siderably inqmrcd after for the retail trade and

his general usefulness; to IJeutennnt-Comm.ia- for the wholesale market; iesi»eeUbb‘. negroes

der II. A. Adams, for his j'romptm-is in sapph-- m(*t reiuaneralme rates. B jots til-

ing the fleet with ammunition; lieutenant Si. J’^r ^^“ijnon

W. i'taiideia, signal c.fli< er, wliose whole time ekl. ^dies s gaiteia f ('Lildren s .>hoes

was (xx'tipied in making signal*, i>erformed his c+("vH'. Roi>e and lagging 21(<<2,tc.

dntv well; and mv aid*. Lieutenant S \A'. Ter-ry lind Llbutcnant 8. W. Preston, afforded me P.assi.xo Conxn-tKFKiTS.—The Oswego Com-TuJuable as: l-tance. mereial, of Saturday, says:


* ri-ceiAcd a li«t of the (..a*u:iltie^,Witljln the fm-ff week some 3f2fih iu coutiter-

l«il lK h« ve jer’- ‘rom the enemv s,


, bills ».n the Buffalo Ciiv It inkLotus Me Lad kilk^ and wounded a^ui fiirU - ^ ditrennt brnsinev-s men inLao i treous by the ntr.-ting of the ParrOit

ai d our policemen have Iceu on the

4 . t. 1 . . .1 n- alert to detect the parties engaged in po-ssliigI mi.-t nr. rn.lt to pav a tribu e to the offi ers „ Yeste-^dav ahNrnoon a man Humed J;i.*.

ai d crew oi the momtore-riding out bea-.y,17,« Morrison, ahn. Rich, was arrested

n>plftiLt oC Charles O. Bradshaw, for hav-er.mi k.ir.ng of the want <i| wnnfort, win l»#

juj, ji, hj;* ]>osi^sion and Issuing bills of themust have n vr n Fcri-uiH.^ T hey have shown

nunti.'r.ed above. He was held for trial,^-giee . 1 fortitude Mid p<;r*evi;ranr'e •-cldom

Brudsl-aw. tl e compluinRuf, was also arrestedw itnmed^r '•*>‘1 W examination oi the charge of pa-s-*-

hr elr^ work wi.k plcaRure, and the effect of^

**’3,!,*^MI r,\ r siisj ('('led of beii'g largclv engag(d in this hiiii-

T l.e hdlowing arc t he name* of the Comma..-, biUs-such

(*en., and I hope I shall ever ke<q. them under „p ,,e"havc *een-Me printed uixjp aniA eon mano.

„ raiRTse, rcdiliwh paper, and their “feel*’ and geu-C< n'H'ander F-

J^ott- commanding Mon-

j j,, ^ w ould at once excite enspidenadiK^k : Con^marder E K. Lalh >im; Mimiu.uid- „ur,,.„jr th<>e w iio are uccountod goi»d jud'ges ofIngSaiims; I.lciilennnt < ommauder George E. oiievBelknap, coimimniliiig ranoniens ; Lieutenant '

Comm.inder L. .A. Putter, (-onim iuding Maho- POl’l L.AR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT‘

“TTicreare aMul one tl.ouFand in* a left on , .

shore by the armv who have not been got off “St""yet. on eeoonnt of the surt on the beach. These i oi iuHthut 44.<«<l 443*6 4&7W SS.4.V4

"will le got off in the morning, and the soldiers D- lawiire Ni56 icTtW 8,n1 .-> iisjt

will (lien be sent home. iiibnii'

I inclose gc mril order for the attack. « 1-12

I »m, sir. verA- re*!KNtftiUv, Aonr obedient Kiui«i>'. K441 :l«*1

servant, DAVID PORTER. Rear .Admiral. Keunw-kv «l.47s 1 .3M 144,h51

I4#vk Gii-ion WiriiiN 8e( retarv of t he N'iA'v Mairc.. .......... (11,803 4-1,311 Ai3,*lt 35 1(17lion. oii-ioN v»Ki.i i->. occreiary oi me .naav.40,153 sa,73i* %•»* *!,*«— MutaHcliiiMUs.... 130.743 48,746 U«,5M ftJ,(W3


17,(138 14N4‘.I()

North Caroi.ika, Dec. 2.i, Ixfi-I.( nI w .Aisoo S7.5iii ^:i4

ArtMiKAU UiKiii landing the troops, an! N(w Jem-y tiu,73B b(J,ii34 54534 s»,w(i

making a thorough reconnoissance of Fort Fish-

er.'KHli General Weltrel and mvoelf are fhllv of[;l?.";,jrf.Vt".i.":::".

Die opinion that the plaee could not be carried in unoviAKni. .... x)S,;fi(l 37«.3it; #K(iau 304413

bv acMiult, ae it was left aubetanliallv nninjured ithooc Isiinul l.%(M ,*«740 ls.344 7.7«7

aiadetenBiTework by toe navylire; We foui^V^VVvlriini;".’.". IvM — 4l237

seventeen guuB protected bv traverse*, two only wircocrin Str-S hxom h«,i 1'J (ftt|o7ft

of w Llcb were demounted, bcnnng np the beach —-—and coverlHg a strip of laud, the onlv praclicv Total.- 5,ls8.a(| l,77^»io l,«ogft» loo4s''(3

bk* route, not more than wide enough for athousand men in line of battle.

' Uncoh-’* nnjority 407,303 Anf..UDcoln ao»j. 138,578

Having captaj^ Fb^One of tbe ProTOSt Guard at Citv Point

thought it rather odd, a few davs ago, to *ec aOne of tbe Proroet Guard at Citv Point

thought it rather odd, a few days ago, to nee aprivate soldier wandering about w iih a field-

glxss. Tl e man was arrested, and under hi*

lind's ftiid Haygood’a brigades, had been sentfiom tke llncB liefore Richmond on Tuesdaylist, arriving at Wilmington Friday night.

O^erml Weitzel advanced his skirmish line

viUiin fiftv yards of tbe fort, while the garrison

was ket>t in their bomb-proofs by th* fire of the»Hvy, and so closely that three or four men of'be V'icket line ventured upon tbe parapet and


through tbe sally port of tbe work, capturinga br-ne, which they binaght off, killing the or-

derlv. who was the bdarer of a despatch fromthe chief of arffilen of Gen. Whiting to bring a

^ay. He was a spy, iuspccting our fortitica-

tk ns cf oily w ith his glass, and proposing at ac«n\CT.Ient opportunity to elude onr pickets,

throw off his wguise, aud make his way intotl:e Kiel lines.

It is said that Madame Veetris, the famousEnglish actress, used to have her white satinbools se wed on fcerfeet every Bqomiug, Ln or-der (hat they sbonld fit perfectly the exquisitesbn) e ol her exquisite foot. Of (tourse thev badto l»e lipped off every night, and the same pair


could never be worn but once. She is said toI have made moris conquests witu Uer feet than‘ with bar face, 'oeauiUUl 06 U wa».


R iimorcd Nffi*«tiatioiis with Richmond

roBCfriiiDK the Blair MoYrmenU

Importance Attached to the Tisit.

MjsterioBs Silence of the Cabinet.

Surrender of the City of Savannah.

Some very Interestins; Particulars.

Drscription of the Defensive Tforks*

50,0d0 Biishfis of Rice Captured.

Confederate Stores Mostly Remove<i.

Chief Loss iu Sieife Ciuns and Boats*

Rebel Editors Hurry Out of the City.

General Hood^s Location not Known.

Richmond Examiner’s Cousolation.

The New Year at the Nation’s Capital

Ru^h at the Presidential Mansion.

A Strange Scene at the R hite House.

Sherman’s Raiding Party Relnraed*

Sf.Trch for the iVonnded .Moseby.

The Return of Mr. Blair aud Son.

Iheir Reported Mission Denied.

Bra^tt aiid the Uilmiiis^tou Aftair.


Wa>iiinoT()X, Jan, 1.

Ci'm-ctuing the BkairvLit to the army, aii l

tbeiuincrcd ucgi(tiation< with Riclimou!, only

this much is known: lirat. that the elder Blair

htiB gone to the *i tny: -Hjcond, that .Montgoim ry

Blsir has gone to Fortress Monroe and jicrliaps

further: and, third, that some i:uport:.uce is :U-

tacheti to tlie visit by the Government, andtbat the profoundcst rctk cucc i> obsen ed by

members of the Cabinet on the Avholc subjix-t.

Out of this f(»nty batch of actual facts, readers

( an raiftc .•as large ti groAvili of coiiji'cturcs as

ir.iysuit Ihcniselvts.

Tlic Augii-ta Se ntinel gets the foIloAviug tn-

foi (nation from a gentleman who left Savannahjui-t l>cf(>ro H 5urrendcred into the hatids of the

crcuiA; The works around the citv were very

f-lrong, and the place iu all pnibabillty wonldliHTC been he’d liad it not been for tbe fall of

Fort McAllit-tcr. T’he ui-iial garrison numberedal>out one hundred and tAvcnt_A-firc men. Aday or two Kfi-re it fell. howcA'cr, alxiut i\

buedred mofe troops were scut to tlioir aid.

The ft'rt was nttacki d ((n the north side by

SlKTra.m. Ifit wore known lbd had the f'»rt

been ‘as strong on t'ue kind side a-, it was on the

water ftid(* it would never be-en eapt'ircl. .\ftcr

Sherman h:vd captured the fort he communica-

ted with the fleet, and procured a bountiful sup-

ply c-f ammunition. Sheriuan also transferred

the benvy guns from Fort MeAlll-'tor to a ik>sI-

tiou from which he could shell tbe city iu case

he. w blu'd.

No demand was made for the surrender of the

city until Saturday. On tbat d-iy he demanded.(n nncfindli tonal surrender of the citv. (Jcncral

Beameganl, in snlistanee. informed him that he

krew tbe tartv to the city, and could take it if he

was able. Guicr.al Bcaureg:ird left the city on

Siindav, The residents of Savannah did not ex-

pert tl(8 t tlic city would lie captured.

TLty were totally nnprti'sre! for eucli a re-

sult. 1 .It very few ofthem >aceccded in getting

away. Tbmisand.s who did were oblige! to

’cave most of their effd ts behind. The b&it

order w.is niaintaiiKvl throughout llio entire

siege. All the V biskey was bK-ke-! up. F(»nr

io'ial eoroi>.ar.ic'* were a.^.signed fo police

(Inij and kci't law -l-rcakirs quiet. One or two

files (Hcuircd, but little j-nq-cr'A was dHin.-vged.

.\il tbe rice ( 11 the plantations in the vleitjitv

r.f tl-e city fell into the liands of the Yankees.

Sonic Ccllu'.atcd the amount at aO.OOO busheks.

Tke U' nfedcrate gOAcrnment .sneeceded in

n u ewinsr most of its stores. Tlie ni.ahi loss

sr.-tninid by it was the !o«s of the siego guiK

al out the place and gunbr aLs.

T he. pontoon hiidge acros.s which oiir trr*op>

p.iFscd A« .as I nilt at the fiKitof one of the street.-i

o* the city. During the .*iege several .attciupu

t" d( St roy onr communication# on the UaroUna

side were made, all of whicli proved futile.

Bishop .Ablx'tt was in the city on Monday.

Our informant does not know whether he left

ti e plncc or not.

.A laigc portion of the Centr:J Railro.ad eara

were sent dow n the S;ivannah aud Gulf railroad

lic'ore that lice was Interrupted.

both printing offietjs iu the city foil into the

Imnds rf tlie Yankees. AVe .are luformed that

l.-('lli editors left K-foro the capUiilaliuu. Mr.

Siicf d, of the Republican, left early last week

with the Goveniment funds of which he was

cu.'tcdinn. Mr. Smith, of the News, did not

leave uutil Monday night.

The Riclimoud l-Txamlucr of Friday sara:

“\A’e have ngaiii lost right of the army of

the Tenueftiec. It is somewhere iu the vlclii-

i'y of Die Tennessee river, and may have

crossed that stream ere IhD. Yankee telegrams

wt uld persuade us, if they could, that the river

is so high that it Ls impossible for Ibrod to get

liH trcMi's across. General Beauregard officially

n ports that he has not bod any communieatlon

fri'tn (ftncrsil Hood since the 23d. But welc;irn that dt-spatebe* ha\'e reached lliL-i city

which materially modify the Yankee accounts

of their success before Na.>hville."

Tlie Rk'binond Kxiini^r of the 2‘.»th says:

‘ f)ur n aders will find in anoDier column the

enemy’s boastful account of their occupation of

Savannali. If it lx‘ true, he found 33,000 hales

of (xtton stored in warehonoes. It Is a painful

story. 8aviU4i8 ali is a town full of Yankee

merchants and Jews. The cotton probably N--

lorged lo them, and wc may l>e sure that they

left no stone unturned, no apjieal untried, to

prcv(nt it from I cing destroyed.

“The excuse for not burning it, i>rob:»bly w.as

that the ccnllagtatlon would have consumed

the tow n. But Savannah had bcttc* be iu ashes

than in Yankee i>osse(*slon. Tlie selfish pnqM-i*

etors of cotton prolmbly gained nothing, as tke

Yankees would not miss its confiscation.

“Sbcniian saj. he took eight hundred prison-

er-; if he did so, they inustr have been skiiik-

eis who wished to be taken, and it is very prol*-

able Dial his whole de»l»atch U highly colored,

to conceal the great fact that Hardee and his

auny have slipped through hi* lingers.’’

Wasiiisoto!., Jan 2.

* Tlic day has been given up at the capital to

New Yt'ar’* calls. At the Preoident’s the rusk

was Immense, and accurate calculation of the

number of hands the President has shaken be-

ing run up to a figure almost appalling.

Among his vhiitors, received just like the rest,

w ere home 600 negroes.'

The members of the Cabinet were all over-

whelmed, the reftidence of the Poet-mauter-

General seeming to be special a centre of attrac-

tion, The Chief Justice, owing to the late ^

death of his sister, did not receive, but his

boose was besieged all day. Senator Sumner,

and Representative Winter Davis, as Chairman

of the Foreign RelaUuus Couunlttees, received

the members of the Diplomatic corps. Befdde

these large numbers of leading politlclana and

promipeut citizens in private life, threN open

their honsea.

Both Montgomery Blair and his father have

returned, having gone no further Dain Fortrosa

Monroe and tha army. Judge Bialr left the city

' again almost immediately, ajid U. ia denied by

hift friends that either him or -bu f*Utef were

charged with any mission to the rebel?. It m .y

be sulhi-ritatirclT stated conceinlug the sBeip dmi'hion, that there been no consultatioit onthe subject; tbat the cabinet Ls wholly ignora.’rt


ct there being au\ such mission; and tb it !

whatever may have liein the object of the virit

toward Richmond by the Blair* Dka tlovcra-:

ment, a* such, was no wa^ rc*.pousiblc for It, or '

cAcn advised of it.

AVhat the President himself may bare Inill-’

vidunlly done or authorized in the premises is'


Intelligenct is received of the rUum »f Sber-m.^ n’s raiding party to Savannah. The extent


of its operations lt> not known.The rebel paiiera of S.aturday contain no in- •

tclligence of it. They sUito that the fleet bus

disappeared off Wilmington. \ con-gralnlatory

order from General Bragg to the rebel troo: >in regard to the Wllraington affair, is publl-hul '

in the Ric-hnxmd papers of Saturday.,

The large scouting parly, sent out by Gener J-Augur to secure thew^ouaded Mo«eby and bring

him Into our lines, returned last evening, hav-

ing been succcssfal in their object.

Aj.u.axy, Jan. 2.

Gov. Fenton was inaugurated as Governor ofNew York to-day. He wa* addre.“-cd by Ec-Govemor Se? mtinr.The Menato and A-^sembiy were organized,

and proceeded to business.

Cu»« ISNATT, J;m. 3—M.Weather cloudy. Thermometer 30. Barom-

eter 29. .’»0. River fallen 8 inches; 23 feet tuInches in chanm k

PiTTSBrno. Jan. .1—M.River about stationary. The weather h cool

and clotiilv. No arrival- during the last twenty-four hours. Departed the Golden Era for Ports- '

month.UiM i-AS.ATi. Jan. .V M.

Klixir iiiii'bMi-rd .lui linn; .uri-rtini* extra -r* '35

VVhi-at fiTHi at :«3 C5 fur (.3 3:i for white. Co: nluiel at 4^1(>2. Kyedullat .-(il 4.5. AVhi-key un-o-tU- <!'.

held kieher; HtS 3u aekod; .f3 15 oUi red.|

I*roA talon. Imoj-anU liolder. liOt wiliiiift to m>U at the'

rh'.iiiK rate, of last w eek. VI... poik lOuiniA be biMiKhtkrlow )|>I3 V Lhl., nor lard for Irr. tliau ilk: th.

llc«» bcoyanf. KerelpU .inn- Saturda.v ’XlKai. .\ lot

ot country die..e<L averaaiua I-ni llw. mid at jii.

Ila ttviri-cc held : l -sld. Urocerie. tiriu and in lair

<i< lllNUd.

Si.w- V0K 1-, .Iwu. I.

('< ftoii (iii’i't, )k 1 30. FIrmr 5c b< Her, at if 10 35(« 111 3(A exira. ijill Vitll 30. AA'htal linn, AVeetern,.>'3 58. Uyv eU'aiiv. Co. n duff and unimaal, at*1 -f(« I

U.l- .tl ady at .'*1 in .or W-'«tcrii. Pork deci-tedb'tinner at <it'Ji*43 I'-J.'i for 'IS-I nur^ i(il:iAti .5u lor ue.e,and il4;c- lor priiiw-. tX-ef .tcadv, (hit lu- at. nu-< hitii)L'i d. l.Hrd a .liade tiiaior at Jn'-jOSlc.

AV'lii-kcy very Him at *'3 21 r.-r we-torn. S-i-

Mirtiilii at 1 '.,(<# 3< I tor MibicoAado. IVtroieum -lU-'


at.d til Uier, at 53 tor n iidc, 73 tor n tiiu-d iu Iwiul, 83 lor .

til ('.

Slock.- wc.’<. (io'dTJTq. U. .-1. li.Tl ronpon. Uii. .5,-;u

(oii|>oiia li- ',. 10.411 ciiiue.-ii. l"tS. Krio N. V.(-<'ii|.iiu« 115. K-wdinz ll->.

Fiu « THK • From.”—


he NtuihAille Pre-is of

Motiday, shas ; “Tl.e vexed question is -ettleit,

aud Uic inquiry will l-c no longer mrule, ’Hw-i

not'd 1 ros#cd Uic Tccnc-Hje ? ’ Wc have it from

nniiue-iionablo kiukcb that the rebel General

ha., at length succeeded In tran-feriiug his mu-tilated army, and Die |ioor remi^ols of hi* ar-

tillery. from the soil of Dil* Stale to th.at of .Ah,-

I'-ania. Once more be ha# betweeu him aud liLs

.''Will pur-uera the stteunf ho wa* iu #uch

oiigct haoto to place in hi- rear le'.# than

two uumth# ago. He will hardly .M- '

tempt tbat uoti d maro iivrc iMK'n again, if. iu-

detd. iii* -ui'iricr# •••> uut immediately displaeo

fri'iii :1 c ( ciiiiiiurid a tAt.iind who h'l. bnmghi -

notbiie^ but ter upon bis aruiv c\er sim-o;

be WHS placc.i i.cau’. F,.\r the sake of the !

Union i aiise wc hope tli rpl>el Gcni’ml il! N'

retained, that he may continue to fa ul .l, <

with artillery and piisoucas. He uuikc* a,

did IJu.arti iiDiv-Ur for General Thomo*.” I

Pot I* 1. I’fj'i iMiiNr.—.-J/oR'a'iy, Jiui. 2.— .\» *

, -t:al. ('Tl Mcrda;-..a Jui-.e nunitx'r of c«ffttm’crs

AMTC I It; enttd.

Mr T. H. Waters wa« woin In ;v* .sn attcruo'


I’lit. l*ilh u pies-cnted 111., com i id- = Ion, with

Nu'd and .eciirity, and w.a.# sworn IiiodMarshid

of thi# court. Will Horau and .Abraham Aker-.

Averc aj'p"!ntcJ his dei'Ulie.s.

The first on the programme thi* morning wa-

Pat. Waldi'U, 'gidlty of dninkenncs* ami di--

ordcrly comluet. The court wo* s.ali-ilod with

a light mulctary pur.bhmeut. t<> the amount of

N'c-xt on the list is Marv Hall. Slu* got drunk,

and her conduct was such that Die court n--

';ulri'd »1'8> to answer.^

Juiut# Welch, Th(>m;iS Riley, Joe Dicki'a-.

t nd Jerry Minnehnn. druiikcnnoss and disor-

derly conduct, and Ic.-ultiiig M.av Mmiahan.

1; iu( a1 «#• (oich.

John Ja(k*.on. John MtUne. Jas. MfElvixync,

and M. Hfwkin*. dntnki nne-s »ud dWordel*

(brdu'.t. -liick.-on and Hawkins were dl.-

inargvd. Mtblvogue and .M(^,'uc lined -rl't


Kh'liard Thompson, drwnlo'inicta. an! di.ror-

livriy coniluci. The Provi.-t .Maisiiul wU! settlej

hi# ca.-e. i

,T( 1 ti Yabony, dr'.:nkciino-s and dhi'nli-rlv;

((>ud:i(l. DL-charged.|

Mary Gray, slave of Mr. (irav, -tcaling t2'8*.


I GT A groecr in the upper portion of ih«f ritv

jon Prfi<ton street, and undoubtedly a novice Vn


the bnalne##, j urehased a lot of game. It '•»,

Ithe DBual rustom of groceTy-keep**ra to displur

: K me of the finest specimen* of provisions n* r


the d(X>r# and sometime* outride, '.nd onr man: in quesUon did the same with hi# stock .Alxrit

noon, yesterday, he waastartle*! at their

• pcaraaee. He is under tbe Iraprcasion th; '-


were *

'preesed ' by some hungry defendw# of


onr country, (jr'rev*- grocer* bad better (''«•»’ g->



New Year’* day wa- not Een-railv oi--

! served a sa holiday In Dii# city, either Ir.- ourbusiness men or our riotoa* yo'aths. One salu-

tary effti i Was particularly noticeable on onrreckless cemmunity—that Lube coa--4mpD'jo ofthe article which Ls now taxed two dolLm a


eolkin was very meagre, judging from the ver»

few who manlfistcd any .-a mptums of aa over-* do-e.

I ncle Sam # wixrd-pile near the Birra-'k#

Aa Third and (»ak streeV i* ftw-e (4wir'h'»»g

down. It is causing some cnea.'ifn'T#* amongtbe neighboring proport.' -bolder*, from a ft jthat their feeling will be u#e*J a* ftiel. Mr*.Dr. Robert* and Mrs. Orm*bA- have aln-adv U> a

hetaviiy ou ace*ount </f the clo-c |>n.ximity oithe camps.

-An inque#t wa* held on She bAidy ofGeOrge Ma-cts, at the residence of hi* mother,on Haneock street, near Green, with a Tetjdici;

'•Came to his death from canses unkrxiwn. ".\

post-mortem examination wa# aftcrwazd'i a'ule ^


and the fket clearly established that te dicvl ofcongestion of the lungs.

tirThe drivi rs of piibik; carriages annouuecin an advertisement in one of our lieruua con-


Uinporaries that Duy have united and resolved

hereafter to charge *'• for attending hineral*

and reluinlD'g pa##cngera to their home#. l*

thi# not cKiitrary to the I.vie city ordiuanc*- reg-

ulating their affair.-?

At a Chancery sale at a store on Mainsttcet, la-t week, a slight altciratiou t«x)k place


l-etw tcn the plaintiff and defendauL Both p.ir-'

lies retired iu giMnl ordi-r by tlic interf.reuce oftheir friends.

IMviac-iTA Ihsi Rv-Auv.— Number of pa-

.til nt# cated in the mouth of Deceml>er. 12J;

vl-ited ut ihcir hou-#.', .'.I : number ol pri-> ri;>-

llotii CcmpC'Uudcd, inf.

ftT Hi ring the vnowy and elusfcy weather the 1

Louisville City hailrcod Company will u,--;; four

lii.T-t.' to each ( ar. I

(J- The lit.At Itrui oftheCiu.'uit Cc iri '>egius !

cu Monday n«-xC January lUh. i

CTTI.c following L- a rep''rt of in'# CiJtf

F.iigin( cr of the Fire IXparUuent of the flrta

•nd alarm# for the month of Lhxemlier, l-sdl:

Dee. 8—TliC F.!cv(nth Ward sch(xd hou-eandtbe re#id( nee of Mr. Waters. Lo— tritiuig.

Dec. t*—.Mr. M'A'ready’-. phoc store. I>j*o,


sL O; int-und.IV'C. 1.1—The dwelllug (J Mr. Loreh. l.ikj*


1 Ui'. •.0—Two dwelling- of C'nther’Te Schmo >l

.Loss ijl.-'tiK.

IMe. 2('—Priq-crty of I-evi Tyler’- heit*. L/tas



! ifts Bi-hep Smith. L>#.v tridin'g.j

foul iiunil>er of lire*. 7. T(>wl lo*-. AIJ

‘ in-uraiu, >. el '••2.'». '——,

,i lfE GiiF.AT KOM AV*

I ffHrti'* ' No, i5( Uftr. Loiiilcti T* 1* t?r»’,'V


I be c-xtraoutinao IVninie alfulr ho.- 'now , u-tued upiJii a Lew phatc. Tlit* -'iicIJc of Ih.Ihmu cuiid M lie. Tr.im;y id n:i«.r,cJ lo .>o amvttiticatioa. and Die farewell letter- <1 niin-i-1;

at.d the j uui:g l.idv to have K'cu .•orc"cti-! '

il.c ]>uipt*c ( t throwing the polieooff LA tr.; k.The Doctor La rcporlcsl to be "wanted” oti tuucharge of hav'ng stolen a diamond ring -h >rt-

ly ;Utcr hi* acjuitial, he wa# eMiuii c!tbia n.iitler. At the Li-t exaiuin:.tioir, *m iliC

lltL ir.:-tant, l>r. lH.*mme U -tuledto li.ive de-cla.cd he had received the ring he Ba! giveu hi-

bride a- a preecnl during the Italian wyir. froma m#n wLc-se name and place of ris-'idem eLc '. i'iild no longer reco’Ject. Li con-tradicDon to this sUtement, the ring hsaid to hav'o turned out to be tLe [>ropcrty of auatia(.hc to Die Brazilian emba.—y iu Berlin, for-


me.ly -tuUuned iu a oimtlar capacity at I

Bc-ine, .'.nd w hile there inder mclioai treat-mcTst ''f Hr IJemuic. 8omc c'n'Irmailou 1

appi ar? to be given to thi.# la-*, rum.'';',

by ;l,v- fitcl of the fli’if having*g'ci.c to BArlin during thela#ttew dara with thenpp('-((?d t'l'h-ct of e#ta(4i-hing 'IwUidei.tity ,.f

the ring. 1 be jiidg* left for Berlin on the 12th,at.d D'c tollowing day 1%-. Heninic .an'l LL>

. e iltaHpl'tareii firoiii Deice. Iu addittou i-i

llg Aiadnuie Trniiipv. while iu un-i.n, on theof March, oddrcd-ed tie foUjwiug T- ;t *r

i to Lu 0:'tigiitei 's gUaIi»i:AD;'


• M. Lv i v.iXi.KR S< ii.xKu . Soice tlm * v, .


r !i : * Ti-'tlvtd from Dr. iKn.nie n Ji-ua'.'ii

tii.g woiih oom 2,000 to 2.-»';' fr.-rics. IL' n-;

w ant- ff T.t'.nud—lameut- ;iud pV al# »o - 1..


» 5'ilful m ii't tt I'lat he -’ (m’tl li'» t.. '-..c


Da- riT g. In I'D prevent po.ritlou I think F..-: a

h( (.U; I:i'i’itdi'ili!y e *t t.'a 'L, ,'4l>e he ><.'.1

i is iceliaeAl to do '(>: bnt l.er gran<t a..t!.er, tu,.t

I eg(. list advises her to retain it. I . ru-i.ler th;-.

!;('Ur-e r-haiKeful. and »l>#('l’.itelv de-iri'- thit

IFI( ra el.ouid lotum D.t^iiig. Biit wo i .in do

;m-Diing wiihttrc old wonniu. vi'l I Tcui-t there -


C. F. BARNES’Prim U>t ftf

itain*, rwrltre, is ftm 9*arl)zw Silver cm* m m.wwOaJ. witllsoM ftaUwiw. tw log

Strrrraw. 77^ 0 •n»w.. >wrlM, wHh Ti.»nii.ii>4.1.iin. iw 1m

#tet;hiA 9tlv«r gw« H 10AfpTrtoo, Traev, » Co„ rttra kwgUgd. mU iggilUta iu aM Stgrtiaa dUvgr «m*

S-Bi., but with *'-T~ 1 ttntlgnia. Ig JmIIm-tiaa 8iiwr rmt. Thm

S.KC, ^;l with CxfggdMi ftghM. .flnirasUr'ajlfrwteg to halt muI eo'd, iw 3 og 9U. 9(lvv* ew*. m mthr»wur Ctav* '4 tmr wrbdH 4*rir«d at eft .mm m.

Wa. (i«U CaMw 'gmUbs* to ar4rr.fcgt grv. hr Mtt tr *x»rta.« mg rltk m raaalM *i

fi.va.Thta« W.tehva aiw im.. aaivana^ ackoowlated to

ha tto btot ttagc-ten>M* ia na«. Tb-r ar* tmulti hgWva llahl* to mt Ml. to toitan aae tonr* MtoiR laagWatothaa athrrw aad ar* aoU aS Wwar rase, thaa thiag tor.ii.li-h ar 9«1« toanaferai-ra -f 1


il iritoa Caata5V *>ta la ea. toblTy axaaiaad aa4 rtwulatod btoto* bgftaaMitothafuiahaaer, ang warrMtoiL wfth (Urtowag,tar uM r ear. Tha toaaalactairtoW aactlfletoa aMaMaa-Kiw f* S Wastb abera -Jm rrad* rf th*Jawrllsd K1 grrOrxiii*r#.wim -r*:-#-

——S-— .w.p^ firiw7^^ ftt Mft&sifftrUi''ftrft^ pkicMaAiltotM f. P. RARNB*.

Aarvt tar Aaoertaga Walchea.jss J ^ aarcar to toxth,<m Lowtoviuij, Kt.


CMire II^MrrtnUedIK MRt;ctI'(N.-» ARC i (iX'V.Tft-T*.

tn^t %l.l, fttlK \ ( IKtri. AM IftftX UIB-I.Nt; AI.I. taV VI PTtI >* #._**

s*5ra*x*T03M[» s

Thv •mptema of Catarrh aa they aranwtly rfyagrarv at tWto »»rv . ti-!.t. P rs nj (irJ Oiei hava a cotafcthat tkrr hava Wrqwf-at alto rka. and ai* lunr. •>'n«Ntaato Ifi# ft..jr<’ •‘V ut r.'Wi.eTatiu'V. la tb:a r**v.Uiliug, ttagn 'v* Otov be drr. c. a -T.vIm diaebarve. thin «ad aartiCatterward# breoaaia* Ibtak and adkourv. .A. Ita. dta-eave brreires ebio-.ti-, !h<- di-vH-r«trs ar.- Inc -aaad tgtiuiutilv aud cban.cd 'n ; Ua" are now MnakBDdb<g«.c, bihI arc h..,i'Kr-i w eiuiahed -(T Pta wgr»-liM s at* i-ff. i;-ivc. cauvin* ^ .-Ard bit-aib: t!(« lutee tatbitk and uaval; ibc e\ua ar*- n.ak; Uir aanau af ttaanuell ia Ira a red or di tovaa (d. 4>a«r:uw« frcuneatlz taka#

rhK--. .Aim-IKct eoiuniuu t.i-l IntoxrUnt wriaatoig to'ator-h la that ih.- jieiaon ia obrir-cd to at<-ar hla Itariau ta

th# OMnniuK to a Uilvk dljay oincoaB. wbiah Ha*ta'lcn (I'.wn fi <(i the h-ml diinn* the u.ahi. Wlaagthis iaft(-s plaee tlic (--rs .i luav I-- avjrc that Ota diwtotoia ou lU nay to thr bia», aud .bunld tame a» lima taaiicstinj It.

Tftea'-j.c •, /A-k s < I'oecA fynaw

.# Hraeia Itmtitr triU Imm! a toWWSAs—f* he»*•(. thrrt ItNaea m g»y.


T 'rts. /. ^ an. ’ ^f

! iJ. > •*, ind J ., F d A

Kuxt<»«T, Or*. A.!**•. n. H ^*»*T r»*

Ih-or .sir. Ir I-- -It Mr* .^r noiirt- W iKf laitftg Iw A ttjri -ftr tfut { .» .ta m f* •'!>• l-AtftrHi tery rml


l»* It 1 ^ v<>u %fMt*'%!» « OT } ftftr Lfiu’


t'ftito. ’. K Ki Ih^d t* ' I W)..v *n p' (T t. fta-i

ILr ImHIL' W'to* riiJ- .y -d. «««« -f>n. >• ^ur<>4. t

lL.n rf«i4i.aMnaJ *J\r Ui« !•» «a' Wiill «>ft-


tUwiHMirllv .... V

Bl. O. B. BXSXSL'TB.-«>'.* PaOeaiar.'Sa. A hira«ia L*i

|.*ty<w»t«>r7 at ft T»'f;.niX (: .i

,VT vv ilOl.Kw \|.K BVf('tTN I> »’A^K...W.VI .roiiV'K sJ 14.«i>S.»KWlL.'v. N h PLift'K

. . Citarianata. O.IX-4'<y<t. Viab.

W--.V ,y baur. ladLcHiievuMA Kv

\T KfcT All. RV.1 )i -!i.SS* (.\ i .Tt-rs-jn -'l*'. Ind ,

'Ni'IiVURI •• '.irj .KNJ’RAM.Y


Three mcml'Cis <>f the Iffcree foruilv—John,;m-Diing wiihttrc old wonnio. vi'l I ;ri"-t th.-re -

Bht, and ThA'inac:—were charkist with a.*-atiUiiig i

foie n-k oti to dem:(ud the nng by f. rc" ct

rtarsyv Vnrrau wHh ino-nt ta kill ftLu'li *100 I

' our bulhor.ty ta, gt.ordn.n.^ L. t me h(- >uu>..Barev Murray, with intent to kill. Each oi;^::d to ^^Ltto ati-wer. 1. .rUv. I i-ntreat you on ^ at- tut to ;;ivo .tp

Win. Battci'Sou, alUn Mav. -tcaling from .'( ur gu-rdiai>ht*> of Flora.”

lienrAUralg. :«» to answer at the next tenn,

Ip t'«^r.D(;( tlon with the u.rmVrle--

/ Iciruilation awdit the# buMTte-- m»A' lie men-

of the C Ircnlt Court. ticne.d th.si (dlier ring-, and article# of v.il-te areStviral peace wanatiU AAore Ihetr diiiHKs;(l of. »«;<( tu LnAe been ab-ir.ul»*d, <( <y

Henry , Dave of E. L. Green, chooUng a bovofj

or. twtr/. from ari F.nglL-h fnmllv >t .yiiig at the

.. L.a' u I* I Fi’tuir Hot, who lisd sl-^o been uu<!’;r Di*.Hr. Haggard s. tai#charged. i uiedical treatment; are onling •>

Henry Uul'enA-, diiordiirW conduct. Disml-scd. aw*// < r «fii/r Mnto, from a lady of distinction at

c'li tills at once, and to iu#l-t 'j'.iu it -t'-rnf-.

1.. c-Uv. I (-rlrt;il you on ^ at- iut to give .ip

A(,ur gu-rdiai'j*ht4> of Flora.”Ii> coriDei tlun with the uumVrle— ver-i'.'i-

in ciruilation aNdit this btirirH*-- m»A' lie men-tioned th.si oilier ring-, and article# of v.il-ie are.rt'dtuLnAe been ab-ir.ul»*d, <• <y

Boi.ti i; CocfST

Tvetday, Juiivary Ix'A.— j

The lir.#t cate pi cscuted this morning v<hh I’atrick|

Khtny diunktuincss and dL-ordcrlv con Li t.

Fiiicd i'.t.*

Albert Brush, drunkciuic-s. He acknowiedgi i I

the coin and paid #•'».j

William .James and Thouins Skevu#, two sol-;

diers, member# of the 20ih Kentucky regiment,

re-bbing. vaIDi threat# to shoot Anton Kuu/..\

jC'-Uft to answer in the Circuit Court.|

jKl tKR.'O.X CoC.NTV CoURrr

.V>ttdojf, JoM. 2,

lS(g>._Thos. Prather ’t, heir* vs. Titos. Prather’s

heirs. Ri'i'ort of division of la;id among the

heirs examine and approved.

Tlioti. P. Snrilli, app ''luted administrator of

Walker Morris; Titos. II. Crawford aud John

G. Simrall, sureties.

John B. Bland, .appointi'd gu.'Ardiaa of

Jofcphiue Gertrude Martiu; Wiliiaui Barkhardt, i


Samuel M. Siilrcr, apimhited guardian of

Anton and Eliza Ulrkh; William Bolmer, surety.

William A. Ronald, Slieriff elect, exeeuteii hi#

oflicial bond, with G. W. Ronald, .John C Mar-

shall, T. C. Pomeroy, Geo. L. Gailbraith, and

Henry Dent, sureties.

Rule vs. James Reasor, administrator of Jos.

Reed, to ecttlc Ills ac?(nmt3.

George M. Wey Icr renewed his license for a

tavern on the Preston-street plankroad.

On motion of William II. Watt#, county .As-

sessor, WUlLim II. Able wa.# sworn a# deputy'

^On motion of Wm. .A. Ronald, Sheriff. Tho#.

Shanks, T. C. Pomeroy, J. C. Marshall, Harry

N. GoofC, J. £. Gailbratli, and James Moloua,

Jr., sworn aa hi* deputies.

Rca’s. Blid Klltermau aad Andrew H. Milch-

tll, of the 3d. E. Church South, had licenee P>

solemni/e the rites of mjAtrlmoiiy.

Annie V. Pollard selected W. H. Smith a# her

guardian, who gave bond, with A. S. Woodroli*,j

security. 1

Joseph IL Cusick selcoted James O. Cuslck av !

hi# guardian, who gave bond, with Edward Y:v-j

ger. security, ,

The setDement of J. Wash Davis, administra-

tor of George Blanchard, died and continued

for exception*.

P. H. Antle, credit by the Ux on iKxSSOt Wm.H. Gale by the Ux on #7,70i>, W. George An-

IiHii'me'.- medical treatment; areonling ' > •

aw>// ( r «((!/, Mi-o/, from a lady of distinction at

I Berlin, during the I'af-.'Agu of ber trunk#


through Bi-n.e. Jr- nmem’HTed that


Die lute M. Tnimj-y^^b^^iuiue- - a# a 'gen-

;era! can'.cr, amt iu t^^^^Rtb# l v#t ver-ion -«


ni 'yfd fo c'-nneit with the r»ppngtJrr I l<er< . Il may d tb.tt la.#t .M.>ud:AV

a d( - patch to wi(d been r(v<*irc! hereotleilifg IJr- Htniiuc the oiHcc of tield -argeonin Die .Mexican army, and prr*po!-'.ng t<* him to '

Lc ( re of the f'-iiuder# of a unlvcr-itv In 5|ex-

ict(. -4 »rpO(/ to < Mrrni/ to-day tW.At Heinrae ha#been arre-yted in N'ienna and Triwte. and th.-u -

all the papers of Protcs.#or Hrmmo, hi- father,

have bti II ^ei/ld by tbe (K>iice.


(Rrogi tin; INri* PrevH-.


A rep(>rt I* current U> the eifo I that Dr. i

L'enime and Madcmol-^lle Trumpy have been '

rccocnlzcd at Havre when einLArkiDg for Ameri- '

ca. It 1# even said th;vt the Swi.-* Consul de ^

m.vndcd their extradition, which >ra* not grant-

ed by Die anthoriiic* ou the ground that the law *

is not applicable m their case. i

•nir '»re>RX i>i£arr.i*. I

i (.Pari- (Nov. 3Sj Aiorre-poggeue* of ibe Londim Nuwa.i i

The story that Hr. IVmmc and Ml-#» Flora

Tnimpy had been recognized at Havre a* they

were embarking fur America, and that iheSwl-#Consul there had attempted to obtain their ex-

tradition, is |(oDDveIy contradicted by the( 'ourrigr Ju llagrt.

iiiav .Ai'.r Rr.( (a.xizKK i#i r.Aui-.


I PaiU (Nov. 2Pj Cortopi'nJenc* I.*<'ndou Nt-nr-.J

The onlv other news touching this mysteriovis

cik-e i# gfven by a Journal of small tDk, the

(•azef^ de* Etrangers, which aay* that Dr.

Demme was seen walking on the Pari* houlu-

Ivard* on Saturday luoruiug, with a lady on hi*

arm- This aunoumemeul will proliably nutcommand much credit, though there i* nothing

' inert dibJc in tbe fact, if it (acre avrr'-ed on tot-

i irablv trustworthy testimouy, of the fugiuvecouple being in Pari*. Wherever they m.-*v

the gi neral oi>iuk>n is, that the bottom <

lake (»f Geneva ia the lost pL-ice in which t<^Bokfur them.

A '«KW a.M>IO(i Oft TUK ROW.A.'ta.'ft-

Herne Otae. Ij Tefeicraia.]

Accorrting to an official report recaived bythe Federal Council, Dr. Herame aad Mademot--elle Flora Trumpy poisoned themseivo* at

Ntrvlo, near Genoa.

IA-noikst Rwi ua.—We were yester*iy sh(>wn

Isome curious relics at the office of 8. S. Tavlor,

i F>(|., said to be portions of one of tbe vessels

Iused by some of the early navlgttora cl the.VtifsiseippL Thev were e'humed from the

ttauk* of the Mississippi some distance helewVkksburg. Tbe precise place of their dlscov!

ery has until quite receiiDy been oeaMy three

qiiarters of a n^lea back from the river, bat of

late the banks have ao washed awoor that the

wre« k from which these ponioas was taken ha.v

become fully exjH>Md. The wre(Dt was fuend

UND iRTAKSaS.At tbr otal -tar-4, 'Scnlbea^; .-ar.-.-r J.«W<*r-**«

aad Third

11 \v j.N(, 4 i!i»( gin i»i.v ; I A' ’ fHir >r.!»

lu< -e vud ft*. 1 .1* t- r an. la » g

i r 'i.i #>'.# n i:i UA.:- iifr. —v »..( j'vift’ -a*

Ua*. A -irtir hurtal to' Ik-- c-- i. (»

ta 'V.*.- mt w i;: K. .>v :'u 'lan-l * ; .r ,- >rV

ll(r(-t to

I. shui-EUa'L ro. si'l-'ij- rHebr»At#t ,A(r li<a>. 't m('.j-ket* iu<4 » li. I . '•* U:;i.(-.•-<. i tiatai lv.

•t> 'f. ai«l G'.. '.•!>- -luv-** i:aj ; X -4 -.-.xte .#!> . -U k> a*


Wi- aUa ke«a ou lionii I'K.ANI'l. lUli' KIX A C-'V.'# koe

W. M. K.AVM(-.\U*ti;().'o M ftiriaii uaria uc»

CsM-o. .V.«Ok • larga aMortiueM to W'-tona Cotona

Mruutluei. -AU c (ita atIrsiM M pr*a*f<lr aiirbt

or dajr. ia the eit ,' cr eouutrv. h>- on« to tb* Gna- la fev-

•uti. Thu tonior p.«rlBer to Ibia h*atM ha# the *tclatov*

agonsa for the tote of I. C. SHI'LElt .tr A,U.'S Ctak-'la

aad C*M-# ta the ratoerti di- i-nai of K'-aiaefc/. aaa-

Btoocioe at tb* mouth to Salt River C<-A..-vetia;i mima

three to four eouaUe* where the/ #r* now **14:. aiU

i* prrpared lo fttrnitoi Uaderteker* (vUb thorn by mil


luf at our adtee, eeraor to Third aad JrMatam totroto*

: a»‘ KlN(k A OVTX.H.

l>raft in Jeffimocvrilla.IN ORUft.lt TU CLtJAR I HR CITY \ND TOWN-1 *h;p tiom the approachiux Uiaft. all uawo l iable Hav*

^ tM-k 11 aaw-atod. aad aU .sfoeTa freliae iaturetoed m tbta

cuk-i|^.ak- wiU call aad *»/ lo W. IL ft'o**, rreawnto,at the IWiik. C*au- withtoil (b-la/.

(i. W. KWINrt.« R. s. ULtJtolUj-

If. R. Lew s,' J. J. V< *NW AY.

.1. AL HOW ARJXd,-U *13 Cta«uta*« CaowaitoaO.

First Batiooal Bank of ZR>nisTill«.

TIIR KftCUULAR AN.Nt.AL JtEftTriN'i OF -niKattohhtddoia tar tbo rlMMcm to Uuvcftw* wtR h*

held al thi* Baoh «i TVKiU >.VY, -Jaattary 40, I-aSR

03* at* R. M. CUNN1NUM.LM. Oaita.

BonisTilleAVaabTilla Railroad Oo.,Loeiavru-s. ftaa. tt. i 'WL

I lls OOLPON3 DUB taft J.LM'.Uiy NEXT OTthe flrto B.irtmo Btoad* to Ihw Cotopag/ wiU be

pal* mm prvto-.;itoioo at lhl» toSco tm and a ter Ufo JMhluto ^ dl# WU-lOe HAANKY. fc<y.

Office Washington Xnsnranca Oo.,Lootoviu^ Itag. m, ivaa,

Tub annual jntrnNO or tu* drrocKHOL^era wiU b* heldM Soadav, JIh pra^toUotopcfc

A. B- to elect aiae DIrtatov* for^ 41# wif . mAWBt 9mrr.

liALkEK’S L\€HA.\«iThird to, b*t4vo*fo Mato and Marhto,

derson, by tbe tax on t2,«'i(Xk E. D. Lawrence,|embedded in tbe soUd earth oves twenty feet

bvihe tax on *2,000; Marv Ann Lee, by the beneath the aurfat^ ami Uninedbtelv ben^hoy UJO laa

, revtral trees, eonae of which were over fbtir

lax on *fl,‘20(L ju diameter, and moat necessarily have

T (X,' a fata nndM> tto. m kn. 1*'® tbciY! for at Mast Iwfo ueiituries. The aru-Laiau# t AUL—A ladies fair, under Iht mxn

referi^ lev, consist of a poitiun of theagemsnt of the Misses Barbartmx, is now in ptanking of the aide of a 'dilp—tbe plank.# be-

progress in the amall hall of the Masonic Tem- ug overlapptofl and riveted together after the

.1- Tl.- ar* wtuto nti in sfowant atvie manner of ntasaels of the olden time, the mate-pie. The booths are fitted up b* eiegam aiym

H^e-oak, amh as ia only to he foundan4 th© ball rendered Ter>’ aUraclive, The lair

of Southern Spain—and a »taTe of

la for a* noble purpose, and in attending oor a water-harrei of the same material. The artW

i oiiinena can pass a pieasant evening. worthy of the

Madison Clay, a slave bidonglng » Mr,^juunona, the coiOnror, whe takes his head

William#, was found frozen to death in a com- ^ bimseff off ai tbe sanae Uoae, lain Puri-

fleld last Sunday. land. A paper ^aaja that he did not auco^ in

=.. the Davenport Brothers’ trick, becaaso tho eu-

lNueft»r No. 298—Held January 2, IRno, nt not know how to De the rope,

the residence of hisThere are fifty thoosaniLChlnese In America.

V^rflct-^me to bis 'aeeto”t Not (ire am«^?aSJVbont 7H o’clock A. M., at D,e av^ge place,

from some catwe unknown to the ’orv. corp*. oa to peaa a ovr*.-. muivu. u*

J. C. QUi, Cioroner. amlnaUtoL

bbcitvb dailym mxntMB


qi'.UL, CROCSE. WOOD-CtHE, tu.

J. GAWBDI a OO.,Pv.^1 taftwf*.

CANVAS-BACK DUCES,Tbe Fbst g tbe Seuto

tA ^ ^^

TkfFM ai4 Fiktst teuwrad-kftkM

1Duekk d

OB tlYYMgatMmM g a mrmmi • y- <

ne HHue MUMII gOA WMAfc^ZO m hrfbOrgKtoaeairfHtoato**






Qmm BrtW. taaMMM mrd amt Fonrtfe.


Tm; Brxovxurno* «*r tips Le<pslatcke.

TLr aembeK mre fresh Iron their consUtaent%

for the;r hare commingled with them, discnsaed

the inporuiit topics of poUc)', an4. we trust,

hre prepared to ieghUte for the best interests of

the Slate. We hc^ thei e will be no hesltaucv,

for there can be no time to lose. Many geotle-

nen who paes through our dty on their way to

the eapital, show a great change in publk senti-

ineat. Thr> look upon the great question nowagftating the State and national government in

• new U|^ and indicate that it is their purposeto meet the issue squarely and bcRdly. There is

1K> disguising the fact—a revolntion of opinion

Is at work in the State. The war has brought

new issues upon ns. It should be our p<^cySot to inquire why it is so, but to admit the

freUand to discuss the question solely for the pur*

poscof adcqicinf some mean; (o remedy an evil

And which will prove bencdcial to the State. Thefienaton and Representatives of Kentucky havean important mission to fulil, and we trust

that each and every one goes to the capital

with tha desire to deliberate calmly and legl<.

late wiaely for the good of the people. Let the

discussions be marked with Justice aud Ddumern.

Let DO man be afraid honestly to declare his

o|tinioas. It b no time for an exhibition of

timeritt'. Let gU prove themselves equal to the

occaskXL Let then rise to the true dignity of

Senators intrusted with a commission of vital

haportance. Let a Judidoos course be decided

upon, and the people be fairly represented.

0~Our anuf have met w ith a sudden andsomewhat nnexperted reverse. The WUming*ton expeditioc Las not been soocessfuL Vi<-tory

has failed to perch upon onrbanners. We harefull bfik’ial reports, and it to admiUqd that the

first attack resulted in failure. We bad mudito expect from the cx{)edition. High hopeswere eotertaiued for its saocaas. A long i>eriod

wa* spent in its prq>araUoii. and It was litted

cut at an immense exiense. The vessels wereDiimen^s. and they carried some of the finest

and beavicsl guns in the world. The armamentwas comidete. Many coval exi>erimcnts were to

he tried in the entragement, which were regarded

with great favor and expected to accomplish

much. N'othlug was wauling.

Tlw {lOfmlar estimate of the commander war.

ranted the i«lief that the movements would l>e

couducted with great judgment and skill; and

wiili the co.operation of the land force, it was

tLouffht nothing could resist the power of a i

c<«ml>lned attack. The activity of General I

SberKiac and the watebfriness of Grant in at> I

trarting the attention of the rcliels from <

Wilmington, also famished grounds for :

lifgh cx]<ectation. The work to Ijc done, !

though really difficult, afqteared to )>e sim-

ple. The- cai>tart‘ of Fort Fisher, a strong i

earth-work, a as the chief aim of the army aud^

navy . The h»rt staud* upon a neck of land, '

with Cape Fear river flowing upon one side,j

and the waves of the sea washing upon the

other. The reduotioo of the daleosive works of;

Wilmikgtne was the priud{ia} object of the ex-

peditioc. With the < apiure of the forts, Wil-

mington would lose much of it- importance,

and ultimately moat fall into our posseasiou.

Misfortune seemed to attend the movements

the exfiedttion. IlarJly anything workedwell. Tl.c screre galea retarded oi>eraUoU'.

The exjilc loo of the great torpedo boat or

r>o»der ship, it was expected, would damscet’le works of Fort Fisher aud paralyze the ?ir-

liaoa. thus retidciini: the victory appareuily

easy. The result was entirely diiferent. The!

explcsion | roved harmle-s. The comeutratod

Lre of ihettwt was terrible, but it dues not

aeem to have effected mncli. The feeble rebel

fCarrisoB wa.- rapidly reinforced. Delay injukiug the attack a{^iiiears to have been oue of

the cauaes of failure. It is stated that on Tues-|

day, the 20lh alt., Fort Fisher was garrisoD(.d '

by twe comftanies of local troops. Onthe evenlug of the 21th two divisions


of Lee's army were poured into the work-. No,

doubt, this reinforcement was the chief cause of

our repulse. The abseuce of this force. It seems,

w as not detected by General Grant. The troops

under Getwral Butler were landed to make an

wuaek. aud they were filled with euthusiasm

and eager for tlie fight. The torv ard

movnueut commenced, and the soldiers

behaved admirably, .\fter various mau'i u-

vri-s uu aasault was deemed impracU-cable. and the regloicuts were sub.-equen-

h withdrawn, and re-embarked. Admiral '

Porter plaiuly 6how^ in his report that

he dc^Cs not iLink that the land forces did their

part ot iLc work. A part of the orliriual pro- ,

giaiume adopted b» the cooinianderc of the'

cxis-ditioii was abandouod l»y Butler with too

lu.ich haste. A Mane re 1.- with s<>aie one.which. i«.rhaj.s. will \<t decided up.»n bra Court


ofluqurr'. ^^e have mid with a misfortune: it is 1

iJle to di truiK- the fact: the couulry i> deeplyj

ciKa]>{'oiiiU.-d. Aitboogh ihit land forc«!> have!

h t.a ^eDt ; ; .k from Wilmiscton, it U thought ;

t...'.t Admi:.u rurtcr has not wholly aiiaudoned I

tLc suack..lit- vci-scls remaiu off the coa>t.


j.ir another oflensive morcineni. Thec- (.’gy. ii'-.-'Ti-ry . and skill with which the oper-

a* ot the Uert were conducted, challenge

tLc i-dmiration <«f alL The wooden ve->elf. the[

Nlw Irv.oidcs. and the monitors all seem to

I.aveds'Ut sjdendidly. The latter cla-^ of ve>-

eel - stood the rough seas to which i1k > werecvj'i-sed much lieltcr than was exi^ected.

T.. »ugh we have failed to rapture the de-

leuce> of V\ liiuington. w c have met with

li' rcfions loss. SR least lijthiug that can

l<e regerded in the Ul'IiI of a disaster.

V> Q have simply failed in the accoiupU?hiueiit

o! an object Our fleet has suffered but little

|i.> LUC skunn. Tha army lost liul lew men.

The naval aud land f.»rccs arc nearly as strong

to-day as the' were when the offensive move-inest was commenood. Tha failure Is but the

gathering of a single cloud in the military hor-

b- m w hicL recently has lieen so clear and bright.

We w ill soon forget our feedings of disappoint-

tnrnt and may celebrate the fall of Wilming-t « licfbrc the enterprise i- w holly abondoned.

A Piii.xoMExox Expuaineo.—


o those whohave crjmplained of the high price of gold, andof every thing else in the market, the answer ha<i

been frequenUy made. “Wait till we have

gained one or two great victories over the rebel

foices. and you will see gold going down agaiu.

Jy-t It ajipear thfA we are near the end of thewa; sod the value of gold In the market wil

I < ai a more reasonable proportion to that s>f

baLk-taOtea.” The New York Post says: *'We

do not nKwn to cowtrowert the poaitioii that ooe

of the elements of the high price of gold is the

ri.; posed dwtanoeof the conclusion of the war.

A'l («thcr tbiege beinu equaL a cuofidence that

tlie w ar is near iu dose, that our armies will

feO 'C Ilf disbanded, our extraordinary expendi-

tk e^ at an end, and no more loans and no moreimifdons of Treasar notea necessary


c:iu.-e the apecnlatione in gold to dedine, andtill u such proportloD of the price a« to merely

«H'.-jsioDed by a scramble for coin would be

abated. This we freely admit; it is a sensible

\ lew of the matter, and the coodusion U correct

We have had, however, the victories we werelooking for, and the price of gold is going up.

Si.erman has made his “agreeable joum^''through Georgia, and captured the greiR martof bouttiem commerce ou the Atlantic coast,

Batanoah. Thomas has demolished Hood’saimy by defeat after defeat; everybody to ex-

pecting the Call of Charleston; on all sides ex-

I«ditlons are made Into the rebel oonntiy, the

relid communlcationa out ofii and rebel maga-ziites destroyed; the Government has its clntch

on the throat of the rebeUkm, which is already

gasping in the agony of suffocation. Tet gold

Is going up. What to the matter ?

Those who have looked with some attentioD

at what to going on In the money market are

notat a lorn to explain this phenomenon. It

Is owing to want of two qnahties in our Secre-

tary of the Treasory in bis dealings writh the

tnuney market—dexterity and firmneM. Weaay this BDwUlingly, for we hold Mr. Fessen-

<ka in high respect, both on account of hto per-

eonal character and general ability. Yot in dto-

ciisring the financial questione of the day with

Impartiality it mnsi be said. There to nothing

In life so eenstUre and squeamish as the thing

ere osil the mooev markeL The nerves of noWaktodinariani of no aick girl, are so delicately

•tnang or ao easUy pained. Qrcumstancm

which, to tboee who Lave never obaerved under

vluR sUght samses the moo^ market rises and

fhlk and wawen, seem of little importaooe, ex-

mte or depromh toa marrelloasdegrae. Those

who deal with it ebould be aware of this or let


By iLc act of March *, ’<..1, tLc Socp'tan' of

the Trcasuiy was authorized to issue bonds to

the amount of y^Ofl.Oon.Ooo, bearing five per

i-ent luteicst in gokl, and pay able cither in ten

c r forty y cars, at the pleasure of the Govern-ment. These are the bonds known In Wall-treat as the “ten-ibrties.” The Secretary of

the Treasury directed one hundred millions ofthese bonds to be subteribed for. The sub-

scription was taken up with a certain desree of

alacrity, it being e.vpected that no attempt

would be made to extend the subsc-riiHion to the

ither hundred millions. This expectation wasin fact announced in the public prints as a cer-

tainty, though, we ijclicve, without snfliclent

authority*, and the public were Informed that

the Secretary would proi»ably rely on the sale

of what are called the seven-thirty bonds—thatis to say, the bonds bearing 7. .TO per cent inter-

est, iwyatile iu greenbacks, for what farther

moue* should be needed. The-c bonds are fa-

vorites with the public, and would have been

readily taken to any noede^^amount.

.; The expectation raised in the public mind,whether by Mr. Fessenden’s authority’ or not,

should have been fulfilled, aud there would have

then been no difficulty in supplying the needs

of the Treasury. Instead of this, however, the

readiness with which the hundred millions of

the Ten-forty bonds were uken. seduced the

. Secretary to offer a hundred more for subscrip-

I tion.


This was a wet blanket thrown upon pub-lic credit at the very moment when it was in

. a comfortable glow. The public expectation


was dtoapik)inted; nobody would touch the


new Ten-fortiep; all who had money to


invest preferred other methQds; the Seven-

^ihirtiea were tried, but nobody would

‘ uke even them. p<^nlar as they were: it was


expected that the Treasury Department, so aj)-

: i>arenUy changeable in its cxi»edicnta, wouldfind Itself ol'liged to give the public creditor

something better than even these. This shockto public credit has had the efiTect which man


fmesaw; and Mr. Fessendtm, to supply the ne-cx.-aliies of the Treasury, has been driven to

issue more legal-tender notes, to increase the

volume of pajier currency already so enormous-


ly inflated, and to play once more into the hands


of the stteculators in gold,


Here is the e.vplanatiuu of the rise instead of


the exiected decline in the price of gold A


;«ries ot uncertain exi>cdlcnts ha- beeu

(closed by the most rninons expedient of all—



new i-sue of legal-tender note-, leading to

jesults infinitely more expensive to the Treas-


ury than the very large-t interest which any


reasonable lender would ever exi»ect in dealing


vvithlhe Government.


I Titv F.riiJtENTS or Uxiox.—No raflecliug ob-Fcrver of our times ran hsve failed to mark the

!great predominance given in the thougUis of


men to physical over moral forces as agents to

! be employed iu tire work of restoring the Ualon.' TLii was perha])s a necessary* consequence of

the Diaguitude of the military and naval ojrera-

^ lions set on foet for the purpose of quelling aa


armed sedition which iuelf bad assumed gigan-

tic i-roportions—compelling, on the part of the


Government, a demonstration of superior ma-terial rcaovrees as one ground of confidence la

; the ultimate malntenanoe of the national au-


And vet. as wc have intimated. It cannot haveoecaped the attention of every philosophical sta-

dcut of history, that force alone is but a poorI reliance for the reduction of that hostile temperI which the great mass of the Southern people* may lie cxiiected to show, so long as nothing' but force to made the groundon whish it to pro-

‘ pc«ed to restore the Union. It was In reoognl-i tion of the inherent inadeiiUacy of “force alone''

to nccomplioh thl< beneficent parjiose that the

Precident, in his Annual Message of December,1M>2, saggeeted what he believed to be a moreexcellent war in hto plan of emanclpatinn withcompensation. To this effect, as cited by us afew dave ago in another relation, he then wrote;

Thto plan is reoummeudad ns a means, not inexclusion of, but additional bn. all others f>yr re-storing and preserving the National authoritythroughout the Union. Toe snbjeet to preaenl-ed exelusivelv in its eoonomical aspecL Thepism would, I am confident, secure {>eare moren>eedily and maintain It more permanentlvthan can be done by force aluoe; while all ft

wonld coet. conaidering amounts, and m innerof paymenL and times of payment, would beansier paid (nan will be the additional cost ofeba war, If we rely solely u|»on force. It is

much—very mneb—that it would cost no bloodat all.

We have been reminded of these views of the

Preeident by some highly appropriate remarks

made by Btobop Soathgate at St. John’s Chnrch,

In Washington City, on Thanksgiving Day,

when he s(>oke as follows. We quote from tha

report of hto sermon, as found lu the MerulngChronicle:


He maintained tLat the coar-e of love to ourI Southern brethren, nhich UiiriHian principleI and feeling demand, I- not incon.-Utent withjthe ^-erliou of the error and wickitoucsc of »e.CCF-sion. or wiih lue vigoruua use of every effortto I, noil the rc^iellion; that, after the first gnu

^ was tired on Suiu]<tbr, the war was hardly to be


avoided: but he wonid ullcrly condemn theetiursc <,f eccler-iantical a-semblift-. which had


Sj’iokea only to provoke deriier hate, and hadI

never ^eul, -to their Uhri-tiau fvUowt at thei 8or.ll., lha-« formerly a»sociatad wiili them In


the ocarc.n and tbo cloreat of bonds that cau


bind man to man, a word of loving; ajijieal;

!SI me pnqioi-itioii to unit, their efforts, as Ctirto-ti:.n I'atriot-. to stop the tide of slamrhter, audrcftorc the old Larniony on the old basis.'ijuch wrrk oo'jid havedunc no harm, aud mighthate Ufii

I >-t«i»ciive of great good. “vVe! have,’’ he raid, “i-uti'cred our Christian brethrenI

of the 8-iUlb to Keep apart, without a word ofI tlie old fiicudly gieelim.' renching their ear.

!Vt e have loti the oppominiiy to try the piowar


of Chrtotiau j <u*sua.-ion; to awaken, in tiehalf


of our coiuuiou cuunlrv. the old feeling <if

Christian tellowahip ’ Fie regretteil, be said,1 in this resjK'ct. some of the action of tiio

Ila.sl Gencrsil Convention, and argued that thedoing of <iur duly citizesis, in aiding to suj)-press the rebellion, iu no wioe prevented ourdistinctive Christian action upon the preceptsof ScrqRure relating to the diilcrences betweenltr<<tbcr and brother, prcc^H eqnally ^'pUea-hle to asM-mhlias of Chriil^Hfiien. “We havethouaands,’’ tie aaid, ^^^^pindreds of thou-sands of brothers at iJ^P^BKh who ara boundto os by the ties of in Cbiist’s HolyChnrf h. They \ earn, for onr asof old. We ought, eertainly, to yearn in lore bothem. And why should hot such a love haveao utterance aiid exjireacion? It might workwonders of goodnes*. It might apiieaiM: angry}<assioDS. It might call erring Christians liacxto duty. It might save the land. Tlie torch ofwar flares wildly abroad; who of us to bearingthe olive branch of peace?’’Ob thto point the Bishop dwell at large, 1 n-

ttoting upon tlie true nature aud style of Chris-tian actkiD under eucb ciroumstatices at th.jaa<if ibe jireaeat war, allowing fall scope to everyeffort for snppresslng relielfioo by force of arms;tint declaring that to forliear the'action ofChrto-tiaDlirotherhood was to “leave the proaacutionof the work to tbe powers of evil, and thus tohazard in- beueficeut tosues.’’ “It would seem,”be said, “as if we had nothing to do bat fight,fight, tight. Kindly conaideration, exV'itua(jugarcumstanee, the generous impulse of lore, areout of the qucirtlon. Even thing to done onboth sides to exasperate each other. Motivesare misconstnied, actions are misreprenented.and a system ol unlvereal Iviug u iuaaguratad,wbicb shows a corruiit eohdition of the publkgiiud Uioroughly appalling. The ooantry doesnot need falMhoods and oate for its preeerva-lion. If it does, it to not worth preserving. TheChristian soldier will tight no fees bravriy and•uei'essfully with love aud a generous apipn^a-tkii'. of bis rival in hto heart. .4nd wa all sVall

ncjirer to tbe victory of right if we tell noliee. do not belittle and defame our antagontots,acknowledge fairly their skill and prowess,though in a bad cause, and make all just allow-ance for the circum.-tanr<e which lad to theirmisdoing. Abuse, depreciation, Infamoas slan-oer. Slid valn-glory* have not won for at a singleiiaui%^r will ever lead the strife t« a happyieriiiinaW'U.’’

It has alwaya seemad to nt that the loyalty

which alii^ras paaelon and bates itself on prin.

ct].le woaid earry its votaries fhrtber than the

loyalty which to founded on aectional pride andhate. And we are equally aure that those whowould bava tbe Government hold toward tis

psspls of the South the language of this pro.

late, have more clearly than aome others per-

ceived at onoe tba path of patriotic obligstioa

and of Christian doty. As the President said

of hto plan so say wa of thto—that it to “reaom-

meaded as a meant not in exclusion of, but ad-

dltfenal to, all others for restoring and preserv-

ing the national authority throughout tha

Dokm.’’ Or, as Bishop Southgats expreaaes ik

“our duty as citisens in aiding to auppress tha

rabellion in no wlsa pravants onr dtotineffra

Cbriatlan action upon the praoapu of Beriptare

relating to the dlUhrences between brother and

brother.’’—-VoSiuaa/ InitUigfnoer.

An officer of General Staennan’s armyinforms the New Y’ork Times that the soldiers

of that army are intensely anxious to be led

Into South OaroUna. It to not surprising, for

it was South Carolina that precipitated the

rebellion ; it pamsd tbe firat ordinance of secea-

bkm, December, I860, twenty days before Mis-

t-issippl ; it firat bombarded Sumpter and fired

the first gun in the war. It was the nest of

adders and it ought to he burned oat. We hope

General Sherman will gratify the desire of hto


TMR Pr.i Ki or»u;XT c>i- i ii. W. sr.

Wo Im* e

hnd onr attcniiuu .virestei to the rsry points

which the Philadeli'bin Bulletin refers In x psr-

sgraph calcnlttlcd to make the Wo»t feel proud

8td snti«fied. It ea>*s: “If a peoj.le ever m.-ed-

ed a pnlliatlen for sliBwln:; a spirit of national

vanity, the Anisvicnns oi thl- day can certaiuly

find it in the uetaiU of the DeimrimenMl re-

;-orls now i a«-ing lliroiicrh the columns of lUa

pies*. In spite of the war, ihe evidencei of gi-

gantic strides of civilization .and progress ftiirly

glow along the pages of what arc generally

hard, dry, statistioal documents. We learn, for

instanoe. that during the fl.«i al year ending June.10, tbe racelpU for ordinary ^les of pub-lic lands at the West were four times as great

as during the first year of the war, aniount-

ng to nearly seven hundred thon-and dollars.

For cash fonr hundred and thirty-two thou-

sand acres were *^old, while under Ibe homesteadlaw one million two hundred and fifty-one

thousand acres were entered. The number of

aert« located with military warrants was ovsr

half a million: tbe number located with agri-

c-nltural scrip was more than two hundred andfourteen thous.xnd; and the acres certified *o

Stales for railroad purposes were eight hnndredand fifty-seven thousand. The pioneer, axe on

shoulder, has kept pace w ith the civil en-

gineer with his rod aud chain, the lands

disposed of about eiualliug the amountsurveyed. Since the establi«hmcnt of tbs

Feelersl Government four hundred mllliona

of acres of the fourteen huudred millions

prlmjirily beloniring to the Government, have

boen dtopo-ed of, making the public Lands

smount to one thousand millionb at this date,

while an ei|ual number of acre* arc the pn>p-

eny of State*-, coqioration-, .and individuals.

The.-e fact- read like romance, and they suggest

an amount of vitality in the Anglo-Saxon race

over which we natundlr exult. No more par-

donable iwlda could lie felt than that of our

poopla. aa they spize toward tbe setting sun andsee State after State, free, prosperons, strong,

itoingontof tbe wilderuc-*, without a blot ontheir eacutebeon. and eloquently inviting the op-

pressed of all mankind to make their homeswithin their hos]iitablc borders. No moreworthy exultation could kludle humauhearts than we Icel in seeing the sturdy r-on*

of Illinois and Iowa vieing with their brethrenof the Eaiit. and rushin; to the defence of.\ioor-

ican inatitniions in auc-fi overwhelming num-ber* that there arc not bauds enough at Uielr

homesteads to gather tho luxuriant crops. Nomore honorable boast could lie made than to

relate, even without the aid of the hues of fancy,

the actual progress and development of tbe

West since the oiiening gun at Sumpter awokeour slumbering manboodi Columbia, in hermajesty, may even now, from amid tbe eraah

and confusion of war, and with garments rolled

in blaod, look across AUauli' ’• waves, with tri-

umphant serenity, //erson? can proudly say;

Wtiat i- tlio -’I'lt'iidor of tlie dl.uti'm,Tbe Rildi-d thimii-. llie lir«i<leru<J c-iTKi hi m.The imif-ir ruK , t.b.-ik'i';itr('. and tu. «traiuOf »me»:oin- kiase. whose nu'eI<elM-» tlie Ih-rald*.- trace

liefun- htr ii.>'*1 etcf* ou land aod main*

Titt: Tor.ACi o BiLi..—We find that Mr. Kavson’s till iu Congress, to levy duties upon tobac-

co and iu manufactores, to more important in

its details, .and we give tbq^ text of Uie bill;

Sec. 2. It iijjr.ll lie the duty of the ??ecretarvof the ’I'retiaury to provide or designate at con-venient points in toliacco-growing and tradingdistricts, ct rtain waielii>u>c.s to be styled UnitedStates Ixindcd toblcco warehouses, and the pro-pi letors tbereof, where they are managed byrri\ate imrsons, shall execute a bond to theI nked States in a sum and in form to be jirc-

•cribed hy the Secretary of the Treasury, andwith sccutit* Extiafactory to him, conditionedtlial no totiacfo shall Icm eivetl or kept there-in, or removed therefrom, except ;in conformit'*with tlie provhlon- of law xt * -nwit he shallduly discharge a\l tnc obligation* and conformto the duties iiiii>osed u{kid him by this act, andby c Jier laws of the United Stales, and b\ thelegulaiions of the Seorctan of the Trea-nr.',made in accordance therewith.

Sec. 5. That any proprietor of a suitable ware-house, producing to the Secretary of the Treas-ury eattofaererv evidence of his good characterand ref-iKinaPiility, and giving bond .as iierclnprovided, may be authorized to keep and conducta United States bonded tobacco warehouse,with the pri\ilegC8 and under the restrictions ofthis act; but no iierson or {leraons nut so author-ized shall keep, or assume to keep, or couduct aUniteil Stales bonded warehouse, nor receivefiir storage, sale, forwarding, or trail -hipment,any dutiable uumamifailua^ tobacco, or man-utaclures of tobacco, on which the duties havenot been assfcsaed and l»aid, and the proiier evi-dence thereof shown, at the time of depositingor receiving the :ame, by the party deliveringthe tobacco for such purpose.

Sec. 4. Tluat it shall be tlie duty of every pro-ducer of tobacco in the leaf, prior to any delive-ry, <ir removal thereof, or of any part tbereof^ftt.m the plantation where the* same shall bemised, and as soon as practicable after the sameshall tic cured, to make a ->tatemcnt, siguedand sworn by him to be full, jiuR, and true, a*he verily believe- to the assessor or assistant

afsessfir for ibe district In which the same shilltie rai^cd, <»f the entire quantity of tobacc*oproduced by him during the year in suchassc.-.-ment (ii'trict, and w here produced. If the•inantitv cannot lie then x-certaiued by actualweight, the stateiuciil shall show the estimatedweight, tfiu b statcineiit shall be in form to lie

prescribed hy the SecrelSry of the 'Trea-iiry;

aud no Uibacco shall be removed from the farmt«r planUitioE of its production until such siate-Uieiit shall bate btx-n received by* the assessor,or his and marked ajip'roved by him,which statement and -ignalureof approval shallbe execuiefl in du]ilicate. one to be retained bythe astessor, and the other to he delivered tothe producer.

bcc. it. That it .'hall iie the duty* of even* man-ufacturer of tobacco, prior to any delivery* or re-u.oval tbereof . or of any part thereof, friim thepLocc where the .same shall be maniifiu tiired.andas efU n as he shall lie thereto required by regula-tion of the bc'-retary* of the Treasury to make aslatemeiil, sigiitid and swoni by him to lie full,

just, and true, as he verily t.cllevcs, to the as-sessor or a-.>istaut assessor for the district inwhich the same -rhall lie mauufaciured, of theentire <|uantii;. of manufacture' of tobacco ofthe several kinds manufactured by him, or un-der hi.*- direc tion, during such iicrlod and sinceIds next previous “taicmeut, iu such assessmentdistrict, and where the same w as manufactured,s{>eclfying the same according to the schedulelor tfie asse-snienl of duties as hereinafter pro-^ided. Such sisiteuient shall lie in form to beI'rcfcribcd by the Secretary of the Treasury.And no manufactures of tobacco shall be re-moved from the place of m.anufactare until suchFti t: nicnts shall bare been received by the os.xee-

M»r or hto aasisunt, and m.arkcd approved brhim, which statement and signature of ap-proval shall be executed in dnidicatc, one to lie

letained bythea-fessor, and the other to be de-li^eled to the manufacturer.

Sg" When th^ three St. Alban- raiders were

arrested at River du Loup, they had one thou-

sand dollars in gold each of them. Some sym-pathisers gave it to them, after Judge Uour-

sal’s discharge of the prisoners, and then they

started off. This Coursal is described as “fast,’’

and vastly more inclined to sensual than intel-

lectual culture.

[For tlie lymiFville Journal.]


ar jcna a. skith.Among tliore kill(.d in the n'ceut ImUloi. bcl'ore Nvh-

ville wM a iM-Mitifiil lioz.«oldier. apparentlv not mor*than fiitcx'n rears oi a..e. Bliot through the breaat, thelittle licTO l»f on tlie lilootly tield in death, ai fair aa awnmau. aud w ith a form a\ minctrical aa that of anApollo. Such a youtlii'iil 'ii'tiiii toUu' swtiil liorror* ofwar w an indued a aarrifii*' ralriilated to dim tlie coldoiteye with Uar*. aud aivakeu tho moat uiuumful (tx‘liusa

ot p!l> iu the atoi.iuet lieart.

Ou the hard fousht field, wiicre tlic iNiltle atonu

Had echoed its •nllen thunSea •

I,a)’ a aoldicr oliild witli tho goldon thread

Oi Ilia }*oiiug life aiiaiip'd astiuder.

lie had romrndcf stark, in the xrcat doath ileep,

l.ying cold in Uit-ir liloud.' |>lacea.

Bat tlicy were tienrded men with atslwart fraiaei.

And a mau’a look on their faetn.

lint thif aoldii-r rhild witti hU eilken lorka

O'tT hia emootlr, white forehead eweepiiig.

With a liurrM woc.iid in liia brave yoimi; breaat.

Seon.'d too fair for Death'a grim keeping;

For hia bcardlei# face, iu Ita calmrepoai-,

Ituic the mark of licaiity't finger.

And hU fine, aweet mouth n'emed the tempting ap«l

Wlicrc a woman'* lip* would linger.

Uke aiender ahadowa on tbe fleecy *dow.

O'er Ilia check c rept tbe fringing laatie*

Of the white cloaod lid* ot hia great, dark aye*.

Ail veiu'd with faiut azure fiaalie*.

O'er the wounded tirenat with a touching grace

Hi* delicate handa were folded,j

With a uieck. Bofl rla*|i. a* if fur a prayer.

Their d.< iug shape wa* moulded.j

I ihooght. a* bcHide thU warrior-child|

Mine own young liead wa* lieuding.

That, pi-rhap*, on angel-moUier** prayeia

Were heavenward then aaoendiug—

The* tbe arm of tbe Father who dwolletli whereSweet peece ia never ending.

Might be fMind in the bottle'* dreaded hour !

Her darling boy defending.

1 tbeugbt bow the voice of the falae- faced world

Wonld waft her tbe meurniul etory.

With iu pompoiM word* for a healing balm,

And iu mocking meed of glory.

When that mother** heart writh iu bepelew grief

And iu mighty pain wae aching.

The ekaiiUt Famt ft • witkertd wraatk

Wktfi a vutthfr’t hfart u Uraakinv..

1 turned away from Uic poor dead youth.

On hie gory pillow eloeping.

And a wraknc** right from a naddvu'd heart

Sci.l tear* through niy laeha* aweeping,

NaeuviEiA, Tzmk„ Dconnlier, IsiL


coBcxkiKzsszoir zkcxaLOBAzmiAm> BAXrSSBJI,

Ho. 1 Hanover BuUdlnga, Hanover Sqnora,Kr nKOT L. HAiTi.Aan,t NBW VOHJl*Wii.i.iAM WmisBT. I aS dfrwUly


Set of Fine Mink,Ok A

Beautiful Sciirf,cn A

Pair of ¥ariu Gloves,OK A

Fnr-lriiiiined Hood,Ok a

Dozen Fine Shirts,OK A

Fine Fur Collar,OK k

Ilaiidsoiiie Keck-TieFOR A CHRISTMAS PRljSENT AT







a eompl-V* eiwortinent of GENTS NEWSTYLE DRESS and FREN*H FELT HATS,and MEN’S and BOYS’ SILK \T!LVKT,f UK, aud CLOTH HATS aud CAPS, at


LOW PRICED PIANOS.I ATE ARRIVALS OF PLANO- FORTES AT LOWla PiilUKif. all of (tie ino-t ii'jpuliir maker*. Al*o alew good aecoud-band PIANOS.

D. P. FAULDJ,Sour Aiirntb rua

Ste'nwray A Son'* aud Chickeriug Pianos,J. D. A 11. W. Smith’s Ansciiciui Oigans,

And Maltin’* aud Hall Son’* Guit«ra,0l7 dim ISX Main st., bat. Seeend (ng Third.


8. T. StTl',Formerly of Memphi*,Tenn. IFormerly ofLouirrille. Ky


Bankers and Brokers,15 BROAD STREET,

ZNJoXTkT* "^OX-l*..QEO. B. U. QRAV, OaBBrzk,

Fonuerli of Loiiuviile, K> , nX dSmii

d. B. SHOTWXI.L. Wu. 8Taki,»e. W. P. MoDowxix.

. S. B. SHOTWELL iii GO.,

Oommission Merchants,43 WATER STREET, NEW YORK.

A DVANCES WILL BF. MADE ON SHIPMENTS TOA above addreif by W. P. McDOWiiLL,nov; dSm ftw-Main ft., Louirvllla. Ky.

GOLD! GOLD!Bought and Sold in Ttew 7ork


ol Gold iu New York exbcuted by Telegraph


W. E. SNODDY.l-oiihvill,'. Ky.

It, s. Howard.N. V Yi.i.,

SNODDV&HmVARD,Commission Merchants

For tl;e S.ilo of



W. E. Pnoddc will rcTv.iiiu in Loiii-villc and makelul' ai.i.-i* on Hhi^.iiiciitii to liii- lifiuir iu N -u A'oik. u!)ic«lit Siicddy. Pani^li. A C >.’* Shoi Store, Hit M-iinc-i'iioait. Loui-vill.- Motel. it rtlmin

KKasonic IVotice.ft COMPAS.S I.OIMiE fXo. 3-ilj K. A. M. will

mc-t THIS fWKii.NKSUAA'j KVE.MNG, Jan.4. 1 a-H at cy, o’clock, lor w ork


/yr\ By order. JOHN U. HOWE, W. M\\ M. MiCkeai.t, Sec’y. j I dl

masonic Ifoticc.n lAtUISVlLLK R.*. A.*. CHAPTER fNo. B)

wi» cuiivene THIS fWKliNESDAY) EVKf-TK^ JNO. 4t!i in't., at av o’clock. By order H. P./Nr \ .it m*el* S. Hll.LMAN, Secretary.


I dividend ol fonr |M'r fr«f of Govcniuiciit tax,|>..i nlilc to Stockliuldci? oil driii’ind.jt <ia- HENRY I,. POPE. Cidiicr.

PB-APT.A I.I. PERSONS IN THE EOUKTH WAKDUABLKA lo military duty an' n-.iuc-t.-d to meet at the Kcn-tucki- Engiue lloUi*r ou WEDNESDAY .MGHT, at 7o’clock, for llic |>uri'0ac of formiiik' a club to u—iiit per.sou* ill getting out of tbe draft. J4 dl*

Office iKHiisvillc G-as Company,J.xnuary 3,

A DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CEN*T ON THE CAPI-- • tat Muck of lliii* Coiiipiiiv is tliir day declared, pay-aldc at tide oflicc ou aud after tin- bill im-t.;* JOHN S. CAIN. Cush.

Dividend.Banz or Kr.NTroKT. .fan. 2. l-hJj.

A m VIDEM) OF THREE PER CENT fUREB OFGoveriiu.cnt tax) wa* thi* day di-clan-d by the

Btnkol Kentucky, iwyalile to Stockholder* on demand.it dl THOMAS L. BARRET, Ca»liier.

Dividend.'T’’HE BANK OF LU ISVILLE HAS DECLARED A1 MHii-aunual divid>'iid of thn*e |mt cent ffiw of Gov-miincnt Ux), wbicli will Im' paid to Stocklioldera on d,--

uiaiid. CH AS. TH-DKN,J*u. 2, iN'A—jt d.* Caaliier.


The franklin bank oekenti ckyhasdk-ctan d a Hclui-aunuttl <!J^eiid of :: per cent (free of

Go'i reii e t tax). pa>Hlili t'rafl.* kliolder* on d< mand.Jan, a, 1-U—)4 da J. I>. D’LEAKV. Caahic.r.

Dividend.THE PEOPLES BANK OK KENTUCKY HAS DE-I dared a dividend of four |M-r rent fexrluaive ot Guv-

el uii.i'Ut tax), iw' able lo Stoekliolder* on demand.J*n :t, 1"<>5 j4 d;;* J. H. hi KKK- -C.H-liiei'.


A I.ENTLEM\N AND WI1>:. OR TWO GENTLE-iiieii. rau find « nice room and iMnrdiii;: roiivenieut

to l.ucine** liy addn-ixing IVix no. 1U3. Luuiavil i<, K>


Good refen nee gi\en and r.-i|uired. it do*

THE I NDKRSIGNKD IS AUIUOKIZEDtiy tho Governor of Kenlnckv to nvTiiit on*'

/JIfD) Uegiiueut of MOUNTED I.NE.ANTRY to tie

* . .T6- mu*ten*d into tlie oervice of the State fur Gie(K'liod of one year. Addro* '

M. C. T.AVUtR.Col. l.'itii Ky. VoIh..

jt dtr Loiiieville. Kv.

DR. OODDSmiTHM ay be kound at the ofeioe of dr. t. l.

CALUWELI.., Jeffeivoii atrrot, next door to tbeUuiti-d State* Hotel. Ofttce hour* X naat 3 to 4 P. M.j4 dSiii [Democrat covy.]


atantly on Itaiid at No. 7U5 Jefferaou atrwt,aw* ~ between SevouUi and Eixhth utreots, aouth

ide, at niy old atand of buain«iia. All thoae ii^want of•uch article* will do well to give me a call and *«o forhemaelve*. j4 dii MRS. M. L. LOONEY.

Z7ew Sams and Prime Deaf Dard.1 nmi KEOit PRIME LEAF LAKO;A,v/UU 1(10 tiereea do do do;

l.UWi now angar-eured Ham*;In Btore and for aole to the trade by

MITCHELL t ARMSTRONG,Proviaion Merchaiita.

j4 d<i No. 331 Main at., bet. S<-coiid and Tliird.

Kentucky Marine and ZVe Xnsnr-ance Company.

The st(x;kholueks in niis company willplraae me<*t at the oflire ot Uie Company on Monday,

January 9. Ii*i6. between the lioiira ot lu A. M. and 1

o’clock P.M., tor the puipoec ot cbooaiug aix Oir(H;tor* to

aerve iu the Company the euauing year.M. A. HUSTON, Sec’y.

DouUvUIc, Jan. 4, lSg5—dtd

For Sire,


year* old. Aiiply io .IAS. SMALL,At llcmiug’* Store,

dk* Market gk, oue door above Thir(L

D4Y PRESSES.M»I44 Www^M from Lamar BamSar,

JV***g Fiatm^ar Baat$ar»Matram Bumar FmrtmhU ««4

Omatbla Fvmaar Bmaad Fraaaaa*LonIrvUto Hay Pre** Work* ear. Main and 11th *4*.07 dOm WILLIAM UERRJNO. Saperiutendaot


retired from llic aalt trade on the lat inst. All

person* indebted to, or liaviug claims against tlie iia-

deaigned arc ri'iuc.-tcd to call and wtlle the same ou or

before February l»t. My oflicc is on Third street, be-

tween Main aud the river, next door to my old place of

biiaiuess, in sw mid story ot the houev occupied by J-jhn

B. Smith. K*<i.

G. G. ALLEN,.Tanuary 4. pvSi. [jldl.*.] laite Salt .Agent.

Dissolution of Copartnership.

The partnership heuetofoee existingbetween u.-, nuiler tin- finii imm.- of I. FR.VNK &

CO., it lu-rebe, b-. mutual cuii-ent, dissolve 1.


1-iIAVE THIS DAY Si'fl.D MY INTEREST IN THE1 above Arm to Me.-wra. S. P. STEK.N.VN and .V. liKkLS-Tl.U amt tla-y are alone authoiix,-'! to li>|Utdate theafiair* ot tbe said firm. IS.A.AC FRANK.

The t NDEKSIiiNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMEDn parluersloii, under jl;< naiu'' of STERNAN A

GEKSTLE. and will eontinue tlv t>u*ine.«* hendoforecarried on by I. Frank A C<i. S. P. STERNAN.



«’’E llAVF. Tin?^»^A»5uPv’rF,n WITH rsV' u purtnera iu our bm-incM our friend* and <io*ia-

Mesara. CHAKLF^S KKANKK ERKDE-RIUJ.ANSSKN, and COLUMBUS BRIK.’KKNHROUGH.llie *1;. le ot the firm remaiu* unchanged.Jan, 1. li-iA-jS df. .TOHN SMIDT k CO.

ZVotice.I HAVE THIS D.VY AsstX;i.VTEn .MY SON, DR.1 EDWARD K. P.XLMER. with mv seif in tJie urae-ti<v‘ot Medicine .and Surgery.

.Ian. 1, 1-dS - j3 d:»* B. K. P.KI.MER.

For Biro,

A GOOD COfiK, WASHER, .\N1> IROXER. TO Vgood honii- the hln’ will la* miule low. liaiuire at

Auction-reoms of C. C. Sjk iie^. jj ,p)

Pennsylvania Central Railroad.

I.oni..villi , .Ian. 2, l-iKV jtilS


M r. L. BAMBERGER HAS THIS DAY BEEN AD-niltt' <t as * iiieiiitMT of our fin.i, wbicli will liereat-

ei Ik- Hyhxl B.VMBERGEU. ttUJOM. & CD. Th.inkfulo onr unijerous friend- for the very lila-r:*! p linmneelieretotore evtend' d to ns, we nvp<'ctfiilly ask lor a eou-tiuuaiice of the same to tlie new hrm.

E. BA.MUKRGEK i* CO.Loui-tUIe, Jan. 3. l-(Vi.

E. BAMBERt.EK.New \o:k.


A\ F. ARE NOW PREPARED TO ISSUE THRot i.H7 7 tiilla lading via river aud railriKid to li.vltiinore,Ptiiladehihiu, New A'ork, aud Boston at lowest rates.

ilOOKHEAD « CO...\yrnta Pennsylvania C. R. 11..

j3 dim No. Hii Wail st.

Copartnership Zfotice.

T’HE firm of terry ft UO„ CO.MPUSEU OPthe uudersigtied, i* thi. day di-Mlvmi.

.lOlIN TERRA*,Loni-vilie, Dec. 3L l^L E. .A. GARDNER.

T'HE UNDERSIGNED HAV E FOR.MEn A COP.VRT-nrr.'hip. under tlie uhiiiC ofJOHN I'EKRA' ai t> >.• nil I

will eontfnue the AVHOI.KS AI.K (IIKX’EKY aud COM-MISSION biisini’sa at No. I'.la Main strci t, formerly oc-cupied by Terry ft Co. JOHN TERRY.


I.giniarillo, .Tan. 3, l-i'-S—d*:j:w4— ^Office Louisville BKarine Insurance

Compaur.Deeember 33.

The ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOUSHOLD-KRS of thi* Crnipaiiy will he held on Mondity, tlie

inh prox., at 10 o’clock K. M„ to elect a P.esident and•ix Iiirector* tor tiiu enniing > car.«»• d*i* \VM. SINTiAN, See’e.

BA!»BEliGEK, BLOOM, &. 10., t NEGRO AVOM.^^lSlS^V GOOD CO<JK .AND' ' ^ wa/hiT. Am>Iy to

WB4>Ll>^F. DF.A.Lr.ns IN

Foreign k Domestic Dry Goods, &c.,

No. 5‘J'l N. S. M:ii It street, lad Fifth aud Sixth.

K EI ERRING TO THE ABOVE, AYE AVILL AT ALLlimes lie pn'jiared to exhildt to tlie trade Uw largi-at

and tieat-aasorted stock of DRA' GOOl>S. N()TIONS, Ac.,iu the AVeatern market*. With our ext«-n*ivv faeilitb-ariiaving a buyer ri-aidiug F^.-tj, wo are enabliHt to offerunottualled iuduoemeuts to the eit.v trade aa well aa toall niercluiuG visiting this market.j4 dlmla BAMBKRfiEK. BUK)M. .t; CO.

Dissolution.’T’HK, COP.ARTNERSHIP HKUETuFOKE EXIST-J ing ladween tl;e uuderaigm-d, undiT th<‘ firm styleol A. RAAA'SON ft CO., ia thi* da.v dissolved tiv miilunleoiiseiit. Either parly will iwe the mime of the firm iulinuidatioii. A. RAWSON.Jan. 2. l'i!5. E. G. AA'Iib.lNfoN.

Copartnership.HMIE' UNDERSIGNED, St CCESSORS OF THE1 late linn a{ ,A. Kxw-oii ft Co., will rniitiiuie tie*WHOLESALE (.RlXJEKY and COMMIS-SloN hini-, 11 --- at tlie <4d stniifi. No. 31* Main atrei't, under tlie linnof F.. G. AVIGGINTON ft Co.

K. (i. WK'R.IXroN,J. 11. KI SSELL.

I •laeei.viile, .I.nii. 3. 1 m*A -'.4 eZ.' w

.»<>'. voter. jjni. b. von-f:. ciiv-. w. rore.x.



TIN, iron, and COPPKR work.Sotilh vide Maiket, liot. Sixth and Seviiuh at*.

•loi! WouK w ill be ptomptl.i .-tUeiidtJ to. jl dim*

<m «»:>- SUTCLIFFE. OAVEN. t W(X)D.

For Hire,/ 'OOKS- AVASHEKS-GIKM AND IWfA S. In-iuire' at Pi ters’. China Store, Market -trevR bctive.'UFuuGh and Eillli, aontli side.


DiAfidend.LoriaviLLE, Di'c. 31, 1V4.

AT A 8PECLAI, MEP;TING-0E THE DIKECTnRS-.A._of the (ieiiiian liiaiiraiice, held tins day, aivao-lutiou Was p;isfed to declare a aemi-aiiiiiial dividi-nd oflUpiT cent on the cnpiul atoek or fire dotlar* a »hare,which will be ;iaid ou or after ttv Mih of J tnuxry, I’No.

Ji^3 B. MOLLMAX.N. S.T’y.


The mercu.vnts’ bank of kenti cky hasdeclared a dividend of eight o>'r cent, free of Gov-

erniirenl tax, ;>ayable to Str^ekholilera on and after the5lh iuat. J. U. LINDKXBERG.EB,jg d4 G-iahicr.


The copartnership HKKfrroFuRE exi.st-ing ta'tweeu ll.e .uiideraignecl, iiinl'T the linu of

J. V. ft L. B.AMBtUGER. is tliu (Liy dDaoIve J be mu-tual conar-nt. Eitlier party i* auTtioruh d to lua* theMime of the firm iu liiinnl-rtion. The liooki of the Annwill la' found at onr old office, where {lartie* indebted tou* will please make iiumedlate payment.

.1. E. BAMBERGER,, L. B-V-MUaRGElLL< iii.-ville, IVc. .^l, l''(54_js d:t


The firm of jno. C(m.iikan* .t son i.s thisday diaeoivi d in cnuiwiueiiee of the death of th-

ai nioi jisrliM r. Tlie iiudi rsigi.< d will lii|iiidale •lusct-tlixt bnsine-a. G. 11. GiKIHKAN,

Louisville, Dec. 31. LnU. Surviving Partner.

AHWAV WTTT T o » cocHK®N*'.^S ® hweW XX X XiXxXjXjOi ^** a-aoeiHteiltngether.Hudwiilroutiuuethr' WHoLE-c S.XLE LlOl OK )mi* neaa at tlie old sfiiiiil of .1im

Comer Teutli and Broadway, near 1.. ft N. R. K. Dep.vt,


The very ihohe.st market price paii>iu ca.li for WHEAT,

_aud i-very faeility and a-.iL-

tence given 1 1 aeller. in bringing fix' same to market,j-l <!1mftw3 S.AM’I, A. MH.I.EK, Proprietor.


Notice of Copartnership.

\rK HAVE THIS DAY ASStXlIATED AVITH USa. a partner Mi . J. F. B.\MBEK()KK, of the late

fnm cf J. F. ft" L. Bamlierger. The style of our firmwill eontinue a* lieretofore, S. ULLMAN ft CO.

In rett.ming tluiuk* to tlie uiimcious friend.- aud pat-

rom of the old firm, we would aay that we lutve in-

cri.i-ed our far ilRlea for doing Iniainea-. One of ourfilm w ill art a. buyi'r E .at, and iu hia alisciice we h ive

made arrengeuieiita u 1th a n alth-ut buyer. ( >ur otla'r

arraiigi nient- ure such aa will euaide uh to give tlie

utnio-t a*ti“fHCtioii to our friends and eu-tomer*. and w.‘

n eiild leapectfully im ite a contimuuci' of their favor*

and the patmiinge of the cit; aud country tradi- gene-

r.'llj , who will find it to their advantago to give u-a<Mll.

S. IT-LMAN ft CO.Lnii'--' ille, .Tail. 1. l“*r> -]4 dim


I>iuiville, Ky.The avestekn presbaterlan will be

published in llanville. Kentucicy, os a weekly relig-ion* paM-r. uudei tlie editorial coutrni of the K. y. Ei>-u ai:ti P. Hi mi'IIKKy and the K<*v. Stxi'iiks Vrnars.It is nrejicsT'd to produci- an old-fa-liioned Prevbvtdrianfauillj- newspaper, on the general plan ot the furuerPresbyterian Herald.The EJitora are pledged to maintain a strict allegianee

to the Pre-byteriaii Cluurti in tlie United State*, and tothe Nation in the perils tiirough which both are nowpnasiiic. Tlie paper will la- devoted, a. It* firrt audhighert object, to file interest ofihe Proalivtoriaa Chnrelj-;k. dis-tniie-., order, nml wi>:..’.,;p growth insaving knowledge ol it* members. SpeeidI effort' willlie m*de to promote the unity of the wliolo church onHie lia.is of unwavering adherence to it* General A»-seuitily and to its lu!ititiitio:i- aud .\'-'jncieo for thespread of tlie Go^-I


It is the louvirtiuii of Ihe Editor-^ that cur form ofCivil Government i.- the ordinance of Gial lor tlie profileoi this country, and that tlie Union of these State* is

the coiiditien witTor.t which the life of tlie nstion can-not ta- caved. Thi- aentiment will Ik' treely uttered tothe extent projHT toth.' rrlmioua pre.-.s while pilitiealconfrovLTvy and di-ciu'ciou will be leu to the soeularp«IKra.A digest of religion- iut.'lligsiir.'', a nnimarr of ren-

eral news for tlie la uefit ot tho.-e who may aee no oilier

p;u.er. literary aud .-eionlific notie*'*. a rolnrau for thechtidreti. the Bitile Cla-.-. and tbe Sunday Sr-hool. and .v

I'miier lor the Faint, tbe Gaidou. and the llamo, willfind a place in the pa;s-r.

The hiUitMs have luidei taken thi* woik at the iirTentsolicitation of their hrvthn-u—iniuisters and rulingeiders, from vai ions paiD of the ,Suto, met iu c mven-tiou during tlie session of tlie* S nod of K--iitui-k.i intictober last. Tlie Editors are to have the *«U' controlof it.' roliiniiis. Tiiey now call upon ail who ai>prorethe object lo give a wide circulntion to tbe paper.Tki:mh—


hree JoRor* a j ear, if p.iid iu udva'ice;three dollara aiui X/Tp et’ufs, if not p.tid within threeiiioiitba.

Tile firct iiiiiiiber will b<* is-iied as soon as the printingoffice call he tilted up—not later, it i- lio|ied, tiun the3i th of .THiiimry. 1*4>5. LUtc of auliscriber* bhou’.d bereturned by tlie 15tb of .Taiiiiary.

Addles* AViai'EKN PKESBATEKIAN.del diiftwl Danville. Keiiturk.y.


LADIES’ DRESS FOES,Couaiatiug of complete set* of



Aud all the Medium Furs sold iu

this market,


All in want of Fur« wi t find it to their lntery»t to ex-amine my stuck betoie making their pureliaaes.

WM. F. OSBOHN,‘X‘X5 Main at., between Seeoofl ani] Third.


their friend* aud tbe public tliat they hr.ve this dayaaaiiiiied tin' |>roprietorahip of the GALT llOl'SE, audcordiallj’ invite all to enjoy ita luaipitHlities.


S.XLE LlQl OK liu* m sa at tlio old stand of Jno. Coch-nin ft Son under tlie st' le of

, , ..COCHR.AN ft l ULTON.

Louisville. Jan. 1, 1'-ft". j-» j,;

For Hire,For the, year !•««, a good cook, aa’asiiek,

and Irom-r, with two ehiidreii; also a Girl, Is-two u15 aud l;i year* old, a good nurse or Imiise girl. Iii.|uirvot AV. .V OWEN.j3 dS* M (in st., bet. Sixth aud A-veiiih.

XVotice.TUK H.AA'F: in store one new FOUK-HOK8K7 7 AVAIiON, iiiacked **D. U. Keel-r. U'.iUviUe,'" Ifnut called lur iu ten days, it will he sold to pav charges.

. MOORHEAD ft O0„«l. ld» No. lilt Wall at.

Avoid the DraftBy ENLISTlNCi IN the HANCOCK GI'.VRDS. A

Cavalry company now la-ing rai»'d by Csp:. P. .S.

Jones. Turn of servici' one year. The laree-t Ine-il andGoverum. lit laninty paid. OiUoe ou Greeu, la tweoaI'irth and Centre stre-eta. d-il di>*


1>EK.SONS AVISIIING TO AA'OID THE COMINGA draft tan prta-iire P.rprcseutntive Siil«-titiitui byc.illiug oil the iindersikiiefl. at No. 3;'.5 (uKl I*', t-oilieebuildiitgj Third stria^ between Market and J.-tfei -on,east side, LouiaviUe, K>'.d^ d(i* M. 3. LORD.


\\'E ARE INEUKMED AND A'.VOIT THAT SOME77 grocer* are aeliing or offi-riug to sell uew H uu'.rrprear-iitiu? thi'ra *s '•Stagg’s turc." There are none ofSt.'gg’s new Hams in market, nor will the/e be xayready for sale Ix'fure tbe lutli of January. '

di. dii O. W. THOMAS ft CO.

Hotice of Administration.

The UNDERSIGNUt. H.XVING BEEN APPtMNTEDaduiinistiator of the estate ot Jno. E. Mixire, dec’d,

iV'iiiesta all pi-raons indebted to the eakite to call andmake aettlenu nt, aud tho*** bavin- claim' against it wprvseut them to liilu, duly pioreu. for payment.

CH.XS. R. GKIFFITII.lamisv ille. Dee. #0. 1- '*4—do*

1>ARTIK3 HOI-DING RECEIPTS FOR IMPKI-kWKDJ HORSES will find it to tneir advauUge to call at theJoui'uoi Office. tUU dtr' R. LA'NCIl.

^ardtar.T50AUDING IN A PRIVATE UaMILV TOR A FEWJ Jg 'iitlemfU south side Maiket. 4 d-ror- bi-l- v S, v-,uth.


ING HOI SE to the »outhwe-,t corner i it Fourth a:i jM lin street.-, n lierc they will lie pleased to *• e Ihoir oldIrieuds and cuatuiiiets. dJS d>>




yDIESVl.\Disi'IlilirERS-A. T O O S T !

Mis.JENNIE¥cOREA1)Y411 .'Harbet g*., bet. Fourth anti Fifth,


Ut of klarrlu offer* her Urge stock of Men’s an 1 Boy *’

Roots and Shoes and L.idlo.^’ aud Mi'-ses’ G.iiters at cost,

to close tlie roi.eern.

Si'e a'so offer* for aale, cheap, all the fixture* coutainej

iu the estublUluucut, together witli the goodwill of the

hoe..-e, tlRv-esrlv-n of which wilt bo given as soon as the

stock and fixtuic- are diaiKMcd of. Tire house i* desira

bly located iu the Im.-iuea* heait of the city , and yffers a

rare op)ioituu!ty to thoao lu search of a good buaiue-*


To any one desirousof coutinuing the manufacturing

btiainesa, which the undersigned i* about to reliintuish,

the above is a chance rarely to be met with, as Ihia estab-

lUbmrnt has always enjoyed a large and profitable busl-


South aide Maiket street, bet. Euiirth and Fifth,

J2 dim I-oiiisvlUe. Kentucky.

Copartnership Hoticc.E. T. IN(iALr> K. M. INGAMgJ.

LsHilavUle, Ky.llavei'liill, 14h-.'.

LouiaviUe, Jau. 1, liidS.



: A. TI1ROCK.M0KT0N ft CO... Proprietor*.


And XVIiolesale Dealers in

Tcots, Shoes, aud Wool HatsIN Ai.L iiiF.iz v.viuaiir-,,

1:16 Main *t., between Fourth and Fifth,



ner in our houae ftoui thi* (bile. The sty lo Till b.'

as hen tofcn’c.


Xfew Sngar-enred Bams.A FINK LOT OF SUGAR-CURED HAMS, 0>»>t out

ot amokej in itora and for tale byj4 McFKRRAN * MENKriE.

On and nfler Tueodny, Jan. li, LtsfiH,

Trains will leave as follow*:

No.l -Leaves Louisville daily (except SunloyN) at 5:35

A. M., Mopping at oU itat mi rxoept FairGrounds, EhuM Coune, Ormabv’s, O’B.iunon’*,Bi'ard's, Brow mboro. aud Belle 'lew. Leave*I-exino^ at fliia- P. M., aud arrive* at LoaiavUtoa* 7:0U P. M.Leaves LouiaviUe at 3:30 P. M. (Sundays exei'pt-

ed), stopping at all stations except Fair Grounds,Race Couree, Brownslaira, uno North R'‘n«ou.La'aVee Is-viiigton at (hUU A. M., and arriyes atLoiiisviliu at H:li6 A. M.

>lo.3—Ace«imnK>dHtiun teavea Logrouge dail.y (Sund iv*

exn'ptv'di nt 7:00 A. M., and srrivM at LouisviOeat (COO A. 14 Lmvmi LoulavUls at S:5J K M ,

aad arrives nt Lagmiige at k35 P. M.raEIQUT TOArNS leave Louisville and Lexington

dolly (tendsy* ezeeptedtdSl dtf BAJTL OILL, Sopn.

Hew Firm, - > 527 Main street.\|K. R. L. KROXVN HAVING RETIRED FKO.Mivl the hoiiseuf IIEETEUft BROWN, 1 have associatedwith me Mr. T. C. CH.XUDOIN. The buaine** hi'rarif-

ter w ill be eondueh'd under the firm aud st .'Ie ol IlEET-KK ft CH.XUDOIN. where a welI-«alocb-d stock of1 1 Al'S, CAPS, audSTRAW GOODS will be offered to thetiade ait the very lowest jobbing prices.

LouiaviUe, .Ian. 3, liv6—d't* J. XV HEETEK.

Reward.oTOLE’-N FROM MY UOl'SE, ON THE 3d, A B0.Yt? of valuable*, watches, rings, voluaiite paper*, et :.

a wardrobe being forcibly opened and the mbovd sb-itnictt'd. Any infennation loading to return of propert/or detection at thief will be amply iv-worded.

MRS. McGEF-,East side Tliird, bet. Chesnnt tud Broadway.


Twine—Sacking and D ftling Twine.XI’ E HAVE IN Sl(5RE AND FOR S.XLE A COS-77 signmenF of No. 1 Roliug and Soaking Twine,wbiifti we will dispose of st reduced rate* to ei^.d»dd HcFKKRAX ft MENEFEE.

J.WMiti uxli- VbnbP. .VuMSTBoai.. Ron’iEiotn.

MITCHELL & ARMSTRONG.Provision & Commission Merchants,

‘J*J*J Main st., between Second and Third,


DE4I.ERS i:i PORR, BAC0.\, L.4RD, FLOlt,&c., &«.,

Agent* for tlie sale of ALCOIIOI- COLtKJNE SPIRflTI,BOl RBtiN sud K.XW WHISKEYS, ftc.


The fik.m of j. h. schroeder * bon is

thie day changed to J, 11. SCHKOE^DEK ft SON3,

J. II. Schroeder. A. H. Schroeder. J. Loui* Sebroedet



“Ithmhr's (Kltiil ul Rimad lithrj,”


[Pres* and Anzeiger eopy.j

Pickles.CfX/X BBl.8 PICKLES IN BRINE;OUU 50 < o Sauer Krout;In store an.i for solo by J. ANTHONY ft CO.,

y dSl e^3* No. 133 Fonrth it., bet. Main and Water.

Sweet Cider.1 BBLS APPLE C7DKK;lOU 50 do Chab do do; „In store and for sole by J, ANTHONY ft CO.,dJl eodS* No. 133 Fonrth it., bet. Mu'in and Water.

Old Donrbon Wnimkey.1 O BBLS 7 YEARS OLD;1*^ 35 do 8 do do;

Su do 4 do do;S'-U do 3 do do;

In store and for sale bv J. ANTHONY ft fX).,

dSl t'otRS* No. 133 F'ourth st- bet. Main aud Water.

TNUoRM.XTIO.N IN r'eGXRD TO SAM. R.XT, JR.I ^nh;i Kay. :r- I. I-. Dtin.-au7 and .1. I’. M'uirsax itir-

iw'rlv of Tuuiiftinri die, Ki .; Sam. Kov, »r., and*nkiM.f:iii.‘iii, bi Munroemuaty; ol'O.Xb'X. oui Janu-.:K.i>.tua,of Barren eountr, Kv- will L- thsiiKfullv n-%ire«| b

A-rvt. TIB’S F. srEXES-vM dfl IloMiltal •; XVnrdC. N. w Al’^uy, Ind.


An i \h rnished room. .xdi>ress j. w. m.,J' liTiial Olficr. , j4 dl*

Wanted,X sm ATION AS BOOK-KEEPER oK SALRS--» iiiRU. Cm tnmiah ptWHT n'5 n'lirr. Call on S .X.

.\frlJ-or, jr„ Ijvw ortiee. Cunrt l’4w< , u»- ir Sixth, or ait-

dre«s l»r.tw« r LU..PO. jlK*


..X Imiii')- aud tl-- hi-hest n*a««-« w'lil u- .;A. ii to or.


V h«» can *iv,- sali-loctory r* iiium udatioii*. -Xpply it

‘he INSLR-V.SCE OFFICE,418 M.arn «t.. j;ia» below Fouvfh sk,

'4 dtt over D. O^II::r*'’s 'Prunk SCae.*,

\\’ANTED .X G'tl, 13 ar 11 yean old, to wGt in’ ’ huii*e.

H-jB UHOf A Nosto Woman, riod cook, wvshei.aud iiow; olao t ro Mevo, about 14 year* oM, one a|»V J d; ii er vrith a *ln.;Je hone.

-Xjiply >t B^X Ma*ou’-. south -ide Broa<tw«' thirdhouse • ast ol .'tixth. til**

Wanted to Kent,A SINGLE UNFl KNl.'HKD RiMyXI. ISY \ t.-iUPl K1 , -•Ii*’’,!"*

!•* ‘hamiii, H public bu.ldiut , 5 rr-d..Xduivw M. 11. G- Box «8g p. o. 4 jg'


WHI. - uUl U v«iiid. O. w. I Ho.MV'C.•ld<: Muiu. b.-;. Si-eotxl and Thi-d.


..'V Govriunii'ui other. Travelling acenc;' fora groerryr.taltlishuu'ut pitl-m-J. Bert of r» f. n-ur,-*. bMh inami out ol tbe rit/. giviu. .Vddrv - M. K. S- at thi*Olfi'r. 4 J5*

A Partner Wanted.A N EXCELl.K.NT CHANCE IS .NOW oPIIN FOR A-i. gooil hu'iii- -* man with about '‘I'X'ftu to lav,it iuon e^tal-liahed iiu>oer-m«king bualn<’i~. This ia a chancerarrh met with. The proprietor* ore ex?en<iing th, irbiir.:tu -a. aud na.uirc an active purlner with the shovenu-ana who will N- williiu to a.*>i-t iu tbe businea* bytravelling or otherwiae. Tb,' profit* arv large and willexe,'«'d *7.X.i4i0 this voor. Good n i'erene,-* given and re.uuiii d. Forfuither uartirulars addri 'o, for ou,' wo k,H. Lock, Bov k* P. (>., Cincinn iti. O. -4dl*

Wanted,X SITUATION AS CLERK IN X DRY ,i4j»>DS OR-V Grreerv Store, hy a yoiiue man of „>oi . \|a r'e-nea-.

and w ho ran give ..'ooil relereuce* iu tiaj • ily. Ad<livasO. P. S- rare of Seett. Kc.in. ft O. j4 d*l*

Wanted,\ FIKST-R.XTE NURSE- AND ONE WHO I^NDRU--V -land* - u ing. -X uhit,' ou,' pG f'-rn d. Apply toMrs. Breekiuriiige. at Chas. J. Clnrke’s, u>ulb .-tdo

ClK>tuut, 3d door alovr Sixth. iJ d-'l*

For Sale, I

’’rwo VALrAI'.I.E X AC.ANT LOTSl i3 rRJr» isrI 17i 'eel. ou H>- h 'uev*. !« i.>» Tw. ifth. p 1


ln.|ulre,i, WM U. DUN,*AN.' ’

-Ne II* Iel^"'<>i -r bet F'-.i'ib isd Fifth aa . a;r-1 • d-*>*




HoiiM-lMild Furnitiii . Parlor.n*m*, oad Klieia n, compieto, naiiristuig i

premia and W ’aiMitauda includiiMC P u '

I J^^^f‘****^ A^ r..rr, ntaiar*ero.ew.ai4Plat,'’ umI‘

two Unc<- Parlor XUnfta. Ao ''-ilioa niiat be


within l^e^lmtlnw dav*. Fn- nortieniai* oppl on

I J3 03*

IFor fkUe,

i AJliS’ XND AXnOLKSHORSE with eov'-r* I mll’toi > adiifo itil

,bridle, lor tbr, da>*. at ObvI. jfc 5

' rtabie, ^ ^


Bbelby Coxmty Farm for Sale.I 1 WILL SELL MY FAK.'M. CONTAU*.VViuK about as* acreo. with a good hriek ,

dwrlllng-hause and all nece nary ont-hwild. jmg*—over 3SU sek ct trnit Ween 75 hnsiiag fruit. i war '

'cH the whole bract or divide it to niit parcha*rr<!i. Purtartlwr porliculara apply to Ihe •nidtTvirQ.-d, «a Uy,preuiMra, tkivv tuik - autab of .'thelii.-viHr. Kr



House and Fnmitnre for Sale.I

-V Mouse c< ntxlnin*. eight ro..m.-'IK;: aitnatrd on the aoat'idesf Tenth, hetwesw Chat.

iiut aud Maaoziae. *oi,»ther with oU Ihe Aamitiiracuntaiued there! u, is <ff*.ed for -ole and tanrardia!'P"towjon will be giv«n. Iwiuirn ow the premiaea.



Kii Uowveuient to btuiuca*. PaawMaiea fi roii.^ffLl-MBMdiatrty if rw.ulted. lOHuire at Plaeniv9b1oo(i. Fouith street. j4dJ*




Eoicines ao<l Boilers.

TWO HORIZONTAL CYLi.NDERfl 1' INCHES“e-treter, *i h . I -•r*fce. -i. -et ehe*,s vnd volvn* ea-t so^ T''® iTiwIfTr- H lOOf* H fr^4i«mrfo*rp n(wll, 3 furK«r4-t v^rk, I- torli

ftr’iiii *• (•el hinK > fort iHane tee, withall pipe* and ona, etiona r'lnipi, te, rcofty far iuune-nediab' use.T^.ahove l^e he-Tt uaed h,*t 15 ifav.. and are in good

eoodiUoo ongiiutlly IhiIU for a -tem-whr”! alratoi r.Forfrfrthi'TpaTtii-iiUr j. •—

JnftNm.e ft HIGVINR.to V - Wv! W Y.irit

For Sale,. , A CviMEORTABLE .NF'v^y k' II.T DWELXe

ING, of nMahTii stj ie, \•

't r'«a.*i vtul sr'lor.J^WWith water *n<) to, tm Chei^nt rtSi tm1-Dtli nod Eleventh. Lot tt by »n to a 3»-pyah .x

Appiv at BE.X7TY .k SII AFER'A ^• dr;* Main sS., hrC Eighth and Ni ith.

Dmmg-room Servant Wanted.1 XVISH D> HIKE A «>OOl> MAN lOK ITIK DIN-I iug- oum. XX*M. F. PETlET.t lug-'oum.jl dl,*

WM. F. PETlEr.Sixth stri'.

Wanted to Hire,F«>R the YEAR, A M.X.N KIT TO DiX WORK

about tbe houw and lot. HENRY PiK i*T.Fi.

ddr* eftiiiiaS Fourth .«t., het. Broadway and York.

Information Wanted.OF liEXKA' C. D.XMKON, foruM.'tl)' of Knoxville,

T> nii., but recently of X'evay. SwitCTlauU eountr,Indi.'ino. Addree* W. K. B.ALEtk Poatolficr box T s Mt.Sti iliug. Brown count}*, liUnoio. d.*n dlo*


.fX le-'k-keem r^r Clerk of any dcacrip lun. Ib-f.-r-

ei.Kv given if re-fflired. Addrest Drawer 375. d31d3*

A STlTCfl IN TIME SAVES NINE./ XO.ME ALL YE WHO ARE SCARED .XT FATHERV Abraham’s call tbr three hnndred thoiiaand luorr,ami I will give you the rciuired aid.

SI HSTITL TKS olrvay* on Kind to tike your place*for three yiwra and save you fr. ni the draft.Call oo me at Uie Morning Star S.Uuon, soiitUwy.'t cor-

ner of Jeffeisou aud Fifth stri't !*.

(lx:* dim*

Wanted to Hire,T'OR THE KNnUlNG A'EAR, AN EX’T.RIEN'^EO1 culorrti Cook, one tliat cau come weU-reeoium .-uA-dai.d V. ilhoi.l iucuu.bnu.c-. -Vpp:.' to

fo . H. STOKE-4Suulltenst Coni, r Fourth aud Ch.-sn;.t. or to

W. H.SToKhhS .ft C-rt.

(ha> tid Main -t.. bi-i. Filth and rtixth.

A\'ANTEI»-A LADY TO TE.XUll Ml SHI IN A7 I firat riftas I. iiiiile iu.-::tnti'.,n. She ludot bv biiiil.iu;

0(1 the piguu, a fine vocoliat. .ir. e\;«.'riguc- d tr. J uic-Cvalrul teacher. Noue ether m-ed iipply. Addrea'

T. 3. UKoNsTtr-N, .IK..d3ft dim* K'ghmouil. K •. 8

Wanted,Three sibstititis. at thip.i> street,

e*ot hide, between Mark'-t and .leffi-raon. ikit do*

Wanted to Hire,

For THE Coming year, a hoi oE servant.«i3Pd4 E. p. qi. igley.



Sortlin cHt cb; ner of Mviu aud Sia '•ud *ta.

(130 dluiftw 4

X 41ENTS W.i.NTfD FOIl TIIK .NI K-nE .\NDV sl’X', tire D. -t iuterrotiiig aud exciting book ever

p-gbLisbed, emhiaciug tl-e odveuturr* of a woman in theI'e.'cj army as Niir-.', Scout, and Spy. Oivtug a m-wtviv id inner picture of tlie war. K'-tiimed and dl-wb --d

OlVcer* or.U Soidieri in want of profitable employ meatwill find It peC’jUarly odr.ptod to tlo'it condition.

JO.SES BU.*4. ft CO.,di’. dln.*«l;f PtyUA-.yliia. Pa.

Waated,X DXVELll.Nf: IKilSE CG.N 1 AINTNT. nVE ORA -ix torms, within a few a.{ii<rea of tl*..' C«iirt-hr>;.v.'.

Adur. ' A. M. STOUT. Ihraw n N-.. .VVIl. P. O. d3’tf

Wanted,X FIl’-4T-R.XTE COOK. FOR fllE EN.kULNG YEAR,kV tu oaatat ii. wgat.ing 'uid irouiuB. Aev ted w uu.w:;b</ut ir.c;:nibrgu.*i- pigu-rrv d.

M. L. be; KN V?rl'rt iltf Comer Second and U‘. -f. -t


ul Ih'. R*ueIts dii ROBERT ATWi>)D.

Wanted to Hire.

1 nnn BBLS cider vinegar in sur« and for

1, 1 HjU ml* bp J. ANTHONY ft CO.,dSl eodS* Noi 133 Fourth at, bet. Main and Water.

TO HTRE FOR THF; COMLNli YEAR, A GOT>!)XX oahei woman who also uodervloudM tire dairy

biialiieva. Also a colored boy about 15 year* old. to waitill diiiiug-room aud drive a rockaw .ly.

ds'd*; X'.M. KNIGHT.

Cook and Ifurse Wanted.W'ANTFJ*. A (iOOD COOK fWUlTE OR BL.Xt X;.7 7 also a good Nurse, a m!ddle-ageA white ivomvup:> ferred. To -uch liher.vl woeos will b.' paid aud aconifoi table home pruvidcU. where the work .* light.

Apply to J V. COWLING. JK.,dS- d6* N. E. Comer Eirrt and Choatmit.


i I for Substitute*, and wUI tupplv than on I IB reaeouobla term*. B fi

r t •W'Lock out for th* next draft and »•- "Ln. n cure a Substituto frooi the •nbocriber for O. MTiiuuc xxaB*l .JOHN McC.XRTHY,

duhrtit'ite Broker.nltidSm No. I Ccurt PUen,^><ii*vilto. Ky.


Iron Merchants,No. 236 Main ainl Third Ntreets,


FAZKBAHKS’ SCAliSS,Cc.ll. C'rtUe, Platform, Boot.:', fte., eooaideied the

last in rw;



I i' y and Burglar Proot, suitabk' fo. Officie, Pay-niortero, Sti'ombeat*. ftc.

Wc •<11 Uu above article' at UieuiaunUcturu- «’pri.-. •


GONOERHCEA, GLEET, &c.,And oH disease* of the


Iu a (h'Utcr tinm thou any other nsedicine di*eov>>red.

The cure is pel feet and strengthens the diseased porta.

Price ftl per box—sent free by mail oo receipt of the

meney. For sole at whotroale by LOKl> ft SMITHXYlvok-sok .Vgeuto, S3 Lake Mieet, Chicodoi

AHERN ft ROBINSON,Soil- Proprtrtoro, Cineiuuoli, U.

R. A. KOBINSON ft CO., XYholeiolo Aeeot*, Looio-

vilb', Kv *dHeodfau



Two kfantiftil Prints io *U colors

rrprcscnUng tb« okore froat katUes*

OB fiae plate paper* ii ky laekes*

Price $ia Seat pre-paM to all parts

of the couatry. Likcral iadaco-

eats to ageats aad daks. Address

Pabliskers, Litkograpkers, aad Ea-



Pike’s Opera Hoase, fiBcluati*tMcodlv

1 Ml G«;x' \N!> fa

1 for 'air. Io.(iiIt-> Aora. -IV - St' H , S. -.4 la t

M rtVtt -t -t*.

For Kent,A FR-XME B' II.D.N- , HY •*« FRET WI i G>l«-i Po'rrr a-;d M;'i !. ;:uTv a>i.| * B! ..


h i Gi.- .Tltiif. wll -nita' iiore '.ar. e.li; turin;-

,- - -vr ?i .Ti.;i;u< I l.oer.i. Xn;../G'JtiKNK .M. A!bi «.

J« ilcr-'On. D.'ar t lUa

For Kent,THREK-'afoKY BKM K 'ii *RE OR W XRK-

14?: 1I< >l nE. "n I bird -v-c t. (.etw,-. •, X>:u>;i,»W*.r *'X ter Pv I, , . ,J.J, 1. ^3u.|oct «Uey. Pb« Ith «i: v :s on tbe l»f .b .- of .F.,n.,*-,

ll'». A;e,i’> tc .j'.hTi Si! -i r i C- ., Main tr vl, i wjSdr EDWARD W PVJE

Elevatois and Koltxng Cbest forSale.

Three i-li-vatorv si.it .foe lor a rrai.v Wi.'g. <*•<M.l!. Aao I u.- ; irge luit'Uit rie-ot.

JOHN S. SNEAK .tC<».New .X.bgs I . t •!

Steam Sn^ine for Sale.

('Y LINDER !•> tnrhe«4iani.-teT. ** iiwhe* •». a . a,ren>p*acdccp|*-r y'p.-- .-.•x .plet'-.

gal * JOILN S.SNEAIV ft Cm..N. t«V'-n -. Tii. 1

For Kent,, . TXVo NEW IiWE:4,iN,.-Ur>; aK.-k lUaT v-JH-

i*b«-J. eor' .i'' - 1 M-li aitiiil 4 ir.

^ M Jarv.h ,trr-. t. t.< ,r ' r; K’.o'. W.11 . 1.1 : it one O, !'

-TTi'ni. Aitp*.' It X'

Ml .1 L near I^n.

* or.. ihcMi— .

. »:-th. r'r. .N .

ZfUmber For Sale,1 '*’1 W W X Gl CiU lOE i» vK. .-vl '-XR.

'.x lv *It. "cli. ! I^»iar. 5. SK;. *ul

4 iiwh.ra thick; e.;.,.' txlifok. T^iG hin.'. . ,i wcwstuck up iu our ya:d. C.s!’. .it mir

.Mll.I.KR ft M.s.Ry.dSl' dtf C.'!u-r Nintn ' de -t,


Henry County Farm for Bale.

M A farm uF Wfa .XCKIuX. WmilNH^toone miie ot N'-w Castle and three of Koi.nencr. a eond hriek dwrltlng house sod

ner —ary out-iaiilding*, writ watered, a vewBd etvrutrdof a vorivL of fiiiil. i* odnt-d far sole. For parti.-; lor*Ok to tnuu'. apply on the premise*, or addrea* SXNew Castle, <;. Idh'odll’*’ ROBT. L. OWEM-X.

A Delightftd Country Kesidencefor Sale,


Madfo'O. Indiana, a very mmouticJ|~iS.ret>red *poS. yet oo near « ia:~a town. I: t .

contain' 75 acres, port wuod land; rood fir lit of oil •4ft^and the best expcenrc' for vineyard-; two tprins'. tnd *fairre cistern, and entbuUdio-;' ef *b.e mset - -N-mnualkind. ln>)urre for btrlher infomiolion comer « Rmtand High rtzeet. Madi- -i. Indian*. dd- ::3

X XVIilTE OU COLOKIJi GIKL TO .XTTEND TO'A tiiilcMT. (J'lod refereace* re.i'.iir d, -Xpp!/ vt uiyo! !ce. evt r st-'ie of U. S. Beuediet ft Sou. or at r. ,; douce

-Xpp!/ kt uiy>r at r. ,;j«uce

It I*, cot n«e'( -oan* to pnbltoh x !.*t ot

dtoeaH* frr trhlrh the CEDROM BITTEItS veft Pf-fteifle. In ftU di.'d&ws of the STOMACH,BCWELS. UVER, or KIDNEYS; in xU slfsc-

tit Da of the Briilu, d«pt:cdin< apon tlema,;ts

m^iit of the Stomach or Boweto; in GOUT.


FEVER and .AGUE, it to destined to saperaeda

all other reiurdics. It not onh* curt« tbe.-'A 4**

eaec». hot it prerecta thi-m. .A wine-idAs.'*in! of

the HITTERS, taken an honr hefivre each meixl.

will obviate the ill effects of tbe mt>4 onhexitbr

clim.-te and secure the taker against dlsea-iv-w

uBtler luo^t trv inR ex|.t'aure.


IDi^.xJOKClsr BTJTuIL.At bia Labrnlory on FUIS sraa strest,


l'imiBERL!\. m, k Itl.,



Miaafacrarpr' aal Vflnlrsale Drapts


FuraLshiof; RoaiLs43€ l&ll UVUflUl* II.

VfAVDIO PUBCUAnD THB ffTUCX Off VUXTU-Xl DtO of HART ftOO., fata orantainn Ihn bnMnsto .AIbsir oU stand, sad win bn ptossed to son Ibn «M sosltra-M oi ihn bsnsn, sad hcM to Mshn It to saw tsaSunl nfovontoxn to toiiHiiue tosw batoneiB oammaattam. Are nsvrensiv ind a hall stattXranBt ai Oeafe in tbot Una Han-ehnut* vXaitliw *s sito wtO ftnd It to thaftTSUtM toto8 and twJii ewe ttoeft bdfom pnrtfoti^


•ofittnan tha boaiiMaB at amx old Msnd. and wnanhaplenaDTolB renonunandlac thSD to oawManto* snstoito

' «*, lad tosrthsnfa raesraOy as befag faerxto of ihafe


tofapngga ad dfcii HAJCT ft XXX



Old Catawba Brandy,Wbkh wa win «ea by Xha bsMla «r dHRsatatoto flgara

HAT>UMN» St Cff-

m dhMTiwBwHn Oraatte lha SkdtoaaL




Arof/w.mc —Owtae to tbe slokneM of the

v-anim. some of oar citv rabscriber' m ir fal'.

to receive tbeir ixipers reeul^rly. We ask tbelr

iixlulceDce for a few day;^. « ben we will be a'deto an|iply them promiKly. In the meantimethey wi|! please rerort non-deliveries to theoffice.

the lOtb instaat. the coat of tbe Daily

Journal will be («ent by mail):

1 month fl 2.’>

S do 3a0C do 6 y*

We need not tell onr subacribers we are

lorced to sucenmb to ctrennmanoes, ajd the

laat to >ield to the preeenre of the tiuMS as

some of our coxiU-mporaries bare done, whohad fortnnntely contracts for paper at a low

figure, bat will do as tlioy have done, and prom-

lee our anbscritiera a reduction of our rates Just

so soon as it is t*<riaible for ns U> do ao cun&isU

ont m itli tbe duty we owe to onrsdves and to the

imliUc. It Is not our a ish or disposition to tax

onr aubecribers l«yond what we conceive a liv-

inf; profit, and they may rely upon it that bo

soon as k is |<uasibk for us to do so, tbe sub-

scription price of tbe paper will lie redact'd.

0'We receive many complaints from oursabicribers in Danville, Eairodsban;, and other

}<oints eonih of Lcxini^n and Frankfort in r«*;

tcard to the delay in the ddivery of tbe Journal

tbroo^b tbe mails. On investbration of tbe

cauee we find, that, owini; to the dancer fromKnerillas on tbe road from Frankfort to Dan-ville, tbe q>eciai afp*nt of tbe P. O. Departmentbaa deemed k safest to send mail' for points


above named via Lexington. NicboUsville, a:c.

Tbe trains from this cky to Lexington fail twoor three times in the week to connect with those

of the Kentucky Central Railroad at l>>xiN?ton,

and ooDse^joently mails lie over lor twent>'-four

hours at Lexington.

As the Louisvilie and Lexington Railroad

Comi>anv design on Thnrsday to put on anevening train, thus ditidint: tbe immense<UDoi:nt of business it is doing, we hope here-

after dally eomm.mication will ite made, and(be cause lor fnture complaints removed.

_ 8iate Pi!on> TioN.—Our {State i.^ overrun bv^laalcbe baiuife. and it is a maUci <>t deep iiupor-

lancc that some means should l)c detised to af-

ford protection to the I'eoiilc. Union men arc

«lti\cu from ll^tli hornet, are murdered without

a show of feelli.,,% and tbeir property given up

to I'lundcr uuu dcsimction. Uutlaw^ rule tbe

coimlry, and depiedate with imj-unity. There

i.' no >af«.ty in life or pn»perty. Several veteran

Kectui.k> regtllKBt^ will be mustered out of tbe

ncrt icf in a fe» (bo's, and tbe men are eager to

return to tbeir Loines. To make the venture Ualmost eertutn death, for the guerillas are tbeir

sworn CEcmiC'. and thr> have i^oasessiun of the

State. TLt only sjilcty p In a force to be organ-

Laal under the aviboritr of tbe S.itc

to o.icl the laAu*S4- b^d'. Col. M. C. I

Tayloi, of the 15lh Kentucky infantiy, a veteran

officer, who b;l^ served with gn*at disiinetion

in tbe service, ae a ill l>c seen by an adrertise-

u:i-ul, has olitained ]>crmisskio from Governor

Rramlcttc to recruit a regiment of mountedufaiiliy for the defence of tbe State. It wkl

]>rincipal]y be cmplovcd in bunting down ami

rx]c'.iing tlie outiaa Ijands now so nummvus in

Kentucky. Ac organizatiou ot the kind ean-

uot tail to be i'0]''ular with the disebargod sol-

dier-. f >r it i^ the vcr\ thing neeJud in the|

state, yol. Tavlor is a good oflicer, and he

wi i b’ -or to I’onuoic the welfare of hb men,

and to make llic n giment eUcoive. We sia-

<co. 1' Loj« tiiai tbv entciprisc m »y meet vitu


W F:t jUent inquiries ate made liyi^.-ins I

since tlK- H’hlication of Ctt names fr the If >ard

of Fno lnitiit about the !» tuudiris.- 4>f ih

\i'ard.' in tM- ; i;y. They were amended b} the

ETentt.ck' I>uid:iturc last viiiuer. TheWard embrasee all the lerritoiy. to the city

limits, north of Bcargrass t reek, from Hancockstreet, and ca.'t of WcnBci street, known a- the

I'eihu und Butebertoa n: Sec^md Ward inclndes

’ the we<=t side of Wt-nxcl street to the ea.«t side

of 8hi !tn', from Beargras? creek to tbe south- I

cm limit* of the city: Third Wa.*xl, tbe we«t side

of Bbelb' street to the east side of Hancock and

PcargraN- creek, aitd south to the city limit*:

Fourth Ward, the west side of Hancock street

to th< ea*t sid«- of llo'd. and tbe river t*» th<

cky limits Fifth Ward, the west side of Floyd

street to tbe cast side ot Fim. running from tbe

river to the city limits: Sixth Ward, from the

west side of Flrot to tbe ea*t side of Third street,

and from the river to tbe limits. Seventh Waid.j

iiomthe West side of Third slreet to theca -I

' ide of Filth; Eighth Ward, from the west -idc

of Fifth stivet to Uie < art side of Seveuih;

Nirffi Wr.rd. the wf-st side of Se venth street to

liie tswt 'idc of Tent lu Tenth W.ird, tin we-t

side of i 'lith street to ibt e:i't •‘ice of Filtecnth

FIc cML Wu" 1 -lauirut;- the cltyv,-*-.

Kliiet oth s-j-c.' i. cling Sht'.'pii'gi'.-r: ar..i


Ci’^ie Vocal and InstrumcnUl Concert at

the Female High School, to be given for tbe

benefit of tbe Philosophical and Chemical CaW-

A IIaitv SennusK.—A large portion of Elder

D. P. Henderson’s congregation, Joined by a

few of bis many personal admirers, made theirret, takes plate on Friday, January C, at


distinguished minister of the gosi>el a New-half-part seven o’clock P. M. Tbe following is Year’s call at Lis residence, on Jefferson street,

tbe programme : on Monday evening. Mr. IL and his amiable

" iWu detained by tbe sickness of a mem-Mr. M. iiiinner. Ijor of his family to ac upper chamber of the

spacious house lie occupies, and being aided by

slaughter, whose kind-

luennoor Doaiz<.-tu Mi« K. c*ri ness will ever be held In esteem, the companyS "Sii-, A 8«rciel." fniu Ciudeiv'U -Koe>ini x. i ,, »

Mr. And Mr p -»«ni ... enabled to make their call a jicrfect siirprisd.

» When the rooms were well filled, the good El-

Tranftcriptiou Mr. W. c. C 3i*-in«u Gcr aca hi« hidT were invite^l dowu to the par.

lo scea few friends. On their entnnee,l«_}«c.!n, ‘‘Vicn l/vniors," ironr Lot FAvoriia-tVoai- Mich a w.^rm greeting of Joyful hearts, smiling

It Sola VioUtii'‘-i>iiAhtw afthe’i^^^ f.ites, and bright eves, is hut seldom ailncssed.

-Tuoi FwunenU PaI- ^ ^“ ca’d«=d lo

eiti,'*finoiLANioU- I’Aciut MA<l.-uue E. tl»e chair, and, after making some appropriate

l*_vWua^^: AmAtcur Glee Club.presented the Elder an enve’.o’ie con-

14—Xi^ Pot-|.<>«irri foi M^in. Alto. And Guiur, from lainiog a substantial token of their regard in

w“puto AWrownJw!‘‘"‘^

Uie sb.apc of United States u-20 bond*. TheProt^«or* Eoellor Aud Gnufci will preside At the PiADo. fpeakcr then addressed himself to Mrs. Ueu-^cemin^ musicians have kindly volun-.«r^ tbeir ^ces. as above, for the benefit of friends, and presented a liandsomc clonk to-

tile ChemK-al and Philosophical Cabinet.^.elhcr w iih other substauUal articles which will

The wants of the School demand a resiieew- fully appreciated. A beautiful purse wassum for the purpose of. purchasing new ap- found in a fioekel of the cloak, containing an

paratus and pntiing in rej^iir miK-h of that now amount of greenbacks known only to the gen-on hand.

erous donor.It is «>nt«ienUy hoiked the friends of Fe- These were presented as a testimonial of Uieir

male Wucautm wlU reaffily purchase Ueketa foraffection for Mm. H. as

the pur^ of giving aid and enconrageme.it ertimable ladv and exemplarv' Christian. Itto tlie Deparuneut of Physical Science in this plea^ut surprL*c-the etlecl grand. TheBchooL esp^i^ly when they will have an op. ^ Elder's heart wa* evidenUv full. Hisporuimtv of UHeulng to music of the highest

u,u.ally elo,,ncnt tongue now failed to give

.... .. uUerance to his feelings. He fullv appreciated® ***’

^cxqni*ite readings of friends, and the words of

ave a wa;< s rcrciv^ the enthusiastic applau-e cheer thev brought him. The companyof large and audiences of our citi- passed Inui the dining-room. Here was asens, has choPTrallv consented to read a few . _« .x . .

, - ,

a ic» second surprise, the ladies having provkled‘elections from the poet.*. , i x. . • i „_ . ,

a bountUul supply ot cakes, truiis, JelLes, etc.Takes as a whole, the enturtammect will pre- .x . * .x. . x i x ^ ,

1 ..

luvixi, xxiut»io- On the centre of the table was placed a large•cut nnusoal attr.\ctions. • x, x. /.x. r x. x x •

, nch cake (the gift of generous beans), bearingTickets may be purchased at the bookstore of . i, . i.,.,

D .11™ • _ . . 1. X X. . . ,the following inscription: 'Tresenled to E der

Bradley A Gilbert; at the office of the Principal ,x t, „ ^ , ,x.-r Cl k.. 1 f J XT X- *. D. P. IlendenKm bv the memliers of his congre-

af the School: of Theodore Hams, Esq., at the i i r ,x • . j,ax.x.^ ...A /*», ». i:.

gallon as a testimonial of their esteem and loveL niu-d Slates Hoteh and of Chas. -Atmore, Esu., , , . .n x. i .r • .. , .. . 1, ,

for him. The whole affair was well conccivetl.It tlie railroad office southeast eoraer of Third „ . j j • j x. .

J „ well executed, and well received. Itwasajov-lud Main street.*. , , j , r


iir„.A.. ....IX.. . „ f .! 1 — Xful and happy ‘•love-fea.*t, nothing occurring

-Already quite a number of tickets has been . ,, V s.i ..

axM X.: -X. to »“*“ pJca^ure of the occafilon.

A‘ J«*L[: J ' i; v. lU iJie act of x : o— . .;

i I r tue .'f in Monia. n’_ ..

nliout nine o’clock, he wa* accosted b;. Iwx.j c-r

: »>n‘ one in soidh-r’s and the othci iu eiti/'T. *

i lothe.<. and a.*ked to advuiicf them the um 'uut

t»< f ai l »r their lodging .At the rame in-ti;;'

he wa-* kn< t ki d d« v. n tin- .soldier. The man

m tit Iren s gari. then drew a revolver, and

robl'cd him iJ lii* t*«<ckct-l>ook. This higl.wa;- i

roi l .1 ; the «-u:’.y part of the evening, l •

1 «fotv ten o’doi k, L- on the hicreatic. Two * >1-

ci’ieis rerc:-'C-d Uieir prelimin.aiy trial vesterdiy

r'ioniiue tor a •iiiiiiar offotioe. Ontiieen streci.

near Shollw, they met a gentlcinan, and asked

him l4j dlre< I llitm to the ncave*t s.iloon. lie

V.iridb < onset !« u, and even |aid f >r theii dri ;.:.-

.After kavir g the house, one of the robhers pre-

M-cted a pisK ’to Lis mouth aud demanded h’ts

nvoue*. wi.i'.l; he promptly gave up, and then

"tor^ U' bi‘ li'fl*, giad tri have c-*e'aj>ed with hi*


Bi !-M. Pr,*o\sii».—^'

i hi autaoilties are doiug

a kvel.' tusiui+s now in reedviiig and forward-

ing rebel i•! iKioers of w.sr. < »n Monday bixteeo

ii.nixiil.-slotcd oCiotrs and seven hundred and

.*eveui' -seven men w cre roi civod from Kachville.

Yerterda* thirteen hundred and thirty ealirted

TXM»i, were fimrarded toi Camp Chase. The~ ^a^fiiiATxi Prison it crowded to overflowing, and

one hundred and fourU«ii c«f the Johnny rehs

were cxpecud to roach the citv last night. One

tiioafond aud uiuety-ooe enlisted men and foity-

ooe cioiiiini.-sioned officers will be forwarded

under strong guard to Camp Delaware to-day.

Our neighbors over tbe river in Jefferson-

\ Ute and New .Albani are in a great *tew about

tl«e pending drafu A meeting was held in tbe

Sew Alban> court-house on Monday night, a

jamtanenl orgaulratlon effected, and the foun-

dation laid ibr treeing tbeir towmsbips from

tbeir great d> cad. Evety man 'liable is expected

to {a> the sum ot fs2T' 2-' and get a certificate.

It is believed tbe amonnt of money thus rahed

will he amph- ^ufficient to fill tbe quota of their

tow oehips.

BARBAcas —One hundred and forty

coDvalesoents were recseived at tbe Bairacks yoa-

u-rday, and three dererters from CincinnatL

The transfers were hve hundred and twenty •

Mcvcc to Lexington, five to Bowling Green,

twenu -eight to Cincinnati, tbirty.five to New• York, sixty fiom Nashville, and uinetoenfrom


Dfsksti Ks.—Five memhen of the 2Mtk Ken-

tneky regiment were airesled yesterday aa de-

•erters. Tbeir names are John W. McGowan.

John Bockiey, Mike Caoey, John Kepwick, and

Sam. Deboe. W. W. Caldwell, a member of

tbe Sd Kentucky battery, was alao picked up

and ooaeidered a deserter.*

fg- Of all onr worn-ont thoroughfares.Fonrth

street is undoobtedly in the moat dilapidated

condition, parAcnlariy between Main and Wal-

nut. Acddei^tE to vehideB, each as breekipg

springs and axles, occur daily. It is time the

« aa remedied.

fg Tbe high price of provMoos and wearing

ai^MTcl does not deter the .voimg people io our

town from being Joined in the holy bonda. One

hnndred and nine marriage lioenees were iaaued

•during tbe laat month.

^‘lieut. Wm Bobinaon, oftbe 52d Kentacky,

killed in the attack on tbe VfrginU Salt-

by Gen. Burbridge. and Lieut. Fianda

was aiigbtly wounded. Both are reaideoU of


(^Levi Spean, Timothy Kelly, John Young-

er, John Dbinia, and Neal Gray preferred taking

the entb and being releaaed to remaining in-

•^learated in tbe Military Piieon.

half-part seven o’clock P. M. The following i*

the programme:l-PiAJio 8oio Mr. W. C. C^otemAB.a—I4««a, “Ah. Mo Ptue," hwu MAitliA- Fiotoa

Mr. M. inluKer.|

- V'AQioAAHtrr." from KiiAimt'.tmoiv—


or-iutti MAtteme Broiruold Aiid Mr. PlAtn

4 -QiiATk'tn- .VniAlcur Glw Club.a- Sola “KT’j.'OAvt nol 8ilraAia,’' trom LucU di Liui-

lusnnoor Doalzx.Vti Mi« h. CatI5 DiteU “Sir, a Sirciel." fnuu Ciudeiv'U -Koe>ini . ..

Mr. Wh<|i^ And Mr PUxto.flOtll tb«- Potlx Bon. CAHAAd'V. E.« l.

7 - PiAUO Sota “'nioii Art so Jt«»r Aud Yet Pat"„ ,

TrADKTiptiou Mr. W. C. Colnimu*•- Sola “Pu-rre rHonuite" Mr. HaiusI.S'- Sola “Li'Aiditi" Misx FAnnU-Collinx.

“Vien lyiviiiorA," from bA FAVorila—Goai-»Vti Mr. PiAto.

11- Sola VioUu, ''HauAhler of the fh-^-iiusotMr. Allton ZooHor.

IS—Grond scx-qa And C'ATAtinA. “Tuoi Freunpoti PaI-bitl,’* from La NloV I’ACiut MA<l.-uue Enroivnold.

J»-V*^t<.tu .AmAtcur Gloe Club.14—Tila Pol-i-ourri fo; Motin. Alto. And GuitAr. from

MoiHsoKi CApoixVti Bellini A. Zoellsr,W. I’lAta And Urownold.

Pn>ix<«K>r* Zoellor And Gnutoi will preside At the PiAno.

I’hesc eminent musi-jhins have kindly volun-ti^ered tbeir services, as above, for the benefit oftlie Chemk'al and Philosophical Cabinet.

The wants of the School demand a resiieeia-

ble sum for the puriiose of. purchasing new ap-

paratus and putting in rejiair much of that nowon hand.

It is confidently hofied that the friends of Fe-

male Educatiun will readily purchase tieketa for

the puri<ose of giving aid and enconragementto tlie Deparuneni of Physical Se-ienee iu this

School, especially when they will have an op.

lK>rtunity of lineulng to music of the highest


Ben tWiiday, E-*<|., who*c cxqnirite readingshave alway s received the enthusiastic appklu•^e

of large and intelligeui audiences of our citi-

xens. has cheeTfullv consented to read a fewselections from the poet.*.

Takes as a whole, the enturtainmect will pre-scut unusual attr,vction*.

Tickets may bo purchased at the bookstore ofBradley A Gilbert; at the office of the Principal

of the School: of Theodore Harris, Esq., at theUnited Slates Hotel; and of Chas. -\tmore. Esq.,

at tlie railroad office southeast soraer of Third

aud Main street.*.

-Mrcady quite a number of tickets has beensold, and. although the price may seem high toa stranger or an uninterested )ierson, yet, con-sidering the high character of the music andthe object in view, all who desire to increa.-«e the

facilities of the excellent Female High Schoolw ill cheerfully purchase tickets.

Maori DET.'* Oi-ekaiioss.—


r, WiUiam R.

Grigsby, who resides near Bardstow'u. and at

w hose house the two oflicer6,Sargeon Sherk andCaptain McCormick, were murdered by Magni-der’s gang of cuUhroaU. has always been re-

garded as a man of unflinching loyalty. Hisfamily extended a warm greeting to the officers,

and the welcome came from the heart. Theywere not aware of the nearness of the outlawl>and. and sincerely regret the unfortunate oc-

cmrincc and bloody tragedy. It is piCsuinedthat Magruder, from a commanding eminctiee,

saw the i flii er- opproaeh tbe house, aud, riding

et re-s* a uarreu valley, surrounded the building

ni;,. cut off all avenue fiir eseaj>e. It was anfalr.KioU' U.U1 der, exhibiting the bloodthirsty

s hcrai ter of iLc men engaged in the lienduhwoik. Ou the same day’, .and a few hoursbiloie the {xer]>etiation of ihie horrible outrage,!i

Ionion of the saifle cutthroat gang, about ten

tulles from hatd*iowu. surrounded Lien,enatit

Spa’ding. an officer recently mustered out oi the

l''ib Kettufky intantTy, aud without pruvoca-iiou brutally muidcred him. Magruder aud his

di.'jcTidccs Were drunk, and they were per-teitly retkiC'-* as to what they did.

Virtirday morning a small gang of guerillas

wfifA.u henJstown. but they distur!»ed no one.

1 hi- tated that their ob.iex l in vi*iiing the low nv.a* to cxicutca numlicr of Federal soldiers

rt i.M,ed in iLi Jail, i iit the ei*ii.ens intcrfta'cd,

ai d ;:uluce«': Uiciu to al.'andon all such inten-

t 'ons. Lardsiown h> w ithout a Federal garris ju.

gjTLieutenant Ail.am Weaver, of compan * F,

'’•d Kentucky volunteeis. has arrived iu New-lori. Hi- leginjcnt wa.* in Gen. Stoneman’et'AfeditioD to SultvUle, Va. Lieutenant W. rc-

Tioit* that F'lr.'t Lieutenant A. T. Mohn, ofNewj-ort. was drovTicd while attempting to

cro*s Clinch river. He also rej»urlt the follow-

ing mcmIx;ro of cotni any F, who are all fromNrw i-oii. as Uii**ing. and *upiH>sed to lie i»ris-

oDfcrr: Lieut. J. Hazard Datis, Private? Jas.

MeClx''td. Ja.'. M. Boyd, Jehu Whittington,

barton S. hnlvci. Wiilougbl-v T. Young (Oali-

1* mb). Wm. Cix>k, Kied. Miller, Jaeoli Ha.«?lcr,

Geo. Keene, t’hailc-* t uilop, D.iniel O’Mara,I>aLlciSpaD-.';cr, Jauie* C. Wright, and Wliliuiu

O. Tarvin. There are several other mi ml>er.*

of thcixiupar’.' L.;- !ng. whose names are not'en.einlieTeff

I,-?* C^i tain Luea*. of the Loui::ville Legion,

it V !.; 1


rcmeniVred. wa* captured at Chieka-mauga by l'..e i eU-ls on thclMhcl Scptcintier.


He Lad not I'cen heard of lor miny’|

UK nth*, aud he was cousidereeLamong the dead, •

Li- family wearing black crape under the saute ;

conviction, imagine the feelings ol his dx-ar i

relative.' at hi.* sudden arrlvah wliieh api>eared

to ll tm as one raised from the grav e. Caiitain

i u a- e-etii-x.-d Iroin Columbus, South Carolina,

xxU the J'. th of Noreniber, and came into our'.I'C* at Li norc'.' Station. Ea-t Tcunx-s'-ee. outhe ‘J4tL of Deteiul'cr. He sutfered the usual

I bard*'x.i] * Wiiich Fede.'a. prisr*Ucis have txi un-

d»'_. . He wx- unxiii fire at Uh.riestou for

.- LuC time.

Siv I Mox Mk.n Kn,: r.n —Ou Christina*

eu . tbe i;otcd bu.*hwLackcr Jiin J.ack-ou audhis men killed .*ix men iu L’haritou county. Ml*-

iK-'uri, a p«irt of wbi-m re-idx-d on Mttsele Foi’k,

and the o'.he;> ou Bex brain h. Three of them,

old Utan Lowe, LI* son, and a Mr. Ja.-kson,

we:e killed at heme. The murdered meu were

all iwdical Lnixii.bt.*. Ja< k.*un and hb hand of

lierd* riwim almort at plearnr.- over the eoun-

tix's »if Charium, iiowaiu, and lh.it region ofI ivmuy.

L>r i.*viii.E Tiikatrk.—


n altractiT4* bill bpre*ented to-night. Three excellent pieces are

on the programme, and they shoald prove suffi-

cient to draw a large house. A Kiss in lh«Dark. Poor Ihliicoddy , aud the 8j>e< tre Bride-

groom, art capital faree*, and the company have

had cTjierience enough to tender them well

Vestvali the Magnitiecnt will make her api>ear-

anie on Thursday night as Gamea.

»IARTVraP,At Ihs St. I’auI'a Cliurclx on Uie AlU>ruoon of Doocin-

herJ*. t*\' the F. M. Whiltli*. CAptain M. G.ANn».r.s Aud Miv. Sabah K. TuoMrsuN, both of this

cUv.Si.Loiiitx, PliilAdelphl/', and Nx»w York irapmrleaie


Ou the .“VI iiixWiit, hr Eev. Pr. Parkins, at the ns*i-

dence of tho iiridx-’x lather, Mr. H. J, BLcuxxaAB andMira M.attie 11. M.xv, all of this citr.


SZBD,III till* cit;-, At the reeid>-nee of Pr. J. VV. Knisht. iit

twelve o'rloxk on l?uu<ln}', Jumuiry lat, Mra. Eliza A.ItROHSAX.M'-niphia fTeun.y iiAlxT* {-lesae eo|»)-. ,

Ou-the 2d iiiataiit. at the r»a!deii«'e of K. -T. Tcrietoii,

Mia. K. 11. OiiisKi.lN. in the 4.Vt4i ji'mr of her ABC.TIk* film ral will take plax-e frsiii the rr»idence of Col.

Terletoii to-dav al t*-ii o'clock. 7hi fricuib of the funii-

ly are invited to Attend. *

Liverpool and Loiiiioii i>:iper» plesae eopy.

Ill .!< gx'ieouvilk'. Ind.. on the S<I ItMtaaf. at cloveno’clock P. M., Mra. IIann XII Cxmcbsli., widow of tlio

lute llciiry Cnin|>lN.||, of ihi* city.

TIh- fniieml will take jilAce from the rerixtenex’ of tlie

foniily At Jx lii rijom illc on Wcdin-Mlay, Vie 4tli in*tsiit.

At twelve o’clock.*

-\t A qiiArter-pxtrt one o’clock, on Monday, the 2d lii-

rUxUt, ili:.*BX T. Gi. vsh, in the 4iHh year of lil« a^ce, onlyaou of Loiiiea Hild 'nmiiiAe Glaiw, de<*'Ared.

Ilia fiincial will take iilarx' ou VVedneedAV at twoo’rlox k from the iKiiiil.x- rx -iileiice, an .leffereon atrex-t,

hctwcvu flccoiid and Third. He 'VA* a memhcr of theLoiiiaville lo*Kion.


.\t the GrauiCixy Paik Hotel, New Yoik. ou the 27thlilt., Lm i.rNC, aecond dnurhter of K. llutchinixa, Be>|..

ayed tour yean*.*

•tnmiarv 2x1, Mr*. Ilr.Tsr CkosbY lll'LL, wife of Jal'ie*

Hull, in the Tfd yiwr of her ape.Fnnrral from tbe rt*idcncx' of her aon, CsrlAln G. Ax

Hull, eornarof Firat and Gray atreeta, ou Wednt*xiay,jAiiiiary 4th. at three o’clock P. M.Ou Uie lat xlity of .TAiiiiAry, 1***!8, at four o’clock A. M.,

At Ilia reaideuce. No. lx>6 Green atrex-t, Mr. llntsii

Fkii.ei.uaks, formerly of the city of Poeen, Pruasia,aped iw yeara.New York Herald. 8an. and Staata Zeitune fGomiauy,

and Naaliville and ChixttanoovA pa|>en. pleaec copr. <hS*

January •'’'<L of pneiiiiionia, 8 \i.i.ir Jaixie. only childof (')uii'lca and Mary Keau, a>.ed ei^ht months aud twcu-y fl iJ ».

The frienda of the famllj- arc invited to attx’nd tlie

fuueral from the Natiounl Hotel ou Thuraxlay momins,th<> .Mb in-taut, at cIctx’ii o’clxK-k. d'i*

On Monday, tlie 2d InatRiit, of tj'phoid fcvx’r, Mra..4:. NIK K. Keismi t- wife ot CMptain E. J. Frlehee.The tiiiirrn; will take place on the 4th iuatixiit at

I’cviii c.’rlox'k M., at the late rx-aideiix-e on Kift.h

atrxH'f. No. o2i la-tween Wnlmit and Cheatuut. Tlia

ti leiiila Mill iiniuaiiilBiicxy of the f;iui ily are invited lo

attend. *

Ciueiunati prpx'ra pleaaocopr.

Di.sr.tTx H Kuo.M Gkn’. Ik'KitaiiixiE—


evtii <>y

Liei iF.x.vxT-Coi.o.\Ki. BoTi.E —Thc following

de*palch from (ieneral Burbrixlge to Gener il

Boyle, gives some ol the particulars of the

death of LieutenanGColonel W. O. Boyle. TheGeneral pays a high tribute to the gaftautry and

bravery of the dashing young oflicer;

Limni.tox, Ky., Jan. 2, IdCJ.

To (irnti al J. T. Jioyle:

It is with deci> sorrow that I inform y ouof the death of your sou, Colonel Boy le.

' Heli'll while gallaiitly leading hi? regiment, andJust as victory wa? crowning hU effort?, liehad won lor him.-elf a rcputalToa fx>r ability andbravery far ntsjve th-vt usually attained by oneso y on'ng. Ills loss is bitterly deplored by theolllcus and men of the command. I havebronght Lis remains liack with me, and theywill arrive in a few day?, when, if con-istentwiili y our w i*hes, to which I refer. I Will fur-nl.*h a niiliUirj escort, and myself aud staff andmy brigade commandcre will attend tbcfauerul.Lirutenaut Somerbv has charge of the reiuaius.

'8. G BLltBKlDGE.Bi evcl- Major-General.

C^Thc lollowii g transfers of re.tl estate were

made iu the city of Loul*vUle ai d county of Jef-

ferson, from December .‘Tst to January Jd:

W. A. Kli. S'Ciiloifl to John W. Story.by 12.->ti-ct. ou MhIu stivt, l.'•t•VM•n VVeii-Ex-ll aud ICt.eluiiiA.i -iMx-tr ijl a,|iO i ...>

llxTry (. Iii’uuxx.'lli to C. CaiuplA-II. Xiy. hy 116f' et, » u E;x X eiilh etrx-ct. G twecii M.- jhaIucHiid llKiodUA.x ,>u

Jx-lin Gillinr to W . P. (xx'dwiti, 2'5'. hy Tiifeet,

coin r ol 'i a . Itth auxl tira.' .-ou -Ir.i.t S.iskl xsi

iHuni- I.lneolii to P:*trixk CaIii 4. Co.. hyIT.M.tt, oil Cheny, 1-J.< lx -i eo„tUof Soutji-PAlx -tix' t 2,57 '

MU! r. I'Aixi. n l« .lolii’ A. Shnid'-r. 11 oerx-iii J. fl -I you county. Kr *># • ISj

Sun. McCaiI.x I I'rx-d li.iiirxliim, 5 I',.- 24* fx‘et,

xjii l.xui.iir -l! le.' •'

P. MaIijiu. i to K. I illisx -. •211 le- W> f. ..l, cornerHuh.' 1.*!.i .i:.xl C!»> -Itcx-U I.!*.* 00

^^yCorx.iic: Bi'Chmau broke two or tliree of

hi* ribs when he fell from the wharfboat at

Evansville thc other night, and had to he car-

ried home after bolding the inquest over the

man drowned fr-.m the Glendale. A shooting

affair accurred about uoou Saturday in a saloon

near the Washington House, says thc Journal,

iu which a man named Kirkpatrick and Lieut

Dailiug exchanged shots. Kirkpatrick re-

ceived a ball iu his shoulder, producing anugly btit not dangerou-s wouud. As the affair

w ill undergo inve-ligatiou the Journal reiraios

frt*m giving any ol the many reports In regard

to it.

g#" Ia«uc-5 by the Uuited States Sanitary

C^»mmL-sion to trxxijis near N;»eliville, from

the 2d to the tith oi Detrmber, inclusive:

Hrxh*'U Itxiihel* G»IIoa.xIVlatWA. Onion*. Krvi: .

4U. Ami.] Cc.pe 777 T.57 2.S dx.«t

’ “ 2d Pivi,;xm.. 232 Si* 1.512;-il-. ’• .nt '• .. IJ*! H: 4i4

.•;I. ’• P tAxl.l'..clit. . 5' .U Ij'i

2*d '• • 42; 415 1.4 k;

i*. vi- ili.aI Pixieixxn- ‘4 65 21*

( a-


ll 1*5 5M'•t ;

1 f>- •>< 32*I J4.0 Ol.* r; 55 11,!

Itolor.d Id .V ’* .57 l;<

OBZTT7.AJIY.P>d. ou the morning of the Imh instant. At th<’ Iii-

fiuiitr.r. in Loui-vUle. Ky., After a rliort UIuxwh, Am-iir.<'*r J. biK.siixvx, of the luth Kentucky VuluutaerlulRiitry f-ou of IWiI Loffdon. 0|., of WsAhiuirtoucounty, K> . >. in the twenty-wcond year of his a^.The unlooked-for demii*' of thij! LallAnt yoimK soldier,

ou the eve ol his ix-tiiru lion’e to i:luddeu the hoArt* ofhie expeetsiit i<AreiiU Aiid eietens after nAeeini! Hixlx'Iy

through Uie peril* and privnUone’of a soldier’? life forthe paet threx- yeans U one ot ihoee myeterioii* <li*p<‘u<H-

tiei.r o; ac overnilin? Providence, which, while we can-not fHthoiii, it Iiolioovt* lie to bow to iu lileut tlioii]:h

eoiruw iut: rckiyliBtiun.

The ?ffxvtioiiRte family, eo eii<lx]enl.y etricken b.v

thia iiuex|KCted blow (within little more thixn a.\ear fioin the death of an oiil.y hrothxT of the *uh-3«yt of Ihi* uotix'x, who fell at the battle of ChixA.x-niAiiFa>, w ill, in tlix'ix alllieted heart?. louit lament theirl<A*; but it i? xxoiiAoIim' to know, th?t. iu the full poeex-s-

iou ot hi? larultii*'. he n'ceived the laid rltxv of thatrhurrh. x.f ulikh he lutd alway* liccu a connittoutuu'iiila’r.

Thii* fx ll a i>?ir of nolile yor.tlu',

Af h.ietor] x aii rxTorAThe union of their iiative laud.Their ciil.'- FOn;:lit re* ard.

Full nv.iiy a hero in till? warLile’e ciierL'ic? have F]M-ut,

I’nt none iiioiv K-ftloms p-xliant brave,Thau tlioac whom xve laiiient.

Ufiruic-arat in I'O'f.

PeniM.nrt IS Kv.. iK'i . :A Ifcd. M. J. II.*


Pr i;si iN'Ai..—We are iuforiued by the U. 8.

Clerk that the name of J. J. Noah was inad-

verienlly iuserted in the list of those who have

executed bonds to Uic United States for go.’xl

behavior. We arc informed that the bond was

exacted of Mr. Noah through some mistake,

aud was prom|itly cancelled by the war office.

The numerous friends of Pat Dillon (our

new City Marshal) showed tbeir esteem and ad-

miration of him by ppetcuting him with a solid

gold shield, containing the following Inscription:

“City Marshal." “Presented by bis numerous

friends.’’ The admirers, of coarse, haxl a high

time on the rtrength of it.

trrhe ('•th Kentucky was mustered out at

Na.*bvllic. Part of the regiment arrived here|

on Monday, the remainder were anticipated

last Right. Our citizens will give them a grand

iecci>tioD at tbe Turner Hall at five o’clock this


Ladifs' Fair.—


he Fair is atill in progress at

the Masonic Temple. The ladies are working' with energy, and their labors deserve to meetwriih success. We are indebted to Min Barba-

ronz for a lunch sent to our office at a late hour

last night.

C#* At the instance of * Marshal Dillon,

Saiuuel I xehman, a dealer in bogns Jew^ery,' was arrested fw selling a galvanized brass

watch to a discharged soldier for ^45, guaran-

teeing it to be gold.

^g" We bear that a member of an Indiana

cavalry regiment, on furlongfa. on his wayhome, was murdered by g^nerillas, near West

Point, twenty miles below this city,on Monday.

^ Officer Gilchrist arrived yesterday from

Mcmi'his writh that notorious thi^ J. IL Can-non alias J. J. Henderson, who eluded the vigi-

lance of our police some three wedcs since.

The usual monthly meeting of the Trot-

tees of our Public Schools was held last Mon-day. Tbe comimUee reported against advanc-

ing the salaries of teachera.

^ Mary Pbalon, Mary Supron, Jalia Foley,

ATwt Ellen Ward were aent to the MilUar>- Pristm

to de penance for aeiling whiskey to'aohllers.

0* We are very much indebted to Officer

GUebrisA for late Memphla papers.

^*Tbe gallant and heroic General Botisseaa

is at praaent io onr dty.

i Nkw FiK»T.—B • the £iJmi**ix>ii of an;ithcr

JaiiLci.lhe li’m i-fE. ILiulitrgc; xS: Co. has been

xhaiiucd tt. liau'.bxrger, Bloom. & Co., ni:iklng

cue tf Ite nio.*t exteu-ive oud reliable busl-

I rtx-5 lie tirte in itc West. The gentlemen cou-

I'xitutirir the lirui are well known to the cx>m-


Uicrcbl woild. oud they have alway.* been noted

till ilieir ciJerj ri*t and iutciTity. We leel con-

udxi-t ti.at the new Him will becoiae a? iHjpalar

•1 .* tl.e eixi. and will

ilovi a* (. cat a .*uoie:*.

—.^rlinejou'r ;r jupe i* draw-

ing imn:cn.*e hou?Cs. auxl the hearty rxtiiud* of

31'j laus-e a:tc?t bow well the i>erforaier* arc aj'-

jrt ciaied. The c< uipanv ha* lie n selected w ih

txcelk-Lt care, aud ever; nu tuher i.- nearly jier-

feet iu hi* part. .Arlington i» thc unrivalled

ocUiidian of the mln.vtrel stage. Tue troupe

have Focurxd the hall fxir four w eek*. aud pe.--

lormnnce? w;l! be given uig'utly


It wih ee futi fi.uu t’ue ca;d o; MitcUc l

A .VruJFtroug, Provi-iou Merchant?, No 221

Main street, between Second and Tlitrd. that

P.obcrt Floyd, Eip, became aosoeiatuu with

them on January 1. The style of the firm re-

f maining the same. We take ideaaurc in caiUug

altculioii to their card and recouimendiug them


as reliable and clever gentlcmiu.

L 'fis5 ii.Ui \ Ai;ii.TiP. A good com]>any is

now I'crforming at this house. Tue exhibitions

are really meritorious, and are iutersi^ersed with

gieat variety. Alias Pay ne walks the stage with

a queenly air, aud little Jemmie is truly a


fir What is the difference between an abo-

Utionirt and a Eccessiuoiot ? One blacks his

boots aud the other boots his blacks.

«rGet Bayard Taylor's new book, “JohnGodrey’s Fortunes,’’ at the Cosmopolitan Gift

Book Storc^ •

fcTHenry Glass, a liero of many battles, and

knowu by (ilmost everybody, died yesterday.

Tbe German InsuranceCompany re-elect-

ed their old President at tbeir meeting.

An old gentleman In Wisconsin, aged 100

years, has Just married a widow of 88 summers.

A well-known thief in New York Is said to beworth |>10(»,0OiJ—profllfi of stealing.

HOSnTAL KEPOUT.Ri-port of poor, riek. Auxl paf pAti<-ntA Admittoxi And

prrMTilM'd tor io laiuirville MAiliie llxMpiiAl during theisoiiUi ot 1 ifcxfiibxT, IvH:Hi nuxiniug Nu\ riiilter a>< a. 6S

A4iuutU.'d diu.ug IX-Oi'Uibor 77

ToUlOf tlH-iM.- were di.-chArgfdLia^



...It- VS


Z.OirzSV2ZJak2 THZSATBJD.Cabbt a CALVaav ProprtMvr? kud Matuwxx-m.T. J. Oaaat TMMAutarD. A. Sjbzkdaa BtAite MonAger,


ON WKrNF.*DAY EVENING, Jhu. 4 wlil ho AcVdthe

Klflri IN THE DA KM.Allw ixliix'li. till- lailK'haliV' Furor oV

POOH FlLllCODDY.To oourliuli' « illi tin-


4^ jme X E.*«TV.\I,I M ill lioi-rivi-Iy apiCAf oil ThuM*Jh.i iiitiAME.X

V^GllANU MATINEE every dutRriitx Aftevaxioa,

PairzA or Adkiaaioit—


rcaa Circte A P:irqnMlA 7S«l*;OirheetrA Seete *1; P; iv»t« Bexx* A SecondTior 4x1 ct« GAllerr 30 cl*; Colored Uose* 5W rt*.

^LL.-r* open At lij; o’l-lxck. Aud px ffoitnAnW coi.'i-

iiu'iicrt At 7)5 i»rt-ri*<’l}'.

•WBo* Otroe daiiv fi'HB 70 a’i-IoaIc A. M. lili 4P. M., wherx* i-enti n>?v i»' Fiviircd.

No Ffatu f.iurx d by icx-ntleiu'u ouixctodi-ixuiiexl by Indie:?.

WOOD’S TaiUKT&S,Comer of Fourth Aud Jederso itt.

P*!?*’!?’-’’ *?• Acti^ Mijtt.2gv*, ’

J. W. AtBArGH SUae Mah S-v.J. 8. BaaMABD Ibreetor ot MxuIa! i



Our fjekfts at Pet«rs>b*g Siirprbfdg

Tbirly'ilvfrOx' Thfui are Captured*

. ^teaner Burned at .^ew fork*

The Total Loss is About :j«:}00,b4K>,

dreat Distress at ( liarlestofly S. f,

lohabilauts KenoviDg to the Coiiutr)


wd jeflSTAta .w.j

{ybermai’^s Sucress Creates Aiariu.1

..Acting MLB.2gv*. 1

...SUae Maiiotv.j

DuAcior of MuAia.^ ProflanatioD by tiOTernor Fentou*


i.Jt*t \^ ^ ‘•'1

Kiiiyatrick’s for|>s.


M". Pluto Mr. J.E. .Mx DodohcIi. i ^ .

MiHxLotu. (taiioii CavaliT in Somh Carolina*"No ether pieep will hx’ pyrfonned. . ,

fM4ilien of AIXirs I* Savannafi.

Paicu or Avmiaaiom—


roH Circle A Var^uetM 7S rt*PrivAte Box** AS: Second Tier 3S cU.Sx' !'a iu th* LHma Circle mity be seeared witboulextic charge.

i^Door? open at k to Tr CnrtAln will tUe At 7J< o'niork

Louisville Vai’ictics.



Gri&t Quantity of Valuable Property

{iava mah to be 0pe:ied to Co.itaerco.

Rtam 4 CALHors..I’llII.I. 1)1 VI'hL XOU.


A. G. Cuxii-LB

Proprietoi*......... Stago Hanagv'r


. .Leader of Orxdiestra.

The Chcape&t Place of AmusementIN THE CITY,

By A large aud laii'iitcdCompai)}- of L*dioe 4 Qent'emenIN

NEW S4»NGS. D.tNCKS, NKl iRO niXTNF-.VTIONd,in RLl' £4,11 E Ol’LK.VS, GLElOl, .\ND ClIOKl 3E3.

A<*nii»FioB( »rcl*e?tr» C'liixini. .


PrivAtu Boxe?

50 centa.75 re jta,

4l5 OO.


Tbo *iirii-nt ttnTi.vn? wxuc Hotel for tln-lr Agilit.r,

rtiYuptli, nixi pix-«t |K)Vrr? of x iiditmnce. Tin- Ku_'li.-‘b

vx'iiiiix'ii X t 111,' 1'nm iit lime nrx* xv'lx'bnxt<‘d lorth*'irro-

bn.-t itiul bx-altli.v ri’lx'nrun, f, the rx-nilt. iu bAb ioetnuct'S,

ot vi^'ormiF nmi liinltliv fxi-ici-c. Tlix- Aiiiciiaiii?. iiii-

l»rt!ir:’tflv hnvx' iint lilt!,' txate for tbi? iiictlixxl of re-t.tiiiius thi'ir hoiiltli or biiilxliii-r up a broken cxiUFtitti-

lioii; li, urc the yn^nt prcvalxMioe of weak, aickiv, andd,'lin<t,‘ iiion r.nxPxvoinon. Herman BittaraIX ill in ? i!',-,5-ure p'llliiit-.' llii? want of fxx’rx’i?*', byyiviiiA prx'ttt ?tr,'iirth to tli,‘ diy,'?tivc organ?, honro pro-diiciti? a tot'd i.p]H'tit,' and a v iyoroii? focliiiy of Ihxly.

A nioden te dcyife of x'xevriao. howxwcr. uio-d in coii-

ni'otion with tin- riitterF. io iniicb Ix-tlor; tbo iiio?t df.*i?‘-

r?tx‘ c.'. i' of Di fix'P'i.'i. Live: (iamplnint, Nervou? Debil-ity yi'-Idius tiulrkl., to tlieir iH-iiftirlal iuliin-nce. Alldnir^.rt? mnl clcttlfr? iu lux'xlicinx'* have tlu*„‘ Ititu-ni

for ?aU:. d-M dl>u

DfawMC* of the Nerveita, Moatlnxu, Urutary,aad NexRRl ATecooM.—N.tw aaO reliable treaLaeu*-

In Heporti of tbe DOWABD ASSOCL\TtOH--*ou« b*

Btail in sealed letter envelop*, free of rixargr AddrewDr. J. 8KII.IJN BOUOUTON, Howard AMociAUoi..

He. 8 BonU: Hintb atreet. PhiUdoiplUA, Pa. A23d2ui

Tlie I'oiilriwians nmi Mxperleore of nn fn-valid.—Pill liolu'd lor the beneht and AdACAL TIUNTo YOLNG MEN and other* who Buffer from Neix’oueDebility, Premature Decay of Miuii’xxxl, 4c„ *ui>piyiiig

At Uie Mine tiuie Tnx Mkans or SxLrJJi BE. Hy onexkiio luu cu’ed biniBelf after underKoing cori«ixl,’r.xh!o

quarkt-ry. By iuelo«iiig a p<»<t-paid AOdnwaed euveiope?mgk copies may be hud ot the author.


d7 d4wlm Brooklyn, Kln^* co., N. Y.


The art of dyeing the h&ir in five rainute? bo aa to de-

ceive tbe whole worlxl, ha? been di?oovei-ed.

C&ZSTADODO’B SAZB. DITB,which ia the only chemical combiuatiuu in exiateuce

which change- the color of the hair xvHlumt iiijiiriug the

LiTiMi raiNciPUC which ieeda, uiohtUiiu, aud auatalua

Uie fibre*. ,

C'rlKtadoro'N Hair Frexerallve,A valuable adjunct to the D.ve, iu di eating and promatiug

the growth and perfect health of the Uali, and of i‘.>x!l:,

wlicn u.*x.*d alo'oe. a aafeguard Uiat protx'rta tl'.i' fibie

rom decay under ull cl: cumattiucee and under allcliiu^t

Mnuufactui.d by J. CHldT-ADOKo, No o A-Ualloxiie- N"W Yo, k. Sold by all Drugei*!- Applied byliair I b e- .ter?. d6 x"od .fexv??w im

R. C. h’eleorated


.133 TnmP STBJiET 407 MAIN 8TK«ri.l.<>ri’’<VII.LK. K\ .

The Itrgeat, heavieii, and heat Pen t'le monc in Ui*oiaikiA

ify pent are 14 and 16 rant fiue, and (naranteed pet-

feet in every reaped. For furthet parliculaia aeud i.a

circular prim liat. Pea* ropaire-* everr d»v. WaicJ-and price Hat rxzx.

OOU> PENS REP0INTM7 FOR fc) CT8 -xad ata-nt

WITCHES AM) lEWEiJ.Eht.Tte beet at 333 Third ftreet

WATCHESKepaired lu the boat Btyie, on ihort uoUue, by expdri-

W.ced workn.aa. and warrtiited Term? reaAonableAtMrWM B. C. HILL,

<K>ld Peu MACcfaol'irsr A Ueaiar ii, Atneilean Watche*.B7dtf

AAXgk asJLA DYD!jj.V'lX.'UELOK’S CKI.EIIL.ATKD DVK ibtma,.c. i.r rur anKui'. I’ll, .«.!> Ua,> !tile*e. T'Ut.aiut

K<l'nhlf. !>j X. kiiO'.a Thia ?i,ieuuiu HaLltyu layerled clu,u?e> U, A Riialj . 01 Gray lion Itulaully do a

<^^io*?y flUjek ,T Aagvrxil /L oxn xvxthn.il liijariug tb*

Holt 'XT Stidni: tbo Skiu. leavltu' tlm Hair Soft aud5* "».'t!pi': tii'pf.il* f-»'.«r vltKlitv, fre--|cenUv re*tnrinc lia

nitilir., r.,l.''r. •xnd rertif.''? t .e il! effect* ol Bail I>yw.

Hw Gen:.iat i- a'.r-.i Wii.i.ixxi A. B*to«ci.O!i; ail

>M'e~a ate loe-c itvitati-'u,, and a.honi't b* avobleJ, 8->!d

t. ail Drux KiaiB, 4.C. K.tCTOP.V P,ARtU>AV ffT..

N V.Hnteh. :«r’« New Ttti’. t t 'renm lor l>rr-*a»A

ll>?< Hnfr. ,?> dly


Hli^ZEN & ilOZEN*

orte Manufacturefs,~ ALeo aencT* roa

Masou 8i Hamllne’B Cabinet OrgauB,-TBB BBer Max* nx th* maubh*.

ICarkel Btreet, north Hda between Sixth and SeTCotb.

Jr«ddir liOnmLLB, KY.

kllOaiEfi’b (EptianS) HAIK UVE.


IV?n* open at Performauee to cummeuce at \ t,,3o’clock.

j3 utf


T’HE F.tlK THAT tVAS Co.MMENCED BY THEMi.*-x? Bailwroux an, I tlii'ir piiitiU al tb,*ir iwbonl-

rocui? will III- xoiitiuiii'il iu the muhII hall ,ff tbe NGfoiiIo• cn ple ou Moudav, Ti'x‘?diiy, aud tVx'dux-?day evi-uiu.’',,til,' 3d. :id. and 4th of Jaiihary. dill dl


at the larec luill kiioxvii a? Spaika’a Hall, .Icffcr-on-xille, ludioua. x>u Friday; exx-uiug, .lanuary it, 1*6.5. Tliepublic are icFin-ctfiJly Invited to attend, a? th,'rl^i?avot'd time Kiiiicipatcd. Tlie bc-tof miisir ha? been en-yayed Ibr the oecaeiuu byj3d5* W. ,f. WKEUM AN, M umger.

DXASiOXiriC TfiDZriiZl.

Arlin^toiisniiistrelsJ KONICIIK^VGO.

^ ... ^WM. AJtLlNG'l'UN Proprix-tor aud M;,iis;;"r.

THIS FAVORITE AND WORLD-RF.Nl)\V\ED C’O.M-jwiiv xvili cxilumx uce A eerie* 01 ilK'ir Grand Euier-

tainiiix'Ul* ou

Mcnday Fvcniiag, Jan. 22, 1365.M W SONOS.




Will lie given in a manner snpi-rior to any yet -ex'u inLeuhtx ille. Tb>‘ r,'piU«iion of tliia well-known Tioupe>a 1 i.l1i that no x-oiiimeut ia n,.'C'-?Ajy'. and the> Managert ik,-? till? <«<ppoituiiit' ol infeiiuiiK lii* friend? and theiiublic that all eiitertaiiiiiix'iit- given at till? taahiuuiibSeY'-n pb' ?liall lie of tliat plt-a-in:. Mid eluute d*->eriptioullii't the ni<"-t (Kktidiuiu- ?Iiall liml uotliing to laivil lyt.

f>r-Ao entire rlmnge of programme on Thmaxlay’, veiling, January 5.

Adii;:--!, n 50 cent*.Kc-eixed deal- 7.5 cent*.

VS hicli can be piociiii d at th. Hall eacli day from lu to 1

and tioin 2 to 4 o'eixick,

dSu S. COOKE. Ag' Ut.



" unit ll' lel, bra ,ii"a'-'ed a rp'.eiidid bind of inuci-

c;bi'? for ? GRAND B.M.L to x-oiuo off at the lIot<‘l on I

li.t lull p;,.>.. Tlu' jorUi. ta*aiil,e. nod iiitellieenee ofj

l-aiiville. L xliigtuu. and Lo,ii?xillu are expe'x'tej t<> Ik* i

I'li'c til. d2- did


A LiCTION 6A LKi>. ^ \

BIT &. a. D:DX«B,y dk CO.

I'ii’.-t Sale foi’ 18(>r>.



FINK WA11 IM’Pl >l)F CALF AND xiKtUN Bxiurs.

KlNo I'uVa' ?iM) VOl Tlla’ KlP UOOl’.a

AT A I C T 1 O N .

O N WU'M aDAV Mi >ENTNx'.. al I'l t'c' vk, a *p -

, 111 1 iixJ pi>-t VI- -.''e x'l

! -i X?-. - I" lit’.- Ciiit a.idfiiaiii It.vitf

m xio X xtiix .'eU 2 -l' - 2 ' tlCavixlry xp';

75 do f. lit’.- ltx')'’,i,ndVxutli.‘'d?.

8WH i- -t'?k i? XX I'll xvoilli tl.f allciitioii o. b.'tlicity

and ccni.ti> li oue. and xvili 1- •miIxI in Iii*,:r.*l IxH,.

Ti tma cr.-li ('^n-fiibaxW- or I . ,S. < iirr, iicyj.

6. G. UENRV 4 GO.,j? xitd

' Au' ti.'Uxvrs.



ON TIltKSDAY AFTERTOON’ next, J .u. 5, at 8

o'l.oxk. ou the pirnilM.'?, X'. x- will *xil lb.it ive-li-lo-

t-'lx.l .'i.d X, ry xlc-uablx-


.sq,'?txHl on W.xliiiit atrei t, aoutli sidi*. Iwtxrivn Sixtli

. iiU xxi.tli rlrt, U, Ix'iuteily xaxupivd l.y WilUaiu E.Cu.x.r. •Tie H- v.-v liM? Id or 12 gr.-id vocu.h, l ire,• front lull,

'.d .-t.ib;,' mid c.in i?-','-l;oii?". ):?•• tbioij '*iotil tbe hou-*,-.

fill' rL.iiiilt I,'i, 1 .-, uiid till, iiiaiblv iiiiinti,' iu the parlor,

Lu :,l le, I I'lOlit b.v l.ikj d'! p lo :iu itllt v.

0f~Tii,i pibp' ity can la' x xai.,in< d on day of ?ale.

Teiiii? ea.-b d'. S. cuirx-ncyj.

8. G. HENRY 4 GO.,j2 did Auetioiu?,r*.


ON THCRSDAY, Jan. 5, at It) A. M.-A Block ot Staple and Fbucy Dry Good?;An invoice bluik Cloth aud Be iver G'oak?;Iiiroirc? ol block tiood? ai,d Small Warea;An inx-oitK* fa?hioiial>lc Ready -iiu.de Glothiii;.

Terau caah fbankal^ fuud?].

T. ANDERSON 4 CO.,jSd4 * Auctioneer*

T» the .4an*rlpt«8 Preee.

Aluanv, Jaa. J.

Thc foI?»wiiig ia a proclaiTation bv Gov'emorFenton:The Pre.rident of tlie United Statou ha? issned

his proela’ atiou calling on the i>eoplc of theffepeclive Stales for three hendred tboueandrecruits. These men are needed to strengthentlie Kallant armies now admlr-irteriTig effectiveblow? to the reVielUou, and to awlst those whoare fearlessly risking their lives for the life ofthe nation, an-tloaid <,rant and Sherman andSheridan and Thomas and FaiTagut and Porterin securing the fruit? ol the victories they have80 bravely won;We cannot allow the enemies of the rcimblic !

U) iriiimph now, when tlioy are ao near van-quished—when rtich successive aisStiult L? re-sulting 60 ansi'’telou.*Iv fiy the cause of theUnion, and so de'Ttstalinir lo tlie countiy andarmy of its adversaries. War fur its pre^rva-liou must contiuue nulU tlie last enemy of onrnational supremitex shitll lie subdued. Inthe great contest in which tbe nation is

now uubappily ’.nvolved. New York hasnot Iff-eii behind ker siaicr SLUes in earn-est etfort* iind jacriilces. She will notbe now. I do nio-vt earnestly invite the peo-ple of till.* State to e::ercl?ethe utmost dillixrenee

In filling the ,{Uola which may he a*.*igned themiiBdcr the fall of tbe President, believing our-selves to be inspired by thc lofty spirit ofpatriotism whicli animated our fathers infounding onr free institution.*. Let us con*liiiae to imitate tl>eir bright example ofcourage, endurance, and faithfulness, to tlie

priutiples in maintaining them. i.K us be pa-tient. and persevere. Let there be a rally ofthe pcoiile in every city, village, hamlet, andtown. Let all true patriots vie with each otherin '.-fforis to make up tbe number whichmay be required, ?o tliat when the 1jth day ofFebr.ir.rv is over onr quota shall i»e eompleti-lytilled, and b> uten w lio will be anxious not ti»

avoid a dL-eiiarge of a solemn dulv, but li 1

intciri on closing the struggle, which will

re.*ult in settling the de.*tlny oi the gi>veruinentiijioD the foundation of Duih and rightcomne**.

11. FKNTON, Governor.Bv the Govcnior.B. Bko, Kv, Av, Priv.ate Secretary.

W.vsMi.M.TOx. Jan. .5.

The eomnii**hm of Vice-Admiral Fatrag'


V as forwarded la.-t wrek in time to reach ha:ion Saturday u* a New-Y'car’s gilt.

The Bank of Commerce, ot Georgetown, I >.

C., owned bv Kitterhouse. Faut. xV Co . h .s

been organized under tlie national currency a t

by tLa name x>f the National Bank of CUierce, i

In a general order ie«ued to-day from t!i,.‘ I

office of the Qu:irtenna--ter-General, Majo -

General Meigs eays, that, as tho armies oiiera'-j

iug against liiciimond and in thc Shenaudxy tuj

Valiev, A? well as the dismounted einip* iu'

tiie vixiiiity, are amj’ly. provided with h<e^-. '

further purchases of 'suclt animal? for the h.t-|

vice will be, by autboritx ot thc Secretary of I

AVar, discontinued at Washington.The s'Asptnsiou ot the purchase of lior»x*- ha*

al.*o fi’jcii directed nt the foliowing-matcdplaces at such time aud under such regiila'i >r*

as may be presc ribed by Col. Kkin. Chief ofStaff: A’jcu?ta (Me.), BrattlelKiro. Boston. Biii-

falo, .Albanv. Sxr.icusc. Elmira, New York (. itx .

trains loaded from tbe tJock.ade-ninnen pa.*-)*!!into the interior. A force of civUry, .tocompanied by intantry, has crewed into BonthCarolina. Obstructions in tbe Savannah riverare being rapitlly and succewfnllv removed.Boats run daily from this point. Great quanti-ties of valuable property Are dailv brought foonr army. The army is In camps in the nu-merous yards of the eit.x


The cMton captured st Bavsnnah bv Shermanis to be broiTghi here and sold. Collector Dra-per has lieen directed to proceed to Savannahand examine and take the testimony reUtive bvits owuer>hii). The rights of the owners, if

tliey have any, w ill lie settled hereafter. Draperwill leave for Savannah to-morrow. Some ves-sels, whose owners hope to go to .*%vannab,have cleared for Port Roval. It isthon<'bt thatSavaunab will be oi«neJ to commerce immedi-ate] v after thc cotton has been shipped.Tbe Commereiai’s Washington apecial say?

the N:.‘va1 ihaird will meet cm Thursday, to in-

vestigate thc caose of the borsting of ihe Par-rott gnns in the attach on Fort Fisher.

Gallagher’s Board—(iold 2M'%, Erie,

Hudson, lldt*, Michigan Southern 72^, P)tt«-

bnrg mi , Northwestern 40^, Fort WayneOhio and Mkrisaippi Certificates 91’f. Canton26, CnmberlaEd 4*:^^, tjaicksilver wjj, Mari-posa 17. Gold after call sold up to 231.

WAiiiPRiToN, .Ian. 3.

.V paragraph hair been copied into many pa-pers xrlihin the past three days that tbe Br.azil-

lan representation, !jcar this government, hasacccpled Mr. Sewanl’s letter m regard to tbe I

sci/.ure of the Florida aa satfefnrtory. ia

nut true, fl>r the reason that the Charged'.\ffairea was not autboized to so determine.The letter of thc SecreSnry tua. bewever, beta

transmitted 8o the Government ef BVazil, and indue time the answer will oe forwarded throughthe prcqxer channel, which, it is not xloubted,will be re^^iwive of a friendly character. TheKra/ilian Charred’.Affairesacrbmpanleifaootherforeign representation to pay resrects to thePresulent yederdny, aud alicrwaras caltoxl onthe Secretary of itnte.

(.In .''ondixy afternoon the wilkhend of tbeHatch Gap cnnal was blowu o«t in patrt, buta mass of disturbed earth fell batk in the wtrter,and tbe cxplo.?iun .‘’niied in its otjecuA rpecial messenger from Fortrew Monroe

at the close of last w’eh. with dcB^mtchea fronttbe Govei umenf for dontral PoncTr has arrivedhere.

Snow commenced Uling here snriy thisafternoon.The CommiUee on iHe War retailed from

their trip north, whither they went to make auexantin:iUon respecting the iion-clnd veiMls.

Law'ren KRvno, Ihd., Jan. :t.

A draft for fortx-five h..ndred doUnrs, drawnby John L. Buell in bis ow n-iairor, and Imibrsedby himself in bank on the second ofJanuary, lHx;a, and accepted by O. P. C <bi>,

(thri-hv, J: Co. on tlie .Sd c* .fannary, wm lentby the bolder. Every liody wiH take' notice.

The WmtRB.vroxtT? or Hour .--Since yesterJa,*.we have obtained .txldiikiDal iuform^on cun-firntalorv- of the reports that H-X)d haxl succeed-ed in getting across the Tennessee with acon*ideradle portion of his n.Tnv, though wehave not been able lo learn tbe piwhe point atwbivh the passage of the rive.* was cilia ted.Nearly all his arttllerr was capttwtd, and it is

nmkrslooxi that he bnried several pieces, andthrew others into the river. 'An I so enils tbela*t invasion of Tednessce.Tbe nnucb vaunted expedition v 'hich w;is to

wre«t this 8t.sie and Kentucky fron. the Unionand infu*enew lite and vigor into the heart ofrebeldom, h.as proved tfle most overwhelminglailure x>f the war, aud tbuaghthc rebel (Teuer.ilhas made good his escap>e for the present, heretnrri to the South, like the Fogle »fOs*ian,despoiled of half hL wings. Only five of thefx’i'iv.nine block-houses on the Na^l.ville andChattanooga railriHixi wire destroy cd, and theroad dntnriged not half -o much as bad bronapprehended. •

But Uitee block-boa*es were dcstrux ed ou theMempLL and Charleston road, from llinusviileto Dccaiur, and the line betwtcn these j-ilnuonly -lightly injured. All the countrv north x.-f

tlie Tennessee t* now in full pus.-'.-*slon of theL'niou army, aud free from marauding bund*.Kei>ort3 wore current in the direction trv elixffl

bx the retreating rebel army tliat Hoi'id hadl-een snjierrtdfd and Forrest pbeed in x'.un-

II.and. The first may be true, but thatIn regard to Forre-xt we ?u*i'Cit i? not. \? axhisbii'g eavalrv offlc’cr. he h:»s fre«iGe.utly

proved his efficiency, but no one ever snspectedLiin of i’Oe-sesfing capacitv enough for haiuiiinglarge boxlisB ol meu. or of 'Ucce-atully cx>iy.iuxt-

it.g axaui;ioiun of anv tun.-iderablx' laagnituxle.IfU.xhouhl t;ini out that (len F'>rr<-st is uoxvill the !

'I'lth'Xi rex ently xx-cupix-d by ILmhI. thebx iaiil !ur:ii-li prtUx gox xl i vixltni.- . ihUtheie1- 1.0 VL-ry large portion of liuit aimv left.


Li'i isvit.i.ik Kt.. Jan. HG'..7" 'A? /..'ir<>7'.x th* Jo'irnti’


I think th'S Board of Enrolment ought t'.> cor-rect the enrolment for thl.s dL*trict, bxiaa-c,

1. Thc boards in other States al! Cxinwt theli*t? sulC'Klraft. Yet. when meu and bov? pre-?x-nic4 theai-elve? last -umnier. propi>?ing to


bhow, by wrilUn prxxif, that thx’x wereimprop-I eilx tnrollN). the Bo«rd a’j’hx'iriz. d the .an-

I Mouncement in the city p.ajiers th'it it w.is need-


k>- to fcara;*.* them with pleas for exemptionA* iney wxold nut attend to .*ux-h ba*iuess unitl

after tbe draft. The effwl of thi* i? that theiiuoia of Kentnekv Is incrcA'xed In that propor-tion tliat the list is iDcorrcct.

-. Ihe Provx-'.'L .Marshal Genera! h.t* Ixsue-J

orders for the revi*km and corrxxiiou of the^ t.-. ucd the Boarxis ought to' rive a rexs'.n:iblc



I'ittri'urg, I'liibdelphia, HarrUburg. Xcxrport !

for the cxirrex tk>n.. .

(K. I.), and WilmingUiu (Del.). I ^ ^An order via* issued lo-dav .at the Tre.s«ur\-

H^’ard in .h.* the I .Ith di.tr.x.t. many p’er-onx i:

ooxBb iAxc«r tnaa tOyai tUal bcU lor mi. UATUHAL,JlMABLB, BKAUTIFLX. WARHAfriw to plaaa*.ruii artlrla Laa been thOTGuzhl)’ iMted by OR. CfUL-TON, of New York, and Pr<« Booth and Garrett, ofPbilaxliiliihiA, who proaoonee it free from all poiaonoo*loaredlentt, and tiob malerliJ eotnpoBinii it wul aoi iu-]are tbe moat delloate bair. Sold by OroeeiatB and Eaa-«r 'Foodi dealera everywhere.

JNO. J. KKU.tlKH, PiwpriMwr,

403 (IkeetaHl mu, PMIaiMphltt, Pw.

DRUNKENNESS CURED.ne Inebriate may now bid deflauoe to toe txHnptiu<

ocui. Dr. l^aiw’a aubiiote tor ttrooe drink ia a certain

enre for drankennea*. It ereate* a dialika for atrooa

drink, and xwn be axlminiatered without the knowleda*of tbe patient. _ .

Deaiaiptive elrenlara aeol to any addreaa. For laie byall rewectable druasiata in the United StatxM and Gan.X'

4aa. fll per box, or packagea oi lix boxea for flf

JMO. J< KROftTER, Wliwleanie Agent,

403 flheaannt au, PhllaalelpMw, Pn.

to plaaa*.


BemaininF I ix'x’mnber 81

Nuriibcr ol rhildien bombiUulK'rof iti<pt:uiaio patiriit? urccribed for....

P. G. VVlJiT, Kx**ident FhyaiLonavii.LE, lire. rt. 1SS4.


To FAMnjas.—See advertisement of Mrs.Looney in another column.

BxioK'KKEi'iNo.—An ex|ierieuced buok-k0C|>erwant* employment as book-keeper or account-ant, or book’s to keep at night. Sati-factory

reference given. Address A. B. C., Journal

0~Beantiful Colored Photographs, Pictures

of chiidreii taken, and old Pictures sopied andenlarged, at “Tbe Louisville Gallery of Pbo-

ihv,” 80 Fourth street, six dixirs from Na-Hotel. dl4 dxkSunSm

The attention of dealen is invited to the

DR. RAip’S SPECIFIC.« The nlfltBi and moat reliabla madieluo for the rare at

Bpermatorrhea, 8eiuinal Weakneaa, Loa* of Power. Ae.

Att medieioe ha* ateod th* teat af over thirty yeart..n* hat alwaara proved a aiieoMB,

OK. RAND’S 8P1ISG1FIG ia axhlhited in Ihe tanof plUa, m.iOi op actirely ef aubatanoea that have a ape-

eife effect opoo the zeoerakive or(an*. Moat petaon* *»•

•ocUte the ite o( opmtiooM npod Ibe from tek-

lnf Any pUU. Tbo SrRomo Du. Aaod U uoi

Inleoaed M SD STAOTATira icvmmini Tto mudidiuJTlrtuat MT9 OTpoDtel oattrolj tipoa tbe impaired reiteo-

•rative organa. The pilU ture not impioMaut to the taelei

f^a\A t&ADy* peraooa iDMgieeie them with irapunitp beloro

awallowiiw tKetm- which picA we wouid aiwApe feootst*

meod. M affording tin naedieat way to fat the eftMt of

**^rta^'p*r box, or ttz boxea ta ft. Bold by drug-

giita efetywhere.

Btddiers’ and citizens’ wear, just reenved bv R.

M. Tnpwlla,436 Main streeL dl8*

W'Tboee la want of Saddlea, Haraaga, Ooplars. Trunks, Travdlitw-bags, Valtoea WhipiBits, *xxd ' Spars, Buckskin Money Veets andBeitA, Rubber Clothing, for man and beast, will

ooDs^t their own inter^ by buying at the Sad-dlerv Warehouse of Bamnel Baker, 609 Mailt, next door above Louisville HoteL aSfi dtl

JNO. J. KROMKR, WbelewUe A vewt.

403 l3iMtBWt mu, Pbllnttelptan . Pw.




General ConuHissioii MeroiiantSiMO.3MWATmBT^NMW YORK.

Wfll bS Vc^^mSm mo. 4B3 Main tt., LoqkviUe, V,




Gentieiiien’s Fuinisiiing dooiis!


Under tlie Natiorukl H otel,LOUISVILLB, KY


Hon e on a Furlough aud Christ

Bles^iiiig Little Children*

/'’ODD ENF.KGKTIC MEN WANTED TO CANVASV3 txu- tlH-«; ?pleudid EuitravinK*. Over 40.00U hax'o

lix-eu sold alrxiidy in tin- East, and noxv for thx’ WxMt.

Thc heat x-oniniinaloii* and thi' heat aiticie ever effered to

ateut?. Gall or write with atanip*.

P. B. RANDALL A CO.,H7 WaahinptonatreeL

dSO d6 Chicago, 111.

SAFES! SAFES! SAFES!1 HAVE NOW ON llANIV OF MY OWN MANIT-I tuctiiie, till' heat Eiie aud Powder Proof 8*4-*, withiron Bub-Treaaury lixMn», ever ofil*rx>d In thi* mar-ket. Come all and examine them. Prixwa aa low aa tho

loxveat. F. W, MERZ.Loniavyie Iron-Woriu,

Green at., bcL Sxiooud and Third,d29dC • LouUville, Ky,



aooeunt of ill hcalt’n.1 ahall frmn thia date auU m>’ en-

tire Bto^ of

BSillinexy and Z^tncyCk>odsAt low rate*, vox. «ain orn.T, to cloae tbe eonoem.

MRS. J. A BE.A.’mE,d3S Spdtf No. 100 Fourth at.

k L WcAve. eno. n. wna. «. <• nanl

HTA1T, SMITH, A €0.,mwi w—n nnMf 8i

roRBCfTT, Aia> 0AMNK1.00A1-.


“• •’"* toSS^dSTaSt

llcpartmcnt that all five per cent uoics with ax-j


xrueff iutere?l will be received fx»r xiibscriptiruis i


to the 10 ft! loan uclil the 7lh in t.ant, w hen it*

will be xvllhdrawii.

The trecn-lary of .'-taie left Washington t'>-‘

dnx. He will aitetid the funeral of Gr^ige M.|


l):ill.s-. the late Mini.rterlo Enghand, which will;


take place at rhiladelphi;! on VVeJnesdav, and\

< u Thur.*day be will attend ihi- laneral o: M.



L. Duytx n, our late MiuL-tcr to France. :xtTrr!i-‘

ton. The ScDctarv iHatiendx'd I*v Wm Hatit-’.j

ehkf I'leik ot the Ntate Department. Mr. Nix ho-ls'. Hie P-e-ldeul’s .Sicretary, an.i .Mr. KoRerf

| j

I.inco'.ii, son ot the Pre-lJent <>f I’.ie Uuit'. JStalt*.


Nr.x' York. Jan.j

.An oflixer wa* shot Ia?t night while deix-n.’-,

ing a woman from riitli nis. A Mr. Bo'jne'.t

wa- rhot while atlemptim. to ?ecuiv a btirgla-.,

He was xaugLt on the premiee*. Mr. H iMi -]

zx l wasnenrly killxal by a nitllau xm the corner|

x»f Twenty ..sixth street .aud Broadway. An oldmanof.-i) years was severely cut anxl nearlv

killed by a gang of nithans on Twenty-sixth.*lreet and Sixtli Avenue. Harry Lazarus, aprize-CgLler. was killed this luornintj by i.eing

-tabl-exi in the neck l»y Barney Frierv. In thealtercation I’riery made hiscscai'c.

The New (ii leans steamer W ashington was1 aimed at the wharf iu this city la.st nignt. TheIxwr. wa* r.lKtnl iJ.KKi.OOO. Slie had seven hun-dred bale.* of cotton, three thousand barrels ofHour, and a full cargo of merchandise.

Golxl to-night 2-1.

VV.vsm.NGTON, Jan. 2.

A private letter frtim tlie lleet.*ax?: lCef!!-;'i- •

from Ch.arlc.'ton aud other part* of South Gao/-

lina state that all the inhabitants who could d< > *o

have remov ed tolhecountiy. Great distress pi- -

x.ails on occomit of tbe seartilx of Hour a.. I

t lher nex’t-s.arles, whicli c.aiiuot he olffained at

any price. Sherman’s success xTcates general

alarm.The Nation-al Intelligencer now .•'ays that

F. P. Blair and ?on have returned from the

front, after spending a couple of days in Gen.Giant's (urop. Much si*ecnlation is indulgetl

iu vt bethcr they were to visit Illxbftiond.

N'rw York, Jan. 3.

The gold market is quiet, owing to the ab-

sx'Bcc of many operators. The price oixened at

22<; and advanced to 227’ s-

Tlie steamer zKtna has arrived from Liverpool

21?t. t)neeu.*town 22d.

The S^ianish minister has prop^d to the

Queen the ahantlonmi n*. of St Domingo.Llvcrjioo!. IVc. as.- Cotton ftmi, with au wlx iinciu*

UndciK-y. I’n'axkrtiiff? quU t and itlendy. Pro' Ufoo?dull. Pi'trolcimi 111 in.

Londt ii. 1H«. 82.-C<m.*ol? rio-. d at for

D'cuc.v . Amx'i lean ?tox'k? At< *d.'


Ai B-iNT, Jan. 3. *3


The House was oi ganized by the election of

George Haskins, of Wy oming county, a.* Speak-

er; James B. Uushman’ Clerk; Charles E. Young,Sergeant-at-Arm?; and Messrs. Kogers, Stout,

and Freer, Tb-orkeepers.

Governor Fentou has Issued a proclamat'iuD

calling uiKUi the ixeople tx> till up the quota ’u-

der thc last call tor troops prior to the l.ath of

Februarv.Fonxniuss Mxvnboi'., Dec. 31.

The stormy weather still iTrevails with umv-

haUd fuiv. ' Thxxre are no arrivals from the

South or from off WUmingtou N. C., to reporu

Snow has been falling here all day. The mail

stx amer Dictator brings uo news this eveuiug

from tbe fronLW'ashinoton, Jan. 2

The reliels made a dash on our pickets be-

tween Forks Howard and Wadsworth, in fr>nt

ol Petersburg, ou Saturday morning about day-

light, and c-aptured thirty-five meu, together

w itli blankets, kitapeacks. «ke. It was a sur-

prise, and was .*nceessful.

BoaixiN, Jan. :>.

Tbe proprietors of tlie Dailv Evening Travel-

ler office, which burned yesterday, issued an ex-

tra in the eveiiiug, and to-day resumed the puft-

licaliou of their paper.


To the Weateru Aa»oeiiiir4 Pre«x-.

Nkv/ York, Jan. S.

Since Yesterday businese Is aut folly resumod,

aud stocks are quiet. Transac tions to-day were

unusnallv light, and devokl of special InleresL

Tbe tone' of the market was gcnerallv stronger.

A good proportion of treasactions were at buy-

ers’ oi>tiuD. Governm<mt stock.*, strong, but

railroad lionds and boiik stocks thill. Hudson, 1

and Reading declin’^d aiigbtly, but all otheis

advanced. New YoA Centrej. Old Suntheru.

and Pittsburg were strongest. Petroleum stocks


Gold has adVAAced ste^V during the day.

Imt sales have been light. Very little dem.’tud

fur money. The demand for foreign oxchangefor to-morrowh steamer is good.

A Hilton Head rooclal says Kilpatrick’s corps

ha? just returned m>m destroying a portkm of

tbe Albxiny and Gulf Railroad, near tbe OttawbaI river. Five kicomotives and a number of oar*

are shut up between Albany and the Ottawha

rlrer Gen. Haxeu’s division of the 15ih oorpe,

and Gen. Fuller, with two brigades of the 17th


corps, alto spent five days on tbe railroad. Aplank wsgon-road was found leading from the

railroad toward Darien, from wiii^h th« h^vy

t'wen. lleitry, uidham, suxl 4eJ’-r*"n vountie-x

x'oulxl nx»t of the pre pc-ed x f fre-.ffAa uutil

tux) late.

;. Tho enrulUxl- li.*t* ol the taice furmer(X'-.i'iiix* b;i' e imt 1 «*wij puhli-hcJ. and many oldmen anxl young boys arc cnr*>ll,'xl who have ajidc:i that ihev arx-.

;. T'ue fiirx'lled li-t lor thi* fxiiritv wv« only

;i;i ’.'.-'je ; -i! ihe papers l;ut Thnr.-J-xy .aii.I the


- are uxd citxulatcd at all thc firmlu i; e*.

The xiOitx ht.'x ha* levucl••w^?ell. or rattier

tlix -trx t in fr.’ul ol the door, np to the !a.*t

hx>i.r > u Sniunlar cveniag. and mauy personswcif ii'ja '1'2 t” 5

rc;enl tlieir proof The bos.j'italitiej' of a cm’' stone reception h.as nojxar-

i '2 iiar fa*cination for a man who may be ex-tii'1'ti.d jKX't-diaft.

1 1.0 taiif for the draft, the l.»th of Fe’ornarviifc.xi. trivt* ll e Bxrard :imple lrt>ure foniiAklugth. alter another week’* delay. Inju*Uxelo our citv and dl&tiict il shoulxl i>e grauied.


\ aieuiher of GcLcrai Meade’* stiff rcctmt’.

*:iw a ri’vutd ln>y with au uueommon Urzen.uftlxT uU'Ut his ncc'ii. He a*ke<i wh.at wa*tl:i- matter with him, and be replied that hebad gx.t the itch. The officer investig-ited, an l

Ix.uud imiH.rtart dc.'patches to General Lee.

tl'or the Loiiltrille Journ*!.]


li 1


Vi 53 !4;* •ax.ssj “^eT


Va.iaxW.si St> t 3i« :


59 '3M.4W .30'a. a. w. Gl-tudv..*• ‘ 4" ; 49 :

4? fiS.fiN .3U| w. A'anablo.4‘ Oil 41 1

7.5 35 29 .BUI w. a. w. Glear.

31 2.5 ^!


4x1 ?. w.1Variahlo.

s' 41'



43 2l*‘5*u .10 a. 'Do.

-1 hi :'.«)1 42 .41 w. jGtoudr.

.Ii; 2 l 1


l;x **.:! '.V. n. w.iVarialJe.’.•I i.a 33 1? 1- fiS.-xtl .iwn. n. e. kTl ntd .


1 = 39 2li S3 1 32 'AliU. Ifo.

111 33 .» IS W. I»o.

13' -1i


lu !*'”] ca 111 . Va.uible.

Hi S3 1 Mj

37 11 23 89 M a. Gloxid,. .

1 *' :s) 31 ' 30 !29.a6| .3)1 n. w. Var xhlo.

lf» su 401

1 43 27 I39.4a 1-a.ui. 1 'ix.is

1 :. 49 11 371

*•* 139 . 2S 1 .9* e. a. i'. >G ouily.

17' 33 ' 51I1

OU 31 39.5lf .39int n. w. Do.Ih; 42



51 1** liH.frx

I • lu calm. Do.

b*, 40 ' Sx. • 1131 . 2!) 39 . 34:11,25 w. a. w..Do.

fill' 31 31 3.1 : 37 129 3ji 9. 'Va.'iahle.

tl 3rt ' 9* 1 3!* S’* .3? w. G.0..4 .


33 iui


i»1“ ,'j9.3e^

1w. Ckar.

t:i U ' 34 1.: l»|.=#l «. a. w. Dok.

34 ' 31) l*x.*d |x«. *.w Uo.

S3»i 37

1 41‘ 4S

. 4U





43 €;£i.!«| a.

.11 *.

A atial.lx*.






a.xvii Do.

is 321


** M W.la{ XV. a. w . Variahlo.

a* i;i 1 27 37 24 130.39' a w. Do.»)' si SS . s:: i Sll :8!».3T. 1 calm Gloxidy.

si' ll ' 3"!


xfifx.53 .k* W. X. w Clear.

Omflm o» rmw Loranua Jovwm^aUTr*(n>af, Jim. J. j

(fold in .N\w Tor* epeaed st BSM tbki smsw-

Idxc. sod eiBBed ’ At aS 8f<\|. Hem hre

ken were haying At Zlt^bStT, and were BBlilag at

sw*ffsfo. CxchAiig* le 4na sS for barhw-and tMdfl-lD

VTABluBi teUmg. Twiiiiwm ia dull; we gwawBank ot ToBoomom, 4? fewylng, and 8i asMag; Uelaw an.,Planlen’ BankB, haying? *w4 MmBhim. SMititerwmt r.0T very dull: M^io haying, and 1M9H aatWitg. C8tyvenclMn qn«4ahi* at ir#lJ 9 aent RMSnnt. Ot4m|rn WarMnetan 8 Veeat dUeeonSTb* BxMud *4 Trade hnve eomeed I* le primed he

paaphfot Aani ihtr rharter, niettilerlwi. awg Ifr-hiw*.rule? for thr ngaiatloa *4lhe Mercfoatta’ Kattfoeoe, *a4a tariff *4 rharcc? for BforadA ennatawien. Ae., Me,^(vtAhliak. d hy the Baaid. Mvwheie eee preeure eagtMJat thv Mrichanl?' Kichanee.

Te*Acxw-atlt* Of 18 hh4i ie fep -af it1i*eh * wererv'Bvfod- AA folfowe 8 a* «6 4iH^ JS, 8 at ffM* ». Uat «7(9T 54. 3 at 3, 8 At ffS«-Wt 3 at 41*91# gAt nil 7S, 3 AS l at cm. l attieig, Sa*«15 38,4*t$]SSi44M:S.«*t fi:i417 7a,l at 1 asvf? 73, 4 at oJttgm .i«, 4 as CILdSl 74, > at ffM 7R 3 at

*34x434 M. 1 At taS 3S. 1 al 78^ 1 at g« M. 1 al «K 1

al-HeSiwAnd? hh*i<txWieM4»38 9MC An.

Fu>rn—Thc narfcet renefoe qoM. ac4 priaca wegDotahle at •? for luyerffa*, gg St#S Tfor extra,

m4 fflstiiie 38 for foatily.

vcxwaxAT rLsen—We tret* nlaa at 0g$ » 9im tm'm •arkA, and 411 34 V tW.

PliorisH>;xa The :mnrki‘t roWe guirt, Aadprieaaare

Ann. Nirw m«*s park la held as 441. dalea ef tjgepiccca dlaitg^ ' At hie; 44 UercM lard at S*.

WniAnxT—Price* are weaxip. witfo wire at fft :3)g:

1M bbJa new .•oppAi raid SffJ 4*.

GsM-znixa- Market gairt, with Bids* *f Bi* eeffb* at4»Hx44^. 9wgAnuiiehaBg*foNAwpL)T'B»iiAA*Jfoghm<;

hard Tvfinad at STtRiac. Ntw OrleanenaiMaas fo kaMffmiy at *1 ISxgl W.

Gk.bix- Market tel?<. We teote w’iaet at ffl 9Sx#

3 tor '-od. and 43 u?x.eh e<t for wrtir 0am la peed de-

mand nd film at W for ear. Oale firaa at

75^<ffc Kra namiaat «P ffl 8<kffl X. Barfoy ffl 7fi

glK.Cnxxas—Firm ffalca 4t WtaMm saarog tt

Sic. K. D. It ait. and Hnr-hart st 83s

Berm «?i> Ema- B Wrr fim a*4St44lettr firkin,

and for peed rail. Ca« are HUIaff at pfo IPdesew.

Btfix.ix,. NsTket foir. raff priex-a lav* idvaneaff.

dalxTB of iw pioar'< to-day at S' Ip*.

Cl)v wnax Tt, Jaw X P. M.Floar vary d’-R hot huldifii bw fin "t: aalea annil.Wlit-Al d<iU an 1 uaUiAn-'Oxt: bcIoa <4 n>d ai 4g BS.xM '4,

and white at #2 39. Cam *1 uS. R-. « xtull at 41 4.1.

WhDkey aetiv.' at g313, cloun twiak aa aellani belowrili.Provirieo? hooy M. Mexv pork affraneod le 4«3 SM.

elotinr with ao jolfora bekrar ffl'. Bulk mat, ! jgiwI'Mr 1*00?. Lard afovanei'd to hOt fo laoBtt k.-


At Xir. Hov* artiv- «* 4I« 7iM*J? k ''Sua t<' 3ja-r'< avor-bXMvy aro hxrl>' ot aid 2a. Ka t' tpA* a.tMW.

(iroevrir* uuelixui-'iel,

Gold cioox'd al Xt5.

New Yi m Jan 7 P. M,Cotton firm: ffl fof 'v ;i.-idfilinp ap'wtd*.Flour Stato and V.'-^atera a abada- firtner. and very

ovict; ffl-j Utdla h> for •xtra Stair, fflt fit tarnaBBioo to Bood -hiiinx.-a i«aq la of e Sra roxiud IxsipX fitin. and 411 25<dl3 to- ' Wada krnndn mrkrt eioaiupi|i>irt !ind fii m.Whifkej' very firm a;,ff iiBis t, at ffC. 93'* fffi St kr

V'Mrrn,VSrat firm and gule‘?aaBbei W.-dera fffi U<k8 W.

U>e tiuirt and alxraxiv. Cfo-n daUxUMiuouAaLat ffl fit

rffl ** tor mixed Wt-atm*. and 4 l«xul S’- - r .r whiteSbiitWrn. Uat?aliU;x* III we, ivitb xalc* vt al '’SN-ffr»l «• ’or W'-vtorn.W'.alfirm.Moiwni dull.

Pelrolr.im 'iiiWt I' lt I'raa; .'rinoxf iu bend T^iypc.

Pra'jciH'uro »?ry .•'x'lkfd, .ad de«t drxU> Wher. hutI fov.'d nxtki r bxavy, at ff Lap >4 ^ for I’*9 aaid 1^14nil!?*. ?a*li and nrcular wix


'vine n’ ffafi 54 for rtph,ff4.'-XB4 IW Bew uieta. s.h,, i, or x-* .’:’Du\aad ffjtaxp

4u •''** !«>' pi I axe Bw?*: *!'«o*x, >ai *•!,'. ae* fir Janu-ary. kehri.Arr. rtid Marrk, «e!W- urn 1 k.. . ri , opcioa,al fft; d«..: and Xuui l.h', o* t?.3 and l'»l n.exa,.laniiarv. Exhruary, anxl Mar* Sx aawd Irrnia, al fflfi^43 3fi. T:«' total .Owk .f oM aa-S now .aw Jaararr latwiu. 11- <iX?- hkl?.ibr launn da4x' Uut uma ih 7S,S(X1 bt’la.

anxl the 'auxe Jate Iam yoar 7s.' •^ >M* H?> r ia -ja-rhaiixAtl. a* p2x ScX. for plain BervaBd fffi I '* fore\tiauix>a. rhx- trital atox'k ot *U Br.dax-tr oaJoiwary1. I'v.5. x a? f '?«. k^Tparkaarix. Ike au ? .la to Im ukinctiat.2*2 porAaaoa, and tlo aaiue -foie la?t rrar l>W.?ro

1-11 kai:t’?' Ux*xf ham? •di ad' at ffd? '3, Cxi t in-afo |i. *and nnc'-a*?i'*L fo 17qffi7V.c I'v akowl deta, fiafofil.

for h ' *. H-f-ou -ixj* » in axxMb-ratr dcma* d; Cxuaxhrr-la! -'if- ’r. lJr*--.-a l.ia!* arv iu 5 ir miioBat at istp ff

for Wmlx-in. Lord hi rather Si-ai iir atfiD'vWa&r.Krtlrr 1? ria, xad a foir in-.itiry. ai~v4tv r'nrOluo,anultsa^v •gr -riaie. Ci-ei-' '* i- fair u.riaand, an.|1 . Illy held it Uia 24e.

Moot*} a -n*? ao't finu at 7 R font. JtrrHm* exrliaii.*<*

dull al 1 ' IfflxtxU. <>'>ld ixxv-'. ,r ind iiiwru' 1,

<i*' 2 iiix alk>.Lhai>xJu,X 10 33%xh' '.«.ap to 2127'. and

rf. x!:;a ft : .** :.

XioxiTnai 'i.t Biork* uxore u tiv.' toe ffrairr

VV'-x <fotn S««triix.'nt. l.'axi.-, * V-v t44,'a»; d?.c. 'itf. 44.. .i.’.a4;?pct'e. *!.:v?C iU; Vrrgaae. ffUSI Sh>

i.Utha. *3 .-.•'.•52; •focti-aw. ffSpk.oU. W-nxwto.',i4-. )42.U7 : .tx:* -1 l-’v. « ',;»S2S.i!*.

.»r«., ..4 ixb <4*. l*< id ii’. lu’f'd mt<-a •> ro- p.uMII . 5-01. r 'i p. 04 . l-'-fo c«..px>x9-li'2. r, .w oroii

HIV. Maripx,* 17. xki 1 It.ilvxT *" ftnxlauo Hi,.Haoi’x'.l 1 , Jr.’ x.''i X'Mrxi !l.- , LUuul. G--atrMIW*,. f'hii 1*0 ?ii** N>- “ T. 'V -n ~ V, Ch'r.nco andNorthw -I* w Ir-ind7i. 4 .

l l.'- c. . at iirix -X h r xn*- wi' 'x at a Ikoinarket? «r1' 1 iiir. l.: -l . ilv, Sal' V> enod | lali*

•>i - <x" jKm -ii:' •li ffl-. i . t rior, •al' aFoai.t''»4 acd


rx„ r >4) ’'.ai'?' 07 jl'V or i'narv -xi'^ff

ll 'X.'

i:., r. j. Veal -ai •..•*

H. •. i i" •'••i' »-' -rliifor). 4'..*,

e !> !i, ’ mq: imV-rior. * .

IJM, f'.p.. 1 lan.S*. •- Xtra ",-T al ff* »; 1 : in*--. *7 n» . ..cat; . 2; ,p7 i'.' * .Vx :.i;. . i-ir >4d.* . ’2?.

.Sail h XX-'. Com )>., p-r •• .uuxi, 7 «;t>. U.,*II .!;• .. : -li'-.frd. L .* 1 : '.r.

H.hXi. ' a" irrom ar '•niina Ih# xmekIfc. = «ia • .xa .xii ; 5x «n ilti. 1 'ttc d !•> I' • ' •*;:. i-r

VVt .,g: V '.FKM.O.N TOB.\«:i 1 SI- PORTB*rv!*.rv. U,l*U.

T! • fx''’’'n4 la 5'ir lohaccn rjkrk-*; n‘ru«ia!'d nan^uilC!.nu2 J - *»?*: . k. a.jl <miy R'v u ...?-.;‘:.ax ar.iot If • *• li.

<11 Ma' >anxi. xiiki ia '.t urd.uxr,' hroieii aud ai'd-1 .1 .' < • »i!.l , .... 4, xv.rir' VX..I a*- a- ' Cxi.. xL'II

; e » •' 'I-' .H- IU U|V..t vM'

llUl t4.

- , 2«-. .2 y. **!-r --a. t ‘ -'iwf,I'. -. X 'i : np:.; .. !it i -vr t"!' .attaal a

I'l.. . •

K-utiic...)’ -.tax*' of only -2 f i.ix? *r d "rfiiaxrv »?. I

u 1 .aiiu., «i idax.i>ai >t I -. pt ad?. 4' hi.;* .(

u. ..»• . , .4 ; -xid U4i>. anxl . 11 . X . t; u %.. u -' Mid? Ol llxalxlTua I lii*. *7 15

, I4* X '- !?. ' '

'. i.aa. - '


. , • i n.-:tx4j.

.• Iv O' midd'iii - Iku . 'll a' *, '.I —

kid. II... . . !X K -

: .i'.'C 7f. " '4 4,. *_ .. i*

: t-r I'rc. . t** VKl. • ‘

1' J?. -.-at if to N' *r YorkK* . ‘ivri

r C u». i'

ix. l.oi Li T>'B tC« ' M.VKXfrTi’:

. I.. V •- i >«e. 57. i-**4

7" •* • f r, */ / • ' - " r .. tvr-t.,

(ii*Ti * ' hi! -with haad rc-u » 2^, :!*!», ih vJ, V, . Hi hiu-i-n. ?•


V IT- riiitxftiTl.-a' ?! Ih? C'-ly •-

l.i. ( >' li ' - c.’y. •! ? -a thr auBtbrr of

. -iM-da. <1 .- '. It 10 h Lsd taffWd

1 ‘ I'..?*' iu Al.. X am .u >hd I'uwadSt 'I. ' tl'.' iri- <• rti.-paid -«v. - P;- 4*r II. I i-r thi-x lir .•.ll ' .' ir ; ,prr. » th? P.ek uVVii-Vj.,- >< r i > uni- • .. .«-t m ii.h?. -v.-.

an fo-tc; ' 1 lix Dxi .'*i ia»' ' iiAV? T' trv aao.o

i',' :1V. SHKTOC k a. KoWLa \;>

t.iy !’• • *. w... -

sr. t!-4. !'-c .7 » .

i r-rlii' tlial durinr tike > ra* ••ndia.f al -lana.

t ii.'r 1- >-ti 'i,p.pr%.txd 1* N Iw .ii -' '.I

t!i..'.,iaixi o( «• .'-.iiJnu '.nd xr'vi.;' i *•' ii-xo. oi-a<ki jfI' l>.4 CO! A ' fhrr,' ll.vnt'du*.! and * i!\ -nr..*, .r’-f.wof

t b«»v. .' .til. .r* 'Uari,' • 1>. •> 7:— fit

ji> r- .ixtii.s w k *r.' * A.,.’*.


steamboat Bars for Bf at.rt'llF. EAIUJ OE TNk PA.-vjENi.FR arEtM'rKff1 No.fi. ffl. Wtiieli. and T' -ooriare kr nmtirr • ur year—the twafonuvr coaawxcueii-g Jaanary IX1-?.V thr h-M'. r Ki'hr>iAT> 1\ l-v5.

Tiav*- K<'iil to kj |xaid I't-xtlerlr in jdvaao', xrMlA‘ riiiJ. lor lulti;!u. fool nuitcixct.

VV. ittrii psvpxMil Ll' ’ta-d. '7. R kRTilRa.hi CoOiumcial •* .St. Lowia, *r

UA a n GO.,

j2 x7'> Momphi?


PORT OF loltsvil:.e.



11. Ly t!x'. Ciliciunali. Audrrixow, G;ncia.ffi

S. R. Yoiiiiifo ritn.’ OroTc,

k> ?c nil' . Ilrnxlvnx'U. SI. Louia.

Gliiion. M inpUu. tuiecaU. GInemnMi.K.'rt!at. tu. Luiii*.



rn. I.) tlx', Ginelnnati. Major And.moo, Gineiu.

d n YouioE. Maxlleon. itUr Grev FUr'.r. llvad.

Pine Hrovr, Ginx lunotj tUilYon, GiariOBdU.

Miauii, Giuciniiati, Ihuxl T.m.-*, PtUalHUp.

Th. Not nlur Star w*»to arrive froiu NaakviU.’ 1*1

nirht, and rt-vuuir brr plan* in the lloiMlaaaao li» g thi*

eveninif. The T.Ar**coa wUi alao re-x-atar her ok’ , mdeI n Erixfoy.

Captain W. R. Scott, t'apiniu W. ft Deonld mi. and

Andy Hartupee, wiU akortly launch the hnl iwTanewbaat at Freoduai. Ohio. It wUl hove a tr .nplh of 17S

feet, with a baaui of 49 fret, aud a depth af h rddofS Iset.

SraoBor Ike Rivaas.—Th.- river at U a* point waa

r about at a atand yeaterday evenlnp. The ^ mtn eight

fort three hicbea water In tho eauat, ar ttx foet three

Iinche* in the Indian chute over the ^i,. pipfo.

harp, yeaterday al noon, tho rivor w*' j , atiawory. At

GfneiauaU. U th* aanic tiiaxN the Oh hod failen afiiht

iui-hea, aad tketo were twenty t* 1^ W« taciie*

water In th* akennel. The Cnml? ,riaad and Tcaiicaaeo

river* are In gaod navigabl* eawd

WlATium-The weather wa*. eool. Towardniaht it tornod cold.

The Kaaeiald, from Clnci' whh two barge* in

low, arrived yeaterday nior aj,g. mmI, la toying I* iitkar

the eanal. "he aroanded *» ^ rocka, where ako atiil to-

luaiurd Ia?4 ai?ht.

Tbe Koae Hite arriv jg Partlawd tram Hendeiaax

To her attentive der’ ^ Uamihan OriawoUU we are lu-

dehted for the foL’ owing manifiaf Maaari. OriilMi fi

Boardx 10 bbl* her^ p bbi* fiMseeil. 9,8*0 ke*|>.palew

Mxaor*. Uaya t 0*Neol, 9 kmaca; Meanra. llaverhow kllUL 30 boxM (oadrio* aad 1 bbi mtfo; Mr. V. 0. S.

Koiialdx I hi jg foffaiiee; and kr Mr. L. lakauaer 1 lot ef

moving p’.under.- Thank j m Mr. J. Lewia ShaUeroa*,In*pcrfor of ikeom

hoaU rjti Beard of Cnfferwciter*, kr a aapy of the pro-

ee*»’.l«p* of tbe Thirteenth Annoal Mooting of the Board

o' ffttper-rfoinp Inip i' ctar* ef lloain VoMOk, iBd at Now

,York, Otfober Ik IbOl

Fnr ( larkavUIn waff .sfaakrtllw.

J. F. HALL Wi^xifo.,*. ’ffaaior.W ill lenvo ritv,wharf thi* day, .fem t,

io’elock P. M. Par ft light ar poo-ttMtamfifciiBr m»ixga apply an haord or to

)4 _ ^ V- M. RRW^Ifr YgewS.

For Owvaokwrw, KvwimvMlw. waff tli iffeTawmIlCtRF. Hgrtr.,^. Cvaaa. Maalar,

Vr,'.\ loavo aity wharf thio dm’JJaa. k• walTTLSat S P. M pooMvriy. Fa* frrigfifi tlmBbmMtatacnxcaHZt- apffxff 9* board ar to

4 • T. M. ERM CL Anaws.

Fnr NwnkvUle.BLPER40R ........... • Dv-rm Mekor.

WIU teva Partloufffjfe day. Jm.A- - fo,x Ifi Khik M. Mr ftaigfia at

MnS^wffkoaaaMaappfr board tr to

^j4' ~ MOORHEAD k Oa. Agiwfik


AVliarfboat Proprietor,

WHOLESALE GROCERS,Boatstore SuppHes*Traasfor Agents for X. OL B.atdly



New TsiJt'E Ere ik Libbt Fbbox—OvbSoLDIKBS ILeBBT IS AtVSSR ClRCmTAStWi.—The follfliwinfr extrsct from • fortheomhi? »e-

b;rOE|)C IxEbsd. of Uie in the Libby Prisoo

1 BkhoMDd, will «how the raeder In thh cold

but merrr tinM of theyenr that onr poor fellow*|

ewBB in UiEt wretched bole know how to nukej

the bat of their eituatioau end bow lo roo<|.aerj

mieery, for e time, hj mirth: |

De«^H« the (tOMaral deppoeslor and cruel

diaep|>oinUuenl ooecd by the no_u.deuTerj’ of|

lioceK you could not help j-roeivui); in th( i

ereni^. here and there, oertian ecenee and

flaaoUcMaUooe fufllcienl to reimud you that the

dev we bad paead throat bad been an unusual

on* The smack of the new year could, in Cact

not be mbtoken—the hearts of the few happy

otm nrorided with a tolerable comiuiasarUt in-;

rspanded. InviUtions to dinm^ i

woeestended between the more intimate cno,.

Mtii the general ploooi one could helioldj

in almoat ever* room one or two small grouir.j

ranged aronad.'wbat for Libby, might .tostly In-^

termed fe«ftrt tabiet.j

There was. upon the whole, a ‘troaoer dlt--|

play of light than ordinarily. felkrw-ptiMrDecj

beawninc almost pr««digal in their expendUare' <

to reinlOTce the solitsry Ui>er that Confederate i

liberality almost alwa>T fumirhed us. Thehrllllarcr- of the oeca-4on they determine ;


sbonld Heal its festiTity. Even those iudusir.-

owB ones grated the eTcry-dar corn bread ration

into meal, which tber honied. I>y adding other

igrHdleDta.lto metamorphose into some savor'

pudding or inv iUng ‘'flap Jacks.’’ looked morecheerfni than nrual. Three of my companions |

and myself were the guests at Colouol C .

4th Nta York \olnutier cavalry. All we were

required to do was to bring with us uur s|M>on<,

tin cups, and something to sit on—the rest wa- .

proTlaed by our ho«i»ltable host. Seven wa'

oar number at table—each a "ood fellciw iu LLj

wav—not excepting mv humble self. I

Lieatcnsnt Mari'"-. i?th PransVlvsnit volar,

loer cavalry, wae the ' kef dt mlsint on the oe-

casiOD.A soap dt la IJmtmnr. snj>ported by a loaf of

good fresh »»rad. began the entertainment.

Then, and without the auBo.raoce of change of

p'mta. followed a superb ragout. Thea, again,

came a huge life -breathing and life-iuitpirlng

mact aroni podding. Two sperm candla. placed

in the centre of the whlte-co\-ered table, she 1

their whole lustre on the ama'.l bewitching

eceoe. Where are the words in whi< h to ex-

press the surr>rlse ov» vahclming every one of

bW guests when the ColooeL lowering one of

his hs ids Iieucath tbc ubie. and, raising it

again, plies a bottle of St. Jnlien?

No toasts were given, no ei<eechce made onthk festive occasion, on which. I could aver,

hundreds of our less fortunate companionsgared with an sir of unmKakable envy; and v«t

everr feature of tbc eceoe was sugirestlvc enoughfor tb^ who participated, and el<xjuent in it-

aggraxation to those who xvere only spacuior'.

Awax w ith your famoo' and diplomitic dinner*

recorded iip>on the paga oC history! Aw.iy with

that romp'Mis dinner of Prince T.'sl5e'Tan«L at

which tlie 8|>auhh Rourbone were beguiled in owwallow ing tlie loss of their throne! Away wit h

all tlKW- make r<iom for the men.orable NewTar's diniK-r» ot1<'"l in Libby—dinners worthstad'ing forsooth, atid never to he forgittan, I

warrsnt. b%- s tnortal who partook of themNor w ill I neglect to record our New Veir’s

theatric^. Ke«t assured, xe actors in lif<.-

wasUnc. venniu-tireediijg Libby, your uncon-querable humor, your potent m-r.*V. all s!;a1l

be rtcorded. In truth these thcairieils. whichdesptu the general i>overty, were annoua c<l

“to whom k msy concern" in printed programmes at our exp»nae ; tho e S'eniv eiTorts in thecold, eolashv, tbb klv recking kiu-heu; the ex-

tenr(>ori^«d stage xxh /se wnctchcJ atru' ttire

could fca'T'cb l>e detected by the dim light o'

oor three tallow candles ; the ragged, pale-faced

aodienoe of Libbi ias. and the rr-Sel sjtectators

peepit.g In thnjngh the bars with uvident sur-

I»rW and glee, all de-erve particnl i- mention.Tlie prnevamme con<d«ted of three pane.

Part I. Purelv murical, the perfortne^ t^aftaln-i

SbelL Kadall. and Mf^. and I.'teiucntut* ;

Jooea and Lombard. Part 11. I/kcwi-" nri4-cal, and with a banjo s<>lo in- J.lciii. TUo<n i*=.

closed wMh a clog dance i»y LM-ni, Rvsn. *' I'uc

Rival liovcr-." an >. here follow I—actura, CajK. Ma-s and l.h-ut. llan.i ilph. !* Tt

im c< in-i’- ' d c.' tb • “tViuniry Woman :i

PbotocTarbic«T-.!!e; x" and a m.v-v^wT*!* .J1,

the addliionsl ac« >r« iH-ug Mujor V-iiH-'r. <1 . ot|

MiWi'illams. and I.icutct mw Wck-h. Bet "Hi, I

ant’ M'lran ‘•.V'.iuis-^ion Irec—' h'idren in !

not adirlt'cd ”I

.4 « tie call “liiTht* <eit ” was liv foo ial orj.-r 1

dcl .xcd in onr lav«>. nnti; iniduiiitil. w»- wc''- I

cnatJsil »liiT !lt< itiratri'-als to mukt- ctf ir * atj

Min.iry i<bcr -i '«r *. Up we mar -hed to 6 »

t.ia—the titu oi r- ••tn • I the jirU'in—wlic c aj

pnrelx mii“lcsl entort.-i’ninent wasi \t- m;>orl/cd.

Lieut! Jones gaxc. an:id a storm of appl.au-cj

“Do tbo\ thick of meatl omc?" Mx llu-tgi- '

rlan M.ajce. lerLups the inost sl'klv lo'^kin.;

fignre in the prison, gnbar in baud sring •^hn

hen's serenade, whil'- l.lent. liand >'pli. Unite i

8tata Artilkry. called forth much api'iansc ••

a wittv dittv <.f his own creation. Tn the tnld^'

of thcBC n « lodi ms strains, m.itive at once of

mirth and sadr;cs,s. arrived the Citil twelveo'chick.

Tlic guard, with v:gor.>ne pun-tuaiitv. an I

pfThai* more thaniiuictudlity. now i*cuxn t •

send us up tlw r V.o of the bated •‘ligbt# out’’

Tbc soJilarx tallow « .xndle. tbreatening «'>on t i

exjd'C in It. own sxi cat bad to be cxti’v.'ni«bM.

bat not M> witli the strain of mx<dc There westor'd, crowded in tbc conu-r of tl»c room, per-formingand listening to the grand »%-•' in thickdarki.e-js. N- w every one uuietlr wifhdr.'wtohis own i;«iar*» rs—an openi’ m w-iilcb. a« inin1*' cj [-o l.fd out o»» the tioor, was bv n »

nicer an lasx ta-k iu the dark. f»n ra >antin '

to tb« s;o . t, ftnril treat awaited me.aiil'i S! fi-r % drii.k." said I half in earnest, t i

l.'aii*. "’""ci « who efamhied nt'

»i;I. "T hv r- I !i fj. nts of b 'jic bcr.i,''

lent . i ’; ;t> a !• w minnles hanc

r<>=a; ' :‘'i- :!,< '-! .pc of lia’f a b >11 !•


• • I of I.’cnientiut 8i‘' ;ni4.

I*• ' • .1 ' W.

Io-lcl ... 1, ..

-;£lc 5 ; ; xi ?tf* >w ir ^ | c*",:-

titiV ‘,0 d rT: ; 0 jM;iliiu<I ttti' -w '.i'lcs-

iill 'be l;-t d''j

V Loill-ed. lJ“,it. > — til-

in' III'. ,1 -f r., >oVc- for 1 i:'


Nt.-< -ar 1 w 'r ' a bjj'r f - iil- x ’/i’ me •

’ ’1 ' .'. 1' Tt s ;. i . i' .Is . T.«te for til!-

..t . • til',, '

.f I ',< a iiiiK li his- »Vni -'io

t ut. L ' ci;-t(,i„*rs siin ist C'V.—,

'rircN 'i bcT* V a- >dih mnsi<- in ou'


wLcr-vcav .kc m-vI iiriruitig to fir son'll..'

roil i Ji'l. " Toi vr v .ii-;c'f 't*tihl«- a regalir fall-

ing biii-k to -c-" ni.d “exchsn^rc," ih-vj"’*'

i»it witlioui a ri'ing c iiifidcM O ii. tlie tvti s o'

t.ejura! BuiU'f in the nog'.ti-’.titi'.: of cxcbmgc-.

A Most I’v.v '. i:k si. .1 B.kiii —We have l->

BotKiunv tl at a l«-iiial'- iu tiiis cii' gave birtnto 'kor^fh’tt child.'cn; r.nd t' gi'os ns jieciiiiar

LHatii-rutioD U' t.«‘ .al'ic :a st.iti that the m )thc;

and all bw tiff-priog are “d'ling well." Thi-istati'iiM'iit ni:i' soi:i..l tliongh it were af:c '

the t.rdi r ol .M I Init our n-aders ciaassure till n.'i Ive* ll-' t it i« corrxje*. and wilt n'.i

:e tliC b'sr stjr; rist'd. |»erk i;», x\ L;"n we tell

till m that th< gii at fi ia:.h- ;.nac-inda of Birud.»t i’.'two'l M'u-' uui. F'K.rJj and Pine t

is tliC licnicr of this nuiacri.ns pr ij;eny. Wifis liinlfi'd knowlexJ'.e of uutur.il hi»M>vy— tn'i

iwrtk u!..r l. m the mailer of -naWes—andinor -

psrlii'ularlx in ri's].eet of lx us and biill-cru-li-

cTs .-rch os MaJ. Bionell Uk,> a dcllkifr in agi-tating tl.e in lire- of nervous people witb.al—wca.-r under the iiiij ic-%.m that a ii snakes w.H'-;i. il.« I'ht'it of U'ing eggs, from whi'-b theirvoT'iis acre ball 111 d: bin, npon inviiati'jn ofA'ol pM-K-oli. we last e'euiiig madi a sjiedsl lu-

si« .oEof the auacjDda cage at the mu'^f imsjs'n-n ol. and saw, with our own exes, lb':

'out g reptllea, meascring from e^hteen t #

lw<iitT-<-ight Inches, crawling a^iit anddisplacing a wonderful amount of vitalltv forMiakoa to x tong. Thev lick.jd out their l^derU ovuer with that |«cnli;;r tremor which is aotenil' tag w liir.id jiert-ms. and their eves wonthe latml brightness that is a LLstorical belcnv-iog <jf the oiAkt- of ilie “*>ld rerjw-nu” Tin-mother of this suddenly -acquitud and n'Jiner-ous tamily is a weU-coiidiiioued reptile of ^om'?thirt'a*ii fret in length, .luU live years ol age8be X as )>urehased iiy tpe imni.'ietors ^ theMusci m. wlui five uihers of various sir.es. e\-ptef*ly tor exhii>itlo« at ^hls ertabliRhiueui.wbe^e sba hss exhibited her prulidv' qaaliiie-.

bet we are assured that her gml v.nlne was n'*f

appre' iaied b her owner- tintii thi- m Mt recen


TFiom Wiliner a Smith's Timer.'.

ir'WTXxi. MrvrritT t> nur>.i.\r-xfvstF:ti''C.

Mt aiiKi:—A Ml i-tw.i: i Ask i>( rici'osi.x.

In tbc stumner of 1 a man nami 'l K’cin.

in tbc serviec of a merchant residing In Blueh-

crplatz, at Breslau, was found dead in hi? IuhI

one morning, with his sknil rbattered and his

liody Iieariug many teirible wounds. 11ieche-i

behmging to tbc man was al-o fonnd l.iroker

UiclianJ»of the and, brought licfore acourt-martial «l Caltanr.aro. w;u condemned ’

to be shot. Tlie sentence was, however,ooninintod to thirty year* of iien.-.l sor-

viludc. While slic was cxiiiating hercrimes in the prison of Cattanrarx. the jailor

fell ilcei'erntely in Kivc xilih her. Tl.t cun-ning woinsn pri tended to feel an ei^ual aifivti'in


frrnim, and one day she told liim tliat while I

she was with her hnsband she had concealed In I

aiartuin i lui'C near K')^ huu a Urge sum ot I

laotiey which had licon paid for theran'toin of a|

oi«ned and idundtred of a great number of;ikh farmer. I'iie jui’er went ijiil. kiv to the

articles l>tlonglng to him. The police indue* ri-

on-lv endeavored to light np.-to soma clue to thej»ot, and found the money. The fact had natu-rally the i flect of m&l.Jng Lis love for .Mari.i

mnrdi T. hot without euccew until some uKmths I still more ai dent, so that she hxd no diflK ulty

atu-rwaid. when tliev upprebended a cigior-

niaker named Nlcolahs, who had Incurred a

»i^ name, ard had been pnni«hcd for vaiion -

oflences. Matters seemed to go awkwardlyagainst Nicolaus, for It was proved that the

waisfr'oat be wore belonged to Klein : be was

unable to prove an aJibi on the night of the

murder, ard a* voung girl swore that on the

morning after the dark deed, she !^w himWMsliing souse bloody linen in a ^ream.But, notwithstanding all tbh*


the jury acquitli-d him. Nothing more

Iin cuiiXNU'iug him that U udc.r atfeetiona are iatt-

! ter manifested In freedom than within the four


w alls of a dungeon. Before, however, making


their escape. Maria baccccdcd iu sending word;to her I rolhcrs, w ho are brigands, th.al on u

[cert in evening she would l>e ut an appointed

;St ot not far from Cattanxaro, attired in man's

IcloiLcit, l«>gethcr with her deliverer. Marin

she !^w himj

xx'o#. pur.ciually at the rendcr.vous, nn'1 her i

' ‘ *

in a stream.]

brothers also. Tiic unfaithful turnkey xva.> 1 Nrw Euf’.iuu!.

this ev’tdcnce. 1 lalkd out of band, and the money he hvlj


Nothing more ifound replaced in .'larla’s pocket. Ouoc


c present year.|

free, thi* woman organi.%d a band of brig- I pAiw'" wiuiVii -

it an agricultu- ends, and began her ojieratieu* in th.at tract)


time jireviously \of mountains which lie tietween the river I


i'')na character, i Cioti and UntUnzsiro. The barbaritic! i4ncc I

WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE M.\RKET.Ot >'icA or TUB hnrisvu.i.B JoasaAi.,!

Satukhat, Dec. SL ls64. I

(iiild Imp ailvsiiirii 5 V v* *'t n’mce our la-1 rejiort. Tiwiiiuiit'} lUHikot was ti;^Ul during the week. I-ixcli:iii^e

wtp dull and rcarre, and ruiuaina uuch.'xiigcd. Wr•lUL'tc gold, rxcliaugt'. Ao . ua follow*:

‘ Bii)-|iig. Soiling.Hold gja £;rsilvergxrhar.eo—New York par 'i(A1-10PliUadelpliia do doRovtou iS'i dullMltlniere dit I^‘.^parKeiiturkr Hank Nntea •<

y. M. Vouchers, Citr liKitia die ....do do country. ir«41a dis ....

Orderc on Washington i dis

BANK NOTE LIST.[Bj'POrTvn FvrnrMLT for xair, L/>riBvii.La .•ora.Nai.,

nr MUSIUt. UtNT, MOBTlXN, dl Ut.lUl.MT.

raa t CNiia.

1'nlted States legal tender notes; N.Uioiial n..iik uutoa

Ohio Bank notes; Bank of State ot Xudiana; Fire

cent U. S. Nutca.I'NcramR-TT.

occtiTTcd’ until the present year.|

free, lliia woman organi.%d a band of brlg-

w ben a man was apprehended at an agricultu-j

ends, and begun her o;>crat Leu.-' in th.at tract

ral exbibitkm, he baving eome time jircvioa-ly I cf inountahvi which lie Iietween the river

oommittM an offence of a scrk-)ua character, i Cioti and t'otUMizsiro. The barbaritic! i4ncc

When taken tu the jxolice 'Station •Mention wa 'jarpetrnted by Mar'ia are almoat incredible„

directed to hU coat, which. a« It apjiearcd to ! IT.e villages of Apinclli, Cotzenei, and Bolvo-

ihe pctlice. eorresponded exactlv with the de- ! dcre Lave b« n lilcmlly sacked by the Land she

KTipiion of Uie otie -tolen from Klein’s liox.andj

c. Uimands. The dre.td which the name of

it was eonseqnentlv con.'idered that a new cine i MaiiaOllvicro inspLcs among the rural popula-

te the dcvelo|'meut of the crime Lad Ijccn di— !tion of Aattan/aro is to great Uint tire Italian

covered. On the strength of the evidence sf-igovcrcmr nt has licen obliged to send two Lat-

Pirdcd liy this coal. David Mur/e, the man in j

lalirns of tbc line to pursue tbe cruel fuir.

wboae i.'ossesfion it was fonnd. was clurge l

with tbe murder. At the magi-tcrlal examina-tion it was oondusivelv proved tbat the coatw as tbe ooe which bad belonged to Klein, andS'uire was not able to offer the least eTpl tnatlon as to how he had bec*»me i*ossesscd of it.

It was |>roved that, although .at the time of hb

While tbe band le<l lir this woman is dcaolatint;the country of Cattanr-aro, xx'e Lear fromRioncro that iKTEaglicrf Lave succeeded .at Lvst

In capinrlni; the famous Lrigaad SaccLItlcUo.t< gelbi r with the two Still famous mistresses ofthe Lrl^acdt Croic-o and Schiavone. Theftnirge*t thing almnt theoapture of Saochitielloaud of the two Women is that thev were taken

New England. 1 die. lllinoi;— '

No'v York

Kiilvout. ... 8 *11#.

State X dU. Michigau.... 3 die..

City X «11*^* Iowa 1 die. ;

Pcniu*' Ivoiiia - Wtoconrlu—,

I'liiladr’iihia 1 di;. Sol 'Cut. . .


8 dif.

Pitt;burg.... 1 di;. Miwmri


Interior IV die. In good cdl 1 dU.Indiana

Di'crodlt'd dto. i

Free Bank;.. V d<*. Loiitolana—!


Solruiit.... 5(47 dto.Wlicerg City 3dt3 dto. Merch. Bk- 60 d!;.Jcffcrwniville Cresc’t CUy

III. N. W. Bauk.... 60 di*.' Bank 60 di;. Bk. of Lou- 1

Porkcrebimg toUua.... 37<4i0 die.

L kVcU.-l)’g ?# dl;. Tcuncewje —Moresntiiwn Union 4d *l!s.

aud Point Ptouteiv'... 48 dil.Pl0h;*t Hr. Dk. ot Ten-Mor.iMfc. 53 dt", 1

K:iuk dt;. Other Bk; .


Vi'?- '5 die.[

K*4«t4Tn 75 di;. N. Carolina.. 74 die. 1

Msiylaud— 8. Carolina.. 74 di*. i

BaUitrori'.... 1 dfp. .Alahnma .... 74 di;.,

lutarior • IV di;. Georgia 74 di;.1

Am.L8— .k fair drouiiid ivith a light ;tock. Green 1

ajiprehcDsion he lived si* mile* from Breslau. ' aud of the two wouu-n is that they were takenbe was In that city on the night Kblu ms-*


to the house of the captiiin of the uatlonnl

murdered, and he was not able to bring for- igiuird of tbe village, whore they had be»m con-

ward Aliy evidence to show with whom he;

cealed since tlic month uf July! This fact

(xsssedthiu. night. The manner in which the shows hovr difllei It it is to get rid of ilie Nea-murdcr wa* executed showed also th.at it must


pr litan brigands, since in certain cases the com-have I’cm committed bv some person well oc- i

manders of the national guard give them safe

qnainted with the premises. This wa« especial- ! shelter in their very hotuH.'S.

Iv clear from the fact that on the morning after, Mn i r ki-m at r.Fri ix

tbe murdre the *treet door and the ^ar of,i d.ated the Itb. sav-;

tbr.t both keyst i

a crowded audience, in a faihiouable as-*cmbly'oom 1

niter den Linden, the subject of which^niTefurtherniore liadl^nthc|^

I'The Rre-cnt Judidal Murder of Franz

Klein in his situation.^ Lmally, it wasproveil, x,ulfrr ” IfKmrlbl.mcntl.ini,- tbU ani.wt i...«

humm ms Mtuatton r manv. Ji was proven, Muller. ” If Knglbbmcn think this subject hasacamahimMial one dav during the prev.ou- aa Leer, forgmien in Germanv. the' verv mu-h

vear he called at the resident of a woman in kistukt the character of the ' Germ.ans.' Not aBreslan nnder the pretence of seeking her bus- i

liard. The woman, who ha/l some suspicionsj

rciT'Ccting the visitrw. request e<l hi:n to heseated; but this be desciined to do, and i-onght I

to induce her to send aw n V her son, elglit vcaiN|

<dd. wbo was pre*«nt. Tlie woman licgan toj

ful more and more ur.cnmfiirtaiile .at his visit,j

and as the declared wbifrt she xx os sUo'jt to gninto an adjoining room, he Ciust such a murder- I

ons glance at her that she ran from her d wolliu g. I

ai'd. without rabing anv .alarm iu her exi'ite-{

merit. bn.«tened to the ilace wh- re bar hus-

band was. Sturze availed larnsvlf of h<*r ub I

sence to steal a <)nautily of nionev and obiccl-

of value, and i<i decamp with hU Ixi it'". S uH''

days afterward the w.uaan found under hecut 1 m ard a drcadlully long knife, as -han* a* n

rsfof; so that the pre.-:iiiiption naluiMllv wt-tbat Stnrre had intended murdt-r as well a-

roldien'. aud wa* unl v pjevented .areomplisliing

I he U!ore reri'ins p;irt of hi- project the

day lias passed for the last fortelght but themost rcsi 'tctoblc organs of the press in all partsof Germanv have published something or othercn thi>- Kii'ic. f nianating either from the Ger-man lA'gnl rrotectlou 8<K'ictv or from someGerman rc.-idcut iu L'iiid<in. Extravagantrtaieir.i nts and unguaranteed n-sertions ofanenx muus eoirtt pi indents arc l>emg publi.-hcdday after day on this topic, and everything thusI nblifhed is XX rilUn by j>eople wbo are lalioring

un»h r tlic firmest conviction of .Muller’s inm>-eciice. The ignorant public, without anv inde-iirdi r.t uicaas of ciilid.-iiig what is thus laidI'l fore tlum, accepts all a- g<i>-i>el. and has nota doubt now that Muller’s execution wo.s a judi-c'uil murder. The Kolulsche Zeitting but a dayLack had upw:ird of three columns more matteron this sijbjei't. To-day it again comes forwardxv’uh .another critique, ending xxith the expres-sion of the couvietion that the ‘'exccuiion ofMuller XX ae a piece of Lrutalitv, which xx’a-. ]>er-—

• a. • « a * fa V* ar a l•lulamv, wiiirfi iH'i-preHT.ee of the little Ikiv. \noiher xvltnc--

, only po--ihle in En'glaud." The Kloineab'i swore that Sturze had stolen a small anuiof mi nev from Lina, and had fhrc.aicnod tha'

if lie did not keep quiet lie wouhl thrn-t a knife

into his rilsx. Notwltb*t;»ndin'''all this evidence,only a majority of the jury, seven to five, re-

tiinicd a verdict of guiliv A2:iiu-t 8iurze. Undc<'

ih'rc < ircumslAiKCs. .accooling to PniA-ian lawit liecsme r*eicc«.«ary that the aruteiice should 'j>

confirmed bv tlie judxrcs xxho, however, an-

llcskilotiar, itic xvouid-lic eondc paper of theFeudal i';uly, ha- two e.art<xiiis he-ided “.\li»i-

uii s Satisfaciion." in tuie of wMch John Bull is

lx king xxiih indignation ovvr the North Sea atAn*iria aud Prin-la eng.agcd in killing thelhir.es. while in the other pLite John Bull is

; pi'!re arc scllhip rradilr at 50 from store.



iicc« ilc«]iu(->. ^F^ iniote 75 teat .U

Tt 25, Rud !»- ^ i>en» at $4 0.1.

Bi.TTt.a- In ^<xm1 demand. We quote lair to prime at

4«<S46r; choior; to extra at V S>.

BrrewAX—We quote at 65^5»e.



he market rule* steady at tor chert-

nut, oak, wsfon, kl'y^lS for c.ar, and $'JD0ai for etack


Babi.et -Scarce and prices are nominal at 75

(?7 %.Dalb Ropb Axa CoEUAUE-M.-rket remains quist,

Wc qiuAe bale at for Binchiui*, andfor hs.cd-made, Manilla rope at tHK^SIr, tu-inp rope at

liS^ISc, ht nip twine at battius twiae at JOc,

aud ba'iDB twine at S«c.



riect' are steady at

Bboomb- -Common lalruhlc at fs3 75, lancy at

$U 75<^ 40, aud extra Sh ikor at V doBi'n.

BmxiaooiiN—In dcmmid at the factory. Wu quote at

¥ inu Ita.



ncluinred .at ?s3 1 fW, iJie hitler being

the outside fie'ire.

B.xca Scamlivs two bu-Iu'l wain lam.-

Bi.AcaiMi—We qnute M iron's kmall aud lar^te at $(>

xa13, and oilier brand; at $(a^1S V ktoes.

Cm JAE—'D.ei'e w:u a fair douumd duriii.c the weekaud pricia am fiiui. at ale for Western Kcscrvc

Sac for H.-iiubiug. and 25c for E. I).

CAM'i.rs Kiu'kvt quiet aud prio's iinclian;;ed with

asles of IS aud 14 ox star at ic, and JPijaiu for


CoxtonVarxb Wc quote ojiica of No. 5o0 at 40c,

No. uUU at T7c, uud No. TOO at 74c.

Ci.nou Twine AKii Cam>le»tc.k- UucluuiKrI. WeqiiMc coUou twine at tfil 'JO. and csndlewirk at $1 4tb

CoAi—rm hongod. PilUhiirg acUing at 33c V biulicl.

tV-iPFLAuic—1'l.e di-maud for barrula and coopcr.qfe

1- ii'uderKtc, and we quote as follows: Flour barrels at

7oc. xxhisky iit ^3 4U, do imii-ljouad st od, pork

#1 fo, lihlf lisiTi'ls el 60. do iron-bo.iud fW J5, luim

tict'cc; tri 0‘S Un-p,.llon kepa ikl 3>J, do iron-bfciind

eii’ancd bliie-^rrasa at ft 5<V28 75, red-top at fJ 50, hempat $3 3-5x^ so, aud tlaxaevd at 93 liO.,

~TAX^Selllug at $9 f/allon kettsj 9 dozen.



he imukct was vi-ry quh t d'lrlu* ihi

week, and there w ere oul.' saJe« on i'U'ir.xday, Friday,

and to-day.

Sali'a diiriug the week 49 hhda. i

“ prevloua week 3f.5 “ '

Rcreipts diiriiiB the week t'H “" provioua wuok 144 "

Of thi VJ hogaheads sold dm iu^ the Wivk, 4 were re-


To-day laring the hut ol the mautli, we give the sales

diirinr tin- innnlb


stales diirhi;: tiu' month si Ik'cenilM'r ..... . .15*3 hh<is." •• November 19'';

It.j'xtiJ •• IK.'cemb"r 257 “*• “ November....

To-ds.i only ouc Iioum' was sellinr, and oiily 7 hhds

w ere told, aa foUovra : 3 at $11 <4 U 7S, 1 at 91 1, 3 at fbi

(gl4 75, 1 St 91'* 75, and 1 at 936 50 9 luO tt*.

Tinneub’ STfica—Prices are unchanged. We quote

ealea tc day at lb*' follow in? prices


TIN PLATB8.10X14 1C. ftharcoal) per box 935 o«

10X14 IX. “ •* soot12X13 1C. .

“ “ M 5*

1SX13 IX. “ “ 81 00

14X'J0 1C. *• “ 36 00

14X3'l IX. “ “ 31 OP

14X20 IXX. “ “ 3i> «o

14X38 IXXX. " “ 36 00

loo plato r»X. “ “ 32 0*

100 “ 1*XX. " “ 37 0*

l.K) “ PXXX. “ “ 41 00

1«X14 IC. fcoVej *• 24 04

14X20 1C. froofiiiij “ 34 Oo

14X20 IX. “ “ f’BLCX a TIN.

Lr.rfC piv 75c.


Sheetiii*' H4 oz.) i>3<^56c, oni>per pitta 7.5e 9 g,BOILED 8UKET1BON AND ZINO.

Fhat quality CNo. tl to 27j at 12c 9 !h; riac


Nos. IS to 37 at 14jic 9 N.


Imitation CNoe, 25 to 36j at 33c, genulue rN<». 9 t> ISjj

at 3Sc V It>. I

Wuiiiow Glaha—


e quote as follows *xl0 ®4 50, 18j

xl3 at iB4 40, 10x14 at fS lu, 10x16 at $5 40, 10x30 at 95 I

03, 12x14 at 96 05, aud 12x20 at 95 65. !

- WOODEN WARE.Tubs No. L per doz 916 38Tulie No. 3, per dor 15 00

Tube No. ‘A per doz 13 50Tube in nests. 3s 3 75

Tube in ncste, 4e 5 58Wnshboarda, per doz 4 75.^ 08Cliuriie. No. 1, per doz 16 50Churue, No. 3, per duE 15 50Churns, No, 3, per doz '. . . 14 60Biirketr, painted 8 41

WncAT- Market qnii t, aud prices are unchanged.

There ie a ;.:ood demand r.t OOiA'i for red, and.93 05(i5

52 10 for uliite.

WiiihKEY—The market was active diivinc the week,

and a Itrse stock rhaused luxnds. Prices dreliued In

the Ion part of tlie reck, but kept . tendy for the Ir.-t

three da.' a at $3 12j<.



arket dull, aud prices are firm at Kic for

tiib-'viished, aud POc ter unwashiAl.

WnArriao Papbb—


o quote st 9b#3.


iwrra;ON iiocai: U. F. rissmaw.

Lons' lui.B, D"c. 31. W-l.

Th' U' !'*; bteu hut verj’ little iluiuR iu tlieatf-'k tr.nl.

diiriii? the pre;ent week, but fv'v rattle were offeretl for

sale, and not many were "'anted; but the f.-w sold|

biouslit hicli prletO, eonslderlutr ijuality.j

Shsi p lia' e Is'.'ii In.deui.iud and sold hinln'r.j

Uo£s Hic also held very lirm ut an advaiire.|


Cattle, elioice aud extra none.“ fairfoaooil 5 ((e6‘,e, gn'-s wei,;ht, •

*• CMiiiiiMi and roui'h S'-,.(<4‘-jC,•• ••



Wanted.- TttEUIClIEffrCASHPRICH ffe ^

tvlU Iw paid lor 500 CAVAUtVI «n<i .IKl’TT.LKHY HORSITS at


wBaisKAa. ElriAd LEVI'S Aiu.tfoa andStatile, conMr Seveuth aud Market.dlSdlm ELI *-S 1,EVT.

! onn r**^*-'' KUULIPTOPPII’TTCENTB,t;. 1 1 CM M I, I ,^{11 inform any Lidy or Oeatletnauhow I wade 91,000 per month, and how they can do tt.esame; tiro, lor t" ent>--fivc cents I will fnr rm any onebow tliey can clear from y:ziU tn 9500 per month. Nocapital rc<|uired for either. Biisiuoa ri-fin.'d and at-tricUve. Address, for fhreulars, J. D. BRKWF.R, VI.n


Niles, Berrisn eo„ MIehi«<.-%ii. iMl did*

Servant Wanted,A COMPirTtNl' IbASE MAN, FOK THE COM-

^dla dtf A. D. HI NT.

lyATgrKU-AGENTSl .AQKNrw in •very eouoM al• 970 A month (expemea paid) 4® inU-Muoe A/iMM

ftsta and uaq/ut artkl^ the bost-seUliiz ever ^erwd.For portioulara addiM OTIS T, QAEEY. RlddafordMaine. o38 dAw»ta

Wanted—S1S5 a SOonth,

RA1LROAD&Koniaville and ZVaalivllla &allro3uL


JAS. E BEDFORD, Sorgeon Deatlft,

C.hnug* «f Tlmw

On AKD .VFTEB SUNDAY. OCT. K 1^ TRAIMiwin leave the OofNit, earner of Ninth *ji4 Btoar9

wey, as foUawr:

5A. Jt. TllitULuM rluaGMT Tretn lor NeMividedai^.

I A. M. M.^ AND PASdENilER TvMm for NoahvilfeBuwltca Greeq, and Cbwaavillediu'y,

r.ta A. M. EXPRESS PA35KNOEH Tniu for Lebenoo,Pern VBley DauviHe, HarroMwn, CaapbeUe-rtSe, and OAumUe Mily (oxc«e8 nuudAi'A

T:?e A. y rRElGJUT 'Vrain for L«beiK>n.1 P. M. ACCOMMODATION Train fix BMdatBivn HOf

Toxeept S<ir>da>'l.

t P. M. MAIL A21D PA:i^£NGEa Train tec Nashv 'CtlaiJ)


(;3C P. M. FBEIO.BT for NaalrriDe deUy.0# B. JCAKdU'AL. Bupt Trwnsp.'rtatlOM.

Lnoiftvilhd, Slew ^banv, and Ohl*caro Railroad.

T''rtt>DAlLlf TRAI.NilLEAVaNMW AUlA.>tT 09X poMw Lonia'ille—

A GENTS E^'^:aYW^*RB, 'TO ISTKODUCB T,r» U.fUI K ChUedO Exprem, fcOy CSnadivin«yr tihau de Cbti k ihxie-eii-DoUar v.vU 31 • e-coetiedLmakli<t direct coonen

MOrkMiA. thdk A«xlei Iaw va.-4.mA en.s.Kft> .4 e^ Om v^.;_ lie^ aw

OAve JaOaraeM orreet, m* «I—vnfceve NB.I'lwiid Ilelel, I.«aOeTa5e. 10»BeenMe Rider D. P. nendenon,^. T. a Rell,

te. iMarhin ae , Dt. NcaO, of Metv Afhaieir, WIiartOB foBewMOkaaMlLrone*^

r. ^

BOL Am> BOLB. vovyiTLOlISnUE FEMALE SEMLNARFyKOM ANT) AFTER TUB P1S9T Of JANUARY,i IM-X, e uiudl uuuibi.'r of pupUawUlke reeeiri-dboerdrTS. dBilUs


The Great Orieo^al Neirine Cospotal

T*rC SECRET frf TOITH A BE\m.^n, U.W0, Shuter. A U

.., *^1 UryViexDeuaee OT larse eottmisalon* allowed, t .• rer Mvenmee no,, thau loriy doilan each are in-

. .nwenvenfa, and tire seller .and mor liable. Ill istratcdehculars taalfrte. AddresaiU4 dAw am SUAW A CLARK, Biddeford. Maine.

Wanted Zmmodiatelv,irni corn aud c.\t3, torHM I, ut /U which I "riu pay tho bl«h..'rt ou-h pri^et stoni-house. No. 108 Wall strer-t. between Maia andriver. aSt) d6iii W. B. LEONABD.



TdJIJ.EB, LFONARD, * C».,aprlS 4!‘n) Market st., het, SixUi and Seventh.


Ion at Mitcbsdl tor St. Louis. Ca&e, Bywnerille, St. 3a•eph, LcaveoworUi, Kvisaj City, and ail potuto West;also at Green Cutie and Lrfr.y-ne for Terns Ha'-ite, MaVtoon, Alton, Decatur, Sprliucfleld, Jacksoavflle, QuirK. y,and all puinU in Crntral Tll<uais, and at Mieiufvi City(Or Datiwt. Clucaiin, and ui'dnts Northireet.

9'(Wi P V IsKikiM vieiM 9!«L8 E*.• GU* I , ttj, prdiM, Ji^y, mAkluA duoct eea.

neeti'ius tor all Wert and Northwcei, Aid tor Chs

hire^t4 ijatN NfrLt Evmekluff dhect eea.thereat, Aid tor CDsneeti'ius tor an ji.^iite Wert and Northweet, Aid tor tZn-

ehmatl aud all Eastcra CltiCAOnly ooe chaufe of rare to 3L Lotils, Ctiieev' andQa

oiusati Ba-^a.i^e rhecked Uirotiqh frun the Uotrle.for (hiiberlaiormatioa and t!irou«h ticknts apply at

the clEce ot the Company, soutbwsae eoraer Main andThird streets, LoulsvIlX Ky. ( liBen 'men Sundays tram5toTo*r1orkP. M R. «. P8KXEE, AtceiA.

, o 1 .riodlfA. B. CetTKB, SrperintendesiA

Farm for Sale.I Wir.L SFJ.L AT HI BI.IC SALE, ON

tliC 4tix Ot jMuuiry next (udUim frooner did- fdlAapposed of), my Farm, situated in TevIot }»!county, Ky., cn the twipike midway bet'.recn (. uiip-bellarillo and ColumbiA ooutaininr auont 8uu aerre olfine torminc land. It will be eold in a body or dividedto suit buyci's. The improrement coosiatr o< a laraeand commodious dwenimi-bouso, cabins for 75 or 40 n«-frocA a larae new tobacco bai ua stahloA carriase andall Ollier mxessary out-lmiiseA all of which are in roodorder aud nearly new. On the within a qiuuOer ofa mile of the house. Is a Dever-failiui; sulpliur >priu(,known as tlio *'Gri;''ii Spi lny." Tlu'ro are from 4<>0 to5W acres of the land cleaml, tho balance heavily tira-ben d. The ttandiug crop. to(p ther with all my stockr.ud farming Ic.p emeutA will he ,o'.d at Uh? s.une time.To a person seckiwi a pleasant home or ec-.iutry taveroftand no bettt r place could be fnuud.After the sale of the Fann, I will off.-r for sale a tract

Ol' 4<i0 acn-r of Laud, known as Uic “Vau.,iian Farm,*which IS weil fenced cud rcaiL* fi r a crop.The siiU* to take place on the premises.Ti nil, made knu'vu on tlie dty of ti.c s.ole.

iloddlt C. .A. liUlFFlN.I lX.'mocrat copy and aend hill tc Cropper, PD 1 on, it Co.J

« Cottage for Sale.Prlee .iil.6'JU Cash.

Ma convenient cottage op fourrooms aud shed kitcbcii, on Eiyht'H'ntli, bi-tw.^enMadi-un aud Walnut- -lot 2u by 1U5—for sd«.

.Apply at .leiinial ollico. sl9 U'f

For Sale,

M MY RKSirENtT.. ON EH IITH STREET, TtP-iwceu Madison and Cbestnul, No.6U4, west sule.It i.a a commirlioua 0 welling, modem stale. A--

pi> u 11. O. Caiulu, MetebanU’ Bauk, or uivaolf.



4>.4)» n Daily tozcvpt Snndavi), maklaaL « .lII., direct eouneciti.os se foiiowA

AT INDlANAFOLIftPer ClC' atone, Pltirt- r<, PhiIaielphla,JNea* York, Ifop.

ton. Baltimore, Wwhtngton Ofty, and all polute hastaud Nartburert.

For Chicago, Detroit, and all pcinla bo tbe North andN«u tliwsat.

Per Ca'to, St. Leals, HaunifaeL Qniney, SI. Joaepb. Re.

(daturde.v-s exeeptedX msk-• UfC/ A , ivl, luddliortcomieetMua as foltoww

AT SKYMOLTt:For St. Leui;, Cairo, St. Joseph, aud all puinto West.

-AT INTMANAPOLMcPer «n EMtevn and Northoaztorn citieAFor Tuleiiis Deunit, Re.For Chicago and Nut thwaslerw and Weelarm idMes.

tV^Pa-rengers by taking thla rtmts avoid a dlaagreeable snd dusty OMN1B19 RIDR of FTVR MILKS.MF-Thisnaiteia GO MILKd SHORTER, and peaean-

gert save 1*9 HOITtSin Umeovec any uid ill otbnroutes to Cbioago aud Ute Northwegt.



Any informatloa can be chtal'ied or Tteketo peeiihasod at the ofBoo of The CenmanT, SOLTHKAffT 4orner of Main and Third streetA L- uJavUiA Ky, or at tb*R. R. Dspi't, Jeflbreonrine.

Kotre nlwmTw ne law ne ky nny eClwr ris8e.al5 J. A. NAFKW, General TtckM AoenA

KENDALL’SSheer, Ol gootliiiiallty, s' llM... 5'..4’ V, lUo welu-ht. 1

P'>,i^ 11. C. Caiulm -Metclunu’ i^'ik, or mviaJf.

llotA well iMitiil. -ell nt 12 |R13 r, liie .n i,:.iit. Idl6dtf LLOENE L NDKttWOOD.

C'tle11 >.'8


For Sale,•Ji Ul BBlJj Ct'PI'KK WlloKEY, 8 ye.ars ot-L andAl/W wan anted pure, at

CROHHF.R P.vrrON, R CO.'S,d1.5<Itf Nos. 143 aud 1.45 FourUi st.

imretirtuun-iAiKC*. .ac-ci.riiinu '<• rnia lan lawrei'n-.-tiitod aa a haiigeian, riamling on the • m 6*' five-rallon *100, do Iren-liound *115 Ikure

it Iwatmv wy'e«.«ATv that the arntenoe should Is. j.i ,ii„riimra trilhiv.a from whii h a lanro oa.ilii'epaiiOT 9* W. iron iiouna 91 ii. laure

oonfirmed l.v tlie iudire- wli.i however an-which

1sts«es*2t<»26 9L«w. IUv,,qv)ire *34.a'J6 9 1,0U0.

ittiDw! it, and tbe acen'vod w.as ai-qiiitlod of lln ! ri-R .1011^^0" dU-low*^ Tnevp/ fttllvfor ear aai

j'l.argp..^Il ia well worthv of tni-nUon th.y :u,j the Frenei- "‘‘t

^^ f .. .

l- fiiunt;Al IWmn jonrna . the Koliu-ohe| a ,,p j-


1>kv (. tK'i.e--vie quote as follow;: Sl.e,.ling, he-uy,

Zeltiiiig. concludes e luirrnll'e of ilu- .ateive

iiipi'tioucl f iniiiTP-taners A.fi>llr.wi; •‘It isoh'i-

ou* that thin < a.«e ia ven' similar t« thatol Mul-ler ir. lyindor; !>ut the condui t of thejurvi-lU'ifsiiTiilBr. In England, inav lie, in order to

avoid Bii' cereni«*nv. they would ainifilv h.avc

hanged NIcolaua. Bud Hr.irye luiglil have earnwltwo thou-and tbalerr, while we h:ivc l>eeii urvi'Ilrg to i.roni'Unce .a decided «enf once. W>r»idy devl.ve that too ferv and ti*'i in-(ir »ved

fncl*. arc in evidence to declare Muller gtiiUv of

the murder of Brigg?.'

iirv.rit;!! TiT.ar.Ki't at vh'—


"o ri:rx< un'-'v

'It i:|i| R TWO a\lH'n- A'M lui.a .

«1 UTI'K.ru-.mi 1'"' Dl.I.i;.-. Msil. IW. Mb


f)* ^londsy evening the Lrig Mcio]>». fromiV'mcnt’a to l.iverpool. entered tj'iei'n-t'iwn

l:i'lt<r. On her vorage from 1) in'rara t >

f^ucci'-tovui there o^'ciiiTi'd on h'lar.l a dreidTulfiegcdv. I'.' which fonr out of the nine per-on-wbo ootr.poeed her crew loet tiielr lives. .\t thetime of her leaving Dcmerara there were onIioard George Walker, ina'ler; J'din Ki-l!v.

mrte: Henr>- Went, esnanjfer; and six seamen,naiuelv, tiement and Fr.'siicis. lioth Frenehraen;Fiur.c’.s Mc-Mpine, a f^'otelmian; Thomas (Ire


brim an Fngll-hrasn; Migmd I/'*l'ez, aSRania'd;and Iton Hill, a ne<gro. The oeciirrenee is Mill

invrdved In the J«''cst m' «terv, and of coarserrmain .-.o until jinUu-iallv iMve-tigateil.

but the following is Uic tfralon given bethe vti'-vlvore. Sium afu>r the shlii left. l>ein*-rar.i

•-everalof the men maimitted roiuc trivial hreichof discipline, for '»hich thev were “logged anddisrated. ’

htil nothing of anv imiiortan *e oeerrred till the r^ening of S'lnduv. the .'hi ti*

NovemlipT. On tlii* evening, at fr.Ti. theCnj Tain w.ai Iring Arieep in tin* eabin. whenVewas awoke hv a vioient blow on the headHe thought al once that f'onie ;>u—ing >e-^l

mn-t have r*ome into i.dii-lon with hi* sthI

man means wlien lic.-ii'aKs of a quertlU d AUt~ 1

monJi until I Lad wifnes.«ed tlie manner it»j

whiditl e Muller qiioctiou ha- lieen treated In

thi.'; ivuntrv', -j


, t 'un i-pT>or (1<'Uo- cf fill- N O. Tim.-,.’ i

I'kAzoy S.SNnA' o. T'.xa.o, Deo. 17, ist'.l.

\Vel.a\c liarl a large numlK-r of reltigoes .and

di 'Crti rs arrive at Krazos Santiago since mvl:«-l dcsi'Hti h. They hring newa from .M itaino-

niH that GcncTTil Mejia had di-^rovcrctl a plot toget nf i. n volution agftiu.-t the Iiiija;ri »I Gov-eirmeu* in Matumom*. at the head of whichwas the notorious Colotu'l Lili *rde, f -rnicri' :< 1

Colt uel t'f iirtilh r>' in tlic Mi vicar, it* pulilhanj

army, hut v. ho, since the .oirrcndcr of (JenenJj

Coriir.;i8, lias httn in the sertiicol Maxlinil-'

ian. The I’lot Was disfovered by General .Mejia,\

.•'.rd Odontl I^Dxirde wa.s sentotici.^t to twenU i

Cobs- lu gtod dcrasuil nt *1 35<s5$l 30 for ear aa6

slivlli J, forulil. and *1 Oisrfl lo for ucw.

1>KV GtM'i.s—We quote as follow;: Slici-ling, heivy,

Sft; slilrlSiigs, browB, Si'^i'sio: jqint- 3tKAl>)c: lio-

oiy 5o^Tlic; tirlu 5"(^sSc; dt-biinc; 4u9'Siv: atllui:!; 91

^1 50;driUii &5<<a7Uc; Kculucky jeaus tonsil; cambric' ao^r-i'c, slid flaiiiit Is 5l>iik9l.

I Duim D* K.r Boles crcaiivoiocJ at IS^^ijc 9 »*>.

' Fc.<,a—In dciukud at 47i^*c 1? divxii.

Fi.tq n Tl'i r- rt o a fair dsmanil’dui i.ig the wci-U at

Hhi.it Uie el’ll.*' lati-*. V.’e qint • siipcrtiiic ut *' -IS

t xt.-a ril *a J i rt? s5. mid family at 9I0 25(3 to 50.

l>.vTiiy.a^ Mirlat qulvt. ami prices iviiulu iiu-

rliiu.gi-d at 1.6c 9 til.

Gum '•.'.riKs- Firm. Kio toff.*' di'i-liiu-d iu the fore-

i part i>f tbc wii k. tml ovi'ln.' In thi; mlvai t, iu ;:n1d it


w* i;l I'ji to our lii.-t .siatiird:'. quotation, lik^lTr. N' WI(>r1c»ue eiii'sr u- «t‘i1ng nt 25*A2*t':.e. ri'liucJ 'igars nt 81

I (nlll^c. Mid vi.' quo*'. Nt'v (>tlemw niplanoc at *1 25

I (Wl .'ll ’.

i (ier^sr- Fli i« ; we quo*? h'own at 11 Ve. v'l.

For7 avTtikf OF Ul'.UCE LAriri, u.' NG i> i

\S‘ t Hc.u . cr.iu'iv, witliis ten ti.iuuijs' of ,wr ’

‘"ibt fB ' •«5*v .lild HI: ' I rrsv 111.1), or, fo ..'...

vui .vud Li i;u2tou Kailnstl. Tbo ic'p.-*.ia>u'ects v: '

eo*'il »u*1 »ufScicut. Hiffc'y ot w.iter. ic.-i'l hAfu a'

'.’nrl H'.iiscsir 'n eivc- M K >- V;

.'ord i Ttr 'ijv A F.bio, At YiciuS'."‘.J '*<• . t U* l)r. . ,

E>L'i - Fra-ikt 'A. Tr, a

> ears' ilnj*ris,,|im(.l,t iu tq,; Ciiftllc of S.Ul .fuanjlow 12r, and nUtc nt 12hJ 1'< ; bat<!.ci- li:d at 17r

do ri loti. Ftiiir other oftiien* were senletieetl i tailcw i,i 14efl*ic.

wbo otimpcised her crew lost tlieir lives. .\t the to l*e f-liot, and the sentence has l*ern carrit-d !

time of her learirtg Dcmerara there were on into effect. Two hiiudied and ninetr revolver.-j

Iioiird George Walker, master; J'lhn Ki-l!v. were found conemhd in ti e city of NbatAm'iiai-

mrte; Henr>- Weal, esnanjter; and six seamen, bv Gen. Mtjlu's delta livca, tind eonilsctilcd. 1

naiuelv, tiement and Fnaiicis. lioth Frenehraen; Iht ie is now ijiilte a nnml er of I'tlteers in|

Fiar.c’.s Mc.Mpine, a f^'otelmian; Thomas Gre- i I’riscii tn rusiition of Iwing engaged in tin-'

brim sn Fngll-hrasn; Migiiid I/'*i'ez, a Spaniard; ttui-i ii.ic'. |

and 1 ton Hill, a neigro. The occurrence is still 1Gt ii. C>>itinas ha- had another engn rem' nt >

invtilved In the dcf'Cft m'«terv, and of course ! with (a>1. Canales, nnd In the tight iarirt;ilb '

remain .sO until jinliciallv iMve-tigaUkl.j

wt tiiidcd t'an:t!es, whfr has since ditHl.

hut the following is Uie terslon given he ' Ti.atlc is vtiy hiiek in .M.alamora-; every one 1

the vTi'-vlvors. S«Min afuT the ship left l>ein*-rar.i|

scen’s to IiC lal^u-ing under “t-otlon on thr '

several tf the men •iRiinitUd soiuc trivial hreich brain. ’ A .Mr. Ktljiatrlck i>aft.stvl through Bra-j

of discitdine, for which thev were “logged and ' ztis .Stiutiago tn rtiutc to New Orlean®, the othcij

disrated. " htil nothing of anv imiiortan -e oe i day. iii-anc, eau.-ed hi ti.c ext itemer* produced i

errred till the t^cning of S'ludav. the .'hi ti* ‘ bv “ct uou on i!ic brain.'* I'ity, j'oor man !

Novenjl*eT. ttn tlii* evening, at !••.>». the He hr.d rf>n>iderah!c to .aay about Beu. B.itlLf,|

Cnj Tain w.ai Iring asleep in th»* cabin, when Besurtcard, aud Jeff Davis. May his sad fate i

Vewas awoke hv a vi'iient blow on the head l»c *a wanlrg to others. Wi;ile Gen. Hee, o( 1

He thought al once that s'vme ;*u—ing ve-^l :T* x.'is. was in OT>mmund of the (Joafodcr.-vtc


ivn-t have 4'ome into i,<;ii.-lon with hi* bthI ' f r cs nt Brow n.-\ ilie. I'ri'vitiis to the oceni<'»ti*Ri|

canw d tiT -liock He si*rang t'ff tbe sofr *>ii|

ol 'he. J’io (irui de b' the Union lrtir>p„, il seem? I

V. hich in' was I'liig. and mn 'ip the bidder onto the dt-t k He called to tiie en’w to knowwl.at was the metier, but re « 'ved no answer,lie n il .an pi d rtpeat''.! llic .yiesliop, hn* g'r

Tit'an-ver. Jr-t (oen Jc heard a st4'p hel'n-l

h’m. ard, t'lncng sh''"{*'y rovnd, saw tin

F’cirdman Franci* with a hew h immer in

hi- hand The m' lii'-nt the ("'iT'O-in turn • I

Fir.rcis aioid a I hiw v itii riie ii-,*nmei at lii

I < .svl, ard the (laht-iin ri-'—ii'i'd the i*low <ci

I is arm. Franr** himed a s,- ’U.d blow at theUeptam abiih nils-ed him and Ilie Uipt-iiii

tmn r: n ti ward the cib'n. Krenri* T'ltr-uiu?

hlin l.n.'l the (’i; t-in rencli.d the cabinIv 'bre V;- ai--8i'ant, aiid succeeded in lockingl iir-clf ir and Kraiuis. after -cvc'-.'rl d*'s{»e-aii

' ffert- I t'renk oi>CT> the dM*r rcturnc'l loth'drak. lV,.t Wglki r then rr;n d him -elf will


a re'olver. and. on going on dc« V. fonnd f >nr

of **( crew there. iiau:Ci'. McAlnlm', L i|q*r,

<i-:.l.:.Tn. and IliM. There we-e lui'-ing. J ihii

Kell' tl e m:iie. Ilenr' WeA tbe riroi nt* r. mvithe two F'rencbmen Clement .and Francis. T.ic

four ro< Tl w Ilf -m tbe captain fonnd on Ilie deck' were iiniihle to give tbe slighlc-i e\pl matlon oftbc rvlraordinara- ('mirrcncc- which li-r.l taken

J lace, and Hated tliat they werv roused fromslct-t b'- hearing a noi-eon deck, and had c'*mc

I CiDSf.sa Mnikit d ill .-'I'l priri's notiihrvi at *1.


Urge Tbe diiuaiiJ ia light- with very little oTei i 08


aud prirea utb u'.ivliaii((' J ; KviitLcky U aalc.abl*' at

<#1U. ^ toil.


ILi'U Tlie maikrt nile*i 'I'.iiib with a dcn.AUd aViUI equal to tlie off* ri:.?-; we qiioU; gresn at 7t9*--, aaltcl at

11i<r;llr. dry sa'U'd at 1401V. dry fl'ut atlH''17c; b ;•

I akin- 4'«<r-*‘'c eat h. and rhccp.ikiuii st *1 • -3 35.

ll .'T- Thiac wa» a imxifTAte iVin.'i.d J:iriT!i; t!'0 'veck


aud pii: .4 ttiuaiii tbe -su -.wi at 9.;<> Vt si :*ii iri


!Ilt’fs N 'lnifjd^ at 3>‘c tor Ad iiti'i 15c [•• 1!ie:i*. :r




lU' s Asn .^xari.. riichaiu*'J; w" qii.ifo p';

!• .i.


li*.l-Lliu<b at *7-.dsv 9 tun; no cr>i«l-Ga&t in lii*: i. ij'-

I 'ai-t. Bi.'it uou SC luC, CC 14c, .Juniata IV. I(.,i i, *..


rA CC I '.bc- ’Jnal.itn I7c, ti'Vs-t «i)c. B: ucoiu •.'2,'

I H ryC-Hl't/Oi. 1*><dl‘y, DMile-rlirs.* *' R31r. I'lu.iy'u ! -'a


IPc pl-iiyh pl.'iea 2oc. Inch hop-lrou I'l.V^- Nor

I wa.'i- ns:l-ro*U 21c. Stcfla- C*'.-t **'' ('r-swi-y, Gi 'oa'.i


-<uS liH Gc, sprlux I'.n^y. aed All hV


I tga AM. CrMeaT Market >*t* nilv at *I "ri *1 ", •'r

;tic'C, and 25 9 hbi f»i hyJi u-ollc cetai'-.t. And Si

I tfi'i L*r plaeU-r.


I.EATHirR TliO r'rrki't r.lf-* q-iict and iinrliana-sl

: we qiuiU- —1 foilpws ; ft.-|i'lret‘:er- -Oak .5.5'AV5c, h’jiuloek

srotde^.'40. IxlBliU.ULa'I'O/AUir ui-’."

WA'- wait ha csit! fw I.'*’'’ (’..* V .41.KYasgi AKTIUAIKY UOtosLa *u

ondlK*- cy c-cuer of FUvv o,ul - AjLaCS,Mati'm <t.''8t*v forB'err- tvenflPi’ fy Brow.a -k 9t>io*^

he li;*d been d< ing a line h'lsinp-s tliMPgii;

-<uS LH Gc, sprlu* l'-,<» 2* y. and Alt IVthe l.otl’H' t'l Mi'lC'Iicy. a W’Culthv i:i*-ri bitnl of


I Iga am. CrweaT Market >*t* nilv at *I "ri *1 ", •'r

.Vaittliioif:}'. .'v/< rc'*«. in the line of totton. A^ ;lice, and 25 9 hU f*u hyJi auIIc eeuii'..t. And Si

the laiUci; G( 11 HrS* w;i s .<» ndim^r to .Maloiivy to I i^*. L*r plaeUr.-« il V Ii, re::lity. I '.!jf* dt r.tlc (.(*1ton, and i I.e*thi:r TliO cerki't r.lf- q'lict and iinrliana.sl

M 1< : fv. ni’ricn-latniirg the ui.iltfT, itnicud ol;

quote ,«i foilpw* ; Sol*'lret':er- -Oak .5.5'AV5c, h.jiuloekgiving C.cn. Bccer.d'llor the sale t of cotton

| 4r,gi-.r, bridle 54-R 7 .*c. haru*.'-, 4Sw5ot, .kirtlua 52,.*.-.foir( civrd. Ui*! < r<0!! win bo jK** •‘To I r-o ^ . v % a. a'ai8 k

Vlcn itn.M ('..ntein. ’J.-..-t 1) -emhe .Mah tic'


^ *..^i»3. aud French *. 3a4» 9 b.

afr.r * -111 ri l.iit illtu.H. Wi„'.n ILeg urji. -Hi iOMiuclufixeu siiMio .r.tr loot report, uud

vl (*ii ('I'n'erii. ’J.-..-t 1) ^emhe iiey,

afri r a -hi.rt but '.-'eTe illnes-. ex| bed. When(il l' IW' 111 ard f*f .Miih I'C.v'a death, he sentdt'wn to kno'w how ills actaiuiit .stood. Mrs.Maif-ney replied tt> him h> aaylng he and herliu.-haiid liatl no :ic( fiut l <*n his iKH.ks Iietweenlb* 111, 1 lit wl':it had 1'*'cii .'ottied I'r* viou.s t'» heiI UsI anu'a dttih. Gn receiving his fVIalo-rij'r) nni-wtr, Ge.M't;d Bee eaine d -wnin jcr.-oii. niid t.ftcr exatniiiing Milone.’sIsiok, c hiiiiK d that the luilancc duetie ata.'Uiit, "To whom it tti.sv con erii,''

t’lnffiitlna to the .sum of sixty thousand d'diiin*

vts.-hi-. .Vr-. .Mulcncv tL-ked him if lie li.ad

ni"j r-iATs to tliow lor ;L and on Bee replviug

tliat he had iiH. -a-, ing he bad Iriiste'l the m.at-ft r to .Vi'i'Uicy's leiiior, Mrs. Malonev toldhim tin she -iMilil ke ep it, uniil he(Bee)cmidIrove ii lH*li*iiged to Litu. All i>:irtlea in .Mula-

mtrras icioit c that Ike i.- hcnt :it h's fiwn g.am'*,

wf new qnatv a; follow ,:

Clear F**a,rds, rfsith

S< Ceiid-iatt iMiniiis, r*.ii*:li..


Tliiid-iaU lw*ards roughC'*'T!'luou lioardii

11. luh- k to aril.*

8* .'iid-rsU' focrivy. .

Tliiid-ratMlofiriiiyCuniuiiiu lluM'iucSi roial-rate 'voil!.frbotiMlIu'

q hird-ri’tc 'vi'ittlinh wnliu^,,J< 1»U end tinils*rs

Coder p -t*s V h*'Lfs-i.s*. p*-aia 91'**fciiluglcs. shu'etl pine

si'i-A Tjl M6>s.4 -u'4- *

4*1 1*

"--3'(vA - "

7U.4 - >•

1.5,4 - *•

,uiiilri-'i-'l.. 5,KiJ - “

liudifss'-d... . 43(0*-- •'

tij'ifs' ••

45 # -

4 «*.. ..: 7S(S4TIV>

.*^iiAM M Mtm.'.oF.s —From the Suite Trials we|

‘ ~

collect that the. celuhr;.tcd prolligutu Beau Field- i lUkilxoad Zron for SolC.lug, wht> llouri.-hed iu tho-reigu ol Queen .\nnc, New K.V1L1U)AD UUrN for m.I«

eulcrtalucd a project of repairing hit battered(

o-UWui Cairo,^ ^ nAurAv-a

torlnres liv nmnaing a certain rich widow; geo w kkak^/n^

" liom hi liuil ne'er seen, but of whose i>ecunia- d*' .Ibn St. Charka llut*-'. Cali^ Hi.

rv rtsouuts lie hod prudentlv iuforiii'*J hiui.self'

hy ol toining from Ikx tor (.''immon-i a copy ol For &3lo,liir bn-bfind’s will. To this hulv the bean sent a^ *fY F'ARM OF ju6 a._ >;es, AT O'R.x'U'Wgi

m-any t.iider uud iirgei.t mes.-,agc^'

Jto lbl*OW liUU^Oit nt Lor Rot, not

, *,v»tUrtil wu3 woU aeiln^r^M-liMkaciORuldoul ting tliat if .-he were hut once to Iiohold

,fjoun:;vl’ e;)audvouTiroreharJofap|<'o»au'1pei*r’'*s*

ilis ' erx hand.somc l*crruu -he mu-t neccs.sariiv t WuiUd take a city rwia* ,.te la «ari pay. Call Ati i .J*

conceive for him a pa.riou simih.r to that which i

had hci/.cd ether women on their tir>l seeing nikdi, • h i

him. The widow ,^hov'tver. we leuiii. took no —notice of lii- inn l•rtuIii^ies. ' For Sal4;But CI O of his emissaries a wom:ui of the '

- 7 of Lll'.ucd’Latown, buvii gsu.'taiuedbonierU'ghtat hi; iu'.ml-. Hc.u , cuii.lv, wlUii.; wn ti.iui]

rev ( tiged hi r.self bv itr.suading ;i not her of her .frulfi. fB '* fow uru hUm rrs

fnail risteiln^.-d tojer.'^aatc the widow and to

ci uic in that chr.mcter to LG .ap:';imcul.s. Hiis '.u,rl H'.'jr*'»i:' n ri'v^ s'. "w«.done, a t<p:»ni'h piie-t, hltuehed to ;i foreign 'onl i Tti juv & F.bia, At Yu^iaz.—.J

cml :>.-sy, w.a- eenl for, uud perlorraetl the cere- E >-*' »- Fr^.-ivt Rr.

mi'll'' of m;;riij.ge in the I-lmu’s l>ed-room a:-,


e< nlhig to tbe rite* of tho Kom.-tn Citholie WoUCR,tbureh. I'.utit rppear.s, that, a few 'VOcksatU.‘r '41^^this chaLdestlne mu' rinee the K;uu eontructid ^K'flulKV uiVtosla Met.nn. a ngular public in-.irriage, with the


-xi: Ti -'

r^ruOT -jf FUvtoiu l.e- of IJhvehind, the w cll-kuowu miPtro's Maii-m «t.'-8i*v forB'uri- 'venrlei* fy Bi

ot Chailes II, 81.e, howi ver. soon determined I*acT>d''mi T-i

to get lid of iiiiii by an indictment for bigumv;[

of which cHpitul offence (hU other wife, the; / w x 4 T

bUppoK'd ril h wido'v, being still alive) he was . IJ.e« nvk led, but I'lcud liis elerg', and would have

i— — ——

bicn I'Uined iu the Immi hud not the queen gra-! ^

cioie-ly jaiJoncd him. ^ 's V

Ji vevii K lli,i;or.4 —J^ince the battle before i

Na.-hville, :>omt of our Niys have been prucfis-

ing wur in their aiw-n way. A few days airo.

|T| Cl 6^'^'about a do/.cii of them agreed for a light in

! ^* w jw

F.i'gi (ieUl. Alter det idiug w ho should represent Ifr-*

the Fedt'iuLs unit who the rebels, the former !

look I'l v'wsrlon of the hill, ;uicl the latter went I \J\i I I IIcluw . After wailing sometime lor ilotsi to ' VV _ I. IVI 1. J Pto falt'w k the Federal', Thomas ordered a charge


upon tl:e relicl lon-es. Down the hill theyj

eaeT sil>K 'I'UiRli STKEKX, s

lusliid ut full spcid, C.ieh aimed with u nick. . Vt bule«afriAn«l KA'ia.iH)rwJDnatlw hit' tl’.e Joliiiiiles dropped, ai.d tlio Fciler ib-. ! cri eieg unable to fct<'i> ihiir hiadlong '-areer,

; 1^1 n^rilQl 1 )T T O / 1 j

I'liehed into the reliel lines, and by the lime the. i f I I I ^1^4 I r|j*T I

Lftil recovircU llteinselves three of them wen .

-A- to l.i; ataken pr'isonirs, but th'.- unm being tlu u to.. / jKDFTff BY KMLRtAJ AND c-mall to ct>iie will! the ret>cl army, they were

iv7 um ••.liciU'd.

alhiwid to fght ag.iin. Thus the tight went on, ' ————

with nu't'«‘66 U» ihe one or the oilur, until we m. n m .mw I re too far off to liLtinguL-h tlic posi.Iou of /r T fthe loiitending forces. Yesterday ;oiue- juveuilos V*/ fta JUi \sdug hit encl.uieut.4 luur the eupltal, .*enl outsct.uts. rce< i;m*ilr,d the ncighnorh >i*d. weie :

dil'iii l«Aik, tiled their arrows liit'i the au-; ^11

vaiieiiig ie>e. nishe*! out again to ri'.scue their • Y v • -aY.X.-1

li.'t uninHii'itU'n, ba. k again to Iholr l>re:ist-| Gi.-»n 'invi, l*.'''*.aM> s i-uiut a

works, and thus eonlinuid, working like Tro- '

jitns, tor an Li ur or more, until their mainiua* ZaOTJISVXXiZaZS ZliLOlV-ittilid tbiai in.— .Vua.iriVfo n., w : . o* isai aIIo

I Th* 8««t flair Rsaxor-

^ altv* aa4


'A CM «<•* Ok* Bair /n,m

^ /'AriRfo oat.

mm SXM* tkf Bmr to 9*044


THY it:j

all OLsaas* at tlM AtoO a inr* c.o-j ‘cs|

H<MuAAih«, au4 p.V'euU lira hair hnm t*A.ai s. (ray,

Pnrsivl -'b »W a (K>. :* Ito..' »t -?T 1


B. .%. K*'H1N91'N R 05.,

1• ii is.':;;?! '- Kr

I T W A REMEDY THAT OlGHT TO BH IN KTERr3 hotire '>n Ktorret ot iti harmUmmos and p<g;fwy,aoo, afi«v« aU, fteniM** its motteUina thtmtmem. leto ihschreprea ,CBr«t(y IB Um w;rl4. Oi4d» reaBily yieMfo if. In tbe tbort apace of a rinxle ni(ht ib*m>I4 baa pa«w4 away, acd tbe ffAib*nlt, actlnz at a;tiBiulaat on tbs AteSbrer. aaahlaa him to rtoo Tn |4«»tnornina frsob aa<l reaowML R* rAo-ts are wonRerfut.It qnlrkly annihilatre pain and AulIrriBC, au*l ailoviatrehnnaa miaery. It to -nre to preservo tho Csmoloxu^nand Skhi. and hnpart* tho bloom of pcriccS Mc.tnh aislVl«or to tboHC who uao U.

fiohi by Dr.toiitola avorj whrro. FrieoM eoato aud *1per box. WUAoN R PETEK,



dlq 42ia **ito Aomta for I>mtovtlio. Kr.

TO VRMY OFFICERS.oa«vrk* Irrcntp idtlcil rii4 CcrtMrRtcf

•f prRVRrr^A

4 LL OFTTCERS W13IIINO TO AITR TTIR EX-prearofiotuK toWa**bmirtoartnhavoUirlr.\oc'>niiat

M uird and RsiUXcatca proT'ircd am rfaaaaabl; torma hytbr aDhiTrila ro, who mvr svery taeibty for <5nas tb*bi;aineM with prenrptnew and (5wnatcb. .A'l**rvaa

LL-Vr A ANltRElfftodS3 dim* Sl6 G atrest. Washinztoo. D. U.






aO*7 »tx*oot,LOllaVILLF, KY.

4 FTER 'nil* DATE WE WILL SELL OCR V.rV GOGLat at «iKK.\TLY KRDLLED PKlCto-t Woare pirpari-d to fiU oriii'n pmmrUr and inaRjrtotaatcanMtiwaurpanR l. To Ummo waiuia* ihs hrat r iotaew* and made i'a -upcrior »t, lo RAKE t.NLiLCKMr'.'t I'RARF ilFFt H.VJ*.

A fi w of Ihrtr Sl PflRIi'K. 9TY1.I3II, CU^DO*.W.\DE OV'EH-UiAT.q l*.r - ue y KKk CIIE\HWe h,'o % -uwk of Kr \DY-MAI>E MIUTAUT

CL01 UING which w-- will s U to :'>h- Dade at :roia a,5o per crut tr— tbaii tot j c«u b« nw-nufrctiu*-j atp - o.


d3»dl2 J. I.. •4||f>\V5:R .A 4 It.


8tb lUAl., a dun eoturi U llUKnE witn i«:i(


S' '••' at*d tail, dc'set la aao •> v, Aadignae ui ih •—an-h*>d.

Atoo a *Urtc hay M.kRK Ml IJ! wlt:i larallyloactod mano, 14.'*, bauito U:(b, a vi^y handmma aui-n.al.

1 will pay a Mtoral reward for tlo* .ivniaU 'a a*i/ .a-formaUMi which may lead to Ibatr rownfry.

John M. aToKH.-i.din lUf A-rvoid 3. hrt. Waluut cud 1 V Ms.'l


rp to see what the m:<‘ter wav A pcarch w.i< t Ucalii g eotion snid ita pn ifcd.y. When Geu

porti'miuioe. w fck-h. should the young an tki '

lie all nuiuued to ye.ar* of maturity and pigeuti-

s« allow inft win ^ iRir mastere.’ perhaps, ih.

neat sum <if ten thotto.md dollars.

k gteml libiw way made lo I'a, eastern piiriurxfr some nu utb* ngo, we mneaiber, in coo-r--

qnenre of the great python. In tlie r.ool'igifnl

fardettF of l>ir>d'in. giving birth to a couple o*arifl --Ik 11 egg*. It is a jitlr, to ray the least

that the ph-ture mougers cauiiot have the piea'y-

ure of elM'wir.g ui> tliia. the m'i«t wooderful(ringing fotth that Las. perhipr, ever occurrediri blip cstaiiUsbment of tbe kind, .ka an evUdence that the r<q>Ule« were bom. and not k t'aktd, we iua> Kate t hat «ai-h one of them exhihitedthe tmddiu ai eord. Irom which all were not freedwhre seen ft.' the wriur.—fft. /^mie Pr*t$.

H.iwini* AT Lori-atAKA.—William Kingston,a highly rrt-i'orual (itizen of Loalaiaoa, wakilfed a lew dave r^nce in that citv, by twotbicTee. who Lad Kiden some mnl^ * Thethlevet were pnr-oed by partiw from AudraincuoiitT, where the unlw had been stolen. The'•amc to lymisiana. intending to croas the riveribere. Wliito* they were parleving about crota-mg, Mr. K ingi»tuD took hold at the buggv male.toU the mc« tbe prujiert.' had been stofen, andtbat they most consider' tbenuidves priaonersAt frriR, they ettempted to relearn the mule frombU gra<ip In- wlii(qiing iu Failing fe this, tbetwo jtiRtped from tbe buign' and ran off. Mr.Kingston directly uountira a horse and gavechace. ovmaking them in town, at eome hve oraiz eqnares dietanoc. He was entirely an-arased, bat ordered the men to halt. At this,

one fd them drew a revolver, but did not fire,

thougt* urged to do eo by hia aceompttce. See-ing thi». tbe latter Meed tbe weaiion, terelled it

at Mr. Ktnfaton. and fired. The ball Aruck him

ir-t'tutcd fur the ift!'*-ing »in. nnd ncir ti c B'^c e'tit ualed Bro'vno'illc he burnc*! a fe v

I rtr.auce to the cabin vn^feRTwI the dead b.vdv luiTwIicd I .:li - of c?


g.ii nnd rcporlc.l th it hei.f tl’.e cnrjo-iitcr, wL'i-^^Blp- hail liccn da.*hc4 h'ld I u ii' d li'ur lliouantid bale- in 'ni.* oiliji.,1

cut., e'ldirtly hv a bI *^P^ some blunt In- n I'ort t" Gen. .Magrurttr.

Kn-.mi Tit. .K little wn^freir the carpenter’.-|

I*e'^ itci*- centinue t<> leave Gen. Slaughter';N»d' la' ihe mate. wliose~f^»at bad been * ni ci.mn aiul rt Brow nsvillc. A de-'-erter inf.irmiql

fn n' livli- ear. nnd w bow.a- alsoqiilledead. The ! me riiit wbi ii Cnpt *Ioiu'- nrrlvul at Brown-vlllctcrib'e doeU Lad evidentlv Ix-encoinruilted but aN ut fuiir wf rk» a*go Li- lure Dumbered oveia hbort time pr< viuu?lv, a-y tbe hodit,*s ofl* >th ! cue hundred men, and tb*' day be Ictl milv fortyiliv* nnforfnmiti men Were still warm. Cfrmcut : ieui:«iiicd the bahtmc having all dc-erfrd.

Slid Frenida iT'iild nowhere lie f'*nud. On tbe|

All quiet at Brazos Saii'.ingo. Gt n. I’iie, i

first api>eafaui-e of dawn, the captain and the|now in eomtimnd, is veiy popular with the I

fr.nr f-alloTR went to the f TeckKlc. au'l tliidiug to opr. Lssi week Le n vjc'veu all the troops,it <loM-ly faetened from Ui« Inride conciiiled (^*lonel Day, Hist lllim-h; voluuioers, acling a-

ihat tbe misring men must be inside I ne ooor field otliei r’ of the day,WHS iToken in with a sledgc-hatnmcr, and on General Pile is a strong tcmperaBce man, andthe captsiii and his followers ru.-hiug in thev i has laid it dow n iu> a rule not to approve anyfoiitkl tbe two Frenchmen iu'-ide, armed «vith 1 order from an ofilccr or private forMThiskev, iiii-

l*'H'.' hcD.mere. .After a brief but de-i»craU' frb; on the Surgeon-in-Ghiefs ccrtllicate., as thestiuggle, the two men were overpowered, dD- Burgixin-in-Chief L a Krong disciple of temper-arn.ed, ai.d placed in irons. The tregedvdid nnre. I can assure you that for the numlier oftil *t. iMiwever, end here. On tbe. second d.av of troops thcic at present ihU is no ]>laee whereIbdr ef.iifimNnetit the cai>tain, on entering the so linie iuieinpi*rauce La indulged as at Brazosforeeaslie, fonnd Itoth his prisr.nera dead. Fran- Si.nti.igo. Tlic rule is good and ongbt to lie


cis's skull was iraciured, and Cleiu**nt pro- uiiur generally adojited.]

sertid the appearance of having filed from^ —


taking noliKin. Il is said that Francis him- How to V.m.i. A-.i,so-;i'.—The great point to be *

self dxslied out bin brains by striking Ida g;diitd in ordu to seinre sleep is Vi eseaijc from '

Loi.d agHMi-J the side of tbe forei'aslle. Tb-' Ih* .tight, csiieclally from th.'it clinging, teuac- I

Mwsa l was then navigated (o (^'uienstown bv i lou.-, imperious thought, which in most’i.asca of I

fbf mrvivors. The three other sailors, it is said wakefiilniss has porcs,rion of tbe miud. I

refuMd to sleep with, a n<f eiosely watched the alw.ajs < Ifcot this by the following simple pro-I

U'Ovimenls of. the Spaniards, whom they sue- | cess ; “I turn uiy eyeballs as far to the right orj

1ected a« the aii-omplicce of the two French- 1 kit, or upwards or downwards, is I can wiih-

rren in their attempt to murder tbc Oaptain and}<ait i>ahi, and then eommeni'e rolling them

J.r.ii) AM* Shot Market .(tiirt, amiprio.- uacluu'. :o.

W<- qtifSs pis li'A.1 at 32>fc, l».ir fooil it 2'2'’. SboV pite'it

*6 25; lull ki-lint *• 75.

M II T. TliS market U folr, »ad i>i ifc- ii itniiiA' st .I2 il

$2 25.

M AscrAorrurDToiiAcoo- K«;itucVy hrisht, JIQ1 Ic

-.(Hliiini, 75,;ge1 2-5; dark, 7V.«^$1; Tviinif-s's. 75i ;i*.ri;

Virsiiiia, *1 5o *to 2 5<'; Mi—oiiri brieht, itwu *1 5't*

*I 'th oiediuiu, *1 to 1 uU; aiiU dark work 75c to *1 gl H>

Mai kskfi.- Old uiackcid unrlianrrd. Pi ico* for new

are luirhaugod, and tli« slock of uow to or yet lisiit

We quote new, 9 barrel, lu follows:

No. ilaree *31 80

No. 2. nicdiiini 2** 5o

Ni . X Isr^e 17 50

No. 3, uicipiini 10 60

Naii.9—riic'liaiirisl. Wrqiiote iiHiliriii Iota otTOO kegi

a:i6 npwards as followi: lud at $*, Sd at $4 a5, 6d at

*4 i;5. 4d st *«. 3d at *10, 2d at *11 50. Got .<<pikee.

froD' 8 to 6 lucli, *0 75; wrroutht, from *14 to 15; Uor»e-

•lior nHiU, from 35iau50e.

Oaevh —We quote at from 17 to I'fe 9 Ih.



arket fair and prices firm. Wo quote r‘>al

and carbon nt toK.Rl'Sc: lard at *2 00; linseed at

*1 40; Ijcezincat OOf^'juc: and lub:'icatlni{ oil; from 4.5*^

HOC V salloD.



n sood demand at 74(R43r.

OMlo>a- Id good demand, aud pr'iccs dull st *5 U*0 50 V bbl, •

OinCAKK—UncliAneed at *.Vi 9 ton.


The Biaiket W Ai fair Uiraiivliout tho wi—k. I'rici*

remain UDchiDzcd. Wo quota lui follow.-;

Mrii'e Boots- French elf en Ie« 5b Inch.*. .*4 Olw|q 08“ “ ([mill cu clf 20 iiicliRs 7 6<» .87 Si.

“ “ “ r-vali-y35 iiA bi-it 5 HorA*: 61/

“ “ French clf wr pr d lacwid... V 5o*^ Si« “ M M *4 M poKKcd. 6 60<*7 or

Sju.wivu THK There is a curious cn--j

tl in ot Iliivan.'v ii4’ lay lug out liodles in state dur-ing the iii'gbt before burial. They arc placed


flose to an oj-en windo'v fronting tlie street, onI

!i Cl uili r.il-td lour or five feel from the groani.j

The eori’se 1- siirrouiiiled hy high wav tapcr.a,

and the w hull' room is iltuiniuaual. Frcqnoutly.when retiiining from a teiTulia, or a bull, 1 '

huvi'l't'cn .‘tarlk'il to seethe lixcl and rigid fea-j

turis of some old lidy nnd gem lem'tn, dressedj

in tlielr bc--t attire, ntid apparcutly reclining be- •

fere the w indow. Il UM-dtoappear uiiiu'ce'i-arv'

nimkcry of di'atli.ilres.-ing oul a cori«e in a newsuit of I'lothis with tiglit patent leather boot*and white nn-kelotb. 1 reinemhvr ouc night Iu


I wa* ri'lurniiig home tlirniigU one of the bv-

strcels, wb*. u, .'eeing the lower wimlow of tlie

hou-c illuminated, and concluding that iberew.as a body lying iu state, I went toward it.

There close to the window, ro clo-e tbat I couldhave touched it through the b.aif, lay tho bodyof a voung gh l about lificcn years of age. Shew iu» (iressed aa for a bull, with flowers in herhair, aud while satin shoes on her feet; borhands crossed on her brea'^t, her eyes clo-ed.

and hnr month slightly opened; and ’ altogether

her face and cxpitisgLon was one of the mO'st

licautlful I ever saw.

Tlie b.nikiiig cajiital of Philadelphia i*.aijout



Vt buleoaie and Itelwl) Dewier in the heat •iMiAill.f

pittsimfM (;o\lOKDtrS l‘Y K/VJLROAJ and ot NfKY W.\'^

I'D, a.lictU'd. nJV H->m


Gi-'cn atovl, li,'''*iain S cuiut ai*.! fh'i;l,

LOUISVXXJ:*!! ZAO^ WOASS,Dealer in the 1 Ml -i.-alltr m

F1TTSBUB.G COAL.Orderb by ruUnmd andci>nut’.y wain.Mp'O'upvlj' hik'd.

dStt d:hn

GOAJLal 00-A.:Ci2J

N. OOLL1N.S S»ELL.S TUK Usai OF Hiri'>. BL'KO OAL at IiU OlTIcO. on «jl Th.rl

ftroeU iMtwuea M'trkirt and.l'ittor;.vn; al-*'^' H'TTSi<L K' •


Tl.r -'('l.f.l"Vi,sv. \kK in HVltT X!IK KULia!

* \i TCiru'fr.ii.»iuct ! ‘6 W<kt<’r I

tdS* \•*,n l.j »li4- Ifo-u'd IHrecior*' -I a t—ieilar I's- • •.«

. 11 the 2' Ml oi N'.wt'li.'ua't, la*-t, ouik mule, ti.-* i,-qi .re- .

1 ci’U >*l tl v'r chu'U'r, aie ordeivd to be u.,uli.l44'd, tlx.: t

N-\'/.l?t. 32 2 k 37, and !

is. No PmaiTt* r**t float ATTAinnijvT* .Vi*»-rt — I

Ucionltcr DO piTDiita will be z>w*t*<d ’'ir it*--<> atUu.;-.-

imrb- i be Ui.x'd f.r -ti<-‘-t- ",*rinkliiit( wfoao. but -"ly u.

eunn.-i-tiou w llh the '.ritinarF .-i.pplics icr il*>iu*.a*tu. and -

TnH''iif''ri|iriiiF pnrp**w* kf\,i \n»t -l:.-ot *;*-i;ik-;

lin* bt; i-crn.iit*'*!. 5'rom and atW .lannary Gt. tiSS, a‘l

pi'iimiiai ha' i.q; iio*e attacbuK'iita lor tro-t—prinkii*'4j

uui, a ill bv a-.-io*.**-,) at tb« otoabliobeU rota* for all p.u- i

(-*•,'/• for u-hirli wottT c-.n be iiuuto available oo tb«pn'ml*A> frem tl*cailr«c<-apr’nkl*>r or h*Mi' attarlim -iit.

35. l'aiviLJ[.;xa i>r Wr'ATKB CoN8v’itKiu. Wotar cno-Aumvra are col i.-'aarantcc*i a ;p<H'idc quootity ,'cxeopt'vterv Dititrca are uiie,!) ul water lur our purp'joa wfuit- I

ever, but ^:u.pl} ou ample quantity for the p'lrywea|

tHiiivd in the pi'nnlt; and all other urea tS« orator to op- I

plit'd to to in direct vii.Utluu of the aarevnicnt muta bo- ,

tait-n tb« WakT C<Aup*oiy and the oounuunr at tli*\

time of OTUitiaK IIm* pomiik and th<*rrfor« nihiert to at],

rcAJi'naOlv iM'Doltiva which Uu! Watai Cumpany may re*prepvr t"* Ir-pore, .

.A. Vox '*r HAMU Hosa.—Tire ure of itarid h*MO U Mr- I

nilu.i] .-t .. hu'ir/- iu thv ja.v for iba purpunra u*uut>*l in,

thf |H-. u.it. vxca-pt /•pri'ikllnc *t reto, yorda, aud gar- '

ilfiiA, vnuthlag Aidei'-alk.q wolkj, Atups, wind I'Vo, and !

front* ' f* r tfuim' ^^urpoAe*' tire uo* of Ivautl bore is rcotr lvt-[

•uuBIMUY. TfrerI-vl, loi,..-. a r'.l

-.1 I* 1 *ii'." wif.h T

1• .1 w rl- it .1

»n* Itan.' • I '• ' *

'..UV ab<-'- -- -1.

EtoleoyJ -| rK"M MV?T\nLi . NjSf'w i u* - jnk in.A, . r %

~W > Liiaa *a»Uii4i.' ilia •* .! i>r \.

-a--- M. .1. hn-toM. .1

.'-o *1 A <lark -Tav with wh l«- i-uA: t. " - irs" 'k and i5 U,i>.R ii ,.-i

rG' hi'.:..| . irtain, ru/mi IV. 11.4. -e, "p*- U ti'uli**. , 4 ,-1 >1".'. I- .Vi.d fo* Ito- i. i,vr • t

^ I,, a. ah'..\. PF.G .1 K.

H. . :.*u* taijo'

K. Ji.C.VN.VsNi CO..

Ccffimissicn Slerchasts,

a D N4-wr.>»a A B'Tr<-h'*r * Co.,tiro. l!. tl u'lvr,

T>. A Brrxsl'rt i ^.n.

ft-ru-r L* j-!'‘J,

CHICAGO, XXaXt.'">»a A B' L*-i -

ever, but ^:u.pl} au ample quantity for tire p'lrywea i IfilTPI | lOIThlf^C A II O 1^1 frlkfritHiiivd in thr permit; and all other urea IS« oratfir to op- I ||^ | CLLiUC^WM vfr Wi Va WtoJfillvlplit'd to to in direct vto'Utluu of the anreenient mide ho- , rf-iT-n-^T-ra-atwifn tb* WakT CiHup*iuy and thr ooumuior at tire i / -L 1-4, I '

tinre of inwiitin* lire porriiit. and thi-rrfrre ouhjeet lo oil,

.a. w. a. a X w .t •

rr'AJi'naOlv iM'Didtira which Uu! Wziri Cumpauy iu.Ay re* 5^ t n*ir COTner Tinrff ant Mai* MrMto, aretR

proper t- Ir-poM*. , to tie M *ii i.|. ;tat a, erai Broaor'aUata*. adydaiaii;.4. I'oz *>r HAon Hosa.—Tire ure of hand h*MO U Mr- I Bank or K*-*-- reky.

nuU.il.-t .. hu'ir^ iu the do.v for ibapurpuMW uamt>*l in; z l.VFl'. M. F. WAk-SK, l.tTK MLARrKRM-Vjrk.^

th.- pi-, u.it. vxrvpt /•pri-ikllnr at vela, yordo. aud gar-;

' In lO* I ». Ann/, fow ' r-etuor » i olftco mUre cl. r

Ji-ns, w iiahiag udei'-olk.q wolkJ, ntups, wind •'Vo. and Lorl.-niUr 5 i the eol’*retion *1 Ulainu oi‘ aU dMor-ptto* afront. - f* r tt*«m- ^^urpoAo. tire uoe of lutud bow is rcotr let-

[ lUo I*. 9. Gor*.-raXDent. aa.t ai**-- h*w •wtotoldwded tu ioiit h*'Uri> 111 each •Ih.v, In the mornina tojtween

j » roai-la,- »r -tam of liitailLrenr-s. • al! ond-wo, Uoiiiwo,kV hotu*. of all and vihlU i 'rkx.k, uann 3Gt of Mirc'.. tc

|Lota, arul B.A-i:re fat r. -t ..id i-..e. ^tartermow (to*kV hoM*. of all and vihlU . 'rkx.k, uann 3Gt of Mirc'.. tc

Jlrt of rk j-U-nihCi-; and durliis; the rnnai n.U-r oft.*'-* y** >r

betwei-D tl.e hourt of levcn and nine o*cl*rc'c. f*t t\ei ve.iwd- Irelween thehoort of firo and -.e- eu '


1101,1 the 21.-t ol Mareh lo the xLt of Sri>'-*-mt'vr. ani d..


liw ;5*e ri-a.n . Tiller of tire year ta loia'.! i!w h**iii« *.''h ilt-

t**!-.! Ihr.q' and hsK-paet 5*e oVicak, oi.il att.'-'tber t.m-\day or iiitfM.The iLA Ol h*ii*a bore .n care of fire to at o2! tiai'a per-

ch*u; h*-iiaUt enJ .*1.11!.

The iL.1. Ot h*ii*a bore .n care of fire to al ol! tla.'s per-

niiltiut, r.r-q iiia,- fr- i-x-d b/ ou> one a.'.i'i- id a.. »--4

1 tiH-r*.-'-.i

T* 1- ;•: .t fc'V'l h*ore for woohing L-efenoi ca;*«

I e* V or reuu'i--* ol any d*--«t-ripllou. .« are au-.' pur- ,

Ipi .-* i*. n U. .h tl'*- I'-nnientU'.. of tho -V ih-i U'-^ '• . . d '

i11. :.. till' here iiozii'' toatow* il«p»'.>d.'d i.^'U for ppa..ic-


Iiiir M e r«-juirite frieti- n to ell.c< rea-li.Ti*, to -l. 'tiy i

I i rehil itc.i. iini— -• -qrclal penni‘« -li-ill h »»e he*- rra-t- .

-4. A- il :'\tra water r.'i.t- ,--.''d for «ti t.ic;. -»•»-**» -.i 1 - •*'


111- i: .' .'t h.i.ui h 'V for /(« h«a[* -t— •- uai -f itai-* 1


AT -1 li.. •'f'T o" itv i prulilhM'-it t

ITiu i..-.*o; 'iHi. i l>-re fo: urlnk-uny " : .-i !-•, yifk*- ».;i '

S<;HH()DTt\: WOEBEK•t-m-\ IXlnJcmk ifeaU rs <a


Alchhii'l, r ii'-^ae. Pure Spirit^,

ell'! TOBACCO. CiaAA3, Ac.. Ac.,

(' SRX.t.vrLV N U'ri'

V. W! .J,. .1 : R A~ ;

; 1 A -tl 4 .-1,

(>,'l LsVlU-iu, X*w . - 'i. : . ;


NlTT <X)AL.dI5 dim

J. N. wol.UNd,CohI .looler


€*Tganl/ed I'uder tbe Lrvs «r Peoa-ylvaaia.


am bif right akfe, aod pmmaA out on the fed.frotn iLe cflect at which he died in * few min-Otee.

Bt. Jaatpk Cmiaa.

A Mas Shot.—


mao named John Ball, pro-)>rtaiorof a tavern in Wheeling wae shot inthald^ tbc other night, and dangerooaly it

not Cattilly iRjnred. Three aoidierc. aaid to be-ionr VB Ae rrarom. Guard, went ifrto tbe honseaRd aaked for aoBtethiag to drim. Mr. Ball

rafannl to give ttiem am thing, when some hardwcede paaved. Mr. Ball then ordered the sol-

dfen oat ofthe honse. and. It is said, atrncA oneof them. Ooa of the soMfera, named CbriMo-pber Howard, drew a idstol and fired at Ball,

wb* was at this time standing in the door of his

hoaae. Hie hall entered Mr. BaH's breast andfe Drewffat to have lodged in the shoulder, pro-dating a dangerona, Dud it ia feared, utalwound. Howard was eommitted to the Athe-DeuBfartriaL

( lew Ttnd pet i*osAe-slon of tbe ves-el. On theai rival of the .Alcioi< In tbe hart»<.r, the (JapUiiil ame ( ii shore and lodged an informailon, sottlrg forth tl»e facts dctuiled above. Wnrraiit.-vere gianUd against the four a.iUors— ho;M*y..

Ilih.Grat'aD', -uid McAIi'ine—tnd they, as wellas iIm- Cai'tain hini-wlf. were taken inui eu-tody.They wete brouglil before .q in-agistrate on Mon-day' night and n-manded. Tliey wore againbrooghi np at the Qucenstfiwn iietty sifoslona «,nTuerdsy moiaing, tbe presiding magii-trate- be-irg Captain Seymour and Mr. Scott. TIm-piiscnira haviiiiiig lieea put forward, Cap-Lain Seymour said tbaL in a case ofsuch iiu{>ortacoe tbe bewh had determined on remanding tbe pnroners for eightdata, in order that tlie Castle anthorities mightbe coniUiuuieaU-d with. Mr. O'Brien, solicitor,wbri a] i>eared for the Captain, contended thathis client bad roniniitted no (^-ime. and that be-ing tbe (wee there were md. ruftl lent groundafor his leing k«5d in custody. Ca{>iaiu Sey-mour said that, ai Lough there wae no charg*'st present against the CaiiUain, the bench, <ym-sidering Ural four lives had been lost underverr mysterious circoinatance.-.. could nut pos-sihfy dieebarge any of tbe survivors. Althoughthe remand was boniinally for ei;^t daya, theCaptain would not. in all probability, be la ens-loiiy for amibing like that time, as the momenttbe bench beard from the Caatle they wouldproceed with the Investigation. The prisonerswere then removed in enstody.


A Turin letter states that among the Neapoli-tan provinces which have to oontei^ with thedreaded scourge of brigandage there ia tbat ofCattaezaro, which noeseiwea the advantage ofhaving a band which is led by Maria OUvWo,an exceedingly handsome woman, not yetthlrtvyears of age. Barbarity is her chief character-istic, and tbe sight of blood renders her as ex-cited as a wild beasL She was tbe wife of thefamous brigaod Monaco, of the Albanian villageofSpeaeao*. who was kHled In aa enchanterwith the Italian troops near Romano. In this

very eoconnter Maria was also wounded, batshe'continued to discham her musket, kneel-ing at tbe dead body ot her husband, with afirmnere and a cooragi- which even commandedthe sdmirntion of her oufioncnts. Having, al

last, been struck in tbe leg, she fell iRlo

fliiwlv, V it li Unit divergence from a direct lineol visl. n around in their sockets, and coutluuedoirg tills until I fiill a.-let p, which (xvitrs gen-eiaily withiu throe luliuites—always within five

at ih'e I ivt. The iinmedi'ite effect of this pro-cieiiic differs from tlir.t of any other that I Utveeur 111 ard to procure sk-ep'. It not ineri«ly

divi-rt.s thotight into a new channel, lint nctuallv'

su-i*tijds it. Since I l/eeanie aware of this 1

have endeavoied, inuumerahle times, while thusr« lling my eyes, to think upon a particular sub-Jtx'l, at'd even upon that which before kept meawake, hut could not. As long at they weremoving around, my mind w as blank. If anyone doulifr this, let him try the experiment fi>r

Ifimseif. I wish he would; let him pause Justhere and make iL I venture to assure him thatif I e makes il in good faith, In the maimer(kseril/fd, the i*romise of “a jienny for his

Ihonghls.’’ or for each of iliem, while the ope-laiioii h* in progress, will add very little to bis

wealth. Fuch lielng its ctfoct, we cannot won-der tlnat It shonld hring sleep to a nervous audwakeful man at night. The philosu]ibv of thematter is very simple, A ««.-|>eifoion ofthoughtis to tbe mind what -n su»|>eO''ion of travel orlalior is u> a weary body. It enjo's the luxuryof rest ; the strain upon its faculties is removed;il fails asleep as naturally as the farmer in Ills

chair aftir toiling all day in hLs flelds.

A TorcHiNo Etitai'ii.—


he following obitu-ary notice spiiears in the Winsted Herald. Tbesubject was once a mechanic in that village, andwell to do in the world. But sickness and mis-fortune nsed up hia little pro]>erty, and be atlast came to the poor-house. But through all

his misfortunes be maint dned a spotless char-acter and a cheerful spirit; and, what amnot hesaid of many a more distingalebiMl man, b'ls

obituary is Just:

Exchsng<‘d his poverty for eternal riches,

and his rag'* for a crown which fedelli notaway, at Winebeater poor-house, Nov. 6, 18151,

Jamiee C. Smith, ag^ 67. The pall-hearers

were few on this side, not so many perhans as

they that waited on tbe “shining shore’’ andwent np with tbe old man to bis “Father'shouse.’'

“Why don't von give ns a little Greek andLatin oocactonally asked a country deacon ofa new minister.' “Why, do you understandthose languages?’’ “No, bat w« pay for the

. best, aud we ought lo have it.’’

^ ^ 60<a 7 Ot

clf per jiw prime 6 60'.^4 Ou» “ “ “ “ 3d 6 1»<V'85 6l“ •* p clf d M> Eldomdn 5 0it<4-* 6u

1 “ kip double Hole 16 inche* 4 35A5 Ol)

“ “ *' “ “ Jf welt 8 a«M4 26“ “ Krain d « 17 iiielM;s 4 75^ 5l’

“ “ was d » 16 liH-lieit 4 25<R5 35“ ** “ “14 IiktIwi* 3 7.5'R4 36

Men*; Shoes- Thick brofpuis ueirro iMl 1 75i43 Ut“ “ wsz “ “ •*' 1 75itoi U8“ “ “ “ 3d sad 3d ‘‘ 1 -Vsai 76“ “ kip “ “ 1 35(41 »“ “ buff “ “ 1 71X43 08« “ clf “ “ 1 '1X43 -5U

44 44 j4 w lialmorsl 1 STriiS 5044 44 44 aewed “ Cu<*toiu.... 4 00(44 75“ “ Couincea pocKod 3 5<Xm 60•* « “ eu'cd 4 ttoA4 75“ “ WolliufCton ties pt'SI-'iri 3 00 Ai 35« « “ “ ‘.'ved S U l -4 1 76

Bo'*e' aud UIil’s B(Kj4i4 - Wax d i 1-5........ 8 UU(R* 6844 “ “ kip “ “ 3 75*S.n 5o« 44 44 4f 44 3 uy“ 44 44 d a fol3 3 OU R2 8644 44 U 44 44 3 33*4 “ « “ XW « 1 7.5,41 l»« 44 44 rhldu’a Xw 7-8 .... 1 SixRl TB

Women's Sliooa—Kip and lac« boots 1 1'nkl 36“ “ buff “ “ 1 35 41 70« “ elf

“ “ 1 'VXiS U8“ peb «t

“ “ 1 6..ai 78« “ Koat “ “ 1 7V41 S6« « kid “ “ 1 51X43 08w “ balmoraU S UU(4S 00*• “ buitiug “ 3 00(43 78M “ kid OoDgrew gaitora 3 UU(48 0044 -M LieUng ‘‘ “ ds .... 8 01X4.175“ « tt 44 44 nin..., SOlKMtW44 44 toDcy tipped balmoral.... 8 ouiu 71•* “ “ “ “ ciutfoin 8 TS.'m 00

Boj-f* and Chld's 8boea--Waz Xw brog 1-6 1 36<4l 504. 44 » kip ^ “ 1 axil 50« 44 44 buff « « « 1 (ocSl 76“ 44 44 44 « 9-13 1 OOjSl 71“ “ “ kfp “ “ “ 1 OoSl DO44 U “ clf “ “ 6-S 6^ 30» 44 a kipRbf lace bta 6-11 Ml SOu M 44 boIiD R aait'ra 5-10 1 Sfi^l 61

PaoTiaiONS -There i'-£i a good demand in the latter

port of the week. Met,* pork sold at *60, lard In tierces

at S3c, in kegs at 35X<**^ hnik shoulders at IfiXe. newbacon shoulders packed at 30c. Ttf^re were no transac-

tious In aides.

PoTATou—In g**d demand at *1 75^ 50.

PowiiKE—Unchanged, at *13 60^13 9 keg for riflo.

KAoa—We quote cotton at 6e,Iiard woollen le, and soA

woollen at lUe 9 fo.

Btk Market dull and prices oomiual.



rfow unchanged, at Tie.

BoDA—Nomlnal at 18(9113^



nchanged; Oermaii offered at ISXlBhfoi vnd

palm at 141915c 9 H*.



uebanfid; we quote et fafrSXo 9 Ih.


Snene—There was a fUr demand; wa quote thnothr at

I *6@6 50, dover at *16, orchard at *1 BO^S,

" “ kip double sole 16 inches 4 ii“ “ *' “ “ X welt 8 3i“ “ grain d s 17 iiielM;s 4 7i“ “ was d » 16 liH-lies 4 9S“ ** “ “14 IiktIwk 2 7.'

Men's Shoes- Thick brogans ut-gro iMl 1 7{“ “ wax “ “ •*' 1“ “ “ “ 3d and 3d ‘‘ 1 -Vi

“ “ kip “ “ 1 3f“ “ buff “ “ 1 711

« “ clf “ “ 1 '1

44 44 X w lialmoral 1 x;44 44 44 aewed “ CU'*toiu.... 4 DC

“ “ ColigU'ea pegged 3 >V

•* « “ sew'ed 4 Uu** “ WolHugton ties pt’PX'i’d 3 Uf« « “ “ ‘.'ved 8 U-;

Boj*;' aud Dili's Boots - Wax d i 1-5 8 Ut“ “ “ kip “ “ 8 75« 44 44 tt 44 3 -„|

“ 44 44 d S fol3 3 Ot44 44 U 44 44 3 0||

“ “ « “ Xw “ 1 7.-

« 44 44 rhldu's Xw 7-8 .... 1 Vi

Wonieo's Slices—Kip and lace boots 1 1>

“ “ buff “ “ 13.'« “ elf

“ “ 1 'VI

“ peb gt“ “ 16"

“ “ goat “ “ I 75« « kid “ “ 1 5Uw “ balmorals S uil

*• “ fasting “ 80t

U08F1TAL DIRFArrORY.B. H. Uilhert, Surgeon U. S. Vols., Superintaime'il

and Medical Director U. 8. A. General liuspitais, G^uto-vlile, Ky.t and Jelb-rstgiville, luA < Ithce on WabinlstiOet, betweon Fourili and Filth.


Francis Ureciuv Surgoou U. S. Voto., In rhare'O. iSxkt

street, between Walnut and Cbestuut.


N. F. French, Sat goon U. S. VoU., lu char,;*. Gorceiof I'llU-cutb and Broadway.

rocNPrav v. s. a. oKNim.M. hcwhitau

A H. PiewotL Asstotaut S'lrgoou U.S. Void., hi chartsC'.ruerol F'UtooiHb and Malu strecta.

uBoaM V. a. A. ur.HxuiAi. iKieriTAt..

H. K. Fryer, Aseiiitaiit Surgeon U, d. .A., In chargj. tXhill Ciutt of Park BtoTseks, ou lliird st’oet.


A. C. Ew ai tzw cider, Surgwm U. S. V'oto., In ehsrg*.

B' surli No. 3-Griflhi Uoiiite, 8X miles out on New-burg rosd.Braucli No. 4 -Gaza House, on Newburg rood,

orringna' ir. s. a. azNziiAL uohsitai..

C. McDoniooit. Surgeon U.'S. Yds., In chargt. Comstof hruok aud Ki uodway.


M. Qoldaniltli, Surgeon U. S. Vols., lu charge, this

mils east uf Jetfcroaurille, Ind.

jog UULT V. a. A. UZNgXai. HOaPITAI..

11. P. Steama Surgeon U. S. Vols., iu charge. Onsmile west ut Jt-ffononTille, lud.

NO. 16 0. a. A. oaNZEALHOaPITAI..

Joreph Gardner, Assiotant Siirgeun 34th Ky. V- L, in

rl^'ge. Near Itaiirnad Depot* .teffersouTltle, InA

kid Connew gaitoraLtsUng “ “ d s . . .



B. M. BUKOH. vr. V. lUtUIUH


Wholesale Grocers,

NO. 3G MAIN STREET,rrak aoLtmuA strrst,

yi TTt Tl TT ^•8 ,

MO Midi goad to strictly ehotoa fit U. *pgauLOOO bi-ls Or., Gran„ Powd., and IWlned riLliw do*

100 bbla ehcocB now M. O. Molas sss;

•00 X do rid do 1^LOM l-ogi good to riirisB Kio OoSsR508 bags rid Lagnsyra and Java Cofleo;

1,800 packsM Mob. 1, 1, and C M saku^1,000 xegB finoenhergor and BetaaojU Ntufa.

KXr BATVSby &. M. BIMHOP Se CO..Mo.JO bCala ;trBB», nsiar Col . ;n»toa.



Prerident-AMOKY EDWARDS, Esq., Now York.

Tre«surer-L. II. SIMPSON, Esq., New York.

Secretary-J. EDWIN CON.VNT, Esq., New Y*wk.

JOHN M. CLAi’P, Esq., Oeuvral Besident Superin-


CtHUisel Menun. PLATT, GERARD. R BUCKLEYHu'w York.


aMOUY EDWAkDS, E**!., Now York.

EliEN B. CK1XK-EK, E'»i„ of Crockei R Wai rea

New Yoik.

FXETC'IIER R WESTB.VY, E»i., of WesUay, Gibbs

R liardeosUe, New York.

J. M. CLAFP, F>q., Proaldeiit, Venango co iuty, Ponn

L. II. SlMPbiJN. Esq., of L. H. Simpson R Co., Now


its Lards ate put into the Company al t!ie nnpreca

dSnU-d li'W price of ONE HUNDRED lK)toL.VKS Pl'.B

ACRE- -the low eat ever Wuuw a Ire ril-horing Wrrttory—

and form its

CAPITAL STOCK, $5,000,000!

In .ahiiriHiof SfaJ.'i enrh, pur Titlue. .Subicrlp

ttou prirr S5 per aharv, beinM In full

pnyiuriu lor n Si'W 5»I»fir«>.

No iiirtber call or sarcsinueiit to be made.

i0,000 Shares, er $100,000 rfsRrxea for

Worklns CapK*!,

Parties •ubeen'Mnp m (Ais Samimny will Rscefos

an A<jual Ammml at Stock m fwo other Oompaniot ad-

*oinino teilhoutfurther ehatve.


en the Alleghany River, and on Hemlock, POrenpine


extent.Tbe wcUs on this property are being sunk with giea

rigor, and promise large seppllee ef oU.

To tlie capitalist, and to parties of Uinited means, no.

urpossed iadueementa are offered.

Persona iuveaiing in this Company get *6 stock and the

above BONUS for each *1 Inreetod, without furthor oal

or asi'eeaineut.

Subscription books, maps, and sU other infogmaBon eaa

be obtained at tho oAoe of tho Subscription Agents,

L. H. SIMPSON R CO«M Cedar street. New York.

N* rinborrlptfen* taken far lea* than O.NK

liV'MtKfaU IHM.l.AR.vL dU dlni

RXlCOVAlfoTXriL HKFFKRNAN HAS BSMOVKD VKOHVT north sida of Main, betwoen Suewd aud i%lr4

Btraeta, to the south side of Main, butween RighOi an4Ninth atroeti, directly opeoelto F. 8. J. Ronald^Warahouse, whsro ha wU In rntum ha happy toaeahRfrlondi a&A MiiloiDcne^Tdiir WM. BwrruhMAa.IDamocrat and Ptbm copy for two montlia.i


sard, i..-. » i-lil.f: yiit*-i*.4''*j, nr Aik'S *1* pa. W s -4'xl *

I r.ic.tis M 'll, h* *4' n4i-'.zJt' Ur. -T iI.a:. . i.s-*,uarteT fxj i

... ii.t’i ill liian.ler. 1.- pn iu'iit'd. 1

I Ti l vr of 1’.*' ! re ;**i ouy pu. .. -*e rehaU'''*,T. -with;

I01.1 .'j. 4«4. i- p’ol'it.ilfd.

jL< : -s' b< • atlarhiiifut-. broken »(•.• and b«\>‘a. eon-


ferlii.g nc.-e Itilo j, Ir un nui'i- *Ti>.*at. hy cil . ^ ..u

;i-.i'.d‘i'U. *<"ff<-riii-' Il M- 'tj riiu '«heu not in luo. ore a21 .

jiitrirtli pr* hihlt.'a. !

27 I’osnTaNT Flow or W»Tta.— Wah'ring-tro't-'h* •


in ii.rij i«t.Abi* *s at*; k aifa. sl*.'4';i1er lioiireo. ,V-.. willj


Hut 1*4- pr’iniitti-d tn irot'ivc a rnn;tant t1*-iw ot *r to*', huti onl. il ; ,' li .tin'.Ttiti**a re will stipply tho s-t.i;,!

. of tar.rl.A k Uivlng occor-* lb* r**o. NeitU'C wi, ' o'uitnu-

Ion; ttrvaii.a uf wnh. t be p,n n.uU'd to tli^W fr.rm b.v Jr,*jti*.


(aort-lis *lraWB. Writa:-clu4».ta, urluoto. or any ctiirr apv«I r.iliif r.'riiifCled w ilh the ;i:rvice pipe, cUbsT fo. Gw *»:•.«

sf p * jA-r r* pair or l-.r prr/ti-ctinn a.-.*«i-l fr ot. In .'-via

wlu're waU-r to 4Jii«ch)»."grd info femka on*i tlw* b.iiUi.'-';

tlionts aiip, the tankz iuu;t be kept pi'r'ertl,- water- '

t .'l*t. and 111'' -..pply pipes to tlie ;.tp.c ue pru'i*leil w.,hj

boIl-CAcks, whUb ni"'t olw,}-; ho k*-pt tn .v*'ik;u.;< *'ler.

*K>. Co.'<arMgM' Fx.v 'LTira. If-.nr party »h.UI i*'^ii*e !

or uc4:i4Ct to p;>- the »• -.Ut n'ut wilhlii too da,’» a.'li-c

it 11, d.'iv the wotai w ill be tiirm'd oil* a.i'l a-dt'irntstoa^

sfA i'l until oil hack rent aiid fines ore paid. I

Any eotis'inicTor siihsci iUrT ri'rlaling. *'r pormittiiifT!''totioii; I'roin lito nf'-u bint-nt. an> of tl,*: WaterOn Pali) '« tuies and regjbiti.'us goviming tlie intro- *

dticu*.n, supply, and o»nsiiiniiti'>n of water, 'oUl be nv'i-j

B.-d thcr*'t'^ nirritine, left on tl'*e premtoes; and, if !»e

th* n tail; t appear p «n:ptl(' anil pa.y the fine, th*' wstar|

will be shut uu, and a double line impured—which. <n|

oiiuhion to all expenses attatuliar the shuUinc off. ''!U i

have to be paid before th,> water to again turned <0 Uie I

premiceo. ns well o« Gve salL factory assuraocea thil i

rutii-e ah' MS will n»t be permlttaJ. In cosee of perri t-

Ctit violations and disrogard of tho Water Coiupan.'srwius, the serrice attochineut of ferrule will be with-diaw n from the iU*>Uibtdiug p7po, aud the supply wImU-l, dli^ontiu'ted. .

FinCk for viofattons of rnlus to btolmpiwd and collr.-t-

ed lu eiiDis var> ina from two to tweuty drilaro, aoeurd-liig k< U.c n dure M the viriatinns.Which are ordered by said Board of Dtrectors to ba

euforred by tl a officeri and eim>lo'-es r*f said Compauyds d4w W. F. B.5RRKT, Presi<lmit.

im iM) mitm miBOOTS AND SHOES^ T COST.


1 iKMC 1 i'ffer. from thi* day. my entire »t irk e< RTK> rS

ilVji.e.-tw Urare. C arte V. .*. J . Ch-r-' '- v.i' A;-

.«.*fo. ,;-.q I pV B ..nJ , P, .eh B « ... 'i; ' ft-*" ' fv*,*-..--.,

n.!-u< s Ait.1 Giu. :i*>*t tViue. M-u*m Vi ..r. Virt -V. ; v -r

^ 5k I »e. t*'-rr 4 '5 ;.*. 5 .''uV5 *. .4- A..1 '* *• re

1 Slru;- l!..a)s Tofauvix a. - M .e*‘ .-Vic.* - -i-rea » fvSU'r'.T. -with

;ir> » t('*a-ery oi-d Li o r tb. osfWt>'*ie'- 'mn, a .ll-'a.*.— pr mi 'i-" alt. X'-t *t >

bnt.'o. etm- aar atascT ran 'a l'

.I'UlNriiiihTYiOO.Hay, Orair^GeaeraiPreduce Dealers,

Coinmi^^hyoa MexN-*h;Arxi>t,^ *. t 'J«« F-*' '.n sk. -eiw.'ei. Main and Ibrvr.

• '' IffVrtT.lk «V

jaeGlCkii^l Coa-*Li:Ves' Uu.i uHN U. UAKittt R CD.. 7lMM.i t c-e.-. -•

tl ^- ^ **. ' 4S th r ip ’--* ': h” -5

-‘i-: .• ..-4* * peri l? i4. -a “i m * • . -re

' a- .


i *4-1 *> t| a nr, .t4u;-''. »’ t aila ^ .•' * Sl»v

,icA! ‘*104.; h. U'e n>*r: Xri. Tr> B it li . Oiv ' fo

-n , ..u u t.' s*'Pply on arv.-iy that u. he .»;‘-'-y roavRn ’V*Y fT’"*' ^*9

i9 tgi

i.-f V »ar vase S Ul \yoi>'t»4:.<a

Ot this atty.

"ril o.*U


All PKB30NS ARE HFKEBY UklTlG.'l *•>

porebaalM Steam AfyU-u Pumpe (r^jm any 2

parto in tha city ol LouisviUe olhor tli*kn K Baaaaei»ez»

who la onr esSy a-ttu-i iaed oacn*. AO •»giada and eotd by any gsher p »r»y ree <hrsrt lomnge-menta at palenta gr-imad bir tha Uahed foalee ar.J

owned by iw: au.L^tian seulaa ot luing the ao^ w.abe proaecuted by tow. LAN:iDltLX. kO^Alaaa-ilm *k Lmria. Me.

voair, BanKnousB, * oo



at SOAP:

Aobeusav. ftripera, R Co Jk L*oia Mre

Joa. G. Uses R Co “' _

CUridga R Co Fittshors. ro.

We keep canabwU, a d vseintiAei.l on hzitdda disc

i iKMW i from thU cUy. my entire «rk ot HOk>rB CUridto A Co Pwmid hHOhiS AT COST. Embrac^ In Ui't stoek wi ll ba

^ OBnotanti, a ^ixd vsauctiAeuI on hzitdfound e ni** of tbr Qiu*at LeJua*, Geii i a, amt .MioecV «Work, ot my own mauufiietma. . _ - - —

h;i*(i^i^Shi*ot*TaikringV'T>o'«?e'^ which I wfUarB COMMISSI! l.V .MEJiOa-UN'

...a; oa... r> E> 4 na- taBOSas eg. amA IV I I Fl Oll ll fW.n. -Met R K k DY,d6 dim Corner FLlh and Me let ;ts„ LonIreUlA

SXLAXSS FUOrO&AJjfi.iD>f H s Cri r EndiMcae,.

jlrjii'H 1 V Orfobw it, liot. i

S«zr.at) ,fTOaus will be ruei ,vek*.t this ->'tfao 'retti

tfi, ith 0*7 af.).vni»ary ne*t at lze*cfock, M . for fn;

ulsbing, at such pA'iut ot p**4iile cu (h« river iomiiu.

U.9 city as mar oeai*n.«to>t hs t..« Citv iRnriuer -

Iwelrr tto'isnnd CU to.k)) perchiM oi Inud bine limautA-mAfiorpavlug. ibe r>ekt puttoexeefol sis luebes ia ihka-ness, and b> be uiiUbta for paviug ef S.'S faej lt«Bi ntosnor more to'.n twelve inches in drrth frubb*o work); »:>

to be Slivered on or bet*'ra Ihelstifayof April, m-'X

The uomes are to be given in the bids of two sfi*roy«4Mcnritlea, in the amount o; fiit) Umuatdlara for the fvltliful pe-lbrtnauoe of the oonlrart. AMsrupoaols are to be ii«doraad on tie anvrioee, “Pr'T*'v3hlOT furuishing partiX-stooe for Ihe o*t) ri MentriUs "

Bide for tha enutract ud tn rratfonalty with 'ha ah*'- *

ramUrcmsnfa wUl nr-t ba ectt*rlaln*rd.

’Die Mr.yor aod Corai''iHre - n PtihUc loiittMng rasev s*

the right to rai tad a'<7 e« afl ri the preaesefa.vaAlSaSFOBTRB,

ol4 dU Cfty Engineec

MUM mimIfWi ikiUk OKNLTNK. W ARRANT KD IM-iUU,lMiU FtjKTKD thGAKd. firsna Uavaua,ef myown Importation, *ud of the must wlect faramls: ahaDUMESTIC CIGARS, from the best mauufaetiueia ia

New York. Pot sale wbs IseaW and refiail at New Y*wb

^^*®**' RUW. PRVN.ADO,fig dim Bost naenl of Loiifavtlfa HceeL

latter, €!•«•••, RRi Wealrv* ftmUmt’-.

Ha. :il4 Molem. bea TMrl *ui: rna-t..


' Beans. Dried Proifa. i}trrea.-m. ami Uissarag. t'-*- s

for any a-'odt to *e ciar pmropaty U'ted. sasW o”

ZV«tR Yorlc and ^Rcrpool rvtnMevTdConipa&y.

Ccapital 8T»jCK *l,seiki«*i.

' iRkUSO SHARK! AT !Li RRCH.flnbecr'iptiaa Prtoa *fi per saara.


Hon. DAHIKL A MCKl.NSOH. Preiiitoai

WM. T. PillPP*. Vtoe PrastdanA.ROBERT RASSETT, W iraamr.

BoeRy ara mm tor sabecTtattoa a iha adha R t-ta

Ooomaay, Ma. M Raipiia BuifaBag, Tl ffaeadwar. It V.

TbefajMfaef ihaCsasvaay ara rituaBad to Rto heart Athe OU Rmfom aBd iiwiiieta g trtisasof thsea srafl ku*>n aInasHtios “the McHlMnay farm, the Wra MeCUotorRfirnma.* aad other piwved sad vMaabla worklag torritfo

rise, toeludlng ever Two ‘nmusoad asrm at Iha bom «S|'Psrtilsrfaa aamg Oil Craek and to Warn Yfai^to. fo’W

nmlsr grieam ri sueeeeiAil dgvsdapmeaA tnd ett aalready ragnisrty tad larptor praitoaaR woca wvsrrlwalla opoa them.

Addrem Dm Oeavany, P.O. Baa hJAA Haw TecK.


400j«.,«-re-4a*u.ij^dsaostom.. baA Hala aad rtaaTJNITE3ID

Piano - Makers IitafoOut«--|^a-.kto,»,.

OUR ORGANIZATION KNABUW C8 TO PL’RNI^P gzM fe^better Planoi than any *Ahsg b<>me. nl4 dtoB AM* “ „


D 4110 bushels aew Drtod -Apples; W “ M?"***^. ^


•• OeldDiMl

J 4110 bushels nets Drtod -Apples;

108 kegs new Leaf Lard;50 boxes Pine* Apple CbeasailOU tacks fresh BaAwhaat:3U0 plecss chotae Smok.'d Beefr

35 bhfa oheses Grah aad fiwaet Cldar;

luO naskoges Christmas G«gfa: for sate byda d« THBBirr R SRH.

MtoinRehalOUPiadrlaRDavy Cvoeketo

bWaaadXI» aad for aria



1, ML Third a^IVKlR sas.

d96d! JRg R. OHRRMR R BRO.

CVRBEN APPUSB-LIMr OBORGE o. HUirnA•UdU Mato, boa. TKivd aad POaefo toa.

•Jim boxes palm SOAP:OUU ua ** Garmaadr-

7* ** Ifaasy daaa •* CasMto Rta

la olva aad tat mto kpm» JMov a. Of