The complete fat-loss book you ever need This E-book is for you if you want to: - Get slim FAST - ENJOY food & get slim - 15 minutes workout & BURN 48 hours - No weight REBOUND

The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

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Page 1: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

The complete fat-loss book you ever need

This E-book is for you if you want to:

- Get slim FAST- ENJOY food & get slim- 15 minutes workout & BURN 48 hours- No weight REBOUND

Page 2: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:

Chapter 13:

Chapter 14:
















5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss

Fundamental to Lose Fat – Calorie Deficits

Macronutrient – Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates

Why Fiber is Important for Fat Loss?

Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss

Effective Exercise for Fat Loss

Weight Loss Plateaus – Why You Are Not Losing Weight?

Why Weight Rebound?

How Cheat Day/ Refeed Day Help You Lose Fat Fast?

Supplements for Fat Loss

Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep, Stress and Alcohol

7 Steps of Think & Go Slim for DEFINITE SUCCESS

Right Way to Track Your Weight Loss

Grindz Supplements Fat Loss Method


Page 3: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:


You took your effort to download this E-book.

This means that you actually care about yourself.

You want to get slim and be pretty. You think yourself DESERVE A BETTER LIFE.


You are. You deserve a better life.

I definitely agree.

You only live once, why not live with the best version of you. Right?

If you are not a person who like learning and gaining knowledge. Skip to Chapter 14 for the 10 Steps To Lose FatFast & Healthy. (Not recommended)


I believe you are someone who really want to create the BEST VERSION of yourself.

Why not read through the whole book, gain the knowledge and be slim for the rest of your life.

You can also impart the right knowledge to your kids and ensure they are having the best version of themselves.

Page 4: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

I’m going to make assumptions here. You are reading this bookbecause you want to get slim and look good, but you’re not there yet.

This is how you feel:

• You’re feeling sick and tired of dieting. Eating salads or apples and tasteless chicken breast every day.

• You’ve tried hard to exercise. Jog for almost 3 times a week but see no results.

• You’re so frustrated. You’ve lost some weights for the first 3 weeks. But….. your weights stop reducing no matter how hard you tried on dieting and exercise.

• You gave up on your will power on dieting. You stop dieting. Guess what? Your weight immediately rebound within 3 months.

What you feel is frustration and disappointment over and over again.

One thing I’m sure is that you’re reading this book because you want to get slim. You want to get the body you dreamt off. You wantto look good.

Congratulations. At least you have not given up on yourself yet. You still want to lose fat and look good. Please thank yourself and beproud of it.

You’ve come to the right place. Imagine that you could fit into your beautiful clothes. Looking great and feeling confident to work.

Feeling energized and young every day. How much that would impact your social and family life? And how much more productive and financially you could be?



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Why you should finish the book?

Picture say a thousand words! We’ve been there, done that.

This is our transformation.







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Let’s begin your fat loss journey now!

We totally understand how struggling are you during dieting. Weknow how disappointing it is to end up with weight rebound afterdieting for so hard.

Here’s a little fact about us. We are ISSA certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist.


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Page 7: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

5 Common Mistakes Most People Made

in Fat Loss


Page 8: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

Chapter 1: 5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss

I have made all these 5 mistakes during my fat loss journey when I was young. Let’s see how many mistakes you made out of these 5.

5 Commons Mistakes People Made:

1. Diet is too strict.

The common diet plans out there are having salads, fruits, yogurt, soup or tasteless steam chicken breast. Are you having one of this diet plan to lose weight?

Let me guess, is this how you feel? For the 1st week you feel great! Especially when you weigh yourself, you noticed that you have dropped at least 2kg.

For the 3rd week, you feel sick and tired of the diet plan. You notice your weight are reducing very slowly.

After a month, your weight stop reducing. You starting to crave for food? You tried hard to diet for another week. Eventually, you just gave up as your will power have given up. You immediately binge eat the food you’ve craved for long.

Guess what? Your weight has rebounded back within few months and heavier than before. I made the exact same mistake too. I was eating only apples and yogurt to lose weight last time.


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Chapter 1: 5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss

2. Not having enough protein.

Do you know that having enough protein such as eggs, chicken, fish and lean beef is extremely important for weight loss?

Protein is proven to reduce appetite, help you stay full, increase metabolic rate and maintain your lean muscle mass during weight loss.

Without enough protein, the weight you are losing is mainly muscles. In the long run, your metabolic rate will be much lower due to muscle loss.


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Chapter 1: 5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss

3. Not having enough fiber.

What do you eat often? Quite often you will be eatingcarbohydrates food like noodles right? How much fiber do you think you can get from it? With food culture in Malaysia, you are eating barely enough fiber.

Fiber is proven to help you reduce your appetite, help reduce cholesterol and helps in detox which will help you to lose fat.

It is recommended to eat at least 30g of fibers a day. You need to eat at least 8 apples a day to get 30g of fibers a day. Can you do that?


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Chapter 1: 5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss

4. Binge eating on healthy foods.

Many people read about food that will help them on weight loss. For example, avacados, almond nuts and those granola bars. It also offers amazing health benefits.

Due to this reason, many have been binge eating on all these foods. Hoping to help them to lose weight.

Do you know that calories are always calories? Some of these healthy foods are high in fats and calories. Many has over consume these foods. As a result they often do not see their weight reduce due to high calorie intake.

Just for example, one standard size of avocado contains 322 calories which is same as eating one and half bowl of rice due to its high fat contents.


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5. Eating too little.

Eating less to lose fat is the first thing come to your mind right? Do you know that eating too little will actually make things worse?

Severe calorie restriction will cause rapid weight loss in the first few months and follow by weight rebound. Eating too little will cause you to have muscle loss and the weight you lose is often water weight.

Eating too little is also not sustainable for long term. Do you think you have the will power to resist all the good food and staying hungry most of the time?

EATING RIGHT is the key to sustainable long term fat loss.

Chapter 1: 5 Common Mistakes Most People Made in Fat Loss


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Fundamental to Lose Fat

- Calorie Deficits


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Chapter 2: Fundamental to Lose Fat - Calorie Deficits

How Fat Loss Happens?

There are many kinds of dieting plan you can hear from the internet.

For example:

• Atkins diet

• Ketogenic diet

• Vegan diet

• Low carbs diet

• High protein diet

• Many more…..

There are people who succeed and failed in each of the diet plan. For those who succeed in losing fats, the sole cause is CALORIE DEFICITS.

A calorie deficits happens when your body burns more energy (calories) through daily activities than the calories you eat from foods.

Calorie In

Calorie Out




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Chapter 2: Fundamental to Lose Fat - Calorie Deficits

You simply need to eat less and exercise more to achieve calorie deficits.

Why do you need this? Why must a calorie deficits for fat loss?

Because calorie deficits force your body to look for alternative fuel source for energy in the body, and this will be your fats.

Before we go any further, I want you know that a successful fat loss is 70% of nutrition planning, 25% of exercise and 5% is supplements.

Your Calorie Maintenance Level (First Step)

So how do you know you are in calorie deficits? The FIRST STEP is to determine your maintenance calorie.

Maintenance calorie happens when the calorie you burn from your daily activities are similar to the calorie you eat from foods. During maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight.

Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level.

Method #1: Body weight (kg) x 32

This tends to be the quickest and easiest method. Just take your current body weight level in kg and multiply with 32. Many people find their maintenance level around this figure.

For example, if you are 60kg. This is your maintenance calorie60 x 32 = 1920 calories.

By eating 1920 calories a day, your weight is unlikely toincrease or decrease.


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Chapter 2: Fundamental to Lose Fat - Calorie Deficits

Method #2: Use any Mobile Apps or Google

Just use any mobile apps such as “MyFitnessPal” or google any calorie calculator. By input your data into it, you will get a more accurate maintenance caloies.

Creating the Calorie Deficits (Second Step)

Now you know your maintenance calorie. The SECOND STEP is to create your calorie deficits.

The ideal calorie deficits is to eat 15% to 25% below yourmaintenance calories.

Take your maintenance calorie 1920 calories x (100% - 20%) = 1536 calories. In order to lose fat, you should eat around 1536 calories.

Why Should Not Severe Calorie Deficits

It is strongly not recommended to have 30%++ calorie deficits.Here’s the 3 reasons why:

1. It will lower your metabolism.

High calorie deficits will lead to muscle loss. Your metabolic rate will be slower due to muscle loss. This makes it more difficult to maintain your weight in the long term.


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3. It will lower your immunity.

Due to nutrient deficiency. Restricting calories may increase your risk of infectious and illness.

Chapter 2: Fundamental to Lose Fat - Calorie Deficits

2. It will cause fatigue and nutrient deficiency.

Restricting carbohydrates will make you fatigue. As carbohydrates is the primary source fuel for your body.

Restricting your calories intake too severely may not provide you enough nutrients such as protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate or vitamins. This will lead to extreme fatigue. It is harmful to your health in long term.


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Chapter 2: Fundamental to Lose Fat - Calorie Deficits

Should You Count and Keep Track Calories?

Are you curious why some of your friends are not counting calories yet they can lose weight? This is because they have createdcalorie deficits indirectly.

I have guided you on how to count calories. But it seems soconfusing and tedious.

Before you start counting calories. You should ask yourselfthese 3 questions:

1. What is your purpose of losing weight? Are you doing it casually just to look good when dress up? Or are you doing it seriously to have wedding photoshoot or joining any competitionthat require commitment?

2. Give a rate 1 to 10. How serious and committed are you?

3. Do you think you are a detailed person who don’t mind the tedious work of tracking calories?

By answering the questions, you will know whether you are ready to keep track calories.

If you are not. Do not worry, just continue reading this book and we have a solution for you.

Calories deficits = Weight (kg) x 32 x [100% - (15% to 25%)]


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Macronutrient – Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Now you have understand how to create calorie deficits and the amount of calories you need to eat for you to lose fats healthily.

But… do you know that losing fats is more than just having calories deficits? You need to know the amounts of each macronutrient that you should eat everyday.

This can ensure you to lose fat successfully, maintain the muscle mass and prevent the weight rebound in the future. Of course, it will ensure you to lose weight HEALTHILY!

This is what you want right?

What Are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are the nutrients that provide calories (energy) in the foods we eat. There are 3 of them.

1. Protein – 1 gram = 4 calories

2. Carbohydrates – 1 gram = 4 calories

3. Fats – 1 gram = 9 calories

So when you look at the nutrition information of a food. The “calories” listed is the amount of combine calories from protein, carbohydrates and fats.

For example, a bowl of white rice have 57g of carbohydrates, 5g of protein and 1g of fats.

Carbohydrates calories = 57g x 4 = 228 caloriesProtein calories = 5g x 4 = 20 caloriesFats calories = 1g x 9 = 9 calories

Total calories for a bowl of rice is 228 + 20 + 9 = 257 calories.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Do you know that your muscles, organs, skin, hair, nails bones and hormones are made up of some amount of protein? Protein is responsible for the growth and repair of your cells andtissues in the body.

Source of Protein

Meat Protein

Plant Protein

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates

Eggs Chicken Beef

Lamb Fish Whey Protein



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Why Protein Help You Lose Weight?

1. Protein helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown.

The lean muscle mass in your body help you burn extra calories throughout the day. Losing muscle during weight loss means your metabolic rate will be slow down.

Protein is known as “building blocks of muscle”. Without sufficient amount, your muscle can’t be built, maintained or repaired.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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2. Protein control hunger and reduce appetite.

Do you remember how you feel during your previous weight loss journey? When you are having salad diets or apple diets without much protein. You feel hungry and frustrated right?

The density of protein is much higher as compare to carbohydrates. What I mean is eating 100g of chicken breast is much more filling as compare to having 100g of white rice.

Protein also affects the level of weight-regulating hormones which reduces the hunger.  Research  shows that high protein intake actually  increases the levels of satiety hormone  such as GLP-1, peptide YY, leptin and cholecystokinin while reducing hunger hormone ghrelin.

Having enough protein control your appetite from inside out.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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3. Protein helps you burn more calories.

Your body burn calories during activities. Do you know that eating and digesting a meal burn calories as well?

This is what we called Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). Calories you burned during digestion and absorption of food you eats.

The higher the TEF, the more calories you burn during your meal. Carbohydrates TEF is usually about 5 – 10%, fats is about 0 – 3%. But with  protein, TEF is about 20 – 30%. Which means, if the chicken breast you eating contain 100 calories, 20-30 of these calories will be burned when your body digest it.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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How Much Protein You Should Eat during Fat Loss

Method #1

So how much of protein you should eat when you want to lose fats? It is recommended to eat 2g of protein for every kg you have. Or 30% to 50% of protein calories from total calories you consume.

For example, if you are 60kg, you need to eat 120g of protein. Which is 480 of calories (120 x 4) from protein.

So how do you know, how many g of protein is in your food? I will further guide you on Chapter 5 – Reading Nutritional Facts.

2g of protein for every 1kg of weight

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates

Method #2 (Grindz Supplements Method)

As I’ve mentioned, if you find it tedious to keep track your calories and macronutrients. We have created a short cut for you. Is simple.

For fat loss, just eat a palm size of protein food for every15kg of your weight a day.

For example, if you are 60kg (60kg/15kg) = eat 4 palm size ofprotein food a day.

1 palm size of protein food for every 15kg weight


Fish Mutton



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After protein, the next most important macronutrient is fats.

What makes fats so important is that it plays an important role in helping you to lose fats and your overall health.

Eating healthy fats is so important in enhancing hormone production, healthy cholesterol level, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, the regulation of inflammation and many more benefits.

It also act as your body second most ideal fuel source.

How Does Fats help you lose Fats?

1. Healthy fats help improve hormone level.

Research shows that eating healthy fat will help regulates the production of testosterone, oestrogen and growth hormonewhich are important for fat loss.

All these hormone help maintain or increase lean muscle mass which will improve your metabolic rate as a whole.

Eating healthy fats also proven to increase a hormone called Adipokines which increase the fat metabolism in your body. In short, healthy fats help you burn more fats.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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2. Healthy fats help reduce appetite and cravings.

Fat takes a longer time to digest in your stomach. It also has the ability to slow down the digestion of food and absorption of glucose in the bloodstream. It stabilize your blood sugar level throughout the day. Rapid fluctuation of blood sugar will causeyou to feel hungry.

Indirectly, healthy fats prevent you from over eating or having extra calories by snacking.

3. Healthy fats help reduce your belly size.

In one study, 40 women were separated into 2 groups to consume coconut oil and soybean oil for 30 days. The group that consume coconut oil has reduce in belly size while soy bean oil is not.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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3 Types of Fats

Types of Fats Trans Fats

Found in? Processed foods and snack food.Eg: Chips, cookies, doughnuts, pastries and fries.

Effects on Body - Raise Bad LDL cholesterol.

- Increase risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Consume? Avoid it. It is bad.


Fried Foods


Baked Foods

MargarineFast Foods

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Types of Fats Saturated Fats

Found in? Found in animal fat and dairy products such as fatty meats, cheese, milk and butter.

Effects on Body - Raise LDL if taken too excessively.

- Increase risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke if taken too excessively.

Consume?It is safe to consume for a normal healthy people with regular exercise. Eat moderately.

Fat Meats Cheese

Coconut &

Palm Oil


Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Types of Fats Unsaturated Fats (Healthy Fats)

Found in? Found in nuts, plant oils and some fish such as avocados, almond nuts, olive oils.

Effects on Body - Reduce bad cholesterol LDL.

- Raise HDL good cholesterol.

- Decrease risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Consume? Consume unsaturated fats for optional health.

Canola, Olive &

Flaxseeds Oil


& Seeds

Fatty FishAvocados

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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How Much Fats You Should Eat during Fat Loss

It is recommended to consume 10 to 20% of fat calories from the total calorie intake.

It is usually not easy to keep track of fats. So to get optimal health and reap the benefits of healthy fats on fat loss, consume 2 tablespoon of healthy oil such as extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil daily.

2 tablespoon of olive oil / coconut oil daily

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Carbohydrates “Carbs”

And last but not least, we have carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates kind of are the “least” of what your body needs to keep you alive and functioning.

What I mean is, protein and fats are both essential to provide us with nutrients that our bodies require for optimal health but cannotproduce by own.

Body are also capable of converting fats and protein into energy as fuel for our body usage.

So shall we avoid carbohydrates?


Carbs make everything better: mental and physical performance, recovery, muscle growth, fat loss, sleep quality, overall mood and life as general. Plus carbs taste so yummy and you would be happier eating yummy carbs.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Complex Crabs

Found in? Found in unprocessed whole foods.Eg: Multigrain bread, sweet potatoes, brown rice, vegetables, and wholegrain pasta.

Digestion Slow digestion and high satiety.

Blood sugarresponse

Stable blood sugar and insulin response.

Nutrients High fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Glycemic Index (GI) High GI.

Consumption Eat moderately.

Complex Carbs vs Simple Carbs







Brown Rice Nuts & SeedsVegetables

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Simple Carbs

Found in? Found in many processed foods.Eg: White bread, white rice, fries, sweets and carbonated drinks.

Digestion Fast digestion and low satiety.

Blood sugarresponse

Blood sugar fluctuates and insulin spike.

Nutrients Low fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Glycemic Index (GI) Low GI.

Consumption Reduce.







Fries SweetsFruits

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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How Much Carbohydrates You Should Eat during Fat Loss

Method #1

So how much of carbs you should eat when you want to lose fats?

Consume whatever amount is needed to meet you calorie deficits after your ideal protein and fat intakes has been factored in.

For example, if you are 60kg:

Step 1: Calculate Maintenance calorie60kg x 32 = 1920 calories

Step 2: Calculate Calorie DeficitsAssume 20% deficits.1920 calories x (100%-20%) = 1536 calories

Step 3: Calculate Protein60kg with 2g protein per kg = 120g of protein.120g x 4 = 480 calories

Step 4: Calculate FatsAssume 20% of calorie intake is fats.1536 x 20% = 307 calories from fats.307 calories / 9 calories = 34g of fats

Step 5: Calculate CarbohydratesTotal calories deficits – Protein calories – Fats calories= Carbohydrates Calories1536 – 480 – 307 = 749749 calories / 4 calories = 187g carbohydrates

In conclusion:Eat 1536 calories, 120g of protein, 34g of fats and 187g ofcarbohydrates to lose weight.

Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates


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Chapter 3: Macronutrient - Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates

Is the 1st method looks very complicated and tedious? You don’t even want to read about it right?

Don’t worry, I understand. That’s why you should look at method 2.

Method #2 (Grindz Supplements Method)

As I’ve mentioned, if you find it tedious to keep track your calories and macronutrients. We have created a short cut for you. Is simple.

For fat loss, just eat a palm size of carbohydrates food for every 20kg of your weight a day.

For example, if you are 60kg (60kg / 20kg) = eat 3 palm size of carbohydrates food a day.

Whatever amount needed after factored in protein and fats

1 palm size of carbs for every 20kg weight

Brown Rice Bread Oats


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CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 4Why Fiber is Important for

Fat Loss?

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So what is fiber? Put simply, fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrates found in food.

Food source that are rich in fiber are oats, sweet potatoes, whole grain foods, vegetables, fruits and nuts.

So what relates to you when you think of fiber? Poop right?

Do you know that fiber actually plays a few important role to your health besides than just helping you poop?

1. It helps internal detoxification

2. It help you guts get healthy by increasing the healthy bacteria

3. It reduce the risk of colon cancer

4. Decrease cholesterol levels

5. It prevents constipation

But how do fiber exactly help in fat loss?

Chapter 4: Why Fiber is Important for Fat Loss?


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How Fiber Helps With Fat Loss

1. Fiber helps you stay full and reduce your hunger.

It provides “bulk” within your stomach, which increases how physically full your stomach is.

This is why despite being very low in calories, eating high fiber foods like oats and vegetables will often make you feel full as compare to low fiber meals such as noodles.

Chapter 4: Why Fiber is Important for Fat Loss?


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2. Fiber helps slow down digestion and controlling blood sugar levels.

When you eat simple carbs which high in sugar such as carbonated drinks or doughnuts, your blood sugar levels will then spike.

Your body system will quickly release hormone insulin, causing your blood sugar to drop quickly. This crash would make you feel sluggish and hungry.

Do you remember the last time you drank coke or ate doughnuts? Do you feel even hungrier after a while?

When you hungry, you tend to eat more foods.

Well, this is where fiber helps slow the digestion of foods which prevents the spike or sugar and crash. This will minimize the chance of you feeling hungry.

3. Fiber helps reduce risk of having big belly.

Fiber help feeds the good bacteria in your intestine. Research proven that people with high gut bacteria have a lower risk of getting big belly fat.

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Chapter 4: Why Fiber is Important for Fat Loss?

How Much Fiber You Should Eat For Fat Loss?

It is recommended to eat at least 30g of fiber each day. This is equivalent of eating at least 8 apples a day to achieve the fiber requirements.


8 apples a day? Who eat 8 apples a day. This is why you should take fiber supplements to supply the fiber intake.

Do check out Apple Lite which provides 10g of fiber each sachets.

At least 30g of fibers each day


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Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss


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Do you know how to read nutrition label?

Do you read nutrition label before you purchase anything?

Here’s an interesting fats. 97% of people do not read nutrition label and this is the reason why they are overweight.

To recap from chapter 3, you know that:

1g of carbs = 4 calories

1g of protein = 4 calories

1g of fats = 9 calories

Chapter 5: Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss


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Look at the calories per serving. This shows the total of calorieconsumes per serving. For example, 90Cal calories will be consumed per slice of whole grain bread based on the pictures.

Chapter 5: Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss

How to Read Nutrition Label

Here’s 5 simple steps on how you should read nutrition label.

Steps 1 – Look at serving size:

Look at the serving size which tells you what size portion of the food is for a serving. For example, the picture above shows that a serving is equivalent to 1 slice of bread which weighs around 38g.

Steps 2 – Look at calories per serving:


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Steps 3 – Look at fat content:

The picture shows that the total carbohydrate per slice of whole grain bread is 15g.  Thus, calories for 15g of carbohydrates are 15g x 4 = 60Cal calories.

From this 15g of carbohydrates, 2g is fiber and 4g is sugar.

Chapter 5: Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss

The picture shows that the fat per slice of whole grain bread is 1.5g. Thus, calories for 1.5g of fats are 1.5g x 9 = 13.5Cal calories.

Steps 4 – Look at carbohydrates content:


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Chapter 5: Reading Nutrition Facts for Fat Loss

The picture shows that the protein per slice of whole grain bread is 4g.  Thus, calories for 4g of protein are 4g x 4 = 16Cal calories.

Fats = 13.5Cal

Carbohydrates = 60Cal

Protein = 16Cal

Total = Around 90Cal per serving.

This is how it adds up to 90 calories as seen on step 2.

Steps 5 – Look at protein content:


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Effective Exercise for Fat Loss


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So we have done the most crucial part in fat loss. The 70% part of nutrition planning. Now we shall proceed to the 25% part which is the exercise part.


Is exercising a MUST requirement for you to lose fat?

The answer is NO.

As long as you are eating in calorie deficits you will be losing fats even without exercise.

Then why should you bother doing exercise to lose weight right? These are the 3 reasons:

1. To lose fat faster by burning extra calories

2. To looks prettier with a better curvy shape rather thanslim but flabby

3. To achieve the optimal health through exercising

I believe these 3 reasons is good enough for you to exercise.

There are mainly 2 types of exercise which is important for you to lose weight fast. The strength training and the endurance training.

Chapter 6: Effective Exercise for Fat Loss


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Why Strength Training is Important for Fat Loss?

1. Strength training increase your metabolic rate.

As you start lifting weight, you get stronger and your body build lean muscle. In the long run, you will burn extra calories even you are resting as your increase of lean body mass improves you resting metabolic rate.

Strength training will increase the muscle protein synthesis which will boost your metabolic rate up to 72 hours by at least 10%.

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2. Strength training improve your body composition.

If you want to look good like a celebrity with a nice leg and body shape. You need to do strength training.

Strength training is proven to be better in helping you reduce the belly size. Research shows that people who did strength training will tend to have less fat being deposited on their belly whenthey stop exercising.

With exercise likes squat and deadlift, you will definitely be having a better shape as compare to those who doing only cardio exercise.

3. Strength training regulate your hormone.

Having strength training will improve your hormonal change such as increasing the growth hormone.

With all these positive hormonal change, it will help you to speed up your fat loss as well as making your life healthier.

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Strength Traning vs Cardio for Fat Loss

Do you always find it tricky to choose between doing cardio or strength training for weight loss?

When you search online, different gurus has different point of view.

So what’s the difference between strength training and cardio?

Cardio - Cardio burns more calories per session.

- The calories burns depends on your body weight and the intensity of your cardio.

- Good to your heart.

Strength Training - Strength training burn less calories per session.

- But it helps you burn more calories every day.

- Strength training increase your lean body mass which increase your resting metabolism as much as 10%.

- This mean that even you are resting, you are burning extra 10% calories every day.

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Before you choose between cardio and strength training, these are few questions you can ask yourself.

1. Do you want to have curvy body shape or just skinny body?

2. Do you like doing strength training?

3. Do you think you can go gym with mostly men surrounding you doing weight training?

If you think you are suitable for strength training, the best is to have both combination of cardio and strength training.

Efficient and Effective Exercise – HIIT

Although cardio and strength training is the most popular exercise out there, there are still other options may be more suitable for you.

Before I further explain about it, ask yourself this few questions:

1. Are you a busy person in work?

2. You only have a limited time a day?

3. You prefer to stay at home after work?

4. You do not think you can commit to the gym membership fees?

If the answer is all YES…. Then High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is most suitable for you.

So what is HIIT?

HIIT is a training which you give ALL OUT with 100% effort through quick and intense exercise. Followed by short recover periods.

HIIT will keeps your heart rate above 80% capacity and burn more calories in less time.

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Benefits of HIIT

1. Burn calories up to 48 hours.

Due to intensity of workout and heart rate, HIIT can help you burn calories for up to 48 hours after exercise.

This mean that you are burning calories even when you are sleeping.

2. You only need 15 minutes a day.

If you answer the questions above with almost all YES, then this is why HIIT is suitable for you.

HIIT is super-efficient for those who are busy like you. You only required to perform 15 minutes of the exercise.

This 15 minutes of HIIT is proven to burn more calories as compare to jogging on treadmill for half hour.

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4. It improves your heart.

Studies shows that HIIT can reduce high blood pressure and improve your heart.

3. You can workout from home.

If you think you are too tired to drive out to a gym, if you do not wish to commit to the expensive gym membership. Here’s a good news for you.

You can do HIIT anywhere you want including your home. There’s no equipment needed for this. You save time, save moneyand is convenient!

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5. Gain some muscles.

HIIT is proven to help individuals gain some lean muscle as compare to the cardio workout.

This increase of lean muscle will increase your resting metabolic rate in the long run.

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How do you do HIIT workouts?

1. Choose any 4 of the exercises listed below.

• Squat Jump

• Push Up

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• Burpees

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• Lunges

• Jumping Jack

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Chapter 6: Effective Exercise for Fat Loss

2. Perform each of the exercises for 20 to 30 seconds.

3. Perform another exercise for 20 to 30 seconds without rest in between.

4. Complete all 4 exercises.

5. Rest for 2 minutes.

6. Repeat the same 4 exercises for a total of 3 sets.


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CHAPTER 7CHAPTER 7Weight Loss Plateaus

– Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

Congratulations to you. Up to this point, you are ready to lose weight and achieve your goals.

You know exactly how to create calorie deficits, what to eat and how to exercise to lose weight.


What Is A Weight Loss Plauteau

But I want to tell you is that losing weight is not as smooth as you think. Losing weight is never a smooth linear process.

If you’ve ever lose weight before, you probably know what I’mtalking about.

This might be happened to you before.

So what’s more likely to happen?

You start putting your diet plan and workout into action and you start checking your weight.

A few days go by…. A week go by…..a few weeks go by…

And so far, everything is going smooth. You’re losing the weight at the rate you want, and you’re happy and motivated for your progress. Nice!

Assuming you are doing everything you supposed to be doing consistently, your progress may continue for months.

But then……. at some point……

You noticed your weight decreasing slowly. For example, maybe you consistently losing 1kg per week for few weeks, but then started losing 0.5kg per week, followed by 0.25kg, and then……. nothing at all.

Your body stop losing weight for 1 month. No matter howhard you tried.

It stops….

This is what we called Weight Loss Plateau.


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

Why A Plateau Is Not A Bad Thing?

What do you feel when you hit weight loss plateau last time?

Do you feel very disappointed?

Do you think is terrible, you feel sad and depress and thinking that you have failed to make and progress further.

I understand how you feel. I been there before.

I feel so frustrated. Eventually I just gave up…..

But….. hear me out.

Today I want you to change your perception.

Weight Loss Plateau is not a bad thing. In fact is a good thing thatyou should celebrate.

I know it sounds crazy….


There is nothing bad happen actually.

In fact, weight loss plateau is a completely natural occurrence.

A couple of weeks of not losing any weight is normal. You’re just having a slight delay in goals.

At best, it is a SIGN then let you know that is time for you to adjust some of your nutrition plan or exercise plan to ensure that your progress continues. That’s really all it is.

Instead of viewing a plateau as a failure, think of it more as the successful maintenance of the weight loss progress you’ve already made.

And that’s a good thing. So, congratulations!

Remember, this is only temporary.


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

5 Reasons Why Weight Loss Plateau Happen


Now your perspective on weight loss plateaus is a logical and positive. This is when you are ready to move into next stage.

It’s time to discuss why they happen in the first place, and what you should do to continue lose weight.

1. Entering “Survival Mode”.

“I only eat salads and fruits to lose weight. And I feel hungry most of the time. I try so hard not to think any of my favourite foods. Else I will be hungrier. But no matter how hard I diet and exercise, my weight just don’t go down”

Does this sounds familiar to you?

Tried all the extreme diets and suffer. Lost some weight but ended up with weight stagnant? And eventually having weight rebound when you stop dieting.

To us, fat is unnecessary stuff in our body. We tried so hard to lose fat so that we looks better.

But to our body, fat is so important for SURVIVAL. Fat provides backup energy, soft padding and warm insulation to us. Our body cares only about survival.

The problem here is our body does not know that we are PURPOSELY creating calorie deficits to lose weight.

What the body feel is danger is coming. They know that we are starving. The main focus is to stay alive. This is when the body try to conserve as much backup fuel as possible to stay alive. SURVIVAL!


What exactly is happening to our body to make us survive and preventing fat loss?


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

I. Adaptive Thermogenesis. Adaptive thermogenesis is basically slowing down of metabolic rate as our body is adapting to our calorie deficits and doing everything it can to conserve energy stores for the purpose of keeping us alive.

II. Hormones preventing fat loss.

There are 2 types of hormones that play important roles in fat loss, Leptin “satiety hormone” and Ghrelin “hunger hormone”.

The main job of leptin is to tell the brain how much body fat we have, how much we’re eating and send the signal to tell thebrain we are full.

Because of calorie deficits for a long-term, our body is an underfed state which causes the leptin to decrease and it tells the brain that we need more food.

While ghrelin is the hormone that stimulates hunger. During the calorie deficits state, the ghrelin will increase to make us feel hungry so that we will eat for the survivor.

When leptin decreases and ghrelin increases, it makes us crave for food and it tells our brain not to burn fats as to keep the fat as backup fuel for surviving.

In short, your body hold on to fats. Your body is notburning any fats.

Action plan: To have cheat day / reefed day. To explain inchapter 9.


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2. Underestimating calorie intake.

Many people trying to lose weight almost ALWAYS underestimate how many calories they are actually eating. It happensmost of the time.

Some people underestimate the quantity of food like thinking you ate 1 serving but you actually ate 2 serving.

Some people underestimate the amount of calories it contained.

Some underestimate both.

For example, most of them has been consuming too much dressings when eating salad so that it taste good. The extra few tablespoon of dressings could cost you 200 calories that is equivalentto a bowl of rice.

Studies shows that people underestimating as much as 47% of calorie they eat. This means, they thinks that they are eating 500 calories, in reality they are eating about 750 calories.

Action plan: Track it more professionally by weighing the food and compare to nutrition fact per gram.

Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

3. Overestimating the calorie burn.

People don’t only underestimate the calorie they eat. Many also overestimating the calorie being burn during exercise.

Most people did cardio on treadmill and they assume that they have burned tons of calories.

A typical forms of cardio done at a normal intensities will burn anywhere around 5 – 10 calories per minute. Yet they finish their 30 minutes jog and they think they have burned 1000 calories.

And often, the worse come when they have the “reward mentality”.

“Oh yeah! I can enjoy the ice cream because I did the workout for half hour. I sweat a lot.”

Is this sounds familiar to you? Have you done this before? And you are asking why you exercise so hard yet you do not see results.

Studies shows that people often overestimating as much as 51% of calories being burn. This means, they thinks that they have burned 300 calories when jogging on treadmill. In reality, theyburnt only 150 calories.

Action plan: Stop tracking calories burn. Just workout as hard as possible and stick to your nutrition plan.


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

4. Losing too much muscle.

So what’s your goal in losing fat? You want to looks good in long run and able to enjoy food right?

But what most people did is they go for severe calorie deficits and having salad or apple diet plan. The diet plan barely contains any protein. They cardio every day for 1 hour.

So what happen……?

They lost a lot muscles. Eventually, their resting metabolism decrease as well.

Action plan: Eat more protein food and do strength training to prevent muscle loss.


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Chapter 7: Weight Loss Plateaus – Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

5. Weighing your body every day.

There’s one type of people called “Weight Watcher”. They always weight themselves every day to make sure they lose some weights.

But you have to understand that fat loss happens slowly. It takes weeks or months to see obvious results.

There’s a saying. It takes 4 weeks for yourself to notice the changes, 8 weeks for close friends to notice and 12 weeks forstrangers to notice it.

A complete weight loss journey supposed to be at least 2 months.

Weighing everyday will also stop you from losing weight.Why? Let me ask you.

How do you feel when you weigh yourself?

Before stepping on the weighing machine. Deep inside your heart, you wish that you could lose 0.5kg. But in your brain, you know is quite impossible.

You have tried very hard on dieting and exercising. When you step on it, you feel very disappointing and awful, as there is no results.

The weight will fluctuates ups and down when you weight every day. And you get excited but mostly disappointing.

Indirectly, you are creating STRESS. Stress will release the cortisol hormone which will slows down or stop the fat loss progress. We will talk about this in further chapter.

Action plan: Stop weighing every day. Learn how you should weight in chapter 13.


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CHAPTER 8CHAPTER 8Why Weight Rebound?

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Chapter 8: Why Weight Rebound?

“Oh yeah! Finally I get to lose 5kg. Finally achieved my weight goals.”

You’re so happy when you achieved your weight goals.


As days go by… and weeks go by…..

Within a month, you starting to feel that your fats is slowly gaining.

When you step on the weighing machine.

OMG! Guess what??!

Your weight has increases for 2kg.

As months go by. Your weight increases more than 5kg. It is worse than before you start dieting.

Do you face this before? This is weight rebound or we socalled Yo-Yo diet.

Do you know that 65% of people having weight rebound and regained all the weight they have lost within 2 years?

So why does weight rebounds happens?


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Chapter 8: Why Weight Rebound?

3 Reasons Why Weight Rebound Happens

1. New Metabolic Rate Level.

Remember based on previous chapter, we mentioned about adaptive thermogenesis, hormonal changes, muscle loss and BMI level changes. All these factor will eventually decrease the metabolic rate.

But are you aware of these? Most probably not…..

So what you did?

Most likely you will be eating the same amount of food as before you start dieting right?

This indirectly created the calorie surplus when the calories you take is higher than the calories your body burns.

Eventually your body start to store this as fats and your weight increases gradually.

Action plan: Recount your maintenance calories based onchapter 2. Then increase your food intake slowly and gradually until the maintenance level.

For example, your calorie deficits plan is eating 1400 calories. After you stop dieting and recount your maintenancecalories is 1900 calories.

Slowly increase your calories intake with 100 calories extra every week until you hit 1900 calories.

Immediate increase to 1900 calories will cause the body to store fats. So avoid these and increase it slowly.


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Chapter 8: Why Weight Rebound?

2. Binge eating after extreme diet.

Many have tried losing weight through extreme diets such as salad diets, fruits diets or juice diets which is not sustainable at all.

They are using their willpower to control and often they failed. Most of them lost a lot of weight during the diets program.

But problem comes after they stop…..

They immediately binge on the favourite food they long crave for. All these foods are usually high fats, sugar and calories.

This is why the weight immediately regain within few months.

Action plan: Share your favourite food with family and friends. Do not binge on it.


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Chapter 8: Why Weight Rebound?

3. Increase in water weight.

Immediately 1 week after diet plan. You see 1kg to 2kg of increase in weight. You feel so depress right?

Do not worry, this weight is highly likely the water weight.

So what you did in your diet plan? Most likely you will be eating low carbs and also eating less salt during diet plan right?

Body will convert the carbohydrates into glycogen in your body. Most likely you will be increasing your carbs intake afteryou stop dieting.

And also the food intake is as not as clean during your diet plan. Most likely you will increase the salt intake after dieting.

Do you know that for every one gram of glycogen there will be 2-3 grams of water being retain. High salt intake will also retainwater in your body.

This is the reason you see the immediate gains of 2kg weight.

So.. relax….. is just the water weight.

Action plan: Drink lots of water to decrease the water retention.


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CHAPTER 9CHAPTER 9How Cheat Day / Refeed Day Help

You Lose Fat Fast

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Chapter 9: How Cheat Day/Refeed Day Help You Lose Fat Fast

So at this point, you basically able to design a weight loss program that allow you to reach your fat loss goals as quickly, easily and effectively. You also know what problems may arise.

Specifically• Creating a calorie deficits to lose weight

• Protein intake to prevent muscle loss, control hunger and appetite

• Fat intake for optimal hormone production and control hunger

• Carbs intake for optimal training performance, sleep quality and overall well being

• Fiber intake to control hunger, detox and prevent constipation

• Effective exercise to lose weight fast

No matter how well we design this weight loss program, the problems as we mentioned in chapter 7 and chapter 8 always arise as a result of being in calorie deficits states for a long time.

This deficits always going to be viewed as a “BAD THING”by your body.

The body will always think that you are at risk of starving to death, so our body biological survival response will always fight back and prevent it.

The STARVATION MODE will be switch on.

SURVIVAL stage that mention on chapter 7 will kick in. Your body will undergo adaptive thermogenesis and hormone regulation to conserve as much FAT as possible to help you survive.


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And you know what the worst thing is?

The closer you get to your goals, the leaner you are….

The more the body fights back. Meaning it is more difficult to lose fats.

This is the harsh and unfortunate truth about prolonged calorie deficits for fat loss. Your body is always going to fight back..

And that bring us to next question…. Is there anything we cando about it?


But how?.....

Is simple.

You just need to TRICK your brain and body.

Tell them you are NOT STARVING.


But how should I do it?

This is where CHEAT DAY or REFEED DAY comes in.

You’re basically CHEATING YOUR BRAIN. Telling them you are not starving. You are not facing danger. It is safe for your body to work as a normal function.

What is Refeed Day / Cheat Day?

A refeed day is a single day of PURPOSELY OVEREATING during a period of fat loss so that you are temporary out of calorie deficits.

Meaning you are eating above your maintenance calories.

After that 24 hour-period is over, you will go back to beingin a deficits again.

Chapter 9: How Cheat Day/Refeed Day Help You Lose Fat Fast


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Benefits of Refeed Day

1. It gives you a mental break.

Giving you a one whole day where you are allowed to eat more food after a period of time.

Come on. Who doesn’t like eating more food?

Think of your favourite food, ice cream, desserts, pizza and burger.

And most importantly, you can eat any food you enjoy WITHOUT GUILT. You are eating more food ON PURPOSE so that you can lose more fats.

Awesome right!?

It’s fun, it makes you happy and it gives you something to look forward whenever you are in calorie deficits.

What’s more? You also can balance out your social activities. You can hang out with your friends and eat anything youenjoy including drinking.

Instead of a very strict diet, you can only see your friends enjoy the food while you are drinking water and eating your chicken breast.

It balance your social life, makes you happy yet you are in the progress of making your body looks great.

Isn’t it excited?

This is how a truly fat loss journey supposed to be. It supposed to be sustainable instead of using willpower only.

Chapter 9: How Cheat Day/Refeed Day Help You Lose Fat Fast


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2. It replenish your muscle glycogen.

When you start eating carbohydrates, your muscle will convert the glucose into glycogen and store it inside the muscle.

This will improve your strength, training performance and recovery.

Thereby improve your overall exercise performance so that you can workout more effective to burn more fats.

3. It reset the “Starvation mode” switch.

As mentioned in chapter 7, your body hormones and system will resist to burn fats when you are in calorie deficits state for prolonged period.

Refeed day will reverse the various hormonal and metabolic adaptations effects to be normal again.

Hormone that decreases such as leptin, testosterone, thyroid will come back up. Hormone such as ghrelin and cortisol which increases will go down.

In short, your body will start BURNING FATS again. The metabolic rate will increase. Hunger will decrease. Moodiness will be reduced.

Basically, you’ll be in an ideal position to resume your deficits and continue to lose fats and work towards your goals.

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How Do You Do It?

There’s 2 method you can do it. It depends on your goals

The Serious Method

To do a refeed day, you increase your calorie intake with a surplus of 15% to 25% from maintenance calorie.

Refer from Chapter 2:Body weight (kg) x 32 x (100% +20%)For example, if you are 60kg. This is your maintenance calorie 60 x 32 = 1920 calories. Your calorie surplus will be 1920 x 120% = 2304 calories.

Follow the same formula for the macronutrient as previous chapter.2g of protein for every kg of your weight. 20% of calories from Fats. Remaining of all calories will be under the carbs.

Why you eat so much carbs during the refeed day? Because studies shown that eating carbs have the biggest impact of normalize the leptin which helps you burn more fats.

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The Enjoy Method

Be happy!

Eat anything you want as much as you want.

Any food you enjoy WITHOUT GUILT!

So is there any difference between these 2 methods? Of course.

But which method should you use? Then you have toanswer these questions.

1. How fast you want to reach your goals?

2 Is your willpower strong enough?

3. Are you a detail guy?

So if you ask me what I did during my weight loss journey.

I chose the ENJOY METHOD.


Is not because I’m not serious on my progress. Is not because I’m not a detail guy. I chose the enjoy method because I think life is supposed to be balance and enjoyable.

I value the social time with my friends and also enjoy eatinggood food I love.

So why not I slow down my progress a little, yet I’m able to enjoy my life but still achieve my goals at the end.

So… is your choice!

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How Often You Should Refeed?

It depends.

But in most cases, you should do a REFEED DAY ONCE EVERY 4 DAYS OF CALORIE DEFICITS.

As our body usually start entering the “SURVIVOR MODE” after 4 days of calories deficits to “stay alive”.

When it comes to the frequency of refeed day, there are few factors.

1. How long have you been in deficits?If you have been in deficits for more than 3 months and see no results. Then you should do it often. If is even longer, you should even take a break for 2 weeks and eating in a surplus to normalize your hormones.

2. What’s your current body fat percentage?When your body fat is lower, you can have refeed day often.

3. How your body feel?If you feel that your body is fighting back very hard, your exercise performance is bad, you feel moody. Then you should havefrequent refeeds.

4. Depending on your schedule.Some people they always social during the weekend. So they do the refeed every Saturday.

As for myself, I used to have refeed day every 4 days once. Meaning….4 days I will be in calorie deficits and control my diet, then the 1 day I will eat anything I want as much as I want.

Refeed / Cheat day Once Every 4 Days of Calorie Deficits

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CHAPTER 10CHAPTER 10Supplements for

Fat Loss

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Chapter 10: Supplements for Fat Loss

You have gone through the nutrition planning and exercise part. Now is the last 5% part, how you can use supplements to help you lose weight.


Before I talk further about supplements, there is ONE FACT I want you to know.

Supplements are NOT MAGIC PILL.

Supplements can’t do wonders.

Supplements cannot make up for a poor diet and workout program.

Despite the hope and dreams of many lazy people, there are no miracle supplements could do the work for you. A proper diet and workout program is a MUST.

You might be asking…

Then why should I need supplements? Since is not important.

Let me tell you…


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Here’s 3 Reasons Why You Need Supplements.

1. It’s easy to achieve your daily requirements.

The whole food nowadays is getting less nutrients due to polluted environment and depletion of soil and water.

To achieve your daily requirements for health purpose, you need to consume more food which increases your calorie intake and affect your weight loss.

For example, daily fiber requirements is 30g. Do you know that you need to eat about 8 apples to achieve the 30g? And eating this 8 apples is around 1500 calories.

Let me ask you, can you even eat the 8 apples? No right?

That is the reason you need supplements to supply you with the requirements you need. Just for example, 1 sachet of Apple Lite provides you with 10g of fiber with only 44 calories.

2. It’s easy to absorb.

With current technology advancement such as nanotechnology, the body able to digest and absorb the vitamins and mineralseasily and faster.

3. It’s easy to consume.

With technology advancement, supplements are now packed with essential micronutrients in just a single capsule or sachets.

The supplements is easy and convenient to carry around even you are travelling. This ensure you get enough daily requirements to have optimal health.

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Chapter 10: Supplements for Fat Loss

Supplements for Weight Loss

1. Fiber supplements.

From chapter 4, you know how important the fiber is and you need 30g of fiber a day.

With fiber supplements such as Apple Lite, you can achieve your daily requirements easily.

2. Omega 3 fish oil.

Omega 3 fish oil is known for numerous health benefits such as better heart, better brain reduce the risk of depression and better skin health. Fish oil is also known as one of the important supplements in weight loss.

In one study, young adults who took 3 gram of fish oil per day for 12 weeks have their metabolic rate increases for 5.3%. Research shown that fish oil increases metabolic rates and it helps to increase lean muscle mass.

Fish oil is also effective in reducing hunger and appetite in healthy people. In one  study, a group of people who consume a high dose of omega 3 fish oil reported feeling significantly fuller after2 hours a meal.

This can prevent you from having snacks which increase the unnecessary calories intake.

3. Caffeine.

Caffeine can be easily found in coffee or tea and supplements. Caffeine is proven to stimulate the nervous system.

It enhances the fat metabolism to break down fat by increase the hormone epinephrine. It will promotes the release of fatty acids from the fat tissue.


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4. Protein powder.

There’s a lot of people has wrong perception on protein powder. They were thinking that taking protein powder will make them grow muscle and get huge.


Before that, let me share with you how protein powder is made. Whey is the liquid remaining during the manufacture of cheese by using milk. Whey will then being dehydrated and turn into the powder form. This is how whey protein being produced.

So in short, whey protein is made from milk. So does drinking milk make you huge and gain muscle? No right?

So why drink whey protein?

From Chapter 3, you know that having enough protein is important for weight loss. Drinking whey protein help you achieve your protein requirements easily.

Each serving is usually around 24g of protein. This is equivalent to eating 100g of chicken breast.

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CHAPTER 11CHAPTER 11Lifestyle Factors

- Water, Sleep and Stress

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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress


Water is most crucial for our survival. Your body and brain will not function in optimal level when you are dehydrated.

How Water Help With Weight Loss?

1. Increase metabolic rate.

Drinking enough water is proven to increase metabolic rate as much as 30%. A study shown that drinking at least 2 litre water a day can increase your total energy expenditure by up to96 calories per day.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

2. Increase satiety.

The timing of drinking water plays an important role aswell during weight loss.

Drinking half an hour before the meal will help increase the satiety. This can prevent us from over eating during a meal.

In one study, a group of people undergoes weight losing progress who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% of weight as compared to those who do not drink before meal over theperiod of 12 weeks.

3. Reduce bloating.

Lack of water will cause water retention in our body.Especially with the high salt intake in our daily meal.

Drinking water can reduce the water retention in bloatness.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

How Much Water To Drink?

Drink a glass of warm water right when you wake up. This has health benefits such as improve brain focus, improves digestion and promotes healthy bowel movement.

Drink a glass of water half hour before the meal to enhance the weight loss progress.

Drink a minimum of 3 – 4 liters of water a day.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress


Sleeping is good. You should get sufficient amount of sleeping. It’s crucial to your overall health and function. Lack of sleepwill cause weight gain.

How Sleeping Help with Weight Loss

1. It reduces hunger and cravings.

Research shows that lack of sleep alters the way your brain and taste buds work. You tend to crave for unhealthy high calorie, carbohydrates, and fat based food when lack of sleep.

This eventually added a load of calories to our body causing us to gain fat. Poor sleep is also  proven  to decrease ourself-control and decision-making abilities and can increase the brain’s reaction to food.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

2. Enhance hormone for optimal function.

The 2 major hormone that in charge of appetite regulation and enhance fat burning are leptin and ghrelin. 

Research shows that lack of sleep is associated with decreased of leptin and increased of ghrelin which leads to increase of appetite and slowing the fat metabolism process.

Lack of sleep also result in higher cortisol level and reduce in insulin sensitivity which causes weight gain.

How Many Hours of Sleep You Need?

To have optimal health, it is strongly recommended to sleep around7 to 9 hours a day.

Sleep 7 to 9 hours a day.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

1. It slows down your metabolism.

The release of cortisol “stress hormone” under chronic stress has affect our body in many ways. One of the effect is slowing down our metabolic rate.

In one  study  done by researchers of Ohio State University, 58 females with an average age of 53 was given 930 calories of the meal to test on the metabolic rate in the relation with stress. Those reported that having one or more stress event during the previous 24 hours burned 104 calories fewer as compare to those non stress women.


Stress is so common in life nowadays. Stress could be a motivation in life, but when you do not handle it well, it causes you harm in overall health. It will affect your weight loss as well.

How Stress Slows Down Weight Loss


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

2. Increase of fat cell and fat storage.

The release of cortisol also tends to affect where the distribution of fats occurs. Unfortunately, we are prone to getting an extra layer of visceral fat under our bellies when we are stress in our daily life.

In one  study, 41 overweight women is being tested on withwaist-to-hip ration (WHR) as compared with their stress level. Those having higher WHR tends to have more stress level as compare to those with lower WHR although their weigh are similar.

3. It increases your cravings for food.

Often thought as an excuse to crave for food that is high fat and high sugar actually have a factual basis behind the stress. 

Research shows that experiencing uncontrollable stress overtime will change your body system. This including craving towards foods that are often high in calorie, fats, and sugar.


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Chapter 11: Lifestyle Factors - Water, Sleep and Stress

Now you know that having high stress level affect your health and weight loss negatively. In fact, is it impossible not to have stress inour life nowadays.

The only thing you can do is to manage your stress better by eating nutritious foods, listen to music, exercise, hang out with friends to laugh it off and having a deep breath whenever you feel stress.


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CHAPTER 12CHAPTER 12Motivations and

Goal Settings

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As what we’ve been through, many people failed on weight loss because of dietary problem, exercise problem and many times lack of understanding what needs to be done to lose fats.

And we have cover all that aspects.

But do you know what’s interesting?

The fact that none of this is the BIGGEST reason why mostpeople failed.

Most people failed because of ONE FACTOR. A factor that people pay no attention to.

That is the MENTAL aspect of losing fact.

What I mean is something like mindset, habits and discipline.

Because while diet and workout is the key to lose weight, but whether or not your diet and workout actually put into action for consistent and long term requires right mindset and habits.

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Why Motivations Fail

Have you noticed that I never mention anything about motivations?

Every time you can hear people say “I feel motivated. I must do this.” But often, what happen to them after a few weeks. Most ofthem did nothing.

Motivation is just a feeling and emotion. Motivation is not a feeling that will last long. Human feelings fluctuates every minutes.

In fact, if I show you a transformation video or any workout motivation video, you will feel very motivated right at this minute.

But by the end of the day you could feel completely different.

Now you understand motivation is just a feeling and is not going to help you achieve fat loss goals.

That’s why I never believe in motivation. Motivation doesn’t help you achieve your long term goals.


Stop complaining and stop looking for motivation to kick startyour progress.

Those who need motivation are usually WITHOUT DISCIPLINE.

Those with discipline do not need motivation.

What you need is a STRONG BURNING DESIRE.

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7 Steps of Think and Go Slim

Step 1: Desire

Hey! I want you to remember this in your life!

This is the MOST IMPORTANT lesson. Every successful person in the world understands this.

“A BURNING DESIRE TO BE AND TO DO” is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition.

Ask yourself, what’s your DEFINITE PURPOSE of achieving your strong BURNING DESIRE?

I know you want to get slim. But you have to dig deeper. Why are you doing this?

You want to get slim because you want to looks great and feel confident so you can excel in your career?

You want to get slim so you can be healthy and energized for your family? Able to spend more time with kids? Having more energy to bring them around?

Action Plan:

1. WRITE down your DEFINITE PURPOSE on why you want toget slim?

2. FIND the picture of celebrity or role model that you dream tobecome. PUT it as your phone background.

3. WRITE down the DEFINITE date you are starting and date to end.Recommended to be 3 to 5 months.

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Step 2: Faith

Remember! You’re never ready for a thing until you BELIEVE you can achieve it. Nothing is impossible to the person who backs DESIRE with enduring FAITH.

Your limitations are set by your own mind.

If you do not see yourself having the great body walking confidently on the street, you will never see it in the reality.

When you have FAITH, your SUBCONCIOUS MIND will convert your thoughts which have been emotionalised and mix with faith into ACTION.

FAITH and BELIEF determines action of your subconscious mind.

Action Plan:

1. Look at the picture and statement you keep from Step 1 every morning when you wake up.

2. Take a 1 minute, close your eyes and visualise you are walking on the street wearing the nice clothes with your fit body.

3. Tell yourself to eliminate all negative thoughts. Say this to yourself “I DEMAND MYSELF PERSISTENT WITHCONTINUOUS ACTION”

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Step 3: Knowledge

Let me tell you!

Knowledge is not Power. Knowledge is POTENTIAL POWER.

Knowledge will not attract the success you want unless it is organised and intelligently directed through practical PLANS OF ACTION.

For you to be success, you must have KNOWLEDGE of what you are doing and how you do it to achieve your goals.

Action Plan:

1. Go through again all the knowledge from Chapter 1 to Chapter 11.

2. Take action!

Step 4: Planning

Success cannot be achieve without a PLAN that is practicaland workable.

Always work with an END IN MIND.

Knowing what you want to achieve, you then REVERSE ENGINEER. Same goes to any of your life goals.

Be PRACTICAL with your end goals, set a challenging achievable goals and reverse engineer the action needed and timeframe to achieve it.

Action Plan:

1. Ask yourself, how many kg you want to lose within 3 months. Recommended maximum of 10kg within 3 months. Extra will be unhealthy

2. Let say is 10kg. Spilt it into 3 months. Now you know you need to lose around 3kg a month.

3. Plan your action schedule based on the knowledge shared in previous chapter. Apply it.

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Step 5: Habits

Habits is what you do repeatedly, both consciously and subconsciously.

Do you know that who you are and what you are currently isresults of HABITS.

Good habits make you better, poor habits make you worse.

As simple as that.

Each choice you make moves you closer to or further from your goals.

This is why you need a strong BURNING DESIRE as mentioned in step 1. With strong desire, you will consciously and subconsciously maintain habits that will move you closer to your goals.

To get into better shape or looks great is not the type of weight loss program that matters most. Is your HABITS.

You’re responsible for your daily commitment to eat better, to go for exercise 3 times a week.

Make this a habits and eventually turn into a lifestyle which will keeps you healthy and stay slim.

Action Plan:

1. Revisit your DEFINITE PURPOSE in step 1, understand all the knowledge shared in previous chapter.

2. Create a set of MUST TAKE ACTION and do it for the next 3 months until it become habits subconsciously.

1. For example,

• Go exercise 3 times a week

• Take more protein

• Take more healthy fats

• Take more fiber


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Step 6: Persistence

Successful people have willpower and PERSISTENCE to back their strong BURNING DESIRE until it achieve.

No one ever is defeated until they accept defeat as a reality.

Is all your mind.


Let’s take a guess, how many years and effort does all these famous people took to be successful as now?

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock): He spent 5 years in football with all his hope. But he had to stop due to his injuries on shoulder and back. His dream was crashed. He started his professional wrestling career in 1995 and took 6 years to start his acting career. In 2001, he was involve in films “The Mummy Returns”. Only in year 2013 itself, Forbes name him as top grossing actor of 2013. It took him 12 years to be top in acting career.

Michael Jordan missed more than 9000 shots in career and he lost almost 300 games.

Thomas Edison tested more than 3,000 designs of bulb to createthe light bulb.

Walt Disney was fired as editor and bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland.

J.K. Rowling get rejected by 12 publishers before the Harry Potterget picked up.

What do they have in common?


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Action Plan:

1. Remember why you even started. What’s your deep down BURNING DESIRE?

2. Never quit until you achieve your goals.

Step 7: Review

Self-reflection and self-review is the last key to be success on your weight loss goals.

Only you have better understanding of what you have been through. Do you execute and follow the plan you have set.

Be honest with yourself.

Action Plan:

1. Have your performance review every month to track your progress. Refer to chapter 13 to learn how to track your results.

2. Troubleshoot if it does not go according to the plan. Follow these steps to troubleshoot:

I. Do you achieve calories deficits?

II. Do you eat the right amount of macronutrients? Protein, fats and carbohydrates.

III. Do you take enough fibers?

IV. Do you have refeed day for every 4 days?

V. Do you overestimate the calories intake? Do you snack?

VI. Do you exercise with high intensity at least 3 times a week?

VII. Do you drink enough water?

VIII. Do you sleep 8 hours a day? Do you sleep by 12am?

IX. Do you have a lot of stress?


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CHAPTER 13CHAPTER 13Right Way to Track

Your Fat Loss

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Chapter 13: Right Way to Track Your Fat Loss

Let’s begin by figuring your ideal rate of weight loss. As in, how much weight you should lose per week?

The obvious answer will be “LOSE ASAP” right?

Before that, let me share with you what could happen inWEIGHT LOSS.

Fluctuations of “WEIGHT” can be due to many factors such as muscle, water, glycogen and body fats in your body.

Of cause our ultimate goal is to LOSE FATS!

When you try to lose fats, you tend to lose muscle, water and glycogen. The reason is because calorie deficits and lack of protein will cause you to lose muscle.

Also, when you are reducing your carbohydrates intake, your body tend to hold less glycogen and eventually leading to less water retention as each gram of glycogen holds 3-4 grams of water.

But of course with the knowledge share above, you will tend limit muscle loss and increase fats loss.


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Chapter 13: Right Way to Track Your Fat Loss

If you only have a normal weighing machine in house, highly likely you could only track your body weight in kgs.

A healthy weight loss is between 1.2% to 4% of your body weight per month. Let say if you are 60kg, you should be losing around 0.7kg to 2.4kg per month.

If you are losing more than that, meaning you are losing too fast.

Highly likely you are losing your muscle in a high rate as compareto losing fats.

The decrease of muscle will reduce your metabolic rate inthe long run.

So remember…

Stick with this rate of weight loss to have a healthy weight loss.

The Ideal Rate of Weight Loss

Lose between 1.2% to 4% of your body weight per month.


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Chapter 13: Right Way to Track Your Fat Loss

How Often You Should Weigh Yourself

Do you weigh yourself every day when losing weight?

Do you know that weighing every day is one of the factor that causes the weight loss to FAIL?

But why?

Our weight fluctuates daily. When you wake up in the morning you most probably will be lighter by 1 to 2kg compare to the night before. This is mainly due to dehydration throughout your sleep.

Throughout the day, your weight also fluctuates because of foodand water intake.

When you are weighing yourself every day, you are giving yourself unnecessary pressure to lose weight.

As I mentioned in Chapter 11, having stress increases the cortisol level which prevents you to lose weight.

To have more accurate reading, It is recommended to weigh yourself every 2 weeks or a month.

Weight yourself every 2 weeks or 1 month.


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The Right Way to Measure Yourself

As I mentioned just now, losing weight might be due to muscleloss or fats loss.

So how do you track it?

#1 Components to Track

Look for those weighing machine that able to track your body fat percentage (BF%).

So the main 2 components to keep track is your weight (kg)and your BF%.

Formulas: • Body Fat (kg) = [ Weight (kg) x BF%] • Muscle (kg) = Weight (kg) – Body Fat (kg)

Let’s look at 2 example.

Example A – Fat Loss

Based on Example A, it shows that he loss 2.3kg of fats and gain 0.3kg of lean muscle. Which is a very good news.

Chapter 13: Right Way to Track Your Fat Loss

First Month Second Month

Weight (kg) 60kg 58kg

Body fat % 25% 22%

Body Fat (kg) 15.0kg 12.7kg

Muscle (kg) 45.0kg 45.3kg


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Example B – Muscle Loss

By having consistent weighing system, you can assure yourdata is accurate.

Based on Example B, it shows that he loss 0.5kg of fats and loss 1.5kg of lean muscle. This is unhealthy for your weight loss. This means that you should eat more protein to prevent muscle loss.

#2 Be Consistent

You must be consistent with your weighing method to make sure the readings as accurate as possible.

As I mentioned just now, weighing yourself in the morning and night shows different readings.

So, create a system to measure.

Here’s the example:

Chapter 13: Right Way to Track Your Fat Loss

First Month Second Month

Weight (kg) 60kg 58kg

Body fat % 25% 25%

Body Fat (kg) 15.0kg 14.5kg

Muscle (kg) 45.0kg 43.5kg

Every 1st week of the month. Measure around 10am in the morning. Wearing the same clothes. Make sure do not weigh yourself during refeed day/cheat day.


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CHAPTER 14CHAPTER 14Grindz Supplements

Fat Loss Methods

Page 113: The complete fat-loss book you ever need · maintenance calorie, you will not gain or lose weight. Here’s how you can calculate the estimated maintenance calorie level. Method #1:

Chapter 14: Grindz Supplements Fat Loss Methods

Finally to the end of the e-book.

You are in this part either you skip through Chapter 1 to 13 or you go through all the chapters.

No matter what….


I’m proud of you.

This means that you care about yourself. You want to get slim. You want to looks great. You want to be healthy. You think you DESERVE A MUCH BETTER LIFE.

So let me help you. Let’s recap how to get slim fast and healthily without weight rebound with exact actions steps.

Actions Steps:

Step 1: Write down your DEFINITE PURPOSE on why you want to lose weight?

Step 2: Look for a celebrity or role model you wish you look like. Put it as your phone background.

Step 3: Set a starting date and ending date for your fat loss journey. Recommended to be 3 to 5 months.

Step 4: Visualize yourself having the body goals and walking in the street, revisit your DEFINITE PURPOSE every morning you wake up.


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Chapter 14: Grindz Supplements Fat Loss Methods

Step 5: Follow these nutrition plan (4 days) to lose weight. Follow by 1 day refeed / cheat day as refer to step 6.

• Eat 1 palm size of protein food (eggs, chicken, fish, lean beef or lamb) for every 15kg of your weight a day. For example, if you are 60kg. 60kg / 15kg = 4 palm size of protein

• Eat 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.

• Eat 1 palm size of carbohydrates food (brown rice, oats, sweet potato, multigrain brean or wholegrain pasta) for every 20kg of your weight a day. For example, if you are

60kg. 60kg /20kg = 3 palm size of carbs


Brown Rice


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Chapter 14: Grindz Supplements Fat Loss Methods

• Take 30g of fibers every day (Apple Lite provides 10g each sachet)

Step 6: Refeed / Cheat day Once Every 4 Days of Calorie Deficits. Eat anything you want as much as you can on cheat day.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner


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Chapter 14: Grindz Supplements Fat Loss Methods

Step 7: Perform HIIT or TABATA exercise 3 times a week.

Step 8: Enhance your fat loss with supplements

• Omega 3 fish oil

• Fiber supplements (Apple Lite)

• Caffein (Coffee & Green Tea)

• Whey Protein – to substitute 1 palm size of protein if you can’t eat that much

Step 9: Have a good lifestyle.

• Drink at least 3 litres of water a day

• Sleep 8 hours a day

• Manage your stress

Step 10: Track your progress. Adjust if the weight loss is stagnant.


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