THE WORLD CONNECTED TO THE BIBLE Launched globally, the Biblia Plus app arrives so that the Word of God is within reach of everyone, especially the new generation. ISSUE 251 – MAY-JULY 2016 – YEAR 69

The Bible in Brazil - # 251

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TO THE BIBLELaunched globally, the Biblia Plus app arrives

so that the Word of God is within reach of everyone, especially the new generation.

ISSUE 251 – MAY-JULY 2016 – YEAR 69

Every baby delivered by Dr. Zaira Dhein receives a special gift: an illustrated copy of the Holy Scriptures.

Dr. Zaira Dhein, a Gynecologist and Obstetrician in the city of Carazinho (State of Rio Grande do Sul), gives every baby she delivers a special present: an illustrated copy of the Holy Bible. The idea is that when the children grow up they will know who helped them to be born, since, as she pointed out, many parents did not know how to tell this to their kids. The doctor, an active member of the Baptist Church who runs her own ministry, bought the first Bibles in a meeting of the Women's Association in Rio de Janeiro about eight years ago. And she has not stopped since then.

In the beginning, only her patients received the present. Then she started to purchase, at her own expense, publications from Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) in order to distribute them to every newborn in hospital during her shifts. "And they are always illustrated Bibles because the goal is to encourage parents to tell the stories to their children," explains Dr. Dhein.

In addition to being a memento of the birth, the present has the purpose of leaving a message. "When I was a member of the Gideons, I felt the desire to leave something for the children. Then God inspired me and I began to distribute the Bible," she recalls. She always writes the same dedication: the name of the child followed by the words "I helped you to be born. Jesus Christ is the one who can give you true life, eternal life. With affection, Dr. Dhein." And then she dates it.

"When I give the Bible, I always say that is a small gift to the babies I deliver so they can know who helped them to be born, so parents can tell stories and introduce them to Jesus," says the doctor. And the practice has been well received. "I ran into a father in the hallway and he said that he had read a good part of the book while the mother and the baby were in recovery. There are several testimonies by parents who read the Bible because it is the biblical text, and not book for children," she believes.

Dr. Dhein, who has been working as a doctor for 36 years in the town of Carazinho, also receives requests from mothers whose children she delivered some time ago and did not get the present. "It's a commotion when the new sibling arrives at home with the book," she jokes. She has distributed books to more than 30 newborns just in the first three months of 2016. "I consider them opportunities we seize to spread the Gospel. In general, I always write the dedication while I'm praying for the children to really understand in the future that Jesus can give life to them," concludes the doctor.



Barbara, who gave

birth to Anthony

Miguel, received an

illustrated copy of the

Bible from Dr. Zaira

Dhein who has been

giving this present

to her patients

for eight years..

The Bible in Brazil 3


Guided by the faith in God, the Hellenic Bible Society faces the challenge of bringing the Word of God to the people of Greece.

A profound faith in God has guided the steps of the Hellenic Bible Society (HBS) in facing all kinds of turbulence. Established in Greece, an European country located in the Balkans, with a population of approximately 11 million, the organization strives to spread the Word of God in the midst of a severe economic crisis, and a humanitarian one as well, caused by the growing numbers of refugees from the Middle East seeking better living conditions.

HBS was founded in 1992, but the work for the Bible Cause had been developed in Greece since 1819 through the British & Foreign Bible Society. Currently, the organization is headquartered in Athens and has a General Assembly consisting of members from the three major ecclesiastical denominations: Greek Orthodox Christians, Protestants and Catholics.

The economic instability that hit the country in recent years has dramatically reduced HBS sales, the main income source of the organization that is struggling to survive in a social and business environment characterized by a continuous reduction of wages, the closure of businesses and the rise of unemployment. "The situation is very difficult and only a miracle can improve things. But we have deep faith and trust that God will show us ways of overcoming the crisis, always in His glory," says Michail Chatzigiannis, the General Secretary.

The lack of financial resources and personnel limits HBS' activities. "However we are constantly trying to meet the demand for Scriptures from different organizations that receive and assist immigrants wanting to offer something else in addition of basic

materials: the Word of God," says the General Secretary.

Recently, HBS' efforts were rewarded with the Annie Valloton Award. "This brought us great joy, since it was recognition of our strategy of producing original children's books that became a reality through the Kallistratos series," explains the General Secretary.

The main character of the award-winning books is Kallistratos who entertains children with stories based on New Testament parables, conveying the message of Jesus in a modern, creative and educational way. Another project in progress is the Gospel commentary, targeting once again young people.

Over the years, HBS has worked in close cooperation with the Greek Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church by developing joint publications and projects. The organization also develops translation projects, such as that of the Old Testament from the Septuagint, the official liturgical text for the Greek Orthodox Church, and is working on a Study Bible. "There's no publication like this in our country, so it will become an important tool for a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and their message," concludes Michail Chatzigiannis.


Children responded

with great enthusiasm

to the Hellenic Bible

Society's illustrated

series The Stories of

Kallistratos, which tell

the parables through

a main character

and a central story

in the style of fairy

tales. Some children

even staged a play

about the parables.

The series received

positive reviews in

January 2015.


o: S


4 The Bible in Brazil

The movement A Bible in Every Home is very successful in the town of Blumenau with the distribution of more than 36 thousand Scriptures.

An initiative that aims to reach 50 million homes by 2050, the movement A Bible in Every Home keeps attracting supporters across Brazil. In Blumenau (State of Santa Catarina), the distribution of Scriptures joined together the churches and Christians committed to making God's Word touch the hearts of every resident. The activity was coordinated by Cristian Dunker, a dentist who, on his own initiative, contacted the organizers from Young People with a Mission and Bible Society of Brazil (SBB).

Dunker felt the desire of blessing the homes of Blumenau with the Holy Bible in late 2013 when he learned about the activity in another town through social media. In January 2014, he began to hold regular meetings with Pastors from his hometown, mobilizing more and more support.

The President of SBB's local Chapter, Wagner Linderson Teixeira, who is from Blumenau, facilitated the process of contacting evangelical leaders. In all, 140 churches participated in the project that distributed

more than 36,000 copies of Bibles in the New Translation in Today's Language (NTLH) from September to December 2015.

According to Dunker, the alliance of churches in Blumenau was one of the main factors for the activity to be successful. "The respect for denomination differences paved the road to reach first pastors, then the churches, and finally the rest of the town," he says.

Walter Eidam, SBB's Regional Secretary, shares the same opinion. "The credibility of SBB and Young People with a Mission, together with the Pastors' Commission and the leadership of a lay person made the initiative successful, and all the churches considered the project included the vision of the Kingdom, but without interfering with doctrines," he explains.

According to Linderson Wagner Teixeira, the movement in Blumenau will help to make things easier for other towns and chapters interested in the project. "This experience produced a very organic movement, without the image of any institutions, that was able to prudently deal with the most diverse interests," he concludes.




at Christian


Church, Blumenau

(State of Santa

Catarina). More

than 36,000 Bibles

were distributed

in the town.


o: S



The Bible in Brazil 5


SBB' campaign, which includes a special edition of the Bible, highlights core values for families, Churches and the Country.

"Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord; happy are the people he has chosen for his own!" Psalm 33:12 (GNT) This Bible verse from the Book of Psalms was the inspiration for Bible Society of Brazil's (SBB) Change Brazil through the Bible campaign, whose objective is to mobilize Christian churches work with evangelization and awareness. The idea is to make the Brazilian population reflect on their behavior by using the teachings and examples from the Word of God as a basis. Therefore, SBB has prepared a special Bible edition that highlights core values for families, Churches and the Country.

"As we look at recent events in Brazil, one of the most troubling findings is that, in a country whose population is mostly Christian, there are so many ethical problems. In order to contribute to the construction of a different Brazil, SBB decided to organize this campaign and prepare the new publication," explains Erní Seibert, SBB's Communications & Social Outreach Secretary, pointing out that the goal is not to deal with ideological issues, but rather to show how the Bible is able to help at all times and situations.

The campaign aims to show how to lead a Christian life in society. So the edition contains a special selection of verses about 15 key values: Love, Education, Hope, Faith & Confidence, Honesty, Humility, Integrity, Justice, Peace, Forgiveness, Wisdom & Prudence, Solidarity, Work, Union, and Truth. "There is a recommendation of a group of Bible texts for each one of these values. By reflecting on the suggested texts, readers will have the opportunity to learn, or relearn, valuable simple lessons that can change our

life and our relationship with God and our neighbors," summarizes Paulo Teixeira, SBB's Translation & Publishing Secretary, who is in charge of the new title.

The publication was developed to be distributed in large scale by the churches throughout this year so that they can use it in their evangelization work. "For example, each of the values covered in this edition can be used as the message of a service," suggests Teixeira.

The edition will feature two options of cover, both referring to Brazil and the importance of all Brazilians fostering these values to change not only their lives, but also their families and the society as a whole. The Bible, in paperback format, can be acquired in cartons with 20 copies for R$100.00 (about $30.00 US). "We hope that Churches take part in this nationwide campaign. If every church distributes at least one package with these Bibles, and encourage people to read them, we believe that this could change Brazil into a fairer country according to God's will," concludes Seibert


6 The Bible in Brazil

THE WORLD CONNECTED TO THE BIBLEThe multilingual application Biblia Plus was launched globally by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in order to encourage the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures and attract, especially, new generations.

The United Bible Societies (UBS) World Assembly, held from May 12 to and 18 in Philadelphia (USA), was marked by a long-awaited special event: the global launch of Biblia Plus, the app that effectively uses digital technology as a support to bring the Word of God to every nation. The project, developed by the United Bible Societies (UBS), will offer the Scriptures in different translations, in languages and spellings adopted by more than 200 countries, all in a single platform within reach through a smartphone or tablet. Rudi Zimmer, Chairman of UBS' Global Board and SBB's Executive Director, points out that UBS not only is devoted to translating the Word of God, but also to making it available in every format that can reach Christians. "And today there is no doubt that digital formats are increasingly popular and familiar to a growing number of people," he says.

The app was initially launched in Portuguese in Brazil as My Bible SBB offering for the first time the free download of the popular Almeida Revised & Updated (RA) translation, and now includes versions of the Bible text in Spanish and English, together with the 11

official languages of South Africa and the two official languages of Norway. It also includes several other languages like French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean and the three major tongues from Nigeria — Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba —, among other languages spoken by populations served by UBS.

Zimmer reiterated the importance of the Bible reaching everyone, but mainly young Christians. "Without a doubt, the new generation is more involved with digital formats. Therefore, thinking about Jesus, who became a human being to reach everyone with his Word, it is essential that the Bible is be made available in all formats that can, somehow, reach every human being," he says.

The offer of Bible translations in digital formats, as Zimmer points out, is part of the strategy of expanding the access to the Word of God


The Bible in Brazil 7

and encouraging the involvement of the new generation. Another aspect highlighted by the Chairman of UBS' Global Board is that the convergence of resources from several Bible Societies enabled, on one hand, a more accelerated progress of the global project. On the other hand, the almost simultaneous launch of application in several parts of the world expedites the learning curve. And he concludes: "All of it will lead to improvements and greater efficiency in the use of digital formats to spread God's Word."

Challenges OvercomeThe real challenge, according to Paulo

Teixeira, SBB's Translation & Publishing Secretary and responsible for the development of the pilot project, was structuring the application so that it could be well received and worked with the largest possible number of languages and contexts.

Teixeira says that, in addition to overall acceptability, the platform still had to be light and flexible enough to satisfy the possibilities, preferences and local needs of Bible readers. "The time invested in planning was essential to achieve the expected result," he says, adding that other Bible Societies are increasingly adopting

the project, proving that all the

efforts made by SBB were worth. Several features and content have been

developed in order to make it easier to understand the Scriptures, including definitions of key terms and expressions in the Bible, as well as devotional reading plans. Nelson Saba, UBS' Digital Strategies Coordinator, points out, for example, that the Biblia Plus app , first launched in Brazil with the name My Bible SBB, will now be available globally with a single name, thus enabling readers of the Portuguese language living in other countries to be reached as well.

"We've noticed that 40% of downloads in Portuguese occur outside Brazil, in places such as the United States and Japan," says Saba, anticipating that Brazilian communities in other countries will probably be very benefited by the app. He also emphasizes that many Bible Societies indicated that they will adopt the application, so he estimates that within 12 to 18 months it will be possible to reach more than 93 countries of the Fellowship and then reach all countries within three years.

According to Saba, the greatest challenge in adopting digital technology is culture. He believes that Bible Societies over the last 200 years have led the dissemination of the Bible through the print version, and now they must make structural changes to enhance its mission by incorporating digital formats and achieve global reach. The potential for success is huge: "Today, 45% of the world populations are connected to the Internet,

and it is estimated that by 2020 more than 80% of adults in the planet will own

a smartphone, which is used on average from two to

four hours daily."

8 The Bible in Brazil

O�ine content

Download the free app

Available in multiple languages

Available for iOS and Android

New FeaturesBiblia Plus has new features for the global

launch in comparison with the app launched in Brazil: additional content from Study Bibles, such as introductions, charts and specific articles; a font control panel on the Bible text screen that enables readers to change and resize fonts; and screen background controls, for example, black, to save battery, and sepia, to feel like reading a printed book.

"Another new feature is the verse browser, requested by the App users," says Elismar Vilvock, SBB's Digital Products Development Manager, pointing out also that the app's performance and offline reading option are constantly being improved. After the worldwide launch, every update and new content will be available globally.

Vilvock reveals that some special projects have already been requested by the Fellowship. The Netherlands Bible Society, for example, requested the development of a white label app to be used in its website subscription service. Furthermore, there are parallel projects that are being developed together with other Bible Societies as part of UBS' digital strategy, to be published through the App.

Best ExpectationsBible Societies around the world are waiting

Biblia Plus as a way to reach, mainly, the

new generations. Saúl Sosa, Bible Society of Guatemala's General Secretary and President of Latin American Center for the Development & Promotion of the Scriptures (CELADEPE), is enthusiastic about having an app tailored to Latin American nations.

Sosa believes that the app will enhance the image of Bible Societies. But he points out "The greatest challenge in launching the app is to carry out a campaign to promote it and adapt it to each country". Jae Min ho, Korean Bible Society's General Secretary, says that many apps already offer the Bible text, but UBS' app is creating great expectation because of its multimedia resources. "We have already developed two Bible apps for iOS and Android smartphones, and another Study Bible app for iPad," tells Jae Min Ho, expressing the wish that the launch of Biblia Plus can strategically help to complement and strengthen existing materials and spread God's Word in an effective way to the population, in particular young people.

According to Jae Min Ho, almost the entire population in Korea has a smartphone or access to mobile devices, and even children in daycare centers and elementary schools are able to use them. "So, we hope that this tool can be an invitation to read, meditate on and live the Word of God," he says.

Dirk Gevers, Bible Society of South Africa's Executive Director, also believes the app will be



• Text Control Panel right on the reading screen. • Users can change or resize the font, change the background, justify the text, hide the numbers of verses, and enable/disable the Words of Jesus in red.• New Study Bibles contents: Introductions to books and study topics/articles, included in printed Study Bibles.

• Improved offline mode. Now the app can determine more accurately the quality of the connection and decide whether to access the online or offline content.• When downloading a Bible, users can cancel the download and delete a downloaded Bible to save storage space.• With the Highlight and Share options users can select more than one Bible verse.

The Bible in Brazil 9

O�ine content

Download the free app

Available in multiple languages

Available for iOS and Android

well received. "Most of our titles are currently available on YouVersion's app, so we only expect a gradual adoption of UBS's app," he says, adding that the new tool's additional resources may enhance the Bible reading experience.

One of the points that may encourage the app's adoption, according to Gevers, is that Bible readers up to 40 years old are looking for a convenient way to read and study the Scriptures in quality digital devices.

One of the benefits of the app identified by Gevers is the sustainable digital distribution

platform that both promotes and makes it easier to engage with the Scriptures by providing additional reference materials, as well as the opportunity for Bible Societies to work together, crossing borders to achieve Diaspora communities, in addition to providing an additional channel to connect with local populations.

10 The Bible in Brazil


The 12th Bible Forum will pay tribute to UBS, an organization devoted to disseminating the Scriptures in the language that speaks to the hearts of everyone.

Eagerly awaited every year by Christians, the Bible Forum will reach its 12th edition on August 25 and 26, at Barueri Event Center–Bible Museum, in Barueri (State of São Paulo). For 2016, Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) chose the theme "Bible Translation: An Unfinished Task," highlighting the efforts undertaken in Brazil and around the world to bring the Word of God to all people in their own languages.

The theme was chosen as a tribute to the 70 years of the United Bible Societies (UBS). The movement of the Bible Societies started in 1804, but it was only in 1946 that 13 Bible Societies formalized the cooperation. And it will also be a way to celebrate the meeting of UBS' General Assembly, an event that takes place every six years in a different continent. The city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), hosted the last meeting in May 2016. "This movement is responsible for most Bible translations available around the world," points

out Erní Seibert, SBB's Communications & Social Outreach Secretary and Coordinator of the Forum.

TalksThe speakers who will address the audience

during the two days of the Forum are already defined. Check below the main points they will highlight.

The Challenge of Bible Translation into Minority Languages in Brazil and Worldwide, by José Carlos Alcântara, Missionary of

the National Baptist Bible Communion and member of the Brazilian Transcultural Missions Association's Board. One of the leading scholars when it comes to Bible translation into native languages of Brazil, the speaker will present an updated overview


The Bible in Brazil 11

of this kind of work and the great challenges it faces.

Overview of Bible Translations around the world, by Esteban Voth. Doctor of Hebrew Letters, and United Bible Societies' Translation Training Director. He will present at the Forum the latest

information about translations around the world by showing a map of ongoing projects and what are the challenges and opportunities in this field.

The Revision of the Almeida Revised & Updated Translation, by Vilson Scholz, SBB Translation Consultant. The João Ferreira de Almeida Revised & Updated is the favorite Holy Bible translation

among Brazilians. Considered a classic, the translation is being revised once again after 60 years, in an effort coordinated by Scholz, Doctor of New Testament Studies, in partnership with the churches that use this version. At the Forum, the audience will learn how this revision is being done and will be able to see that it is possible to improve something that is already very good.

Bringing the Bible to Middle East through TV, by Lars-Göran Gustafsson, International Representative for South America of SAT 7, a Christian network of satellite TV. Bible translation is directly

related to the evangelization work. The Middle East is one of the most difficult regions of the world to spread the Gospel. Therefore, a local group of Christians, supported by others from several parts of the world, spreads the Word of God through TV. The talk will be an opportunity to learn more about this ministry and the difficulties faced and sensibilities involved in this task.

The Bible App and How It Is Used by Churches, by Paschoal Piragine, President Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Curitiba (State of Paraná). In the first 15 Centuries after Christ, copies

of the Bible were handwritten. With the advent of the press, copies were multiplied, and, in recent years, with the development of digital technologies, the Bible is present on computers, tablets and cell phones. Everyone can have their own copy with them the time. Churches, however, have been facing some difficulties to use these tools. Paschoal Piragine has been using this technology for a long time in his ministry. At the Forum, he will share his experience and encourage the audience to use digital resources.

Challenges to the Bible from New Trends in Society, by Erní Walter Seibert, Doctor of Religion Studies; SBB's Communications & Social Outreach Secretary and United Bible Societies'

Chief Communications Officer. Seibert will analyze the major changes and challenges the Bible Cause faces in around the world, from changes in demographics to cultural and religious transformations.

New Releases, by Paulo Teixeira, SBB's Translation & Publishing Secretary, who will introduce the new titles targeting different segments of the population. The Bible Forum, attended by more than

500 people in 2015, is open to Theology, Religious Studies and Linguistics teachers and students, as well as to other Bible scholars, religious leaderships and Christians in general.

12th Bible ForumDate: August 25 & 26, 2016Time: 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Where: Barueri Event Center/Bible Museum – Avenida Pastor Sebastião Davino dos Reis, 672, VilaPorto, Barueri (State of São Paulo) Registration: R$40.00 (equivalent to the price of two Bibles) and R$20.00 for Pastors and Seminarians Information: (+55-11) 3474-5827 or through the website https://goo.gl/4KYGWS

12 The Bible in Brazil


A title that includes ready sermons together with the Bible text. That is the Pentecostal Preacher's Bible, launched by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) in order to offer pastor assistants a practical tool with rich content for the practice of the Christian ministry. There are 1,002 biblical sermons, specially prepared by the Theologian and Pastor Erivaldo de Jesus, to help and guide those who preach to diversified audiences and in different occasions.

"This publication will help preachers from Pentecostal denominations to deliver messages with good biblical content in a balanced and involving way. It includes more than one thousand well structured drafts for a cohesive and coherent biblical preaching, thus allowing Preachers to adapt the content to the context of the audience," explains Paulo Teixeira, SBB's Translation & Publishing Secretary.

The sermons address each of the 66 books of the Bible, in addition to dealing with

suggested themes for preaching God's Word during conventions of pastors, meetings of pastor assistants, Sunday schools, meetings for women, and general festivities of the Church. Each sermon is subdivided into several topics and Bible references about the addressed topic, and includes three key elements of the principles of homiletics, the art of preaching: introduction, explanation and conclusion.

The title also offers a basic course in Theology consisting of 12 theological matters, which will provide some idea about this science and its importance for the spiritual, intellectual and biblical growth of all Holy Bible students.

"The purpose of these sermons and theological resources is not to add anything to the Word of God, because the Holy Text doesn't need any additions. In a society where people are always busy and with no time to study, a Bible with ready sermons and additional resources can make the lives of millions of

people easier," believes Pastor Erivaldo. At age 44, he has been preaching since he was 13 years old and has devoted three decades to studying and researching the Holy Scriptures.

According to him, the partnership with SBB will allow the title to reach the hands of everyone who loves the Holy Bible. "God answered to my heart's desire and also that of millions of preachers worldwide. The Pentecostal Preacher's Bible will be a true oasis in the desert for several thousands of pastor assistants working for our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world," he celebrates.

Code: ARC085TIBPPBinding: Synthetic leather coverFormat: 15,2 X 22.9 cm (6 X 9 in.) Price: R$144.90


The Bible in Brazil 13

SBB designed the publication, whose revision took four years to complete.

The evangelization of the Kayapó people resulted in the New Testament translation used in more than 80 villages scattered around the north of the State of Mato Grosso and the south of the State of Pará, with a total population of 15 thousand. Now, a new edition, designed by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB), was released after an update and revision project that lasted four years.

"SBB was aware of the project since the beginning, and offered to design and coordinate the production of this New Testament's new edition," tells Paulo Teixeira, SBB's Translation & Publishing Secretary. This unique publication will contribute to reach more Kayapós with the biblical text, especially children and teenagers.

With 832 pages, the Kayapó New Testament initial print run was of 4,100 copies. It includes resources such as 16 pages of colored illustrations on coated paper, in addition to maps on the initial and final flyleaves.

Lives TransformedThe Kayapós were brave

warriors feared by other tribes. The first evangelization attempt ended in tragedy: in 1935, Kayapó warriors killed three missionaries from Great Britain. Horácio Banner and his wife then took on the challenge. After being well accepted by the tribe, they could, at last, spread the Word of God. The

work continued with the arrival of Hélio Trapp and his family in 1956.

Ruth Thomson, a graduate from Toronto Bible College in Canada, arrived in Brazil in the mid-1960s, with Miriam Stout from the Wycliffe organization, and had an important impact on the Kayapós. She and other missionaries, members of the Christian Evangelical Mission of Brazil, learned the Kayapó language, helped to found local churches and carried out literacy and health care activities.

"Some of these missionaries still live with the Kayapós today," says Ruth. Together with Hélio Trapp, she collaborated with the translation of the New Testament, which took 30 years, and even helped to translate parts of the Old Testament, the Jesus movie, literacy primers, and other materials.

The Kayapós "pay" the New Testament they receive by memorizing 50 Bible verses. "It's touching to see the Kayapós holding services in their own language, all painted as it's their custom, using their New Testaments not only to preach, but integrated into their daily lives and in Bible studies," concludes Ruth.



The first evangelization attempt

After being well accepted by

verses. "It's touching


AN EVEN BETTER ONLINE STOREInnovations in the B2C channel make it easier to purchase publications from Bible Society of Brazil. Some of the new features are the integrated login to social media and the new search tools.

Since late March, the online purchase of publications produced by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) is even easier, more secure and agile with the enhanced SBB DotCom store (www.sbb.com.br). The innovations range from improved login and navigation, to new payment methods. Some services have been improved, such as product search and the availability of the same item in print and digital versions.

The login screen is now integrated to the social media networks Facebook and Linkedin. Therefore, customers now have the option of accessing the store not needing to create a new password. They can simply use

the email and password they already use on one of those social networks. "The integration of digital media is a trend seen worldwide and is now offered to our customers as well," says Marcos G. F. da Silva, SBB's Distribution & Coordination of Regional Offices Secretary.

Thanks to the Responsive Design technology, you can use any device or browser to access the website, which is automatically adjusted to the characteristics of the screen of tablets and smartphones.

One characteristic of the new website is the increased agility to purchase publications. Items are added to the shopping cart without the user leaving the screen being viewed. "From

The Bible in Brazil 15


the home or category page, the customer adds the desired quantity of products to the cart," explains Marcos G. F. da Silva.

The checkout process is also more practical, offering information concentrated on a single page. "As long as the customer is logged in to the store, it will be possible to do everything from one screen, even changing the shipping address, or the shipping and payment method," explains the Secretary.

Two Stores in OneSBB DotCom also has a great new

capability. Now it has a "window" displaying

all SBB products in digital format. So users can learn about the publications that are available in the App and ePub formats, and then be directed to the organizations' partner stores that sell publications in these formats, including Google Play, Apple's App Store and Amazon.

Another distinguishing feature is that users can know when a publication is available in both print and digital formats. "This way, our customers can choose how they prefer to read and study that title," observes SBB's Distribution & Coordination of Regional Offices Secretary.

Check Out What's New• Product Viewing: A new sorting method enables similar titles to be displayed in sequence. On the product page, users can check if that item has different covers, translations and formats, which are displayed on the right bottom of the screen. New buttons (+/-) allow users to select the desired quantity to purchase, without using the keyboard. Quick and practical, this functionality is available on the home page, the product category page, the product detail page, the mini-cart and the shopping cart.• Search Panel for Publication Characteristics: This feature allows users to refine the search by translation, format or font size, among other options. The advanced search tool will scan all characteristics looking for the desired attribute. Up to five products can be compared at once. • QuickView: This new feature is automatically enabled when you hover the mouse over the product photo, so users do not have to access the detail page for more information. Clicking QuickView opens a pop-up with the main characteristics of the publication. If they are interested, users can add the item to their shopping cart.

• Shopping Cart Preview: The contents of the shopping cart can be checked at any time from any screen of the website. It can be done by simply hovering the mouse over the mini-cart icon. This way, customers can include and exclude products and check out without accessing the shopping cart.• Payment Methods: There is a new functionality that will enable customers to make order payments using debit cards or via wire transfer (only Bradesco and Itaú banks). Customers using these methods will be automatically directed to the respective financial institutions' secure websites. The system also allows customers to buy print and digital products, in addition to being able to make donations to SBB, everything through a single financial transaction.• Offerings: SBB's online store also has an Offerings area through which people can collaborate with the Bible Cause. It enables people learn more about SBB's outreach programs and make contributions to make sure God's Word is spread to everyone.

16 The Bible in Brazil

The mission of Bible Societies is to bring the Bible to everybody in a language they can understand and in the most suitable format for their needs. Increasingly today, that format is digital. It is estimated that, across the world, there are almost 7 billion mobile phones in use. For many people, their mobile phone is a vital tool for all their social and business interactions. Similarly, laptops and tablet devices have become central to people’s lives. There will always be a place for Bibles in print. Indeed, global distribution of printed Scriptures continues to rise. However, Bible Societies also recognize that it is vital to bring God’s Word into people’s lives digitally, using the same channels that are now second nature for so many of their interactions.

Across the world, in many different contexts, Bible Societies are developing initiatives to make the Bible accessible via digital media. In Slovenia, for example, the Bible Society is running online courses to deepen people’s biblical knowledge. Thanks to the global nature of digital media, these courses also reach Slovenians living elsewhere. In Israel, an app offering both the Hebrew and English biblical text will encourage young people in particular to engage more effectively with the Bible. In Portugal, the Bible Society hopes to develop an app as part of its Action Bible resources for children. Across the Americas, the web site www.lectionautas.com is allowing young people to engage with the Lectio Divina method of Bible reading and contemplation.

UBS Bible AppInitiatives like Biblia Plus — he UBS Bible

App —, which reaches even across language boundaries, represent an especially effective way of using digital media to make the Bible accessible. It is wonderful to know that, through just one tool, God’s Words will be coming directly into the digital interactions of speakers of languages as diverse as Korean and Arabic. Through digital media, people from very different backgrounds will be equally able to experience the life-changing power of the Gospel. We praise God that all Bible Societies will be able to participate in this project. The Biblia Plus App will allow them to reach people who would otherwise not encounter God’s Word because of challenges with distributing printed Bibles. We give thanks, too, that the Bible App will be another wonderful way to distribute the many Bible texts held in our Digital Bible Library®.

Our mission as Bible Societies is to bring people into contact with God’s Word so that it can transform their lives. This encounter has to take place in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. Digital media is, for many, the window for accessing the world. This makes it imperative that we tap into the power of digital media to put the Scriptures in central position, right in the heart of people’s everyday reality. Digital media can allow us to offer them the Scriptures directly and help them on their journey of faith.

Please join us in praying for the many digital projects being developed by Bible Societies. Ask that God’s Word in digital format will bless many people.


OPINION*Michael Perreau

*Michael Perreau,

United Bible

Societies’ General



: Arq
