The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home Semnale de Lumina-Re-amintiri de Acasa December 15 2008 15 Decembrie 2008 ~ Falling in Love ~ A te indragosti Using Deep Contact Folosind Legatura Profunda ~ Re-minders from Home ~ Re-amintiri de Acasa From Steve: De la Steve In this message the group expanded greatly on an idea they introduced a couple of months back. Deep Contact is a new level of communication that has not been commonly available to humans before. When developed, this soul level communica tion can lead to the experience of Timeless Love which has been a  very rare experience for humans up to this point. In acest mesaj grupul a detailat o idee pe care ei au prezentat-o acum cateva luni. Lega tura Prof unda este un nou nivel de comu nica re nea cces ibil inai nte oamenilor. Cand este dezvoltata, aceasta comunicare la nivelul sufletului poate conduce spre ex perienta Iubirii Et erne,experient a care a fost foarte rara oamenilor, pana in acest moment.  As a part of the explanation the group brings up a point they previously addressed that when you see another’s soul you fall in love. In the days ahead of us we will all become more transparent as the veil thins. This will lead to more soul seeing throughout humanity as we get good playing the original game of hide and seek. This will be achieved by an experience of Deep Contact where two people who have reach deep levels of communication and can fall in love very quickly. It is easy to see the adjustments that will be ahead for all of us if as the group suggested it may be possible to fall in love twice on your way to work in the morning. The main point is that what you are falling in love with is your own

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The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home 

Semnale de Lumina-Re-amintiri de Acasa

December 15 2008

15 Decembrie 2008

~ Falling in Love ~

A te indragostiUsing Deep Contact

Folosind Legatura Profunda

~ Re-minders from Home ~

Re-amintiri de Acasa

From Steve:

De la Steve

In this message the group expanded greatly on an idea they introduced a coupleof months back. Deep Contact is a new level of communication that has not beencommonly available to humans before. When developed, this soul levelcommunication can lead to the experience of Timeless Love which has been a very rare experience for humans up to this point.

In acest mesaj grupul a detailat o idee pe care ei au prezentat-o acum catevaluni.Legatura Profunda este un nou nivel de comunicare neaccesibil inainteoamenilor. Cand este dezvoltata, aceasta comunicare la nivelul sufletului poateconduce spre experienta Iubirii Eterne,experienta care a fost foarte raraoamenilor, pana in acest moment.

 As a part of the explanation the group brings up a point they previously 

addressed that when you see another’s soul you fall in love. In the days ahead of us we will all become more transparent as the veil thins. This will lead to moresoul seeing throughout humanity as we get good playing the original game of hideand seek. This will be achieved by an experience of Deep Contact where twopeople who have reach deep levels of communication and can fall in love very quickly. It is easy to see the adjustments that will be ahead for all of us if as thegroup suggested it may be possible to fall in love twice on your way to work in themorning. The main point is that what you are falling in love with is your own

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reflection in that person. It is the attachments and expectations on relationshipsalong with BS (Belief Systems) that limit what could be an incredible deep, beautiful and non threatening interaction with another soul pretending to be ahuman. In learning to live with these new attributes it can be said that each of usis learning to fall in love with ourselves.

Intr-o parte a explicatiei sale, grupul aduce in discutie o chestiune pe care ei auadresat-o mai inainte si anume aceea ca atunci cand vezi sufletul altuia ,teindragostesti. In zilele ce vor urma,noi toti vom deveni mult mai transparenti pemasura ce valul se va subtia.Acest lucru va conduce la a vedea mult mai multesuflete pretutindeni in cadrul omenirii deoarece jucam bine jocul de inceput ” de-a v-ati ascunselea”. Acesta se va realiza printr-o experienta a legaturii profunde incare doua persoane au atins nivelele adanci ale comunicarii si s-au pututindragosti foarte repede.Este usor de vazut potrivirile ce vor fi facute de acuminainte pentru majoritatea dintre noi, daca asa cum grupul o sugereaza,ar puteafi posibil sa te indragostesti de doua ori, dimineata, in drumul tau spre servici.Important este ca de fapt te indragostesti de propria reflectare pe care o vezi inacea persoana.Sunt atasamentele si asteptarile din relatiile cu BS(Sistemele decredinte) care limiteaza ceeace ar putea fi o interactiune adanca incredibila,minunata si fara amenintari cu un alt suflet ce pretinde a fi uman.Cand inveticum sa traiesti cu aceste noi calitati, s-ar putea spune ca fiecare dintre noiinvatam sa ne indragostim de noi insine.

Barbara and I are looking forward to spending our holidays with our expandingfamily. My father passed down a family tradition that the one with the youngestchildren were the ones who hosted Christmas. So this year Christmas moves to anew location and I’m sure that it will be only one of the many gifts that our new grandson brings into the Rother family as we gather for the holidays. Christmas

is a time for family. Barbara and I are very lucky as we are able to create thepositive family role model and environment in our seminars and quite often weare known as Mom and Dad. I know that there are many people who cringe whenI say the word family as it may have a slightly different meaning from the view of their path, or perhaps no family around. No mater what your take on the wordfamily is there is a definite gathering of souls who are here to lead in thisevolution at hand. The group has called this the family of light and they call uslightworkers. We’re not alone. Lightworkers are beginning to awaken globally and soon my bet is that much of what was used to be on the fringe as woo woo will magically become main stream thinking. Even the direction of ourorganization is changing slightly to accommodate this shift and the higher

 vibrational levels that are now possible for Lightworkers. See the OverLightExperience Light series.

Eu si cu Barbara asteptam cu nerabdare sa ne petrecem sarbatorile cu familianoastra care s-a marit. Tatal meu a transmis urmasilor o traditie de familiepotrivit careia acela care are cel mai tanar dintre copii, sa gazduiasca Craciunul. Asadar, in acest an Craciunul se muta intr-o noua locatie si sunt sigura ca va fiunul dintre numeroasele cadouri pe care noul nostru nepot il aduce in familia

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Rother in timp ce ne adunam de sarbatori. Craciunul este o sarbatoare in familie.Eu si Barbara suntem foarte norocosi ca am putut crea modelul rolului pozitiv defamilie si al locului, in cadrul seminariilor noastre si destul de des suntemcunoscuti ca fiind Mama si Tatal. Stiu ca sunt multi care se simt stanjeniti candpronunt cuvantul familie deoarece acest termen ar putea avea o conotatie diferita

de punctul lor de vedere sau poate ca nu au familie. Putin conteaza ceea ceintelegeti prin familie,exista o adunare de suflete care sunt aici pentru fiprecursorii evolutiei prezente. Grupul a numit aceasta familie a luminii si ei ne-au numit Lucratori in Lumina.Noi nu suntem singuri.Lucratorii in Lumina auinceput sa se trezeasca in plan mondial si pun pariu ca in curand, majoritatealucrurilor care erau folosite la limita precum simpatia ,vor deveni in mod magicprincipalul canal al gandirii.Chiar directia organizarii noastre se schimba incetulcu incetul pentru a avea loc aceasta schimbare si pentru nivelele vibrationale maiinalte ce sunt acum posibile Lucratorilor in Lumina. Vedeti seriile ExperienteiLuminii asupra Luminii.

This holiday is a time of the heart and a time to honor this family. Barbara and Iare so grateful for you guys. We get to go all over the world but you’ll never know how hard it is for us to leave. At this time of year especially I want to say thanksfor being in my life and for letting me fall in love with you.

 Aceasta sarbatoare este timpul inimii si timpul cinstirii acestei familii.Eu si cuBarbara va suntem atat de recunoscatori.Mergem prin toata lumea dar niciodatanu veti sti cat de greu ne este sa va parasim. Mai ales in aceasta perioada a anului  vrem sa va multumim ca existati in viata mea si ca mi-ati permis sa maindragostesc de voi.

Have a great holiday. Big hugs!

Sa aveti sarbatori minunate.Imbratisari uriase!

Greetings from Home 

Salutari de Acasa

Dear ones, you have come so far throughout the Universe for so many differentlifetimes. This has provided you with vastly different exposures and opportunitiesto see your reflection in other people. However, you have been confused manytimes by these reflections. We tell you that as you continue to evolve, eachhuman will go through an evolutionary process to diminish the veil. Then, you willstart to see things you have never seen before in these areas. You will begin toexperience more ideas, concepts and heart openings, and you will see your ownreflection in other people in a new way. That is what we wish to address this day,your reflection in others. We are not here to show you future ways of doing

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things or the new possibilities for evolved humans. Instead, we are here to giveyou some suggestions, tools and ideas for you to play with.

Dragilor,ati venit de foarte departe prin Univers pentru atat de multe vieti.Acestlucru v-a inzestrat cu diferite dezvaluiri grozave si posibilitati ca sa va vedeti

oglinditi in alte persoane.Totusi, de multe ori ati fost confuzi de acesteoglindiri.Va vom spune ca pe masura ce continuati sa evoluati, fiecare om vatrece printr-un proces evolutionist ca sa diminueze valul.Apoi,veti incepe savedeti lucruri pe care niciodata inainte nu le-ati vazut , in aceste domenii.Vetiincepe sa experimentati mai multe idei, concepte si deschideri ale inimii si va vetioglindi in alti oameni.Acest lucru vrem sa v-il adresam azi, oglindirea voastra inaltii.Nu suntem aici ca sa va aratam modalitatile viitoare ca sa faceti acestelucruri sau sa va aratam noile posibilitati pentru oamenii evoluati.Mai degraba,suntem aici sa va dam unele sugestii, instrumente si idei cu care sa va jucati.

Reflected Light

Lumina Reflectata

You are an integral part of each other, spirits pretending to be separate fromeach other. While playing this game, you are communicating on many levels.You speak with your words and your laughter or tears. You communicate withyour eyes and body language, and through your smile or the expression on your face. And you communicate through touch much more than you know. Manytimes these forms of non-verbal communication actually speak much louder thanthe words you so rely on. As all humans continue to evolve, you will seedifferences in all forms of communication.

Sunteti o parte integranta a unui altuia, spirite care pretind ca sunt separate unulde celalalt.In timp ce jucam acest joc, comunicati pe multe nivele.Va jucati cucuvintele,rasetele sau lacrimile.Comunicati cu ochii vostrii si cu limbajul trupuluisi prin zambetul sau expresia de pe fata voastra.De multe ori aceste forme decomunicare non-verbala ,de fapt vorbesc mult mai mult decat o pot facecuvintele.Pe masura ce toti oamenii continua sa se dezvolte, veti vedeadiferentele in toate formele de comunicare.

It is important to first understand that all forms of communication are reflectionsof your light. Secondly, if you are overly invested in the person or persons youare working with then your communication is instantly tainted. This is when youfeel them so much that you say what you think they want to hear. It doesn’treally matter what they think of you, and in a way it is none of your business.You will always feel them and be sensitive to them because your energy naturallybounces off of those you communicate with, but if that sensitivity influences your 

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communication it will be an inaccurate reflection. That is one of the areas weare going to have you focus on as you work with this energy.

Este important sa intelegeti mai intai, ca toate formele de comunicare suntreflectarile luminii voastre. In al doilea rand, daca sunteti peste masura de

implicate in persoana sau persoanele cu care lucrati , atunci comunicareavoastra imediat se molipseste imediat.Acest lucru se intampla cand ii simtiti atatde mult incat spuneti ceeace credeti ca ei ar vrea sa auda.De fapt nu conteazaceea ce cred ei despre voi,si intr-un fel nu este treaba voastra.Intotdeauna ii vetisimti si veti fi sensibili la nevoile lor deoarece energia voastra in mod naturalinunda pe cei cu care comunicati, dar daca aceea sensibilitate va influenteaza,comunicarea va fi o reflectare inexacta.Aceasta este una dintre domeniile pecare urmeaza sa va focalizati, in timp ce lucrati cu aceasta energie.

Deep Contact

Legatura Profunda

You will be bringing a whole new energy into your lives as you evolve. As you do,some of the relationships you have now will drift away and others will stretch tonew heights. Even though two people raise their vibrations at different rates, aslong as you have effective communication between those levels and a belief system which allows you to expand your consciousness it makes space for thatto happen. You will begin to see something new in your relationships, and this iswhat we wish to address. We spoke of it a few months ago. It is something wecall Deep Contact . Deep Contact is a form of communication that you willeventually have with everyone. It is a soul level communication that you have

with another human, but up to this point it has only been achieved with a veryfew. This deep level communication has evolved over many lifetimes. For thefirst time it is now possible to experience this with complete strangers, for you arestarting to diminish the veil. Deep Contact is speaking to another person on asoul level right from the beginning of the relationship. Does it involve words? Yes,probably in the beginning it will because that is how you are most accustomed tocommunicating. Later it will evolve into telepathic communication, but theinteresting part is that you will still have the separation. As the veil starts todiminish, you will clearly see the energy cord connections between yourself andothers, and even how your emotions affect other people. You will recognize howyour energy works with other people and your effect on the world. Something you

will also begin to see is your own reflection, because that is what you experiencewhen you reach the soul level. When you get to a soul level of communicationwith another person, you see your reflection, not theirs.

Pe masura ce evoluati vi se va aduce in vietile voastre o intreaga energie noua.Intimpul cat veti face acest lucru,nu veti mai avea de a face cu unele legaturi pecare acum le aveti iar cu altele va veti extinde la nivel inalt.Chiar daca douapersoane isi vor ridica vibratiile in diferite proportii, atata timp cat veti avea

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comunicarea efectiva a acelor nivele si un sistem de credinte care va vor permitesa va extindeti constiinta ,se va crea spatiul necesar ca acest lucru sa seinatample.Veti incepe sa vedeti “noul” in relatiile voastre si tocmai acest lucrudorim sa v-il adresam.V-am vorbit despre el acum luni in urma.Este ceva ce noi ilnumim “Legatura Profunda”.Legatura Profunda este o forma de comunicare pe

care o veti avea eventual cu oricine.Este o comunicare la nivelul sufletului pecare o aveti cu o alta fiinta umana, dar pana acum doar cu foarte putini s-aintamplat acest lucru. Aceasta comunicare la nivel profound a evoluat pe durataa multor vieti.Acum,pentru prima data este posibil experimentarea ei cu oamenicomplet necunoscuti, deoarece ati inceput sa diminuati valul.Legatura profundavorbeste unei alte persoane de la nivelul sufletului chiar de la inceputulrelatiei.Implica cuvinte? Da, probabil ca la inceput este posibil acest lucrudeoarece asa sunteti obisnuiti sa comunicati. Mai tarziu,acest lucru va evoluaprintr-o comunicare telepatica, dar partea interesanta va fi ca inca veti aveadetasarea.Pe masura ce valul incepe sa se diminueze,veti vedea foarte clar legaturile inimii ,ale energiei dintre voi si ceilalti si mai ales si felul in care

emotiile voastre ii vor afecta pe ceilalti.Veti recunoaste felul in care energiavoastra lucreaza cu a celorlalti precum si care este efectul vostru asupralumii.Ceea ce veti mai putea vedea,este propria voastra reflectare,deoareceacesta este lucrul pe care il experimentati cand atingeti nivelul sufletului.Candajungeti la nivelul sufletului comunicarii cu o alta persoana,va veti vedea propriareflectare si nu a lor.

It is going to be helpful for you to understand this concept, because it will causemuch confusion as all of humanity moves to this next level. When you begin to

see these openings, you can make a connection with a person on a soul level.Like all communication, if you develop it, work with it, increase it, and work tohelp it grow, it will. It will become even get stronger, which leads to the form of communication and the achievement of the level of Timeless Love. When youreach that connection with another person, when you finally see your ownreflection clearly through another person, you have a relationship with them thatnever dies no matter how many lifetimes you come back. You will always seeyour reflection very clearly through that individual’s soul. You have learned toreflect their energy clearly, and they have learned to reflect yours clearly. That isa very deep level of communication, Deep Contact .

Incepe sa va fie folositoare intelegerea acestui concept, deoarece el va vaproduce multa confuzie pe masuta ce intreaga omenire se misca spre urmatorulnivel.Cand veti incepe sa vedeti aceste deschideri ,la nivelul sufletului veti puteafi in legatura cu o persoana.Ca si in toate comunicarile daca o dezvoltati, lucraticu ea si o ajutati sa ia amploare, asa se va intampla.Va deveni din ce in ce maiputernica ceea ce va conduce la o forma de comunicare si la atingerea niveluluiIubirii eterne.Cand veti ajunge la aceea legatura cu o alta persoana, cand in finalva veti vedea foarte clar propria reflectare prin ea, veti avea o relatie eterna cu

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ea, indifferent de cate durate ale vietii , aduceti inapoi.Intotdeauna va veti vedeareflectarea foarte clara prin sufletul acelui individ.Ati invatat sa reflectati foarteclar energiile lor si ei au invatat sa o reflecteze pe a voastra.Acesta este nivelulfoarte adanc al comunicarii,Legatura Profunda.

In the beginning Deep Contact will occur mostly in love relationships. However,eventually it will happen with people you know, such as at work, or even withstrangers at the mall or grocery store. It can also happen with a simple nodacross the room, or a glance out of the corner of your eye as you catchsomeone’s attention. As you make that connection with another, that person canactually jump into your energy field and you can have a moment of DeepContact. It will evolve to become your normal form of daily communication.

La inceput, Legatura profunda se va petrece mai ales in relatiile dedragoste.Totusi,eventual se va intampla cu oamenii pe care ii stiti,ca de exemplupe cei de la servici sau chiar cu necunoscutii dintr-un mall sau supermarket.Se

mai poate intampla si in cazul unui simplu salut adresat intr-o incapere sau oprivire pe furis adresata unei persoane careia vreti sa-i atrageti atentia.In timp cefaceti aceea legatura cu altcineva,aceea persoana intra de fapt in campul vostruenergetic si veti putea avea un moment al Legaturii profunde. Ea va evolua panacand va deveni forma voastra obisnuita a comunicarii zilnice.

BS Separation of the Higher and Lower Self 

Separarea BS a Sinelui Cel mai Inalt si Mai Jos

We also want to tell you another part which may be confusing for humans. Many

have belief systems that often taint your communication. We call theserestrictions by another name: “BS”. It is not wrong to believe in something, butmost change their communication to match what they think is the “right” way tobe. This is a sad occurrence and will cause the most challenge as all humansrise to the next level. It is BS that keeps the higher and lower selves separated.The veil itself gives you the illusion of this separation, yet the veil is thinningrapidly. The challenge now is that with this new Deep Contact level of communication, it can be possible to have a deep connection with another soulonly to hear one thing from their higher self and experience BS communicationfrom the lower self. This effect will diminish rapidly, but it may be very confusingin the beginning of using this new tool.

Mai vrem sa va mai spunem si despre o alta parte care s-ar putea sa fieconfuza,voua oamenilor.Multi aveti sisteme de credinte care adesea vacontamineaza comunicarea.Numim aceste restrictii cu o alta denumire: ”BS”. Nueste gresit sa credeti in ceva, dar majoritatea isi schimba comunicarea pentru apotrivi cu ceea ce cred ei, ca este calea “buna” de urmat.Acesta este un fenomentrist si va provoca majoritatea incercarilor pe masura ce toti oamenii se vor ridicala urmatorul nivel. Este BS care pastreaza separate jumatatile mai inalte si mai

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 joase. Insasi valul va da iluzia separarii,acum valul se subtiaza rapid.Acumprovocarea este de fapt acest nou nivel de comunicare al Legaturii Profunde si s-ar putea sa veti o conexiune adanca cu un alt suflet ,doar auzind de la Sinele lor mai inailt un fapt si experimentand comunicarea BS de la sinele mai jos.Acestefect se va diminua rapid dar la inceput, folosind acest nou instrument ar putea fi

foarte confuz.

What will typically happen is that you will find someone to make this deepconnection with, but you will see it and it will scare you. It does scare humans.Sometimes even when you look across the room at someone and your eyesmeet, it can frighten you because your perception is that they can see all the wayin and you can not hide anything. But this connection is what truly gives youpower. Yes, all humans are hiding something! When you are transparent, itgives you strength. That is what we are working on with you and as these thingsstart to open, there will be many times when you or people around you

experience fear as a result of this. This is the reason we spoke of fear last month—to tell you that it is only a vacuum, or a lack of information. It is only possible tobe afraid of the unknown. So, fill in the unknown with knowledge and you lose thefear. When you can release the fear, your reality will change and your belief systems will change with it.

Ceeace ce se va intampla de fapt ,va fi ca veti gasi pe cineva cu care veti faceaceasta profunda conexiune, dar o veti vedea si va va speria.Ea chiar va speriaoamenii.Cateodata, cand va veti uita intr-o incapere la cineva si vi se vor intalniprivirile , s-ar putea sa va sperie acest lucru deoarece perceptia voastra esteaceea ca ei pot vedea totul si voi nu veti putea ascunde nimic.Dar aceasta

conexiune este ceea ce intr-adevar va va da putere.Da, toti oamenii ascund cateceva! Cand sunteti transparenti, va va da putere.Cu acest lucru lucram cu voi sideoarece aceste lucruri incep sa se intample, vor fi momente cand voi sauoamenii din jurul vostru vor experimenta frica ca rezultat al acesteia.Acesta estemotivul pentru care luna trecuta v-am vorbit despre frica – ca sa va spunem caeste doar un vid sau o lipsa de informatii.Doar frica de necunoscut espe posibilsa va sperie.Asadar,umpleti necunoscutul cu stiinta si nu veti mai aveafrica.Cand eliminati frica, realitatea voastra se va schimba si odata cu aceasta sevor schimba si sistemele voastre de credinta.

See a Soul – Fall in Love

Cautati un Suflet-Indragostiti-va

There is one piece you will need to know as you start to see other people’s souls.When this happens, it is actually your own reflection that you are seeing. Whenyou truly see another person’s soul, you fall in love. It is that simple. Many of your belief systems about love will not allow you to feel that, because you have alwaysbelieved true love could only be focused in one area. After becoming comfortable

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with Deep Contact there will be times when you will go to work in the morning,perhaps you may have to take a bus or a train to get there, and you interact withother people along the way. You may call your wife when you arrive at work andtell her, “Honey! I just got to work and I fell in love three times this morning!” Thatis what this will feel like. You will literally start falling in love with people you see.

It is very confusing, because it is a true love and your reflection that you areactually seeing. That is probably the most important part of this feeling…you arefalling in love with yourself when this happens.Typically a person will experience these new energies and they will take a stepbackward into their old belief systems. It is a normal process, so please do not

 judge if that happens to you or your friends. Many times they will move forward;they will experience Deep Contact with another person and feel enlightened by it.A common belief system here is the perception that they can only love one

person, such as in a monogamous relationship. Yet any mother with children willtell you that is not true. We will also tell you that when you share that love witheveryone, planet Earth becomes a magical place. That is when the veil

completely disappears and you step more fully into your god-being, while still inthe physical body. That is where you are going, and it is exactly the creation of Heaven on Earth that you have made happen by your expectations.

Exista o piesa pe care aveti nevoie s-o stiti de vreme ce incepeti sa vedetisufletele altor oameni.Cand acest lucru se intampla, este de fapt propria voastrareflectare pe care o vedeti.Cand intr-adevar vedeti sufletul celeilalte persoane, vaindragostiti.Este foarte simplu.Multe dintre sistemele voastre de credinte nu vavor lasa sa simtiti acest lucru, deoarece ele intotdeauna cred ca iubireaadevarata ar putea fi focalizata intr-o singura zona.Dupa ce va linistiti cuLegatura Profunda vor fi momente cand veti merge dimineata la servici, poate ca

va trebui sa luati autobuzul sau trenul ca sa ajungeti acolo si sa interactionati indrumul vostru cu alti oameni.S-ar putea sa va sunati sotia cand ajungeti la birousi sa-i spuneti,”Iubito,”Doar ce am ajuns la birou si m-am indragostit de trei ori inaceasta dimineata!”Si acest lucru simtiti sa spuneti.Literar vorbind ,va vetiindragosti de oamenii pe care-i vedeti.Este foarte confuz,deoarece este o iubireadevarata si cat si reflectarea voastra a ceea ce de fapt vedeti.Acesta este poatecea mai importanta parte a acestui sentiment…cand se intampla acest lucru vaindragostiti de voi insiva.Intr-un mod cu totul propriu,o persoana va experimentaaceste noi energii si va face un pas inapoi in vechile sisteme de credinte.Este unproces obisnuit,asadar , va rog nu judecati daca vi se intampla acest lucru vouasi prietenilor vostri.De multe ori ei vor da inainta;vor experimenta LegaturaProfunda cu o alta persoana,si se vor simti iluminati de ea.Aici un sistem decredinte obisnuit ,este acea percepere ca ei pot iubi doar o persoana,ca intr-orelatie monogama.Deja orice mama cu copii va va spune ca nu este adevarat.Sinoi va vom spune ca atunci cand impartiti aceea iubire cu cineva, planetaPamant va deveni un loc magic.Acest lucru se intampla cand valul disparecomplet si inaintati mult mai mult in fiinta lui Dumnezeu, in timp ce inca existati incorpul fizic.Intr-acolo mergeti,si este exact creatia Cerului pe Pamant pe care atifacut-o sa se intample, dupa asteptarile voastre.

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As you are walk through life you will encounter other souls, some that you willknow—sometimes it will be your spouse, sometimes it will be a stranger,sometimes it will be a friend—and you will look at them differently and seeyourself falling in love. Know that you are falling in love with your image seen indifferent mirrors. That is the same beauty seen in your soul when it is Home.

Without the expectations or the belief systems, you can simply take in the love. Itmakes you more of a person in a sense, because it anchors your soul within your physical body. It makes you vibrate higher. It makes you feel better about a spiritpretending to be separate, and about the game itself. You have more to give toother people. When you see yourself becoming more transparent every day andpeople fall in love with you, know that it is just the next step and it does not meanyou have to do anything about it. It does not mean you must have long term or physical relations with each of them. It does not mean that there are expectationsthat will come as a result of those interactions. It simply means that you are beingthe mirror. You are reflecting people’s energies in a beautiful way, to the point atwhich they can see their god-self in you. That is the nature of what is directly

ahead of you.

Pe masura ce mergeti prin viata veti intalni si alte suflete ,pe unele le veticunoaste-cateodata va fi mireasa, un strain, un prieten-si veti privi la ei diferit siva veti vedea cum va indragostiti.Intelegeti va indragostiti de propria imaginevazuta din oglinzi diferite.Adica este acceeasi frumusete vazuta in sufletul vostrucand este Acasa.Fara asteptari sau sisteme de credinte, voi puteti doar primiiubire.Intr-un fel va face mai mult decat o simpla persoana deoarece vaancoreaza sufletul in interiorul corpului vostru fizic.Va face sa vibrati mai inalt.Vaface sa va simtiti mai bine referitor la un spirit care pretinde ca este separate, sica este separat si de jocul insine.Aveti mult mai mult de oferit celorlalti.Cand va

veti vedea devenind din ce in ce mai transparenti pe zi ce trece si cand oameniise vor indragosti de voi, veti sti ca este pasul urmator si nu inseamna ca trebuiesa faceti ceva in acest sens.Nu inseamna ca trebuie sa aveti relatii pe termenlung sau relatii fizice cu fiecare dintre ei.Nu inseamna ca sunt asteptari care vor veni ca rezultat al acestor interactiuni.Inseamna pur si simplu ca suntetioglinda.Reflectati energiile oamenilor intr-un fel minunat, pana in punctul in careei isi pot vedea propriul lor Dumnezeu din ei.Aceast este natura a ceea ce esteexact in fata voastra.

There are many ways that humans can take this next step. One of them we haveaddressed and that is through fear, but we do not believe that will actuallyhappen. We wish to tell you that you are reaching a critical mass of love on thisplanet, and it is happening partly due to the duress currently on this planet. It ishappening because of the difficult times that you have put yourselves into ashumans and societies. That is starting to change in a very beautiful way. Youhave seen it in your world as difficulties, as challenges, but it is not. It is anopportunity for light and for you to see yourselves in other people’s eyes the wayyou really are. When you do, we hope you fall in love with you.

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Oamenii pot face urmatorul pas in multe feluri.Pe unele le-am exprimat si suntprin frica,dar de fapt noi nu credem ca se va intampla acest lucru.Dorim sa vaspunem ca atingeti o masa critica de iubire pe aceasta planeta, si se intampla inmare parte datorita violentei curente de pe aceasta planeta.Se intampla datoritatimpurilor dificile pe care le traiti ca oameni si societati.Acest lucru incepe sa se

schimbe intr-un fel minunat.L-ati vazut in lumea voastra sub forma de greutati,incercari, dar nu este asa.Este o ocazie pentru lumina si pentru voi sa va vedetiin ochii altor oameni cum sunteti cu adevarat.Cand faceti acest lucru, speram cava veti indragosti de voi.

We Are in Love with You!

Suntem indragostiti de voi!

It is with the greatest of honor that we speak to you these days. You understandthat as angels in heaven, our greatest hope is to be here and to help you re-

member who you really are and that is working. Our greatest passion is to reflectyour magnificence is a beautiful and empowered way. We have fallen verydeeply in love with you. It is such an honor for us to see this, and it is happeningon a global basis. The vibration of humanity is changing daily. All these newenergies that come in, all these new things that happen, if they do not fit into thehigher vibration of the New Planet Earth, they will show up first as difficulties.Welcome them. Look for the opportunities of light in those difficulties and letpeople see you. Let them see your struggles. Let them see your pain. Let themsee your challenges and if you dare, let them see your belief systems becausethat will show you who you are.

In aceste zile, va vorbim cu cea mai mare onoare.Voi intelegeti ca asemanatoriingerilor din cer, speranta noastra cea mai mare este sa fim aici si sa va ajutamsa va re-amintiti cine sunteti cu adevarat si ca functioneaza.Imboldul nostru celmai mare este sa va reflectam maretia care este minunata, o cale minunata siplina de posibilitati.Ne-am indragostit foarte tare de voi.Este o onoare pentru noisa vedem acest lucru, si acest lucru se intampla la scara globala.Zilnic seschimba vibratia omenirii.Toate aceste energii noi care patrund, toate acestelucrurie noi care se intampla,daca nu s-ar potrivi intr-o vibratie mai inalta a NoiiPlanete Pamant, ni s-ar prezenta ca dificultati.Urati-le bun venit.Cautati in acestedificultati ocaziile luminii si lasati oamenii sa va vada.Lasati-i sa va vadaeforturile.Lasati-i sa va vada durerea.Lasati-i sa va vada incercarile si daca

indrazniti, lasati-i sa va vada sistemele de credinte deoarece acest lucru va vaarata cine sunteti.

Please understand that as you are going about your daily lives falling in love, it isyour own reflection you are falling in love with. That is what the beauty brings. If you like the way that you are reflected in their hearts and when you look into their eyes, they are your friend. If you fall in love with them, they may also experienceit if they are open to it. Many times you can feel such deep and strong

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connections, very quickly, very briefly, very momentarily, but it will change your life overnight. This can be very confusing for many people because love hasmany definitions. Partner love has one definition, while love of children has adifferent definition—as do love of friends, of passion, of work, and things as youlove to do. However, it is all the same heart-felt energy. Bringing that energy

within and allowing it to work through your words reflections, and energy is whatmost of you have come here to do.

Va rog sa intelegeti ca pe masura ce urmeaza sa va indragostiti zilnic, vaindragostiti de propria voastra reflectare.Acesta este lucrul pe care frumusetea iladduce.Daca va place felul in care sunteti reflectati in inimile lor si cand va uitatiin ochii lor, atunci ei va sunt prieteni.Daca va indragostiti de ei, si ei potexperimenta aceasta daca sunt deschisi s-o faca.De multe ori puteti simti nistecoexiuni atat de profunde si puternice, foarte rapid, foarte scurt, foarte pemoment, dar va va schimba peste noapte viata.Aceasta ar putea fi foarte confuzapentru multi deoarece iubirea are mult definitii.Iubirea pentru partener este o

definitie in timp ce iubirea pentru copii are o definitie diferita-la fel sic ea pentruprieteni,a pasiunii a muncii si a lucrurilor pe care le iubiti sa le faceti.Totusi,toateau aceeasi energie simtita din inima.Aducand aceea energie in interior sipermitandu-i sa lucreze prin reflectarile cuvintelor voastre,este ceea cemajoritatea dintre voi ati facut venind aici.

Being the Mirror 

Fiind Oglinda

We are addressing the mirrors of the planet. Many of you have chosen to do

nothing more than to be an accurate mirror for people to reflect their energy in.You are the healers and the teachers of Planet Earth and you are taking your position now. You are right on time. Feel and know that you will be going aboutyour daily lives falling in love. There will be a time when you will fall in love justwalking down the street. What a joyful and hilarious planet this will be, becauseyou will not have room in your hearts for war if you fill it with love. You will nothave room in your hearts for disagreements if you fill it with love. That is the idea.Know the reflection you see in the other person is your reflection. There is areverse side of this, because you are currently living in a field of polarity. You seethings as up and down, right or wrong, good and bad, even though there are nosuch definitions. If you watch, you will even see people who reflect you

negatively. Those are the real gifts because that shows your own reflection in anegative aspect. It is almost like looking at a photographic negative. We realizethis is old technology but we will use the analogy anyway. If you have a negativeof a developed photograph and you look at the photograph, you will befascinated and relate to the photograph. But the negative you will not understandbecause the light and the dark are reversed. It is very simple, yet that is whathappens sometimes when you look in someone’s eyes or someone’s soul. Ineffect, you do not like what you see or you feel a rejection of what you see. That,

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too, is an opportunity for you to see yourself, because most of the time they aresimply reflecting a piece of yourself that you have no tolerance for.

Ne adresam oglinzilor planetei.Multi dintre nu voi nu ati facut mai mult decat safiti o oglinda exacta pentru oamenii care-si reflecta energiile in ea.Sunteti

vindecatori si profesori ai Planetei Pamant si acum luati atitudine.Ati venit latimp.Simtiti si aflati ca veti umbla zilnic indragostiti pe durata vietii voastre.Vaveni o vreme cand va veti indragosti doar mergand pe strada.Ce planeta veselasi glumeata va fi atunci,pentru ca nu veti mai avea loc in inimile voastre pentrurazboi,daca o veti umple cu iubire.Nu veti mai avea loc in inimile voastre pentrucerturi daca o umpleti cu iubire.Aceasta este idea.Sa stiti ca reflectarea pe care ovedeti in alta persoana este reflectarea voastra.Exista o parte contrarie aacesteia deoarece traiti in mod normal intr-un camp al polaritatii. Vedeti lucrurileca jos si sus, bune si rele, corecte si incorecte chair daca nu exista astfel dedefinitii.Daca priviti ,veti vedea chiar persoane care va reflecta negative.Acesteasunt adevarate daruri deoarece va arata propria reflectare sub aspect

negativ.Este cu totul asemanator negativului unei fotografii.Ne dam seama caeste vechea tehnologie dar oricum vom folosi analogia.Daca aveti negativul uneifotografieri depline si va uitati la fotografiere veti fi fascinate si apropiati de ceeace vedeti.Dar nu veti intelege partea negativa deoarece lumina si intunericul suntreversul.Este foarte simplu,chiar acest lucru se intampla cand va priviti in ochiicuiva sau in sufletul lui.De fapt, nu va place ceea ce vedeti sau simtiti orespingere a ceea ce vedeti.Si , la fel,este o ocazie pentru voi ca sa va vedeti,deoarece in majoritatea timpului ei va reflecta doar o parte din voi pe care nu otolerati.

Ascension is Easy!

Ascensiunea este usoara!

Many of you know that as you master something, as you walk in high masterylevels of any of the attributes that you have, you become intolerant of people whodo not walk in such mastery. It is a normal human process. Please do not judgeyourself for it, but be aware of it because there is no higher or lower. That is allan illusion of polarity on the gameboard. There is no judgment; there is no rightor wrong. These are things you are starting to understand, and as you do theybecome your point of perception. Now you will be able to perceive yourself through other people you simply pass on the street, as well as those you love,

build long-term relationships with, or work with on a daily basis. Can you imaginewhat it would be like to be in love with the people you work with, to the point thatyou could hardly wait to get to work in the morning because you just loved to bearound them so much? That is when you are most comfortable with your ownenergy. That is when you are most confident, and you have the soul confidenceof your own reflection as seen through many hearts. That is the next step of humanity.

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Multi dintre voi stiu ca, cu cat stapaniti ceva , cu atat pasiti pe nivelele inalte alemaiestriei oricareia dintre atributiile pe care le aveti si veti deveni mai intoleranticu oamenii care nu merg pe o asemenea cale.Este un process omenescnormal.Va rog nu va judecati pentru acest lucru ci fiti constienti de el deoareceaici nu exista mai inalt sau mai jos.Exista doar iluzia polaritatii pe tabla de joc.Nu

exista judecata; nu este bine sau rau.Acestea sunt lucruri pe care incepeti sa leintelegeti, si cand o faceti ele devin punctul vostru de percepere.Acum veti puteasa va percepeti voi insiva prin alti oameni doar trecand pe strada, ca si in aceiape care ii iubiti, sa va construiti relatii pe termen lung sau sa lucrati zilnic.Vaputeti imagina cum ar fi sa va indragostiti de oamenii cu care lucrati pana intr-atatincat abia sa asteptati sa mergeti la servici dimineata deoarece vreti doar sa fiti inpreajma lor? Acest lucru se intampla cand va simtiti cel mai bine in propriaenergie.Acest lucru se intampla cand sunteti foarte increzatori,si aveti incredereasufletului propriei voastre reflectari vazuta prin multe inimi.Acesta este urmatorulpas al omenirii.

There are many ways it can be experienced. Knowledge holds the light; havingthe knowledge allows no space for fear. That is our highest vision of you. Wehope that you are able to see your reflection through our eyes, because we loveyou more than you could possibly know. The energy of Home surrounds eachand every one of you. You have brought something special to give. Now is thetime to step out. Now is the time to take the blinders off. Now is the time to takethat first step and push against the wall. When you see that person that reflectsyour energy and you fall in love, do not attach yourself to that love. Let it flowthrough you and simply say, “Thank you.” Do not think you have to go off and dosomething with that person for the rest of your life, because if you are falling inlove with every other person you are going to be very busy. The truth of the

matter is that you are falling in love with you. Do not be confused as it starts tohappen. Know that you are the healers who will be opening the doors for others.Many of you carry seeds of light that will open the next level for many people. Letthem see you. Dare to let them all the way in whenever possible, and you will seemajor changes in your field. You will see energy that starts to gather around you.You will see support networks. You will see opportunities. You will see thingsmagically happen.

Sunt multe feluri prin care poate fi experimentata.Cunoasterea detinelumina;avand cunoasterea nu se permite frica.Aceasta este cea mai inaltaviziune a voastra.Speram ca puteti vedea reflectarea voastra prin ochii nostrii,deoarece va iubim mai mult decat ar fi posibil s-o stiti.Energia de Acasa neinconjoara pe fiecare dintre noi.Ati adus ceva special de dat.Acum estemomentul sa grabiti pasul. Acum este momentul sa luati persoanele care vaplac.Acum este momentul primului pas si sa-l puneti la zid.Cand vedeti aceeapersoana care va reflecta energia si va indragostiti, nu va tasati de aceeadragoste.Lasati-o sa curga si spuneti doar simplu”Multumesc”.Nu va ganditi catrebuie sa va aprindeti si sa faceti ceva cu aceea persoana pentru tot restulvietii , deoarece daca va indragostiti de fiecare persoana intalnita veti fi foarte

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ocupati.Adevarul este ca va indragostiti de fapt de voi.Sa nu fiti confuzi cand seva intampla acest lucru.Sa stiti ca sunteti vindecatorii care vor deschide usilepentru altii.Multi dintre voi purtati samantele luminii ce vor deschide urmatorulnivel pentru multi oameni.Lasati-i sa va vada.Indrazniti sa-i lasati ori de cate orieste posibil si veti vedea schimbari majore in campul vostru.Veti vedea energia

care incepe sa se stranga in jurul vostru.Veti vedea retelele de sprijin.Veti vedeaocaziile.Veti vedea cum lucrurile se intampla magic.

We are not here to help you evolve. We are not here to help you ascend intoheaven. That is easy. Ascension is easy; all you have to do is die. The hard partis staying here and letting your heart be seen by other souls. We are with youevery moment of every day. Know that you are carrying that energy of Home asyou smile, as you plant those seeds that are so important to you and we hopeyou fall in love a lot. Enjoy every moment of it.

Nu suntem aici sa va ajutam sa evoluati.Nu suntem aici sa va ajutam sa urcati la

cer.Este usor.Ascensiunea este usoara;tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este samuriti.Partea cea mai grea este sa stati aici si sa va lasati inima sa fie vazuta decelellate suflete.Suntem aici cu voi in fiecare moment al fiecarei zile.Sa stiti capurtati aceea energie de Acasa in timp ce zambiti, in timp ce saditi acele semnitecare sunt atat de importante voua si speram ca va aveti indragosti mult.Bucurati-va de fiecare moment .

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with the highestrespect. Nurture one another every opportunity you can. Know that it is abeautiful game you are playing and play well together.

Va cerem cu cea mai mare onoare sa va tratati unul pe celalat cu cel mai marerespect.Hraniti-va unul pe celalalt cu fiecare ocazie pe care o puteti.Sa stiti caacesta este un joc minunat pe care il jucati si-l jucam bine impreuna.


The group

Magical Time of Year 

Timpul magic al Anului

~ Re-minders from Home ~

Re-amintiri de Acasa

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From Steve:

De la Steve:

In this message the group expanded greatly on an ideathey introduced a couple of months back. Deep Contact isa new level of communication that has not beencommonly available to humans before. When developed,this soul level communication can lead to the experienceof Timeless Love which has been a very rare experience forhumans up to this point.

In acest mesaj grupul a extins in mare masura idea pe careei au introdus-o acum cateva luni.Profunda Legatura estenoul nivel de comunicare care de obicei inainte,nu era

accesibila oamenilor. Cand este dezvoltata, aceastacomunicare la nivelul sufletului poate duce la experienta Iubirii Eterne, o experientafoarte rara oamenilor pana in acest moment.

 As a part of the explanation the group brings up a point they previously addressed that when you see another’s soul you fall in love. In the days ahead of us we will all becomemore transparent as the veil thins. This will lead to more soul seeing throughouthumanity as we get good playing the original game of hide and seek. This will be achieved by an experience of Deep Contact where two people who have reach deep levels of communication and can fall in love very quickly. It is easy to see the adjustments that will be ahead for all of us if as the group suggested it may be possible to fall in love twice on

 your way to work in the morning. The main point is that what you are falling in love withis your own reflection in that person. It is the attachments and expectations onrelationships along with BS (Belief Systems) that limit what could be an incredible deep, beautiful and non threatening interaction with another soul pretending to be a human. Inlearning to live with these new attributes it can be said that each of us is learning to fall inlove with ourselves.

Ca parte a explicatiei,grupul pregateste o problema pe care a adresat-o mai inainte sianume aceea ca atunci cand vezi sufletul altuia ,te indragostesti.Acest lucru duce la a vedea mult mai multe suflete pretutindeni in cadrul omenirii pe masura ce jucam joculoriginal de-a v-ati ascunselea.Acesta se va realize printr-o experienta a ContactuluiProfund unde doi omanei care au atins nivelele adanci ale comunicarii si se pot indragostifoarte repede.Este usor de vazut potrivirile ce vor fi obtinute pentru toti dintre noi dacaasa cum o sugereaza grupul poate fi posibil sa te indragostesti de doua ori in drumul tauspre service dimineata.Principalul este ca de ceea ce te indragostesti este propria tareflectare in aceea persoana.Sunt atasamentele si asteptarile din relatiile cu BS(Sistemelede credinte) care limiteaza ceeace ar putea fi o interactiune adanca incredibila, minunatasi fara amenintari cu un alt suflet ce pretinde a fi uman.In studierea cum sa traiesti cuaceste noi attribute ,se poate spune ca fiecare dintre noi invatam sa ne indragostim de noi

Powershoot by Petra

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Barbara and I are looking forward to spending our holidays with our expanding family.My father passed down a family tradition that the one with the youngest children werethe ones who hosted Christmas. So this year Christmas moves to a new location and I’msure that it will be only one of the many gifts that our new grandson brings into theRother family as we gather for the holidays. Christmas is a time for family. Barbara and Iare very lucky as we are able to create the positive family role model and environment inour seminars and quite often we are known as Mom and Dad. I know that there are many people who cringe when I say the word family as it may have a slightly different meaningfrom the view of their path, or perhaps no family around. No mater what your take on the word family is there is a definite gathering of souls who are here to lead in this evolutionat hand. The group has called this the family of light and they call us lightworkers. We’re

not alone. Lightworkers are beginning to awaken globally and soon my bet is that muchof what was used to be on the fringe as woo woo will magically become main streamthinking. Even the direction of our organization is changing slightly to accommodate thisshift and the higher vibrational levels that are now possible for Lightworkers. See theOverLight Experience Light series.

Eu si cu Barbara asteptam cu nerabdare san e petrecem sarbatorile familia noastra care s-a marit.

Tatal meu ne-a transmis o traditie potrivit careia cel care are cel mai tanar copil, gazduieste

Craciunul.Asadar, in acest an Craciunul se muta intr-o noua locatie si sunt sigura ca va fi unuldintre numeroasele cadouri pe care le va face nepotul nostru familiei Rother unde ne vom reuni de

sarbatori.Craciunul este o sarbatoare in familie.Eu si Barbara suntem foarte norocosi ca am putut

crea modelul rolului pozitiv al familiei si al locului in cadrul seminariilor noastre si destul de dessuntem cunoscuti ca fiind Mama si Tatal.Stiu ca sunt multi care se simt stanjeniti cand aud

cuvantul familie deoarece acest termen ar putea avea o conotatie diferita de punctul lor de vedere

sau poate ca nu au familie.Putin conteaza ceea ce intelegeti prin familie,este vorba de o adunare de

suflete ce sunt aici pentru fi precursorii evolutiei prezente.Grupul a numit aceasta familia luminiisi ei ne-au numit lLucratori in Lumina.Noi nu suntem singuri.Lucratorii in Lumina au inceput sa

trezeasca in plan mondial si curand,pun pariu ca destul de multe erau lucruri care erau la limita asa

cum simpatia va deveni in mod magic principalul canal al gandirii.Chiar directia organizariinoastre se schimba usor pentru acomodarea acestei schimbari si a nivelelor vibrationale mai inalte

ce sunt acum posibile Lucratorilor in Lumina. Vedeti seriile Experientei Luminii asupra Luminii.

This holiday is a time of the heart and a time to honor this family. Barbara and I are sograteful for you guys. We get to go all over the world but you’ll never know how hard it isfor us to leave. At this time of year especially I want to say thanks for being in my life andfor letting me fall in love with you.

 Aceasta sarbatoare este vremea inimii si vremea de a cinsti aceasta familie.Eu si cu

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Brabara va suntem atat de recunoscatori.Mergem in toata lumea dar niciodata nu veti sticat de greu ne este sa va parasim.Mai ales in aceasta perioada a anului vrem sa vamultumim ca existati in viata mea si ca mi-ati perimis sa ma indragostesc de voi.

Have a great holiday. Big hugs!

Sa aveti sarbatori minunate.Imbratisari uriase!

Greetings from Home 

Salutari de Acasa

Dear ones, you have come so far throughout the Universe for so many different lifetimes.This has provided you with vastly different exposures and opportunities to see your reflection in other people. However, you have been confused many times by thesereflections. We tell you that as you continue to evolve, each human will go through an

evolutionary process to diminish the veil. Then, you will start to see things you havenever seen before in these areas. You will begin to experience more ideas, concepts andheart openings, and you will see your own reflection in other people in a new way. That iswhat we wish to address this day, your reflection in others. We are not here to show youfuture ways of doing things or the new possibilities for evolved humans. Instead, we arehere to give you some suggestions, tools and ideas for you to play with.

Dragilor,ati venit de foarte departe din Univers pentru atat de multe vieti.Acest lucru v-agasit cu diferite infatisari enorme si posibilitati ca sa va vedeti reflectati in altepersoane.Totusi, de multe ori ati fost confuzi de aceste reflectari.Va vom spune ca pemasura ce continuati sa evoluati, fiecare om va trece printr-un proces evolutionist ca sa

diminueze valul.Apoi,veti incepe sa vedeti lucrurile pe care nu le-ati vazut mai inainte inaceste domenii.Veti incepe sa experimentati mai multe idei, concepte si deschideri aleinimii si va veti vedea intr-un fel propria voastra reflectare in alti oameni.Acest lucru vremsa v-il adresam azi, reflectarea voastra in altii.Suntem aici sa va aratam caile viitoare in aface aceste lucruri sau noile posibilitati pentru oamenii evoluati.Mai degraba, suntem aicisa va dam unele sugestii, instrumente si ideii cu care sa va jucati.

Reflected Light

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Lumina Reflectata

You are an integral part of each other, spirits pretending to be separate from each other.While playing this game, you are communicating on many levels. You speak with your 

words and your laughter or tears. You communicate with your eyes and body language,and through your smile or the expression on your face. And you communicate throughtouch much more than you know. Many times these forms of non-verbal communicationactually speak much louder than the words you so rely on. As all humans continue toevolve, you will see differences in all forms of communication.

Sunteti o parte integranta a unui altuia, spirite care pretend ca sunt separate unul decelalalt.In timp ce jucam acest joc, comunicati pe multe nivele.Va jucati cucuvintele,rasetele si lacrimile.Comunicati cu ochii vostrii si limbajul trupului si prinzambetul sau expresia de pe fata voastra.De multe ori aceste forme de comunicare non-

verbala de fapt vorbesc mult mai mult decat o pot face cuvintele.Pe masura ce totioamenii continua sa se dezvolte, veti vedea diferentele in toate formele de comunicare.

It is important to first understand that all forms of communication are reflections of your light. Secondly, if you are overly invested in the person or persons you are working withthen your communication is instantly tainted. This is when you feel them so much thatyou say what you think they want to hear. It doesn’t really matter what they think of you,and in a way it is none of your business. You will always feel them and be sensitive tothem because your energy naturally bounces off of those you communicate with, but if that sensitivity influences your communication it will be an inaccurate reflection. That is

one of the areas we are going to have you focus on as you work with this energy.

Este important ca mai intai sa intelegem ca toate formele de comunicare sunt reflectarealuminii voastre. In al doilea rand, daca sunteti peste masura de implicate in persoana saupersoanele cu care lucrati atunci comunicarea voastra imediat este molipsita.Acest lucruse intampla cand ii simtiti atat de mult incat spuneti ceeace credeti ca ei ar vrea saauda.De fapt nu conteaza ceea ce cred ei despre voi,si intr-un fel nu este treabavoastra.Intotdeauna ii veti simti si veti fi sensibili la ei deoarece energia voastra in modnatural inunda pe cei cu care comunicati dar daca aceea sensibilitate va influenteazacomunicarea va fi o reflectare inexacta.Aceasta este una dintre ariile pe care urmeaza sava focalizati in timp ce lucrati cu aceasta energie.

Deep Contact

Legatura Profunda

You will be bringing a whole new energy into your lives as you evolve. As you do, someof the relationships you have now will drift away and others will stretch to new heights.Even though two people raise their vibrations at different rates, as long as you have

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effective communication between those levels and a belief system which allows you toexpand your consciousness it makes space for that to happen. You will begin to seesomething new in your relationships, and this is what we wish to address. We spoke of ita few months ago. It is something we call Deep Contact . Deep Contact is a form of 

communication that you will eventually have with everyone. It is a soul levelcommunication that you have with another human, but up to this point it has only beenachieved with a very few. This deep level communication has evolved over manylifetimes. For the first time it is now possible to experience this with complete strangers,for you are starting to diminish the veil. Deep Contact is speaking to another person on asoul level right from the beginning of the relationship. Does it involve words? Yes,probably in the beginning it will because that is how you are most accustomed tocommunicating. Later it will evolve into telepathic communication, but the interesting partis that you will still have the separation. As the veil starts to diminish, you will clearly seethe energy cord connections between yourself and others, and even how your emotionsaffect other people. You will recognize how your energy works with other people and your 

effect on the world. Something you will also begin to see is your own reflection, becausethat is what you experience when you reach the soul level. When you get to a soul levelof communication with another person, you see your reflection, not theirs.

Pe masura ce evoluati vi se va adduce o intreaga energie noua in vietile voastre.Pe candfaceti acest lucru,cu unele legaturi pe care le aveti acum nu veti ai avea de a face si cualtele va veti extinde la noi inaltimi.Chiar daca doua persoane isi vor ridica vibratiile indiferite proportii atata timp cat veti avea o comunicare efectiva dintre acele nivele si unsistem de credinte care va vor permite sa va extindeti constiinta ,se va crea spatialnecesar sa se intample acest lucru.Veti incepe sa vedeti ceva nou in relatiile voastre siacest lucru dorim sa v-il adresam.V-am vorbit despre el acum luni in urma.Este ceva ce

noi il numim “Legatura Profunda”.Legatura Profunda este o forma de comunicare pe careo veti avea eventual cu oricine.Este o comunicare la nivelul sufletului pe care o aveti cu oalta fiinta umana dar pana acum s-a intamplat cu foarte putini. Aceasta comunicare lanivel profound a evoluat peste multe durate de timp.Pentru prima data acum este posibilsa se experimenteze acesta lucru cu oamnei complet starini, deoarece ati inceput sadiminuati valul.Legatura profunda vorbeste unei alte personae de pe nivelul sufletuluichiar de la inceputul relatiei.Implica cuvinte?Da,probabil la inceput este posibil acestlucru deoarece asa sunteti obisnuiti sa comunicati.Mai tarziu va evolua intr-o comunicaretelepatica, dar partea interesanta este aceea ca inca veti avea detasarea.Pe masura cevalul incepe sa se diminueze,veti vedea foarte clar legaturile inimii ale energiei dintre voisi altii,si chiar si cum emotiile vor afecta pe altii.Veti recunoaste cum lucreza energia

voastra cu ceilalti oameni si efectul vostru asupra lumii.Altceva ce veti putea vedea estepropria voastra reflectare,deoarece asta este ceea ce experimentati cand atingeti nivelulsufletului.Cand ajungeti la nivelul sufletului comunicarii cu o alta persoana,va veti vedeapropria reflectare si nu ale lor.

It is going to be helpful for you to understand this concept, because it will cause much

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confusion as all of humanity moves to this next level. When you begin to see theseopenings, you can make a connection with a person on a soul level. Like allcommunication, if you develop it, work with it, increase it, and work to help it grow, it will.It will become even get stronger, which leads to the form of communication and the

achievement of the level of Timeless Love. When you reach that connection with another person, when you finally see your own reflection clearly through another person, youhave a relationship with them that never dies no matter how many lifetimes you comeback. You will always see your reflection very clearly through that individual’s soul. Youhave learned to reflect their energy clearly, and they have learned to reflect yours clearly.That is a very deep level of communication, Deep Contact .

Urmeaza sa fie de folos sa intelegti acest concept, deoarece el va va produce multaconfuzie pe masutra ce intreaga omenire se misca la urmatorul nivel.Cand veti incepe savedeti aceste deschideri veti putea face o legatura cu o persoana la nivelul sufletului.Catoate comunicarile, daca o dezvoltati, lucrati cu ea,o dezvoltati,si o ajutati sa se dezvolte

ea asa va fi.Va deveni din ce in ce mai puternica ceea ce va conduce la o form adecomunicare si la atngerea nivelului Iubirii neconditionate.Cand veti atinfge aceea legaturacu o alta perosna, cand in final veti vedea foarte clar reflectarea proprie prin cealaltaperosna veti avea o relatie cu ea care nu va avea moarte indiferent din cate vieti veti dainapoi.Intotdeauna veti vedea foarte clar reflecatrea voastra prin sufletul acelui individ.Atiinvatat sa reflecati energiile lor foarte clar, si ei au invatat sa o reflecteze pe avoastra.Acesta este nivelul foarte adnc al comunicarii,Legatura Profunda.

In the beginning Deep Contact will occur mostly in love relationships. However,eventually it will happen with people you know, such as at work, or even with strangers atthe mall or grocery store. It can also happen with a simple nod across the room, or a

glance out of the corner of your eye as you catch someone’s attention. As you make thatconnection with another, that person can actually jump into your energy field and you canhave a moment of Deep Contact. It will evolve to become your normal form of dailycommunication.

La inceputuri, Legatura profunda se va petrece mai ales in legaturile dedragoste.Totusi,se va intampla eventual cu oamnei pe care ii stiti,ca de exemplu de laservice sau chiar cu starinii dintr-un mall sau supermarket.Se mai poate intampla si cu unsimplu salut dintr-o camera sau o uitatura in coltul ochiului aruncata unei persoane careiavreti sa-I atrageti atentia.Dearece faceti aceea legatura cu altcineva aceea persoana defapt intra in campul vostru energetic si veti putea avea un moment al Legaturii profunde.

Ea va evolua in a deveni forma voastra normala a comunicarii zilnice.

BS Separation of the Higher and Lower Self 

Separarea BS a Celui mai Inalt si Mai jos Sine

We also want to tell you another part which may be confusing for humans. Many havebelief systems that often taint your communication. We call these restrictions by another name: “BS”. It is not wrong to believe in something, but most change their 

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