Manuscripts\biopsychosocial-pain-mgt-rjg-ndk.804\August 10, 2010 1 1 THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH TO PAIN MANAGEMENT Robert J. Gatchel, Ph.D., ABPP, Krista J. Howard, Ph.D. Candidate Department of Psychology, College of Science The University of Texas at Arlington and Nancy D. Kishino West Coast Spine Restoration Center, Riverside, CA

The Biopsychosocial Approach to Pain Management · Chronic pain is viewed as an illness which cannot be cured, but only managed. Therefore, the biopsychosocial perspective is directed

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Page 1: The Biopsychosocial Approach to Pain Management · Chronic pain is viewed as an illness which cannot be cured, but only managed. Therefore, the biopsychosocial perspective is directed

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Robert J. Gatchel, Ph.D., ABPP, Krista J. Howard, Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Psychology, College of Science

The University of Texas at Arlington


Nancy D. Kishino

West Coast Spine Restoration Center,

Riverside, CA

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“For all the happiness mankind can gain,

Is not in pleasure, but in rest from pain”

- John Dryden (1631-1700)

Given that pain affects approximately 50 million Americans, and the costs associated

with both the treatment of pain and lost productivity range from $70 to $100 billion annually 1, 2


the pursuit for understanding the underlying mechanisms of pain and identifying the best

possible treatment options has prevailed because of these staggering costs. Indeed, in a study

released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health

Statistics 3 1 in 4 U.S. adults reported a pain experience that lasted a full day during the previous

month, and 1 in 10 reported an experience of pain lasting a year or more. The study also

revealed that one-fifth of adults over the age of 65 reported pain that lasted more than 24 hours,

with three-fifths of these older adults reporting that their pain had lasted for more than 1 year.

Although pain research has traditionally focused on the sensory modalities and the

neurological transmissions identified solely on a biological level, more recent theories

(integrating the body, mind, and society) have been developed. The most heuristic perspective is

known as the biopsychosocial model, with pain viewed as a dynamic interaction among and

within the biological, psychological and social factors unique to each individual. Indeed, as

reported by Gatchel 4, Figure 1 presents a conceptual model of these interactive processes

involved in health and illness. Pain is not purely a perceptual phenomenon in that the initial

injury that has caused the pain also disrupts the body’s homeostatic systems which, in turn,

produce stress and the initiation of complex programs to restore homeostasis (to be discussed

later in this article). In this paper, we will also examine the following: the evolution of the

biopsychosocial perspective from earlier pain theories; the fundamental attributes associated with

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chronic pain conditions; and the biopsychosocial approach to the assessment and management of







The earliest theories of pain had focused primarily on the understanding of the biological

or pathophysiological component of pain. Cartesian Dualism, or separation of the mind and the

body, dates back to the 17th

century when Rene Descartes conceptualized pain as an exclusive

process within the sensory nervous system 5. At that time, diseases and illnesses were described

purely as mechanistic biological processes. Even without empirical evidence, it was conceived

that the experience of pain was conveyed directly to the brain from the skin, without any

psychosocial interplay. Termed biomedical reductionism, this point of view remained constant

through the late 19th

century. During the late 1800s, two additional theories arose, providing a

clearer conceptualization of the biological view of pain. The specificity theory of pain, put forth

by Maximilian von Frey in 1894, proposed that there were subcutaneous receptors unique to the

different types of sensory input 6. The distinctions between these receptors varied with respect to

their functionality, such that they were designed explicitly to allow for the interpretation of

sensations such as touch, temperature, pressure, or pain.

The pattern theory of pain, presented by Goldschneider in 1894, differed from von Frey’s

theory by stating that, not only were all subcutaneous receptors were alike, but the unique

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patterns of stimulation at the nerve endings were what distinguished the variability in the

interpretations of the sensory signals 6. It was assumed that the central nervous system was

responsible for coding these nerve impulse patterns that resulted in the pain experience.

Although this theory helped to explain incidences of phantom limb pain, which is described as

experiencing pain after the termination of the input, the pattern theory of pain disregards receptor

and fiber evidence which has come to fruition in recent developments.

Today, there is much more known about the different types and functions of receptors,

such that mechanoreceptors respond to touch and pressure, while thermoreceptors activate in

response to changes in temperature. Nociceptors are affiliated with pain perception and,

depending on the specific fiber (A or C) associated with the type of nociceptor (mechanical,

thermo-mechanical, or polymodal) stimulated, the perception of pain can range from sharp and

prickly, to burning or freezing 7.

Although the specificity and pattern theories of pain were fundamental in the

development of the understanding of biological modalities, the detachment from this dualistic

view corresponded with the lack of integration of mind-body phenomena. The lack of adequate

explanations for pain and suffering spurred the next advance in our understanding of nociception

and the individual experience of pain. In the 1960s, Melzack and Wall 8 postulated a more

integrative model—The Gate Control Theory of Pain. Although the underlying mechanisms of

this proposed theory are often debated, the implications that there is an interaction between the

psychosocial and physiological processes have been widely accepted 5.

The gate control theory of pain emphasized the significant role that psychosocial factors

potentially play in the perception of pain. The term gate-control refers to the proposed

mechanism of the substantia gelatinosa located in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Melzack and

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Wall 8 claimed that this gate-like function modulated the amount of afferent impulses from the

periphery to the transmission cells (T-cells) of the dorsal horn through inhibitory processes at the

neuronal level, and thereby controlling the quantity and intensity of the signals to the central

nervous system. Furthermore, it was posited that higher cortical functions contribute to this

gating mechanism, which allow for psychological phenomena to directly affect the subjective

experience of pain.

From a clinical perspective, Gatchel 5 suggests that the psychosocial component in the

gate control theory contributes a great deal in treating patients with pain. Negative states of

mind, such as helplessness, hopelessness and anger, tend to amplify the intensity of the sensory

input, while strategies focusing on coping and stress reduction help to “close” the gate. Also,

behaviors found to facilitate keeping this gate “open” include poor eating habits, smoking,

inadequate sleep, and lack of exercise. By promoting positive health behaviors, proactive

choices can be factors in lessening the perception of pain.

Compared to the earlier dualistic approaches to understanding pain, the gate control

theory can be viewed as the first mind-body perspective to introduce the integration of the

central nervous system with cognitive processes. An extension to this theory, termed the

Neuromatrix Model of Pain, was proposed by Melzack in 1999. The neuromatrix theory

incorporates the stress component into the pain equation. Based on the original work put forth

by Selye9, stress serves as a mechanism of adaptation, such that the body will respond to

challenging or dangerous situations in an attempt to lessen any problematic consequences. The

two neuroendocrine systems, the sympathetic-adrenomedullary system and the hypothalamic-

pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA), serve to activate this fight or flight system 10

. However,

hyperactivity of the HPA system can be seen to intensify the pain condition. When dealing with

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chronic pain, individuals experiencing elevated levels of stress may actually exacerbate the pain

experience. As stress intensifies pain, the increased level of pain, in turn, inevitably becomes a

stressor that continues to threaten homeostasis. Based on the theory provided by Melzack 11


each individual’s distinct neuromatrix, comprised from genetics, sensory modalities and

memory, determines the overall interpretation of the experience of pain 12



As the gate control and neuromatrix theories provided the opportunity to explore how the

mind-body relationship relates to the pain experience, the biopsychosocial perspective has

become the most heuristic approach to truly understanding the concept of pain. This approach

views a physical disorder as the result of an intricate and dynamic interaction among biological,

psychological and social factors that can often antagonize the pain condition. Individuals tend to

express variability in their pain experiences due to the range of physiological, psychological and

social factors that interact, which thereby modulate the interpretation of symptoms 5, 12


The biopsychosocial model was first introduced in medicine by Engel 13

when he

highlighted the fact that, as a medical illness became more chronic in nature, then psychosocial

“layers” (e.g., distress, illness behavior and the sick role) emerged to complicate assessment and

treatment. Subsequently, Loeser 14

, applied this model to pain (Figure 2). From this perspective,

there were four dimensions related to the idea of pain: nociception, pain, suffering and pain

behavior 5.




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Nociception refers to the physiological components associated with sensory input, such as

nerve receptors and fibers; and pain is described as a subjective perception resulting from

sensory input. While nociception and pain provide methods of communication to the central

nervous system, suffering and pain behavior, on the other hand, are described as reactions to

those signals that can be influenced by both previous experiences and anticipation of potential

consequences. Suffering can be seen as a negative affective response to nociception or pain.

Oftentimes, individuals who experience a painful encounter will exhibit various emotional

responses such as depression, anxiety and fear. Pain behavior is described in one’s actions while

suffering from pain. For example, fear of recurrence of injury often leads to inactivity which, in

turn, can delay the progression of recovery 5.

Similar to the distinction between nociception and pain, Turk and Monarch 12

identify the

differences between disease and illness in chronic pain patients. The term disease describes an

altered condition resulting from the disruption of normal physiological systems and is considered

to be an “objective, biological event.” Illness, on the other hand, refers also to the “subjective

experience” associated with the disease state represented by a unique interaction among

biological, psychological and social factors. Chronic pain is viewed as an illness which cannot be

cured, but only managed. Therefore, the biopsychosocial perspective is directed at the illness,

rather than the disease, and this approach focuses on the diversity and the individual differences

in the overall pain experience 5. Thus, a management, rather than a merely curative, approach is

taken. Indeed, most chronic illnesses, such as diabetes mellitus, asthma, essential hypertension,

etc. cannot be cured, but only managed.

Knowing that not all individuals who experience an injury develop a chronic pain

condition, it is important to recognize how an acute situation transitions to a chronic pain state.

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Acute pain is generally viewed as an indicator of tissue damage and is interpreted through

noxious sensations 7. In general, as the level of nociception decreases, the acute pain state

diminishes. While the individual experiencing acute pain may report an increased level of

anxiety, it is typically temporary. Anxiety, fear and worry in acute pain situations are often

viewed as being adaptive in that the negative emotions influence proactive recovery behaviors,

such as seeking medical care and attending to the injury.

An intermittent stage occurs following the acute phase, such that the pain condition is

seen to last for two to four months post injury. During this stage, the patient is described as

experiencing more psychological and behavioral distress, such as anger, somatization and

learned helplessness 15

. Chronic pain typically lasts for at least six months past the injury, which

surpasses the time for which general musculoskeletal disorders heal sufficiently 16

. Syndromes

producing long-term pain conditions are often associated with depression and resentment 17


Chronic pain patients frequently develop a “physical deconditioning syndrome” for which

atrophy, reflected by a decrease in strength, flexibility and stamina, is the product of neglect of

the injured area 18

. Along with the physical deconditioning component, chronic pain patients can

also be characterized with a “mental deconditioning” dilemma. As their emotional well-being is

compromised, these chronic pain patients often become avoidant and lose touch with their daily

responsibilities so that others in their social group need to not only “pick up the slack,” but also,

by doing so, reinforce the avoidant behaviors 19

. In this type of situation, chronic pain patients

are seen to lose motivation, specifically with their family, in their physical activities, and within

their careers. When the lack of motivation interferes with their occupation, the chronic pain

patient may also experience a significant financial burden, which can exacerbate the affective

state as well.

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The interwoven affiliation of the biological, psychological and social elements unique to

each chronic pain patient must be attended to if a full understanding of the situation is warranted.

Standard treatment protocols are found to be deficient if any one of these components is ignored

17. Because patients with the same diagnosis can respond differently to a standard treatment

protocol, the goal in the biopsychosocial approach to assessment and management is to tailor the

treatment to the specific needs of the individual.


The biopsychosocial approach to understanding pain has been identified as the most

successful model to date, in that it encapsulates the broader issues embedded in the interactions

among the biological, psychological and social components unique to each individual. Thus

said, the concept of pain cannot be broken down into discrete physical or psychosocial elements

17. Rather, the complexity of pain manifests not only within the range of psychological, social

and physical attributes, but also with respect to chronicity, such that these intertwined

components are seen to modulate the patient’s perception of pain and disability. The

biopsychosocial model, therefore, uses physical, psychological, social, cognitive, affective and

behavioral measures, along with their interactions, to best assess the individual’s unique pain

condition 17


A recent enhancement of this model is reflected in the better understanding of how the

neuroendocrine system affects the chronic pain condition 4, 5

. In addition to the impact of general

emotional distress, elevations of stress hormones produced by the hypothalamic-pituitary-

adrenocortical (HPA) system, such as cortisol, have been found to exacerbate pain conditions

(Figure 3). Earlier, McEwen 20

had highlighted the importance of evaluating cortisol

dysregulation under condition of allostatic load increases due to stress. Underlying mechanisms

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related to the HPS axis may therefore help to explain individual differences in stress and pain, as

well as other medical condition such as fibromyalgia. Indeed, several recent studies have

associated HPA dysfunction with chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue

syndrome, chronic pelvic pain 21

, temporomandibular pain disorder (TMD 22

), rheumatoid

arthritis and multiple sclerosis 23





Furthermore, growing technologies have allowed for a better understanding of the pain

experience through various modalities, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

and positron emission tomography (PET). These types of imaging techniques focus on the

displacement of blood flow within specified regions of the brain. Although there is some

controversy regarding the implications derived from imaging procedures, these non-invasive

technologies have provided knowledge about the anatomy and pathways related to the central

nervous system 24

. In addition to the brain imaging techniques, other developments in pain

research have been found in areas of genetics, electrophysiology, molecular biology and

pharmacology 24

. The unification of disciplines focused on pain provides the most effective

methods to understanding pain because it gives a comprehensive view of how the nervous

system perceives, deciphers and responds to pain 6, 24


When attempting to assess an individual’s pain condition, there are two essential

confounds or “traps” to avoid. First, although there are numerous pain assessments available, the

practitioner cannot assume that any one assessment will have more validity or reliability than

another measure. Secondly, while physical measures of pain are more objective than self-report

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instruments, both must be taken under consideration in the evaluation of the pain condition.

Regardless the level of accuracy in the objective analysis of pain, the interpretation on the part of

the health care professional must be considered for an adequate diagnosis to be made.

Furthermore, the individual’s psychological state can influence the performance on a physical

assessment, such that fear of re-injury and lack of motivation may affect the outcome measures


When considering the types of assessments to use, the measure is only valid if it is

aligned with the purpose at hand. Assessments used in chronic pain populations that focus solely

on biological and physiological aspects may not be valid in predicting impairment or disability

17. Not only is it important to consider each measure to be used but, moreover, to be able to

identify how the various tools assimilate into a complete analysis of the individual’s pain

condition. A step-wise approach to assessment has been advised, beginning with a general

evaluation of the factors under consideration, leading up to a more definitive diagnosis 25

. By

taking this multidimensional view, the biopsychosocial approach to assessment will lead not only

to a better understanding of the patient’s pain condition, but ultimately will lead to a

comprehensive treatment protocol customized to the individual’s unique situation.


As noted earlier, similar to other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or asthma, a chronic

pain condition cannot be cured, but it can be managed. Due to the heterogeneity with respect to

the biological and psychosocial elements within a chronic pain population, not only is greater

diversification of treatment options necessary, it is essential to properly match the treatment to

the patient. Because two patients with the same diagnosis differ in physical, social and

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psychological compositions, “lumping” these patients into the same treatment program will not

likely produce the best outcomes compared to a tailored treatment regimen 5.

The overall outcome goal when treating patients which chronic pain conditions is

improving functional capacity, which correlates with better physical strength and mobility, along

with an improved affective state and self-esteem. Depending on the circumstances and duration

of the injury, there are different levels of care, specifically primary, secondary and tertiary care,

for patients experiencing pain. The focus of primary care is to relieve the symptoms associated

with the acute pain condition while increasing movement and functionality in the affected area

26. In general, the psychological factors addressed in primary care settings correspond to

alleviating any anxiety or fear associated with the occurrence of pain. At this phase, it is

important to educate the patient about medication compliance and following the prescribed

exercise protocol in order to expedite the healing process.

Most patients who incur an injury recover well following the primary care treatment.

When psychological factors and social issues merge with the physiological impairment, though,

a more integrated rehabilitation process is necessary to help the patient avoid entering into a full

chronic pain condition. Commonly, a subset of the injured population finds recuperation to be

difficult at the level of primary care, and will therefore require an expanded treatment program

for their injury, which is called secondary care. At this level, an interdisciplinary team works

together to help the patient to prevent physical deconditioning and to reduce psychological

barriers that interfere with recovery. Most patients for whom primary care is not sufficient

experience positive outcomes following secondary care 27


Some patients do not respond well to either primary or secondary care for reasons

relating to poor physical and psychological recovery, or other factors such as legal and work-

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related issues that may contribute to more pronounced emotional distress. Functional restoration,

which is a form of tertiary care, has been developed for this chronic pain population. The focus

of functional restoration is to avert permanent disability by utilizing a biopsychosocial approach.

Within the scope of this treatment, the patient receives assistance from an interdisciplinary team

of health care professionals, often including, but not limited to, a primary care physician, a

psychiatrist or psychologist, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a disability case

manager. Together, this team develops a comprehensive plan to help the patient not only regain

mobility and function, but also to teach the patient stress management techniques and coping

skills necessary for dealing with any lifestyle or work issues that develop as a result of the pain

and impairment 28

. Oftentimes, chronic pain patients admitted to a tertiary care program are

found to be reliant on their pain medications. Although relief from pain symptoms is an

appropriate course of action in the primary and secondary care programs, substance use,

specifically opioid dependency, is far too common 29

. In most functional restoration programs,

detoxification is found to be an essential part of treatment which is found to produce positive

lifetime outcomes.

Following sufficient assessment measures and the resultant tailored treatment regimen, it

is necessary to routinely evaluate the progress of the patient and amend or modify the program

when deemed appropriate. The interdisciplinary team should meet together on a regular basis to

discuss each patient’s progress. It is through effective communication, not only within the

medical team, but also with the patient, that the biopsychosocial approach to pain management is

successful 17


Functional restoration programs have repeatedly been shown to produce positive

outcomes within the chronic pain population. It is through this biopsychosocial approach to pain

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management that patients experiencing chronic pain are able to regain mobility and function, to

improve psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety, and to allow the patient to

return to normal life activities. Besides decreasing self-reported pain and disability, as well as

increasing physical functioning, this functional restoration approach (first developed by Mayer &


) has also produced substantive improvement in various important socioeconomic

outcome measures (e.g., return-to-work and resolution of outstanding medical issues). For

example, in patients who were chronically disabled with spinal disorders, Mayer, Gatchel et al. 30

found that 87% of the functional restoration group was actively working two years after

treatment, as compared with only 41% of a non-treatment comparison group. Moreover, about

twice as many of the comparison group patients had both additional spine surgery and unsettled

workers’ compensation legal cases, relative to the treatment group. The comparison group

continued with an approximately five-times-higher rate of patient visits to health care

professionals and higher rates of recurrence or re-injury. Thus, these results displayed the

striking impact that a functional restoration program can have on these important measures in a

chronic pain group consisting primarily of workers’ compensation patients (traditionally the

most difficult cases to treat successfully).

The effectiveness of this original functional restoration program has been independently

replicated by Hazard et al.31

and Patrick, Ahmaier, and Found32

in the United States.

Randomized controlled trials demonstrating positive outcomes include: Bendix et al.33


Bendix and Bendix34

in Denmark; Hildebrandt, Pfingsten, Saur, and Jansen35

in Germany;

Corey, Koepfler, Etlin, and Day36

in Canada; Jousset et al.37

in France; and Shirado, Ito,

Kikumoto et al.38

in Japan. The fact that different clinical treatment teams, functioning in

different states and different countries, with markedly different economic and social conditions

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and workers' compensation systems, produced comparable positive outcome results speaks

highly for the robustness of the research findings and utility, as well as the fidelity, of this

approach to pain management in occupational settings. Gatchel and Mayer 39

have further

reviewed this evidence.

This functional restoration approach has also been found to be effective with chronic

upper extremity disorders.40

In addition, this type of approach has been found to be an effective

early intervention treatment for preventing chronic disability. For example, in a randomized

controlled study, acute low-back-pain patients who were identified as “high risk” for developing

chronic back pain disability were randomly assigned to an early functional restoration group or a

treatment-as-usual group,41

The functional restoration group displayed significantly fewer

indexes of chronic pain disability at 1-year follow-up on a wide range of work, healthcare

utilization, medication use, and self-reported pain variables. For example, the functional

restoration group was less likely to be taking narcotic analgesics (odds ratio = 0.44), and also less

likely to be taking psychotropic medications (odds ratio = 0.24). Moreover, the treatment-as-

usual group was less likely to have returned to work (odds ratio = 0.55). The cost-comparison

savings data from this study were also quite impressive: The treatment-as-usual group cost twice

as much as the functional restoration group over a 1-year period.

Besides functional restoration, there have been a host of other studies demonstrating the

treatment effectiveness of interdisciplinary pain-management programs (based on the

biopsychosocial model) in general in successfully treating various other prevalent chronic pain

syndromes. In fact, Gatchel and Okifuji 42

comprehensively reviewed the literature in

demonstrating the therapeutic- and cost-effectiveness of such comprehensive programs, relative

to simple, single-modality approaches such as pharmacotherapy, surgery, injections, etc., on a

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number of measures (see Table 1), as well as on the important variable of return-to-work (see

Table 2).




This has led Guzman and colleagues 43

to conclude, on the basis of a comprehensive Cochrane

Review, that

“There was strong evidence that intensive multidisciplinary biopsychosocial

rehabilitation with functional restoration improves function when compared with

inpatient or outpatient non-multidisciplinary treatment.”


Due to the high prevalence of chronic pain conditions, that results either from injury or

disease, identifying and implementing the most effective treatment options available is a primary

concern. Although the biological mechanisms associated with pain have been recognized and

accepted, the biopsychosocial approach to understanding and managing pain is the most heuristic

approach available. The pain experience can be viewed from a systematic perspective, so that as

the biological condition worsens, psychological and social factors follow, that need also be

managed. It emphasizes the unique interactions among biological, psychological, and social

factors that need to be considered to better understand pain syndromes. Thus, treating the

“whole” person is far more important than focusing merely on a disease. Managing the illness is

the most appropriate approach to take. By using the appropriate assessments to adopt the most

suitable interdisciplinary treatment program, the chronic pain patient is far more likely to regain

function and to show vast improvements in his/her quality of life. Indeed, this biopsychosocial

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approach to pain has led to the development of the most therapeutic- and cost-effective

interdisciplinary pain management programs, that far exceed in their effectiveness any of the

earlier overly simplistic biomedical reductionist approaches to the treatment of pain.

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Table 1. Outcomes for Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programs (IPRPs) Compared to

Other Care (from Gatchel & Okifuji, 2006 42

and Turk, 2002 44

, as summarized by



Criteria IPRP Other Care

Pain reduction ± ±

Reduction of medication + -

Reduction of health care


+ ?

Return-to-work _ -

Increased activity + +?

Closure disability claims + ?

Iatrogenic consequences - +

Cost benefit + -?

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Table 2. Rates of Return-to-Work for IPRP 45

Study % RTW IPRP % RTW Controls

Roberts & Reinhardt, 1980 77 5

Sturgis et al., 1984 29 14

Duckro et al., 1985 71 33

Guck et al., 1985 75 25

Finlayson et al., 1986 65 44

Mayer et al., 1987 87 41

Hazard et al., 1989 81 29

Tollison et al., 1989 56 27

Sachs et al., 1990 63 42

Deardorff et al., 1991 48 0

Tollison, 1991 57 20

Feuerstein et al., 1993 74 40

Tyre et al., 1994 86 --

Bendix et al., 1996 64 29

Hildebrandt et al., 1997 62 --

Pfingsten et al., 1997 63 --

Vending et al., 2000 65 --

Rivero-Anas et al., 2005 24 20

Schiltenwolf et al., 2006 59 10

Norrefalk et al., 2007 52 13

Total 63% 24.5%

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Figure 1

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Figure 2.

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Figure 3.









HPA Axis