Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 15, No. 73. 1975 THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE By W. J. FITZGERALD and J. G. PAREN (Department of Physics, University of Birmingham , Birmingham BIS 2TT, England ) ABSTRACT. Two 0.5 m cores from " ByI'd " sta tion , Antarctica h ave b een st udi ed in th e labor a tor y, one from a shall ow depth (1 55 m) and th e other from th e zo ne where rec rystallization has given a ve rti ca l c-axis fabric, a nd th e air in situ is thought to be in cl at hrat e form ( 1424 m). The dielectric r espo nse has been studi ed in th e fr eq uency range 60 Hz to 10 kHz , and in th e tempe ratur e ra nge _ 6° C to _ 60 ° C. The beh avio ur observed is markedly diff er ent from that of " pure" polycr ys ta llin e ice such as may be mad e by slowly freez ing di stilled de-ioni zed water and is thus at va rian ce with the co nclusions of Rogers ( unpubli shed) who deduced, from meas ur ement s of th e a dmitt an ce of a dipole probe lowered through the fluid-filled drill hole at " BYI'd", that the ice surrounding the hole had a dielectric r espo n se simil ar to that of "pure" ice. The Antarctic i ce is shown to have properties similar to those of th e ice from "Ca mp Ce ntur y" and " Site 2" in Greenland s tudi ed by Paren (1973)' In an attempt to discover what fac tor s determin e th e diff erence in electrical be haviour between polar i ce a nd pure ice, so me sampl es were melted a nd subseq ue ntl y refrozen slowly. Their di electric response was similar to th at of pure polYCl)'stalline ice. These res ults are di scussed in connection with the impurity co nt e nt and growth co nditi ons of the ices. R ESUM E. L es propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux ca r ottes de 0,5 m pro ve na nt de la sta tion "By rd " dans l'Antarctique o nt de etudiees en la borato ir e. L'une provenait d'une faib le profond e ur ( 155 m) et I'autr e d ' un e zone oll la recristallisation a provoque la forma tion de c ri staux it axe-c vertical et ou I 'a ir ill situ est, pense-t-on , so us sa form e clathratique (1 424 m). La r eponse diel ectriqu e a ete et udi ee d ans la gamme des 60 Hz it 10 kHz et dans I' interva ll e de temperature de _ 6° C it - 60° C. L e com port ement observe est ne ttement different de cel ui d'une glace pol yc ristalline " pure" te ll e qu 'o n pe ut en fa briqu er en co ngeiant le nt eme nt de I 'eau distillee de-ionisee. Il y a done desaccord avec l es co nclu sion s d e Rogers (inedit es ) qui co nclu ait, it partir de mesur es de I'admitt an ce d'un e so nd e bipole d esce ndu e dans un forage noye it " BYI'd ", qu e la glace e nt o urant le trou avait un e repons e dielec triqu e semb lab le it ce ll e d ' un e glace pure. On mo ntr e que la gl ace a ntar ct iqu e a des proprietes sembl ables it cell es d'une glace prov en ant de "Ce ntur y Camp" et de "S ite 2" et udiee par Paren (1973) au Groenl and. En vue de deco uvrir les facteurs qui dete rmin e nt la diff erence e ntr e les co mporteme nt s elec triqu es de la gl ace polaire et de la glace pure, quelques ec hantillon s furent fondus puis regeles Ientement. Le ur r eponse dielectrique eta it semb labl e it cell e de glaces polycristallines pures. On di scut e ces res ult ats selon la tene ur en impuretes et les co ndition s d 'edifi cat ion d es glaces. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Die di elek tri schell EigellsclzaJten all tarkti sclzen Eises . Zwei 0.5 m dicke Bohrke rn e von der "Byrd " Station, Antarkt ika, wurden im La bor unt ers ucht , einer aus geringer Ti efe ( 155 m), der andere aus der Zone, wo die R ekristalli sa tion z ur Ausbildung vertikaler c-Achsen gefuhrt hat und di e Luft ill si tu vermutli ch in Klathratf orm enth a lten ist (1 424 m ). Die diel ektr isc hen R ea kti onen wurden im Fr equenz- bereich 60 Hz bis 10 kHz bei T e mp e ratur en zwisch en _ 6° C und _ 60 ° C unt ersucht. Das b eo b ac ht ete Verhalten ist wesentlich ande rs als das von "reinem" po lykri stallinem Eis, wie es beim la ngsamen Gefrieren von d es tilliertem, deionisiertem Wasser e nt steht , und ste ht so im Wid er spr uch zu den Folgerungen vcn Rogers (unveroffe ntli cht ), der aus M ess ungen der sc heinb aren Leitwert e ein er Dipol-Sond e, die in das flu ss igkeitsg efullt e Bohrloch an der " BYI'd " Station abg ese nkt wurde, sc hloss, dass das Eis in der Umgebung d es Loches sich di elektri sc h a hnli ch verhalt wie " r eines" Eis. Das a nt a rkti sche Eis hat sichtlich ahnliche Eigen sc haften wi e das Eis vo n "Ca mp Century" und " Site 2" in Gron lan d, das von Pare n (1973) unt ersucht wurd e. In e in em Versuch zur Entdeckung del' F a ktor en, di e den Unterschied im e1ektrischen Verhalten zwischen polarem Eis und reinem Eis bewirken, wurd en einige Pro ben geschmo lzen und anschliessend wi eder langsam gefroren. Ihr di ele ktri sch es Verhalten war ahnlich dem von reinem po lykri stallinem Eis. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Zusa mm e nhang mit dem Gehalt an Verunreinigungen und den W ac hstums- bedingungen der Eisproben diskuti e rt . I. INTRODUCTION Previous work has shown that th e electri ca l properties of polar i ce are completely diff erent from tho se of " pur e" ice (Paren, unpubli shed; Ho chstein, 1967 ; Rothli sberger, 1967). At first sight this is somewhat surprising , si nce the impurity content of polar ice is ex tremely low. Most of the impuriti es in the snow are also found in se a-wat er. Wher eas Murozumi and others (1969) claimed that the impuriti es co uld be subdivided int o du st and sal ts of marin e or igin, and when sa mpl es co ntaining many ye ars accumulation were ana lysed these marin e sa l ts were found in the sa me stoichiometric ratio as in sea- water , mor e recent ex perime nt s ( Ragon e and Fine lli, 1972; Ragone and others , 1972 ), and ind ee d sma ll er sa mpl e volumes s tudied by Murozumi and others, have shown that in parti c ular the ca tionic rati os in th e s now do not 39

THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique

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Page 1: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique

Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 15, No. 73. 1975



(Department of Physics, University of Birmingham, Birmingham BIS 2TT, England)

ABSTRACT. Two 0.5 m cores from " ByI'd " sta tion , Antarctica have been studied in the labora tory, one from a shallow depth (155 m) and the other from the zon e where recrystallization has given a vertical c-axis fabric, a nd the air in situ is thought to be in clathrate form (1424 m ). The dielectric response has been studied in the frequency range 60 Hz to 10 kHz, and in the temperature ra nge _ 6° C to _ 60° C. The behaviour observed is markedly different from that of " pure" polycrysta lline ice such as may be made by slowly freez ing distill ed de-ionized water and is thus at variance with the conclusions of Rogers (unpublished ) who deduced, from measurements o f the admittance of a dipole probe lowered through the fluid-filled drill hole at " BYI'd", that the ice surrounding the hole had a dielectric response similar to that of "pure" ice. The Antarctic ice is shown to have properties similar to those of the ice from "Camp Century" and " Site 2"

in Greenland studied by Paren (1973) ' In an attempt to discover what fac tors determine the difference in electrical behaviour between polar ice a nd pure ice, som e samples were melted and subsequ ently refrozen slowly. Their dielec tric response was similar to that of pure polYCl)'sta lline ice. These results a re discussed in connection with the impurity content and growth conditions of the ices.

R ESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provena nt de la station " Byrd " dans l'Antarctique ont de etudiees en la boratoire. L'une provenait d'une faib le profondeur (155 m) et I'autre d 'une zone oll la recristallisation a provoque la formation d e c ri staux it axe-c vertical et ou I'air ill situ es t, pense-t-on, sous sa forme clathratique ( 1 424 m ). La reponse dielectrique a ete etudiee dans la gamme des 60 H z it 10 kHz e t d a ns I' intervalle de temperature de _ 6° C it - 60° C. L e com portement observe est ne ttement different de celui d 'une glace pol yc ristalline " pure" te lle qu 'on peut en fa briquer en congeiant lentement de I'eau distillee de-ionisee. Il y a done desaccord avec les conclusions d e Rogers (inedites) qui concluait, it partir de mesures de I'admitta nce d'une sonde bipole descendue d a ns un forage noye it " BYI'd", que la glace entourant le trou avait une reponse dielectrique semblable it celle d 'une glace pure. On m ontre que la glace a ntarctique a des proprietes semblables it celles d ' une glace provenant de "Century Camp" et de "Site 2" etudiee par Paren ( 1973) a u Groenland. En vue de decouvrir les facteurs qui determine nt la difference entre les comportements e lectriques de la glace pola ire et d e la glace pure, quelques echantillons furent fondus puis regeles Ientement. Leur reponse dielectrique etait semblable it celle de glaces polycristallines pures. On discute ces resultats selon la teneur en impuretes et les conditions d 'edifi cation d es glaces.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Die dielektrischell EigellsclzaJten alltarktisclzen Eises. Zwei 0.5 m dicke Bohrkerne von der "Byrd" Station, Antarktika, wurden im La bor untersucht, einer aus geringer Tiefe (155 m ), der andere aus der Zone, wo die R ekrista llisa tion zur Ausbildung vertikaler c-Achsen gefuhrt hat und die Luft ill situ vermutlich in Klathratform entha lten ist (1 424 m ) . Die dielektrischen R eaktionen wurden im Frequenz­bereich 60 Hz bis 10 kHz bei T emperaturen zwisch en _ 6° C und _ 60° C untersucht. Das b eobachtete Verhalten ist wesentlich anders als das von " reinem " p o lykristallinem Eis, wie es beim la ngsamen Gefrieren von destilliertem, d eionisiertem Wasser entsteht, und steht so im Widerspruch zu den Folgerungen vcn R ogers (unveroffentlicht), der aus M essungen der scheinbaren Leitwerte einer Dipol-Sonde, die in das flu ssigkeitsgefullte Bohrloch an d er " BYI'd" Station abgesenkt wurde, schloss, dass das Eis in d er Umgebung des Loches sich die lektrisch a hnlich verhalt wie " reines" Eis. Das a nta rktische Eis hat sichtlich a hnliche Eigenschaften wie das Eis von "Camp Century" und " Site 2" in Gron land, das von Paren (1973) untersuch t wurde. In e inem Versuch zur Entdeckung del' Fa ktoren , die den Unterschied im e1ektrischen Verhalten zwischen polarem Eis und reinem Eis bewirken, wurden einige Pro ben geschmolzen und anschliessend wieder langsam gefroren. Ihr die lektrisches Verhalten war a hnlich dem von reinem polykrista llinem Eis. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Gehalt an Verunreinigungen und d en W achstums­bedingungen d e r Eisproben diskutie rt .


Previous work has shown that the electrical properties of polar ice are completely different from those of " pure" ice (Paren, unpublished; Hochstein , 1967 ; Rothlisberger , 1967). At first sight this is somewhat surprising, si nce the impurity content of polar ice is extremely low. Most of the impurities in the snow are also found in sea-water. Whereas Murozumi and others ( 1969) claimed that the impurities could be subdivided into dust and salts of marine origin, and when samples containing many years accumulation were analysed these marine sal ts were found in the sam e stoichiometric ratio as in sea-water, more recent experiments (Ragone and Finelli, 1972; Ragone and others, 1972), and indeed smaller sample volumes studied by Murozumi and others, have shown that in particular the cationic ratios in the snow do not


Page 2: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


follow those in sea-water. We know very little about the ionic balance in samples of such low impurity content, since there are difficulties in measurements of their anionic components.

The dielectric properties of ice formed from pure supercooled water droplets are known to be different from those of ice formed by slow freezing of large water volumes ( ~ 10- 3 m - 3).

Whereas the electrical properties of ice droplets change markedly with the time elapsed since their nucleation at a low temperature (Evrard , 1973), the properties of ice formed reversibly by slow freezing at 0° C show by comparison only minor ageing effects. Since the polar ice is initially derived from supercooled water droplets in the atmosphere, the dielectric behaviour of ice from the polar regions may be determined not by impurity content but by the way in which the ice forms.

This paper describes a series of experiments conducted on a number of ice samples cut from two ice cores drilled from "Byrd" station, Antarctica: a shallow core from 155 m depth, and a deep core from I 424 m depth. Dielectric measurements were made at different temperatures in the frequency range 60 Hz to 10kHz; since the attenuation of metre-length radio waves in polar ice sheets is determined primarily by the audio-frequency Debye disper­sion (Evans, 1965; Paren, 1973) which falls in the frequency range studied here, the results obtained should be relevant to radio-echo sounding studies.

Recently, Rogers (unpublished; Rogers and Peden, 1973) has studied the electrical properties of ice in situ at " Byrd" station by lowering a dipole probe into the fluid-filled hole and measuring its input admittance. From the m easurements he calculated the properties of the ice surrounding the drill hole by allowing for the contribution to the admittance from the fluids that are in contact with the probe, and he concludes that the audio-frequency dispersion of the surrounding ice is similar to that of pure ice at the same temperature.


We used a General Radio 1620A Capacitance M easuring Assembly to measure accurately the direct capacitance between two elements each connected to the core of a co-axial cable. The Capacitance M easuring Assembly covers the frequency range 50 Hz to IO kHz, and we used three differently constructed brass cells with gold-plated electrodes having diameters 56 mm, 36 mm, and 14 mm with guard electrodes. I ce samples ranging in thickness between 3 mm and 50 mm were studied. The thickest samples (thickness t > 20 mm) were cut from the entire cross-section of the ice core using a hacksaw, and the ends were " freeze-tapped" to give flat faces using the method ofTobin and Itagaki ( 1970). The thinnest samples (t < 5 mm) were melted to length and trimmed using a hot-wire cutter to a diameter slightly greater than that of the smallest cell. A similar procedure was carri ed out to prepare the samples for the 36 mm diameter cell. The ice samples were either frozen or pressed onto the electrodes of the cells and placed in a variable temperature enclosure. Temperatures between _ 6° C and - 120° C could be reached , but we concentrated mainly on the range _ 6° C to _ 60° C.

In order to d erive the values of the relative p ermittivity and conductivity of the samples, the value of the air capacitance of the dielectric cell was required. For the smallest cell the ice could be melted leaving the electrode spacing unchanged and the air capacitance measured directly. As will be seen later , the absolute values of the permittivity and conductivity obtained for these smallest samples were consistent with each other. However, for the larger samples the air capacitance Co was calculated from the formula

Co = EoA jt

where Eo is the electric constant, A the measured electrode area, and t the measured sample thickness. For the thickest samples there is a considerable spread in the values of the permit­tivity and conductivity observed. This is probably because the above formula is inapplicable

Page 3: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


when the width of the guard ring is significantly less than the thickness of a sample with a high relative permittivity.

The effect of melting and refreezing the polar samples was a lso investigated . The polar ice was placed in an air-tight cylinder made from " Perspex" (polymethylmethacrylate) of dimensions I 800 mm2 X 20 mm, and the ice melted. The "Perspex" container was then placed in a cold room at _ 6° C to refreeze; the resulting ice appeared to have a similar bubble content to the ice from 155 m depth at "Byrd". Dielectric tests were then carried out on these refrozen samples.

-5 10

-6 10

2 10




_--- -7·C


10 Hz

10 Hz

Fig. r. Frequmcy dependence oJ(a ) the conductivity a and (b) the relative permittivity.' Jar several different temperatures.

Page 4: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique



Typical results are shown in Figure I for a thin sample of deep ice for which measurements to 100 kHz were possible. It is seen that the conductivity is still increasing with frequency at 10 kHz, but tends to level off by 100 kHz. The relative permittivity reaches a limiting value € oo at high frequencies (typically at _ 60 0 C, E oo = 3. 13± O.02), whilst at lower frequencies the value is far higher than the value of about 90 expected for the Debye dispersion of pure ice. Figure 2 shows the measured 10 kHz conductivity (aIQ) of this sample plotted logarithmically as a function of reciprocal temperature, and on the same graph are shown: the a 100 values observed at 100 kHz for ice from the Mendenhall Glacier which shows a similar dielectric response to " pure" ice, and the m ean values for ice from "Camp Century" and "Site 2" ,

-5 10

-5 10


, . \ .

'. , .

i ce .


\ \


\ . ' . • '\

'\ . \

G re-en land , . ~\ Ice . \

l .. t. t.·8

Fig. 2. T emperature dependence of the conductivity UIO fo r a " Byrd" sample. The continuous and dotted lines represellt the resuits obtained by Paren (1973) for Mendenhall and Greenland ice respectively.

Greenland, observed by Paren ( 1973). Figure 3 is a similar plot for all fifteen samples, including ice from both 155 m and I 424 m, and, after corrections for air content, no difference in behaviour of the ice from the two depths was d e tectable. The spread in the values obtained may be attributed to the method used to get absolute values for the largest cell (as mentioned above). It is seen that the activation energy obtained from all the data points is comparable with , but slightly lower than, the value for ice from "Camp Century" and " Site 2", Greenland studied by Paren ( 1973).

At temperatures below about - 500 C the slope of the O"IQ graph changes slightly towards lower activation energies, but at higher temperatures the mean activation energy E obtained by fitting

Page 5: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


was found from the fifteen samples investiga ted to be 23.4 ± 3.2 kJ mol- I compared with 24.6 ± I.I kJmol - 1 for Greenland ice (Paren, 1973) . The value obtained for (10, the con­ductivity a t the melting temperature T o, for the nine samples in the smalles t cell was (4.6 ± 0.5) X 10- 5 [2- 1 m - I which may be compared to the values fo und at 100 kHz for ten Greenland samples of (4.S0 ± 0.22 ) X 10- 5 Q- I m- I and the value for Mendenha ll ice of 4.41 X 10- 5 Q- I m - I. This apparent coincidence, which was first noticed in the Greenland samples by Paren (unpublished), is confirmed by our m easurements.

~O -1 -1

.1L.. m

-5 10

-6 10


~ largest samples .

• sma lie r samples .

, . \i· .

\ ' . . ,. \ ....

\ . ""' .-.. , \



Extreme values obtained by

Maeno (1974) for 'Byrd' core .



. , ~ . . ' ~ " . .. . , '" .. ,

~ . , , " ... \ "-

'Pure Greenland _~ Ice . --\ i c e .

\ \


Fig. 3· T emperature dependerzce oJ the conductivities a,.Jor fiftem samples investigated.

Figure 4 shows som e results obtained by melting and subsequently refreezing a typical " Byrd" sample, and comparison with Figure I shows that the results obtained are sub­stantially different from those of the original samples. In fact the permittivity and conductivity for the refrozen samples strongly resemble those of " pure" ice. The low-frequency permittivity of the D ebye dispersion has a value of around 90, whilst the high-frequency permittivity £ 00 = 3.I8 ± 0.01 at - 500 C. Figure 5 shows (110 for two samples logarithmically plotted as a function of reciprocal temperature, and there is a great similarity to the values for the high­frequency conductivity of " pure" ice. In fact, all the m elted and refrozen samples behaved like ice very lightly doped with HF. According to Camplin and Glen ( 1973) the concentration of HF required to produce the same effect would be less than S X 10- 7 m oll- I.


In an attempt to a nalyse the results obtained in this experiment, a model capable of describing two relaxation processes in ice, a Debye dispersion (dispersion I) and a space­charge dispersion (dispersion 2), was considered. Each dispersion was assumed to satisfy the D ebye relaxation equations. T he complex relative p ermittivity can then be written:

Page 6: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


(j' Melted and refrozen n'm-I sample (2) .


-6 10








-10 C

_ 20·C

--- -1.9·C

10 Hz


10 Hz

Fig. 4. Frequency dependence of the conductivity a and the dielectric permittivity . ' at different temperatures for a melted and rifrozen sample.

Page 7: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


D.J0 -I -I


-5 10


Melted and refrozen samples .

\ ~

~\ ~

'\ Extreme values obtained for

several thin Byrd samples .

~ ., 0\ ~ \ \,--(2) '\

\ \ ,

I 1\\ Pure Ice \

' \ (1)

LiO 1;4 4'8

\Greenland ice

'( Paren.19731.

Fig. 5. Tempera tllre dependence of the high:!reqllency conductivities u lofor two melted and rifrozen samples.

L'lE J L'lE2 E* (W) = Eoo + . + --.-

I +'JWT J I + JWT2


where L'lE J and L'lE2 are the dispersion strengths of dispersions I and 2 , Ti is the relaxation time of the ith dispersion and w = 27Tj, w heref is the frequency. The conductivity change through each dispersion L'la .j is given by

At high frequencies as the permittivity approaches Eoo ~ 3.2 , the conductivity becomes independent of frequency (a oo) . The low-frequency conductivity of the first dispersion ao (ao == a oo - L'la l) is, we believe, the true direct-current conductivity that would be observed in the absence of electrode effects which give rise to the space-charge dispersion.

The experimental data were fitted to this model using a least-squares iterative technique. I t was observed that for the " Byrd" samples the d .c. conductivity a o had the same activation energy as a oo, and the value extrapolated to the melting point is given by aoo = (2. I ± 0.3) X X 10- 5 [2- 1 m - I, a value similar to that obtained for Greenland ice by Paren (1973) . H ow­ever , in general the fit to the experimental data was not particularly good (an error of 10 % at - 400 C) and in consequence another model was investigated to see if the fit to the data impf()ved.

Page 8: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


Experiments by Watt and M axwell (1960) on tempera te glacier ice, by Fujino ( 1967) and Addison (1970) on sea ice and by Paren (unpublished) on firn in Axel H eiberg Island, Canada, have shown that a low-frequency behaviour given by

E " = Af - m

is often experimentally observed. This behaviour is derived from an impedance Z* given by

Z* = ~o(jw)-( ' -m )


w -m (m7T) Ez' = To cos -;- and " w -

m. (m7T)

Ez = To SIn -;- .

A necessary consequence is that

E/ (m7T) tan I) == --; = tan -EZ 2

is independent of frequency in the range for which the model holds. The experimental data were fitted to a model having a complex relative permittivity given by

~E E* (W) = Eoo+ . [ + (EZ'-jE/)

I + JWT, and the same least-squares procedure as before was used . The results of this computation gave a better fit to the data, (an error of 4% at - 400 C) . However, the calculations give the relaxation frequency (1 = 1/ 27TT, ) of the first dispersion to be about 100 Hz, which is sur­prisingly low and cannot be related to the D ebye dispersion known in " pure" ice. The conductivity increases as a function of frequency with exponent ( I - m), and the values obtained for m were about 0.8 . Therefore in our experiments

cr OC f O.2

which implies that the value of the conductivity extrapolated to the MHz region is several times the value of the conductivity obtained at 10 kHz. H owever, the extrapolation far beyond the m easured frequencies may not be justified .

Another model having a spread of relaxation times was also considered , in which the complex relative permittivity is given by

~E E*(W) = Eoo+ (.) _ .

1+ JWT ' et

The computed fi t to the experimental data using this model was good (an error of 1 % at - 400 C), and the conductivity a t high frequencies derived from this model was again found to increase with frequency with exponent IX , which was typically 0. 2 (Fitzgerald , unpublished ).

The results obtained for the m elted and refrozen samples were fitted to the fi rst model having a Debye and space-charge dispersion and excellent fits were obtained (an error of I % at - 400 C ). Good Cole- C ole semi-circles were obtained , and the computed fits closely r esembled those expected for very lightly doped H F ice.


It has been shown that the electrical behaviour observed in the ice from " Byrd" station is very similar to that observed for other polar samples, and is thus at variance with the measure­m ents made in the " Byrd" drill hole by R ogers (unpublished ; R ogers and Peden, 1973). H owever, recently Von Hippel and others (1974) have shown that if ice samples doped with HF are contaminated by metha nol vapour the effect of F- doping is essentia lly neutralized since methanol is an avid proton acceptor, and the ice behaves a s " pure" ice. Since trichloro­e thylene is also a proton acceptor and is present in large amounts in the drill hole at " Byrd", the properties of the surrounding ice may have been modified. M elting and refreezing of the

Page 9: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


We need more detailed studies of the variation of absorption with location in the future if we are to confirm the representative nature of a temperature- d epth profile for the surrounding region. Clearly, there is no evidence at present which would favour the suggestion that convection occurs in polar ice sheets as proposed by Hughes ( 197 [). If convection within the ice sheet did occur, we would expect the resultant temperature pattern to produce rapid variations of absorption with location, and thi s would result in rapid changes in the depth from which internal refl ections are recorded. In addition, the continuity and parallel nature of such reflecting surfaces would be broken by the existence of convection. Evidence of the lack of convection in an ice sheet, in spite of the existence of favourabl e conditions pointed out by Hughes, should be of interest to those concerned with the possibility of convection in the Earth's mantle.

Reflecting horizons within the ice mass

We have already drawn attention to the significance of the continuity of inte rnal refl ections. Their continuity over long distances in Greenland and the presence of strong echoes from internal layering at centres of outflow in Antarctica both favour the idea that these horizons are depositional features. If these main internally refl ecting horizons can be confirmed as relics of earlier surfaces of the ice sheet, as discussed earlier , then we have an important parameter displayed on our radio-echo records that can be related to past accumulation and ice movement. The position of past surfaces, or " isochrons" as they have been called, have been calculated and are shown in the compute r prints of Budd and others ( 19 71 ).


Evidence of polarization of radio echoes in pola r ice sheets has been produced by Bogorod­skiy and others (1970[a] ) and by Jiracek and Bentley ( [971 ) . Since transmitted pulses are usually polarized at the source, the problem in making observations is to study the processes of d epolarization. There are two significant factors : the effect of anisotropy within the ice mass, and the process of reflection. The problem s will be discussed elsewhere in this symposium and readers should refer to Bentley (1975) and p . 442.

Ice movement

If radio-echo fading patterns of bedrock echoes are fixed in space, then these patterns may be used as a fixed reference frame against which one can d etermine ice movem ent. If the fading patterns are due entire ly to the irregularities of the bedrock surface and are not affected by inhomogeneities that move with the ice mass, such as moving morainal material or dielectric variations in the main ice mass, then it is reasonable to expect them to form a suitable referen ce frame. The time scale involved in developing and testing this concept will serve to illustrate the time gap between p roducing an idea and applying it.

The concept of using the fading pattern was first suggested by the reviewer at a colloquium in the Scott Polar R esearch Institute in 1969, but the initial conclusion was that the frequency dependence of the fading pattern would require a high degree of stability of ra dio frequency and band-width in the equipment. In view of other commitments for the research group, the idea was not pressed until J . F. Nye raised the matter in a personal discussion in February 1971 , when h e pointed out that frequency stability requirements were not as stringent as had been thought and could readily be met . It was agreed that Nye's group in Bristol should pursue this line of work.

Short field tl"ials of the m ethod were then made in the 1971 - 72 season, using the conven­tional radio-echo equipmen t (SPRI Mark 11 ) on Fleming Glacier, Antarctic P eninsula. In spite of som e operational difficulties, the first results on this glacier (Walford, 19 72 ) showed an ice movement of38 ± 3 cm d - I (radio echo) compared with an ice movement of 46 ± 5 cm d- I

Page 10: THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF ANTARCTIC ICE · RESUME. Les propriites dieLectriqlles de La glace de l' Antantique. Deux carottes de 0,5 m provenant de la station "Byrd" dans l'Antarctique


after making corrections for vertical strain, determine how much ice has melted off the surface as a function of distance from the equilibrium line. Then, if one knows the velocity of move­ment, one can convert this into an ablation rate. The method appears particularly attractive for determination of the bottom melting beneath ice shelves, especially the Ross Ice Shelf, where considerable knowledge of the ice movement has been, and is being, acquired. Unfor­tunately, efforts to record suitable internal layering of ice shelves by radio-echo sounding have not been successful so far, but the value of these observations is such that efforts should continue.

(iii) Temperature

Ice temperature is the parameter that has been a central consideration in the development of radio-echo sounding, since the large variation of dielectric absorption with temperature would make the method of echo sounding impracticable on polar ice sheets if a large fraction of the ice column were at the melting point. It was shown by Robin and others ( '969) that the bottom echo strength recorded at Camp Century, Greenland, was such that no substantial thickness of ice near bedrock could be at the melting point, although the accuracy of theory and observation did not enable one to be sure whether the ice- rock contact was frozen or at the melting point.

Several observers (Bailey and Evans, 1968; Bogorodskiy and others, I 970[b J) have used a useful though crude parameter, the mean absorption temperature . This is determined by dividing the observed absorption by the path length through ice (twice the depth), and converting this figure from Westphal's curve to a temperature. Owing to the non-linear relationship between absorption and temperature, the answer is not close to the true mean temperature, but it is useful in discussing radio-echo sounding performance. In general, the mean absorption temperature will be appreciably- and possibly substantially- warmer than the true mean temperature of the ice.

I t appears likely that once a better understanding of the processes causing internal reflections of radio waves in polar ice sheets has been gained, it may be possible to make quanti­tative estimates of temperature and absorption gradients at depths below 2 000 m in polar ice sheets. This arises from work of Paren and Robin (in preparation) showing that the main reflection process at greater depth is due to changes of dielectric loss (i.e. tan 8) between different layers, so that the reflection coefficient itself is very temperature-dependent. This applies only below I 500 to 2 000 m at the site studied. At depths of less than, 500 m , the reflections appear to be due to density or similar variations, and although absorption still plays a part in determining the recorded echo strength of internal reflections, it may prove difficult to isolate the absorption losses from the other factors so as to produce satisfactory estimates of temperature. Nevertheless, as our understanding of the physical processes causing internal reflections improves, it appears likely that we may be able to gather much more detailed information on temperature distribution within ice masses than is given by the mean absorption temperatures. In turn this information may let us draw indirect conclusions on accumulation rates at the surface along lines indicated previously. The potential accuracy will not however be great enough to replace the precise temperature measurements in bore holes that are necessary when relating present-day temperature profiles to the past surface temperatures.

We should not conclude this section without pointing out again that the whole progress of radio-echo sounding has been dependent on our understanding of temperature distribution within polar ice sheets . The successful development of radio-echo sounding methods in itself provided confirmation of our theoretical models of temperature distribution before more direct evidence was given by results from deep drilling at Camp Century in Greenland and "Byrd" station in Antarctica.