The Korean Journal of Culinary Research Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 5672 (2008) 56 분자미식학의 현황과 앞으로의 전망 이은정 , 안정석 * , 최정윤 ** 신흥대학 호텔외식경영과, * 뉴욕대학교 음식학 ** 경희대학교 관광대학원 조리외식경영학과 The Current Trends and the Prospective View of the Molecular Gastronomy Eun Jung Lee , Jeong Suk Ahn * , Jeong Yoon Choi ** Dept. of Hotel & Restaurant Management, Shin-Heung College * Steinhardt School of New York University ** Graduate School of Tourism, Kyung Hee University Abstract Molecular gastronomy is a science that deconstructs the classic haute cuisine and applies science know- ledge and laboratory techniques to create textures and flavors in unusual ways. The term 'Molecular Gas- tronomy' was introduced in 1988 by French chemist 'Herve This' and Oxford physicist 'Nicholas Kurti'. It has since been adopted by both world culinary establishments and scientists, from 'El Bulli' to 'Harold McGee'. Since most world-top prestigious restaurants and chefs were enthralled by this revolunary culinary movement, molecular gastronomy and molecular cooking have drawn a growing interest of lots of Korean people in the food industry until now. However, Korean foodservice industry is unlikely to be ready to develop this advent-garde culinary movement because molecular gastronomy is still an insufficiently established concept of culinary science and philosophy in Korea. Besides, there are many clumsy abuses of putative and clinically unproven bio-chemical components in kitchens and restaurants in the name of culinary science or culinary arts. Such a careless approach and attitude towards an important exercise like a cooking is highly deplorable. Thus it is still too far early to expect the prospective path of molecular gastronomy in Korea without understanding the core principle of molecular gastronomy and having any cultural support. Key words : molecular gastronomy, Herve This, Nicholas Kurti, chefs. ¶ : 교신저자, 010-8288-4581, [email protected], 경기도 의정부시 호원1117 . 2000년도 한국 식문화의 새로운 단어가 퓨전음 (fusion food)이라고 한다면(이상민 2000), 2006 년도에 한국의 식문화에 새롭게 소개된 단어는 분 자미식학(molecular gastronomy)이라고 할 수 있 . 영국 음식전문지 레스토랑(Restaurant Maga- zine)세계 50 베스트 레스토랑에서 1, 2, 3를 차지한 스페인 훼란 안드리아(Ferran Adria)엘 불리(El Bulli), 영국 헤스턴 블루멘탈(Heston Blumenthal)의 팻 덕(Fat Duck)(김희섭 2006), 랑스 피에르 갸녜흐(Pierre Gagnaire)의 피에르 갸 녜흐에서 알 수 있듯이 분자요리가 요리계의 최 첨단 트렌드임을 입증했다(조선일보 20075

The Current Trends and the Prospective View of the

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<30355FC0CCC0BAC1A4BFDC2E687770>The Korean Journal of Culinary Research Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 5672 (2008)
The Current Trends and the Prospective View of the Molecular Gastronomy Eun Jung Lee¶, Jeong Suk Ahn*, Jeong Yoon Choi** Dept. of Hotel & Restaurant Management, Shin-Heung College
*Steinhardt School of New York University **Graduate School of Tourism, Kyung Hee University
Molecular gastronomy is a science that deconstructs the classic haute cuisine and applies science know- ledge and laboratory techniques to create textures and flavors in unusual ways. The term 'Molecular Gas- tronomy' was introduced in 1988 by French chemist 'Herve This' and Oxford physicist 'Nicholas Kurti'. It has since been adopted by both world culinary establishments and scientists, from 'El Bulli' to 'Harold McGee'. Since most world-top prestigious restaurants and chefs were enthralled by this revolunary culinary movement, molecular gastronomy and molecular cooking have drawn a growing interest of lots of Korean people in the food industry until now. However, Korean foodservice industry is unlikely to be ready to develop this advent-garde culinary movement because molecular gastronomy is still an insufficiently established concept of culinary science and philosophy in Korea. Besides, there are many clumsy abuses of putative and clinically unproven bio-chemical components in kitchens and restaurants in the name of culinary science or culinary arts. Such a careless approach and attitude towards an important exercise like a cooking is highly deplorable. Thus it is still too far early to expect the prospective path of molecular gastronomy in Korea without understanding the core principle of molecular gastronomy and having any cultural support.
Key words : molecular gastronomy, Herve This, Nicholas Kurti, chefs.
¶ : , 010-8288-4581, [email protected], 1 117
(fusion food) ( 2000), 2006
(molecular gastronomy)
. (Restaurant Maga-
zine) ‘ 50 ’ 1, 2, 3 (Ferran Adria)
(El Bulli), (Heston Blumenthal) (Fat Duck)( 2006), (Pierre Gagnaire)

( 2007 5
‘ ’
(liquid nitrogen) ‘
(pistachio truffle)’
. ,
, (various flavored li- queurs), , ,
, ,
(truffle) ‘ ’ .
, , ,

. , , , , ,
2007 3 2007 12


(Herve This) “
, (The chemistry and phy- sics behind the preparation of any dish)”
(This 2006). ,
‘On Food and Cooking’ McGee (2007) ‘
(The scientific study of deliciousness)’ (www.foodite.com).


(Haute cuisine) ,
‘ ’

. 1980
(Ni- cholas Kurti)
(Herve This)



, ,
, .

(Avant-Garde, ) (This 2005).
(cooking), (food sci- ence), (science of cooking)




14 1(2008)58
(This 2006a).


(This 2006a). (, ,
(This 2006a).


? ( )
‘’ .
(H2) (O2) (H2O)






, ,

(Bret 2006; Bret 2007).
(Nicholas Kurti) (Royal Society) ‘ (Physicist in the kitchen)’ .

(: microwave) ‘Baked Ala- ska’
(Herve This)

. 1988

, 1992 Sicily
Eric Ettore Majorana Cen- tre for Scientific Culture
(molecular and physical gastronomy: )

. 1998
‘(mole- cular gastronomy)’ (www.khymos. org).

. 17, 18
, Benja- min Thompson, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, Justus
von Liebig (This 2006).
19(1895) (Jean- Anthelme) (Gastronomy)

(Brillat 1971).

. ,
. ( ) (natural history),
, (physics)

, (chemistry)

, (cookery)

, (political economy)
.” - Meditation 3, 18 -


?” .


. 17, 18


(This 2006a).
(Ellis 1988)
. (Deconstruction)
? ‘ ’

, , , ,

, ,

. (Deconstructionalism)

14 1(2008)60
(Stephan & Steven 1994). ,


4. (Molecular Cooking)

(Ruhlman 2007). 2006 EMBO reports Herve This ‘

(How the scientific discipline of mole- cular gastronomy could change the way we eat?)’
(This 2006b).
(1) Gibbs
(emulsification) ,


(2) Vauquelin
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier Nicolas Vauquelin(1763 1829) ,
. , ,
(3) Baum
Antoine Baum(1728 1804)
, Baum .
, (water bath)

4 (Class )



(4) Syringe
, ,

, , ,


(7) Roner Digital Thermostat
Narcís Caner(La Fonda Caner, Girona)
5 100

(http://www. cookingconcepts.com/).
(8) Bamix
(9) Gastrovac
, , (http://www. cookingconcepts.com/).
(McGee 2003).

(www.ok2580. co.kr/).
(3) Calcium Chloride
. (sodium alginate)

(McGee 2003).
(4) Dextrose
(McGee 2003).
(5) Egg White Powder
(7) Glucose
14 1(2008)62
(starch syrup).
(MaGee 2003).
(www.foodite.com/www. sugarfree.co.kr).
(9) Lecithin
, ,
(emulsifier) , , . , , , ,
(www.kwangilfood.co.kr; MaGee 2003).

(11) Methylcellulose
, , ,
(www.willpow- der.net).
(12) Sodium Alginate

() ,
(www.willpowder.net; www.foodite.com).
() ,
(www.foodite. com).
(14) Tapioca Maltodextrin

(15) Transglutaminase


(www.will- powder.net; www.foodite.com).
(16) Trimoline

(www.cow 2004.com).
(17) Xanthum Gum

(thickening agent), , (thicken- ing power)

(www.willpowder.net; www.foodite.com).
(1) Carbonating

(2) Sous Vide Cooking(Vacuum Cooking)
sous vide ‘ ’ 1970
, 60


(calcium lactate)
(calcium chloride)

(Ferran Adria) apple caviar (http://www.tinder- boxthg.com/spark/2007_04_26.html).
, melon Canta- loupe caviar (El Bulli)
algin Bamix
, calcic
caviar .
case . algin calcic , algin Bamix .

(Shherical mango ravioli)
. (El bulli) ‘Hazelnut shots’
nitrogen ,
food processor
Pacojet ,
(http://www.elbulli.com/). Whip siphon


. Sous videcooking()

, 60 clifton food range

1 .
14 1(2008)64
< 1>
Melon Cantaloupe caviar
Reverse Spherical cured ham croquette
Algin, gluco, xanthan
Terrine of basil Agar Gelification Spain www.texturaselbulli.com
Frozen parmesan air Lecithin Emulsification Thermomix Spain www.texturaselbulli.com
Iberian ham cream Xanthan gum Espesantes Thermomix Spain www.texturaselbulli.com
Hazelnut shorts Nitrogen Frozen Pacojet, syringe Spain Elbulli 2004
Nitro-Scrambled egg and bacon ice cream
Nitrogen Frozen UK http://www.fatduck.co.uk/
Black current sponge cake
Carrageenan Gel USA http://www.wd-50.com
Agar Sous-vide Clifton food range
France http://www.pierre-gagnaire.com/
Sous-vide Clifton food range
(www.the- worlds50best.com). (The Fat Duck) (Heston Blumenthal),
(Pierre Gagnaire)
(Pierre Gagnaire) (Bras)

. (El Bulli)
(Ferran Adria)


(Kingston 2006; http://obser- ver.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,1968665,00.ht ml).

(Nation's Restaurant News 2005).
2 .
(Ferran Adria)
(El Bulli)

(Auguste Escoffier 18461935) .
< 2>
( )

Michel Bras Bras(6 )
Monaco Alain Ducasse Le Louis XV(15)
England Heston Blumenthal The Fat Duck(2 )
Anthony Flinn Anthony's
Eric Torralba Antidote
Grant Achatz Alinea(36 )
Homaro Cantu Moto
James George Venue
Shea Gallante Cru
Will Goldfarb Room 4 Dessert
Wylie Dufresne WD-50
Marc Lepine The Courtyard Restaurant
Michael Blackie Brookstreet Hotel
Robert Bragagnolo Lobby
14 1(2008)66
< 2>

Seiji Yamamoto Ryugin
Australia Raymond Capaldi Fenix
Israel Roni Gilmore Lutece
, , 10,000 .
1 .

(Svejenova 2007; Los Angeles Times 2007). 2006 (Time)
(Heston Blumenthal)
‘ ’, ‘ ’, ‘ ’ (The Guardian Food Section 2003, 2004; http://www.fatduck.co.uk/). , ‘ ’ . ‘Kitchen ’


( ), (
), ( ) (http://www. pierre-gagnaire.com; http://www.pierre-gagnaire.jp/e_ index.html).



(Ferran Adria), (Pierre Gagnaire)

, (Herve This), (He- ston Blumenthal)
, (http:// www.hattori.ac.jp),


, ,


( 2006).

, Molecular mixology( )
(Evans 2007). ,

. Food Network Good Eats Iron chef America, PBS
America test kitchen
. Iron chef

Iron chef America

2007 1
(Homaro Cantu) Iron chef (Masaharu Morimoto)
, Cantu

. ,
Good Eats Alton Brown


(http://www.food- network.com).

. The Culinary Institute of America(CIA) Johnson & Wales(J&W), The Fren- ch Culinary Institute(FCI)

http://www.frenchculinary.com/jump_continuing_e ducation.htm#s1) trans- glutaminase , xanthan, carrageen, alginate, gellan, pectin ( : Hydrocolloids) ,
Sous-vide cooking
(Leigh 2006). CIA
(Katherine M. Polenz)
(Gregory Zifchak) , J&W
(Bill Schutz)

(Katherine & Gregory 2006; http://culinary.jwu.edu/content2408. html).


(Ron Eade 2007).


( ‘’

‘196 ’, ‘

. 2007

14 1(2008)68
(http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/special- section/esc_section/214308.html).
L (Pierre Gag- naire)

( 2007).

( 2007).

, “

.” (http://www.gayot. com/restaurants/features/fredy_girardet.html/).


. ,



. ,

. ,

(Corriher 1997; Robin 2005).
Brillat-Savarin ‘The Physiology of Taste’ “

.” (Fisher 1971).

. ,








, ,



(dry-heat cooking method)

. ,



. .


, ,



. ,


, ,

. ,





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3. ( ) (2007) : 2007 2, 92-93.
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18. Stephan Fuchs & Steven Ward (1994) : What is deconstruction, and where and when does it take place? Making facts in science, Building Cases in Law American Sociological Review. Aug. 59(4):481-500.
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22. This Herve (2006b) : Food for tomorrow?: How the scientific discipline of molecular gastronomy could change the way we eat. EMBO reports. 7(11):1062.

1. !, 2007 5 3.
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3. Heston Blumental. WE HAVE BLAST OFF!: Most top chefs would probably scoff at the idea of cooking in a microwave. But Hes- ton Blumenthal is not among them. The Guar- dian, Food Section, Oct 18, 2003, 100.
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5. Linda Lipschitz. Culinary alchemy at its best. The Jerusalem Post, Feb 9, 2007, 79. New 'molecular gastronomy' trend raises doubts: is it fine dining or Frankenfood? Nation's Restaurant News, 10, 2005.
6. Regina Schrambiling. Media Dish; Eavesdrop on culinary genius; Wired foodies can attend an important gastronomic conference in Spain (Home Edition). Los Angeles Times, Mar 7, 2007, 6.
7. Ron Eade. It's not rocket science; In the world of molecular gastronomy, it's chemi- stry plus fun. Food section, April 12, 2007, 4.
8. Ron Eade. Tasty molecules; At Black Cat Caf, chef Rene Rodriguez reduces classic dishes to their components then the fun be- gins. The Ottawa Citizen, April 4, 2007, 1.
: 2007 12
968665,00.html → Adria, Ferran Blumenthal, Heston Keller,
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http://www.ok2580.co.kr/front/php/b/board_read. php?board_no=12&no=864&number=19&offset=0 &page=1&search_key=&search=
http://www.pacojet.com/html/en/pacojet.htm http://www.pierre-gagnaire.com/ http://www.pierre-gagnaire.jp/e_index.html http://www.sugarfree.co.kr http://www.theworlds50best.com http://www.theworlds50best.com/restaurants/rest
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/R TGAM.20070425.wxlmolecular25/BNStory/lifeFoo dWine/
Katherine M. Polenz, Gregory Zifchak , CIA, 2006 11.
2007 11 19
2008 1 18