The Connected Customer Journey Connect your marketing so you can connect to your customers.

The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

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Page 1: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

The Connected Customer JourneyConnect your marketing so you can connect to your customers.

Page 2: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

CONNECTNew rules to achieve personalization at scale, galvanize your company’s culture and make decisions that get results.

It’s time to get real about what it takes to win in today’s noisy, fractured marketing landscape. To be effective, you’ve got to double-down on the reality that you are firmly in charge of your customer’s experience.

Your customers are fickle at every turn, but they are unequivocal in what they demand: relevant information delivered through a coordinated and personalized experience. If they don’t get it, they’ll take their purchasing power elsewhere, and they’ll do it fast.

So how do you connect your marketing so you can connect to your customers? You start by assessing where you are. Look at how your organization collects, measures, analyzes and optimizes data.

Do you have a unified view of your customers through unified and connected data sets? Be honest.

Believe it or not, the answer to this question has nothing to do with your tech stack. This answer lies in how you make decisions. It’s about how you’ve adapted

to the explosion of available customer data, how it surfaces, and how it informs action.

Have you prioritized an investment in the collection of data that you own to analyze and leverage for business gains? Does data regularly break out of departmental silos? Is it aligned to common goals based on customer success metrics?

If not, you’re not alone.

Does your data regularly break out of departmental silos?

Page 3: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

In 2016, the CMO Council found that the lack of customer-centric vision is pronounced. A full 49% of senior marketing leaders said multi-channel alignment was selective, with some ties between physical and digital, but others remaining “totally disconnected.”

What’s more, 26% of respondents cited a “challenge to align platforms, measures and data related to each online or offline experience.”

We believe the solution lies in the connected customer journey.

A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static curve of activity from awareness to purchase, today’s connected journey aims to break down marketing silos by layering customer impact points across time and channel.

These are the challenges everyone is talking about, yet

few have solved.

It’s an aggregate of rigorous research that is data-driven, dynamic and constantly optimized. It informs every decision a marketer makes through a holistic view of a customer’s experience.

To succeed with the connected customer journey, there are three new rules that will help you get from tactical marketing mayhem to a productive, functional effort to achieve personalization at scale.

Page 4: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

Measurement based on the consumer, not the channel.

Journey analytics is precision measurement across time and channel to understand how individuals are engaging with brand touchpoints, such as email, site activity or social interactions. Journey analytics brings consumer behaviors across multiple touchpoints into a unified view, and enables personalization in a way that traditional analytics cannot.

Journey Analytics

Persuasive ContentPersuade. Inform. Delight. Compel Action. Always Adding Value.

Engaging, high-quality content persuades, informs, delights, and provokes action. It connects to customers consistently over time. It builds relationships by meeting specific needs. The key to powerful content is context and specificity, and the connected journey framework helps you focus on the research required to know what to say to your audience and when to say it.



Page 5: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

Technology + ExecutionGet a clear view of how it all gets done.

That the convergence of marketing and technology has changed everything is an absurd understatement. It’s common for companies to have between 13 – 15 different technologies with disparate data sources across the organization. And yet, people are still reaching for more tools and more technologies to solve their challenges. The results? Not good. The truth is your technology probably needs more love. You need a skilled orchestrator who can get under the hood to find redundancies, underutilization and map your tools’ capabilities back to your strategies and goals.

At Three Deep, we orchestrate data-driven strategies to help companies connect customer journeys. The result? Meaningful impact on business performance.

• We connected email, web, social and retail store data to help a large specialty retailer improve customer engagement rates by 12%, double their acquisition rate, and increase store revenue by 267% YOY.

• For a $1 billion home improvement brand, Three Deep helped uncover purchase signals in website traffic data to help drive a 52% increase in online engagement through personalized messaging.

This positively correlated to sales at shelf.

The connected customer journey helps marketers make smarter decisions to get the results they need to thrive. But first, you need to assess where you are. There’s no progress without an honest look in the mirror. Use our Customer Journey Maturity Model to get a sense of where you rank along the maturity continuum. Then, let’s have a conversation about how to get you to the next level.

Send us a note at [email protected]. We’d love to talk.


Page 6: The Connected Customer Journey - Three Deep Marketing · customer journey. A connected journey is the #1 tool for cross-functional decision-making. No longer the broad-stroke, static

Connected Journey Maturity

Journey Approach





Customer Experience

Organizational Structure

1. Initial 2. Managed 3. Defined 4. Quantified 5. Optimized


Contact us at [email protected]

No customer journey defined

No metrics or defined KPIs

Sales collateral without content strategy

Data sources not connected

Buying technology to support singular CX needs

CX tends to focus on website, not a holistic view

Channel-focused departments,siloed culture

High level journey defined, but rarely informs decisions

1+ digital channels tracked – volume based metrics

Content is informed by customer pain points but lacks cohesion

2+ key data sources share information

Realize that disparate technologies impact CX

Align customer experience with 2+ channels

CMO owns CX, but legacy barriers persist

Micro-journeys have defined impact points

Cross-channel analytics reporting informs stakeholders

Defined content marketing strategy + execution

Data repository to support multi-channel analytics

Martech stack supports business goals

CX experimenting between online + offline

CX group from key channels meet regularly

Defined micro-journeys for key audience segmentation

Combined behavioral metrics are driving CX improvements

Cross-channel content distribution + promotion

- virtuous optimization cycle

Integrated data to support positive experience

Integrated systems, consumer IDs, CDP

Integrated CX experienceacross key revenue producing channels

Organization is aligned around customer experience and

shared KPIs

Connected Journey is driving digital transformation across

all channels

Analytics are aligned to business KPI’s and recurring decision cycles

Dynamic, personalized content creation + distribution mapped

to journey

Data driven approach optimizes media spend

decisions across channels

Technologies support a fluid customer journey

Customers reward you with revenue + advocacy

Business results are driven by holistic customer experience and

continuous improvements