-9 :944 TUJE pAY V V ID rNT. OF VALLEY, 14 WOjLL * 'BE GVEt$ MI ALTN'EAT flamlt~h D~. 2,,-(Special.)--Con- siderable Interest ias been aroused in the free con, ert to be g$ven at the Lu- ea oierte hous Tuesdiiy evening by the Hamilton -dthestra, the Excel quertet, tui Anmfiton Music club chottiS anti' a veral well-known so- oistst,v both Vocal Ind instrunental The male quartet and the chorus are Well known here, having been heard several times during _ the, past two years, but; he orlise W1ll 1ke'its initial appearance 'tuesday ei nintg. ,The qgqqnization is welt halanxqd; at4 haas been practicing dilgently for cev- eral weeks under the leadet ahip oL"FW. G. McLellan, an orchbmstia er fore several years. The orchestra g ves promise of becorrfing' d'e of the lieu musical organizations of.wdstern Mon- tana.- iY lE[ RROOT SIO FARM: famitoi, Dee. 27.-(Special.)-The Bi tt-Th stoclC farm mannagement is silling liarf of the large herd of Here- ford cattle because a part of'the farm occupied by this herd is being sold off. 'The H'ird is of full-blooded stock and is being purchased by noted stockmen of different sections of the country. 1 eitry Theissen of Sweetwater, Idaho, ptlreliased 22 head of these cattle last week, shipping the same to Grandview fatin, his property at Sweetwater. Mr. Theissen stated before leaving Hanmil- tont that he might return for another shipment frota the same herd of stock. Coin tM o th rpa WAtOR FOR DEFINITE AT9 V-A=-U-D-. -V-I1!LI,- T Days--St runxg Tohight FX (ADDED AkACTlON *ate College Quatiette he finest singing and comedy organization in the .Northwest. &= ards and Lawrence T1o ;Irresistible Comedians in dancing and talking act. G*OitE. ADI S COMEDY Vitkgrap. Dramntlc F.` oft Bush The. Choice Lover Fe ed solig Western Conedy 49 Tip5 REVELER8S e B o et Orchesry always a f pi ed ABc it1 `Jts2 4i WAR~t who played, the stelaF Iole in the stageprodiletfon of "Aliai JHirate Valentine," an1tappeared on the Enpress sergen SQome time ago in "The 'Lst Paradise" will be seen TODAY ANDi TMORROW in his originat role i9 th1 Lyceum Theater su cess 'TfIE . TOS BREAKE ' AT1'tir: "--wbbse famoti player> Dpay 4 R. L.. I CAk PB, WrgeiAi aim ~ MOaTHER 'F PROMINEJT HAMIL- TON ATTQR NEY T tBE LAID .I LIF PINAL REStiNG :LA'E .Hamilton; Dec: ,2 : dia;tl)- WT' neral seryvfee over tile 47lt I of; Mr. Cole, Wio diet Wednesdax .afternoop at the home of ,her son, H. B. Cole, will be held tomorrow afterPoop at 2 o'clock from the Episcopail church The servlces, will be conacited b -ev. ,J. 1'. *feyard fhq body will be in- terred In Riverview cemetery. Mrs. Col@ was born Mity a, 1848, In Buffalo scuntf Iew York and -was 68 ~y ras of' uge at the time of; hr 4eath: fTie came to Hioainlton fgnt tlle -' loops about two years ago, having been, an taix am i*Ide' li+e: hustia id dea~th ,*veraI' years ago. She plsur- vx ec~ bx one, son, Attorney D-aibert B. Cole, of thib city; and sethal broth- ers in Wsio Asih. WAR ME5 TO M\ BAcIT Paris, Dec. 27.-The French war dopartme0nt, which dt still in $bo-- doauc, will return to, Paris Janauary 7. KNIGHTS-OF PYftIIAS T- II9E CONC1 ON JANUJARY]7 Hamilton, Dec. 27.-( peclal.)=The ilallowelf Concert comnpany of Chi- cago, an organization composed of 10 musical artists, will give a a' 'cert at the Lucas opera house the evening of January 7 under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias lodge of ilanmilton. This is said to be one of the best musical organizations cver to appear here. GEORGE HARVEY, C NV C E.*t IN NA~41TON.', NQER :DON-L~AW, LAW A i 41 l iM& Hramnilton, Dec. 2i.--fdel tl.) George Harvey, who was f tand guilty .,f a violation of the Donlitn 'Whlt6 hl'very law by a jury In the district court recently, received his, s ence before. Jue Ht. Lee, uMeQtoltoh yester- day. The; court ve ifed the' phxtish- f i'ent fited by the jury-two ye ais in the state penitentiary. Harvey was -thieh to Deer Lode on the; 4iten oon train 'yiterday by Deputy Shteliff 1%Q s of Corvallis. As will be remembered, Harvey was arrestedupon orders of the, court im- 'Mdidtely after' a heai'lng, which re- sulted in the sending of a' 15-year-old girl of this city, to the reform school' Harvey was charged with taking thbe girl to a house of ill fame. The jury lit' the case undti discusalon in the jufe' room for 24 hours. H}mniiiton, Dec. 27.--(hpecial,)-Dep- tuty !Game Warden ,Thomas Evans left this 'morning for Darby. Air. Evans came to Hamilton from ;.9seouii yes- terday to attend the trial of Chat-les Hoffmian who was convicted yesterd;.y of fishing without a license. He was arrested somestimne ago by Mr. Hvans. IN DARBY TOWN Plains, Dbe. 27.-(Special.)-Otis Harper returned today from a bust- ness trio to' Hanilton. Dove 4ucie camne up yesterday firoi4 Hamilton to see after things 'n hi'm eept:side ranch. Jock Centers and ' Warren Simmons of Hamilton went up to the Tiedt LanU & Orchard wonipany ranch, where they are employed. Mr. ahd Mrs. F. D. Dudle'- returned, on today's train from Hlamilton, wbhd" they have beeni to spend Christmvms among their old friends. Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Alnut came up from the county seat to visit Mrs. Alnut's father, James Strange, duringir the holidays. Lloyd Thompson went to Hamilton Friday on business and returned Su'n'- day. Gus Helmers, the paintel' and dee- orator, returned from the lower val- ley today-.- Mrs. Rollie fleavers has been visit. Teheatersj Biou. The Washington State college cquar- tet, the finest musical and comedy or- ganization in the northwest, will ap- pear at the Bijou for three days start- ing tonight, as an extra attraction, In addition to the regular vaudeville, photoplay -,id concert orchestra fea- tures. Messrs. Richards and Lawrence, Ir- resistible German comedians, singers and dancers; are featured on the regu- lar vaudeville bill,. The nmotion ple- tm'e program cons~ists of George Ade'0i comedy, 'The Fable of the Bosh- Leggue Lover Who Iralled to Qualify," and Viltagraph'tr splendid drama, "The Choice," end a screaming Eeltg West- era',comedy, "The Revelers." Empress, 'The Ghost Ilceatkek's,' with It. Id: Wai'ner'in the Utite role. which' is ft of the moqt receqnt and lintprtant' film prodmisktlimn nS4e by thle 3e~ss LmI leasky Feature pliay company, may ho deqeribed as a mystery photo-drama 6f t's p contL (ite.'6 Qetlon orig- lDntern in pain, with a :beeutifful pria- cods, searching for lost' treasure, as the heroine. m1t !s transferreri to Amei'- ica, wherein, the hero develops in the form of a young southerner engagite a 'a family. fued. And then it moves back to SPaln, where the young Amer- . ican provds ihat 'the '"hosts"' of the haunted castle are not' ghosts at all, Lbut villains eniploy'ed by a wicked luke to keep the Irincess fronm her rights. This extraordicary tense and thrill- Lag film 'will be the' of~ering~ at the by ege etheater toddty pad tomaorrow. -, you. ~an 4of IThe. 11 ; ii Bollar r e- ]I3MPcmS I~Irt ':t! ym I: s y, feet. No moreQ -in or beunions. Nl t ytri feet out all ahe pol- uonous ~.encds. tionsiawlhh puf *111 elt your strer thup or draw dw yosr ade u41pain- Your shoes won't se .ght and y feet will nevers never hrt or get sore swollen or tired. Get s 25 cent box at an. d Oieg os *ltIt1store, anid get relief log't her hhther at 11ainiltop iir a fe A :Dr " Equires went t+ Vlhtoz to spierld has Christmas with his old- tinse `frltds. Mr.a atin, socialist speaker, muade a.. very interesting address h'ere eat- arday A ening to a large audience. He is an. interesting speaker and well * posted ,n his subject. Efforts Were made toshave him remain here for this w ek, bigt owing to previous eng e- nients he was compelled to leave. Warren Gihford was in town yester- day. Hod is gaining his health slowly after hI injury received in some un- known manner while attending his ., stock. The skull of Mr. Gibford was - fraAtured. CAMAS Came , Dec. 27,--(Sprecal.)-MIesars. L.arriveeo, Ancdir aid Carroll drove to Plains Sntui day to spend Christmas. The union Christmas lice gived at the tiggins, hall Christmas evening was a Land success. A large crowd turned 'Otli and every one caine homae well satiafted. Mrs. Phil Zei and baiy diaughter t arrived J unn y?'sterday fiom Plains in tile. 4lianiier enr. Idra. Zolh went - in the u4i;ht before to a'eotipany tier home. JOse5 Gdfrey and Miss Jewel Jel- lison were married at the former's home yesterday evening. Rev. Mr. Beaudr4iiatx performed the ceremohy, after whiii a bounteous wedding sup- Per was served toi a few of the near dla~iVE"fa and Mrs. Oodfrey will h ik 1 ithei 'home, While engaged I in farming. Both are well known:in-' th-ig section and have the congi-utula- tiohid of the entire community. The iProgua-Morgan horse-owner- ship case, which came up before Judge Arnold Tuesday, was decided in favor of the. former. Ed Hart returned this. week frbni the Dakirtas and will spend the winter on his ranch. It was reported some time ago that he had ,been drowned. RIEADAMRE SlOPS, NE gIAGONE Dr. James' Headache Powders give Inst iat :re~tl d -dstf dime a packaoge. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing iheadadhed yield in just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache Pow- ders which cost only 10 cents a pack- age at any drug., store. It's the quick- est, surest headache relief in the whole { world. Don't siffer! Relieve the agony, and distress now! You can. Millions of men and, women have found that headache and neuralgia misery is needles.. Get what you ask for. GERMAN BORN; NOT LIKED IN ENGLAND~ SIR ERNEST CASSEL. Sir Ernest ('assel, gn;N of the wrkld'sj most pow~erful financters' :ld vucn1I'- dehtiuI' iilviser to tir l;itt 1Intr Ed~.i Wad, )i been bttrred from ifrttituh _iktr..COuaftn by J1>v (Jmnr icrte. 'lThoeot .Wt pe01't n.Egls itrfa1.wh e~treckee action. Sir Erne~ (~tk `.1 s1., aflhor~t born iIn (German1y, 1tu~1 'long been .*dentiItId witIl lBrIthuh'ro azuthrop) ________..!- D A m a Add#, zltdtipfes, sub= tracts, divides, Litera- ture on r quest. E. W. HARRIS S6AA E, WAS&H 321 Sp Ague Ave. Runti ng B6twoen Ravalli ant Polpon. LOOK FOR THE PENNANT JOS. BRODIE. R. G. HULL RAVALLI, MONTANA THE AUTO SERVICE Ravalli to Poison JOE ROBERTS, FRANK SAWYER, CLARENCE EDMONTON. Episode 22 of the Million $ Mystery will be Hhah n. at the EMPRESS on WEDNESDAY Episotd 23, to be filmed from the winning xolutlon, will bt shown about six weeks later. 7Wh, E-A-DAY CIA$SIFIED) WANT ADS ALWAYS BRING RESULTS MISSOOLA'S BUSINESS SLATE A Ready Reference for Busy People ELECTRICIAN HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES Big Reduct on, Sterng Mazda Lamps. The Missoul Hotel J A Walsh, Mr CAVANDER, 313 HiggIns; 528 Black. Steam heat, telephones, thoroughly Missoula Electrio Supply Co. Phone modern. Week and month rates. e1040 Edison Mazda Lamps, Vacuum The Palace Hotel Corner West Cedar Cleaners, Judd Electric Washers, and Steven's streets. Convenient; ----- ------- strictly modern. Cafe In connection; TAILORING AND PRESSING breakfast and luncheon 35 cents. Dinner 35 cents and up. Specit Jake, the Tailor. Suits to order. 133 all-winter room rates. West Main street. Grand Pacific Hotel. Chas. A. Sohra e1 Budick's Tailor Shop. Hammond Opposite Nd P. passbnger de- Burdick. TalrSo. Hmod pot--Strictly ntodern and up" to date. Annex.Pearsonal service a feature. First. clays cafe end dining room in con- SHOE REPAIRING nection. Germahi dishes a specialty. .Coling at Mapes'. Speclal at. ----.-- teition to Parcel Poet. WELDING New Method Shop, 322 North Higgins. If you like g 637 WyoodySreet. Phone n893.9 Miasouls SECOND-HAND DEALER Welding Works. G. T. Meade, Furniture, 114 W. Cedar. Phone 1411 J. HIDES AND JUNK Frank Long, D6aler in New and Sea. Attention-We Give Full Value and and Hand Goods; 121 W. Cedar, prompt return for hides, pe!ts, wool rubber. Missoula Hide and Wool TINNER Depot, 631 Woody; 986 BTack. Reid, the Tinner. Furnace. Tel. 635. SHEET METAL WORKS PAIN ANDPAPE HANING E;, L. Metcalf, 129 Alder. tel. 701. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING ialtWarm Air Furnaces." Harry Wright. Phone 919 Black. G OIL AND GASOLINE Tumulla and Bleler Auto Co., General Daly Addition Store--General Groaer- repairs; welding= work guaranteed. iea, Oil and Gasoline. Phompt dIliv- 817 So. Higgins. ery; 760 Black. ______760_Black._ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER PIANO TUNING Fine Repairing-Shunk-144 W. Front. H. Ai MdLean, Orvia Music House. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE CIDER AND VINEGAR Fred C. Stoddard, 14 Higyirn Block. Hammond and Daly Add'n lots. C. H. MOSS, 524 N. First; Phone 438 Black; city delivery. UPHOLSTERING TRANSFER AND STORAGE " Mattresses Box Springs; made and re- made; feathers put in no-spread Anderson's Transfer and Storage. tick. Also renovatedd Upholstering Promhpt and reliable. Phone 7952. and auto trimming. Phone 1128, 510 South Higgins. MUSIC INSTRUCTION. Prof. Angelo Rovero, instructor of music. Studio in Arvis Music store. Chicago Garage. Work guaranteed. API instruments and voc.l. Instru. Send us broken parts. 227 W. Main. ments supplied beginnes. Lands Tel. 350. and orchestras of male and female members being organized Call for CATARRH TREATMENT FREE. particulars. Catarrh Treatment Free.-Anyone de- siring to take advantage of our five days' free trial treatment write B. C. W., box 47, Missoula, Montana. ONY E"B'roni Q4trine' th~is L!xa Brom 3 r.: arr!wo OtLY FIRePROOF, 1005E1R O PTO PHSIGHAN SUPS 0. L BO'RODAU- Roomr 805-7 Phbne 982 J. MqI. H. B. FAftNSWORTH8 Room 812-14 Room 202 HAS Phone 719 CHAS. E. P1XLEY/ Room 207-9 Phone 191 E. S. HA f#AWAY 0. F. TURMAN Room A$1214 Room 300-1-4 Phbxe 178 OPTIC DENTISTS NH Room 2305 HRon je P. G. ELLi8 RA RobtWT 200-203 Phone 1047 REAL ESTAE &1i1 C. H. M'COME I iSURANCE Rbom 213-215 Phone 632 CHAS. FERGUSON R. H. NELSON Room 210 Phone It Room 201 Phone 1009 J. M. PRICE CO. CHAS. L. SMITH Basement Phone 167 Room 303-305 Phone 692 11k. M. R. C. SMITH Room 206-8 1Pone 232 ATTORNEYS WHESLDON. R18 CO. A. BESANCON Basabneht Phone 99 Room 400-3 Phone 839 Red BLACKFOOT LAND DEVELOP. WALTER M. BICKFORD IENT CO. Room 503-5 Phone 173 Ground Floor Phone 540 R. F. GAINES J. H. TOUSLEY, M. W. OF A, Room 311 Phone 765 Red Room 403 RONALD HIGGINS CONTRACTORS Room 407 Phone 754 OLSCN & JOHNSON COMPANY F. J. LOGAN Room 504-6-8 Phone 628 Room 401-4 Phone 1008 0. E. PEPPARD W. J. M'CORMICK Room 406-8 Phone 824 Room 405 Phone 754 CHAt. N. MADEEN ABSTRACTS Room 409-10 Phone 378 C. L. F. KELLOGG W. L. MURPHY Basement Phone 806 Room 505 Phone 173 MISSOULA COUNTY ABSTRACT J. H. TOLAN CO. Room 309 Phone 451 Room 608 Phone 216 Room 610 J. VIOLET(EPhone 42 DRESSMAKING W. F. WAYNE MISS MALEY Room 511 Phone 306 Room 813-15 RoomJAS. L. WALLACPhoe 373 FOREST SERVICE WOODY WOODY BITTER ROOT NATIONAL Room 607.3 Phone 42 Room 413 FOREST Room 413Phone 468 -"- LOLO NATIONAL FOREST MISSOULA NURSERY Room 601-2-4 Phone 944 Ground Floor Phone 192 MISSOULA NATIONAL FOREST Room 501 CRYSTAL BARBER SHOP LOGGING DEPARTMENT Basement Phone 692 Red Room 610 Phone $1 TURKS' MOVE TROOPS D tnze,?C. 27.-Tice TurkI~h rnfli. lna'y authorities hav'e remov'ed t ro)oIs and artillery fromi Adrianople and avre se~nding them t) the Darden,' e1103 and the Buflahorusg, accordlaxg to & diUs)tch froift Athens, Easy fo~r the -,. mod m~ IN~rA*~ .

The Daily Missoulian (Missoula, Mont.) 1914-12-28 [p 3]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025316/1914-12-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdf-9:944 TUJE pAY V V ID rNT. OF VALLEY, 14 WOjLL * 'BE GVEt$

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Page 1: The Daily Missoulian (Missoula, Mont.) 1914-12-28 [p 3]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025316/1914-12-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdf-9:944 TUJE pAY V V ID rNT. OF VALLEY, 14 WOjLL * 'BE GVEt$






flamlt~h D~. 2,,-(Special.)--Con-

siderable Interest ias been aroused inthe free con, ert to be g$ven at the Lu-

ea oierte hous Tuesdiiy evening bythe Hamilton -dthestra, the Excelquertet, tui Anmfiton Music clubchottiS anti' a veral well-known so-oistst,v both Vocal Ind instrunental

The male quartet and the chorus areWell known here, having been heard

several times during _ the, past twoyears, but; he orlise W1ll 1ke'its

initial appearance 'tuesday ei nintg.,The qgqqnization is welt halanxqd; at4haas been practicing dilgently for cev-eral weeks under the leadet ahip oL"FW.G. McLellan, an orchbmstia er foreseveral years. The orchestra g vespromise of becorrfing' d'e of the lieumusical organizations of.wdstern Mon-tana.-


famitoi, Dee. 27.-(Special.)-TheBi tt-Th stoclC farm mannagement issilling liarf of the large herd of Here-ford cattle because a part of'the farmoccupied by this herd is being sold off.'The H'ird is of full-blooded stock andis being purchased by noted stockmenof different sections of the country.1 eitry Theissen of Sweetwater, Idaho,ptlreliased 22 head of these cattle lastweek, shipping the same to Grandviewfatin, his property at Sweetwater. Mr.Theissen stated before leaving Hanmil-tont that he might return for anothershipment frota the same herd of stock.

Coin tM o th rpa


V-A=-U-D-. -V-I1!LI,-

T Days--St runxg Tohight


*ate College Quatiettehe finest singing and comedy organization in the .Northwest.

&= ards and LawrenceT1o ;Irresistible Comedians

in dancing and talking act.

G*OitE. ADI S COMEDY Vitkgrap. Dramntlc

F.` oft Bush The. ChoiceLover Fe ed solig Western Conedy49 Tip5 REVELER8S

e B o et Orchesry always a f

pi ed ABc it1`Jts2 4i WAR~twho played, the stelaF Iole in the stageprodiletfon of "AliaiJHirate Valentine," an1tappeared on the Enpress sergenSQome time ago in "The 'Lst Paradise" will be seen

TODAY ANDi TMORROWin his originat role i9 th1 Lyceum Theater su cess

'TfIE . TOS BREAKE 'AT1'tir:

"--wbbse famoti player> Dpay 4R. L.. I CAk PB, WrgeiAi

aim ~



.Hamilton; Dec: ,2 : dia;tl)- WT'neral seryvfee over tile 47lt I of; Mr.Cole, Wio diet Wednesdax .afternoopat the home of ,her son, H. B. Cole,will be held tomorrow afterPoop at 2o'clock from the Episcopail church Theservlces, will be conacited b -ev. ,J.

1'. *feyard fhq body will be in-terred In Riverview cemetery.

Mrs. Col@ was born Mity a, 1848, InBuffalo scuntf Iew York and -was 68~y ras of' uge at the time of; hr 4eath:

fTie came to Hioainlton fgnt tlle -'loops about two years ago, having

been, an taix am i*Ide' li+e: hustia iddea~th ,*veraI' years ago. She plsur-vx ec~ bx one, son, Attorney D-aibert B.

Cole, of thib city; and sethal broth-ers in Wsio Asih.


Paris, Dec. 27.-The French wardopartme0nt, which dt still in $bo--doauc, will return to, Paris Janauary 7.


JANUJARY]7Hamilton, Dec. 27.-( peclal.)=The

ilallowelf Concert comnpany of Chi-cago, an organization composed of 10musical artists, will give a a' 'cert atthe Lucas opera house the evening ofJanuary 7 under the auspices of theKnights of Pythias lodge of ilanmilton.This is said to be one of the bestmusical organizations cver to appearhere.


LAW A i 41 l iM&

Hramnilton, Dec. 2i.--fdel tl.)George Harvey, who was f tand guilty.,f a violation of the Donlitn 'Whlt6hl'very law by a jury In the districtcourt recently, received his, s encebefore. Jue Ht. Lee, uMeQtoltoh yester-day. The; court ve ifed the' phxtish- fi'ent fited by the jury-two ye ais inthe state penitentiary. Harvey was-thieh to Deer Lode on the; 4iten oontrain 'yiterday by Deputy Shteliff 1%Q

s of Corvallis.As will be remembered, Harvey was

arrestedupon orders of the, court im-'Mdidtely after' a heai'lng, which re-sulted in the sending of a' 15-year-oldgirl of this city, to the reform school'Harvey was charged with taking thbegirl to a house of ill fame. The jurylit' the case undti discusalon in thejufe' room for 24 hours.

H}mniiiton, Dec. 27.--(hpecial,)-Dep-tuty !Game Warden ,Thomas Evans leftthis 'morning for Darby. Air. Evanscame to Hamilton from ;.9seouii yes-terday to attend the trial of Chat-lesHoffmian who was convicted yesterd;.yof fishing without a license. He wasarrested somestimne ago by Mr. Hvans.

IN DARBY TOWNPlains, Dbe. 27.-(Special.)-Otis

Harper returned today from a bust-ness trio to' Hanilton.

Dove 4ucie camne up yesterday firoi4Hamilton to see after things 'n hi'meept:side ranch.

Jock Centers and ' Warren Simmonsof Hamilton went up to the Tiedt LanU& Orchard wonipany ranch, wherethey are employed.

Mr. ahd Mrs. F. D. Dudle'- returned,on today's train from Hlamilton, wbhd"they have beeni to spend Christmvmsamong their old friends.

Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Alnut cameup from the county seat to visit Mrs.Alnut's father, James Strange, duringirthe holidays.

Lloyd Thompson went to HamiltonFriday on business and returned Su'n'-day.

Gus Helmers, the paintel' and dee-orator, returned from the lower val-ley today-.-

Mrs. Rollie fleavers has been visit.


The Washington State college cquar-tet, the finest musical and comedy or-ganization in the northwest, will ap-pear at the Bijou for three days start-ing tonight, as an extra attraction, Inaddition to the regular vaudeville,photoplay -,id concert orchestra fea-tures.

Messrs. Richards and Lawrence, Ir-resistible German comedians, singersand dancers; are featured on the regu-lar vaudeville bill,. The nmotion ple-tm'e program cons~ists of George Ade'0icomedy, 'The Fable of the Bosh-Leggue

Lover Who Iralled to Qualify,"

and Viltagraph'tr splendid drama, "TheChoice,"

end a screaming Eeltg West-


"The Revelers."

Empress,'The Ghost Ilceatkek's,' with It. Id:

Wai'ner'in the Utite role. which' is ftof

the moqt receqnt and lintprtant' film


nS4e by thle 3e~ss LmI

leasky Feature pliay company, may hodeqeribed as a mystery photo-drama6f t's p contL (ite.'6 Qetlon orig-lDntern in pain, with a :beeutifful pria-cods, searching for lost' treasure, asthe heroine. m1t !s transferreri to Amei'-ica, wherein, the hero develops in theform of a young southerner engagite

a 'a family. fued. And then it movesback to SPaln, where the young Amer- .ican provds ihat 'the '"hosts"' of thehaunted

castle are not' ghosts at all,


villains eniploy'ed by a wicked

luke to keep the Irincess fronm herrights.

This extraordicary tense and thrill-

Lag film 'will be the' of~ering~ at the

by ege etheater toddty pad tomaorrow.

-, you. ~an 4of

IThe. 11 ; ii Bollar

r e- ]I3MPcmSI~Irt ':t! ym

I:s y, feet. No moreQ -in

or beunions. Nl tytri feet

out all ahe pol-uonous ~.encds.tionsiawlhh puf

*111 elt your

strer thup or draw dw yosr adeu41pain- Your shoes won't se .ght

and y feet will nevers never hrt orget sore swollen or tired.

Get s 25 cent box at an. d Oieg os*ltIt1store, anid get relief

log't her hhther at 11ainiltop iir a fe A

:Dr " Equires went t+ Vlhtoz tospierld has Christmas with his old-tinse ̀ frltds.

Mr.a atin, socialist speaker, muadea.. very interesting address h'ere eat-arday A ening to a large audience. Heis an. interesting speaker and well *posted ,n his subject. Efforts Weremade toshave him remain here for thisw ek, bigt owing to previous eng e-nients he was compelled to leave.

Warren Gihford was in town yester-day. Hod is gaining his health slowlyafter hI injury received in some un-known manner while attending his .,stock. The skull of Mr. Gibford was -fraAtured.

CAMASCame , Dec. 27,--(Sprecal.)-MIesars.

L.arriveeo, Ancdir aid Carroll drove toPlains Sntui day to spend Christmas.

The union Christmas lice gived atthe tiggins, hall Christmas eveningwas a Land success. A large crowdturned 'Otli and every one caine homaewell satiafted.

Mrs. Phil Zei and baiy diaughter tarrived J unn y?'sterday fiom Plainsin tile. 4lianiier enr. Idra. Zolh went -

in the u4i;ht before to a'eotipany tierhome.

JOse5 Gdfrey and Miss Jewel Jel-lison were married at the former'shome yesterday evening. Rev. Mr.Beaudr4iiatx performed the ceremohy,after whiii a bounteous wedding sup-Per was served toi a few of the neardla~iVE"fa and Mrs. Oodfrey willh ik 1 ithei 'home, While engaged I

in farming. Both are well known:in-'th-ig section and have the congi-utula-tiohid of the entire community.

The iProgua-Morgan horse-owner-ship case, which came up before JudgeArnold Tuesday, was decided in favorof the. former.

Ed Hart returned this. week frbnithe Dakirtas and will spend the winteron his ranch. It was reported sometime ago that he had ,been drowned.


Dr. James' Headache Powdersgive Inst iat :re~tl d -dstf

dime a packaoge.

Nerve-racking, splitting or dull,throbbing iheadadhed yield in just a fewmoments to Dr. James' Headache Pow-ders which cost only 10 cents a pack-age at any drug., store. It's the quick-est, surest headache relief in the whole {world. Don't siffer! Relieve theagony, and distress now! You can.Millions of men and, women havefound that headache and neuralgiamisery is needles.. Get what you askfor.



Sir Ernest ('assel, gn;N of the wrkld'sjmost pow~erful financters' :ld vucn1I'-dehtiuI' iilviser to tir l;itt 1Intr Ed~.i

Wad, )i been bttrred from ifrttituh_iktr..COuaftn by J1>v (Jmnr icrte. 'lThoeot

.Wt pe01't n.Egls itrfa1.wh e~treckee action. Sir Erne~ (~tk `.1s1., aflhor~t born iIn (German1y, 1tu~1'long been .*dentiItId witIl lBrIthuh'ro

azuthrop) ________..!-

D A m aAdd#, zltdtipfes, sub=tracts, divides, Litera-ture on r quest.

E. W. HARRISS6AA E, WAS&H321 Sp Ague Ave.

Runti ng B6twoen Ravalli antPolpon.



THE AUTO SERVICERavalli to Poison


Episode 22 of the

Million $ Mysterywill be Hhah n. at the

EMPRESS on WEDNESDAYEpisotd 23, to be filmed

from the winning xolutlon,will bt shown about sixweeks later.


MISSOOLA'S BUSINESS SLATEA Ready Reference for Busy People

ELECTRICIAN HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSESBig Reduct on, Sterng Mazda Lamps. The Missoul Hotel J A Walsh, MrCAVANDER, 313 HiggIns; 528 Black. Steam heat, telephones, thoroughlyMissoula Electrio Supply Co. Phone modern. Week and month rates.e1040 Edison Mazda Lamps, Vacuum The Palace Hotel Corner West CedarCleaners, Judd Electric Washers, and Steven's streets. Convenient;

----- ------- strictly modern. Cafe In connection;TAILORING AND PRESSING breakfast and luncheon 35 cents.

Dinner 35 cents and up. SpecitJake, the Tailor. Suits to order. 133 all-winter room rates.

West Main street. Grand Pacific Hotel. Chas. A. Sohra e1Budick's Tailor Shop. Hammond Opposite Nd P. passbnger de-Burdick. TalrSo. Hmod pot--Strictly ntodern and up" to date.Annex.Pearsonal service a feature. First.

clays cafe end dining room in con-SHOE REPAIRING nection. Germahi dishes a specialty..Coling at Mapes'. Speclal at. ----.--teition to Parcel Poet. WELDING

New Method Shop, 322 North Higgins. If you like g 637WyoodySreet. Phone n893.9 Miasouls

SECOND-HAND DEALER Welding Works.G. T. Meade, Furniture, 114 W. Cedar.

Phone 1411 J. HIDES AND JUNK

Frank Long, D6aler in New and Sea. Attention-We Give Full Value andand Hand Goods; 121 W. Cedar, prompt return for hides, pe!ts, wool

rubber. Missoula Hide and WoolTINNER Depot, 631 Woody; 986 BTack.

Reid, the Tinner. Furnace. Tel. 635. SHEET METAL WORKS

PAIN ANDPAPE HANING E;, L. Metcalf, 129 Alder. tel. 701.PAINT AND PAPER HANGING ialtWarm Air Furnaces."Harry Wright. Phone 919 Black. G

OIL AND GASOLINE Tumulla and Bleler Auto Co., GeneralDaly Addition Store--General Groaer- repairs; welding= work guaranteed.

iea, Oil and Gasoline. Phompt dIliv- 817 So. Higgins.ery; 760 Black.______760_Black._ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER

PIANO TUNING Fine Repairing-Shunk-144 W. Front.H. Ai MdLean, Orvia Music House. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE

CIDER AND VINEGAR Fred C. Stoddard, 14 Higyirn Block.Hammond and Daly Add'n lots.C. H. MOSS, 524 N. First; Phone 438

Black; city delivery. UPHOLSTERING

TRANSFER AND STORAGE " Mattresses Box Springs; made and re-made; feathers put in no-spreadAnderson's Transfer and Storage. tick. Also renovatedd UpholsteringPromhpt and reliable. Phone 7952. and auto trimming. Phone 1128, 510South Higgins.MUSIC INSTRUCTION.

Prof. Angelo Rovero, instructor ofmusic. Studio in Arvis Music store. Chicago Garage. Work guaranteed.API instruments and voc.l. Instru. Send us broken parts. 227 W. Main.ments supplied beginnes. Lands Tel. 350.and orchestras of male and femalemembers being organized Call for CATARRH TREATMENT FREE.particulars.

Catarrh Treatment Free.-Anyone de-siring to take advantage of our fivedays' free trial treatment write B.C. W., box 47, Missoula, Montana.

ONY E"B'roni Q4trine' th~is

L!xa Brom3 r.: arr!wo



Roomr 805-7 Phbne 982 J. MqI.H. B. FAftNSWORTH8 Room 812-14

Room 202 HAS Phone 719CHAS. E. P1XLEY/

Room 207-9 Phone 191 E. S. HA f#AWAY

0. F. TURMAN Room A$1214Room 300-1-4 Phbxe 178 OPTIC

DENTISTS NHRoom 2305 HRon jeP. G. ELLi8 RARobtWT 200-203 Phone 1047 REAL ESTAE &1i1C. H. M'COME I iSURANCE

Rbom 213-215 Phone 632 CHAS. FERGUSONR. H. NELSON Room 210 Phone It

Room 201 Phone 1009 J. M. PRICE CO.CHAS. L. SMITH Basement Phone 167

Room 303-305 Phone 692 11k. M. R. C. SMITHRoom 206-8 1Pone 232



Room 503-5 Phone 173 Ground Floor Phone 540R. F. GAINES J. H. TOUSLEY, M. W. OF A,

Room 311 Phone 765 Red Room 403RONALD HIGGINS CONTRACTORS

Room 407 Phone 754 OLSCN & JOHNSON COMPANYF. J. LOGAN Room 504-6-8 Phone 628

Room 401-4 Phone 1008 0. E. PEPPARDW. J. M'CORMICK Room 406-8 Phone 824

Room 405 Phone 754CHAt. N. MADEEN ABSTRACTS

Room 409-10 Phone 378 C. L. F. KELLOGGW. L. MURPHY Basement Phone 806


Room 309 Phone 451 Room 608 Phone 216


Room 511 Phone 306 Room 813-15


Room 607.3 Phone 42 Room 413 FORESTRoom 413Phone 468


Ground Floor Phone 192 MISSOULA NATIONAL FORESTRoom 501

CRYSTAL BARBER SHOP LOGGING DEPARTMENTBasement Phone 692 Red Room 610 Phone $1


D tnze,?C. 27.-Tice TurkI~h rnfli.lna'y authorities hav'e remov'edt ro)oIs and artillery fromi Adrianopleand avre se~nding them t) the Darden,'e1103 and the Buflahorusg, accordlaxg to& diUs)tch froift Athens,

Easy fo~r the -,. mod m~

IN~rA*~ .