Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College News Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Collections, Digitized Books 1964 e College News, 1964-10-22, Vol. 51, No. 05 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits you. Follow this and additional works at: hp://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews is paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. hp://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/1310 For more information, please contact [email protected]. Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, e College News, 1964-10-22, Vol. 51, No. 05 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1964).

The College News, 1964-10-22, Vol. 51, No. 05

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Bryn Mawr CollegeScholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn MawrCollege

Bryn Mawr College News Bryn Mawr College Publications, SpecialCollections, Digitized Books


The College News, 1964-10-22, Vol. 51, No. 05Students of Bryn Mawr College

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Custom CitationStudents of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1964-10-22, Vol. 51, No. 05 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1964).


.Vol. L No. � "--'"":

B�YM MAWR, P A. " .

, . " .'- -



,OCTOBER 22. 1964' iSC ....

College-Announces Wage Hike. :.:-=:'!!' ary: Consideration,

lntegriiy "Emphasized For On-Campus Student Jobs A new eollege wace Increase,

atfeetlng botb skilled .nd DOn-­skllled workers, will flO. Into et· feet November 1.

Rate for unskilled. labor, wbleh - t lDeludes stuttlnc envelopes, rea(i.

Inc aloud, and bertnnJ.nc library, worle. wUL be$.80...!Jl bour ..

SkUled work w1ll be pa1d from $.90 to $1.25 an hour. Jobs aHee· ted by this ehance lnelude lantern sUde projeeUnc. waJtlng on tables. and typh11.

Tbe rates tor bells. slnee the Job I. cona:lderecl • .killed one 1JWa'Uii- CV6i"J �;;;i'rn ha.; c :-::1!:� board, will be $.90 an bour.

College off1ee wOl'k wUl be paJd .t rates ot $.90 to $1.25 .n bour for typlnc, &DI1 $1.50 U . koowledS­of sbortb&nd Is otterad.

CertaJD"-wace .rate. wUl remain uneban&:ed. These 1Delude musleal aeeompanylne at $1.25 an bour. waltreaslna: In the balls at $1.50 per meal. waltresstnc intbe Dean­ery at $.90 an bout plus . 101. bonus, and private Morine. ,,!h1eb varies from $1.50 to $3.00 an bour

• for undercraduatel. Tbe science departmerta Ytll

set their own rates tor work lbaI: tbelr de�rtments are Involved in. Thieee Jobe lneludt wa.sblDc test tubes. for wbleb ther. ls _ tentative rate of $.80 or $.90 an bour. and � . -'. pl'epa.rI.DI tis.ue eultures. tor wblcb tbe tenlatlve r.te I. $1.00 an bour.

• N..;new rates will not be retro--� &ttlvt; October ebiCki"1i"om1he Comptroller'. ottlee w111 be based

Un •• rgra. Stu.les

Stu •• nts' 'Hltu •• s

• , owar. , r"ltlons .y .... rel. Vwn,

-- Underp'ad -PresldeDt �el PiDekDey and Harr.LIon Spencer. president of \be Hay.rford student body. are work1nc In lbe joint eouneUs to stud,y tbe attitudes of both student bodies towarCt tra· d1ttons. Recent events bav. caused Uiese traditions to be matters of ser10us dlsc:usslon by Under· p'ad.


. ,

Tbe best eumple of &ood spirit \ud atutude In • tradiUonal aet1Yi­

ty, as de!lcribed by Undercud President Betsey Pinelcney, was. tb1s year's Parade Night. In spite· of lbe drought we bad one of the best parade n1&'bts .ver.

Betsey contrasted tbls to Lantern Night.. On Lantern N1&'ht

_ forty Hav&r(ord menbroke througb � -the usbers in the llbrary and , eUmbed to the root. They stole

lanterns, broke windows ana -..c" --twtJler.....ma.rted..t.be solemn beauty

ot Lantern Ntc:ht. The 'lanterns eost-$S.50 a piece

-__ and are d1U1e�d eX28nslve to replace. Bet.sey also pointed out ttte humanitarian aspect to the lantern thefts. Cirls were denied the prlvllege of � put\tpg their lanterns on the manU.plece in

• traditional form. One girl's fingers were cut when ber lantern was snatehed from her hand.

Howeyer, Undergrad does_not ___ consider_BuC blameless. several

Bryn .... wr clrls w.nt to Haver· ford Colwnbl1s Day to be "vestal

• Y1retns." Unclerarad !e1t�lhtt tbIs .. llke lut ,..�s .... yday riots.does not- show "\hi supposedly mature � of a Bryn Mawr C!rl.

. r-

on the old scalft. , By Kar.n Kobl. _ Altbou&b the problem shOUlct not 11le new wap seal. was nrst Undergrad I. scbeclulinr a re- be minimized, according to Misl

eonsldered in a.nswer to • eom- Q\llred and fined open meeUnc Agnew. there has been • good ptalut from Cbarles_ Mltcbell, to discuss 'the llbran'. as a re- dbl more reneral complaln1D1 eb.atrman ot the hlstory .of art suit of the receDt cOrbtnotlOitOver than actual report1nc ol speelflc department, that it was beeOmJnr' r.moval of reserve books trom . mlNln, books. Tbere have been inereulne1ycltmculttortndwtern the reserve room. lillure to re- �y � reported lnetdentt: of slide operators for art and areb- turn reserve books on tim., and. reserve booksJ b:e1na: taken; one '0101)' coui'ses. r.moval of books from the open of tbem was talc,n by • rraduatfi

Tbe decl5l00 to overhaul tbe stacks. student, who didn't realize at the eaUre eoU'ege wage seale wu dls- UDderiTad represe�tlvel bave time that the same {Utes about

Iy. Because of laek or .pae., the Ubrary system or eat&loeulnr books is faJrly ehaotle at present;

.as a result there are .e .... ral reasons why a student Is unable to lind a book. First M .11, she may DOt be entirely faroWar with ttMi Llbrary system. And. beeause there an: so many dltterent Me­lions, DOt to mention the varlou. de�rtmental Ub�lel tn dU­ferent buUdinp, the ,bOOk ma, easily bave been mlllbeived. or

eussed and e,eel¢ed by Miss M�· &1so held meeuocs1n the residence reserve book. for uod.rcraduate arta., ber assistant, Mrs. Wb�ll- balla to discus, amOlll otber students applied to her also. Stu­ban, and Mrs. Crenshaw of the tblnp: the use �r the Ubrary ' dents who are unable to nod a Burt.u of RecommendaUons. In relillon to tbe... honor system. \ reserve �k on the shelf or .Imed

. moved to &- d1Uere.pt Jeetlon. """-i

�'A·· ., -t . d C··le . - t ,: ;r,,' ... :!:;1d the'!'::" ... u: :.,!� n ony an opa ra sarlly ....... st ....... TIlere ••

tbe po.ulblltty that the student

SeeJ-- Return to 'ooked I., \he - •• tile ·'·ne I(,IJ section, or that the book was

mlssbelved. In the c .... of the open staeu.

booU wer. mlsslne wben lbe In­ventory .... laken. M in the case of tile reseDe room. the bookS may DOt have been taten wUfUI.

ReprdlDl tbe UN of tbe U-· bruy, Uoder,rad -slre8Md tbe Im­portance 'or IDdJvldual Inteiftty.­When, tor u.mpl., a rtrl who sl&Ds out a reserve book preters to pay the 'nne rather than return It, she Is sbowlni the bJchtat locorCslderatlowtor other atudent.. It Is also utremely Important that all students be thoroucbly ta�l1ar. with the Ubrary rules. wbleh are Mly upla1ned ln lb. Student H&DCb)ok.

Mawrters and ·Haverfordiilns Un·ite for Sophomore-WHkend

COll. current tbe told1en.

Bryn M.wr sophomore. join H .... erford for the ttrst time In _:��!:Fall Sopbomor. Week-

30 and st. HtchlIIbfs the weekend at. a folk conc.rt

by Odetta and a' Crul58 .up the ..[)alaware River eomplete with band and duee.

Odetta wiU perform Frida.J nlrbt at Robert. Hall, Hay.rford. Her coaeert Is part d. the Huerford Art Series 01 .yents. Tbe cost 1s $8.00 a coupl..


N.S.C. in _Philadelphia that att.r-noon.

Last May the sophomore clus, after hearlIC the "SdIedUled plans

. from H.Verford Sophomore Pres­ident John Bla.Ir. voted to eon­tribute $300 'and shue thl! prollts of the weekencl.

Committee ehairmen for tbe �kend art! Mary Delane, for publicity, BeverlY L&DCfor Uckets, and Su. Bisbop and Kat McYeacta for dance deeoraUODs. Tbe .. chc o r aUo n s wtU tollow, �, _,. .... ' ........ . H ........ th.me •

Tickets for tbe boatt1de .,.. 011

Sbakespearean otten., ANTONY aDd CLEOPATRA. promla. to be _,tar cry from the .. uaUonal � .,...,b laIe.y � by yo. lnimttable LluDdlek. a.ecordtAC to Dtree.tor Robel't But� �

In idcuUOD to tbe eampus pre­.. atatloa Nov.mber 14 aa:I 15 In Goodhart, ANTCIfY aDd: CLEO­PATRA 11 .c beclllled forDee.!mblr .. aDd: 5 at lrvlDe AuditorIUm, by

A showboat. cuaranteecl beated, wtll cruise tbe !)ela�ue Rlver Saturday nJebt. It wtU carry • rock aDd roll band phi. a folk stncer f o r danelD( and eDler­talnm'Dt. Tickets for the ride are $2.50 • coupl ••

sale this wee)behr..n 1:3O� -2:00 In TQlor.

U As soon as you bal" �br&8'­bra-&&t-na .... t Cleopatra, poetry roes out th. window," Mr. But­man said, addJ1'II that CoHes­'lbaater's object will be to mln!­inlU ... --1n the Costumes and actlOo., lettlne It, eome from Shake­speare's 1I08S, , •

"--r b I" .. necessary dlsclpUne will have'the advmace of allow· till the prose-and the characters to be interpreted In �ptb," the director expla1oed.

Jane .Robblns. playh",.,emale lead, described her role'ith en­tbusiasm. itCleopatra.ls an tnllnlte challenge to me," "be satd, "as sbe herseU possesses an'tnnnit. variety.' I see her exploring eyen the most minute teeu.nc: to its own infinite depths and .xpresslng It In a voice tbat 15 alwaya musleal. I loye t.er especially because. at heart, .be'a a ham, too," Jane a .....

In addition to Jane u Cleopatra and Munson Hleks as Antony, the eut. includes:' Steve Bennett, Oc· tavlus Caesar; Howard BuSh. M. AemiUus Lepldusj Terry ·Yan Brunt, Se:ltu8 Pompelus; Derek Evans, Domltiua EnobartJus; Pa", Goold, Octavl.; Hilary Hoam.r: Charmian; and W,endy Wassyn,. I ....

MusIc wfil be used In the pro­�uetlon to denote l,.oe.&tion In Rom. Ind Egypt and to _t the mood In variou.s scenel. 'l"bue ,,01 be Oft­..... . .. _ In 010 ..... lcular sene, t.be drunker carouslnc 01


speelal l.vHatlon at tbe UDlverslty of Pennsylvania. Penn's lnYltatlOD eame tollow'1nc Collere Tbeater'. warmly '?C.lved producUoo. of HAMLET·tbere 1ut ,ear.

'Busel for lbe boatrlCle wI1l1eave Rock Arch at 8:15. Soph Presl­i1ent Mary Delaney promise. that the time 'wUl DOt lnt.rtere with the elecUon n1cbt rehearsal for

Campus Or,anizls

For Election Night

U".dergrad Airs Problems Bryn Mawrters who signed up to belP compUe returns on eleetlon nilM must attend a serIes or re­hearsals scheduled nut'week. Fur­tber work. on the el.etlon�rojeet Is urcently requestect'by tbe Bureau of Recommendationa:, who must bave apprOximately 10,000'0-yelopes stuUf¥S and labels typed by Saturday. The Bu.reau wUl pay $1.50 .11 bour:. to .t)ose. w1lUna: to help.

Of Columbus Day, LibraTY • •

Undergrad President Betsey Pinckney and Sell·(;ov PresldeDt' Emily Bardaek concurred at the Undercrad meettq last Monday that the attempt at making a Col· umbus Day tradition of dumping a plUter bust Into HaveI'.ford"s Duck Poo:1 was a eomplete !lasco.

-From -iH.. reports 11 .JU'.-1o­adequately orcaruieu and' j,oorty publJe.IzecL-As a result. onlY nr­teen Bryn M.wr prla, dressed In sheets; attended the ceremony. HoweYe�:I'tHahy '.rlve-itoriS boys, as weU as a reporter-from the BULLETIN were also on hand.

Pllshlna: and sbovlng resulted In one boy balD( tbrown In the pond. The BU LLETIN macnttled �e story. saying that 125 Bryn Mawt ,Irls attended and thal tbe wbole atraJr was rather Questionable.

In answer to a possible splutJon. Betsey eoncluded that the collere does DOt wani to cbeek aU baJJ an-­nodI1e.m�rU In o�r to curbsueb aetlyltles and that aJthouJb it is only tbe ODe tiM In a bu.adred that sucb a sUuatioo pta out of hand. tb1s one tends to destro,aDY

. element of responslbUlty in the eommunJty's Image 01 Bryn M.wr.

The other diSCUSSion Involved library rules. and whether.or DOt the library should be taken out of tbe admlnlstratlon'shands and put on the honor system ul)der Self· Gov, Tbit Is the essay que.t£lOD for this year's Self-Gov Exam. and u sueh It has now com. to tbe attention of the fresbmen.

BetHy Pintkne,. President of Undercrad, reported MoodaY nl,bt that aU "ris who slped up have been asslcned 'In groupe: to various

• Election Nlgbt jobs. 'nle ftrst re­The- problem simply Is that the hearsaJ tor 'these croups w1ll be

library rulel are broken far too sometime Tbursday Diabl. Oct. 29. otten. Maliciously damacinc or :ne tlrst rebe"arsaJ In Phlladel· s eaUng library property- or pur-...... pbi.a.. "4ill-be....Salurda3. Oct. 3J. posely breakln, library rules Is Luneh will be early so that buses grounds for expulsion. may leave Bryn Mawr at about

Graduate and Haverford students who use tbe Ifbrary are not under SeU·Cov·s Jurisdiction; and for another. Self-GoY does not relish h.&ndliJl&' Infraetlons that carry such harsh penalty as expulalon.

Under,rad concluded that. &1-thoucb tt. admlntstratlonwasbay­Inc dUnculty copjrc with the 11· brary problem. ba.ndlne tbe sttua­tloci ov'r to Stlt·Cov wouk! &lao prove uDSatlsfaetory.

12:15. They will return by about .5:15.

On November 3. all claasel (u­cept tor senior eQmprehellllve eon· fereoees, wbleb must be resched· uled Indlvlduilly) will be over be.. 'fore 5. Buses ";lIJ -"eave at 5:15. and a brief ftnaJ rehearsal will • last ubtU about a, sbortly beJore heavy return. will sta.rteomlarill., Moat clrls abould be baek abort), after I •. m., but many will bavt to stay later.

• P ... Two • COLL EGE MEWS 0., ...... 22 . . 1964

THE' COLLEGE NEWS ..... " ..... " - MIN...,. IWfa ..... .. U .. ! ... ..,. � at My , ....



UN ........... ..eGad ct.. _tttT at tb4' 81'Yft X.wr, 'a. PoR Ofnca.L u)MJ..,. �etnr:.� �Uoa ,_ ,....tr¥ at tbe Bryo Mawr, ra ro.t • • �cCMMI Cl .. .-Po� ..... J. 'C:-":.-::...-:,.:!!a ... R� , -

EDITORIAL ITAPP CbMotta Huntle,. 'M, E •• p"",,,a, '66. PU. RlrhMlt_n. '66, J", • • "ton, '66, ' • .11" Coreon. '61, auo_. PedwIok, '61, Ilk .. .., Koba.,., '67, "'_ 10_ .. '67. Lowe ICN ..... '61, M.upn WUII_-. '61. J" . ... 1_-. KII Baka, 'M. L_rt. D"�tt' 'A,-hl,.., Oa.&... '.1, Enco H.m. 'M, "Mett.ltolb�. 'M, Rotltn}.".".", '61, JOMnO L. a .... ,,,, .. .,. LUtlo, '61, An ••• Lu,h, '61, • ...,.oM8nn,. .... O ... _.P ...... -.1fl'. ' .. , M.non I_no '61, .bott • ...al� '6I • • p ... ,. 'lbo_a, '61, JoequeUno .un_a, '61, Shwyl' .Intb,� ·M. COfOl O�rt.n. 'Nt ... . rd. v ........ '61 _

(Oplnl ... s up,. .. ed In the .dltorial column of the He.1 do not Me ••• arily ,." ••• nt the .,I"lona of the en.i,. .cUtorlal taoard. E�.� ..

, . ,

Mental ��� I bearolMtseDlor The UMeDtal M1.er" rec.ntly

say"" to a.notber as 1 perch onthe proposed by Yal, ... ms to us ODe .lephant .wtiigln th. deanerJ, they 01 'th. best new-yarlaUooa-oa-an­acree that nothing is new, the sam. old-th.m. ever to com. out 01 books ba .. tM .......... endlnp, tbe lb. land 01 �lt. sam. boys have the same pred1c- How.v.r, (alu) the Yall .. 11" table quirks and what tbiY'really 200 mU .. aftY �. slnc. onl1 want is some exc1tement In the fourteen brl&ht Bryn Mamer. world , , , have been req .... lled, most 01 u. I they seem somewhat Wlpleasan:t- wlU have to eee\: lntellectual and Iy sur�r1aed wftfa a p)lltl,ca1 sct- 80c1al pleasure. lJl other, l.ss ence m,.tor Rins t.bem and starts r.mote places __ 1 .... at Hom. t.al.t1n& e.xcltedly about threeworld SWeet Hom..

-crises, a bomb lind a three-man ADd why not? Jt Hem. to us spaceship, but then tour years that ample oR'lOrtunlty lor both bere compris' an tnward=turnln& .0 c I a I and ulntelleetual',ood ­"pertence, and otten perf.ctly Hm.s can be found. b.r. _ and normal people turn to snallshells, .aa1ly p.Jt In pracUce. BryD Mawr­spiralU.n, inward . , . It rea.l1y teu han been looIdnc lor a lood seems unllkely sLIter a wlille here collective use tor Haverford (and (and 1 have been hlfre many y.,.s Vice versa) tor a toac Um •• It , .. ) that there is any place where ls ,enerally arreed by both a:1d .. people really do Judee strancers (and e.peclallyalnc. th.cooftrma ... · by thelr surface a,ppearance,wbere . t10ft by .MADEMOISELLE) that all aimoe:t ev.ryone reads the news· moat 01 us have In comrnoo, be­Pipers. the snatJ-sbelled' mawrltlr .Ides bar. feet and too' much

W C t 0 Bo'il t finds "'aI .t ..... hair aDd an In· bal ...... 1n .. 11...... . ' .8 as ur 0 tens. love 01 early chrlsUanbasll- -HoweTer Qebulou. this qual1ly -... .� �teu�is Ie .. admirable In the ey.s ls, we teel it can be the bui. for Tbe �reSldeot1a1 .lection 01. 1964 rna.)' � rem\�red a OQle first in 01 the world tban she bad tbou&bt a new departure In social calber-

t.. I wb 1 -£.. th aonalIU if' tnc. - a kind of Bm Mawr-• va year. ere .sues, r ..... er an per e candidates, but when' • (maw'rte •• DO Ion.e.) , decided tbe'ouicome. Antithetical stands 00 the elvUrtcbtslaaue and on Haverford uSra1ri Trull Bust." .xtr.mlaa:n, whether in defense of liberty or DOt, have ,athered clear- they come back to the deanery In Our critic. mlY arpe that th1S' cut IrouPS bebtnd each candidate. creen sutts and sUver hair, most wOuld be DO Iwl - and more like

The role fA. the lseues 1nthls eleetlonls causing man, voters to �ross party U nes. u"have'the Southern Democrats tor Goldwater and the Re­pubUcans tor Johnson. PersonaUty, however, IS an Issue In thb elecUon, u it ha.s been In the three preced.t.oroDes. and some ot the voters cross­inc party lines are dolnc so atleutputly on tb1s basiS, tor the charac­ter 01 a leader, DO matter how competent or responsible bts followerJ, I.

of the once-Cloistera'&. show asur- a meettnc 01 Meosa Junior than prislnc acclimation to theli new a socla1 ouUne - but thI. dlltlculty environment, they talk animatedly cu be counteracted by provtcn. about pollti�, the new science lively and Intereattnc pasUmes as and babies 11ke anfODe .lse, and well as pusln d1seuaslon.

't 01 the utmoa:t Importuce to tbose afteeted by bJs power. The wI .. st Cabtnet, $Jpreme Court and LeetsLature (ud, human betncsbetnr taIll­hie, th1s comblnat1on Is unJmown In American blstol')'), cannot counter­balanc. an lrresponatbl. President. Nor can the" en masse, ttll a Cap lett by an elected fiCUrehead.

only an occasiooaJ. lurUve &lance SlDce pure aoc1al fUDCtions. e-c. at trees aDd skY sllOws a trace IUt weekeod's danc. bave tailed, at the mollusks they once w.r.. perbaps We comb1nat1oa 0( the

lAther ye oak leaves. soctal aDd IDteU.ctual w1ll nu Applebee the VOid; In this lI&'ht w. pro-

Poorly Attended Show Dante _ The..J!l�does�_de'mand an 1m",!. We must not be I� by a man 01

Impulse, a ,lIttertnc speaker 01 contradlcUoOs, who, as Goldwater ad­mits 01 hlm.-U, "Shoots.(rom the Mp" aDd tries to reconllruet the pieces the next dlY. W. need, rather, a man ol'CauUon, not the bftlllant tleUre. but the unspectacular consolidator. The Pre.ldent mull be a worker, not a symbol. Tbe COLLEGE NEWS belJeves that JohnlOD I. thi. sort 01 conaoUdator, an unspectacular, but competent and respon­albia leader, and, tor thes. reuoos, supports him tor the Pres"ldenc,.

• • .Wage Hike

After moatbs &ad perbaps years 01 quiet but desperate complaints about coli.,. 1Ilart •• lor RUdenrrCb'a"-I�_wlde wace In­

- creue wUl CO IDio etrect DID' month, .

� .. a boon DOt only "1or studeDts who were pald'sub-standard wapI' lor wort that lJlvolved certaJn .kIlls or tra1nlDc, but especially lor tboA: wbo depend on c\mpua .mployment to pa, lor booka:, .nt.min­m.at, or even a put � thelr tuIUon.

. W. are gratefUl to Mr. �1tcbell, wbose dWicultyln procurq lantern .Ude operator. spotupted tbe problem 01 low wap.l!l on campua, and to MIN McBride and Mrs. WbeUhan tor recocntzlOC tbe .n.nt to wblch lhb w .. an all-coUece problem. and for presentlng an. immediate and a.tWytar eolutlon, , ,

·0 . Unr .. ..,.. oa campus bay. been a major soure'e 01 complaJnt amOIl&

atude •• ; tM mtJor and seDilbl,-se&led Inert ..... should sattaty ever,­OM Involved. •


The' Dance That Wasn't ". taupre of. lbe JUDJ,or Show daDee laat Saturday nI&bllndleates

some ratMr � tacta about tbf! .oclal .• ltuatloo "re, the mOlt dismal 01 wbleb 11; tbe �Ic attitude 01 wbat appear. to be tbe majority 01 ...... oacampu..


GrutecI, n're DOt aaoc.lal l.utJtuttoabJaatun.&ad people wbo really - do p ..... r A.rt.toth oa -a s.turda, ftlcIIt to-. man �, le ..

cIlIItlarlVJ..abed mala companloa can do to .. 1tbout tear 01. tM "Wbat. ,OU cIcJalt, bav. a date?,,', .Urma that bauDla ID&Q,J a Slate U. coed. ,

Graahd. too, that $Curda, 11lPl'. daDe . .... bOt all It mt.cbt bav. ...... 'na ...... tnaa bUd, wbUe an attrac:tioD tor .am" probably . KI.nd off a coocU, DUmber ot DOD-frupr., ADd the atlltf»Pbera In the 0-' t:erta.IAI'S6nwc.h to be .. Ired, .

"'.J1MlNe. duce was UDlUCceutul partl, bee-g. DOt eDOU&f:l. ..... eared to It UJW.ac .la. Tbe � no compla'. kIudut .......... ...... campua-.MICiaI ..... 'to 1\0 Utt .. or �to .... _a U..u.r. After all, It'J !Duell ... ler to..,. tile wbole ....... 011 ... walt 101' .. 1DritaHoa to eome otber, mon eQjOyabJ. pilot. n.t ...... .... • ....... Ac Sa ""'. ... ..... IIIIIItMr La the Nt' 1 ,.. � Brya lllawr ....... ,. ...... .-n 01 u.t. ". .. ,t'.a la, tt-. .... r occvnd ...... 1arp ....... before.

., - -

Indicates 8Me Social Apathy By K ... n Durbin

Saturday DlIDl, bryn Mawr Col· 1 ... tried to bav. a dance.

It JWrC"Uilld and a place and deooraUooa and food.

Know w .. t it dl�'t have? People, M.1s.a Charlotte Howe, Dir.ctor

1D the iYDl 11 oeceasarJ. Caro11De is now InvesUptlDC

� posslbWty of dances In the Commoo Room or .,... bitter, the Collece 100. Sbe addld. tbkl sbe would welcome suaatioGs for' banda that play both true and tra­dWona1 music.

01 Halls, estimated that 00 more Zoo IF;.: f. T eW than 40 couples attendedtbedance. J " .. ...., Bra .. souls .11> did CO .... lila r-1I4-':""r UO';""-there were seldom more than ten lJ&&e • ...., 1"�1 ... � couples In the cym at ooe Urne. F B' U • The .os_ are obvious -- lila or 10 IUOJOrS _ JwUor Classlo5t mooeY,QUanUties � .. ot refresbments went beg1ng, and By Pei", Barald Bryn Mawr's social reputation DevoUon to sci.nce is DOW only droPPed another DOlch. one 01 tlMt reasons Bryn Mawrters

Why was the dance such a roar- choose Molocy as a major neld. 1n& tallure? CarOl1neWtws,socla1 Besides the modUleations that ehaJrman, and the COLLEGE 'bave linked modern biolOO closer NEWS questioned students ot aU to chemistry. IL� the physical sci· lour classes and ca.m. up witb a .nces. then aU certain small variety ot .anaw�rs, the mOst lre- modlftcatJons In Bryo Mawr's de­quent 01 wbleb was ,the bopy �.nt wtdeh m.k. blolocy det­whleb sta1t:s the,BWC campUS _ _ 1nUely ua human se1.nce.'� . apathy. One ol tbea.e is tbe yearly visit

A lure oomber 01 the students laken by the students in BloloCY questioned said they dl",'t CO to 201 (the 810100 ana PbysioloCY the dance because uthe, justdtm't 01 the Vertebrates or to the f .. l like it" or because It was 1nlUated. t'Yert") to the PhII­too muCta trouble to . make the adelphia ZoO. oecessary dat1n&: arrancements. This ,..ars visit .. ecbedUled "Danoes her. uen't much fUn any- tor the ninth 01. Noveml1er. The way.'" added ooe prl, but d!ecl1Ded twelve members of tbe c1aa's. ac­to say why sbe tbou&bl so or wbat companied by IIlss Jane M. pp-' could be done to impr'Oft them. pebhetmer, aDd Mrs. Eve Mac-

This op1nion was reflected In' Donald, lab asslatant, wW spend tbe _oommenta 01 @udents wbo an atteroooo In P b l l a d . l p h l a made other plans , ettber in the o.stenstbl)' studytn, the zoo's tn­ar .. or at other s�la. because habitants, but _ .. as lbose who they d1da't tbJnk a iryo Mawr ban been befor. tutUy _. '.njoy­dance HWU wor::tb .ta,y1oc �d tnl tbema.l ... as w.U, tor." ADOtber feature 01 Bryn Mawr's

More coutnc::t:h'. and specJ.tlc *100 dlputm.. whieb I..llap objec:tioQl�CludedtbeatmOlpber. thlt lear ol· DOQ-sdeaUsta about ol tbe 111ft &Del Ute t1l* ol.band, tbe whl1e coated, .-et1c COde. acIYerUaed as .,,....... f:nI&"...v- aDd ptqaWou.pouttQclnbahttaDls &aU, aJtbDucb tbJa Jut, .... tU� 01 tbe " bulIdIai 0.,.. tbe biU" are _ by InC .-,,",", lab .... TIIaoo ..............

C&roUaII said ....-a1 people u.. � IIlIDuM paue 10 a fov ....... t8d u.t tbe daDcte be bald boar lab aad dI&r1Dcwldclac:utroa-10 .1ID&1Jer, mo ... bd:Imete placea DIal tu.a �oe Ofti' .... � ..._- .... _ ........ loIoQ, --

• •. ;

poae, lor the first Hav.rford­Bryn Mawr meatal __ \be, rec;:IWIoo 01 ":'::�������"'i'" R.x (In Greek. 01

,pcu:Ued by the "real. true baDd." (Dame ,withheld by reQuest-ed.)

Mudslingin1u-(Coples Of this letter' appeared in the Main 'L1DI Chrontcie, the IIa1n LIne T1mes, the Pblladel­PbJ.a lDqWrer and the P,h1ladelphla BlIlletlD in reepona. to an article and picture 10 tile October a Main Un. Chronicle -- eel.)

Dear SIr: 'Tbe respoaa1blllty ot a news­

paper is to r.port the news. DOl to create it. W. therefore appeal 'to )'OUr IJaPII"'IIo-upoee tbe unjust aDd scurrilous attacks In-the Main Lln. ChroDicle directed at sup­porters 01. tbe President of the United stat ••

In the October 8.18", edWon, a Cbron1cJe account 01 Slnator Goldwater's Ardmore visit label­led' a student.l!l lor JobDaon croup tiplnldes" carrJiD" "col'ftm18" slocans. A placardp&1nted"DON� be �d or Dead �- Vote for LBJ" was pbotographed to read: "Be Red or Dead -- Vote tor LBJ." This flagrant distortion manltests the very enremtsm tnat Uie paper attributed to the studenls. SUeb an 1.nslaugbt 01 epithets and mls­rep}'esentaUons b at onc. an tn­sult to the 1DteWpnce ot the reader and a 'violatlon 01 the ·r.­spon.stbWty <g..th. press, '

We, hope that the Chronicle ubram trust .. wW cease Us mud­sl.1nctn& In:.. time. to WlY.U the campajp bsues that it .,-ma reluctant to discuss,

Sincerely. Gall Sane.r, Pr .. ident­

Bryo Mawr studenb for Johnson Vir,tnla Kerr and Mary Tbom CO-Cbalrmen, Br)'1l Mawr Socla1

Action CommtttM

WHRC' To the Editor:

'I!bU;' Ia meant to it., both an e.xplaoaUon and apol0tt7 tor the fact that R.adDor Hall at1ll eannot rece1YL.WHRC radio.

WHRC's tranamt.aaroo to Bryo Mawr Collec, Is achieved by ftrst eendI .... aD audlo.tpal over ape_ c1al telepboD. Une. lrom our stu­dio. at Haverford COUll' to eacb dormitory at Bryn' Mawr. This audio sIgoalla then ted IDtotraDS­mltters at each dormitory, ustnc t h e AC wtrln( u the ant.nna (known as Carr1er�urrent Trans­mlu1on). Tbts allo •• us to reacb .ach dormttory wttb our stcnat and stW comply with FCC. reen­laUoos coocern1nc non-Ucensed AM transmlaalon. '

We pr.sentl, bave traDamlttera wortiDe ID Rboeda, RockefeU.r, P.mbroke Eut and.. West, Den­bleb, IDd M.rIoo. Tb. probl.m with RadDor ts that. the t.l.pboo. company baa DO a,{aij,able wire. ,otoc IDto RadDor Hall tor our use. TbeJ are, bowever, required to � -u wUb� __ c:b • JIbc;me... 1Ille; and t6-do� tbeJ an­coLnc to r.--.tneer their wirLnc at BI')'D !-IaWl" CoUece, po ..... blJ co.l!ltinr tbem aevera! tbou.aaDd or more dollars. W. at WHRC have a transmltt.e-: watUne to be In­atalled as aooa as the phooe lin. 1. In. TIle telephone company, to date, bas ctv. u. DO eat1matioa lor a completloD date tor tbelr work, bul. u aooo at it Is doll •• we wW lnIIbll the traaamttt.r •

We bope JOU w1U IlDderataDd tb1a 1lDIOn-ate aDd UII-utIelpIi.s cIola1 •

• SlDc:eHl,. • ItaDdalJ C. WIdte

WBRC TedIIDlc:al Dlrector' •



. '

, •

o.tob •• 22. 1964 COllEGE HEWS Pate Th .... .. 'Macedoine of Talent' Tutti Frutti

,u,.,' C wvem '(LlI:.�J ulgarity .Iy ROMrt L .. Pa"'" In determlnlnc his rlabUul lden- u.s any mor.") and hlp-abootinc

lectu,., In En,lhh tlty. She recOI!lIUB him as her Texu spouse TespecUvel1, ... ere ' The Clasa.at UI66 lened up lODl-I� hUSband, who lett their eastl), recocntuble. Other. 1ft the

Its macedolne of talent. TUTTI home ulirty yeu! earlier to buy _supporting c a s t Included 01&1\,.

FRUTTJ o n Saturday ...!!!Jht in • can of vlchyuolse and never Sampson as Miss Crldle, a fJut .. GoocIlart Hall. Mary MeDonii •• -retumed. ---.. -"7""'--WI'}'. aoae.Y_MCretary, ElIubM.II_

Over dlnner that evenlnC In a Rooec.hl who doubled as Adolph publicity committee had left no . th '

M •• 18 .. "d ... ca, •• knotty proW .... of Slavic origl". with reference of Europ. In the thll8 of Charltmogne.

Byzantine Empire �irvana'

stone unchalked In Us efforts ,to GyPsY restaurant (Act Two) ey Goldwasser and a headwaiter with JNbUctt.e the performance' at the ...... try to recover .their loll yearsj problems, Charlotte tJunUey,H.a� last millute somebody Ch�ed the the process includes the revelation ther StUwell, and Joanna Lewla, curtain Ume, however 80 many d. some questionable behavJor �y who despite, some contuston in in the audience mIsSed'th,.e.open- Mist Plumb, who by means or accents remained recocntnbly inc momenls of the show. Like her undraped form at an undraped individual ,arbae.men from tho .. uodel'lraduate productions through window has attracted lbe frlend- well�1mown European countrtea M, the Illes, TUTTI FRUTTJ proved shlP.of three courtly Ip-bage. F, and J, Cella Rumsey, ' tussy a blend 01 cleverness talent and men. . editor, and LYMe Lackenbach, the vul&:arlty " Ad Three takes place �e MEt lawyer for the DOGGUs. . ' .

For.Medievalist (. _M. Brand Act o�e opened In the office morntlll' at the newspaper office, Vicki May's direction, like the

01 Mlu iienelope Plumb the Ann OOW buteced by those who have scrtpt, was uneven: .. thoolh the

Landers 01 a metropou� �s- r�z� Bartlett's picture in blocking was otten rather static, Both h and In __ -' the -paperj bls own past Is b�bt sbe did manage to obtaJn a fast

By Marian Seoon movies lately." Bryn Mawrters ��r. t th

ere, de

... SUCadC�by- lraJi11caUy �fore hJm byapUade . pace, to incorpOrate appropriate Some people es�pe from the need no loncer blush as t.bey hesl- ...... ac a e se a , n of wi d hUd· hobo and •

bl he t tin I t Vicki Ma and L SCholz and ves an c ren, s, business, and to let from ber cast pro ems of a cUe elistence by a g y admit lbe same. An bony stu y ladfM.. • It nudlsta with whom be hu eon- aft loCect1ous sen�-d hq:h spirtt., drlnklnl, others by smoldn,op1um Trollope and Lawrence Durrell co mes, ere. a comm - ..t" .. ht ._ under Ihe dlrecUon � Nuna aorted clI...... 5 tblrty �a especially in the last ac:L -- but not Charles M. Brand, occupy Mr. B r a n d's �'leisure" wv ... _i --- I F I� I Washburn, were 0010-'1--' .. "- UJ .......... r�. or cau. ... s The musical numbers were DOt Bryn Mawr's new Assistant pro- , reading Ume, and Robinson Jet� . .... ....... otIon I PI b I ff ad ",h"-hl � th .. 'I. 1 '&hI and .. I d d ad eomm ss urn' s ri· amoll&' the U6 SUI e ow, ..Iessor of History. "Maybe It's fers occasionally takes him from ce e, reee ve eserv_ she appears on the�polnt 0I10sln, lacldng memorable me�ea, and, a form of escape," he says as he hls historical efforts. When pos- applause. Into this of lice comea her husband as well as her job, in the case of the ensemble Dum­delves ever deeper into the com- sible he and hls wUe enjoy IIttend. one Bartlett, Pare, amnesia vtc- w h e n as 10 THREEPENNY bers particularly, need1nc more pledUes of the Byzantine Empire. ing baJlet performances.. tim, seeklne help trom Mus Plu.mb OPERA, a "happy endtnc" sud� rehearsals. Goodhart'a extreme


�Of��;:�� s. D.' S. Seeks to Improve"- :.nly



�� �A� ��0':1;�:!:��� mer. It will deal wlththe Byr.anUne CHINA whom Bartlett once be- audible or incomprehensible from

:��e��: K�80�������� Conditions �in Sout" Phil'y ���o

o:uu=· �hO�I�ar:O�ef

! ��r

�:�_: ::a�::o

;:�u�= nln& Of the·F!... UI Crusade. ar'OlVId electIon Lssues, schools controlling tnterest In the news- 'Cain's crew, who wbll! strlklnc a

8y Sharon Swingl.., '67 ......... r. ood bal 0" haracters Tbe crancLson of a blolocbt-and llassblower, son of a hlstory pro-­lessor, Mr. Brand s(udled atstan­tord. U tl'l v e r s tt y and later at Harvard. He has laulhfat Harvard,

Improvement of lbetta- Uke llv­ing oolldiUons In SOUth PbUade1phia and tbe awakening of ODmmunJty tqterest there are the COals tbb year of local members and 1550-c1ates.Of the student( lor a Demo­craUc SOCiety.

and drop-outs, vacant lots and __ I ance on me , prbage, rats, crumblln, walls, The script, by Susan Burkhardt made' Penelope an astonJshlplly empty rotUnc houses, unemplol� and Joanna Lewis, lacked dyna- well-preserved fltty. LiCht1nc and lnent and automatIOn. - m1cs: in Its plot, buL It served techn1cal effects throuchou! com;

Throu,h the project, blocks will adequately as a veblcle tor an plJmented the action and were soon begin to bold open meetInp e n d l e s s series d fruit puns weU coordinated. .

to elect leaders and discuss oom- ("They were a very happy Pare"), All in all, the audiencelndicated • and says, c o m p a r i ng tbe two schools, "The atmOSpbere at Br)'n Mawr is much better for f\Ulder­ataduate study - � c l a s s e s are smaller, dlscussJonis encouraced, and is possible In the smaller classes�"-He enjoys greatly the student ... faculty contact, ,temem­bering, "I 'saw my professors an" av.rag. of only twelve mlnutes per year out ot c1ass.'� The Bryn Mawr Ubrary, however, does oot equal Harvard 's W1dener - - al­tbough Of the books it ha.s, "They are aU the right books."

SD5 members and frleneli from Bryn Mawr ,HavertordandSWarth� more are continuing work wbleb bepn this s\lmrner with a Soutb Phlladelphla. orp..nlzatto:n ca.lled the PbUadelpbla Community Pro� joeL •

-mWlJty problems. Rea.l1dng that rewordtrWt of slocans (UPeople by Us laughter and awlause that

they andtbelr ne1gbbors baveslml- who Uke people. Dlal"), and cameo It enpyed and apprec1ate�theJun- , Jar problem'S, the people are In- talent acts. The Juniors were for- lor Class' entertalnment..Onewon-terested In .worldng together.'

tunate In havLne MadeUne Feld- den wbether that applause mlibt' Too south PbJJa.delpb.1a _r.esl- man as Penelope Plumb; thoulh I1bt have been directed In part to

dents hope eventually to develop �she was too alrU"Sh, She wu-Uvely.--Hle underlyinC-theme OI-T�l

ApoJocWnl lAke a vue scbola.r, Mr. Brand says, "I'm afraid wilen m y w1fe and I 10 to the movies we Uke someth1nc entertainln, - ­sueb as Peter sellers' comedies -- .e haven't seen many DEjEP ,

Tbe project is one 0; el,M-in • the COWltry now be1n& sponsored

and tun by SDS, a national poUtlcal andservlce organlzaUoo concerned with giYing an economlcandpollU­cal voice to Inner- city problem

and vlvaqious throuabout. They FR!JT'tI; that men arf:! In such s�lc1ent pollUcat power to pres-sure the <'.1ty lnlo rultllUngrespon- were equally tortunate In Mary desperately short supply even a

oa.u'benSP8Ck, woo PlaYed Bkrt- Bartlett Pare can be· a husban. d s1bllWes 10 sucb matters as gu- lett Pare with assurance, subtlety, and father many Umes over. Per­bal' collect1oD and relocaUon of �and style. tn minor roles Joanna haps TUTTI FRU1'T1 was deUb-­evicted tenants. LewLs portrayed a husky- throated erately aimed at Propaa:andiztlll The SDS project is also orpnl- devotee of the Late Show, Karen certain nel&:bborlne schools. zlnI a tenants' councll In a larie Durbin sana a torcb song with pUblic .housing project. Through areas. the council, tenants will be able appropriate heal, Pilar Rlcbard-project members OOreare vislt- son dellvered two paroclI.s on

s • .., I!''''''' ,.,._ KENNY'S lng Ute South PhUadelpb1a area, to make their own rules and act Gypsy ballads, and Jane Walton

laWng t�)lbe people, asklnl ques- ::e�=

pla1nt board to Ute man- and Carolyn Wade, as Pare's de- ON ;:::,:!�V�t�":::n. Uons, and dlscuss101 problems. _�Tbe-PbUacseiphla� project sup� cadent �them w1te ("Daddy, you

24 N. � M.., A_II.

ConversaUons usually revolve ports ltseU and its tun-Urne staff � ... �,�e;r�




r; """';; .;;





2�';"�;=�1 , f �

, entirely througb personal dona- I Renn Proauction 0 .L pn'U')Ost 1 Uons. Interested Bryn Mawr sw- .. Co/l.e� Student S.,v;c. 01 Th. Mo;n Line'. Owrt 8M'

Fa;ls to Get nli the G;�::d :n

:���5E;�;'::2 "WAMPUM? \...JfJ the SOc1.al Act10nCom mlttee.

8y P.ggy Wllbe. This weekend's productlon of

THE TEMPEST by the penn­sylv� Players otTheUnlveralty of, pennsylv�, W\lortunately never quite cot oU the cro­One cannot overempba,sl:.etherel-evance of this PbrUe. tor It Is THE TEMPEST'. rare combina­tion Of earthbound realism and haunUng fanta.sy wbleb demands that It do )lst that. The actors sbould always hoverdillcately;..st a few incbes above stap level, and lbe viewer's Jevel of emotion­al rece�veness must always rise one or two degrees in anysucC8ss­

'Ua:ant �Iue and slIver Uiht errects, .merged as more of • a Lear, , . vlSUallY,than a Prospero,and al-though he attained several Urnes to the aforementioned eombtna-· tion of sqaclty and fantasy, h� could not sustain thla leyel Or delIvery for very long. , In spite of her Iracetul move­ments, Lo,rna Campbell �s a byperactive, Impatient Ariel, and Oa)sy Pickman's lJteless Miranda was eastly lbe PlaY's alost u re­wuding 'cbaratter. Her "brave Dew world" speecb was dfsun­cutshed, but tor u.s Inamlt)' and lack cd. COIWleUoo, ratJter than Its IncrlKlllous perceptlon. Only JnIlD lui procl.lct1on.

The Players untortunatelyfalled Bland as Trtnculo, the .)ester, and


'�NOI" "I wanf_lo-po)Lby checle like everybody else!"

Can', blome )IOU 0 bit! B.oJ money went out witl; tomahawks • .Just like olJer folks, young men onJ woo men going to mllefJe shoo!� have their own Chedlng Accounts.

. •• ', •• ,.,. •• tJc�l .... .......

14 __ ..... . f.1T1I 1M., TN ....... 4 • ......... ... "".eI"., Au_I. •• ,.'ell,. 4 .. 1,..4. f... ,_,


to -".- thfs _. II •• � al- t h e buoyant. enthusiastic HOOd . ___ :: .. re� ne..-s y • ... .., Edes�ePba.oo.....Jbe drunken most Wiltormly WoodeD dellvery or-bUtler, excelled in their respec­lines was the most pa1ntul mani-' tive roles, especl&lly in their eo� festatlon. of this tault. Consider counter with Calaban fldI lsed" the lyrical potenUalWes 01 Ferd- .. acu

" lDaod's "Tbls muSic crept by me as lbe most, delIcate monster. �

,. ... 1. _ • . '

the walers" and tbe -blUer- Alan lAnn s s,eta were ,Iar. -- upoo , tnclJ overdone; theJ aeemed more sweet wisoom that canbeoonveyed sultabl t Ball HId tb THE 1D prospera's "1 lOst my daupter e 0 an

TEMPEST. Tbe pll.)"a musical in a tempest." The effect Of thes. 1 __ I t and many otber 1Jnes, not)ast the accom ....... men , Ilowever, at':" a.llepdly "m.morable" 008S was. ranced by DaIsy PICli:mu, wu

lost In daDe ' delicately and senslUvely pre· a mUll mue. NOted, especl.a.Lb' 1 D the df-

�d HWlter, over-bearded. ..,e CUnu melOdIes, and wu the m_ up � too .lderl1 a mu, ooe area 1Dwt1Icb�propertra.n.­aDd'" alwQa abject to over-.xtra- ceDIIitDCe walt Jlcbieyed.


., •



THE PUSANT 1602 Spnoc. St. P .. II •• I,hI. US L .. cn'., A_. eryn Me.".

It', thft� ... inl ... ncl .cOftOMicol. It slIowl you how to ...... your fu .. tI,.co",ectly .nd .e ..... lcell,.

Co •• In 0" .. It .... t It. Haftd .... W.II.t CMcll Book -ft' ch.... .

-THE BRlN MAWR-TRUST ., COMPANY .. . . , . , . . . .. .

� .. Wi', .. ... HAVEIlfINtO,.,. -.. ' IAYIE ,

< • --�. -

\ •

Students Urged to Contribu-te I

I�""" O BMC- l MagtUine _. -t-1-c SIIDI W'rtnt atudtot. to "come. revl." tbe "REVIEW" were the ilrlt 'ymptoml Of the annuaJdrlve lor subscrlptlOIlI and eontrlbuUOO8 to Bryn Mawr'. utarary map..z1ne. 1---_ �� la.r-Tbundayi' hEn.lded by. tbe .. . lps,At orttbe eampa1cn III tUDlst, civlne IDtertlsted stu· dent. an opportuntty to meet the 8tilf o1 lbe-PUbUcatton ana learn tbe crUetla tor CQIltribotlODl.

sendlnc your . name to Manaetnc Editor Madfpne Berry (Pembroke We.t'. The cost for botb Is,ues ls n.oo; they will abo be sold In' the book store for Sl.10 '.lch,

M .. ts-Yal ..... Mates •

At ' Ment�1 Mixer'


Tile ftrlt laue of tbe REVIEW wUl appear In January. and wUlbe toUowed by a .prlne edition to be A conttncent from tI'nte Bryn I publl.bed 10 May, The deadllll8 Mawr Btam Trust" will venture tor lubml(Uoc material tor tbe to Yale this weekend tor the first B.M.C. girl. take t;me out from

visit the pony at Rhoads Form. studies to enjoy tlte fall weoth.r, pick apples, and,. o� .c:ouu .....

lirlt edition I. November 1�. Mental Mixer in 8.MoC.'s Mstory. - Materlal aubmttted to the RE- The fourteen gltls wUl arrlyeln' VIEW may Include any sort of New Haven by 2:30 p.m. at which yPerimeblal and creatJ'le _wrillnc. time they will go. to tbe home of EdJtor-I�h1" Fait) LAw" EUen.... P.atterson-266, wbo_l. or, potnU out tbat thI.I means DOt only canl7JnC the :weekend. Ellen's fa­poetrr and abort stortes, but a.lso ther Is the muter of Morse Col­"creative critical wrltln,," In- 181e at Yale. First on the qenda c1ud1nc book or movie revl.ews, and Is a lecture, possibly by Reverend crttlcal essay •• Sbort plays, or Cof!1n or Bemard Ashmole, keeper aay otber' form of non-academic emeritus of the Elgin Marbles.

- writilll, mu be S\!bmltted, (ThIs This will be followed by,! tea given year lba REVlEW.wlll DOt Lncludt by Ellen's �ents for the girls U¥ academic papera.J -_ .. - .. ··-1heyarie8� and the cuest lecfurer:

Hockey T�am Ha.s Winning Streak -:C uving, ·.A pple Pic-king FiniSh··Week

In addlUon to IUerary worka, In the even1nc the Bryn Mawr the REVIEW will Include numerous "Bra1ns" wUl be dined In the examples of crapbic art. These Morse d1n.J.ng ball and then will may be drawlncs, wood-cuta, CO to a dance at � colleee or as scratch-board, .tipple board,'aDd Ellen said with a smile �rhaPi pOlilbly even etcb.l..rJcl. Tbey on . private date wlth so�edevas­.hould·be Ml� slze oramaller. tatIne TaUe met that attel'DOOn.

M.anuscrtpta aboUJd be typed aod The $11 train trip Uckat should C1ven to Faltb. Lewla(68 Pembroke be just about the only expense

Hoekey stick. are swlng1na at BMC this fall. The first team Ued Penn 3-a, catcbloc up the second half to Penn's 2-polnt lead at the end of' the first half on October 6. Goals were made by Lynn Tho­�as, Sally"Bqy, and Amy Dtc:an:' sen. The second team lost 0-3.

Both hoekey teams pounded

Drexel 1-0 and 3-0 on October 13. Last year D(8)(el won 5-1.

The lame wIth Swarthmore on October 20 ended with a " 5-1 Swarthmore win.

The team's next game Is he�e with Ro.emont Oct. 21 at 4.

Tbe 9dds va.. evens game turned out to be seniors and freshmen

Arts Cou neil .Culture Vult.r.es

Plan ' Prometheus, ' Arts Night work.1n the Roost, tbe presenta­Uon of "Prometheus Bound" on November 21, &nd Art. early 1n December.

Eut) or Mot to her tbroucb campus since the Bryn Mawrters are� ' . Arta CouncU plans for lba com­mall. '!'be, ahould be marked with put up without cost at the homes Inc semester Incluc\e lnereaslng the Dame aDd dorm of the author of New Haven memtiera of The the avaUability of tickets to COD-­(the name wW be covered wben Brin Mawr Club who wU1 also certs ' and play. In Philadelpb1a, the ma.nuaerlpt . 11 read by the . ' settlJ:\i up a poster committee, tdltorlal board). but .wW DOt be _"e them breakfast on amday � .pooserinc the Art Gallery


�:��: m e t n e u s returned unJe.. apec1.(le&lIJ re- morning .. The , prl. plan to return and an Encllsb Iancuace perform- has part. for both quested. Worka m., be turoecl :-:ro{:! 0 :oe:a�:Jtb��r� a.oee 01 "Prometheus Bound." and Bryn Mawrters, 1n and prlDted aooaymoualy. Notice. of comlne evellla OIl will be the last week In October. DraWine or otbtr art worka abould campus tour for that momll'll.) the bulletin board In niiOr us- Director Connie Maravell prom· be 10 black Ink 011 JOOd quality Soelal Cbalrman Caroline WUlls uaUy mean that students can make 118s the distinction of special ef­

- PaPer -: - - baa-SUCleated that-drla who flndreHrv&ttooa for partIcular per-=--fectspso she I. a1so�lootlnr for , uUltahle companionsMp at Yale - 1 III f the tap SUbaerlptlona to \be REVIEW may remain a Uttle longer on SUn- ror.��. of. culturtl ��eots. Arts VO

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may be charpd to Pa Da b Council will wltb thl. system eD- ryou w c. - or � y y Y day. � __ --- able those who cannot use one Arts Ntcht, which wlll featu"

'C d· f H ' , of the Momay IllPt eooeertUckets poetrY, drama, InstrumeotaJ. R)U-ompen lum 0 · urnor to _r 'bem for ..... sic. , .... nc. short pia's . ..... an,-

_ _ - -= � Another ser-vlce- btiD,-olfered - tlllni else creaU", or eDtertalninc

T J . WHRC S hed Ie .Is the· prlntlD( of postera for tbat students wish to offer. o 0 In . c u CoU... o,. ... za« ... o wIlUnc ..

Bryn Ml.wI.-Haverford raClio Marcia in Rbo ds South "lthin turnlsb materlala. '!be CouncU !be en •

.. ball repe: will be happy to accept station WHRC J.a addln, a S\lnday- n wee . poster orders. ,a.I.Pt inDO .. t:Ioo to its prop-ama Reveallnc more .pecllIc plans Student &rt.1atJc acUvltles will 0- "ttb a "compendium 01. bumor" for the Pr'9CI'am's content, Mardi

bow, u dNeribed-by U. pro- lDteDCis to air blnls for rresbman soon be in ahuDdant eVidence, with

.cer Karda RjqeL comp wrttlDc, SWlday fUnDJu , a NOVIImbfr ub1blt 01 student

SCbeduJed for 1:SO-'I, tbe com- Thurber pusaces,mllDlledwealb­leal CODCOeUon will Include aoa.p er reports and electron1e music. opIru. lI&ht i .. d1np and "Daral The &lst of the .how,·however, eorn--ldeat to proerasUnate wW hopefully be the orlllnaJ wrlt­freshman compa another balt- lnl of studenls--short plays, bour. The series wm be&1n Oetd- poetr>:, stories, d1aloeues--pre-ber 15. , ') rerably in a humorous veln.

Enelneer for the show is George SUggested as UUes to date are �lI, a HaverforcUan, liThe Crass Menagerie" and"The

�arcl., woo was lbe .pontan- Rancid Duck,"· but anyone may 80USiy farcical BellMa In the submit otbers to Marcia,whovtsu­Rhoads freshman play "Rape of aUtes the sbow'. Ol'OsoeeUvecon­the Lock," apeets to orp.n1.ze tent as simply " DUH." • permanent slalt and a floallnl staff, to be supplemented by euest writers, Illest performers and otber contributions.

Any Bryn Mawr or Haverford . student wlsh1n& to partleJpate or

offer su stlons s uld co

DS • DISCOUNT R!CORDS C" t •. L .... u.ht, .......

.,A,"'';. Mr2--07U

l., .. ,. S.lecll .... F.I' "' .... Ie '" • CI .. ,Iu . J,"

Th_ ... IItYN MAWR, 'A. PHOHE 527.0163 'EATURIHC

Golden Disc. of the P .. t 'N ROLL

S ..... Poltllbl.1U .ctrte TrP''''''''t.r. 'dtrrtle .. In .U .... p.el • .,Uh 8cnI .. : ColOn' portCtl • • I.etrlel ., .... " .. 1: twel... Inch . ClInt .... �t_.'c """ H •• 80m • •• c:I .. c:h .... c:t .... .",lItbl. lor .cl.,tI.t .. PfOf. J .... Andlnon, Ph)" , ad. Bldt • . 1 31.

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• Bryn M •• ,·.., .... lI.,.n Mew,. P.,


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1 0 1 1 L",HCASTE'R AYE. IRYN MAWR . PENNA. F==�!:::::::::::� . �

Main 'Line Servic. aRYN "' .... R. PA.

LA., .... u 5-019. ° LA".,.fleto .. 7UO ,


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GAME ' S R 834 Lancaster AYlnue


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against Juniors and sophomores with lbe first group winnIng 3-1. Another odds and eyens eame 1a planned for this comll'll Wednes­day or Thursday. All ctrls Inter­ested are asked to contact Ann Godfrey In Rhoads.

FIve membei's of the Dance Club perto.tme<1 at. Penn onpeto­ber 8. The (roup 8,Jld a Penn group did Improvisations to poetry.

Four brave spelunkers, SUsan P a s l e y .. Cathy stmms, SUsan Rotroff and Mary Ann"'. .. ��'�; went cavin&: with Lehigh on Temple Cave and

Cave near Read.1n& were vlslted for an excl�, If

not spooky, daf. ADOther cavlne" trip Is betnc planned around. Thanks(1n. Ume.

If one smells apples burn1n& In Pem she should knOw that bome­made applesauce is ,the result 01 Suada,y's bicycling trip to Rhoads Farm, owned by tb.e college. Seven girls made tbe 3/4 hour's trip to romp In lbe flelds and' pick apPtes.

The" faculty - student 'tennis matches are still belng played. Ani} Godfrey a.sIr:. that "all I1rls • who have not plQ'ed their faculty member yet, please do 80."

Future events planned by the AtbleUe Association lnc:lude sail· tnc ttith Prlneeton on Che.apeak,e Bay October 23-25, a Wlnter Week­end of b1ldnC, c .. nne and rock cl1mbtnc at WUaon October 30 to 1, and

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W. Cluy • e"II,I". 1I ... »...t N� .. h.11I Arllel,.

Tonl9h thr", Monday THE SIMON SISTERS

- 01" -FREE FILM

for .... ". roll I.tt lor d .... I� ina .... d prindn&- Kodillaolor Or

Remember: JOII're "expected home" at 10 Home by fb-. that is. When 1'* ... . rquIor

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• G ... tI,. c.r4. --26 N • •• VM MAW. AYI.

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day .... time to c:oII ,.... .,......., you',. ...... 01 .. ..... i .. __ WIly DOl mat. . _ ...... � - DeU time you phone home 'ite kwi ....

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