May 2016 • issue five • www.mychristiandaily.com.au

The Christian Pulse May 2016

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The latest issue of The Christian Pulse is out now. Featuring articles on Political Correctness Gone Mad, How to Talk About God Without Being a Jerk, Terrorist Who Hunted Pastor Found Jesus, What Makes a Faithful Ministry and more. Read it now and stay connected with daily news at www.mychristiandaily.com.au

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Vision offers a flexible range of bible college courses. Study in the privacy of your own home at your pace, develop your relationship with God and even gain

qualifications to fulfill His great call of God on your life.

Study options include individual study or study groups.


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CONTENTSissue five • may 2016



How to Talk about God: Without Being a Jerk


5 Bad Reasons to Leave a Church


Political Correctness Gone Mad


What Makes a Faithful Ministry


The Glory of Self Awareness


Three barriers to hearing God’s voice


10 Things you should know about Gen Z


Islamic terrorist hunted pastor, but Jesus foiled plot with unusual vision


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Front cover: Asheville, North Carolina, USA - April 2, 2016: Close up of a sign about bathroom use at a HB2 protest rally of the new NC law which denies rights to those who are gay or transgender on April 2, 2016 in downtown Asheville, NC

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In everyday life, most Christians avoid talking talking about their

faith. They freeze up. They don’t know what to say. Or they fear rejection. Or they don’t want to come off as a narrow-minded jerk.

The truth is, most people–even most churchgoers–lack a basic understanding in how to naturally bring faith into a real conversation. How could that be? Author Doug Pollock believes churches themselves may be responsible for this condition.

In my Holy Soup podcast conversation with Pollock, he said, “Most churches put all the emphasis on ‘playing home games.’ Their home-crowd ‘sage’ is on the stage. And they’re always trying to invite people into that environment where the expert is up front. People aren’t really trained or encouraged how to have spiritual conversations. They think their job is just to get people

into the church building so the ‘master fisherman’ can go to work.”

Pollock said people haven’t experienced what a natural, healthy spiritual conversation looks or sounds like in real life. They’ve only seen street preachers, or obnoxious people at work, or those who have been disrespectful when talking about faith. When people have those images, they won’t share their faith, he said.

Pollock advocates training people in practical faith conversation skills. He recently helped produce a training kit entitled Activating God Space to do just that. Rather than simply preaching about faith-sharing, it allows people to actually try it out.

Pollock learned much of his approach through his own failures. He calls himself a “recovering evangelist.” In his youthful zeal to

“spread the word,” he realized he actually repelled people. “They didn’t want to see me again,” he said. “I was quick to speak, and slow to listen.”

He reformed. His approach today begins with listening–and asking “wondering questions,” which tend to invite people into comfortable conversations. Now he finds himself in friendly, spiritual conversations with all sorts of people, including those who some pious Christians would find repulsive. He’s learned to embrace them with “radical acceptance,” even though he may not always endorse all their behaviors. That’s an approach he says he learned from another great conversationalist and faith sharer, Jesus.

How to Talk about God: Without Being a Jerk


Thom Schultz - holysoup.com

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Let’s be honest, while there are some good reasons for leaving a church, there are a lot more bad ones. As a pastor, I hear some of them every now and again. Here are five really bad reasons to leave a Church:

1. “I’m not being fed”

As a pastor with a teaching gift I take my job of feeding God’s people VERY seriously. But there are also lots of other things vying for my time: managing staff, meeting needs, putting out fires and developing leaders – all while overseeing the overall vision and direction of the church. Years ago a man in our church had a vision. He saw adults sitting in baby highchairs with a dummy in their mouth. God showed him that many Christians are like that – big babies who still cry every time they want someone else to feed them.

To leave a church because you’re not getting “enough” is a cop out. Your primary call in the church is to contribute, not just to consume. As a Christian, you shouldn’t require spoon-feeding for the rest of your life. Eventually you need to learn how to feed yourself so that, in time, you can actually feed others. Remember, your call is not just to be a disciple but also to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20)

2. “It’s getting too big”

I can appreciate the sense of loss that accompanies growth. When Bayside Church began 22 years ago we were a small band of Christians who could all fit into one living room. It feels very different now that we are a large church spread across multiple services & sites. There are moments when I miss the intimacy and simplicity of those early days. But remaining

small is a sad and unbiblical goal.

When churches are faithful to the Great Commission, lives will be changed and people will be added to their number. Growth is inevitable for faithful and healthy churches. If you have a problem with big churches, you really wouldn’t have liked the first church, and you definitely won’t like heaven. Instead of seeing size as a negative, learn to appreciate all the variety and influence that a big church can achieve.

3. “I don’t agree with everything that is being


Guess what? Neither do I and I’m the pastor. As such I fully reserve the right to disagree with myself. And every now and then I do exactly that, because I’m learning, growing & asking questions, and my hope is that you are doing the same. I trust the pulpit at Bayside Church to our team members & visiting ministries and I don’t always agree with everything that is said or the way they say it but, unless it is rank heresy, I just let it slide because we’re all learning and growing together.

Chances are you are not going to agree with everything that is preached anywhere. We need to learn to disagree on secondary issues.

4. “My Needs Aren’t Being Met”

People who use this as an excuse to leave a church have bought into the lie that, when it comes to church, it’s really all about “me.” Here’s the problem: the Church actually isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus. It’s His Church. He came for it. He died for it. He redeemed it.

He continues to build it. And one day, He’ll come back for it. It’s His.

This is the same Jesus who came to seek and to save the lost and then commissioned his Church to go and do the same. The Church doesn’t just exist to meet your needs. You are a part of the Church that exists to meet the needs of the others. Put away the shopping trolley and pick up a shovel!

5. Unresolved Conflict

This is the number one reason people leave a church and of course wherever you find imperfect people you will find conflict. The Church is one big family full of characters and misfits. Sometimes sisters argue and brothers fight. But despite it all, family is supposed to be the place where you stick together even when it’s hard – especially when it’s hard.

Paul addressed a lot of church conflict in his letters. Nowhere do we hear him encouraging believers to bail on one another or move on down the road to a different church where it’ll be easier. Instead, much of his letters are his encouraging and coaching these ragamuffin communities in how to do this very hard and messy thing together.

One of the key aspects of the gospel is forgiveness and reconciliation. How will we ever demonstrate these things to the world if we don’t practice them ourselves?

Based on an article written by Aaron Loy in Relevant Magazine. Rob Buckingham is the senior minister of Bayside Church in Melbourne, Australia.

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As I write this piece, it is not as a pastor, nor as a theologian

or politician. I’m also not a journalist (hopefully my writing doesn’t quickly point that out). It is plain and simply as a father.

I have watched on over the months as there has been talk around the world about transgender rights. Simply, should a transgender

person be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice.

I’m sorry (actually, I’m not), but we have simply gone too far. Clearly it is not my job to judge whether a man feels he now needs to be a woman, or a woman has run the course of that sex and feels it is time to be a man. At the end of the day we are all given

a free will, and so based on this I am not about to comment on whether this is right or wrong.

However, I am a parent, and as is the case, my children at times need to use public bathrooms. And I am NOT OK with my nine year-old daughter using a public toilet when a (former) male heads in behind her.




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Are politicians stupid? Do they not know that many people have many struggles in the sexual arena, and that this is just opening up a can of worms? Are they seriously going to pander and appease a minority – albeit with a very loud voice – or as parents (and grandparents) themselves, are they going to realize that this is sheer nonsense and knock it on its head?

Why do we always listen to the minority? Why do those who kick and scream seem to get their way? How many transgenders do we have in our world, compared to straight people? Why can’t politicians see that this is simply not OK? We have a responsibility to help the helpless here; that is our children.

As I mentioned, there are some pretty messed up people out there, and as their carers, we need to stand up and say that this is not acceptable. Even if it makes us look like judgmental Christians.

My boys are very keen surfers and are a part of the local boardrider’s club where we live. Once a month they are given the Sunday off church to participate in the club’s monthly contest, something they really enjoy. Just yesterday the contest was going to be called off because the surf was really small, and the contest directors thought it was not possible to run the event.

However they found a secluded beach that had waves, and the word went out very early on the Sunday morning that the contest was on. The only issue with this secluded beach is that it is a nudist beach,

and as such the kids were going to be surfing around a bunch of people naked, all of whom really should have kept their clothes on.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that all the people who should keep their clothes on are the same ones that feel the need to take them off. I am not sure what the deal is with that.)

Anyway, one would have thought that some of the nudists would have seen the moms and dads arrive at the beach, complete with tents, a PA system, and clearly enough infrastructure to see that there was an even going on, and show some respect.

But no; there were grown adults wandering in and out of the surf with no clothes on, with no real care that there were young, influential children nearby. Admittedly most stayed away in the grassed area, but surely, just for one day, they could have put their costumes on

to have a swim?

Again, the local council doesn’t want to offend that minority, so they give them a nudist beach. And with how strict councils are on everything to the way you put out your bins, to the time you can park your car in their car parks, surely they could have a rule that says as soon as an event takes place at the beach, it is now illegal to swim or sun bake nude.

Fortunately most of the kids at the beach were pretty young and so focused on what they were doing that they missed most of the action. But why do they have to grow up in a world like this?

If there are 7 billion of us, surely it is the majority that wins.

Matt Danswan is the CEO of Initiate Media, publishers of The Christian Pulse.


SEEM TO GET THEIR WAY? How many transgenders do we have in our world, compared to straight people?

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What Makes a Faithful Ministry?“Defining success may be the most important decision we make as God’s people. Measuring it comes a close second because what we measure communicates what we value. How leaders define and measure success gives form and direction to all aspects of ministry. It shapes the culture that follows and ultimately determines our future”.

With these opening words, Gary Hoag, Scott Rodin and Wesley Willmer lay the foundation for their recently released book, ‘The Choice’, and go on to argue that the ‘Kingdom Path’ is markedly different to the ‘Common Path’ when pursuing effective ministry.

Two of the authors, Gary Hoag and Wesley Willmer, will be visiting Australia in June to speak at CMA’s ‘Faithful’ conference for church, ministry and Christian business leaders, June 7-8 at Sea World on the Gold Coast. Each of them will be delivering a keynote address, but then together they will be taking a four-session elective which explores faithful ministry in terms of leadership, governance, fundraising and administration.

The contrast they draw between the Common Path and the Kingdom Path is critical, and it challenges a few well-loved assumptions. For example, they contrast ‘Production-Driven Leadership’ (the Common Path) with ‘Steward Leadership’ (the Kingdom Path). Production-Driven leadership is all about continued expansion, with numbers-driven metrics, and places more value on the ends achieved, and less value on the means taken to get there. Many times, good and faithful people can simply get run over in a production-driven environment.

Steward Leaders, on the other hand, are utterly dependent on God for the ‘production’, and instead focus on ‘leading organisations in ways which reflect Christ-centred values, strategies, plans and actions’. No doubt some readers will immediately think ‘cop-out’, and that this focus removes the accountability that comes with having to actually generate results. No! Steward Leaders still measure results and impact, but their effort is not DRIVEN by the results – it’s driven by faithfulness and obedience to God’s call, from which the Kingdom outcomes flow.

Further contrasts between the two paths are identified as Expansion-Focused Strategies vs Faithfulness Focused Strategies; Earthly-Oriented Metrics vs Eternity-

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Oriented Metrics; Results-Based Management vs Relationship-Based Management; and a Utilitarian View of Resources vs a Stewardship View of Resources.

Every church and every ministry has to effectively deal with common issues like boards & committees, generating revenue, leading staff & volunteer teams, and managing organisational administration and obligations. The temptation is to simply apply ‘Common path’ tools and strategies – like what might work in business, or even in secular charities – but, according to Hoag and Willmer, this ‘common path’ approach fails subtly, but importantly, in organisations that are Christ-focused. With a combined seven hours of input over the two conference days, there will be plenty of opportunity to unpack these important topics in greater depth.

Apart from their input on these topics, Gary Hoag will be wearing an additional hat at the CMA Conference: that of International Liaison for the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

For many years in the USA, ECFA has been accrediting Christian churches and organisations, large and small, with a ‘Seal of Accountability’ for those that meet their published standards. This ‘ECFA Seal’ has become a valuable tool for gaining the confidence of donors, who look for this seal as evidence that a church or charity is operating in accordance with widely held standards about organisational governance, fundraising, and financial oversight.

Over the last eighteen months, similar Christian organisations have begun to emerge in various countries where ministry accountability is of growing importance, and CMA is delighted to announce that an Australian adaptation of ECFA, the CMA Standards Council, will be launched at the conference. Gary Hoag, officially representing ECFA, will be signifying the relationship between ECFA and the CMA Standards Council with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations.

The newly appointed Executive Director of the CMA Standards Council, Stephen Kerr, will be giving a plenary address, and then convening a plenary panel comprised of donors, charities, and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. Further elective sessions will explore these standards in more detail.

The CMA Standards Council has been created for several purposes. One purpose is to raise the standards of organisational behaviour in Christian ministries, by giving them a set of external standards to aim for. Many organisations have asked CMA for this over the years, and finally we will be able to point to a simple yet well-grounded set of standards and behaviours that organisations MUST meet in order to wear the CMA Standards Council Accredited seal.

Another purpose is to give the Christian donor community some tools to find well-governed and financially accountable churches and ministries to support.

We already have donors and foundations telling us that they will be using the CMA Standards Council directory, and seal, as the first step of their due-diligence donor research.

A third purpose is simply to demonstrate, to the wider Australian community, that Christian organisations have nothing to hide, and are willing to take the lead in being open and honest about their organisational behaviour. As Christian churches and organisations, we are, in a very real way, custodians of God’s reputation. If we conduct our ministries in ways that are illegal, or unethical, or deceptive, we can cause onlookers to think poorly of God, and destroy our public witness.

These are just a couple of highlights from CMA’s fourteenth annual conference. 300+ delegates are once again expected to attend this two-day professional development event for church, ministry and Christian business leaders. Over forty different topics and speakers are scheduled over the two days, to address a myriad of leadership and management questions that are relevant for ensuring that our organisations are effective in pursuing the ministry that God has called us to. But we don’t just want to be effective in ‘common’ terms – we want to be effective on God’s terms! We want to hear Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’!


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It’s possible, that the greatest most important thing you can do

for your destiny today, is find out what you are not.

A lot of Christian churches provide space for people who are not good at (singing, public speaking, greeting, counseling, leading) to do just that (singing, public speaking, greeting, counseling, leading).

It’s a blessing and a curse.

The blessing part is when people discover things that they want to work on, because God has called them in that area. So they get stretched, they trust God to empower them, and beautiful supernatural things happen.

The curse is when they get stuck doing the thing they should have not done in the first place.

And then we all suffer. We endure boring sermons, off pitch worship and makes-it-even-worse counseling.

Now, we all have a calling to love people, share the good news, feed the hungry and worship in community. But the Apostle Paul (who had a clear vision of what God had called him to do) encouraged us to know that not all are apostles, or teachers or prophets, etc.

And he reminds us that, “God arranged the members in the body,

each one of them, as He chose.” (1 Corinthians 12:8)

I have been incredible blessed to have encountered a few of my sweet spots in life. Preaching and writing being two of them.

Now, I’m not even close to be being a perfect preacher or a great writer. Both trades demand an incredible amount of practice, feedback, encouragement and training.

But I find joy in both.

And more often than not, people express their enjoyment of my preaching and my writing (and send me emails with a million spelling mistakes that need correcting; and others reach out to help me with my theological mistakes.)


However, it took me a long time to settle on what I really wanted to be. And not just what I wanted to be, but what I was actually called to be.

I wanted to be a pastor since I was a brand new Christian. That was the title that seemed to be the one with most value and influence. But now I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that is not my first calling.

It’s not even in the top 10.

I really, really love people… but I

have no grace to sit with them and listen to them ramble about their hearts and issues and questions for more than 20 minutes.

Trust me, I have tried hard!

But it’s just not me.

My wife on the other hand, oh what a gift. She listens, and observes, and engages and prays (like really prays.) (Like 30-something-minute-prayers… prays!)

It’s brutal.

And whenever we tried to do it together, it was painful. My eyes would open wide and I would be staring into her soul while trying to send her a non verbal message that screamed out loud: STOP PRAYING ALREADY! IT’S BEEN 3 MINUTES AND I’M STARVING!

Yes, she’s incredibly pastoral. It’s who she is. Doesn’t even have to try. Needs no titles to prove it. She just cares.

Like Jesus does.

Me? I’m more like Peter.

Or Judas.

Who knows?

The point is that I tried for a long time to fit that specific mold. I booked counseling meetings

The Glory Of Self Awareness


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and appointments with church members in distressed… and it made me miserable.

Which made them more miserable.

Which proved that I needed a way out of this misery.

But get me in a room with 14

inmates in a maximum security prison, and I will preach the most animated, most hilarious, most challenging and most Jesus filled sermon of my life (at least I’ll try).

And I will be on a spiritual high for a good 72 hours after that.

Honestly, I failed miserably as a pastor. In more ways that one

But I’m so glad to God I did.

Because I am now aware that I’m a preacher, a communicator, a writer, a dreamer. Yet I only discover that when I failed as a worship leader, a counselor, a pastor, a university student, and a real estate agent.

Knowing who I was not… was probably the most powerful indicator to point who I was.

So what are you no good at?

Own it.

Don’t be afraid of it.

Someone else in the body of Christ is incredible in that area. Encourage them in it. And focus your energies and attention on the

things that make you come alive.

Self–awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from other individuals. It’s taking an honest look into who you are without labels of it being right or wrong / good or bad.

People that are not self-aware make excuses and get defensive. They shift blame and are passive aggressive. Sometimes they speak about themselves in a manner that is embarrassing to those who are listening (because it feels so detached from reality).

So in order to be awaken from the deceit, we need humility and community.

I encourage you today to ask

others what they (honestly and brutally) think about your ________________ (singing, public speaking, counseling, leadership).

Listen to understand not to defend; and keep an open mind. Be willing to die to selfish dreams and visions of grandeur. At the same time, receive feedback in the areas where you are actually meant to grow and flourish.

And learn to live in the glory of Romans 12:3: “… Everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”

Carlos A. Rodriguez is a pastor at Catch the Fire and the founder of HappySonship. His latest book is “Designed for Inheritance, A Discovery of Sonship”. He travels extensively all around the world and you can find out more at www.HappySonship.com

Listen to understand not to defend; and keep an open mind. BE


OF GRANDEUR. At the same time, receive feedback in the

areas where you are actually meant to grow and flourish.

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I sometimes receive comments from those who are having dif-

ficulties in hearing God’s voice. Here is a list of possible barriers that could be a hindrance, along with some biblical keys to over-come them:

1. The Barrier of Doubt or Unbelief

The first thing we need to do is set-tle the fact that God is speaking to us and wants us to hear Him:

‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’ (John 10:27, NLT)

Some people think that they cannot hear God speak unless they have a prophetic gift or special ministry. But this is a misconception. God wants to have a relationship with us! This is why Jesus paid the price of his life on the cross. Communi-cating with our Father is the basic right of sons and daughters and the joy of our God. It is what we are created for! (Romans 8:14). Never be intimidated by someone else’s gift or the way another person hears from God. God has uniquely wired you to hear from Him.

2. The Barrier of Sin-Consciousness

Sometimes people allow shame, condemnation or a sense of un-worthiness to make them feel as though they are separated from God—and therefore, unable to hear His voice (Romans 8:1-2). We

need to remember that for Chris-tians, the barrier of sin separat-ing us from God has already been dealt with on the cross. Sin is not the problem – sin-consciousness is.

Instead our inheritance as Chris-tian believers is to live in the knowledge of our righteousness in Christ, rejoicing in the power of God’s grace and forgiveness and knowing the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. (Hebrews 9:14,10:19-22)

Rather than view sin or temptation as a barrier between God and us, God wants us to take the very issue that is troubling us into that place with Him (Hebrews 4:15-16). Sin loses its power when we bring it into the light (1 John 1:7-9).

If an issue of sin, addiction or temptation is continually troubling you, in addition to prayer, find a safe place to share and be account-able—for example to a Christian mentor or leader. As James says; confess your ‘sins to one another.’ (James 5:16)

3. The Barrier of Fear

Some people are fearful that what they are hearing may not be from God.

It’s true that there are many voices around our lives, and that we need to weigh up what we are hearing to ensure it is from God. Maturing in discernment is a process, so weigh-ing up what we hear is important. Remember:

What we are hearing from God will be in accordance with His na-ture – e.g. the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

God’s voice will never contradict what the Bible says (2 Timothy 3:16)

God’s word will build the church and promote unity (1 Corinthians 14:3)

What you hear from God will with-stand the accountability of over-sight (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)

The antidote to fear is relationship (1 John 4:18). Think about when the phone rings and you pick it up. How different are your responses when the caller is a telemarketer versus someone you love? You see it’s not about the fact that some-one is speaking—but recognising the person behind the voice. As you grow in relationship with God, you will get to know His voice. You can trust that what He has to share with you is good and from His Spirit. (Luke 11:11-13)

Tania Harris is a pastor, speaker and the founder of God Conversations, a ministry that equips people to recognise God’s voice. Tania is an ordained minister with the Australian Christian Churches. Hillsong is her church home in Sydney, Australia. Follow her on www.godconversations.com

Three barriers to hearing God’s voice


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Not many people are able to maintain a twenty-four year heroin and methadone

addiction, all the while raising five children. But Sydney woman Elizabeth Muldovan was an exception.

Born and raised in Sydney Australia, Elizabeth’s addiction to drugs started off as a woman in her twenties – and would remain with her for close to two and a half decades. Hers was a life a life of depravity and destruction, couple with her an honest recount.

In her recently released book, The Prodigal Daughter, Elizabeth recounts her life story. From the depths of hopelessness, to the saving grace of Jesus, this is a story that truly shows God at work.

In fact it would be hard for a skeptic of Christ to remain that way after reading her telling story.

When the average person thinks of a heroin addict, the stereotypical idea that comes to mind is of inner-city streets, of ‘junkies’ huddling around in a dark, dingy lane trying to find a vein in which to inject. But we don’t imagine a housewife doing her daily chores, including preparing the school lunches, getting the children out the door, and ensuring they are all run off to their after-school activities, homework completed, dinner made, and so on. It’s hard enough to do the work of a mother with your mind on the job, let alone being dependent on a damaging drug daily. And to top it off, Elizabeth did it with five children, not just a couple.

But the twist in this story is that not only was she heroin dependent, but her husband also shared the same daily addiction. Here is a family in the city of Sydney, the city in which I reside, packing their children off to school, getting out the door to work – all the while sharing a dirty secret.

As Elizabeth recounts in this amazing book, she and her husband were able to cope whist on heroin; it was this drug that kept them going and maintaining ‘normal’ lives. But when their lives really took a turn was when they decided to kick heroin, opting for methadone instead.

As readers delve into the pages of this extraordinary woman and her life they will be held spellbound at the enormity of the power of addiction to drugs. They will also be aware

From Heroin to Christ

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and in awe of the resurrection power of God to bring one of his children through to a new life. I have read the book and quite honestly, I couldn’t put it down. There is so much to learn from Elizabeth’s life.

I asked Elizabeth what led her taking drugs in the first place. She explained, “The reason I delved into the world of drugs is because I didn’t really want to live. I didn’t have an identity and I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere. I was just lost and disconnected from society – I felt very rejected.”

In hooking up with a drug addict, this brought her life tumbling down for all those years.

Elizabeth’s children were very accepting of the addiction she had. They also had each other and they had their school friends and their own little world, apart from her addictions. This is how they coped with their lives while their mother tried to fight her addiction. But it was hard for them even so – very hard for them. They were supportive of their mother and loved her. “They accepted me just the way I was, although they didn’t like it and it was hard for them. That acceptance kept me alive through those years.”

What was the final trauma that led Elizabeth to finally call out to God, I wanted to know? “The catalyst that got me separated from the co-dependant relationship with my husband was when he hurt my youngest child Grace, who was three at the time. I just thought I couldn’t keep Grace in that environment by herself because her older brothers and sisters couldn’t help.

“If I left it would halve the risk to her. God just showed up in the refuge that I finally escaped to and I heard his voice twice, where He said, “Do you want to be made whole?” Well, of course I wanted to be made whole and well again for myself and my children so I just

gave into Him.Elizabeth’s mother was very

influential in helping her daughter to want to be set free. She reminded her of who she was before she started using drugs, and that memory jolted something in her that had been lost all those years ago.

“I thought to myself, ‘What happened, how did I get to this point before I started using hard drugs’? I had a good job, good friends, was connected to family, and then I met Francis and everything changed after that, so much. I got to the point where I forgot I had freewill. Being reminded of that was that we do have free will and we are allowed to seek God and allowed to worship him and pray to Him.”

Elizabeth wanted to share her story to show the incredible love and power of God. She was adamant that this is available for all those who have addictions of any kind. Change is possible and there is freedom on the other side.

If anyone is looking for a way out of addictions Elizabeth says to ask God to help you and forgive you and get baptized, and your life will never be the same again. God always forgives us.

Elizabeth is passionate as she states, “I want to give God more glory for what He has done. I had Grace by my side and didn’t go to any psychiatrists or rehab. I only had God – He does the impossible. I didn’t have a car or home – no money, no phone. God did this for all the addicts out there – not just for me. He wants to set everyone free. He doesn’t want us bound up in addictions.”

This book is one of transparency about the life of a former addict to the beautiful and gentle woman she is today. CW

Lynn Goldsmith



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I doubt the generational name will stick, but for now we call them

Generation Z. There was Gen X, then Gen Y (the Millennials), and now Gen Z.

Their birth years are 2001 to 2020. The oldest Gen Zer is 15; the youngest has not yet been born.

We have much to learn about this young generation, but we have learned much already. Church leaders, particularly, need to keep an eye on this generation. There are some fascinating trends taking place.

For now, let’s look at ten things you should know about Gen Z.

1. They will be the largest gen-eration in history. Each of their

birth years is already a large cohort. By the time 2020 concludes, this generation will include about 82 million people. They will supplant the Millennials who supplanted the Boomers as the largest generation.

2. The majority of this genera-tion is non-white. That is a first

in the history of the United States.

3. Hispanics are the fastest-grow-ing group in Gen Z. It is sim-

ply a matter of fertility rates. His-panic mothers have an average of 2.4 children, compared to black mothers (2.1), and Asian and white mothers (1.8).

4. At least one of ten of this gen-eration will marry across ethnic

and racial lines. But the number could be higher.

5. Homosexual marriage will be embraced as normative. But

we cannot tell yet what percentage of Gen Z will be in a homosexual marriage.

6. Two historic events have shaped Gen Z. Most of them

were not born when 9/11 took place, but their parents and others have made the event a part of their lives and insecurities. The second event, the Great Recession, is still a reality though the recession is officially over. Gen Z parents, and thus, their children still feel the im-

you should know about

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pact of a weak jobs economy.

7. Gen Z will be highly entre-preneurial. They have learned

from their parents that you cannot trust an employer to take care of you. It is best to create your own job.

8. Gen Z is and will be in church more regularly. I read one

study by Joan Hope that noted a big spike in church attendance by Gen Z. My anecdotal observa-tions confirm an increase in Gen Zers church attendance, but I was surprised by the magnitude of the increase in Hope’s study. We will need to monitor this behavioral pattern closely.

9. Rapid change is normative for Gen Z. None of us could have

imagined the Internet of Things or wearable technology or many oth-er technological trends. They are normative for Gen Z. This genera-tion is accustomed to rapid change.

10. Gen Zers prefer personal contact. Yes, they are fully

immersed in the Internet and so-cial media, but they really want to have personal interaction. Perhaps it is because of the Internet and so-cial media that they desire person-al interaction.

The trends are early. The demo-graphics are breathtaking. And the signs are, to a large extent, hopeful.

This article was originally published at ThomRainer.com on May 11. Thom S. Rainer serves as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Among his greatest joys are his family: his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art, and Jess; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Rain-er can be found on Twitter @ThomRainer and at facebook.com/Thom.S.Rainer

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Generation Z

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22 | The Christian Pulse, May 2016

Al-Rashid was the commander of a fanatical Islamic group

that sought to convert everyone to Islam and make all nations fall un-der Islamic rule.

He was angered by reports of Muslims converting to Christian-ity and spreading the Gospel. So he formed a special task force to track down the Christian leaders who were responsible and convert or kill them.

Rashid heard about Pastor Paul,

a former Muslim and the lead-er of a group of ministries boldly evangelizing Muslims in Asia, the Middle East and other developing countries. Pastor Paul and his team were distributing Bibles in many languages and forming under-ground house churches in restrict-ed countries.

The terror leader developed a plan to kill Pastor Paul’s family first, then capture the Christian leader, force him to convert back to Islam and use him as a propagandist against


They made many attempts. “We attacked them several times,” Rashid recounted, “and miracu-lously they escaped.”

Once they initiated a plan to kill the family at night, but saw what appeared to be soldiers or gunmen stationed around their house, so they backed off.

Rashid discovered the family lacked adequate food and their children were hungry and weak.

Islamic terrorist hunted pastor, but Jesus foiled plot with unusual vision


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So he sent a woman to deliver poi-soned fast food to them. But on the way to their house a dog bit the woman, seriously injuring her, and she never arrived.

They sent a second woman with poisonous chocolate to give Pastor Paul’s children. The boys ate the chocolate and survived, but the pastor’s daughter got very sick.

“I was watching with two others from an ambulance near the hos-pital to see his daughter’s death. Our plan was to kidnap the dead body along with his family in our ambulance,” Rashid recounts.

Then something happened that amazed Rashid. “I saw a ball of light came down from the sky and stand over the room where his daughter was lying unconscious,” he says.

To his utter disbelief he watched a hand come from the ball of light, touch the pastor’s daughter, and she immediately regained con-sciousness and stood up.

He was astonished to see a hole in the middle of the hand and that blood was flowing down. “I trem-bled with fear,” Rashid says. “I felt giddy and fell down. My friends moved me from there at once.”

After this unusual incident Rashid found it difficult to sleep. When he attempted to drift off, a vision of the hand entered his mind.

The following night a shadow of a human face appeared with the hand and asked him why he was

“nailing him.”

“I lost my peace,” Rashid recalls. He was afraid to say anything to his friends.

Surprisingly, Rashid had a Bible in his room. “Actually I was using its verses for criticizing Christianity and justifying Islam.”

He opened the Bible and his eyes fell on this verse: “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (John 1:9-10 KJV)

“I understood it was about Jesus,” he says. He realized the ball of light that came from above was ac-tually Jesus, who suffered when he was nailed to the cross.

His heart softened, Rashid went to see Pastor Paul and shared ev-erything with him. Unsure what his reaction might be, he was sur-prised when Pastor Paul embraced him, with tears running down his face.

“I was once an enemy of Jesus Christ, but he loved me,” Pastor Paul said. “He was crucified — gave His life for me – then He rose from the dead. Because of His love I can love you, because Christ loves you. I believe Jesus Christ Himself brought you here to share this love and to find salvation.”

“Jesus is the prince of peace,” he continued. “And He will give you peace. Accept Him as your Sav-ior,” he exhorted.

Rashid surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ and was born again. “I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior, was baptized and received the gifts of the Holy Spir-it and I’m evangelizing people through “Bibles for Mideast,” he says. He has become one of their key leaders.

“Thousands of Muslims are secret-ly believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior. They don’t have Bibles and the rulers do not allow them to get Bibles. The Bible is totally prohib-ited in certain countries. But peo-ple are so thirsty for the Word of God.”

“Many of our team members are converts from Islam to Christiani-ty with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and have good experiences of do-ing personal evangelism, conduct-ing crusades, and pastoring house churches,” he says. Many are lay pastors who earn a livelihood to support their ministry.

“Bibles for Mideast” is distrib-uting Bibles and establishing underground house churches throughout the Middle East. For more information, please go to: https://bibles4mideast.com.

Surprisingly, Rashid had a Bible in his room. “ACTUALLY I WAS USING ITS VERSES


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