The Business Model They Won\'t Teach You On An MBA

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Page 1: The Business Model They Won\'t Teach You On An MBA
Page 2: The Business Model They Won\'t Teach You On An MBA

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

• You’re fed up of your job

• You’re fed up of your politicking boss

• You’re fed up of lining other peoples pockets

• You’re want to find that right opportunity

• When one day you are hit by a great idea…

Let me introduce you to a fictitious character called James, who we will use as the basis of this seminar.

His story is based around the real life experiences of one of the members of our organisation. And yes he did complete an MBA.

Page 3: The Business Model They Won\'t Teach You On An MBA

The MBA taught James that he needed a business plan:

• Business proposal

• SWOT analysis

• Financial projections

• Staffing requirements

• Market Research (Key Suppliers and Buyers)

• Full risks analysis

James knew that a business plan was essential to secure the funding he would need from the bank, as it evidenced planning.

He spent weeks and weeks compiling data from different sources, looking at ways to present the information in a favourable light.

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James knew he needed funding from the banks:

• Meetings with a business manager

• Several lengthy application forms

• Weeks for decision from the underwriters

• Agreement in place for 60% funding required

• Required to put house in as security

• Paying 3% over bank base rate + 1% insurance

Nothing could have prepared James for the experience of securing funding from the banks.

He applied to a government backed scheme, in order to proceed he would have to risk everything he spent last 10 years building.

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James had to leave the relative security of his job:

• He had been working for 15 years

• He was leaving behind a regular income

• His colleagues thought he was crazy

• His friends told him all the reasons it would not work

• His wife was broadly supportive but worried

James questioned whether the entrepreneurial spirit here in the UK was dead, it seemed nobody had an encouraging word.

James had self belief and conviction, it was everybody else who was wrong and he was going to show the world.

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James had to find premises to run his shop from:

• It had to be the right location

• He found out he had no covenant strength and had to put down 6 month deposit

• Required an expensive solicitor to draw up the lease agreement with a PG

• Also found out business rates were 35%

James found it hard to understand that a new small business would be punished so much.

A friend who had been in business for years seemed to secure rent free periods for himself and have landlords bending over for him.

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James had to find staff for his shop:

• Placing adverts and dealing with agencies

• Staff not turning up & covering holiday leave

• Countless excuses for being late

• Not treating customers properly

• Not treating assets with care

• Theft of stock, cash from the tillsJames had managed a team in his previous job, but he did not have to deal with the HR things such as arranging interviews, employment contracts, or pay the salary from his own pocket!

It’s funny how you look at stationary if you are an employer…

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James had learnt about the cash flow cycle:

• He was buying stock and paying immediately

• He was holding on to stock

• The credit card merchant company would take 10 days to release funds

• Other bills and wages had to paid on time

• Even if he were making a profit there was risk

James was aware of the cash flow cycle, but it is all very different when they teach you it in the MBA.

Here there were multiple flows, and keeping track of them and keeping risk to a minimum was nigh on impossible.

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James could not afford for a book keeper:

• Had to ensure bills paid on time

• Chase people that owed him money

• Keep receipts, invoices, and paperwork in order for accounts

• Prepare the VAT returns

• Go to the bank daily with cash

Nobody had told James how much paperwork was involved in running a business.

The HMRC requires that you correctly account for everything. Being a small business was no excuse.

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James had to find stock to sell in his shop:

• Received no credit lines

• Not eligible for same level of discounts

• Many suppliers would not deal with him

• James unaware where to find suppliers

• Not treated as preferred customer thus when things go wrong spend ages sorting out

James realised that yet again business was not a level playing field, you need to have established credibility – but surely that was like the case of the chicken and the egg…

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James knew that he had to advertise the business:

• Placing adverts in papers

• Producing flyers

• Window dressing

• Promotional launch and sales

• Leaflet drops

• Radio advertising on local stationJames had done a marketing module on the MBA, but he found out this was more in the realms of advertising.

He turned to a friend who had dabbled in DTP in her spare time, and knocked up some second rate designs.

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James put his personal life on hold:

• Worked 6 days each week in shop

• Regularly over 14 hour days

• Still had to find time for admin & paperwork

• Wife and kids did not see him

• Personality changed

• Many friends moved onWhen they say it’s a lonely road at the top, nobody ever told James it’s a damn site lonelier at the bottom.

The stress changed his personality, and his whole family suffered his short fuse, his wife felt like a single mother.

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James put his heart and soul into the business:

• Underestimated the competition

• Could no longer keep paying bills

• Had to enter company into liquidation

• Had to enter into payment plans with his creditors

• Went back to old job and faced the music

Around half of all new small businesses fail in the first year, and many more fail over the first five years.

Statistics are all very well, but as entrepreneurs we have such huge self belief that we believe that failure will happen to someone else.

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What would you say if you found a business model that:

• Required minimal investment

• Excellent potential earnings

• Virtually no overheads

• No need for staff, you choose who you wish to work with

• Did not require you to give up your day job until you are established

• No need for stock, or worry about cash flows

• All accounting and marketing is managed

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Network Marketing can give you all this and more:

• Estimated to be in excess of $100bn globally in 2010

• 91% growth over last decade

• Around 15 million people in the US call it their career

• Creates more millionaires than any other industry

• Typically continues to thrive during recessions and downturns

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lNetwork Marketing can give you all this and more:

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So how does the business model work?

• The company ships the products and pays compensation direct to the distributor

• The distributor markets products to people via face-to-face marketing

• The distributor find other distributors, and in turn training them in the system

• Distributors are rewarded not only for their own sales but also their leadership

Note: Distributors CAN and frequently do earn more than those who sponsored them – showing this is not a pyramid.

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Network marketing have different plan designs:

• Straight line

• Matrix

• Unilevel

• X-Up

• BinaryNot all of the above plan designs are sustainable in the long term, in some cases the company cannot sustain the plan, others are just to complex to understand.

Of these systems, the Binary model wins out for encouraging and supporting others, and is simple to understand.

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How do you choose which network marketing organisation:

• Products have wide appeal and benefit

• Stable and growing market resistant to downward price pressures

• Company is debt free

• Management team evidencing leadership

• Generous compensation plan

• Simple and duplicatable system

• Excellent training and support

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So why did James choose MonaVie?

Come visit us at Stand 324 and

Find out why James chose MonaVie

The fastest growing Network Marketing

Organisation ever

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