The art and science of social Jackie Funk Digital Marketing Exec Focused on Demand Generation, Sales Enablement and Brand Building

The art and science of social - Ruffalo Noel Levitzlearn.ruffalonl.com/rs/395-EOG-977/images/Jackie Funk - Social Selling.pdfSnapchat before Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook combined

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The art and science of social

Jackie FunkDigital Marketing Exec Focused on Demand Generation, Sales Enablement and Brand Building

A little background…A little background…

Naturally social

Started putting to social to work in B2B world in 2008

Began with minimal experience…leaned on others and just dove in

Started with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog and it took off from there

Marketing exec – fast growth startups to large multi-nationals

Parent of three Millenial teens – another great reason to understand the benefits (and perils) of social

Naturally social

Started putting to social to work in B2B world in 2008

Began with minimal experience…leaned on others and just dove in

Started with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog and it took off from there

Marketing exec – fast growth startups to large multi-nationals

Parent of three Millenial teens – another great reason to understand the benefits (and perils) of social

Good ‘ol MillenialsGood ‘ol Millenials

Born in the early 1983 through the 2001

Have grown up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world

Very misunderstood (my opinion)

Born in the early 1983 through the 2001

Have grown up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world

Very misunderstood (my opinion)

Treat me like I’m a partner, not just a purchaser.Treat me like I’m a partner, not just a purchaser.

“I wish there was no longer a “we vs. us”

mentality between the company and the

consumer.”“I want to feel like my opinion matters, that it

matters to a company that I spend money with. I don’t want to feel expendable.”

“Everyone wants to now our secrets. But we don’t want to be marketed to,

pigeonholed, and pinned down.”

Give me products that fit me!Give me products that fit me!

“I want to buy something that’s MY style, that someone

looks at says, ’Wow! That’s perfect for Jaden.’ I want my

brands to say something about me, so that I am proud

to say I use them.” “I am not one-size-fits-all.”“When companies make the

effort to treat me as an individual person, not just a dollar sign, it makes me feel

like the company cares about ME and my experience, not

just the cash I’m forking over.”

Connections are important to me.Connections are important to me.

“I love the availability social gives me to be

able to convey my feelings – as I’m feeling them – to friends, family

and the world.”

“The more active I am on social media, the more I

know it’s important to stay connected to those I love

in real life.”“We’re a generation who feels we can stay in touch with a lot of people – not just people who we see on a day-to-day basis.”

I’m insecure about today, but optimistic about tomorrow.I’m insecure about today, but optimistic about tomorrow.

“I love the availability social gives me to be

able to convey my feelings – as I’m feeling them – to friends, family

and the world.”

“The more active I am on social media, the more I

know it’s important to stay connected to those I love

in real life.”

“We’re a generation who feels we can stay in touch with a lot of people – not just people who we see on a day-to-day basis.”

I want to make a difference.I want to make a difference.

“The concept of making a difference is something that

really resonates. I see so much going wrong in the world that

when I’m faced with the possibility of doing something to

make it better, I want to participate. I like to do what I


“Brands that put more thought into their impact on the world get my attention – even if they

may cost a little more – whether they give their workers a living

wage, have a small footprint on the Earth’s resources or use

thoughtful packaging.”

“I think about the social and environmental aspects of brands – I want to choose things that align with my

beliefs about doing good by others and the planet.”

My life is an adventure.My life is an adventure.

“The life unplanned. I identify a lot with that. Even

if I’m doing something mundane, I don’t want to

know what will come before it happens. I want to do it and see what happens.”

“It’s a major priority of mine to experience as much as possible. What’s the worst that could happen? If it’s horrible, at least I have a

good story to tell!”

“I try to say yes as much as possible. Go to a

movie? Yes. Go see this band? Yes. Take this

weird class? Yes.”

Understanding Millenial InsightsUnderstanding Millenial Insights

Treat me like I’m a partner, not just a purchaser.Give me products and services that fit ME.Connections are very important to me. I’m insecure about today, but optimistic about tomorrow. I want to make a difference.My life is an adventure.

Treat me like I’m a partner, not just a purchaser.Give me products and services that fit ME.Connections are very important to me. I’m insecure about today, but optimistic about tomorrow. I want to make a difference.My life is an adventure.

*2017 Ideas to Go Millenial Insights

So how do we use this to connect, engage and activate?So how do we use this to connect, engage and activate?

Social Selling and Social EngagementSocial Selling and Social Engagement

So how can you put Social Selling to work?So how can you put Social Selling to work?

Prospecting and Targeting Networking and Connecting Educating and Nurturing Build and Grow Pipeline

Prospecting and Targeting Networking and Connecting Educating and Nurturing Build and Grow Pipeline

B2B sales teams that use Social Selling fill their pipeline faster (18% more pipeline 28% faster) and accelerate pipeline conversion by 15%. (Sales for Life 2017 Survey)

Getting startedGetting started

Optimize your Social profiles (professional and personal) Join groups and forums (where your target audience goes) Initiate social listening (more to follow) Start putting social to work for you (and your organization)

Optimize your Social profiles (professional and personal) Join groups and forums (where your target audience goes) Initiate social listening (more to follow) Start putting social to work for you (and your organization)

B2B sales teams that use Social Selling fill their pipeline faster (18% more pipeline 28% faster) and accelerate pipeline conversion by 15%. (Sales for Life 2017 Survey)

Start with Social ListeningStart with Social Listening

So how can you leverage social listening?So how can you leverage social listening?

Use Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Google Alerts (whatever works for each individual/organization) to monitor: What your influencers are sayingWhat your ‘competitors’ are doingWhat other parts of your organization are saying/sharingWhat conversations are being held by your target audience, and

how is that changing over time

Use Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Google Alerts (whatever works for each individual/organization) to monitor: What your influencers are sayingWhat your ‘competitors’ are doingWhat other parts of your organization are saying/sharingWhat conversations are being held by your target audience, and

how is that changing over time

Start putting your social networks to work for youStart putting your social networks to work for you

79% of internet users (68% of all U.S. adults) use Facebook.

Many Millenials, particularly the younger segment, see Facebook as their parents’ social platform (not theirs).

Great for engagement, but don’t count on your Millenial fan base to be active here.

Over 1 million professionals across 200+ companies.

Members from all five hundred of the Fortune 500 down to SMBs.

Millenials make up 38% of the LinkedIn user base.

Great for demographic and geo targeting.

Over 1 billion users – greater reach than cable in the US.

Easy to stand up a channel and get going.

Results are immediate and measurable.

You can frame relevant content with trailer videos (think ”About us” + Calls To Action).

Great for storytelling, testimonials.

Millenials love video – making it fun and engaging = viral.

58% of college students are checking Snapchat before Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook combined.

150 million daily users.

Great platform to share events, products, feedback and a lot more.

An increasing # of users are getting their news through Snapchat Stories.

But Millenials see this as a communications / sharing tool and may be put off by ads (interruptions).

600 million users (4X of Snapchat).

Nearly 60% of Instagram users are between 18 and 29.

Allows you to connect with current fans of the brand, but also to reach those outside of their networks through sponsored ads.

Great platform to share events, products, feedback and a lot more.

Instagram stories offer a great opportunity.

But like Snapchat, Millenials see this as a communications / sharing tool and may be put off by ads (interruptions).

328M active monthly users (Q1 2017).

Millennials check Twitter whenever they check their phone.

Millennials like tell their own story through Twitter.

Millenials turn to Twitter for news – great way to get your stories in front of them!

Excellent microblogging tool to share cross-platform campaigns.

Embrace your brand, protect your reputation and amplify your storyEmbrace your brand, protect your reputation and amplify your story

Reputation is everything….…personal, professional, online, offlineReputation is everything….…personal, professional, online, offline

Be smart and “thoughtful”

Once it’s “out there,” it’s out there!

With social, you have greater visibility into what others are saying - pay attention

Manage your reputation -monitor, respond and escalate, if required

Be smart and “thoughtful”

Once it’s “out there,” it’s out there!

With social, you have greater visibility into what others are saying - pay attention

Manage your reputation -monitor, respond and escalate, if required

Hootsuite – #IWorkFromHereCisco – ‘WeAreCisco’ Tribe Vonage – #ItsAboutTime

So who is doing it well?

Tips to make your social campaigns a successTips to make your social campaigns a success

Set your goals – Track/measure/analyze/optimize.

Know your audience (personas) – Who are you targeting? How do you reach them?

Brand it – Make sure your social campaigns are an extension of your brand (and authentic).

Build a detailed communication plan – Be clear about what you need/expect.

Leverage your influencers and brand ambassadors – Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Content is king – Create once, publish everywhere.

Gamification works – Make your campaign fun and challenging.

Acknowledge participants – Thank them for following, thank them for engaging.

Evaluate results – Track/measure/analyze/optimize.

Set your goals – Track/measure/analyze/optimize.

Know your audience (personas) – Who are you targeting? How do you reach them?

Brand it – Make sure your social campaigns are an extension of your brand (and authentic).

Build a detailed communication plan – Be clear about what you need/expect.

Leverage your influencers and brand ambassadors – Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Content is king – Create once, publish everywhere.

Gamification works – Make your campaign fun and challenging.

Acknowledge participants – Thank them for following, thank them for engaging.

Evaluate results – Track/measure/analyze/optimize.

Don’t be afraid of data!Don’t be afraid of data!

Impressions - Total number of views for the content or page (be wary of impressions).

Follower Growth - Represents the audience who has potential to get direct exposure to posted content.

Engagement - Measures the public shares, likes and comments.

Reach - Represents the number of individuals who has been exposed to the content or page.

Leads from Social (inquiries) – What matters.

Closed Deals from Social (contributions) – What really matters!

Impressions - Total number of views for the content or page (be wary of impressions).

Follower Growth - Represents the audience who has potential to get direct exposure to posted content.

Engagement - Measures the public shares, likes and comments.

Reach - Represents the number of individuals who has been exposed to the content or page.

Leads from Social (inquiries) – What matters.

Closed Deals from Social (contributions) – What really matters!

Let’s Connect!


