1 The Atoll Photo by : Aaron Smith Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis Umum 11 Games Kemainan 17 Cocos Moment Saat Cocos 19 Birthdays Ulang Tahun 19 Community Events Acara Masyarakat 20 Game Solutions Jawapan Kemainan 20 In this edition Isi Kandungan You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting: [email protected] The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls—situated 2768km north-west of Perth and 3685km due west of Darwin — and is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean. We would love to receive your feedback or suggestions on what you would like to read in The Atoll Please contact the Shire at [email protected] $2.00 per issue Thursday 24th May – Wednesday 6th June 2018 Trampoline Kids Mateship! Morning Fitness at HI Campus - The year 3-6‘s are doing Yoga and Relaxation during Ramadan to keep up their balance, flexibility, strength and relaxation skills during this trying month.

The Atoll - Cocos Keeling Islands Community Resource Centre · 2019-11-27 · 1 The Atoll Photo by : Aaron Smith Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis

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Page 1: The Atoll - Cocos Keeling Islands Community Resource Centre · 2019-11-27 · 1 The Atoll Photo by : Aaron Smith Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis


The Atoll

Photo by : Aaron Smith

Cocos (K) Islands News

Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2

Public Notices

Notis-notis Umum 11


Kemainan 17

Cocos Moment

Saat Cocos 19


Ulang Tahun 19

Community Events

Acara Masyarakat 20

Game Solutions

Jawapan Kemainan 20

In this edition

Isi Kandungan

You can subscribe to The Atoll

electronically by contacting:

[email protected]

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands

comprises of 27 coral islands

forming two atolls—situated

2768km north-west of Perth and

3685km due west of Darwin —

and is an isolated speck in the

Indian Ocean.

We would love to receive your feedback or suggestions on what you would like to read in The Atoll

Please contact the Shire at [email protected]

$2.00 per issue Thursday 24th May – Wednesday 6th June 2018

Trampoline Kids


Morning Fitness at HI Campus - The year

3-6‘s are doing Yoga and Relaxation

during Ramadan to keep up their balance,

flexibility, strength and relaxation skills

during this trying month.

Page 2: The Atoll - Cocos Keeling Islands Community Resource Centre · 2019-11-27 · 1 The Atoll Photo by : Aaron Smith Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis


Latest to 23rd May 2018:

May Statistics


Latest 2018 Statistics:




Rainfall Stats

Emergency Contact List

AFP 9162 6600

VHF Ch20

IOTHS WI Clinic 9162 6655

IOTHS HI Clinic 9162 7609

VHF Ch24

DFES HI 9162 7788

DFES WI 9162 7777

VMRS 0406 329 056

VHF Ch20

Shire HI 9162 6649

Shire WI 9162 6740

Watercorp 9162 6722

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)

Thumbs Up

Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P | 9162 7707 E | [email protected] W | [email protected]

Changes to The Atoll

The Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre and the Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands would like to advise that the Shire will once again

take over the compilation of The Atoll from May 2018.

The Cocos (K) Islands CRC will continue to receive and format advertisements, along with the printing and distribution of editions.

Please feel free to send your birthday notices, thumbs-up or Cocos snapshots to the Shire at [email protected]

We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with the Shire to bring you a great community newsletter.

Feel free to email your

thumbs up to the Shire for


Petukaran kepada The Atoll

Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre dan Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands ingin memberitahu yang Shire akan sekali lagi mengurusi

penyusunan The Atoll dari May 2018.

Cocos (K) Islands CRC akan meneruskan untuk menerima dan format advertais, disamping printing dan pembagian edisi-edisi.

Dipersilahkan untuk mengirim notis-notis ulang-tahun, thumbs-up atau gambar-gambaran Cocos ke Shire ke-email

[email protected]

Kami berharap berterusan untuk bekerjasama dengan perhubungan yang kuat dengan Shire untuk memberikan kamu suratkabar masyarakat yang


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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

COFFEE WITH A COP Building relationships. One cup at a time.

Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members

they serve together, over coffee, to discuss issues and learn more

about each other.

Building a positive relationship with the community is crucial in

preventing crime and keeping the community safe.

Join Sergeant Anna Swain and her team for a FREE morning tea.

Tuesday 29th May 2018 - 9.30am

Please RSVP by Tuesday 22nd May for catering purposes.

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

INFO SESSION Would you like to know more about making a will?

Wednesday 6th June 2018 - 4.30pm

Why should you make one, what should go in one, what happens if you don't

have one, and how do you do one?

What is the difference if you and your spouse own your house together as joint

tenants or as tenants in common and how does that affect making a will?

What about superannuation and your will?

Join Annie Gray from Legal Aid WA who will give a sit around the table talk

about the topic of making wills. Annie can touch on related topics at the end of

the talk if people have particular interests.

Please RSVP by no later than Friday 1st June 2018

Refreshments and finger food will be supplied.

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

INFO SESSION Consumer Protection

Wednesday 20th June 2018 - 4.30pm

Join Joan Susinetti from Consumer Protection to find out more about

the latest email and phone scams and the new residential tenancy

legislation designed to protect renters affected by family and domestic

violence – plus any other burning consumer protection questions

you‘ve always wanted to ask.

Please RSVP by no later than Monday 18th June

Refreshments and finger food will be supplied.

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People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does

bathing - that's why we

recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Be simply yourself and don’t

compare or compete

Lao Tzu

A Bunny Story

Once upon a time there was a man who was peacefully driving down a windy road. Suddenly, a bunny skipped across the road and the man couldn't stop. He hit the bunny head on. The man quickly jumped out of his car to check the scene. There, lying lifeless in the middle of the road, was the Easter Bunny. The man cried out, "Oh no! I have committed a terrible crime! I have run over the Easter Bunny!" The man started sobbing quite hard and then he heard another car approaching. It was a woman in a red convertible. The woman stopped and asked what the problem was. The man explained, "I have done something horribly sad. I have run over the Easter Bunny. Now there will be no one to deliver eggs on Easter, and it's all my fault." The woman ran back to her car. A moment later, she came back carrying a spray bottle. She ran over to the motionless bunny and sprayed it. The bunny immediately sprang up, ran into the woods, stopped, and waved back at the man and woman. Then it ran another 10 feet, stopped, and waved. It then ran another 10 feet, stopped, and waved again. It did this over and over and over again until the man and the woman could no longer see the bunny. Once out of sight, the man exclaimed, "What is that stuff in that bottle?" The woman replied, "It's hare spray. It revitalizes hare and adds

permanent wave."

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Quote of the day

Thought for the day

Joke of the week



The Shire currently has the following full-time positions available.

2 x Parks & Reserves General Maintenance Worksperson

The Shire is seeking someone who has an interest in horticulture and passion for the

general presentation of our islands. The successful applicant will be required to carry out a

number of varied beautification projects and operate Shire‘s plant and equipment therefore

requiring a number of machinery tickets & licenses.


In order to be considered for the position you must be able to demonstrate your suitability

for the position. Before preparing your application check the essential selection criteria

outlined in the Position Description (Knowledge & Skills), which can be obtained by

contacting the Shire office on 91626649, to make sure you are eligible to apply.

Your application should include the following documentation:

1. A cover letter demonstrating your suitability for the position based on the selection


2. A Resume which comprises of your personal details including contact number, a

summary of your work history starting with your most recent employment, education*,

training achievements.

*A copy of stated qualifications must be included with your application.

3. Please do not submit applications in plastic folders or include original documents. All

documentation should be stapled together in the top left hand side of the application.

Applications may be posted, faxed, emailed or submitted by hand to the Home Island

Shire Administration Office.


1. Please ensure that the position title is clearly marked in the covering letter of your


2. Applications must reach the Home Island Shire Administration Office no later than

12.00pm FRIDAY 15th JUNE 2018.

The Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and is

committed to selecting the best applicant. Canvassing of Councillors will disqualify


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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Our ranger will be enforcing the removal of any boats, trailers, vehicles and other building materials located outside their boundaries and on

shire controlled land without prior approvals from the shire.

Any offenders will be given a written warning letter from the shire with instructions to re-locate their belongings into their boundary.

Please take responsibility upon ourselves to keep our islands beautiful.

If you have any concerns or issues regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our ranger on 91626649 or via email

[email protected]

Thank you for your co-operation.

Sekoci, trailers, kereta/motorsekel & pekakas lain yang diluar boundary

Ranger kami akan mengeraskan pemindahan semua sekoci, trailer, kereta/motorsekel dan pekakas lain yang berada diluar boundary tempat

tinggal dan yang berada ditanah tangggungan shire yang diletak tanpa keizinan dari shire dahulu.

Semua yang melanggar akan diberikan surat peringatan dari shire dengan pemerintahan untuk mengalehkan harta kepunyaan mereka

kedalam boundary sendiri.

Tolong ambil tanggungjawab masing-masing untuk menjaga kecantikkan pulu kita.

Kalau kamu ada pertanyaan mengenai perkara tersebut, silah hubungi ranger kami dinomor 91626649 atau melalui email

[email protected]

Terima kasih atas kerjasama anda.

Coconut Husks & plastic water bottles left at Kampong Atas

The Shire would like to remind Home Island residents that coconut husks are considered rubbish and, like all rubbish, is not to be left

anywhere. Shire has provided the greenwaste tip for this purpose.

Below is a picture taken by the our Ranger on 20th May 2018 at 08:00am that shows rubbish consisting of coconut husks and plastic water

bottles left near the beach at Kampong Atas. This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the Shire (or by anyone for that matter).

Our ranger will be closely monitoring any illegal dumping and, if required, will take further actions against litterbugs. So please do the right

thing and use the bins provided and/or dispose of rubbish or unwanted items to the appropriate tips sites.

Please take responsibility upon ourselves to keep our islands beautiful.

Sabut Kelapa & Botol plastic ditinggalkan di Kampong Atas

Shire ingin mengingatkan penduduk Home Island yang sabut kelapa digelarkan sebagai sampah dan, seperti sampah-sampah lain, tidak

boleh ditinggalkan dimana-mana sahaja. Shire mengadakan tempat sampah pokok-pokokan untuk kegunaan demikian.

Dibawa adalah gambar yang dipetik oleh Ranger kami pada 20hb May 2018 pada 08:00am yang menunjukkan sampah yang mengandungi sabut kelapa dan botol-botol plastik yang ditinggalkan di Kampong Atas. Ini tindakkan yang tidak boleh diterima dan tidak akan diterima oleh

Shire (atau sesiapapun dalam hal ini).

Ranger kami akan perhatikan dengan teliti pembuangan sampah yang melanggar undang-undang dan, kalau perlu, akan mengambil tindakkan selanjutnya terhadap orang yang suka meninggalkan sampah keliling. Jadi tolong bersikap yang sesuai dan gunakan bin-bin yang

telah disediakan dan/atau buang sampah-sampah atau barang-barang yang tidak diperlukan ditempat sampah ‘got’ yang sesuai.

Tolong ambil tanggungjawab masing-masing untuk menjaga kecantikkan pulu kita.

Boats, trailers, vehicles & other building materials outside boundaries

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Green Living Tips

People Go Plastic-Free as

Australian State Ban Looms

Western Australian citizens are grasping the age-old problem of doing away with plastic in their lives as a July 1 ban kicks in, banning the use of single-use

plastic bags for good.

Residents are taking a step by step approach to downgrading their dependence on plastic one

product at a time.

The issue has become more of a lifestyle issue for some families as lightweight single-use plastic bags will be banned statewide in Western Australia, in line with bans in South Austral ia, Tasmania, the Northern Territory, and the Australian Capital


Those that are already shedding plastic from their lives say that it is a pragmatic, slow approach. T h i s i n c l u d e s c u p s , straws, plates, cling wrap, containers and plastic packaging

for all manner of products.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)


Kedua-dua Kumpulan Penasihat Kesihatan di Pulu Christmas dan Pulu Cocos (Keeling) ditubuhkan oleh Territories Minister pada 2017 untuk memberikan majlis untuk wakil-wakil masyarakat untuk menasihati mengenai serbis-sebis kesihatan dan imengetahui tentang keperluan kesihatan yang timbul di Christmas dan


Lima memba-memba voluntir dalam Kumpulan Penasihat Kesihatan Cocos, dipilih dari kedua-dua Home Island dan Pulu Panjang, ialah Narelle Cahill, Seriwati Iku, Zakaria Lakina, Aindil Minkom and Siti Yaserie. Administrator untuk Indian Ocean Territories, Natasha Griggs, memimpin Kumpulan ini dan Indian Ocean Territories Health Service (IOTHS) menyokong Kumpulan ini dengan stasitik terbaru dan surat-surat


Kumpulan Penasihat Kesihatan Cocos mengadakan mitingannya yang pertama pada January dan April tahun ini, dan baru-baru ini pada hari Rebo, 9 May di Home Island. Walaupun Kumpulan ini boleh memandangkan berberapa perkara-perkara kesihatan di Cocos, telah dipersetujukan pada mulanya untuk focus dalam tiga bahgian iaitu kesihatan anak-anak, gaya kehidupan yang sihat dan kesihatan mental


Sejauh pada tahun ini Kumpulan ini telah memberi pandangan kepada konsultan menyatukan stratgi untuk IOTHS di Cocos. Kumpulan ini telah bersenang hati dengan mesin mammogram baru di Cocos dan menyokong penerusan dan perkembangan usaha kesihatan diantara Sekolahan dan Pusat Kesihatan. Dimitingan Kumpulan ini pada May, Community Social Worker baru, Narelle Whatley, menerangkan tugas-tugasnya dengan memba-memba. Topik masa hadapan akan termasuk National Disability Insurance

Scheme dan Tele-Health.

Kumpulan ini akan sering melapor ke masyarakat mengenai miting-miting mereka. Penduduk Cocos dijumput

untuk memajukan perkara-perkara kesihatan dengan memba-memba dari Kumpulan Penasihat Kesihatan.

The members of the Health Advisory Group on Cocos *Left to Right+: Siti Yaserie, Aindil Minkom, Natasha Griggs (Chair), Seriwati Iku, Narelle Cahill, Alanna Watson (IOTHS). Absent: Zakaria Lakina.


The two Health Advisory Groups on Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands were established by the Territories Minister in 2017 to provide a forum for community representatives to advise on health services

and identify emerging health needs on Christmas and Cocos.

The five volunteer members of the Cocos Health Advisory Group, drawn from both Home and West Islands, are Narelle Cahill, Seriwati Iku, Zakaria Lakina, Aindil Minkom and Siti Yaserie. The Administrator of the Indian Ocean Territories, Natasha Griggs, chairs the Group and the Indian Ocean Territories Health Service

(IOTHS) supports the Group with up-to-date statistics and discussion papers.

The Cocos Health Advisory Group had its first meetings in January and April this year and met most recently on Wednesday, 9 May on Home Island. While the Group can look at a range of health issues on Cocos, it has decided to initially focus on the three main priority areas of child health, healthy lifestyles and mental


So far this year the Group have provided input to the consultants developing the new strategy for the IOTHS on Cocos. The Group has welcomed the new mammogram machine on Cocos and encouraged the continuation and expansion of joint health initiatives between the School and the Health Service. At the Group‘s meeting in May, the new Community Social Worker, Narelle Whatley, discussed her role with

members. Future topics for discussion will include the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Tele-Health.

The Group will report regularly to the community on their meetings. Cocos residents are invited to raise health

service issues with the members of their Health Advisory Group.

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The first police force in Australia was made up of the best-behaved convicts when, in 1789, the Night Watch and the Row Boat Guard were appointed by Governor Arthur


Tips for Kids:

Get kids involved in growing fruit, vegetables or herbs in your own garden. Children can be more willing to try fresh herbs and vegetables if they have been involved with growing


Add grated vegies to any mince dish. Adding grated vegies to salads also really

bulks up the dish.

Don‘t use unhealthy food treats as a reward – this could set them up with unhealthy habits for life when it comes to

emotional eating.

Use up older vegies by adding

them to wholemeal muffins.

Make healthy eating a family affair. Try putting a chart on the fridge that has spaces for everyone to fill in how many serves of fruit, vegies and dairy and how much water they have

had for the day.

Presentation is everything. Kids love little portions, packets and parcels. Cut healthy sandwiches into fancy shapes with cookie cutters, or serve dinner ‗artfully‘ (eg using vegies

to form smiley face).

Don‘t force your kids to eat if they‘re not hungry Kids are good at listening to their hunger signals – it‘s when we get older we lose touch with them – and will let you know when it‘s time

for them to eat.

Healthy Living Tip

Did You Know???

Resident - Penduduk

Visitor - Pelawat

Holiday - Cuti

Visit - Melawat

Community - Masyarakat

Group - Kumpulan

Family - Keluarga

Individual - Tersendiri

Private - Peribadi

Public - Umum

Cocos Malay Words

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)


The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia (formerly Department of

Fisheries, Western Australia) would like to advise that the surface marked acoustic array, including all floats

and lines, has been removed. The array was installed last year to track the fine-scale movements of tagged

Gong Gong (Lambis lambis) in the shallow waters of the eastern part of the lagoon, south of Home Island.

The Department would like to extend its gratitude to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands community for their co-

operation and understanding during this research project. The data from this study is currently being

analysed and the results will be made available to the community as soon as possible.

Annie Gray will be available for legal advice appointments on:

Home Island on Thursday morning 7th June 2018 from 8.00am.

West Island on Thursday afternoon 7th June 2018 from midday.

To book an appointment, please contact:

Darling Elat for Home Island appointments on 9162 6519.

Annette or Jess for West Island appointments on 9261 6277.

Legal Aid WA will be visiting Cocos Islands

Between the 5th and 9th June 2018

Annie Gray akan bersedia untuk appointment untuk memberi nasihat perundangan di:

Home Island pada Khamis pagi 7hb

June 2018 dari jam 8.00am.

Pulu Panjang dari Khamis petang 7hb

June 2018 dari tengah hari.

Untuk membuat bookingan appointment, silah hubungi:

Darling Elat untuk appointment di Home Island dinomor 9162 6519.

Annette atau Jess untuk appointment di Pulu Panjang dinomor 9261 6277.

Legal Aid WA akan melawati Pulu Cocos

Dari 5hb hingga 9hb June 2018


Department of Primary Industries dan Regional Development Western Australia (dahulunya Department of

Fisheries, Western Australia) ingin menasihati yang semua pelampong, temasuk buih-buih dan tali, telah di

angkat. Petandah ini diletak kemarin tahun untuk perhatikan pegerakkan Gong Gong (Lambis lambis) yang

telah di tag dalam ayer cetek disebelah timor lagoon, selatan dari Home Island.

Department ingin mengemukakan penghargaannya kepada masyarakat Pulu Cocos (Keeling) atas kerjasama

dan pengertian mereka dalam masa penyelidikkan projek ini. Data dari penyelidikkan ini sedang dihalusi dan

hasilnya akan dipersediakan kepada masyarakat secepat mungkin.

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Public Notices Notis-notis Umum

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Message from the Minister



I am pleased to announce new funding of $51.5 million to support the local communities and economic development of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Announced in the 2018-19 Federal Budget, this funding will deliver improved infrastructure and support for air services to the islands. It is a further demonstration of the Coalition Government’s ongoing commitment to the Indian Ocean Territories.

Regular and reliable air services are crucial to maintaining links with mainland Australia, to support tourism and to ensure a consistent delivery of supplies.

The Coalition Government is investing $19.6 million over the next four years to continue the underwriting of air services, currently operated by Virgin Australia Airlines.

The communities are also dependent on reliable port facilities, particularly for access to supplies. The Coalition Government is investing $27.3 million over three years to replace the wharf crane and mooring systems on Christmas Island, and a further $1.3 million over two years to develop business cases for the replacement of other critical port assets on both islands.

A comprehensive study of storm water management systems, which will support upgrades to these systems in the long term, has also received support with $1.3 million allocated to the project. This work will be undertaken in consultation with the Shire of Christmas Island.

A further $2 million will be provided to establish robust asset management systems to better support infrastructure and assets that provide essential services to Island communities. Improving asset management capability, and better managing assets as they age, will contribute to the delivery of quality services, as well as the safety and wellbeing of communities.

To support a strong, coordinated future for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, I am also providing $100,000 for the Regional Development Organisation to develop a strategic plan – ensuring economic and community development is supported across the territories.

As part of the Coalition Government’s commitment to decentralisation, I am also pleased to announce that three Australian Public Service positions in the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities will move from Canberra to Perth. This will better support services to the island communities by strengthening our relationship with service providers in the Western Australian Government.

I am excited by the opportunities these Australian Government initiatives provide to the Indian Ocean Territories and look forward to seeing these initiatives progress first-hand in my role as Minister for Territories.

ISSUED: Thursday 10 May 2018

Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

John McVeigh Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government

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Pesan dari Minister


Saya bersenang hati untuk mengumumkan duit bantuan baru berjumlah $51.5 juta untuk menyokong masyarakat-masyarakat tempatan dan perkembangan economic di Pulu Christmas dan Pulu Cocos (Keeling).

Diumumkan dalam 2018-19 Federal Budget, duit bantuan ini akan bisa memberikan perbaikkan infrastructure dan menyokong serbis penerbangan ke pulu. Ia merupakan bukti terhadap komitmen yang berterusan oleh Coalition Government terhadap Indian Ocean Territories.

Serbis penerbangan yang biasa dan dipercayai sangat penting untuk menetapkan perhubungan dengan tanah besar Australia, untuk menyokong pelancongan dan untuk memastikan penyediaan barang-barang keperluan yang konsisten.

Coalition Government akan memberikan $19.6 juta didalam masa empat tahun hadapan untuk meneruskan mempertanggungkan serbis penerbangan, yang sekarang dijalankan oleh Virgin Australia Airlines.

Masyarakat juga bergantung dengan fasilitas jembatan yang boleh diharap, lagi-lagi untuk akses barang-barang kiriman. Coalition Government memberikan $27.3 juta dimasa tiga tahun untuk menggantikan kerin jembatan dan sistem pelabuan di Pulu Christmas, dan tambahan $1.3 juta dalam dua tahun untuk membuat kes-kes bisnis untuk penggantian asset-asset penting ports dikedua-dua pulu.

Satu kajian yang mendalam mengenai sistem pengurusan ayer daripada ribut, yang akan menyokong pembaikkan terhadap sistem itu dalam jangkah masa panjang, telah juga menerima bantuan dengan $1.3 juta disampingkan untuk projek ini. Kerjaan ini akan dijalankan dengan kerjasama Shire of Christmas Island.

Lebihnya $2 juta akan diberikan untuk pembangunan sistem pengurusan asset yang kuat untuk lebih menyokongkan infrastructure dan asset-asset yang memberikan serbis-serbis yang diperlukan kepada masyarakat dipulu-pulu ini. Memperbaiki keupayaan mengurusi asset, dan urusan asset yang lebih baik semasa umurnya lebih lama, akan membantu memberikan serbis-serbis lebih baik, dan dalam masa yang sama untuk keselamat dan kesejahteraan masyasakat-masyarakat.

Untuk menyokong masa hadapan yang kuat dan bertujuan untuk Pulu Cocos (Keeling), saya juga memberikan $100,000 kepada Regional Development Organisation untuk menyiapkan strategic plan – yang memastikan pekembangan ekonomik dan masyarakat disokong disekitar territories.

Sebahgian dalam komitmen Coalition Government untuk ‘decentralisation’, saya juga bersenang hati untuk mengumumkan yang tiga tempat kerjaan Australian Public Service dalam Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities akan mengaleh dari Canberra ke Perth. Ini akan lebih menyokong serbis-serbis masyarakat dipulu dengan menguatkan perhubungan kami dengan pemberi serbis di Western Australian Government.

Saya gembira dengan peluang-peluang dari usaha Australian Government memberikan kepada Indian Ocean Territories dan menunggukan untuk melihat usaha-usaha ini maju dalam masa tugas saya sebagai Minister untuk Territories.

ISSUED: Thursday 10 May 2018

Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

John McVeigh Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government

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Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

Drug offences and you XI – Commonwealth drug offences – pre-trafficking controlled precursors

These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual legal advice for

your situation.

This is the eleventh article about drug offences under state-based legislation that is applied to Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands and

under Commonwealth legislation.

This is the seventh article about Commonwealth drug offences – that is, offences under Commonwealth legislation. Commonwealth drug of-fences are dealt with by the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (we will call it the Criminal Code (Cth)) and the Criminal Code Regulations 2002

(Cth) (we will call them the Regulations).

This and the next article will be about something called pre-trafficking controlled precursors. A precursor is a substance necessary for the man-

ufacture of the illegal drug.

Pre-trafficking has selling or an intention to sell involved in it. It can be possessing or making the precursor, so as to make an illegal drug, in-tending that you or someone else will sell the drug. Or it can be possessing or making the precursor, and then selling the precursor, believing it

will be used to make an illegal drug. Illegal drugs are called controlled drugs.

What is a controlled precursor?

The Criminal Code (Cth) defines a ―controlled precursor‖ as a substance listed as such by a regulation, or a salt or ester (another chemical

form of the substance) of a listed controlled precursor, or one that is urgently determined by the Minister to be a controlled precursor.

The Regulations contain a schedule listing (naming) them. Examples include pseudoephedrine (a precursor for amphetamine), lysergic acid (a

precursor for LSD) and safrole, isosafrole and piperonal (precursors for ecstasy). The definition does include growing plants.

What is pre-trafficking?

You pre-traffic in a controlled precursor if you:

sell the precursor believing that it will be used to make a controlled drug

make the precursor intending to use it to make a controlled drug and intend to sell the drug or you believe that someone else will

make the precursor intending to sell it to someone and believe that they intend to make a controlled drug or

possess the precursor intending to make a controlled drug and intend to sell the drug or believe that someone else will.

“Marketable” and “commercial” amounts of controlled precursors

In general terms, you can be charged with pre-trafficking the controlled precursor (the least serious charge), or pre-trafficking a ―marketable‖ quantity of the controlled precursor (a more serious charge) or pre-trafficking a ―commercial‖ quantity of the controlled precursor (the most

serious charge).

The schedule in the Regulations that lists controlled precursors also set out the amounts that constitute marketable and commercial quantities

of each precursor.

A ―marketable‖ quantity is usually measured in grams for precursors. Some examples are if you pre-traffic 3.2 grams or more of ephedrine, or

0.003 grams or more of lysergic acid.

A ―commercial‖ quantity is usually measured in kilograms for precursors. An example is if you pre-traffic 1.2 kgs or more of ephedrine.

Pre-trafficking controlled precursors – the offences

If you pre-traffic a controlled precursor you commit an offence. The maximum penalty is 7 years imprisonment or 1,400 penalty units (a penalty unit (PU) is currently $210) or both. This offence can be dealt with by a Magistrates Court if both the accused person and the prosecution agree. If in committing the offence you expose a child under 14 years old to the precursor, or to the manufacture of the precursor, the offence

is aggravated, and the maximum penalty is 9 years imprisonment and/or 1,800 PUs.

If you pre-traffic a marketable quantity of a controlled precursor you commit an offence. The maximum penalty is 15 years imprisonment or 3,000 PUs or both. This offence is indictable only. This means that it can only be dealt with by the District Court and not by the Magistrates Court. If in committing the offence you expose a child under 14 years old to the precursor, or to the manufacture of the precursor, the offence

is aggravated, and the maximum penalty is 17 years imprisonment and/or 3,400 PUs.

If you pre-traffic a commercial quantity of a controlled precursor you have committed an offence. The maximum penalty is 25 years imprison-ment or 5,000 PUs or both. This offence is indictable only. This means that it can only be dealt with by the District Court and not by the Magis-trates Court. If in committing the offence you expose a child under 14 years old to the precursor, or to the manufacture of the precursor, the

offence is aggravated, and the maximum penalty is 28 years imprisonment and/or 5,600 PUs.

With all of the offences mentioned in this article, you can also be found guilty of the offence if you are reckless (careless or unthinking) as to

whether what you are pre-trafficking is a controlled precursor or not.

In the next article we will talk about some legal presumptions that can arise in certain situations. These presumptions can help prove that you

are pre-trafficking in controlled precursors.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

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Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

Pelanggaran drug dan kamu XI – Pelanggaran menurut Commonwealth – pre-perdagangan ’precursors’ yang dijaga

Ini adalah majalah pendek tentang perkara-perkara perundangan yang munkin menarik perhatian kamu. Ia bukan nasihat legal. Kamu harus selalu mengambil nasihat legal tersendiri untuk keadaan kamu.

Ini majalah kesebelas tentang pelanggaran drug menurut perundangan bedasarkan state yang digunakan di Pulu Christmas dan Cocos (Keeling) Islands dan dibawa perundangan Commonwealth.

Ini majalah ketuju tentang pelanggaran drug menurut Commonwealth - iaitu pelanggaran dibawa perundangan Commonwealth. Pelanggaran drug dibawa Commonwealth diurusi dengan Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (kita panggil Criminal Code (Cth)) dan Criminal Code Regulations 2002 (Cth) (kita akan memanggilnya Regulations).

Majalah ini dan selepasnya tentang sesuatu yang dinamakan ―pre-trafficking controlled precursors‖. Sebuah ‘precursor‘ (pendahulu) adalah sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk membuat drug terlarang.

Pre-perdagangan mengandungi penjualan atau bertujuan untuk menjual terlibat dalam pengertiannya. Ia boleh memiliki atau membuat precursor, untuk tujuan membuat drug terlarang, dengan niat yang kamu atau orang lain yang akan menjualnya. Atau ia boleh diproses untuk membuat precursor, dan menjual precursor itu, dipercayai digunakan untuk membuat drug terlarang. Drug terlarang dipanggil drug terjaga.

Apa itu precursor terjaga?

Criminal Code (Cth) menerangkan ―precursor terjaga‖ sebagai sesuatu yang didaftarkan oleh sebuah undang-undang, atau garam atau ‗ester‘ (satu lagi jenis kemikal dari sesuatu) daripada precursor terjaga yang didaftar, atau satu yang dinyatakan oleh Minister sebagai precursor terjaga.

Regulations mengandungi daftaran (nama-nama) mereka. Contoh-contoh termasuk pseudoephedrine (sebuah precursor untuk amphetamine), lysergic acid (sebuah precursor untuk LSD) dand safrole, isosafrole dan piperonal (precursors untuk ecstasy). Pengertiannya tidak termasuk menanam tumbuhan.

Ada itu pre-perdagangan?

Kamu pre-berdagang dalam precursor terjaga jika kamu:

menjual precursor dalam pengetahuan yang ia akan digunakan untuk membuat drug terjaga

membuat precursor dengan tujuan untuk menggunakannya untuk membuat drug terjaga atau kamu berpengetahuan yang orang lain akan berbuat demikian

membuat precursor dengan niat untuk menjual kepada seseorang dan dalam pergetahuan yang mereka bertujuan untuk membuat drug terjaga atau

memiliki precursor dengan niat untuk membuat drug terlarang dan berniat untuk menjual drug berkenaan atau berpengetahuan yang orang lain akan berbuat demikian.

Jumlah “Marketable” dan “commercial” precursors terjaga

Secara umum, kamu boleh didakwa dengan pre-perdagangan precursor terjaga (dakwaan paling ringan) , atau pre-perdagangan precursor terjaga

jumlah ―marketable‖ (dakwaan yang lebih berat) atau pre-perdagangan precursor terjaga jumlah ―commercial‖ (dakwaan yang paling berat).

Penerangan dalam Regulations yang mendaftarkan precursor terjaga juga menerangkan jumlah ‗marketable‘ dan ‗commercial‘ untuk setiap


Jumlah ―marketable‖ biasanya diukur dalam grams untuk precursors. Contoh-contoh ialah kalau kamu pre-berdagangkan 3.2 grams atau lebih

ephedrine, atau 0.003 grams atau lebih lysergic acid.

Jumlah ―commercial‖ biasanya diukur dalam kilograms untuk precursors. Contohnya ialah jika kamu pre-berdagangkan 1.2kgs atau lebih ephedrine.

Pre-perdagangan precursors terjaga – pelanggarannya

Kalau kamu pre-berdagang sebuah precursor terjaga kamu melakukan pelanggaran. Hukuman maksimum ialah 7 tahun penjara atau 1,400 unit hukuman (sebuah unit hukuman pada masa ini $210) atau kedua-duanya. Pelanggaran ini boleh diurusi oleh Magistrates Court jika kedua-dua orang yang didakwa dan pendakwanya bersetujuan. Kalau dalam pelanggaran ini kamu menyatakan terlibatnya anak-anak dibawa 14 tahun kepada

precursor, atau perbuatan precursor, pelanggaran ini menjadi lebih berat, dan hukuman maksimum ialah 9 tahun dipenjara dan/atau 1,800 PUs.

Kalau kamu pre-berdagang precursor terjaga berjumlah marketable kamu melakukan pelanggaran. Hukuman maksimum 15 tahun dipenjara atau 3,000 PUs atau kedua-duanya. Ini bermaksud yang ia hanya boleh diurusi oleh District Court dan bukan oleh Magistrates Court. Kalau dalam pelanggaran ini kamu menyatakan terlibatnya anak-anak dibawa 14 tahun kepada precursor, atau perbuatan precursor, pelanggaran ini menjadi

lebih berat, dan hukuman maksimum ialah 17 tahun dipenjara dan/atau 3,400 PUs.

Kalau kamu pre-berdagang precursor terjaga berjumlah commercial kamu melakukan pelanggaran. Hukuman maksimum 25 tahun dipenjara atau 5,000 PUs atau kedua-duanya. Pelanggaran ini dakwaan saya. Yang bermaksud ia hanya boleh diurusi oleh District Court dan bukan oleh Magistrates Court. Kalau dalam pelanggaran ini kamu menyatakan terlibatnya anak-anak dibawa 14 tahun kepada precursor, atau perbuatan

precursor, pelanggaran ini menjadi lebih berat, dan hukuman maksimum ialah 28 tahun dipenjara dan/atau 5,600 PUs.

Dengan semua pelanggaran yang telah dinyatakan dalam majalah ini, kamu juga boleh didapati bersalah jika kamu ceroboh (sembarangan saja

atau tidak berfikir) mengenai apa yang kamu pre-berdagangkan itu precursor terjaga ataupun tidak.

Dalam majalah seterusnya kami akan bincangkan tentang berberapa anggapan menurut undang-undang yang boleh terjadi dalam keadaan tertentu.

Anggapan ini boleh membatu kamu membuktikan yang kamu pre-berdagang precursors terjaga.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

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Sports & Rec Olahraga & Hiburan

2018 AFL Broadcast Guide Cocos Keeling Islands Time

Round 10

Friday 25th May

Collingwood VS Western Bulldogs 7mate 4.00pm (live)

Saturday 26th May

GWS Giants VS Essendon 7mate 3.50pm (live)

Sunday 27th May

Hawthorn VS West Coast Eagles GWN 7 09.30am (live)

Fremantle VS North Melbourne GWN 7 12:00pm (live)

Round 11

Friday 1st June

Sydney Swans VS Carlton 7mate 4.00pm (live)

Saturday 2nd June

West Coast Eagles VS St Kilda 7mate 4.30pm (live)

Sunday 3rd June

Collingwood VS Fremantle GWN 7 11.30am (live)

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Solution on Page 20

Games Page


1. "__ Your Enthusiasm" (Larry David sitcom)

5. Daily food intake

9. Leveling wedge

13. Leading in the game

15. Not deceived by

16. Corrida snorter

17. George M. Cohan, e.g.

20. However, briefly

21. Feeling sluggish

22. Gladiator's battlefield

23. __ gin fizz

24. Silly smile

26. Drip-dry attire

33. Voices above tenors

34. Tuscan river

35. Major leaguer

36. Laundry basketful

37. Painter Édouard

39. Cowboy's footwear

40. Spaniel or setter

41. Compassionate

42. Islamic devotee

43. No-sweat legal matter

47. Dilettantish

48. Greek god of love

49. Great embarrassment

52. Caesar's 1104

53. Engineer's compartment

56. Spy vs. spy, e.g.

60. Came down to earth

61. Fine steed

62. Vegas natural

63. Big name in IRAs

64. Pocket bread

65. Scriptural passage


1. Play group

2. "Now we're in trouble!"

3. Janet appointed by Clinton

4. Carry-on item

5. Evaded

6. 500-mile race, briefly

7. Socratic "H"

8. Trucker's weight unit

9. Ships' rear ends

10. There's no place like it

11. Country on the Caspian

12. "__ Lisa"

14. City called "Big D"

18. High time

19. Egypt's capital

23. Not barefoot

24. "Pretty Woman" co-star Richard

25. Carry on, verbally

26. Subject of a kids' book search

27. Throw for __: surprise

28. Actors' surface

29. Fairy godmothers' gadgets

30. "Once __ Time in America"

31. Shootin' __: guns, in oaters

32. Comedian Fields

37. Money maker

38. TV pundit Rooney

39. Tampa eleven, briefly

41. Grammy winner Carpenter

42. Potbelly fixtures

44. Broadway Joe of football

45. Priam's wife

46. "Exodus" author Leon

49. Operation memento

50. Sign of saintliness

51. Busy, busy, busy

52. Castle's trench

53. Spelunker's venue

54. Wall St. acronym

55. Flexed

57. Skip over water, as stones

58. Hosp. scan

59. Obtain

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Solution on Page 20

Sudoku Station

Kids Corner

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(08) 9162 6649

Contact for The Atoll:

Isa Minkom


The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll.

The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions.

Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be:

Accurate and/or factual

Not defamatory or inflammatory

Identified by author

A Cocos Moment

Have Your Say

Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available.

The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication.

Materials should preferably be emailed to: [email protected]

To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 3pm, 2 days prior to

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Wish to send loved ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? Drop an

email to Isa Minkom [email protected]

Please contact the Cocos Keeling Islands Community

Resource Centre for a full

rate schedule.

Translation fees apply

Advertisement Rates

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2018 Community Events Contact the CRC to add your event

Community Events Acara Masyarakat

Sudoku Solutions Crossword Answer

Event Name Event Date Event Host

Coffee with a Cop 29/05/2018 Cocos Islands CRC & AFP

Trivia Night Extravaganza 02/06/2017 Community - Cocos Club

Info Session - Legal Aid 06/06/2018 Cocos Islands CRC

Info Session - Consumer Protection 20/06/2018 Cocos Islands CRC

Council Meeting - West Island 27/06/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

West Island Market Day 07/07/2018 Cocos Islands CRC

Council Meeting - Home Island 25/07/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

Cocos Barefoot Ball 25/08/2018 Yacht Club

Council Meeting - Home Island 29/08/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

Corporate Golf Day 05/09/2018 Cocos Islands Golf Club

West Island Market Day 15/09/2018 Cocos Islands CRC

ECM Cocos Golf Open 18 - 23/09/2018 Cocos Islands Golf Club

Council Meeting - Home Island 26/09/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

Club Championships Rd 1 14/10/2018 Cocos Islands Golf Club

Club Championships Rd 2 21/10/2018 Cocos Islands Golf Club

Council Meeting - West Island 07/11/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

Cocos Lagoon Swim 17/11/2018 CKITA

Council Meeting - Home Island 06/12/2018 Cocos Islands Shire Council

West Island Market Day 08/12/2018 Cocos Islands CRC

Golf Club Presentation Dinner 08/12/2018 Cocos Islands Golf Club

The next edition of The Atoll will be

produced on:

Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada:

Thursday 6th June

All items/materials must be received by:

Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom:

1pm,Tuesday 4th June

Kid’s Sudoku Solutions