The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt

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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


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      OCTOBER 2015




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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt




    fter a decade of change in the publishing industry,

    the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair (which runs October

    14–18) marks something of a turning point. As evi-

    denced by the changes to the fair’s layout and thetopics and speakers in the fair’s professional pro-

    gram, it is clear that the publishing business is in longer in

    the midst of a digital transition. The transition is complete.

    There’s less talk of talk of digital disruption, and gone are

    the tired predictions of the death of print. In 2015, both the

    industry and the fair have settled into a new phase. And at

    Frankfurt, it is all on display.

    “The variables have never been so broad,” observes Mark

    Kuyper, the newly installed executive director of the Book

    Industry Study Group, noting that publishing today can

    involve any length of content, in a growing array of delivery

    methods, interwoven with vast amounts of data. “It is excit-

    ing and terrifying at the same time,” he says. “So many

    options, which ones to choose? How many can you choose?”

    More to the point, perhaps, is the question, how do you

    choose wisely? At the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair, you can

    hear from an array of industry leaders or meet new partners

    in the Business Club. Conferences like StoryDrive bring

    together and explore the full range of media now at our fin-

    gertips. Demos and discussions at four Hot Spots explore the

    full potential that technology has to offer—including a boom

    in mobile access. And in the LitAg, another record of number

    of agents will trade in an increasingly global market for sto-

    ries and ideas.

    Whether you’re hurrying from meeting to meeting or just

    wandering the halls, try to pause for a moment to take it all

    in. Publishing has entered a new era. And the conversation is

    no longer about print or digital, Kuyper says—it is about

    meeting the needs of the consumer.

    A New EraBegins Welcome to the

    2015 Frankfurt Book Fair—

    and publishing’s next act



  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    E-book subscription services have been the subject of

    intense interest in North American publishing, espe-cially with the failure of Oyster last month and the

    growing pains of rival service Scribd over the sum-

    mer. But, before either of those services existed, there

    was the German upstart Skoobe. Launched in 2012, Skoobe

    is going strong. With mobile reading a hot topic at this year’s

    Frankfurt Book Fair, Skoobe CEO Constance Landsberg

    offers an international take on e-book subscriptions.

    In 2012, e-book subscriptions for popular bookswere barely on anyone’s radar. What made youthink this model was a good idea to pursue?Back in 2012, we were definitely pioneers. Our founders

    were evaluating new business models that could cater to

    new audiences and expand the overall book market, and,

    at that time, subscription services had already started to

    establish themselves in other media markets, like the film or

    music industry. That was a promising perspective, and today

    we know that it was an important step forward. On digital

    devices such as smartphones and tablets, many products and

    services are competing for the time and attention of users.

    We wanted to raise the chances for books against apps, social

    media, games, music, film, and more. Today there are sub-

    scription services available in many markets all over theworld, and they are gaining more and more relevance for

    readers and publishers.

    Can you tell us a little about your growth?In Germany, publishers continue to show high interest in

    our model. We started out with 10,000 e-books and now

    offer more than 140,000 e-books, not only in German, but

    also in eight other languages. Our catalogue has been

    growing extensively, especially over the last year. Since last

    year’s fair, we have added 80,000 titles from more than

    1,600 publishers. And we are very happy with the positive

    response that we are seeing from customers. The latest

    Bitkom study shows that more than a quarter of all readers

    in Germany are reading digitally, and more than 16% are

    interested in e-book subscription services.

    We hear a lot about the differ-ences between the German book market and the marketin the U.S., especially in termsof e-books. What can you tellus about German e-book readers based on yourexperience?

    The growth of the German e-book market is still delayed, and

    is only slowly catching up with the U.S. market. According tothe German Publishers and Booksellers Association, the sales

    percentage of e-books in Germany in the second quarter of

    2015 was 5.6% compared to 22% in the U.S. in 2013. In

    terms of consumption, the German subscription customer is

    very similar to the general German e-book reader. Romance,

    thriller, and erotica are on top of their preference list, espe-

    cially when they are new to Skoobe. However, reading habits

    change over time, and customers start exploring other genres,

    like nonfiction books and guidebooks. It happens that Skoobe

    has proven to be a great tool for discovery.

    In the U.S., much attention has been focusedon Oyster’s recent failure and Scribd, which hadto scale back some of its romance offerings andtweak its model in recent months. I know youdon’t talk about the specifics of your model forcompetitive reasons. But how is the businessend working for Skoobe?Our business model is sound and sustainable. The catalogue

    is growing, and all partners who have signed with us since the

    start are still on board. Publishers are growing their title base

    constantly and are establishing strategies on how best to use

    the potential of subscription services. Skoobe is proving to bea great opportunity to market titles, especially from the back-

    list, and new authors alongside bestsellers and new releases.

    As the overall quality of the catalogue is very high, customers

    are eager to discover new authors and genres. Some 80% of

    our customers rate the quality of our book catalogue with

    “very good” and more than 80% have recommended books

    that they have read through the service to others.

    At the London Book Fair, Scribd officialsshared some considerable data about their

    readers—how much they read, what they read,for example. Are there any interesting datapoints from Skoobe that you can share?Definitely. We are seeing that customers are changing the

    way they read. Three-quarters of the books that users read

    Skoobe: Subscription E-books

    Are Succeeding in GermanyAre e-book subscriptions sustainable?

    Yes, says the CEO of a pioneering

    service in Europe





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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    within Skoobe are books that they say they would not have

    been likely to purchase. On average, our users spend 50 min-

    utes each day in the app. Approximately 25% buy books

    that they have discovered and read on Skoobe afterwards as

    physical books, or even as e-books. These are strong indica-tors that Skoobe is indeed extending the book market. We

    also see that readers really explore the Skoobe catalogue

    before settling on a book. On average they open six books

    before they start reading. Interestingly, Skoobe also seems to

    impact the overall general media usage of customers. Users

    report that they watch less TV and use computers and play

    video games less.

    Critics point to Oyster’s failure and Scribd’sscaling back as evidence that the subscription

    model can’t work. But are they are missing thepoint? It seems to me that the problem forOyster and Scribd was too much demand. Inother words, that readers were reading somuch sounds like a good problem to have, andsuggests that the numbers simply must be better balanced, which of course is part of any businessmodel. What do you say to those who saysubscription e-books can’t work?Subscription services definitely work if they are based on a

    sustainable business model. A sustainable model is one

    where all parties involved benefit—customers, authors, pub-

    lishers, and the services themselves. But we are also con-

    vinced that subscription models are a key element to tackle

    the challenges facing books and reading in the digital media

    age. There is a great risk that reading books will lose rele-

    vance compared to other digital media usage. Young users

    are constantly spending time reading digitally on smart-

    phones and tablets. However, they are focusing on apps,

    social media, or text messages. We need to make sure that

    reading books stays a priority in young users’ minds, espe-

    cially on the devices that they use most. Plus, when one

    decides on a media subscription service, there should be theoption to choose books over movies, music, and others. We

    think that the greater risk is that people will read less with-

    out a good subscription service, rather than that they will

    read too much. So readers—and publishers—need attractive

    services like Skoobe.

    What’s next for Skoobe? Are you planning toexpand or announce any new partnerships?We just launched a new book list feature in our app, which

    will help customers to discover new books more easily, and

    we are very happy about the initial positive feedback. We’ll

    definitely continue to work on making access to our content

    catalogue easier. Furthermore, we are working on launching

    some exciting new partnerships in the near future—so stay

    tuned for more news from Skoobe.


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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    Mapping the Digital FuturePublishers and solutions providers are busy venturing

    into new territories and plotting their digital courses


    B Y  T ERI  T AN 

    Despite all that has been said and done, full mone-

    tization of intellectual property (IP) continues to

    be a stumbling block for publishers. “A new trend

    highlighting this issue is the outgrowth of new

    publishing universes, which is best exemplified

    by the growing power of fan fiction,” observes executive

    v-p for business development Jane Tappuni of Publishing


    Thinking Beyond the End ProductFor Tappuni, fan fiction is “a huge and vastly under-reported

    segment of the content industries. Some estimates suggest

    that a third of all content posted on Tumblr and Wattpad, for

    instance, is fan fiction. It is a parallel universe, where fans

    themselves take the brands, characters and stories they love,

    and remix them for themselves and their fan communities. It

    is also a sector that pays scant attention to copyright laws,

    apart from the kind of licensed fan fiction that Amazon has

    tried to kickstart with Kindle Worlds.”

    The way fan fiction takes a piece of IP, chops it up, plays

    with it, and distributes it over multiple networks and media,

    “is the kind of creative approach to content exploitation that

    we have been talking about with publishers for a very long

    time,” says Tappuni. “The possibilities opened up by digital

    media mean that the book is often only the beginning of the

    commercial life of a piece of IP. Yet it still remains the only

    focus of many publishers, who find it conceptually and prac-

    tically difficult to unbundle the book and sell it as chapters,

    or a serial, for instance. Our stance at Publishing Technology

    is that the book should be treated as the starting product of

    the publishing process, and not the end result.”

    Securing Content and Future-ProofingSoftwareBut prior to leveraging and disseminating content, one must

    make sure it is secure. For now, the publishing industry has

    embraced e-book watermarking as a better alternative to

    traditional DRM, says founder and manager Huub van de Pol

    of Icontact, the developer of leading watermarking and per-

    sonalization delivery platform BooXtream. “This is a trend

    that is gathering traction not just in the Netherlands, where

    we are based. Basically, end users have been demanding for a

    friendlier DRM alternative to Amazon’s Kindle for a while

    now. And since Kindle is not available everywhere in the world,

    publishers do need to support ePub-based e-books and offer

    some kind of content protection. Our watermarking technol-

    ogy offers these publishers a simple yet enriched solution.”

    Software also needs to be future-proofed in terms of func-

    tionality and technology. Says founder and CEO Knut

    Nicholas Krause of KNK Business Software, “The structure

    of modern publishing software systems needs not only to be

    suitable for current demands but must also be highly adapt-

    able to future changes in publishing paradigms.” Given that

    publishing markets are becoming more niche-oriented,Krause finds that “the number of media formats to be served

    has increased exponentially. Productivity and process opti-

    mization is therefore crucial. On the other hand, CRM

    systems are in high demand as direct customer relationships

    become increasingly important. Support for digital subscrip-

    tion-based business models and streaming content, for

    instance, is getting a lot of attention, and this has impacted

    all areas of the business including rights and royalties.”

    Krause points out that consumers are now requesting

    products that can be bundled together based on their prefer-

    ences and then made available instantly at point of purchase.

    “So the interaction between publishing software system and

    e-commerce platform needs to be seamlessly efficient. This

    has publishers rethinking their software and platform needs

    and solutions.”

    Embracing and EnhancingE-learningMeanwhile, digital education courses, platforms, and appli-

    cations for mobile devices are becoming mainstream,

    observes CEO Kuba Pancewicz of Young Digital Planet. “In

    fact, technology has become education’s ‘daily bread’. What’s

    crucial in today’s education is the ability to measure learningoutcomes and increase efficiency in teaching, and that has

    been made possible by new technologies and specialized

    analytical modules.”

    Pancwicz adds: “Moreover, modern education is not about

    theory but about putting knowledge into practice. It is about

    relevancy with more emphasis on social skills—collabora-

    tion, teamwork, responsibility, and communication—as well

    as self–awareness and digital literacy. It is also about the

    methodologies such as project-, problem-, and inquiry-based

    learning, problem solving, critical thinking, and student-cen-

    tred approach.”

    For Uday Majithia, assistant v-p for marketing and presales

    at Impelsys, “more publishers are looking into becoming

    educators.” He adds: “This applies to professional medical

    associations as well as STM publishers, who clearly have the

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt




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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt




    right content, learning modules and CME [continuing med-

    ical education] courses. Many have successfully built new

    product lines from existing content to offer online courses. I

    am also seeing increased interest in big data and adaptive

    learning, where publishers with mature digital strategies aremoving ahead with initiatives in these areas.”

     Juggling Investments and ReturnsHowever, publishers do require sizable investment in migrat-

    ing their content to newer technologies, standards, and

    solutions, adds Majithia of Impelsys, pointing out that “the

    technology adoption and utilization gap between tech-savvy

    publishers and the smaller, not-so-digital publishers is grow-

    ing bigger, and this makes it a challenge for traditional print

    publishers to make their mark in the digital world.”

    Publishers also want to save costs without sacrificing beau-

    tiful and interactive content, and they want the ability to do

    this easily and quickly in-house, says business development

    director Achille Coenegracht of France-based Aquafadas.“They also want tools to market their content, improve SEO

    of their apps, and create viral content. Publishers are looking

    to make their digital textbook content interactive, add content

    to existing app quickly and easily, follow student progress

    within the app, distribute content easily, and create content

    automatically and modify it in real time.”

    The following pages highlight what some companies are

    offering in the digital space, and include further thoughts on

    market trends.

    AquafadasWith a complete publishing system that rivals that of Adobe,

    Aquafadas’s automated solutions, user-friendly enrichment

    tools, and innovative app templates have powered thousands

    of native mobile apps that reached over 15 million end-users

    worldwide. A part of Rakuten, Aquafadas has more than

    12,000 publishers using its tools for content creation, distri-

    bution, and management, including Mondadori, Flammarion,

    Shueisha, Hong Kong Open University, and the University

    of Shanghai.

    Bayard’s J’aime Lire Store, for instance, uses Aquafadas’

    next-generation e-storefront, which collects and promotes

    Bayard’s digital content in one place, and offers customizable

    banners, categories, user accounts, and in-app purchases.

    “Bayard now has the most innovative and successful app to

    encourage kids to read. The results speak for themselves: for

    every single book sold in the stores, Bayard sells 10 throughthe app; 25% of its buyers purchase through the app, account-

    ing for 70% of its total sales; and 65% of Bayard sales is from

    books featured in the app,” says business development direc-

    tor Achille Coenegracht, adding that the Bayard team can

    create enriched children’s books without any coding knowl-

    edge through a click of a button.

    Meanwhile, Spain’s Edinumen uses Aquafadas tools to

    create digital workspace Hola Mundo. “Teachers can share

    interactive e-textbooks with their students, work on it in the

    classroom, and track student progress in real time. Students

    can easily access the e-textbooks on PC, Mac, mobile or

    tablet, and work on the e-textbooks themselves using the

    tools available in the reader, such as bookmarks, clipping,

    comments, and notes”, adds Coenegracht, pointing out that

    Edinumen team can create the interactive content in-house,

    set up digital stores for different platforms, and even repro-

    duce the content to sell as a white-label service.

    For Sesame Street S’More app, the Sesame Street team uses

    the 50-plus innovative enrichments provided in Aquafadas’

    InDesign plug-in to create sophisticated e-learning content.

    It was the first mobile app produced inhouse by Sesame

    Street, and it has interactive plays, games, stories, puzzles,

    rhymes, read-aloud narration, music, and videos.

    The education enrichments, says Coenegracht, are com-

    patible with Tin Can xAPI, and enable a multitude of

    interactive quizzes and tests as well as functionalities that

    allow note-making, annotation, bookmarking, clipping, and

    hyperlinking directly within the digital book.

    Visit Aquafadas booth B79 in Hall 4.2 for more informa-

    tion, or attend the following talks on October 14: “How the

    Learning Experience is Evolving with Digital” with a case

    study on Edinumen/Cambridge University Press at 10 a.m.

    in Hall 4.2’s Hot Spot Education, and “How Publishers

    Integrate Apps into Their Business Strategy” with a look at

    French publishing giant Eyrolles, in Hall 4.0’s Hot Spot

    Publishing Services at 1:15 p.m.

    DiTech Process SolutionsA business partner of Typefi Systems since 2013, DiTech is

    always about helping clients to have the fastest turnaround

    using the latest technologies, says founder and CEO Nizam

    Ahmed. “Take Typefi: it generates both print PDF and ePub

    files with just a click of a button using inputs such as Word,

    Google Docs, CMS databases and XML files. This super-fast

    process allows us to produce more typeset and ePub pages

    than ever before, and such efficiency has attracted several

    leading publishers to work with us.”

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt




    Better and faster networks coupled with newer mobile

    devices have upped the ante for publishers and digital solu-

    tions providers. “A shorter turnaround time at a reduced cost

    with no compromise on quality is something that publishers

    demand from solutions providers. If a 500-page book previ-ously took seven to 10 days for typesetting, the demand is

    now for the same output quality within four days. So we have

    to employ the latest technologies—or partner with those with

    the right technologies—to improve productivity and reduce

    production costs while delivering high quality standards,”

    explains Ahmed, whose team also offers fixed layout ePub,

    read-aloud conversion and interactive ePub processes besides

    conventional solutions.

    Ahmed adds: “We work on restoring or retaining old hard

    copies as well turning them into PDFs or ePubs for posterity.

    We also cover niche areas such as converting text into Braillefor the visually impaired. We are a one-stop shop for publish-

    ers big and small.”

    For one German publisher, for instance, his team converted

    27,000 pages of German and Dutch within two weeks. “The

    pages with Greek characters and MathML images were

    challenging but our team developed inhouse automated tools

    to speed up the process. We are now generating 40,000 to

    50,000 pages in the same two-week period while maintaining

    the high quality output,” adds Ahmed, whose team converted

    more than 200 old videocassettes containing educational

    materials into DVDs for an Australian university. “The clin-

    ical clean-up of the old videocassettes was tedious as most of

    the quality was bad.”

    In another project, this time for a U.K.-based publisher, the

    challenge involved converting its existing eight exam series

    into interactive ePub format. “The fill-in-the-blank, true-or-

    false, multiple choices, drag-and-drop, and all sorts of

    quizzes had to be made interactive and user-friendly. With

    the new format, students are now able to work on the series

    on iOS and Readium, and check their performance immedi-

    ately,” explains Ahmed, who is at booth E5 in Hall 4.0 to

    provide more case studies and information about DiTech.


    Enthrill has been quietly working

    away at its goal of creating a new

    sales channel for publishers. In

    2014, it rolled out Walmart’s first

    e-book program, and Enthrill has

    been adding retailers to its distri-

    bution through its unique e-book

    gift card program since then.

    “Enthrill is now distributed in over 3,100 retail stores in

    Canada, including Shoppers Drug Mart, Safeway, Sears, and

    of course, Walmart. Contracts are already in place to double

    that number in 2016, and we are actually working on expand-

    ing into 90,000 retail stores by the end of 2016,” says

    co-founder and CEO Kevin Franco, adding that his team has

    learned a lot about what customers are looking for in a e-book

    gift card product, and “has fine-tuned our offerings after

    several iterations and improvements to Enthrill services.”

    Since Enthrill delivers to any reading device regardless of

    its platform, it is able to work with various loyalty programsto offer their members e-books in exchange for points or

    miles. “We are working with programs such as Air Miles,

    whereby their members can redeem for gift cards in the

    Enthrill system, and download the e-book to any device they

    choose,” adds Franco.

    Customers look at Enthrill program for giving e-books, and

    not to purchase for themselves, says Franco. “This means that

    title-specific e-book gift cards do not resonate with the pur-

    chaser. They would much rather purchase a specified amount

    of gift card, and let the card recipients choose the titles for

    themselves,” says Franco, adding that “since giving a book isthe best gift of all, we make it possible to give e-books without

    worrying if it will work on the recipient’s device—ours work

    on every device that is available out there.”

    Challenge-wise, Franco says, “we are constantly at war

    with the clock. As a physical consumer product, it takes us

    six months to iterate our product, which means that a signif-

    icant investment is required just to operate while we learn

    something, act on it, and get it into market.”

    Proliferating the distribution of e-books and giving pub-

    lishers alternate paths to the market, remains the biggest goal

    at Enthrill. “Publishers that are interested in expanding their

    reach and sales should be working with us as Enthrill has

    proven to be effective in increasing the number of customers

    redeeming gift cards for e-books on our platforms,” says

    Franco, who will be at Frankfurt to provide additional infor-

    mation on Enthrill. Do email him at kevin.franco@enthrill.

    com to schedule an appointment.


    New tools and add-ons are making BooXtream even more

    attractive for a wider audience. “In Frankfurt, we will intro-

    duce two ready-to-run plug-ins for WordPress/WooCommerce

    and Shopify, two of the world’s most popular e-commerceplatforms. With these plug-ins, clients can easily use the plat-

    forms without having to incur software development costs,”

    says Icontact founder and manager Huub van de Pol, who

    will be at booth D40 in Hall 6.2 to provide the plug-in demos.

    “These plug-ins provide a big step forward in expanding

    our already large customer base,” adds van de Pol, whose

    company developed flagship product BooXtream five years

    ago. This summer, the BooXtream Web service watermarked

    millions of e-books in only a couple of weeks, with some-

    times more than six transactions per second. “Our scalable

    platform with distributed servers around the globe handles

    such volume perfectly. From our perspective, e-book sales

    are still rising and not plateauing at all.”

    Installations of BooXtream and its tools have been taking

    place much further than Amsterdam, where Icontact is

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    Preschool education is becoming more and more accessi-

    ble, yet the United Nations experts stress the significance

    of qualitative aspects regarding educational resources and

    teaching methods. The need for quality content is direct-

    ly proportional to constantly rising pre-primary enrolmentrate. Additionally, publishers need to face the fact that poli-

    cy-makers underline the importance of ICT literacy as one of

    the fundamental skills required by modern society.

    Technology – a daily reality

    Apparently, mobile devices have already become an insepa-

    rable part of our being. Children become proficient tablet us-

    ers much sooner than they can cope with tying up their shoe

    laces. The key is to take advantage of this situation and use

    the digital channel wisely to encourage kids to put a bit more

    effort into their shoe laces issue. It is feasible as long as multi-

    media content is authenticated with good methodology. Thedigital aids must be friendly both to kids and the grown-ups,

    preserving balance between tradition and innovation. Edu-

    cational technology has a unique potential to facilitate the

    teaching of 21st-century skills beyond foundational literacy,

    focusing on competencies (critical thinking, creativity, col-

    laboration and communication) and character qualities 

    such as persistence, adaptability and curiosity. The sooner

    the above-mentioned qualities are stimulated, the better the

    results of the educational process.

    In search for hugh quality resources

    Kindergarten teachers living in exactly the same environ-ment as their pupils are also immersed in the world of tech-

    nologies. They still face various problems of their pupils

    such as attention deficit, which is typical of preschoolers or

    behavioral, social and emotional challenges, which today

    also need some extra consideration and work. Facing the

    fast changing and developing world with a growing number

    of children with special needs, a wider and wider spectrum

    of teachers need some support and tools enabling them to

    work with children from different environments, with diverse

    capabilities and cultural or ethnical origins. They are one of

    the most creative groups and cope very well but, as we can

    observe, they are overloaded with extra effort they have to

    put into preparing classes and making up interesting aids for


    They do search the internet for inspirational rhymes, songs

    or any sort of activities focused on diverse skills enhance-

    ment. They are aware of the deep abyss of the virtual library,

    yet they feel their time is devoured by endless hours spent

    in front of the screen in search of high-quality educationalcontent.

    The reversed methodological approach

    The clue of using IT tools does not lie in one-to-one digita-

    lization of content. It is far more than a multimedia presen-

    tation and mundane push-and-play exercises. What would

    guarantee kids’ engagement and progress is full interactivity,

    top graphic design and a loveable leading character, which

    communicates with them and reverses the roles of ‘master

    and student’. Such a reversed methodological approach is

    used in the Early Years Curriculum and guarantees a suc-

    cessful incorporation of the latest trends in early childhoodeducation.

    Facilitating education process

    Fundamentally, the role of the teacher shis towards a pro-

    cess facilitator. Children start taking an active part in the pro-

    cess and instantly show what they’ve learnt, which ensures

    both engagement and fun. This method is in line with brain

    friendly learning theory and allows teachers to stand back

    and have more time to observe children. The method is not

    about one way knowledge transmission or pure entertain-

    ment. It is about letting children express their feelings, pres-

    ent their ideas and discuss their viewpoints with peers andthe teacher. Only in such circumstances can the right level of

    attention and engagement be attained – when children are

    fascinated and eager to explore the subject themselves.

     Young Digital Planet - the bridge to technologies

    Young Digital Planet education experts will give you more in-

    sight into this method and the new solution. Having success-

    fully implemented digital content into the Slovak preschool

    market, we believe the next generation of html5 content

    coupled with the comprehensive guidelines for teachers will

    make a complete solution addressing publisher’s needs.

    Educational content for

    preschoolers – how to twist

    technology into more effec-tive teaching 

    by Young Digital Planet, Hall 4.2, C67


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    located. Black Inc Book, which won the 2015 AustralianBook Industry Award, for instance, integrated BooXtream

    in their Drupal-based e-bookstore in just a couple of days.

    “Our free API [application programming interface], the

    software samples, and free test account made the implemen-

    tation easy, not to mention affordable,” adds van de Pol.

    Another client, the International Bureau of Fiscal Docu-

    mentation, which is the global tax expert, uses BooXtream

    not only for their e-bookstore, but also for the KPMG

    Corporate Tax Handbook that they publish and produce

    annually. BooXtream batch mode is used to watermark and

    personalize all copies of the handbook, thus giving the freelydistributed corporate publication a unique feature.

    Several independent e-bookstores such as PeruBookstore,

    Tienda Books, Verso Books, and eLibris use BooXtream

    technology not only to watermark every e-book transacted

    through their sites but also as a repository, distribution, and

    downloading platform.

    “Keeping up with the expanding ePub standard is a prior-

    ity. BooXtream must be able to process any e-book, regardless

    of the type of tools used to create it. We also need to cater to

    the needs of new consumers such as self-publishing

    authors with simple and ready-to-run solutions.

    And, as one of the pioneers in the e-book water-

    marking industry, we have to offer the best value

    and technology so that builders of e-commerceplatforms will choose to adopt BooXtream rather than build

    their own system,” says van de Pol, who will present “The

    Benefits of E-book Watermarking over DRM” on October

    15 at 11:30 a.m. in Hall 6.2’s Hot Spot Digital Innovation.

    ImpelsysToday’s readers “expect content that they can rely on for all

    their learning needs, with embedded ancillaries, interactive

    exercises, simulations, and assessments,” says assistant v-p

    for marketing and presales Uday Majithia. “Content has

    evolved, and e-books offer more than a linear reading expe-rience. This convergence of reading and learning has given

    publishers tremendous opportunities to build new product

    lines focused on learning delivery. Our flagship product,

    iPublishCentral, has also evolved to support publishers—


    The digital future is uncertain, but don’t let paper hold you down. Unfold your potential and bring your content to life with a tailored solution from our full spectrum

    of extensible software and industry services. Visit Publishing Technology in Hall 4.2 (L35) and Hall 6.2 (B28) to learn how we can transform your business.

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt




    and their users—with an engaging learning experience

    through all-inclusive smart content on a single platform.”

    iPublishCentral 6.0 now offers mobile-adaptive portal

    design templates with improved usability, and smoother

    interface for online and offline access. It fully supports ePub3to enable embedded interactive ancillaries, media files, quiz-

    zes, animation and much more. At the same time, it provides

    geo-restriction of sales to go with geo-pricing, multilanguage

    portal support, and language localization on apps. Impelsys’s

    engineering and R&D team also added R2L (right-to-left)

    language support for content and user interface.

    Another new feature of iPublishCentral is its cloud-based

    services. Explains Majithia: “Some of our publishing clients

    have been asking for features to extend their existing solu-

    tions, and so we have made several modules within

    iPublishCentral and KnowledgePlatform—our content andlearning delivery platform—accessible through APIs. Basi-

    cally, this cloud-based service-oriented architecture allows

    publishers to plug in, use, and integrate individual modules

    that we offer, from Readers to DRM to Analytics.”

    KnowledgePlatform continues to offer rich XML-driven

    content while supporting both PDF and ePub readers. “With

    the cloud services, we have seamlessly combined CMS and

    LMS solutions under a single platform to align Knowledge-

    Platform to our emerging philosophy where reading and

    learning go hand-in-hand,” says Majithia, who has seen 15

    publishers from South America—a new market for Impel-

    sys—signing up for iPublishCentral.

    “We have added four adopters from East Asia while

    strengthening our presence in North America and Europe.Our platform is becoming a truly global solution,” adds

    Majithia, whose team recently replaced an aging platform

    used by a leading South American STM publisher with an

    adaptive and scalable solution based on iPublishCentral to

    support changing user demands.

    The team also built a next-generation learning solution

    using KnowledgePlatform for a medical association. “We

    designed and created specifications for their HTML-compli-

    ant SCORM courses to offer adaptive learning experience

    online and offline,” says Majithia, who is at booth J55 in Hall

    4.2 to provide more case studies as well as demos of iPub-lishCentral and KnowledgePlatform.


    Version 2.0 of Inkubate has arrived! For writers, there is

    tweet-like PitchIts to advertise their works to agents, edi-

    tors, and publishers (AEPs) within the Inkubate network.

    “A writer can send a PitchIt message with attached profile,

    excerpt, and synopsis of their unpublished manuscript,

    which is stored within the Inkubate platform,” explains chief

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    Inspiring Publishing Software

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    Realize your visionwith exible

    publishing software

    Hall 4.0 stand F1

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    marketing officer David Bass. “A PitchIt message is mapped

    to AEPs who have similar genre interests to the writer who

    is creating the message. So there is a high degree of correla-

    tion on the subject matter between the two sides.”

    For AEPs, the newly launched predictive analytics tool

    MarkIt can be used to “determining which titles they are

    looking at acquiring could sell well by comparing their best-

    selling titles with our database of Nielsen BookScan’s top

    100 list over a 12-month period,” explains Bass, adding that

    publishers are very excited about the predictive outcomesfrom MarkIt “because we are confirming one additional level

    of data for them about the content they have either acquired

    or looking to acquire.”

    Facilitating communication between the two user commu-

    nities—AEPs who are discovering new writers, and

    interacting with them—is the biggest challenge, adds Bass.

    “We want both sets of users to have the best tools for collab-

    orating with each other based upon search-and-content

    analytics outcomes that are presented to them. So we want

    to continue improving the tools to locate unique content from

    the writers. On the other side, we want to make sure authors

    are able to know that AEPs are looking at their profiles and

    titles.” Fostering this type of discovery, collaboration and

    content analytics, Bass says, “has motivated Inkubate to keep

    improving its platform.”

    Another goal is to ensure that everyone who uses Inkubate

    recognizes that it is not a “display site” even though it enables

    authors to upload and display their content. Bass says: “We

    are much more about solving the management of content

    once it is discovered and considered to be valuable to the

    AEPs. We want to make the slush pile process less of a hassle,

    and provide AEPs with different ways to organize and com-

    municate with authors they want to acquire rights from, andwith their publishing colleagues about it.”

    Discover more about Inkubate 2.0 at its booth H31 in Hall

    4.0. Or visit to use the platform at any time,

    or to schedule a meeting for demo on its software and tools

    at the fair.

    KNK Business SoftwareThe only Microsoft-certified publishing software in the

    world, KNK Publishing from KNK Business Software offers

    full publishing functionality for print, online, and mobile

    publishers. Its customizable and scalable modules cover

    areas such as asset management, multichannel publishing,

    order-to-cash, e-commerce, subscription, logistics and ware-

    housing, rights and royalties, cash flow management and

    business intelligence. Currently, some 150 publishers in



    Innovative Content &Technology Meet Advanced

    Learning Design

    Hall 4.2 | Stand C78Hot Spot Education



        a    s    s    e    s    s

        m    e    n     t    s

    Authoring Tools



    data & analytics


    Engineering& ArchitectureDevelopment


         T     M     L     5


       I   n   t   e   r   a   c   t   i   v   e

       M   e   d   i   a

    mobilelearning   P

       r   o   j   e   c   t

       M   a   n   a   g   e   m   e   n   t

    Quality Assurance

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    North America, Europe and Asia

    use KNK Publishing.

    “One of the modules, KNK inte-

    gration platform, is a middleware

    that easily connects with onlinebookstores, distributors, aggrega-

    tors, and other third-party

    products and suppliers that sup-

    port old technologies—iSeries/AS400 software, for

    instance—as well as those utilizing the most modern Web-

    based services,” says founder and CEO Knut Nicholas

    Krause, whose company is headquartered in Kiel, Germany.

    “The platform’s high-end solution is Microsoft BizTalk,

    which is most appropriate for publishers with small IT


    KNK Publishing, explains Krause, has a different architec-ture compared to products from competitors such as

    Klopotek and SAP. “Our solution offers publishers a con-

    tent-based architecture with flexible metadata management

    that can be easily customized for any new media product type

    and format. It also allows a new contract structure that sup-

    ports innovative paid content models, and analyzes the

    economic success of new leads and existing customers.”

    Royalty contracts on KNK Publishing, for instance, are

    generated through a single-source content platform. “This

    means that the publisher can sell different and complex bun-

    dles, and yet easily create annual royalty accounting for

    different media types and formats,” says Krause, whose team

    recently installed KNK Publishing at Florida-based A Beka

    Book and Montreal-based French language publisher TCMedia Livres (formerly, Cheneliere). Last December, Royal

    Boom Publishers, one of the biggest educational players in

    the Netherlands, became the country’s first publisher to

    install KNK Publishing.

    For TC Media Livres, the team also installed two additional

    modules: KNK Workflow (to support complex authorization

    processes within the company) and Jet Reports (a tool to

    create business intelligence reports for inhouse data-crunch-

    ing and analysis).

    As for Condé Nast Japan, modules such as business man-

    agement, financial accounting, bulk sales, and groupreporting were installed. At Bastei Lubbe, Germany’s

    third-largest trade book publisher, where its editorial and

    production departments have already used KNK Publishing,

    a new CRM module was recently added to enable direct

    connection with their readers.

    Visit booth F1 in Hall 4.0 for more information on KNK

    Publishing, or register at to

    attend a 20-minute software presentation, which will be held

    at 10 a.m. on the first three days of the fair.


    Detailed and intuitive

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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    LearningMateHelping clients to fast track their product development and

    reduce their upfront investment has led LearningMate to

    build ACE (Assessment and Content Engine), QuAD (Ques-

    tion Authoring and Assessment Delivery Tool), GoClass, andFrost. “Clients use our tools for a fraction of the cost it would

    take them to build their own or license from a third-party

    vendor,” says CEO Samudra Sen, adding that the tools are

    “enablers” or “accelerators” to maintain client’s competitive


    A midsize nursing and health sciences publisher, which

    urgently needs an adaptive platform allowing personalized

    learning experiences, for instance, turns to ACE. “The entire

    development and time-to-market took less than a year, and

    today, 30,000 students are using the publisher’s ACE plat-

    form, which has extensive reporting with powerfuldashboards and analytics to drive better student learning

    outcomes,” explains Sen, adding that the highly flexible and

    scalable ACE allows the publisher to roll out multiple prod-

    ucts simultaneously.

    As for QuAD, it has already been used by some of the

    biggest publishing houses in the world to generate more than

    a million questions. Prior to implementing QuAD at one

    major K–12 and higher education publisher, the Learning-

    Mate team took on a consulting exercise to understand thebusiness needs, develop the roadmap, evaluate the applica-

    tion landscape, and finalize accessibility guidelines. “We

    developed more than 6,500 interactive test items in disci-

    plines such as language arts, mathematics, geography, and

    English. In order to fast track the development process, we

    also developed over 200 templates. We are currently author-

    ing another 40,000 test items to add to the existing 100,000,”

    says Sen.

    GoClass, which won the platinum award at the 2013 IMS

    Conference, on the other hand, is a mobile teaching app that

    redefines the boundaries of computing in the classroom. Ayear ago, one K–12 publisher selected GoClass as the engine

    for their flagship intervention product in Literacy, allowing

    instructors to teach on a one-to-one computing environment

    with differentiated instruction. GoClass is now used in 170

    districts covering 356 schools and 24,000 students in the U.S.

    As for Frost, it allows content authoring and previewing

    on the fly, thus providing the ability to quickly create inno-

    vative and flexible interactive teaching materials. Two major

    publishers are currently beta-testing Frost, which supports



    Stand out.

    Providing customized print and digital

    solutions to a global clientele of academic,professional, healthcare and legal publishers.

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    both drag-and-drop and XML edit modes.

    Attend “From Educational Analytics to Innovations in

    Print” session on October 16 at 12 p.m. in Hall 4.0’s Forum

    Production in Publishing, where v-p for enterprise solu-

    tions Amit Soman will provide even more case studies onlearning and analytics. Or visit booth C78 in Hall 4.2 for

    more information.

    MPS LimitedThe need to enable faster time-to-market through automa-

    tion and efficient workflows has seen MPS adding many

    features to its flagship DigiCore platform. The DigiComp

    automated composition engine, for instance, now supports

    InDesign Server while its configurable QA tool has been

    rolled out for automated output validation in exception-based

    routing. Its XML review and editing tool DigiEdit, on theother hand, has additional math editing GUI and enhanced

    functionalities for copy editors. “We have also rolled out a

    Rights and Permissions Management module within Digi-

    Core for managing permissions for text and images,” says

    senior v-p for technology Narendra Kumar.

    As for cloud-based MPSTrak, it now offers reminders and

    notifications management, user personalization, audit trail

    management, mail processing from external servers, and

    integration with the Rights and Permissions module.

    MPSTrak is gaining momentum and maturity with each

    implementation. At a leading STM society, where a 12-year-

    old desktop-based system had functioned as the main

    production tracking and management tool, MPSTrak is now

    implemented to manage the 70-plus journals that are avail-

    able online and in print. “An XML Editor now offers authors

    online proofing capabilities while custom-built Web-based

    APIs provide real-time

    integration between

    internal and external

    systems such as those

    at their aggregators

    and online book-

    stores,” adds Kumar.With a leading medical publisher, the implementation of

    MPSTrak with features such as scheduling, work task track-

    ing, reporting, and online content editing, is about “reducing

    operational costs and production lead-time while increasing

    process transparency to stakeholders and authors,” explains

    Kumar, whose team also implemented MPSTrak and Digi-

    Core at an Australian publisher to facilitate seamless online,

    mobile, and offline product channels.

    Publishers are striving to enhance their viability during

    these uncertain times of shifting business models, and are

    seeking more than just lower costs from their suppliers. For

    CEO Rahul Arora, the fundamentals of the MPS business are

    no longer driven by wage arbitrage, but are balanced by its

    contribution towards the revenue side of the publishing.

    “Today, we have deeper collaboration with publishers in the

    areas of product development, platform improvement, and

    richer analytics. Also, our vision is to have our entire services

    business be managed through MPS platforms that are either

    integrated with existing publisher systems and/or used by

    publishers through a ‘Platform as a Service’ model. We pos-sess technology capabilities to not only address the

    conventional segment, but also to create technology-inten-

    sive platforms for smaller publishers”.

    Arora and his team will be at booth N10 in Hall 4.2 to

    provide more information and demos on MPS’ suite of plat-

    forms and services.

    OKS GroupThe focus of OKS Group, says founder and CEO Vinit

    Khanna, is on “helping clients to expand and monetize their

    digital offerings, from e-books and journals to digital class-room products.”

    And this is where the group’s cloud-based workflow plat-

    form e2e comes into the picture. “The updated e2e actively

    solves client challenges, namely in eliminating the cumber-

    some, single-threaded process of file transfer, typesetting,

    and corrections. It offers the efficiencies of true collaboration

    and online communication, and more autonomy for authors,

    thus resulting in greater speed and accuracy,” says Khanna,

    adding that “from a collaboration and cost standpoint, e2e

    is ideal for Open Access publishers, and incredibly helpful

    for the others”.

    Among the advantages of

    e2e are: platform indepen-

    dence (requiring no local

    software installation); an

    integrated math editor; cus-

    tomized client rules defined

    upfront; zero reliance on

    conventional typesetting to

    generate structured content, create pages, and incorporate

    corrections; and the ability to realize significant cost savings

    while taking advantage of parallel product deliveries in

    XML, HTML, PDF, and ePub3.Flexibility, says Khanna, “is a key feature. The bottom line

    is that e2e is a single platform that can easily support multi-

    ple outputs. It streamlines workflow with lower risk of

    introducing errors, which means a higher quality result at

    reduced cost and faster turnaround times to the publisher.”

    OKS Group is well positioned to work with European

    customers offering digital classroom as well as traditional

    print products, Khanna says. “We are proud of our translation

    capabilities, and our ability to serve clients in their local lan-

    guage. We are especially happy to be in Frankfurt because of

    our strong teams supporting the German, Dutch and Swedish

    speaking markets. We give each client the customized solution

    they need, from compliance with their platform specifica-

    tions—for Bookshelf in the Netherlands, for instance—to

    project management and client support in their language.”


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    The clean proof that science needs. Now.

    Demo of Proof Central, an elegant way to proof STM content and page, at M90. Hall 4.2. October 14 - 18.

    To preview, visit hp://

    Special TNQ Event: Single URL Publishing. 16:30 - 17:00 hours. October 16. Hall 4.2 L101. White Paper at


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    While STM has always been among the group’s strengths

    due to its ability to handle complex formulas and layouts,

    there are many other services that the team can provide.

    “Our staff is trained to find sellers of pirated content. We

    offer graphic, editorial, and data services. We work withclients to identify opportunities to repurpose, digitize and

    monetize older content. We research rights and permissions.

    Our clients understand that the way to succeed is to have a

    comprehensive strategy and the ability to execute it, and we

    have the tools, experience, and knowledgeable resources

    to deliver exactly that.”

    Contact [email protected] to fix an appointment

    to discuss your projects with OKS Group team members from

    Germany, Sweden, and India.

    Publishing TechnologyLast month, Publishing Technology launched a midtier solu-

    tion IngentaDrive for publishers who are looking to host

    their own branded site using standardized technology but

    without the considerable investment in time and bespoke

    software development. “IngentaDrive offers the best of our

    specialized solutions such as user-tested templates, self-ser-


    A content-centric approach is the key to resolving accessi-

    bility issues for publishers, says Kevin Burns, senior v-p of

    content solutions. “Words and images—particularly images

    with rich, descriptive metadata—are almost all inherently

    digital today. By authoring or converting this digital source

    data to a structured, machine-readable format, publishers

    can have content in multiple outcomes, including NIMAS

    [National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards],

    economically, and even profitably.”

    All four major specialized output formats for accessibil-

    ity—Braille, large print, audio and digital text—follow

    predictable rules and logic. “So a structured ‘master file’

    approach is used to create the content once, and output it

    as needed in as many formats as required, with minimal

    manual intervention,” adds Burns, pointing out that

    NIMAS, an XML-based specification for organizing and

    structuring textbook and other educational content, is the

    format of choice.

    At Cenveo, the input for NIMAS projects is often a com-

    bination of Word files, hard copy, PDFs or XML as well as

    existing metadata for each textbook, says business manager

    Yogesh Jedhe. “We use robust transformation technology

    tools to extract data from input files, apply or edit XMLtags, and process and tag image files. These steps parallel

    the process of creating XML files for print production. Then

    our content analysts make sure that the elements requiring

    detailed human judgment, such as image descriptions, are

    properly created. Finally, our team validates the XML file

    against the NIMAS schema and a series of business rules,

    which are designed to check the file beyond basic NIMAS


     Jedhe and his team also work with clients’s subject mat-

    ter experts to make sure that image description fields are

    populated with text that truly help visually impaired stu-

    dents. “Elements such as math equations must be captured

    accurately and effectively to convey information to the

    visually impaired.” So far, the team has converted more than

    2,700 books for educational publishers big and small.

    Reiterating the importance of creating great NIMAS files

    instead of “good enough” output, Burns says: “All too often,

    budget constraints lead conversion teams to choose the

    easiest and cheapest way instead of doing the right thing to

    create a good NIMAS file. But successful NIMAS conver-

    sions must include accurate comprehension of visual design

    elements used in print. Without a certain level of visual

    literacy—such as the use of sidebars, bullet lists or call-

    outs—the resulting NIMAS output will lack the granularity

    and nuance of its printed counterpart.”

    Long description for images, which is a NIMAS require-

    ment for any visual element in a printed textbook, is often

    an issue. Published captions or call-outs are not truly mean-

    ingful for someone visually impaired if these are just copied

    and pasted from the print version. So those creating the

    NIMAS file must have an understanding of the subject in

    order to create additional content that really make images

    accessible to the print disabled.

    The long descriptions for images are also vital to making

    content usable, and discoverable, down the road. “Having

    content—especially nontext content—that is easily discov-

    erable is exactly what things like long descriptions inNIMAS files are all about. Discoverability and content

    repurposing may well be the financial driver for managed

    content practices that will, as a side benefit, result in better

    NIMAS files,” adds Burns, pointing out that with mobile

    devices becoming better in conveying sound, large print and

    even tactile data, the potential for accessibility increases.

    “With NIMAS, there is savings, and even profitability, if a

    publisher’s content is more broadly discoverable and easily

    repurposed while avoiding the need to recreate it for each

    new project.”

    Executive v-p for global content services Atul Goel will

    be at Frankfurt with sales and marketing director Marion

    Morrow. Email [email protected] to schedule

    an appointment for demos on Cenveo’s myriad services.

    Tackling Accessibility and NIMASChallenges at Cenveo Publisher Services

  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    vice management system, modern responsive design, andstandard third-party integration,” says marketing manager

    Mike Groth, whose team will provide daily demos on Ingen-

    taDrive and Ingentaconnect services at 11 a.m. from its booth

    with PCG (Publishers Communication Group), a division of

    Publishing Technology, in Hall 4.2 L35.

    The well-established Ingentaconnect platform, says Groth,

    recently added 5,400 new titles from the British Library,

    available via its Document Supply service. “With Ingenta-

    connect’s user base of over 25,000 registered institutions in

    170 countries along with a built-in network of library dis-

    covery partnerships, this increases the discoverability ofBritish Library content to a new global audience,” says Groth,

    whose team has just implemented a new publishing platform

    for the Society of General Microbiology, the largest such

    society in Europe. It brings together 55,000 articles from six

    journals, and employs the best features of Pub2web technol-

    ogy and third-party integrations such as Figshare. Meanwhile,

    PCG has partnered with Japanese publisher Meteo to bring

    its database of otherwise inaccessible medical content to

    America’s academic and medical institutions.

    At Frankfurt, Publishing Technology will unveil a cloud

    version of Product Manager title management solution, which

    is a part of the advance enterprise system. Initially configured

    for one of the world’s largest trade publishers to manage their

    IP globally, the app enables easy aggregating, bundling and

    monetization of print and digital assets by applying flexible

    business models. The SaaS version of Product Manager, adds

    Groth, “removes barriers between different business func-

    tions, ensuring everyone in a publishing organization is

    editing and using the same data.” Daily demos on this cloud

    version are held at 12 p.m. at its Hall 4.2 booth as well as from

    Publishing Technology’s main booth in Hall 6.2 B28.

    PCG managing director Melissanne Scheld will chair

    “What Is a Publisher Now? Lessons from the Classroom”roundtable at 2 p.m. on October 14 in Hall 4.2’s Hot Spot

    Professional and Scientific Information. Then at 4 p.m. in

    Hall 6.2’s Hot Spot Digital Innovation, executive v-p for

    business development Jane Tappuni will speak at “Mickey

    Mouse to Minecraft: Licensing Children’s Brands”. On the

    following day, executive v-p for product strategy Randy

    Petway and Helen Sun, CEO of Publishing Technology

    China, will be discussing about “Open Access: The Next

    Wave” in Hall 4.C’s Concorde Room at 9 a.m.

    SourceHOV and Rule 14SourceHOV will launch two new products at Frankfurt this

    year. One of them is known as Jet, which is an automated

    metadata extraction for academic publishers. “By applying

    machine learning, natural language processing, and mathe-



  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    matical modeling to content, manual intervention is

    completely removed,” says senior director of editorial ser-

    vices John Sollami. “This provides immense speed for the

    publisher to go to market, and does away with vendor depen-

    dency. The results are time, cost, and quality benefits.”Machine learning, natural language processing, and math-

    ematical modeling “are crucial for anyone publishing content

    and wanting to utilize it fully,” Solami adds. “Every publisher

    must accurately identify various essential elements in their

    content in order to utilize it. The question is how to do so

    without incurring the time, cost, and accuracy issues of man-

    ual intervention. More

    publishers are now recog-

    nizing the great benefits of

    automating this process,

    and are clamoring for asolution. Our solution for

    these publishers is Jet.”

    The chief developer of

     Jet and manager of Rule

    14, an affiliate company of SourceHOV, Shao-Shao Cheng,

    will deliver a talk on “Automated Metadata Extraction Using

    ML-NLP-Mathematical Modeling” at 3:15 p.m. on October

    16 in Hall 4.0’s Hot Spot Publishing Services.

    The second product, BoxOffice, provides a range of cloud-

    based enterprise information management services that

    enable organizations to ingest, extract, and store key data

    from documents. “It empowers business units with action-

    able and trackable intelligence,” says Nakul Parashar, v-p forenterprise content management, adding that “cloud-based

    BoxOffice offers greater security, a drastic reduction in paper

    handling, and allows role-based access for seamless retrieval

    in most formats.”

    For Parashar, publishers as clients have always been look-

    ing at reducing costs, but for most, cost reductions have now

    become critical to survival. “Publishers are looking at achiev-

    ing high quality, better project management, and faster

    turnaround times at much lower costs, which are all major

    challenges to solutions providers like us. They also want to

    repurpose their content. At SourceHOV, we took these chal-lenges as our guiding spirit to achieve our objective, which is

    to help publishers.”

    Adds Parashar, “We already have a number of proven

    technologies and workflows in place, and now we have added

    BoxOffice and Jet, which are new products that use for-

    ward-thinking content extraction and classification

    techniques. Our products are deployed at a number of large

    organizations as enterprise-wide solutions, and have been

    proven successful in helping publishers.”

    For more information on SourceHOV and Rule 14 prod-

    ucts and solutions, visit booth L54 in Hall 4.2.

    Stison Publishing SolutionsGetting the metadata right from the start takes the center

    stage at Stison. “We understand that metadata is not ‘glam-

    orous’. But getting the right systems and technology in place

    to handle bibliographic and other data means publishers can

    do away with many of those mundane and repetitive jobs

    around numbers and records—and get on with the creative

    things they do so well. Consider it as an investment, and that

    metadata control is not just for the big boys,” says managing

    director Alex Murphy.

    Stison’s cloud-based scalable publishing management solu-tion gives publishers,

    distributors, and rights

    agents control of their

    data so that they can

    simply send it where

    they want to. So driven

    is Stison about the importance of metadata that it offers its

    core Title Manager module free for publishers with less than

    200 publications.

    Adds Murphy: “It is our aim to avoid tech-speak and the

    complications traditionally associated with software instal-

    lations. Our publishing solution with its different modules

    is designed to be simple and intuitive; no lengthy training

    course or a thick tome of instruction manual required. You

    can just log on and run it in no time. The modules—covering


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


    royalties, e-book, Web, production, rights, and title manage-

    ment—enable all information to be stored in a single platform

    for quick access wherever you are.”

    Over the last 12 months, the team has been busy installing

    rights and royalty management modules at various publishinghouses. “Aside from being able to import sales data from any

    number of sources quickly—and painlessly—the module

    offers the ability to generate royalty statements on the fly, and

    bulk send those statements via email.” During one installation

    process, an error report and the ensuing investigation led

    Murphy and his team to uncover the fact that the publisher

    had been overpaying some of their authors. “But with the new

    module, cross-checking will ensure such error does not recur.”

    Ultimately, good practice is about accuracy of data, and

    “that is why Stison believes in getting it right from the start.

    One client went from an accuracy of just under 50% toaround 90% after installing our title management module,”

    says Murphy, pointing out that with the technology changing

    so fast, using a system like Stison “ensures that data can be

    managed, transferred, sent and distributed any where at any

    time easily. Having your data in a smart, tagged database

    ensures that you are planning for the future as well as today.”

    Visit booth J94 in Hall 4.2 to get more information and case

    studies on Stison.

    Young Digital PlanetWith “Your Partner in 21st Century Education” as its Frank-

    furt theme, Polish firm Young Digital Planet (YDP) is all

    about empowering teachers, engaging students, and improv-

    ing learning outcomes. Established in Gdansk in 1990, and

    staffed by a group of education specialists and technology

    professionals, YDP is a part of Sanoma Learning, one of

    Europe’s leading educational companies. It offers digital

    solutions for K–12 and preschool education, and delivery

    platforms and technologies for the publishing industry. Its

    products have been used in more than 45 countries, with its

    digital courses localized accordingly.

    “We believe that efficacy in education is achieved by focus-

    ing on individual needs. So we have adopted a personalizedapproach that allows students to choose their learning path

    and style, and unlock their potential,” says CEO Kuba Pance-

    wicz, adding that “more freedom in learning boosts

    self-motivations, which is the best way to achieve true

    engagement.” This philosophy and its innovative solutions

    have seen the company winning various awards including

    Poland’s New Technology Leader Award, Top Quality—

    Quality International (QI) Laureate title and the gold prize,

    and Ambassador of the

    Polish Economy award.

    One of its big projects

    revolves around providing

    content and content devel-

    opment technologies to

    People’s Education Press,

    China’s K–12 publishing house. “We also collaborate with

    Hong Kong Education City Limited, which is under the aegis

    of the territory’s ministry of education. Our Digital Books and

    Media Solution, or DBMS, for instance, is used to digitize the

    Hong Kong and Macao educational sectors,” says Pancewicz.During Frankfurt, YDP’s booth (C67 in Hall 4.2) will offer

    presentations on various topics including gamifying books,

    perfect blended learning for kindergarten, supporting teach-

    ers in their digital journey, the special role of math and science

    in today’s education, 21st-century learning and teaching

    skills, and creation of truly interactive books. Presentations

    start at 10 a.m. daily from October 14 to 16. Head of YDP

    think tank Jolanta Galecka will focus on “Textbook Digiti-

    zation in Germany: Lessons Learned” at 11 a.m. on October

    16 at Hall 4.2’s Hot Spot Education. Online and mobile

    solutions product manager Marcin Skrabka, on the otherhand, will explore the topic, “Gamifying Books and Content

    on Mobile Devices”, at 12:30 p.m. on the same day over at

    Hall 6.2’s Hot Spot Digital Innovation.

    Free copies of “The Book of Trends in Education 2.0,” a

    comprehensive 334-page report on 51 of the most recent

    trends in education by 22 YDP experts and renowned spe-

    cialists in the field, are available from its booth and website




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  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    That may be the most difficult part of the equation. Competi-

    tion is supposed to be good for markets but is the market for

    library e-book lending services getting overly complicated?

    Are all the new players and models just adding to the confu-

    sion in the marketplace for libraries? For libraries, there are

    lending limits, time limits, complicated pricing, and publishers who

    only work with some services and not others. And, for patrons, just

    how many plug-ins and systems and steps should a reader have to be

    expected to navigate just to get an e-book?

    As a 2014 report on e-books from the International Federation of

    Library Associations, observed: ‘”Taken globally, the current situation

    is a patchwork at best.”The key to understanding what services may work for your library

    is to first explore your library’s needs and priorities. To help, Dosdoce.

    com has created an infographic “12 Key Aspects to Consider in a Pub-

    lic E-lending Initiative.” The aim of this visual tool is to help lead

    librarians through the various different steps to consider when launch-

    ing or renewing e-lending initiatives, and to highlight a variety of

    issues that librarians must analyze, including the following:

    1. Technology Ownership vs.

    License Agreements

    The first and most obvious decision a library has to make will be about

    its technology. Currently, there are three main options.

    The first is coding and owning one’s own platform. Second is

    What Libraries Need

    to Consider WhenLooking at E-bookLending Solutions

    E-book lending in libraries has its challenges,

    but as the explosion of new players, platforms,

    and service providers in the field suggests,

    it is on the upswing. How do you choose

    which e-book lending service is best for

    your library?



  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    negotiating for a custom platform or “white label” version of a

    third-party platform. Finally, and the most common solution for

    libraries, is to execute a licensing agreement with one of the

    commercial platforms available in the marketplace, such asOverDrive, Baker & Taylor, 3M, etc.

    While the first option is initially more laborious, it can provide

    librarians with more control, as well as more flexibility for their

    e-lending initiatives, and is becoming more popular as initiatives

    progress, such as Library Simplified, led by the New York Public

    Library, or the recently launched e-Liburutegia, the e-lending

    platform used by the government of Spain’s autonomous Basque

    Country. Similar projects in Belgium and Grenoble, France, are

    also validating this option.

    2. The Large Variety ofLicense Models

    In this infographic we have identified at least 12 types of different

    purchase licenses. They include standardized licenses that limit

    the number of loans per title (usually around 26 loans before

    access must be repurchased); licenses that apply a time period

    restriction, usually one or two years, after which all remaining

    loans are canceled even if some titles might not have been checked;

    and non-expiring licenses that allow libraries to offer titles until

    all 26 loans have taken place, even if that takes longer. And

    there are also a range of new, innovative streaming models. These

    models hold promise, although they have yet to garner broad

    participation from publishers.

    3. Fostering Demand for

    E-Books at Libraries

    With the Internet having radically changed the ways people seek

    and find information and content over the past two decades,

    perhaps the most basic question is how long libraries will keep

    supporting digital services that based on 20th-century physical


    Geo-location, facial recognition, smart sensors (beacons),recommendation systems based on user satisfaction, interactive

    applications, and other third-generation technological enhance-

    ments offer libraries an impressive range of possibilities to enrich

    users’ experiences. With all this in mind, we hope this info-

    graphic will become a handy reference tool for librarians world-

    wide as they consider technology purchases. After all, a library’s

    technology must not only help meet the demands of patrons

    today but should also anticipate and be flexible enough to help

    you meet the shifting demands of your future patrons as well.

    Maribel Riaza is a project manager at Spanish cultural

     portal, and Javier Celaya is a founding partner

    at the company.


  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt



    As we kickoff the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair,what’s your take on the state of publishing?I think we are an industry on the brink of significant innova-

    tion. We have made it through the challenging work of intro-

    ducing content in digital formats. But while it has been a lot

    of work, it has generally been uninspired. For the most part,

    we have taken what was once in print and made it available

    digitally. I am not minimizing what has been done—it has

    required new technology, workflows, skills, marketing, and

    more, and there have been some wonderful flashes of innova-

    tion. But I think our brightest, most creative days, are ahead.

    The variables have never been so broad: any length of con-

    tent, delivered in an array of methods and formats, interwo-

    ven with stunning amounts of data. It is exciting and terrify-

    ing at the same time.

    Can you talk about your vision, and what top-ics you see BISG seeking to study and address?In the big picture, I would like to see BISG be the most valu-

    able resource for the book community when it comes to

    information about how to efficiently move content. Currently,we have a collaborative working group compiling best prac-

    tices in accessibility. Later this year, we will publish a Quick

    Start Guide to Accessibility and offer a summit on this topic.

    We are also partnering with BookNet Canada to bring a data

    quality testing tool to our publishers, as well as to give pro-

    viders an opportunity to be certified for their level of accu-

    racy. We have also partnered with the American Library

    Association to release Digital Content in Public Libraries this

    fall, which provides the latest information about patrons and

    their uses of books, e-books, audio and other resources pro-

    vided by public libraries. Our much-anticipated YA subject

    code listing will be available soon as well. These are just a

    few of the projects we will deliver this year. We also want to

    create a system of ongoing workflow evaluation in our eco-

    system, to make sure we can find and extinguish fires quickly.

    For so much of the last decade,digital distribution has domi-nated the headlines. Yet physi-cal distribution remains the industry’s lifeblood.How do you see the print and digital ecosystemevolving?It’s funny how we have created this mythical battle between

    print and digital. I think both will exist for a long time tocome and the percentages and market shares will fluctuate.

    Neither print nor physical will win out. The consumer will

    win, though, because as technology expands, it creates more

    options to deliver content.

    I constantly talk about how business always trends toward

    its most efficient means and toward what gives consumers

    more of what they want. In that context, I think the most

    efficient process is for content to move directly from the cre-

    ator to the consumer. There will be myriad ways for publish-

    ers to assist in that process, but every one of them will have

    to prove their value.

    When I speak to publishers today, they often talk about

    managing the breadth of exposure for an author, including

    video, conferences, social media, print, digital, online events,

    interactive content, and so forth. So, I think there will be

    many more delivery options to discuss than the two we have

    pitted against each other in the current environment.

    Data has really become a hot topic at conferenceslately. How important is it to keep metadata andour data practices front and center?It’s very important. Everything we do in life, not just reading

    books, is increasingly driven by data. Data gives you thetools to learn and improve. For example, I just read an article

    about the Google self-driving car, which is a car conceived

    and operated by data—the car is always collecting data to

    tell the car what to do. The car is constantly seeking informa-

    tion to perform better. The same is true for books. Data

    attached to books helps them travel more efficiently through

    our ecosystem, but it can also feed back data to help us be

    smarter about how we create and distribute content. Right

    now, we are able know how many pages are read in a digital

    book, but in the future we will be able to glean now-unfath-

    omable amounts of information about distribution, use, and

    consumer behavior—data we can barely imagine today. That

    data will give us the information we need to make us smarter

    and better at what we do—though, I have to add the caveat

    that this all has to be tempered with respect for privacy.

    Four Questions for BISG Executive

    Director Mark Kuyper

    On June 15, Mark Kuyper, former CEO of the

    Evangelical Christian Publishers Association,

     succeeded Len Vlahos as executive director of

    the Book Industry Study Group, the U.S.’s lead-

    ing book trade association for standardized

    best practices, research, information, and

    educational events. Where will BISG go next?




  • 8/20/2019 The Digital Spotlight @ Frankfurt


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