The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit www.whitingsociety.org.uk for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing

The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document

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Page 1: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document

The Church Bellsof


Rev. John J. Raven

File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259)Index (pages 260 to 266)

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Page 2: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document


1. ACTON All Saintt. 5 Bells. 1 John Thornton made me 1 7 16. 2 ~Iiles Graye made me 1659. Nicholas Kcrington. 3 )Iiles (.;raye made me 1663. ""'lho. Gardiner fecit 17~7. 5 ~Hies Grayc made me 1685. God sa\·e the King.

"Great bells iiij.'' Return ot 1553. Davy, Aug. t8th, tS26, r.otes the date of the 2nd as r679, and the name

"Kennington"; also the ;th as t68~. 2, 3, 4 chipped.

2. AKENHAM S. Jlfary. Bell. John Darbie made me 1678. 3 in 1553·

Davy, 9 Sept., 18:!7, did not go up to it.

1 Bell. (45 in.)

3. ALDEBURGH SS. Pftermtd Pa11l. 6 Bells. r Cast hy John Warner and Son, London, t88j.

Rev. H. Thompson, B.A., Yic:.r. J. Han·ey ) N. F. He!t: J Churchw:.rdens. Hung by G. Day and Son, Eye.

2 Lester and Pack of London fecit 1 76~ . 3 Anno Domini 162.:l. \\'. I. ll. 4 Recast h)• John \\'arner and Sons, London, r8S4.

Rev. H. Thompson, KA., Vicar.

J. Han·ey l Cllurchwardens. K F. Hele J Hung by G. Day and Son, Eye.

5 Lester and Pack of London fecit 1764. Jnn. "'ynter and Sa.n1uel Aldrick Ch. Wardens.

6 Thomas )fears of London fecit 1820. Clock·IJell. 1812.

''Great bells iiij. Sat1clS Eellsj." Return of 1553· Old 4 by J. Darbie.

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In Davy's 1\15. 2 and 3· then r and:::, :lrC reversed, ;~nd the bell recast in 18Sl has the same inscription <lS the present 3rd. The old tenor was inscri­bed "1\liles Graye made me 1653."

No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov. 15-+7·

4. ALDERTON S. Andmt'. Bell. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1740.

No mention of bells in cert1f. of iij Nov. 15~7. "Great bells ilj." Return of 1553· Davy notes the steeple about half down, 9 June, t83o.

1 Bell.

5. ALDHAM S . . llfary. r BelL .Bell. t] 6 5 thrice. + 67. ._Sancta 0 jilaria 0 <nra 0 l!Jro 0 jilo&ils.

"Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553· "One" Davy, 19 Aug., 1825. Faculty for St\le of two, 1739·

6. ALDRINGHAM S. Andrew. 1 llell . Bell. Thomas ~[ears Founder London. 18.p.

Diameter tS! in. "One" Davy, tSo8. From Enstem Coztlllies' Collecttmta, p. 2391 we know that there were three

in 1687, when Bishop Lloyd granted a faculty for the sale of two. These were probably those altmled to in the words:-" All ornamcts playt and belles belongyng to owr Cherche ar fore to sell.'' Certif. iiij Nov., 15'1-7· 5 in 1 )53· A. cum Thorpe.

7. ALKINSTON S. Joltll Baptist. Ecclesia deslructa. No return in 1553·

8. ALPHE.TON SS. Peter and Paul. z Bdls. l Robcrd 0 Gvrney made me r667. ~ z Robard 0 Gvrney made me 1667. l!{g

The mark between the names is a flower with eight petals. Two heavier bells are said to have disappeared in the early pnrl of the

eighteenth century. Traces of them still remain. "Alton, Great bellis ij." Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 16, !SJI, ":! bells.''

9. AM PTON S. Petrr. 4 Bells. 1 Presented by the Honornble Clnm E. C. Paley, r888.

On a mcd:tllion bdtm, J ohn Taylor & Co., Lough­borough.

z J ohancs Draper me fecit 1 6o8. 3 0 6 thrice. + 47. SAUC!l'A : ffiAlpterf.A : 01\A l?I\0 :

'UO'BIS : IliJ:lOffiAS : BE:CI!l~.

4 D 6 thrice. + 7. o sAncrr.e o Ano:qeA o OI\A o l?I\O 0 llOBIS 0 D~It,BY.

Sec pp. 12, 41. The occurrence of fig. 6 on a Norwich and a London bell in the sarne tower i;> remarkable. Tbe "second" mentioned on [l· .p has becume the third.

"Great bells 1ij." Return of J533· "Three bells anu a clock,'' Davy.

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10. ASH BOCKI NG All .Siri11ts. l llclls.

:! in 1553·

1 ~Iiles Cra).: made me J6 15. 2 1584 0 85 fin: rimes.

D.wy, 7 ;\lay, 182+, notes 1 "131ank," ami the old tenor "Tho•. Gardiner m.tde me 1745."

Terrier, r 3 l\lay, t8o6. "Item, three bells with their frames.''

11. ASH BY S. JTit~rJ'. 1 Dell. Bell No inscription.

"Great bells ij." Return of '553· No bells. Da1T·

12. ASHFIELD, GREAT, All Sai11ts. l'enor .\!>, c. 1 1 cwt. 5 Bells.

t Tho. Newm:tn feci t 17 35· Thom:1s Rice Churchwarden. l'ull on, bran: bop., I am metal to the back· bone. but will he hangcu befor.: I'll crack.

l Thomas Newman of :-.lorwich made me '745· 3 John Draper mauc 1111: 1631. 4 v 65 thrict:. + ,g,um :l\ofa l,Julfata Jl:lunbi JUaria rTorat.:~ . 5 U 6 5 thrice. + Jl:lni tls <!&t>munbi .S:imu; l1l <!;timine jfl unbi.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, 6 July, 1843, no notes.

13. ASHFIELD, LIT TLE, S. Jllaq. ::Dells. 1 W. )f. .Moss Churchwardl.n. 18::5.

T .. Mears of London fecit. 2 Charoli Framlingham :'llilitis 1568.

He was resident at Crow's li tll, Debenh:~m, in 1 542. His sole heiress was marned to S1r Charles Gawdy of L>t!benham.

This seems to be the "Ashefeld," of which Wyllffi Seme and Wyll oii Roger were C. \ V. iij 1\ov., 1547, when they made return," We have styll rcmaynyng a peyer of Shalys and iij lJells.'' Same return in r 5 53·

" T he church has long bco::n down . . • part of the steeple still remains, a nd it is a picturc~que object. A sm:~ll bell hangs near the ground in a laltlco:d shed, at the east end of the chancel." Davy. See T horpe next Ashfield, whence the larger bell came.

14. ASPALL. 1 Bell. . Bell. No inscription.

:! In '553· Davy, 7 Nov., r81), ":! bells."

15. ASSINGTON S. Edmund. 4 Bell ~. 1 )Iiles Graye mallc me t67•· :! illegible. 3 + HOC ; SI GUVffi ; S€: 11VA : XP€: ; ffi A lliA

ll'Jl OntA . 4 + P,liffi De rt ll~ bnbto 1\0lnfn (!jj nbridi~. Weight sait.l

to be 19 cwt., dian·cte r 43 in. See fl· 10 for 3· 4 belongs to the group on pp. 3-J., 35· " C1'cat bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, Oct. 2, 18::8. "The steeple is :1 square tower, containing 5 bells,

bu1 I could not get up."

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16. ATHELINGTON S. Pdcr. 3 Bells. r +:AVE: Gl\ACIA l?DE:UA DUS1J'.€CV. 2 +! OffiAGDATIE:nA: DUG: nOS: AD GAU'DIA


3 + SC€ BA!liJIHOTIOffi€€ SADV€ ffi€ . See pp. 61-63. "Alyngton, Great bells iij.'' Return of r; ;3. Davy, 25 Nov. r8tJ, notes 3 small bells. The musical notes are E. D. C. Teste Rev. H. \V. Thornton.

17. BACTON S. Jl!arJ'. Tenor'-#· 5 Bells. 1 Charles 1'\cwman made me 16gg. 2, 5 Thomas Mears Founder London 18.p.

Rcvd. E. B. Barker, Rector. Edward Cooper } \\,. 11• ,. Churchwardens.

1 w.m .... erry 3 0 65 thrice. + ~aneta 0 jllarl'l 0 Ora 0 {!Jro 0 jilobi$.

4 Pack and Chapman of London fecit r nz. 4 in 15 53· 2 and 5 flattened by turning. Dav>•, ~~July, t8JI, "5 bells."

18. BA 0 I N G HA M S. ]l•hn Baptist. 1 Anno Domini 'r63o. 2 Anno Domini rG2-1.


3 ilnno l3omini 1624-AB \V

4 Thomas Gardiner made me 17 ro. 5 Anno Domini rG24.

1J so. No mention of bells in certi f. of iij Nov., IH7· 4 in rs;J. Two of them noted correctly by Davy, Z7 :.ray, r8o6. One recast by Warner in r88g.

5 Dells.

19. BAD L EY S. 1lltr1J'· 3 Dells. r 68 + 6S santlt : nugu<;t!nt ora pro nobi$. 2 +John Goldsmith fecit qoz. \\'. R. St. 1\Iaria. 3 Ex dono Elebth Pooley+ John Goldsmith ft:cit qoz.

::;t. ~Iargaret. Cross on 1 identical with that at Radwinter. This bell has no crown­

staple. 3 in ' 553· Davy, 15 June, t8::l71 imperfectly reports as above.

20. BADWELL ASH S . .Jf,rrJ'· Tenor r#. 5 Bells. 1 , :z, ~ John Draper made me t6,)o. 3 John Darbie made me r66-1. 5 Q so thrice. (Diameter 41t in.) + 61 ,fnunm Uaptisl't 0 62 :UrnttJitlu$ .E it l!:boru$ ! l! tt .

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" Asbefeld p'va. Great bells iiij. '' Return of 15 53· •• Five," l\lartin; and D avy, 6 July, •8+3·

21. BARDWELL SS. Pder al[d Paul. G Bells. r Tho. Gardiner Svdbny fecit 1719. 2 l'ack & Chapman of London fecit 177o. 3 Willinm Eaton Churchwarden 1 S2o. 4 Thomas !:ipinluf & Charles Phillips C.\Y. T . Newman

fecit Ti 33· 5 Tho. Newman fecit 173-. Roger Cooke, Robert Bvgg.

c.w. 6 John Brett Churchwarden, Tho•. Osborn Downham

fecit 1 7So. 1' Great bells iiij." Return of 1 553· "6," D avy, July z6, 1832·

22. BARHAM S . Alary. Diameter of tenor 40} in. 4 Bells. 1 John Darbie m:~de me 1683. S.D. 2 Miles (~raye made me 16+1. 3 Charles Newman made me 1 702 . Francis Weekes C.W. 4 De Brri Santi Edmondi Stef:mvs. Tonni me fecit \V. L.

1587. Left blank in 1553 report. Probably J, as the numbers fall short of the

total by 4, of which Darmsden may reckon for t . Davy, 31 i\lay, 18.27, gives obviously wrong dates for J and 2, which he

also crosses.

23. BARKING S. /JfirrJ'· 5 Bells. 1 John Darhie made me 16 59·

Frances Theobald Esq. 2 John JJaruie made me r659·

Thomas Roberts Bvgg ~[Ydd. 3 l\liles Grayc made me 16-4. 4 V 9 thrice. + t 3 'lt~.lC En €ondabr (.ljjabtid i 'lunc :{)Jangc J:uabc. 5 Q 8 thrice. + 12 {:Jrotr1Jt Wmr ttJia <!1\uos ~onboco ~aneta !lolA ria.

Seep. 1 7· Ner.dha111-in Tlarking. No return of bells in ccrtif of 1547. 4 in 1553· So Davy, 16 June, 18.:!7, though, like ourselves, he cannot read tl1e date

on 3· J , 4, 5 cr ..tcked.

24. BARNARDISTON All S .rinls. Tenor 37 in. 5 Bells. 1 l\Iilo Craie me fecit. 2 ~lllo Grc1ic me fecit per nun. 3 Q 25 + 22 \] 26.

~nncta .!Hu!.1 jt:lnqbalcna <f.lra Vro .{!obiji. 4 Henry Pleasant made mee 1692. 5 o omnes : SAUCil'I : D€1 : o:qAwe. 'fl'llO


See pp. S, 24· "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· No notes. Davy.

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25. BARN BY S. fi'h" Bt"fj>lisl. t Cdl. Bell. 1J 52 thrice. S}o!). ttipin~. + 6r l!n jHulti!! ~nni!l 0 6~ i'-~lSonrt Q;.,mpa ]obiS.

"Gr eat bells iij.'' Return of 15 53·

2 6, BARNHAM S. Grcgo'J'· 4 ilc11s. r John Darbie made me 1664. 2, 4 Tho. G:trdincr Sudbury fecit 1735· 3 John Draper made me 1613.

"Great bells iij.1' Relurn of 15 53·

27. BARN HAM S •. Martin. E cclnia destructa. "Great bells iij. Sancts Uells j." Return of 1553. I n 1639 the Rcctodes of S. Gregory and S. ) Iattin were consolid::~ted,

and the services directed to be performed in them a lternatively . In 1682, there was an order (or the sale of S. Martin's bells, and S. Gregory's was made the sole Church. Registr. Nor.

28. BARN INGHAM S. Amimct. 3 Dells. 1 Q 52 thrice. + 61 ®ucfumul! \t\nbna 0 u:z :ffnmutorum ~ufcipc 'irota, 2 1J 52 thrice. + 6 r t!o!l .f:odet ..:: rt!l 0 6:! ,Scn1per ..{lic!)olattl! 1!n <illtl!l. 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1 7 22.

"Great bells iij." Returns of 1553· The old treble Dona l \tpcnbe lJta l\ngo Jl-lagb.lltna fBati•l· T. 1\Iartin 's

notes. Davy, 26 Aug. !8J2, "3 bells.'' Tenor G accordil\g to Sperling.

29. BARROW All Saints. 5 Dt!lls. I T. Osborn Downham fecit 1786. 2 John Darbic made me 1662. 3 T. Osborn fecit ~q86. 4 John Darbie made me 1 66~ Robert H aywnrd C.W. 5 John Dnri.Jie m:li.lc me r662. John Daynes.

30. BARSHAM H uly Trinily. In D. Dinm. 27t in. r Bell. Bell JtL no m 0 62 lJ 51.

"Great Bells iij. Sancts llells j." Return of 1553· Davy mistook KL for RD. He did not see that the inscription is :1

portion of the alphabet. June z, t 8o8. Pits now for tluee.

31. BARTON, GREAT, Holy ./wltlctnls. 5 Dells.

So Davy.

I Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fccil 17 31. 2, 4, 5 J ohn Draper made me t 6 t '). 3 Tho<. Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit r 77 9·

''Great bells iiij ." Return of 1;53·

32, BARTON MILLS S. Alary. 3 Bells. 1 1J 66 thrice.

0 67 ~unctn 0 :t;arbnra 0 ora 0 pro 0 flobisl. 2 Johanes Draper me fecit t6o8.

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3 0 6 5 thrice. + 67 J:an(l( 0 ~nbda 0 ~poStOJ ii 0 orn 0 pro 0 J'}.obis.

"Great bells iij. Saocts Bells j." Return of 15 33· T. i\!artin (no date) notes 3· Inscriptions incorrectly given by Davy, zr Aug., 18~9.

33, BATTISFORD S Jlfary. 1 Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1666. D. P. C. \\t.

3 in 1553. Oavy, June 18, 1S27, could not examine it.

34. BAWDSEY S. !liar;·. 1 Dell. Bell. W. I. H. Anno Domini 1622.

No return of bells in ccrtif. of iij Xov., 1 5-l-7· "Great bells iij." Return of 1553-

"One bell which I did not venture to approach." Davy, 9 June, 18Jo.

35. BAYLHAM S. Pdrr. Tenor G. Diam. 41 in. 5 Bells.

3 in 1553.

1 Cast by J ohn Warner & Sons London 1865. 2, 3, 4 Miles Graye made me r636. 5 ]{eyl, Henry Asplin, Amhros Bro'm & Sam'. Southgate

Ch: Wardens. Miles Stollery. Pack & Chapman of London fecit 177'!.

Davy, 11 May, 18:q, notes the old treble the same as::, 3, 4, and the 3rd fallen out of its f!'3me.

36. BEALINGS, GREAT; S. Jlfary. 4 Bells. s, 4 l\Iiles Graye made me 1626. 2 John Stephens made me IJZO. Henry York, Church·

\\'arden . 1 Pack & Chapman of London fecit I7P·

Rob'. York Ch. Warden. "Great bells ij," Return of r 553· Robert Godewyne, 1457, left 6/­

towards a new bell. Davy, 4 Aug., 1ll1o, crosses 1 and 2. T. Martin, 1750, notes 3 bells.

37. BEALINGS, LITTLE, All .Saints. a Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1677. John Rose. z + 67 ~aneta 0 jilaria 0 ®ta 0 {!:Jro 0 flobis,

No return of bells in certif. of TH7· "Great bells iij." Return of tS53· T. Martin, 1750, notes 3 bells. Davy, 4 Aug., 1810, notes an intermediate (9 tltlll'tir };artara, &c. Terrier, 21 Apr., r834, 3 bells.

38. BECCLES S. ilft'charl. Tenor in B. to and Priest's I.JeU. t Lester & Pack of London fecit Ed"..t· l:!rooks J>ortre,-e

] i62. z, 4 Lester & Pnck of London fecit ti6z. 3 Thomas :\[ears of London fecit Il>o+ 5 Our ,·oices shall with joyfull sound

1\lake Hills & Valleys echo round. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1762.

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I :-<S<.:IU l'TIO~S.

6, 7 Cast by John \\"arncr & Sons, London, Roral :\rms l'atcnt, t 87 1.

C. F. Pnrkcr } R C H ht Church\\ardens. . . oug on

8, 9 (inscriptions entirely covered by an iron lxlnd). to ~ 0 Quam dulces sonas. Domini propcrcmus ad cedes

(sic) g \VIl>. Clark & Roh'. 1\[argcrom Ch. Wardens, Lester & Vnck of London fecit 176z.

P riest's bell, 1 766. No re turn of bells in cenif. of iiij Nov., 1547· "Great bells iij . Sancts

Dells j." Return of 1553· East Anglian, N. S. I 1., 24 I, 261). "Eight tuneable bells''! Davy, Oct. ~~. 18:q, and :\fay 27, 1825. 5 a nd 8 recast by Warner, r88g. Now a fa1r peal, though 4 and 9 are

cracked. See p. q9.

39, BEDFIELD S. Nicholas. 5 Bells. r Miles Grayc made me 1637.

Symond Jefrcy l'elcr Aldreg. 2 T he Rev<!. Charles Scolding 1\LA. Rector, W illiam. \\'nrn<.:t

Ch. Warden. R. P helps fecit 17 31.

3 + 67 ~aneta 0 jt-luia 0 <9til 0 :Pro 0 [lobif. ~ 1'. Osborn Downham fecit 1790.

Sam'. Frewer Church Warden. 5 Pack & Chapman London fecit 1774.

John Pritty Ch. W:uden.

4 111 I 553· " Five," Davy, :!3 July r8o8. Terrier, 1753, gives 5 kns. ln 1839, J)avr says, ·• The steeple now contains 4 bells." This is incom­


40. BEDI NGFIEL D S . .AJ,zry. 1 Ucll. llell. U 52 thrice. + 61 (ll\u£fumulS q(nllrtn 0 6z .:ffamulorum ,£ufdpr 1:7otn.

No re turn of bells in cert if. of 1547. 3 in 1553· Marcin notes 3, Zl ~ov., 1734· "faculty for sale of one of three, ti6J. T errier, 23 J une, 1 79+. gives 2.

41. BELSTEAD S. .Alary. t llcll. Bdl. John Darbic made rue 1664.

"Delstead pva. gregory Crevn• (?) & Robcrte I) nde chvrchwardes one hell soldc ffor xxxs. which was broke\' yers past wh1ch is & shalbe lnploycd to the reperacii of cbvrch roffc ,\. the pal) ng of the chvrcbyerd." Ccrtif. of 1547·

1 in 1553 and Sanctus bell . Davy by mistake notes" Gardiner" Cor " D"rbie."

42. BEL TON A ll Saints. J Dell. Bell. J ohn Darbic m::tdc me t664.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1 SS3· Faculty granted in 16go Lo sell the smaller bell in order to hang.the other. \ Vcight 6 cwt. ::! qrs. Weighed at \'nrmouth Crane, at the ttrnc of rc·

building the tower, by direction of the Rcvd. T. G. F. Howes, Rector.

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43 8 EN ACRE S. Jlficluu:l. t Bell. Bdl. G. G. W. F. <Cburcblu.nbrn~ ~nno Iilomini 1622.

4 in 1553· Davy gwes this inscription imperfectly, 17 June, 1817.

44. BEN HALL S. ilfary. 6 Dells. 1 T. Mears London. 18.p. 2, 3 John Brend made me 1639. 4 James Crum,bye john Bvlling Churchwardens 1639 J. ll. 5 lJ 5o thrice. + 61 W.M :lh1 Qi:onclabc D 6z ~abriel ~untlJangt 2:uabc. 6 Richard llrown John Baltlry C. W. 172 3·

No return of bells in ce•·tif. of J Nov., 1547· "Great bells iij." Return of 1 553·

Tenor by Gardiner, diameter 36~ in., wci:,:ht 7 cwt. Davy gives the five without the treble as here, with ·• Thomas" for "James," as Grimsbye's christian name.

45. BENTLEY S. Jlf..rtJ'· lldl. Charles Newman made me r696.

::! in 1553· "One bell," Davy.

1 Dell.

46. BERGHOL T , EAST , S. Jlli.zry. 5 and Priest's bell. r Cast hy John \\'aroer & Son, London, t887. Jubilee

bell. Hung hy C. lJay and Son, Eye. ... '(( ~ ~ ~

2 Q 26 + 22 IJ z5 1tlwe (!i;il6rieH~ ~onat 1l]ec <Campana 0 jfibrlt!S.

3 SVSlt i I~OSA: PVDSAlltA; ffiOU DI ; fnA'f\IA VOCA!J.\A.

'fliCA.'flDVS '80Wu€'fl: me: : BE:CI!J.ll60!. I SAAC n!E:CHCHE:Ir JOHU '8'fl€tr.Ol1 CH VllCHWAll,DE:US.

4 Chri:;topher. Hodson. made. me. a688 . . John . Lcncb . John . Peake. Chvrch . Wardens ....

5 John :itephcns fecit 1727. Walter Gvllifer, Thomas llrovl!n Churchwardens (sic).

Priest's bell. Richardvs Dowler fecit 1591. No return of bells in cenif. of '347· ; and Sance bell m J 553· The treble, which weighed S cwt., now weighs 4 cwl. On the 4th dots denote coins, obv. and rev. of crown of Charles I!., &c. Cut in each side of the pit for the Tenor in the frame" r6gr. IT IE." The old treble bore Ricardvs Bowler me fecit 1001 . . . (three impressions

of coins, indistinct). Davy's account mainly agrees with this. This extract has been kindly copied from the Parish Dook by Archdeacon

Woolley :- A note what tl1e great bell waycd when it went to llerrc, and what it now waveth this :qth of December, a6zr.

I t wayed, in 'the Churchyard, uefore It went to Berre. 26 hundred and 56 lbs. ; it was broken in pieces and wayed agaync at llcrre, and fou nd 27 hundred and :q.

lt weyeth now at home, 25 c. and 32 lb. at one end of tl1e beame, and at the other end 26 c. and 09; tl1e odes being 89 lb., which being divided, is 44 lb. and half.

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The bell now wayeth five and twenty hundred sc1•enty-five pound and half. The bellfounders ware to be allowed for wag £4o, and to account the bell

at :26 c. and 96 lb. And it now wayeth Zj c. and 76 and half. So they have in mcttell,

which they must allow, ono hundred twenty five poundes, at eight pence the lb., which makes in money, four pounds, a dozen shillings, eight pence. They a re to have for setting the bell, taking it at Barfould (i.e, Bergholt) and delivering it there ogayne1 building a-- and so to kep hur one hole year, nine pounds ten shtllings. .

Remay11e to them four pounds eighteen shillings and fourpence, which is paid to Andrew Gerne, of Bcn·c Seynt Edmundes, by the appoyntment of the :\[r, \Vorkman, John Draper, ofTbetford, Charles Bromey, with others.

47. BEYTON All Suints. Bell. John Draper made me 1627.

"Payton, Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553· •• One," Davy. T. Martin (c. 1719) notes four bells.

l Bell.

48, BILDESTON S . . JlfmJ•. 6 Bells. 1 I Q 19 D + 22 ~ancte ~ on1a (li)(a ~to J.l}.obi~. z No inscription. 3 Miles Graye mac.le me 1683. 4 Q 50 thrice. + 6 1 ~ub\lrniat i!l[gna 0 62 Bonantibu!t 7!?anc itatnina, 5 Thomas Farrow Joseph Prockter Churchwardens 1704-6 Thomas Gardiner ::iudbury fecit 1718.

"Bylston, Great bells iiij ." Return of IS 53· "Six," Davy, ::4 Oct., t l:iz6.

49. BLAKENHAM, GREAT, S. 1llary. 2 Bells. J lJ 5 t thrice. + 6t etlcfti j}:lanna 0 6z \!:ua bJrolclS ~0~ ~ihct ~nncr. 2 IJ 5 1 thrice. + 6r ~ubrn!at Dfgna 0 6z tlonantibu!i Wane t'tatctina.

3 in 1553· "Two/' Davy, 1 1 May, 182~.

50. BLAKENHAM, LITTLE, S. Alary. r , 2 John Darbie made me 166o.

3in1553· Uavy, 16 ,\tay, 18::91 "Two which l did not examine."

2 Bells.

51. BLAXHALL S. Pda·. 5 Bells. 1, 2, 3 J ohn Brend made me r655. 4 Recast by J ohu \\' arner & Sons, London, 1 88 i. (Royal

Arms) Patent. A. N. Bates, M.A. Rector. James Toller } d ,. l' Churchwar ens. vcorge ,ope

·s Omnis Souvs La,·dct Dominvm t6SS· No return of bells in certif. of 15-\7· "Great bells iiij," 1553· The old fourth like the first three, Davy.

52. BLUNDESTON S. 1li.uy. 2 Bells. r T. U. 1661. z E. T. 1675.

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No return ofbells in ccrtif. of 1547· 1'Biomstoo, Great bells iij." Return of 1553.

I n Davy's time there were three, one not hung.

5 3. B LYTHBURGH $"l.Y Trinity. 1 Bell. llell. James Edbere 0 Sz t6o8 (arabesque).

L. J .l\1.

No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547• Legacies-Jell. Greyfe, 144:t, towards covering the bell-towe~, and Hen. Tool, 1470, 20 marks for a. great bell. 5 in 1553. "Formerly 5·" Davy, 12 Aug., 18o6, "In the belfry below, however, stands another small one, on which is see :J:.>€:11-'l\ e S A irVA ITt€.''

54, BLYTHFORD All Saints. 1 Bell. Bell. T homas Newman made me I7I1.

3 in 1553, doubly returned. l)avy notes one, but refers to Martin, who gives three.

55. BOTESDALE. I Bell. Bell. John Dr.1per made me t6 . .

A Chantry, with an inscription :-.. Grute p. ati!bii !lob iii .;~ribc el -- uroris ciUs."

No return in r 553·

56. BOULGE S . .Afic!t,~el. t Dell. Bell. No inscription.

"Bowge, Great bells iij." Return of 1 553· No return of bells in certi f. of iiij Nov., 1547.

· "Tbe steeple is a small and lo1v square tower of red brick, ... and con­tains one bell, which has no inscription on it. The clerk informed me that there were some years ago 3 bells, but that -z were sold for repairs." Davy, ':!.71\fay, I8ZJ.

57. BOXFORD S. lllary. Tenor Diam. 52 in. 8 Bells. 1 Tbo .. s Gardiner Svdbvry me fecit t 7 I 4· 2 .§anctt f}r(olat ®ra pro flobi~ 1J 26 + 22 '025. 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 54· 4 Charles Newman made me 1688. 5 T. Osborn fecit 1 790. Isaac Strutt, Hugh Green Cb,

Wardens. 6 [A border 1. + + 49 svm }\A!J.'E: ~Ir!A 0 43 SE: ffi P€:'f\ 0 46

UI'f\G O 0 48 D € 0 DI G UA. 7 0 3 I 0 s8 + 4 1 J!ntonat ~ <!ttli~ ~O'C ~ampant GiabirtUlS

(sic). 8 Ilrec Campana Beatre T rinitatis Sacra Fiat. John

Thornton Sudbury fecit I 71 S. "Great bells v, Sancts bells j." Return of 15 53· Cannons of 7 gone. Davy, Oct. z and 3, 1828. Noted imperfectly, but in :"ccordance with this .

58.. BOXTEAD All Saint..s. 2 Bells. 1 No inscription. ;z T. Newnian made me. A. Golding & S. Spalding C.W.

173g· "Great bells iiij.'' Return of 1553· Davy, 18 Aug., 1831, " Two bells."

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59. BOYTON S. Andrt1t1. 1 Bell. Bell. John DarlJiC m:tde me 167\.1·

"Great bells ilj." Return of 1553· Davy (zz Jan., 1818), mistakes the date for 169~.

60. BRADFIELD (Combust] All Sai11Ls. 3 Dells. r l\1e:trs & Stainuank Founders London.

Bartholomew Young Church Warden 1693. 2 Recast 1869, Arthur Young Warden.

0 34 0 33 0 35 0 32· + 15 .§ancti1 jl.laticl j Hagbalctta ®ta l~Jro .{lob1s. 3 0 8 r T homas 0 82 Cheese made me r63o.


''Great bells iij ." Return of 1553· Notes F#. E, D~. "The steeple is down, but in the roof at the west en! of the Isle are hung

3 bells, but l could not get to them." Davy. Diameter of Tenor~5~ in.

61. BRADFIELD S. Clare. Tenor. Diam. 37} in. 3 l3ells. 1 Q 66 thrice. + .§nnctn · 0 68 P,lnria 0 68 <!lra 0 68 l!Jro 0 68

!lobi!S. 2 Richard Ottewe!J Cb. Warden. \V. & T. Mears, late

Lester, Pack, & Chapman of London fecit 1787. 3 Charles Newn1an made mee 1699· '

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· "2 bells," Davy. Notes C~, A#. G#.

62. BRADFIELD S. George. T enor. Diam. 37} in. 5 Dells. I H. P. made me 1695· 2 rfu R 0 G 0 r668. 3 Robard 4fl G\·rney made ~me r668. 4 Uriah Woodard & \Vm. Smith Ch. ~Wardens.

Lester & Pack of London focit 1 7 64. 5 R. A. Wardens. Henry Pleasant made me 1695·

"Great bells iij." Return of '553· So _Davy, only mis~aking ;I Robard" on 3 for "Richard." l-Je npres fio

steps m the tower staarcase. 1 cracked, notes of the others C#, 11, Af, G;r.

63. BRADLEY, GREAT, S .. Mary. 3 Bells.

Seep. 10 .

1 No inscnption. z 0 81 De 0 82 Bvri 0 82 Santi 0 82 Edmondi 0 Sz

Stcfanvs 0 88 Tonni 0 8z me fecit 0 82 W. L. 0 OI 15]6.

3 0 J"tiCAl'\_D : De VVYffil3 I S ; me : BeGlfl-'.

The treble probably a very old belt. C. Deedes. '' \.reat bells iij." Return of 1553· No note>, Davy.

64. BRADLEY, LITTLE, All Saints. 1 Bell Bell. 4iJ R. G. 4lJ 1052.

"Great bells iij." Return of I 55 3· No notes, Davy.

65. BRADWELL S. Nic!UJ/crs. 3 Dell;. 1 Q so thrice. + 6 1 11lnc In <!:oncl~bc 0 62 €>a~ricl fliic l digr .§uabr.

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:z 0 so thrice. + 47 ~ctrus ~ll l:ttnH 0 Gz D ucilt !loll t Jascua Vitr. 3 0 so thrice. + l)ibl 0 48 ifllm illlm u fti no mbt.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1)53· t and 2 maiden, 3 a little Aattcned.

66. BRAISEWORT H S. Afar;. 1 Bdl. Bell. Cast by John \\'amer & :::>ons, London, 1879. r6o6, recast t 879· R. M. Bjngley, Rector. W. ~\lien. } Ch I d C. Schofield urc 1War ens. Hung by G. Day & Son, Eye.

1 in 1553· Davy, 2:! Apri~ 1819, "John Draper made me t6o6."

67. BRAMFIEL D S. Andrew. Tenor r: . r,z AIJOsz086.

5 Dells.

\\' ~nno Domini 162 1.

3 §aneta jJlargarr ta <!:>ra l lro Jlobis Ci 25 + ::z v 26. 4 .::it !lonun 13omlni lltntllictum 0 25 + 22 0 26.

<:1 ~ .:00 0 ~ 5 rntonA t l:crli!> Z&or Campana jl:lirl)ad i, .

0 25 + 22 0 26.

So Da\'}', 23 1\lay, 18o6, with one or two iO\·oluntary variations. ~ore­turn of bells in cert. of iiij r>:ov., 15~7· 4 in '553· T he first ti\e of a six. Uells re-opened after hanging, April 17th, 189o. 68. BRAM FORD S. Sttphm. Tenor C. Di:tm . . p in. 6 Dells.

1 Thomas l\Icars & Son of l .ondon fecit 18oj. ::, 3, 4, s, 6 l\lilcs Grayc made me 1632.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, 10 June, 18~8, calls the treble the ::nd, and dates the 5th 1636.

69. BRAMPTON S. Pdtr. Tenor Bl. Bells in tunc. 5 Dells. 1 John narbie made me 1668.

4 in 1553·

2 Anno Domini 1 61:!. \\' .B. 3, 4 0 86 All 1J 52.

w 1111110 lliii 161:!.

S 0 51 thrice. + 61 Hobis ~olamrn ~tlotum 0 6:! brt Dcu!S ~mrn.

So Davy,:! June, 18oS.

70. BRANDESTON All &rints. 6 Bells. 1 , ·1 Recast at the expense of the parish.

Lester and Pack of l .ondon fecit 1768. 2 The gift of H. Stcbbmg, Esq•e, Mrs. A. Ril·cu, \\'idow,

and other benefactors, obtained by John .Rc\·ctt Gent. 1709.

R. Phelps made me.

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3 i\l iles Graye made me t6J7· 5 Recast at the e,xpense of John Revtll,

Lester and Pack of London fecit 1768. 6 T his bell was recast at the e.'pense of ] ohn Revett 1 768.

R. P. F. E . (two impressions of the arms of Revett.)

No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iiij." Return of t553· AB

H awes notes 1 as 2 here. z \V Anno Dom. 16oo. 3 lin lffullu; £tnui!l, &c. 4 _:aneta liarttolma (sic) ora pto nobill. and dates the tenor 1710. He speaks also of a purchase of bells from Little Ashfield. On woodwork of -t, "T. D. Tho•. Packard made me 167o,'' as at Ravenin5ham, trste G. Day.

71 . BRANDON SS. Pelt:r aud Paul. T~::nor in :\ J6 cwr:_ 6 Bells.

1 John Warner & Sons, London, tS;o. 2 These five bells were cast by William Dobson t 815. 3 Prosperity to the town of Brandon r8r5. 4 Gi\·e no offence to the Church. wm. Dobson fecit t815. 5 William Dobson Downham Norfolk founder 18 r 5· 6 Rev-<~. Wm. Parson Rector, T ho•. Willett and Rob\, Smith

C hurchwardens t8t5. ' 'Great bells ii ij ." Return of 1553· 1 recast from the old 2nd at Wangford, q.v. Five noted by Davy, zz Aug., t Szg. These were cast out of an old three inscribed-! + ib..lt !n .n:onrlalle 6abrirl :x"unc Vanqc ;.uabt. z + ;.unt No&.l Uulflillll taunbi Jfl.1ria Voc.1ta. 3 + in ;llonore [;anctt .{ff.ltie et ;.ancli l\atrrine Vtrgincs (ric)] Ex infor.

J. H . Sperling.

72. BRANTHAM S . Jffichael. 1 Dell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 1651 .

So Davy. I in 1553·

73. BREOFIELD S. Andrew. 4 Uelb. 1 Richard Phelps made me 1 7 35. 2 F C.

W. M.G. F. D.P. 1. H . 1un. 3 T homas Gardiner made me 17'5· 4 \J 5 r thrice. + 61 l!Jrtru5 ~b Etrtnt O 6::: Ducat .tlo!l ~'a$cua V ite.

No return o f bells in certif. of aij ~ov., 1547. "Great bells jij." Return of 1553· Davy notes 4• "W. 1\l. L. F. L. 1'. I. H. t;g::: ."

74. BRETTENHAM S. iiiary. Diameter of Tenor 27 in. 3 Bells.

I H . Pleasant made me Reginald Sayer \\"arden. 2 T homas Cheese James Edbere me fecit 16~3. 3 0 82 Prais 0 8z God 0 Sz 1574 0 SJ \\'. L.

'' Brentham, Gt·eat bells iij ." Return of I553· T. ~[artin, 31 l\lay, 1737, 3 bells.


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75. BRICETT, GREAT, S, .M.r'J' and S. Laurenu. z Bells. I Gcorgius Williams, Coil. Regal. Soc.

posuit Anno :~wcccxxxlx . z In honore S:mctre Trinito.tis. Anno ::~mcccxxxrx.

Very small. 3 in 1553. Davy, Oct. :13rd, 18:~6, ''isitc:d this place. He notes, :\larch :!Stb, 1843, on the authority of Re1•. C. P. Parker of Ringsball, " One bell fu ;l?onort ;i:.:tn(te ~rluit.JI L~:· !llartin had noted ~rinit11tr. It weighed JO cwt. according to Terrier, 1 SJ-t·

76. BRICETT, LITTLE. Ecclrsia dcstructa. X o return in 1553.

77. BRIGHTWELL S. John Baptist. 1 Bell. Bell. For Brighwell (sic) in Suffolckc Feb 5· 1657.

"Great bells ij.'' Return of 1553· T. Martin, Sept .• t7351 One in a little tower.

78. BROCKFORD. Ecclesltt deslrucla. No return in 1553·

7 9. BROCKLEY S. Andrew. 3 Bells. 1 0 21 u 20 + l:J'or ~ttguj!tim ~onct rn ~\I[C Dei. 2 0 2 r U 19 + 22 €ril>tull ~rrptlllc !.ltt [lobi$ ~autlt.:t

l:J'itr. 3 0 2 r U 20 + ~it !lomrn Domini lStnrll{ctum.

''Great bells j." Return of t553· Seep. 9+· No notes by Davy.

80. BROME S. .Alary. In B), not in tunc. 5 'Bells. 1 , z, 3, 4 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1737. 5 Thomas Newman fecit. S. Ncwstcad, r. Rouwell C .. \V,

1737· So Davy, 17 June, 18o9. 3 in 1553·

81. BROM ESWELL S. Edmund. Notes D~ and B. z Bells. I Jhcsus ben ic ghegoten van Cornelis Waghc1·cns int iner

ons Heeren ~tcccccxxx. 0000

z 0 Ill : HOllO'f\E: ; SAllCll'·E: ; l?AVDE:. Ko return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij.u Re. of

I5D· I Clear but not melodious, unchipped. 2 Slightly flattened. P. 75· According to Da''Y (1 2 Sept., 18o7,) there was another, inscribed" ;\Iiles

Graye made me t6 r8." The other inscriptions agree with these. The missing bell was the smallest of the three. It fell, was broken, and sold.

82. BRUISYARD S. Pder. 1 Be1l. Bell. Cast by John Warner & Son, London, 1867. (Royal Arms) Patent.

No return of bells in cert. of iij. Nov., 1.)47· "Great bells iij.'' Return of '553·

Davy notes 3, 1 R. Phelps made me. Richard Brown, gent.1 Church-warden, 1731. z lllnno D iii 1610. 3 rua' En \!::onrlabc, &c.

83. BRUNDISH S. Laure11ce. AB 3 Bells. r ANNO DOMINI x6o6. T G. \V T.B.

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2 lJ 5 z thrice. + 6 L i)ulds eisto J}:Ttlill 0 62 @nmpana l:rocor ;il:licbl.!, 3 lJ so thrice. + 61 <'!.\ucfumuj; 1lnbtra 0 62 §amulorum .Sufdpe lJota

T G probably - Thomns Glemham. Pits for 5. 4 in 1 553· Terrier, r June, 1791, a nd Davy, 16 June, 18o9, give 5 bells.

84. BUCKLESHAM S. 1lfar;·. 1 Bell. Bell. l\files Grayc made me 1623.

" Great bells iiij." Return of I 553· Davy, 23 Feb., r Sz5, reports it inaccessible.

T errier, 3 :\fay, 1845 "One bell in weight about 500 pounds." Diameter 30 in.

85. BUNGAY S . .!Jfcuy. 8 Bells. r, 2, 3, 4, s, 6 T. Mears of London fecit 182o. 7, 8 T. ]\fears of London feci t 182o. Richard ·Mann,

John Reynolds Churchwardens. Cha•. Brightly, Richd. Smith, Rob'. Butcher, Robert Camell, M. JJ. Kingsbury, Thomas H unt, J a•. Sheppard.

No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 15+7· "Great bells v. Sancts "Dells j." }{eturn of 15 53·

No notes by Davy. From a ;\IS. of Vv. Adams, and notes of Rev. T. Bewicke, 1 am able to compare the past and present peals.

1 Past. 1 Present. I cwt. qr.s. lb•. cwt. qrs. lbs

1718, probably by ! 1 4 3 18 5 2 5 One. probably 3· was Stephens 2 5 o 19 5 z 22 an A V€ bell. Most of

Long cracked 3 () o r8 () z 141 these others seem to have Bad, long cracked 4 7 o 17 6 3 21 been by Gilpin, 1700. 5 I nscribed- 1 was brought from S. Peter

llo!l ~tome, &c. 5 7 "2 24 S 2 21 Mancroft. Norwich. The Good, cast 1761 6 10 o I I 10 o 21 six were first rung in 1702, Fine bell 713 2 1.10 3 2 L See pp. ;6, IJO. , in E. Split 1817 s


_r8 __ , _ 19'16 I 4 Total 73 o 15.70 3 17

86. BUNGAY Holy Trinity. • Bell. Q 51 thrice. + 61 § ac ftlargarrta D 62 .flobill 't!?ec Jl:hnera il.ua.

So Davy, ?.fay 14th, 1823. No return in r553. the church having been partially burnt not long before. A fine bell cast in r 566, apparently by John Brend, sen., was sold by tl?e

parish in 1755 for £,82 7s, 6d. The present bell was bought secon.d ·h~nd 10

'759· . The detail in 1566 contains "Itm gyvin to his CJ· B.'s) wr.fe ro Rc­warde xijd. Itiii gyven then to his mansvant and unto hrs marde 10 reward xijd," a remnant of guild· privi lege.

87. BURES S. ilfurJ'· T enor. Diameter so in. 1 T. Mears of London fecit. 2 1 3 R . Phelps fecit 17 34· 4 John J3rend made me 165S. 5 Thomas )-fears Founder London 1840.

Re\o-d. Arthur Hanbury Yicar.

C. . d ,,. d John Garrard } .nmmar oo John floggis

6 Bells.

Church· wardens.

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6 T. :\Ie:~rs of London fecit 1826.

john G:mard } Churchwardens. John Boggis

Davr, Oct. ::, 1828, 3 not noted. 5 "The Revd. Philip Gurdon, M.A., Vlcar, \Vm, Ambrose, John Harvey Church \ Vardens. Richard Phelps made me 173~·"

"Great Hells,., Sancts Bells j." Return of 15)3·

88. BU RGAT E S. /Jfcrry. 5 Bells. 1 Thos. Gardiner Xorwich fecit 1746. 2 1746. 3 Thomns Sturt John Draper mnuc me 1624. 4 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1 7 7 z. 5 Thomas Gardmcr Sudbury fecit 1732.

5 in 1 553· 1\Iartin and Davy note five.

89. BURGH S. Bolo/ph. Tenor. Diameter 36} in. 5 Bells. l Chapman & Menrs of London fecerunt t 782. z John Stephens fecit 17 1 S. 3 John Stephens made me f?IS. 4 John Stephens Hell Founder of Norwich ronde us 5·

f7I8. 5 John Stephens fecit. 17 rS.

John \ ·otier Rector John Page Churchwarden. ' 'Great bells iiij." Return of 1553·

90. BURGH CAS TLE S. Pdt'r. r Thomas Nc\\11lnn C.'\St me new

In 173::. John Pitcearn Rector.

3 Bells,

z Thomas K.illett, Churchwarden, George Harris Over Seer. 1732.

3 John Darbie made me t663. "Great bells iij." Return of 1 553·

91. BU RST ALL S. /JftuJ•· 1, z, 3 John Thornton Sudbury fecit 1718.

3 in 1553· Three bells, Davy.

91 a. BURY S. EDMUND'S, The Abbey. The Great Bell TO\Yer at the Abbey.

3 Bells.

'• The plan of the new building" (of the latter part of the eleventh cen­tury), says i\Ir. John Gage, in Ardueologia, li.'Xiii, •' bore a near resemblance to Ely i\Iinster, and both bad, at the west end, a high tower between lower lateral towers." It was not till the time of Samson of Tottington, tenth Abbot, elected in 1 180, that the work was finished. ] ocelfn of Brakeland, in his well-known Chronicle, records the collection of stones and gravel (sabu­tum}, made for the purpose by Samson, while he was subsacrist, and the alleged pecuniary assistance afforded by certain burgesses. The passage is well worth reading. In NPfcs and Quen'es, Sixth Series, i. 303, it is re­corded from the Register of Abbot Curteys, that one of the towers fell in J:llo, and another, probably Ihe beU-ton·er, in 1430, ''tum propter quercuum magnas et horas (sic) missas in opus Japideum, et conjunctas operi ligneo in

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I.JUO pendebant campanre, tum propter inordinat:un et immoderatam earun· dcm pulsationem," fortunately after the people had left the church.

The ruin seems not to have been total, for the lead, bells, and some part of the walls were subsequently taken down. Next year the ~ast side of the tower gave way, and was followed by the north wallm 1432.

The mason's contract for reconstruction is given at length by Mr. Gage, together with a list of legacies towards the work, one as late as 1500.

Writing in 183o, he says, "The flinty fragments of a south pier of the tower ],ave escaped the hand of destruction, and together with the flint work of the western fa~ade, which is a mass of deformity, point out to us the spot where the Bell Tower once stood."

Professor Thorold Rogers's note on the weights of the bells in " Bury Hospital '' ( N. and Q, Sixth Series, i. 193), is exceedingly perplexing.

92. BURY S. EDMUND'S S. James. 10 Bells. 1, 2, 3· 4, S T . Osborn Fecit 1785. 6, 8 T. Osborn, Downham, Fecit 1785. 7 Cum Voco Venite T . Osborn Fecit 1785. 9 Our \"Oices shall in concert ring

In honour both to God and King T. Osborn Fecit 1785.

ro Percutc Dulce Cano Bury St Edmd. StJames' Parish. Zephaniah Ostler, Rob•. Carss Church Wardens. T. Osborn Fecit. 1785.

''Great bells v." '553· Formerly 3 in N. aisle. 1, De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit Jj8o. Deo Patrie et Proximo; 2, R. G. r66~; 3 ~it 12om en Domini ~hntblrtum Q 20 0 2 1 +· 93. BURY S. EDMUND'S S. John Em11gdlst. 1 BelL

Bell. Thomas Mears, Founder, London, 1841.

94. BURY S. EDMUND'S S. A.rary. SBells. r, 2 1 6 R. Phelps Londini Fecit 1 7 H• 3 T. Osborn Fecit 1785. 4 ~nno Domini r 627 AB

w .5 R. Phelps Londini Me Fecit 1 7 34· 7 l\fatthi:ls Wright and Simon Buchanan1 Church Wardens

1776. J'ack & Chapman of London Fecit. 8 1\fr. Richard Rayment & Mr. Robert Singleton Church

Wardens. Anno Domini 1734. Richard Phelps of London Bellfounder made these eight bells.

''Great bells vj." Ret. 1553· Tenor recast at Bury, 115¢, L'E., p. 66.

95. BURY S. EDMUND'S S. Pdcr. 1 Bell. Bell. T. l\lears, Founder, London, 1858.

96. SUTLEY S. Joh~t Baptist. 1 Bell. Bell. <!ttrrnill \li\nnil> l\cfonft q:ampana ~obannill Q 9

coin. So Davy. No return of bells in certif. of i~j N~v., 1547· "Great bells

iij." Ret. of ' 553· Hawes notes one smaller, mscnlJed ; andt Vflrura pro nobis.

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97. BUXHALL S. llfar;•. 5 Bells. 11 z J ohn Drnper made me 1632.

R. l\1. & 'f. N. Wardens. 3 John Draper made me 1635· 4 John Griggs C. W. Charles !\cwmnn made mee 1698. 5 Gregory Copinger, Tho. Fuller C. W.

Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1739· 4 in 1553· Davy (June 13th, 1827), notes 5 bells, but the door locked.

98. BUXLOW S. Ptler. Ecdt'Sia dutructa. ::! in 1553·

99. CAM PSEY ASH S. Jolm Baplisl. x I. J.l. Anno Domini r6t5. 2 Tho. Gardiner fecit me 1714. 3 Thomas G;:~rdiner Sudbury fecit I 7 ~9· 4 Ricardus Bowler me fecit x6o1

4 Bells.

~o mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 15-l7· "Great bells iiij.11 Re­turn of 1553·

So Davy, :zo April, 1819. Hawes notes the old znd, Duiris ~~~to ftlclis (!J'ampana 1-Joror j'Hir~atli!l, and the 3rd, R. G. Anno Domini 1583. 1\lamn also notes Dulcis, &c.

100, CAPEL S. Andn:·w. Ecciesia des/rue/a. No return in '553·

101, CAPEL S. llfar.;•. 5 Bells. 1, z T. l\lears of London fecit 1829.

Revd. J oseph Tweed Rector. Cooper Brooke Esqr., Churchwarden.

3 John Darbie made me x683. W. 0. I. T. 4 Miles Graye made me 1624-5 OB YOVI\ CH€!X~_lfl~€ 'P'l\AY BO'l\ 11tH€! W€!11·

BAl.\€ OB Gl~€!GO'l\~ l?ASCAit.

5 and Sance bell in 1553· See P• 77· Davy was quite beaten hy the tenor, which he gives:-DAJW SIN

SONGA CNA LAOSNP NONI FO DRAFIEW ROA YARP. He leaves 4 blar.k, notes 4 as 3, 3 as:!, and gives 1, l:itrgomaria ora ]lrta prouobhl.

Possibly the inscription was one known in the West of England + Entm tbt Uta Vro J)lobls 1:7irgo jl:laria.

102. CARL TON S. Pet(r, Tenor. Diam. 3rt in. 4 Bells. 11 z, 3, 4 0 81 Thomas 0 82 Andrew O 82 me 0 82

fecit 0 82 1598. 2 has no fteur-de ]is between "me" and fecit. Davy, 29 1\{ay, 18o6, gil•es 1528, not recognizing the peculiar form of

the 9· 3 in 1553·

103. CARL TON COLVILLE S. Peter. Tenor.

1 Anno Domini t6o8. W. B. 2 John Brend made me r6.37· 3 Anno Domini 1634.

v so.

Diam. 451 in. 5 Bells.

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4 Anno Domini t 6J4· 5 0 Omnis Sonvs lm·dct Dominom.

Anno Domini 163~. u so.


No return of bells in ccrtif. of iiij Nov., 1547· "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j ." Return of 1 553·

So Davy, save that he gives 1634 as the date of the second.

104. CAVENDISH S. 1Jfary. T enor 1 2 cwt. 6 Bells. I I mean to make it understood

Although I 'm little yet I 'm good. Mears London fecit 1779.

z If you htwe a judicious ear You'] own my voice is sweet & clear.

Mears London fecit 1779· 3 Music is medicine to the mind.

Mears London fecit 1779. 4 P eace & good neighbourhood.

1\lears and London fecit 1779. 5 Our voices shall in consort ring

In honour both to God & King. J\Ie~rs London fecit 177 9·

6 Cast by J ohn Warner & Sons, London, 1869. Royal Arn1s Patent.

"Great bells v." Return of 1 553· Davy, Nov. 9th, t8o;, 6. "T. Vsborn Downham Norfolk fecit 1786." al.


105. CAVEN HAM S. And1·ew. 3 Bells. r William Dobson founder Downham Norfolk 1831. 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1676.

"Great bells iij." Return of '553· T.Martin (12 Nov., 1755), and Da''Y ( 20 Aug., t8zg), note 3 bells.

106. CHARSFIELD S. Pete1·. 5 Bells. 1 Sic Sacheverellvs [ore melos] immortali olli [ecclesire

defensori h) anc dicat [Gvlielmvs) LemM de Cher (sfield Eques 1710. R. Phelps].

2 U so thrice. + 61 1!?rc jfit ,Scorum 0 6.z li!Ampi! 71.attbf ~onorum. 3 0 81 James Edbere (aral>esque) 0 82 1068 (for 16oS). 4 U so thrice. + 61 D uld$ ~il!lo j\l rlis 0 62 €ampa !:iocor jlticbad i!l. s U 65 thrice. . +~aneta 0 jaaria 0 <9m 0 1Pro 0 llobl!l.

No return of bells in certif. ofiij Nov., JH7· ' 'Great bells iiij." Return of 1553·

T he inscription on the treble restored from Carthew's 1\fSS., who notes the rest like these, and refers to a legacy (1454) for the tower.

The Satheverell inscription was evidently intended as a protest against the prominent part taken by BP. Trimnell in the House of Lords, 1710,

107. CHATTISHAM S . .Alt~ry a11d All Sninlr. t BelL Bell. A'liles Graye made me 16:n.

No return of bc11sin ccrtj f, of 1547· 3 in 1553· " Three bells," Davy.

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108. CHEDBURGH All Saints. 1 Bell. Bell. T . Osborn fecit 1797· Edwnrd Drew Church

warden. 11 Grent bells ij." Return of 1553· No note, Davy.

109. CHEDISTON S . .AlmJ'· 3 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner fecit 171 S. R. 1\L C.\\". zW. C. J.S.

John Brend made me 1640. 3 0 81 Filius 0 Sa Yirginis 0 82 Marie 0 8a Dat 0 8z

Nobis 0 Sz G:lUdia 0 Sz Yite. 0 82 De 0 Sz Bvri 0 8z Santi 0 l:\2 Edmondi 0 82 StefanYs 0 82 Tonni 0 8z me 0 8z ff;cil 0 82 £572· (Cracked.)

No return of bells in certif. iiij Nov., 1547· 3 in 1553· Davy, 25 May, 18o7, notes as above.

110. CHELMONDISTON S. Andrew. Bell. John Darbie made 1\1e 166 3·

1 Bell.

"We have sold also an old broken bell to the valew of xxis. vijjd. The trew s'tificat of R ychard Dylley and Wyllam Camper," C. \V. 1547·

r in 1553· "One bell." Davy.

111 , CHELSWORTH All Sai11ts. Bell. L ester & Pack, 1763.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, 26 Oct., 1826, notes no inscription.

1 Bell.

112. CHEVINGTON All Saints. Tenor in F.

1 John Draper made me 16zo.

Bells in tune. 5 Belk

2 C. & G. Mears, founders, London, r848. wm. Rayner Rolfe }


' m Je · Churchwardens. . nmson Elizabeth White, John White, Francis While.

3 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1760. 4 + John Sparrow Ambros Ray C.\\'.•

T ho. Gardiner fecit 1 13 7. 5 Benj. Downs Church Warden.

Tho>. Osborn, Downham, fecit I 780. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. lJavy notes 5 bells, but no inscriptions.

113. CHJLLESFORD S. Pdcr. I Bell. Bell. 0 66 thrice.

So Davy. + ~aneta 0 jllaria 0 ®ta 0 :f.9ro 0 Jflobil!.

" Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Pits for three, this probably the treble.

114. CHILTON S. MnrJ•. Dirun. 32 in. x Bell. Bell. ~files Graye made me 1658.

So Davy, Sept. 13th, 18l7. "Great bells ij." Return of 1553·

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lNSCRirTlON~. '77 115. CLARE SS. Pdtr tuzd Patti. Tenor c . 28 cwt. Diam. 5-I in.

8 aml Clock bell. 1 Gi1·cn by voluntary subsctiption 178 r.

~[ears fecit. 2 1'. Mears of London fecit 1829. 3 Miles C'rraye made me 1 6-to.

and a shield, party per pale, a gri(/in (1) jcma111. 4 \\11ilst thus we join in chcarful sound

Let Lo1·c and Loyalty abound. Pnck & Chapman of London fecit f77 9·

5 1\Iilcs Grayc made me 1661. 6 iobn bitt malle me 1579.

~ <J ~ <Q 7 0 I7 <!totusrrba 0 17 @ 0 r 7 'i! tinitaSI 0 r 7 ~a mpanam

~ 0 I 7 Jh>tam.

8 John Kenyon Vic. William Wade C. W. I . T~ Charles Newman made mee 1693. Clock bell. Tho. Gardiner fcciL 17::6.

11 Great bells v. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553· Davy nearly as above, with a mistake or two, The 7th very much worn.

Seep. 17, and Enst Anglian, I., z8, for notes by :\lr. J. B. Armstead.

11 6. CLAYOON S. Peter. ' Bell. llell. John Darbie made me 1676.

So Davy, 15 Sept., 1827. 3 in 1553·

117. CLOPTON s. llff.uJ'· Tenor. Diam, 43t in. 6 Bells. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 W. & T. M ears, late Lester, Pack, & Chapman

of London fecit q88. 6 This peal cast in the year 1788 by unanimous consent of

the parishioner.;; by recas ting the five old bells anu adding this tenor made them a peal of six.

W. & T. Mears, late Lester, Pack, & Chapman of Lon· don fecit 1788.

The C.'vV. sold a "payre of clialles," of which they made verdict at Ipswich 28 Sept., 1547, .. ffrome yt d;ly we haue neythcr sold alycnatyd nor pledged neyther ornams jewells plate nor bellys.•· iiij Nov., 1547·

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553.

11 8. COCKFIELD S. Pttcr. o Tiells. 1 Laus Dco 1843.

Thomas Mears fecit Londini. 2 Charles Newman made mee 1700. 3 Charles Newman made me 1699· G. H. H. T. 4 l\files Grayc made me 1656. 5 0 81 James 0 82 Edbny 0 82 16o8. 6 John j()wars Ro!J<. Debenham C.W.

Tho. Gardiner fecit 172 1 Num. 1::6.

Date on 5 "1098" by mistake. Seep. 9;. "Great bells v." Return of I553· Davy notes" T . .i\lnrti:n's notes taken in 1735·"

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11 9. C O DDENHAM S. Jlfary. T enor c. rs cwt. 8 Dells. 1 Theodore Ecclestonc, Esq·, l]..fZ , Thom:ts Lester

made me. Although I am but small I will be he:trd abo,·e you a 11.

1'. P. A. F. C. (incised). 2 Thomas Lester made me 1742 . The: Ecclestone. 3 Theodore Ecclcstone. Thomas Lester made us all, 1 7 40.

4 The Rcyd. John Longe, \'icar, John Fox, James Brook Ch. Wardens.

Thomas ~fears & Son. of London fecit t8o6 . 5, 6 Recast uy John \\'nrner & Son, London, t 878.

These bdls are for the honour of God & the use of His Church.

Revd. Robert Longe, Vicar of Coddenhnm. Walter Chapman } Church Frederick Gull " "ardens.

7 T homas Lester made us all 1 7 40.

!;; ........................ .. ... ..... ..

(filed off)........................ 1742. Thomns Lcsrer of London made us all. Clock bell, s8o8.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 15 53· Davy, 7 May, t8q, notes all as Lester's, save 4· Theodore Ecclestone, Esq., was owner of the Crowfield Hall Estate,

which was purchased in the year 1764 by Arthur Middleton, Esq., Governor of S. Carolina, and grandfather of the late Sir W. F. F. Middleton, Bart.

120, COMBS S. Afar;•. T enor E . Di:tm. 46} in. 4 Bell!i. r John Darbic made me 1661 . R. n. 2 Miles \.rare made me 16 19. 3 Q 51 thrice.

0 49 J'}.o<J l~rm Uapthte 0 6:z ~albcnt "\!luil {:lulnHil. ~pr.

4 John Draper m::~dc me 162 7. 4 in 1 553· Davy notes 5 bells, one broken. Weights, according to

Terrier of 1770, 15, 18, 21 , and::!-+ cwt.

121. CO OKLEY S. Jlfichael. 3 Bells. I Ricardvs Bowler me fecit 1598. :z Thomas Gardine r fecit 17 28. 3 Rmto Womlni 1593 W. B.

So Davy, 26 June, 18o6. Thomas Haywarde and \VylJam Sparke certify jiij Nov., 1547, that they

have ~old " neither plate, joyells, bells." 3 in 1553·

122 . COPDOCK S. Peter. r, 2 Miles Graye made me 16 r ~-3 ~files Graye mnuo me t6r5. 4 John Darhie made me 1677. 5 John Darbie made me 1679.

N o rehJrn of bells in ccrtif. of iij Nov., 1 H7· 3 in 1553.

5 Bells.

lJavy calls the th ird the treble, otherwise there is no difference.

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123. CORNAR O, GREAT, S. Andmu. Tenor. l>iam. 37 in. 5 .Dells.

r John Thornton made me 1708. 2 Buxton Vudcrwood Jef. Potcr Warden 1708. 3 ~1iles Graye made me r664. 4 <!ltcrnis ~nni~ Ht$Oilel <!tnmpnnn ]ob~ Q t r + 0 y twice. 5 John Thornton mode me 1708.

The CTOS5 on 4 is No. 27 in Nonh's Clmrdt Eells of !Jedjord.rlt.ire. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, Sept. 12, 18~7. :: "JJiuxton ... josef." 3" 1616" al. sim.

124. C ORNARO, LITT LE, All Saints. Tenor.

l Thornton anu Waylet made me I 7) 2.

2, 3 Henry Ple.'L'klnt made me March t 707.

Diam. 33 in. 5 Bells.

4 + Ric::udvs Bowler me fecit 1597. S +HIS UA~Ali_€UVS 'f\€X IVD€0'f\Vffi . +

So Davy, Sept. 12, 1827. The crosses on s arc Austen Bracker's, Cam­brid,_t;esllire, l\ o. 71, but probably come from nn earlter hand. The letters are rich. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553·

J n 1 581 there were at least two bells, as the Parish account has n charge of xjd. for "a Bald'ycke for one of or Belles.''

125. CORTON S. Bartholomew. 1 Dell. Bell. C. & G. l\'lcars, founders, London, 184 7.

No return of bells in certif. ofiiij Nov., 1547. "Great !Jells iiij." Return of I 553·

The parish in 1697 got a faculty for selling a piece of a bell for hanging a bell in the porch and other expenses.

The old bell bore the Norwich mark (enn.) and the inscription, 1S, n. i!luuo Domini H:i26. ll used to hang in a frame of timber over the porch. but in 1768 was removed to its present position iu the tower. See Davy's :\IS. Suckling says);. Li.

126. COTTON S. A11drew. 5 Bells. 1, z Thomas I.ester of London m:tde me 17 46. 3 J ohn Draper made me 16z7. Thomas Bartbroopc

·Robert Rose \\'ardt:ns A. M. T. E. 4 U so lhricc. . + 6x G:flcsti jltnnnn 0 62 ~ua ltlrolc~ Jllo!5 ~ibct 'l={nna_ 5 0 so thrice. + 61 jllo$ tr:bomc ;fflttili$ 0 uz j}l mnmur ~nullin 1lucl$.

3 cracked. 4 in I 553· Martin, 16 Dec.J 17:!4, notes 4· ·• Five," Davy, 2 1 july, JSJt.

127. COVE, NORTH , S . Botolph. r Thom:~s Gardiner Nor11•ich fecit 17 so. 2 Anno Domini 16 28.

All w

3 Tho. Gardiner Norwich fecit 17 so. Tho. Horth C. W.

3 Bells.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· DaYy notes the date on 2 1618 i n~tead of 1628, June 19, 1817.

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128. COVE, SOUTH, S. Laurence. r l.ldl. Bell CJ 5 z thrice. + 6r .i,:Jrtrus ~~~ 'Ettrnr 0 62 Ducat j'los lJ•1!!cua 1.7itc.

So illartin, zS June, 1750. "The rest of or Jowells as bells plate and other ornaments remayneth 10 tbe Costodye of the Township. "Certif. of James Hanse and Roger Spicer, 1 547·" 3 in •553·

Terrier rendered 18 :\1ay, 1827, "by computation 500 lbs. weight."

129. COVEHITHE S. A11dre·w. I No inscription. ~ . \ ll

\V \nnno Domini r 616

3 %mo Domini I 6z6. 1J 51.

4 1J so thrice.

5 Dells.

+ 61 liJrtru~ ~ll 'Etrmt 0 6z E}u(at ;[loiS l:J it!lCUil i!llilr. 5 '() so thrice. + 61 ~urn :l'\osa l~ul~ata 0 62 jl:lunbi jl:taria Votata.

So Davr, 17 June, tS17, s<\ve 1628 on 3rd. "Northalys," ccrtif., 13-l-71 no sale of bells. 5 [n 15;3· Well toned bells.

130. COWLINGE S. .i!Iargnrct. Tenor. Diam. 39 in. 5 Eells.

1, 2 Thomas Newman made me. Ex dono F. Dickins, Esq•., 1734·

.3, .J. John Briant Hertford fecit r8og. 5 T. Newm:tn made me. Stephen l'hillips & John Fenton,

C. \\' ardens. •• Great bells iij. Sancts bells j ." Return of 1553·

131. CRANSFORD S. Pder. 3 Bells. I W. B. Anno Domini 1594· z 0 52 thrice. + 47 1Lltt :flit .$-corn 0 <';ampa 1lnullc Uonotum.

3 Recast by John Warner &. Sons, London, 1878. Hung by <..:. Dny & Son, Eye.

1\f rs . .Borrctt \ Mrs. Pooley f G. T. Borrett f Donors. T. P. Borrett G. F. Pooley, M.A., C. C. C. C., Rector of Cransford. J. Dring } C d J. Flory hurchw:u ens.

"Great bells i1j.'' Return of 1553. The old tenor was inscribed, En ..{l:lullis l.lnnis, &c., and bore the same

marks as the znd. The rhyme-stop is not engraved, I think. Not in tune.

132. CRATFIELD S. J1lizry. Tenor a very good bell. 6 and Clock ben.

J Chapman & Mears of London fecerunt 1781. 2 J ohn Smyth of Norwod and Henry Fiske Chvrchwardens.

l\o Do 1593 W . .B.

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30so Q 86 AU \ \'

~nllO Domini 1618. 4 Cmtfeld. Henry Topscl, R. T. Ano lJm t585. 5 0 If with my fellowcs I doe agree

Then listen to our harmony. *W. D. G. S Chnchw:.mlens. W. B. r618.

6 0 ..j.S Per me fiddes imocantur ad pn:ccs. I63i· J. B. Clock bd1 + 47 \!:Jirginis l.;gtrgir + 47 ~ocot <!;ampana

jl:htlc lDrrg :lfor ~br .;;olr ®f llllilliam :Rir!]l!. So Davy, zz :\lay, 1807, with one or two involuntary variations. No re.

turn of bells in certif. of Symond Smyt.h and J ohn Bateman, C. \V., iiij Nov., 1547· The battlement to the tower was then built by the sale of "a peycr of Chalys a peyer of Sensors and a Crosse, the p•ce xxli.'' 4 and a Sance bell in 1553·

The Clock bell has a staple for a tongue, and is worn intemally. See PP· 41, 103.

Some of the cap1tals on the :md are of the :\orwicb medi::cval type, like Nos. 5-!, etc., and the A Js quite peculiar.

133. CREETING All Saints. Ecclesm destructa. "Great bells iij." l.Zeturn of 1553· T. :Martin, Sept., 173: .• "3 Bells (old ones).''

134. CREETI NG S . .Jlf,IIJ'· Diam. 39 in. 1 Bdl. Bell. Thomas G:trdiner fecit 1727,

"Great bells iij." Return of 15 33· Davy, 13 June, 1827, ''One bell whicl1 I did not examine." Hung in a

chestnut frame and wheel, diam. of latter 7 ft. On the wheel is ''Thomas Sharman, Churchwarden, 1 ...... F F (letters chipped off) 1733·"

135. CREETJNG S. 0/ml{:. Ecdesirr destructrr. No return in 1553•

136. CREETING S. Peter. Tenor. Diam. z7 in. 3 Bells. 1 Ricard\'S Bowler me fecit r6oo. 2 Thomas Gardin..:r Sudbury fecit 1 p.6. 3 Johannes Dri\·crvs T C. me feci t 1618.

"\Vest cretynge. Great bells iij. Sfi.Ilcts bells j." Return of 1 553· ., Notes, probably by Tom .\lartin, ~6 Sept., 1732, record "3 modern bells.

Davy, June 151

18271 apparently by mistake notes only two, inaccessibk. Treble cracked.

137. CRETINGHAM S. P t'ltr. 5 Dl!!ls. 1 J ohn Darbic made me 1661. 'J'. C. 2 John Darbie m::u.lc me 1661, H. C. 3 1J thrice. + 1I?rc :lfil .;:coru- 0 ~ampa il.autlr tJononi: 4 1J thrice. + €rlcfti !Hanna 0 Z ua l~rolr!S .tlo!S <!:l&rt ~nna.

• \\'illinm UoiVsing and Gre:;orie Smith.

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182 TilE C!IURCll fll::LLS OF SUI'FOLK.

5 1J thrice. + .§\ubbrnint Digna 0 i3onnnlibtt!S W.anc Itatnina. No return of bells in ccrtif. of iij 1-\ov., 1547· "Grent bells iiij." Return

of 1553· 3, 4, 5 .Norwich bdls. Sbiel<.l so, Cross 61, Rhymc·stop 62, I fed tolerably sure.

138. CROWFIELD All Saints. r Bell. liell. Rob•. Catlin fLcit rj.t.o.

From Davy, 1~ ~tay, 18~4. J in 1.)53·

139. CULFORD S. M.try. I Bdl. Bell. Thomas Newman made nn: 1704

"Great bells iij.'' l{(.lturn of 1553. Davy, 18 1\ug., 1829, "one bell."

140. CULPHO S. BoMplt. 1 Bcll. Bdl. l\liles t:r:~yc mndc m~ 1G41 (cracked).

"Cvlsfo ... Great bells ij.'' Return of 15 ;J.

141. DALHAM S. JlfarJ'· 5 Bells. J Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1755· 2 S IJt ffiA'fP'IU S!ltUrltBIDD€: 0 (Stuteville). Per

/'<tit', arg. tllld Stt. <l sa/lire m:;railcd cri/Uit( <IIIIi

3 S I:fl


I nm the second ill tiegree And will in tune nnd time agree. John Draper made me 16~ 7.

!HA'4,fl!1'1.1 S!J.:U1J.t13IDD€: 0 his arms. 1 nm thc third and you shall her l\Ic beare my part, and sound most clccrc. Johtl Draper made me 1627.

4 Sir Ja•. Afflc:ck Hart., and J crerniah :;\fuon: Church­wardens. Cha$, D. i>I. Drake Rector.

This hell was recast uy Wm. Dobson, Dow11hnru, ~orfolk, A.D. 1832.

5 0 so thrice. + 61 J:um l\ofa ~~lulfata 0 6:2 Jl:Tuntli jtlada i!liocata. Sir M.S. <.lied suddenly while smokihg at the Bell at Thetford. See Rous's

Uiary. See also Gawdr l\lSS., p. t 16. H is daughter Anne married james de Grey of .Merton, who d1ed in 166;.

"Great bells iiij.'' Return of 1553· Davy could not get the key.

142. DALLINGHOO S . .3/..r'J'· Tenor G. Diam. 37 in.

1 c. W. ~I. L. F. L. F. H. M. 1592.

z Richard Phelps made me J 7.32. 3 0 so thric~.

4 .Bdls.

+or ~i.lUfU!S Ql) 'Etcrnr 0 62 Ducat !}of! Pallwa 'iiilr. 4 Thomas Gardiner made me 1 7 15.

''Great bells iiij." Return of 1.)53· Hawes says "3 by !\Iiles Graye, 5 formerlr,'' and l\lartin, 1745, says 3·

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143. DARMSOEN S. Amlm,•. 1 Bell. Bell. John \.oldsmith fecit 1710 Santa :\[ari:l.

~o return of bells in cerdf. of irj Nov., 1 H7· probabl}· r. Left blank in 1553. U.wy, q Sept ., 1827, "One bell ... no ladder."

144. OARS HAM All S.Tints. 1 John Brcnd made mcc 11)56. 2, ·I John Ilrenu made me 1656. 3 0 65 thrice. + l:anrtt (3ic) <9poniil (!) ra l Jro !lobi!'i.

T he churcbe re,·es of Darsham, John Ren: and Robt. 13ackler, A•. 1547, cerufy to the sale of" j peyer of handbells for the p•ce of ijs. 1iiid." 3 in 155J.

Ua"y, 3 June, 18oS. gets the numbers wron~. and reads il:bomil on the Tenor. (!)poma is for 3polloniil. See Cambrid;, .skirt, p. 1::6.

First four of a ri,·c m G, all maiden, in tunc.

145. DEBACH All St1ints. In F. Diam. 23~ in. t Dell. Bell. Xo inscription.

No return of bells in certif. of tiij :"\m•., 1 547· "!Jebedge ... Grcat bells ij ." Return of l j ;J. Davy (27 .:\Ia)', 1R:J3I, found it it1acces,;ible .

146. DEBENHAM S. Jlary. Tr.:nor 1 ton, in E. Diam. 44 in. 8 Bells.

1, 3, 6 Lester & Pack of London ft::cit r;6r. 2 Lester 6.: Pack ft:cJt 1 ;61. 4 Lester & Pack of London fecit. Tho•. Kersey q61. 5 T ho•. ::\It::ars of London fet.lt 1 i'J3· 7 Lester & Pack. of London fecit. Edw-1. Vavie .\: J•0.

Orford Ch. \\'.ud.:n~ 1 ;6r. 8 In 1\'edlock's bands all yc who join

".ith hands your hearts unnc So shall our tuneful t ongues combine

To laud the nupt1<1l rite. [The Rev<~ . ::\1•. Ja•. CluiJb \'icar: The Rev.~. ;\fr. Robert

Leman Curate, mgraz•td]. So Davy substant ially, but without a date to 4, and 1795 on 5· •· Gret bells v." Return of 1553·

147. DENHAM S. Johll Baptist. 1 Bell. Bell. t6I+ l. IJ.

3 in 1 jiJ. Da,·r, 16 June, JFOI), notes one bell. Sec p. 109.

148, DENHAM S. Jlfary. In F. lliam. ::tin. I Bell. lldl . :\o in~cription.

"Great bells ij." Re~urn of 1553· Long-warstcd, and apparent))' old.

149. DENNINGTON S .. Jifary (line l;clb). 5 Bells. 1 V 52 thrice. + ::=aneta jHaria (!)ra Pt o ,i lobis. :1 + -l7 ;jfar Jtlar~arr l a 0 4~ Jlobis 11?rr .ftlunrr,, Z!.cra. 3 1 ~aneta ~boma (l)ra pro 1 t obis. 4- .\nno Domini 1628. \\'. 1 B. Omnis Sonvs r.wdd


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5 1666 Anno Orbis inr cndio rcdempti vrbis pcrempt:-c. Gvi l. J1ell T . 1'. \'icarius.

j ohn Darbie made me. 5 and a Sance bell in 15 53· So Davy and Jermyn, Au:,t. 5, 1So6. Gillingwater, 10 :\lay, 179S, notes 5·

Terrier, 3 July, 17531 11 Five large bells. the Tenor of 25 cwt., the other

proportionable." ' 1\luch curious matter in parish accounts. The bell.frame is athwart the

tower, which has been built around it . Part of the capstan forms a beam.

150. DENSTON S. Nichu/,tr. 2 Dells. t v 65 thrice. + ~aneta 0 !ilaria 0 @rn 0 ,Vro 0 .[lobis. 2 'CJ 65 thrice. + ~ancte 0 l)Jttrc 0 ~ta 0 ~~ro 0 .{lobi~.

"Denarston ... Great beils iij." Return of I553· No notes. Davy. l\lr. Deedes notes these as 1 and 3 of a trio, a~ the

midrlle pit is vacant. The usual failure has of course resulted from an attempt to cut the crack out of 2.

151. DEPDEN S. .!lfi.rr;•. T enor. Di::un. 36 in. 3 Bells. t Q 6 5 thrice. + 67 ,Sanclt 0 [..{l!co)lac 0 e ra 0 l?ro 0 tlobi~. 2 0 65 thrice. + 67 ,Sancia 0 1tnnn 0 <9ra 0 l,!J ro 0 .[lobi~. 3 Ric ardvs Bowler me fecit t Goo.

(A bnnd between each word, and six Eli1A1heth coins on the sound-bow.)

"Debden ... Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553· ~o notes. Davy. Notes C, A~, and A.

152. DRINKSTONE All Sai1tts. Tenor. Diam. 39 in. 6 Be lls.

1 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1 7 i 1.

Church W arden. Henry l'Jume

2 Henry Pleasant made me 1696. F. P . 3, 5 Mears & Stninhank, founders, London, I869. 4 H enry Pleasant made me 1696. 6 Reginald Sayer, Tho. Coeksedge C.\\'. H enry Pleasant

made me 1695· ''Great bells iiij . Sancts Bells j." Return of •553· Davy notes 3 and 5 like the rest, but" P. C." for" F. P." Tenor cracked. Notes of the others F, D~, Ci, C, A;.

153. DUNNINGWORTH S. JIItzry. E cdesia dulructa. No return in 1553· The church was stallding and in

use in the year I 561. Davy.

154. DUNWICH All Saints. Ecclesia dutructa. See extracts from Gardiner, 1734, No mention of

bells in certif. of iiij Kov., 1547. 3 in 1553. "The steeple appears in tolerable repa1r: r remember a tllan who had

occupied a farm at Yoxford, and whose name was Parker, ooing convicted and transported for stealing, I think, one of the bells and some of the lead." Davy, 24 Oct., 1839·

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155. DUNWICH .S: Jaum. c. 5 cwt. Bell. T. i\fears of London fec1t 183z.

Coeval with the church, given by Frederick Darnc, Esq.

156. DUNWICH S. Jvlm Baptist. F.rdtsia destruct a. 1'\o return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1 H7· 3 in 1 553·

157. DUNWICH S. Lronard. Ecdesia dulrucl<f· No return in •553·

158. DUNWICH S . .A/arlin. Erclnia deslntcla. ~o return in 1 553·

159. DUNWICH S. Nichoku. Efd.sia &slrurla. No return in 1 553·

160. DUNWICH S. Fdcr. Ealesia dutrurta. No retum of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1 H7· 3 in 1553·

I Bell.

161 , EASTON All Snint1. 5 Gdls. r Thomas Gan.liner Sudbury fecit 1731. 2 T. Osborn fecit 1 791.


R eY. J .odcr Allen, Rector. J oseph Rust Ch. \\'arden. 3 Mile<> Graie made me T627· ]. r:. 4 + fiUSSVS V€1\0 PI€ GABlp€Ii B€1\lll Ii€IJIA

mAytr e. 5 Recast by J ohn Warner & Sons, London, rSS4.

T his bell wa~ cast and the peal rehung at the expense of the Llukc of H nmilton, A.V., 1 8~4.

Hung hy (.;. Day & Son, Eye·. "Creal bells iiij." Return of •553· No returnofbells in ccnif. ofiiJj Xov., •547· The places are still visible in the under-chamber where the beams were:

built in. The old tenor, hke the 4th, was of the " Burlingham" type, inscribed + SPeS llOS:f.ll,1.. SAiiV S n OS:rtytA 0 B€A.Il~A :f.l\IniiJIAS. It bore shield Ko. 64.

162. EASTON BAVENTS S. ilfttl'f:arrt. Ecdesia des/meta. 3 in 1553, either in thib Church or the next.

163. EASTON BAVENTS S. Nicholas. Eccksia destructa. Sec No. 16:!.

164. EDWARDSTONE S .. t.Vtzry·. r ;\fr. Cook and X'tting C W. 1 ;o9. z Tv ned by \\'m. C\·lpeck 1 71 o. 3 Miles Gmye made me 1640. 4 ;\files Grnyc made me 16.p . 5 Miles Gmye made me 1663. 6 Ahout ly ~eroml Cdpcck is wrctt

Bcca\':iC thl fm11dcr wanted welt Thair j\IJgment:; ware bn uad :n I.Hl Or dec.· thio; hell I nc:ver h::td c:&st.

Tho. ( ;ardmt:r.

6 Bells.

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Seep. 142. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, ~lay ZJ, 18z9, lea1•es out" tuned by" on 2. 4 "16fi3·" He cou!d

not read the Tenor.

165. ELEIGH , BRENT, S. Jllmy. 3 Dells. 1 0 8r Thomas Cheese 0 Sz made me 1629. 2 0 S 1 Thomas 0 82 Cheese m:ule me J 632. 3 (arabesque) ]e.1.ms 0 8 r Edbwy 0 82 1612.

"Drondylly ... Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Davy, Oct. 25, 1826," 1, 1632," al. sim.

166. ELEIGH, MONKS, S. Pt'A'1·. r. llellt-t T. Oshorn fecit I 790. 2 l\liles Graye made me .M 163::!. 3 Miles (;r:tye made me ~r 1637. -+ 0 65 thrice. + 67 <9ril 0 68 ilaurcnti 0 68 l3ona 0 68 <!rampan3

0 68 ~i.lari. S 0 ASSVffil?!£.A; E:s:r.; ffiAJliA; 1'1.1 ! CE:DVID. 6 :\Iiles Graye made me ~1. 1638.

See,p. 10. "Mounhylle ... Great bells iiij." Returns of 1 553· Davy, Oct. 25, 1826. Imperfect, but accordant notes. •· 31 .1>Iar, 1737.

There were only 5 bells."

167. ELLOUGH All Sai11ts. Tenor. Di:tm. 32 in. 3 Bells. I 0 AVE: : ffiA'l\IA : G'lli\ CIA : :fiD€:llA

DOIDITIVS : lll€:CVffi. z The Revd. Rob'. Lemon Rector. John \\'arne Ch.

Warden I 763. Lester & l)ack of London fecit. 3 Anno l>omini 1597.

Seep, 7*· So in substance, Davr, June 1, 1So8. "Great bells iij." Return of I553·

168. ELM HAM, SOUTH, All Saintj·, Kote C. 1 Dell. Bell. Anno Domini t 6o3.

"Pochia omn Scor in Sowthe elmehm ... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Here were three bells till about 6o years ago. It is said that two were

sold to Southwold, where there was recasting and addition in 18::8. The following note is from the Churchwardens' book:-

"Cr. By C<lsh of 1\Ir. Burgess for :: Bells. \V<. 10 cwt. 1 qr. 3 lbs. at 6~d. £31 3 5

Dr. Allowed ?.Ir. Bur~ess for Tare nnd Trct in the weight of Bells 8 I

Ceo. Durrant Churchwarden.'' That this is true there can be little doubt, for Davy records 3 bells,

" 1 Laudes (for laudet) Dco in...... :: Anno Domini r6o]. 3 ... ora PIO ... " Now the South wold 6th bears, " En il.-trP.M anb in 1::7o il.aubr5 Dro," which

Davy may well be excused for not deciphering. This was, according to him, the largest of the three.

169. ELMHAM, SOUTH, S. George. 1 J Taylor & Son, Founders, Loughborough,

]. Hurry, Nonl"ieh, Agent. z anno llomini 161o AB


5 Bells. IS -+-f.

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3 v 6-J. + AV€ : ffiA"lVA : G}\ACIA : "QiienA: DW:>: !J.1€CY.

-+ V 51 thrice. + 61 .['lo~ ~flomr jUrriti:> 0 6:: .!Hmamur ~nubin i!ttd~. 5 john Brcnd made me r6:;5.

See P• 61. "Sandcroft in Sowlvilla ... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· IJavy notes four, which he did not venture to in~pect.

170. ELM HAM, SOUTH, S.James. Tenor. Diam. 31~ in. in C;i. 4 Bells.

t R. B. 166::. :: Thomas .Newman made mec 1707. Joseph Barber C.W. 3 +JOHAnnes : B~.ovn: me : BeCIYI' : B i erti. 4 Anno Domini I s~!r. I. B.

Dells not in tune. Seep. 7-l- · R. B . for Ralph Brend. Jlio sale of bells in certif. of 1547. "Great bells iij. Sancts j." Return

of 15 53· Dovy dates z J i04, crosses 3 and 4, and could not read JOHAU:OeS on 3·

171. ELMHAM, SOUTH, S. Jfttrgaret. 5 Bells. I 1 2, 3 John Hrend made me I6Si· -+ '.Rnno Domini r 62 7.


"' 5 0 5 I thrice. ~nno i3omini 1596. W. B.

So Davy, save that he rends " 1586" for 1 ;96. " Great bells iiij." Return o[ 1553·

172. ELM HAM, SOUTH, S. ,Jfii:had. A good clear bell. 1 Dell.

Bell. C. & C~. ::\Ienrs, founders, London, 1847· "Great bells iij." Return of 1 553· "Only 1 bell,'' Davr.

173, ELM HAM, SOUTH, S. Nidwlas. Ecclesi"a destrucl(l. "Great bells iiij. Sa nets Belts j," Retum of 15 53· " The church is now entirely demolished." Davy.

174. ELMHAM, SOUTH, S . Peter. T enor. Dinm. 3-tt in. Note BD. 3 B~lls.

1 Q 9 four times. 2 0 1 1 four times. + 15 ]obi1nnrs 0 r6 <Cti~ti 0 16 eare 0 r6 Dignnrc

0 16 Pro 0 r6 flobill 0 r6 Orarc. 3 0 8 four times. + r 5 ~um 0 16 ~nbrirl 0 16 §nta 0 16 jl:Tacir. 0 1 Ci

~um 0 16 <Comit<tl•l• See p. 17. Well-toned bells. . .. " No sale of bells in certif. of 1 5-l7· "Great bells HJ. Return of Tj)J.

(The same three hung in the tower m t88g.)

175. ELMSETT S. Pdtr. Notes C and A#- 2 Dells. I Thomas + Gardiner + Sudbury + fecit + 1 726 (two


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2 Miles Craye made me 1636. Pits for two others, which ar<! said to be in Stowmarket tower. "Great

bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy by mistake, zo :\lay, 18:!9," 1 Bell."

176. ELMSWELL S . Jolm E t'angdlsl. Tenor. Diam. -1-ol in. 5 Bells.

1 Robard Gnney ~made me ~ 16io· W M. T. F. 2 De 0 82 Bvri 0 82 Snnti 0 8~ Edmondi 0 82 Stefam·s

0 Sz Tonni 0 Sz me 0 8:! fecit 0 Sa WL 0 81 1582 0 8J.

3 Q 65 thrice. + .§anctt 0 Etlmunllt 0 <!lra 0 l/)ro 0 jilo"bis. 4 John Daruie made me 1677. 5 :1)olm i3raptr .,,..,, me 1616 (cracked).

"Great bells iij ." Return of r 553· Davy, 11 June, 1827, imperfect notes, but correct as far as they go.

177. ELVEDEN S. Andmt1. 1 nell. Bell. John Darbie made me r664.

"Eh•edene ... Great bells iij ." Return of ' 553· Davy, 24 Aug., 1829, notes one bell, but gives Ringers' Rules, dated Sept.

19, 17071 showing that there was at that time a ring of bells in this tower , copied by jennyn, 1817.

178. ENDGATE S .. JI!ary.

Ecclesia destruc/a. " I ngate. Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Church taken down 1577· Bells, lead, etc., sold for £76 18 4, which was

given to Dunwich on account of losses sustained there. See W. J. A. in Eas/ Sujfolk Ca~eflt!1 Aug. 9• 1887.

179. ERISWELL S . L aurence. Ecdesiu deslrucla. No return in 1553·

180. ERISWELL S. Peter. r, 2 Tho•. Osborn founder 1795·

Warden. 3 Tho. G:mlincr made me I7 43.

3 Bells. John Spark Church

So Davy, 2 1 Aug., 18::!8. " Great bells vj." Return of 1353·

181. ERWARTON S. Jlimy. llcl l. C . Newman made me J7oo.

Fisher C. W. So Davy. 1 and Sance bell in 1553·

182. EUSTON S . Gmevier•e. ', 2 , 3 Henricvs l'lensant me fecit qo r. 4 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 30. 5 Domini T home Hanmeri ll:uonetti.

Anno Domini 17ot. H. P. •• Great bells iij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1353· Davy, 4 July, 18_.3, "Five."

1 Bell. R. Sporll. IY

5 Bells,

183. EXNING S . .tliar/liJ, 5 and Clock hell. I, 2, 3, 4 j ohn 1Jraper made me 162.3.

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11\~CR !PTlOX ..

5 C. & G . . \tears, founders, London, 1 S.JS· Willlam Fyson } CI h \\' d John Dohede 1urc ar ens. Clock bell. T. ?llears of London fecit. wm Fyson } Th~s. Bryant Church Wardens 1831. Late the gift of Francis Shepherd Esq'., 1723,

"Eycenyng Halfe Hundred :-Eycenyng ... Grcat bells iiij . Sancts Ilells j ." Return of 1553.

184. EYE S S. Pcflr and I'mtl. 8 Bells. t Ex dono Gulielmi Brampton generosi Anno Domini q21

2 Pack & Chapman of London fccemnt. Simon Cook Churchwarden t i79·

3 Thomas Rust oppidi Pr:efecto J. Stephens made us 3 J72l.

4 Let us rejoice our King reston}. Samt. Gowing Dan! Sewell Ch. Wardens. T. Osborn fecit 1789.

5 0 God continue thy tender mercies to the King. D:mt. Sewell S:un'. Gowing, Ch. Wardens. T. Osborn fecit 1789.

6, 8, 1\-liles Craye made me r64o. 7 1J 51 thrice. + 6 t Bonn 1\rprnbr ~ia 0 62 ~\ogo ;fl>Tagbahnn ,!anrla.

So Davy, 17 and 18 June, 1809. 5 a nd a Sance bell in 1553· !:iperhng notes the tenor as in £;, 24 cwt. Comparison of dimensions of 7th :md Tenor :-

7 8 ft. in. fl. in.

Height in full 3 ok 2 To! , to shoulder 2 6k 2 6

Diam. lip 3 6t 1 4 o Circum. at inscription ... 6 4 6 nt

Eye Town H all possesses an old bell without inscription, but ;~ppare.ntly from London, c. 1350. Till the last century it used to hang in a spi re which formerly surmounted Eye tower. Very likely the original Sance bell.

185. EYKE All SaiNts. 3 Bells. 1 No inscription. z Henry Pleasant made me 1 j06. 3 Q 55 thrice.

+.§aneta 0 J}:lafin 0 ®ta 0 ~10 0 flobis. So Davy, 12 Sept. 1807. l\Iar tin (no date) notes 5• From Hawes :-1.

2 Henry Pleasant made me 17o6. 3 .:;oatuta - ®ra tJro ~ob is. 4 }fn ftlnltitr, &c. 5 Miles Graye made me t63o.

" Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Returns of 15;3. Faculty for selling t wo bells in Davy.

186. FAKENHAM, GREAT, S. Pctrr. T enor A#. C, 8 C\\'t,

3 Dells.

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r + $.1nrta : ntilrlit : orn : pro : nobis. 2 Ue Dni Santi Edmondi Stefam-s Tonni me fecit 1572. 3 K l~. r667.

"Great uells iij." Returns of 1553· Da,}·, no notes.

187. FAKENHAM, LITTLE, S. A11drtw. Etcles1i1 dtslrudrJ. No return in 1533·

188. FALKEN HAM S. Etlulbert. 4 Bells. ', z 1 ohn Darbie made me 1 666. 3, 4 ~rho. G:ndioer Sudbury fecit tpS.

So Davy, 15 July, 18::g. Xo retum of bells in certif. of iiij i\ov., 15-U· "Great bells uij." Return of l H3·

189. FARNHAM S. Mary. I T. s. T. P. '590. 2 q(nno i'Jomin! 163 t .

v so. So Davy. Diameters ::ft. :lin., 2ft. 3~in. Xo clappers. "Great bells iij." Return of 1 )53·

:: Bells.

190. FELIXSTOWE SS. Peter and Paul. r Ilell. Bell. ).files Graye made me 1627.

"ffylsto"·e. Great bells j." Return of 15 53· Davy, 15 July, 182g, 1 Dell.

191. FELSHAM S. Peter. Tenor. Di:tm . .;st in. in F.

1 Robard ~~ GHney made me 0 r66S. 2, 4 IIIiles C:rayc made me :\L t6J8. 3 U 65 thrice.

6 Dells.

+ 67 ,.Silllcta 0 'Rnnil 0 0u 0 ~.lro 0 J}obi$. 5 John Warner ::md Sons, London, rll87. 6 ~Iiles Graye made me :\I. 1639.

"ffeltham ... Grent bells iiij.'' Re. of '553· Dm·y, "6 bells and a clock." T he old sth hare iJ 5 J thrice, with + 6 I, 0 62, and Dona 1\cpcnbc.


192. FIN BOROUGH, GREAT, S. Alttlt'cw. Yery small. 1 Bell.

Bell. Josephus Carter me fecit 0 r6o9. 3 in 1553· Xotes, probably by ;\[artin, 15 April, 1756, Tecord three bells;

the Terrier of 1784 mentions bl!t one. The tower fell in 1819; Davy, June 13 and 14, 1827, names a single bell hanging in a cupola,

193. FINBOROUGH, LITTLE, S. Bartholomc:u. r Bell. Bell. }io inscription.

2 in J 553· Davy, June q, 1827, notes a single bell within the roof of the nave, at the west end, and that the steeple was standing within the memory of some of the present inhabitants.

194. FINNINGHAM S. Ba,•tholonuw. 3 Dells. r Thomas Lester & Tho•. Pack fecit 1 7 5~· ~ Q so thrice.

+ 61 @{rginls @grrgir 0 62 i!:Jocor Campanct fl:iatic.

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3· Ko inscription. 3 in I553· Da1ry, 2:! Ju ly, 1838, notes 3· The third apparentlr a very old uell, with

beadings, and hght cannons. long ll.trrel, sharp shoulder, 110

195. FLEMPTON S . Catherine. 1 Hell. Bell. Percutc Dulce Cano. T. Osborn fecit q !!6.

"Great Bells iij." Return of 155:1 · Tom Martin, c. 17::-1 , notes ''Tue steeple half down, th ree bells.'' Sec Davy's further notes.

196. FLIXTON S. Andn·w. E r:desia destrTt,·tcl. No return in 1553.

197. FLIXTON S. Nary. 1 Bdl. 13c11. No inscription.

N o return of bells in certif. dated iii j NO\•., 1547. "fftyxon ... Great bells iiij.'' 1-tcturn of 1 553·

The late Rcvd. H . \ Varren, Vicar, informed me that there were three bells formerly, the inscriptions on the other two b"ing

+ jl1iffus i&cro ~:Jir <!Pabtitl :Jfnt i!rta .!Harir, and + ~urfumus <an'brra .:f.Famulorum ~ufcipc Wota . D:wy s account is intended to agree with this. Here the late Sir R .

Shafto Adair placed a large Dish-bell bearillti twice the arms and motto of his family, and inscribed, micnltr E:rbllembs Domino. ;!Hear:! me §ccit MDCCCLVII . It was struck on the outside with a large hammer, and emitted a somewhat broken, boomin1r sound, very effective a t a distance. After some years' use it lJecame cracked, and was sold to help to buy an organ.

198. FLOWTON S. l!ftliJI. JJciJ. No inscription.

3 in 1553 ,

199. FORDLEY Holy Trinity. Ecclesirt destrucltJ . 3 in 1553·

1 Bell.

200, FORN HAM All .~niuts. 4 Bells. 1 , :! j ohn ])roper made me 1623. 3 Q 50 thrice. + 6t !Qac En ~Onrl.ur D 6::: <!iia&ricl f}ttl\t :@angc ~uabr. 4 John Drapt:.rmademe I U2<f-

11 Great bells iij.'' Retum of '553· Davy has mistaken "Draper" for " Darbie," a nd put a cenlur)' on the dates.

201. FORNHAM S. Cmtz•t'c-i:c. E cdesia dut r11da. "fiornham Genofcfye .. . Great bells ij." Return of

1553, •• T hree bells." i\lat·lin?

202. FORN HAM S. Aft1rtin. 6 Bells. t , ::, 3, 4, 5, 6 C. & G. Me:us, Founders, London, 1 8-~.J. .

"Great bells iij." Return of 1353 Three bells noted by Davy, but no inscriptions.

203. FOXHALL All Saints. Ecclt'Sia dulrllctrt. 1' ffoxhall. Chalice one, wayinge 1 iJOZ. (j'. Great

bells ns ( = nescio).''

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204. FRAMLINGHAM s. ilfiduul. 1 John Stephens of Xorwich made me 1718. 2 John Stephens fecit 17 18. Prosperity to aU my bene­

factors . .3 John Stephens made me rpo. -1- 0 so thrice. + 61 il?ac fn Coclabr 0 62 <Sabrld ,lluc Pangr ~uabr. 5 V so thrice. + 6r Uirginis <!Zgrrgir 0 6z ®ocor <!;~mjina ~Hark 6 Omnis Som·s bvdet Domim•to Anno Domini 1583. 7 Anno Domini r 6:?z. \\'.I. H. S Per me fidelcs convocantur ad preces I. S. 1 7 1 S. Thomas

:\fvlliner Moses llvry C. \V.

~o return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1.)47· "Great bells v. 53ncts bells j." Return of 1553. 7th a bad bell. ·

J\lany bequests "novo Campanili,'' from 1497-1534, by Christinna Durrant, Margery Spinke, Tho Skimming, Rob, :\ laggs, Joan Trussc, Joh. JJotson de Saxstcd, &c.

1 n 1657 a si~th bell was bought, probably of John Brcnd. partly by con­tribution, partly by the sale of timber. l\lr. Alexander, a Town feoffee, gave £ ro. This is the second or third eight in the county, Horham being the nrst, and Bungay S. M ary's old eight completed in the same year with Framlingham.

205. FRAMSDEN S. Jl'!tuJ'· Tenor 16 cwt. 8 Bells. 1 and 2 Gift of Rt Honourable \\'ilbraham Earl of Dysart,

11>14. T . .;\!ears of London fecit. 3 WiJ1m. Dobson, Downham, 1809. 4 ~o inscription . 5 Sir Lionel T ollemache, Ea.rl of Dysart, Baron of Hunt·

ingtower Bart and Kt. of the most ancient order of the T histle, who died Il·£arch 1oth, 177o, recast these bells to complete the peal.

Pnck & Chapman of London fecit 1770. 6 H enry Pleas:mt made me t 706. 7 T. J\I ears of London fecit 1 Srs . S Sir Lionel Tollcmachc, Earl of Dysart, Baron of Hunt­

ingtowcr Bart and K' of the most ancient order o f the Thistle, who died :\farch 1oth, 1770, left by will this bell.

Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1772. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547· "Great bells iiij." Return

of 1 ;53. D avy records 3 as bearing the same inscription as 5 : and 7, "Renovata Sencctus in tlorem rcdeat. John Robers, A.l\T., Vtcar, John Revell, Ch. \Varden, 1740."

206, FRECKENHAM S. Andrew. 5 Bells. 1 William Dobson Fecit Downham Norfolk rSog . 2, 3 John Dr::tper made mee r6z3. 4 The Rc,<~, H. Bates Rector Wm, 1\'estrop and \\'m,

Mainprice Churchwardens 1809. 5 T. Osborn fecit 1792.

"ffrnkenham ... Great bells iiij. Sancts llclls j." R eturn of 1553· The same inscriptions, but allotted to 1\'rong bells by Da\·y, zr Au~., 18~9.

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207. FRESSINGFIELD SS. Ptt<r and P.wl. 8 Bells. r, 2 T. Mears of London fecit I81 9. 3 Thomas K ewman made me 17 .p. 4 i\fr. T. Sancroft & P. James C. W. 1741 .

T. Newman mnde me. 5 George Mc:ns, founder, London, 1866. 6,; Thomas Mears of London f~it J8 17, S Q so thrice.


+ 42 ~corutn lfl'ctiti5 0 481;Jiln!tlllll\ISI <i:antica iLaubil!. See pp. 43• 83. 7 a little flat. No return of bells in certif. of iij 1\ov., 1547. 4 and a Sance bell in 1553.

Jermyn and Davy were here, 14 Oct., 18o6. They note 3 and 4 as they are now, 5 like 4 (as it was at my visit, IIi ;.\larch, 1 862:), 6, Dona litl)rn11t, &c., and 7, Omnis Sonus laudet Dominum 1632. I. B. On the crown 1. A. R. A, See Gi\lingwater's extract for the opening of the complete eight.

The 5th, which ringers think inferior to its predecessor, was recast after an accident whfle \Villiam Riches was ringing in a course of 7?.0.

T here seemed to be no cause for the sudden cracking of the bell, so \V, R. tells us.

208, FRESTON S. Peter. Bell. Ricard\'S Bowler me fecit 16oo.

1\ o return of bells in certif. of 15~7· 3 in 1553· A good bell. Davy, by mistake, 166o. L'EstJange, p. 65, mistakes this parish for Friston. The Visitation Records of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk (1674) mention an

order for a new bell to be provided in place of an old one, which had been sold. This order was repeated in 1675. In 1689 ' 'the great be1l " is mentioned.

209. FRISTON S •. Afar;'. 3 Bells. 1 Johannes Driven's me feci t 16q. 2 Q so thrice.

+ ®ucfumu!l ~nbrra 0 62 §nmutorum J;ufcipr 1.'~"ota. 3 No inscription.

So Davy. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553·

210. FRITTON S. Edmund. , n c11. Bell. M. Sydnor Esquier. 1598.

"ffrcton ... Great bells ij." Return of f553· I n Reeve's Historical Collection two bells are mentioned.

211. FROSTEN DEN All Sain/1. + CAmPAnA : omnnrm 3 Bells.

Sll:OCll'Ol'\Vffi (cracked).

2 John Drend made me 1639· (Xotc B.) 3 0 : 0 : UGO : BBA'f\l\ : P'f\0

DE:VE:XO'l?lA ~ (Kote A).

So Davy, 3 Sept., 1837· Treble llrobablr an early London bears " Burlingham" lettering. See p. 6o. .

No return of bells in certif. ofiiij Xo\' ., Jj47· 3 111 J3 53·

: 1101318 :

bell. Tenor

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212. GAZEL EY All Saints. Weight 1o cwt. 6 Bells 1 1\ grateful stram boys let us sing

To praise the name of .Messrs. King \\'edge, Cornell, Norman, Hynes, and Fyson, Death, Barnes, Staples, also Wilson, P.y whose kind and generous aid !(leader of this peal) was made John Briant fecit AD. tSoS.

2 Pack & Chapman of London Fecit Iii5· 3 Whilst thus we join in chearful sound

~lay Love and Loyalty al•ound Pack & Chapman of London Fecit 17 7 5

4 Ye ringers all thnt prize Your health and happiness

Be sober merry wise And you'll the same possess.

Pack & Chapman of London Fecit 1775· s In Wedlock's l.><'lnds all yc who join

"'ith hands your hearts unite So shall our tuneful tongues cornhinc

To laud the nuptial rite. Pack & Chapman of London Fecit J775·

6 Wllliam Brewster and Richd. Hynes Churchwardens 17 7 5· Pack & Chapman of London Fecit.

"Great bells v." Return of 1553· No note. DaY)'·

213 . GEDDING. :1 Bells. De Bvri Santi Edmondi.

1 Stcfanus Tonni me fecit 157z. z De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanus Tonni n1e fecit 1572.

Omnia lovam lavdent animantia. ~ o return in 1553. "z bells and a small Pully.'' Davy.

214. GIPPING. 1 Rell. Bell. Charles Tyrell, Esq., Patron. Recast Anno Dom: tSr ::. Gipping Chapel.

r in 1553·

215. GISLEHAM Jloly Trinity. Diams. zS & 34 in. z Bells. 1, 2 Anno Domini 1627 AH


So Davy. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1 H7· "Great bells iij." Return of 1553·

216. GISLINGHAM S.ilf.zr;•. InE.,intune. Tenor. Diam 45~in. 6 Hells.

r Cast by William Dobson of Downham Norfolk r8I.J.. 2, 3, 4 l\Iiles Graye made rue 164t. s John Darbie made: rue 1671. 6 John Darbic made me 167 t. G. S. C. \V.

4 in 1553· Fine.toned bells.

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I~SCRil'TIONS. 195

217. GLEMHAM, GREAT, All Saints. 5 Hells. 1 1J 52 thrice. + 61 t!lcc jfit .Srotum 0 62 iltampa 1l. ,1ubr lJonotum. 2 T homas Gardiner fecit 1722 .

3 lJ 52 thrice. + 61 jl:lunttr l:}npti!lte D 6:z UtndlictUII ~lt <!£!)otull llfte. 4 Anno Domini I599· 5 + 14 1J 23 + 14 .;;1nn t\ofa ~~u(!lnta j!l unbi j}1ntia

l:Iocata. So Davy. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547· "Creal bells

v." Return of 1553 .

218. GLEMHAM , LITTLE, S. Andrew. T enor. Diam. 44 in. F#. 3 Hells.

1 Thomas Osborn Do"'nham l'\orfolk ' fecit I799· John Cottingham Churchwarden.

z De R\·ri Santi Edmondi Stefnnvs T onni me fecit I 5 74· 3 Little Glcmbam ~ovembt:r 1749· Cast by Thomas

Lester of London. So Davy. No relurn of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547 "Great bells

iij." Return of 15 53·

219. GLEMSFORD S . .ftfary. 1 T ho•. ~lears of Lonclon fecit 1830. z, 3 ;\liles Graye made me 1659. 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury feci t r 7 S·l· 5 Tho•. Mears of London fecit 183o.

Rer. Wm. Uutts, Rector. R ev. E. D. Butts, Curate. Ambrose Jefferys } Churchwardens. Charles lligg

6 Charles Newman made mce t 6S6. William Stanby l Churchwardens. John Tomson J

c Bells.

Da vy, Aug. 18, 1811. No notes. "Great bells v." Relurn of 1553· Nov. 16, 1698, "\Vm. Tamplin for hanl::ing the tenor and mending the

other bells, 9/6." P. Ace.

220. GORLESTON S. Andrew, 6 Rells. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 :i\lears & Stainbank, founders, London, 1873. 6 ]\•fears & Stainlmnk, founders, London, 1873.

T his peal of hells dedicated to the honor and glory of God and the use of the p..'lrish church of St. Andrew's Gorlt:ston by Mirinm Chc\allicr Roberts born at Southtown in that p.1.rish li.IJ. 1853·

T he old 4 were thus inscribed :­I Q soABQS6.

\V 1619. Dame Chambt!rlin Xpofcr l'oope.

~ (seep. 4~) + L All1 : Jl1Al): In : Y€ WO~CH€1?€ : Ol:l Ye : c~os. + SA'flClll€ : nYCHOliA€ ; O~A : 1?~0 : nOBIS.

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3 \nthony Taylor, "'m. Cross Ch.\\'ardens 1703. Lo.:stcr & Pack of London fc:cit.

-1 \,1 so .\B V 86. w

John Belton, Dame Chamberlin, Xpofer Poopc, Church­\\ardcns t6t9.

·• iiiJ No'., 1 j-17· Certif. of Erasmus ffox and and Barnard Sudbru Chyrchewardens thcr. \Ve s•tefye that the to"·neshypp have sold one Cros!>e of sulur and one sensr of syJur to the value and sma of xiiijli i1ijs. yerys sence. The whyche xliijli is bestowyd ''P.P.On a ncwe bellfframc to the bells and a new Battylmem to the stepull for 1hj yerys paste.~

"Great bells iiij. Sancts b«:-lls j." Return of 1 553· When l was here in t866 I found only the two smaller of the four whole,

being the znd and 4th of a six. The treble and thlrd were sold c. 18-15 to assist in pewing the church.

221. GOSBECK S .• vary. 1 Bdl. Hell. Recast by J. Taylor & Co., Loughborough, t879· The RcvD<I. F. S. Barry Rcctor. \\". ::\[ayhcw, Churchwarden.

3 in 1553· D:l\')', 8 i\Iay, 1824. One bell inscribeJ­;ancta Jt:lariil ora pro nobis.

222. GROTON S. Barlho/omm•. Tenor. Diam. 40~ in. Weight to cwt. 3 qrs. 1 r Jbs. 5 Dells.

1 J ohn Darbic made me r676. ,.: Lester & Pack of London fecit l76+

Richd, Lifton & Geo .Mumford CbWardens wm. Dawson. 3 0 zs + 22 v 26 $:anctr l'\atrrina @ra l,.lro .flo~i!l.

~ ):;' ~ ~

..f (; 38 0 3 1 + .;?:it .Jlomrn Domini iatnrllittum. s L..:sto.:r & Pack of London fecit 1763.

G~:o l\fumford& Rich". Lifton Ch.Wardens. "Great bells iuj. Sancts bells j." Rctum of 1553·

223. GRUNDISBURGH S. ~llarJ•. Tenor. Diam. 38~.

t T. :\[cars. of London (~.:cit t83o. R..:,oc~. 1>•. Ramsden Rector. James Hayward Churchwarden. Sam'. Cutting Subscriuo.:r.

~ J ohn Darbie made me 1665. William Yorke C. W.

3 J'nck & Chnpman of London feccrunt 1779· ]amc' Jolmson Churchwarden.

4 John Darbie made me 166j. 5 C. ~rears & Co, London, t86+ 6 J\lilcs Grayc made me 1628.

6 Bell,..

T. 1\lartin, 17:!.), notes" John Darbic made me r615; upon 4th bell lying at the West end of the Cburch, upon the ICilSL but one

William \V Yorke C

upon the bi~~est Sr William Bloys Knight. Another broken bell run at the same trme lies tn a Vestry or inclosed place at the West end of the South I sic."

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224. GUNTON S. Pda·. No Bell.

No return in 1553. None in Robert l{ecve's time. "\Ve neur sold no other ymplemens {but plate) nat for yo; :<X<i yers past.

Certif. of Henry Heyham and H enry Blockc, G.W. iij Nov., 1547.''

225. HACHESTON All Saint:;. 1 [Inscription wholly obscured by iron band). z, 4 Ihon Darbie made me 1683. 3 Q' so thrice. + 61 1Dnlcls; <!;irto P,Tdill 0 62 ~ampa 'Wocot ,!ilicbts. s \J sr.

tsSz. S. G. Rector. H. F. C.W. Four bells are returned under "Parham Haston" in 1 553· Hawes notes the treble as'' Richard Phelps made me 17 rz," and the tctlor

as SG. RI3CT RR RE CR HR. SH BR HT GT MW HI Pll 1589. Davy, Oct. 24, 1817, adds" Anno."

226. HADLEIGH S .• ~Iizry . Tenor zS cwt. Diam. szt in. 8 and Clock bell.

t, z ::vlilcs Graye made me 1678. 3 Miles Graye made me 1679·

~ ~ ~ ~ 4 + 89 Q' 3' + 37 J;!t :{lomen l9omini lJrndlictum. 5 The Rev. lJr. Drummond Rector.

J. B. Leake and Thos. Sallows Churchwardens rSo6.

Fig. 8<).

6 The Very Rev. H . lt Knox Rector. J. Rand W. Grimwade Churchwardens. C. & G. 1\lears, founders. London, 1856. The Rev. nr. Thos. Drake, Rector. Samuel H yell

Edw;:u-cl Sallows Ch. Wardens. T. Osborn fecit 178S. 8 Miles Grayc made me a68o.

Clock udl. 'AVE: fUAl'\I A GJtAC I A PiiE:llA (um;kw:trds).

''Great bells vj." Return of 1 )53• Davy, 5 and 6 Nov., notes 5, Johannes Thornton fecit 1719. In, l\fultis

Annis Rcsonet Campana Johannis, and 6, ;unt l>\osa l.lul~atn taunbt j'l:lnwl Vocata. al. sim.

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227. HALESWORTH S. Jit1rJ'· Tenor in C. S and Clock bell.

r, 2 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1770, 3 Lester & Pack of London fecil 1 7 59· 4 v 6s thrice. + 67 J:.andt 0 GS ~boma 0 63 0ra 0 68 li)ro 0 68

.tlobi!S. S 'f\ICHA~_D \ VE:TI:r.on AUP DA'lll€D BA'f\U€

CHVllCH "\.VA'f\'D€US IVIIII 16:1~ Wll3 6 0 65 thrice:. + 67 0 68 ~obannr!S 0 68 €bl'hsti 0 68 ~art 0 68

Dignare 0 68 pro 0 68 .tloliill 0 or;m. 7 'CJ 86 AIJ 'CJ so.

w qanno Domini r6tt.

8 ,ilrlu Urpairtll ~ylto~cr Uloobll ~mllmull !}loll:! <Cburcp l~lartltilS j)afrtp tJantt gabr me. Win.

Clock bell. T. Mears London fecit 1826. Davy, 1So6, agrees with this. No return of bells in certif. of 1547· 5 and

a Sance bell 1553· 7th, inconceh•ably honeycombed, lasts by a mir,tcle.

228, HARGRAVE S. Edmund. Tenor in A. 3 Bells. ~ ~Thomas Cheese 0 82 James 0 8z Edberc:: 16:!2. 2 T. Mears of London fecit t S . .p.

Elizabeth White, Sarah White. 3 0 81 Anno 0 82 : 0 82 Regni 0 82 Regine 0 8 1

Elizabeth. De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit.

0 Sr Anno 0 8:: Domini 0 Sz 1566. "Great bells iij." Return of 15 53· "3 bells," Davy. The treble has

been over-flattened.

229. HARKSTEAD S. _,Jfary. 5 Bells. 3, 4 Miles Graye made me 161 t . 1, z Thomas Gardiner fecit 17 zz. 5 T homas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1722.

So Davy. 3 in 1553·

230. HARLESTON S. Augustine. Diam. t6t in. Note D. 1 Bell.

Bell. J. Warner & Sons, London. (Royal Arms) Patent. Recast 186::!. Revel. C. Perry Rector. James .Matthew

Churchwarden. 2 in 1553. Davy, June IJth, 1827, notes a small bell in a cupola, inac­


231. HARTEST All Sai11ts. Tenor. Diam. 38~ in. I t cwt.

r, 2, 3, 4 John Darbic made me 1661. 5 Bells.

5 John Dnrhic ruadc me 1661. William Coppingc Richard Mirrld (sic) C.\\'.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 15;3. Davy, Aug. 17, r8Jr, "; BeUs,"

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232. HASKETON S. Andn:w. Tenor. Diam. 361 in. Note i\.

r, 3, 4, 5 Miles Gr:-~ye made me r6.:!8. 5 lklls.

2 T. l\1ears of London fecit r832. Samuel Randale, Church warden.

1, 3, 4• 5 also bear tbe arms of Nath. Atherold, ob. 1678. No return of bells in certif. of IS.l?· "Wodbrid:;e baston ... Great bells iiij." H.eturn of 1553·

233. HAUGHLEY S. Jllary. Tenor. Diam. 45 in., in F. Weight

So Davy.

r ton. 5 Bells. 1 Virorum : sumptus ; nostrorum ; sunt : Ilaughlcy.

Recast in memory of E. Ebdon Surgeon for 43 years a resident of this }~arish.

E. E. \\·ard Vicar. S. 1: Harrison } Churchll'ardcns s. s. Baker 1 ::18 5·

J. Smyth, G. Reed qoz Hr Recast uy John \\'amer & Son, London.

2, 3, 4, 5 Stefanvs 0 S:z Tonni 0 Sz me 0 Sz Fecit 0 82 WL 0 82 I57Z·

0 8r De 0 8z Buri 0 82 Santi 0 82 Edmondi 0 Sz. a Sr Sumptus 0 82 Nostrorum 0 Sz Sunt 0 S2

Haughlue 0 82 Vironun.

4 and a Sance bell in 1 553·

234. HAVERHILL S . .Alary. 5 Dells. 1, 3 John Darbre made me 1669. 2 John Darbie made me r685. 4 Joseph Eayre S•. Neots r765. John Godfrey and Abel

Bull Churchwardens. 5 Tho. Ne,Ym:m of Norwicl; made mee.

\V. \\llshere & S. Bridge C.\\'. I7Z9·

"Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553· 1'\o notes. Davy.

235. HAWKEDON S. J1fary. 5 Bells. 1, z1 3, 5 1\Iiles Graye 111ndc me r683. 4 Samuel SJJarrow William l'ettit Church Wardens. J. S.

fecit r p r •

So Davy. "Great bells ii1j." Return of 155.3·

236. HAWSTEAD All S<Jilits. .3 and n Snnce bell. I + r 5 a 9 <!ttrrnis ~nniJ; ;Ucfonct ili:amp.ltl.l .S)o!J;rnnis. z, 3 Henry Pleasant made me r69G. Thomas Cason C.\\',

Sancc Bell. No inscription. "Halstede ... Great bellsj." Return of 1553· The cngr:n·ing of the Sance

bell, lig. 78, is taken from the chancel, and the bell hangs at the south encl of the Rood.screen. Sec p. 8z. .

The Whitechapel foundry cast five bells, tenor 9 cwt., for Hardwack House in this parish at some time in the last 100 )'ears.

237. HAZLEWOOD. Ecclesia des/meta. "Creal bells iU." Return of 1553·

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238. HELMINGHAM S. llfary. Tenor. Diam. 49 in., in D. \\'eight 19~ CIYL 8 Bells.

1, :!, 3, 4, s, 6 T . l\fem·s of London Fecit rSrs. 7 18rs. S The real of Eight Bells were the gift of the Right

Honbte. the Earl of Drsart. Anno Domini t815. T. Mears of London Fecit.

Davy, 5 Aug., 18o6, left spaces for inscription on 6 bells, but alas! did not write them in. T. Martin (no date) notes 5· Old Tenor, Lionel! Tallmach Esq. De l.lvri Sti, £dm. 1562. Stephanvs Tonni me fecit. Davy. See Henley. 4 in 1553·

239. HEM INGSTONE S. Creg(ll'y. Tenor. Diam. 45in.

1 Charles Newman made me 1686. :! lJ 6s.

3 Bells.

+ .,$aneta 0 jllnria 0 <Dra 0 ~ro 0 Jilobis;. 3 lJ 65. + £rli 0 .Ott 0 itlunu!! 0 Clilui 0 l{cgnnt 0 <!tt 0

l:J'nulS • .So Davy, 8 !\lay, 1824, imperfectly, crossing 1 and::!. 3 in 1553·

240. HEM LEY All Sai11ts. 1 Bell. Hell. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17f 4·

So Davy, 2 1 1\Tay, r8 1 1, save 1715. No return in certif. of 1 547· "Great bells iij." Return of 1553·

241 . HENGRAVE S. Joh~t. 13el1. 17 g6.

"Great bells iij." Return of r • 53· "No bells, except a small one fur the clock." Davy.

242. HENHAM. Eccltsia des/rue/a. No return in r 553·

1 Rell.

243. HENLEY S . .Pdtr. Tenor 9 cwt. 5 Dells. I Thomns ~fears & Son of London fecit 1809. 2 John D:uhic made me r6s8 .

.lhfvc :\[cndowe } , h. bell Willyam l\feadowc gave t IS •

3 Lionellus Tolmach Comes de Dysart hunc de novo fundi C. 1 7 36.

4 65 thrice. + .,$aneta 0 f\laria 0 Ora 0 lho 0 ..flobill. s U 6s thrice. + .,S:anr te 0 ~oma 0 ®ra 0 ~iJro 0 tlo&isL

Davy, 9 1\lay, 1824, "The Clerk told me this (now the 3rd) came from Hclmingham." 4 in 1553·

T he old tenor was by Gardiner, 1 729· and weighed 10 cwt. I qr. 25 lbs., without the crown staple. From this the present treble is supposed to be made. T he old Jrd by Miles Graye, 1617, was exchanged for a bell at Helmingham. c. 1870. In 1730 [,2z l?.s. was paid to a Sudbury founder. no doubt Gardiner. for casting a bell and carriage.

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244. HENSTEAD S. flfary. llcll. No inscriptio n.

So Davy, 31 Aug., 1809. "One," Martin, 1750. 3 and a Sance bell in '553·

I Bdl.

245. HEPWORTH S. .!'tier. 1\;nor. l>iam 35 Ill , m \ 5 Lh:lk

r, 2, 3 Tho. Gardiner Sutlbur} f~.:•rt 1726. 4 Rob'. :r\unn Churchwarden. \\ rlliam Uubson tS!j. 5 Q' 50 thrice. + 1J.Irtni!S lao Etrrnr 0 6~ Ducat Jilo~ 1)aacun l-7itc.


Imptcssions of coins and medals on 1, :~, 3· "Cl'eat bells i i j.'' Return of 1553· 4 "Th~mas Ora per the younger maJc me 1593," says l>avy, r, Jan., 1810, otherwrsc as above.

246. HERRIN GFLEE T S. ""V"rgttrrt. ~ lldls. I 1837· 2 AIJ Q' SG -) 5:1.

\\' ~11110 Domini r 6 11.

"Heryngsheath ... Grcat bells iij." Return of •553· We find from Reeve's ll istorical Collection th,ll there were three bells, one in•cribed + iQurnunuts anllrril. ,Wamulorum ~ttdrtpc '!:iota, nnd a nother + Dttltts l!rifito .J HUIG. (!fampa11a 'tJoror ftlirbnhG.

247. HE RRINGSWELL S . Ethdbrrl. Tenor inTI), all t unctl l•y tuming. 3 Bdb.

1, 2, 3 I. Taylor & Co., Founder:., Lou0hborough, 1SG9. "Great bells iij." Return of 15 53· The original treble, :1Fac JHargartta .i'lofli~ 1l?rc .flluncra 7l.un l:r

bono L'obrtti bou (T. M:utin). Rt:casl q .. p, 111scrihed j ohn l'ond (',\\'. 1741· Tho. Newman matlc mt!. 2 0 il!rc jfit ~corir 0 <Campii iLaubt l:Jonoru. 3 0 ~~c !n ~onclabc 0 IB!abairl Jlunc .l,Jangr ..:: uallr.

These three bells seen by me early in r 8~9 horc the usual Xorwich marks. Oavy reports these so,::!:! Aug., 1Sz8. .\hrtin notes 3 in 1755, so that tht: jfac jlilargarttcl must have cou1e from earlier notes.

248. HESSETT S. Ethelbert (fine bdls). 5 Hdls. I , 2 Roh~.:rl \lirlson j ohn Vacher Churchwartlcns.

John Stephens made m~.: T7Z.J. 3 T. Osoorn Founder q S7. 4 John Stcpht:ns lkll-foundcr of Norwich made me l 7~.J. 5 John Skphc.ns made mt: 17:! ~·

So Davy. "Great bells iiij." Return of 15 53· See notes in Canon Cooke's His/orr of lltJ>tll, in the proceedi11~s of the

Suffolk Institute of .\rcha:olo;;y, vol. i1•., ~o. 6, pp. 330, 331.

249. H EVEN INGHAM S. 1lfarg.rrd. Tenor 9 C'll't. 5 lklls. I Tho. Osborn fecit 1797. l'crcutc Juice cano. 2 1'. Osborn D ownham fecit r71J7. 3 T . O~born fecit '797· Cum 1oco \'cn ih:.. 4 T. Osborn fecit 1797· 5 Tho:-.. 0:-.born ft..-cit 179 7. Lon~ l11·c "-in~ George thc

Thrrd. 1.\

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!\ o return of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1 553· Extract from Terrier rendered 24 :\lay, 1784, "also four bells with frames,

the least thought to weigh 7 cwt., the :nd 9 cwt., the Jrd 1 1 cwt., and tl1e 4th about 15 cwt." One of the present five is cracked in the shoulder.

250. HIG HAM S. Stphm. 1 Dell. Dell. C:tst by John \\'arncr & Sons, London, t86t.

Pn .. -ost:nted by Joseph Gurney Barela} Lsqr., Higham, 1 SG 1.

251. H IG HAM S. 11/arJ• .. Tenor 8 cwt. 6 Dells. 1 Thomas J\lenrs, Founder, London 184:. The gift of A.

C. Reeve, Esq. :1 John Darbie made me 167 5· 3 William Mears of London fecit 17Sr. John Stubbin

Church\\':lrdt:n. 4 John l.>:trbie made me 1663. 5 + 43 V 23 .$aneta jfiocs <Dra pro 11obis. 6 j ohn Darbie made me 1675. John Partridge C ".

!>o Davy, only tmnsposing 2 and 3· See p. ::;. No return of bells m ccrtif. of '547· 4 m 1553· On the battlement of

the steeple" j. S. \V, ill. 1786.'' T he late Vicar, the Rev. A. C. Reeve, died early in 18Sg. He was insti­

tuted in 1835·

252. H INDERC LAY S. Jlfizry. Tenor. Diam. 39! in., in G. c. I 3 cwt. 6 Bells.

1 Cum voco venite. T. Osborn Downham fecit 1 790. z Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1716. 3 0 os thrice. + l!RilClll : catrrina : ora : pronobif. .J. I. 1>. and A. G. made me r62 1.

5 'l'homas Gardiner SudlJur)' fecit T i 34• 6 Cl so thrice. + 61 !los ~bomr £l'Tcritis 0 6:z f llmolmur Gaubia

iLucis. ] oJJrs ~amfon. •· Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Davy's notes on the l'itcher, 19 June.,

I 8.~4· Sperling says, "Tenor G, q cwt."

253. H INT L E S HAM S.Nicholas. Tenor. Di:unetLr 37 in., :tbout

r, 5 John Darbie made me I6j8. 2 John Oarbic made me r677.

8 ~ cwt. 5 Dells.

3 john Darbie made me 1671), S. H. C.". 4 Thomas Gardinet Sudbury mt: ft!cit 172::.

So Davy. ~ in 1 .i)3·

2 5 4. H ITCH AM All Saints. TenorS c11't. 6 Dells. 11 z Thomas 11ears of London, Founder, 1837·

William Powell } 3 Wm. Everett Churchwardens. 4 'l fenry Pleasant made me 1697.

William Powell } W d \\'m, Everett :u ens.

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5 l11omas ,. Gardiner Sudbury fLCJt 17 55· 1 Fieldgate } C \\' R. Kcmball · ·

6 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1 7 44· I. ~i~ldg:lte } C \V I . Kmg ' .

"Creat bells iiij ." Return of ' 553· T . ;\lartin, 6 July, 1741 , notes 6. D:wy, ::!4 Oct., 18::6, 5·

255. HOLBROOK All Saints. 5 Dells. I Pnck & Chapmnn of London rccit J 77 5·

Thomas Green & J n°. Clark Ch. Wardens. 2 \\'illinm Dobson Founder Downham Norfolk r 807. 3 Robert Patrick of London Founder 1783.

Tho•. Green Churchwarden. 4 J ohn Darbie made me t66 r. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 171::.

No return of bells in certif. of '547· 4 in T553· "Five bells, the oldest founded 1661." Ua.vy.

256. HOLLE:SLEY All Saints. 3 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 16zo. :: Q 65 thrice. + .$aneta JHnria Ora l!Jro .[lobi!!. 3 l'cr me fidelis invoc::mtur ad prcces. Anno t6.zo.


"Creat bells iiij." Return of 1553. There was another bell, with a large hole in the upper part of it, probably

the rreble, at Davy's visit, 14 Ser>t., 18241 inscribed," 1\liles Gra)•e made me r637," otherwise his record agrees wHh this, save that he kindly corrects " lidclis " to " fideles."

257. HOLTON S. Aimy. Notes D, B), A?. 3 Bells.

3 in ' 553·

' CT 65 thrice. + ,Sanrtr 0 68 l !Jnulr 0 68 Ora 0 68 1~ro 0 68 .ilobis. z lohn narbic made me 1674. R. T . C.\\'. 3 b 65 thrice. + 67 ·?abc 0 68 ! Harin 0 68 <'Uncia (sic) 0 68 t'l rl\IT 0

68 Dominus 0 68 ~rrum .

258. HOLTON S. Pdrr. t Bell. Bell. Three marks, "~[. H. ~I. r88 r " (by Moore,

Holmes nnd ~lnckcntic.) ::! in 1553· "One bell." Davy.

259. HOM ERSFI ELD s. Jfary. 2 & 3 out of tune. 3 Bells. r Q 86 "\B 0 S:?·

\\' 'nnno .Domini 1 61 1).

:: Q 52 thrice. + 6 t :J}nc j~hrgarttn 0 62 !lobi!! ll.!rc jHuncra 1Lctn. 3 Q so thrice. + 61 1t}i1C fn ~OIICIIIIJC 0 6z C!Pabricl i lUI\C ~JangC J:uabC.

'' Humrsfelde in Sowthclma ... Great bells iiJ:' Return of 1553· Davy notes three bells, but could not get 1he key. :'~I a)' t8, 183o.

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260. HONJNGTON All Saints. Tenor A, c. 8 cwt. 3 Bells. 1 ?\o inscription. z '0 so thrice. + 61 ~br j}l~ria C!Orncia ~Jlrna 0 6z 'D1Is ~ccum.

3 John Dr::tpcr made me 1fioo. "Great bells iij." Return of '553· Davy, z; July, 1832, "2 bells. '

261. HOO SS. Andr(W ami Eustac!tius. 1 Bell. llell. No Inscription (\'ery small, cracked).

No return of bells in certif. of r H7· or in 15;)· Davy, Apr. ::r, 1819, notes it as mncessible.

262. HOPTON All Saints. T enor in F#, c. 13 C\rt. 6 Bells. t \\' illinm Dobson Downham Norfolk fecit r8o7. :! John Draper made me 16.19. 3, 4, 5 John Draper made me 163o. 6 John !>raper made me 1 6z6.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1 5;3. D:l\'y, '27 Julr, 1824, omits date on z. al. sim. Sperling (t86o) sa)'S, ··Tenor F;, 13 cwt."

263. HOPTON S. Jlf,u·(aret. 1 Bell. Bell. T. Mears of London fecit rSr 5·

No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547· "Great bells iij ." Return of 1553· Three bells mentioned in Reeve's Historical Collection.

264. HORHAM S. Afar;·. Tenor in Bb, out oftune. 8 Bells. r John 0 Clrb 1673 0 Horhnm. v </;;;

2 J ohn Clvb Horh:un 16j2.

v ~?/ 3 J ohn CldJ Horh:uu rGp .

1J ¢1 4 John Clorb [Clerke] t65S. 5 J ohnnes llrnper me fecit r6o5. G, 7 John Darbie made me \663. john Clovbe Rector of

Horham and Athelington. 8 Anno Domini 1568 ( 1568 nlso scratched in the mould).

4 in rs;J. Dnvr. 16 July, r8o9, notes the<;e nearly so, e~cept the tenor. They are the earliest octave, apparently, in the county. The T errier, 13 Dec .. 1672, notes " Eight bells, with frames, ropes, etc."

John Clubb, Rector, lefi in r693, 6s. Sd. to he ~iven to the poor on Plough :'llonclay. His orms are ou r, ':!., 3· Lettering of these puzzling.

265. HORNINGSHEATH S. Ltwm1'd. 6 Bells. r William Dobson Founder t8J8. ::! Peace and good neighbourhood. 3 Wilham Dobson Downham Norfolk Fecit rSrS. 4 The;;e Six Bells were given by Arthur Brooks Esq•., 18r8. 5 "''"· llncon \rigson Esq•. and Thomas Gardiner Church-

wardens r 81 8. 6 TI1e gift of Arthur Rronks Esq'". The Revd, H enry

Basted, ).LA. Rector. "Great bells iiij." Retum of '553· Tom l\l:utin, c. 1724, notes," Steeple

Lowered. 3 bells. '' Da\'Y in 183+ by mistake records only 5 bells.

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I :s'SCRlf'TIONS. 205

266. HOXN E SS. Peter ami Faul. 5 P.clls. L John Darbie matle me 1676. E. W. A. G. J. H . S. L. :: Omnis Somts lautlct Dominum. 1655 J. B.

1J (arms of T hruston, cngr:lVed on the hell). 3 +John Goldsmith feci t 1711 Gnuricl J. L. R. \Y, C. \\".

T. P. 4 1J so <Dmtc 1J so pro nin 1J so tl!cnrbi .E mltp.

0 62 Jhs ~bomr i tTrritill 0 61 ftlmamur 1/Daubia il.ucis;. 5 0 47 jfac ji:l nt !lattta 0 48 Jlobis 1!?tt jl;luncra 1!.cta.

Sand a Sance bell in 1553· See T horpe Abbot's, L'Estrange, p. 223. Martin (withotlt date) notes "upon one cast some years ago was this,

11!Jt l!n q]'onrl,lbr cmabritl ~"IItle lJ,lnge .;uabr. " This was almost certainly the present jrd. He gives wrongly Drownr for ~nutfi on the 4th. See his no te. Gillingwatcr, 20 Aug., 1799, says, "The 6th bell being split was sold about 50 years ago, and the money applied towards seat ing and repairing the church." 1 n witness whereof the present five are in note the first five of a six.

N.B. At Thorpe Abbot's are two bells:­T John Darbie made me 1678. 2 John Goldsmith fecit 1712. i\fr. John Caton Ch. Wd. Mr.

Sl. Stanard. T. R. E. iij belles. One sairl to have been sold to Bol•;ne. East Angliall, 1.1 ro8, for repair of Clock ( 15ll) in Uishop's Palace.

2 67. HULVER. Eccluta destrucla.

268. HUN DON All Saints. Tenor. Diam. 3ft. to in. 6 Bells. r Tho'. O:>born D ownham Norfolk Founder 1 796. z Charle.-; Newman made mee r7o1. 3 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury Fecit IJ:!6. 4 T . Osborn Fecit Downham Norfolk tSo r . 5 Thomas Mears Founder London 184 r. 6 ] ohn Thornton Sudbury :'linde me 17 ~o .

H cnry Teverson } Cl h W d• John Hills

1 • •

"Great bells v." Return of 1553· No notes, Davy.

269. HUNSTON S . .Afidwd. 3 Bells. I Pack & Chapman of London fecit John Rust c. w.· 2 J.D. made me r6r4. 3 Joha nnes Driven'S me fecit t6q.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Davy, 6 July, rS.u, "three bells."

270. HUNTINGFIELD S. ilft~ry. Tenor cracked. 5 Bells. r T hom:ts 1J Gardiner 0 fecit 172::. z Thomas Gardiner fecit r 7 zo. 3, 4, 5 Tho. Gardiner fecit 1 7 20.

No return of bells in certif. of f5-l7· 3 in I 553· Davy, 1 Aug., r8o6, gives no jnscnplions. Frame vCT)' bad now.

271 . ICKLI NGHAM All Saints. 3 ll~.:lls. r lJ 8 thrice.

0 6r ~irginl!! ~gHgit 0 6t &ocot €ampnna jl:larit.

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2 n 5 t thrice. 0 47 Oudumus ~nilrca 0 48 jj.1mulorum ~ufcipc @ota.

3 J oh:mt's Dm.pcr me fecit t6o8. "Great Bells iij. Sancts Bells j!' Return of 1553·

272. ICKLINGHAM S. jiwm. 1 Bell. Dell. No inscription.

"Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553· Da'T• zo Aug., 1 8~91 notes one bell.

273. ICKWORTH S. Jl !.TIJ'· t Bell. Bdl. 1110: Gnrdiner he m e did cast

r11 sing his praise unto the hst. I 7 I f. "Great bells iij." Return of T553· Xo mention of bells b}' Davr.

274, IKEN S. B£~Mj>h. 4 Bells. r Q z6 0 ::12 Q 25 ~anctc ~{loma <!)ra {Jro flolli$. z ZUor ~\lgurtini ~onrt In ~urc Dei.

TJ z6 0 2::! iJ 25 3 'CJ z6 0 zz 0 zs ~aneta ltatcrina <!i>ra ~.ho flobi$.

t.z :; ::. ,;. ~ .~ ~anclt Iacobr <Dra {Jro jlobi$ Q 29.

No return of bells in ccrtif. of TH7· "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· So Davr. save that he could not read Xo. z. .See pp. :!51 33· 2 should

have been mentioned with 1 and 3·

275. lLKETSHALL S. Andm.• (before the fire, Sept., t88g). 4 Bells.

1, :!, s 1lnno Pomini r623. AB w

4 Rictrdvs Dowler me fo:cit 1598. So Davy, J\larch 16th, 18 10. "Great bells iij." Retum of 1)53· In 1547 John Emerys and John Chevez C.W. return that" Robert Skytte

wth the consent of thole Towne did sell one payre of chalyes v yeres agone to the sum of iiij mrcs xd." which was bestowed about one bell, also " that Roger Walker and Rychard Warner did sclle one payre of chalycs ths last )eare to the !:>me ofxxxvs. whereof we have bestowed vpo a great belle xxj.r."

The date on the tenor and one of the other bells remained unmelted. T be metal, \\hen run out, yielded q. cwt., enough for recasting the two larger bells. Old tenor B. Diam. 34 in. 1 and 2 cracked in the crown.

276. ILKETSHALL S. ] !Jim Baptist. 1 Bell. Bell : 0 : SAnC:l~E: : PE:·'f.~E: : O~A. : P'BO WE::

"Great bells ij. Sa nets bells j." Return of 1553· "One small bell," Davy, 1\larch 16, t8to.

277. ILKETSHALL S. Laurenu. 1 1619. \1. B. :! "\nno Dlii 16r9. W. B.

z Bells.

" Great bells ilj." Return of 1 553· So in substance, Davy1 Mar. 16, 1810.

278. ILKETSHALL .S. Jlfargcu'll. 3 Bells. I Q 8 thrice.

0 12 .Sum i\os;a Pul$ata ,!l:lunili l{atcrina Vocata.

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2 tJ 8 thnce. 0 12 !3ulcil! .;eisto [l;ldis <Campana ~o(or <S<lbritli~.

3 0 so thrice.


0 61 J l'lunm tlaptll!lc 0 6: iJrncbictus ~it ~botuS Ew. "Great bells iij. Sancts hells j." Return of 1553· T reble cracked, z and 3 poor tinny bells. Tenor m F, a little sharp. In­

accessible to Davy, :\lay 20, 18jo.

279. INGHAM S. Bartho!tmttw. Tenor F#. Diam. 411 in. 5 llells.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 G. Mears, founder, London, Offered at the Church at lngham in memory of her

Ancestors by Frances \\'akc.:ham, Junc1 186o. The old bell was inscribed, \) 9 + 0 9 11!rc P.oba <!rampan,, j'Hargattta

Q?Gt .fclom llh11.l. See p. 17. "Great bells iij." Return of J 5 53· Davy, 2 5 AuS"., 1829, "Onl)' one bell."

280. IPSWI C H All Strints. 1 Bell. Bell. No inscription.

281. IPSWICH S. Clement. Tenor F.'f. Diam. 43 in. 6 Tiel is. 1, z, 3, 41 5, 6 John Darbic made me 1 6~o.

So Davy, 19 ~lay, 1811 . "Itm bells in the Stepyll iiij." Return of 1 .553· Sec E<Ut A11glian,

N. S. III., 204, etc., January, 1890.

282. IPSWICH S. Hdm. z Bells. 1 Me ~lade Graye J\Iilcs t6n. 2 + 67 ..§ancla 0 fl:hria 0 cDra 0 t:Jro .. flobir; .

"Scynt Ellyns ... Jmpms bells in the Stepyll iij." l{eturn of 1553· Davy, 19 :May, 1811, notes a third bell, like the present 2nd.

283. IPSWICH S. Lmtrmcc. Tenor F. Diam. 43} in. 5 Bells. 1 0 66 thrice. + 67 .§aneta 0 fUaria 0 0ra 0 ~ro 0 flobt$. 2 U 32 0 :zz .,§aneta l'atn!na (9ra pco ilobi~. 3 0 so thrice.

0 6r .;eonitus 'Egibii 0 6~ q{l>ccnbit ~b <Culmina Ccli, 4 0 so thrice.

0 61 {los 'i!ibomr .{Hcriti<S 0 6:: 1Hmamur I!Daubia1luci$. 5 U so thrice.

0 61 ~mn i'\o$<1 lllulssala 0 Gz .{tlunbi fl:lariil 1:7ocata. So Davy, 20 :.\lay, 1~11. Sec his note for legacies to the steeple. "bells we have sold non." Certif. of panshioncrs, t547· "ltiii in the

Stepyll bells v Wheruppon gothe the Chymes. ltiii Sanctus bell." Return of 1553· T ower engraved in the Building 1\', ws, Dec. 29, 188~.

284. · IPSWI C H S. ilfargarl'f. Tenor F. J>i:tm. ++in. 6 Bells. r, 3, 4, 5 Miles Gt:tye made me 1630. z Robcrtus Richmond.

l\Iiles Grare made me rG3o. 6 Miles (.;raye made me r63o.

The lh·ing to the church, the dead unto the g'f'-WI!, Thats my andy calling ami propcrrie I han:.

No return of bells in certif. of '5-1-7· "ltiii bells in the step)·ll iiij." Return of 1)53· Davy, 31 Aug., 18J)1 "six.u

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285. IPSWICH S. Jlin'J'-at-Eimr. Tenor G. Diam. 36 in. I , 3, 5 J ohn Darbie made me r66o. 5 Bells. 2 + + CJ 23· 4 l\Iiles Graye made me t613.

" I tfii bells in the stepyll iiij. llm Sanctus bellj." Return of 1553· Davr, 2 1 Aug., 1821, notes t and 4 as here, g1ves 1662 as the date of the

tenor, crosses 2 and 31 the former of which he calls" plain."

286. IPSWICH :S. ,lfary-ai-Qucry. Tenor A. Diam. 33 in.

1 T. G. fecit 1732 . .i\Ir. Henry Bowell C.\\'. :z, 3, 6 John Darbie made me r662. 4 Miles Graye made me r613. 5 Pack & Chapman London fecit £775·

6 Bells.

" ltm Sanctus bell i. ltin bells in the stt!"pyll iv." Return of 1 553· Davy, 11 June, 1811, notes 2 and 3 as datetlt66J.

287. IPSWICH S. Jllizry Stoke. 2 Bell:.. r 1\ o inscription. 2 Miles Graye me made t6t5-

" h ffi bells in the stepyll iiij." Return of JSB· Another removed r887, wh ich Davy, 2 Aug., 18~~. notes "plain.''

288. IPSWICH S.JlfaryleTowcr. TenorD),32cwt. Diam.sSiu. 12 Bells.

1 + C!i:antatr Domino Q;antlco ,flobo + 1866. 2 John T aylor & Son, Lough borough, Founders, July I sth,

1845· 3 George Taylor Josclyn & Edwin Brook Churchwardens

1844· 4 Christopher Hodson made me 1688. R. l\1. T . S 5 + 7Lautlntr Eom!num f n ~Jlmbalir;)3cnc!lonantibu!! + 1866. 6, 8, so John Darbie made me 167 1. 7 Miles Graye made me 1607. 9 + 'En :l.~ csono i:~rparata jt.laria iilccora Vorata +

Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1866. t 1 1\Tiles l.rayc made me 1 6to. 12 + ~ripl cr l~cnollil ~rinitas .thtnc Clnubla Dona.

Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, t86 1. No return of bells in certif. of 1 H7. 5 and a Sanctus bell in 1 553-Davr. 2 Aug., 1810, notes 1, 3, 4, 5· 7, 8 (the present 4· 6, 7, 8, 10, and

r t) as here. The old :znd (present 5th) was hke the old t reble, and Warner in 1866 repeated the inscription on the old 6th (present 9th), dated 1707. The recasting saved any tuning.

289. IPSWICH S. JIIatt/u:w. Teno1 G. Diaru. 39 in. 5 Bells. 1, z, 5 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1 772 . 3 lJ 65 thrice. +~aneta 0 t'\atu(na 0 ® ra 0 l!Jro 0 .iiob!!!.

4 .Miles Craie made me t6o5 . So Davy, 17 June. 1824. No retu rn of bells jn certlf. of 1547· '' l tiii bells in the stepyll iiij . ltm Sanctus bell. Return of 1553· 1 n 1583, £4 4f. 2d. was paid for casting a bell and overweight, and ss. 4d.

for carrying it to Bury. In 16o6 the brass of the 3rd cost 6d. for carrying to Colchester and back, and 1\lyles Gr'l)'e received£~ ::!S. 6d. Cor casting the :2nd. There are some more curious items.

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290, IPSWICH S. Nidtfllas. Tenor G. Diam. 39 in. 5 Bells. 1, 3 H. P. 1706. \V Tweedy E. Sycr C··•. 2 Miles Grayc made me J6Jo. 4 Henry Pleasant hnxe at l:tst

Made us as good as can ue cast. r7o6. 5 H. l'. r7o6. Marlburio duce castra cano vastata inimicis.

~o Davy, 3? June, t8:l6 . . .1~ o return of bells in cenif. of 15-!7• Itm bells m the stepyllmJ. ltm Sanctus bell." Return of 1553·

It is supposed that a Church dedicated to All Saints once stood on the site of S. Nicholas. Seep. 141 .

291. IPSWICH S. Pt!ler. Tenor c:t. Diam. 34} in. 6 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me t682. z Thos. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 17 33· 3 No inscription 4 J ohn Darbie made me t683.

George Maciery Moreto. ? 5 T. Rainbird, W. Goodrich C.W•. T. C. Fecit 1735· 6 Miles Graye made me t63o.

" Itiii bells in the Stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, J 5 June, 18 1 1, assigns these inscriptions thus:-

1 nowhere I 4 to 3 2 to 1 5 to 4 3 to 2 6 to 5, and calls the tenor

"Jobn Catchpole C.vv. Charles Newman made me t7o1."

292. IPSWICH S. Step/tm. T enor B. 3 Bells 1 1.7 r r thrice. + lTor qaugnftinl .$onrt f n ~nrc Dri. 2 Q 1 r thrice. + ~rifltt<S ~trprtur Drt iiobi$ <£anllla ~itr. 3 Miles Grayc made me 163o.

No return of bells in certif. of I).p. " Ilin bells in the Stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, .3 Aug., t8to, "3 Dells." Sec p. 17.

293. IPSWICH Hnly Trinity. 1 Bell. Bell. Thomas Gardiner Norwich fecit 1751.

Church about the beginning of the century.

294. IXWORTH S. Jlfary. TenorE, c. 18 cwL 6 Bells. 1 John llarbic made me 1682. Sim: Boldero, Tho.

Clark Chvrch Wardens. 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1665. 4 Q 65 thrice + ~IUlCIII 0 .{Haria 0 @ra 0 l.!Jro 0 .{lob!~ . 5 Q 5o thrice. + 61 ~os t!fbomr jllnitis 0 6:1 fNmanllt r ~aullin i!.ucis. 6 Roger Boldcro Cent & Thos. Garnham Ch. Wardens.

Lester & Pack of London fecit 1766. "YKford ... Great bells v. Sa nels Bells j." Return ot r; 53· Davy, 24 July, r8J2, gives no bell notes, but an interesting inscriytion

from the tower. T be tower be::trs the name of "Master Robert Schot, Abot" (of Bury). He was a native of lxworth, and the date is c. 1..170. See pp. 55, 69, 123, 1:15.

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295 . KED INGTON SS. l'da· nml Ptml. sand Clock bell I Thomas :\!care;, Founder, Londo•1, 183S. 2 Tho. Gardiner ~udlmry fecit 1 i43· 3· 4. 5 John Llarhic Ill :Ilk me 167 3·

Clock bell. 1 i i9· "Great bells iiij.'' Retum of 1553· No notes. Davy. Seep. 124.

296. KELSALE S. I'dtr. 8 Bell~ 1, 2 T. Me:~rs of London fecit ISJr. ·' John I>arhie made me 16Sr. 4 J. Peele me fecit. E. II. nurssor Churchw:lr<len 1708. 5 T. ~(ears London fl'Cit 1 R3o. 6 S. Newton, J. l'ccle f~cit. E. Holxtrt, E H. Durc;sor,

J ohn l:lrothcr~, R:dph Eade Churchwardens 1708. ; 'J so thrice.

0 6r Pona H rprnbr lJia 0 62 i {ogo j H agbalrnil ;!}lana. 8 John narbie madt: me r68r. Philip E:~de, A. E.

feoffecs, Ralph Lade, Churchwarden, \\'illiam Wright, ]\[. ". c. E.

~o return of bells in certif. of 1547· 4 and a Sancc bell in '553· 6 and 7 noted so by Davy, 29 May, 18o6. J am not quite sure of the 7th marks. See pp. 58, 1~4. 146.

297. KENTFORD S. A!ctry. 3 Dells. r , 2 Thomru. Newman of Norwich made mee '735· 3 T. Newman made.. me. R. Norman & T. Mullin~;cr

c. w. 1735· "Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Three bells.

298. KENTON All Saints. 1 )files Grayc mad~; me 1613

z i\1iles Graye made m~ 16.3o.

Davy. Seep. 138.

:! Bells.

"Great bells i ij." Return of 1553· Davy, 10 Nov., 1815, notes two bells. See pp. 117, 118.

299. KERSEY S. Afttr;•. Tenor F. Oiam. 42 in. 6 Dells. 1, 2 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 16.

3 0 81 1576 0 8z De 0 8~ Dni 0 Sl S:mti 0 82 Eumondi 0 82 Stefams 0 8:z Tonni 0 S:z me 0 82 fecit 0 82 \\' L

4 Chris10pher Hod~on made me 1689. john Fcllgct Edll'ard Lnpcg Church \\'arden~.

5 Stephen Kemhcll John H odson made me r66:z. \\'. H. Rodger Cl:lrkc Church \\'arden.

6 Samuel Sampson Church Warden I S:l}

Caused me to he madt: by Colchester (,raye )f. 1638. Clock bell. Thoma~ Gardiner Sudbury feci t 1 716.

So with one or two involuntary variations, On\')'• Clock bell from him, 19 1\ug., 1825. "Carsseye ... Grcnt bells v." Return ot 1553· See pp. <)6, 118, I JZ1 J.IJ•

3 00. KESGRAVE All Srinlt. 1 Bell. Dell. + ,.Sancta ;!}h d<t <Dra ll)ro .!lo&is 1J zg.

"l.rc:1t bells iij.'' Return of 1 553· D;wy. Note on Sir Samuel Bamardiston's generosity. Seep. 33·

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301. KE SSINGLAND S. Edmund. Tenor L 5 Ddls. r Anno Domini 16 1 7. \\ IB z Thomas X cwman madt: 1111.: 1 7 1 1 ,

Thomas Jealous C. \\. 3 Thomas Xewman madl! me 1711:\.

Thomas Brown, C. \\arden. 4 ~!cars & Stainh:1nk, Founder,, London, 1866.


5 J. S. Crowfoot Churc hwnrtlcn. R. ;\lanthorv On:r~cer 1813. 1'. Mears of London fecit.

No return of bells in cenif. of 1 j-l-7· "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells J·" l{cturn of 1553. The old fourth ''·'S mert:ly dated 161;, and the old t\!nor was inscribed, "Thomas :"\ewman made me 1718. Thomas l:lro"n C.\\'. j ohn Jenner." Davy, who ~iv~ 161 j .ts the date of the treble. Tower, \13 feet high, a fine sea.mark. ;:,ee pp. 1 q, 137·

30 2. KETTLEBAST ON S .• tfar;•. 3 Ddb. r John IJarbie madt: rne 1 6GJ. 2 ::,tt:\t:l1 Barton John Jcning:-. Churrh"·ard.:ns IG!J'I· 3 0 8 1 1567 0 o;: De 0 8~ llvri 0 8:: Santi 0 :s~

Edmondi 0 82 ~tcfanvs 0 8:! T onni 0 S.z 1ue 0 82 fecit.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Davy, by mistake, ::7 August, 18::6,:: Dells. S~:e pp. g6, 1z3, IJ<J.

303, KETTLE BURGH S. ANdn7''· 3 Hells. I Samuel Thompson, I) n., Rector. Robert Sparrow Cent.

Robert Salmon, Ch W. K. P. f~:c. q 1 1.

z + ~anc ra 0 jHana 0 (l)m 0 i Jro 0 J1obis. 3 AP RG W\\' PA F.R. \\'1' SR..'-'XGLI:ll FTP. 0 159~

So Davy, 3 Oct., •So;. "Creal Ldls iij." Return of ljjJ. Sec PI'· 10 :!, q 8.

304. K I RKLEY S. Pder. 1 Ddl. Bell. {J 52 thncc. + 61 Eulcis .§.lf> tO £HrH5 0 6.:: <!fanql.1 ~ocor .!Hicbi!S.

So Davy. No return of betb in ccrtif. of 1 5+7· " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· See p. 55·

305. KI RTON S. Jli aiJ'· 1 lkll. Bell. .:\o inscription.

" Great bells iij ." Re:urn of 1 jjJ. l).wy, 15 July, 18~9. I Ddl. In C, not a modern bell, and possibly an old one, w1th lugh cro" n.

Diameter z8 in. C. H. H.

306. KN ETTISHALL ..111 S,zinlr. 3 lldls. 1 Tho. C:ll'dim.:.r Suclhury fct'it 1 i ~o. 2 John JJr.1per m:uk me 16~S . 3 John Vmper madt: me 1601J·

"Great bells 1ij." Retu rn vf 1.)53· Uavy, 7 July, 1843, no notes. Sec pp. 111, 11 :!1 1-l-4·

307. KN ODDlSHAL L S. r.,wrrllc<". 1 Dell. Bell. \\'. L B .. \nno llomini J6H.

So l)avy, 1 Aug., 18o8. 3 in 1.)53· !l:o r~:tum in JjjJ. Terncr of 17:; names three bells. Terrier of 18o6 name, one bdl. Sec p. I q.

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308. LACKFORD S. Laurmcr. 1 Bell. Bell. Thom:ts Newman of Norwich made me f735

"Gr~at bells iij." Returo of 1553· One bell. Da1•y. Seep. t3S.

309. LAKENHEATH S. Afar;•. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Mears, Founder, London, r S,p . 2 ~nnctn 1.-\ntcdna ora pro flobis + 2 1 Q zo + 3 ~rist\t ll 1tlcrpctuc Dd f}obh ltDauO[a ~!!lite + 21 Q zo + 4 John Parsley Yicar. Charles Newman made me 1697. 5 John Darbie made me r676. Thomas Denton James

P:trlet Churchwardens. Clock DelJ.-.,u ~ 0 m;11ia 0 <!Prnria.

" Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, zS Aug., 18zg, notes 5 bells. See pp. 21, 1 1 1.

310. LANGHAM S. JJ.fary. 2 Bells. Two small modern bells, about the size of n school-bell.

"Gr~at b~lls ij. Sancts Eellsj." Return in 1553· Davy, 7 July, 1843, "one bell."

311. LAVEN HAM SS. Bwr and Paul. T enor. C. 23 cwt.

1, 2 \\'illiam Dobson, Founder, rSrr. 3 Henry Pleasant made me 1702. 4 Rlcardus Howler me fecit 1603.

8 Bells.

Jacobus Fuller e t Antonius Hormesby Guardiani ecclesie de Lavcnham.

5 Henry Pleasant made me 1703. 6 kicardus Bowler me fecit 1603.

Hie mc1·s \·svs cri t popvlvm \'Oeare (f~ur dwarfs and other devices).

7 C. & G. Mears, Founders, London. Richard Johnson, M.A., Rector. James Knight Jen-

nings, .M.A., Curate. George :.l umford } Cl h d Robert HOII':lrd 11HC war ens. Thomas Turner, Woolstaplcr. Charles King, Shoe­

maker, 1846. S Miles Graye made me 1625.

Davy, Aug. 14 and 15, 1826, omits" Hie, etc., on 6." a!. sim. Long and interesting note. The old 7th" Henry l'leasaut made me 170: ." The White­chapel men were righ tly proud of their new seventh. She had to be flattened, however. The tenor (seep. 117) is a very noted bell. John Carr when he first heard her, said, ·• She came in with such a noble sound that she vibrated a perfect octave." Others have observed the absence of overtones. So•.ne consider that she varies wah the weather. }.Lr. H. A. 0 . Mackenzie has kindly allow~:d me the sight of the vertical section. The peculiarity seems to be thinness, especially a t the crown. "Great bells v. Sancts bells j." Return in 1553. See Dr. Howard's Vis. of Su.f!o!J:, pp. 170, etc.

312. LAVENHC:ATH S. A:fatthew. z Bell.

Seep. 151.

Dell. Back Skicppet ADoLF Guten Bygdt Stockholm

i J acobstad. .-\ X 18o 1 af Gerhard Horner.

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L.\XFIELD TO\\' ER. :?13

Fiz. 9"·

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313. LAWSHALL All Saint.-. 6 Bells. 11 2, 3, 4, 5 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 17 35· 6 T. l\Iea.rs of London fecit t 3zS.

Davy, Aug. 16, 183 1, "contains j bells, which I did not vis it." •· Great bells iilj. Sancts bells j." Rc\UI'TI in 1553·

314. LAXFI ELD All Sai111 .. · (~ood). 6 Bells. I Lester & I'ack of Lon doll fecit r 760. z, ~Cast Ly John Warner & Sons, 1873·

Wm, Bloomfield } Church \\':miens. Wm. Aldridge George Day hung me. Revd. J. llallas Yicar.

3 Q 65 thrice. + 67 ~nnrta 0 fHnrin 0 <nro (sic) 0 l~co 0 !lobi$,

5 : 0 DIUITIU: AUrtXIIiiV (sic): ffiAUE:Afl': SE:ffi­l?€:1'), : ll 0 l31SCV.

6 Thomas Mears of London fecit tSo~. No return of bells in certif. of 1547· 5 and a Sance bell in 1553. Davy, zz May, 1807, notes the old ::nd, En JHulti~ lllnnis litsonct ~ampan.:r

.i!Obilo, and the old 3rd, .;aneta JRarla (!;)ra llro flo~l5, and the rest as here. The tenor has a crack, which Day has stop[Jed by boring a hole. T his noble tower (fig. 90) bears 1he arms of \Vingheld and Fitt·Lewcs in pale. See PP· 62, 69· 315. LAYHAM S. Amlrt"li•. 1 Bell.

Bell. 0 so twice Q 86. + 61 i:Jotta 'l\rptntu l)Jia 0 6~ llogo .fl:lagtlnltna £}:.lat in. "Great bells iiij.'' Retum in ISB· T. J\1artin, 17 Aug., 17171 4 Bells. Davy, rS Aug., 1825, only one bell.

Seep . .;8.

316. LEISTON S. Jllargaret. 8 Bells. 1 1 z J Taylor & Company B F. Added by F. Garrett m

remembrance of his partner and brother, who died 3oth July, 188~.

Vicar, B. W. Raven. Churchw:1rdens, F. Sherwood, \\'.H. Borrett.

3 J ohn Taylor & Son, L uughuorough, 185+ 4, 6 John Brcnd made me 1640. 5, S J Taylor & Co., Bdl-foundcrs, Loughborough, 1884.

Dedicated by affcctionatt: childre n to the memory of Elizabeth Garrett. who died the 3oth of March, 188~.

Vicar, B. \\',Raven, C. W. F. Sherwood, \\'. H. Borrett. 7 J ohn Darhie made me 16H James Ree\·e John Wool·

nough C. W. The old treble also by Brend 1640. Terrier, 1So6, 1 c. 5 cwt.; z, 7 cwt.; 3 c. 9 cwt.; ~. 12 cwt.; 5, 15 cwt. No return of bells in certif. of 1547· 3 in 1553. See pp. 124, '53·

31 7 . LETHERINGHAM S. 11lar)'. t Dell. Bell. De Buri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me ft:cit

1572 \\'. L. "Great bells iij." Re turn in '553· Davy gives the date r 579 (21 April, tSt9)· Seep. 96.

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318. L EVINGT ON S. J'd,:r. 3 Bells. T ~it Homrn f.lf'mml :Umrb!rtum Q 31 + + 37· z 0 em 0 Oil}? 0 A~.O 0 AHI_Affi 0 All1CUAS. 3 0 81 De 0 S2 lkri 0 Sz Santi 0 8~ J::dmondi 0 8::

Stef:mvs 0 82 Tonni 0 8~ me 0 8:! fer it 0 S r \\"L. 0 St Jj1>l.

So "f?av~·. 3 Aug., 181o. ".Great bells iij:" Return in l_l)3· They hang from::\. to S. 1, 3. ::. LeVJngton second IS of the same type as Capel S. Mary tenor. The stop is not engraved, as far as I know. Sec pp. 35, 7i•

319. LIDGATE S. .AfmJ'· 5 Bells. r,:: John Draper made me 16:!5. 3 Charles Newman made mee 1698. 4 John limper and Andrew Gurny made me 1625. 5 \\-. S. T. 'f. C.\\', Tho. Gardiner Fecit 1 721.

Fh·e bells, Davy. "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells V l~eturn in •553• See pp. I 12, 136, 144.

3 20. LINDSEY S. Pctrr. 1 Bell. Bell. Inscription unknown.

"Great bells iii)!' Return of '533· Davy. 19 Aug., 182 ;, 4 Dells. The tower fell tn 1836, when r.hree of the fout' were sold.

3 21 . LINSTEAD, GREAT , S. Pttl'r. 1 Dell. Bell. Q 5:! thrice. + Gr rirgini!l Egrrgic 0 62 ~oror <!;amp~na jtlarir.

z in I S53· Davy, 31 1\Iay, 1833, " Only one small bell.'' T errier, 7 June, r8o6, no mention of a bell. See p. 54·

3 22. I;.INSTEAD, LITTLE, S. J1fargard. 1 Bell. Bell. 1789.

2 in 1553· D avy, 7 Jan., tSto, "a single bell.'' See his note.

3 23. LIVERM ERE. GREAT, S. Ptter. Tenor 5 cwt. 5 Bells. t, z, 3, 4 Lester & Pack of London Fecit 1762. 5 Simon ;\Iothcrsolc Fam1er & Simon 1-[othersole Brick­

layer Ch.\\'mdens 1762.

Lester & Pack of London Fecit. Davv notes this as recorded on tl1c north wall of tl1e Church. "Great bells iij.'' Return of 15)3· Sec p. 149·

324. LIVER MERE LITTLE, SS. Peter and Paul 1 .Bell. Bell. Charles Newman made mee 1697·

"Great bells iij.' ' Return of 1553· Davy, 26 Aug., 1Sz9, "Only I bell."

325. LOU N D S. John Baptist. 3 Bells. r , 2 T ho. Nc1ym:m of N'orwich made mee 1730. 3 Tho. Ne\\'man of Xonvich made mcc 1730.

John Kctt nnd \Yilliam Ellis C. W. "One bell hanging and two spli tt ones standing in the belfry." Reeve's

Historical Collection. He adtls in a parC)1thesis, '' 3 new bells." "iiijor Nouembr Ano. R 1{, Edwardi prmo Lounde. A newe crtyficat

maid by y• church Wardens of lownde Thomas Jaxe and Robrt Candlar. Itiii yt we haue sold a bell for y• some of iiijlt.

It 1ii for y• yottyng of a bell ... "Great bells ij." Return of 15 53· See p. 137


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326. LOWD HAM Eccl<!Sill dt•Jimdll. No return in •553·

327. LOWEST::>FT Chdst Clwrrh. 6 Ilclls. 1 \\'. Blcws & Sons, Birmingham.

Eleanor Strong rs16 .

z \\'.mews & Sons, Founder.;, rSiS· 1· -t \\. DICII'S & Son•, Birmingham, 1875· 5 \\'. Ulews & Sons, Binni ngh:tm, 187 5·

Chnrlcs H ebert, U.D., \'rear. E. J. Barnes } Cl 1 d R. S. Barnes 1t1rc lll'nr ens.

6 \\'. Rlcws & Sons, Founders. Birmingham, r8iS· + \-oc:e me:t vi\·:t depcllo cunctn noci\·a. Seep.r)..l.

328. LOWESTOFT S. J<Jim E;•,mgdist. r Bell. Bdl. rR55.

329. LOWE STOFT S . .A£zrgm·tt. t nell. Bell. J tell all that doth me ~,;;e

That Newman of Norwich new cast mee 1730. r.. D urrctnt, C. \\'.

"Spire. Squ:~re Tower. r Bell. 5 former!)'· ~ of them stole or perh:~ps taken a way during the time of the Commonwealth." Ro:eve's Historical Collection.

"iiij0 Nouember Ao. Dm. •5-+7· Leystoft. The ccrtyticate of famys Jeto• .• \ntonr jeto•. Robert Aleyn and

Roberd Hudschyct Chcrchewarciens there" make; no mention of bells. "Great blllls iii;. !lancts bells j." Returu of 1)53· Seep. 13:1.

330. LOWESTOFT S. Pdtr. 1 Bell. Dell. ~o inscription.

Small and modem.

331. MARLESFORD S. Andr.1c•. 4 Bells. 1 IJ 52 thrice. + 6r In jllultis ~nm,; 0 62 lMoact QZampa ~obii

2 J\nno Domini t 61 5. f p E J$ mp

3 Anno JJomini t 6 15. i .'\ p :li ~.

4 'C' so thrice. + 6r jllunm l3apti•tr 0 6:z l3rnrllirtu~ .§It ~borull IJ>tr. So ~avy. nearly. ".Mr. E dwd. \\'ilhams, Rector, has built a place for

the Sarnt's bell" lijo Nouember Ao Drn 1547. Certif. of Tho. Rayman and John NutLall

C. \V. makes no mention of bells. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553• See p. 59·

332. MARTLESHAM S .. iliar;•. 3 Bells. t C7 52 thrice. + Gt jHiffu$llt Celis 0 6z ll}nliro j1omrn ($nbritl~ . 3 J 51 thrice.

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+ 6t jfac Jl:largarrta 0 6~ Hob1s 111cc JHuncta 'll.tta. 3 l\Iilt:S Gra)C made me tfi31. •

1 j~7. ~ertificate of--- and- Sylucrnc C. \\".of ~fartcllesh:un makes no menuon of bells. See pp. 53· 57, 11 8.

"Great bells iii.'' Return of 1553.

333. MELFORD, LONG, lfll/y Tri11ity. s ndls. 1 T. Lester made me. 2, .~ Thomas Mears of London, founclu, 183)·

1-tevd. Edward Cohl>old, J\ I.A., Rector. Richarcl Almack, F.S.,\., Sir H)dL ]':ul..t:r, Churcln1aukns.

41 7 Thomas Lester mad~; me 1 H4· 5 C. & G. ).lears, Founrkrs, London, 1845·

Rc0. E<h~. Cobbo ld, Rector. Gt:orge John Coc RuiJert Harris Esq. Churr.hll'artlcns. 6 Abram Oakt:S Rector. Giles Jarmin & Joseph Middlcditch Churchw;~rtlcns 174 1· Thomas Lester of London maue us al l. John Williams of Stonh.un .\spal hung us all.

8 Cast by John Warner i\: Sunll, Londun, 1 ~65. Revd. William \\'all:~cc Rector.

D. J\lills } Churchwardens. H. Cooper \V, Downs hung me.

Davy, Aug. 16-18, 18:!o, 8. "r\braharn Oaks Rector, Giles ) •mlltl Joseph M iddleditch Churchwardens r 764. T he end cro1m (sic) the work. Thomas Lester of London made us all.'' z, J, 5, as 4 and 7· Lon~: ami interesting note. When Dr. \\'arren, Rector, was ejected "as he returned home, oue of the patty beat a frying-pan before him, crymg. • This i~ your Saints bell.'" For an account of Dr. Warren see C. Deedcs's Dr. Uisbi.:\ i\15. collections in Suffolk Arcluroln,t:_v, 1889. Peal in East .rln.E:Ium, 2nd S I.,J2:!, " Great bells v, Sancts b<:lls j." Return of 15 53· Weight of the old tenor, 16 cwt., Mears and Stainbank, 31 j an., 1888. See pp. 97. 149·

334. M ELFORD, LONG, S. Caf//(Jrim!s (Mission Room ). Bell. lllilcs Grnyc mndc me, 1672.

This bell used to hang on the lop of the toll'er. It was sold about 1868. and repurchased by the Rector, the Rev. C. J. ~lartyn, for the :llts~lon Room. See p. 13~ .

335. MEL LIS S. -'1/ary. 1 Dell Bell. ).liJcs Grayc made me 1626.

4 in 1.)53· Martin, r8 J an., 1 7'2~/1, notes 5 bells. Rought from Thw:~ite c. r 8~6. ()a,•y, ZJ April. 1819. notes tlltS inscripuon as on the Thwattc Ldl.

C. \\'. accounts are interesting.

336. M ELLS S . . Afargartt. Ealusin duslmcln. No return in 1553. A small towerless Xonnan


337, MEL TON S. Andre-w. 3 lJdb. t Miles Grayc made me 16tS. 2 1J 51 thrice. + il?;rc fn ICoclaur 0 6z Oabml J1uc .iJar,gr ~tnllr.

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3 0 5 r thrice. + !loll ~bomc jllnitis 0 6z jl.lmnmut (Sautlia 7lnci«.

4 Q s 1 thrice. + 61 P ona :Hcpmbc ~:.lia 0 62 i'\cgo jllagllalena jUada. So Davr, 12 Sept., 1So7. (1 in old ~:hurch, ::!, 3• 4 iu new.) iij Nov., 1547, certif. of Roger Truslon and John Chamberleyo. C.\V.

makes no mention of bells. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1 553· See pp. 53. 55, ss. 117.

338. MENDHAM All Saints. 6 BcUs. 1, z Tho. Gardiner Norwich fecit 1748. 3 Anno Domini 1628 \r. I. B. 4 Tho. Lines C.W. Tho. Gardiner Norwich fecit 1748. S 0 86 1J so. AB

w \Snno Domini 1623.

6 Cook Freston Esq. WilJm. Rant Esq. Tho. Gardiner fecit 1748.

4 in 1 553· Davy, zr June, 1839, notes 6 bells. See pp. IT-!, 145.

339. ME NDLESHAM S. AfarJ'· 5 Bells. r Ultima tuba fui sonitu non ultima vita magna ubi mag­

mnimo Frederico optima nuptialia. r612. AB 2 Q so thrice. W + 61 D ulcili Q;lfto .{Hcli$ 0 62 Q:amjia Focor jl:ltrbri 3 Q 50 thrice. + 61 1i.Jrtrus ~b <!Ctrrnr 0 6z D ucat .flo!> 'l:Ja~t\la Vitr. 4 John Darbie made me 1669. 5 0 Sr De 0 8z Bvri 0 82 Santi 0 Sz r-:dmondi 0 82

Stcfanvs o· Sz Tonni 0 82 me 0 8z fecit 0 82 1$75·

Clock bell 0 sz. 4 in 1553· Martin and Davy 5· See pp. 55, 5G, g6.

340. M ET FI ELD S. John Baptist. 3 Bells. r Anno Domini 1568 I. B. z il1r. John Franclin and Mr. Cb<l!'les Watson Church­

wardens r 64 7. 3 0 so tJ 86 twice. + 6r j ;l:lunm Uaptili tc 0 6z v mtllirtu!S ~it ~boruso I~tr.

Davy, 7 jan., r8ro, gives "Richard" as Mr. \Yatson's christian name, and crosses 1 and z. Anno Dni r ;47. Metffilde. Certif. of john hybarde and Nycholas Goocl1e C.\V. makes r.o mention of bells. 4 and a Sance bell in J ;;J. Sec p. 59·

341. METTI NGHAM All Sainu. 4 Bells. 1 0 52 thrice.

anno bomii\i 16u. z John Stephens fecit 1722. Bcniamin CuJham Church

" 'arden. 3 No inscription. (A pretty border.) 4 No inscription. (A rough old beiJ.)

So in substance, Davy, Aug. 18, 18q. "Great bells iiij." Return of T553· The compoti of the College founded here by Sir John de Norwich contain

notices of bells.

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342. M ICKFIELD S. Andrn,•. 1 T. )[c.1rs of London fecit 1816. z 1\ l ile, Graye made me 1626. 3 Tho. <:ardiner Sudhury E. F. I•. (. 1716.


3 Hells.

Frorn Dnvr, 14 Apri l, 1828. No sale of bells 10 1547 certif. 3 in 1_;;3


343. MIDDLETON Ht1lj• Trinil;•. 1, 3 Pack & Chapmn n London feCit 1 77 9· z, 4 J ohn D:~rhie made me 167o. 5 Pack & C hapman London fecit 17 79·

ln \~:cdlock's band~ all }'c who join \\ •th hands your hc.1rts unite

So shall our tuneful tongues comb1nc T o laud the nuptial rite.

'i Bells.

So Davy, ~3 Sept., 1!1o;. 4 in 1533. No sale of bells in 1547 certiC Terrier of 1678, no mention. ·

17 53, "five bells in good tune." rS~o , ,.

344. MILD EN S. .R:ttr. Bell. Mears, Founder, London, 186o.

". ;\fyldyng ... Great bells iij." Return of 1553· :\oted macccssible br Davy, Oct. :!.S, 1836.

r Dell.

345. M fLDENHAL L S. Andm<•. Tenor mE. c. 18 cwt.

r , S Mears nnd Stninbank, founders, Lont.lon. \'. R.

Jubilee 1887.


2 J ohn Drtrbic mrtdc me r676. IT DP RS RC 1\\'. 3, .J. T homas Newm::m cast me new in '7JZ, Norwich. 5 I Tl'·A YI;Oyt AftD CO . DOVGH'BO~OVGH C. F.


6 + z r 0 zo + I n Plultis1tnnisl\ cfonrt<!:ampnn,, ~obannis. 7 I O H U ~AYDO~ An n CO DOYGHtlO~OVGH

I AfitE:S JtE:AD AllD CH AJtDE:S OWE:li_S l$<>0.

":'.l )'ldenaelye . .. Great bell; iiij. Sancts Bells J·" Return of 1553· Davy, 2 1 Au~., r8z9, notes 6 bells. See pp. ::r, 46-so, 83, IZ.J, 137, 138,

q ), 153· 15). T he frnmc was clearly made for five bells, but the difficulties about the

tenor, to which re ference has been made, which were not solved in r;Jo, seem to have been waiting solution in '553· when there were only four bells in the tower. I regard the old fourth of the six han gin;: 1n the tower when I 11ent up in r 848, inscribed + :n Q 1 9 + flomtn Jlli!~llafrnr (('",1rupana. q;lrrll fllrfoblr, as the treble of these. The present 5th ""s recast from 1t. h weighed 7~ cwt. Thus the present 6th would h:wc been the znd, a missing­bell , from which perhaps j ohn Darbie made the rrehle (111th lo.s of metal) in r676. would hal'e been the 3rd, :~nd the bell from which thO! olcl tenor before r86o was made would hal'c been the 4th. This old tenor we1::-hed close on 15 cwt., and was inscril>cd "Jos. Arth)', Tho. C:~sburn, C. \\'. Tho. Cnrdmer, Norwich, fcdt, 1751.'' \Vhether there C\'Cr w~s he fore the J ubilee a large:- bell than this I cannot s~y . Henry l'oultcr of Worlin:;ton

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used to quote his father to the effect that the Isleham tenor, see Cambs., was brought from ~lildenhall because the tower ll'a" not strong enough for it. He fore 1Siio there \\'as on the top of the tower a Clock bell, weig-hing 4~ cwt., ioscnbed, "Thomas Xewman of Norwich made me, 174+·"

346. MONEWDEN S. A1nr,v. 3 Bells. 1 De Tivri Santi Edmondi Stcfanus Tonni me ft:cit 1586

w. L. 0 8r. 2 7\Iilcs l.rayc made me 1637· 3 \Dl RB GS 0 SED U R + PT PS ~IH AI l\rR~:\1

0 1592 0 T~ FB So H an·cy's :liS, V· 006. iij Nov., 15-17· :lloneden. Ccrtif. of John

.1\Talster and John haryson C.W. makes no mention of bells. ":llonedele ... Grcat bells iij." Return of 1553· Seep. 96.

347. MOULTON S. Pdcr. Tenor 6 cwt. 5 Bells. 1 , 3 Chapman & :O.Icars of London Fecerunt 1782. 2 Chapman & ?.!cars of London Fcccrunt 1783. 4 Chapman & :;\(cars of London Fecerunt 1784. 5 Ch:tpm::tn & ~fears of London Fcccrunt 1 783.

?11-:ssrs. ,\briJ\, Caw~ton &. T. roole ChWardens. ".:'llowton ... Great bells iij. Sancts bellsj,n Return of 1553·

348. MUTFORD S. Andrew. 3 Bells. I John Bn:nd made mee 1638. 2 Anno Domini t6xs. W . B. 3 John Brend made me r636.

"Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553· E .zsten1 Comztiu' Collt•clanea, p. 240. Davy records three.

349. NACTON S . .J£artin. z Bells. r ;\Iiles Graye made me r6z5. z John Darbie made me 166.2.

SoT. :1\lartin, Sept, 1725, sa1•e date of 2, which he gives 1666 or r66o. "Great bells ij.'' Return of I 553·

350. NAUGHTON S. Jr1nry. 1 Bell. Bell. 0 81 Johannes 0 82 Driven'S + C me fecit r6t8.

So Davy, 14 Sept., 18::7, noting also an •• old treble l\Jiles Graye made me 1672 (?). and an old second, Thomas Andrew me fecit 1522 or 99 (sic)." (1599· J. J. R.) "Great bells itj.'' Return of 1553. See pp. 102, no.

351. NAYLAND S. Stcplun. 6 and Clock bell. r Wm. Dobson, Downhnm, Norfolk fecit r8ro. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1698. 3 John ;-turrell, \\'ill. Infield C.W. l.G. 1733· E.G. 4 :\lessrs. Samuel Alston & Isaac Xicholson Church­

Wardens 1789. W. & T. 11ears Late Lester & Pack of London fecit.

5 :.\[iles Graye made me 1636. 6 James Edbvrie of Bury made my fellowes and mee.

'J t6os 0. Both marks contain curious monograms. Clock bell. t 764.

"Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Tenor omitted on p. 109. Davy, Sept. 30 and Oct., t8::!8, "Six bells which 1 did not examine."

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352. N E DGING S. .Alary. z Dells. r 0 8 1 Thomas 0 8a Andrew 0 82 me 0 82 fecit 0 Sz

1598. :z U 8 thrice. + i)obnnc4 0 r6 Qtri!Hi 0 16 ~art 0 16 DiQ,nart 0 16

l!.lro 0 16 jlobij; 0 16 <Drarc. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553· See pp. 17, 102.

353. NEEDHAM MARKET S. John Baptist. t Bell. Hell. By Private gift 1886. S. l\laudc :M.A. Vicar.

C. Cooper Churchw-arden. See Barking. The return for t553 is for" Nedham in Barkynge."

354. NETTLESTEAD S. fifctry. r Bell. Bell. ~Iiles Graye made me ~618.

3 in r ;53. Davy, 18 May, 1829, notes two inaccessible.

3 55. NEWBOURNE S. Alary. r Bell. BelL Miles Gmye 162 1 me made.

C. Carr 1885 me remade. Davy. Terrier, 178o, "about six hundred." No sale of bells in 1 547

certif. "Great bells ij." Return of 1553·

356. NEWMARKET S. Alary. 5 and Clock hell. 1, 4 John Draper made me J6I9· 2, 3 0 81 De Duri Santi Edmondi Stefanus Tonni me fecit

\V. L. 158o. 5 Tho. Gardiner and Tho. Newman Fecit 1719. ''{.

Sandivcr \V. Headley, C. W. Clock Bell. John Thornton Sudbury Fecit r 718,

So Davy, 21 Aug., 1828. He notes the tenor as not hung. ·• Eycenyng Halfe Hundred ... ='lewmarkett . .. Great bells iij. Saocts bells

j." Return of 1553· See pp. 96, 111, 138.

357. NEWTON, OLD, S. ll!ary. 5 Bells. r, 3, 4 John Darbie made me 1663. TH RP 2 William Dobson Founder 18r o. 5 John Darbie made me 1663. Thomas Hoggnr R. P.

c.w. 3 in 1553· Sec p. 1 ZJ.

358. NEWTON-NEXT -SU DBURY All Saintr. 5 Eells. '• 2, 3, 4 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, J872.

(Roy:tl Arms) Pateot. 5 1\lile~ Omye made me 166-+·

Thomas Dearesle. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1 553- . Davy, Sept. 13, 1827, "Contains th!ce bells :-1 Thomas Ke:lrsle :>Ides

Graye made mec 1683. I. \V. ~ :\l!les Grayc made me 16;8. 3 .Miles Graye made me r68;." H e is wrong. s~c p. 133·

359. N 0 RTO N S. A11dnw. Teoor c. 13 cwt. -+ Dclk 1 Illegible, broken. 2 John Darbic made me r6H. Richard Clarke C. W.

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3 j ohn Draper made me r62S. 4 John lJrnpcr made me 1635·

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. l\lartin, :!6 !\fay, 1757, "four bells." :\lentioned by mistake on p. 15 J.

360. NOWTON S. Pdr:r. 6 Bells. 1, z, 3, 4, 5 T. ~[cars of London fecit tSzg. 6 T. ~[eats of London fecit 1829. This peal of six bells

was given l.Jy 0. R. Okcs Esqr. lh:nry jas. Okcs Esqr. & the Revd. Auston Okes.

"Nolton .. . Grea\ bells iij." Return of 1553· T. 1\lartin, z6 Aug., 17~9, notes 4 bells. Uavy, Aug. 27, r8z9, speaks of

the present bells ns "all cast and hung in the present year1 the gift of .:\1r. Oakes. T he belfry is loclted up." See p. 15 1.

361. OAKLEY, GREAT, S. Nicholas. 5 Bells. 1 John Goldsmith Fecit 171 I S.l\fargaret. l\lr. I. K. C.\\' . :z John Goldsmith Fecit q r r. .3 William Dobson, Founder, Downham, Norfolk, 18z8. 4 0 rs ~um 0 16 !Bo!Sa 0 t6 :pulsat.l 0 16 jHtt nbi 0 r6

l 'atrrina 0 16 ~orata. 5 John Goldsmith Fecit 1711. :\fr . John Kett, Mr.

Brown Turner Church \\ arde11s. 3 in I 553· Martin, 5· See pp. q, J 76.

362. OAKLEY, LITTLE, S. Pdcr. Ealesia destnrcta. No return in r:; 53·

363. OCCOLD S . J.fichad. 5 Bells. 1 , z, 5 John Brend made me r653. 3 Charles N cwm::m mndc mcc 1698. 4 William Dobson, Downham, Norfolk, Founder, 1824.

4in 1553· Davy, 18]une, 18CJ91 notestheold4thlike I,z, s. Seep. JJ6.

364. OFFTON S. Jlfary. 5 Bells. r T hos. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit r 7 35. z, 4 Henry Pleas:mt made me r7oo. 3 + ~anctil 0 jltatia 0 (l) ra 0 l;)ro 0 llobil!. 4 John n:ubic made me 1667.

So Davy, 19 :\lily, 18:19. A curious extract from .Mr. Parker of R ingshall. 4 in 1553· See pp. ~. 123, 140, 144.

365. ONEHOUSE S. J flhn Baptist. ~ Bells. I R 0 G 1673 0 z 0 Sr 1 6o~ James 0 82 Edbery 0 8::.

No re turn in 1 553· Tom J.l:trtin, r6 April, 1756, "Good Fryday," notes, H Round steeple, two bells.'' Davy, 13 June, 1827, records the same number, inaccessible, or to use his own words. '' the way up seemed by no means convenient, or perhaps safe." See pp. 109, 13:1.

366. ORFORD S. Bartholom(·U!. 5 Bells. r Miles Grn.yc made me 11I 1639. 2 Henry lJ Pleasant 1J made Q me CJ 1694. John

Cragg. " · . .\.

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3, 4 john Darbie made me 1079. 5 Tho. Gardiner Suduury fecit J 739·

Ellis C. \\'. j . Harris C. E.

So Davy. No sale of bells in cerlif. of 1 547· "Great bells iiij." Return. of 1553· See pp. 1 18, 12~, 140, 145·

367. OTTLEY S. 1lfary . 6 Dells. 1 Cast Ly John Warnt:r & Son, London, 1878.

Henry & Catherine Woolner gave me August 8Lb, 1877. H. Wilkinllon, J\1.A., Rector. G. F. W, J\le.'\dows } Church T. King \\ a.rdcns.

2 R. Phelps made me 1 7 28. 1\lr. Bartholomew Russell Donor.

3 1J 65 thrice. +.;;aneta 0 ltatnina 0 <!Jra 0 lJto 0 .[lobi,.

4 1J so thrice. + 1l!ac fn ~onclilbt 0 61 C!iiabticl !2ii'c tJnngc :=uabr. 5 0 so thrice. + .{loll '[!)omr !Hcriti11 0 62 .!Hmnmur ($nullia Jl.uds. 6 De lluri Santi Edmondi Stefanus T onni me Fecit \\r. L.

1576. Davy. Terrier, 179~, 5· ''Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· See pp.

53· 55· 67, 96· 368. CULTON S. Jlfidurcl. 5 11ells.

1 Edw. Tooke made me 1676. 2 Edw. Tooke made me 1677. 3, 4 1J so '() 86 A B

w lttnno Domini I6t8.

s o so u 86 An w

0mnil! ..$onus l!.aullet Domlnum 1618 «i li!l '1!: 1J "Great Bells iij." Return of r 5 53· Sec pp. r 14, IJZ.

369. OUSDEN S. Peter, 1 Lester & Pack of London Fecit 1758.

6 = l-"0.

2 Lester & Pack of London Fecit 1 7 58.

5 "Bells. T. Jlf. &> ~. B .

7 =o =~o. 3 Lester & Pack of London Fecit 1758. T. ~lr. & R. B.

8-=' 1 = 12.

4 Lester & Pack of London Fecit I 7 sS. T. Jll. & R. B. IO = 1 = z6.

5 Lester & Pack of London Fecit I j sB. Tltis pml of bdls was t/lc gijt of Tltot. illosdq EsqT & Tile RaJ. R. JJctltdl. ,) q.= r = 1o.

"Great bells lij." Return of 1553· Seep. q9.

370. PAKEFIELD All Sai11t umi S. Jlftrrgarc!. 4 llclls. 1 Thomas G:u-diner Nomich fecit 1749. z All QS6Qso.


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~ccunbull l~ctgmtu$ 1618. 3 r,!\nuo Domini 162 1.

~ Thomas Newman at Xorwlch made me 1 j 2S.

Davy records ri.\•e. No sale of bells in certif. o( 15.47, "Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Sec pp. U4, 137, q.).

3 71. PAK EN HAM S .. tl.fa,y. 5 Bells. 1 ~Iears & Stainhnnk, founders, London. C. W. Jones

\'icar, C. W. :Mathe\\' T. Thornhill Jun. Church­wardens r8p .

.2 John Dmpcr made me 1626. 3 Lester & Pack of London fl'cil 1 76o. 4 G. )1ears & Co., Founders, London, 186:!.

Good \\'ill to Man. C. W. j ones \'icnr, Rob•. Stedman C . \\'. Mathew

Churchwardl.:'ns. 5 G .. Mears & Co., Founders, London, rS6.1.

Glory to God. C. \\-. J ones Vicar, Rob•. Stedman G. W. ~I:!.thcw

Churchwardens. ~o notes by Davy. Seep. n2.

372. PALGRAVE S. Peter. 6 Bells. 1 Gloria Deo in excellsis (sic) W. Plampin Gen•. f737· 2, 3, 4, 5 Gloria Deo in Excelsis \\', 1'lampin Gen'. 1737• 6 I tell all that doth me se ·

that Newman of Norwich nc''' cast me I737 · So Davy, 4 June, 1810. 3 in '553· Sperling (c. t86o), " Tenor G~."

Seep. 123.

373. PARHAM S. Afmy. 3 Bells. 1 0 U€:01 : SPOrtSA : ffi€ ,'\ : .l\'0 : O'f:\:J!Uill

mevm. 2 0 ASSU.f.l1P:r.A : €S!.ll : illAii_IA : 1:0 : C€DUill. 3 W. I. B. Anno Domini t62J.

So Davy. No sale of bells in certif. of Nov., IH7· "Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553. See Cant. v. t, vulg.

374, PEASENHALL S. iJiidtatl. s Bells. 1, 4 Mears & Stainbank, Founucrs, London, 18 76. 2 H enry Pleasant made me 1691. 3 0 51 thrice. + 6 r <!i\uc,;umu:i ~nbtra 0 62 .:ffamulorum ~ullcipe i:Jota. 5 1J 9 thrice. + I 3 ,Sum l.'tofa lJulftata jl:lunbi itatrrina rJocata.

4 and a Sance bell in 1553· Davy, June 11, t8o6, l=alls 3 "-!-," notes a Jlla& En Cll:onclilbc ... for J, old treble and present 2nd, " Henry Pleasant made me 1694." al. sim. 'Vts from Terrier.

No sale of bells m certif. of Nov., 1547. See pp. 1 7, 56, qo.

375. PETISTREE SS. Peter and Paul. 6 Bells. t John Taylor & Sons, Founders, Loughbo, 1848. z One bell recast unto three at the expense of Richard

Brook Esqr of Pe tistree Lodge AD. tS48. J o. Taylor & Son fecit.

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I:-<SCRIPTIOXS. ..., ... __ , 3 John Taylor & Son, Founders, Lough borough,.\. n. I8.J8. 4 0 8 thrice. + 1 z C!trrhiS ~nni!S :1.\efonct !:ampana ~o!)anni~. 5 0 8 thrice. + tz jl:lr ~famantr Ebcsu iHantal l.Jtt!)lwn ~inc iltl!u. 6 v 8 thrice. + 6t ]ungm 12os ~po 0 62 ~tttllra t .{1 icfJolau$ En 'illto.

Pytestre. Certif. of 1 H7 records no sale of bells. "Petystre. Great bel ls ijij ." Return of ' 553·

At Davy's visit (6 June, 1So6), the inscription on the old tenor, no doubt a grand beiJ, was'' De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1576." See pp. 17, 5S.

376. PETTAUGH S. CatheriTle. r Bell. Bell. 0 5 I thrice. + 61 ~utfumu$ i\nllrea 0 6~ :1famulorum ~uftipt Vota.

" Petta we, iii Nov., 1547. The certyficate of Thomas ;',Tallyng and liraunces pyr;on Cherchcwardens th(ere) ffyrst we prsent that Robert on,·ell and Lacy Lord that tyme beyog Cherchewardens bathe sold a peycr o( Shalys prce·xls.

Whereof \Ve did bestowyd vpon the cherche in ladyng the seid xis. And yt remayn styli a peyer of Shalys and iiij bells. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553·

There were three bells at Davy's vi~it. That which remains seems to h;we been the tenor. T he others were inscribed, John Darbie made me I 66~. and j UiS!iUS Vrro tl it <Sabrirl .1ftrl iLcta ftlam. Sec pp. 53, 57.

377. PLAYFO RD S . lllary. z Bells. 1 0 so thrice. + 61 Jtac .En \Conda\Jc 0 6z ®abrir l .flue :{!.lange ~uabc. z 0 so thrice + 6 r ] ungm f}ofl Xpo 0 6z ~tub rat .tlic~ olaus .En !!lito

Ter rier, 178-1. " T hree bells, two of them by Computation about tS cwt. T he third on the ground, having been broken time out of mind, by compu­tation about 12 cwt."

Terrier, JSo t. "Two bells, by computation about 18 cwt.'' Certif. of r 5-17 imperfect, but apparently no mention of sale of bells.

"Great bells iij." Return of I 553· ~ee pp. )31 58. .

378. POLSTEAD S. .Mitr;·. Tenor, c. 10 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 , z, 3, 4, 5 T. Mears of London fecit ,s~s. 6 T . .;\ (e.·us of London fecit 18z5.

Revd. John Whitmore, Rector. John Corder } Churchwardens. Isaac Strutt

"Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of r 553· No date to any ';'isit by Davy. Formerly 5 heavier bells. Present tenor IZ cwt. A tuneful nng.

379. POSLINGFORD S. 1lfrrry. 5 Bells. 1, z, 3 Robard (;urncy made me 1668. 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 1725. 5 Peter Hawkes•rnade me 1613.

" Great bells iiij." Return of 15 53· See PP· 10<), I 3Z, 144·

380 . PRESTON S. llfarJ'. r, 2 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit J7 H·

G Bells.


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3 Tho. ~orden Roger C. W. Tho. G. fecit 174-J· 4 Miles (,m}e me f~o:c1t 16.;o. 5 Henry Ple.1o;ant made me TiO:!.

G Henry Pleasant made.: me 1 i04· 11 Great bells iiij." Return of 1 ;53· Da\')', Aug. r >· 18::6, puts 3 for 1 ·

al. sim. See pp. 119, qo. The surname to Roger IS Coe, as it appears from the parish book ( 1743), when a cmcked treble and a sound tenor were ordered to be cast into three s•mtll bells, at a cost not exceeding £7·

381. RAMSHOL T All Su'11ts. 1 Dell. Bell. John Thrbie made me 1679.

"Great bells ij." Return of 1 553· "Tile steeple is round and has bUI one bell." ;\by, J]:6, T. Martin (?) In 1747 the top of the steeple was blown down, and now the tower has no

roof, and is much dilapidated. See p. n4.

382. RAT TLESD EN S. Nirholas. 5 Dells. 1, 2 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit I 7 54· 3 Robart Bumstead john lJrakc Church Wt~rdens I i 54· •l Tho. Gardiner he did us cast

Wee will sound his praise to the last. 5 Henry \\'cstley John Jcwers Churchwardens. T. Osborn

fecit 1789. "Grent bells iiij." Return of 1 553· Da1•y notes 1, 3 as 1, 2, 2 as 5, 4 as 3, and; as 3· Seep. 145·

383. RAYDO N S. ,1/ctrJ'. 1 Dell. Bell. Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 18-.

3 in 1 551· Davy records the inscription on the old bell, ,i;aaclt t>amabt (sic) @ra Pro .@o!Jus.

384 , R EDE All Saints. 3 Dells. 1 0 Bt Uc 0 Sz Bvri 0 Sz Santi 0 Sz I:dmondi 0 82

Stcf:mvs 0 Sz Tonni 0 82 me 0 llz fecit 0 82 WLOSz 1578.

z 0 81 De 0 8:! llvri 0 Sz S..1nti 0 82 Edmondi 0 82 Stefam·~ 0 Sz Tonni 0 Sz me 0 Sz fecit 0 S:z \\' L 0 St •s86.

3 john 0 81 Dry 0 Sz Ver 0 St me fe cet 0 St t6o:~.

''Great bells iij." Return of 1 533· Tom ;\I art in, ~larch 12, 1724, ~,;ys. "Steeple above half down, .3 bells."

Dav)', by mistake, Aug. 25, 18)11 speaks of 2 bells. !:iee pp. 1)6, 101).

385. REDGRAVE S. Jlfar;•. 6 Bells. r T. Osborn fecit qSs. 2, 3, 4· 5 Thomas N cwman of :-.r ondch m:tdc me 1 7 36. 6 John ;\lunns & John Goldsmith C. W. Thomas New­

man of Norwich made me qs6. 3 in 1 H3· T. Martin notes, In Sept., 1736, the five bells were taken out

of Redgrave steeple, in order to be new (run or) cast. The tenor had a piece broken out of the top of it, and t his circum>cription : Chas. Newman made me 16<)1. Goldsmnh Ch W. On the other 4: Chas. Newman made mee 16<)1, in cap1tals. Sperling (1SI>o) says, "Tenor G~, 9 cwt." Sec pp. 138, 145·

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386. REDISHAM, GREAT, S. J>ct~r. 1 Bdl. Bell. Ko inscription.

Suckling notes a split bell dated 1621. ''The steeple has been long down, But one bell bangs at the \\e~t o:nd, 111 a frame on the ground It bearos inscription, Anno Domini 1621." Davy, June 2, t8o8 (?) '

"Great bells ij." Return of 1 553·

387 .. REDISHAM, LIT T LE, S. Jt~llus. Ecc!esi1' dcstructa. No return in 15 53·

388. REDLINGFIELD S. Andn:w. 1 Ddl. Bell. No inscription.

3 in 1553· So Davv, 5 Dec., 1817. Manin (without date) notes three modem bells hangmg in a wooden frame

389. RENDHAM S. llfichacl. 5 I1ells. 1 T. 1\fears of Loncion fecit 1831. 2 Inscription entirdy Co\'crcd With an iron band. Oatt: of

stock !794· 3 Q 65 thrice. + V lrgo 0 Cltoronata 0 Due 0 ~os 0 <.1:\l) 0 1\tgna

tJcaln. 4 N. S. T. H. E. I.

Anno Domini r6z::. WIP,. 5 Thomas ;\lears of London fecit 1 So2.

Davy gives the znd "Edmond Palmer, John Blinco Churchwardens. R Phelps fecit. 1729."

Jonathan Grimwood of Rendham went up to see the tenor cast, and flung seven half.crowns into the metal. to "hich some are said to attnbute the good tooe of the bell. Tenor c. 13 c11 1.

" for ye ornaments and ye Bells we haue solde non as we wu\1 nnswere." Certif. of Rob. Thurston and Edm. tTeavyear. C.W. 15-17· "Great bells iiij." Return of 15 53· See pp. 69, 91, 114.

390, RENDLESHAM S. G'<:~'Y· 3 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 17 q. 2 Thomas Gardiner m:~dc me 1713. 3 .1\lilcs Grnye made me 1630.

Pits for five. The usual coins and m;~rl;s on 1 and 2. Bells in c: , C, and B, with diameters 27§ in., 29} in., and 31i in. Certif. of 15-17 records no sale of bells. "Great bells iij." Return of 1 553· Seep. 143·

391, REYDON S. Mar;;arrt. r Bdl. Bell. Q so thrice. + 61 iQnc rn ~onclnbr 0 62 (!iiabnd flunc p nngc :n.lbr.

J in 1553· "formerly~ if not 5," Davy, Aug. 19, 1Sq. SeeP· 53•

392, RICKINGHALL INFERIOR S . .illa'J'· ~ + SC€: : JACOB€ : Il1JJ.l€l\C€D€ z T. D. r6so. 3 No inscription.

''Great bells iij. Sa nels bells j." Return of t533· Davy, 6 jan., tSJo, "3 bells.'' Sec pp. 6~, 11 z.

3 Hells. l?ItO : me

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393. RICK I NGHALL SUPERIOR S. lfftriJ'· 6 Bells. 1 Jonathan Steggal George Porter C. \\'ardcns. ln a scroll

"f. 'i!:a!!lot anb ..S:on .:1fountlns 11.ougbboroug!>" r85o. 2, 3, 4, 5 J ohn Goldsmith fecit 17 1 z. 6 ~!r. c;eorgc Elmy & l\lr. Henry Freeman C. \\'. t Hr.

Tho. ~cwman made me. 4 in I$53· See pp. 138, q6.

394. RINGSFIELD All Saints. z 1kl1s. 1 John Stephens made mee 17 26. 2 Cl 5o thrice.

Donvm Clem. Gooch ct Rob. Shelford tGto. ''Great bells ij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553· Pits for four. Davy notes 3, June:::, t8o8. See pp. r 13, 139·

395. RINGSHALL S. Cat/urine. z Helb. 1 R. Phelps Landini fecit 17 37. 2 + 24 Cl :!3 + 43 .§aneta i"-<:ttnina @ra :t;Jro ~obi~.

3 in 1 55.3· So 1\Ir. Parker, who does not condescend to note l. See pp. 23, 148,

396. RISBY S. Giles. 3 Bells. 1 Cl 5 J thrice. + 61 VIrgin[~ "Egrcgir 0 6.z mloror <!;ampa na j'l:laric. 2 JOHn D:flAPE:'f\ mAD€ filE: lliiZ:. 3 Cl 65 thrice. + 67 jl:lcriti~ 0 68 EnmuntJi 0 68 .;:imnl! 0 68 <fl. 0

<!dminc 0 6~ j1<1 untJL "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. "3 bells," Da''Y· Sec pp. )4, 69, 1 t t.

397. RISHANGLES S. Jlfargart l. s 11ells. I U 5:? thrice. + tl?cc :flit .;;cocum 0 62 <!:ampa 1!.autlt Bonorum

2 Cl 5 r thrice. + 61 C!rdcsti jtlannn 0 62 'l!:ua l).lroltl! J1os; CCibct ~nna. 3 Cl 5 r thrice. + 6 t jf.lcritil! EtJmuntJi 0 62 .§imu~ ~ <Ctimlnr .!Runbi.

3 in 1553· So Davy with involuntary variations from Martin . 4 Dec., 1817. See pp. 54. 58.

398. ROUGHAM S. Jlfary. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie m::~de me 1661. WiUiam ~Ianing C.W. 2 John Darbic made me 1661. 3 Cl 9 thrice. + 13 ~urn i\ofa l;)ttll!ata jl:luntJi j"!:laria i:J'ocata. 4 John Darbic made me 1678. 5 John Martin Church Warden. Tho•. Osborn fecit 1790.

V cnite Exultemus. " Great bells iiij." Return of 15)3· Davy notes five bells, but no inscriptions.

399. RUM BURGH S. 111ichad . 5 Bells. r , 4 ~nno Bomini 1624 WIB . .z t\ ~ f ~ CCbult~wartcM, ~11110 Bomini 16z4 WIB.

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3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit qzS. 5 The Rcvn~ . Lombe A1thi11s (sic) Perp. Curate. John

Briant H ertford fecit 1823. C. Rcy110ids. 3 and a Sance bell in t553· "Old treble T. B. 1G6o.'' Davy, 16 May, 18o6.

See pp. 7, tq ..

400. RUSHBROOKE S. Nicholas. 3 Bells. 1 Thomns Newman of Norwich made me '7.33· 2 0 St Andrew Cvrny ma.de me 1636. 3 Thomas Newman made mee 17 I'.

"Square steeple, 3 bells, and Dr. Nceden says, modern ones." Davy, Seep. T 12.

401. RUSH MERE S. Al/(fn:tc'. 6 Bells. r, 2 John Datbie made me 167 5. 3 1J z6 + 2 2 0 2 5 .;=~nrtr l:3ololfr era l!Jro .Jf}.obi ~. 4 0 :z6 + 22 1J 25 l:Yor ~uquftini j)onrt In ~\lrr i3ri. 5 1J 26 + :!:! CJ 25 .Sanda ltnlarina <9ra ~~ro .tlobi,;. 6 J\[ears & Stain bank, :Founders, London, 1885.

Ad gloriam Dei et in memoriam S:mcti Andreae, Apostoli et J\Iartyns, dedicata. Gulidmus Wigston, Vicarius, Alfredus 1-kller, Gulielmus U awson, Sacrorum Custodes.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 4 Aug., 181o.

402. RUSH MERE S. JJiiclracl. ~ Bells. I 0 52 thrice.

l!n V ilct anb l!n {l)o 1!aubrl! 13ro. z 1J 64 th rice. + : S CA : l3AlfBAJtA ; P:i'tO me: ne:vm .

E:XO:£\A. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Seep. 59·

403, SANTO N DOWN HAM s. Jlfary. 1 Bell. Bell. Rob:u-d Gvrney made me 1663.

"Great bells ij." Return of 1 553· Davy, '24 Aug., t8zg, notes one bell. Sec p. 13~.

404. SAPISTON S. Andrew. 4 Bells. r John D raper made me t6~S. The gift of Thomas

Mannyngc. :z Thomas Newmnn of Nonvich made me 1730. 3 ~!Joma,; Dmprr 1591. 4 1J 51 thrice. . + 61 .flo; Z~omt ..{tlcriti~ 0 6z jllmamur l!ilaul)i:t 1luns.

11 Great bells iij." Return of 15;3· Davy, Z) July, ~S:p, '"four bells." See pp. s6, JOo, II~, fJ7·

405. SAXHAM, GREAT, S. Andm.•. 3 l3dls. 1 T. Osborn 17 87. 2 T. Osborn fecit 1787. 3 Thomas ]\[cars of London, founder, 1836.

"Great bells iij." Return of •553· The old tenor wns inscribed, 1' Fred.

Evered, Ch. Warden, 1787!' Davy, Aug. 19, 1828.

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406. SAXHAM 1 LITTLE, S. Nicholas. 3 ileUs. I Q 51 thrice. + 6r \abc jllaria ~ratia pima 0 6.z i.h minus 'irtcunl. z 0 51 thrice . + 61 ;!Hiffus De Qtdis 0 6z !L?a~ro .V.omcn <Sn!)tidis. 3 Thomas Cheese made me 1603. SB

11 Great bells iij." Return of 15 53· Davy transposes 1 and 2, and omits S. B. on the tenor. Sec pp. 52, 53· 109.

407. SAXMUNDH AM S. /:1Im Baptist . . 1 Cast by J ohn " 'arncr & Sons, London.

?.Irs. Ann Crampin. H ung by G. Eye, 188o.

2 Anno Domini 1609. W. B. 3 : + : sancta : margarcta : orn : pro nobis. 4 + 0 ~anrtr facouc @ra b.lto' ,!lobis. 5 0 34; 0 35. 0 32, 0 33·

0 ':! ~~<:~

6 Bells. Presented by Day & Son,

+ 0 ~aneta j Hatg<mta lli)ra ~)ro i'ioui!l. 6 1762. Lester & Pack of London fecit . .f'••. Eade &

Ja•. Last Ch. IVardms. Davy gives 16oz as the dale of the znd. "Great bells v. Sancts bells j ." Return of 1553· See pp 35, 1 t 3·

408. SAXSTEAD All Saints. r Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1678.

3 in r 553· 1\'!artin, 15 June, 1735, notes 3· No notes in D&v). Hawes and Loder, p. 324, give a znd, ''Anno I. P. 1. A. 1589, and a 3rd, Virgints lSgu gte Voror llrampnna jlilnrir." Seep. n~.

409. SEMER All Saints. 3 Bells. 1 0 81 Thomas 0 Sz Cheese me fecit 16zt. z 0 5 ~ thrice. + 61 ~ t.lttitis E llmunb( 0 6z ~hnn~ ~ ~rlminc ~'lunbi. 3 0 Sr Johannes 0 S::z l\le fecit TC Me feci t 1618.

So Davy, z6 Oct., r 826. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553· See pp. 5s, 110.

410. SHADINGFIELO S . J olm Baptist. 1 Bell. Bell. James 0 81 Edbere 0 82 t6o8 (:uabesque).

"Great bells iij." Return of 1533· '' 1 Dell," Davy, ~ June, 1 So8. P· 109. . .

411. SHELLAND. Bell. ,~· ~~· } cut in the shoulder .

. ,)j3 0 8r Thomas 0 Sz Cheese me fecit 1624.

1 Hell.

Davy, June 13, T8:l7 1 notes one in a cupola, inaccessible. 4 in 1553.

412. SHELLEY All Sai11ts. T enor. Di::un. 39 in. 5 Bells. 1 John Dnrbie mnde rue 1663.

Snmvell Kerridge Esq1ire gave me. z Miles Grnye made me 1629. 3 0 65 thrice. + l!ancta 0 ana (sic) 0 ora 0 pro 0 nobi!l


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·~ C1 G 5 thrice. + sancta : maria : ora : 11ro : nob!~. 5 John Hodson mac.lc me l66l. This bell was given by

S:umell Kerrcclgc Es•Fier W. H C (W ?) 0 C1 0 (the first a flt'ur·de-Jis, the last a medallion

probably intended for Charles ll.) ' 3 in 1553· Davy transposes 4 and 5· SL't? pp. 69, 118, 123, fjZ. These

are never rung. They have a wondrous system of "clocking."

413. SHIMPLIN G S. Gt'or~:c. 5 Bells. 1, 4 Thomas Newm:lll made me I735· 2, 3 Thomas Newman of !\ orwich made me 17 35· 5 Thomns l\lenrs, London, 1843.

"Great bells iij. '' Return of 1553· Davy," Four bells 1734, five bells 1831." Seep. t38.

414. SH I PM EADOW S. Bartholomtw. 1 Bell. Bell. J ohn Brend made me 1640.

" Great bells iij. Sa nets bells j." Return of 1553. "Only one bell," notes,6June, l i69,in Davy'!>.IIISS. Seep 11 5.

415. SHOTLEY S. 1lfary. 1 Bell. Bell. J ohn Darbie made me 1686. W. D. R. F. S•.

Henry Felton : B~ronett 1J {Felton). So Davy. IS:lJ. But under "MS. notes by Sir J. Blois, p. r8o," there is

"Rcc. Bowler on the bells." 4 in 15)3· Seep. 1:!5.

SHOTTISHAM S. i1Iarg.trct. t Bell. Bell. Q 65 thrice. + 67 ~.1n c ta 0 .!l:Taria 0 0ra 0 1tJro 0 .[!obis.


"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· "One be1l," Davy, 12 Oct., Seep. 69.

417. SIBTON S. Peter. 1 Thomas ~[cars, founder, London, t 848. 2 J ohn D:~rbie made llle 167o. 3 0 9 thrice.

5 Bells.


+ lin ,!Hultis ~nnis i\cfonct <!:ampana S)obannis. 4 0 s: thrice. + 6 r lJtltus \Ril Etrrnr 0 62 Duc:tt .['2as 1J)asnrn 'fJil r. 5 H enry I'leasnnt made me 169-1· Edmund Rickit


Dec. 6, 1805 Davv notes the old treble," John D;lrbie made me 168r. W . !{." Dec. :&>5, elates the ~nd 1673, and gives 1Eirrnir. o.n the Jrd ~or En Jlilnltis. No sale of bells recorded in cerllf. of 1547· 4 m 1553· See pp. 17, 56, l:lJ, 140.

418. SIZEWELL S. Nidto!trs. Ecclesia destntc/a. No return m 1553·

419. SNAPE S . .fohn B.iptist. 3 Bells. r john Wt:hincopp. t6H. 2 N. H. 0. l. 476 W C. 1'. 0. C. N. I. H. I. W. 3 Tho. Gardiner fecit. 1713. R. H. I. K.

From Davy, June 12, t8o6. No sale of J:>c:Us in ccrtif. of I 547· ''Great bells lij." Return of •553· The date of :l 1s probably J 576.

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420. SOfiAM, EARL, S. .llfary. 5 Bells. l l\Iilcs Craie made me x6ro. z CJ so thrice. + 6 r (11\urfumus ~nbrra 0 6~ .:framulomm .,Sufript 1:1'ola. 3 John Darhie maM me t 663. R. D. H. l:l. \V. S. 4 0 so thrice. + 6r Vrtru:S ~b Elrrnr 0 6z Ducat .tlos ~:Jasrua ~ttr. 5 John Darbic made me 1663 R U H. B W S.

Hawes crosses 1 and 3, and gives a wrong date for 5· The old windlass remains.

On the buttresses of the tower is the following hexamctrical quatrain, in stone and cut flint:-

l.lanlp~us 4lrotwtt bil.l marta rotuHt isti Eccli' fnrtc mi pmit graria cci~t~

l!::ampiilis eiu' t~oma~ Qi'lloii fuit autor 1!lui' rt -- suttul opttnru5 auxtlcator.

1 regret to leave a word unread. The wills of Radulph Cubytt of Norwich, and Thor.1as Edwarde of

Congham, in the first half of the reign. of Henry VI I I., have reference to Earl Sobam, and they seem to be the persons indicated in the inscription.

No sale of bells in ccrtif. of r 547· "Some com its Great bells iiij." Rc· turn of 1553· See pp. 56, 57, 1171 123.

421. SOHAM, MONK, S. Pt'lu. Tenor G. Diam. 4oi in . 5 Bells.

1 i-iiles Graye made me 16 3 r. 2 Post oulkts ~eno\'ata sodnles. Re\·erendus Vir Gulielmus

Ray A.M. Rector. Thomas Martin & Laurentius Spinny Ecclesie Guardiani. R. Phelps London fecit 17 34·

3 U so thrice. + 6r Dulcis ~isto .{ndis 0 62 <!tampa @ocor Plirbadis. 4 U 5 r thrice. + 6r ~iJctrus ~ll ~tcrnr 0 6:z B urat .Oos l!Jastua i!':iitr. 5 John Darbic made me 1661. John Aldrich Robart

Rous. So Davy, 30 April, rSzS. 4 in 1553· No bells in 1547 cenif. mentioned as sold. See pp. 55, 56, 1 18, 122, 148.

422. SOME RLEYTON S. JIIm:J'· Tenor G. 6 Bells. 1 J. Taylor & Co., Founders, 1872. 2 Sr. Richard Allen Baronet 1700 I :B 0 SS 3 0 47 AVE: 0 48 UIJlGO 0 48 UI}\GinUffi 0 48

ffiAlll€: 1l 0 48 I l·It.J 0 48 X PI. 4 CJ 51 thrice. + 61 ~ir~inls <!tgrrgit 0 62 miocor <!;ampana ll:larir. s 'C) 51 thrice. + 6r ;!!llt fn <!;onrlabr 0 62 ~abrici .[lunc l!Jsngt ~uabr. 6 William Ayton C. W. Thomas Newm::m made me 1706.

"Great bells iij." Relurn of 1553· Re·opened Oct. ], 1872. See pp . . p' 53· 54t 147·

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lXSCRfrTIOX:-.. 233

423. SOM ERSHAM S. llfary. ~ Uclls. 1 John l>nrbic made me 1662. 2 :'llil~:<; c:myc made me 1Gz6.

3 in 1553· Davy, r8 1\l ay, 1829, notes an old treble like the present znd. See pp. 118, 123.

424. SOMERTON S ,lfargard. 4 flells. t De Hvri Santi Edmonui. Stefanvs Tonni me fecit

W. L. 1578. z, 3 De Bvri Santi Edmon<li S:efanvs T onni me fectt '573· 4 Miles Grayc made me t6Sr .

"Great bells iiij." Return of •553· Davy, March 23rd, 1814, calls r, z; and 2, 1 ; J, 4; and 4, J." See pp.

g6, '34·

425. SOTH EATON S. And1?w. 1 l:cJI. Bdl. Thoma::. l\Iears, Founder, London, rS.Jz. T . F.

So Davy, June r, r8oS. Terrier rendered 24 June, 179~ "One small bell with the frame, weighing :\bout} cwt."

Certif. of iiij Nov., 1547• by Thornas Davy :10d John Xoone. "ltm fot· a Lrokcn hande bell viijrl.' '

No bell returned in '553·

426. SOTTERLEY S. Alargaret. 2 .Dells. 1 Thomas <::mliner fecit q 1 7. z : + : SiUtCtr.A : IItAiiGA~E!ll'A O~A ~ PI\0

nOBIS . So Davy, r June, r8o8. No snle of bells in certif. of '547· "Great bells

iij." Return of •553· tioc p. 62.

427. SOUTHOL T S. llftn'l{cmt. r Dt:ll. Bell. ] ohn Dnrbie made me 1677.

4 in I ;'i3· Davy, 3 May, 1837, "One small bell." Sec p. 1Z4

428. SOUTHTOWN S . .Jlf.uJ'· 1 Udl. Bdl. 1831 (the }Car of Consccrntron).

429. SOUT HWOLD S. Edmund. 8 and old Clock IJdl. 1, ~ No in5cription . 3 William Dol>son Downham Norfolk fecit J8:!o. 4, 5 John J>nrbie made me 1668.

R. I. T. ~ . Clwrch \Yardcns. T. l'. T. N. llaylifcs. 6 ll'n Ur!)ltb 0 'sz anb En Uo iLnullcs iiJeo. 7 Q so thrice. + 6 1 ~ubbrniat Digna D 62 Donntibu5 tl?anc l{attnna.

8 Hon~>~•. & Revd. A. Rous, Yicar, J. Sutherland, 'P, 'Edward5, Bailiffs, E. Frccm.'\n Cb. ~\\':~rdcn, rS.zS.

Bell att::~chcd to old "Jack o'th'Ciock." No in~cription. 5 and a Sancc bell rn •553· 1 and z cast not m:~ny years ago by ~I oore,

! Iohnes <tnd Mackenzie. ~cc extract from Gardiner's 1\I.S. 6 aml <tnother bought from South Elrnharn All Saints. See No. 168, p. 186.

D.wy, 12 Aug., 1806. "5 bells hung, and on~ standing on the ground," on which he did not note the inscroi. Old Tenor In ~fluiHG ...

"A litiU syluyr belle" \Vas sold in 1 H7 by Thomas Jcntyhnan and Will•m \\'ril:ht, C. \V,

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The treble, from which the present 3rd was cast, was of the same make as tbe present 4th and 5lh, and thatwh)ch occupied the place of the present 6th, according to Uavy, bore no inscription. Gardiner notes Katherine and John as the Christian names of K. Tylls (1470) and Joh. Cawntcler (1471) who left 5 marks each ''ad factural\1 uniu« Campaore."

T. 1'. '!'. N. are apparently the initials of Thomas Postle and Tbomas Nunn, Bailiffs in 1671 and 166~ respectively. Those of 1667 and 1668 bore other initials. Tokens of Postle's are mentioned in Golding, p. 67. See pp. 57t 59• lZJ, f54·

430. SPEXHALL S. Peter. r Bell. 0 52 thrice. + 6r Dulci!l .§isto ,!liT eli~ 0 62 C!l'nmpa Uocor J):licbli

3 in I 553· Dav)', June 3rd, tSoS. •• 3 bells formerly ltung in a shed in the yard, but in 1771 a facu lty was obtained to sell z of them to repair lhe church. Tbe other hangs in a cupola at the west end of the nave."

Terrier rendered June, 1791. "Also one Bell banging in a new erected Cupola." See p. 55·

431. SPROUGH TON All Sai11ts. r, :z, 4 John Darbie made me 1658. 3 Thomas .Mears of London fecit t813. 5 0


0 H 0 0

5 Bells.

So Davy, who merely notes the tenor blank. No sale of bells recorded in ceruf. of 1547· 3 in 1553· See pp. So, 122.

432. STANNINGFIELD S. NtcluJ/as. 3 :Bells. r Robnrd * Gvrney ,~ made ~ me 1664. :) 1.J 51 thrice. + 6 r ~be. <!ii radn 1))1cnn 0 62 Domiun!'l ~uum. 3 0 8 r De 0 82 Bvri 0 3:z Santi 0 8z Edmondi 0 82

Stc:f::uws 0 82 Tonni 0 82 me 0 82 fecit 0 Sz 0 8 r 1567.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· So Davy, with slight variations. See PP· 52, g6, 192.

433. STANSFIELD All Sabtts. 5 Bells. 1, z, 3, 41 5 l\1iles Gmye made me 1652.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Seep. JZr.

434. STANSTEAD S . .fames. 6 :Bells. r, 2 T. :.'\tears of London fecit 183o. J, 4 l\Iiles Grayc made me r662. 5 0 7 4 ~aneta 0 7 5 trinitn~ 0 76 unu!'l 0 7 5 bcus 0 76

mi!'lmrc 0 7 5 nob\$. 15441

--,--;;-- !ltrplJct\t 1onnc mt ftdt. 6 Pack & Chapman of London fecit I775·

"Great bellys iij.'' Return of r553· Davy, Aug. JS, 1831, "Sil( bells.'' Seq>p. 79. 133·

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435. STANTON All Saints. Tenor G. D1am. 39 f in. 4 Uells. 1 lJ 6 s thrice. + : sancla : mnria : ora : pro : noH~. z 1J 6 5 thrice.


+ 67 (!) mnrt!r 0 68 t3nrbnrn 0 (ig l!homr 0 68 l:lcum 0 68 Erorn 0 68.

3 Q 65 thrice. + 67 (f)~{bu~ 0 68 ~rli 0 68 §nc 0 68l3ntbam 0 oR ~rrmina (sic) D 68 !3di.

4 0 81 Anno 0 8z: 0 82 Rcgni 0 82 Reginae-Elizabcth 0 82 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 0 8r Anno 0 82 Domini 0 Sa I soo.

"Great bells iij.'' Return of 15 53· Davy, 5 Jan., J8to, notes the u1Scription on treble defaced. See pp. 69,


436. STANTON S. Joh1t JJajllisf. Tenor G. Dlam. 37 in. 4 Bells.

1, 2 john Darbie made me r68o. 3 No inscription. 4 John JJarbie made me r68o. I W S B CWs.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Da11y, 5 Jan., 1810, as this. Seep. 1:)4.

437, STERN Fl ELD S. JJfary Jlfd,?dalent. 4 Bells. 1 John Brend made me 1659· z John Uarbiemademe 1681. I. n. 3 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1716. 4 De Bvri Santi Edmondi. Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1 S7 3·

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· From Dav}', June 12, tSc6.

438. STOKE ASH All Saints. 4 Bells. 1 William Dobson, founder, Downham, Norfolk. :z No inscription. 3 1J 65 thrice. + ~ancrn 0 ~nnn 0 0nt 0 ~i>ro 0 floflis. 4 + llr: tcbo 0 £n Drum @mni [j potrntcm.

4 in 1553· Davy, 23 April, 1819, notes the treble ns AVe ffiA'l\IA G'l\ACIA PDE:llA, the third ~nnrtn Jtlaria l!;lrn tJro Xobi$.

These two dedications had been recorded by T. J\lartin, c. 1719. See p. 69.

439. STOKE-BY-CLARE S. Niclmel. 6 and Clock hell. r, 3 T. Osborn fecit 1786. Cum vow \'enite. 2 T. Osborn Downham .Norfolk fecit 1786. 4 l\lors vincet omnia. T. Osborn fecit 1786. s, 6 Joseph Harrison Daniel IJannell Churchwardens.

Tho•. Osborn founder Downham Norfolk t 786. Clock bell+ 77 furgr ; mane ; far llirc ; llro.

1' Great bells v." Return of 15)3. Sec p. 79·

440. STOKE-BY-NAYLAND S . .AfiuJ'· 6 a11d Clock bell. 1 Thomas Gardiner fecit J725. 2 John . Hollon . Samud . Bigsbe . C.Ws. 1 7z5.

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~:> ... :. 0: 3 + 89 En .!Hulti$ ~nnl~ i\cfonct ~ampana g)ob.1nnis; +

<:t 0 ~obrs; froft alia~ tborn

+ + O:fl.A ; menrlt€: ; I?IA : l?l"t0 ; nOBIS ; Vl:fl.GO : !ltAl\IA : Amen ;

5 Joseph Holies . 1699. Thomas William~ . 169y. H . Ple.'tsant mad..: me.

G Reverenc..l ] oshua Rowley ~Iinistt!r Ht::nry Cook Ed. Cook Churchwardens 1SIJ . Thomas ~{e;us.

Clock bell. No inscription, apparentlr. "Great bells v." Heturn of 1 553· Davy, Sept. 29 and 30, 18:::8. "1:2

bells which I omitted to visit!' This is remO'Irkable. J. J . R. The capitallettenng on the fourth is unknown to me; but the initial cross

looks like an enlargement of No. 47· After the dissertation was printed, my friend, :\[r. Justice Clarence, of

Colombo, Ceylon, went to see Giffard Hall, in this parish, formerly the resi­dence of the :\lannock family. Here over the gateway he found a small bell, scarce 18 in. high, bearing a coin or two, and the inscription, .;.nnctt jl!ugo ~ra lJ ro ~obu;. There were no marks, but the lettering is Cui verden's, see pp. 37, etc. It is remarkable that his Lincolnshire proclivities show themseh•es here in a dedication to the wcll·known Bishop of Lincoln.

441. STONHAM ASPALL S. Lambert. Tenor E. 24 cwt. xo Bells.

r , z, 4 T. l\lears of London fecit 18zG. 3 T . Mears of London fecit rS26. Danl. Wn.dc aged So

years. \V"'. Last, Two of the Parish Ringers. 5 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1 770.

Wm. Hnnyard & Sn.ml. Davie Ch: Wardens. 6 T . 1\rears of London fecit 1826.

Job Roper John Blomfield. 7 T. ~!cars of London fecit 18:26.

Revd. Tho•. Methold Rector. \\"m. Taylor & Sam!. Ford Churchwardens.

8 Thomas Lester made me 17 46. 9 In this tower bung 5 bells the tenor weighing 10 hun:

z qrs. o lb. In the year I7 .p they were taken down & wi(h y• addition of 3 tons 10 hun: of mettle were recast into ten att y• expence of Theodore Ecclestone Esqrc of Crowficld Hall, aged 27 years. He ga,·e also a new frame att ye s:une titne, 17 .p. Tho~. Lestur made us all

to Theodore Eccleston Esq•. gave me 1742. T homas Lester of London mo:tde me 1745. John Williams hanged me. The end crowns the work.

So Davy, 12 l\Iay, 1824. 1, 2 Theodore Ecclcstone Esq. 1742. 3 Tho. Lester of London made me.

At proper times my voice l'll raise Unto my Benefactor's praise. Theodore Eccles tone Esq•. 171 z.

No mention of bells in certil. of iij ::Xov., 1547· 4 jn 1553, Seep. l.l-9·

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442. STO NHAM EARL S. liittry. Tenor G~.

r H enry Pleasant made me 1706. z Thomas nardiner Sudbury fecit 1727. 3 cr so thrice.

JJi::un. 38 in. 5 Bells.


+ 6r (!i}urhnnu? 1Inbtca 0 62 jfamu[otum ~ufdpt Vola. 4 cr so thrice. + 6 r Wirgini; <ifgcrgic 0 62 ~ocor <!Campa jl:larir_ 5 Candler ll ird Ch: Warden. T. Osborn Downham fecil

1 781. Pcrcutc dulce cano. So Davy imperfectly, 28 March, 1811. 4 in 1553· See pp. 5·!. 57, 140, 144.

443. STON HAM, LIT TLE, S. 1llcoJ'· 5 Bells. r T. Mears of London f..:cit 181 7. 2 T . .\lears of London fecit 18t6. 3 1\files Craye made me r6 r 7 \' . 4 Q 65 thrice::. + Uitgo <!i:ocna :O uc !loll ~l) 1'\cgnn. 5 R . Phelps fecit 1 iZ9·

4 m I553· T . Martin notes 5 bells. 3 ;.aneta ffia ria ora pro nobi~. 4 r7irgo (!foronata buc nos ab rtgna btala. 5 ;;.aneta ttatcrina or.t pro nobts.

Davy, 26 Oct. , 1829, notes 5 inaccessible. See pp. 67, II?·

444. STOVEN S. ll.fargtm:t. 1. Dell. Bell. 1759·

So Davy, 13 J une, t8o8. 2 in 1553·

445. STOW W EST S. ilfary. Tenor. Diam. 4 2t in. 6 Bells. 1 C. AUD & . ffiE:Al\S llOX:!DO ll 18*9. l?:f\AI S E:

Y € TitHE: lJO'flD. 2, 6 John Draper made me r6s1. 3, 4 John Draper made me 16z9. 5 John D:trbie made me 1674.

u Great b ells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 19 Aug., 182<;,. " 5 bells which I did nol visit.'' See pp. n::, r:q.

446, STOWLANGTO FT S. &'eu~:t::e. 4 Bells. 1 J ohn Dr:.~pcnnadc me 1631. 2 J. D. 1614. 3 CJ' 5 I thrice. + 61 ~ullb rnia t Dlngna 0 62 Don;mt!bulS i!?anc i'{atcrina. 4 For the service of liod. Cast at the expense of Henry

\\'ilson Esq. 1856. Taylor and Son, Founders, Lough borough.

" Great bells iij." Return of 1 553· Davy, 6 July, t 8.J.3· "+ bell$," apparently quoting T. ~lartin. See pp.

57. 109 , 1!2.

447. STOWM AR KET S S . Pt'tt:r and Alary. Tenor D, c. ~4 cwL. Diam. 5' ~ in. S .l:lells.

r William Dobson, J)ownh:uu, Norfolk, Founder, 1810. 2 Tho: Osborn feciL 17!! L.

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3 John Darbic made me 1691. Thomas : God:ud MP. John : Keeble Richard

Os!Jvrnd: 4 + 22 Q 20 ~it flomcn Domini l3tntil1ctum. 5 Charles Newman m<~de rucc 1699. 6 T . .Mears of London fecit 18:!3. 7 John Darbie made me t67 2. S Mile..<; Grayc made rue 1622.

Clock bell + AV€ S.llA~.IA GllAC I A PIJE:nA. Probably the old Snnce bell.

5 and a Sancc bell in 1553· Davy transposes :l and 3· The inscription on the former he records as Adorcmus unum Deum in Trinitate fideliter. O n z he mistakes "Tho" for" john," gives both Darbie's bells wrong dates, and changes the names on 3· See pp. :!1, 1 18, 1 :lJ, I Z), 136.

448. STOWUPLANO Hul;• Triflity. 1 Bell. Bell. Oliver, Wapping, I.ondon. Revd. A. G. H.

Hollingsworth. Boby

G R F Churchwardens. . . reeman

Seep.15 1. ln Nomine SS. Trinitatis r 843·

449. STRADBROKE All S.1i1tts. Tenor Eb, c. zz cwt. 8 Dells.

1 I Taylor & Co., Founders, Loughborough, 1879. Awake thou that sleepest.

2 I . Taylor & Co., l''ounders, Loughborougb, 1879· Hal­lelujah.

3 John Borrctt Donor. Charles Newman made mce 1697· I. Q B. I. Q B. (am1s of Borrctt).

4 Miles Graye made me 1613. 5 +Miles 0 Graye 0 87 made 0 me 0 87 1622.

6 FiJi Dei vivi misercre nobis 1567 I. J:l. 7 Nvmen inest nvmers. John Jhrbic made me 1683.

Thomes Aldous, Joseph Gibbs, C. W. '"' ~ •{:< <:! ~

8 + 44 Q 25 + 14 <tim ~n&ticli)S ~onat ~*' ~nmpnna ~ dfibrlij;.

The figure "6" on the sixth is inverted, and looks like a "9·" 5 and a Sance bell in 1553· Davy, 16 Oct,, 1So6, "6 bells.'' See pp. zs, 102, 117, n8, 125, 136.

450. STRADISHALL S. Jlfllrgard. 5 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 43·

John Yn1c Rector, Tho'. Flack & Thos. Cook C.W. 2 Edwd, Arnold St. Neots fecit 1775· 3 De Dvri Santi EdmonJi Stcf:uws Tonoi me fecit 157o. 4 Miles Graye made me 1646 . . 1 fl1HOffiAS D!lA'f>€'tl IDAD€ ffi€ I593 0 8,.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· "Five belts and a clock." Davy. See pp. g6, tot , 119, 145.

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451. S T RATFORD S. A 11drew. 3 Bells. 1, 2 Cast hy John Warner & Sons, London, 1870 . 3 Recast Ly John Warner & Sons, London, r885 .

Rev. E. Hall, i\1.!\ ., Rector, S. Pl;tnt, Churchwarden. Hung by Geort;c Day & Son, Eye.

"Great bells itj." Relurn of 1553· Old Tenor 0 f•j thrice. + ~aneta 0 l>i!r 0 l;,u 0 a 0 ®m 0 @ro 0 ~obiJI. Seep. 67. T his was the original treble. The others wen! inscribed, .;:aneta jlrtilri,l

<Dra pro ito6i!i, and .flll rrtlill {(?bmnnbi, &c.

452. STRATFORD S. .illary. 5 Bells. r Rector Ecclcsiam restoravit

Campanam Sextarn me donavit Cum gratiis Uominum ndoruvit

H. G .• \nno 1879· L Taylor & Co., Founders, Loughuorough.

2 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1745· John Sacker, John Cooper, C.W.

3 Thom:1s Gardiner fecit 1723• 4 + 43 + 37 in jHultl<! 'atmiJI ~1cfonc t <!:ampnna S}obannh>. 5 + Ricb:mlvs Howler me fecit I sSg. 6 0 0 + ~anctc 0 ~ugoti 0 <D-ra 0 1);ho 0 ~ouil>

0 45 So Davy. "Great bells iiij.l' Return of 15 53· See pp. 37, 104, 145·

453. STRATTON S. P£tcr. Ecclts·ut dtslructa. Xo return in 1 553·

454. STURST ON All Saints. +Bells. I No inscription. :z john Dmper made me t6:n. 3 C. & G. Mears, Founders, London.

Walter ChenCIJ', Rector. Osborn Tippcll, Churchwarden, 1853·

4 C. & G. Mears, Founders, London, 1857· 4- in 1553. Davy, 16 Oct., 18o6, notes the old Jrd, ® miltrr D el memento mei,

a nd the old tenor, James £dbcrc me fecit 16o3. R. 13. W . S. E. D. The old 3rd belonged to the" Btirlingham '' group, as recorded in L'C~trange's Clu1rch Bdls of Norjoli:, p. So. :\le:;srs. i\Iears and Stain bank note that 1,

3, and 4 were supplied by them in 1847, and the latter two since recast. Peal first of 5 bells, tenor 8 cwt.; now of 4 1 tenor + cwt. 3 qrs . 4 lbs.

Diameter of treble :n~ iu., of tenor 32 in. Sec p. u z .

455. S TUTTON S. Pdcr. 5 Bells. t , 4, 5 1\lilcs Gr:tyt: made me 1684. z Chnrles N ewm:tn made mee 1692. 3 Henry Pleasant made me qo6.

So Davy. 3 in 1)53· See p. 134, where" first three" is an error; also PP· 135• t4o.

456. SUDBOURNE All Saints. t llell. Uell. John Darbic made me 167~.

" Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· l\o notes in Davy. Diam. 3ft. 3 in. Seep. 124.

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457. SUDBURY All Sai!IIJ. Tenor l>J, c. 30 cwt. S nnd Clock bell.

t Cast hy John Warner & Sonc;, London, rS7G. . In memory uf Charll:~ J:adham ~l.A. z 7 )c.:ar.:; Vicar of

this Pnrish. llicc.l \pril, ISH· 2 Cast by John \\'nrn~:r ,\ Sons, London, 1876.

!'resented by Elliston .\lien. 3 George Il:tshwoml Esq, John Crystal! Wardens.

H. P. t7o1. 4 ~files Grayc made me 167 T.

5 1J 6 5 thric1.. + 67 ,Sancia 0 R1tcdna 0 <Dta 0 pto 0 ilo&hs. 6 + 91 + .p .Snm l\ofa lJulfata jl:lunbt jthtia Vocala. 7 V 65 thriCL + 67 ~lelia 0 ;fll;nia 0 ;flhtis 0 ~uccnm 0 lJiiffima

0 Jlobis. 8 Cnst hy John \\ arn~.:r & Sons, London.

I toll the J<unual kndl I ring the Fc<;tal I lny I m:trk the flcctin,~;; hours Anc.l chime lilt.! Church to pray.

Cast 15 76. Recast r i\7 5·

Revd. A. J I. \rdcn, Vir:ar. H. S. l'rntt } Ch I d A. Archer urc lW:lr Lns.

Clock bell. No mscription. "Great bells iij. Sa nets bells j." Return of 1 j53· Da\'y notes no date,

reverses 6 and 7· Tenor as in Badh1m's notes. at. sim. The tenor was by S. Tonm of Bury, J)j6, inscribed, "Filius Virgin is

:\[arie dat nobis gaudta \'tte." Badham. The crosses on the 6th arc in lozenges, instead of octagon, our blocks being according to the form at Gloucester Cathedral and S .. \!ban's . Sec pp. qo, 151.

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458. SUD 8 U RY S. BnrlhPivmnu. Ecduia deslrurltl. No return in 1553.

459. SUD 8 U RY S. Gn;r;or.J'. Tt:nor F, 16 Cl\'t. 8 Hells. 1, 2, 3, 4, s, 6 T. l\fc:m; of London fecit t8z1. 7 Mc:trs of JJondon f..:cJLJ82r.

l I. W. Wilkinson, ti l ini~lcr. A. Dacon, \\'"'· jonc~, Churdli\'Mciens.

8 Pack Chapman of J.ondon fc•cit 1 7 7 4· 'lc Ringers all that prize Your health and happine~~ He sober, merry 11 isc And you11 the sam<.. posses~.

"Great bells v. Sancts bcllsj." Return of 1553. Seep. 15 1.

46;). SUDBURY S. Ptttr. T enor E'J. Dimn. 49 in. z3 cwt. 8 .Lkll!>.

1, z C:tst by John \\'arm:r & Sons, London, 1874. 3 John Darbie made me r662. 4 0 8 1 ; James ; Edbvl'ic (arabesque) r6os.

RBIS RS 1\V RE H.ll TB lUl W.B IC EC 0 0 ~ 0

5 + 0 31 + 37 ":=it .[lomrn Domini lJrntllictum. \:{ " '(: 0 0

6 + 0 31 + 36 In ;fHultis <1'\nnis :l~rfo•trt ~ampana <:1 ~obanni~.

7 Miles Gr:lye made me 16.p. Q "' Q .., 0 0

8 + '5 1J 3 r + Iutonnt (!} ~tli!l Uor (Cam pane jl:licbarlls. "\.rent bells v." Return of 15 iJ· Davy, no date. The lower 6 cor·

recti) though imperfectly gi1•en. The beauty of these capitals is extraor· dinary. ~ee pp. 35, 109, 119, 1~3. 151.

461. SUTTON All Saints. r Rei!. Bell. Robert H vrnard T ho. Gardiner fecit I7'3·

" Grent bells iiij." Return of '553· "The steeple is down. One small bell hangs in the roof.'' Dnvy, 1:: Oct., 1818. Order for sale of a bell, 169::. EaslfrJl Cotmlirs' Cullulallt'n, p. :qo.

462. SWEFFLl NG S. .~~f',II'J'· 6 Dells. 1 Cast by J ohn \\'arncr & Son, London, 1887.

J ubilee bdl. RC\' '· R. l'c~k, .\1. ,\., RL-ctor. Hung by G. D:t} & Son, Eye.

z T. llcarsof London fl:•·it tXJI. 3 Tho. Gardiner fe•·it 1 i 1 ~ 4 Thllm:ts i\fcars & s,m ol London fecit. s, 6 Thomas GarcJiner lll:nh:tll f~:cit. 1 pu.

"~westlyng ... l.reat bells iij ." Return of '553· No notes in D.wy. P• 1..13·



SWILLAND S. 1.ftny. :r Del l. Dell. + AV€ ffiA'q i A G~1\C IA PD€TIA DOffi·

rnvs fl'€Cvm. . So Davy imperfectly, ::8 :\lay, 18::7. 3 in '553· Seep. 61.


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464. SYLEHAM S. A!ary. 3 Dells. 1 John Dmbic made me 1676. 2 John Goldsmith m:u.lc me 1708. St. Margoret's. 3 + 61 .He~ 'l'!Jome j tlrtiti!l 0 62 jHmamur ~aullia 1!ud1>.

So Davy nc.'\rly, 13 Oct., r8o6. 3 in 1)53· Sec pp. 56, 124. z on~ittcd from Goldsmith's list, p. 145·

465. TANN IN GTO N S. Ethclbfft. 5 Bells. J1 :z, 4 John D:ubie made me 1662. 3 John D:ubic marie me 166z. Thomas Dade Esqvirc. 5 John Dnrbie made me 166.:!.

\\ illi:un Dade Esq, john J effrey, W.K. C.\V. 3 in 1 553· Davy, 23 July, 1808, crosses 3 and 5· 2 and 4 are m:~idcns,

tilt: others chipped. On each stock is G. Day, Eye, 1866. A William Dade of Tannington m atricd 1\Jary \Vinglleld of the Crowfield

bmnch. She dted in 16~4. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547·

466. TATTINGSTONE S . .Alary. 5 Bells. 1, 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1661. 4 Thos. l\lc::us of London fecit 1 795· 5 Ransomes & Sims made me 1853·

The inscription OI) the old tenor is noted by Davy as I, 2, 3· Xo sale of bells in certif. of 1547· 4 in 1553· Seep. 146.

467. T HEBERTON S. Pder. 5 Bells. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Jl,lcars & Stainb:mk, Founders, London, 1875.

Rrcli Sum/Is l!t llonorem Domti1i. "One in 1553. I,:! J E. J. D. 16q. 3 John Darbie made me 1663. 4 Nos sumus instructi ad laudcm Domini 159+ (Anns, France and

England) E. H.." Da•·y, Oct. 8, 1806. (He says I. A. on 1, z, but of course he m.:ans I. E.) Diameters, 2 ft. 21 in.; 2 ft. 4 in.; 2 ft. si in.; 2 ft. 7g in.; 2ft. 10 in. Weights, 4 cwt. o qrs. 12lbs.; 4 cwt.l qr.; 4 cwt. 3 qrs. 21 lbs.; 5 c•••t. :: qrs. 19 lbs.; 7 cwt. o qrs. 1 1 Jbs. !:icc p. 110.

468. THELNETHAM S. Nidtolas. 5 Bells 1 T. L made me 1748. 2 T L li48· 3 Thomas Lester of London fecit 1748. 4 John T>mper mnde me 16os : 0 83. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1729·

"ffe\th3m ... Grcat bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy, 27 July, 18:!4. 5, 1722. al. sim. Sperling says, "Tenor A, 8! cwt." Sec pp. 111 1 1-M, 149·

469. THETFORD S . .Jf.uy. 6 Bells. I Lester & 1'ack of London fecit 1765. 2 John Draper made me r615. 3 Thomas 1 ,ester & Tho•. I'ack of London made me t 7 53· -+ Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1 725. 5 ] ohn lJaruie made me 1664 IT

Orsburnc Clnrkc Durr::l!!C ~brtinc CW. 6 Sa .1\laria Jo hn Goldsmith feci t 17II .

ls:tac Fawkes Churchwnrdcn. Sa Marin. No Suffolk return in ljjJ. • Davy, 26 July, 1824, notes 6 bells. See pp.

Ill, 123, 144, q6.

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470. THORINGTON S. Pda·. 1 Cdl. Dell. (A pentacle) : :rmfllrll- <!11Drn 0 j H,tOc 0 j l:lr

0 {or 0 lu.m,tcb. 1596. So D:l\'y, Aug. 17, 18o6. The Terrier, 19 June, •8or, says, "weighing

about I CIY( 11 !

Ao, r $-l7 Thoringhtonne. Thes be the pcclls yt hathe been solde w•in the pishe ol Thoryngton in SuiT. I t111 sold by the holle ~Jyschc ij udls for the j.}I'Cc of vj. iisj. iisj, One in 1553· Seep. 10-l.

471. THORNDON All Saints. Tenor F. 6 Bells. 1 C. & G. )1CtU'b, founders, London, 1856. z, 3, 4 John n:ubic ma.dc tnl! t667. 5 john l>arbie made me 1667. l saac \\'ellvm Gent. C.W. 6 En mea cnmp:ma qvam belle sonas Ex parte dmwm

Isaaci Wdlvm Kectoris ru71. John I ):ubic: made. 4 in 1553. D:wy, 18 June, ISO<), notes Ute old treble, Isaac \Vcllvm Gent:

Ch: Warden I. V. 166<). Sec his note. Sec p. 1::3.

472. THORNHAM, GREAT, S. Mary. 5 Bells. t, 2 Charles Newman made mc:e J 701. 3 1J 6 5 thrice. + .§aneta 0 Jl:lndn D O rn 0 :jj.l ro 0 i}olli'$. 4 Charles Newman made mec 1701. john Govcb C.\V. 5 1J so thrice:. + 6 1 f lol! ~borne j}lcti ti!S 0 6z jl:lmamur (f. nubia i.tttcl'$.

4 in 1553· Davy, ~~ April, 1819, calls 5 ·I> and omits John Govch. See PP· )6, IJ6.

473. THORNHAM, LITTLE, S. JJ/ary. 1 Bell. Dell. T homas Newrnman (sic) of Norwich made me

17'17· 3 in 1553· Davy, zz April, 1829. "Charles •. 1707." Seep. '37·

474. THO RPE-BY-ALDRINGHAM S. ilfary. Eclilesia di!slmcla. No return in 1 553·

475. THORPE-BY-ASHFIELD S. Pdtr. Ealcsia d.:slmcla. "Grete l>ells iij." Return of 1553· "The steeple contains only one l>ell, thus inscriued, 1 Cbaroli Framling·

ham 1\1ilitis 1592." Davy.. Vsd. Little Ashfield, No. 13.

476. THORPE-BY-IXWORTH All Saiuts. r nell. Bell. Edmund \Vhaites fhon Howlct Church Wardens.

John Stephens fecit 1723. "Yexforthc Thorpe .... Great l>ells ij." Return of 1553· Davy, 25 July, 1832, "One bell in a cupola." Sec p. 139•

477. THORPE MORIEUX S. Alary. 3 Hells. 1 Thomas Cheese made me 1632. 2 0 8 I Thomas 0 8:! Cheese maue me 16:!9, 3 J. Thornton mauc me J7 I 3·

R. Santy I. Burton C\\'ds. "Thorpe 1\loresse ... Great l>clls iij." Return of J 553· See p. 110. Martin, S July, 1741, by mistake says Lbat they ar.: modern ones.

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478. THRANDESTON S. Jl!t~rgnrd. 5 Bells. 1 John llrcnd made me 1654· :! lJ so thrice. + 61 jfac ,!l:titrgartta 0 62 !lobi$ il?tc .{ll nncra 'i!tla. 3 Miles Gr:tic made me t6oS. 4 George Cl::ty Esq. and Osborn Roper Churchwardens t Sts. 5 Christopher Graye made mt 16;8.

4 in ISH· Da\'}', 17 June, tSog, crosses 2 and 3, and recorrls 4· K:uherin Chittocke John Brcnd made mu t65o. Sperling (c. 186o), "Tenor G." ~ee pp. 571 11 7, 121, 134·

479. THURLESTON S Bolt.~lplz. Ecc/esi,z deslructa. No return in 1553.

480. TH URLOW, GREAT , All Stu'llts. 5 Bells. 1 , 3 :\liks Grayc made me 166o. 2 Recast by I. Taylor & Co., Founders, Lough borough, t SSo. 4 C. & G. 1\Iears, founders, London. This bell recast at

the cxpencc of Lady Harland, Lady of the l\Ianor of Great Thurlow, r S-t9•

5 A. G:m.l.ner & W. Eagle, C. \V. John Briant Hertford fecit 178 1. Clock bell. Tho'. Mears of London fecit 1794·

1' Great bells iiij. S:111cts bell; j.'' Retum of 1,553· "Five bells," Davy.

Seep. J:lt.

481. THURLOW, LITTLE, S. Pdu·. 5 Bells. r, z, 3, 4 John Draper made me 16~ r. 5 T. Crick Rector; W. Burch C.W. John Briant Hertford

fecit, t So7. "Great bells iiij ." Return of 1553. "Five bells," Davy. See p. n::.

For" Great" read" Little."

482. THURSTON S. Pder. 5 Bells. 1 , 2 John Draper and Andrew Gvmy made me r63o. J, 5 Thomas Newman made me I 7 q. 4 Charles Newman made mec 1699.

"Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· Davy notes" 3 bells." See pp. uz, lj6.

483. THWAITE S. Grorxe. ' 1 Bell. 'BelL No inscription. New when the church was re­

stored in zB46. 3 in 1 553· The old bell, inscribed "~lites Graye made me t6z6," was

sold to ~I el lis c. 18.~6. See No. 335.

484. TJ MWORTH S. Andrc1c•. t, 2 John Darbic made me 1675· 3 Charles .:\ ewman made mee 1698. 4 John Draper made me 1626.

4 Bells.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· "4 bells," Davy. Sec pp. ttz, r24, 136.

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485. TOSTOCK .S. Andre-dl. 1 No inscription. 2 U 66 + fantt rprttr bra pro no~il!. 3 + 67 ~atuta .!Hntia ora pto nobis 0 65. 4 r671 @ R fJ G ~

4 Bells.

"Great bells iiij." Returns of r 553· Davy calls the tenor " blank," but nores two inscriptions il.S z and 3·

486. TRIM LEY S . .J1fatli11. 1 Bell. Dell. No inscription.

"Great bells j." Return of t553· From Davy, ro July, t829, ''very small."

487. TRIM LEY S. JlfarJ'· r Bell. Bell. Lioncllus Tolmach comes de Dysart hanc de novo

fundi C. 17 36. (Coronet am.l crest of Tollemache.) (Arms of 'J'ollcmachc.)

Davy, 16 july, 1829, inaccessible. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of r 5-1-9· ''Great bells i1ij.'' Return of r 553· Seep. q S.

488. TROSTON S. Afary. Tenor, Dinm. 2S! in. \Vt. 6 cwL 6 flells.

t , z, 3 Robert Stainbank, Founder, London, 1868. 4 +Stefan us Tonni de Buri Sante Edmon de me fecit r567.

Recast by Robert Stainhank, London, r868. 5 + Subvenial Dingna. Donantibus Hanc Knterioa.

Recast by Robert Stainbnnk, London, r868. 6 + Dona Repende Pia. Rogo Magdalena Maria.

Recast by Robert Stainbnnk, London, 1868. So T. Martin. O:wy says, " with '2 bells " ! "Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Seep. I) f. These inscnptions wea·e reproduced from the old bells. I saw them in

]:'ln., 1859· The 2nd and tenor bore shield No. 51 thrice each; and the usual cross and rhyme slop, 1'\os. 61 and 6~. The treble bore Tonni's usual marks, Nos. Sr and 8:!.

489. TUDDENHAM S. A1'artin. .S Bells. 1 John Dnrbic made me 1685 R. C. z, 3· 4, 5 John Dnrbic made me 1665.

"Great bells iij." l{eturn of 1553· T. Martin, 23 April, 1725, 5· See p. 125·

490. T U DDEN HAM S. Alary. 5 Bells. l R. G. I672· z R. G. 1666. 3 Thomas Draper made me r 591. 4 CT 65 thrice. + .S<~nct.l 0 ~nnn 0 ota 0 pro J,flollis. 5 John Darbic made me 1675· William Baker C.W.

So Davy with a mistake or two, zz Aug., 1828. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553· See pp. 6<), roo, 12+, 132.

491 . TUNSTALL S. Michru!. 6 Dells. 1 This hell was added to the former live by the subscrip.

tion of the Rector and parish:oncrs rSzJ.

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2 T. l\lears of London tSq. 3, 5 T. Mears of London fecit 18 '4· 4 T. l\Iears of London fecit tSJ:! . 6 Rev. Jos. Gerrard Ferrand Rector.

T. Flatt Ch. Warden. \Vm. Dobson fecit 1823.

"Great bells iiij.'' Return of •553· The old six. "r, ..:!, 3, 41 5 Anno Domini 1721. 6 George Cutting, Joseph Green, Churchwardens. Jollll Stephens made

me 17zo." Davy.

4 92. UBBEST ON S. Peter. The lar~er cr:tcked. 2 Dells. r ,;;aneta <;:luna <9ra l:.tre .flObt5 0 0 45· 2 De Bvri Santi Edmondi 0 8.1 Stef:tnvs 0 8:? T onni 0

me 0 Sz fecit 0 or 1573 0 St. So Davy, r Aug., t8o6, sa,·e that he d:~tcs:? 1567. Terrier, t6 June, t8ot,

"Three bells, one of which is cracked." 3 in •553· Pits for three. See PP· 37, 96.

493. U FFORD S. Afary. T enor F. 6 Bells. 1 John Taylor & Son, Founders, Loughborough, IS.J.S. 2 Q 5"2 thrice. + 6t j i .H i!h rgarrta 0 6' .tlobl$ ~!?cr ;fl.lunm 1l.rh. 3 John Jhrbic made me r686. 4 + q ,Sum 0 t6l>\osa 0 t6lJulsnta 0 16 j n unlli 0 r6

J Hntia 0 t6 i!i.'ocal;'l. 5 Tho<. Simpson Gent. Churchwarden.

T. Osborn founder Downham Norfolk 1798. 6 CJ so thrice. + 61 .En j !:lu!til> ~nnis 0 6z i '\t$oncl /li:ampii J!obls.

No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 15.j7· ''Great bells v." Return of 1333. The old treble was inscnbed "Rev4. Jacob Chilton, D.O., Rector, John H ill C. Warden 1727." D.w)', 7 june, r8o6. The Test of his account mainly agrees with the above. See pp. 17, 57, 59• 1z;.

494. UGGESHALL S. .Afary. In B). 1 Dell. Hell. IJ 5:! thrice. + 61 ¥v..t c l!n ~onc!.1bc 0 6:! <!Dabrid :f2unr ll)ange .::;unil r.

So Davy, 3 Sept., 1807. "There were formerly more bells, which were sold for the repairs of the church" (;\1r. Sheriffe, R. 1786-tS.p). J in 1553.

Pits for three, this probabl)' being the old :!nd. The other two are said to have been \,\ken to :>toven and Sotherton. At the base of the unfinished tower is the following inscription :[email protected] p 'O •lUimilli- Eo~iS jrbJI& tl IMTIOht ut' rius, with two shields bearing emblems said to be those of a F ree :Mason and a :Mark i\Iason. Seep. 53·

495. WALBERSWICK S . Andtcw. t Bell. Bdl. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1767.

Diam. :! ft. ot in., badly cracked in three or four pl:~ces across the crown. Davr, 22 J une, tSog, "r Bell." Terl'ier1 8 June, 1791, "One bell with a frame, weight about three hundred."

See Ellacombe's Clmrdt Bells o.f Gloltceslers/lire, Supplemmt, p. 150, and extracts from Gardiner's Du11wit:h. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. :z and a Sance bell in 15S3·

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1NSCR! PT!O}>,S. 247

496. WALDINGFIELD, GREAT , S. Lnurmcc. Tenor Fi. Dbm 4~ in. 6 Bells.

1 C:mitc Jov:-e Laudes novo Carmine. John Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: J8oo.

2 Omncs incol:e aud.itc. John Briant Hartford fecit 1Soo. 3 Sit Kamen Uomini Bcncdictum.

lohn Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: tSoo. 4 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1876.

E. \V, Do\ms & Son, Glemsfor<.l, hung me. 5 Supremis Locis J ovnm laudntc. J obn Briant Hartford

fecit An: Dom: 1Soo. 6 Adeste. Rcv•d, Thomas Royce Rector, John Lott &

J<:d. Prior C: \V: Adestc. j ohn .l:lriant Hartford fecit An: Dom: 18oo.

"Great Bells iiij" Retum of 1553· Davy, Aug. 18, 18:!6. 4 "John nnant Hartford fecit t8oo, Laudate

De urn" (t>·mpanis ?) Entry in the Vestry book that 5 old bells were recast into 6 in t8oo. See

P· 152·

497. WALDINGFIELD, LITTLE, S. La11rmce. Tenor Fi;:, Diam. 40 in. 6 Bells.

J , 4 T . Osborn fecit 1785. 2 Jcnmcs 0 81 Edbcrc 0 Sz 16 1 2 (arabesque). 3 Jeamcs (arabesque) Edbury 0 8J 1612 0 82. 5 Miles Grayc made me t 6t7.

So Davy, Sept. Jo, 1827. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553·

4 9 8 . WALDRIN G FIELD All Sai11ts. t Bell. Bell. Stephen Brnmc Churchwarden T . G. J 7'+

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 21 May, 1811, gives z, 3· 4o Thomas Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 1714, but on z Jan., 18z~, notes but one bell left. See p. q 3.

499. WALPOLE S. Jlinry. t Bell. Rcll. q86.

So Davy, 26 June, 1806. T. l\1artin1 13 Sept., 176o, "They tell me there was once a .good steeple with 5 Bells.u 3 in 1553·

500. WALSH AM -LE·WILLOWS S . .llfary. 6 Bells. 1 Charles Kewm::m made mee 1700.

z, 3 Charles Newman made mee 1699· Johannes Hunt Esq.

4 0 81 lJc Bvri Santi Edmondi Stef:tnvs T onni me fecit 15]6.

5, o Thomas Newman made me 1704. J ohn Hunt Esq. " Great bells iiij ." Return of 1 553· Davy, 7 july, 1843, "6 llells." See

pp. g6, 136, 137·

5 01. WALTON S. .A!'01J'· 1 Bell. Bell. + SA'HCil'€ J OHAUU€S O'rtA :0'1t0

'itOB I S. Davy, 15 July, 1829, SAncrr.A JOHAnnrs. " T he steeple . • • has Jon~ been down." No sale of bells recorded

in certif. of 1 5-17· " Great bells iJ." Return of 1 553·

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502. WANGFORD S. Dmis. r Dell. Bell. Robard ,~ Gvrney made me r668.

"\Vaynforde ... Great bells iij." Return of !553· D<.~vy, 23 Aug., 1829, notes" one small bell." There were certainly two, for 1 found two not Yery small ones in 1849, and no ooe would ha,·e brought in a bell in the interirn.

The lar~er of these two weighed 1 t cwt., and bore+ ::4 '() -z3 + 24 ~it ilomrn i!Jomini Urncl:lictnm. It was taken down in 1871 , and weighed before being recast into the present Brandon treble. That lamented rin:,:er and camp;mologist, the late Rev. A Sutton, Rector of West Toft, gave me the wc~ht. Pits for three. See pp. ~q. 13~. 169.

503. WANGFORD S. Pder. Tenor in G. 5 BeUs. I \anno E omini 16:q. WID. 2 Cnst by John \Varner and Sons, London, 1863.

(Roynl Arms) l'atent. 3 John D:ubic made me 1668. 4 J obn Stephens made mee I 7 2 1.

John Sayer Church Warden. 5 \anno Domini 16::3 AB

w Davy, 3 Sept., rSo7, notes the old :md of the same date as the 4th.

Terrier, 1827, 5· No sale of bells recorded in ccrtif. of 1547· 4 in '553· See pp. 114, 1:3, 1.39·

504. WANTISDEN S. John Baptist. 1 Dell. Dell. P:\ck & Chapman of London fccill773·

So Davy, July Jr, 181o. ''Great bells ilj." Return of 1553·

5:)5. WASH B ROOK S. .Afar;•. Dinm. 39-~ in. 1 Bell. Bell. '0 23 + In jHultis ~lmis l\csonrt ~amp;ma

S)obannis. 3 in 1553· Davy was unable to reach this bell in 18:-1. See p. ::3.

506, WATTISFIELD S. 1lfargaret. 5 Bells. 1, ~, 3, 5 John D:uhic made me J685. 4 \V II !f.D 111 0 84 J"r:H€ 0 s4 ~.AYU€ 0 8-t

OB 0 84 QV€11€ 0 S4 € IISE: 0 S+ B€~1\H 0 84 B I S 0 84 X III 0 84.

"Creat bells iij." Return of 1533. Dav)'• 6 Jan., tS!o, as this. Sperling ( rS6o), "Tenor Gi .'' See pp. g8-too, 125.

507. WATTISHAM S. Nidwlr rr. z Bells. 1 John Gardiner Church Warden T G fecit 1719. 2 0 66 thrice. + (,7 §~llc t~ 0 68 JH11 ria 0 6S i !-hgbalrna 0 6S cDr:x

0 6S l:Jro 0 68 flo &il!. So Davy, :q Oct., 1816. "Great bells iij." Return of 1533. Seep. 69.

508. WELNETHAM , GREAT, S. ThoJWIS. 1 Bell. Bell. H . P. made r693· R. G. Cburchw:uden.

" Great bells ij." Return of 1 553· "The steeple is down, but on the roof, at the west end of the nave hangs 1 small bell." Davy. Seep. qo.

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509. WELNETHAM, LITTLE, S. Jlf,rJy llla,~d,r/rnc. Tenor C. Diam. 3,-;} in. 3 11ells.

1 o me illAJtGArteme : CAm:l!AltAm DICIIJ\E! : uE!fliE! 0

z R. R I'r IE? t6q In. 3 R. GG. tp67I~ 0

" Burlingham'' lettering on treble, but Austen Bracker's cross. c,mlts ., No. 71.

•· Great bells iij." Return of 1553· "2 bells," Davy. See pp. G~. 1 3~.

510. WENHAM, GREAT, S. Julm. 3 lldb. T, :: No inscription. 3 Richard us Bowler me fcc:it r 59:!·

So Davy. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 'H7· 3 10 155.3· See p. IO.j.

511. WENHA.M, LITTLE, All S,rint,·. 1 Bell. Bell. Thomas (;ardiner Sudbury me fecit qq.

3 in 1553· "ln the steeple there is but one bell, inscribed' John Club Rector of Horham 167:!.' " Davy. See Horham, No. ;!6-f. Seep. 143·

512. WEN HASTON S. Pder. Tenor CJ. Diam. c. -to in. G Bells.

r, 2 Jn". Ellis & Roht. Tallant Ch \Y:~rdcm:;. \\". & T. ~'lears, bte Lester, Pack & Chapman, London

fecit 1787. 3 T. 1\fcars of London fecit 1823. 4 17 65 thrice. + ~nntta 0 ~nna 0 <9ra 0 l~ro 0 .('lobi~. 5 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1767. 6 1J 51 thrice. + 61 ~UCSIIIUUS 1\nlltril 0 62 jfamiiiOtul\l ~liSCipt l""otil.

So Davy, 3 June, 1808. Old 3rJ, "\Vm. Fiske, John Fiske, Anno DL>mini 1 6~9.'' A clean little ring. ~o sale of bcils •·ecorded in certif. of 15+7·

513. WESTERFIELD S . .lJfmy. 1 jH thrice 1J 9·

4 and a Snncts bell in 1 ;)3·

3 llclls.

:2 l.!!lor t-\n~nf,ini .§ionrt En ~Ute 43ri IJ 9· 3 C. & G. ~lears, founders, London, 1S52.

•• Itil> bells in the Stepyll iij." Return of 1553, with the Ip,wich churches. JJ<tvy, 7 Aug., 18191 "3 innccess1ble." Seep. 17.

514. WESTHALL S. _~l/t7rJ'· Tenor is a rntbcr sharp F, ~lightly flattened, \·ibratcs a minor third. 5 Bells.

r, 4 \&nno Domini 1616 AB w

:! C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1875· 3 No inscription. 5 0nH\iS ~onu!! il.aullrt :Oominum. • !anno Domini 1G.z6 AB

\\' So Davy, z June. 18o8. Old :!nd. "John Darbic made me 1678.'' -1 in 1 553· On the screen, S. Antony's pig with a crotal. Seep. r q.


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TilE CllURCl! TIEI.l.!-0 OJ. :-;t;fFOLK.

515. WESTHORPE S. J1t.rr..~:•mt. 5 llclls. 1, z John Osbome (;cnt. '>imon Hunt Churchw:trdens.

liO~. H. P. 3 Tho. f~ardincr Norwich fecit 17 40. 4 J 6; thrice. + .S~tlct;t 0 63 f}:t,nill 0 68 rca (sic) 0 68 Pronobi~. 5 \\'illinm Grimwood ::md Jeremiah Hayw:~rd Church­

wardens 1 8oS. 4 in '55:3· Davy,::::: July, 18Jt, 5· See pp. 140. 145·

516. WESTLETON S. !'dcr. 1 Bell. ll~ll. C. & G. :'\Ie:trs, founders, London, 18-+<>·

S. A. \\'ood5, jun. Esq• } Churchwardens. R. Girling. Esqr

Davy,~~ J une. tSo~. ~anrla JHJria ora pro nobtG. Sec his note. Xo s.:~lc of bells recorded in certif. of IH7· 3 in tj;J.

517. WESTLEY S. AfatJ'· 1 Bell Dell. Thomas ~Iears of London fecit TSOJ.

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· Davy, Aug. tS, rS::S, notes it as inaccessible. The presem church was built irt tSJ6.

518. Wi.STON S. Peter. 3 Bells. r + : OOfrlH.lUS : Sl!ll : AOIUtr.O~ : SI!€US 2 + SC€ ; P€1l'Jl€ : PJlO: Sll€ : O€U : Ill!Il€Jl·


3 + f!HSSUS : U€Jl0 : PI€ : GABJli €II : Bert:r. : IIE:!f.A : mA.rpe.

So Davy, r June, tSoS. ;<Great bells iij. Sawnce bells j.'' Return of t ;;3. Seep. 63.

519. WESTON, CON EY, S. McnJ'. Bell. John Barnes Rector, John

Lanchester Church \\'ardcns. Suffolk, 1 Soz.

J Bell. Alderton Thom:ts

Coney ~\\' cston,

"Great bells iij. Sancts Bells j.'' Return of 1 553· A bell sold in 169<:>. E(tslt'r!l Ctnmlies' Col/cdtlllcn, p. Z.JO. T. :\lartin noted one bell inscribed, ~l!ur. En 41Zond.lbr @abrrd ~uc Pangc ~u.1br.

The tower fell in 16go.

520. WESTON MARKET S. illirrJ•. 5 Bells. r Thomas Gardiner Sudl>u~y me fecit r 71z. ;z Q 66 thrice. + ~anctr nnbrra ~postoli <!:>r.1 pro !louis. 3 Cl so thrice. + Jlo$ ~odrt §nt\cti~ 0 ~rmprr .[liclJofaus b. ~I tis. 4 0 m 0 I 0 s 0 e 0 ll 0 I 0 s 0 .r.o 0

rosoeoJl0€01\0€0 5 Charles King, Thomus (sic) Peck Churchwardens.

John StcphL'ns made m..:e 1725. "Gre:tt bells iuj." Return of 1553· Tenor according to Sperling 18 cwt. 0;1\'y, 27 july, t l!14. He noted 2, era~cd ... ora pro nobis; 3· erased; ch1pped off; 5, "Stephenson" for "Stephens," of course wronJ;. Sperling,

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li\SCRlPl'JOXS. 25 I

m t86o, noted n. defaced inscription on single letters with a leopard's head and a flcur-de-lis alternately separating them. :\fy own note;, h owever, show an initial cross, No. 47 ; and the pot No. 46, at the end of f11 J SE:l~ I:;. T he leopard's head is probably No. 48. There has been barbarous mu.tila­tion in this tower. See pp . • p, 58, 6g, 143·

521. WETHERO E N S. Jlfary. 5 llells. t, z )Liles Grayc made me 1673· 3 ;\'Ienrs & Stainbank, Founders, London, 1886.

C. J. Goodhart Rector. S. W. Hunt } P. C. ~- f>ecluar Churchwarc..lcns.

4 T. Oshorn Downham fecit 1786. 5 Ralph Rouse Warden. Henry Pleasant made me 1 703

4 in 155J. Old 3 as I and z, says Davy. s~e P· qo.

522. WETHER INGSETT All Steints. Tenor. Diam. 43\ in. 5 Dells.

t John Darbie made me t66o. 2 John Draper made mt' 1636. 3 l;. :\I cars & Co., Founders, London, 1 Sti.J. . ..J. Wm. Dobson, Founder, 1S24 William Gnmwade ~

John Col.Jbald Churchwardens. 5 Lester & Pack of London fecit. Ja•. Keen & Tho •.

Edwards Ch. Wardens 1765. 3 in 1553· Davy, 23 i\Iay, 1828, crosses 2 and 3, and notes the inscription

on the bell recast in 1864, ~t!i lltl muuu!l qui rc;;uat i!trmu~ t l t1nttfl. Sec pp. nz, 122.

523. WEYBREAO S. Autlrew. 6 Bells. 1, z, 3, 4, 5, 6 C1 (1-loorc, Holmes and ~facken.cie).

Sec also East An;rlian 11., 6. 3 in 1553· The old three noted by me, 12 :\larch, r S6~.

1 No inscription. z + AV6 ill.IUlJA GJ\ACIA 'EiiE:UA, 3 John ilrend made me 1651.

So Davy, 13 Oct., 1806. ;\lr. John Calver says that :'>ln. 1, a very TOllgh bell, is said to have been cast in \Veybrcad, that l\lr. Robert llond, Church­warden, knew this, and that some knew the very field wh~re it hnd been cast. See pp. 6z, 1 54·

The "grcate bell " hnd a new baldrick in 1599, at a cost of xijd. "Brande" the bell founder received for casting it in 165 1, '' wth so111e chnr)\cs spent with him," £3 zs. 'f'he parish book is fuJI of small items about th..: bells.

524. WHAT FI ELD S . .Afargrmt. 3 TI..:lls. 1 Miles Graye made me 1678. z 0 81 Omnia 0 8z Jo,·am 0 Sz lavdcnt. 0 Sz a111·

mo.ntia 0 81 1575· S. T . \\'. L. T. D. 3 Miles Grnye made me t63.J·

So Davy, z6 Oct., 18~6. ''Great bells iij." Return of 1 553· SeeP· 98.

525, WH EPSTEAO S. Pdrouil/a . 5 Bells. 1 , 2, J, 4. 5 E, Arnold, s•. Ncot's, Ii74·

"Gteat bells j." Return of 1553· Church notes ilbout 1714 (Tom

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TilL UIURCH 1H LL" or '-l fFOLK.

:\lartin's . "Church leaded, chancel tykd, steeple lowcr~d. .t bells.­" Five bells.' Davy, Aug. :6. 1831.

The old lcadl!n spire 1> s:litl to have be~:n blown down in tht tn.:mendous storm of Sept 3rd, r658, tile night on which Cromwell died. !:i~c p. •53·

526. WH ERST EAD S. .Jfr,rr. 3 Btll~. r John ll:uuie m:ulc. rnc rr.i5· Ri~:h:ud Goodingc C.\\'. z :'>lrlcs Gmye made me r 6~ ~. 3 "1 50 thrit "· + 6 1 .nos l!bomc fHrri ti!l 0 uz {llmamur 6.1ulliililuci~.

3 in 1353· Dav) notes two bells, but doe• not gi1•e the in<criptrnns. See pp. s6, I rll. R. Goodin;; was bun~:J. l7 il.ov., rGS~. Zmckc's ll?t.-rslmd, p. 9·

527. W HITTON r Tldl lldl. e. 72 abc £ 7l mari1 .2> 72 gratta £ 72 aiio 4. ;z

mcctt £ 72 rlt. I in 1353· Inscription quite close up to shoulder of bell. Dr:~.meter z::,

inches. Height to shoulder ~ r inches. H ei~ht to top of cannons zS iuches; sqllare shouldered (Pearson, W .C. 1; :ltay, rS87).

Davy, 9 Sept., 1817," 1 Bell." No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1 H7· Seep. 74·

528. WICKHAM MARKET All Saints. Tenor F. Di::tm . . p in. 6 and Clcx:k udl.

1 John Brend made me 1657 2 T he monnncnt of Gra)

Is past awaie In place of it doth stand Th~ name of J ohn llrcml, 1657·

3 A.)). rSR3. Uulidmus Thomas Image A.\L .\ul: SS: Trin. C::tntab:

Yic.1rius. J ohanne~ Crat.knell ct Gu1rdmus ~:11h::mid \\'hitmon:: hujus Ecdcsiru custodes.

4 Q 65 thrice. + 67 C!?rh 0 68 tltl 0 6S munu!l 0 68 qui 0 68 rcgnat 0 68 rt 0 68 unu~.

5 ll C H E: S D lt i\. 1 C '!l S "y C \ V C I l3. Hl(ll. ltJCA'!l'DYS B OW[JE:lt litE: B E:C I!l!.

6 .\nno Domini r6r3 Wl B. C lock ucll. Inaccessible.

"Great bells v. Sancls Bells j." Return of 1 553· Davy crosses s and 6 and 3 and 4, and records the bell recast in 1883 as

inscribed, "john J>arbie made me rGn." 4 :>.:o,·., 1So;. john Sa"cr and Tho. Gyrling C.\\'. of W) kh•m record no s:tle of bells in

the1r certif., 1547. It may be Wickham Skeith. 4 bonC)COntbcd The chime·barrcl machinery was in the to"cr in 1873. The Clock bell, nOIV on the outside of the spire, appears to be the oltl Sance bdl. Th(;fe is nn old 30 hr clock, without nut or screw in it. ~cc pp. 69, 104, J 13, 1 z 1.

529. W ICKHAM SKEITt-1 S. A11dm•'· 1 Q,born fecit r7So. ~ Tho· o~Lorn Downham fc:dt r78o.

6 Dells.

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> I D I e J(llc; U H ne Q.VA1'v<ni. uvmuve IltYI!ltO r.tvov..e

SVL>€"ql30 Vltt Il'EmDTif\ "AO'Ui\ snt:It tnviornve,\ ner

P B l1 (T I G

-1 lohn lhrbic mallc me 1 G6tJ. 5 The Lord to pmisL

;\[ y voice I r:tise. Tho•. O!=.horn founckr l71JF

b John flr:tpcr made m~.e 16:17. -1 111 1)5.3· ;\fartin in 17:!-1 could not read the 3rd, and Davy m 1819 only

succeeded Imperfectly. The initials on the 3rd (besides I. D. and I. E., which are those of John

Dm·cr and James F.dbury, of llury. the founders,) appear to be those of l!cnjamin Ilo:tden, bapt. 1 ;91;;, Po.:tcr l'rycr or Frere, whose son Georj:(C was b:~ptized in t)97, ~icholas Goddard, bapt. 1591, and John Goddard, who m~rricd .\nne Fryer, or Frere, in 15S-1, and was ChurchwarJen in 16zS. \\'ill of Henr. ffryer of \\'ickham in lpsw. Re:;ristry between 14-14 and 1-155· The in~cription on the 3rd points tfl re~istance by ''village Hampdcns" to ~omc "little tyrant of their fields." See pp. r 10, II:!.

530. WICKHAM BROOK All .si1inls. 5 Bc:lls. r ~Iiles Grnyc made me Tu.p. z Charles Newman made mee 1695. 3 Willi:un Dobson tSzJ. 4 ~IilcsGrayemadt.·mc r611. 5 John lhruic madt. me 1663.

"Crc:1t bells iiij." Return of 15;3. "fi,•e bells," Dal'}· See pp. 117, 1 HJ, I:!J, IJS· The date on the -tth rs doubtful.

531. WILBY S. AfcliJ'· 6 Hells. 1 John+ Coldo;mith + fcl'it + 17T3 0 + 0 :z, 3 Anno l>omini 1606. W. B. -t l{ob•. Co:tte:. Cb. Warden. Tho•. Osborn Downham

fcdt 1789. 5 i\liles Gmyc made me t 6r 5· 6 fJ 65 thrice. + 67 tlirgo 0 68 C!..'otonalil 0 68 D ue 0 68 ..{1os 0

~I) 0 68 l.\ rgna 0 68 i.lcilta. So Davy, 16 June, 1809. See some <tUaint lines on x:-:xviii score of Crown

lloh, ~l.1rch xxviii )IOCCXXXIV in Ius note. 4 and a Sauce bell in r;sJ. 3rd cracked, but hardly perceptibly so. Sec pp. 67, 1 17, q6.

532. WILLINGHAM S. Jl!ary. Eahsia dalnu/a. Xo return tn 1 H3· The church is alluded to in Dav)"s :\ISS. as standing in If:l9·

533. WI LUSH AM S. J1Jir1'y. llciJ. l77J.

~in 1$53· Davy, 19 :'~lay, tS:!I), r inaccessible.

534. WINGFIELD S. .tlfan 1 Tho~. Newm~n ;f Norwid1 made me.

\lr. !Jaws C.\\. 171:.

1 Dell.

6 llt.:lls.

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:? .\ B 1J S6 1J 52 \\'. ~mni!l ~onus 'll.aulld Dontillutn ifgfc 1.301) qa~· 0

3 .\nno Domini t613 W. B. ~ Anno llomini 1613 W I D. 5 Anno Domini 16o2 Al:l

\\'. 6 "\nno Domini 16 '3 A B

\L 4 and a S:~oce bell in '5B· Davy, Z+ Sept., 18:7, crosses 1 and 1 and

4 and 5· See pp. 113, 138.

535. WINSTON S. Andrew. 5 Bdls. 1 John Darbie made me 1662 R. 1\l. 2 John D:trhie made me 166z T D. 3, 5 .\lil cs Graye made me 1638. -1 Tho•. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1737·

So Davy, except the initials. ''Great bells iiij. ' ' Return of I ; 53· See Pfl· ItS, 123, '-+4·

536. WISSETT S. A11dmv. 5 Bells. r T. l\fears London fecit 18IS. 2, 3 Thomas Gardiner Benhall fecit 17tS. 4 0 Ull\GO 0 ffiAlVA· 5 Tho. Gardiner fecit 1718. Roht, l.Iore C.W.

4 in 1553. Davy, 15 ~Iay, 18o6, notes 1 and 3 as 1 and 2, 4 as J, 5 as .j, and an old tenor, Ho~ ~horne ...

The tenor was clearly recast for a trebl~. See pp. 11, '43·

537. WISTON S. ,J.rary. 3 Dells. 1 \\'. L. T. D. 157-t· Nicolas Grice Bcnefucter.

0 82 Fe;~r ~God 0 St . 2 :\Iiles Graye made me 1664. 3 John Thornton Sudbury fecill719 ·

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Da\'y1 Oct. 1, 18::81 " A cupola which contains three small bells.'' See pp. 98, 1331 142.

538, WlTHE RSDALE S. lJ[(zry lJfagda/en(. z Bells. I \\'. B. 2 ~o inscription.

z io 1553· "Two" Terriers; and Davy, 10 Jan., 1811. Set! p. 115.

539, WITHERSFIELD S. Alary. 5 Bells. t, 3, 5 l{ohcrt Taylor, St. Ncot's, 1So'l-· 2 Richard Bowler made me t 6oJ. 4 John Thornton Sudbury fecit 1718.

" Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. "Five tuneable bells,'' Davy. Sec pp. 104, qa.

540. WITNES HAM S. Afwy. 6 llells. 1 Cast by John \\'arner & Son, London, 1871. 2 john DarlJit: made me r 66o. 3 Thomas Gardiner made me 1 7 17.

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4 john llarhic made me r6Cio C \\'

., .. - .D

5 John ll:ubic maut: me tGGo. John Hcttridgcs C. \\-. 6 John Dnrhic made me 1 66o. l )anid Meadows C. \\ .

"Great bells iuj." J{ctLtrn of 1553. D<wy, 28 1\la), 1S27. Sec pp. I:!:!,

q3, where" tenor" is a mistake for" third."

5 41 . WIXOE S. Lro11ard. Di:un. zS in. 1 Bell. Bell. 0 25 0 18 \J z6 ~anrtc J1rtolar <11ril .Vro tlohis

So Davy. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Seep. 25.

542. WOODBRIDGE s . .ft1hll·fh£-El'(ll{l;di.l/. I Bdl. Dell. T homas l\lears, London, founder, 18.+_3.

543. WOODBRIDGE S . .Afiuy. Tenor zj cwt. S Ddb. 1 The Lord to praise nl) Y01ce L 'II mist:.

Tho•. Osborn l>ownh.·tm :i\orfolk rounder r79!1· 2 Hear me when I call.

1 ho. o~bom Uownh::tm ~orfolk Founder I jl}(j

3 Strike me and l'll sound <;wcctly. Tho,.. Osborn Dm111ham Norfolk l•oundcr 179Y·

4 Peace nnd ~ood neighbourhood. Tho'. Osborn Downhnm Xorfolk Founder f799·

5 Our I'OICc~ shall with joyful sound ~lake hills and \-alleys echo round. Tho'. O•born Downham Xorfolk Founder 1 799·

6 In wctllock's bands all rc who join \\'ith hands your he.1rts unite

So shall our tu~eful tongue; combine To la.ud the nuptial rite.

T ho'. Osborn Downham Korfolk Founder l 799· 7 \Ye to th~ church the lidng call

And to the gran! do summon all. Tho'. Osborn Downham K orfc1lk T· ounder r 799·

8 John Hammond, Robt'rt ,\lien Churcl11mrdt:!ns. Tho•. 03born Uo1mham Xorfolk Founder 1 i99·

"Great bells v. Sancts bells j." Return of 1 ;;3. No sale of bells re. corded in certif. of 1 H7·

An older tower seems to have become ruino11s by the beginning of t he 1 51h century. Hawes has collected the follow ing items from old wills :-\V. Foder, 1444· 3s. 4d. }oh. Newport, 1444· £6 13r. 4Jl. Joh. Allrede, 1.148, 20 marks. j oh. Spicer, 1453, £7· Gal(r. Kempe, qso, £7. \V. Bcr • .rcl, 1451, JS. 4f{. \Vnlt. Doft, 144B, 4o.r. Rob. l'arterick, qjg, 13s. 4d. Joh. Kemp, q58, .£ q . Rob. Barfoot, 40s.

T he expressiOn in Foder's will, •• Ad fabricationem cnmpanilis cum fuerit 1nccptumt shows that the "·ork had been already in project, perhaps fo•· ~omc time; "de nO\'O faciend,'' in others points to the existenc~ of a previous belfry.

Jly 1612. according to l Iawes, the bells were incre:tSed from 5 to 6. Towards the end of the sevcnteenlh century these had all b.:cn recast. 1\l:lrtin's note (171~) is as follows:

'' s John D::trbie made me 1669. 2 ;\l iles G rey m:~dc me 1 G38. 3 ;\liles Grey m:~de me 1638. ~ :.Jiles Grey m:~de me 1676. 5 John Darbie m:~dc me 1679. 6 John Darbic made me 1677."

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From notes in l>avy, taken at the time of the removal of the bells for recnsting, ~ Ol'. 1 o, 1798. it appears that "Grer" on ~ is a mistake for "Darbie," and that the d;tte on 5 shot1ld ha1·e been r676. The octave was completed by the addition of two trebles, and the old znd, which thus became the 4th, recast by Phelps in 1721 ; but Phelps's new ::nd went to the furnace again at the hands of Pack ami Chapman tn 1779 The old Jrd, which h:td become the 5th, had already visited \Vhitcchapel in 175', during Lester's days.

:\l r. Robert AHen, Churchwarden, caused the weights to be taken, with th is result ;-

Old Bells. Now Dell<. Receh•ed. Founder.' Wtighl.

Cwt. qts. lh!'i• Cwt. tfU. lm.. I. 5 1 q 8 I 17 2. 5 1 q 8 0 23 3· 6 1 0 ') 0 ::11 4· 6 3 2 !) 2 Z/ 5· 8 9 II 17 6. 9 3 10 12 2 2

7· 13 0 7 17 _, s 8. l 8 2 I 8 26 3 I I

J\Ir. Osborne's bill for the whole was £376 17<. 6d.

Weiqhcd ~l Wu.'<lbrtd,;t.

Cwt. qn. th .... S I (o

8 0 20

'J 0 <'"Y"'

9 :! '!5 II 1:!

17 26

3 3


3 II

544. WOOL PIT S. llfarr. Tenor 0#. T>iam. 37t in. 6 Bdb. I, 2, 3 C. & C . .l\le<m. foun'der:;, Lo:1don, r8.H. 4, 5 John narbie matle me 105::i· 6 C. & G. :.rears, founders, London, 1855·

Davy seems in this case to have counted from the treble. His note~ are: 1 John Darbie made me 16;S. Thomas Hudson, K. C. , :) ::! John Draper 111ade me 1616. 3 .;;-ilurla jnana <9ra l)ro .{)obis . 4, 5 John Darbic made me, 16;S.

"Great bells v." Return of 1553. Seep. 1 ~2.

545. WOOLVERSTONE S. ilfich1ul. Bell. C. & C:. ~Ie:~rs, founders. London.

1 Bell. Rcca~t Is n.

1 in 1553. Davy notes one bell inscribed" :llilcs Graye made me 16ro." East A11gliau N. S. Ill., 1 12. Sec pp. 92, 117.

546. WOROWELL All Sai111s. 1 Bell. Bell. t\o inscription.

"Great bells ij." Return of 1553· Dm·r, 1S Aug., 1829, •• r\ small bell in a cupola, which I could not get to." Seep. ::.

547. WORLINGHAM .111 Sai11h·. Tenor. l>i:~m. 37~ in.

, ~~52 v 86 An \\·.

<;.:lnno Domini 16~2. 2 Anno I >omini 10~1. \\·.A. n. 3 <anno Domini r6oS. 4, 5 Q 52 Q 86 AB

w. <a nno Domini 162 r.

5 lldls.

So Davr, D Aug., rSo<). '' Gre:H bells iij." Reh•rn of 1553· ~o s.tle of bells recorded in certi f. of 1 5~7. Sec pp. 113, 1 q.

548. WORLINGHAM S. ·Ptltr. Ecduitz do•structa. X o 1 cturn in 1 H3·

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I XSCRlPTrOXS. ::!5i

549. WORLINGTON All Saints. 5 Bells. 1 1iJmu~r bulcc cano. 11tH€ ~ev. JAmes GIBson

J.lE:CIJ!Oft. Bft€D€ftlC JOHn CiiA'!.Vi AnD JA!ll€S l3001l'Y CHUTtCHWA'ftDE:'US. 1850.

1: ~a!Jior nnll J:on jfounbtrS i!.ougbboro'. 2 Robard Gvrncy made me r665. 3 John l>mper made me 1635· 4 + Omnis: sonbil: laulltl: DOminum

!J.IHI S B€Ii!i 1.-VAS Il€CASIJ.~ AnD A '1'·l~€Bii€ ADDE:D BY SUBSCJ.liPIJ.liOU. 1S56.

x \!il!} lor anll ~on jfounllm.! 1lougflf.loro. S 0 r JOHAUUE:S ~ GODYTIG€ : DE: : L€llll€ ;

me: Be:cJir.. "Wrydlynton .•. Great bells i1j." Return of 15;3· Till 185o there were four (as noted by Davy, 24 Aug., 18~9) , and the old

Jrd was Inscribed" I. E. J6q I. D." These bells are now the first five of a six. See pp. 71 uo, II:!, 13::, 153·

550. WORLINGWORTH S. Aiary. Tenor 13 cwt. 6 Bells. r 1 :!, J, 5 Thomas Mears of Londou fecit r8o4-4 :\fears & Stainbank, Founders, London.

Rest:\Ur. In i\l emoriam

Elizabeth Jesser French A.D. rSS7.

6 Cast by subscription A.D. r8o4. Patrons: the Duchess of Chandos and Lord Henniker,

Emily Lady Henniker. The Revd. Charles Buckle Rector, Henry Cupper Samuel

Wardley Church Wardens. Jn°. Jessup a sub­scriber Treasurer. Thomas !IIears of London fecit.

4 in 1))3· Davy, ::!3 July, r8o8, notes the 4th as like the rest, as I noted it in 1 87.).

These lines are on Jessup·s tomb (ob. June 19th, 18251 ~t. So):-"To ringing from his youth he always took delight,

Now his bell has rung and his soul has took its flight; We hope to join the choir of l1eavenly singing That far excells the harmony of ringing."

The Tenor "Tolled xii Hours aiio D. x821 And A Funeral Peal Rang after as a Token of Heartiilt Grief At The Death of Her 1-Iajesty Queen Caroline."

551. WORTHAM SS. Thomas a11d lliary. 1 Bell. JleU. T. Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit qS5. Cum

Voco Yenite. 3 in 1553·

552. WRATTING, GREAT, S. ~IIary. I lleJJ. Bell. w. H. 16:!5.

So Davy. ' 1 Great bells iij. S<lncts bells j." Return of 1553·. • Evidently \Villiam Harbert's, for the letters are those of £.Isles G raye s

larger alphabet. 21l

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WRATTING, LITTLE, S. JlfarJ'· Bell. 0 7 4 !lane to rum 0 76 mort

pulro 0 7 5 laubis 0 76 j)onort.


I Bdl. 0 75 mollo 0 76

173 ]obannrll tonur me fecit 0

"Great bells iij." Return of 1553· One bell. D<~vy. Through the kind perseverance of 1\Ir. Deedes this interestin~ bell has

been added to our list. I t is in a turret, and was long regarded as inacces· s1ble, <~nd thus has received no notice m the Dissertation. In the medallion under the founder's name is a sitting fi~ure, and on the opposite side of the bell is n des1gn enclosed in a pear-shaped figure, point upw.trds.

554. WRENTHAM S. Nicholas. T enor G. Bells not in tune. s Bells.

1 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1723. z (Pentacle) JOHn CDA'i\f\ ffiAD€ lllHIS l3€DD

1606. 3 Thomas Gardiner me fecit r 714. 4 Thomas Newman made me. Mr. John Bard11'ell C."' ·

1745· 5 C. & G. }.[ears, founders, London. Rc~st t847·

Thomas Girling Esq•. Church Warden. Davy, 31 Aug., t80<), notes the old tenor," Anno Domini 16:!0 I B B."

No sale of bells recorded in certif. of r 547· 4 and a Sance bell in r 5;3· See pp. ro8, 138, 143, 144·

555. WYVERSTONE S. George. Tenor. Diam. 36 in. 3 Bells.

1 1J s:z (Arms of Engl:md with C. R.) Henry Q Ya.xle made me r674.

::! Tbo. Gardiner feci t 1719. · 3 1J 52 thrice. + 61 ltJrtrus ~b <!!tcrne 0 62 W tltitl flos l_!JasruJ mi ilc.

So 1\lartin gives the tenor. Davy notes three. 3 in 1553· Sec p 14-1-. The shield between "Henry" and "Yaxle" is Y,u·lty, of Ya:dey, erm.,

a chevron sa. between three mullets pierced, gu. The family appears to ha1·e been of great antiquity. Henry Yaxley's bells are very rare, and of poor quality. I think it possible that some of the Horham bells are from bim. One by him, bearing the family arms, is at Fritton, Norfolk. From his use of Brasyer's shield it seems that he may have been at work in Nor­wich. There is here a vacant pi\., larger than lhose occupied.

556. YAXLEY S. JIIary. 6 Bells. r Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, tSS7·

(l{oyal Arms) Patent. 2 William Dobson, Founder, Downham, Norfolk, 1828. 3, 4 John Brend made me 1658. s 1J 6 5 thrice. + Wtrgo 0 iltoronata: 0 Due 0 .flolS 0 Citb 0 l\egna 0

~cal a.

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6 Thomas Draper mad~; me :tt T hetford 1 594· Celi sol::unen nobis det Deus. Amen.


Oavy, 1 7 June. 18o9, notes the 2nd split, and the 3rd, VIrgo 4!!orontlta D ue Kos all l\rgna 1Jrata.

4 in 1 553· On the old treble, T. Lester made me R. Jacob, D. Tripp, 17-16. !:ipcrlin;,; (c. 186o) ·'Tenor G." Sec p. Jot.

557. YOXFORD S. Peter. 6 Bells. 1, 3, 4, 5 John Brcnd made me 1655. 2 I. B. made me 1656. Richard Hny!e. 6 john Darbie made me t6S5. C. R.

So Davy, 17 1\tay, t8o6. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of •547· 3 in 1553. Sec pp. 121, 125.

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~nbcr ltnminum. --+--

J\s the parishes are arranged alphabetically, and under them are frequent references to the Dissertation, there is no necessity for an index L ocorum. The Table of Contents renders an lndr.1: Rtntm superfluous.

The names of Bell-founders and County Historians occur so con­!'tanlly in the list of inscriptions that the Index contains no reference to either, save where they occur in the Dissertation.

Prrgr r a,rz Png~ A Atberold ... 199 .Bayman ... 216

Atthills, by founder's 13eacher ... 97 Adair 191 mistake Althills 229 Becket Thomas i\ ss. 148 Adams .. 1JO, 171 Ayton 2J2 Bell 18~ Affleck J!IZ Delle van ]6 Alcock, Bishop .• . 87, 88 Belleyettir 8 Alderton ... ... 250 B Belton 8 Aldreg 163 Belyetere ... 61 Aldrich ... 232 Baclder . .. 183 Berard 255 Aldrick 156 B~dbam 141, 240 Bernard ... 67 Aldridge ~:: 214 Baker 199. 245 lktbell 149. 223 Aldous 2JlS Baldry 164 Bewlckc ::· 171 Alexander 192 Ban yard ... 2~6 Bigg 195 Aleyn 9· 216 Barber ... I 7 Bigsbe 235 Aleys 4 1, 181 Barclay ... 202 Billeyettio g Allen, 147, 168, 185, 232, Bardwell ... 258 Billes I on 34

240, 255. 256 Caret 85, M Bingley J6S Allrede ... 2SS Barett 97. ' 98 Bird 237 Ahnack .. 217 Barioot . .. ... 255 Bisbie 217 Alston 220 Darker s r,6o, 159 Bixby 1ZO Ambrose ... 172 Barnardiston 210 Bixon 148 Andrew 102, 110 Bame rSs, 198 lllackburn, Lord 46 Andrews ... 40, 110 Barnes 194> '216, 250 Blews and Son 154 Archer ... 240 Barrett 97 lllioco 227 Arden 240 Barry 196 Blithe de ... 14 Armstead 177 Darthroope 179 lllocke 197 Arnold 153, 238 Bartlett ... '47 Blois .. , 231 AruQdel 87 Barton lg~ lllomefield 22, 6o Artby 219 Bateman .. . Blomfield 236 Aspland •. 138 nates 165. 192 llloomfield 214 A;;plin 162 Baxter 4 1, 43 Blower 93 Asleley .. 101 B11yly 71 Bloys 196

Page 107: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document

I' a.~ Boaclen Z53 Boby 23S Boggi< 171, 172 ~oldero . . . 209 Bond ... 251 Booty .. 257 Bonctt aEo, :zq, 238 Dotson 192 Bowell :zo8 Bowler 104, 116, t:zo Bracker, 62, 1 79, 248, 249 Brukelond, Jocelyn de

J, 17Z Brame 2H Brampton 189 Bram>ton 93 Brasyer, 41-46, 48 (:z),

49-5 l, 6o, 72, I 46, ISZ

Brend, 102, t OJ, 1 to , 113, 115, 116, 121, 141S, t S7

Brereton .. . 127 llrcton 164 Brett 16o Brew.ler ... 194 Briant 97, IH Bridge 199 Brigt11ly 171 Brook 178, :zo8, 224 Brooke 34, I 74 Brook< x6z, 20+ o Bromey 165 Brothers .. ... :no l!roun 43, 74, l !17 Brown 162, 164, 1]01 211 Bro,·en 164 Bryant 189 Buchanan 173 Buckle 257 lludneus ... ~4 Bugg 160 Bull 199 }lulling ... 164 Bullibdon 34 Bum;tead 236 B~nynn 121 l!urch 24t Burford ... 1 r, q Bur~:ess . . 186 Burley de 19 Burney 129, I 30 nu~ge 242 llur5!o0r 210 Burton 243 Dury 192 Butcher 171 Butts 195 Buxton 101 Byrdc 72

IXUI:X. I\0:0.11:\ l ~I.

Carle Calle Cal\'er

c Fa·~

Calverley .. Camlnidgc, ~lr Ralph

of ... ... 11 Cnmell 171 Camper ... 176 Can<llar ... 2 15 C<1rnsewc 38 C:troh ne, QuPen 25 7 Carr IH, 2 z, 221 Carss I 73 Cartare .. 26 Carter 109, 1 ~o Carthew 14!i, 175 C:~sburn 219 Ca!;<>n 199 Ca.ter, Van 76 Caton 205 Catchpole 2c9 Catlin !+7, rSz Cawotcler 2.34 C:nv•ton ... 220 Chainlcy, alias Rainsc 105 Clo.runberleyn ... 2 rZS Chamberlin 19), 1¢ Utando,, Puchc-. of

150. 257 Channell ... 41 Chapman 47, 150, 'iS Charles I. 121 Charles JI. r6t, 2.31 Charles\' 1. of France

19, 20 Chaucer 44 Cheese 109, 110 Chenery ... ... 239 Chevez 206 Chilton ... ... 246 Cbirche 69, 70, i I, 72, 73 Chhtocke ... 244 Choke 48, so, 52. Churton ... 2 Uuence .. . 77, 236 Clark, 27, r6J, 20j, :109,

257, 258 Clarke, 104, 1oS, to~, 210,

221, 242 Clay .. ... 2H Clubb 183, 204, 246, 2~9 Coates 253 Cohbnl<l ... 251 CobbolJ ... 217 CoiJytt 232 Cocksedt;e I K1 Coe ... 217, 226 Cok S Coke 22, 1o6 Colmar ... ... Sz Cook •!is, 189, 236, 238

/'.J Cooke 1Go, zot Cooper 159, 217, 221, 2.10 Coote S6 Copinger IN Coppin:;e 198 Corbet 110 Corder 225 Cornell 19•1 Comwaley' 91 Com,vallis 19, 105 C:ottin:;hnm 195 Cotton . 93 Cracknell 252 Cragg 222 Crampin . . :<:JO Cr:10mer . .. 9 r Crevnr 163 Crick ... 2~4 Crickmorc 130 Cromwell 40· 1 19, 252 Cross ... 196 Crowfoot... 21 1

t:rystaU .. 240 Cul1}'tl 232 Oulham ... .. 218 Cu!peck ... 142, 185 Cuh·erden, 37, 38, 40, 79,

236 Cupper Curteys Cutting


... ~57 1p

t¢, 246

Dacon 2 41 llnde .. 242 lJale 90 Uall:.s 2 r 4 Danby 48, 49. 51, 52 DnnyeU, 22, 23, 25, 27,

31. 4i Darbie.121, 122, 1321 I J~,

136 Dnrbye 120 Dnrcye of Cheche,

Lord Dasbwood D:l\'ie Davy U:\1\e, 18. 19

s8, 73 Dawes D:~ws D.11non Dsy and Sno,

r6S, 169, zq, 230, 242

D:~yncs Denresle ... D eath Debenbnm

91 :o~o

t bj, 2J6 101, :ZJJ

2:>, 25, 37.

161 221

19 .. 17]

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Pagt Deedes, 132, 167, 184, 217,

zs8 de Grey oo. 182 de Ia ! 'ole 44 Dennaunt 93 Denton 212 Derby ... 12, 14 Derlyngton 29 d'Ewes 0.. 127 Deye 98 Dick 46 Dicldns JSo Dier 103, 10~, 108, 177 Dobede 189 Dobson 154 Don 255 Dou 201 Downs 176, 21 7, 2+7 Dowsing 000 00. 181 Draper, 100, 10 1, 102, 110,

I ll , 112, IIJ, 116 Drake 1 8~, 197, zz6 Drew 176 Dring tSo Driver 109, 110 Dntmmond 197 Dudley 105 Dultey 176 Durrant .. . 186, 19:z, 216 Dyer 1 20 Dysart, E. of, 15J, 192,

zoo, ZH

Eade Y.ngle Etton Eayre Ebdon Ecdestone Edbury 00 ,


2 l O, 2JO 000 244

J6o 152, I 53, 199

199 149· 178. 2.)6

10 9 , 110

Edmund, King Edmunds Edward I. Edward I ll. Edward IV. Edwarcl YI., 30,

I ll 6z

15Z 7

2 , 126 49

52, 84, to6

Edwnrde .. 0 000 232 Edw~rds ... 233, 251 Ellac:ombe 246 l::lizabeth. Queen, 38, So,

99. 235· 248 Ellis 130, 215, 2 ZJ. 249 Elmy 228 Emerys 2o6 "Evered 229 Everett 00 0 202 Evesh:~m, \\'alter of 3 Eyer Jo6

F Page I Pa)!t

Glemb~mooo ... 171 1 G louce•ter S.md re de 14

Fairfax 119 J Godard Ooo 23S Farrow 165 Goddard oo• 253 Fawkes 24z Godewyne t6:z. Felix S. 2 Godfrey 199 Fellget 210 Godyngc ... 7• 8, 257 Felton 231 Golde 107 Fenton 1So Golding ... 16S, 234 Ferrand 246 Goldsmith 145, 146, 2l6 Festus 8* Goldyngh~m 10 1 lfe:lVyew . •. 9 1, 227 Gooch :z28 ffouodor 16, 18, 19, 20 Gooche ... 218 rr.,x t!J(i Goodhart 251 Fiyocham 29 Goodinge 252 Fieldgate 203 Goodrich 209 Fisher 1~S Goslin 150 Fi~ke 180, 2~9 Gowing 189 ~Filzlewes oo• 15, 2 14 Grant-Francis 38 Flack 238 Graye, 104, 110, 113, 116, Flatt 246 118, 119, uq, 121, Flory 1So 125, 133, 134, I JS, Foder 255 140, 141, 142 r'ogossa 52 Gregory Foppe 71 Green Ford 236 Greene Pox 120, 178 Gr.:y F oxe 40 Greyse l<'ramliogbam 102, 158, 243 Grice Fraoclin ... ... 218 Griggs

4 7 95, 166, 20J, 246

120 105 166 254 174 164 Freeman, 135, 228, 2 33· 238 Grimsbye

French 257 Grionwade Freston 2 18 Grimwoud

197. 251 227, 250

8 178

... 164 172

13 1, I J Z ... 252

Frewer J6J Guddine oo. Frost 236 G ull Froude 94 Cull ifer Fryer 253 Gurdon Fuller 174, 212 Gurney Fyson 189, 194 Gyrling


1 Hale Hall


127 Gage ... 172, 173 Gardiner, 138, J4o, 142,

143· 145. 184, 204, 233. 234. 246

G1Udner oo • 241 Gambam 209 Garrard ... 17 1, 17:1 Garrett 15 1, 214

H amilton, Duke of H ammond Hamond ... Hanbury ... H anmer

2 ' 9 rSs 255 7Z

17 1 188

Gawdy .,, 158, t8z Gellius, Aulus 8.; Genney 48, 49, so, sz, 72 George Il. oo• 143 Gerber! us Scholasticus 5 Gernc 11 1, 165 Gibbs ... 238 Gibson ... ... 257 Gillingwater, 184, 193, 205 Gilpin .00 ... 171 Cirling .. 250, 258 Glasscock 70

1 H anney H anse Harbert Hardy llariogton Harland oo• Harleton ... Harris Han •ey .. . Haryson .. . H asted Haweis ...

2.0 rl>o 357 120 JOt

244 2j, 26

17Z, 217, 223 I S6, 172, 220

... 220 ... 204

55. 76

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TNDEX NO)JI~t;i\1.

Pa(t Hawes, 169, 173 174, tSl,

189, 197· 2.)0, 2J2, 255 Jacob

Hawke ... 68 Jacquemclrt H awkes 109, 225 1 James 11. Hayes ... 29 james ... Dayle ... 259 I Jarmin Hayward 161, 196, 250 J axe llay\\larde 178 Jealous Headley .. . 2ll Jefferys Hebert .. . 2 t 6 Jeffrey Hele ... 156 1 J efrey Henniker 150, 257 Jenings Henry I. , . , 88 Jenkins Henry II. 3 Jennings ... H enry Ill. 3 Jennison .. Henry V. 20 j entylman Henry VCII. 93 Jermyn ... H erbert 101 }crnegan ... Hettridge,; 255 J essup

259 ll9

134 193 :!17 215 211 195 242 163 2!1 130

132, 212 176

~.. 233 184, t88, 193

91 257 2t6 Heyham ... 197 J~tvr

Heylin 36 jewell 111 Hieronymus Mag!us 84 Jewers 226 Hill 107, 246 Jewle 246 Hille ... 23, 24, 26, 47 John V. or Portugal 143 Hills ... 2 05 John XXII , Pope 81 Hindes 110 Johnson, 2 , 77, 145, 196. Hobart ... 210 212 Hodson 12 1, 132, 133 Jones 224. 241 Hoggar 221 J ordan, 23. 25, 26, 27, ~::;, Holdlield 104 29, 30, 3 1, 32, 34, 37, H olies 231\ 47, 9t H ollingworth 238 Joselyn Hollon 235 Jowars

m~:~:~:·. ::: :~! I Julius II., );';:c Horner ... 152, 21~ H ortb .. . 179 1 Kebyll

2o8 177 40

36 2JlS 251 203 2 10 255 255 177 156

Houghton ... 163 K eeble (( oward ... .. . 212 I Keen Howes ... ... 163 Keruball Howlet 243 Kembell Hudschyd 216 Kemp Hudson ... 256 Kempe ... HuggM •. 48 Kenyon Hugh, S. 236 Kerington ll urn frey .. . 94 Kerredge, Kerridge, Hunt 171, 247, 250, 251 230, 231 H umard 241 Kerry Hurry 1 !l6 Kersey llybard 218 Kelt H yell 197 Killett

1$9 l lSJ

lOj, 215, 222 172

Hynes 194 King. 194, 203, 212, 2:23,

Image Infield lngulph lsaacke


250 Kingsbury Knight Knox

252 L :no

22 Lacroix 97 Lanchester

171 142, 147


P~\C L:md 97, 98, 99, 100 Lapeg ... 210 Larke so Last !!JO, 236 Latimer, Bishop ... 106 Laud, Archbishop ... 1 11 Lawrence 40, 41 Lawson 155 Leach .. . l b.J Leake 197 Leman 148, 175, 1lS3 Lemon 185 le !{ous 14 Leste r 149, 150 Lester and Pack 2 7, 149 L'Estrange, 8, 6o, 03, 73,

111, 113, 116, 134, 141, '54· 193· 20.), 239

Lewis Life on Lines Liverpool, Bishop of Lloyd

3 19b 21 l:l

153 1)7 100 Lockes

Loder Longe , .. Lorct Lott Lynam Lynde Lylllcton ...

:Mackay ~Iacken~ie :'.1ackerell .\laddocke )laggs Main price )Ia!~ I :'llallyng ... Nals:er

... 230 97. 17ll

2•5 247

4 16J

48, so, sz

2U 6o 93

19.!. .. 192


Manchester, Earl of i\Ianing ...

225 220

115 228

Mann :11annock .. , i\lannynge Mantbotpe ~{arck

l\fargerom Marlborough, Duke

171 ZJ6 229 2 11 Sg


or qr, 209 i.\lartin 146, 228, 232 Martyn ... .. ::17 Mason S6 :1\lalheiV ... .\latthew .. . Maude )lay hew Mayo

Page 110: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document


F.1.-:~ lilt;• I Fot:t ;\leildO\Ie zoo 0 Plume •• liS~ l\lelldows 2ZJ 255 Plowden . • 52 r.l ear~ 150, 151, 1 5~ Onkcs 21;, 222 l'ond 20 1 Mear• and Stainl>ank 154 Odyngton-:\\-alter of Poole 220 lllechd 10-l 3· 4 · s. 6, •54 Pooley •59. 180 lltcllcr 229 Okes 222. l'oope 19,;, 196 :\!cthold ... 2J6 Oli~~r 15 '· 218 Pope so Me\' Ia> tc6 Orford lb.) Porter 228 ;\lidl<l 39 Om ell :us Po.tle 234 i\hrldlcditch 217 o,born 151 ro er 179 lllidulcton 17S O.bornc zso Po Iter .p , 43 J.\lichon 2.0 1 Oolourm.l 2J8 Fou.t.:r 219 Mil<lmny ... 90 Ostler ' 73 Powell .. 202

llhtlartl 93 Ott<wdl ... 167 Power 7 I Mill> ::!17 Owen, 10~, 105, to6, to8, Pr.m 240 )!ill on 1::!1, TJ~ 243 Pre!>Lon 40 1\lirrld (>ic) 19!! Ower. 219 Plior 2~7

lllootly 14\1 OxnC<.Ies, J~ho of 2 Pritty t6J 1\loorc . .. 71 , IJO, 18~ l1rockter ... • 16) ;\Ioorc, Holmes and Pycot 10

lllnckenzie, 6J, 15.}. p P)e 68 lOJ, 233 Pyrson 225

More 25-' Pack )49, 150 lllorcto 2C9 Pack and Chapman 151 Morri;; 39o 75 Packard ... .. . I!J9 Q lllo.eley ... 223 Page IJ01 172 Moss 15:S Paley I 57 Quivil, Bishop 10 i\lothersolc ... zrs Palmer 227 Moyle 48, so, 51 Pannell 235 Mudd 100 Par~ctcr .. 9+ R i\lulliner ... 19Z Pads 3 lllnllin~:er 210 Parker, 3, 106, r6J , 170, Radcliffe ... 84 Mutllford !96, 212 J!l.t, 217, 222, :uS Raiobird ... 209 !\funn' 226 Par let 212 l<aiose 105 \lurrdl ::zo Parr 105 Ram .den lg6 i\l u:.keu 9 • Parsley 2 12 k and 197

Parson 169 l<andale ... 199 Pnrterick ... ... 255 Ranoomes and Sims 146

N Partridge .. ... 202 1 Rant ... ... :z rS Pa'Cal 77, 174 Raven ... ··· 214

!\'eedcn 229 Pascali 78 !{a wlia!>On 6 Needb:IUI 4S, ;o, 52 Past on 44o 48 Ray 1]6, 2J2 Ne\\COmbe 15 2 Patrick 153• :ZOJ Raymenl ... '73 Newman, 19, r 35, J 35, 137, Peachey 219 l<ead ... 219

•1391 14 1, 1St Peake 164 Reede 199 :"l<ewport ... ... 255 Pearson .. 252 R eeve, 193, 197, :zo1, 202, Xe"M~nd 177 Peck 2 50 204, 214, 215, 216 l\.'e\\tun ' H• zro Peddar 251 Reni~;er ... . .. 52 1\kholsou ... ::!20 Peek 241 Reve 7Z1 73, 69, 70, 72, 95, Noone 93. 233 P~ele l•\7, 210 j t lSj Norden ... ... 226 P~rfey ... 8lS Revel 10, J(

Norman ... 43. 194. 210 Perrers 12 I Revell 192 N orth 37, 91, 108, 152 P~rry 198 Re,·ett J68, 109 Northampton, )[. or 105 Pettit 199 Reynolds 171, 229 NorwiC'h, !:>ir John <le 2 1:S l'evton 67 !<ice 158 Nottingham, llr~icrc Pb'o:lps •·8 }{ ichard II. 19, 20

de 41 Philhps 16o, 18o Riches 193 Nu~n 20 1, 2J l P igot 48, 49 1 51, 52, 72 R ichmond 2 0 ]

Nurhall 00 l'itcenrn 172 R ick it 231 Nuttall 2 16 Plampm ... 224 Rider 9 Nutting 185 Plant ... 239 Ripin~; t6 t

PleasanL qo, 14 1 Ripyng 6o Plot 20 Riston 8

Page 111: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document


Riven Rollers

Pag4 Pol.(< 1 6S Slater 130

Roberts .. 151, 16o, RO<I\\ell .

192 195 170

){off orde .. 14 158

... 173

... 3· 81> 176

J<ogcr , Roger~ ... Rukcwoa<l not re Romeneyc Rope

II 16.)

2J6.~ 14, 16Z, 179

14, 18.l, 232, Z3J 251 20

... 236

... 247 14, 15

14 88, 223

185, 189, 205 19

' 53 40

Rnpcr Rn>c Rnu~ Rouse Rou.,cnh;alc Ro\\lcy Royce Hufr.>rd Rus'e l<u•.cll n u-t Rle Rylc Ryon

T Smith, 60, IJO, 167. 169,

17 1, 181, 182, 205 Tallant 249 Sm) lb. 6!>, 97 , ?'), 1So, Tamplin 195

18 1, 199 Tapsell , IOJ, 104 Sone 93 Taylor ... 153, 236 Southgate 162 Teven><>n .. . .. . zoS Sout hwell 90 Theobald ... 160 Spalding... 130, 66 Thomas of Canterbury, Spark ISS S. ... ... 148 :--parke 178 Th"mpson qo, 156, 211 Sp3JTOw ... 176, 199, 211 Thorn ... 236 Spencer ... 152 Thoro hill ... ZZ4 Speu,er ... 40 Thornton 140, 142, 159 Sperling, 16 1, 169, 189, Thru>ton ... ... 205

202, 2D.j, 224, 226, Thurkill ... 70 244, 250. 259 Thubton 91, 227

Spicer 18o, 255 Tippell ... ... 239 Spilling 110 Toller 165 Sp•nke 192 Tollemache 192, 200, 245 "p•nluf r6o Tomson .. .. 195 Spinny 232 Tonne, 41 , 78, 79, So, 94, :--port! ... ... 188 95, 97, !Is. roo, 102, S!ahbclunldt, 8, ro, r1, r2, 109, 258

14, 18, 19 20, 22, 23, Tony 26, 37, 6 1, 62, wS, I Tooke 109, IJJ, 147, 152 Tool

Stainb1nl< ... 151 Topsel

79 132, 21J

166 103, IQ.j, 181

S., II. Sache\'erell Sacker Sallow~ .. Salmon !,am•on

St:lnard .. . 205 Torry 67, 68, 6g Sranby ... 195 T ottington, Samp·

rq8, 175 Stane.by ... 29 son, de 3, 172


... 239 Stanley .. 151 TrimneU, Bi;hop 175 197 Staples . .. 194 Tripp 259

... 211 Starlinge ... 120 Tru.~ 192 6o, 202 ::.rebbing ... 16S Truston .. 218

210 Stedman ... 127, 128, 130 Turage .. .. 252 193 Steggall ... .. . 2 2 8 Turke 21) 221 Stephens... 139 T urner 212, 222 243 1 Sternt: 97 Tweed 174

Snrnt•'On .. . l::'ancroft .. . !:>andiver .. . Santy Sawcr Say•r .. Schofield ... Schot .. Scolding ... ~cntt

252 Stevenson 46 T weedy .. 209 169, 184, 248 Stollery ... ... 162 Tylls ... 233 ... 108 1 Stricklo.nd, Bishop 9 Tymms 85

Sekole Seme Sewell Shakespeare Sharman Sheffield, Lord Sheldrake Shelford ... Shepherd Sheppard Sheri!Te ... Sheringe ... Sherwood Shrive Sinlpson Singleton Skimming Skytte ...

... 209 S1rong ... ... 216 Tynny 41, 79 ... 163 Strutt ... 166, 225 Tyrrell ... .. 194

11, 97, 148 Strype ... ... 9 1 Tyssen, J4, 37, 491 61, 77• 122 Stuart 133 79, gS, 109 I 58 Stubbin .. . 202 1li9 S1urdy 24, z6

38, 89, 105 S turt ... 17 z 181 S•ut~ville. Stutfilde 181 105 Stunesbury !» 130 5ucklrng ... 179, 227 228 Suffo•ck, W. de. 9, 14 189 Suffolk, A. de 9 171 Sudbrii 196 246 ~udbury ... 81 101 Suidas 84 214 Sutherl:md . .. 233 160 Sutton 41, 248 246 , Sydnor 193 173 j' Syer .. . .. . 209 192 :--ylvemc ... .. 2 17 206 :>yln:stor II., Pope S

Udall Ulforcl, de Underhill Underwood




Vcn1oe, V:lll Vergil, Polvdore Victoria, Queen \'lollet le Uuc Votier

201 75 s,

•55 4


Page 112: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document


Pa~ Pagt I Pa~t w Wentworth, Lord ... 91 Wonlner .. . ... 223

West •. 72 Woolnough. .. 214 Wade 92, 177, 236 Weston, P. de 10, I I \Vray uo Waghcvcns, 75, 76, 77, 170 Westley ... 226 WriJ;:ht J6, 173. 210, 233 Wak,.ham 1 S 1, 207


Westrop ... 191 \\"ulfied 2 Wnldcgravc ..• 91 Whanes ... 243 Wymbis , .. t67 Walt: rave ... 20 White ... 91, 1?6, •98 Wymbosh 10 \V~Jker ... 206 Whitmore 225, 2$2 Wydmrpole 31 Wallace 217 Whittington 126 Wynter ... 93 \\'alsingham, A. de 8 Wigson ... 204 \\'ynkfield 156 Ward ... . .. 199 Wigston ... 229 Wardley ... Z5l Wilkinson 22J, 241 \Varne .•. 186 Willelt ... •69 y \Varner ... 16%, 206 Williams, 170, 2t6, 217, \V:m··n 191, 211 1 2J6 Yale 238 Washington ... 94 \\'ilshere ... 199 Yare 109 Waters 9~ Wilson 194, 237 Vaxle Yaxley 258 \\'atson ... 218 \Vimbis 10 York 162 Watts 152, ISJ Winchelsey, Arch- Yorke 196 Way let 179 bishop 81, 8~ Young t67 Waylett 141, 142 Wingfield, 90, 94, 214, 242 Youngman 219 \V nynf!ete, Bishop 18 Wulferston ... 93 Wedge ... 194 Wood 171 Weekes .. . 16o Woodard ... 16] z Wehincopp .. 2Jl Wo<>ds Jg8, 250 Wcllurn ... 241 Woolley ... l<14 Zincke ... 25' Welton .. . lg8

Page 113: The Church Bells of Suffolk - Whiting Society...The Church Bells of Suffolk by Rev. John J. Raven File 04 – Inscriptions (pages 156 to 259) Index (pages 260 to 266) This document

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