The Animal Kingdom Welcome to your kingdom!

The Animal Kingdom Welcome to your kingdom!. Where we’ve been…and where we’re headed…

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The Animal Kingdom

Welcome to your kingdom!

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Where we’ve been…and where we’re headed….

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What is an animal?

• Multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs

• They lack cell walls: their bodies are held together by other proteins like collagen and cell junctions that hold the cells together to provide an animal strength in form

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• Some animals also have a skeleton:– Exoskeletons (on the outside) made of chitin

(these will need to be shed in order for the animal to grow) ex. Shells of insects, crabs, spiders

– Endoskeletons (on the inside) made of bone

– Hydrostatic skeletons: water or another fluid provides pressure pushing out from the inside of the animal to provide support (like a water balloon)

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• Animals are capable of moving from one place to another– This is made possible by the coordination of

two “new” types of tissue: nerve and muscle

Of course there are some exceptions: sedentary (or sessile) animals have no movement; they remain fixed in one location

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• Most biologists agree that the animal kingdom can be traced back to one common ancestor about 700 million years ago

This ancestor was most likely a protozoan.

One hypothesis suggests that this flagellated protist formed a single layer, hollow ball of cells. Eventually, some of these cells began to specialize creating two or more layers of cells

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The opening to the digestive cavity (the blastopore) becomes the mouth

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Animal embryos form layers

• Ectoderm: forms the outer covering and nervous system

• Mesoderm: forms all of the other stuff in between• Endoderm: lines the digestive tract and makes the

accessory organsIf an animal has all three layers:

Triploblastic (3 layers)Only two layers:

Diploblastic (2 layers)

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Animal Symmetry

1. Some animals lack symmetry all together

(they are asymmetrical)

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Animal Symmetry

2. Others have radial symmetry (like a flower pot)

No matter how you would cut the animal vertically through the body, all of the wedges would appear the same

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Animal Symmetry

3. While others have bilateral symmetry (two-sided symmetry)

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Terms associated with bilateral symmetry

• Dorsal• Ventral• Anterior• Posteror

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Phylum Porifera

The Sponges

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Basic body plan of sponges

Only one cell layer; no true tissues

Almost everything is accomplished by diffusion

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Glenn and Martha Vargas© 2004 California Academy of Sciences

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Vase sponge

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Eugene Weber© 2001 California Academy of Sciences

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The Glass Sponge

This is the skeleton only; all of the other cells have disintegrated.

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Phylum Cnidaria(The Cnidarians)

• Sea Anemones

• Hydra

• Coral

• Jellyfish

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Basic Body Plan

• *Two body forms: polyp and medusa

• *Stinging tentacles surround the mouth

• Only two cell layers: epidermis and gastrodermis

• First animals to have a mouth

• Members can reproduce sexually as well as asexually (budding)

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Jellyfish Life Cycle

• Note the change between polyp and medusa

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Gerald and Buff Corsi © 1999 California Academy of Sciences

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Gerald and Buff Corsi© 2002 California Academy of Sciences

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Gerald and Buff Corsi© 2002 California Academy of


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© 2003 Dr. Peter Weish

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Glenn and Martha Vargas © 2004 California Academy of Sciences

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“Artic Jelly” washed up on shore

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Artic Jelly…up close and personal…

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E. Eugenia Patten© 2001 California Academy of Sciences

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Dr. Robert Thomas and Margaret Orr© 2004 California Academy of Sciences

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Gerald and Buff Corsi© 1999 California Academy of Sciences

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Gerald and Buff Corsi© 1999 California Academy of


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Coral Polyps

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Eugene Weber© 2001 California Academy of Sciences

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Glenn and Martha Vargas© 2004 California Academy of Sciences

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Beatrice F. Howitt© 2002 California Academy of Sciences

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Portuguese Man-of-War; a colonial cnidarian

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Gerald and Buff Corsi © 1999 California Academy of Sciences

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Phylum Ctenphora: (“Comb jellies”) Beroe species

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Phylum Platyhelminthes(the flatworms)

• Tapeworms

• Flukes

• Planaria

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Phylum Platyhelminthes: the flatworms Planaria

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Planaria splitting…

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General Characteristics of the flatworms

• bilateral symmetry• three cell layers• possess a ganglia (forerunner of a brain)• sensory receptors• pharynx that leads to digestive cavity (but

still no anus)• flame cells help excrete metabolic wastes

(their version of urine)

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Planaria body plan

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The Flame Cell

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Tapeworm scolex showing hooks and suckers

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Scolex of a rat tapeworm

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Pork Tapeworm Life Cycle

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Fish Tapeworm Life Cycle

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Dog tape worm

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Marine flatworm

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Nothing beyond this point on the final!!!!

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Phylum Nematoda (the roundworms)

• Tube-within-a tube body plan

• WOW!!! An anus!!!

• They have a hydrostatic skeleton

• Reproduce only sexually

• Many are parasites

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Phylum Arthropoda

• Bilateral symmetry

• Breath by using gills

• Well developed nervous system

• Most have shells

• All have a mantle: a fleshy fold of tissue that surrounds the internal organs

• Most have a shell

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Class Gastropoda(the gastropods-snails, slugs)

• Name means “stomach foot”

• Most have one shell (like snails)

• Feed with a radula

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