The Christmas Presentation 3333333

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  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    The Holidays in United Kingdom

  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    One England's customs is mummering. In theMiddle Ages, people called mummers put onmasks and acted out Christmas plays. Theseplays are still performed in towns and villages.

    The English gift giver iscalled FatherChristmas. He wears along red or green robe,and leaves presents instockings on ChristmasEve. However, the giftsare not usually openeduntil the followingafternoon.Christmas in Englandbegan in AD 596, whenSt Augustine landed onher shores with monkswho wanted to bring

    Christianity to theAnglo Saxons..

    Father Christmas deliversthem during the night beforeChristmas. The Children leavean empty stocking or

    pillowcase hanging at the endof the bed. In the morningthey hope it will be full ofpresents.In England the day afterChristmas is called Boxing

    Day because boys used to goround collecting money inclay boxes. When the boxeswere full, they broke themopen

  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    In England Christmasdinner was usually eatenat Midday on December25, during daylight.In England, the only thing

    that people ate on theday before the feast wasFrumenty, which is, was akind of porridge madefrom corn. Over the yearsthe recipe changed. Eggs,

    fruit, spice, lumps of meatand dried plums wereadded. The whole mixturewas wrapped in a clothand boiled. This is howplum pudding began

    In England the traditionalChristmas dinner is roastturkey with vegetablesand sauces. For dessert it

    is rich, fruity Christmaspudding with brandysauce. Mince pies, pastrycases filled with amixture of chopped driedfruit.

    In England also theyelect Boy Bishops incommemoration of St.Nicholas compassion forchildren. These mockbishops were allowed to

    do the duties of theecclesiastic exceptdeliver the Mass.

  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    One point I would like to raise is onhow Christmas is celebrated inEngland. As an English family living inrural England we have the pleasure ofa traditional English Christmas with all

    the trimmings each year. You mentionthe Christmas trees and evergreenbranches the christmas trees are atradition we adopted from Germanyduring Victoria's reign and thebranches are mistletoe and holly for

    symbolic reasons.

    As Christmas is a religious festival manypeople here still attend midnight mass onChristmas eve and this is usually seen as thestart of festivities. Again the reason presentsare not opened until afternoon is that we waituntil after morning service / morning mass.

    Your description of the gluttonous amountsconsumed by the average person at Christmasdinner is very sparse, typically there are 2

    roasted meats 1 being either goose (traditional)or turkey (american) covered in bacon andstuffed with sausagemeat, the other meatbeing a gammon. A variety of seasonalvegetables but essential are roast potatoes andbrussel sprouts and always kilted sausages (also

    called sausages in blankets).

  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    For dessert Christmas puddingwith brandy butter or brandycustard / cream, the pudding is so

    rich in alcohol that it is usuallyignited before serving.

    Mince pies not only containdried fruit but also suet andbrandy. Christmas cake isalso eaten and is

    traditionally made a coupleof months (end ofSeptember) beforeChristmas and matured byregularly feeding it brandy.

    Incidentally boxing dayderives its name from thepractice of opening the almsboxes in church anddistributing the money

    collected amongst the poorin the parish.

  • 8/2/2019 The Christmas Presentation 3333333


    ThE EnD..

    MaDeBy ..T.Claudiu