Gardening expert Mr. Mac who is available at Hanley’s Garden Market for advice on all your gardening needs. Pic:George Thompson C o m m u n i t y V i s i o n L o c a l F o c u s POST The DOUGLAS keeping you in touch .... FREE South Link ursday, 26th March 2009 Volume: 5 | Issue: 13 Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork. Tel: 021 436 9000 Fax: 021 436 9148 Email: [email protected] w w w . d o u g l a s p o s t . i e

The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

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"Keeping You In Touch"

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Page 1: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

Gardening expert Mr. Mac who is available at Hanley’s Garden Market for advice on all your gardening needs. Pic:George Thompson

C o m m u n i t y V i s i o n • L o c a l F o c u s


Douglask e e p i n g y o u i n t o u c h . . . .

FREE south link Thursday, 26th March 2009

Volume: 5 | Issue: 13

Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork. Tel: 021 436 9000 Fax: 021 436 9148 Email: [email protected]

w w w . d o u g l a s p o s t . i e

Page 2: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

S o u t h L i n k

the wordby George Thompson

the Douglas Post MagazineMorris House, Douglas West, Cork

Tel:021 4369000 / Fax: 021 4369148 [email protected]

The publishers have made every effort to ensure all information is correct at time

of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. The views

expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher

of The Douglas Post Magazine.

The Douglas Post is published weekly by Douglas Post Ltd.

Competition offers

Just send in your name, address & contact telephone number on a postcard to: Douglas Post magazine,

Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.

Win TiCkeTs To

Mike Denver sun 29 Mar, 8pm

What a game, what a finish, what a great day to be Irish! it was reminiscent of the glory days of Jack Charlton last saturday as the boys in green took on the might of Wales in their backyard for rugby’s Grand slam decider. The Millennium stadium set the scene for what was to become heart attack central for most of us watching, but what a finish – Wales in the driving seat with a drop goal in the closing minutes, but then o’Gara was set up to drop one himself with barely 2 minutes on the clock, even then no one could predict a winner! A long penalty kick in the dying seconds left half of the stadium with their heads in their hands, unable to watch the impending kick that would ensure victory for the Welsh and heartbreak for the irish, but alas it was ireland’s day as the punt fell short of its target, sending irish fans the length and breath of the Country and in Cardiff, into raptures of delirium. What a day, oh what a day!

•incidentally, i watched the game in the comfort of my sitting room in the company of newly crowned American Light Middleweight Champion, Gary ‘spike’ o’sullivan who returned on Thursday from his title fight in Boston on st. Patrick’s weekend. ‘spike’ is tipped to become one of Cork’s biggest sports stars with a possible World title shot within the year. i would like to pay tribute to Gary and his team and to the fans who travelled to Boston for the fight and a special thank you to Brian Curtin of Cara Limousines who had a stretch limo to pick ‘spike’ up from Cork Airport and take him to a special reception at Mahon Community Centre from where a homecoming party was laid on by Ray and his staff at the Red Cove inn. Due to Gary’s flight being delayed and late arrival at Cork airport, a planned visit to the Lord Mayor’s office had to be deferred with a possible civic reception

for the Cork boxer taking place instead.•

Congratulations to Luke Philpott on winning the Douglas Heat Final of the over 60’s competition last Friday night, organised by our own Phil Goodman. We wish Luke all the best as he represents Douglas going forward in the competition.

• Though some moan and crib about ‘Douglas Village shopping Centre’ right now, it has to be said that its is a building site that is evolving in sections into what is, i am sure, going to be one hell of a shopping centre once completed, while every effort is being made to accommodate shoppers during its development. Meanwhile in the middle of all this development lies a centre which continues to be a hub of Douglas life with many outlets offering a great service. i would ask people to be patient as the, ugly duckling transforms into a beautiful swan and at the same time encourage people to continue to support and frequent this catalyst of Douglas life which will offer employment to hundreds on its completion.

• Finally i would like to make an appeal for the safe return of a young Cavalier king Charles dog who wandered from the home of his owner on south Douglas, near the Community school, a few weeks back. He answers to the name, sebastian and is two and a half years old. every effort has been made to find him and i would ask anyone who knows of his whereabouts to contact us here at the Douglas Post. He is a much loved pet and there is a reward for his return.

slánGeorge Thompsoneditor

• American Title Champ Gary ‘Spike’ O’Sullivanon his return from the U.S. with the title belt lastThursdaypicturedwithDouglasPosteditor,GeorgeThompson.

Pic:Denis Coffey

• TheEastVillageBar’sCillianCashmanondutyforSt.Patrick’sday.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

• TheEastVillageBar’sCillianCashmanondutyforSt.Patrick’sday. (Pic:GeorgeThompson)

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A d v E R t i S i n g

t : 02 1 436 7000 | e : i n f o@ea s t v i l l a g e . i e | w : www .e a s t v i l l a g e . i e

• Ea t • Dr ink • S leep

Fri 27th

Ireland U21 v Spain U21 19.45

Glasgow v Munster 19.45

Sat 28th

Wales v Finland 15.00

N Ireland v Poland 17.15

England v Slovakia 17.15

Ireland v Bulgaria 19.45

Holland v Scotland 19.45

Colombia v Bolivia

Sun 29th

Saracens v Wasps 13.30

Cork v Limerick 14.00

Dublin v Kerry 14.00

Leinster v Ulster 16.30

Ecuador v Brazil 21.00

Tues 31st

England U21 v France U21 19.45

Wed 1 st

Bulgaria v Cyprus 15.00

Italy v Ireland 18.50


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F r i d a y N i g h t L i v e

“ C o l l a g e ”T h e V i l l a g e wa y t o s t a r t y o u r w e e k e n d . . .

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• MaryRoseO’Sullivan(The HopeFoundation), KatieQuinlan (Art forHope co-ordinator),Katharina Guenther(Art for Hopeorganiser), and SaraJane Power (CorkOpera House),pictured at CorkOpera House withsome of the piecesdonated for the “Artfor Hope” Charityexhibition andauction taking placeatCorkOperaHousefromApril6th-11th.The pieces picturedinclude landscapephotos donated byMichaelO’SullivanLIPF,and“GlobalWarming”(centre)paintedbyoneoftheChildrenattendingaHopeFoundationprojectinCalcutta.-Pic: Metalpix

S o u t h L i n k

letters to the editor

We’d love to hear from you. If you have any news, views or issues you’d like to see covered, write to the Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork or by e-mail to [email protected] Please include your name and address and a contact number. Letters may be edited due to space considerations.

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in these letters are solely those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of The Douglas Post.

Senator Jerry Buttimer

Cork South Central ConsitituencySeanad Spokesperson on Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs

Tel. Office: 021 4289736Tel. Home: 021 4541923Mobile: 086 2356892Email: [email protected]

Locall: If you wish to contact me in Leinster House, you may do so by dialing 1890 732 623 for the price of a local call.

Aurelia TrustDear editor We are part of a group of Volunteers who are going to Romania in June, for ten days, with a charity called Aurelia Trust. This charity was set up in 1992 due to the drastic conditions of orphanages in Romania. since it began, Aurelia Trust has improved the lives of hundreds of children and young people. The purpose of our visit is to run a summer camp for the young adults living in a particular orphanage in Romania. This summer camp will involve us working directly with these young adults on a day-today basis and getting them involved in various activities.The most important aspect of our work is to provide these young people with the opportunity to interact and socialise with each other and us in a setting outside of their orphanage. This interaction is essential for their physical and emotional development.These summer camps have been very successful in the past and through our own experience we have seen the positive impact our fundraising has on the lives of these young people. As a result of the fundraising that each volunteer does and the hard work of everyone involved with Aurelia Trust, a new pilot centre to replace an old orphanage as well as a number of housing units have been built over the years. All money raised goes directly to the charity and is used to better the lives of the young, people we work with.

With this in mind, we are writing to you to help us with our fundraising. As well as church gate collections and bag packing we are running a table quiz on Thursday 2nd April at 9p.m in Douglas G.A.A club to help raise these essential funds. We would be most grateful if you could consider making a donation towards our fundraising appeal or support our table quiz on the night. each table is 40 euro and each team will consist of four people.We appreciate any contribution you may be able to make towards this worthy cause.You can contact Margaret at 0879956050.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours Sincerely,Margaret Kennedy

The Bogs Future in DouglasDear editor i’m writing in connection with the bog and its wildlife at the end of Galweys Lane, it is also behind st. Patrick’s Mills and st. Columba’s Primary school in Douglas. The only two remaining ponds that were there until recently, were both filled in, which left this years spawning frogs to lay in the tracks that the JCBs had left behind. That spawn has now dried up and only a small bit remains. Builders are using part of this bog for storage as work goes on at the multi-storey

car park. As a child i have great memories of this bog; going there with my father, catching frogs, tadpoles and newts. The smooth newt, which is rare, is still found on this bog. Machines have destroyed their habitat in the past and filled in several large ponds which contained these creatures, including the three-spined sticklebacks which have now disappeared because of this.if some part of the bog is not preserved, newts will never be seen again along with the remaining frogs which are in danger already. it’s important to keep what little wildlife remains in this area of Douglas – only this spawning place remains.Am i the only person worried about the bog’s future? i think not. if anyone has information on the bog or its future, please contact me through the Douglas Post.Thank you very much and hopefully the owner or owners of this land will appreciate what’s there and help to protect what’s left. Hopefully something good will become of this.Yours sincerely,

“Save our Environment”(Name and address with Editor)

Our Sad WorldDear sir, it’s a sad world we live in today. nobody wants to be honest anymore.1) We look at our government, betraying the people every way they can, especially the poor. it’s all corrupt gangsterism daily.2) Look at the state of our Church, there is no guidance anymore. Poor people loved the Church and are now pleading for guidance.3) our hospitals are in a shambles; people suffering on trolleys daily. is there no end to it? God help us in the future.4) Look at the state of the banks today. no one can be trusted. The list gets longer, and what about the shootings and murders?May God protect us in the future – where do we turn to?Yours sincerely,Joe BrownBlackrock.

• MargaretandRebeccafundraisingforRumanianOrphanage

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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A d v E R t i S i n g

Hanleys Garden Market

OFFERS AVAIL ABLE26th March - 2nd April Inclusive

Frankfield Road, Ballycurreen, Cork. (Beside South Ring Road Flyover)

Tel: 021 431 4464

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OPENING HOURS Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pmSunday & Bank Holidays: 12pm - 6pm

10 x 6 Rustic Shed €499

4 x 75 ltr. Compost €19

100 ltr. Bark 3 for €20

All Vegetable Packs Buy 3

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Glenview Pea Gravel

3 for €20

Aquel 60 ltr. Tropical Tank


20kg Lawn Weed & Feed 2

for €49

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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F A m i L y t i E S



33 LAKE LAWN, WELL ROAD, DOUGLAS.TEL: 021 4364385 MOBILE: 086 8502330

E-MAIL: [email protected] Fax: 021 4364389I hold a Weekly Advice Clinic in Mahon Community Centre

Wednesday, 2.30pm to 3.30pm or by appointment

THE IMPORTANCE OF PLAYPlay is nature’s way of preparing the young for adult life. safe, satisfying play builds the foundation for learning. The child will not develop academically if they have not the opportunity to carry out their research i.e. PLAY. Play is the means by which children learn themselves what nobody else can teach them. it helps them discover who they are and how they fit into the scheme of society. safe satisfying play builds the foundation for learning. it is essential to a child’s mental development. it offers interest, fun and challenge. Play can help a child to learn to pay attention, to stick at a job, to be able to concentrate. it gives children a chance to learn to face problems, to think them through and to learn how to solve them. Through play children learn to give and take, to share and to get along with others.There is no doubt that a lot of play can be described as ‘mucking about’, and this is not necessarily a bad thing because only in this way can little children experiment with their environment and learn what can be done with different materials, when to share, when to assert themselves and how to express their fears and excitement. nowadays, many children may be watching TV by the hour, or they may be given glossy and expensive toys of little real educational value. Can this be a normal happy childhood environment for our children?Through imaginative play and role play and old-fashioned dressing up, children can live their dreams. There is evidence that a high fantasy involvement at a young age is linked with creativity. Although not directly related to superior intelligence, engaging in make believe gives a child greater confidence and flexibility when he/she approaches certain situations or tasks. The information a child gains by observing the world around him, carries the child into the realm of make believe and makes the child a part of that social world.Young children are like sponges, they absorb everything. in order to learn to read easily, cope with maths, and get on with others they will meet in and out of school, children need a good deal of early experience. Through play they learn the concept of classification, shapes, distance and speed. They learn how to manipulate objects through drawing, painting, clay, play dough, fine motor activities and these aid the development of neurological pathways to the brain. These are the basis for handwriting skills later on. The importance of play cannot be overstated and we must be wary of engaging children in academic asks too soon. it is time we reclaimed the right of the child to free and spontaneous play to research the world they must live in through PLAY. Your local pre-school at 25, Capwell Road, Turner’s Cross provides such opportunities for play. in this environment all the necessary areas of

development – social, physical, emotional, language, creative, cognitive - will be stimulated and supported. Little Turner’s is now enrolling children for september 2009. There are some afternoon places available at present.Come along and give your child the opportunity to explore through PLAY. Contact Helen or Mary @ [email protected], telephone: 021-4915934

• Louise O’Driscoll helps her dad with the pet lambs on his Farm, FrankO’DriscollsSheepFarm,Glanmire,CoCork,yesterday.

Pic Clare Keogh/Provision

• Groupof19differentNationalitiesworkingandresidinginStLuke’sHomeMahonpictures gerard mccarthy

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S o u t h L i n k

Deirdre Clune TD Constituency Offi ce Morris House

Douglas Village

Tel.: 021-4890000

email: [email protected] Also weekly clinics in Mahon & Togher

Community Centres

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Bonus points for Higher Level Leaving Cert Maths must be considered Deirdre Clune T.DO’Keeffe’s refusal to acknowledge maths crisis is damaging economic future Bonus points for higher level leaving cert maths must be considered in order to avoid a looming skills crisis which could damage ireland’s long-term chance of economic recovery. Leading companies like intel and groups including the American Chamber of Commerce have expressed concern about a developing skills deficit in ireland in areas such as technology, computer science, electronic engineering and related areas. Yet education Minister o’keeffe has told me that he is satisfied with the fact that ireland is ranked in 16th place out of 30 oeCD countries in the Programme for international student Assessment. And he is happy that our 2006 performance is not unlike our 2006 performance. in effect, Minister o’keeffe is welcoming under-achievement.The current situation is stark:

in 2007 only 17% of students sitting the leaving cert took higher level maths; nearly two thirds of students who sit higher level maths at the Junior Cert level drop to ordinary level for the leaving cert. Maths underpins many other disciplines such as science, technology, engineering, business & finance. A growing number of expert reports have stressed the importance of encouraging more students to study higher level maths at leaving cert level, and the need to introduce bonus points for maths. The crisis we face in the uptake of higher level maths at leaving cert level is now becoming a major economic problem. Both the expert Group on Future skills needs (eGFsn) and the national Competitiveness Council have called for new measures to encourage more students to study higher levels maths. The eGFsn in particular called for bonus points for maths, and for a mechanism to allow fifth year students studying ordinary level maths to switch to higher level in sixth year Minister o’keeffe needs to start listening to the advice and establish a maths programme which will allow ireland to compete at the highest level internationally and improve our standing in oeCD assessments. Fine Gael education spokesman Brian Hayes has already called for this measure. The Minister’s refusal to accept the critical importance of mathematics for our economic recovery or the need for a focused and long term approach to the subject is yet another example of an underachieving Government out of its depth.

Carrigaline Community NewsSET DANCE WORKSHOP FESTIVAL WEEKEND One of the notable features of the Carrigaline annual Set Dance Workshop weekend was the large numbers of people who travelled specifically for the event from all over Ireland and Britain and a number of European countries. One group of 54 came from Monaghan / Cavan. They were not disappointed and were loud in their praise of the organization, the great welcome they got, the friendliness of everybody, the hospitality and the tea breaks. Friday night’s Sean nÓs dance workshop given by Suzanne Leahy had 75 on the floor. Pádraig and Róisín McEneany took over on Saturday morning for the Set Dance workshop in the main Dance Hall with eight sets on the floor. Joe Mannix gave a second class for newcomers with two sets in the lounge. There were seven sets at the workshop on Sunday morning. The Ceilithe on Friday night with the Five Counties, Saturday with Brian Ború and Sunday with the Four Courts were very well attended and proved to be most enjoyable. The next Céilí Mór in Carrigaline will be on Saturday 11th April with music by Swallows Tail Céilí Band from Sligo.

Children of Carrigaline Educate Together Schoolpartake in 60th Cór Fhéile na ScolIt’s that time of year again! The 60th annual Cór Fhéile na Scol takes place in the City Hall from March 20th to April 2nd. The non-competitive choir festival offers an opportunity for Cork schools to showcase their musical skills.This year for the first time, the

Carrigaline Educate Together N.S. participated in this long-standing Cork schools tradition. On Wednesday, March 25th, children of all ages from the school took to the stage, performing three action songs in one of Cork City’s finest venues. With their teachers’ help, the children worked very hard in preparation for the event and were excited to sing in public. The wonderful performances by the children of all schools delighted everyone in the audience.Bhí oíche lán le craic agus ceol againn!

TIDY TOWNSThe Carrigaline Tidy Towns committee has a very comprehensive plan of action for the year ahead. The annual poster and slogan competition is with the schools at present and will be adjudicated next week and the winners will be announced at a presentation on Saturday 28th March. All clubs and associations are being invited to take part in the Tidy Towns campaign this year. Officers elected at he AGM are as follows: Chairperson Diarmuid Ó Murchú; Vice Chairperson Maura Allen; Hon Secretary Geraldine O’Hara; Treasurer Betty Brosnan; PRO Barry Cogan; Coordinators: Gardening: Betty O’Riordan; Landscaping: John Crowley; Clean Up: Michael Mc Carthy; Schools: Maura Allen.

KNOCK PILGRIMAGEThe annual Carrigaline Pilgrimage to Knock takes place this year on the Saturday and Sunday18th and 19th July. Organised by the Pioneers Sunday 19th July is the Matt Talbot and the Pioneer International Day. The bus will leave the bandroom at 9.30am on Saturday morning and return home on Sunday night. The group will overnight in Knock House Hotel the same place as the last two years €135 per person sharing all-inclusive. Enquiries phone Aislinn 087 9699 or 021 437 2035 or Mary 021 437 3316

• Setdancers,LorraineBurkeandBarryCoganpicturedatTheEastVillageBarforTheCeilíonSt.Patrick’sDay.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

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A d v E R t i S i n g

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A R t S & C u L t u R E

poetry cornerwith Ronnie McGinn

Cllr. Laura McGonigle

Mob: 086-0829371Web: ww.lauramcgonigle.ieEmail: [email protected]

“Advice Clinics each Saturday in the Ballinlough Community Centre at 12.30pm - Feel free to pop along”.

Ag obair ar do shon i Halla na Cathrach

Douglas Books Top Fivesecret scripture – sebastian Barry1. This Charming Man - Marian keys2. Reader – Bernard schlink3. Do You Want to know a secret – Claudia Carroll4. Revolutionary Road – Richard Yates5.

if some event touches us or a person or place, arouses our emotions, our impulse is to rush off and tell someone about it. Whether it’s to recount a happening or pass on notoriety or elevate a problem we feel compelled to unburden ourselves of fear and guilt, or delight in a joy by sharing it with someone. But who wants to listen? They all do if you’ve won a few million. But who cares if you’ve lost everything, if all you gave your life for is gone? Your friends will.

The ROaD TO a FRienD hOuseThe road to a friend’s house is never too long;

When you feel the need, and you wish to belong,And all your excuses have come to a halt

A true friend will listen and smile at your faults.

For friends are a treasure, not easy to find,A friend will accept you, and listen in kind,

Will share in your humour, and hold you in trust,When you come in last, they will make you feel first.

As calm as sunshine, on a fine summers day,A soul mate, in spite of whatever you say,so treat them sincere, be honest and true

Remember your friends are as human as you.

And return the favour when ever you can,And watch for the day when they’ll need a hand,When you ad it all up, you will find in the end;nothing on earth is worth more than a friend.

if you’ve lost everything and you’re drowning in doubt,A friend will walk in when the world has walked out,

Will lift up your spirits and make you feel strong....The road to a friend’s house is never too long.

Ronnie McGinn

send your poem to ‘The Poetry Corner’ / Douglas Post, Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas or you can email it direct to [email protected]. if possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it’s original. We look forward to hearing from you. RonnieMcGinn

Douglas Writers GroupThe Douglas Writers Group would like to extend our sincere sympathy to Gene Barry, his family and friends, on the loss of his mother. May she Rest in Peace.The Writers Group, next meeting will take place in Douglas Library on Friday the 3rd April at 5.30 pm. so writers get scribbling and have your poem/ short story ready for the 5th April. new Members Welcome! Meetings held on the second Friday of each month.

Douglas Library Junior Writers Group - Change of Date

The Douglas Junior Writers Group next meeting is on Fri 27th March at 5.30pm. Those wishing to attend should make sure they have their parent’s or Guardians permission and bring along a short story or poem that you have written recently. Library rules will apply.

Ballinlough Writers Group,Ballinlough Writers Group next meeting Fri17th April in The Douglas Library at 5.30 pm. Bring ten copies of a short story or poem you have written. Where possible all entries should be typed and have the authors name and date on the top. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ó Bhéal NewsThe Monday Bhéal open-mic evenings continue at The Hayloft (upstairs at The Long Valley), Winthrop street. entrance is free. Readings will last between 40-60

minutes after which there will be the usual open-mic session. Be sure to come early to get good seats. Full bar available. The night begins with the Poetry Challenge at 8.30pm. Guest poets begin from 9.00pm.

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rgh it pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and i awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

• CorkCountyCouncilExecutiveEngineersMarkO’Sullivan,DonO’SullivanandKenO’RiordanpicturedatthenewcyclistandpedestrianfacilitiesonthenewlyopenednorthernreliefroadinMidleton,co.Cork.

Pic Daragh Mac Sweeney/Provision

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A d v E R t i S i n g

what else we do...• video productions• 3D images• computer animations

021•436•6481Douglas, Cork

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websitedesign &


marketing presentations


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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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KI Dz Kor ner

This Week’s WinnerEllie Purrmann, Ballintemple



Age: Tel:

Parents signature:

Colour me in.....

Runners-UpAbi Hegarty, BallincolligTadhg O’Donoghue, CarrignavarAlice Macilwraith, Marybough EstateClaudia Fitzgerald, BallygarvanSarah O’Coughlan, Passage WestLeah Hyde, RochestownStephen Lenihan, BallintempleEvan Clarke, MonkstownAmy O’Neill, CarrigalineDarren Lenihan, Belmount CourtBarry Murphy, BlackrockBrian Doody, GrangeDhruv Garg, Belgrard DownsJack O’Keeffe, DonnybrookShauna O’Connell, CalderwoodShane Aherne, Foxwood

Mary Kate Moran, FrankfieldClaudia Webster, Passage WestReuben Skuse, Rochestown RoadAaron O’Leary, CrosshavenMegan McGinty, CarrigalineZoe Callanan, CarrigalineOrlaith Murphy, BlackrockAmber Murphy CrosshavenClara Patterson, CarrigalineSean Condon, Ballincurrig ParkRachel Compagno, GrangeLia Murphy CrosshavenRachel Linehin, RochestownIan Turnbull, ArdfallenStephen Lenihan, BallintempleEmily Macilwraith, Marybough EstateVanshika Garg, Belgrard DownsChloe Linehan, Belmount CourtNicole O’Leary, Crosshaven

Doctor, Doctor, i keep thinking i’m invisible.Who said that?

Doctor, Doctor, i keep thinking i’m a goat.And how long has this been going on?oh, ever since i was a kid.

Doctor, Doctor, i keep thinking i’m a pair curtains.Pull yourself together!

Doctor, Doctor, everyone keeps ignoring me.next, please.

Doctor, Doctor, i’ve just swallowed a clock!Don’t worry - there’s no cause for alarm.

Doctor, Doctor, i keep thinking i’m a sheep. Really? And how do you feel about that? Very baaaaaaad.

Kidz Korner Jokez

Douglas Books Top 5 Kids Books

Twilight – Stephanie Meyer1. New Moon - Stephanie Meyer2. Breaking Dawn – Stephanie Meyer3. Eclipse- Stephanie Meyer4. The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas – John Boyne5.

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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A d v E R t i S i n g

Trust Douglas Credit Union to give you even better service!

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 14: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

S o u t h L i n k

An Giota Gaeilgele Liam Ó Móráin

Cllr. John A. Collins

Tel: 021 437 1585Mob: 086 238 6692

Email: [email protected]

Saoire sa bhaile i mBliana, b’fhéidir …!De gnáth is í féile Lá ‘le Pádraig tús ‘oifigiúil’ leis an tséasúir turasóireachta mar ba ghnáth le cuairteoirí ó Mheiriceá, ón eoraip, agus ó shasana teacht chun freastal ar pharáid éagsúla. Dar liom nach bhfuil ach dream amháin turasóireachta i mbun an tír a chur faoi bhráid an phobail – lucht turasóireachta an Tuaiscirt - atá i mbun a bholscaireacht go tréan chun daoine a mhealladh ar chuairt gairid ó thuaidh. Ach cá bhfuil Fáilte na hÉireann?Cibé straitéis fógraíochta atá ag Fáilte na hÉireann níor mhiste dóibh é a athrú ó bhun go barr, dar liom. Le blianta beaga anuas rinneadar iarracht – agus iarracht an-leamh é, im’ thuairim - lucht saoire a mhealladh trí úsáid a bhaint as áilleacht na tíre agus trí rogha an-bheag d’éachta a thabhairt. Dar liom níor bhrú siad an rogha mhór lóistín atá ar fáil a dóthain.Tá idir Lóistín is Leaba (B&B), tithe aíonna (Guesthouses), sna cathracha, faoin dtuath agus sna bailte, agus tá tithe aíonna feirme (farmhouse guesthouses agus B&B’s) agus hostels ann freisin. Ba hiad seo cnámh-dhroma na turasóireachta sa tír nuair nach raibh ach ‘cúpla’ óstán timpeall – iscosúil gur féidir dearmad a dhéanamh go héasca ar rudaí áirithe!

nílim ag fáil lucht ar na hóstáin ach táim ag iarraí cothromaíocht sa bholscaireacht ionas go mbeidh a fhios ag cuairteoirí, bíodh siad ag teacht ón iasacht nó ón tír seo, go bhfuil rogha fairsing acu – teachtaireacht tábhacht turasóireachta nach bhfuil á cur chun chinn a dóthain ag Fáilte a hÉireann, dar liom.ní fheadar an bhfuil aon chúnamh airgid ar fáil don sort lóistín seo chun a gcuid fógraíochta is bolscaireacht féin a dhéanamh sna meáin sa bhaile nó sna meáin iasachta mar shampla?An bhfuil aon chúnamh airgid chun suíomh idirlinne a chruthú agus a chur ar aeir? Tá sé an-dheacair na costais seo a infheistiú mura bhfuil ioncaim agat ó chuairteoirí. sin ráite, tá deis ag Fáilte na hÉireann straitéis níos cruthaitheach agus comórtas níos géara a chur ina mbolscaireacht agus ina gcuid fógraíochta chun cabhrú leis na daoine mar lucht lóistín baile – a bhraitheann go mór ar an dturasóireacht chun a gcuid billí a íoc.

séamus Creagh imithe ar shlí na Fírinne:Am lóin ar an Domhnach seo thart, d’imigh an ceoltóir traidisiúnta clúiteach, séamas Creagh, ar shlí na f írinne, tar éis tinneas. Luamar é agus a dhlúth-dhiosca nua anseo an tseachtain seo thart. Agus cé go raibh a fhios againn go raibh sé breoite, ní raibh a fhios againn go raibh sé i mbéal a bháis.is minic gur fhreastal mé ar a sheisiúin ceoil ar an gCarraig Dhubh oíche Déardaoin agus is minic gur bhaineamar lán sástacht as a cheoil binn ar an bhfidil.Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

• Children from Ballyphehane, Gaelscoil, Co. Cork on Agri Aware’sMobileFarm

• ChildrenfromSt.VincentNS,MarysRoad,Co.CorkonAgriAware’sMobileFarm

Oíche ChaidrimhBeidh oíche Chaidrimh ar siúl ins an Óstán Clarion i gCorcaigh, Dé Luain seo chugainn 30ú Márta @ 8.00 i.n. Pléifear na féidireachtaí atá ann chun lucht na Gaeilge a bhailiú le chéile i láthair shóisialta, thaitneamhach. Bhí an chéad oíche Chaidrimh ar siúl le linn seachtain na Gaeilge, agus d’éirigh go hiontach leis an ócáid. Chuir seán Óg Ó hAilpín tús leis an oíche, agus bhí caint agus comhrá agus árd-oíche ag gach éinne. Beidh fáilte roimh gach éinne chuig an oíche Chaidrimh – bíodh cúpla focal agat nó líofacht teangan. Buail isteach agus bí linn. Gach eolas o eilís Uí Bhriain 087 1235203 nó Gael-Taca, Corcaigh: 021 4310841.

• LockdownModelsformerMissCorkSarahO’ConnellandMissCorkEtaoinNíhAilpínatthePaviliontolaunchthefirsteverCorkFashionWeekApril17th-23rdwiththeopeningevent,CFWDesigneroftheYearatthevenue.

Pic: Miki Barlok

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 15: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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Councillor Chris


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17 Loughmahon Road, Mahon, Cork • www.chrisoleary.ie

Phone: 021 4357570 / 087 2794307 • [email protected]

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Blackrock Community Association NewsThe Blackrock Community Association hosted a St Patricks Festival Tea Party on Thursday 19th of March in the community centre Convent Avenue. The tea party was very well attended by local residents, who spent the afternoon dancing and singing. The music was provided by Mr Eddie Beale & Mr Dan Cowig. The community association are very grateful to them for coming along and helping to make this event such a success. All those who attended enjoyed refreshments of tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes, provided by the ladies committee who worked very hard over the past few weeks to organise this event under the chairperson Sadie O’ Brien & Hon Sec. Anna Coakley.

Deputy Deidre Clune, Councillor Terry Shannon & Councillor Laura Mc Gonigle were also in attendance.

The community association would like to thank Cllr Terry Shannon for all his ongoing help and sponsorship of the St Patricks Festival Tea Party. We hope to organise similar events and will inform you as they occur. The next event is our AGM which will be held on the last Wednesday in April here in the community centre Convent Avenue Blackrock

• MembersoftheBlackrockCommunityAssociationpicturedattheirTeaDance last FridaywithCllr.Terry Shannonwho sponsored the event.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

Douglas Community Notice BoardIs there a community event or fundraiser happening in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted publish it for you.

Douglas Lawn Tennis ClubNext Saturday sees the start of the Senior calendar at the tennis club with the Civil Service Cup. This is the oldest competition in Munster, originating in 1927, when three civil servants founded a tennis club situated in the centre of Douglas village on ground behind O’Mahoneys Garage. It was known as The Civil Service Tennis Club and continued to use that name until the late 1950’s when it changed to its current title of Douglas Lawn Tennis Club.The club has prospered over the years and moved to its current location at Douglas Hall Lawn in 1982.This will the first tournament played on our new court surfaces and under our new state of the art lighting, part grant aided by the Sports Council.Saturday will see teams from clubs all over Munster gathering to contest this prestigious trophy. Play will commence at 10.30am, and should anyone be in the vicinity, please drop in to view some exciting tennis.

Douglas Community Association AGMDouglas Community Association AGM will take place at the Community Hall on Monday, 27th April, at 8 pm. All are welcome.

Douglas GAA Club“You’re only a stranger once”Thurs Bar - Texas Hold ‘em pokerFri Bar - Amadáns and BodhránsSat Hall - Dancing Mon. Hall – Young at Heart Exercise Class – 10.30 to 12.30Matches ‘Live’ on Big ScreensDouglas Hail Underage Pitch Development Fund Raising Effort.

Douglas Hall Underage section are running a fundraising night to be held on night of 27th March. The club have taken out a significant loan in order to facilitate the development of the new all weather pitch along with training and parking areas in existing grounds at Moneygourney. The night will comprise of a social evening incorporating an auction to be held for some memorable prizes. The prizes up for auction on the night will include Signed Ronaldo Jersey Signed Torres Jersey Signed Lampard Jersey Signed Fabregas Jersey Signed Munster Jersey ( x 3 players) 4 x Man Utd tks (To game next season) + 400 Euro spending 2 x VIP Aston Villa tickets (To game next season) + 200 Euro spending

Blackrock Castle Observatory welcomesthe Vatican Astronomer Br Guy ConsolmagnoOn Sunday March 29th and Monday March 30th at 2.30pm Br Guy Consolmagno, the Vatican Astronomer, will speak at Cork’s Blackrock Castle Observatory as part of the award winning Observatory’s dynamic programme for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. The title of the talk is The Vatican and Astronomy since Galileo.

S o u t h L i n k

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 18: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

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• IanMcKeown,DebbieTreharneandOwenMcCauliffepicturedatTheEastVillageonSt.Patrick’sDay.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

• HarpistRachelHowardpicturedatTheCeilí intheEastVillageBaronSt.Patrick’sDay.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

• EmmaO’SullivanandlittleRyanDesmondpicturedatTheCeilíinTheEastVillageBaronSt.Patrick’sDay.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

Ballinlough Community NewsWith Mary Cremin

Ballinlough Writers Group,Ballinlough Writers Group next meeting on Fri 17th April in The Douglas Library at 5.30 pm. Bring ten copies of a short story or poem you have written. Where possible all entries should be typed and have the authors name and date on the top. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ballinlough Gramophone Circle This year was the 10th Anniversary of the the Ballinlough Gramophone Circle,

It was celebrated in February which was a great success, and many new members came on the night.Now as we launch into our 11th year our next night ison March 26th in the Pastoral Centre (next to the Church)Our presenter on the night is Joe McGrathDo come along, and enjoy a good night

The Parish SocialA Parish Social was held injunction with Ballinlough Community Association & Ballinlough Pastoral Group at the Balinlough Community Centre last Saturday night which was a very successful night and enjoyed by everyone, the music was by the Owenabue Traditional Valley Traditional Group, they made sure that everyone were on the floor all night. Teas & Sandwiches were served, the Craic and Fun was mighty.

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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A d v E R t i S i n g

Exciting Line Up for Down Syndrome Ireland Fashion Show Miss Cork 2008 & Meteor Award Winner RedFM’s KC confirmed!Midleton, Monday March 24th 2009: Down syndrome ireland (Cork branch) has confirmed details today of a star studded line-up for it’s forthcoming fundraising fashion show at Midleton Park Hotel, on Thursday, april 2nd. The event, a ‘must’ for all fashionistas, will be compered by well known singer, entertainer and former 96FM Personality, Rose o’neill.

Miss Cork 2008 Jean kenny will head up a full professional modelling crew, while music will be supplied by Red FM’s kC, winner of a 2008 Meteor Award, and 2009 Meteor Award nominee. organisers have also arranged a number of ‘special guests’, but are intent on keeping some surprises up their sleeves and are not revealing any further details for now!

This fund raising event will raise much needed funds for speech Language Therapists to work with the wonderful Children of Down syndrome ireland (Cork Branch). Down syndrome ireland (Cork Branch) is currently concentrating on speech Therapy as its central project for 2009, and recently appointed a full time professional speech and Language Therapist. This will enable Dsi (Cork Branch) to provide regular speech and language therapy, for children who previously may only have been able to avail of two or three sessions a year. ninety children a week can now be seen, at nine centres across Cork City and County, although the service must be funded without Government assistance. The aim for the future is to appoint a second therapist to further enhance the service.speaking on the forthcoming fashion show Carolyn o’Regan, secretary of Dsi (Cork Branch), said “i would like to thank Martina Prendergast for organising this fashion show to raise money for our speech therapy project. As the nine year old daughter with Down syndrome i am acutely aware of both the necessity and the terrible shortage of speech therapy services for our children. Communication is an essential life skill , and everyday that our children are denied the best possible speech therapy available, is a day too many.”Commenting on the support given to the fashion show Martina Prendergast, event manager, stated “We must remember that none of this would have been possible

without sponsorship, and much generosity. We are deeply indebted to Debenhams, Jack & Jones, Gasoline, and Bershka of Mahon Point shopping Centre, as well as Dakota, The Arcade, Jeanius, kayz kidz & Funky kidz of Midleton, who will all display clothes from their spring and summer collections 2009.”

Tickets for this event can be purchased on the night from Martina Prendergast, event Manager, on 087 9506 291. Martina is a student of event Management and Production at Cork

College of Commerce.

• JeanKennyMissCork2008withDylanO’Brien,CarrigalineKatieSheehan,CorkandGraceO’Callaghan,Mallowinaidofa


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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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Wedd i n g L i nk


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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 21: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

Wedd i n g L i nk







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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 22: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

E n t E R t A i n m E n t

RiGHT RoUnD-FLo RiDA 1. PokeR FACe-LADY GAGA2. Do YoU BeLieVe-JULie-Anne 3. Dineen MY LiFe WoULD sUCk 4. WiTHoUT YoU-keLLY CLARksonLoVe sToRY-TAYLoR sWiFT5. JUsT CAn’T GeT enoUGH-6. sATURDAYsDeAD AnD Gone-T.i. FeAT. 7. JUsTin TiMBeRLAke HALo-BeYonCÉ 8. JUsT DAnCe-LADY GAGA 9. THe GReAT DeFeCToR-BeLL 10. X1

Singles Chart

Taken1. Ghost Town2. Get smart3. saw 54. Thick as Thieves5. The Art of War6. Pride and Glory7. Righteous kill8. igor9. Hunger10.

Chartbuster DVD TOp 10

Hi Guys,Great to see so many people at Niki’s dance studio on Friday (even though it clashed with the GAA disco!) We’re going full steam ahead with preparations for the ‘DYA Idol’ talent show/fundraiser which will be held in the GAA club on Friday 3rd April. We have a good number of acts so far but could do with more in the art, drama and music categories, so get your thinking caps on guys!! Anyone who wants to perform on the night must come to our next club meeting on Friday (5-7pm Niki’s dance studio, Donnybrook) and bring whatever music/backing track etc they want to use so we can get a rough idea of what ye are doing and put together the running order.Don’t forget, we are still looking for raffle prizes for the night also.The film making workshop in association with SECAD has been confirmed for the last two Sundays in April 11am-5pm both days, unfortunately they can only accommodate a maximum of 12 members, so anyone interested, double check you are available for both days and let us know on Friday.A group of our members linked up with the Douglas Tidy Towns group last Saturday and helped to clear up the woods and from all reports it was both an enjoyable and eye-opening experience for them, it’s great to see teenagers doing something positive and constructive for their community, well done lads.Good news on the funding front, I received a call from Councillor Terry Shanahan during the week who indicated that the senior DYA club would be receiving a grant from the VEC in the near future to help towards the costs of various programmes/ workshops we plan to run for our members over the coming months. We are waiting to hear whether the junior club will be allocated any monies.Things are looking up guys, fingers crossed we should have some positive news on our new premises soon as well.See ya at the next meeting on Friday.Sonya

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GIG GUIDEThursday 26 March 2009Leech Woman + Drugzilla + Hatewire 8pm, An Crúiscín LánBoutique Burlesque club night 8.30pm, Crane LaneTHe sARAH HoRGAn BAnD + GUesTs. 9pm. Free. RoUnDY RooM sessions, CAsTLe sTReeT, CoRk.Bootleg: ilya k + Deaf Animal orchestra + Percolator 9.30pm, PavilionThe Boogie Band 10pm, ClancysFriday 27 March 2009kyon + Alkali Flat + Plinth 9pm, An

Crúiscín LánMick Flannery 9pm, The Lodge, MallowAzzurro 10pm, ClancysPalko + support 10pm, QuadDonal Dineen 10.30pm, Liquid Loungesaturday 28 March 2009Duke special 3pm, Cyprus Ave.Chris smither 8pm, PavilionDuke special 9pm, Cyprus Ave.soul station 10pm, Clancyssunday 29 March 2009Blastbeat Munster Finals 2pm, Pavilionkaterine & sinead + Mookie + kingsear 9pm, The slatesharon shannon Acoustic Band 9pm, DeBarras, Clon.

Tickets go on sale today for kanye West at the Marquee after he was confirmed earlier in the week. As this goes to print i’m still awaiting confirmation of Lady GaGa live at the Marquee. West will return to play Live at the Marquee after 2 sold out shows at the Marquee back in 2006. Tickets will be €69.50 standing & seated will go on sale from all ticketmaster outlets nationwide.Last week i went along to the Pavillion to check out Wiggle’s album launch. Wiggle are a Cork based four piece dub groove band that began in late 1999. They began by experimenting with sequencers and live instruments crossing psychedelic folk with electro dub and thus the Wiggle sound was born. As they grew so did their sound and their array of mystical instruments and wiggly effects. Wiggle became the sound of the Cork underground with a diverse audience spanning from dub heads to happy hippies to techno nuts. Their new 13 track self produced debut album “Brighten the World” is due for release on March 16th 2009. Toby, Colm and John John all shared a house on sundays well in Cork with Lilly the cat and Jim (aka VJ Present). They had a music room there where they used to jam. Toby got himself a Roland 505, Colm played guitar and John John played Double bass at the time. Wiggle began in the music room but quickly became a live entity. The live element is integral to Wiggle. early Wiggle gigs were jam sessions involving Toby, Colm and John John with various friends/guests (singing/ drumming/ flute/ keys) turning up and joining in. Dub music is a huge influence on all of them, and they owe a huge debt to Dub music technically. The likes of king Tubby, Lee Perry, and Augustus Pablo and their studio antics certainly resonate with and inspire them. Unlike many live Dub soundsystems, where they play back pre-recorded material and add effects, vocals and eQ live, Wiggle’s sound is created and manipulated completely live. everything you hear is created live by someone doing something to an instrument on the stage. Dub is not their sole influence however, they listen to and are influenced by lots of other music; Roots reggae, Jungle, Breakcore, Dubstep, Hiphop, Metal, Punk, Country, Tango, klezmer… pretty much everything.

in the loopwith Peter Bowles D.J.

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 23: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

3 Keys to Great Health!i like to make things as simple as possible. Maintaining health is no exception, although the varying and often contradictory messages out there can turn it into an overwhelming challenge. Here are a few key points to simplify things.First of all, there is nothing more important to your health than a good nerve supply. You can live up to 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air, but mere seconds without a nerve supply. Your nervous system controls ALL the functions of all the organs in your body. Few in the health professions would argue the nervous system’s utmost importance to good health, and yet when was the last time you heard anyone talk about it? even the tiniest amount of pressure or irritation to this system can lead to serious health breakdowns. Picture if your windpipe was choked off by 30%. This would surely lead to health problems quite quickly. The nerve pressure i’m talking about is similar, but it usually happens at a much more subtle level over time. it’s simple. if your spine is out of alignment, there is likely to be nerve pressure present.

if you have any discomfort, then there is definitely irritation at some level and something should be done to determine the cause.secondly, in order for your body to repair and heal, it requires good fuel. Clean air, clean water, and clean, whole foods. Research shows that the cells in your body are in a constant state of change and repair, continuously replacing themselves. This replacement is governed by your nervous system. The question is not: WiLL my body replace itself? it’s HoW will it replace itself? High-nutrient foods with high antioxidant power are important for building a renewed and strong body. Finally, never forget the importance of the phrase “use it or lose it”! Movement is crucial for optimal health. Joints require movement to heal and to have an adequate blood supply. A body that is seldom exposed to physical activity stagnates. Joints seize, blood pools, tissues weaken, and bones decay. When your organs receive a full nerve supply, are fed nutritious, clean fuel, and are bathed in a full blood supply because of a regular activity, your health will improve. if you have any questions about how you can improve the quality of your health, or would like further information regarding any of the above, we are always here to help.

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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S o u t h L i n k

Cllr. TimLombardWorking for You

Tel: 021 488 7180Mobile: 086 832 9119Email: [email protected]

“Always available not just at election time”

Cllr. DonalCounihanCommitted to Our Community

17 Silverdale Avenue, Ballinlough, Cork. Tel: 021 429 5245 Mob: 086 33 99 479 Email: [email protected]

Lombard Welcomes Footpaths to ArdfieldCllr. Tim LombardAt the last Carrigaline Area Roads Committee, i had a notice of Motion down calling on the Council to install footpaths to Ardfield in Grange. The lack of footpaths going up to Ardfield has been an ongoing problem since Cork County Council granted planning for this estate. it was in many ways bad planning to allow development without pedestrian access to the services in Grange. i was happy that the local engineer has looked sympathetically on the cause and has allotted €60,000 for footpaths up to Ardfield. i am delighted that at long last this dangerous road will have footpaths which will improve the safety of all the residents who want to access Grange on foot.

South Link – Community News The Year of the Constant Readerwww.constantreader.ieRemember our Readers’ Choice ‘We ask readers to nominate their 10 favourite Irish novels of the past 10 years’ which continues this month.. Access to all events is free and tickets for the author readings are available in all libraries.Brochures for the Constant Reader, with all listed events, are available through our libraries or numerous outlets around the city. Check out our web site www.constantreader.ie

Gramophone RecitalsRory Gallagher Music LibraryJoan Kennelly will present a gramophone recital, ‘Where there is Music: You’ll Never Walk Alone’ in the Central Library, Grand Parade on Friday 27 March at 11.00 a.m. The programme will include a selection of songs, opera, instrumental and orchestral pieces. Admission free. Enquiries 4924919 or e-mail [email protected]

Bishopstown LibraryWilton Gramophone Circle will meet on Thursday 26th at 3.00pm for an hour of light classical music and opera presented by Paddy McCarthy. All welcome. Telephone: Main Desk: 021- 4924950 & 49249514953 E-mail: [email protected]

CORK LIFELONG LEARNING FESTIVAL Mar 30 –April 5 INVESTGATE, CELEBRATE PARTICIPATEAvail of free learning opportunities, try out new skills or watch a demonstration. Events are free and library membership is not needed, to visit a library or attend an event in, Bishopstown, Central Library, Douglas, Mayfield, St Mary’s Road, Tory Top Road libraries.Wednesday 1 AprilCork Musical City. Dr Susan O’Regan will present an illustrated lecture on Cork in the 18th and 19th centuries dealing with the musical and social history of the city. The lecture is part of the CIT Access programme. Enquiries to Evelyn Grant at 4807356.Thursday 2 AprilChildrens Library, Grand Parade 11.00a.m.Remembering the past: Retired

Peoples Network talk to young students about life in Ireland in the 1940sBishopstown Library 11.30a.m.-1.00p.m. T. 4924950Charcoal with Cre: Learn how to draw with charcoal Booking required St Mary’s Road Library 11.00a.m.Story Sacks: Tutors from Write Together show parents the use of story sacks in encouraging children to readFriday 3 AprilMusic Library, Grand Parade 11.00a.m.-12.noonBodhran for beginners(Adults) Bring your bodhran and join the acclaimed player and tutor Colm Murphy for a class. Booking requiredBishopstown Library 11.00a.mMums’ Tales: A chance for Mums and Dads to take the stage and read to tiny tots. Open to allSaturday 4 AprilBishopstown Library 11.00a.m. You are never too old! Enjoy an open session and presentation of set pieces by Bishopstown Toastmasters clubMusic Library, Grand Parade 11.00a.m.Songs for small people: Launch of Colaiste Stiofain Naofa’s new CD for children by The Lord Mayor Cllr. Brian Bermingham. Further information at www.csn.ieBishopstown Library 2.00-4.30p.m.Ask the Expert! Question our expert about email, using your PC, Skype or downloading images from your digital cameraCentral Library, Grand Parade 3.00p.m.The end of Othello: 30 minute sketch performed by 6th.year students of Deerpark CBS

St Mary’s Road LibraryIceMania Igloo workshopsSchool children are working with artists from Cork Community Art Link to turn milk bottles into the building blocks for an igloo and sellotape in to penguins! The Igloo will be on display outside St Mary’s Road Library during the Life Long Learning Festival, 30th March – 4th April. Call in and take part in the fun.

Bishopstown ToastmastersBishoptstown Toastmaster’s is Cork’s only Toastmaster Club to meet weekly and on Saturday morning at 11.00am - 12.30pm at Bishopstown Library. For information about Bishopstown Toastmasters contact John Keating on 085 7202 808 or check out our web site bishopstowntoastmasters.org

• LocalElectionFiannaFailcandidatefortheSouthEastward(CorkCity)DeirdreFoley,picturedwithJimHurleyfromBeaumaontandMaryMcLoughlinfromDonnybrookatAtlanticPondlastweek.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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S o u t h L i n k

Cllr. Seamus McGrath serving the community...

If I can be of any assistance on local issues please do not hesitate call me.

Tel: 021 437 6699Mobile: 086 391 6328Email: [email protected]

Would like to wish everyonePeace & Happiness for Christmas& the new Year

PEoPLE MoVErs2005 Kia Sedona 7seat 2.5 Petrol €8,9502005 Kia Carens Diesel 6 Seats .€12,9002003 Nissan Tino ..........................€6,9002001 Fiat Multipla 6 seats ............€4,4504X4 PAssENGEr2008 Kia Sorento GLS (Top Spec) €27,9002006 Kia Sorento (Top Spec) .....€24,9002006 Landrover Freelander .......€17,9002004 Isuzu Trooper .....................€18,9502003 Kia Sorento .......................€12,9002002 BMX X5 Sport ....................€22,9002002 Suzuki Vitra NCT Tested ........€5,9002001 Rav 4 3Dr EX .......................€8,900CArs2007 Seat Cordoba Dsl ...............€9,9502007 Peugeot 207 Diesel ...........€9,9002007 Kia Picanto 1.0 Auto ...........€9,4502007 Kia Ceed 6 years Warranty €12,9002007 Kia Cerato Diesel 1.6 ........€14,4502005 Kia Rio NCT 2011 A/C .........€6,4502005 Focus Estate 1.4 A/C ..........€9,9002005 Peugeot 307SW 7Seats Dsl .€9,4502005 Kia Picanto 1.0 Litre ............€5,8002005 Opel Astra Diesel ................€9,9002004 Peugeot 206 1.1 .................€5,9502004 Audi A4 1.9TDI 130BHP ......€14,9002004 Opel Corsa 1.0 litre .............€5,9002003 Toyota Avensis ....................€8,900

2002 Ford Focus Hatch Tax&NCT €5,4502002 VW Passat 130BHP Dsl .........€6,9002002 Kia Rio Sport Tax & NCT .......€3,4502002 Micra P/S 7 Sunroof 1.0ltr ....€3,9002002 Skoda Fabia Estate .............€4,9501998 Subaru Impreza STI LE .........€7,9001999 Saab 93 (NCT).....................€1,9001997 Lexus LS 400 ........................€5,250CoMMErCIAL 4X4’s (ALL PLus VAT)2008 Kia Sorento GLS ................€17,0002006 Landcruiser SWB ................€17,9002006 Citroen Berlingo DOE ..........€5,9002006 Landrover Defender 6seat €21,9002005 Kia Sorento .......................€12,3002003 Landcruiser Comm Auto ..€10,9502002 L200 Crew Cab ..................€7,450CHEAP To CLEAr (TrADE ENQuIrEs oNLY)2003 Kia Sedona Crewcab .........€4,9502003 Renault Laguna Diesel........€2,9502002 Polo 1.0 P/S NCT ..................€3,4501999 Mercedes E240 Auto ..........€1,9001999 Peugeot 206 1.1 .................€1,4001997 Subaru Impreza Turbo ........€3,9001996 Nissan Almera ........................€5001996 Mitsubishi Lancer 2yr NCT ......€9501996 Toyota Corolla .....................€14001993 Polo ........................................€400

Special Area Plan for Cork AirportCllr. Seamus McGrath Cork County Council have started the process of preparing a special Local Area Plan ( sLAP ) for the land in the vicinity of Cork airport. The Council commissioned an aviation expert to prepare a report on the future needs of Cork airport. Arising from this report, the sLAP will be prepared with the intention of facilitating future growth of the airport, in particular, the expansion of the runway. An initial round of public consultation was held and the Council’s Forward Planning unit are now in the process of preparing a draft plan. A further round of public consultation will

be held when the draft plan goes on public display.

Cooney’s Lane in need of safety improvements Cork County Council have applied to the nRA for funding under the ‘Accident improvement scheme’ to upgrade part of Cooney’s Lane. Many residents in this area have been requesting the Council to undertake improvements for some time now. if the Council’s application is successful, the Council engineer has indicated to me that the dangerous bend in the road between Ashford Court and Ardfield is likely to be improved from a safety perspective. Clearly, a footpath is urgently required near this bend and i have been actively raising this issue with the Council.

• AFOTitleChampionGary‘Spike’O’Sullivan,whoistippedtobecomeoneofCork’sbiggestsportsstarspicturedunderthegazeofoneofCork’smostfamousstars,ChristyRing-onhisarrivalhomeatCorkairportfromhistitlewinningfightinBostononSt.Patrick’sweekend.(Pic:GeorgeThompson)

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CONTACTYvonne Manning


Residential & CommercialProperty Lettings In All AreasPropery Wanted In All Areas

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now the buds are starting to appear we’ll try to give you a few ideas on what might need doing in your garden this week. not everything in this article may apply to you or to your garden - but there might be something, if not this week maybe next week.Flower Garden support peonies, deiphiniums and other precocious perennials before they become very large. Plant gladioli and other summer-flowering bulbs. Plant evergreen shrubs and conifers, and shield from wind in exposed gardens. sow hardy annuals direct where there are spaces in borders. Plant out spring-sown sweet peas after hardening off. Deadhead spring bulbs if seeds are not needed, but do not remove flower stems. Where wind has damaged the growing tip of young trees, tie in a flexible upper branch to a tall cane as replacement.Kitchen Garden Cover a row of strawberries with cloches or fleece to advance crops by a fortnight. Dig a trench for traditional celery, and work in plenty of manure arid compost.Lawns & hedges sow new lawns on well-prepared sites. Trim young conifer hedges to height and shorten any long side branches. Plant box, laurel and other evergreen hedges.Greenhouse Prick out celery and celeriac sown last month. shade young plants and seedlings with newspaper in bright sunshine. sow cucumbers and melons for growing in unheated greenhouse and cold frames. Plant tomatoes in unheated greenhouse. Train tomatoes on canes or strings in heated greenhouses, and remove sideshoots regularlyWater Garden start feeding fish if they are actively searching at the surface. in General Watch out for early invasions of aphids and other precocious pests. Check over-wintered tender plants are growing well, ready for re-introduction to the pond in a few weeks. Bring bags of compost into the greenhouse to warm up before use.

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

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h o m E & g A R d E n

GATES Made To Measure

Teak or Wrought Iron

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you can call George Earle Mobile: 087 332 8019

Tel: 021 4383762Email: [email protected]

Solar PanelsWith Eamonn Twohig. BER Assessor.i will look at solar panels for the next week or two as they form an important part of the push towards green sustainable energy.While we are not renowned for being a sun location, ireland gets enough sunshine to heat domestic hot water and small space areas, which is the maximum that can be achieved with current mainstream thermal technology. Cloud density levels are higher in ireland than in mainland europe but it does not need to be a sunny day to extract energy from the rays of the sun. sunrays penetrate cloud and still provide energy to the solar panels.solar panels can provide around 60% of the annual hot water requirements for homes and buildings. in fact, one square metre receives the equivalent of more than 100 litres of oil in free solar energy per year. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to install a square metre of panel for each member of household.The two most common solar panels (collectors) in use are:

Flat-plate collectors• evacuated tube collectors•

The flat plate panel is the more popular of the two as it tends to be slightly cheaper, more robust and also blends into a roof easier than the evacuated tube panel. However, the evacuated tube is more efficient producing higher temperatures, particularly in reduced sunlight.

eamonn Twohig. BeR assessor. 087-2347383. email:[email protected]

Building Energy Rating

Factory Hill,Glanmire,Co. Cork.Tel: 021-4354949Fax: 021-4354949Email: [email protected] w w . d u n s l a n d . c o m

Spring is in the Garden &

Dunsland Garden Centre are celebrating with fantastic PRE SEASON SPECIAL OFFERS

Offers only available in March, on a fi rst come fi rst served basis to make way for fantastic range of new stock


on anything that is not on Special Offer

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Thursday, 26th March 2009

Page 28: The Douglas Post | 26.03.09 | #513

Cllr. Deirdre Forde

Getting things done

Tel: 087 9161952Email: [email protected]

Web: www.deirdreforde.ie

d A t A S

young @ heartby Phil Goodman

Well done to the ten contestants who took part in the over 60’s, but of course there can be only one winner. Representing Douglas on the 19th of May in the City Hall is Luke Philpott (what a performer), and not forgetting the other nine contestants who sang their hearts out. You are all a great credit to your community here in Douglas. But of course it would not be possible without the generous sponsorship from Douglas credit union that donated the magnificent top prises for our ten contestants and presented on the night by Tony and kathleen Crone. Great to see all sections of our community enjoying a wonderful night. special thanks to Dundanion ladies choir who performed so beautifully for us. As a choir they are always willing to perform at any event (take a bow ladies). Thanks also to Dan Cowlig, Dan o’ Leary and of course edmund Morrison who brought the trophy to Douglas in 2006 for us.next up is our senior quiz, and if anybody is interested please contact me. We have ten teams of two seniors and two students from the community school on each team, where the singing brought our members together, this quiz will drive them apart (joke). They are so competitive, a few are in the library studying, others are getting grinds. Ann in Douglas Books said the quiz books are selling fast. everyone wants to be on the winning team. And become first champions of senior and Junior quiz in Douglas.Following that we have the Annual Cork seniors Waltz Competition which has been a great success the past few years teaming up once again with Rhona of Viva Dance studio, and the best news is Douglas Court ,Blackpool , and of course Douglas Village shopping Centre are once again sponsoring this event. You will be dancing for the shipton Perpetual Trophy, as well as other trophies and medals. The first semi-Final takes place on 15th May. The Final is on the 22nd May. Both events are being held in Douglas GAA hall .We are also having a easter Bonnet social in st Columbus Hall on Tuesday 7th April . Great prizes to be won: 1st 50 euro voucher, 2nd 25 and third, also 25 euro, plenty to keep you busy .it is a joy to watch our members knitting for the special Baby unit in CUH. We have a wonderful selection to deliver once again our community, knitting together, reaching out and helping others,Whether it is taking part in the dance competition, singing knitting exercise class, computers, our monthly socials, outings, etc, it is about getting involved and having something to look forward each week within your own community.our next outing is a visit will be to Port of Cork; i believe the board room is well worth a visit, it has not changed since the 1800 hundreds also on that day we will take a boat trip down cork harbour more details next week.The computer classes are very popular ,at present with classes in Douglas community school ,library ,and the gaa hall ,there are 40 people learning each week here in Douglas , right up to the end of may ,we also need 8people for one morning only through lifelong learning in the library ,give me a call on 4363867 All the computer classes are free of charge, sponsored by intel and An Post and also by VeC great opportunity for our seniors, before long they will be e-mailing each other.Cherish your yesterdays dream your tomorrow Be young at heart, and live your today’s.our sincere sympathy, to the Family and friends, of sheila Grant. A lovely lady, and a good friend to the community. May she rest in peace.Thought for today “The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.” -Corrie Ten Boomup coming events .every Monday - Tai-Chi class 10:30-11. Douglas GAAevery Tuesday - knitting Club, Talk on CPR 2 – 4 Douglas GAAWednesday - Computer Classes – Douglas Community school Wednesday - Bingo Lion House – 2-4 Wednesday 1st April - Lifelong learning quiz in the community school.Tuesday 7th April easter Bonnet Competition – st Columbas Hall Wednesday April 15th Long on and Learn Computers in Douglas Community school

“Cherish your yesterdays, Dream your tomorrows.But be Young at Heart, And live your to-days”

• LukePhilpottwinneroftheDouglasOver60’sFinalatDouglasGAAClublastweekpicturedreceivinghisprize fromTonyCrone,DouglasCreditUnion(sponsors)withCllr.DeirdreForde,DeputyCountyMayorandPhilGoodman,DouglasYoungatHeartGroup(organiser).Pic:GeorgeThompson

Rochestown RoadCllr. Deirdre Fordei have once again asked the Council to place the resurfacing of the Rochestown Road at the very top of their priorities for urgent action. in view of the deteriorating condition, i have urged them to carry out immediate resurfacing of the particularly bad sections as no remedial work has been carried out apart from filling ‘potholes’. i am aware of the constrained budget of the Area office, but there are more minor roads throughout the constituency which have a better standard despite the importance of the R610 from a traffic access and volume point of view. The County Manager has come back to say he is examining the matter and i will update you when i have a response.

Foxwood, Rochestowni have recently spoken to residents in Foxwood who are worried about the lack of traffic calming at st Patrick’s school. i have written to

the Council requesting that traffic calming measures are put in place in the area along with “Children crossing” signs near the entrance of the school. i will update you when i have a response.

Disabled/Elderly Persons GrantWhen the 2009 allocation for the Disabled/elderly Persons grant is notified, a proposal to prioritise existing and new applications will be presented to Council.Local authorities have taken over the responsibility of the scheme from the Hse without any additional staff. Councillors said that the Hse have shirked their responsibilities and that no funds are being channelled into local authorities for taking the job and proposed that the scheme would be opened up to let people apply.This scheme differs from the local authority housing list as this is the only housing option for the elderly. Deserving cases exist and the Council needs to do its best for them.

Fine Geal Cumman would welcome new members in Rochestown, Grange, Frankfield - if you are interested, please contact me.

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S p o R t

College Corinthians AFCunder 16 national CupKingdom Boys 0 Corinthian Boys 2Corinthians moved through to the last eight of the national Cup and a home quarter final against Arklow Town following this excellent away victory over kingdom Boys. Corinthians had travelled to Tralee quietly confident but they knew they faced a stern test against a club whose Under 15 side the previous week had knocked Home Farm out of the Under 15 national Cup. However on the day Corinthian’s were excellent and fully deserved their Victory.Playing against a strong wind in the first half Corinthians started tentatively but with David o’ Donovan and James Furlomg commanding at the back and David Hanrahan handling superbly in goal, they looked very solid and kingdom Boys struggled to create chances. As the half wore on Corinthians with David o’ Leary and kyle o’ shea getting a grip in central midfield and Jordan Philpott and Dara o’ sullivan looking very lively up front started to create opportunities and could have broken the deadlock before the break. However on the resumption Corinthians took complete control and it came as no surprise when Jordan Philpott opened the scoring with a fine finish. Ten minutes later it was two as Jordan Philpott took advantage of some hesitancy in the home defence to score again. There was no way back for kingdom Boys after this with Corinthians entire squad making a contribution and ensuring their safe passage to the quarter final. Well done to the management team of Len Hackett and kieran o’ Donovan and to their entire squad on a great effort. The Corinthians panel on the day was David Hanrahan, Luke Connolly, Daniel Cronin, kyle o’ shea, James Furlong, David o’ Donovan, Cian Mc Whinney, Ryan Levis, David o’ Leary, Jordan Philpott, Daniel James, Dara o’ sullivan, Cannice Caffrey, shane Robinson, Alan Cronin, kevin o’ Connor, Michael o’ Riordannational Cup Fixtures.Troy Cup Under 13 Quarter Final Corinthian Boys V st Joseph BousThe spotlight mow will turn to our Under 13’s who will have

home advantage next saturday afternoon (2pm kickoff) when they take on Dublin side st Joseph Boys in the Quarter Final of the Under 13 national Cup. it should be a terrific contest with so many top class players on duty. Coaches Len Hackett, Jim o’ Mahony and stephen Murphy will know that Corinthians will have to be at their very best if they hope to overcome the formidable challenge which st Josephs will provide. The Corinthians squad iskyle Falvey, Alex Hurley, sean Walsh, Aaron Baldwin, eoin o’ Connell, Richard sweetnam, stephen Cronin, Victor Braja, sean o’ Mahony, Ricard Cahalane, shane Mc Cauliffe, Cian Murphy, Andrew Dorgan, Ryan o’ Brien, Daragh kiely, Charlie White.Hopefully everyone in the Club will turnout to support the lads on the day, they certainly deserve your support.street Leagues summer 2009Registration for this years summer street Leagues will take place next saturday and sunday mornings from 10.30 am to 12.30pm. Anyone interested in playing in the leagues can register at this time or can come along at the normal training times to register. The leagues are always the highlight of the schoolboy season in Corinthians providing fantastic entertainment and culminating in a finals day in early June. Full details on the leagues can be found on the Club’s website www.collegeCorinthians.comunderage Training timesTraining for our Under 6 to Under 10 age group takes place every saturday & sunday in Corinthians Park. Training times are as follows for the various age groups.saturdayUnder six ( 2002 / 2003 ) - 12.30pm – 1.45pmUnder seven (2001) - 12.30pm – 1.45pmUnder eight ( 2000) - 4.30pm - 6.00pmsundayUnder Ten ( 1998 ) - 10.00am – 11.30amUnder nine ( 1999 ) – 11.45am – 1.15pmFor further information contact Terry O’ Donovan @ 087 4181881

Douglas Hall Lottonumbers 1-12-18no Winnernext week’s Jackpot €1300

Moto Cross Season Kick StartsVernon mount in Cork is where the action took place last sunday week (March 15th). With over 190 riders lining up for the first round of the Great stuff Caterers southern star championship, riders from the 32 counties traveled to what was a great weekend of racing in front of a very large crowd of spectators there were not disappointed at the high standard of racing through out all the classes. A big hit was the pre 89s class which is the old type of scrambler bikes. The conditions were perfect for racing and the track was in particular was in excellent condition which made racing very fast. The riders themselves got a good feel as to what type of season they were going to have as there fitness was tested with the speed and standard of other riders. indeed a lot of battles took place in all classes with the autos running first. Lee Coffee and Jack Galvin took first and second in the 65cc David Galvin Jnr and Aaron Piper had three very close races with Galvin coming out on top with two wins. The big wheel 85cc and small wheel 85cc ran together as kinsale’s Jody Hurley stole the show. Jody also won the irish round in the north last week while picking up the pieces were Danny keating and Jordan Dunne, with Dunne falling in the second race, in the big wheels Midleton’s shane Mc sweeney’s battled hard despite losing his back brakes.The 125cc and 250 four strokes had to be split because of numbers.James White proved untouchable in this despite Midelton’s Aidan Beausang doing all he could to stop White’s run away train. in 250 four strokes, Aaron Beausang had a good battle with Dublin’s Ryan Davin with Aaron taking all three wins while Cork’s Chris Moriarty took three very good thirds. The pre 85s bikes a big battle between the Corks duo Johnny Buckley and Julian Fair developed to huge applause from the spectators that lasted for the three races with Jonathon o Brien and George Radley picking up the pieces. The first of the adult races was junior two with Michael McGrath and Peter killen taken the wins. The junior one saw a very close race between Michael o shea, John Dunne Jnr and Tim Grummell with Dunne leading in the second race only to fall in the last lap this battle continued for the three races. The seniors and experts were together in the seniors nigel sheehan, Mark Cronin, stephen Mc Carthy were to the front here in the experts the pinnacle of the sport it was always going to be hard to beat Dublin’s pro am stuart edmonds who competes in the British championship and the World’s MX three championships but Cork’s Raymond Casey held the flag high keeping edmonds in check with three very good seconds indeed Casey had a faster lap time in the second race, picking up the other spots were Jason o Callaghan, John Barry and Darragh Buckley. next weekend the riders travel to Gormanston in Dublin for the first round of the southern Centre championship with youths on saturday and adults on sunday. The next big race in Vernon mount is the irish adult championship on sunday 19 of April with a lot of the British riders now doing this championship this promises to be a very good weekend of racing for all. To view more go to www.motocross.ie

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S p o R t

G.A.A. FOCUSSnippets from the Local and National SceneBy Pat HarringtonFriendships & Falloutsin many ways sport can be the vehicle for developing friendships. Paradoxically it can be the cause of fallouts when we take the matter too seriously. in business it may be a means of breaking the ice by way of discussion. no doubt it is a great discipline and can be a way of bonding when comes to team sport. i have experienced some falling outs with people but on the positive side i encountered people with whom i have enjoyed life-long friendships.Gerald McCarthyGerald McCarthy was a great hurler - skillful, brave and determined. His clashes with Frank Cummins (Blackrock and kilkenny) were tough, physical affairs. He did a marvelous job of coaching at Waterford but had gone as far as he could in developing them as a team. Gerald’s record with Cork over a two-year period was just not good enough – five championship losses. That said some of the players have seen their best years.The question remains, why did the County Board reappoint Gerald? Was it the Boards way of saying we’ll have our own man in situ? Both McCarthy and the Board were, and still are in denial. Gerald is the victim in all of this in as much as the Board moves on with life (no casualties here). May i say Gerald was not my choice of coach. still threatening phone calls to either him or his family are completely out of order.Change?Cork hurling is in dire need of change not just in personnel but style also. The Board is in need of change in both mindset and personnel. We could certainly do with some freshening up of structures within the Board and the involvement of the clubs in the affairs of the Board. Are we likely to see change? i am

not over-optimistic but perhaps it will change in time. Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh on March 17th. Micheál celebrated 60 years in Broadcasting. He made his debut in Railway Cup football in 1949. His radio broadcasts are a joy to the listener. Micheál is very descriptive and extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of the game. in my view he is broadminded and very modern in his thinking. Long may his unique voice and valued opinions grace our airways.all-ireland Club FinalsMy understanding is that the club finalists are not allowed to puck a sliothar nor kick a football on finals week prior to the games. now, both the international rugby and soccer teams are allowed to use Croke Park prior to their respective games. There appears to be no rationale in the decision to disallow the G.A.A. players to train on the pitch.hurling FinalAre Portumna really that good or was the opposition so very poor. The Galway men were on a vastly different plain to that of their opponents. (De la salle of Waterford). This defeat does not bode well for club teams in Munster.it will be interesting to see if this win will transfer onto the Galway intercounty team. The Galway team was well beaten in its last game against kilkenny and their manager was very critical of the side in an interview for sunday sport.Cork ManagerWho will be the next Cork hurling manager? Who wants the job? it would seem that the chances of success in Munster are limited, let alone an All-ireland title. The emphasis now would be more on damage limitation. To throw out a few names – Ger Cunningham, seán o’Brien, John keane, John Allen and Denis Walsh. others such as Donal o’Grady and Tomás Mulcahy have declared no interest in the job. My choice would be seán o’Brien.Weekend of sportWhat a weekend of sport with victories in Hurling, Football, Rugby, Boxing, etc. More about that anon.Talk to you next week,Pat.

Douglas GAADouglas 3-18 v Eire Og 2-07 (Intermediate Hurling League)Douglas got their intermediate hurling league campaign off to a great start at ovens on sunday evening with a convincing win over eire og. short several regulars Finbarr Bermingham used the opportunity to test the depth of his squad for the 2009 season.

Douglas led at half-time on a scoreline of 2-10 to 1-03. Mark Collins scored the first goal after Paddy Barry and Colin o’Mahony combined to create the opening. The second was scored by Barry who also ended the half with two points. The best score of the opening period was scored by stephen Moylan after a brilliant cross field pass by wing back Ray keating. Moylan added four more points, Colin o’Mahony scored another while James Moylan pointed twice.

Douglas pushed on in the second half. Paddy Barry grabbed the opening two points. The first in particular was a beauty off his left side. substitute eoin Heffernan made an immediate impression, pointing within a minute of coming on. Then, stephen Moylan went on a scoring spree as the Fitzgibbon Cup winner rifled over three points in quick succession. Collins and Paddy Barry added further points while James Moylan completed the goal scoring shortly before full time. For Douglas Frank Tobin, Alan Barry and Dave Mcsweeney were excellent in the full back line while Richard Harris hurled brilliantly at right half back. Douglas were very sharp in attack as the fluent direct hurling paid dividends. Their next league game is scheduled for this Thursday night (26/03/09) in Aghada at 8.00pm.

Finally, congratulations to former Douglas G.A.A. player Luke Fitzgerald on his Grand slam win last week with ireland and to his former coaches including Derry Holland, Donie Harris and eddie Murphy for their role in the development of the elite athlete. For more Douglas G.A.A. news visit www.douglasgaa.com

• DouglashurlerPaddyBarryscoringagainstEireOg

DOUGLAS GAA UNDERAGEu12 Footballers WinThe U12 Footballers continued their good run with a win over st. Michaels at Douglas onsaturday.Douglas played some great football one of the highlights being an excellent goal scored by eoghan o’Brien. some great performances throughout the field with eoghan o’Leary, Tony o’Donoghue, Liam Dineen and David Barry doing particularly well.

u14 hurlers LooseThe U14 hurlers got their league campaign underway with a disappointing loss to Glen Rovers at Douglas on saturday. The Douglas lads battled hard but had to give way to a determined Glen outfit. Best for Douglas were Liam o’Connell and stephen Beale.

LOTTOThe results of this week’s (22nd March) Douglas Underage Lotto:€6,100 7 10 25 26 €2,500 6 12 19 20€50 Mr Butch Corbett & Grandsons Donie Mcsweeney €50 Promoters prize Mary o’Learynext weeks Jackpot is €6,250. Tickets available from the Club.

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• Damien O’Donovan,SpecialOlympicAlthete,withTomKenny, John Gardiner and DonalÓgCusackatthelaunchofJohnson& Johnson Special AchieversClub Programme 2009 at DePuy,Ringaskiddyearlierthismonth.

Photo: Rob Lamb

S p o R t

Douglas Camogieour under 12d team started their county champonship last Friday against a very strong Carrigaline team,The match started very brightly with both sides missing very close chances to take the lead, only for seosaimh Mulrooney to put Douglas in front with a well taken free to put Douglas in front at Half time 0-1 0-0 .The second half started the very same as the first half, an end to end game with very little scoring chances. Both Defences were on top, only for poor light to end a very thrilling match. Replay Monday 29th in Carrigaline.Best for Douglas were Jill Donegan, Vicka Fleming, niamh Lynch, and sarah sheehan in defence, Megan Daly was superb in goal for a very strong Douglas Team, and put in a great performance on her First time in Goal for Douglas.

Douglas Gymnastics Club NewsDouglas gymnasts have been very busy lately. February saw a large Douglas delegation head to snowy Dublin for the level 2-6 national Finals. This proved a very successful weekend for the southern region and many team and individual medals were brought home. The southern region teams, made up of Douglas, Carrigaline, Ballincollig and Macroom Gymnastics Clubs reconfirmed our position as a dominant force

in irish Gymnastics. Douglas gymnasts had more success in March competing at the national Team Championships in Dublin where they placed 3rd, a small margin behind second place. All 5 girls on the team also qualified to compete in apparatus and all-around finals which Douglas will host in May. During the same weekend Daniel Fox took part in the British U14 Team Championships as a member of the Tolworth team. While the team came in 7th, Daniel was the best of the team placing 13th overall in the competition. This weekend Douglas will host the level 7-10 national Finals where gymnasts will be hoping to continue their success.

DOUGLAS PITCH & PUTT CLUBResults st Patrick’s DayGross: - Liam o’Brien & Mick Lynch nett: - Rory o’neill & Ciaran elleysunday Gross: - Liam Quirke & Denis Cashman 1st nett: - Liam o’Brien & Joe o’sullivan 2nd nett: - Alf Hanrahan & Tony noonanFixturessaturday 3 ball scramble @ 2.30pm sunday 4 ball @ 10.30am sharp

Grangevale FCGrangevale 3 Casement Celtic 0 (auL 2)if this had been a sky sports spectacle it would have been billed as Grand slam sunday as the top two teams from AUL 2 went head to head in a clash of the titans to determine who would grab the decisive edge as the season’s climax comes into focus. However, given the importance of the fixture, the t.v. cameras were banned and only the bumper crowd which included evan Twomey with his Marley and Me impression witnessed another stunning Grangevale performance.

The permutations for Grangevale were simple approaching the contest. Two points behind Casement Celtic but with three matches in hand meant avoiding defeat was crucial. However, the home side boldly sought the initiative from the start with Gerald Mcsorley pushed into an advanced role to support strike duo Danny Meade and Jason Martin. it worked a treat as Casement appeared unnerved at Grangevale’s relentless attacking from the kick off and after only twelve minutes Martin had put his side one up, which helped to contradict recent whispers of his demise. John Harris has been Grangevale’s driving force all season he was the architect for the opener when his twenty five yard pile driver tested the Casement goal keeper. Unable to secure clean possession the ball broke to the inrushing Martin who slammed the rebound to the net.

Grangevale continued to press and Malik elmusbahi, Meade and Mcsorley all went close to scoring. it was inevitable that Casement would crack again and once more it was Jason Martin who found the net with a brilliant thirty five yard free kick after eighteen minutes. Grangevale were rampant and Colin Mckeown almost made it three just before half time. indeed, Casement were grateful that they remained only two down at the break. John Carroll has been restricted to a substitute’s role of late but came on up front for Grangevale at half time. Casement tried hard to get back into the game but this was always going to be difficult as oscar Traynor Cup winner Gary Aherne in the form of his life in the Grangevale goal. When Casement were reduced to ten men with twenty minutes remaining the writing was on the wall for them. it was left to substitute Dan Cronin to finish them off when in the seventy eighth minute he exploited good work by Harris to score Grangevale’s third.

Harris, Mckeown, sweeper Leonard o’Donovan, Dave Burke and goal machine Martin were outstanding for Grangevale but man-of-the-match was clearly Damian o’Callaghan. Possessing a low centre of gravity but with a gait that a biomechanist would find challenging, o’Callaghan was brilliant helping out his defence and getting forward. He is the latest in a series of inspired signings and was certainly a trump card for Grangevale on sunday. it is still premature for talk of the title around Grangevale but if Lakewood can be overcome next sunday morning the champagne will surely be on ice. For more Grangevale news visit www.grangevaleafc.com

Passage Juvenile Notesby Michael O’MahonyPassage Fe 15 football team wrapped up the first part of the season before the hurling starts with another victory this time against Douglas. The lads continued their impressive form with another good win and star Forward Ryan Carroll scoring 4.11, phenomenal stuff once again. others to perform well were Ross Mc Aulliffe, Jack sommers and Art kelliher. The Fe 13 football Team also recorded a win against neighbours Douglas winning by 3pts.it was a very competitive game with some great Football being played by Anto kidney, Ross Mcmahon, nick snow and eoin Walshe. Final score Passage 3-04 Douglas 10 pts. our Fe12 continued a good weekend again against neighbours Douglas with their first win 3-06 to 2-04,Best for Passage were shane Maxewell, Thomas o neill, Dave Power and Brendan kenny.The young Passage Ladies and Gents are selling tickets in conjunction with the Ladies Peil County Board to raise badly needed funds for easter Please support! Membership Forms have be given to all squads with Registration next Weekend. next Weeks Fixtures with summer hours arriving ,Fe 15 Hurling V Ballincollig next saturday 4pm Away, Fe 12 Football away to the Barrs next saturday at 3pm,Fe 13 Football V Bishopstown 5-30pm sunday Home,Fe 16 Football V Ballinora Tuesday Away 6-30pm.

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Last Week’s Teazersue sugar had a toothache. she went to the only dentist in town where she was greeted by Dr.Molar and Dr. Bicuspid, the partners. she noticed that where as Dr. Molar had a wonderful mouthful of teeth, his partner’s teeth seemed in urgent need of attention with which partner should she book an

appointment ?

Last week’s answerDr. Bicuspid. since these are the only two dentists in town it is certain they do each other’s dental work.Therefore Dr. Molar must be responsible for the poor state of his partner’s teeth and should be avoided.

This Week’s Teazersix men drove 240 km (150 miles) in a car at an average speed of 100km/h (62.5 mph). The trip took 2.4 hours.When they unpacked their luggage they realised that the car had a flat tyre during the whole journey.

Why had they not noticed this before?



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