Chapter 1 The Sun’s rays were beaming down on her young face. Kate of only 20 years was getting married. Peter Ace was the man she would marry. Peter was handsome, and charming, he played perfect games of poker, and has a taste in fine wines and dining. He was sort of a renaissance man. Kate knew that he was the perfect man. But was he the perfect man for her? “What am I doing, I can’t marry him. But if I do I’ll be taken care of for the rest of my life. But Kate will you be happy with that? I can’t do this. You’ve to Kate, you’ve really got to.” She said to herself. Kate in her white wedding dress, started to cry. The lace was so delicate on her dress that once her tears hit the lace it started to dissolve. Just then the music played. The music that some people anticipate, some fear, and some long for, The Wedding March. Kate started to panic. She kicked the heels off of her feet and ran out of the church leaving her engagement behind as well. Meanwhile, the guests at the wedding didn’t know what was going on. They did not know that the bride had left the building. “Lindsey, go check on Kate, will you?” Kate’s mother said. “Sure Mrs. Heart” Lindsey, Kate’s best friend went to the room that Kate just left. She found her heel on the ground, and engagement ring on the powder table. Lindsey took the shoes and the ring to the alter. She went up to Peter and said, “She’s gone Pete, I’m sorry” “Tell my mother I’m going to look for her,” Peter said. With a determined look on his face Peter took his car from the parking lot to go look for his runaway bride. Kate found alleyway and plopped down on the ground. Just then it started raining. It started raining so hard she couldn’t even see an inch in front of her face. The rain started melting away the rest of the lace to revile a white undress. Am I that stupid to walk away from him like that? I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing.” Just then she heard the rustling of steel cans. “Hello? Is there anyone there? Just then a black cat jumped out in front of her. “Hi kitty, come here I won’t hurt you.” The cat walked towards Kate and jumped in her lap. A stranger walked out of the darkness. “Excuse me that’s my cat,” he said sternly. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know I was in the presence of a lady.” “Where am I?” Kate said. “Why, you’re in downtown Ramsville. Well that’s what we called it. You look troubled. Why don’t you come inside out of the rain so we could talk.” “Thank you very much,” she said as the man reached for her hand. “What’s your name?” Kate asked. “Jack,” he said as he pulled her up.

The Chronicles of Hearts and Spades: The Beginning

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Kate finds herself running away from her wedding and entering a strange world she had only thought about in her dreams. When she meets a friend, Jack, she isn't sure if she can trust him, but soon they realize they both need each other if they are going to survive in this strange new world.

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Page 1: The Chronicles of Hearts and Spades: The Beginning

Chapter 1 The Sun’s rays were beaming down on her young face. Kate of only 20 years was getting married. Peter Ace was the man she would marry. Peter was handsome, and charming, he played perfect games of poker, and has a taste in fine wines and dining. He was sort of a renaissance man. Kate knew that he was the perfect man. But was he the perfect man for her?

“What am I doing, I can’t marry him. But if I do I’ll be taken care of for the rest of my life. But Kate will you be happy with that? I can’t do this. You’ve to Kate, you’ve really got to.” She said to herself.

Kate in her white wedding dress, started to cry. The lace was so delicate on her dress that once her tears hit the lace it started to dissolve. Just then the music played. The music that some people anticipate, some fear, and some long for, The Wedding March. Kate started to panic. She kicked the heels off of her feet and ran out of the church leaving her engagement behind as well. Meanwhile, the guests at the wedding didn’t know what was going on. They did not know that the bride had left the building.

“Lindsey, go check on Kate, will you?” Kate’s mother said. “Sure Mrs. Heart”

Lindsey, Kate’s best friend went to the room that Kate just left. She found her heel on the ground, and engagement ring on the powder table. Lindsey took the shoes and the ring to the alter. She went up to Peter and said,

“She’s gone Pete, I’m sorry” “Tell my mother I’m going to look for her,” Peter said.

With a determined look on his face Peter took his car from the parking lot to go look for his runaway bride.

Kate found alleyway and plopped down on the ground. Just then it started raining. It started raining so hard she couldn’t even see an inch in front of her face. The rain started melting away the rest of the lace to revile a white undress. Am I that stupid to walk away from him like that? I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing.” Just then she heard the rustling of steel cans. “Hello? Is there anyone there? Just then a black cat jumped out in front of her. “Hi kitty, come here I won’t hurt you.” The cat walked towards Kate and jumped in her lap. A stranger walked out of the darkness. “Excuse me that’s my cat,” he said sternly. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know I was in the presence of a lady.” “Where am I?” Kate said. “Why, you’re in downtown Ramsville. Well that’s what we called it. You look troubled. Why don’t you come inside out of the rain so we could talk.” “Thank you very much,” she said as the man reached for her hand. “What’s your name?” Kate asked. “Jack,” he said as he pulled her up.

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Chapter 2 His house was warm and cozy for her. All his furniture made out of wood. A warm fireplace glow in front of her. To the left of the fireplace was a kitchen with an iron stove and to the right was a bunch of blankets on a pile of sticks to create some sort of bed. “So how old are you?” she asked. “I’m 26 next month. And you?” “I’m 25” “Would you like some hot tea? It will warm you right up.” He said. “Yes please, thank you.” She replied. She noticed an accent in his voice. “So where are you from?” She asked. “I’m from here. Most of the people around here sound like me too.” “Oh ok, because with your accent it kind of sounds like you’re from England, or somewhere around there.” He boiled some water in a pot and put in the tea bags. Then he grabbed two cups and saucers from the cabinet. They were the best china he had. He put his hand around the steaming tea, and poured it into the two blue china cups. “Sugar?” “Yes please.” She replied. “One lump or two?” “Two, thank you.” Jack took two sugar cubes from a sugar container and plopped then into the tea. He walked over to Kate trying not to spill a single drop. Kate bundled up in blankets that Jack had put out for her, and looked up at him as he brought her tea. “Here we are. This one is yours.” As he handed her the cup. Then Jack sat down by her. “I never got your name.” “It’s Kate.” “Nice name. So what is a girl like yourself doing down here anyway?” She replied in a sad voice, “I was supposed to be getting married and I panicked right before the wedding. Then I ran away, got confused, and now here I am.” “Why did you panic?” “I’m sorry but that is really none of your business.” “Hey now, I was only curious.” Jack said in surprisement. “Thank you for the tea, but I must be getting home now.” Kate stood up. Jack sipped on some tea and look up at her. “Sorry to burst you bubble, but you can’t.” “Why can’t I?” she put he hands on her hips. “Ok for one, it’s pouring and you won’t be able to see. And two The Sockets will capture you.” “The what?” “Never mind that, just don’t go out there. Trust me.” “Sorry Jack, but I don’t trust strangers.” Said Kate.

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Jack stood up and pointed at the door, “Fine, go then, leave. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He said angrily. She threw the blankets that were still around her on the ground and stormed out. She slammed the door as she left. She went through the pouring ran and couldn’t see anything in front of herself. “Why didn’t I listen to him?” Just then a vehicle in the shape of a frog stopped in front of her. A hatchet in the top of the frog opened up and six men leaped out of it. They landed right in front of Kate. The men were in black suits and were all about six feet tall. “Kate Heart. You’re coming with us.” They took out their guns and fired one shot at her. Instead of a bullet, a dart hit her in the neck and injected a sleep serum into her blood stream. Within a second of getting hit, Kate blacked out. Chapter 3 “Why did I let her go? This isn’t her world, Ramsville is a dangerous place, god you messed up big time Jack,” he said to himself. “Alright that’s it I’m going after her.” Jack threw on his leather jacket, and his black pants. He got his equipment out. His equipment only consisted of a utility belt that he took everywhere. On it he put a gun, with many packs of bullets. He also had smoke bombs the size of pennies, and his lucky charm. A rabbit’s foot that’s saved him from near death. Once he was ready he grabbed a piece of bread wrapped in Turtlemint Leaf, and stuffed it in his pocket. He stepped outside and the rain had already stopped, revealing the wonderful world he lived in. the dew left by the rain glistened on each blade of grass. Jack took a deep breath and smiled, as he walked past bellowing tress over 50 feet tall. The flowers that surrounded him were starting to come back out from their rainy slumber. All of a sudden before Jack knew it he was standing in front of an old oak tree. This oak however is a very special one. “Hello? Hello? Old Oak? It’s Jack Spade, and I need your help.” The oak tree grew a nose, then eyes, and then a face. In it’s grand finale arms sprung out from it’s sides. “Ah, Jack Spade. My boy you’ve grown.” Said the Old Oak calmly. “Yes old friend I have. Listen I was wondering if you saw a young girl earlier today?” he asked. “I see many girls all day long Jack. You forget that I have more then just the eyes you see on the bark in front of you.” “She’s a little shorter then me, she’s got a long brown hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress, and pro-” “Ah yes!” said the Old Oak interrupting. “She was taken away by The Sockets”. “It’s all my fault.” Jack said to himself “Do you know where they’ve taken her?”

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“Yes. I heard them say they were taking her to a factory or something like that.” Said the Oak. “Thank you so much old friend, I must go now.” Jack said thankfully. “Be careful Jack Spade.” And the oak’s face and arms disappeared inside of the tree. Jack walked for 10 minutes then decided to sit down to rest. He took the bread from his pocket. Slowly nibbling on it he thought to himself, “Great, so all I have to do now is break into The Sockets’ headquarters. Which means I’ll have to slip past somewhere around 40 guards and escape with Kate without getting shot. Fantastic Jack, look what you’ve gotten yourself into. Chapter 4 Kate’s eyes fluttered. “Boss she’s waken up.” “Don’t worry just make sure she’s tided up, I need Jack to here her scream.” “W-w-where am I?” Kate asked. “Your in the Factory O’ Sockets.” A henchman said laughing. “What?” she asked. “Little girl! Did you not here him?!” another henchman took out his knife. “Henry take it easy we need her, put that away.” And Henry put away his knife. “You were talking about Jack. What do you want with him?” “Aw, didn’t he tell you? He’s one of us baby.” “No he’s not. He looks nothing like you.” “There was a malfunction in his making. Our lead scientist was gone and the new guy mixed good genes and bad genes together to create Jack. This caused him to look different and become 3 quarters human. He also resisted everything we tried to teach him.” “What do you mean 3 quarters human? What’s the other quarter? And what did you try to teach him?” Kate asked warily. “He’s part Elf. We used Elvin powers to give us strength. Instead of strength he got everything else. We tried to teach him to be evil, but no he couldn’t. He escaped and joined The Resistance.” “Against what?” she asked. “Us doll.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Too bad because your going to be why he dies. You’re the trap.” “You monster!” Kate screamed. The man walked away from Kate. “That’s Mr. Monster to you, Hun.” And M shut off the lights of the room Kate was in.

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Chapter 5 “There it is. Just like I remembered.” Jack said to himself. The entrance was heavily guarded with Sockets. Two by the door and three roaming nearby. The building itself was actually underground, so all that was sticking out from the ground was a mushroom shaped dome that was the roof of the Factory. Jack leaned in for a closer look and suddenly cracked a tree branch that was lying on the forest floor. All of the Sockets looked to the forest, fully altered. “Hello? Who ever is there come out with your hands up, and maybe we won’t kill you.” Said a Socket. The Sockets pointed their guns at the thick dense forest. There was a rustling in the bushes and the Sockets moved in closer and closer when finally a little rabbit popped out. “Bunny.” Said one of the Sockets as they were looking at it. “Put your guns away men, it’s just a rabbit.” As the Sockets turned around and put their guns away, the rabbit transformed into a man, but not any man. It was Jack. He sprung up from the ground and went for an attack. He clanged two sockets’ heads together, and they fell to the ground. A Socket got hold of Jack and locked his arms behind his back. While that Socket was holding Jack, another one was about to punch him. So Jack slipped out and one Socket punched the other. Then Jack went in between that Sockets’ legs and Jacked pushed the Sockets’ bottom. Jack got up and the Socket turned around. “Is that all you got big boy?” said Jack cockily. Just then another Socket came up behind Jack. As Jack turned around the Socket punched Jack, and he fell down. The Socket picked him up by the collar and held him. Jack head butted the Socket but it didn’t work. He tried it again but it still didn’t work. The Socket let go with one hand and knocked on his forehead.” “I’ve got metal plates laddy.” Just then Jack kicked the Socket right between the legs. The Socket immediately dropped Jack and fell to the ground in pain. “I don’t think you’ve got metal plates down there.” Jack said with a smile. “One, two, three, four. I thought there was five, where’d the fifth go?” Jack looked around and saw one crawling away. “Ah, there you are.” He marched over to the Socket got down on one knee and flipped him over. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Please don’t hurt me.” Said the Socket whimpering. “If you don’t tell me where M put Kate I will hurt you.” “I don’t know Jack.” He replied still whimpering. Jack clenched his fist and went to go punch the Socket in the face. He stopped right in front of the Sockets eyes. “I’ll ask you again. Where is Kate?” “S-s-she’s on the fourth floor in the boiler room.” Jack opened his fist and tapped the Socket on the cheek with his hand. “See now, was that so hard?” Jack released the Socket and stood up. He looked on the arm of his jacket. He licked his finger.

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“Aw bugga, they got my favorite jacket dirty.” And wiped away the dirt on his sleeve. Jack walked up to the door of the building and opened it. Inside was a crooked room with paintings on the walls, and black and white checkered floor. In the back of the room was a glass elevator. Jack paced quickly to the back, and stopped in front of the elevator. “Welcome to the Socket Factory” Jack jumped back with a surprised look on his face. The doors opened up automatically and Jack went inside. All of a sudden the clear elevator turned a milky grey color. Jack looked around for any buttons or leavers to take him down but there wasn’t any. A woman in a red skin tight gown popped up on the elevator door. “I’m Veronica, what floor sir?” “Ugh, the fourth please” Jack said cautiously. The elevator shook a bit until it eventually went down. Down and down and down it went. It seemed like there was no end until, an abrupt stop made Jack tumble forward a bit. “Here we are sir.” Jack stepped out and looked with amazement. Chapter 6 The lights flashed on. Kate blinked rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the light. “Come on love, time for dinner,” said a Socket. “I’m going to have to feed you by hand, and if you misbehave I will have to hurt that pretty little face of yours.” Kate looked down and wiped tears onto her shoulder. The Socket took the spoon and dunked it into a purple glob of mush. He pulled out the purple substance and held it up to her face. “Come on, its slug spit, eat.” Kate looked up at him. “No!” she kicked the spoon from his hand which caused the chair she was sitting in to go backwards. Since her hands were tied she somersaulted backwards so her tied hands were in front of her. He took the gun out of his holster and pulled the trigger. Kate dodged left and ran towards the Socket. When she was finally close enough, she spun and kicked the gun out of his hand. She bawled her fists together and hit him on the side of the face. Then he fell own to a knee. He spat a mouth full of blood on the ground and wiped the blood from his lips. He smiled with blood still in between his teeth. “My turn,” he said. Kate saw him start to go for the gun on the ground, at the same time Kate went for the chair she was in. The Socket stood up with the gun and pulled the trigger. Kate lifted up the chair and put it in front of her face. Unfortunately for the Socket the bullet bounced off the bottom of the chair and hit the Socket in the forehead. The Socket looked at Kate then collapsed to the ground. She moved quickly over to him. She looked down at the pool of blood under the dead limp body. “Sorry mate, but you’re not going to be using this.” She bent down and picked up the gun from his hand. There was still blood on the shiny outside, so she took the

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handkerchief from the sockets lapel and whipped it clean. She dropped the handkerchief on his body and left for the door. Chapter 7 Jack looked around in amazement. Big, brass barrels were pouring hot hatred into mixes. Another machine brought out the Sockets fresh from being “born”. “My god, they’re building an army,” he said in bewilderment. Jack turned sharply to his left as he heard three Sockets approaching. He didn’t want to make a scene, so he quickly ran behind a machine. He overheard their conversation. “Can you believe we actually got her?” said a Socket. “No I can’t. To think the mayors future bride.” “That Kate Heart is going to make the mayor very happy,” said the third Socket. The Sockets walked away. Jack came out from behind the machine and thought to himself, “So that’s what they want from her? To marry the mayor?” He ran, hugging the wall, to make sure no one could attack him. About five yards in front of him was a Socket with keys. He needed those anyway to get around the factory. He walked behind the Socket and tapped him on his shoulder, the Socket turned around. “Excuse me, I need those,” Jack said and he punched the Socket in the face which knocked him out cold. Jack took the keys and stuffed them into his pants. Sweat beaded down her face. Kate gripped the gun between her hand. She put her back to the wall. Peaking around a corner, she thought, “No bad guys, no bad guys, please no bad guys.” She looked even further and saw two Sockets. Quickly, her breath started to get heavier, and faster. Kate moved back to the wall again. There was no way she could move without them seeing her. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! “Alert! Prisoner escape, prisoner escape. Alert! Alert! She cocked back the hammer on the gun and pushed her back off the wall. She ran across the hallway and into a bed of wire and tubes. The Sockets turned their heads her way and walked over to Kate’s hiding place. She buried herself within the wires as best as she could. Pointing their guns she waiting for the Sockets to come. The Sockets came around the corner. “Gotcha.” Just then Jack pounced on top of the Sockets and punched them. They fell down and begged him not too, but he did anyway. He lifted up his shirt and went into his belt. He pulled out two clear pills with red bebbles inside. Jack shoved the pills into the Socket’s mouths. Within five seconds both started shaking and foaming at the mouth. Then, died. Jack fixed himself and turned to Kate. She jumped out of the wires, and said, “Don’t try anything, I’ll shoot.”

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“Are you ok? Did they hurt you? Listen I’m not going to hurt you,” said Jack. “How can I trust you?” Jack spun around and ducked down. He sprung up and tapped the gun out of Kate’s hands. Jack dissembled the gun and put the parts in her hands. Mind you he did this in five seconds flat. “Because if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already.” Kate looked at her hands and noticed a metal circle with a blinking red light. “What’s this?” she picked it up with her two fingers and examined it. Jack ripped the circle from her fingers and threw it on the ground. Then he stepped on it to smash it. “It was bugged. They might have been tracking us,” Jack said. “We need to find a way out Jack,” said Kate. “Do you trust me?” “What choice do I have,” said Kate. “Don’t get freaked out this will be a little weird,” said Jack. Jack stepped back and thought to himself, “Fast, swift, black stallion.” Just then his body lit up. His limbs grew longer. First his arms, then his legs. Kate heard Jack’s spine crack, and averted her eyes away from the luminous glow. The glow started to fade and Kate slowly lowered her hands from her face. Standing inches away from her was a strong, black, Arabian horse. Kate looked around the horse, “Jack?” she called. “Jack?” she whispered. The horse stood in front of Kate and bowed to her. “Your ride awaits mademoiselle.” “Jack?” “I’ll explain later, just get on my back.” Kate looked around. “Kate it’s either you leave with me now, or we’ll die.” Kate went over to Jack and looked at his back. She sighed, grabbed hold of his mane, and lifted herself onto his back. Jack got up from his bowed position. He looked from the corner of his eye up at Kate, “Hold on tight.” Kate grabbed a tighter hold of the mane and Jack took off. He took off so fast that Kate got a slight whiplash. Jack started running as fast as he could. The more Sockets that saw them, the bigger chance they might be caught near the entrance. Lefts and rights, rights and lefts, Jack kept running on and on. “Do you know where you’re going?” Kate yelled. “No,” he replied. “What do you mean you don’t know where you’re going?” “If I say I know where I’m going then I really don’t. And vise-versa.” This confused Kate. She thought to herself, “Does that mean he’s lied about everything?” Just then a piece of machinery fell from the ceiling. Jack saw the rubble in enough time to jump over it. Kate looked back at the fallen pieces of metal.

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“Duck!” Jack shouted, and Kate responded. She stayed down close to him. “There’s the elevator,” Jack said. Two Sockets jumped in the way of the elevator. Jack leaned back to stop his forward momentum. Breathing hard, he stopped centimeters away from one of the Sockets’ face. “Can’t let you and the girl leave Jack,” said the Socket. Jack whinnied and head butted him. The other Socket came over to try and hold them back, but Jack pranced over to the Sockets, nostrils flared, and said, “Trust me, if I were you I would run away.” The Socket put down his weapon and started running. Jack looked up at Kate and started laughing. “Close on, huh?” “Yeah,” she replied. Just then beams of light started protruding from his body. Kate looked away again because she knew he would become extremely bright. Before they both knew it, they both came crashing down, Kate on top of Jack. With Jack on his back, and Kate on top of him, they could do nothing but stare at each other. “Wow,” Jack thought to himself, “She has beautiful eyes.” Just then Jack shook himself from that train of thought and pushed himself out from under Kate. “We should get going,” Kate said as they tried to seem like they weren’t just starring at each other. Jack walked over to the clear glass elevator. The elevator doors opened, and both stepped inside. The glass turned the milky grey color and the women in the red dress appeared on the door in front of them. “Ah, Mr. Spade, oh, and who’s this, your girlfriend? She’s very cute. You guys are such a cute coupl..” “Were not a couple, and we need to go to the top floor,” Jack said. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” the women said. “No thank you Victoria.” The elevator made a very slight shake and then lifted up. Kate just realized something, “So wait, you can turn into a horse?!” she asked. “Oh I can do more then that, I can turn into any creature I want.” “But-but-but how?” “When I was young-.” Jack got cut off by the ding of the elevator bell. The doors opened and twenty clicks of a gun being loaded was heard. The doors fully opened to reveal to Jack and Kate, twenty Sockets pointing their guns at them. One Socket said, “Come out with your hands up.” “Jack?” Kate said very sacredly. “Do what they say, trust me.” “Get down on your knees.” Both of them complied. Jack looked at Kate and without speaking said to her, “Kate, if you can hear me look at me and blink three times.” She couldn’t believe he was talking to her through her thoughts. She looked at Jack and blinked three times. “Look at my belt,” Jack said as he moved his jacket to reveal his utility belt. “See the round bombs with the red stripes?” Kate nodded.

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“I’m going to throw that, I want you to get down close to the ground and make your way to the exit, and wait for me in the brush.” Kate looked at Jack with a sense of confusion but slowly shook her head. “Sorry Jack,” a Socket said. The Socket cocked back the hammer on his gun, and in a ripple effect, the other Sockets were readying to shoot. Just then, Jack brought his hands down and screamed, “NOW!” and pushed Kate to the left wall. As he did that he also got the smoke bomb from his belt and threw it into the crowd of Sockets. Bullets flew from the guns. Kate did what Jack said and stayed closed to the ground. She was about half way to the exit until a Socket stepped in front of her. She stopped, terrified and looked up. Just as she looked up the guns stopped being fired. The room was so smoky, the Sockets couldn’t see. One Socket went to where Jack was and felt around for him. “Sir, he and the girl are gone,” said the Socket. Jack hanging from the rafters said, “I’m still here,” and then gave a maniacal laugh. The room was still smoky and all of a sudden a Socket gave a blood curdling scream. Everyone heard the slicing of flesh and another scream. The Sockets all feared for their lives. Jack came down and whispered into a Socket’s ear,

“Boo,” and the Socket turned around and fired at what he thought was Jack and instead shot another fellow Socket. And like a domino effect all the Sockets started shooting at what they thought was Jack, but really was each other. While this was happening Kate managed to slip past the rest of the Sockets and headed out of the exit door. She looked around in distress and headed for the woods in front of her. She ripped through a thorn bush and cut her arm. She looked at her arm and kept going. She stopped when she came to a small flowing stream and fell down to her knees.

“Water,” she said as she cupped her hands to get a drink. The sweet taste of water made her relax. She bent down for another drink, and then sat down. She thought to herself, “I wonder if Jack is alright.” Just as that thought occurred in Kate’s head, Jack had just finished with the Sockets. When the smoke finally cleared, you could see the white room was painted red in Socket blood. Twenty bodies all dead. Jack had done what he had to do. He took his weapon of destruction, his knife, and cleaned it with a purple cloth he had in his pocket. “Fantastic,” he said sarcastically. “I feel bad for who ever has to clean up this mess. Now to find Kate.” Jack started running of four legs and than transformed into a wolf. Jack jumped over the thorn bushes and stopped. He smelt something. Something metallic, something human, life, “Blood,” Jack said. He turned around and smelt the bushes, “Kate.” He ran out in the woods, sure of where she was. “Finch Stream,” he thought to himself. Kate rested her back against a group of smooth boulders. She heard a rustle in the bushes in front of her, and leaned forward. A wolf popped out. Snarling and growling, the wolf looked at Kate.

Kate moved slowly, “Jack change back your scaring me.”

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“I’m sorry Kate I can’t do that yet,” Jack replied. The pile of rocks that Kate was resting on moved. The rocks piled up to create the image of a, “Dra-dra-dra-DRAGON!” Kate said as she moved over towards Jack.

The dragon was as big as a two story building. It’s scales were made of a stone grey color, and it’s skin was an earthy ground texture. In between the scales and skin were weeds, lycans, and little air plants.

The dragon opened it’s mouth and fire burst out. Jack and Kate split apart to dodge the flaming mass. The dragon’s head went toward Jack, and it’s tail went toward Kate. And with this specific dragon the mouth is not the thing to be scared of. The dragon turned it’s head to look where it’s tail was going.

The tail spreads out into in trident, similar to Poseidon’s. Within each prong there are sharp blades. The tail can also move the prongs together and apart like a slicer. The dragon moved it’s tail. Kate jumped over it. The dragon swung again. This time Kate ducked. The dragon snapped it’s tail and then pushed Kate to the ground.

Jack kept trying to get the dragon’s attention. But instead the dragon kept all attention on Kate. Then, the dragon brought the tail up right above Kate, snapping at her, about to slice her into a couple pieces. In Jack’s last attempt, he sat down and howled. The dragon turned back around snarling, and left Kate alone.

“Listen dragon, we are not here to hurt you,” Jack hollered. “You and your Socket friend are going to die. I bet you are a spy,” the dragon said

to Jack. Jack transformed back into himself, “Listen friend we are part of the Resistance,

we mean you no harm.” “Posh. No harm? No harm! You have killed off most of my kind,” the dragon

shouted and stomped his foot into the ground. Immediately after the dragon backed off into a melancholy demeanor. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to be taken by the Sockets, like most of my family.” Kate rushed over to Jack. “Like I said we are just passing, we mean no harm. Say, dragon, we are going to

go see the Resistance, and you seem to hate the Sockets, so why don’t you join us?” asked Jack.

“Sounds tempting. Will I get to kill as many as I want?” “Yes,” Kate chimed in. “Ok I’m in,” replied the dragon. “By the way dragon, this is Kate Heart, and I’m Jack Spade.” “Let’s go before I decide to change my mind,” said the dragon. Kate walked on the side of the dragon and Jack walked in the front. They walked

through thousand year old trees, and the cool forest floor. The dragon had a Scottish accent, “So are two a..” “A couple?” Kate asked. “Yes.” “Sorry, we are not.” “Oh ok,” replied the dragon. Night started to fall upon on them fast. Jack came back to Kate said,

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“We need to make a camp, follow me.” The trio found an open area and decided to make their camp there. “I’m going to look for food,” Kate said. “Yes, dragon, you stay here, I’m going to find fire wood.” The dragon curled around and paced then finally plopped down on the ground.

Kate went off to go look for food, but then she realized she does not have any tools to harvest anything with, so she talked Jack into changing jobs.

Jack changed into a wolf. Hiding in the bushes he waited for the right opportunity to catch something. Kate on the other hand managed to gather three logs, forty twigs, and some air plants and mosses to use in the fire. After she brought back the rest of the things, she attempted to make a fire.

“Ok I’ve never done this before,” she said as she took some moss and two sticks. She rubbed the two sticks together between her hands. She rubbed and rubbed,

but got no where. “Move,” said the dragon, and blew heat into the pit. The wood started to smoke, and then a fire was born. A quarter mile away Jack

could smell the smoke. “Better hurry up,” he thought. Just then, opportunity opened up. A deer walked into his view. Jack rocked his

shoulders ready to run. Like a horse out of the gate during a race, Jack ran after that deer. Closer and closer, Jack pursued the deer almost catching him. After a while the deer got tired and Jack caught him. Jack’s jaws locked around the deer’s throat and bit down, just enough so Jack broke the deer’s neck so the deer would feel much pain.

After Jack dropped the deer from his mouth, he changed back into himself. On his knees, Jack said a little prayer,

“Thank you brother, for your life’s body. Your body has been left behind but your soul has been freed.”

Then Jack stood up and slung the deer over his shoulder, and then started walking back to camp.

Kate heard Jack walking up, “Hopefully he has lots of berries,” she thought. Jack walked through the camp and put the deer down. “What is that?” Kate asked. “A deer,” he replied. “Ok but what are we going to cook it on? We don’t have pots or pans.” She said. “Watch,” he said. Jack took out his knife and cut two big chunks out of the deer. Then he stood up

and grabbed four leaves off of a nearby tree. “These are the leaves of a fire tree. The leaves heat up, and can be heated up

without them being burned.” Jack wrapped both pieces of meat in the leaves and plopped them into the fire. “Take that out in ten minutes,” he said. Kate sat down at starred at the fire. “Dragon,” Jack started to say. “My name isn’t Dragon,” the dragon snapped at Jack.

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“Then what do you call yourself?” asked Kate. “Helios,” the dragon replied. “So I’ve never talked to a dragon before. Do you have any family?” Kate asked. “Well,” Helios sighed, “I had a family once. My mate and our baby. But the

Mayor sent men to get rid of all the dragons. I was out hunting when my family was attacked. They must have been killed quickly because I didn’t hear their cries for help. By the time I got back they were dead.”

“Oh my God. What did you do?” Kate asked. “Well, I took their bodies and gave them a proper burial, a traditional dragon

burial, by fire. Then I went looked for other dragons, if there were any others. Unfortunately I kept finding bloody remains. I fear that I am the last of my kind.” Helios said.

“So why haven’t you just killed yourself since there are no more left,” Jack asked. “You should know better then anyone that Dragons are of the noblest creatures,

we die nobly in battle. Not slayed and slaughtered like were nothing.” Helios sat up and brought his hand to his heart as he said that. Then he brought

himself back down. “Well if you’re looking to die in battle, you need to definitely stick around with

us,” Jack said laughing. Kate sniffed at the air, “What’s that stench?” “It means the food is ready,” replied Jack. Kate looked around for something to get the meat out with. But Jack just stuck his

hand in the fire and pulled out the smelly packages. He plopped off of the packages in front of Kate and said,

“Here eat.” “You don’t want any?” she asked. “No you eat it. Dragon, sorry I mean Helios, you can eat the rest of the deer.” He

said. Kate unwrapped the meat and picked a piece and put it in her mouth. She chewed

it slowly unsure of the taste, and then sighed, “This is great Jack.” And smiled at him. Helios picked up the deer with his mouth and tossed it up in the air. Swiftly in one

bite the deer was gone. Helios licked his chops, “Yes I agree.” Kate continued to eat. Before she knew it, the deer meat was all gone. “It’s time we all got some shut eye,” Jack said. Kate sank down onto the log she was sitting on. She now used the log as a pillow.

She tucked in her legs and stuck her hands under her arms. She closed her eyes. A couple hours passed until she woke up with the star night sky. She sat up and

looked around. Jack was sitting and starring into the fire, so she got up, walked over to him, and then sat beside him.

“Can’t sleep?” she asked. “No, I haven’t gotten a good nights sleep in a while.” “You know, yesterday I was supposed to get married. But, I ran out before the

ceremony started,” Kate said.

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“Why,” he asked. “I got scared. Scared of the future, and of the commitment. I love him, don’t get

me wrong. But something did not feel right,” she replied. “I had a fiancée once. Then my brother killed her.” Jack said. “Your brother? I’m so sorry.” “Yeah I am too. The Governor told him to do so.” “Who is the Governor?” “He is the person that runs this entire world. Almost like a king. But below him he

has people that run each city, Mayors. And the Mayors of the world all look to one Mayor that tells them what to do in their cities, we call him M. But that is enough explanation for one night. You go to sleep, I’ll be right here to watch over you,” he said.

Kate smiled and got up and her hand on his shoulder, “Night Jack.” She walked back around the fire and returned to her sweet dreams. Once she went

to sleep Helios spoke up, “You are trying to push her away Jack, trying to keep her safe,” he said with his

eyes closed. “Yeah I know,” Jack sighed. Just then Jack looked up. A comet flew by and he thought to himself, “God, I miss looking at the stars.”

Chapter 8 “My lady wake up.”

Kate fluttered her eyes. “Kate wake up,” and Jack touched her face. She woke up immediately. She sat up. “We’ve been trying to wake you up for a while,” said Jack. “I’m sorry, I guess I was having a good dream,” she said. “I just wanted to let you know I am going to go and try to find some bird eggs for breakfast,” Jack said. Jack got up and adjusted his shirt. Then reluctantly offered his hand to Kate. She grabbed it. Kate pulled herself up and wiped off her shorts that the sockets had given her, then yawned. “I’ll be back,” Jack yelled as he walked off. Kate turned to Helios, “So, Helios, have ever given a human a ride before?” “What do you mean a ride?” he asked. “You know, fly?” “Oh, no Kate. I’ve never had to fly before.” “Well, lets try. But first we need to find a cliff.”

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Jack kept looking in the tops of trees. Looking for any type of bird, or a nest, but nothing. “That’s odd. Usually there are hundreds of birds.” SNAP! Something behind Jack broke a twig. Jack kept walking fully aware of his surroundings. Quickly he grabbed his knife from his belt, turned around, and threw it. Jack stormed up to a man he pinned to a tree. The knife pinned the man by the collar of his shirt to the bark of the tree. Jack removed the knife from the tree. “Why isn’t it my old pal Switch.” Cowardly the man squeaked out, “Jack, what are you doing in these woods? It’s not like I was following you or anything like that.” “So who sent you this time, Resistance? No. M sent you didn’t he? He wants you to follow us. Switch damn you, you’d do anything to save you own skin. Remember the Desert-Water Pirates?” Switch looked down thinking. Jack punched him in the face. “I’ll tell you what happened. They wanted me, they found you, you rat me out, they dessert me on an island. An island, Switch. An island where I was the only one on it.” He let go of the man and slammed him to the ground. “There is no place for you in the Resistance anymore. Tell M we will be ready in two days.” Jack whipped out his knife. He thought for a second, and only cut switch’s arm a little. “That is for spying horribly.” Jack offered his hand to Switch. Switch took his hand and pulled himself up. Jack walked away, and Switch took his switch-blade knife. Switch threw the blade at Jack. Just as the blade was about to hit Jack, he turned around. Jack caught the knife by the tip. His hand flew back due to the momentum of the knife, then he threw it back at Switch. Scared, Switch stood still as the blade impaled the ground right in front of his feet. Stunned, Switch ran away. Jack went over to the blade and picked it up. Slowly he examined the intricate designs on the knife. He noticed that the weapon was Elvish. Hand-made by the Elves. Jack flipped the blade back, for it to rest.

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Chapter 9 “Helios, I want you to stand there and close your eyes,” Kate said. Helios complied and stood near the edge of the cliff. Kate took three vines from a nearby tree. She rolled each vine around her arm. Then, she placed one leg on Helios’ leg. Then propped herself on his back. She took one vine and looped it around his horns. Then tied one around his body. Taking the last vine and placing it around herself, she attached the other strands to hers. “Ok Helios, time to go back to your instinct. Your father, and your father’s father flew, now it is your turn. Now go!” Helios said to himself. Just as he thought that, Jack saw them go over the cliff. He screamed “No!” and ran to the edge. He could not see because of the mist covering the side of the cliff. Kate and Helios plunged deep into the side of the canyon. Kate held on tight as Helios tumbled over and under. “Helios open your wings,” Kate yelled. Helios tried but his joints were stuck due to the cooler weather. “I can’t my left wing is stuck.” Kate looked at his wing and decided to go and help him. Because Helios was such a big dragon, Kate needed to take off the vine that kept her holding on. She ripped the vine and started to fall forward. Just as she was about to pass Helios, she grabbed the tip of his wing and pulled it. This released the wing, and Helios opened them fully. Just as Kate was going to plummet into the earth, Helios caught her with his front feet. Kate closed her eyes and braced for impact. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes, and saw she was gliding over the large stream at the bottom of the canyon. “Helios your flying,” she said. “My dear this isn’t flying,” he said as he threw Kate up in the air, and she landed on his back. “Hold on tight.” Helios went shot upwards into the sky. “Come on boy, let’s go!” Kate yelled. Jack leaned over the cliff stunned to what he just saw. “Oh my God, how the hell did I let them do that? Doing corkscrews all the way up the side, Helios and Kate were getting ready to break through the mist. Kate was yelling to Helios, “Were almost there,” Like a bullet being fired, the pair flew out of the mist, and as they continued traveling up, Jack fell down. “Is that what I think I just saw?” he said to himself. As if like a roller coaster, Helios kept traveling upwards. Then as if by a centaury old instinct being ignited, Helios closed his wings and plummeted to the earth. Kate could feel the wind whip past her face. “Ok pull up,” Kate said. Helios slowed down and let his wings out to float them down. The duo landed near Jack. Jack went over to Kate. “Well it looks like we found an easier way to get to our destination,” Kate said.

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“Aren’t you going to hop on?” Helios asked. “No, I can’t I think it’s safer to stay on the ground,” Jack replied. “You’re scared aren’t you?” Helios asked. “No. Why would you think that?” “Because then Kate could ride with me and you cold turn into a bird or something,” Helios said. “Yes, come on Jack, you’ve turned into animals before, do it now,” Kate said. Jack took a few steps back, and tensed up his body. Though he tried, Jack couldn’t bring himself to turn into a bird. Finally after giving up Jack went back over to Kate. “I can’t. I’m afraid of heights,” Jack said. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought that you could. It’s ok we can walk,” Kate said. Everyone turned back around and started walking. “So where are we going now?” Kate asked. “Sundria Falls,” Jack replied. “The city of Elves?” Helios asked. “Yes.” “I thought only Elves, could be allowed in. They shoot trespassers,” Helios said. “Have you ever taken a close look at my ears?” Jack said as he lifted the little pieces of hair from his ears. It revealed an Elvin ear. The kind that you always think about. Ears with a pointed tips. “I grew up with the Elves. My mother was an Elf, and my Father was a human. After I was born my parents died and the Elves found me because they knew I was part Elvish,” Jack said.

“But M told me that you were made in the socket factory,” Kate said. “That is completely false. I was born like any other person. And so was he. The only difference is that the sockets that took M brainwashed him into believing certain ideas. Now like I said, we are going to Sundria Falls.”

Chapter 10 Later that night, Kate was talking to Helios. “Jack is passed out, should we do it now?” She asked Helios. “Yes,” he replied. Kate put out the fire, then quickly went over to Jack. She bent down and touched his face with her finger tips. “He’s so handsome,” she thought to herself. Kate motioned to Helios to come over to her. Helios walked carefully enough to not shake the ground with each step. Helios stopped in front of Jack. Slowly and carefully he picked up Jack and placed him on Helios’ back. Kate gathered the rest of the traveling materials, and put them on Helios’ back too. Finally Kate took the rest of the vine that she saved and took it out. Once she took it out she hopped on top on Helios. She placed herself in a way so Jack was sitting in front of her. Kate unwrapped the vine and threw it around both of them and Helios. “Helios, do you know where Sundria Falls is?” Kate asked.

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“Yes I do,” he replied. “Ok then let’s fly.” Helios opened his wings, and then brought his feet together. Using his feet like a spring he motioned upward and waved his wings up and down. Getting off of the ground was a little shaky cause after all, Helios has only flown once. Once they cleared the trees it was smooth sailing from there. Gliding over the night’s sky, Kate started to think to herself, “I’ve never met a man like him. Why is he so interested in me? I mean I’m not pretty. It wouldn’t work out anyway, I have friends, and family, and Peter. Oh my God, what am I thinking? I’m engaged. My wedding was two days ago, what is wrong with me?” Just then Kate heard Jack whisper something, “Nothing is wrong,” and Kate looked at him surprised. “Did he hear me? Did he know what I said,” she thought. Jack woke up but his eyes were still closed. “Helios, its cold can you warm the fire?” Jack said groggily. “Sorry to disappoint you Jack, but I can’t” “That’s ok; I’ll just do it myself.” The second Jack realized he was off of the ground he brought his legs to his chest and started breathing heavily. Kate started saying, “Jack its ok. You are fine, we have been flying for half and hour. Jack look at me. Look at me.” Jack turned around and looked at Kate. “You are fine, nothing is going to hurt you,” Kate said. He turned back around. Kate wrapped her arms around his waste, “See I’m not going to let you go. I promise,” Kate said. Jack leaned forward and leaned his head on Helios’ neck. Soon after, Jack fell fast asleep. “Miss Kate you better be careful, you even said yourself that you were starting to fall for him,” Helios said. “I know, I know,” Kate replied as she put her head on Jack’s back and feel asleep. Chapter 11 “M we’re sorry we didn’t realize she would escape,” said a Socket. “Do you realize how long it’s been?” a voice said. A man who was sitting in an oval shaped chair, turned the chair around and stood up. “How long it’s been since someone from the Heart family was here. Hearts have been destroyers of evil since this world began. It started with Alice who fell in love with a crazy hat maker named Riteman. They went back to the real world after killing my great, great, great, great, grandmother, The Queen. But no on knew that the queen had a child before she was killed, the child grew up to become the King. Once the King had children, two girls, and one boy. One of the girls married my great grandfather, which eventually led to me. Now the other girl ended up marrying the grandchild of Alice and Riteman, which eventually led to Kate. Now it is said that when a member of the Heart

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family and a member of the Diamond family get married a red ruby with light up and if they both choose, they can rule evil for all eternity. I let Kate go once, and I won’t let her leave me again.” M stepped down from the chair and went up to the Sockets. Taking the gun from his holster, he shot both in the head. “Switch, come here!” M summoned. “Yes you royal evilness?” Switch asked bowing his head. “Get the girl,” M replied angrily. Switch got up and bowed again. Soon after he was gone. M went back to his chair and looked out of the window. His tower over looked the forest. “Oh, I have longed for evil to overtake this world again, and to think, only a few days ago this could happened. If only my bride to be, didn’t run out before the wedding. She is a very beautiful girl, and will make a very wonderful evil Queen. A new dawn is coming for this world and it all depends on her,” as M said that a crashing of lighting struck the ground, and a boom of thunder rung out creating a downpour. Chapter 12 “Where in Gods name did this rain come from?” Kate asked. “I don’t know but I can’t fly in this weather,” replied Helios. Helios plunged hard deep into the thick of the forest. Snapping through branches and vines finding their way to the ground. With a hard thud, Helios was on the ground. Kate slid off tapping Jack to wake him up. Acting surprised Jack sprang up, “Ah-ah I’m up, I’m up.” “Whoa easy there killer, we are on the ground now,” Kate said. “Come on you silly kids it’s pouring out.” Both hurried and got their backpack off of Helios’ back. Like an umbrella Helios opened one wing and sheltered them from the rain. The rain started to come down faster and harder. “Helios are you sure you’re fine?” Kate asked. “Yes I am perfectly ok Miss Kate.” Kate looked at Jack, “I’m sorry we snuck you onto his back, we just didn’t want you to freak out,” she said. “It’s alright, I knew you were going to do something. You forget I can read thoughts,” Jack said. Just then Helios’ wing that was open twitched. His ears perked up and turned his head and snarled. “Do you hear something Helios?” Kate shouted. “Yes but I can’t tell what it is.” “I hear it too. It’s fast; there are many things, oh my God.” Jack said. “What is it Jack?” Kate asked. “Goblins! Helios I need you to take Kate away from here,” Jack said. “Whoa. What’s the worst these things will do?” she asked. “Let’s see, they can be up to 6 feet tall, and heavily armored. Did I mention they will kill anything that is in their path?” Jack said. “Kate you should listen to him,” Helios said.

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“Are you guys kidding me?! I was a fencing champion in college. I won a national title,” Kate said. “Oh, so you are a swords-woman. Helios, if you hear me say the word, hasafo, I want you to take Kate to Sundria Falls and leave me behind.” Jack said. “What does hasafo mean?” asked Helios. “It means get going in Elvish,” replied Jack. Jack stepped out into the rain and Kate followed. Jack went to his bag and grabbed two knives. “Is this what we are using?” Kate asked. Jack took the knives and twisted the bottom and the knives turned into swords. “This is what we are using,” he replied. He tossed the sword to Kate. When she caught it she took in the weight of the sword. She breathed slowly and then walked over to Jack. “I’m ready,” she said. The team lined up looking out to the north where the Goblins were coming from. Kate looked away, and with a flash of lightning she turned her head back to the forest. Right before her eyes a line of huffing and puffing Goblins were standing not to far away from the team. All were snarling and sneering and looking the trio. “This woman should be nice and sweet, but not as good as rotting meat,” a Goblin said laughing. The Goblins all cackled together at what the Goblin said. The Goblin leader stepped forward. “Jack, I thought you were dead.” “I can say the same about you Gameto,” said Jack “Come on sir, I don’t have all day, I wants the meats,” said another Goblin licking his lips. “Yes but I kill Jack,” said Gameto. The Goblins all charged toward the team. Kate was ready to strike, until Helios opened his mouth and a burst of flames came out. It hit the line of Goblins. A wall of burning flesh fell down to the ground. There were two Goblins left. One lunged at Kate and she blocked. Bangs and clangs were heard from everyone battling. Kate kept backing up to defend herself. Just then an opportunity opened up. She swung her sword, unlucky for the Goblin, she chopped off his head. The other Goblin looked at Kate and then at the dead one, and went after Kate. Before he ever got a chance to strike Kate stabbed him. The Goblin fell down to his knees. Shuttering he looked down at the sword in his chest, “Alls I wanted was some meats,” then the Goblin fell down. While this was going on, Gameto was winning over Jack. Jack started backing up, and he tripped on a rock. With one hand on the rock and the other defending himself, he concentrated on winning the fight. Jack heard a scream and looked to his right. The Goblin that Kate thought she killed sprang up and grabbed her ankle. Jack turned because Kate was being attacked by the remains of the Goblin. Kate was trying to shake him off. She tripped because he was holding onto her leg. “I wants my meats!!” screamed the Goblin. Kate took the other foot and smashing it into the Goblin’s face.

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Because Jack looked at Kate, he made the one error he was always told not to do. Jack took his eyes off of his opponent. While Jack looked at Kate, Gameto plunged his blade into Jack. By the time Jack was stabbed, Kate got up and witnessed everything. Jack looked up at Gameto with his mouth open in pain. Gameto came close to Jack’s face. “I told you that I would kill you,” and then dug the blade deeper. After Gameto got out of Jack’s face, he ripped out his sword and put it in his holster. And as if nothing happened, Gameto ran off into the woods. Kate ran over to Jack. She found him on the rock, shirt stained in blood. Kate dropped down to her knees, “Oh my God, look at you.” She lifted him up off of the rock and placed him gently into the green grass. “You’re bleeding, oh my God.” Kate said. “I’m fine, trust me it’s just a minor wound,” Jack said weakly. “Helios come over here!” Kate called. And for a reason she didn’t understand, she started crying. “Hey, listen to me, I’m going to be fine,” Jack said as he raised his hand to Kate’s cheek. Helios came up behind Kate, “He’s dying Kate,” Helios said. Just then Jack’s hand fell from Kate’s face. “Oh no no no no no,” Kate shouted. Jack’s eyes closed. Kate placed her fingers to Jack’s throat. “Helios he has a pulse, he’s still alive!” Kate said. Just then the rain cleared.

“Helios we need to get him to Sundria Falls now!” Kate said. Kate got up and picked up Jack. Kate placed Jack gently on Helios’ back. As soon

as Jack was on, Kate flung herself on. “Helios I need you to go as swift as the wind. God help us.” Helios blasted upwards and cut through the air. They were moving faster then a peregrine falcon. “Hold on Jack, we are almost there,” Kate said to him. They whipped past the Isle of Mandra, and the Mountains of the Damned. But before they knew it Helios crashed through the forest. With a hard thump they landed. “Are we here?” Kate whispered. “Yes but we haven’t reached the Entrance Falls yet” As Helios walked, Jack kept moaning in pain. “Hang on we’re almost there.” Kate said. In front of them was the biggest waterfall Kate ever saw. Helios stopped. “Who goes there?” said a guard. “A Dragon, a human, and a half Elf,” Helios said. “A Dragon? How do we know you and the human are friends of the Elf?” said a second guard. “Because we brought the Elf for you to save his life,” Kate said. “Who is this half Elf you speak of?” “Jack Spade.” “OPEN THE GATES IMMEDETLY” yelled a guard.

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The order was repeated over, and over until a rumbling was heard and the water separated. Helios ran in the entrance to the city. Kate got off as the gates closed. “Bring him here!” said a voice. All movement in the city stopped and turned to the source of the voice. Soon after, everyone bowed. Kate ran over to the man, Helios followed. The man walked past Kate and went to Helios. The man slid Jack off. Taking him in his arms, the man walked over to Kate. “He lost a lot of blood, I am unsure I we can save him, but we will try,” and the man gave her a nod. Kate with tears in her eyes said, “Thank you.” The man and three other women went inside the place the first came out of. A woman dressed in a metal bikini walked up to Kate. “Kate Heart I presume. Come with me. I do believe your pet will be able to fit through our doors,” said the woman. “Who are you?” asked Kate. “My name is Mina, now, follow me,” she said. Mina is a blond hair girl around twenty years old. She was also very skinny and yet had muscles. The perfect image of what every man wanted. Mina turned to the doors, and they opened. Kate and Helios followed, passing through the white marble arches. Kate kept looking around at the thousand year old structures. A man whispered to a woman, “She came with Jack.” Mina turned around, “Don’t pay any attention to them; there hasn’t been a human here in a very long time.” “Here we are,” Mina said as they went to a room with all white everything. Helios entered first and looked around. “This is very nice,” Helios said. “The sheets and curtains are made with the finest of Elvish silks,” Mina said. “Thank you Mina. But could you tell me who is the man that took Jack?” Kate asked. “His name is Haddawin. He is the oldest Elf we have left. He is the only one that knows the old ways of magic. Jack is in safe hands,” she replied. “My maids will be in to clothe you. I will send an informant when I find out news on Jack,” Mina said. Then Mina left. Kate went to the bed and tossed herself on it. She put her face in a pillow and cried. “It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault.” Helios came to the side of the bed. “Miss Kate what is your fault?” “If I wouldn’t have distracted Jack he wouldn’t be like this,” she replied. “Oh my dear, it’s not your fault,” Helios took one toe and ran it down her back. “I just can’t live with myself knowing that I hurt him,” she said as she picked up her head. “You love him don’t you? “No,” she said as she wiped away tears. “I couldn’t love him, he is arrogant, and self-centered, and egotistical, and did I mention a pain in my ass?” she said. “Kate it’s ok. I won’t tell anyone,” Helios said.

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A knock at the door was heard. Kate got up and opened the door. “Miss I am here to make you clothes,” a woman said. The woman came in and told Kate to stand up straight and hold still. “I am making your clothes for dinner; it’s in your honor.” Kate spread her arms, “In my honor?” “Yes dear, you are the girl we have been waiting for.” The woman wrote down numbers on a piece of paper. All of a sudden a tiny boy burst into the room. Breathing hard he asked, “Kate Heart?” “Yes,” she replied. “Jack, he has died. Come with my please,” said the boy. Kate put her hands to her mouth. The boy ran out of the room and Kate followed quickly behind. They ran through the complex hallways and doors. Finally the boy stopped. “You must go in by yourself,” he said. Just as she was about to walk into the doorway, a man walked out. It was the same man that took Jack, it was Haddawin. He said nothing as he passed by but she heard him say before he left her sight, “His wounds were deep.” Kate walked into the room slowly. There he was. Jack was lying down in a bed with white lilies all around him. She walked closer to him and noticed the bandages wrapped around his midsection. “He looks so peaceful,” she thought. Kate went next to the bed and kneeled on her knees. “I’m so sorry Jack. If I wouldn’t have distracted you, none of this would have happened.” Kate bowed her head. “Now that you are dead I don’t know what I am going to do,” as Kate said that Jack’s eyes opened a crack, but then shut them quickly. Kate got up from her knees and looked at Jack. She took her fingers and brushed away so of the hair from his forehead. Then she placed her hand on his cheek. “I’ve never met anyone like you, and I just wanted to tell you that you,” she got cut off. “That I’m the most handsome man in the world. That no one is better than me!” Jack smiled big. Kate backed up in shock. “Jack! You are the biggest jerk I’ve ever met!” Kate yelled. “That’s not what you were going to say,” Jack said calmly. “I was going to say that you’ve helped me survive, and thank you!” Kate said. Kate stormed out. “Go and clean yourself up for the party!” Jack yelled.

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Chapter 13 Kate slipped on a gold dress. It hugged her body perfectly to show her curves. Her neck line plunged as it revealed a little bit of her breasts. Kate smoothed out the wrinkles on her thighs and looked in the mirror. She gave a sigh, as Helios walked in. “Kate you look absolutely beautiful.” “Thanks,” she said blushing. “Jack is going to be blown away by your beauty.” “Let’s go do this thing,” Kate said. She walked over to Helios and got on his back making sure she rode side-saddle. Helios walked out of the back door making sure no one saw them. They flew up into the air and flew over the clouds. “Father, where is Kate, and Helios,” asked Jack. “I do not know my son. But Mina is around, why don’t you converse with her?” said Haddawin. “That’s ok, I’d rather not,” Jack said turning back into his chair. Jack started hearing a trumpet being played. “Now announcing the arrival of our guests, Kate Heart, and Helios Snaretooth,” said the announcer. Helios slowed his wings as he floated to the ground. As soon as his feet touched, two servants ran over to help Kate down. “Thanks boys,” Kate said. She looked over at Jack and Haddawin, “So sorry we are late, we had a little flight problems,” everyone giggled. Haddawin scooted back from his chair. “Young lady my name is Haddawin. I am the King of the Elves. I do believe you are familiar with my son Prince Jackolus,” and Haddawin pointed to Jack. Jack smiled at Kate, and she smiled back in surprise. “This feast is in celebration of a good dead, saving a life, my sons life. Come sit next to Jackolus.” Kate curtsied and said, “Thank you King Haddawin.” She then calmly walked over to Jack. A servant stood behind Kate’s chair ready to pull it out and push it in. As soon as the servant pushed her in, the feast began. In front of her was a table full of silver dishes running along the length of the table. Haddawin yelled, “We may eat now.” Musicians started playing, and people began to dance. The silver covers were taken off of the plates. A whole pig and a quail were on the menu, as well of dishes of corn and lots of bread, not to mention the never ending flow of wine. Kate turned to Jack, “I didn’t know your name was Jackolus,” she laughed. “What can I say? A Prince has to have a Prince-like name.” “Sure,” Kate rolled her eyes. Jack grabbed the whole quail and placed it on his plate. Then he poured himself wine, and chugged it. Then he chowed through the quail. Kate looked in disgust, “You’re such a pig.” Jack smiled with food in his mouth. Kate laughed and hit him on the shoulder. Then a gong was heard. Women dressed in all black mesh walked up. The tempo of the music slowed and the band started to play provocative music. The young women each

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went up to the crowd and started dancing. Soon each woman chose a man and danced with him. The only one without a man walked up to the table Kate was sitting at, and danced. She moved her hips slowly, while throwing in some simple acrobatics. The mysterious woman popped up and took off her Vail, and it was Mina. She took a mesh wrap and threw it around Jack’s neck. All the men started whistling. Mina came up close to Jack and she made him touch her with his hand as she took off the wrap. Kate looked shocked at what was happening. Kate back away from the table and walked out of the party. Mina looked over at Kate and said to Jack laughing, “Guess she can’t handle the competition.”

Mina went in for a kiss, when Jack said, “Stop. Mina.” Jack left from his seat soon after. He started running. He was asking guards left and right if they saw Kate, and his hunt eventually ended with him in the rose garden. He slowed and stopped. He walked into the garden and a curtain of vines fell in front of him, but he walked past them. Two feet from that, two bushes of red roses covered his path. “Listen I am going to apologize to her.” The bushes moved out of his way and he continued. Sitting on the balcony of the garden was Kate, looking out at the moon. “Kate?” “Yes Jack?” “Why did you run out?” Kate turned to Jack. “What does she mean to you? What are you guys like boyfriend/girlfriend?” “Well, we used to be. I broke up with her because I didn’t love her.” “What do you mean? She’s absolutely gorgeous.” Kate looked down. Jack went over and sat next to her. “Yes she is very pretty, but she isn’t beautiful to me. All she ever cared about was trying to become a Princess or a Queen,” Jack said. “Well if she isn’t beautiful then what is?” Kate asked sadly. “You are.” Kate looked him in the eyes. “I’ve never met anyone like you before. You are adventurous and calm. Sweet and caring, but you can kick my ass if you wanted to. And above all you truly care about me. Kate, I think I’m in love with you,” Jack said. Kate got up from the bench they were on. “Jack Spade you are the biggest pain in my butt I’ve ever met. And sometimes I want to kill you!” Kate opened her hand to slap Jack in the face. But right before she slapped him she stopped the slap an inch from his cheek. Kate gently pressed her hand to his face. She said in almost a whisper, “And I love every second of it. You are the only man I’ve ever felt comfortable with. I love you.” Kate went down on her knees and Jack got close to her face. Looking at her lips and then in her eyes, Jack kissed her. Kate pulled back and smiled at Jack, and she kissed him. “What will your father think about this?” Kate smiled. “It doesn’t matter as long as I’m with you,” Jack said.

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Kate got up and grabbed Jack’s hand. After they were both up, Kate said, “I’m going to bed.” “Yes we’ve had a long day.” Jack replied. Kate let go of Jack’s hand and kissed him on the cheek. Then she pulled back and left. Just as she was leaving she looked back at Jack she smiled. When she left, the vines and bushes closed in behind her. Jack smiled and then sat down on the balcony. “What a woman,” he said in a sigh. Surprisingly a huge object popped up from over the balcony, it was Helios. “Christ Helios, you scared me half to death,” said Jack holding onto his chest. “I was listening to your conversations with Miss Kate, and I’m finally happy to see you two together.” Helios was hovering in the air. “Where did the lady go?” Helios asked. “To sleep.” “Helios you are sleeping out side of her door tonight. I want you to keep her safe,” said Jack. After that Helios flew off to go find Kate. Jack turned around, “Looks like I’m not the only one that followed you,” a voice said. “Mina?” said Jack. She came out from behind a pillar. “I thought we had something special,” Mina said. “We did, once. But that didn’t last because I caught you with another Elf.” “Yeah but you can’t blame me for that, I have needs.” “Needs? Needs!? If you ever really cared about me, I should have been all that you needed.” Mina went closer to Jack. “Don’t you miss our good times?” she bit her lip and smiled. “Mina, I don’t love you anymore. You don’t mean anything to me anymore.” Mina stepped back and put her hands on her hips. “Sorry if I’m not like your whore of an ex-fiancée, and not as ugly as Kate,” Mina said. Jack grabbed Mina’s wrist and in anger held it tight. “Don’t you dare talk about Jenny or Kate that way!” and Jack let go of her wrist. Jack stormed out of the garden as Mina watched him leave. “Where is Switch? He was supposed to meet me here by now.” Mina said A high pitched whistle was heard. “Switch?” The man peeped out from the balcony. “Can you help me?” Mina offered her hands and pulled him up from the side. “Thank Mina.” “Any news from M? asked Mina. “Yes. He said he loved you and I told him that you love him, you’ll help him get to Kate Heart.” “Are you kidding me? She is here in Falls City”

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“Great let’s go get her.” “We can’t, a Dragon is guarding her door.” “Aye, but my maiden I have sleeping darts. We just need to lure the Dragon away and then hit him with the darts,” Switch said. “Oh I see.” “Mind you, Mina, you will be betraying everything your people have created and their way of life.” “I don’t care as long as I am a Queen.” She gave a sinister laugh, as she new the plan was set. Chapter 14 Switch whipped behind a corner. Mina on a horse, with Kate in front of her. “Switch come on grab my hand,” Mina yelled. Switch grabbed her hand and hopped on the horse. They sped up even faster. They needed people to not see them so they went as fast as possible. Kate slowly opened her eyes as she looked at Mina. “Where are you taking me,” Kate asked. “To M,” she replied. Kate passed out again from the sleeping dart. Chapter 15 “Wake up. Kate wake up my love.” Kate fluttered her eyes as her vision focused on a face. A blonde haired blue eyed handsome face. “Peter?” Kate whispered. “Yes my love I’m here.” “I had the most horrible dream. I was in this world and these creatures called sockets.” “Well, I hate to burst your bubble but this isn’t a dream.” Kate’s eyes quickly adjusted. She was in a room full of black furniture. Switch came bursting through the door. “M!M!” “What do you want now?” M got up from the couch that Kate was laying on. “Mina wants to see you now!” “Well tell her she can wait.” M turned to Kate. “Sorry darling but I am M, but you can still call my Peter if you like.” M smiled at Kate. “But everyone said you’re evil.” “Well who have you’ve been talking to?” “A Dragon, the Elves of Sundria Falls.” “Evil? Ha, they share my vision into the darker age of Ramsville.” M said. “You still love me don’t you?” M asked. Kate realized that the Peter she new was all just an act.

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“Yes Peter I still do.” M kissed her on the lips, but Kate didn’t feel any connection. “My sweet,” said M. “You may go wherever you like, just meet me here for a lovely supper tonight.” Kate got up and went out of the door. Thinking to himself, “Crafty fellow aren’t you M? Once you marry Kate and you both kiss, all you have to do is kill her, and then you can have Mina. That’s what you promised her. Kate for the crown. The Devil himself can’t undo the evil I have started.” He looked out of the window, “God, have mercy on all of their souls,” he said aloud then laughed. Chapter 16 Chimes and bells were heard as the morning wake up call brought everyone out of their slumber. Though he could not sleep the whole night, Jack popped from his bed and got dressed. “Son,” Jack looked at his doorway. “Father?” “Yes, I was wondering if I could speak with you briefly?” “Of course, come in.” Haddawin came in and sat in a chair in front of Jack. “My sweet son, I have already known you would marry her. I’ve known since I first saw you and your brother. All my life, I have been waiting for you to meet this girl. All of the Resistance knew. My son, go to her. Something happened last night. If you cannot find her, search your heart, and you’ll know where she is.” Jack finished buttoning up his shirt and ran out of the door. Jack didn’t stop until he stopped in front of her door and saw Helios passed out still. He ran to the snoring Dragon. “Helios my good friend, get up. Why are still asleep?” Helios rolled over to his right side. “Ah yes, I remember watching the door and being hit with something in my neck, and then I don’t remember anything after that.” Jack looked on the side of Helios’ neck and saw a dart. It was an injection shot with blades on the side so it was hard to pull out. “Hold still,” Jack said. He got up and went to the beast’s neck, and pushed his fingers to close the blades that kept it in place. Then Jack twisted the top and the dart popped out. “Thank you,” said Helios “Wait here I’ll go get Kate.” “Jack that’s the thing,” Helios tried to stop Jack but he disregarded what Helios had to say. Jack burst into the bedroom and walked over to the bed. He looked down at the bed but didn’t see anything. “Kate?” he shouted. But no answer.

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He sat on the bed a realized she was gone. Jack put his hand onto the silk pillow and felt a crumbled piece of paper. He turned his head to the piece of paper, and picked it up. He slowly unwrapped it and read the writing. My Little Brother, By the time you’ll be reading this my minions Mina, and Switch, have already taken Kate away and she is here with me. Yes that’s right Mina was mine all along, when you broke up with her she found me and wanted to get revenge on you, and we were a match made in heaven. Oh by the way Jack, Kate’s fiancée she was going to marry is me, and I still plan to marry her. For as soon as I kiss those lips, that taste like, well you would know, I am going to kill her. You want her? Come get her! M

Jack got angry and threw the piece paper; he aimed the palm of his hand at the paper in mid air and shot a burst of flame at the paper. It hit the paper and it burned until it hit the floor. Coming out of rage quickly, Jack looked at the floor. “Well that’s new.” Jack left the paper on the ground and walked out. Haddawin was outside the door. “Son.” He said angrily “I will not tolerate this.” “What do you mean?” “You are risking the lives of the village to rescue this girl.” “Wow, I can’t ever get anything by you, even as a child all I ever wanted to do was talk to you, but I didn’t have to because you already knew what I was going to tell you. You really want to know why I left Sundria Falls? Because of you Father. To get away from all this magic and Elvish lifestyle. I have every reason to believe that M will create an army, and I don’t care if you will help me or not but I’m going save her and make this all right again.” “I thought you would be smarter then that and not try and save her.” “Well father you thought wrong. I guess that’s what happens when you love someone, you help them. After all I thought you were in charge of the Resistance, to trying and bring down M. So why not do it by saving her? Jack stepped behind his father, “Come Helios let’s go.” Jack mounted Helios’ back. “Stop!” shouted Haddawin. “Jackolus if you leave you will never be able to come back.” Helios turned around for Jack to look at his father. “If me leaving forever means I save Kate, and have a shot to save our world from M, so be it. I would rather die fighting then die like a coward or has it really been that long since the Resistance actually meant something to people. Goodbye father.” Helios crouched down and sprung up and in rage. The Dragon broke through the glass windows. Haddawin looked at the hole and then at the ground and then smiled. One of the guards ran up to Haddawin. “Sir are you ok?” “The Prophesy is coming true.”

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Haddawin put his hand on the guards shoulder. “I need you to get the troops ready. There will be a fight at M’s castle, and we need to help Jack.” Chapter 17 “My sweet Kate” M said. “Yes darling.” “Marry me here tomorrow?” Kate looked at M. “Peter I would love to try and marry you again,” Kate said lying behind her words. “Now my dashing bride to be for a second time, come to bed with me,” as M pulled on her hand. “But Peter do you forget,” she looked at her hand and snatched it away. “Its tradition, the groom must sleep alone the night before.” “Ah, very well my sweet,” M kissed her forehead. “Goodnight,” Kate said as she leaved. Kate walked up until she got to her room. She undressed and was in a slip that could be worn as a night gown. Kate crawled in bed as she thought about Jack. Finally at last she blew out her candle and went to sleep TAP, TAP, TAP. Kate tossed over to the other side. TAP, TAP ,TAP.

Kate opened her eyes and sat up. She walked over to the window and she saw a little pigeon on the sill. “Hi little birdy, why are you up at this late hour?” The bird flew in and landed on the bed. Kate turned around and looked at the pigeon. The pigeon fluttered up and the bird transformed into Jack. Kate shocked, “Jack?” “Yes it’s me” Kate ran over and wrapped her arms around his neck. Jack’s arms wrapped around Kate’s waist. “I’m so glad to see you,” Kate said. “You have no clue how long I’ve been pecking at people’s windows trying to find you.” Kate kissed Jack on the lips. “We need to get out of here,” Jack said. “This way. I did some exploring today and I found an easy way out,” Kate said. Kate grabbed Jack’s hand and went to the door. She opened it and poked her head out and looked for any goblins. None. “Follow me,” she said.

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They came around the first corner, preparing for a fight, they stopped. Nothing was there. The couple came out of defense mode and came to realize, where were all the goblins? Kate let go of Jack’s hand and looked down out of a nearby window. In the pitch black darkness of the night beyond the castle a burning orange glow from the mass of goblins all holding torches, and near fire pits. Instead of telling Jack, Kate just ran. “Kate what did you see?” “Nothing.” “Come on I saw the look on your face. What did you see?” “Goblins.” “Where and how many?” “In the court yard, and about 2,000.” “I hope Helios is ok I kind of left him in the court yard.” “I thought he would be hidden well.” “Yes Jack, cause a dragon is going to blend in with a bunch of Goblins.” “Well I guess now I’m going to have to save him aren’t I,” asked Jack. “Oh honey, you think you’re going to be saving him alone? No way. We are doing it together,” Kate said. “Kate, I can’t have you getting hurt.” “Jack, I won’t get hurt.” Kate put her hand on his chest and slowly slid her finger tips down to his belt, until she grabbed a knife from his pocket. “I told you, we are doing this together,” she said. Chapter 18 “My fellow Goblins, I have asked nothing of you but do the evil tasks I give to you. Now that I have the girl you and I will rule this world and other worlds forever,” M yelled to the 2,000 Goblins with Mina by his side. “Your General, General Gameto has been the best Goblin I have seen. He single handedly took out my baby brother, Jack, who was the only one that could stop this, so to you my General, I now make you my Master in Command. The only unfortunate thing is some how my brother managed to stay alive so I expect you to finish the job this time Gameto,” and M bowed to the new Master in Command. While this was happening Jack and Kate kid behind a bush and listened. “Not only this, we have managed to capture a dragon,” M pointed to the shackled Helios. He was held to the ground by many metal chains. His wings were tucked in and clamped, and his mouth was bound to prevent and “accidents”. “Jack,” Kate whispered as she saw Helios. “Here’s the plan, go around the back and try Helios while I make a diversion,” said Jack. Kate agreed to his plan and quietly went around the back. By the time Kate got to Helios, Jack had thought of his plan. “Helios I’m here,” said Kate. Helios looked out of the corner of his eye at her, and gave her a little smile. Before she could do anything else she heard someone scream out,

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“Everyone, please, please, hold your weapons, I am not armed,” said Jack. “Why isn’t it my little brother Jack.” “M don’t you even think about sicking your army on me. I have learned something new.” “Oh really Jack? Care to demonstrate?” asked M. Jack raised his hand to the opposing army drawing in closer and closer. He closed his eyes as he tensed up and thrusted his palms forward. The troops stopped and looked at him, but nobody had been affected. A dud. “Why isn’t this working?” Jack asked himself. The only thing M could see was little flickers of blue coming from his palms but that’s about it. M started laughing to himself, “Ha Ha, little brother are you trying to used elemental powers on my army? Looks like you haven’t controlled it the way I have.” M shrugged off the leather jacket he was wear and raised his arms up. In a boom of thunder he clapped his hands together and brought them back down slowly when he moved his hands apart electricity was flying back and forth between them. M created this huge ball of lightning. “My powers are far superior to yours.” Then he threw the electrical mass at Jack. It hit him with such force that he was thrown back into a wall, and was kind of smoking a bit. He laid there not moving but certainly still alive. “Grab him,” M said to one of his officers. The officer grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder as if he was meat. “Throw him into the pit!” All of the Goblins cheered as the officer holding Jack walked over to a fire pit. Kate watched in horror as the man she loved was going to be burned alive. She stood up from behind Helios and screamed, “Stop!” Everyone did exactly that and looked over at her. “Peter don’t kill him.” Kate ran over to Jack as he was placed on the ground. She kneeled down and put his head on her lap. “Please Peter, don’t. “You love him don’t you?” M asked. “Yes so much so that I will give my life instead of his.” Jack opened his eyes and in a whisper said “No.” “Done,” said M. “Take the girl to my room, and make sure that thing gets changed and chained.” Gameto took Kate by the arm, “Time to go.” He said. “Wait I don’t get to say bye? Jack! Jack!” Kate reached for his hand. But Gameto drug her away too quickly. Before she knew it she was in M’s room. Gameto guarded the room so there was no escaping. Mean while M was finishing up his speech. “In conclusion, rest up and eat well, for I must be going to bed. I can’t be late my own wedding.” A few minutes later Jack, and Helios were taken to the dungeon. “Jack? Jack? Are you ok?” Helios asked.

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“I’ve never met someone who would give their life for me, and now that found her, she did exactly that, and there’s nothing I can do to help her,” Jack said. Jack looked down at the floor he was sitting on. “Hey! Whoa! You can do nothing!? Did you not ride my back to find Kate? Were you not ready to kill anything that moved that touched her? My boy, you have something only Dragons are made of,” said Helios. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?” “Heart. You have the good stuff inside you, nobleness, and bravery, strength, and integrity.” “Thanks, but as long as were stuck in this damp, cold, dungeon, there is nothing we can do.” This is he thought until a Goblin carrying keys walked in. Chapter 19 The door creaked open as Gameto stepped away. “Kate?” said a light voice. A woman walked in with a cocky look on her face. “Well, well, well, isn’t it the bride to be.” Sitting in a chair Kate started to cry. “I’m not marrying him!” Kate yelled. Mina walked over to Kate and sat on the arm of the chair. Mina put her hand on Kate’s shoulder. “Oh but I think you are. If you don’t marry M, he is going to kill your Jack and that Dragon too.” Kate’s eyes widened and forced Mina’s hand off of her shoulder. “I wouldn’t have done that,” Mina said as she stormed up to Kate. Mina grabbed Kate by the neck and lifted her off of the ground. Kate grasped onto Mina’s hands hoping she would loosen grip, but she didn’t. In an act of desperation Kate kicked Mina in the stomach and she let go of Kate. Both falling to the floor, M walked in. “Ladies please stop,” M said. M walked up to Mina. “Mina leave now!” She picked herself up and left very angry. Once she left, M went over to Kate and helped her up. “I don’t need your help!” Kate shouted. “Oh my dear, I think you do.” “What do you mean.” “You love Jack don’t you?” “Yes.” “Well, then you’re going to marry me tomorrow.” “No I’m not.” “Well then you know what I’ll do if you don’t marry me. I will kill him.” “No, no, no,” Kate said as she sank to the floor. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” and M left the room leaving Kate on the floor.

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Chapter 20 “Alright you scum; I’m your guard for the night. Don’t try anything funny because the cell is magic proof,” the goblin said. The Goblin put the keys on the wall to his right and sat on a rock. Jack and Helios tried every power they had and everything failed. Jack couldn’t even transform to fit through the bars. Finally after giving up they fell asleep. Chapter 21 The mornings light touched her face. Kate’s eyes fluttered and she sat up in bed. This felt more like a death sentence then her wedding day. She got out of her bed and sat at the coffee table in the middle of the room. She noticed Gameto was still guarding the door, wide awake. “You,” Gameto looked over. “Yeah you, have you been up all night?” “Yes I have,” he replied. “Aren’t you tired?” “No. The smell of near bloodshed kept me up,” he turned back looking at the wall. Within seconds a maid walked in. “Come come child, you must get ready.” And Kate looked worried. CHAPTER 22 “Wake up scum, time to witness the dawning of the new beginning.” The goblin went inside the cell and five warriors were with him. They attached metal fetters around Jack’s wrists, and then tied Helios’ mouth shut. The goblins dragged drug both of them out of the dungeon. “Where are we going?” Jack asked a nearby goblin. “M and Kate are getting married.” “Married?” Jack asked and he zoned out right after asking. The pair were taken to the top of M’s castle that look out across the land. Twenty-five guarded the area. Meanwhile, 5,000 goblins, orc's, sockets, and evil creatures surrounded the gates ready for battle. Jack and Helios stood near the alter, behind M. M walked over to them. “Jack, my little brother, I’m so happy you could join us.” Before Jack could respond, he looked over his left shoulder and noticed Kate. She was wearing a purple dress, her hair curly with a white orchid in it. She walked slowly, sniffling, the whole way to the alter. Once she got there, her eyes went down to the ground. “Remember, its Jack’s life on the line,” M whispered. Kate grabbed M’s hands, and looked down. Jack tried to rush to her but was pulled back by the goblins.

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The ceremony was beginning. A priest, walked up and in a blur went through everything he had to say. “This is for Jack,” Kate said to herself. “Now do you take her?” the priest asked. M shook his head yes. “Do you take him?” He motioned to Kate. She started streaming tears down her face, and while looking up at Jack she said, “Yes.” “Great, the bond must be made, M, kiss your bride.” Kate got close to M, and putting his hands on the sides of her face, he kissed her. Within those few moments the sky went black. Thunder and lightning started to crack. An ominous glow filled the sky as an object fell. It was what M walked, the took to rule his world and worlds a far. “No! Kate!” Jack yelled. M broke free from the kiss and shouted, “Switch! Kill the girl!” Switch slowly walked up with a dagger in his hand. He went closer to Kate. “I’m so sorry miss,” and he dug the knife in her abdomen. She fell to the ground, looking at Jack. Switch walked away as M went up to Jack. “Let them go!” M shouted to the goblins. The goblins undid their chains. Jack jumped on M grabbing his throat. “You bastard!” Jack yelled angrily. “Listen she traded your life for hers. You should be grateful I even decided to let you live.” And just like nothing had happened, Jack let go. He looked at Kate’s nearly dead body on the ground. He then ran over to her once Helios was realized. Kneeling down, frantically he pulled out the dagger. Kate was breathing very hard. “Kate, Kate,” he whimpered. “My Jack.” Kate took his hand in her left hand and put her right hand to his cheek. “Jack I love you so much,” she took one last final breath as her lifeless limbs fell by her side. “No! Come on Kate, you can’t die!” he shouted. Jack made a blue ball of magic and thrust it into Kate. He listened for a moment. “Your magic isn’t strong enough. I can sense she is gone. I’m so sorry Jack.” Helios said. Jack started crying. He looked to where M was. M picked up the object that fell from the sky. “Help me to rule the universe!” he said. The little cube shinned a blood red color and made itself into a ring. The ring slid on M’s finger and he glowed the same blood red color of the ring. “Jack we must go,” Helios said. “NO!” he said as he turned back to Kate. M rose into the air. “Jack now!” Helios yelled.

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Helios rolled his eyes and grabbed Jack by the collar of his shirt with his mouth. Helios ran until he got to the ledge and jumped off. He tossed Jack into the air and then he landed on Helios’ back. “Take me back!” screamed Jack. “You crazy fool Jack!” And then they flew into the woods. Helios landed hard on the ground, and then Jack jumped off. “Helios I order you to take me back!” “What, so you can save her jack? Too late!” “No so hopefully they will kill me too.” “Ah! You crazy boy! Why murder yourself when you can do it fighting?!” “What do you mean Helios?” “Shh, do you hear that? Listen.” Jack turned to the forest and listened. He heard a rumbling. A familiar sound. “It sounds like 1,000 horses,” Jack said. “Yes, it’s your people. They have come to fight.” Helios roared as they approached closer. The pace of the Elves quickened and finally they reached Jack and Helios. A man got down from his horse and threw back the hood to his cloak. “Father,” Jack said. “Yes my son, I had a feeling you would need a hand, or maybe a couple of hands.” “Father, Kate was killed.” “I’m sorry my son, I knew she was going to die. And my son, even though you got angry with me, I knew it was time to fight.” Both men grabbed each other’s shoulder as a sign of reconciliation. “We don’t have much time. M has already obtained the weapon and is going to destroy us all,” said Jack. “Which is why we brought you two some gifts for battle. We knew that you couldn’t fight this battle without some protection.” Haddawin said as he motioned to a chest they were carrying. A servant opened it up and shiny armor showed. “Armor for you and for your dragon as well,” Haddawin said. Jack pulled out the chainmail vest with a shield on the back. Once he put on the armor, he noticed the spade in the front. “Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves,” Jack said and the servants bowed to him. Once Helios put on the head and chest plates to his defense system, Jack helped him to put on the back plates and attached a saddle. He leapt onto Helios and he felt very comfortable up there. Almost as if he was always meant to ride dragons. “Jack here!” Haddawin said as he tossed Jack a sword. “May she keep you safe during battle.” His father said. Jack nodded in approval and he led the way out of the forest. CHAPTER 23

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M’s army looked up with pleasure to see their leader prepared to conquer the world. “Now my minions, we shall wreak havoc upon the world, and any worlds after!” Gameto roared as the goblin army started to move out. With the many thousands of feet, it sounded like thunder. The army halted way up a hill because of something flew so fast by them, they didn’t know what it was. A wall of blazing fire was drawn out in front of the goblins. As the creature came around for a second round, it’d rider put out the flames with an ability to produce water. As the flames died down, the other side of the wall revealed the Elf army. Archers in the front with the cavalry in the back. On M’s side, goblins were in the front, sockets in the middle, and snaggerwells in the back. Snaggerwells are the evilest of creatures. All purple with dark purple stripes, as big as a tiger, and have bright green eyes. The thing about a snaggerwell is they can appear and disappear at their own free will, making them very hard to kill. An old legend states that snaggerwells are descendants of ancient menacing, but helpful cheesier cats. Exactly like the very small one that helped Alice to defeat the old queen and king. Jack looked at Helios, “Buddy, they got snaggerwells,” he said. “I know, I’ll take care of them,” Helios said with a fire in his eyes. M looked down at the battle field and spoke, “Oh why it’s the Elves from Sundria Falls. You dare to challenge me?! My army attack!” As soon as M sent out the command the frontline of goblins headed for the Elves. Running as fast and as hard as they could, they all took out their weapons. As the approaching mob kept growing closer, Haddawin spoke, “Everyone hold your ground.” As he said that, the sockets started shooting at them. As the sockets fired, an invisible shield was shown with the hit of each bullet. As the sockets kept firing, and the goblins tried to get in, Jack yelled to M, “We had a feeling you would cheat and have guns. If you wanted a real fight tell your sockets to throw their guns down and fight for real.” Jack was barley heard over the gun shots. M found the decency to stop the sockets. “Stop! Sockets throw your guns away and grab a sword, only I can kill Prince Jack though.” The sockets did what they were told and reached for their swords. Haddawin called off the invisibility shield and yelled, “My people, out time is now, attack!” The Elves walked over to the sockets and goblins in military fashion. As their armor glistened with the noblest of metals, the Elves drew their weapons. The sockets rushed to the Elves and the battle began. Jack and Helios sprang up from the earth. “Helios, I’m going to be risking your life,” Jack yelled as they climbed higher in the doomy sky. “To die in battle, fighting, alongside you, is a great honor your heinous.” “That’s good to know, but I just wanted to tell you, I don’t intend on loosing,” Jack said as they rushed toward M. CHAPTER 24

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She felt the knife twist inside her. A pain she has never felt before in her life. She never thought that this day would be her dying day. The last thing she remembers is Jack calling out her name. “Kate!” She remembers feeling cold and alone as everything around her felt cold and dark. “Where am I?” she thought to herself as her eyes fluttered open. “You are dead,” a voice said. Kate woke up and sat up. Her eyes fully aware of the situation. She was sitting on the softest grass she’s ever felt. She looked at her hands because she felt warmth from the sun. she was wearing a blue dress with black buttons running down the front. As she looked around, she noticed the red and white mushrooms that surrounded her. Beyond the mushrooms, was a pool of water with a stump near the shore. Surrounding Kate was nothing but trees and light. “What is this place?” she thought. “Anything you want it to be,” said the ominous voice that seemed to be only in Kate’s mind. “Who are you?” “In another life I was called Alice.” Just then a flash of light covered the area. Kate covered her eyes. When she removed her hands from her eyes, she saw a red haired girl in a yellow dress sitting on the stump near the pool of water. “You can create anything you want because you have been rewarded,” said Alice. “Rewarded? With what? Death?” “No. You gave your life to save another, out of love. And for this action you are rewarded. Come here child, come here.” Kate got up and walked to Alice. “Kneel child.” Kate sat down and looked at Alice. “Now, because of your bravery you shall receive a gift from me. But everyone that receives a gift is very different. The gift chooses you; I cannot choose your gift for you. I want you to walk to the pool and drink some of the water.” Kate looked at the pool behind Alice. She got up and walked to the pristine pool. She bent down and cupped her hand, eventually dunking them into the water. Bringing her hands up, she looked at the water. It was almost crystal clear if it wasn’t for the blue tint in the water. Slowly she raised her hands to her mouth and drank. Once the handful was done she went back to Alice. “I drank from the pool, but I don’t know what my gift is,” Kate said. Alice stood up and put her hand on Kate’s hand. “You have the greatest gift anyone has ever received,” Alice said looking surprised. “And that would be?” “The gift of sight. To be able to see into someone’s mind, and see where people are. I must go now child, but I must warn you to never misuse this gift.” Alice started fading out into the light. “But wait I have so many questions!” yelled Kate.

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And in a fading glimmer Alice replied, “Look inside your heart, your answers lie there.” Just as quick as she was there, she was gone just as quickly. Kate looked around as the pristine world she was in slowly faded back into the darkness. CHAPTER 25 Shots of lighting were being thrown at Jack and Helios. “Little brother, you really think you can beat me?!” Jack threw his hands out and fire came out. The fiery stream reached M. After Jack let up, he saw that M absorbed the fire threw his palm. “You bore me Jack, let’s try a new one.” Both had the same idea. Both were going to fight in a shape shifted form. Jack stood on Helios’ back and transformed into a falcon. Jack fluttered in the air watching M spin around and become an eagle. Jack flew at M and pecked at his head. But got away quickly. Jack flew upwards and M followed. Higher and higher they went as M got closer to Jack. Jack looped and went claws first at M. once the claws met, both pecked at each other ferociously in a complete free fall toward the ground. Jack got on top and held M toward the ground. Almost in an instant before the both hit, Jack let go fluttered and then turned into a wolf. When M hit the ground, Jack landed next to him and held him down with a paw. Helios landed on the ground near them. M grabbed hold of Jack’s paw with his beak. M bit him enough to make him bleed and then he changed back into himself. Letting M up because of the pain, M transformed into a bear. Jack turned his back on M, and then M rolled to his feet. M gave out a long roar and headed for Jack. Jack heard M approaching and turned towards him. Eyes wide, Jack stepped to his right as M passed him. M turned around and both circled each other, anticipating each other’s move. Jack went for his sword but it wasn’t there. His hand fettled around his belt as he looked distressed. Jack looked where M was standing, and saw the sword. When Jack tried to lunge for it, M put his paw on it and growled. The bear and man continued to stare, until M made a move. Having nowhere to run because sockets and goblins were fighting the Elves behind him, he ran towards M. both ran closer to each other until M collided into Jack. Jack was knocked to the ground and M stood on top of him, snapping his jaws in Jack’s face. Jack held his arms up to defend himself as M tried to get hold of him. Helios saw Jack’s distress and hurried over. Helios turned his tail toward the bear, and whipped him off of Jack. M went flying and hit the ground hard. It was Jack’s chance. Jack scrambled to get up and went for his sword. As Jack went for the sword, M got up and saw him go for it. Landing near the sword M, ran quickly to try and get it before Jack did.

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And almost in a slow motion clip, Jack landed on his side as M was about to pounce on Jack. As M was coming down, Jack grabbed the sword and impaled it into M’s right shoulder. As M finally came down on the sword he changed back to himself. Looking at each other, Jack pushed harder on the sword. As he did, M’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped in pain. As Jack was holding him there the evil army stopped fighting and turned their attention to the pair. M flipped onto the ground and Jack got up. He looked at the Elves and evil army looking back at him, and then he looked back down at M. He was shaking and looked terrified. Jack pulled out his sword and starred. Haddawin walked forward to Jack and stood over M. “M, your crimes as follows, destruction of towns, the slaughtering of innocent people, the murder of Jenny Spade and Katharine Heart, building an army of more than one race without permission, and attempting to take over this word and worlds beyond it. I hereby sentence you to death,” said Haddawin. M looked at Jack. “If no one has any objections? Jack please carryout the sentence,” said Haddawin. “Yes Father,” Jack said as he held the sword above M’s heart. “Please someone help me. Gameto please stop him!” screamed M. Gameto just looked at M without saying a word. “Please Jack, your my brother,” whimpered M. “You killed my wife, you killed my girlfriend, you are no brother of mine,” said Jack and slammed the sword into M’s chest, hitting him directly in the heart, killing him instantly. The turned back to normal and the sun rays beamed down on M’s face. Jack took the sword out of M’s chest and bent down. He looked at the ground and spoke, “May your soul finally rest in peace, brother.” Then after he said that, he wiped the blood off of the sword into the grass below him. Once Jack got up the sockets bowed, then the goblins followed, and then the Elves, and then finally even Helios and Haddawin bowed. This confused Jack very much. “Father what are you doing?” Looking at the ground Haddawin spoke, “You have killed M who was a mayor. Therefore you have become what you were meant to be, a leader.” Gameto got up and walked over to Jack. “I see now you are more than just a common enemy, you are a force of your own,” he said. He turned around and started to speak to the mixed crowd. “A new day is dawning now, with a leader like Jack, we shall defeat others, and make this world right again.” Gameto turned to Jack, “I’ve spent my life killing for M, and I’m sick of it. I will follow you till the day I die.” Jack looked surprised but spoke, “Listen everyone, I’m not a leader, and this isn’t me.” He started getting the people around him to stand up. “Son, you have more ambition, heart, and desire, than anyone I’ve ever seen before. This is your destiny,” Haddawin said.

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“Then as your mayor I will make my first order. General Gameto, I want you and my father to take all of the dead bodies and burn them. The blood that was shed today, should have never been shed in the first place. Secondly, I want the sockets to go back into the forest and stop the production of the sockets from the factory. If you want to make sockets with good emotions then so be it. As for myself, I need to go back to the tower. Helios my friend, would you like to assist me?” Helios walked over and squatted down for Jack to get on. As soon as Jack was on, they flew upwards towards the tower. CHAPTER 26 When they reached the top, they hovered and landed softly. Jack jumped off and ran over to Kate’s body. He knelt down and held her. She was extremely cold and stiff now. “Kate, I just want to let you know, I love you, and that I tired,” Jack whispered to her. He then placed her back on the ground. Jack put his palms together over her, and started rubbing them. Helios walked over and asked, “What are you doing?” “My father taught me a trick to bring someone back to life. But once they reach a certain point they can’t come back, I wanted to try.” Jack closed his eyes and meditated. Then he took his hands and placed each one on Kate’s forehead and the other over her heart. He started putting his making circles with his fingertips clockwise. Then he pushed down, stop, and then circle counterclockwise. He took in a deep breath and held it. After a few seconds, he brought his hands to his mouth, and let out his breath into his hands. He would then close his hands so no air would escape, and put it over Kate’s nose and mouth. For the final step, he clapped his hands together, creating a blue electric wave. He took the wave and put it on her heart and forehead. He pressed down really hard, and the blue wave pulsated throughout her whole body. He repeated this two more times, and then waited. He waited. And then he waited some more. Helios bent over and whispered, “I’m sorry Jack, I don’t think she’s coming back.” CHAPTER 27 Light turned to darkness as the sky was burned black with the smoke of the bodies. Jack stood near the fire watching as Elf, and other warriors were put into the fire. The only person left to put in was Kate. “Jack, would you do her the honor?” Jack shook his head yes in response as he picked up Kate in his arms. He looked down at her face and thought to himself, “Her body feels slightly warm, but then again I’m standing next to a bonfire.” He walked closer to the flames and looked at her one last time. But something happened. He saw her eyes twitch. He didn’t pay much attention as he slowly started to

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place her into the fire. Just as he was about to put her into the engulfing flames, he eyes opened. She fluttered them and look up at Jack. He looked down in shock as he quickly moved her away from the fire. He placed her on the ground and held her hand. Kate whispered, “Jack, I thought I’d never see you again.” Jack turned his head and shouted, “Father come here! Quick! You’ll be alright Kate, I’m here now.” Haddawin walked over and bent down. “She seems to be coming out of a state of a magic realm of some sort, its fascinating,” said Haddawin. Jack looked back at Kate. Kate put her hand to Jack’s face. He grabbed her hand and felt her warmth. “I thought I lost you,” Kate said gently. “Kate I’ll be back in a minute,” Jack said as he got up. He then walked over to his father to talk with him. “Father, it isn’t safe for her here.” “’Yes, I know my son.” “We need to take her back to her world. And I’ll go with her.” “My son you can’t. Once she leaves this world she will forget about everything. She will forget about this place, Helios, and you.” “I know she needs to go, and much as I don’t want her to.” “My son, why don’t you just stay with her then, you can watch over her.” “Ok.” Jack went back over to Kate and helped her up. “Listen we are taking you back to your world. The only downside is that you will forget about everything though.” Kate looked at him and went in to hug him. She dug her face in his neck and said, “No, I don’t want to lose you again.” “Kate I love you, and keeping you here would be selfish of me. I promise, I will look after you. The only thing is, you won’t know it’s me.” “Jack I’m not leaving you!” Then Jack took Kate and pushed her back. As Kate was pushed she felt herself fall backwards more and more. As she fell, she watched Jack fade into the darkness. As Kate and Jack were talking, Haddawin, opened up a portal behind Kate. Jack knew that pushing her into the portal was the only way she would leave. After she fell, Jack turned back to his father. “She will be safe. She will wake up in an ally, with a wound to her head. You will need to take her to their healer, and send for her mother also,” said Haddawin. “Father, how long am I going to be gone for?” “Forever, once you leave I’m closing up the portals to this world.” “So I can never come back?” “No, you cannot. Also to disguise your true self, your ears will become that of the humans.” “Father, I am going to leave. I love her and I can’t let her go. I’m sorry that I never told you this before, but I’m proud that you are my father.” “And I’m proud that you are my son.”

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Both came closer and hugged each other. After the hug, Jack turned to Gameto. “Gameto, take care of my people, and strive for peace.” Gameto saluted, then turned to Jack and said, “You are the bravest person I know Jack.” Jack walked over to Helios. Helios bowed his head and Jack put his hand on Helios’ snout. Without even speaking a word, both closed their eyes, and Jack spoke to Helios through thought. After the message was exchanged, Helios opened his eyes surprisingly and looked at Jack. Then Helios said, “Jack, no one has ever said that to me, I am honored to be considered you friend. Here take this.” Helios went back onto his back feet and took off a scale from his chest. He held the scale in between his claws and place it in Jack’s hands. Jack picked it up and looked at it. “When you lonely, and start missing Ramsville just look into the scale and you see what ever heart desires to see.” Jack turned around and looked at the black tare in his world. He stepped near the edge and looked back at his friends and family. At last he jumped into the portal. He fell and kept falling past blue and black sky with pieces of ground floating past him. With a hard thud, he landed to Earth, seeing Kate with her head bloody. CHAPTER 28 Gameto turned to Helios and asked, “What did he say to you?” Helios turned and spoke, “He said that, only the bravest of men can rule the world, and only noblest can command and army, but only the pure of heart and soul have the power to love and forgive. He said that, my time will come where I must carry out an unwinnable task, and he also told me he felt the presence of dragons, so I am going on a quest to find them.” “Helios we will go with you, this isn’t the only town with a mayor. I’m afraid there is a greater evil then what we’ve have already experienced,” Haddawin said. CHAPTER 29 Switch left the scene right after he stabbed Kate. He ran down the staircases to get Mina. When he finally go to her room, he burst in. “We need to leave!” Mina turned around and asked, “Why? What’s going on?” “M and Jack are going to fight and I would bet my money, Jack will win, which means, he will be looking for us.” “Oh, well didn’t you say so? There are way bigger and better things for us.” “Were going to go see the Governor aren’t we?” asked Switch excitedly. “Switch, that is exactly, where we are going.” CHAPTER 30

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The room kept on spinning. Kate could see a dark figure screaming for her. But then the next thing she remembered was fluttering her eyes in a hospital bed. “Katie,” a voice kept on calling to her. Eventually her vision became less and less blurry and looked at her mother. “Mom?” she asked very sacredly. Kate’s mom got up from her chair, and ran over to her. “Katie I’m here, I’m here. Doctor!” “Mom, I had this crazy dream with these creatures, and it was dark so dark.” “Honey, it’s ok. It was just a bad dream.” Just then the doctor walked in. “Ah, she’s awake. You took quite a tumble missy.” “What do you mean?” “The man who brought you in said you were running and you tripped and fell into a pile of rocks. You hit your head, and he brought you in. It was strange though, he didn’t give me his name or any contact information, but he seemed to know a lot about you.” Kate looked down at her bed and thought for a second. A vision of her getting stabbed flashed in front of her. Kate jumped and touched the place she was stabbed in. She looked, and saw a scar mark there. “Kate are you ok?” her mother asked her. “She’s fine Mrs. Heart. It’s just a side effect of the concussion,” said the doctor. CHAPTER 31 A week later, Kate was back at her house. Kate was putting away old photographs of Peter and Kate. Kate’s mom walked in, “Are you sure you’ll be ok honey?” Her mom wrapped her arms around Kate’s shoulders. “Yeah, I just can’t believe he’s gone.” She kept putting pictures into a box. “You know it’s funny. I keep on having these visions of Peter in this strange world, where he was bad, and hurt people.” Kate’s mom looked at her worried. “Remember the doctor says that’s only a side effect. It was pass soon.” CHAPTER 32 The next morning Kate went back to her temp job at a big advertising company. Kate’s boss came out to greet her at her desk. Her boss went to shake Kate’s hand and when Kate touched him, she saw something she couldn’t believe. Kate saw the image of her boss and another coworker having sex in his office. “Kate?” Kate’s boss brought her back to reality. “I’m sorry Mr. Tummel,” Kate said. “Its fine, after having a concussion, then finding out your fiancée committed suicide, it’s a lot to take in. But it’s great to have you back.”

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Kate smiled, “Good to be back sir.” As Mr. Tummel was walking away he forgot to tell Kate something, but turned back around to tell her. “Oh and Kate?” “Yes sir?” “You have a new temp in training. Today is his first day, and you will be his mentor.” “Ok sir, I’ll do my best.” Kate sat back down and went back to her work. She looked up at her computer and saw Mr. Tummel go back into his office, but the blonde coworker from the vision went in with him. “Hm, that’s weird.” All of a sudden a man came in through the elevator. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and had a slight beard. He was tall, and very skinny. Kate couldn’t help to notice him when he walked up to her. “Wow he’s super hot,” she muttered under her breath. “Hello,” the man said with a cheery smile. “Hi, you must be the trainee.” “And you must be my mentor,” he said coyly. “The boss never mentioned how pretty you were. I was expecting some old hag or something. My name is Chris, Chris St. Claire,” the man extended his hand to shake. “Nice to meet you, I’m Kate Heart.” Kate shook his hand and went into another vision. She saw this man fighting and killing, then kissing a girl she couldn’t see. But lastly she heard a name, Jack Spade. She shook herself back to reality and then smiled. Chris took a desk right next to Kate’s and sat down. When he started taking things from his backpack out on his desk, he thought to himself, “Why doesn’t she remember? I thought maybe if I went to work with her, she would remember, but she doesn’t. You’ve got to find a way Jack.” As you can probably tell by now, Chris is Jack. So throughout the day, Jack and Kate talked and laughed until it was time to go home. As they were both packing up, Jack asked, “Hey, Kate, you want to go get some coffee?” “Chris, I really shouldn’t, I would love to go with you, but I can’t,” Kate said. “Please, just one cup? I know this café around the corner that’s great.” “Eh, alright. One cup.” Kate smiled as they both finished up and walked out of the office. CHAPTER 33 “You have a really cool accent. Where are you from? Kate asked. “Alabama,” Jack said. “Just kidding, I’m from London,” Jack said laughing. Kate laughed and drank another sip of coffee. “You know I can’t shake this feeling I’ve met you before,” Kate said. “Maybe in a past life,” Jack said seriously.

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“Well guess were out of coffee,” Jack said. “I guess so,” Kate said sighing. “Let me walked you home.” “Ok, let’s go.” Usually Kate would never be like this, letting a guy she just met walk her home, but something inside reassured her that he was safe and wouldn’t harm her. So off they left to Kate’s apartment. “You don’t seem the type would want a temp job,” Kate said. “Well people aren’t always who people make them out to be,” Jack replied. Out from an alleyway, a strange man jumped out and grabbed Kate. Kate started screaming as he started dragging her into the ally. Jack followed. “Hey man, let her go, she didn’t do anything to you,” Jack shouted. “Shut up Jack!” said the man. “Switch, don’t. She has done nothing to you,” Jack said. “Jack I know you were sent here to look after you precious Kate, but now other people back home want her dead.” “Wait, Chris, you know him?!” Kate asked angrily. “It’s not exactly Chris. My name is Jack Spade, I was sent here to protect you.” “I don’t need protecting!” Kate yelled as she pushed Switch away from her. Switch went back into grab her and instead, she stepped to the side, grabbed his arm and broke it. Switch screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Jack went up to him. “Switch, go back and leave us alone.” Switch grabbed his own necklace and pushed it. Within a second he was teleported back into his world. Jack turned to Kate, and she punched him, hard, in the face. He was punched so hard he almost fell down. While holding his hand to his face he looked at her, “What was that for?!” “Why didn’t you tell me who you were? And why do you want to be around me?” “Kate listen to me, if you knew who I really was then everything would make sense to you. And I can’t tell you everything that has happened; you have to remember on your own.” Jack walked up to her. “Close your eyes,” he said to her. “No. I don’t trust you.” “Kate, look inside yourself, you do trust me.” Eventually Kate complied and closed her eyes. “Now open your hands.” Jack put his hands on top of hers. Jack closed his eyes, and a light rain started to fall. “I know you’ve been having visions. Of me, of a dragon, and a world that you think is only from your dreams. There is a part of you that I need you to remember. I can only do this if you really want to. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. Do you want to remember?” She shook her head yes and Jack put his fingertips on her temples. Her body started to fall but Jack caught her in time and laid her down gently. The rain started falling really hard. Jack kneeled and continued to put pressure on Kate’s temples. Kate

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started twitching and moving slightly. This was the process of unlocking all of her past memories. When Jack felt that the deed was done he let up and called to her. “Kate?” Her eyes opened and she threw her arms around Jack. He helped her stand up and she yelled, “Jack!” She then kissed him on the lips. “I’m so sorry,” Kate said. She hugged him and he smiled. “It’s not your fault. I thought we’d be safe here. I guess we aren’t safe anywhere,” Jack said to her. “Apartment is the safest place I can think of. My mother is their though.” CHAPTER 34 “Mom!” Kate yelled at her mother. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea bringing this boy into your life, especially what happened with Peter,” her mother said. “Mom, I never loved Peter, I love Jack.” “Fine! Do what you want, but I still gotta cook dinner for you two which means I gotta go to the store. I’ll be back.” “No ma its fine were not hungry.” “No, I’m going to the store anyway, it calms me.” Kate rolled her eyes and went into her bedroom. “And you Jacky boy, I don’t like you. So I want you gone in the morning, got it?” Kate’s mom said sternly at Jack. “Yes mam,” he said politely Jack turned and went into the bedroom with Kate. Kate was already in the bed asleep. Jack carefully laid himself on the side next to her and put his head on the pillow. Kate moved over and put her head on his chest. “Jack, are we ever going back?” “I don’t think so,” he said sadly. Jack kissed Kate’s forehead and both fell asleep. CHAPTER 35 “Ah! My stupid daughter! Her father would be so disappointed,” said Kate’s mother to herself coming home from the store. But from out of nowhere a socket grabbed her, and drug her back into Ramsville. When they got there to the castle a unpleasant was there to meet them, “Let’s see if this brings them back.” CHAPTER 36 The next morning, Kate woke up first. She carefully left the bed and went into the kitchen.

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“Mom? Can you make me breakfast?” She looked around, and then at the clock. “11:30am?” Kate looked around again. “Mom?” Kate started to worry. She frantically looked around for her. “Jack!” Kate yelled. Kate walked into her mother’s bedroom and saw a note with writing on it. Jack sprung up and tried to find Kate. “I’m in here Jack!” Kate yelled. Jack walked in and looked at Kate, horrified at what she was reading. Jack sat down next to her on the floor. She dug her face into his shoulder and cried. She passed the note into his hand, and he read it. My dear Katherine, I’ve noticed that you have not been in Ramsville in a long time. I’ve watched you for a very long time, about sixteen human years. I’ve watched you grow from a little girl to a young women. Forgive me for taking you mother, it was the only way we could get you to came back. We all are well aware of your situation with Jack Spade, and if you were smart, you would leave him your world. I’m sorry love, that it needed to come to this but if you don’t come here, you mother will be killed. You have two weeks to get back. Sincerely, The Governor

Jack crumbled the piece of paper up and threw it on the ground. Kate pulled herself up and Jack followed. Kate hugged Jack and he spoke, “Well, I guess we have to go back after all.” Kate looked up at Jack and pulled herself together. “How are we supposed to get back?” Kate asked. “I know someone who can help us. Come on lets go,” Jack replied. Kate and Jack walked out of the house after changing, and started heading down the street. They walked a couple of blocks and Jack stopped in front of a little shop. Kate looked up and read the sign, DESPACIO DEPORTES : PHYSCIC WONDER THE END

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