CLAItlifc.BriW i . Ophelia Washington: who has a student at the West Virginia >[liiBtitute, spent the holidays hero with ifv JbK'r parents,. Mr. and Airs. Joseph jf .Washington, and was hostess uT)a Jarf^ Dumber ol her friends rid ay Tolgrht. A very delightful cvvnins V; was spent. j^ppteKrsrmes r. t,. Lowry. c,. i,. ^;|Bigi<>W, B. S. Turner, 10(1, Henry and Dlllard and Misses ICstelle pxiftmbrieV Ira Ross and Willa Lee spent Wednesday at Fairmont. Mrs. r Aroh. MoMad received in their honor from 3 till 5 p. m. They pori a V most enjoyable time. Revival services are being held at m.'Mt; Zion Baptist eluinh. j ;->vL ¦ l"i A new order, known as the t'heva- V » £ liers of Attucks, bas been launched jfr'ln Clarksburg. The promoters feel . that much good will come to the com¬ munity through the establishment of the order. The Jolly Glee Club gave a Yan-| kee Doodle dance Wednesday even¬ ing which was unique in its many ap- J^q>ointhients. A large number attend¬ ed. Mr. and -Sirs. Jas. Webster enter¬ tained at. dinner Wednesday evening <x>nijplimentary to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. li0vh*y, Mrs. Mary Dillard and others. ]\trs. Martha Lipscombe entertain- ij, ed Friday night in honor of the holi¬ day visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Jackson en¬ tertained a number of friends on Thursday evening- Wm. Taylor, Of Pittsburg, spent a few days here with his mother, y Prom 2 to 6 o'clock Thursday af¬ ternoon, Mrs. Annie Brandon Free- .. man, Mrs. L.utie Freeman Tuck and .Miss Inez Tuck received their many friends. Although the weather was extremely cold, the host of ladies call¬ ing 'between the hours mentioned, .attkated the popularity of those re- , ceiving. The house was beautifully decorated with Christmas greens and the soft glow of the shaded f- lamps only added to the beauty of the costumes of those attending. Mrs. Chas. Hamilton, of Fremont, assisted' in receiving. Mrs. Lee Ruffin serv-j ed coffee. Miss Florence Jackson _ served punch/ Miss Lee served choc- .;;OJate and Miss Cambric registered the . guests. A.L night Mrs. Tuck entertained a number of friends. Whist was the ev¬ ening's diversion. . pari L(Te, of Columbus, O., was uhalcing hands with friends here Wednesday. The entertainment given by S. S. Class No. Ill, at Pride A. M. E. church Thursday night wjh> a decided success. Madison Miles, who has 'been chef for several months at the Sisters- ville hotel, is home again. The court house was well filled on Monday night in commemoration of the 4th anniversary of the emancipa¬ tion of the Negro. The following program was ren¬ dered: Chorus . "The Star-Spangled Ban¬ ner." . Twelve Girls. Invocation . Rev. J. W. Colbert. Vocal Solo . "To the End of the World With You." . Miss 11 at tie Washington. Declamation . "The Convict's Christmas Eve." Mr. F. C. Car ri dad. Vocal Sol<> . "If I had a Thousand Lives to Li . Miss Velma Snyder. Heading. iV'How Jle Saved St. Michaels." . Mrs. Lutie Tuck. Declamation . "Marco Bozarris." . Hev. J. W. Colbert. Vocal Solo . "Oh, Fair, Qh, Sweet and Holy." . Miss Willa Lee. Reading . From .7. Whitcomb Riley -. -Miss Emma R tiffin. C h or u s . ' 'Soldiers' Fa re w ell." . Twelve Girls. An Epitome of Dunbar . Hev. >S. P. West. Vocal Solo- . '"They all Love Jack." . Mr, S. B. Turner. Chorus . "The West Virginia Hills." . Twelve Girls. All seemed to appreciate the pro¬ gram rendered. The Misses Rone entertained Fri¬ day afternoon in honor of the holi¬ day visitors of the younger set. The holidays were filled with so¬ cial affairs. Roller skating parties, dances and numerous entertainments which your correspondent is unable ? to rej>ort in detail. Mrs. Malinda Green, of Buckhan- non, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' Larkin Green for a few days* m \TI\GTO\. Mrs. BcaJe Johnson. of Columbus. O., was called to the bedside of' her Hon, Joseph, on 8th Ave. la^t week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Scott and Mrs. J. C. Payne spent Friday with friends in Ironton. Miss Mf»bel Whiting, of GaUipolis, who was the guest of Miss Clara Stewart for a few days returned home Thursday. Rev. L». O. Lewis, pastor of the 8th "Street Baptist church, Lynchburg, Va. returned to his charge, having spent th6 holidays at homo with his pa¬ rents, Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Lewis, at their handsome new residence, 1215 8th Ave. T. O. Gregory, of Hill Top, spent H f»w days in tho city last week. I Mrs. Ella Brown left Tuesday for j her home in Sherwood, Va .Mrs. Anna Turner is home from a ' few days' visit to relatives in Vir- ginia. jv Anions the social events of the 'Christmas were the following: An interesting 'program was rend¬ ered by some of the -best local talent jot' ihe city at the IGth street Baptist j church, entitled, "An Evening with Dunbar." Some choice selections were given interspersed with lovely music. Especial mention is made of !two solos sung by Mrs. Arminta Topson, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Martha Baker served six o . lock dinner in honor of Mrs. Geor¬ gia Cooley, of Athens, O., to Mrs. B. C. Winston, Mrs. Sarah A. Wilkins, '.losie M. Barnett and Prof. J. W. Scott. Mrs. Anna Arrington entertained at ' dinner Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. P. 11. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Early, Prof. J. \V. Scott and Miss .losie Barnett. Mrs. Robert Humphrey was hostess to a few friends Wednesday evening. . Those present were:. Mrs. P. H. j Cooley, Mrs. E. R. Harvey, Misses [Clara Stewart, Mabel Whiting, Sarah I Wilkins, J. M. Barnett and Rev. L. O. Lewis. A social was given by Mrs. B. C. Winston at 915 8th Ave., Thursday evening for the benefit of the Six¬ teenth street Baptist church. Mrs. Winston had as her special guests Rev and Mrs. A»- Lewis, Rev. L. O. Lewis, Dr. T. H. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Pack, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kackett, Mrs. Georgie Cooley, Mrs. E. R. Har¬ vey, Mrs. Arminta Topson and Miss Josie J3arnett. Miss Luella Bowling was the charming hostess to a mask party at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Fitzger¬ ald, Wednesday evening. Quite a number enjoyed her hospitality. Af¬ ter the usual time spent in games a dainty luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilkins and daughter, of 2 901 8th Ave., served i<ix o'clock dinner to the following friends Saturday: Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Lewis, Rev. .and Mrs. S. A. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Win-! ston, Mistresses Mollie Mickens, Mar¬ tha Baker, Carrie Harvey, Miss .Josie Barnett, Messrs. J". W. Scott, Is ham ] Scott and Joshua Hatchet. Joseph Bass, of Hoi den, is in the city on business. The funeral services of James Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lewis, whose dfcath occurred Friday evening, were very beautifully and impressively conducted by Rev. I. V. Bryant at the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. The solo sung by 0. \V. Morris was very sweet and soul stirring and notwithstand¬ ing the inclemency of the weather, the church was filled to its utmost capacity, thus showin'g the love, es¬ teem and respect in which this young man was held. James was just enter¬ ing manhood, with those sterling qualities of gentleness, obedience, in¬ dustry and ambition which ibid fair ' to make a useful citizen in this com¬ munity. The grief-striken family j have our sympathy and we commend ! them to God, who doeth all things well. Revival services began at the First Baptist church Monday even¬ ing. Rev. J. W. Terry is at home after a tour of several months through the country in his evangelistic work. CHILLJOOTHK, O. Uev. Ilenrv i^stes and wife enter¬ tained at dinner on Wednesday, in honor of their niece Miss Bessie Es- tis, of Columbus, and Mr. Smiley Banks, of Yonkers. X. Y. The fol¬ lowing guests were present and par¬ took of the sumptuous dinner. Miss Lizzie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ko4mrt Banks, -Mr. and !Mr». Din- kiness, Mr. and Mrs. Haze Taborn and i M i ss E til e Stewart. Mrs. Daisy Richardson has moved from Greenfield, Ohio, to Chilli- 1 cothe for the purpose of making this her home. Misses EfTle Stewart and Bessie Estis attended the Slabtown enter¬ tainment at the Baptist church in Green Held Tuesday night. George Hicks, Jr., of the Ohio State University is spending the hol¬ idays here with his parents. Robert Ryans has returned from Dayton, Ohio, and will spend the win¬ ter here with his parents. Miss Virgin Doll, of Cincinnati, Ohio, spent the holidays here vislt- iug relatives. Miss Lydia Bates spent. New Yoar's Day at Greenfield the guest of Miss Postcls. .Joseph 1 1. , the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mis. George Beard, suc¬ cumbed after an illness with the 1)rain fever at his parents' home, 2 59 1 Mechanic street. The funeral was held at the house Friday at 2 p. m., J Kav, J. \v. Carter officiating. j Miss Mabel Marshall has returned ; from J'arkor^burg, where, slie spent the ynletide and reported a most ^de¬ lightful trip, Mrs. Blanch Banks, of "Locust Btre'-t complimented her guests, Miss Begem Estis, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. -Smiley Banks, of Now York, with | a social Wednesday niffht. The deco- raticns of the home were In holiday colors and* to the following: MiW Effle Stewart. Annie Dunston, Florence ami Ida Dinkins, Mabel and Irene Gntliff, Helen Marshall, Ethel Keuney, Ber¬ tha Wright,. Julia Jones, Bertha Katis Celesta West* Helen Pettiford, Nellie .Myers, Docia Steptoe, Nannie Banks, Misses James Marshall, Walter Duns- ston, Stephen Pettiford, Albert Banks Fred Taylor, Edward, George and John Banks, Mr. and Mrs. George West, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks, Mrs. Lillian Banks, and Mrs. Mary Hedgepatli. Miss Cora B. Medley visited Prank- ford Friday. Mrs. Edward Medley entertained on South High Street for dinner Sun¬ day Misses Ellen Dowdy, E. R. Wal¬ ker and Rev. W. E. Walker. Miss Lena Marshall was the host¬ ess of a New Year's Eve party at her home on W. Main street, on Friday evening. Those present were: Misses Marguerite Cunningham Virgie, Dall, of Cincinnati; Geneva Ross, Pearl Ford, Helen Carter, Florence GatlifT, Irene GatlifT. Esther R.- Wal¬ ker, Madeline Bates, Mabel Gatliff, Messrs. George Hicks, Russel Bates, Lawrence Hicks, Robert Ryan, Clar¬ ence Cunningham, Samuel Gatiiff, Clifford GatlifT, Thomas Willett, Ralph Cunningham and John Mar-> shall. Ice cream, cake and hot choc¬ olate were served as the old year -passed out. Rov. W. E. Walker read a paper before the ministerial meeting Mon¬ day morning on the subject 'The Decision of Character/' _ Miss Ida Dinkins entertained with a watch party in honor of Miss Bessie Estls of Columous, O., Mrs. Mary Hedgepeth of Dayton, and^sMr. Smi¬ ley Banks, of New York. The even¬ ing was spent, with games a>;d music. Those present were: Misses Effle Steward, Helen Rideout, Celesta, West, Nellie Myers, Ethel Kinney Anna Dunston and Ida and Florence Dickins; Messrs. Walter Dunston, Alfred Pettiford, Steve Pettiford, John Banks, William Lewis, Fred Cannon, of Greenfield, and Chaner Steward, of Aslieville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks. As the Old Year w^js .going out and the New Year coming in light refreshments were served ¦by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George West, of Lenn St., gave a yuletide party on Thursday night in honor of their cousin, Miss Bessie Estes, of Colum¬ bus. The decorations were pink and white. The chief amusement was flinch. Strawberry snow and cake were served by the hostess by the fol¬ lowing guests: Misses Annie Dun- ston, Edith Bates, of Middleport; Elnora Hammond, Ida Dinkins, Ethel Kenney, Ella Hawkins, Bertha Wright. Nellie Myers, Helen Hide¬ out, Celesta West, Eflie Stewart; Messrs. Thomas Smith, of Green¬ field; R*vJ#h Bickenridge, of Mans¬ field; John Chatham, of Bluefield, W. Va.; Smiley Banks, of New York;' Fred Taylor, Elsworth Brown, Albert Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks. STORKR COLI^XiE. The program and Christmas tree exercises, held at the Curtis Memorial church were enjoyed by all. especial¬ ly the little ones. Several entertain¬ ing numbers were on the program,1 among those were the duet sung by Messrs. Arter and Warfield and the Poems read by Prof. Saunders. Tuesday night, December 28th, the young ladies of Storer College enter¬ tained the young men by giving them a moon-light pic nic in Myrtle Hall sitting room which was enjoyed by all. Wednesday night the young men gave the young ladies a Tucker party in the Bowen lecture room, where all enjoyed the delightful game of Tuck¬ er. Music was furnished for the oc¬ casion by the second band. The members and friends of the Methodist church in Bolivar had the opportunity of listening to an in- teresting debate Thursday night be- tween Martinsburg and Harpers Ferry the question being "Resolved, that women should have the right of elect¬ ive franchise or to vote." The affir¬ mative side u-phekl by Har-pers Ferry, and represented by Rev. T. B. Snow- den and C. W. Warfield, but were de-J feated by Martinsburg, represented! by Rev. S. M. Beaneand R. T\* Ramer at a score of 27 points to 19. The music was under the direction of C. S. Arter and was very credit¬ able, Miss Dee Douglas, of Pa., is visit¬ ing her sisters Miss Clemantine and Viola at Storer. Miss I >u la Herrod, who is teaching at Berryville, spent the holidays with her i>arents here. .? Richard Taylor, '07, of Rippan, stopped off at Storer on his # way to Washington a few days ago. James Hill and Miss NeHie Doug¬ lass, students at Storer, are visiting in Washington. Henry Van Leister spent the holi¬ days in Charleston, the guest of M^s. Washington. Fred Morris spent the holidays with Emanuel C. Brimage at his home in Buokekyetown, Md. Miss Virginia Brown, of Storer, had as her guest for the holidays' Miss Hannah C. Franklin, of Berryville,, and Ash by Boyer, of Monessen, Pa. I Prof. N. G. Bruckett and wife left Friday on a business trip to Washing¬ ton, O. F. Taylor spent the New Year In Charles Town, the guest of (\ A. Meyers. Victoria De-Shields, of I/aurel, Del.. Is the proud possessor of the b»auti-| I ~ ~iy-t .T^mT - PEOPLE IN SOUTH CHARLESTON NOW _£L-_kiV-.. THERE APRIL 1, 1907 , 7 - ¦ - . FACTORIES EMPLOYING OVER 400 MEN " ; » > . "v. . " Dunkirk Window Glass Co. Banner Window Glass Co. Kanawha Chemjbal Engine Mfg. Co. Kenton Iron & Steel Co. Hemlock Lumber Co. I »*.. v 1 25 houses and other buildings in South Charleston. Church, School House, Concrete Sire Walk, Sewers, under constuction, Natural Gas, Everything. Bridge now completed and soon the trolly cars. Buy now before the prices go up. They go up when » cars go in. Terms: 1-10 cash, balance in monthly payments to suit. Discount for all cash. . . Room 501 Charleston National Bank Building Bell Phone 750; Home Phone 1214 ful college prize won 1n -football in the season just closed.- * Mr. De Shields has been a member of the varsity for two seasons arid has done excellent work in his posi¬ tion of guard.'- The prize, a sterling silver, foot btel!,''engraV6tt with Storer College '09, ^Vrfc's -pres&fcted to Storer "by E. W. Jones a member of the class of '09. ;' Lay ton W/heaton, '11, of Minneap¬ olis was elected captain of Storer's team of '10. He has played the posi¬ tion of fullback two successive sea¬ sons and is capable of leading his team to victory. Prof. McDonald was unanimously elected manager of next year's team. RAYMOND OITV. Miss. Florence Coles and Mr. Augus t u s Chapman were united in marriage! at Mt. Hermon Baptist church Wed¬ nesday v evening by" Rev. P. P. Hol¬ land. The bride was beautifully at¬ tired in satin; the gropm wore the conventional black. the recep¬ tion of many beautiltLl^ presents and hearty congratulation^ the happy couple left for their home at Winni- frede. Miss Mat tie Woodson, of Charles¬ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hale Diskerson, and son of Bancroft, Mrs. Aussie Sawyers, of Black- Betsey, ami Miss Willie Chapman of Wdnnifrede at¬ tended the Coles-Chapiman nuptuals. Mrs. Laura Womack, who has been sick for some time died Wednesday afternoon. The furteral services were conducted Thursday by the pastor. Tho deceased a member of Mt. Hermon Baptil^^^trrdtf also a mem¬ ber of the H. of R. and 0. of C., which' had charge of the remains. She! leaves a husband, seven children, a' sister, brother and a host of friends to mourn their loss. [~ Wade Womack and Miss Sherly Anderson were united' in m&trinVbny at. Mt. Hermon Baptist churcli: Thurs¬ day evening by the ptfstor: Rev. Holland preaeh-ed two very instructive sermons here Sunday. Garnet and Dan Lefc Ferguson, of Institute, spent a few days here last week. Mrs. T. C. Williams entertained a few friends at her hojne Monday night with a birthday pa*rt.y. Miss Beatrice Calhoun, of Charles¬ ton and Misses Nola Walker and Hazel Price of Institute, spent the hol¬ idays hero. | Mrs. Perrle Dickereon has returned. home after spending the holidays In 1 Oallipolis. t Mrs. Elizabeth Kent and Miss Bes- Norman spent, tho holidays at their homes in Pomeroy and Oallipo¬ lis, O, .J W. Hubbard and family have re-: turned home. I . # Mrs. Harriet Thomas and daughter of Charleston, spent the holidays here. * Mrs. Mary Johnson and daughter, Miss Lillie, »pent a few days in Char¬ leston last wee:k^» L. R. Printiss had his leg very painfully mashed in the mines a few days ago. Mrs. Aretta Johnson is reported ill .this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of Hugheston, spent the holidays here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Agnes Price. Mrs. Bertie Parker, of Charleston, was in our town last week. KEYS4EK. On Christmas Eve Derrick Memo¬ rial chapel was largely attended by a very appreciative audience, and, considering the short period given to preparation (only one week), were fairly good, most of the music having only been sung by the choir that, week. A neat little sum was realized for the pa&tor, Rev. O; T. Davis. Watch Night was also observed and well attended. Much spiritual fervor was evinced. Mrs. Rebecca Fiddler and hus- iband gave a Xew Year's (breakfast "between the hours of 1 and 2 a. m. January 1st. Those who enjoyed it. were Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Jack¬ son and niece, Miss Sarah Hayes, Wm, S. Hamilton, Rev. and Mrs. O. T. Davis. Only for the hour it would have been called a dinner, for it was cruite an elaborate breakfast which all greatly enjoyed. Tne infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Washington departed this life at, 10 a. m., January 1st. He was a bright lovable baby. They have our sympathy. Mrs. Briggs, of Cumberland, Md., Ivas the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Emma (illlam, during the holiday .week. On the 2 3rd of December, Mr. O. M. Burley and Miss Reitta Hunter, of Buckhannon were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. O. T. Davis, while en route to the horne of the former. Miss Elizabeth Rolls, who is a student at. Harpers Ferry, spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. Sarah Washington. They were callers at the A. M. E. parsonage Monday. Zack McClung. oX rarkf.'rsburg,. spent the latter part of last week in the city. Miss Alice Whittaker left Tues¬ day for Harpers Ferry after spend¬ ing the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whittaker, on Sentz street. Beef, Veal, Mutton , Pork, * Fresh Pork Sausage OUR OWN MAKE. Tfry our machine sliced Hams and Bacon / The best qualities in all the popular kinds of Cheese We want your patronage for we have complete stock in our lines and you, can get it when you wAnt it mosV

The advocate (Charleston, W. Va.). 1910-01-06 [p 2]....£Vliers» of Attucks, bas been launched jfr'ln Clarksburg. The promoters feel..that much good will cometo the com¬ munity through

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Page 1: The advocate (Charleston, W. Va.). 1910-01-06 [p 2]....£Vliers» of Attucks, bas been launched jfr'ln Clarksburg. The promoters feel..that much good will cometo the com¬ munity through

CLAItlifc.BriW i .

Ophelia Washington: who hasa student at the West Virginia

>[liiBtitute, spent the holidays hero withifv JbK'r parents,. Mr. and Airs. Josephjf .Washington, and was hostess uT)a

Jarf^ Dumber ol her friends 1° rid ayTolgrht. A very delightful cvvnins

V; was spent.j^ppteKrsrmes r. t,. Lowry. c,. i,.

^;|Bigi<>W, B. S. Turner, 10(1, Henry andDlllard and Misses ICstelle

pxiftmbrieV Ira Ross and Willa Leespent Wednesday at Fairmont. Mrs.

r Aroh. MoMad received in their honorfrom 3 till 5 p. m. They r» pori a

V most enjoyable time.Revival services are being held at

m.'Mt; Zion Baptist eluinh. j;->vL ¦

l"i A new order, known as the t'heva-V »

£ liers of Attucks, bas been launchedjfr'ln Clarksburg. The promoters feel

.. that much good will come to the com¬

munity through the establishment ofthe order.The Jolly Glee Club gave a Yan-|

kee Doodle dance Wednesday even¬

ing which was unique in its many ap-J^q>ointhients. A large number attend¬

ed.Mr. and -Sirs. Jas. Webster enter¬

tained at. dinner Wednesday evening<x>nijplimentary to Mr. and Mrs. R. L.

. li0vh*y, Mrs. Mary Dillard and others.]\trs. Martha Lipscombe entertain-

ij, ed Friday night in honor of the holi¬day visitors.Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Jackson en¬

tertained a number of friends on

Thursday evening-Wm. Taylor, Of Pittsburg, spent a

few days here with his mother,y Prom 2 to 6 o'clock Thursday af¬ternoon, Mrs. Annie Brandon Free-

.. man, Mrs. L.utie Freeman Tuck and.Miss Inez Tuck received their manyfriends. Although the weather was

extremely cold, the host of ladies call¬ing 'between the hours mentioned,.attkated the popularity of those re-, ceiving. The house was beautifullydecorated with Christmas greensand the soft glow of the shaded

f- lamps only added to the beauty of thecostumes of those attending. Mrs.Chas. Hamilton, of Fremont, assisted'in receiving. Mrs. Lee Ruffin serv-jed coffee. Miss Florence Jackson

_served punch/ Miss Lee served choc-

.;;OJate and Miss Cambric registered the. guests.

A.L night Mrs. Tuck entertained anumber of friends. Whist was the ev¬

ening's diversion.. pari L(Te, of Columbus, O., wasuhalcing hands with friends hereWednesday.The entertainment given by S. S.

Class No. Ill, at Pride A. M. E.church Thursday night wjh> a decidedsuccess.

Madison Miles, who has 'been cheffor several months at the Sisters-ville hotel, is home again.The court house was well filled on

Monday night in commemoration ofthe 4th anniversary of the emancipa¬tion of the Negro.The following program was ren¬

dered:Chorus."The Star-Spangled Ban¬

ner.".Twelve Girls.Invocation.Rev. J. W. Colbert.Vocal Solo."To the End of the

World With You.".Miss 11 at tieWashington.

Declamation . "The Convict'sChristmas Eve." Mr. F. C. Car ri dad.

Vocal Sol<>."If I had a ThousandLives to Li .Miss Velma Snyder.

Heading.iV'How Jle Saved St.Michaels.".Mrs. Lutie Tuck.

Declamation."Marco Bozarris.".Hev. J. W. Colbert.

Vocal Solo."Oh, Fair, Qh, Sweetand Holy.".Miss Willa Lee.

Reading.From .7. Whitcomb Riley-.-Miss Emma R tiffin.Ch oru s. ' 'Soldiers' Fa rewell.".

Twelve Girls.An Epitome of Dunbar.Hev. >S.

P. West.Vocal Solo-.'"They all Love Jack."

.Mr, S. B. Turner.Chorus."The West Virginia

Hills.".Twelve Girls.All seemed to appreciate the pro¬

gram rendered.The Misses Rone entertained Fri¬

day afternoon in honor of the holi¬day visitors of the younger set.

The holidays were filled with so¬cial affairs. Roller skating parties,dances and numerous entertainmentswhich your correspondent is unable

? to rej>ort in detail.Mrs. Malinda Green, of Buckhan-

non, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.' Larkin Green for a few days*

m \TI\GTO\.

Mrs. BcaJe Johnson. of Columbus.O., was called to the bedside of' herHon, Joseph, on 8th Ave. la^t week.

Mr. and Mrs. Win. Scott and Mrs.J. C. Payne spent Friday with friendsin Ironton.

Miss Mf»bel Whiting, of GaUipolis,who was the guest of Miss ClaraStewart for a few days returnedhome Thursday.

Rev. L». O. Lewis, pastor of the 8th"Street Baptist church, Lynchburg, Va.returned to his charge, having spentth6 holidays at homo with his pa¬rents, Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Lewis, attheir handsome new residence, 12158th Ave.

T. O. Gregory, of Hill Top, spentH f»w days in tho city last week.

I Mrs. Ella Brown left Tuesday for

j her home in Sherwood, Va.Mrs. Anna Turner is home from a

' few days' visit to relatives in Vir-ginia.

jv Anions the social events of the'Christmas were the following:

An interesting 'program was rend¬ered by some of the -best local talent

jot' ihe city at the IGth street Baptistj church, entitled, "An Evening with

Dunbar." Some choice selectionswere given interspersed with lovelymusic. Especial mention is made of!two solos sung by Mrs. ArmintaTopson, of Cincinnati.

Mrs. Martha Baker served sixo . lock dinner in honor of Mrs. Geor¬gia Cooley, of Athens, O., to Mrs. B.C. Winston, Mrs. Sarah A. Wilkins,

'.losie M. Barnett and Prof. J. W.Scott.

Mrs. Anna Arrington entertained at' dinner Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.P. 11. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. RobertEarly, Prof. J. \V. Scott and Miss.losie Barnett.

Mrs. Robert Humphrey was hostessto a few friends Wednesday evening.

. Those present were:. Mrs. P. H.j Cooley, Mrs. E. R. Harvey, Misses[Clara Stewart, Mabel Whiting, SarahI Wilkins, J. M. Barnett and Rev. L.O. Lewis.A social was given by Mrs. B. C.

Winston at 915 8th Ave., Thursdayevening for the benefit of the Six¬teenth street Baptist church. Mrs.Winston had as her special guestsRev and Mrs. A»- Lewis, Rev. L. O.Lewis, Dr. T. H. Nichols, Mr. andMrs. Pack, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kackett,Mrs. Georgie Cooley, Mrs. E. R. Har¬vey, Mrs. Arminta Topson and MissJosie J3arnett.

Miss Luella Bowling was thecharming hostess to a mask party atthe residence of Mrs. G. W. Fitzger¬ald, Wednesday evening. Quite anumber enjoyed her hospitality. Af¬ter the usual time spent in games a

dainty luncheon was served.Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilkins and

daughter, of 2 901 8th Ave., servedi<ix o'clock dinner to the followingfriends Saturday: Rev. and Mrs. A.D. Lewis, Rev. .and Mrs. S. A.Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Win-!ston, Mistresses Mollie Mickens, Mar¬tha Baker, Carrie Harvey, Miss .JosieBarnett, Messrs. J". W. Scott, Isham

] Scott and Joshua Hatchet.Joseph Bass, of Hoi den, is in the

city on business.The funeral services of James

Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. SpencerLewis, whose dfcath occurred Fridayevening, were very beautifully andimpressively conducted by Rev. I. V.Bryant at the First Baptist ChurchSunday afternoon. The solo sungby 0. \V. Morris was very sweetand soul stirring and notwithstand¬ing the inclemency of the weather,the church was filled to its utmostcapacity, thus showin'g the love, es¬teem and respect in which this youngman was held. James was just enter¬ing manhood, with those sterlingqualities of gentleness, obedience, in¬dustry and ambition which ibid fair

' to make a useful citizen in this com¬munity. The grief-striken family

j have our sympathy and we commend! them to God, who doeth all thingswell.

Revival services began at theFirst Baptist church Monday even¬ing.

Rev. J. W. Terry is at home aftera tour of several months throughthe country in his evangelistic work.


Uev. Ilenrv i^stes and wife enter¬tained at dinner on Wednesday, inhonor of their niece Miss Bessie Es-tis, of Columbus, and Mr. SmileyBanks, of Yonkers. X. Y. The fol¬lowing guests were present and par¬took of the sumptuous dinner.

Miss Lizzie Jones, Mr. and Mrs.Ko4mrt Banks, -Mr. and !Mr». Din-kiness, Mr. and Mrs. Haze Taborn and

i M i ss E til e Stewart.Mrs. Daisy Richardson has moved

from Greenfield, Ohio, to Chilli-1 cothe for the purpose of making thisher home.

Misses EfTle Stewart and BessieEstis attended the Slabtown enter¬tainment at the Baptist church inGreen Held Tuesday night.

George Hicks, Jr., of the OhioState University is spending the hol¬idays here with his parents.

Robert Ryans has returned fromDayton, Ohio, and will spend the win¬ter here with his parents.

Miss Virgin Doll, of Cincinnati,Ohio, spent the holidays here vislt-iug relatives.

Miss Lydia Bates spent. New Yoar'sDay at Greenfield the guest of MissPostcls.

.Joseph 1 1. , the five-year-old son ofMr. and Mis. George Beard, suc¬cumbed after an illness with the 1)rainfever at his parents' home, 2 59

1 Mechanic street. The funeral washeld at the house Friday at 2 p. m.,J Kav, J. \v. Carter officiating.

j Miss Mabel Marshall has returned; from J'arkor^burg, where, slie spent

the ynletide and reported a most^de¬lightful trip,Mrs. Blanch Banks, of "Locust

Btre'-t complimented her guests, MissBegem Estis, of Columbus, Ohio, andMr. -Smiley Banks, of Now York, with

| a social Wednesday niffht. The deco-

raticns of the home were In holidaycolors and*to the following: MiW Effle Stewart.Annie Dunston, Florence ami IdaDinkins, Mabel and Irene Gntliff,Helen Marshall, Ethel Keuney, Ber¬tha Wright,. Julia Jones, Bertha KatisCelesta West* Helen Pettiford, Nellie.Myers, Docia Steptoe, Nannie Banks,Misses James Marshall, Walter Duns-ston, Stephen Pettiford, Albert BanksFred Taylor, Edward, George andJohn Banks, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeWest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks,Mrs. Lillian Banks, and Mrs. MaryHedgepatli.

Miss Cora B. Medley visited Prank-ford Friday.

Mrs. Edward Medley entertainedon South High Street for dinner Sun¬day Misses Ellen Dowdy, E. R. Wal¬ker and Rev. W. E. Walker.

Miss Lena Marshall was the host¬ess of a New Year's Eve party at herhome on W. Main street, on Fridayevening. Those present were:

Misses Marguerite Cunningham Virgie,Dall, of Cincinnati; Geneva Ross,Pearl Ford, Helen Carter, FlorenceGatlifT, Irene GatlifT. Esther R.- Wal¬ker, Madeline Bates, Mabel Gatliff,Messrs. George Hicks, Russel Bates,Lawrence Hicks, Robert Ryan, Clar¬ence Cunningham, Samuel Gatiiff,Clifford GatlifT, Thomas Willett,Ralph Cunningham and John Mar->shall. Ice cream, cake and hot choc¬olate were served as the old year-passed out.

Rov. W. E. Walker read a paperbefore the ministerial meeting Mon¬

day morning on the subject 'TheDecision of Character/' _

Miss Ida Dinkins entertained witha watch party in honor of Miss BessieEstls of Columous, O., Mrs. MaryHedgepeth of Dayton, and^sMr. Smi¬ley Banks, of New York. The even¬

ing was spent, with games a>;d music.Those present were: Misses Effle

Steward, Helen Rideout, Celesta,West, Nellie Myers, Ethel KinneyAnna Dunston and Ida and FlorenceDickins; Messrs. Walter Dunston,Alfred Pettiford, Steve Pettiford,John Banks, William Lewis, FredCannon, of Greenfield, and ChanerSteward, of Aslieville, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Banks. As the Old Year w^js.going out and the New Year comingin light refreshments were served¦by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. George West, ofLenn St., gave a yuletide party on

Thursday night in honor of theircousin, Miss Bessie Estes, of Colum¬bus. The decorations were pink andwhite. The chief amusement was

flinch. Strawberry snow and cakewere served by the hostess by the fol¬lowing guests: Misses Annie Dun-

ston, Edith Bates, of Middleport;Elnora Hammond, Ida Dinkins, EthelKenney, Ella Hawkins, BerthaWright. Nellie Myers, Helen Hide¬out, Celesta West, Eflie Stewart;Messrs. Thomas Smith, of Green¬field; R*vJ#h Bickenridge, of Mans¬

field; John Chatham, of Bluefield, W.Va.; Smiley Banks, of New York;'Fred Taylor, Elsworth Brown, AlbertBanks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks.


The program and Christmas treeexercises, held at the Curtis Memorialchurch were enjoyed by all. especial¬ly the little ones. Several entertain¬ing numbers were on the program,1among those were the duet sung byMessrs. Arter and Warfield and thePoems read by Prof. Saunders.

Tuesday night, December 28th, theyoung ladies of Storer College enter¬tained the young men by giving thema moon-light pic nic in Myrtle Hallsitting room which was enjoyed byall.

Wednesday night the young men

gave the young ladies a Tucker partyin the Bowen lecture room, where allenjoyed the delightful game of Tuck¬er. Music was furnished for the oc¬

casion by the second band.The members and friends of the

Methodist church in Bolivar had theopportunity of listening to an in-teresting debate Thursday night be-tween Martinsburg and Harpers Ferrythe question being "Resolved, thatwomen should have the right of elect¬ive franchise or to vote." The affir¬mative side u-phekl by Har-pers Ferry,and represented by Rev. T. B. Snow-den and C. W. Warfield, but were de-Jfeated by Martinsburg, represented!by Rev. S. M. Beaneand R. T\* Ramerat a score of 27 points to 19.The music was under the direction

of C. S. Arter and was very credit¬able,

Miss Dee Douglas, of Pa., is visit¬ing her sisters Miss Clemantine andViola at Storer.

Miss I>u la Herrod, who is teachingat Berryville, spent the holidays withher i>arents here. .?

Richard Taylor, '07, of Rippan,stopped off at Storer on his

#way toWashington a few days ago.

James Hill and Miss NeHie Doug¬lass, students at Storer, are visitingin Washington.

Henry Van Leister spent the holi¬days in Charleston, the guest of M^s.Washington.

Fred Morris spent the holidayswith Emanuel C. Brimage at his homein Buokekyetown, Md.

Miss Virginia Brown, of Storer,had as her guest for the holidays' MissHannah C. Franklin, of Berryville,,and Ashby Boyer, of Monessen, Pa. I

Prof. N. G. Bruckett and wife leftFriday on a business trip to Washing¬ton,

O. F. Taylor spent the New YearIn Charles Town, the guest of (\ A.Meyers.

Victoria De-Shields, of I/aurel, Del..Is the proud possessor of the b»auti-|


~ ~iy-t .T^mT -


_£L-_kiV-..THERE APRIL 1, 1907, 7 -




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ful college prize won 1n -football in theseason just closed.- *

Mr. De Shields has been a memberof the varsity for two seasons aridhas done excellent work in his posi¬tion of guard.'- The prize, a sterlingsilver, foot btel!,''engraV6tt with StorerCollege '09, ^Vrfc's -pres&fcted to Storer"by E. W. Jones a member of the classof '09. ;'

Layton W/heaton, '11, of Minneap¬olis was elected captain of Storer'steam of '10. He has played the posi¬tion of fullback two successive sea¬sons and is capable of leading histeam to victory.

Prof. McDonald was unanimouslyelected manager of next year's team.


Miss. Florence Coles and Mr. August u s Chapman were united in marriage!at Mt. Hermon Baptist church Wed¬nesday v evening by" Rev. P. P. Hol¬land. The bride was beautifully at¬tired in satin; the gropm wore theconventional black. the recep¬tion of many beautiltLl^ presents andhearty congratulation^ the happycouple left for their home at Winni-frede.

Miss Mat tie Woodson, of Charles¬ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hale Diskerson,and son of Bancroft, Mrs. AussieSawyers, of Black- Betsey, ami MissWillie Chapman of Wdnnifrede at¬tended the Coles-Chapiman nuptuals.

Mrs. Laura Womack, who has beensick for some time died Wednesdayafternoon. The furteral services wereconducted Thursday by the pastor.Tho deceased a member of Mt.Hermon Baptil^^^trrdtf also a mem¬ber of the H. of R. and 0. of C., which'had charge of the remains. She!leaves a husband, seven children, a'sister, brother and a host of friendsto mourn their loss.

[~ Wade Womack and Miss SherlyAnderson were united' in m&trinVbnyat. Mt. Hermon Baptist churcli: Thurs¬day evening by the ptfstor:

Rev. Holland preaeh-ed two veryinstructive sermons here Sunday.

Garnet and Dan Lefc Ferguson, ofInstitute, spent a few days here lastweek.

Mrs. T. C. Williams entertained afew friends at her hojne Mondaynight with a birthday pa*rt.y.

Miss Beatrice Calhoun, of Charles¬ton and Misses Nola Walker andHazel Price of Institute, spent the hol¬idays hero. |

Mrs. Perrle Dickereon has returned.home after spending the holidays In 1Oallipolis. t

Mrs. Elizabeth Kent and Miss Bes-Norman spent, tho holidays at

their homes in Pomeroy and Oallipo¬lis, O,

.J W. Hubbard and family have re-:

turned home. I. #

Mrs. Harriet Thomas and daughterof Charleston, spent the holidayshere.* Mrs. Mary Johnson and daughter,Miss Lillie, »pent a few days in Char¬leston last wee:k^»

L. R. Printiss had his leg verypainfully mashed in the mines a fewdays ago.

Mrs. Aretta Johnson is reported ill.this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, ofHugheston, spent the holidays herewith the latter's mother, Mrs. AgnesPrice.

Mrs. Bertie Parker, of Charleston,was in our town last week.


On Christmas Eve Derrick Memo¬rial chapel was largely attended bya very appreciative audience, and,considering the short period givento preparation (only one week), werefairly good, most of the music havingonly been sung by the choir that,week. A neat little sum was realizedfor the pa&tor, Rev. O; T. Davis.

Watch Night was also observedand well attended. Much spiritualfervor was evinced.

Mrs. Rebecca Fiddler and hus-iband gave a Xew Year's (breakfast"between the hours of 1 and 2 a. m.

January 1st. Those who enjoyed it.were Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Jack¬son and niece, Miss Sarah Hayes,Wm, S. Hamilton, Rev. and Mrs. O.T. Davis. Only for the hour it wouldhave been called a dinner, for it was

cruite an elaborate breakfast whichall greatly enjoyed.Tne infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Washington departed thislife at, 10 a. m., January 1st. He wasa bright lovable baby. They haveour sympathy.

Mrs. Briggs, of Cumberland, Md.,Ivas the guest of her daughter, Mrs.Emma (illlam, during the holiday.week.

On the 2 3rd of December, Mr. O.M. Burley and Miss Reitta Hunter,of Buckhannon were the guests ofRev. and Mrs. O. T. Davis, while enroute to the horne of the former.

Miss Elizabeth Rolls, who is astudent at. Harpers Ferry, spent theholidays with his sister, Mrs. SarahWashington. They were callers atthe A. M. E. parsonage Monday.

Zack McClung. oX rarkf.'rsburg,.spent the latter part of last week inthe city.

Miss Alice Whittaker left Tues¬day for Harpers Ferry after spend¬ing the holidays with her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whittaker, onSentz street.

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