THE AMAZING POWER OF THETAHEALING® WHY THETAHEALING® WORKS, THE WAY IT WORKS!! Amit Kohli Certified Instructor of ThetaHealing®, Certified Master Life Coach, NLP Trainer, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist, Energy Healer & Spiritual Healer, Post Graduate in Management, Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics), Personal & Business Transformation Expert

The Amazing Power of Thetahealing

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Amit Kohli

Certified Instructor of ThetaHealing®, Certified Master Life Coach, NLP

Trainer, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist, Energy Healer & Spiritual Healer,

Post Graduate in Management, Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics),

Personal & Business Transformation Expert




Brilliance in Life™ Phone +91 9971120984

website: www.brillianceinlife.in email: [email protected]

About the Author Amit Kohli is renowned Spiritual Healer, Energy Healer, Certified

ThetaHealing® Instructor, Post Graduate in Management,

Bachelor of Engineering, Certified Master Life Coach,

Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner & NLP Trainer, Law of

Attraction Instructor, Personal & Business Transformation


Amit's unique approach using holistic solutions derived from ancient wisdom, practical experience

working in corporate world and latest scientific research attract people from across the world.

Amit conducts ThetaHealing® certification courses, Brilliance in life™ Workshops, and workshops on

Mind, Body and Soul balance in life for Success and brilliance. He coaches individuals including top

executives and business owners to achieve personal & business transformation and find their brilliance in


For more than two decades, Amit has been empowering people with his exceptional life coaching skills,

extraordinary healing abilities and self improvement methodologies.

The support environment for people associated with Brilliance in life is tremendous. This helps each

student to become superior healer and better human being. Amit directly monitors the progress of all the

students and supports in their journey of success and brilliance.

email: [email protected]

Phone: +91 9971120984

Trainings, Certifications & Healings Website: www.brillianceinlife.in

Personal & Business Transformation Website: www.brillianceinlife.com

Meetup Website: www.meetup.com/brilliant-sparks-of-god

Table of Contents

What is ThetaHealing®? .......................................................... 5

Founder of ThetaHealing® ....................................................... 8

Brain Waves and Theta State ................................................. 10

Why does ThetaHealing® gives the results, it gives? ............. 12

What can ThetaHealing® do for you? .................................... 16

Way Forward .......................................................................... 18

Testimonials ........................................................................... 19

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


What is ThetaHealing®?

Spiritual, physical & emotional healing

hetaHealing® is a meditational process that creates physical, psychological, and

spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator.

Theta Healing® is a powerful technique that combines science and spirituality to identify

and instantly transform deeply held blocks, negative beliefs and trauma at all levels.

ThetaHealing® has no religious affiliation. It is

compatible with any spiritual or religious belief


The processes of ThetaHealing® are not specific to

any age, sex, race, color, creed or religion. Anyone

with a pure belief in God or the Creative of All That

Is can access and use the branches of the

ThetaHealing® tree.

ThetaHealing® is designed by Ms Vianna Stibal

(Founder ThetaHealing) as a therapeutic self-help

guide to develop the ability to change on all levels:

physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using

the Creator of all That Is.




T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


ThetaHealing® is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core,

Gene, History, and Soul. With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can

contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought

have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing

how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work

empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and

thoughts with positive, beneficial ones.

ThetaHealing® is also best known for the 7 Planes of Existence; a concept to connect to

the Highest Level of Love and Energy of All That Is. Using this concept, the practitioner

can achieve the highest clarity and wisdom love.

In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader at the time,

discovered that the way she did Readings could do an instant healing. Vianna, a mother of

three young children was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right

femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed.

Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal. Her leg

was instantaneously healed. She added this knowledge of ThetaHealing® to her sessions

with clients and in the classes she was teaching. Curious to understand why the technique

was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electrocephalograph

discovered that the simple technique tapped Theta waves. Over many years of practicing

the technique, Vianna believes the technique utilizes a Theta wave to achieve an instant

healing. Through thousands of clients she discovered not only an amazing way to connect

with the creative energy that moves in all things, but that this energy could change

instantly Beliefs and Feelings that are linked to sickness.

The most profound discovery about ThetaHealing® is that this technique could be

taught to others. Vianna, the founder of ThetaHealing®, has taught this technique to

thousands of people. She has trained others to teach some of her classes of

ThetaHealing®. This technique is one of the most amazing experiences of her life.

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


When we connect to the Creator of all that is, our brain waves automatically go into a

Theta state of mind. In this mind-state, you can create anything and change reality,


ThetaHealing helps identify beliefs that prevent a person from achieving their goals, good

health, good relationships, etc. Using ThetaHealing, we can witness an instant change to

the negative belief and all beliefs that have arisen from it. The effect can be felt

immediately, and the person's relief is fast and permanent.

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


Founder of ThetaHealing®

Ms Vianna Stibal

Ms Vianna Stibal is a grandmother, an

artist and a writer. Her natural charisma

and compassion for those in need of help

have also given her the ability to be titled

intuitive and teacher.

After being taught how to connect with

the Creator to co-create and facilitate this

unique process called ThetaHealing®, Ms

Vianna Stibal knew that she must share

this gift with as many people as she could.

It was this love and appreciation for the

Creator and humankind that allowed her

to develop the ability to see clearly into

the human body and witness many

instantaneous healings.

Her encyclopedic knowledge of the body's systems and deep understanding of the human psyche, based on her

own experience as well as the insight given to her by the Creator, makes Ms Vianna Stibal the perfect

practitioner of this amazing technique. She has successfully worked with such medical challenges as Hepatitis C,

Epstein-Barr, AIDS, herpes, tumors, various types of cancers, and many other conditions, diseases and genetic




T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


Ms Vianna Stibal knows that the ThetaHealing® technique is teachable, but beyond that she knows that it

needs to be taught. Ms Vianna Stibal conducts seminars all over the world to teach people of all races, beliefs

and religions. She has trained teachers and practitioners who are working in fourteen countries, but her work

will not stop there! Ms Vianna Stibal is committed to spreading this healing paradigm throughout the world.

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


Brain Waves and Theta State

Brain waves are categorized into five frequency bands : Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. The brain

produces consistent waves at all frequencies and bands, however at a particular time, one of the frequency wave

bands are dominant.

Beta State: Beta state is a state in which a person is active and alert. The dominant frequencies of waves in this

state are of 13-30 cycles per second. Talking is one of the activities done in Beta State.

Alpha State: Alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and meditation. Alpha is the link between Beta and

Theta states. The dominant frequencies of waves in this state are of 8-12 cycles per second. Daydreaming,

fantasizing and a state of relaxed and detached consciousness is characteristic of this state.

Theta State: Theta State is a state of very deep relaxation. Dominant frequencies of waves in this state are of 4-

7 cycles per second. This state is used in hypnosis and during REM Sleep.

Delta State: Delta State is the state when a person is in deep sleep. Dominant frequencies of waves in this state

are of 0.5-3 cycles per second.

Gamma State: Gamma state is state when person is involved in higher brain activity such as perception and

consciousness. Dominant frequencies of waves in this state are of 31- 120 cycles per second.

A Gamma-Theta state is used in Instant Healing when the brain switches from Theta state to Gamma State.



T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


As per various scientific studies, Alpha and Brain States bring various benefits such as:

1. Reduced anxiety and stress

2. Reduced pain

3. Enhanced memory, IQ, verbal Abilities

4. Better functioning of brain and enhanced synchronization of two hemispheres of the brain

5. Release of beneficial chemicals in body such as endorphins

6. Enhanced creativity, mental clarity

7. Improved physical and mental relaxation.

When doing Theta Healing®, the brain instantly goes into a Theta wave state. It is in this state that a

ThetaHealer is able to work directly with Source- Creator of All That Is to facilitate powerful and instant


T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


Why does ThetaHealing®

gives the results, it gives?

There are multiple reasons because of which Thetahealing® gives the results, it gives

and enable powerful & instantaneous healings and changes. Many of them are

mentioned below:

In ThetaHealing®,

The Creator is the healer, practitioner is only the witness. With this approach,

all the limitations of the individual and that of a healer are removed. Thus

anything can be changed and healed.

Energy is not channelled through the practitioner. Person being healed

receives energy directly from the creator. Practitioner belief or state doesn't

block this flow of energy.

There are extensive and numerous exercise of connecting to Guardian

Angles, Ancestors, Masters, Plants, elementals, deceased love ones, Spiritual

Guides etc. However, while doing these exercises through Creator, no

energy exchange is required.

We also learn discernment while connecting and communicating to various




T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


In ThetaHealing, there is wealth of techniques for all situations and problems

making it easier to resolve issues and achieve goals.

Learning and Activating DNA is part of ThetaHealing. This helps to achieve

ones true potential.

Many issues are caused by spirits (waywards), psychic hooks, psychic attacks

and curses which are easily removed using Thetahealing.

Even issues related to child birth are resolved using baby in womb exercise.

With Thetahealing, one can balance harmones in brain and release unwanted


The process of ThetaHealing is designed in such a way that it develops

psychic skills.

Also, this process activates and cleanse the Chakras

ThetaHealer is easily able to Tap into Theta Waves which are associated with

powerful healings.

Anger / doubt / incorrect beliefs / prejudice block people from getting

desired results. ThetaHealing uses a state of Unconditional love to do the

healing. Thetahealer is thus able to tap into this state to heal self and others.

Instead of using "find and fix problem approach", Thetahealing uses Highest

and best approach of asking Creator to do the changes and invoke the Law

of Witness to see the changes happening.

Thetahealing teaching proper discernment and focuses on Getting the

highest truth through Creator

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


One learns to live and achieve a Seventh Plane consciousness.

Understanding of Seven Planes of existences give immense knowledge to

approach and solve any issue or achieve any goal.

The Seven Planes of existence provide us with a conceptual vehicle for

understanding how and why the world works on the physical and spiritual

levels, and how this relates to us. The Seven Planes show us how to

understand the concept of the Creator of All That Is. It is through the

Creator of All That Is that we learn how to create physical healings, to

progress spiritually, and to find enlightenment.

ThetaHealing clear oaths, vows, rules or ancestral commitments which cause

issues and problems

With ThetaHealing, we can change beliefs and resolve issues whose roots lie

in present life (Core level), past life, human collective consciousness (History

Level), ancestor's life (genetic) and Soul (Soul level). This is done using Belief

Work at four levels.

Some people have never felt or experienced the energy of certain feelings in

their lives. This is the reason that they are unable to manifest a soul mate in

our life, be rich, or any other desire. In order to manifest, we have to first

experience what these feelings are like to bring those things to our reality.

These feelings need be taught to the person using Feeling Work in


Specific Techniques in Thetahealing are also used to facilitate manifesting of

what you truly desire in your life, including money, abundance, compatible

soul mate, etc

T H E A M A Z I N G P O W E R O F T H E T A H E A L I N G ®


Chromosomes that have been damaged by aging are also repaired that. The

telomeres (caps) of DNA strands fray from aging and can be repaired.

Broken soul which may happen from chronic and/or severe abuse is also


Releasing etheric cords of attachment that no longer serve you; this includes

unnecessary ones you have as well as ones others have with you are also

easily removed.

You can also release traumatic free floating memories from an accident or

illness (including during anaesthesia), abuse, or drunkenness.

Thetahealing enable Gene replacement of defective genes including ones

involved in addictions

With Soul fragment exercise, you can retrieve soul pieces of yours as well as

returning ones you hold that belong to another. These fragments of your

essence also hold your power (or that of others). These fragments may

be transferred during intense interchanges with another.

You may even replacing your spirit guides if required.

ThetaHealing help you work with your higher self to solve problems and

achieve you goals

All these and much more are few of the applications of THE AMAZING POWER




What can ThetaHealing®

do for you?

t is possible to transform any area of your life with Theta Healing®:

• Achieve a greater level of health and well-


• Heal physical conditions and dis-ease

including genetic disorders

• Resolve traumas and emotional issues

• Release fears and phobias

• Free yourself from habits and addictions

• Create wealth and abundance

• Have your ideal career

• Develop your creativity

• Increase confidence and self-esteem

• Develop fulfilling and harmonious relationships

• Achieve personal freedom





• Manifest your dreams

• Attract and keep a compatible soul mate

• Develop your psychic and intuitive abilities

• Deepen your spiritual connection

• Achieve your Genius Potential

and much more...

If there is something about your life that you want to change, you can benefit from

Theta Healing®.

Theta Healing® empowers you to re-create your life exactly as you choose.


Way Forward..

For more information about ThetaHealing® and Brilliance in Life™ workshops,

events and sessions, please contact :

email: [email protected]

Phone: +91 9971120984

Trainings, Certifications & Healings Website: www.brillianceinlife.in

Personal & Business Transformation Website: www.brillianceinlife.com

Meetup Website: www.meetup.com/brilliant-sparks-of-god



1st & 2nd star - for brilliant guidance of amit sir

3rd - videos for more clarification and awareness

4th - for more practicals

5th - unmatched experiences and results Rajesh, Gurgaon

An amazing workshop, yet again... Amit, am very grateful to you for guiding us to benefit in the highest and best way from Creators perspective. Simple prayers to the creator do so much. Two days of bliss and deep meditation which I was wanting to experience for so long. I would like to thank all the wonderful people who were a part of the workshop and shared their enriching experiences with us.Thank you all...Thank you Creator and Thank you Amit.

Rubeca, Delhi

An unbelievable blissful experience!

Raizy, Gurgaon

It was a very enriching experience. I loved it. As soon as I entered the venue I felt sudden rush of energy. The meditation was very blissful and I feel that a lot of positive karmas got credited to my account. Thank you creator and amit sir.

Ashna, Delhi

It was a blissful experience. i could visualise changes at the DNA level and felt energies entering my body. i experienced a blissful connection..experience very difficult to express in words. I thank Amitji who is really putting so much efforts to raise our level of consciousness

Alpana, Delhi


It was a beautiful experience to say the least. for the first time I was able to visualize things of which I had never thought before. I would like to share with u all that first day of the workshop I was a little uneasy due to some medication which I had been taking for the last 4 days but yesterday I did not feel any discomfort during the day. also I had been having a continuous dull pain in my left arm since December which would increase in intensity off and on, making me feel a little depressed but since yesterday the pain is much much less. my heartfelt thanks to the creator for this blessing and off course other blessings which might not be too apparent to me right now and to mr. kohli for showing the path to connect to the creator.

Seema, Gurgaon

The workshop was amazing. It was an eye opener. It was entirely a different experience and was very enjoyable. Under the guidance of creator and Amit Sir, I was able to take myself to a different level which I couldn't experience before. I already had experienced so many actual changes in my life through Brilliant Sparks of God but this workshop strengthened my faith in this practice. After the workshop also, I have experienced a tremendous change in me and have received many tangible and intangible benefits which has indeed made me a brilliant spark of God. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the creator and the witness Amit sir to be able to make me realize my potential and help me achieve it.

Ashna, Delhi

Awesome healing session...thank you amitji........life has changed for the best.......yes i m sooooo connected to the creator

Suman, Delhi


Ankit, Delhi

It was a life changing experience. Simply wonderful. Must be attended by each and every person. One can learn to change one's own life through a simple process of


meditation and connection to the creator. A special thanks to Mr. Amit Kohli who made this process even simpler for us :)

Aanchal, Delhi

Unbelievable and extra powerful to bear. Highly powerful and effective. Thanks a lot.

Deepak J, Delhi

Sir thanks for the knowledge and sincerity you have passed on to us in these last two days. It was a thoroughly life changing experience. These two days have been an eye opening experience for me. My connection with the creator was overwhelming during meditation.

Pawan, Delhi

A very unique programme which helps us to achieve our goals with ease and grace.

Lakshita, Delhi

Amazing experience ! I could actually witness healings taking place inside me. My visualization ability has really improved and feeling much more confident as a healer. This workshop has strengthened my connection with the creator of all that is. looking forward to attend more of such workshops.

Alpana, Delhi

This workshop was wonderful. Through deep meditation we can meet the creator. The experience was amazing. I pay my special thanks to Amit Kohli for conducting this workshop

Meenu, Delhi


I have found that your coaching has changed my perception and attitude towards life. I feel more relaxed throughout the day. I am now more focused and happy in life. My relationships are better than ever. Thanks Amit.

Jane, California

Thanks again for all your help and support.

Praveen, Delhi

2days in the lap of creator-unbelievable. We had 2 extremely blissful days. Amitji conducted the workshop in most immaculate way. I felt very close to creator a no. of times. it was extremely blissful experience i had cannot be expressed only felt. 2 of my issues got resolved during workshop, exhilarating. thank you creator and Amitji. waiting eagerly for the next workshop.

Pawan, Delhi

Your coaching and guidance is amazing, Thanks. My life has already started changing. I never knew success could be so easy and quick.

Viswanath, Chennai


Deepak J, Delhi

Amit uses his profound knowledge of various modalities to make Life Coaching very effective, simple and rapid.

Bob, Boston

Great meetup! Amit Sir is right about the incessant changes that happen during and after the session, thanks to him, the creator and all the fellow participants.

Ruchika, Delhi


Every workshop is a complete different experience.They bring in new changes in life.This workshop was amazing.I had beautiful experiences.The pain I had been suffering for past three months was gone completely in one session.I feel brilliant after this workshop and I feel this workshop will bring in a lot of abundance for me not only in terms of money but love,happiness and energy.My life force has seen a dramatic change.I can see a lot of positive changes in my life.The energy of the group was so high that I feel issues of all the members must have got resolved in highest and best way.I am looking forward to write many more changes I will be experiencing in future.Lat but the most important,I would like to thank Amit sir for your wonderful guidance and Creator of All that is.

Ashna, Delhi

Your coaching program helped me improve my quality of life, set goals, remove mental blocks and be successful. Thanks

Rao, Hyderabad.


Suman T, Delhi


Thanks Amit for using Skype for my coaching program. I was able to plan my travel without impacting the coaching schedule. I found skype to be effective coaching and time management tool.

Deepak, Bangalore

I am now more independent and confident person after your coaching. Thank you.

Bala, Chennai

I feel truly empowered. I can face the world with confidence. Thank you.

Mukherjee, Kolkata

Amit Kohli has an enormous impact on my career. I came to him for various personal and professional problems. He worked with me on my self esteem and self confidence. Working with him has helped me become more confident and successful.

Anil, Delhi

Breath as a Healer can help one connect to higher self; it can take you to a place within that can evoke a sense of deep knowingness, wellness, peace and tranquility, replacing fear, stress, illness and blocked energy. My intensity of gratitude towards Amit ji is phenomenal .

Harsh, Delhi

It's a life changing experience.....helps u connect to your very core being......that is bliss......fills u with total positive energy...and the ability to enjoy the very essence of my life.......I m very grateful to amitji for helping me find my strength within...... Suman, Delhi


I tried the process and it cleaned up the unproductive thoughts and thus helped to be more focused . Shankar, Delhi

I have been doing meditation every morning before leaving for work. I was facing problem with my labour which got solved as I did meditation as guided by Amitji. Today morning I had pain in my upper back which I had been suffering since yesterday which got healed as I requested the creator! I thank the creator and also Amitji who brought us close to the creator. Pawan, Delhi

Experiencing this Meditation meetup is great, I acknowledge the positive changes in my life...more to it ..people around me have started acknowledging the changes in me ...in all wonderful experience ... Priya, Delhi

I just want to thank the all mighty for introducing me to this wonderful group. Sahil, Delhi

It is a beautiful experience to sit through this meditation. Very relaxing. I thank God for making it possible to be a part of this meditation. And a big thanks to Amit for the wonderful healings & for encouraging me time & again to be strong & positive. Also want to thank Amit on behalf of my Mother for sending healings to her. Positive changes have become a part of life now. Thank you Amit! :) God bless you! Divya, Delhi

I would once again like to acknowledge the positive changes that have taken place in myself .....thereby in my life.....thanks to the sessions...I am now a happier and more positive person ......I now feel empowered and m able to work towards


contributing to make the people in my environment more happy....I cannot even begin to express my experiences........I can only say that one has to experience the wonderfulness of this world through their own personal experiences...by attending the seminars........how ONE'S LIFE CHANGES WITH EASE AND GRACE......IS VERY MYSTICAL......THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH AMITJI.......REGARDS...... Suman, Delhi

It is too good. Rakesh, Delhi

A million thanks to God for introducing me to this Magnificent and Amazing group!! Akshay, Gurgaon

hello everyone, hope everybody will be enjoying creator's energy.

i am also enjoying creator's energy, lot of issues are resolving and life is becoming more & more easier and interesting.

thanks to creator and amit sir Rajesh, Gurgaon

thanku amitji....for making me aware of my connection with the creator.....it has really transformed me at an amazing speed with ease an grace..without any effort my life has become so relaxed and easy.....i have experienced and realized the meaning of happiness....true enjoyment and to live my life joyfully an fearlessly.....I am grateful from the depths of my soul for this empowerment.....thank very much Amit.....your workshops are life savers............ ” Suman, Delhi

Though I started attending the meditation and healing meetups from past one month, there are definite positive changes in myself as an individual and my family as well. The latest and quick healing experience I had was yesterday, when I had extreme pain in my right side of face due to some tooth problem. Pain was really unbearable, but once meditation was over, I could clearly experience the change as by that time my pain was over. I have realized the power of 'Brilliant Sparks of


God' meditation and healing and look forward to continue being part of the group...Thanks Amitji... Varun, Delhi

Blissful...calming...fulfilling... made me feel so complete. Many thanks to the Creator and Amit. Rubeca, Delhi

I want to thank Creator and Amitji for certain developments in my factory. There were a no. of wandering souls in our unit for the past 26yrs. since we started our fact. These souls at times according to our working staff and us, used to create unnecessary breakdowns and problems which should not have been there. Last Sundays meditation session changed the scene . Pawan my brother sent all of them in the White Light of the Creator. There has been a marked improvement in the prod and NO breakdowns at all. Thank U Creator. My working staff was not ready in increasing the level of prod. Today as I interacted with them all of them agreed to take the prod incentive and increase the level of prod. This is a major development for which I was praying for quiet some time. Thank u Creator. I would like to thank Amitji for his selfless efforts and Guidance and helping us in leading a happy life. Deepak D, Delhi

I really felt difference after this Savita, Delhi

as always the meetup under the guidance of AMIT SIR was an experience in itself. Each time it's a new experience.....more layers off issues are resolved....and one is immensely....powerfully an deeply healed on the very core level of one's life......The experience for me in the meetup yesterday was again very very deep......I definitely am aware of having progressed to another level in my spiritual journey...Life has definitely become EASY more JOYFUL and HAPPY.......Today I acknowledge that I have UNDERSTOOD the REAL MEANING and FEELING of JOY.....HAPPINESS AND MY CONNECTION WITH "THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS" FROM THE SEVENTH PLAIN OF EXISTENCE...I am eternally grateful to AMITJI for awakening me to my oneness with the CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS..... THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH SIR............GOD BLESS U AND UR FAMILY Suman T, Delhi


Excellent Randeep, Delhi

i can say only that, if i convert my feelings into words then, these would be - amazing, superb, unmatched and brilliance, brilliance, brilliance

thank you creator and amit sir Rajesh, Gurgaon

The energy of the place is amazing...i had flashes of some events which came from some others lives that i had lived. It gave me an understanding to the situation i am in..on the whole a wonderful experience Alpana, Delhi

I am regularly attending the sessions by Mr. Kohli. I have found changes

happening in my life for good... I got a new job better than my previous one.. I

have also started my new business as a professional which i could not do for a

long time..

Understandably i am quite happy with the meditations and it gives contentment to oneself.

Thanks to Mr. Kohli and his meditation sessions....

Rohit, Delhi

It was excellent, and I would like to thank everyone in this lovely group for this

wonderful opportunity to be in meditation with you all.

May everyone in the group attain liberation through persistence.

Special thanks to Mr Amit Kohli for making this happen. Debasis, New Zealand


Helped me connect to the creator and improve the quality of thoughts Simran, Delhi

thanks to creator, for giving energy of being courage and confidence in self and

that is replaced with the fear, doubts and hesitation.

now, i can do, achieve and manifest anything in my life with this energy. and not only me you can & anyone can manifest their dreams with this energy.

thanks creator, it is done, it is done, it is done, i witnessed it and also realized it. Rajesh, Gurgaon


Wonderful two days of heavenly bliss. The workshop conducted on Abundance & Money was excellent. It was sheer delight sharing the experiences with so many people attending the workshop. The Energy level was so high due to the high attendance. It seemed the Creator was amongst us in the form of Amitji. Everything went on smoothly as always during the workshops conducted earlier. The pleasure derived is insurmountable. I thank Amitji for his effort. Thanx once again to the Creator for giving us the opportunity to come so close to him and allowing to be his co-creators. A lot of issues have been resolved and we are waiting for sharing our experiences on Sunday.Thanx. Deepak D, Delhi

A wonderful workshop!!! Completely new and different experience! I could feel abundance flowing in my life. This workshop has impacted me and my life a lot. After attending this workshop the very next day I got an in interview call from a very good company for the profile which I wanted from a long time. With creator's blessing and Amit ji's help I was able to perform well. Hoping for a positive result. I want to thank creator and Amit ji for his continuous support. I know whatever will happen will be in highest and best for me. Aanchal, Delhi