The Angmering School Weekly News This is our weekly newsletter for parents, students and friends of the school. We want to give you news about what is happening in school, exciting things, future events and things we would like to see happen. Issue Date: Week 39 Friday 17 July 2015 Headteacher’s End of Term Message We have had a busy exciting year with many individual, team and whole school successes. We are looking forward to A level and GCSE results days and we are predicting good outcomes for both exams this year. We also know that most of the students who sat the exams have good plans in place for next year. In assemblies and lessons we have been prompting the students to look forward to next year. We have made it clear that our expectations on uniform and behaviour in general will be at a high level in September. It is important that parents are clear about the uniform requirements and make sure that students have what they need. We will not be accepting anything below the required standard. We are also changing some of our systems for behaviour. For instance: I have instructed teachers to be much less accepting of anything that disturbs the learning in their classrooms. They will Warn then Move then Remove students from lessons if they do not do as asked. Cont’d ENJOY YOUR SUMMER !

The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

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Page 1: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

The Angmering School Weekly News This is our weekly newsletter for parents, students and friends of the school. We want to give you news about what is happening in school, exciting things, future events and things we would like to see happen.

Issue Date: Week 39 Friday 17 July 2015

Headteacher’s End of Term Message

We have had a busy exciting year with many individual, team and whole school successes.

We are looking forward to A level and GCSE results days and we are predicting good outcomes for both exams this year. We also know that most of the students who sat the exams have good plans in place for next year.

In assemblies and lessons we have been prompting the students to look forward to next year. We have made it clear that our expectations on uniform and behaviour in general will be at a high level in September. It is important that parents are clear about the uniform requirements and make sure that students have what they need. We will not be accepting anything below the required standard.

We are also changing some of our systems for behaviour. For instance: I have instructed teachers to be much less accepting of anything that disturbs the learning in their classrooms. They will Warn then Move then Remove students from lessons if they do not do as asked. Cont’d


Page 2: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

We are simplifying our approach to detentions. These will be after school on the same day as they are set. Parents will be informed and will need to support us with this. The aim of this is simple – to reduce the need for detentions.

The majority of our students are hard working and always strive to meet our Gold Standard when working in class. We are also grateful to the vast majority of parents who always support us.

Here is a list of the staff who are leaving. I wish them all well and hope that they will keep in touch with us.

I hope you all have a lovely summer and we all can make sure our students make a super start to 2015/16.

Mr Brixey Headteacher

Mrs Simpson (Maths), Mr Bliss (English), Ms Nightingale Smith (English), Ms Corell (English), Mr Wallis (Drama), Ms Brady (Science), Ms Manley (Science), Mr Richardson (Science), Dr Reid (Science), Ms Porter (Science), Ms Schmidt (MFL), Ms Anderson (DT), Ms Ilott (Art), Ms Wallis (DT), Mr Kellie (IT), Ms Hathaway (PE), Mr Yates (PE), Ms Groves (PE), Mr Comber (PE), Mr Saunders (LSA), Mr Brennan (LSA), Ms McCumiskey (LSA), Mr Clarke (IT Tech), Mrs Adams (SSA Y10) and Mr Todd (Sites and Buildings).

Headteacher’s End of Term Message Continued

Page 3: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

West Side Story

The Angmering School Musical Theatre Group took the stage by storm last week in their recent production of West Side Story. Based on the famous Romeo and Juliet we saw the rivalry between The Sharks and The Jets, perfectly performed by the cast, develop into a touching and tragic love story.

George Kelly and Katy Franklin took the leads in this epic musical, singing to professional standards whilst creatively and sensitively performing Maria and Tony. Max Stuttard and Howie Cobby shone as the rivals Riff and Bernardo, tense moments between the pair led to an emotional and timely death at the end of act 2. Dark moments were lit with comic relief from numbers such as “Officer Krupke” and “America”.

Outstanding moments of performance on par with professional work were seen in the “Somewhere” ballet. Vocals from Jenny Black, Sam Puttock, Lucy Perks and ballet from Jess Child and Ryan Pellett took your breath away.

Max Stuttard’s “Cool” and George Kelly’s “Maria” were highlights of the show. Jaw dropping vocals which moved the audience to tears came from the ever talented Katy Franklin and Olivia Collins in their moving and emotional “A Boy Like That/ I have A Love”.

Don’t miss next year’s Angmering School Musical, if it’s anything like this show it will be

a treat!! Cont’d

Fantastic Photos Milly Nolan!

Page 4: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Ryan Pellett stormed the vocal and comic elements in “Officer Krumpke” as well as offering a supportive role as Action alongside the cute and comical Scott Bowden as Baby John, strong and intimidating Moyin Ekundayo as Diesel, sweet and supportive George Collins as A-Rab, unsure and intriguing Bailey Hackett as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley Brunton as Anybodys.

Tension was built superbly by the ever professional Mr Wallis as the down trodden Lt. Shrank desperately trying to resolve the feud before a rumble occurs. Sophie Palmer was timely and comical as Officer Krumpke and Harvey Bolton, Callum Bodle, Emma Peck, Lucy Perks, Jess Child, Caitlin Hole and Lucy Snewin offered successful supportive roles.

Cast, Crew and Production team have clearly worked hard to produce a challenging and engaging piece of theatre which at points matches West End standards. A massive congratulations to all the cast for working so well and a big thank you to Mrs Scales (Director) and Mrs Hodson – Prior (Choreographer) for all their hard work.

Don’t miss next year’s Angmering School Musical in July 2016

West Side Story cont’d

Page 5: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Italy 2k15 By Olivia Westall 9KL

Italy was one of the most fabulous places that I’ve ever been to. Not only was it an educational trip, we made many memories and acted like family. I learnt so much about Italy, not only on the Geography aspect of the trip but the History side too which widened my knowledge for when I study History at GCSE.

Travel was easy, safe and everyone looked after one another making us all feel comfortable with the other 39 students we were going with.

Solfatara was an unusual geographical site to go to which was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I learnt about the rock type and the gasses that were seeping out of the volcano. Herculaneum was beautiful. One of the best bits was the mosaics on the floors and to see how they designed them all.

Not only was there an educational side, we had a lot of fun on the drive and boat tour of the Amalfi Coast. Seeing beautiful sites, taking amazing photos, sharing amazing memories and expanding my knowledge, this was one of my favourite days.

Everyone dreaded Mnt. Vesuvius and and Pompeii because of the amount of walking but once you get up the volcano, it’s stunning. Pompeii was upsetting too because of the tragic historical stories but I’m glad I learnt all of it because then I can pass on my knowledge to other people about what happened in the tragic event back in 79 AD. I can’t quite put into words how outstanding the Colosseum was on the last day. Exploring Rome was definitely one of my favourite places and an experience I will never forget. I loved seeing all the different parts of town and comparing it to how our towns are nowadays.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, would love to it again and don’t regret anything about it. Everyone was so lovely, memories were created and we learnt so much. I recommend anyone to go on it.

Taking 40 students to Italy was no small feat but the students were amazing. We had a super time and all returned expert Geographers and Historians. The weather was beautiful, the scenery stunning and lots of laughs were had and memories made. Italy 2015 students and staff, you should be proud of yourselves.

Viva Italia! Mrs Ward

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Cafes - Well done Y7

“My daughter has advised me to tell you that I will be attending today at lunchtime for her tutor group 7UP's

Café. I will make sure I arrive at 1pm with an appetite.”

“Can I commend our brilliant waiter, Sam, who was very

accommodating and polite and certainly earned his tip!”

The 'Wild West Cafe' was superb. The menus looked great and they all looked the part dressed up too. There

was a nice relaxed atmosphere and the food

choices were fab.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Y7 Disney café. The service was excellent, I was particularly impressed when a guest brought her 8 month baby along and without prompting a waitress brought coloured pencils and paper for him to scribble on. The food was excellent.

Well done.” Mrs Pynn

“Marni was also very professional, along with the

others, and made sure everyone was happy and

looked after.”

Page 7: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Did you know that Ofsted have a website, “Parent View” which gives parents the chance to tell them what you think about your child’s school. It will ask you for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. We would really appreciate you taking the time to look at this website and complete the survey. http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/

Ella Mackay 10SY has represented The Angmering School and beaten many other contestants in a national shooting event, winning 3

rd Place in Rifle

Shooting. Ella has taken part in many small competitions over the course of a few months against all age ranges, including adults. The points were added up and Ella was awarded with a fantastic trophy for her achievement. Congratulations Ella and we hope you do well in the Pistol Shooting event too.

Hitting Her Target

We are delighted to announce a champion!

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COLLECTION OF EXAM RESULTS Students can collect:- A LEVEL RESULTS: 8am - 11am - Thursday 13th August - C15 and C16 GCSE RESULTS: 10am - 12 noon - Thursday 20 August - Canteen You can also collect Year Books on this day.

Well done and a huge thank you to Finn Roberts 10HM for giving up so much of his time to help with shows and events at school working with the lighting, sound and audio this year. You are a star Finn!

Former Student News

Since I finished at Angmering School and Sixth Form I attended Plymouth University to study Maths and three years on I have just found out I will be graduating with First class honours. I have loved my time at University and have enjoyed discovering more and more about the subject I have always loved!

During my second and third year at University, I had the opportunity to do some teaching experience alongside my studies and I found it to be very rewarding inspiring these young people as you inspired me. For this reason I have chosen to pursue a career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics year with Sussex University from September!

Many times in the last few years I have been asked why I wanted to study Maths and each time I have responded that the teaching, support and mathematical insight given to me in my secondary and A-level years was the main reason for my decision. I wanted to say thank you to Mr Thompson for everything he did to help me achieve all that I have and that without his guidance and enthusiasm for Maths I may not have considered pursuing the subject. I hope that one day I will be able to help inspire and create future generations of Mathematicians in the way he has done.

Eden Smith

Appreciation of a Student Working Hard Behind the Scenes

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Sports Presentation Evening 2015

On Sunday 12th July Geena Gover in 8MZ successfully completed the British Heart foundation cycle event around the Hampshire Harbours with her father. The route was 32 miles and it took them 4 hours to complete including breaks at 3 checkpoints. Geena has raised so far approximately £100 for the cause. The route started at Havant before quickly climbing to 425ft up along big undulating hills along the back of Portsmouth Harbour before speeding down to Fareham for the 1st checkpoint stop. They then continued their journey meandering along main roads, backstreets, park land and cycle paths to the second check point at Gosport on the seafront. From there they cycled onto the ferry terminal which took them across the mouth of the Harbour near to HMS Warrior. After cycling through Portsmouth city centre and around the Spinnaker Tower they headed off to the last checkpoint at Southsea before heading back to the finishing line at Havant along the picturesque route along Langstone Harbour travelling much of the route on cycle paths. Geena invested a lot of time training for the event over the South Downs but thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to participate again next year.

Sports Presentation 2015 was a brilliant evening celebrating the sporting achievements of our students. The guest speaker, Mike Goody, was inspirational in his speech mentioning the difficulties he had and how he had overcome them. Hopefully this has inspired our students and will help them overcome any difficulties they may encounter, through school and sport.

As always the students were a credit to the school and showed respect when shaking hands with Mike whilst receiving their awards. This year we celebrated a large variety of sporting excellence from the Year 7 teams that had won their district leagues to Ella Mackay who is competing successfully at shooting, to Lewis Edwards who has competed for GB team in athletics and Tia Freeman who recently captained her England team in basketball. It was a brilliant example to show that sport does make a difference to people, and helps them build self confidence and self worth, along with teaching them vital life skills like time management, and respect.

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To celebrate the success of our Year 7s in their science studies this year Angmering School held a science fair on the 16

th July. Students presented their projects to visi-

tors and staff and discussed the findings of their investigation. Ground breaking dis-coveries were made including whether caffeine has an effect on heart rate and what ingredients were needed to make the perfect bath bomb. As well as the projects guests were treated to a science themed bake-off and a BBQ. All year 7s were rewarded with certificates of participation and awards were given for the best bake.

Eleanore Hancock, science teacher said "The science department were impressed with the enthusiasm and creativity the Year 7s demonstrated."


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Having won the area stoolball tournament last month, we travelled to K2 in Crawley for the Southern Area School Games for the finals. A great day of stoolball was had and the team played brilliantly to win 3rd place overall. Each game was nail biting and required some tactical batting and fast running to secure the runs! Well done to all that played and for Alex and Lauren for coming even though they'd only had four hours sleep having been on the Italy trip!

Miss Potter

Stoolball News

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Vacancies at The Angmering School

LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT – FIXED TERM CONTRACT 2 TERMS Required from September 2015 Contract for 2 Terms Grade 4 (pro rata) point 14 which is £16,231 pro rata 32.5 hours per week: Monday to Friday term time only plus inset days Fixed Term Contract covering sickness absence Closing date: Noon on Monday 20 July 2015 (extended date) Interview date: Week commencing 20th July 2015

COVER SUPERVISORS both fixed term (Sept – March) and casual appointments Required from September 2015 Casual posts Grade 4. £16,231 pro rata for Fixed Term and £9.23 per hour for casual appointments Term Time only up to 32.5 hours per week From 08:30 to 15:30 Monday to Friday

Please see the school website for more details http://www.angmeringschool.co.uk/our-school/recruitment/

Home Learning is an important part of a student’s learning in any subject. At Angmering School we aim to set regular tasks that help a student consolidate what they have learnt in class and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning to become an independent learner - an important life–long skill. A frustration that parents and carers who want to support their child have, is finding out exactly what a student has to do for a home learning task. Sometimes it is not clear as details in student planners can be too brief and worksheets/tasks impossible to find in the deep recesses of school bags. To overcome this we are excited as a school to be launching an online tool called Show My Homework. This will launch formally in September and show you the details of each task set, as well as how long to spend on it, and when to hand it in for marking. To view this live home learning calendar please click on the blue Show My Homework badge on our school web site home page. This will open the calendar and allow you to use filters on the left hand side to select the correct year group and see all the home learning set by your child’s teachers. Clicking on a task then gives you the resources and details of the task. At this point in time there are not many tasks to look at, as staff are still learning to use this online tool themselves. Come September it will be the main platform to share home learning task and resources. The student planner will still exist and paper resources still given out by teachers. We will send out further instruction on Show My Homework’s use next term, but thought many of you would like to know about this helpful development now, and take time to explore it. Those of you with smart phones may also wish to download the app from Apple or Google Play to allow easy access anywhere.

Sean McMorrow

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Congratulations to this week’s Gold Stars of the Week: Kyla Downing 7HA, Amelie Pearce 7HA, Amelia Hordell-Welton 7HA and Molly Ire-land 7WL.. Gold Stars of the week is a reward system where teachers nominate students for working consistently at Gold standard which is above and beyond expectations. Students then have the opportunity to meet with the Headship team to discuss their achievements and work. The students are rewarded with 25 credits and a well done let-ter to take home to share their success with parents/guardians. We feel this is an excellent reward system for the students to share their success with the Headship team.

Another great day for our local DMYP,

Sebastian Maxted who visited Portcullis

House to collect the Democracy Award for

The Angmering School.

He had an amazing day meeting Tim

Loughton MP and enjoyed the guided tour of

Parliament and even bumped into Grant

Shapps the Minister of State, Department for

International Development, for a chat.

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Look out for all the awards next year. Start collecting in September!

Kyle Love 8MM Diamond Certificate

Kyle Love 8MM Platinum Certificate

Harry Rickman-Orpen 7HA Silver Certificate

Ben Bradford 7HA Gold Certificate

Patrick Clout 7WL Gold Certificate

Tristram Coleman 7WG Gold Certificate

Ben Collins 7WG Gold Certificate

Ashlee Cottam 7CL Gold Certificate

Joshua Duncan 7UP Gold Certificate

Callum Farrell 7RT Gold Certificate

Justin Isted 7AE Gold Certificate

Lewis Metcalfe 7UP Gold Certificate

Zofia Roberts 7WL Gold Certificate

Holly Rossitter 7SK Gold Certificate

Abigail Rumble 7CO Gold Certificate

Edward Thomas 7SK Gold Certificate

William Wray 7WL Gold Certificate

Imogen Reckless 7CO Platinum Certificate

Lucy Francis 7HA Platinum Certificate

Genevieve Fairley 7HH Platinum Certificate

Lewis Francis 7RT Platinum Certificate

Ruby Adamou 7HA Platinum Certificate

Aimee Jones 7HA Platinum Certificate

Tony Aragona 7WG Platinum Certificate

Toby Baralla 7WG Platinum Certificate

Ben Collins 7WG Platinum Certificate

Abigail Robins 7WG Platinum Certificate

Harry Stevenson 7WG Platinum Certificate

Tilly Bishop 7UP Platinum Certificate

Callum Farrell 7RT Platinum Certificate

Joshua Jeffery 7RT Platinum Certificate

Lewie Turner 7RT Platinum Certificate

Juliette Williams 7RT Platinum Certificate

Tianna Bellamin 7SK Platinum Certificate

Madisson Booth 7CL Platinum Certificate

Maisy Forsyth 7SK Platinum Certificate

A'kos Hausknecht 7CL Platinum Certificate

JJ Huguenin 7SK Platinum Certificate

Daniel Kay _ 7SK Platinum Certificate

Oliver Legge 7CL Platinum Certificate

Amber Lovett 7SK Platinum Certificate

Harvey Moore 7CL Platinum Certificate

Zak Rigby 7CL Platinum Certificate

Jamie Scott 7CL Platinum Certificate

William Stokes 7SK Platinum Certificate

Liam Taylor 7SK Platinum Certificate

Peter Winters-Holmes 7SK Platinum Certificate

Isabelle Jones 7WL Platinum Certificate

Maisie Stephanou 7WL Platinum Certificate

Josh Grennan 7AE Platinum Certificate

Monrouw Hector 7AE Platinum Certificate

Billy Smith 7AE Platinum Certificate

Thomas Stenning 7AE Platinum Certificate

Neveah Stowe 7AE Platinum Certificate

Jack Taylor 7CO Platinum Certificate

Eden Smithbury 7CO Diamond Certificate

Emily Brown 7UP Diamond Certificate

William Breden 7CL Diamond Certificate

Sophie Brooks 7AE Diamond Certificate

Page 15: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Accelerated Reader Awards

Keep Reading!

Year 9 AR Awards Bronze Anna Finch

Silver Bradley Bell

Gold Gemma Stevenson

Platinum Charlotte Cole

Diamond Louis Cornwall

Year 8 AR Awards Bronze Regan Dacey Amber Leeson-Cole

Gold Gabrielle Phillips

Sapphire Hannah Greaney

Year 7 AR Awards Bronze Emily Booth Edward Cobley Joshua Duncan Angel Hart Millie Hazzard Chloe Higginson Jamie Leveridge Samuel Padfield Charlie Robinson

Silver Holly Chant Jake-Taylor Collins Maddalene O’Keefe Phoenix Smart

Gold Molly Ireland

Become a Reading Record Breaker this summer!

Years 7 and 8 please make sure you have borrowed plenty of library books to read over the summer. You can carry on quizzing during the holiday – just make sure you use our school’s Accelerated Reader site (go in via Moodle, or click here: AR login). In September your Word Count score will continue to go up, so we are looking forward to being able to award more badges and certificates for books read over the summer months. To check whether your book has an AR quiz available, have a look on this site: AR Bookfinder UK Just a reminder – the Accelerated Reader scheme adds up the number of words read every time you pass a book quiz and we award badges at the following stages: Bronze – 250,000 words (equal to about 8 paperbacks, or one of the larger Harry Potter stories!) Silver – 500,000 Gold – 1 million Platinum – 3 million Diamond – 5 million Emerald – 8 million Sapphire – 10 million Ruby – 15 million Your younger brothers and sisters can join in the fun too! West Sussex Public Libraries are running the Record Breakers Summer Reading Challenge, produced by The Reading Agency, in association with Guin-ness World Records. The scheme is free and flexible for all families and children (aged 11 and under) just need to read 6 books by Saturday 12 September 2015. Children will receive rewards for each book they tell us about and those that read all six will receive a medal and certificate. Some of our students from Year 9 and above have volunteered to help public library staff run the scheme. For more details please contact your nearest public library, or click on this link: Summer Reading Challenge

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Aestival and festival look so much alike that you might think they're very closely related, but that isn't the case. Aestival traces back to aestas, which is the Latin word for "summer" (and which also gave us aestivate, a verb for spending the summer in a torpid state—a sort of hot-weather equivalent of hibernation). Festival also comes from Latin, but it has a different and unrelated root. It derives from festivus, a term that means "festive" or "merry." Festivus is also the ancestor of festive and festivity as well as the much rarer festivous (which also means "festive") and infestive, meaning "not merry, mirthless."

Etymology: Late Middle English: from Latin aestivalis, from aestivus, from aestus ‘heat’. Foreign translations: French: estivale German: estival Spanish: estival Norwegian: estival

Last weeks solution: The only digits which will appear the same when reflected in the glass table-top are 0, 1, 3 and 8. So it it necessary to find the

number of times in a 24-hour period that the display on the clock is made up only of these digits.

The first digit may be 0 or 1,

the second digit may be 0, 1, 3 or 8,

the third digit may be 0, 1 or 3, and

the fourth digit may be 0, 1, 3 or 8.

Therefore the number of times is

Can you solve this week’s problem ?

I choose three numbers from this number square, including one number from each row and one number from

each column. I then multiply the three numbers together. What is the largest possible product?


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Juan Barrios, Year 12, was invited to the Classic FM Music for Youth festival at the Birmingham Conservatoire, to conduct a performance of his own composition, played by the Royal Northern College of Music Orchestra. As well as featuring in the live performance, the composition was also aired on Classic FM last week. This is an extremely rare and prestigious honour. Well done Juan!

APPRENTICES – Chichester Festival Theatre

Chichester Festival Theatre is one of the UK’s leading theatres, producing work of the highest standards on its two unique stages and an extensive programme of work for the local community. There is now an exciting opportunity to join as an Apprentice on a two-year apprenticeship programme in one of four departments: Building Services: learn the skills required for basic building maintenance Production: work in ‘Lighting and Sound’ and ‘Technical Theatre and Stage’ departments HR / Administration: learn all aspects of Human Resources and general administration Learning, Education and Participation: learn the skills to support the facilitation of practical theatre workshops and administration

All of the above posts include continual assessments or a day release to Chichester College to gain a formal qualification. Apprentices will be given mentoring to help develop and grow professionally in a supportive environment. Apprenticeships are aimed at practically-minded young people aged 18-24 years who have decided further education is currently not for them. The training will provide Apprentices with a skill set giving them the opportunity to develop a career in theatre or the wider working world. Closing Date: 5pm, Monday 20 July 2015 Interview Date: Thursday 23 & Friday 24 July 2015

TO APPLY : Please read the jobs descriptions and guidance notes prior to completing your application which can be downloaded from http://www.cft.org.uk/jobs

Email your CV containing your education and work history together with a covering letter stating which apprenticeship you wish to apply for and provide us with the following additional information: Why this apprenticeship is of interest to you, where this apprenticeship would take you, and why you are the best candidate – maximum 250 words

Your personal interests, hobbies and achievements – maximum 250 words

Send to Marian Stapley-Jones, Chichester Festival Theatre, Oaklands Park, Chichester PO19 6AP or email [email protected]

Page 18: The Angmering School Weekly News Angmering School Weekly News ... as Snowboy and Jumpy Jet wannabe Charley ... career in teaching and will be carrying out my PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Lucy Carr a Student Ambassador from Chichester University gave a presentation to Year 10 students about going to university and the possibilities post college. Lucy explained to students what being a university student was all about and how it was different to going to school. Students were surprised at the range of courses available at university and that you don't have to be "really really clever!" Students were able to consider the option of going to university.

Stuart Hutchinson, STEM representative, a former Metropolitan Police and forensics expert came and talked about his role in the 7/7 attacks and his forensic work.

Former Angmering students came in to school to inspire the year group to what they could be doing after they leave us. Georgie Birch, Splash FM newsreader, Craig Dacey, musical director and film extra, Grant Melvin and Lucy Uncles PE trainee teacher and Jade Widdows on a Scholarship to the USA gave many ideas to the students.

Y10 Motivated by Inspirational Speakers

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AEROSOLS ARE BANNED AT SCHOOL This is a reminder that aerosols deodorants, hairsprays etc (including water based sprays and aftershaves) are not allowed in school. We must insist that these are not brought onto the school site.

On Wednesday 15th July, we welcomed 10 Year 5 students

from St John the Baptist and St Margaret’s Primary Schools for a day working with the Geography Department ‘Investigating Antarctica’! Throughout the day, the students learnt all sorts of information about Antarctica. We started by planning our virtual trip by looking at the route we would have to take to get to McMurdo Sound working out we would have to go via Rio de Janeiro, Santiago and Punto Arenas – a total of over 35 hours flying time and almost 17 000km! We all decided it would be a little too far to travel during the day so we had to settle for a virtual fieldtrip! Once we had ‘arrived’ in Antarctica, we looked at the adaptations of a variety of animals to the cold environment, the clothing that we would need to wear to survive the elements and the food that you would need to eat in one day in order to have enough energy to pull a sled – a total of 6500 calories! Whilst planning our menus, the students were introduced to pemmican – a type of dried meat – which can be stored easily for long periods of time and provides 700 calories per portion. This was a particular favourite amongst the Year 5s who all thought it made a tasty snack! After a break for lunch, we then looked at some of the threats to humans visiting Antarctica and learnt about the symptoms of hypothermia, scurvy and frostbite. The students showed some excellent drama skills acting out the symptoms for the rest of the group tried to identify the ailment. The students all said that they had learnt a lot from the day and really enjoyed themselves. Mrs Butten and I were really impressed with the hard work of the students throughout the day and how they showed an excellent understanding of Antarctica. Mrs Knox

Year 5 Gifted and Talented Geography

Some of the Antarctic

Explorer fashion designs!

Acting out Hypothermia


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September 3 Staff Day 1 4 Term starts for Year 7, 12 and 13 5 10am - 11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open 7 Term starts for Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 7 & 8 Year 7 CATs (Cognitive Ability Tests) 15 School photographs Years 7, 9 and 11 16 Staff Day 2 16 Open Evening 5.30pm – 8pm 17 & 18 Open Morning tours at 9.15am and 11.45am 17 Y12 Information Evening 6.30p m October 7 3.30pm – 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop Open After

School 1 Parent Meet 1 including Y10 and Y11 Information

Evening 6-8pm 8 Year 11 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm – 7pm 16 Y7 Parents’ Meeting “Seven Weeks In” 26– 30 Half Term Week November 7 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open 5 Speaking and Listening Activity Day 1 5 KS4 Presentation Evening 7.00pm (ex Y11) 17 Y12 Safe Drive Stay Alive 12 Parent Meet 2 6-8pm 13 Children in Need Non Uniform Day 19 Sixth Form Information Evening 6.30pm – 9pm December 2 3.30pm – 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop Open After

School 4 Y7 Futures Christmas Fayre 7 Staff Day 3 8-17 Y11 Mock Exams 16 Christmas Concert 6.30pm – 8pm 10 Y10 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm – 7pm 18 Term ends January 9 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open 4 Term Starts 12 Y11 Mock Exam Results Assembly 19 Speaking and Listening Activity Day 2 21 Y7 and 11 tutor Group Photos and Y11 Friendship

Photos 21 Music Mania’s New Year Bash 7pm – 8.30pm February 3 3.30pm – 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop Open After

school 4 Year 12/13 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm – 7pm 11 Curriculum Information Evening (Year 9) 6pm – 8pm 15-19 Half term week 25 Y11 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm – 7pm

DIARY DATES 2015/2016



Please note these dates are subject to change

March 5 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop

Open 3 Speaking and Listening Activity Day 3 3 Year 9 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm –

7pm 10 Y8 Subject Consultation Evening 4.30pm –

7pm 18 Sixth Form Quiz 7.30pm 17 Year 7 Consultation Evening 4.30pm – 7pm 24 Term Ends for students April 15 Staff Day 4 11 Term Starts 15 3.30pm – 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop

Open After School 28 Parent Meet 3 6-8pm May 7 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop

Open 30-3 June Half term Week June 8 3.30pm, - 4.30pm Nearly New Uniform Shop

Open 7 Y12 Going to University Information Evening

(including UCAS) 7-8.30pm 23 Music Mania 7pm – 8.30pm 16 Speaking and Listening Activity Day 3 21 Y7 Exhibition of work 5pm -7pm 28 Art, DT Exhibition Open Evening 6-8pm 29 Art, DT Exhibition Open Day 9-5pm 29 LNC Y6 Induction Day 29 & 30 Sixth Form Induction July 1 Y11 Prom 7-11pm 6 Year 6 Induction Day at Angmering and

parents evening 6pm – 7.30pm 2 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop

Open 5 Staff Day 5 7 Sports Presentation Evening 6pm – 8pm 18 6-7.30pm Evening of Celebration 11-15 Y12 Work Experience Week 12 Science fair Y7 & Y8 5.30-7.30pm 24 Sports Day 22 Term Ends