The Divine Dynasphere

The Divine Dynasphere. This is the most advanced level of spiritual adulthood. This advances us to Friend of God status (Jms. 2:23). God is glorified

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The Divine Dynasphere

• This is the most advanced level of spiritual adulthood.

• This advances us to Friend of God status (Jms. 2:23).

• God is glorified & the believer is blessed to the maximum under all circumstances, whether prosperity or adversity (cf. Phil. 4:11-13).

• Solves the problem of capacity for life in ALL circumstances.

• The greatest of all the problem solving devices (I Pet. 1:6-8).

• This gives us a stabilized inner joy (John 15:7-14).

The Divine Dynasphere Gate 8The Winner’s Gate

• This is the Gate of Perfecting Virtue (maturity a majority of the time on our part which produces maturity in others).

• The Gate of Fruitfulness.• Col. 1:28, 29 –

– “teaching” (vs. 28) didaskō (G1321) – to hold discourse with others in order to instruct them; to deliver didactic discourses (i.e., systematic, categorical, exegetical teaching).

– “labor” (vs. 29) kopiaō (G2872) – to grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief).

– “striving” (vs.29) agōnizomai (G75) – to enter a contest; to contend with adversaries; fight; to contend, struggle, with difficulties & dangers.

– “working” (vs. 29) energeia (G1753) – superhuman power; operative power.

– “works” (vs. 29) energeō (G1754) (see above).– “mightily” (vs. 29) lit., “in (en) (G1722) power (dunamis).” Dunamis

is inherent power.

The Divine Dynasphere Gate 8The Winner’s Gate

• II Cor. 3:2• I John 1:3, 4• I Pet. 3:15– “answer” apologia (G627) (eng.,

apologitics) – a reasoned statement or argument.

– “reason” logos (G3056) – a word; embodies a concept or idea; the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe (Heraclitus approx. 600 B.C.).

The Divine Dynasphere Gate 8The Winner’s Gate

• This is the “Evidence Testing” Gate – this is Satan’s cross-examination of the mature believer (Job is an example).

• This brings maximum glorification to God.

The Divine Dynasphere Gate 8The Winner’s Gate

The Divine Dynasphere & The Problem Solving Devices

• Gate #1: The Power Gate – Solves the problem of power for living.

• Gate #2: The Objectivity Gate – Solves the problem of failure (Rebound);Solves the problem of how to think clearly

under pressure (Faith-Rest Drill);Solves the problem of, “Where am I going in

life?” (lack of hope & purpose) (Hope).• Gate #3: The Teachability Gate – Genuine & Enforced

Humility – Solves the problem of arrogance (the believer’s worst enemy).

• Gate #4: The Momentum Gate (perception & application of doctrine) – Solves the problem of ignorance.

• Gate #5: The Motivating Virtue Gate (occupation with Christ) – Solves the problem of relationship with God & self.

• Gate #6: The Functional Virtue Gate – Solves the problem of relationships with mankind.

The Divine Dynasphere & The Problem Solving Devices

• Gate #7: The Momentum Testing Gate – Solves the problem of direction in life.

• Gate #8: The Winner’s Gate – Solves the problem of capacity for life in all circumstances.

The Divine Dynasphere & The Problem Solving Devices