Science, The - CTSFWthebible,evolution,creatio… · Science, The Bible, etc. 251 subject of evolution, in the relationship of science to the Bible, and in the matter of the proper

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Page 1: Science, The - CTSFWthebible,evolution,creatio… · Science, The Bible, etc. 251 subject of evolution, in the relationship of science to the Bible, and in the matter of the proper
Page 2: Science, The - CTSFWthebible,evolution,creatio… · Science, The Bible, etc. 251 subject of evolution, in the relationship of science to the Bible, and in the matter of the proper


Science, The Bible, Evolution, Creation, And The Flood

Book Ed i to r , The Spriitgfielder and Pro fe s so r of Old Testnmeiz t at the Seminary

ALTHOUGII THE claim is sometimes made that the evolutionary origin of the cosmos, the earth, life, animals and rnan has

been established beyond reasonable doubt, and although there are those who refer to evolution as a law of nature, there are still scien-tists and Christian scholars who believe that the theorj of evolution is far from proven and who insist that the evidence advanced in support of evolutionary theories is far from convincing. Many re-ligionists have accepted the evolutionary explanation for the origin of the universe, the planets, life, rnan and animals because the majority of scientists have adopted the philosophic evolutionary theory of origins in their respective scientific fields. Rlany Christian scholars and laymen believe that if the church does not accept the current scientific views that its members will be driven out of the church or many prevented from joining it, because of opposition to true l ino~~ledge.

A survey of recent literature indicates a great interest in the

M n n ' s Origi~r, ~ l lan ' s Destiny. By A. E. Wilder 'Smith. Harold Shanr Publishrrs, \Vhcato~~, lllinois 1968. 320 pages. Cloth $5.95.

The Creatirhr of Life. By A. E. wilder Smith. Harold Shaw Publishers, \\?heaton, Ill., Cloth, $5.95.

E~.ol~itionand the Christian Faith. By Bolton Davidheiser. The Presbyterian and Rcforn~cd Publishing Company 1969. 372 paees Cloth. $6.50.

Genes, Ofnelis nnd ~ r o i n t i o n . By J. W. lot^. Concordia Publishing Housc, St. Louis, 197'0. 544 pages. Cloth. $9.95.

Rock Strain nnd the Bible. Paul A. Zimmerman, cd. Concordia Publishing House, St. Lollis, 1970. 209 pages. Cloth. $5.95.

T h e Bible, Nat~rral Science and Evolution. By Russel W. Maatmnn. Bakcr Book Housc, Grand Rapids, 1970. 165 pages. Paper. $3.50.

Biblical Cosnzology and .Modern Science. By IIenry Morris. Craig P r c s ~ , Nutlcy, N.J., 1970. 146 pages. Paper. 52.50.

Where Are 1Ve Headed? A Christian Perspective on Evolrrtion. By Jan Levcr. Wm. R. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1970. 59 pages. Paper. $1.65.

Creation and Evolution. Ry D. C. Spanner. Zonderran Publishing House, Grand Rapids, 1968. 61 pages. Paper. 95r.

A Sgnrposiunz on Creation I. By Henry Morris, John W. Klotz, Paul A. Zimmcrmall, R. Clyde McCone, Donald W. Patten. Raker Book Huuse, Grand Rapids, 1968. 156 pages. Papcr. $1.95.

Conflict and Harmony in Science and the Bible. By Jack Wood Sears. Bakcr Bool, Housc, Grand Wapids 1970 97 pages Paper $1.95

A Synzposi~cnr on kreatibn Patte; Donald E. Chittick11. ~ y ' ~ o n a l d Steven E. Austin R. Clyde McConc, C. -E. Allan Turner, H. ' ~ e w i t t Tier. Bakcr ~ o o l c House, 1970: 151 pages. Papcr. $1.93.

Evidences For Crmtion. Essays by Henry H Morris Martin Naumann John W IClotz Raymond F. Surburg. Biblc Science ~Aociation' , Caldaell, ldaho,'1969. 9: pages:Paper. S1.OO.

The Creation Al ter~~at ive .Edited by Vernon Raaflaub and Walter I.ang. Biblc Sciencc Association, Caldwell Idaho 1970. 96 pages. Paprr. $1.00.

Carbon-14 nnd Other ~hdioact ive Dating Methods. Bible Science Association, Caldwull, Idaho. 1970. 16 pages. Paper. ZOc.

Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity. John N. Moore and liarold Schulz Slushcr, egitors. Zondervan Pnblishing Company, 1970. 548 pages. Cloth. $7.95.

Confltct and Horntony in Science and the Bible. By Jack Wood Sears. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1969. 97 pages. Paper. $1.95.

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subject of evolution, in the relationship of science to the Bible, and in the matter of the proper interpretation of Genesis 1-2. While in certain denominations there is no concern at all regarding the im- plications of evolution for theology, education and sociology, yet there are other churches in which the theory of evolution and its relationship to the Bible is a lire issue.

THEISTIC PROPOSEDEVOLUTION Two recently published booklets attempt to defend theistic

evolution as conlpatible with Christian faith. Dr. D. C. Spanner, a Christian layman, who is Reader in Botany in The University of London in his Creation and Evolution assumes evolution to be true and wrote in his monograph as follows: "I believe also that therc is a vast amount of evidence that organic evolution is a fact. It comes from many different lines of study, and it includes the origin, within living memory, of genuinely new species" (p. 12). He also believes that lifc had a single origin and that man most likely rose on the physical level. Dr. Spanner wants to defend the inspiration of the Bible ancl liolds to traditional Christian doctrines. He holds that Gencsis 1 is a revelation from God. In attempting to harmoni~e the interpretations of scientists with Genesis 1 and 2 he resorts to a hermeneutics that must be classified as allegorical and which violates other Scriptural references that interpret Genesis 1 and 2 as setting forth historical events.

Another European scholar who does the same thing is Dr. Jan Lever in his booklet, \&'here Are We Headed? Dr. Lever, a Dutch Christian layman. is professor of biology at the Free University of Amsterdam. His booklet consists of radio talks that were originally delivered in Dutch over the Netherlands Christian Network. Views that are propounded in thesc radio talks are similar to those set forth in his Creation and Evolzrtiorz (1955). It is Lever's central thesis that a understanding of the modern picture of reality must be taken into account by Christians if the Gospel is to receive a hearing in today's ~vorld. To justify his evolutionary views the Dutch professor is forced to adopt a non-historical and allegorical interpretation of Genesis 1-3. All thc conclusions that atheistic scientists have ad- vanced in the arcas of cosmology, biology, historical geology and anthropology are accepted and defended. Unabashedly he adopts the animal ancestry of marl which the reader will find in chaptcr 8, entitled "Conscious~~ess."There is no hint iven to his original audience that some of his views had been anistill are being chal- lenged by specialists in all areas of the sciences.

SCIENCEAND SCIENTISM In dealing with the data of sciences like biology, genetics,

palaeontolog)r, anthropology, geochronology, geology, astronomy it is necessary to distinguish between what can be tested and probed and what constitutes interpretation or theory. This leads to the distinc- tion between "science" and "scientism." This is a difference many scientists and laymen fail to recognize. Henry Morris in the preface to Biology, A Search for Order in Complexity (197O), wrote: "Dis-

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cussion of origins is not, strictly speaking, scierlce. This is because origins arc not subject to experimental verification. No scientific ob- servers were present when life began or when different kinds of or-ganisms first came into existence, and these events are not taking place in the present ~vorld: therefore, the problem of origins is sim- ply incapable of solution by scientific means. The student should always be careful (solne textbook writers do not) to distinguish be- tween the actual facts of biology and the philosophy of origins with which particular biologists iiiay try to explain those facts (p. xis)."

Dr. hlaatman, Professor of Chemistry at Dordt College, has au- thored the book The Bible, Natural Sciefzce aitd Ez~olzltio?l.This volumc deals with the real and difficult subject of the relation of the Bible to science and evolution. Professor Rlaatman, a member of the Christian Reforined Church, takes the stance that there are only two fundamental approaches, name1 7 that of the non-Christian and that of the Christian. The Dordt College professor presents the Christian approach. He gives an excellent refutation of theistic evolution and also insists that the same arguments that are valid against atheistic evolution arc also applicable to theistic evolution. He opposes the idea that Inan has evolved from lorver forms of life. AIaatman has poin~ed out the dilemma in which the atheistic evolu- tionist finds himself in that he needs constantly to operate with cause and effect relationships even in minute particles, though such a relationship cannot be proven statistically because of Heisenberg's principle of indeterminancy. The only thing that naturalistic scien- tists can do is to hope that in some future timc some person will show the existence of cause and effect relationship also in minute particles, which so far has not been done.

THEDAYSOF GER'ESIS1 Professor Rlaatn~an does not believe that the "days" of Gcncsis

are normal solar days and thus joins a host of Biblical interpreters that espouses this position. In the chapter "The Bible on the Age of the Earth" he has cited all the possible arguments that have been advanced in the exegetical literature for considering the days as long geological periods of time. The reason that Rlaatman wants to understand the days as long periods of time is that he believes the arguments of historical geologists and astronon~ers to the effect that the earth is billions of years old and that the un i~erse came into existence even earlier than the earth. Rlaatman accepts as correct thc current calculations about the distance of thc stars and the sub- sequent immense ages for the universe. IYhile Rlaatman admits that there arc no absolutes in science, he seems to accept as an absolute the law of uniformity, which holds that past processes in nature have always been the same and have never varied. He thus assumes that the Bible can be interpreted on the basis of scientific presup- positions and therefore rejects the idea of a Ioung universe.

Drs. Zimmermann, Klotz and R~lorris in the books under re-view defend a different point of view rcgarding the "days" of Gene- sis 1. Dr. Zimmermann in an essay entitled "Can IVe Accept Theis- tic Evolution?" appearing in A Synzposiurrr o~zCreatiou I , pp. 55-80

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asserted that the interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis should not be determined by science, which has espoused an anti-supernaturalistic stance. Christians who endeavor to harmonize the Bible by adoptiilg the conclusio~~s of naturalistic scientists need to violate basic hermencutical principles to achieve such an harmoniza- tion. Theistic evolution is only possible by resorting to a nonliteral interpretation of Genesis. Thus Dr. Ziminerlnann wrotc:

Thc questions concerning the language of the text in Genesis must be determined by: 1. T h e decision must grow out of the text. 2. It must be in harmony with the context. 3. I t must not contradict any clear passage of Scripture or any article of faith, particularly the doctrine of law and gospel (Romans 5 :12-19). No interpretations dare be employed which under- inines the certainty that the text is in elery word the Word of God, or which is out of harmony with the confessions of the church (p. 56).

Dr. I<lotz also takes the same position in his Genes, Genesis and Evolz~tio~z,republished in a revised edition by Concordia Publishing House. Thus I<lotz asserted: "In Ex. 20 : 11 n e are told that the Sabbath day was observed in the Old Testament because in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh clay. This statement clearly implies that the days of creation were ordinar! days and that God rested on the seventh day rather than on the seventh era, for the Jews were rc- quired to rest for a da! and not for an era (p. 86)." Dr. Henr) hlorris in his Blblical Cosnzology aizd Modern S c i e ~ ~ c e (p. 56) takes the same stance taken by Urs. Zimrnermann and Klotz. Thus Rlorris wrote :

According to a straightforward reading of the Biblical record, thc nlorlcl was created in six days only a fclv thousand years ago. On the other hand modern cosmologists insist that the earth and the solar system evolvcd &out five billion years ago, that prin1iti1.e life forms evolved from non-living chemicals about one or two billion years ago, that all other forms of life have gradually developed during the subsequent geologic ages and that, finally, man evolved into essentially his present form about one or two billion years ago (p. 56).

Dr. Robert Preus, in an essay found in the Concordia publica- tion, Rock Strata and the Bible Record, a symposium volume edited by Paul A. Zin~mermann, has given the teachings of the Lutheran Confessions on the doctrine of creation, an interpretation basecl on a literal understanding of Genesis 1-3 and thus mould rule out any form of the evolutionary theory.

Those who wish to harmonize Genesis 1 with the long time periods of historical geology fail to realize as R4orris has pointed out that there are at least 23 differences to be accounted for between Genesis 1 and 2 and the geological time table postulated by erolu- tionists. Both Drs. Rlotz and Rlorris reject the theory of a long time

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gap between Genesis 1 :1 and 1 :2. The syntax of the Hebrew ~vill not permit such an interpretation.

Those who wish to escape the literal meaning of Gcncsis 1 and 2 endcavor to claim that in the opening chapters of the Bible there is to be found a special literary genre, which has been labelled ''myth," '(saga," "legend," "parable" or "poetry." Raymond Surburg has dealt with the hermeneutics involved in this type of approach on pages 59-92 of the ~aperback book, Evidelzces for Creation. In the same essay the allegation of the borrowing of the Biblical creation account from Babylonian sources is refuted.

EVIDENCEFOR EVOLUTIONEXAMINED In opposition to Drs. Lever and Spanner who bclicve evolu-

tion cstablished as scientific fact recent writers sharply disagree with those who support evolution as fact and admitting that i t is merely an unproven hypothesis. Two Christian laymen who are spccialists in the sciences of biology are Drs. Davidheiser and A. E. Wilder Smith. Dr. Davidheiser has a Ph.D. in zoology from Johns Hopkins University. He became a converted Christian after receiving his doctorate and before embracing Christianity he nras a believcr in evolution and had accepted the explanations given by advocates of evolution as the great key to the development of the universe and of the origin of life, as well as of the origin of animals, and the descent of men from members of the animal kingdom. Thus he wrote as a person once trained in evolution and convinced of its ~alidity. After accepting the Christian faith he began to investigate the claims of evolution and gradually became convinced that the claims madc for evolution wcrc not sustained by scientific facts. At present he is professor at Biola College, Mirada, California. In the opening chapter of his book, Evolutiorr arrd the Christinli F n ~ t h he wrote: "It is of the utmost importance to realize that a ver? real struggle is going on and that the theory of evolution is a very important fac- tor in the accelerating trend toward apostasy (p. iii)." Davidheiser sholvs from the scientific literature that Inan is depicted as having descended from the primates or from the monkeys, a fact that can- not be inferred from Genesis 2, except by the wildest type of allegori- zation.

Dr. A. E. II'ilder Smith, professor at the University of Illi-nois at the Medical Center in Chicago, agrees with Davidheiser. Smith, in his book, Man's Origin arzd Marz's Destiuy devotes many pages to an evaluation of the position of theistic evolutionists ~ v h o endeavor to harmonize theistic evolution and Genesis 1 and 2. IVilder who has three doctorates in three different scientific fields from Euro- pean universities and who has lived for many years in Europe sho~vs how theistic evolution is held by many evangelical Christians in Europe. In an appendix of his book, Dr. Smith c~~aluates the views of Dr. Hans Rohrbach, Professor of Mathenlatics at the University of Mainz, who in Natur~c~issenschaftu ~ z d Gotteserkeirt~lis (1965) and Nat~~rwissenschnftund Glaubensbeketztztizis (1965), and Die Ribli-schen Wui tder , Biblischer Schofku~zgsbericht, Ilreltbild der Ribel uizd die Moderue Wissenschaft presupposes the existence of a race

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of pre-Adamic men who were animals and that God took one of these and breathed into him a soul and thus Adam became a human being. Dr. IVilder shows the impossibility of this view if one holds to a literal interpretation of the Scriptures as Dr. Rohrbach claims hc does.

In Tlze Rock Strata and the Bible Drs. Robert Preus and Fred Kramer have explicated the Biblical and Lutheran doctrine of crea- tion as set forth in the Lutheran Confessions and the Holy Scrip- tures. Both are proponents of creationism and make no allo\vances for evolution in the Biblical account of Genesis 1-2. Both of these professors rule out the use of myth or any other literary form which \vould deny the facticity of the openin chapters. In fact, all con- tributors to The Rock Strata and the Bi le rule out Genesis as myth i? or legend.

THECLAIMSOF EVOLUTIOR'EXAMINED fVilder in bla?z's Origin and Destitzy, K l o t ~ in Genes, Geiiesis

alzd E1~01zktion and also the latter in his lecture in Evidences for Crea- tiow, Rlaatman in T11e Bible, Natural Sciellce a12d Evolzctiolz and Davidheiser, Evolutiol~ atad tlae Christiati Faitiz have all examined the various types of evidence advanced by scientists for the evolu- tionary theory. Both Davidheiser and Klotz give their readers a his- tory of the derclopn~ent of the evolutionary theory from Greek times to the twentieth century. Charles Darwin is usually credited with bringing about the adoption of evolution in ff7cstern civilization by the publishing of his two books: The Origitz of Species (1859) and The Desceut of Mat2 ( 1 87 1 ). Dr. Davidheiser is convinced that evolution was sponsored by scholars who had liberal theological in- clinations and credits the spread of theological modernism to its being allied with evolution. I le shotvs that Darwin, who prepared himself for the ministry and whose only academic degree was a theological one el~ntual ly ruled out God in every way from any consideration in the creation and governance of this world. Darwin died as an agnostic.

Dr. Klotz summarizes Darwin's thcory like that of Lamarck's as setting forth the following series of postulates and conclusions: 1 ) First postulate: variation. Individuals of the same species differ. 2 ) Second postulate: overproduction. In most cases far more in-dividuals are born than can possibly survive to maturity. First con- clusion: struggle for existence. The individuals that are to survive must compete with other members of the same species. 3) Third postulate: survival of the fittest. In this struggle for existence those individuals will survive which are best fitted for their environment. Fourth postulate: inheritance of favorable characteristics. Fit indi- viduals pass their fitness on to their descendants. The final conclu- sion based on these postulates is given by Dr. Klotz as follows: "New species arise by the continued survival and reproduction of the indi- viduals best fitted or adapted to the particular environment" (p. 35). Lamarck is often considered to have advanced the cause of evolutiol~ beyond that of Darwin. IIlotz claims that the difference between the two map be stated in this map: "The important difference was that

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Darwin did not stress the way in which favorable characters are in- herited, and Lamarck did not strcss natural selection as the guiding factor in evolution" (p. 38).

Dr. Davidheiser claims that Darwin's natural selection theory, which Herbert Spencer called sun~ivalof the fittest was the explana- tion that sold scientists of the second half nineteenth century on the theory of evolution. Some of Darwin's critics pointed out weak- nesses in his natural selection thcory, especially the fact that it did not explain the origin of the types from which it mas assumed that the fittcst were selected. Later on when Hugo De Vries set forth his mutation theory it mas at first considered a rival to Darwin's. But soon it was combined with that of Darwin and together the claim was made that now the mechanism of evolution mas adequately ex- plained. However, during the second and third decades of this cen- tury scientists became convinced that neither Darwinism nor De Vriesinism had really accounted for the mechanism by which evolu- tion had occurred. Rllore time was needed, so many claimed, to dis- cover a more reliable answer. Though scientists gave up Darwinism they did not surrender thc belief in Evolution. The evidence that twentieth century scientists have been able to produce for natural selection and mutation is very meager and fails to sustain these two as the mechanism of evolution.

Somewhat similar to Darwin's theory of natural selection was his theory of sexual selection. Darwin believed that individuals chose mates which pleased them. Biologists and anthropologists have rejected this Darwinian view as not meeting the facts.

hlutations and natural selection are thought to be the mechan- ism for evolution. In evaluating these Davidheiser asserts: "Muta-tions are changes which are inherited, and they affect both superficial and important characteristics. Even when the effect seems super-ficial, however, it may be associated with detrimental physiological effects" (pp. 208-209). Mutations have been studied most thor-oughly in fruit flies, Drosophila, where they produce abnormalities. When found in human beings they produce abnormalities of teeth, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, and other undesirable traits. David- heiser cites Professor Dobzhansky, eminent zoologist and geneticist, who wrote: "Alost mutants which arise in any organism are more or less disadvantageous to their possessors. The classical mutants ob- tained in Drosophila usually show deterioration, breakdown, and dis- appearance of some organs." Dr. L. C. Dunn, Professor of Zoology at Columbia University, who also is cited, says: "Such events, known as mutations, are the ultimate source of the hereditary variety of characteristic of all species. It is this variet). upon which natural se- lection and other evolutionary forces act in forming varieties, races, species, and other natural categories."

It is pointed out by Davidheiser and others that although evo- lutionists argue that l~~utations are the basis for evolutionary varia- tion, there are a number of biologists that do not believe that muta- tions are really the answer to the question: "Ho\v has evolution oc- curred?"

Davidheiser has examined all the evidence for cvolution ad-

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vanced in the last hundred years such as the alleged evidence from comparative anatomy, the evidence from vestigial, rudinlentary and atavistic structures, the argument from embryonic recapitulation, the evidence from taxonomy, the arguments from genetics, the evi- dence from ecology, seriological tests, animal distribution, and the fossil records (cf. chapter vi, pp. 231-301).

Onc of the most thorough examinations for the clairns of evolu- tion that has been made by a Christian scholar is that of Dr. Iclotz i11 Geves, Getiesis nrrd Evolz~tion (Revised Edition, 1970). The reader will find that Klotz, who has a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Pittsburgh, neither prostitutes his stature as a dis-tinguished biologist nor sacrifices his Christian scholarship. Like Davidheiser, he is well acquainted with the scientific literature on the topics on which he writes. In the second and revised edition of his book he has brought his presentation up to date by quotations from the latest scientific literature. Here the reader will see gathered together the most recent research and findings of biology, anthro- pology, and archaeology. A comparison of the 1959 with the 1970 edition seems to show that in his revision Dr. Klotz has cven built in an evcn more conclusive argument against evolution. Most of the topics examined by Davidheiser are also examined in detail by Iclotz and often at more length than by the former. Together the material presented by these scholars should be extremely useful and helpful for those students who want to see reliable evidence beforc committing themselves to a theory which ultimatelv requires as much belief in miracles as does the Biblical doctrine of creation.

Dr. Sears in Cojlflict and Harmony irz Sciellce and tile Bible has briefly examined thc evidence for evolution in two chapters of his short five chaptcr book. He, like a number of recent writers has taken note of the English scientist G. A. Kerkut, who although a committed evolutionist in his book, Inzplicatiolzs of Evolz~tioll,has shown that there are two views of evolution, which he has called "the general theory of evolution" and the "special theory of evolu- tion." By the latter term is meant that variation and development take place within what the Bible calls "kinds." By the "General 'Theory" is meant the evolution of man ultimately from the amoeba. While there is evidence for the "Special Theory" there is no con-vincing proof for that which is generally considered to be the evolu- tionary theory. In his forthright book, Rcrkut wrote that "the evidence that supports it (the General Theory) is not sufficiently strong to al- low us to consider it as anything more than a working hypothesis" (p. 157).

Kcrkut is not opposed to evolution, but hc is an honest scien- tist. Thus he wrote :

May I here humbly state as part of my biological credo that I believe that the theory of Evolution as presented by orthodox evolutionists is in many ways a satisfying explanation of some of the evidence. At the same time I think that the attempt to explain all living forms in terms of an evolution fronz a zitzique source, though a brave and valid attempt, is one that is pre-

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mature and not satisfactorily supported by present-day evi-dence. I t may in face be shown ultimately to be the correct explanation, but the supporting evidencc remains to be dis- covered (p. vii).

Kerkut has pointed out that if the "General Theory of Evolution" were true seven assumptions would need to be fulfilled. They are as follonrs :

( 1 ) The first assumption is that non-living things gar7e rise to living matter, i.e. spontaneous generation occurred.

(2) The second assumption is that spontaneous generation occurred onl!. once.

The other assumptions follow. the second one.

( 3 ) The third assumption is that viruses, bacteria, plants and animals are interrelated.

(4) The fourth assumption is that the Protozoa gave rise to the Aletazoa.

( 5 ) The fifth assumption is that various invertebrate pyla are interrelated.

(6) The sixth assumption is that the inlertebrates gave rise to the vertebrates.

( 7 ) The seventh assumption is that within the vertebrates the fish gave rise to the amphibia, the amphibia to the reptiles, and the reptiles to the birds and mammals. Sometimes this is expressed in other words, i.e. that the modern amphibia and reptiles had a common ancestral stock, and so on.

Dr. Sears has exalllined six of the seven assumptions and shons that none of them is provable and that there are valid reasons to doubt the correctness of each.

Drs. Klot7, A. E. IVilder Smith, Sears all examine in their writings the matter of the animal ancestry of man. Professor Wil- bert Rush, in Rock Strata and the Bible (pp. 133-1 78) has given an excellent discussion of the fossil remains of men and has shown that there is no real evidence for the descent of man from the Pri- mates.

The reader may find a comprehensive discussion of the alleged ancestry of man in I<lotz (chapter 9, pp. 322-380). Klotz claims that "one of the problems in connection with human evolution is the fact that there are very few human and prehuman fossils" (p. 322). Dr. Sears points out that there are two different schools of anthropology, the polyphiletic school and the unilinear. The former school derives four modern races, while the latter school groups modern man into only three races. Now if anthropologists have this trouble when classifying modern man, how much more so is this the case when treating of primitive man, where the evidence is not too abundant. The fact is that the evidence for human evolution is fragmentary, and has many difficulties of interpretation connected with it.

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THESECONDLAWOF THERMODYNAA~ICS Drs. Morris, IYilder Smith, Davidheiser contend that the

second law of thermodynamics does not support the idea of exolu- tion. In his lecture given July 9, 1968 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Morris stated: "The Second Law states that the universe is decaying. Every process operates in such a way that to some degree the system decays, or runs down. Every system tends to become disordered . . . The Second Law says that disorder or randomness tends to increase. Speaking in terms of energy, the availability of energy tend to increase." (Ellidence for Creation, p. 17) . A non-living structure left to itself tends to deteriorate and disintegratc. Davidheiser says: "The tendency toward randomness in nature is the opposite of evolution, for according to the theory of evolution, more complex forms habe devcloped from less com- plex forms. Therefore it has been said that the theory of evolution is contrary to the second law of thermodynamics" (p. 2 2 1 ) . IVhile evolutionists claim that the second law of thermodynamics is in- operative in the biological realm, Klotz states that it ~vould be un-usuaI if the biological world were to follow a different principle than that found in the inorganic lvorld (p. 5 19).

It is the conviction of Dr. Morris that the cosmolog! advo-cated by evolutionists is a cosmology not consistant with Biblical teaching. The cosmology that endeavors to understand the origin, meaning and destinv of all things without belicf in a transcendent Creator and Sustainer is the cosmology of evolutionism which holds to the pr~nciple of uniformitarianism. The origin and development of everything in the cosmos is attributed to forces and processes resi- dent in matter that have cternally existed and assumes that the cosmos will hale no end. This is in direct conflict with the Scrip- tures which teach that the universe had a beginning and will again be destroyed. Morris believes that both the first as well as the sec- ond law of thennod!namics supports the Biblical position.

Thc most persuasive evidence for evolution appears to be the tremendous expanse of geologic time and the fossil record associated with the geologlc ages. Evolutionists contend that the fossil record shows the gradual increase in complcxity of living forms with the progression of the geological ages. The geological column, which has been constructed by historical geologists on paper, but is found no- where in nature in the form outlined, is interpreted in the light of the principle of uniformitarianism.

Morris and others claim that the fossil record shows that the same classification used today is also found in the fossil record; the same phyla, orders, families are found in the rocks as are known today according to the taxonomic classification employed by scientists. The gaps between the "kinds" that evolution needs to bridge are not found in the rock strata. Those scholars and scientists who accept literally the words of Genesis 2: 3 and Exodus 20 : 11 rule out the billion-year history of life upon the earth and the supposed million- year history of human life upon the earth, postulated as minimum figures by historical geologists and anthropologists. Those scholars that respcct the reliabihty and facticity of Genesis 1 and simul-

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taneously accept the geological time table erected by historical geologists have resorted to three different ways of harmonizing science and Genesis. Either the geological ages arc placed prior to Genesis 1 : 1 or they are inserted between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1, or the "days" are interpreted as long periods of time of undetermin- able length. Morris and others believe that such vast time periods cannot be put in Genesis 1-11 even though one recognized the ex-istcncc of gaps in the geneologies of chapters 5 and 11. Cf. the essay by Frcd Icramer "A Critical Evaluation of the Chronology of Ussher;' in Rock Strata and the Bible (pp. 57-67).

An area where there is a divergence on the part of scholars n h o espouse creationism is the question of time in the Bible and Geology. The Concordia volume, Rock Strata aild t h e Bible en-deavors to come to grips with this problem. Three chapters in the latter volumc were written by geologists. Dr. Kenneth Currie sets forth current methods used in determining the age of the earth (pp. 68-92). IIe and Dr. Paul Tpchsen seem to accept the time scale of historical geology which believes that the past can be assunled to have been controlled by the same laws that operate now. This is kno\vn as the principle of uniformitarianism. The chapters bl, TI-ch-sen ancl Currie cncleavor to answer these questions: \\'hat is the history of geological dating? What are the fundamental assump-tions that scientists make when they apph research to the age of the earth? The contributions of Currie and Tychsen present the posi- tion of historical geology. Dr. Zimmerman claims that "it should also be clearly recognized that the question of the age of the earth and of evolution are separatc questions. An ancient earth in itself does not provide proof for evolution. It is true, of course, that the evolu- tionist requires billions of ycars for life to evolve ancl develop. But the creationist does not base his doctrine on the question of time (p. 56)." l?minentl!- worth reading is the chapter by Klotz, "Assump- tions in Science and Palaeontology," in the same volume that con- tains the chapters by Currie and Tychsen.

\17hile there are creationists who accept the uniformitarian reconstruction of earth history and adopt modern scientific theories about the origin of the solar system, there are other creationists who do not believe that the earth is billions of years old and that man has been millions of years upon this planet. RIembers of the Crea- tion Research Society (not all by any means) ancl members of The Rible Science Association belieke in a young earth. Dr. Klotz in Geizes. Gerzesis nizd Erolz~tiviz wrote:

To the proble~ll of the age of the earth Scriptures gives us no definite answer. The figures of Bishop Ussher are not inspired, and his date for the Creation (4,004 B.C.) does not appear to be correct. IIowever, Scripture indicates that the age of the earth must be measured in thousands rather than millions and billions of years (p. 1 16) .

110~17 about the dating method currently emp1o)ed that appears to support figures running into billions of years regarding earth his- tory, the solar system, and man's age upon the earth?

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Science, T h e Bible, etc. 26 1

A number of scientists in the books under review disagree with the chronometcrs that are employed by astronomers and historical geologists. Dr. Donald Chittick examines the current methods of dc- termining geological periods and the age of the fossils in two ar-ticles, "Carbon-14 Dating of Fossils" and "Dating the earth and Fossils," (pp. 57-76) in A Synzposiutn on Creatiou 11, and by Har- old Slusher in "Geochronolog~" (pp. 65-71) in The Creatiotz Al-tenzative ( l 9 70).

Instead of operating with the law of uniformitarianism to understand and explain the history of man, of the earth and the universe, Morris and Patten and others bclieve that the principle of catastrophism needs to be employed to cxplain the developments of earth history and also account for thc fossils embedded in the vari- ous rock strata of the earth. Geologic catastrophism in one form or another is necessary to explain many of the phenomena of the earth's crust and especially thc preservation of the fossils whose arrangement in the rocks is cited as proof for the evolutionary hypo- thesis. Thus Rlorris asserted: .

The uncounted millions, roba ably billions, of animals and plants of all kinds that have been buried in the sedimentary rocks could, of course, never have been preserved at all against the ravages of scavengers, decay, bacteria and the elements, had the!- not been buried quickly and permanently.

There are many phenomena with which historical geology can only roperly dcal on the basis of catastrophism, which Rlorris claims is

feinE uscd in a limited way as an explanation for thc nature of volcanic terrains, the evidence of continental glaciation, the great faults, foltls, rifts, thrusts and other textonic phenomena.

PATTENAND ASTHALCATASTROPHIS~I In thc twentieth century a number of people recognizcd the

necessity of catastrophisin as a legitimate geological principlc. Donald Patten, a geographer by training and editor of A Syrlzyosizin~011 Crea-ti071 11. also opts for an understanding of earth's history within the framework of catastrophisln and creationism. Patten in The Biblical Flood aizd the Ice Epoch ( 1 9 6 6 ) put forth the view that ans\rers for earth's histor!. must be sought for in the solar system; that past astral catastrophies existing within the solar system negate the pres- ent uniformitarian principle employed by historical geologists dur- ing the last one hundred years. In his published mriti~igs Patten has proposed the view of historical celestial criscs, a series of global cataclysms, raising mountain ranges by tidal upheavels within cen-trifugally-rotating magma ~ ~ n d e r the earth's crust, and raising oceanic tides of subcontinental dimensions externally upon the outside sur- face of the Earth's crust through the historically-recorded Flood or Deluge.

Patten contends that through the agent\- of astral phenomena, the earth became engulfed in siniultaneous gravitational upheavels, and magnetic interactions. These came to our planet with sudden-ness like the biblical flood and the ice age, which terminated a pre-

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vious carth climate, different in many ways to the existing one. It also terminated many great species, found today only in compresscd alluvium, glacial till, volcanic ash, or icy perma frost. It also term- inated a longer lived race of men, reported in Genesis among other sources to have become engufed in evil times. Patten has contributed chapters in support of the position just outlined in an essay in A Synlposiz~m on Creatiolz I (pp. 93-138), and one in A Synzposizim o?z Creotiolz I1 (pp. 11-44). Patten is therefore in basic disagree- ment mith the Position of Morris on the causes for thc Flood.

THE BIBLICAL FLOOD: LOCAI. OR UNIVERS.IL? The Concordia volume Hock Strnto a?zrl the Bible devotes its

last two chapters to the Biblical flood. Dr. Fred Kramer in "The Biblical Account of the Flood" examined the Biblical data dealing with the flood. He is aware of thc fact that prior to the adoption of uniformitarianism, catastrophism had been associated with No-achian Flood and had been used by many geologists to explain the sedimentary rock strata with their multitude of fossils. Today there are those who claim that the Biblical flood was merel!. a local phe- nomenon, and this position mould eliminate the claim of those who hold that a world-wide flood could hale been responsible for sig- nificant changes in the earth's surface.

Professor ICranlcr holds that the Biblical flood was universal in character. About the possible effects of the flood he wrote:

R'lajor physical changes which Scripture docs not describe and which me do not pretend to understand must ne~ertheless have taken place to account for the rapid subsiding of so great a flood. One is lead to think of major changes in the earth's crust, the rise and fall of land masses, etc. (p. 191).

Again Kramer wrote: "So great a mass of water as that represented by a universal flood rushing with great speed to the ocean n-ould work great destruction on the surface of the earth. Alajor changes in the topography would surely be expected" (p. 19 1 ). fVhether the Noachian flood may have left traces upon the earth's surface, Dr. Icramer claims cannot be established.

Icramer's essay is followed by that of geologist Paul Tychsen entitled: "Geology and the Flood." Tychsen operates with the ages of historical geology and states that if one were to attempt to fit thc Biblical flood within the times scale or historical geology it would have occurred in the "waning stages of the Pleistone epoch or the beginning of the Recent (or Holocene) epoch (pp. 196-197). In his essay he shows how uniformitarian scientists reason in rcaeh- ing their conclusions about the age of the earth. According to Tych- scn "geologic research has discovered records of many grcat floods. It has also shown an unusual rise in the world's water level at a time approximately 6,000 years ago. But it is impossible at this point in time to identify any of these phenomena from the past mith Noah's flood. Geology simply does not provide us with an answer of this type. Nor does the Bible enable us to establish the date of Noah's flood" (p. 200).

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263 Science, T h e Bible, etc.


Biology: A Search for Order i?z Contplexity, produced by The Creation Research Society, is intended for high school and college students and presents the facts of biology from a Christian perspec- tive. Twenty scientists, most holding doctorates in some branch of science, read and approved the volume. The editors were Dr. John Moore, professor of natural science at Michigan State University and Harold Sluser, professor of physics and astronomy a t the Uni- versity of Texas. Chapters 23-25 discuss the arguments for evolu- tion and shon- that there are problems that the evolutionist must satisfactorilr answer if evolution is to be taken seriously.

THEORIGIK OF LIFE Scientists are working hard at the ~roduction of life in some

form or other. The most recent book written by Dr. E. A. Wilder Smith, The Creation of Life, demonstrates that thcrc is no way in which science can explain the origin of life through an automatic system. Smith quotes from "Rlathematical Challenges to the Neo- Darwinian Interpretations of Evolution," a report of proceedings of the TVistar Institute Symposium. A computer showed that it was impossible to form even one enzyme by random forces. Statistically life's order cannot arise from randomness. The complexity and in- credible intricacies of the living cell rule out the accidental formation of life. \T'ilder Simth follows William Paley's argument that there is a remarkable design in nature pointing to a Great Designer.