1 The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) · 8 » Israel's largest academic college » 12,000 enrolled students; 40,000 graduates » 1st accredited academic college in Israel

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Page 1: The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) · 8 » Israel's largest academic college » 12,000 enrolled students; 40,000 graduates » 1st accredited academic college in Israel


The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

Page 2: The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) · 8 » Israel's largest academic college » 12,000 enrolled students; 40,000 graduates » 1st accredited academic college in Israel

The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)



Rishon LeZion

Tel Aviv

7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd. Rishon LeZion 75190 Israelwww.colman.ac.il/english

COMAS campus is located in Rishon LeZion, the fourth largest city in Israel and part of the Tel Aviv metropolis situated on the shores of the Mediterranean. The campus, set in a beautiful residential neighborhood, is built on 32.5 acres, with a similar area of reserved land available for future use.

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President's Welcome

COMAS - Chronicles of Success

COMAS Quick Facts

Imparting Knowledge: COMAS Schools and Programs

School of Business

Striks School of Law

School of Media Studies

School of Behavioral Sciences

School of Economics

Department of Computer Science

Department of Interior Design

Department of Psychology

Academic Opportunity Program (AOP)

Institute for Continuing Education (ICE)

COMAS Research Institutes: Promoting Research in All Spheres of Knowledge

COMAS Philosophy: The COMAS Way

Students Leading the Way: Aspiring to Achieve

Fostering a Successful Future: Career Center & Alumni Relations

Contact Us

















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Welcome to COMASThe College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

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COMAS Chronicles of Success

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Pioneering SPirit

Founded in 1978, COMAS was the first non-subsidized, non-profit academic institution in Israel to be accredited by Israel's Council for Higher Education. In 1986 the college was granted authorization to award a BA degree in Business Administration and Accounting. This marked a significant milestone in the history of COMAS, as well as in the democratization of Israeli higher education, previously dominated by seven universities.

Over the past 3 decades, COMAS has achieved impressive growth thanks to its success in recognizing and meeting an authentic need: young Israelis' desire for unique curricula and programs that combine professional knowledge with practical application, close ties between faculty and students, and small classes.

Boasting 12,000 students and over 40,000 alumni, COMAS is now the largest college in Israel and has become a dynamic, innovative and driving force in the field of higher education.

Commitment to aCademiC exCellenCe

Over the years, new academic departments and schools have been opened whose innovative approaches, commitment to academic excellence, as well as advanced research facilities, have attracted outstanding faculty members and talented students. The college now offers Bachelor and Master's degrees in Business Administration,

Law, Media, Economics, Organizational Development and Consulting, Computer Science, Behavioral Sciences, Family Studies, Interior Design and Psychology.

The college stresses the importance of maintaining close ties and ongoing collaborations between academia and industry, and between academia and the community. In accordance with its vision of community involvement, COMAS is committed to leadership in the fields of social and environmental responsibility, as expressed in numerous mentoring programs, community outreach initiatives, and innovative environmental activities. COMAS' involvement also extends to numerous collaborations with industries, in fields ranging from computer science to bio-medical management.

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» Israel's largest academic college

» 12,000 enrolled students; 40,000 graduates

» 1st accredited academic college in Israel

» 8 different schools and departments

» 1,000 faculty members including leading figures in industry & academia

» Graduates' success rates in Israeli Bar and CPA exams among the highest

» Israel's first of its kind Center for Academic Accessibility

» Host of the elite Caesarea Economic Policy Planning Forum

» Programs focusing on the most sought-after sectors in the job market

» Faculty engaged in numerous international research studies & programs

» Integration of practical clinical work in various fields of study

» Alumni association focusing on career development and powerful networking

» 'Green Campus' certified by the Israeli Government

Quick FactsCOMAS

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BusinessSchool of


"In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield." - Warren Buffett

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The COMAS School of Business Administration is the largest business school in Israel. Its size, reputation for cultivating excellence and more than 3 decades of experience have won it recognition as a dynamic, innovative force in Israel's academia and business community. The school's remarkable growth reflects its "learner-friendly" atmosphere, distinctive mix of theoretical and practical studies in undergraduate and graduate programs, consistently high academic standards, and rapid response to changing market needs.

inSPiring BuSineSS exCellenCe

After mastering the basic foundation of solid business training in their first year, BA students go on to select a major in fields such as Accounting, Business Technologies, Marketing and Finance, Marketing and Advertising, Marketing and Business Technology, International Business Management, or Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Internships, entrepreneurship incubators and collaborations with top Israeli and international companies serve to round off this distinctive educational experience with finely tuned real-world skills. Our MBAs are held in high repute throughout the business world, as evidenced by the swift recruitment of our graduates that enter the marketplace equipped with specializations in: Bio-Medical Management, Business Psychology, Technology Companies Management, Marketing & Advertising, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance, Human Resources Management & Organizational Consulting.The School also offers a MBA with a multi-disciplinary major, a research MBA program (including thesis), a MBT (Master of Business Taxation) as well as a MBA International Joint Program with dual degrees of COMAS, Israel and Baruch College, CUNY, NY.

a PaSSion to SuCCeed

Our faculty members offer their diverse and rich business experience and academic background acquired in Israel and overseas. Their skills and unique perspectives evoke the kind of enthusiasm that contributes to our students' evolution into highly valued employees and managers. We are proud of our alumni, many of whom are now executives holding key positions in leading local and international corporations.

reSPonSiBle management

The Center for Corporate and Social Responsibility was established as part of the School of Business Administration's vision of leadership in this field. The Center is committed to educating the managers of the future in the principles of social justice, ethical standards and international norms.

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lawStriks School of

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The Haim Striks School of Law is committed to educating and cultivating outstanding jurists, empowering students, expanding their professional horizons and developing their ability and inclination to contribute to the advancement of human rights and to an ethical technological and business culture. The school was founded in 1990 by Prof. Daniel Freedman who later served as Israel’s Minister of Justice. It was the first non-university institution to be accredited by the Council for Higher Education Council to grant its graduates an LL.B degree, and the first to offer an LL.M program.

FoStering aCademiC exCellenCe

The challenging curriculum combines classic legal expertise with multidisciplinary law, and consists of mandatory courses, elective courses, practical workshops, seminars, and unique projects and courses. Our top-of-the-line faculty members, who include top professors and researchers in their respective fields, judges and practicing attorneys, provide students with a supportive learning atmosphere and a true understanding of the world of law. The school is also proud to publish two notable journals: HaMishpat - the Hebrew Law Review, and HaPraklit - Israel Bar Association's quarterly review.

giving BaCk to the Community

The students' education is enhanced by a variety of unique initiatives, such as the International summer courses, Programs for Outstanding Students and "Matters" – the Law and Social Clinical Center that runs legal aid clinics in various fields.

The Haim Striks School of Law offers several distinctive programs such as interdisciplinary BA programs: BA in Law and Accounting; BA in Law and Economics; BA in Law and Media Studies, and unique research programs. Several reputable research centers, initiated by faculty members, contribute well-researched, cutting-edge analysis of academic and public discourse in various fields, including international law, ethics and conflict resolution.Our highly acclaimed graduate degree program offers an LL.M in Law, as well as LL.M with thesis program aimed at fostering a new generation of researchers.

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media StudiesSchool of

“Today we are beginning to notice that the new media are not just mechanical gimmicks for creating worlds of illusion, but new languages with new and unique powers of expression.” -Marshall McLuhan

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a Brave new world

At the COMAS School of Media Studies, recognized as Israel's leading, largest and most successful media school, students are nurtured and educated for an exciting career in the brave new world of media and communications. The school's goal is to develop the students' intellectual and critical capacities as well as enhance their powers of creativity and expression. Emphasis is placed on understanding media processes, structures and functions, from dissemination of information to the utilization of new media technologies.

aCquiring exPertiSe

Our BA program in Media Studies & Management integrates theoretical studies at the highest academic level with practical knowledge and advanced technical know-how. After a year of general studies, students go on to specialize in five of the following media subjects: Advertising and Persuasion, Journalism, Media & Popular Culture, Digital Media and Content Development & Editing.

During their last year of studies, students complete a practical training program, intended to provide them with professional, hands-on experience. Students also acquire practical experience in the school's state-of-the-art facilities: radio and television studios, editing rooms, digital studios and computer labs. The Colleges' radio station, Voice of the Campus (106 FM), has won numerous awards and prizes for quality and originality.

SoCially engaged media

Ever mindful of our social responsibility, the school and the Israel Press Council have launched an innovative collaboration in which students identify ethical violations in the Israeli press for submission to the Ethics Tribunal. The school has also joined forces with the Israel Democracy Institute in operating its Seventh Eye website, engaged in evaluating and criticizing media performance in Israel.

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Behavioral Sciences

School of

“We are social creatures to the inmost center of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong.” - Karl R. Popper

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The COMAS School of Behavioral Sciences offers students a distinctive and innovative multidisciplinary blend of theoretical and practical social science studies: psychology, sociology and anthropology. Our outstanding faculty members open the door to an exciting world of content, offering students new perspectives on the social and personal reality familiar to us all.

where diFFerent PerSPeCtiveS Converge

The curriculum exposes students to the diverse and multidisciplinary aspects of psychology and human behavior, awareness of social order and organization, as well as an in-depth understanding of cultural concepts. During their BA studies, students can chose between two majors: Management and Human Resources, and Experiential Learning.

learning in the Field

The wide variety of courses also includes field work outside the campus as an integral part of undergraduate studies, with students volunteering in various institutions, such as: psychiatric hospitals, after-school clubs, organizations working with troubled youth, and more. Faculty members engage in extensive community outreach activities such as guidance to the local Parents School, and are role models for community involvement and social responsibility.

The school also provides students with a broad basis for continuing their education towards higher degrees in social sciences, theory, applied research, and more. Students from COMAS, as well as other colleges and universities, are attracted by the school's unique and extremely popular MA programs held in high repute:» MA in Organizational Consulting & Development, with a consulting project – practicum – conducted

in actual organizational units.» MA in Family Studies (the only one of its kind in Israel) offering inter-disciplinary study of the family

unit – from sociological, psychological, cultural, legal and economic perspectives.

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economicsSchool of

“Economy is the method by which we prepare today to afford the improvements of tomorrow” - Calvin Coolidge

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The School of Economics provides its students with theoretical tools and practical know-how in economics and management coupled with proficiency in advanced IT. The school's applicative orientation ensures that students are groomed to successfully face the business challenges of the 21st century with creative initiative and innovative thinking. Many of our graduates hold executive positions in leading banks, others have made their mark in prominent investment companies, while still others have turned their talents to capital market analysis.

Cultivating eConomiC leaderShiP

The School of Economics was founded in 1994, and has since developed into one of the largest and most dynamic schools in its field in Israel, with thousands of undergraduate students. The BA program provides students with in-depth training in a variety of subjects, including courses intended to develop innovative economic and managerial thinking, provide analytical tools and impart high level professional skills. During their final year, students have an opportunity to select and focus on a preferred field - Finance, Finance & Insurance, Marketing and Organizational IT.

The school is especially proud of its unique MA program in Applied Economics, the first and only such program in Israel, aimed at qualifying professionals in the real-world application of economic theories and analysis.

diStinCtive ProgramS

Among the distinctive programs offered by the school is a combined BA in Economics and Law, focusing on the interaction between these two disciplines. Students can also opt for an evening program tailored for working managers and students, enabling them to earn their BA and work simultaneously. The school also collaborates with various companies, such as investment houses and banks, that award scholarships to students and later recruit graduates.

FinanCial eduCation

The School of Economics has initiated a groundbreaking program for the promotion of financial education in Israel, with the blessings of the National Economic Council. The goal of the program is to bring to the forefront of public discussion the importance of financial education for the general public, due to the vacuum that exists in the field of consumer finances among rank and file citizens.

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Department of

Computer Science

"It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years". - John von Neumann (1955~)

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COMAS' Computer Science department was established with the vision of fostering a leading academic community in Applied Computer Science, a community closely linked and highly relevant to the innovative Israeli hi-tech industry. To this end, our programs are continually updated to anticipate the needs of the local and global hi-tech industries, while providing knowledge in other relevant scientific and engineering fields.

a Proven traCk reCord

Our highly regarded B.Sc. degree is the culmination of a dynamic course of studies in all fields of computer science. With specializations in areas such as robotics, machine learning, network, information security and intelligent medical and video systems, the department has positioned itself at the cutting edge of computer science worldwide. Our achievements can best be measured by the success of our graduates - COMAS alumni hold key positions in leading hi-tech companies such as Microsoft, Ness, Orbotech, Intel, Motorola, Comverse, SAP, Nice and Checkpoint, to name only a few. The student body in the department is a select group with deliberately diverse backgrounds, including military officers who serve as software developers and complete their academic education while serving in the army.

reSearCh - aSPiring to innovate

COMAS' Computer Science Department operates two R&D institutes that develop Artificial Intelligence systems in the fields of intelligent video processing and robotics. These institutes collaborate with the IDF and industrial companies to develop algorithms and software for both military and civil applications.At our sophisticated and distinctive computer research and software development facilities, students gain hands-on experience in the research process and use of cutting edge equipment.

StudentS that exCel

We are proud of our students' achievements – including first prizes in various international competitions and awards for excellence. Our policy of encouraging students to excel is also expressed in numerous student start-ups that we have supported and have turned into real-life success stories.

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Department of

interior design

"Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution." - Ivan Chermayeff

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The Interior Design Department was founded in 1995, launching the first such program in Israel to achieve full academic accreditation. Its ambitious vision was to become Israel's leading school of interdisciplinary design. With this aim in mind, the department cultivated a distinctive faculty consisting of leading industrial and interior designers, architects and representatives of disciplines such as sociology, history, philosophy, and computer sciences – all of whom offer their unique theoretical and applied perspectives to our students.

The department's four-year program, culminating in a Bachelor of Design degree, is carefully structured to prepare students for a range of fascinating and promising careers. The challenging studio-focused curriculum, which includes elective majors and mandatory internship, is complemented by courses in design history and theory, computer programming, material manufacturing and processes, fine arts and technology. The department offers a unique specialization in Spatial Visual Communication, providing interdisciplinary designers with a holistic perspective for successfully conveying information using visual means and the design of interior spaces.

inSPiration in aCtion

The Interior Design Department passionately encourages individuality and creativity by teaching 'how to think' and not 'what to think'. Community engagement and involvement are central pillars of the department’s commitment to instilling social awareness in students, thus broadening their perspective on social responsibility. Consequently, students and faculty members are involved in various community-based design projects, neighborhood clinics, as well as all-important environmental initiatives.

deSigning the Future

The department's facilities present students with a wonderland of resources: a fully equipped model-making workshop, a computer lab with state of the art work stations, an imaging laboratory, editing suites, FabLab - a workshop for digital fabrication and printing established and managed by COMAS in collaboration with MIT, and more.

International workshops, master classes, designer clinics, studios, media lab are only some of the unique projects and enrichment activities aimed at exposing students to advantageous and inspiring learning experiences on their way to becoming gifted designers in a world of fast-changing needs.

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Department of



"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." - William James

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the exPerienCe oF a liFetime

COMAS' Psychology department offers an innovative, prestigious and challenging BA program covering diverse facets of human behavior, from social and cognitive to clinical psychology. The department provides students with the experience of a lifetime in an innovative yet intimate atmosphere. Attentive faculty members support and assist students in developing creative tools and acquiring critical, methodological and scientific skills.

ComBining theory with PraCtiCe

The curriculum offers a unique and rich blend of the theoretical and practical, placing special emphasis on research conducted in advanced laboratories, to prepare and fast track students for graduate studies in Psychology. During the 2nd and 3rd years, students gain experience through practical volunteer work under the close supervision of the Department's clinical and academic faculty members.

Students can choose to minor in Business Administration or Media, thereby completing their BA with a firm background in these disciplines and bringing added value and insight to their chosen career paths, in fields ranging from marketing to economics to decision-making.

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academic opportunityProgram (aoP)


"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual." - Albert Einstein

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The Academic Opportunity Program (AOP), founded in 2000, opens COMAS' prestigious gates to talented young students with innate potential, who do not meet ordinary admittance requirements. This unique program is founded on the belief that traditional higher education admittance criteria (matriculation and psychometric exams [SAT-equivalent]) do not necessarily reflect a person's true academic potential.

an oPPortunity For StudentS to rewrite their Future

The program is designed for students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including immigrants and minority groups, youngsters with learning disabilities or those forced to work during high school to support their families, and even outstanding athletes whose dedication resulted in the neglect of their studies. This one-year program affords them a unique opportunity to reshape their future.Our experienced counselors conduct in-depth interviews to assess candidates' potential for academic excellence. Once accepted, students choose from among six schools: business administration, law, behavioral sciences, media studies and economics. In order to successfully complete the program, students' performance must meet prerequisite grade averages. Throughout the year, students are accompanied by our professional staff whose role it is to foster their confidence, self-esteem and belief in their ability to succeed and realize their goals.

inSPiring reSultS

Each year, approximately 80% of the students in the program achieve the required grades and are admitted into mainstream COMAS. Many of our students graduate with honors and are hired by prestigious law firms, leading accounting firms, Israeli media etc. Others continue their academic education and are admitted to graduate programs at COMAS and other prestigious universities and colleges. Hundreds of personal success stories bear testimony to the program's outstanding contribution to the lives of talented individuals who in turn contribute to Israeli society as a whole.

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institute for Continuing education (iCe)


"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." – Winston Churchill

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The Institute for Continuing Education (ICE) at COMAS is an educational institute specializing in technology and business leadership, providing training for a wide range of sought after professions in the fields of business technology, management and business leadership, software development and computer infrastructure, real estate, investments and more. Courses are tailored for academics and professionals interested in updating and upgrading their knowledge, for people wishing to acquire a technological and / or managerial profession, for people wishing to change their career course or retrain in the field of business technology, as well as those interested in a second and third career.

aPPlied learning

ICE programs and courses place an emphasis on practical and professional experience, and to this end the curriculum includes collaborations with leading organizations in the respective fields (such as hi-tech, insurance, finances and real estate) that provide hands-on, practical experience.

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Promoting research in all Spheres of knowledge

COMAS Research Institutes


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COMAS places great emphasis on research based on a belief that this is one of the primary duties of an institute of higher education – towards both students and faculty. Extensive resources are dedicated to COMAS research centers and institutes that advance research in diverse fields, ranging from robotic technology to ethics to fiscal policies.


The COnCOrD reSeArCh CenTer fOr InTegrATIOn Of InTernATIOnAl lAw In ISrAel The goal of this center is to promote the integration of international norms into Israeli law and society, and to raise awareness of developments in international human rights and humanitarian law.

The CenTer fOr AnTITruST AnD COMpeTITIOn lAw

A unique center that is part of an international center headquartered in London, with a corresponding center in Cairo.

The DAvID weIner CenTer fOr lAwyerS' eThICS AnD prOfeSSIOnAl reSpOnSIbIlITyThis center seeks to develop the teaching of ethics in Israeli law schools, while striving to promote ethics and professional accountability in existing legal practice.

The ISrAelI ACADeMIC reSeArCh InSTITuTe fOr COnflICT reSOluTIOn AnD MeDIATIOnThis interdisciplinary institute seeks to introduce contemporary methods of Mediation and Conflict

Resolution to academic circles, policy makers and the general public.

The SAnbAr InSTITuTe The institute initiates research in areas crucial to Israel's economic and business environment, including: renewing economic growth, social issues affected by economic growth and the role of capital markets. The institute studies social issues such as changes in the distribution of income, the increase of poverty and required changes in fiscal policy.

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the ComaS way

COMAS Philosophy

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COMAS is committed to cultivating and fostering the unique entrepreneurial spirit of innovation that has led to Israel being dubbed the "start-up nation". This commitment is evident in all faculties and departments, in diverse initiatives that encourage students to express their creativity and innovative spirit in unique frameworks: programs supporting cutting-edge developments in robotics and artificial intelligence, urban design clinics, FabLab (workshop for digital fabrication and printing), young entrepreneurs program and more.

entrePreneurShiP and innovation

management Center (eim)

COMAS established a center aimed at advancing interdisciplinary applied research and teaching in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation management. The center also develops practical managerial tools for entrepreneurs, policy and decision makers, and C-level executives. The EIM center strives to foster the entrepreneurial spirit among students and in the community, and to serve as a hub for the formation of innovation networks, as well as local and international collaborations with academic and industrial organizations.

inSPiring the SPirit oF innovation

The School of Business Administration conducts a unique workshop for students with innovative ideas who are about to complete their BA studies. Experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals mentor these gifted students and help them develop their ideas from the initial embryonic stage to the final business plan. They also offer lectures on topics such as intellectual property, patents, entrepreneurial teamwork, and more. The process concludes with presentations of these innovations before fellow students, faculty members, industry professionals, venture capital funds, and more.


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COMAS aspires to internationalize its campus and curriculum, like leading academic institutions throughout the world, for the benefit of students and faculty. We wish to offer the diverse and advanced global tools necessary to succeed in today's competitive arena. To this end, we have established an Office for International Programs that seeks to spearhead the internationalization process by, among its other activities, developing programs of special interest to overseas students, as well as creating opportunities for Israeli students to study abroad. As part of this effort, most COMAS faculties now offer courses with international content, many of them in English, catering to both Israeli and international students.

gloBal PartnerShiPS

To realize our vision for all COMAS students to become international citizens who think globally while acting locally, and for COMAS to attain global leadership through international engagements, we seek to forge partnerships with select international institutions. Through these partnerships we aspire to enhance our international presence by reinforcing successful existing programs and promoting new ones in unique fields of knowledge and research.

new horiZonS - gloBal PerSPeCtiveS We also invite foreign students and scholars to bring their distinctive perspectives to international conferences and seminars held on campus, to teach courses and to collaborate in research projects with local faculty members. We believe that a shared educational experience is mutually beneficial for both local and foreign students, teaching them to thrive and excel in an increasingly interconnected world.


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At COMAS, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is much more than a buzz word, it is a guiding principle and commitment to comply with ethical standards and international norms. This belief has led to a strategic decision to integrate CSR into the college's curriculum as well as operations. CSR principles are now taught at various faculties in their respective contexts, as well as in the Center for Corporate and Social Responsibility at the School of Business Administration.

a viSion oF leaderShiP

The vision of the School of Business Administration is founded on the understanding that corporate responsibility is crucial to the education of tomorrow's managers, since it is closely linked to the business core of leading companies. Moreover, responsible management is considered a vital component of risk management, innovation and business development in any company. This vision is also reflected in the prominence CSR has gained in the curriculums of the world's leading business schools.

Center For CorPorate and SoCial

reSPonSiBility The Center is part of the School of Business Administration's vision of leadership in the field of CSR and is dedicated to educating the managers

of the future in the principles of social justice. The Center offers academic courses as part of various specializations, organizes conferences and research projects relating to CSR and hosts lectures by business, social and academic leaders about topics on the current agenda.

From CSr to loCal initiativeS

Since CSR and social involvement are intertwined, COMAS encourages students and faculty members to get involved on the ground in a range of proactive initiatives for the benefit of the community, such as the School of Law's free legal aid clinics, various social outreach projects, green environmental initiatives, urban renewal projects led by the Interior Design department and more.


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Accessibility has been enhanced through our investments in technologies such as "text to speech" and "speech to text" software and reading software in Hebrew and in English, in personnel training and in scholarships for other students who will be able to mentor the disabled students.

The center caters to the needs of all COMAS students that are diagnosed with some form of disability and are in need of extra help that is crucial for their success. About fifteen percent of the student body is diagnosed with some degree of disability, with two percent of students being physically disabled – from birth or due to accidents. The Center for Academic Accessibility was founded in order to help those students who are determined to overcome their difficulties and further themselves through academic studies.

Our professional, client-centered study center affords these students an opportunity to become partners in a community of academic professionals. Services are geared to providing the academic, social and emotional tools they'll need in order to achieve their academic goals. Assistance is provided in all spheres, from counseling in choosing the most suitable course of studies, through professional interventions, tutorial programs and assisting technologies, to mentoring and emotional counseling. Moreover, the center assists students seeking employment at the end of their studies.

The COMAS Center for Academic Accessibility is the first comprehensive center of its kind in Israel. The center provides disabled students with technologies, counseling, and social and psychological mentoring and also provides short extra-curricular programs enabling the students to study more effectively.


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Committed to involvement

Community outreach initiatives focus on specific populations, including children and youths, the disabled, holocaust survivors, Ethiopian immigrants and the underprivileged. Some projects focus on COMAS students that require scholastic or financial aid. Programs range from lectures and courses open to the general public, through programs aimed at encouraging young entrepreneurs, to volunteer-based projects offering academic and emotional support to the underprivileged. Many COMAS students are granted some sort of scholarship, and in return are required to devote several hours every week to volunteer work in the community. Faculty members are also active partners in community initiatives, and provide guidance and support for important projects and local initiatives.

SuPPorting the Community

COMAS' community outreach projects also include the Law School's legal clinics that provide legal aid in various fields, such as family law, human rights and freedom of information. The Interior Design department contributes to the community by harnessing the power of design to various urban renewal projects, all of which are conducted in cooperation with local residents. A unique Experiential Learning program allows Behavioral Science students to apply the theoretical knowledge they acquire in part-time jobs in social organizations. These are just a few examples of COMAS' deep commitment to genuine contribution to Israeli society.

University-community partnerships are a powerful force for community development and revitalization. COMAS is a pioneer in this field, and is committed to instilling and promoting principles of social involvement, personal responsibility and contribution to the community. These principles are put into practice in a variety of community outreach programs that enable students and faculty members to apply research, scholarship, and services to real-life problems.

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The Caesarea Economic Policy Planning Forum - widely recognized as Israel’s most influential economic conference - and COMAS have a long term strategic partnership founded on the college's central role in Israel's economics and finance. The goal of this annual conference is to examine issues with far-reaching ramifications for the future of Israel's economy and social structure and to outline a vision for future economic policy. In the spring of 2011, COMAS was honored to host, for the first time, the 19th Caesarea Economic Policy Planning Forum held by the IDI (Israel Democracy Institute).

where BuSineSS and aCademia Converge

The Forum is held at COMAS in recognition of the bridge that the college has been providing, for several decades, between academia, research and Israeli industry. It also provides members of the Forum with an opportunity to connect with the youthful and energetic spirit of our students.

a viSion oF a Better tomorrow

Each year, the Forum examines Israel’s macro-economic policy and focuses on three other key issues, which in the past have included environmental policy, employment, inequality, the war on terror, globalization, education, transparency, and local government.


Established in 1993, IDI’s Caesarea Economic Policy Planning Forum brings together Israel's Prime Minister, prominent businessmen, civil servants, economists, leading academics, and other top representatives from public and private sectors for intensive discussions about key challenges facing the Israeli economy.

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Students Leading the WayAspiring to Achieve

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ISRAMun - Israel Model united nations

ISRAMUN – Israel International Model United Nations – is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participating students in diplomacy, current affairs, communications, globalization, media and more. Diplomats, politicians and world leaders join gifted local and international students at the ISRAMUN conference held on our campus. The conference, initiated by COMAS students with the full support of the administration, provides opportunities for young leaders from around the world to come together to collectively address the most pressing global issues in a simulated environment. today'S StudentS - tomorrow'S leaderS

Students from Israel and all around the world enjoy a memorable experience at this dynamic forum, with exciting intellectual discourse and cultural exchange. The conference serves as an academic platform for students interested in acquiring a profound knowledge in various fields such as international law, global economy, international relations, media and more.In addition to various conference sessions,

conference programs include exciting and vibrant cultural activities, an opportunity to meet and mingle, and an opportunity for in-depth acquaintance with the State of Israel.

Building an iSramun Community

COMAS brought the exciting Model United Nations (MUN) format to Israel, and with its enthusiastic support local ISRAMUN societies have been founded in other Israeli universities and colleges, creating a lively, a-political community for students based on MUN values. In addition to promoting ISRAMUN activities in Israel and overseas, COMAS has also helped develop a network of ISRAMUN alumni that spread the word about ISRAMUN around the world. The ISRAMUN Research Center and ISRAMUN Youth organization are also initiatives based on this successful model that complement and advance the ISRAMUN vision.


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The Interdisciplinary Honors Program is COMAS' flagship academic program. It offers select students a distinctive academic experience in a highly stimulating interdisciplinary environment. One or two students are selected from each school based on outstanding achievements during their first year of BA studies. These accomplished students are awarded full tuition scholarships for two years and participate in a range of custom tailored courses and activities.

During their first year in the program, students participate in an interdisciplinary reading workshop and, in the second year, in a research workshop. In addition, they write a seminar paper under the close supervision of a faculty member from their school. Specially tailored enrichment activities for these honor students include lectures, workshops, summer courses in Europe/US, study tours, and volunteering in the community as a group.

leaderShiP and SoCial reSPonSiBility

The program focuses a special spotlight on leadership and social responsibility, issues that are

Interdisciplinary honors Program

now more than ever central to contemporary culture and current agenda. To this end, the curriculum covers pertinent topics relating to policy, personal and national welfare, entrepreneurship, project management, and decision-making at individual, business and public levels.

Cultivating aCademiC exCellenCe

The goal of the Interdisciplinary Honors program is to cultivate academic excellence, while encouraging and fostering personal and intellectual growth as well as critical thinking. Special emphasis is placed on research and many of the program's graduates continue their studies and go on to choose academic careers.


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And So Much More...

young entrePreneurS In this unique project, COMAS Business School students act as mentors for junior high and high school student. Together, they establish a company, raise capital, and produce and market a product they developed. COMAS Business School students serve as professional counselors and guides, and their contribution to the project is part of their final BA project.

iaa ProjeCt

A select number of undergraduate students at the School of Business Administration, that have excelled in their marketing and advertising studies, participate in an advanced study program held in collaboration with the International Advertising Association (IAA). The IAA is active in 99 countries, and its members include media professionals, advertising organizations and educational institutes. The program enables students to participate in the organization's international projects, and graduates are awarded an IAA diploma. COMAS is the only Business school in Israel to award the IAA diploma.

advanCed marketing internShiP

This unique Business Administration project en-ables undergraduate students to experience work-ing in the field of marketing in a variety of leading firms in Israel. Students face situations that re-quire problem solving, identification of marketing opportunities and putting theoretical information and research data into practice.

magneton ProjeCt

The goal of the project is to support the transfer of the technology developed in academia to Is-raeli industrial companies, and offers students a unique opportunity to be involved in cutting-edge technological projects. Magneton is co-financed by industry and the Ministry of Industry & Trade. One successful example is the collaboration between G-nius company, a subsidiary of the IAI and Elbit, and the Robotics Laboratory in COMAS' Computer Science department. The collaboration resulted in the provision of smart algorithms for efficient patrolling of the borders by a group of robots.


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inCuBator For develoPment oF aPPle aPPliCationS

A unique collaborative venture between COMAS and Apple company enables students to develop Apple applications and showcase them in Apple's App stores. The development process, focusing on the user interface, is an exciting learning experience for students, under the department's supervision. This is an opportunity for students to learn Objective C, and, if their applications are attractive, to earn royalties from their sale in App stores. To date, our students have won quite a few competitions in the development of unique applications.

teChnologiCal entrePreneurShiP Program

As of the fourth semester of B.Sc. studies in the Computer Sciences department, students with innovative and applicative ideas can participate in this program and set up a virtual start-up. These student entrepreneurs are mentored and guided by business people and senior industrialists throughout the start-up stages, to the final project.

kol haCamPuS (the voiCe oF the CamPuS) An educational radio station operating as part of COMAS' School of Media Studies. The station offers students an opportunity to experience working at a radio station, as part of their academic course of studies, by combining theory with practical experience. Since Kol HaKampus is not a commercial

venture, it enables students to fully express their crea-tivity, to experiment and to innovate. Its programs are characterized by a distinctive line of alternative music and content, including Electronic music, Progressive Rock,

Alternative, Black, Latin, new bands and many more.

haZikit (Chameleon)

The School of Media Studies' web magazine for students and by students (as well as graduates). This is not a standard school paper, but a wide-ranging, alternative,

and non-commercial magazine dealing with everything that interests students. Content channels include: media, society, culture, leisure, sports and overseas. The magazine offers a unique


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and innovative feature: emotional color coding of content according to: pleasant (green), irritating (orange) and painful (red). On a great day, a reader can click pleasant and read only articles that will make him/her feel good, and ensuring that nothing in the magazine will ruin his/her perfect day.

SPot workShoP

The workshop is a unique educational framework for creating, developing and promoting media campaigns aimed at social change. The workshop, under the auspices of the School of Media Studies, started out producing commercials (spots) for business customers (Strauss, Diesel, etc.) and over the past decade has harnessed its resources for the benefit of social organizations and associations. 15 outstanding students participate in the workshop every year, and acquire professional skills in marketing and production. The workshop's output over the years includes campaigns for a wide range of environmental and civil rights associations.

Seventh eye weBSite

COMAS has reached a cooperation agreement with the Israel Democracy Institute that operates The Seventh Eye website. The Seventh Eye is a platform for evaluating and criticizing the performance of the media, and Israeli mass media in particular. The School of Media Studies supports the site and assists in both website content and production. The site serves as a prestigious stage for presenting research conducted by the School's lecturers, as well as a fascinating and educating experience for its students.

moCk trialS

Students at the COMAS School of Law participate in various moot court competitions, held in Israel and overseas. These mock trials are an excellent opportunity for students to develop and cultivate professional skills in written and oral advocacy, as well as teamwork. The college is proud of the success of its teams in various competitions, including some impressive rankings. Some of our law students participate in Jessup - International Law Moot Court Competition - the largest and most prestigious moot competition in the world, attracting students from 500 law schools throughout the world. In this renowned competition, students engage in a simulation of a fictional dispute between countries that is heard by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

ethiCal Code oF the SChool oF law

The code reflects the School of Law's unique set of values, and defines proper norms of conduct for all members of the school's community, from students to staff. The goal of the code is twofold – to cultivate a proper scholastic culture and to contribute to the ethical education of the future generation of jurists. Students are actively involved in the ongoing formulation of the code, and participate in workshops for assimilation of the ethical code. This is a reflection of the School's commitment to spearheading all aspects of legal education in Israel – teaching, research, studies, and ethical wisdom.


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overSeaS law honorS Program

COMAS School of Law offers students overseas courses and programs, includingsummer courses in Fordham (New York ) , Budapest , Hamburg and Florence; semester long studies at CTLS in London, and MA studies at Fordham University in New York. The program is an opportunity for students to experience law studies as they are taught in foreign countries, in different cultures, and interact with students and lecturers from all over the world.

deBate CluB

The COMAS Debate Club was founded to promote the art of debating, public speaking, logic and rhetoric. Members of our award-wining Debate Club acquire tools for improving personal expression skills, learn techniques to develop logical claims (helping them write papers, articles, participate in discussions, etc.), and improve their use of body language and

voice to convey their messages. Over the course of the academic year, students participate in both national and international debate competitions.


COMAS is committed to offering students opportunities to apply the skills acquired in the academic setting on the ground, and to enabling them to give back to the community. This is the rationale behind the range of clinics operated by the college. These include design clinics aimed at improving daily life and connecting to the community by harnessing the power of design and architectural action to resolve local

problems. Matters – the Law and Social Clinical Center is an additional framework that runs legal aid clinics in various fields and offers students priceless experience. Another innovative initiative, by the School of Media Studies, is a Press Ethics clinic conducted in collaboration with the Israel Press Council,

aimed at identifying and analyzing ethical offenses and violations by the press.


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aCademiC journalS COMAS publishes several noteworthy journals, in which faculty members and students collaborate, and which serve as platforms for fruitful discourse. The academic journals include: Kaveret (Beehive) - a scientific journal published by the School of Behavioral Sciences dealing with multi-disciplinary topics, written from diverse points of view that make it accessible to the general public. The college also publishes two legal journals: HaMishpat (Law) - the Hebrew Law Review, and HaPraklit (Lawyer) - Israel Bar Association's quarterly review.

Student exChange ProgramS

COMAS encourages ties with similar institutes of higher education throughout the world through its student exchange program. International students can enjoy a fascinating semester at COMAS, and Israeli students can devote a semester to studies in a corresponding institute overseas. Exchange students benefit from exposure to faculty members and students from different cultures, as well as the content matter taught in their fields of study.

interdiSCiPlinary degree ProgramS

COMAS' interdisciplinary programs are prestigious, high level programs that enable students to acquire education and skills in two fields in parallel. The three program tracks are Law and Accounting, Law and Economics and Law and Media Studies.

Students can earn two degrees in this special program that is tailored to their needs, and study alongside other highly motivated students.


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Student union

COMAS' student union was founded as an a-political organization committed to the advancement, welfare and support of the student body. Student representatives are elected democratically and devote their time and energy to issues of importance to students: army reserve duty, legal aid, tutorials, scholarships, leisure activities, discounts, job placement and more.


More than 100 active athletes, including professional athletes, currently represent the college in various student competitions held by ASA (Academic Sports Association) in a variety of sports, and have won various awards and prizes, including first place in the basketball league, judo tournament, swimming and more. Most of the professional athletes at COMAS are awarded scholarships to advance their education. The College also provides ample opportunities for students who are amateur athletes and are interested in participating in sport activities all year long.

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Fostering a Successful Future

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Career CenterCOMAS' Career Center is the college's marketing arm in the job market and constitutes a link between the job market and academia. The Career Center seeks to collaborate with employers in all market sectors in order to assist students (during their studies and as graduation draws near) and graduates seeking to enter the job market and start a career.

Career Path develoPment

The Career Center offers a wide range of services aimed at assisting students and graduates in career placement. Services include career fairs, Spotlight encounters (meetings between companies and students), lectures and panels about professional careers in various sectors, a web-based bulletin board of job offers, a database of employers, and more.

dediCation to Student SuCCeSS

Another of the Center's fields of expertise is the professional

screening of candidates for senior positions according to company requirements. Placement of law, accounting, and interior design students in internship positions in various companies is another form of assistance provided by dedicated Career Center professionals.

alumni relationSOur 40,000 alumni constitute an elite group and a source of great pride to COMAS. We follow their progress in the very center of economic, public and social developments in the Israeli market as well as overseas, as they take up key positions in leading companies. The College works to maintain and reinforce its ties with alumni, and enlist them in a variety of important projects and worthwhile initiatives. Another major goal is to provide them with a platform for business and social networking.

the BeneFitS oF networking

The Alumni Association was

established to cater to the needs of the College's alumni. The Association plays a key role in realizing one of COMAS' central goals from its very inception – to connect academia with the business world. The Alumni Association endeavors to strengthen ties with graduates and ties among graduates via a range of activities that it conducts and plans to implement in various fields:» Assistance in career develo-pment and management.» Supplying updated and innovative know- how provided by the finest lecturers in their fields and over a variety of media channels.» Empowering alumni through a powerful and influential business and social network operating by cultivating business and social links between graduates and between alumni and academia as well as the business world through networking events.


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COMAS would like to extend its deepest thanks to all those students, alumni.

faculty members, and other parties who appear in this brochure.


The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd. Rishon LeZion 75190 Israelwww.colman.ac.il/english


The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)


The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

COntACt uS

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Page 56: The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) · 8 » Israel's largest academic college » 12,000 enrolled students; 40,000 graduates » 1st accredited academic college in Israel

The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)

7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd. Rishon LeZion 75190 Israel
