The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) utline: FAIR: future center for nuclear and hadron physics Compressed Baryonic Matter: physics and observabl Technical challenges, time lines ... Peter Senger

The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline: FAIR: future center for nuclear and

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Page 1: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experimentat the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)


FAIR: future center for nuclear and hadron physics in Europe Compressed Baryonic Matter: physics and observables Technical challenges, time lines ...

Peter Senger

Page 2: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

SIS 100 Tm

SIS 300 Tm

U: 35 AGeV

p: 90 GeV

Structure of Nuclei far from Stability

Cooled antiproton beams up to 15 GeV:Charmonium Spectroscopy,Search for glueballs and hybrids,Hypernuclear physics, ...

Compressed Baryonic Matter

The FAIR layout

Key features:Generation of intense, high-quality secondary beams of rare isotopes and antiprotons.Two rings: simultaneous beams.

Ion and Laser Induced Plasmas:

High Energy Density in Matter

Page 3: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

States of strongly interacting matter

baryons hadrons partons

Compression + heating = quark-gluon plasma (pion production)

Neutron stars Early universe

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Exploring the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter

CERN-SPS, RHIC, LHC: high temperature, low baryon density

GSI SIS300: moderate temperature, high baryon density

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The critical end point

Ejiri et al.Fodor-Katz

Cross over

1st order transition

Mapping the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions

CBM physics:exploring the high density regionof the QCD phase diagram.

Search for• restoration of chiral symmetry• partonic matter at large μB • critical endpoint

Dense baryon-dominated matter


Page 6: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

B 3-80 , T 130 MeV

Fundamental questions:

Equation-of-state at high densities: supernova dynamics, stability of neutron stars

In-medium hadron properties: chiral symmetry restoration, origin of hadron masses?


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Page 8: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

Diagnostic probes

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CBM physics topics and observables

1. In-medium modifications of hadrons onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high B

measure: , , e+e- open charm (D mesons) 2. Strangeness in matter (strange matter?) enhanced strangeness production ?

measure: K, , , , 3. Indications for deconfinement at high B anomalous charmonium suppression ?

measure: J/, D

softening of EOS

measure flow excitation function 4. Critical point event-by-event fluctuations 5. Color superconductivity precursor effects ?

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Looking into the fireball …

… using penetrating probes:

short-lived vector mesons decaying into electron-positron pairs

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Invariant mass of electron-positron pairs from Pb+Au at 40 AGeVCERES Collaboration S. Damjanovic and K. Filimonov, nucl-ex/0109017

≈185 pairs!

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Statistical hadron gas modelP. Braun-Munzinger et al.

Nucl. Phys. A 697 (2002) 902

Experimental situation : Strangeness enhancement ?Experimental situation : Strangeness production

in central Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions

New results from NA49 (CERN Courier Oct. 2003)



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central collisions 25 AGeV Au+Au 158 AGeV Pb+Pb

J/ multiplicity 1.5·10-5 1·10-3 beam intensity 1·109/s 2·107/sinteractions 1·107/s (1%) 2·106/s (10%)central collisions 1·106/s 2·105/sJ/ rate 15/s 200/s 6% J/e+e- (+-) 0.9/s 12/sspill fraction 0.8 0.25 acceptance 0.25 0.1J/ measured 0.17/s 0.3/s 1·105/week 1.8·105/week

J/ experiments: a count rate estimate10 50 120 210 Elab [GeV]

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Charmed mesons

Some hadronic decay modes

D (c = 317 m):D+ K0+ (2.90.26%)

D+ K-++ (9 0.6%)

D0 (c = 124.4 m):D0 K-+ (3.9 0.09%)

D0 K-+ + - (7.6 0.4%)

D meson production in pN collisions

Measure displaced vertex with resolution of 30 μm !

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Experimental challenges

107 Au+Au reactions/sec (beam intensities up to 109 ions/sec, 1 % interaction target)

determination of (displaced) vertices with high resolution ( 30 m)

identification of electrons and hadrons

Central Au+Au collision at 25 AGeV:URQMD + GEANT4

160 p 400 -

400 + 44 K+ 13 K-

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The CBM Experiment

Radiation hard Silicon pixel/strip detectors in a magnetic dipole field

Electron detectors: RICH & TRD & ECAL: pion suppression up to 105

Hadron identification: RPC, RICH

Measurement of photons, π0, η, and muons: electromagn. calorimeter (ECAL)

High speed data acquisition and trigger system

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CBM Collaboration : 39 institutions, 14 countriesCroatia: RBI, Zagreb

Cyprus: Nikosia Univ.  Czech Republic:Czech Acad. Science, RezTechn. Univ. Prague France: IReS Strasbourg

Germany: Univ. Heidelberg, Phys. Inst.Univ. HD, Kirchhoff Inst. Univ. FrankfurtUniv. Mannheim Univ. MarburgUniv. MünsterFZ RossendorfGSI Darmstadt


Russia:CKBM, St. PetersburgIHEP ProtvinoINR TroitzkITEP MoscowKRI, St. PetersburgKurchatov Inst., MoscowLHE, JINR DubnaLPP, JINR DubnaLIT, JINR DubnaObninsk State Univ.PNPI GatchinaSINP, Moscow State Univ. St. Petersburg Polytec. U.

Spain: Santiago de Compostela Univ.  Ukraine: Shevshenko Univ. , KievUniv. of Kharkov

Hungaria:KFKI BudapestEötvös Univ. Budapest

Korea:Korea Univ. SeoulPusan National Univ.

Norway:Univ. Bergen

Poland:Krakow Univ.Warsaw Univ.Silesia Univ. Katowice Portugal: LIP Coimbra

Romania: NIPNE Bucharest

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Page 19: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

FAIR cost (M€)

Total: 675

Buildings: 225.5 SIS100: 70.1 SIS200: 39.6 Coll. Ring: 45.0 NESR: 40.0 HESR: 45.0e-ring: 15.0 Beamlines: 21.0 Cryo, etc: 44.1

SFRS: 40.7CBM: 27.0AP: 8.7Plasma phys.: 8.0p-linac: 10.0PANDA: 28.4pbar targ.: 6.9

FAIR milestones

Oct. 2001 : Submission of the Conceptual Design Report

Nov. 2002: Positive evaluation report of the German science council

Feb. 2003: Project approved by the German federal government (170 M€ foreign contributions requested)

Jan. 2004: Letters of intent submitted

Feb. 2004: 1. Meeting of Internat. Steering Committee (12 nations)

June 2004: Evaluation of the LOI,s by PACs

Jan 2005: Submission of Technical Reports

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

SIS18 Upgrade 70 MW Connection



SIS100 Transfer Line SIS18-SIS100

High Energy Beam Lines

RIB Prod.-Target, Super-FRSRIB High+Low Energy Branch

Antiproton Prod.-TargetCR-Complex

HESR & 4 MV e- –CoolingNESR

SIS200*8 MV e- –Cooling

e-A Collider

SIS100/200 Tunnel, SIS Injection+Extraction+Transfer

Transfer Buildings/Line Super-FRS,Auxiliary Bldgs., Transfer Tunnel to SIS18,Building APT, Super-FRS, CR-ComplexRIB High+Low Energy Branch,

HESR ( ground level),NESR, AP-cave,e-A Collider, PP-cave

CBM-Cave, Pbar-Cave, Reinjection SIS100

Civil Construction

Civil Construction 1

Civil Construction 3

Civil Construction 2

Civil Construction 4






Concept for staged Construction of FAIR

2,7x1011 /s 238U28+ (200 MeV/u) 5x1012 protons per puls

1x1011/s 238U28+ (0.4-2.7GeV/u) ->RIB (50% duty cycle)

2.5x1013 p (1-30 GeV)3-30 GeV pbar->fixed target10.7 GeV/u 238U -> HADES*

1x1012/s 238U28+

100% duty cyclepbar cooledp (1-90 GeV)

35 GeV/u 238U92+

NESR physicsplasma physics

Experiment Potential

#Construction Tunnel Drilling Machine

General Planning

Civil Construction Production and Installation *SIS200 installation during SIS100 shut down

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IReS / LEPSI Strasbourg

Design of a Silicon Pixel detector

Design goals: • low materal budget: d < 200 μm • single hit resolution < 20 μm• radiation hard (dose 1015 neq/cm2)• fast read out

Silicon Tracking System: 7 planar layers of pixels/strips.Vertex tracking by two first pixel layers at 5 cm and 10 cm downstream target

Roadmap:R&D on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS)• pitch 20 μm• thickness below 100 μm • single hit resolution : 3 μm• Problem: radiation hardness and readout speed

Fallback solution: Hybrid detectors

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Hit rates for 107 minimum bias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV:

Experimental conditions

Rates of > 10 kHz/cm2 in large part of detectors ! main thrust of our detector design studies

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Design of a high rate RPC

Design goals: • Time resolution ≤ 80 ps• High rate capability up to 25 kHz/cm2• Efficiency > 95 %• Large area 150 m2• Long term stability

Prototype test:detector with plastic electrodes(resistivity 109 Ohm cm.)P. Fonte, Coimbra

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“Trajectories” (3 fluid hydro)

Hadron gas EOS

Ivanov & Toneev

Calculations reproduce freeze-out conditions

30 AGeV trajectoryclose to the critical endpoint

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Mapping the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions

B 6 0

B 0.3 0

baryon density: B 4 ( mT/2)3/2 x

[exp((B-m)/T) - exp((-B-m)/T)] baryons - antibaryons

P. Braun-Munzinger


C. R. Allton et al, hep-lat 0305007

Lattice QCD : maximal baryon number density fluctuations at TC for q = TC (B 500 MeV)

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Design of a fast TRD

Design goals: e/π discrimination of > 100 (p > 1 GeV/c)• High rate capability up to 150 kHz/cm2

• Position resolution of about 200 μm• Large area ( 500 m2, 9 layers)

Roadmap:Outer part: ALICE TRD Inner part: • GEM/MICROMEGAS readout chambers• Straw tube TRT (ATLAS) • Fast read-out electronics

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CBM R&D working packages Feasibility, Simulations

D Kπ(π)GSI Darmstadt, Czech Acad. Sci., RezTechn. Univ. Prague

,ω, e+e-

Univ. KrakowJINR-LHE Dubna

J/ψ e+e-

INR Moscow

Hadron ID Heidelberg Univ,Warsaw Univ.Kiev Univ. NIPNE BucharestINR Moscow


TrackingKIP Univ. HeidelbergUniv. MannheimJINR-LHE Dubna

Design & constructionof detectors

Silicon PixelIReS StrasbourgFrankfurt Univ.,GSI Darmstadt,RBI Zagreb,Univ. Krakow

Silicon StripSINP Moscow State U.CKBM St. PetersburgKRI St. Petersburg

RPC-TOFLIP Coimbra, Univ. Santiago de Com.,Univ. Heidelberg,GSI Darmstadt,Warsaw Univ.NIPNE BucharestINR MoscowFZ RossendorfIHEP ProtvinoITEP Moscow

Fast TRDJINR-LHE, DubnaGSI Darmstadt,Univ. MünsterINFN Frascati

Straw tubesJINR-LPP, DubnaFZ RossendorfFZ JülichTech. Univ. Warsaw

ECAL ITEP Moscow GSI DarmstadtUniv. Krakow

RICH IHEP Protvino GSI Darmstadt

Trigger, DAQKIP Univ. HeidelbergUniv. MannheimGSI DarmstadtJINR-LIT, DubnaUniv. BergenKFKI BudapestSilesia Univ. KatowiceUniv. Warsaw

MagnetJINR-LHE, DubnaGSI Darmstadt

AnalysisGSI Darmstadt,Heidelberg Univ,

Data Acquis.,Analysis

Page 28: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Outline:  FAIR: future center for nuclear and

Mapping the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions

B 6 0

B 0.3 0

Net baryon density: B 4 ( mT/2)3/2 x

[exp((B-m)/T) - exp((-B-m)/T)] baryons - antibaryons

P. Braun-Munzinger
